MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $LLL\LL\LL\LLWLLLL\LL\LL\LLRichLPEL#R! , /w!<@  @ .text `.rdata\00@.rsrc@@@@.relocZ@B3@ Vhp /Vx /YYT3/P3/u3@^Ã&h4/$M/Y3^ËD$U3;u9-0/~: 0/ T / SVW D3/dp$ /l$L3/3k;th( /UVW;uD$H3/j^t jtD$h /9D$t t$YЃ;sUl /Yh /P3/T3/jWH3/, /3@_^[] jh!/]3@E3ɉM50/E;u9 0/uM;tu. /;tWVSЉE}WVSEWVSpEu$u WPS\WjS /tWjSЅtuCWVSu!E}t. /t%WVSЉEE MPQYYËeeeE E0/Ã|$ut$L$T$ Y h0/mYjh!/O5T3/5d /YEu u8 /YgjGYe5T3/։E5P3/YYEEPEPu5x /YP Eu֣T3/uփP3/E EjYt$RYHVW!/!/;NjstЃ;r_^VW!/!/;NjstЃ;r_^̋L$f9MZt3ËA<8PEu3fx ̋D$H<ASVq3҅WDv|$H ;r X;r (;r3_^[Ujh!/h /dPSVW0/1E3PEdeEh/<tUE-/Ph/Rt;@$ЃEMd Y_^[]ËE3=‹ËeE3Md Y_^[]%` /%\ /%X /%P /h /d5D$l$l$+SVW0/1E3PeuEEEEdËMd Y__^[]Qt$t$t$t$h/h0/U0/eeSWN@;ǻt t У 0/`VEP /u3u /3 /3 /3EP /E3E3;uO@ u 50/։5 0/^_[%L /%H /%D /%< /; 0/u%t /U((1/ $1/ 1/1/51/=1/f@1/f 41/f1/f 1/f%1/f-1/81/E,1/E01/E<1/x0/01/,0/ 0/ $0/0/ 0/0 /p0/j9Yj /h / /=p0/ujYh  /P /%@ /$$$$h$R$<$,$$###$###z#p#L#:#*####""""#"/#Rm!! 0/x0/H0/!/RSDS3CbMK[No~™d:\a41sr32\win32_x86\release\pdb\olap.analysis.implementation.cpp\strings_201_en.pdb !////i/}/p"#8 8"$ $$$$h$R$<$,$$###$###z#p#L#:#*####""""#"r_encode_pointer_malloc_crtfrees_encoded_nullh_decode_pointer_initterm_initterm_e_amsg_exit_adjust_fdivm__CppXcptFilter__clean_type_info_names_internal_unlock__dllonexit_lock(_onexitMSVCR80.dll{_except_handler4_commonS_crt_debugger_hook)InterlockedExchangeVSleep&InterlockedCompareExchangeQueryPerformanceCounterGetTickCountFGetCurrentThreadIdCGetCurrentProcessIdGetSystemTimeAsFileTime^TerminateProcessBGetCurrentProcessnUnhandledExceptionFilterJSetUnhandledExceptionFilter9IsDebuggerPresentKERNEL32.dllN@D(Xpd0H`x!" 8Ph!1236(Q@RXSpTUaq0H`x  8PQh ( @ X p        0 H ` x          8  P ! h " 1 2 3 4 B Q  R (  @  X ! p " # $ %      (  8  H  X  h  x                    ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X hxS`WX`YYZ~[\,^h^_@azaf$bV|jpoqu }Xd"D|0Fx8<J̵ TXt^4`T$X|<X ~| hp(tH$& )ft0D90ADtI NdUD]PedfFjdohst@y}48*0 (8`xr$,lXH8d, 8pXp tH4Nx`(U%12Error reading Property List: %1 in "%2" near: "%3"(Error reading URI: %1 in "%2" near: "%3"Found '=' unexpectedlyFound ',' unexpectedlyFound a keyword unexpectedly"Found a quoted string unexpectedlyFound end of text unexpectedlyUserPasswordFound '#' unexpectedly;Favorites cannot be used when logged into the Guest accountLNo session available, cannot persist favorites to BusinessObjects Enterprise:Unable to uniquely identify where to persist the favoritesThis URI is unrecognizedAInformix metacube OLAP servers are not supported by this product.[The application is unable to connect to the server because the datasource is not supported.PAHInternal coding error: the data requested was outside range of the chunk6An unexpected error has occurred -No hierarchy present<Unable to modify properties of a Style retrieved from a cellFailed to get factoryFailed to create viewpointPAAdditional ParametersCE NameCatalogClientCubeDatabaseDirect RFC connection EnterpriseFileHDC FileHost HTTP CubeLanguageLocal Cube file (.CUB)Naming Service HostNaming Service PortPA Native Holos OLAP ServerPassword Data Source SAP LogonSchemaServer Server NameSystem System NumberURLUse Enterprise authentication Use SAP LogonUse system authentication User NameOpen OLAP Server NamePACE PortUse Windows NT authenticationCatalogSchemaCubeCube Unique NameTypeUID Created OnLast Schema UpdateSchema Updated ByLast Data UpdateData Updated By DescriptionPA DrillthroughLinkable Write Enabled SQL Enabled DimensionDimension Unique NameOrdinalCaption CardinalityDefault HierarchyVirtual Read/WriteUnique SettingsMaster Unique NameVisible HierarchyHierarchy Unique NameDefault Member All MemberPANormalItemsLocationCurrencyTimeNonePA'query' executed with no data source available. The Viewpoint must have a cube set on it, or on a parent of it, for queries to function correctly.3Can't call "setAxes" with an ordering strategy set.OThe Dimension %1 was not found in the section dimensions in a call to "setAxes"SAn attempt was made to remove a listener object that was not added to the viewpoint2This viewpoint does not contain the dimension "%1"&The dimension index %1 is out of range%The property index %1 is out of rangeLFailed to add an axis to the viewpoint because of the ordering strategy usedXFailed to add an axis to the viewpoint because there are no section dimensions available;No property list could be found for the dimension requested,Viewpoint does not allow nested transactionsHCan't set a command type on a command with a command type previously set;Tried to execute or undo a command with no command type setJTried to execute a command on a viewpoint without any data source attached#Unsupported command class requested<%1 is not a valid position for a dimension in this operationPA*Could not load provider for transport "%1"Unknown transport "%1"`Moving a dimension to the position %1 would exceed the number of dimensions allowed on that axisXMoving a dimension from the position %1 would cause that axis to have too few dimensionsMThe link mode can only be coLinkOff when the viewpoint is connected to a cube8The Parameter %1 has been used but no value has been set;The Parameter %1 has been used but is of inappropriate typeFThe Parameter %1 has been used but its value is of inappropriate type 0The Parameter %1 is in use and cannot be deletedHThe Parameter %1 is provided by the server and cannot be altered/deleted2The value for Parameter %1 has not been recognised%1GUnable to import a client from the server. Check that the server exists Unknown errorRegistry access error : %1Unable to open file %1. %2'OLAP Intelligence Assertion failure: %1Stack trace: %1%17ODBOCommand: failed to create a named set on the server7ODBOCommand: failed to drop a named set from the serverFODBOCommand: can't set a command type when a type has already been setECan't set a member to equal another member from a different dimension9Calculation %1: NextMember not found as a child of Parent'Failed to execute MDX query. Reason: %1Could not find provider "%1"5Failed to write new value: the value may be read-only (flat list)PA%Getting SAP Variables for cube %1 ...Variable: %1 (%2)>Unknown selection type %1 encountered for SAP Variable %2 (%3)=Unknown variable type %1 encountered for SAP Variable %2 (%3)GFailed to get the hierarchy member information for SAP Variable %1 (%2)Variable selection type %1 for a SAP Variable of type NUMERIC is incorrect. Assuming variable selection type VALUE for SAP Variable %2 (%3),The column %1 was not returned in the rowset,Cannot open cube %1. The cube was not found.QQuery was successful but results cannot be displayed as the query returns no dataSThe MDX statement does not contain the correct number of axes to re-generate a view7The MDX statement is valid but returned no data points.8Dimensions may only be represented on one axis at a timeInvalid search criteria.AMember Property %1 is ambigous; unable to display property valueswFailed to query the server because the cube is unavailable. Check that the server is running and the cube still exists.(Failed to initialise security package %1PAInitializing MemberSet commandsUNDO MemberSet command>MemberSetCommand: cannot undo before command has been executed;MemberCommand: cannot undo before command has been executed2MemberSetCommand: initializing an empty member set0MemberCommand: command has already been executed3MemberSetCommand: command has already been executed#DRILLDOWN MemberSet command (by %1) DRILLUP MemberSetCommand (by %1)ADD MemberSetCommand (by %1)REMOVE MemberSetCommand (by %1)$MemberSet: reached end of undo stack7MemberSetCommand: DRILLUP attempted on empty member set2MemberSetCommand: unable to DRILLDOWN recursively.'MemberSetCommand: no command to execute(MemberSetCommand: incorrect command type?MemberSetCommand: need to specify command type before execution<MemberCommand: need to specify command type before execution;MemberSetCommand: attempt to undo a command out of sequence.MemberSetCommand: failed to retrieve dimension[The transition could not be performed as it is unable to drill down on the base member "%1"yThe transition could not be performed as it is unable to drill down on any of the selected members on this dimension "%1"#Unable to move the specified member%Unable to modify a Server Defined setPA&promote_children: [%%d of %%d] started6promote_children: [%%d] DFN %%d has level %%d assigned,promote_children: [%%d] DFN %%d has children,promote_children: [%%d] DFN %%d has childrenpromote_children: new DFN %%d7promote_children: new DFN %%d, now process its children1OCAHierarchy: starting to determine Levels for %1 OCAHierarchy: processing DFN %%d'OCAHierarchy: DFN %%d already processed8OCAHierarchy: load_level - already initialized level %%d$OCAHierarchy: DFN %%d is a leaf node(OCAHierarchy: found levels from 0 to %%d&OCAHierarchy: put DFN %%d in level %%s ~OCAHierarchy: destructor called2Unable to find dimension index for memberstring %1Error from server: %1Server not available@The server ' %1 ' is no longer valid, check it is still running.*The ior in file ' %1 ' is no longer valid.The ior is no longer valid.>Unable to connect to BusinessObjects Enterprise. Machine = %1.OThe server, %1, is not registered with BusinessObjects Enterprise. Machine = %2WThe server of kind, %1, is not registered with BusinessObjects Enterprise. Machine = %2#Cannot resolve null dimension index*Cannot get dimension index for null string0Cannot create a calculated member without a name>Cannot get a range of members between DFNs at different DepthsPA@OCASpecification: An unexpected error has occurred while sorting5OCAEvaluation: Expected dimension parameter not found0OCAEvaluation: Dimension index (%1) out of range6OCAEvaluation: Invalid argument for Dimension functionOCAEvaluation: Invalid level %11OCAEvaluation: Expected level parameter not found#OCAEvaluation: Invalid dimension %1*OCABrowser: No connection could be madeFilter expression not specified3The member "%1" could not be found on any dimension%The requested axis %1 is out of range*The requested dimension %1 is out of range+The requested axis index %1 is out of rangeNo dimensions found on cube(The requested dimension %1 was not found,Failed to load the structure from the client;Could not load structure from the client with the given URI&Invalid getChunk call on ViewResultSet)The requested property %1 is out of range Failed to write back to the cubePAFailed to narrow OSCA factoryFailed to connect to server. %1Reserved Dimension "%1" Unreserved Dimension "%1" Reserved Structure "%1" Unreserved Structure "%1" OList of cache sizes at this point: <<<<<<<<<<<< something missing? >>>>>>>>>>>>Server not availableError from server: %1.An invalid (meta) data event has been receivedUnable to open OSCA file %1Failed to get CORBA objectFailed to get list of providersNo server name in URI<Unable to connect to naming service. Machine = %1. Port = %2JThe server ' %1 ' is not registered with the Naming Service on machine, %2PARThe server of kind ' %1 ' is not registered with the Naming Service on machine, %2bThe drill through command cannot be performed because the target cell contains a calculated value.The drill through command cannot be performed. Ensure that the server is configured correctly and supports drill through operations.Unknown HAPI type %1%Unknown transport %1 specified in uriGThe server %1 was found but is invalid. Check that it is still running%Error registering server listener. %1'Error unregistering server listener. %1kThe type '%1' of the server changed to is different from the type of the orignal server for this connection%1 is not a valid port value.The connection returned from the server is the wrong type. The most likely reason is that the version is not supported. (Object ID: %1)%The appropriate level does not exist.EThe specified time series calculation is not valid on this dimension.;Time series calculations are only valid on time dimensions.YEARQUARTERMONTHWEEKDAYMessage from HAPI server: %1Warning from HAPI server: %1Error from HAPI server: %1#Critical error from HAPI server: %1#Unloading Open OLAP Gateway library!Loading Open OLAP Gateway library.Failed to initialize Open OLAP Gateway libraryqOpen OLAP Gateway library is unable to load provider type '%1'. The provider module (hapi) may not be installed.qFailed to load Open OLAP Gateway library (%1). %2 Check the Open OLAP components have been installed correctlyPAUnknown Corba ExceptionCosNaming ExceptionCorba System ExceptionCorba User ExceptionCorba System Exception/ UNKNOWN!Corba System Exception/ BAD_PARAM!Corba System Exception/ NO_MEMORY!Corba System Exception/ IMP_LIMIT$Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE&Corba System Exception/ INVALID_OBJREF%Corba System Exception/ NO_PERMISSION Corba System Exception/ INTERNAL Corba System Exception/ MARSHALL"Corba System Exception/ INITIALIZE'Corba System Exception/ NOT_IMPLEMENTED$Corba System Exception/ BAD_TYPECODE%Corba System Exception/ BAD_OPERATION$Corba System Exception/ NO_RESOURCES#Corba System Exception/ NO_RESPONSE$Corba System Exception/ PERSIT_STORE%Corba System Exception/ BAD_INV_ORDER!Corba System Exception/ TRANSIENT Corba System Exception/ FREE_MEM(Corba System Exception/ INVALID_IDENTITY$Corba System Exception/ INVALID FLAG,Corba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY#Corba System Exception/ BAD_CONTEXT&Corba System Exception/ OBJECT ADAPTOR'Corba System Exception/ DATA CONVERSION(Corba System Exception/ OBJECT NOT EXIST,Corba System Exception/ TRANSACTION REQUIRED/Corba System Exception/ TRANSACTION ROLLED BACKPA+Corba System Exception/ INVALID TRANSACTION&Corba System Exception/ INVALID POLICYReason: Minor code: CosNaming Exception/ Not Found#CosNaming Exception/ Cannot Proceed!CosNaming Exception/ Invalid Name"CosNaming Exception/ Already BoundCosNaming Exception/ Not Empty5Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (recv() failed)<Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (recv() returned zero)5Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (send() failed)<Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (send() returned zero)7Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (socket() failed);Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (setsockopt() failed);Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (getsockopt() failed)PA5Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (bind() failed)7Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (listen() failed)8Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (connect() failed)7Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (accept() failed)7Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (select() failed)<Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (gethostname() failed)>Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (gethostbyname() failed);Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (WSAStartup() failed);Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (WSACleanup() failed):Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (not a GIOP message)<Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (unknown GIOP message):Corba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (wrong GIOP message)HCorba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (got a `close connection' message)ECorba System Exception/ COMM_FAILURE/ (got a `message error' message)UCorba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (interface repository is not available)LCorba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (repository id already exists)CCorba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (name already exists)VCorba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (destroy() invoked on Repository object)XCorba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (destroy() invoked on PrimitiveDef object)`Corba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (attribute is already defined in a base interface)`Corba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (operation is already defined in a base interface)UCorba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (search name for lookup() is ambiguous)\Corba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (attribute name collisions in base interfaces)\Corba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (operation name collisions in base interfaces)ACorba System Exception/ INTERFACE_REPOSITORY/ (illegal recursion),CosNaming Exception/ Not Found/ Missing Node+CosNaming Exception/ Not Found/ Not Context*CosNaming Exception/ Not Found/ Not ObjectThe IOR %1 is invalid. %2It is not an IORIt does not reference an objectError reading IOR file %1Failed to open IOR file %1 Object ID: %1*IP Address: %1, Port: %2, IIOP Version: %3PAFailed to initialise winsockUnknown server type<The server type '%1' is not supported as a direct connectionFailed to initialize connection to BusinessObjects Enterprise %1. Check the machine exists and the services are running. Error from server: %26Error closing connection to BusinessObjects EnterpriseError searching CE. %1@Failed to load library '%1'. Check it is installed correctly. %2eThe function symbol '%1' could not be found in library '%2'. Check the correct version is installed. Unknown errorTUnable to find a valid server. Check log file for details of invalid servers found.aThe server found is the wrong type. The most likely reason is that this version is not supported#Unable to connect to the server. %1,Unable to find a server matching the name %1Failed to connect to the Naming Service because the host %1 does not resolve to an IP address. It is probably not a machine name.Failed to connect to the Naming Service because the host %1 does not resolve to a full address. It is probably not a machine name.pFailed to connect to the Naming Service. %1. Check there is a Naming Service running on host %2 (%3) and port %4)Service 'Naming Service' is not available9'Naming Service' is not a naming context object referenceDFailed to connect to Naming Service because host '%1' does not exist0The server %1 is invalid and may need restartingfAn object with identifier '%1' and descriptor '%2' found and is still valid. Unable to bind new object]An object with identifier '%1' and descriptor '%2' found but is no longer valid. Rebinding...NRegistered object with identifier '%1' and descriptor '%2' with Naming ServiceNot implementedKDeregistered object with identifier '%1' and descriptor '%2' Naming ServicePA%1D%1: An exception was generated by method %2, having the message "%3"$%1: failed in method %2 with code %36%1: An exception of unknown type occurred in method %2%1 COM object created (%2)%1 COM object destroyed (%2)%1 Method Called on %2 (%3)9This operation cannot be performed while the cube is open;This operation cannot be performed while the cube is closed>This operation cannot be performed while the viewpoint is open@This operation cannot be performed while the viewpoint is closedA URI Error has occurred: %1HThe number of axes for the viewpoint must be specified in a call to Open/The viewpoint cannot be opened with this source1The source specified does not match the link mode'The names must be passed in as an arrayCOnce an exclude is set on a viewpoint, it can no longer be modifiedKOnce a sort is set on a viewpoint, it can only be modified by sort commandsEA null pointer was given as the address of an argument to be returned0An invalid value (%1) was given as a source mode4The value (%1) is not a member of the %2 enumeration4The cube could not be opened; the URI may be invalid6The index is not within the allowed range for the pageAn internal error has occurredDThis operation cannot be performed while the browse object is closedBThis operation cannot be performed while the browse object is openAThe index (%1) used for the dimension within the axis was invalid@A viewpoint cannot be opened with itself as the source viewpoint-It is not possible to create an unsorted sort Adding a sortRemoving a sortReversing a sortPA+Breaking or preserving the sorted hierarchyAdding a filterRemoving a filterSwapping a dimensionMoving a dimensionSetting a dimensionAdding a calculationRemoving a calculationModifying a calculationSwapping a calculationAdding a format conditionRemoving a format conditionModifying a format condition Drilling down Drilling upAdding membersPARemoving members Inverting setSorting members Removing sort+Breaking or preserving the sorted hierarchyReversing the membersMoving down the setMoving up the setAdding a group of membersRemoving a group of membersAdding membersRemoving membersChanging to the child memberChanging to the parent memberChanging to the previous memberChanging to the next memberSetting the memberAdding a memberRemoving a memberAdding the parent of a memberAdding the parents of membersBThe viewpoint this object is associated with has been disconnected6The data this object is associated with is out of dateZ"%1": The QueryField could not be added as this collection contains one with the same nameOTo perform this transition you must first select a member on the dimension "%1"PTo perform this transition you must select only one member on the dimension "%1"PALThe transition could not be performed as "%1" is not a valid range parameterwThe analysis button could not perform its action because the specified range is not within the set of available membersPA$Setting the link mode of a dimension&Setting the link mode of the viewpointSetting the active hierarchyIThis operation cannot be performed while the cube has an open transactionIThis operation cannot be performed while the cube has no open transactionrThe analysis button could not perform its action. For dimension"%1" no members have been specified for this actionWThe drillthrough operation cannot be performed because it is not supported by the cube.PASetting the active membersetSetting the active sliceSetting the selectionEvents are not being heldEvents are already being heldChanging the expression4Changing the number of dimensions allowed on an axisVThe available virtual memory has fallen to %1%% of the total, which may cause failuresLThis operation cannot be performed while the browse object isn't initialised8Failed to open the BrowseObject. The URI may be invalid.EThe %1 property cannot ba accessed while the BrowsdeObject is closed.FThe property list cannot be accessed while the BrowseObject is closed.6The %1 property cannot be set because it is read only.5The %1 property does not belong to this BrowseObject.:The %1 property cannot be removed because it is mandatory.;The query cannot be executed because the view is too large.PA;The %1 item is read only, and it's value cannot be changed.PA$Unable to find cube %1 in catalog %2Connecting to SAP BW ... (%1)&Connection to SAP BW server successful&Unable to connect to SAP BW server. %1 Error closing RFC connection: %1Getting a list of catalogs ...$Error getting a list of catalogs: %1*Getting a list of cubes for catalog %1 ...&Error loading cube %1 (catalog %2): %3"Getting dimensions for cube %1 ...5Error getting dimensions for cube %1 (catalog %2): %3)The URI does not contain the parameter %1.Error getting list of cubes for catalog %1: %25Error loading the top level members form Hierarchy %14The MDX query %1 failed to execute with the error %28Error getting hierarchies for dimension %1 (Cube %2): %38Error getting levels for hierarchy %1 (dimension %2): %3Default (flat list)FNo children loaded for member %1 (hierarchy=%2, dimension=%3, cube=%4)4Error getting measures for cube %1 (catalog %2).: %34Error getting variables for cube %1 (catalog %2): %3Unable to connect using SAP Logon Control - the most likely reason is that this component is not installed (see SAP GUI installation) %SAPLogonControl->NewConnection failedConnection to BW Server through SAP Logon control failed - check server and user credentials are correct (Client=%1,User=%2,Host=%3,SystemNumber=%4,SAP Logon ID=%5)The SAP Logon control is not available on this platform - specify occa_rfc as the protocol in the uri to open the connection using rfcCThe dimension %1 specified by variable %2 does not exist on cube %3CThe hierarchy %1 specified by variable %2 does not exist on cube %3>The selection type %1 is invalid for variables of type %2 (%3)Unknown variable type %1 (%2)OError getting properties for level %1 (dimension=%2, hierarchy=%3, cube=%4). %5%Error in MDDataSetBW.GetCellData. %1&Error in MDDataSetBW.DeleteObject. %1PA$Syntax of query %1 is incorrect. %2*Error in MDDataSetBW.CreateObject(%1). %2:MDDataSetBW.CreateObject(%1) returned an invalid object IDIError getting members for hierarchy (level=%1, member=%2, opcode=%3) . %4)Error in MDDataProviderBW.SetKeyDate(%1).eThe value entered is not valid. It must adhere to one of the following formats. YYYYMMDD DD.MM.YYYYGThe value entered is not valid. It may only contain numeric characters.eUnable to obtain a valid SAP logon token for SSO from BusinessObjects Enterprise. The token is empty.\An error occured whilst trying to obtain a SAP SSO token from BusinessObjects Enterprise. %1PA RFC function call %1 failed. %2Cube %1 has %2 dimensions!Loading dimension %1 from cube %2Dimension %1 has %2 hierarchies&Loading hierarchy %1 from dimension %22GetCellData returned %1 cells but %2 were expected/Authentication model for SAP connectivity is %1unknownusername and passwordSSOSNC load balancedPAIThe Java Virtual Machine could not be created. Check the Java environment=A Java method has returned an error code. %1 returned code %2kThe Java Virtual Machine was unable to find class "%1". Check the Java environment is configured correctly.DA JNI exception has occurred. Check the JNI logs to view the detailsoThere is no classpath specified for the Oracle MDM components. Please check the product is installed correctly.5JNI: Unable to locate method "%1" with signature "%2"PAHConverts one or more sets to an array for use in a user-defined function9Returns the dimension that contains a specified hierarchy5Returns the dimension that contains a specified level6Returns the dimension that contains a specified memberdReturns the dimension whose zero-based position within the cube is specified by a numeric expression9Returns the dimension whose name is specified by a stringReturns a level's hierarchyReturns a member's hierarchyReturns a member's levelTReturns the level whose position in a dimension is specified by a numeric expression@Returns the level whose name is specified by a string expressionBDetermines whether an expression evaluates to the empty cell value5Returns the ancestor of a member at a specified levelOReturns the last sibling among the descendants of a member at a specified levelYReturns the member with the same relative position under a member as the specified member@Returns the current member along a dimension during an iterationPAJReturns the system-generated data member associated with a non-leaf member)Returns the default member of a dimension#Returns the first child of a member1Returns the first child of the parent of a memberReturns a member from a tupleKReturns a member prior to the specified member along the member's dimension"Returns the last child of a member0Returns the last child of the parent of a member?Returns a member further along the specified member's dimensionAReturns the member whose name is specified by a string expressionEReturns the next member in the level that contains a specified memberFReturns the first sibling among the descendants of a member at a levelXReturns a member from a prior period in the same relative position as a specified memberReturns the parent of a memberIReturns the previous member in the level that contains a specified member_Returns a valid measure in a virtual cube by forcing inapplicable dimensions to their top levelqReturns a calculated value using the appropriate aggregate function, based on the aggregation type of the member.FReturns the average value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set)Coalesces an empty cell value to a number:Returns the correlation of two series evaluated over a setjReturns the number of tuples in a set, empty cells included unless the optional EXCLUDEEMPTY flag is used.BReturns the covariance of two series evaluated over a set (biased)DReturns the covariance of two series evaluated over a set (unbiased)>Returns one of two numeric values determined by a logical testfCalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of b in the regression line y = ax + bfCalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of y in the regression line y = ax + b[Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns R2 (the coefficient of determination)fCalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of a in the regression line y = ax + bqCalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the variance associated with the regression line y = ax + bFReturns the maximum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a setEReturns the median value of a numeric expression evaluated over a setFReturns the minimum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a setPA<Returns the zero-based ordinal value associated with a level.Returns the one-based rank of a tuple in a set:Returns a rollup of the values of the children of a memberAlias for StdevAlias for StdevPVReturns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set (unbiased)TReturns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set (biased)<Returns the sum of a numeric expression evaluated over a setLReturns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set (unbiased) Alias for VarAlias for VarPJReturns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set (biased) Adds calculated members to a set`Returns a specified number of items from the bottom of a set, optionally ordering the set first.gSorts a set and returns the bottom N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentagebSorts a set and returns the bottom N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified valuePA Returns the children of a member%Returns the cross product of two sets{Returns the set of descendants of a member at a given level, optionally including or excluding descendants in other levels.&Eliminates duplicate tuples from a set9Drills down the members of a set in a specified dimensionKDrills down the members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.TDrills down the bottom N members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.QDrills down the top N members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.KDrills down the members in a set that are present in a second specified setILike DrilldownMember, except that it includes only the bottom N children.FLike DrilldownMember, except that it includes only the top N children.?Drills up the members of a set that are below a specified levelIDrills up the members in a set that are present in a second specified setGFinds the difference between two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.UReturns a set of tuples from extracted dimension elements. The opposite of Crossjoin.JReturns the set resulting from filtering a set based on a search conditionPAQApplies a set to each member of another set and joins the resulting sets by union7Returns the first specified number of elements in a set*Orders the members of a set in a hierarchyFReturns the intersection of two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.BReturns a set of members prior to and including a specified member-Returns the set of all members in a dimension-Returns the set of all members in a hierarchy)Returns the set of all members in a levelWA shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be MonthOArranges the members of a set, optionally preserving or breaking the hierarchy.{Returns a set of members (periods) from a specified level starting with the first member and ending with a specified memberYA shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be QuarterEReturns the set of siblings of a member (including the member itself)%Removes calculated members from a setConstructs a set from a string'Returns a subset of elements from a set&Returns a subset from the end of a setWToggles the drill state of members. A combination of DrillupMember and DrilldownMember.]Returns a specified number of items from the top of a set, optionally ordering the set first.dSorts a set and returns the top N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage_Sorts a set and returns the top N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value?Returns the union of two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.iDynamically totals child members specified in a set using a pattern for the total label in the result setVA shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be WeekVA shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be Year)Coalesces an empty cell value to a string=Returns one of two string values determined by a logical testReturns the name of a dimensionReturns the name of a hierarchyReturns the name of a levelReturns the name of a memberFReturns a string containing the value of the specified member propertyConstructs a string from a set Constructs a string from a tuple&Returns the unique name of a dimension"Returns the unique name of a level#Returns the unique name of a member?Returns the domain name and user name of the current connection8Returns the current tuple from a set during an iterationReturns a tuple from a set Constructs a tuple from a string And operatorKReturns TRUE if the specified number is in the given range, FALSE otherwiseEquivalence operatorBoolean FALSE literalImplication operatorDReturns TRUE if two compared objects are equivalent, FALSE otherwiseNReturns TRUE if the level, tuple, or member specified is NULL, FALSE otherwise^Returns TRUE if a specified member is an ancestor of another specified member, FALSE otherwisePReturns TRUE if a specified member is in a specified generation, FALSE otherwiseDReturns TRUE if a specified member is a leaf member, FALSE otherwise\Returns TRUE if a specified member is a sibling of another specified member, FALSE otherwise Not operatorPReturns TRUE if the specified number is outside the given range, FALSE otherwise Or operatorBoolean TRUE literalExclusive or operatorZReturns the ancestor of a member that is a specified number of steps away in the hierarchy+Returns the number of levels in a dimension*Returns the number of dimensions in a cube(Returns the number of members in a level?Returns the number of cells in a set, with empty cells included+Returns the number of dimensions in a tuple9Returns the number of distinct, non-empty tuples in a setEvaluates a native expressionReturns the value of a member]Returns a set containing all members of the specified dimension, including calculated membersYReturns a set containing all members of the specified level, including calculated membersFReturns a set of all the ancestors of a member at a specified distanceCReturns a set of all the ancestors of a member at a specified level-Returns a set containing the specified tuples7Returns the set of the ascendants of a specified member Returns a set defined in an axis+Returns the current set during an iterationReturns the set of descendants of a member at a specified distance, optionally including or excluding descendants in other levelsDReturns a set containing a single member based on a specified memberYReturns the cross product of two or more sets as a set, excluding empty tuples and tuples8Returns a set containing the specified tuples or members0Returns a tuple containing the specified members2Returns the absolute value of the specified number7Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number4Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number6Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified numberCReturns a number specifying the cosine of an angle given in radiansPReturns a number specifying e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power<Truncates a number to the specified number of decimal places1Returns the integer portion of a specified number3Returns the natural logarithm of a specified numberDReturns a number specifying the tangent of an angle given in radians9Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal placesvReturns the remainder after the specified numerator (dividend) has been divided by the specified denominator (divisor)_Returns the sign of a specified number: 1 if number > 0, 0 if number is 0, and -1 if number < 0AReturns a number specifying the sine of an angle given in radians-Returns the square root of a specified number0Returns a tuple containing the specified membersTModulus operator, divides two numbers and returns a remainder that is a whole number9Returns a set of members matching the specified conditionReturns the caption of a member Invalid index8Invalid itemIndex supplied when obtaining property value&Allocation failed obtaining cell value.Invalid argument passed when finding dimension3Invalid Column referenced in ODBOAxisChunk: getNameNo dataset available Invalid property index requestedFailed to get axis info (%1)Failed to get axis rowset (%1)"Failed to get column bindings (%1)Could not get next row (%1)Failed to get rowset data (%1)Failed to release rows (%1)No valid IMDDataset interfaceFailed to get cell data (%1)*One or more column bindings were not foundPAInvalid ordinal calculated!Parse error - unexpected " found.Dimension not found!The parent member has no children0Axis rowset doesn't contain a unique name column<Internal error: obtained wrong variant type from axis rowset"QI for IDBSchemaRowset failed (%1)%Could not get rowset information (%1)BObtained a VARIANT for PROPERTY_CAPTION that isn't of type VT_BSTRFailed to release accessor (%1)%Query for properties failed on server:More than one row obtained from a query on a single memberFailed to get schemas (%1)No IUnknown interfaceQI for IOpenRowset failed (%1)Could not create command (%1)Failed to set command textFailed to execute command (%1)*Failed to get AxisInfo for Memberset Count Must provide a Dataset interfaceInvalid axis requested0Illegal starting position for the CellDataChunk.CIllegal starting position for the CellDataChunk. Start is after EndDimension schema not supported9Could not obtain link to server, check the provider name.BindMoniker failedParseDisplayName failedFailed to initialize OLE DB!Failed to get sources rowset (%1)QI for IAccessor failed (%1)Accessor creation failed (%1)$QI for IParseDisplayName failed (%1)^Server calculations are screwed up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Level not found in GetLevel'Failed to find the level in getTopLevel(Wrong enum value obtained from getType()*ODBOHierarchy::get_member_details() failed ODBOHierarchy::getLevel() failedHierarchy not found_The schema rowset appears to hold different rows with the same cube/dimension/member uniquenameIUnknown is NULL3Error Obtaining Axis Dimensions, no base viewpoint.,Error obtaining sections, no base viewpoint.3Error obtaining current section, no base viewpoint.'MDX query for member calculation failedFailed to execute query on cube No valid cube1No IMDDataset present, failed to get axis length.Failed to set properties (%1)Cube does not existFailed to create session (%1) Failed to start transaction (%1)$Provider does not support write-back!Failed to commit transaction (%1) Failed to abort transaction (%1) QI for IDBProperties failed (%1)Failed to initialize (%1)#QI for IDBCreateSession failed (%1)Cubes Schema not supportedQI for IDBInfo failed (%1)!Failed to get literal information'Failed to get property information (%1)The memory chain is broken Bad precisionPAInvalid NAN typeHost format has not been setCan't send 'not got' to HostSystem exception caught"Tried to put request on full queue,More than one request found with the same idTried to read from empty queueUnrecognized data type&Couldn't set dfn set iterator locationCouldn't find dfn in set%Couldn't find given DFN in our rangesFailed to set position!Couldn't map tuples to each otherSparse SBs not yet implementedISpecObject: empty NameVector or DimensionVector passed to get_single_axis(Memberset based on a different dimension(Memberset based on a different hierarchy6OCAMemberSet: cannot set empty dfnset as current state Fake methodBMemory block %1, size %2, has been overwritten in the start guard.@Memory block %1, size %2, has been overwritten in the end guard.Malloc returned a NULL pointerStack overflow in lexerSyntax error: "%1", in lexer.)Unrecognized token "%1" in format string.0Failed to obtain axis chunk from view result setUnable to get data for a sort4Tried to execute a query without specifying any axes7Tried to build up a query with the axes out of sequence<Tried to create a member or set without specifying its valueATried to create a member without specifying all of its properties:Tried to drop members or sets without specifying any namesPA5Tried to drop both members and sets in a single query#QI for ColumnsInfo interface failedFailed to get ColumnsInfo$QI for RowsetChange interface failed$QI for RowsetLocate interface failedFailed to get the row4The value (%1) is not a member of the %2 enumeration,Tried to apply a measure that does not exist!Tried to write out an empty tuple0The expression tree has an unexpected structure.umkMGTPA7Calculation cannot be added. The caption %1 is invalid.GCalculation %1 cannot be added. There was a problem with the value %2.#Unexpected calculation remove error1Tried to modify a calculation that does not exist)Tried to change a calculation's hierarchyCalculation %1 cannot be added.The value %2 caused the server to generate the error: '%3'.Please refer to the server documentation.sUnable to access dimensions. Check that you have sufficient rights to the cube and that the cube is still availablesUnable to access named sets. Check that you have sufficient rights to the cube and that the cube is still availableCalculations cannot be added to the %1 hierarchy as this hierarchy has been restricted to one level for this user. To use calculations on this hierarchy make sure you have permission to access at least two consecutive levels.Subtotals cannot be added to the %1 hierarchy as this hierarchy has been restricted to one level for this user. To use subtotals on this hierarchy make sure you have permission to access at least two consecutive levels.\Failed to query Memberset on the %1 hierarchy. The query failed as all hierarchies (except the %1 hierarchy) have been restricted to one level for the current user. To allow Memberset queries to succeed make sure you have permission to access at least two consecutive levels or unrestricted access to at least one hierarchy not on the %2 dimension.pUnable to access members. Check that you have sufficient rights to the cube and that the cube is still availableHolos Processing ServerOLAP Data ProvidersHyperion Essbase (Legacy)IBM DB2 OLAP Server (Legacy)1SAP Business Information Warehouse (Local client)Holos HDC Cube (Local client)"SAP Business Information WarehouseOther Data SourcesHyperion EssbaseIBM DB2 OLAP Server"SAP Business Information WarehouseHolos Data ServerHolos HDC Cube(iCube Server Name is not an HTTP address\Either or both of the start and end positions supplied to the rowset data model are invalid.CThe drill through operation was performed, but the rowset is empty.+The favorites are on different hierarchies.Unrecognised favorite type. There is no dimension available. There is no hierarchy available.Favorites are not available.1An unknown system exception occurred in method %1!An internal error has occurred.%1Thread ID %1 : locking %2 mutex)Thread ID %1 : locked and owning %2 mutex!Thread ID %1 : releasing %2 mutexolapprocessor_providers Caption setsThe %1 cube property is present in the car file, but has not been created by the server. The value will not be set. Oracle OLAPDiscovered provider: Name %1 Type %2 Description %3 URI identifier %4 Implementation %5 Licensed %6 Most recent %7 Supported %8KThe target viewpoint of the transition that owned this command has changed.The transition has been given the information it needs to load, but cannot complete its initialisation until the target viewpoint has been set.Z"%1": The QueryField could not be added as this collection contains one with the same name?The type of parameter "%1" is not supported by the COS grammar.+The value type of parameter "%1" is invalid%The parameter "%1" could not be found:The %1 property cannot be changed because it is read only.PA]Unable to create the XML document. Check the required XML components are installed correctly.?The XML could not be parsed. Ensure that the format is correct.OThe query specification contains measures from different hierarchies, %1 and %2TThe query specification specifies two hierarchies from the same dimension, %1 and %2'The query object %1 cannot be resolved.8The measures dimension could not be found or identified.LThe specified caption %1 could not be resolved to a member in the hierarchy.OThe specified caption can be resolved to multiple members. Selecting member %1.DMultiple constants were found for variable %1. Only one is expected.,The operator %1 is not valid for variable %2PA%1getOCAPublicNamegetOCAPublicInterfaceName/An unexpected NULL object was encountered. (%1)0The value %1 was not found in the enumeration %2dAn unknown error was caught while releasing objects after cancellation of an asynchronous operation.(Tuple for cube %1 contains %2 Fieldlists.Fieldlist for dimension %1 contains %2 fields.Field value = %1.+Fieldlist DFN pair found, range is %1 - %2Fieldlist dimension name is %1 Fieldlist fieldname is %1Fieldlist field DFN is %1"Got message "%1" from channel "%2"Found Procedure %1Found Parameter %1Memberset XML: %1Viewpoint XML: %1>An attempt was made to access an invalid parameter value type.PALThe application could not load a required component. Error from system '%1'.gThe application could not find a required component. Check that the application is installed correctly.AThe Focus Tuple could not be obtained because it has not been setCThe Focus Heading could not be obtained because it has not been set9An error has been caught in method %1 with the message %2-An unknown error has been caught in method %1(Failed to load transport for provider %1<The index(%1) supplied for the %2 collection is out of range9The Focus is of an unexpected type. Expected %1, found %2XThe message identification number %1 could not be matched to a message on the processor.;The message index %1 is invalid for this message collection4The parameter index %1 is invalid for this procedureXThe parameter name '%1' could not be matched to a parameter belonging to this procedure.KThe type of the given value is incompatible with the type of the parameter.QThe procedure cannot be executed because no value has been set for parameter '%1'rThere is no return value because the procedure has not been executed, or an error occurred during it's execution. PA4The procedure index %1 is invalid for this processorXThe procedure name '%1' could not be matched to a procedure belonging to this processor.0A required object was not initialised correctly.*The service's object reference is invalid.7An error occurred while retrieving version information.0An error has occurred. No details are available.-An error occurred while browsing the services0An error occurred while browsing for URC matches/An error occurred while browsing for attributesThe stream is invalid#The XML DOCUMENT is not initializedThe XML DOCUMENT is invalidThe XML ELEMENT is invalidUnknown or unhandled type code7The interface could not be retrieved from the Procedure"The supplied index is out of rangeOCommunication with the Activation daemon failed. Ensure the service is running.Connection error : %1Activator error : %1Activator browser error : %1Processor error : %1An error has occurred. %1$Internal system exception. Reason %1 An invalid argument was supplied@The processor interface contains no user defined public objects.@The Server reports that it is not yet ready to receive requests.$The Server has failed to initialize.YFailed to create an XML document. Ensure msxml.dll is installed and registered correctly.?Failed to read from the supplied stream. The stream is invalid.9The supplied XML document does not describe a Memberset. PAHThe axis is of an unknown type. The axis must be a view or section axis.IThe connection has been terminated by the server due to a %1, message %2.fatal server errorremote terminationconsole terminationJCannot add the procedure %1, as a procedure with that name already exists.=Cannot remove the procedure %1, the procedure does not exist.VCannot add the procedure %1, the procedure could not be found in the public interface.Broadcast from the server: %1EAn asynchronous function call failed because no arguments were found.LAn asynchronous function call failed because the function was not specified.DAn asynchronous function call failed because the client was invalid.kA fatal Holos error has occurred while executing the HL procedure. The last error from the server was '%1'.KThe Fieldlist operation cannot be performed because the Fieldlist is empty.An index of %1 is invalid._The asynchronous operation failed. The method could not create a thread to perform the request.AAn unknown error occurred while the procedure was being executed.>Failed to execute the procedure. It is already being executed.7Failed to cancel the request. It has already completed.+The value for parameter %1 has not been set6Another procedure is already executing asynchronously.The index type is invalidAn index value of %1 is invalidHThe Parameter cannot be accessed because the Procedure no longer exists.&The argument is not a valid Memberset.&The argument is not a valid Viewpoint..Initialisation of the Fieldlist object failed.*Initialisation of the Tuple object failed.,Initialisation of the Context object failed.2The argument is not a valid URI or a BrowseObject.PA<The Processor must be open before performing this operation.PThe number of arguments supplied is invalid. Procedure %1 expects %2 argument(s)=Failed to find a valid cube object on the specified viewpoint<The object supplied is not a BrowseObject, Cube or ProcessorIThis Procedures object cannot be accessed because the Processor is closedGThis Messages object cannot be accessed because the Processor is closedMThe BrowseObject used to open the Processor must be of type coBrowseResource.;The Processor cannot open because no URI has been supplied._The AsyncOpen method has failed. The method failed to create a thread to perform the operation.>This operation cannot be performed while the Processor is openAThe Open operation could not be cancelled. The request timed out.PA.The dimension "%1" was not found on this cube.3The hierarchy "%1" was not found on this dimension./The level "%1" was not found on this hierarchy.'This command has not yet been executed.'This command has already been executed."This command has already been set.nshostns CubeBuilder DataAnalyser OLAPQuerierAction context not supported.Cube does not support MDX.&Cube does not support COS expressions.Action expression type invalid.'Action context invalid or unrecognized.)Action applicable context "%1" not found.No applicable context.Resolve requires a valid cube.#Resolve requires a valid dimension. Resolve requires a valid member.Resolve requires a valid cell.Failed to obtain cell members.;No value specified or obtained for the Action's expression.OCalculation "%1" cannot be added. "%2" is not a valid COS expression. Error: %38Unable to obtain Description column from axis result set#Mismatched quotes in Action syntax.6The Action syntax must be surrounded by double quotes.Failed to execute command (%1)rError obtaining member depth. Check server has not been overloaded. Setting depth to be 1 as this is the top level~The optional SAP variable, %1, references dimension %2, which is not part of the cube. The variable will use the default valueThe application cannot be opened because the mandatory SAP variable, %1, references dimension %2, which is not part of the cube Data Source ApplicationDatabaseServer: Username: Password:5Failed to convert string from UCS-2 to ESSBASE locale5Unable to convert string from ESSBASE locale to UCS-2Member "%1" not found in cubeyFailed to initialise the Essbase API. Check an appropriate client version of Hyperion Essbase / IBM DB2 OLAP is installedEssbase API Error (%1): %2@Failed to execute command. Underlying cube structure has changedPLicense key check failed. Check that you are licensed to access SAP data sources %1 (active) %1 (inactive) Alias tableSelect a new alias table2Hyperion Essbase (%1) / IBM DB2 OLAP (%2) Enhanced8No value has been specified for the required variable %1Returns history-to-date valuesReturns year-to-date valuesReturns season-to-date valuesReturns period-to-date valuesReturns quarter-to-date valuesReturns month-to-date valuesReturns week-to-date valuesReturns day-to-date valuesPA DimensionLevelLogicalMemberNumericSetStringTupleDynamic Time SeriesUser Defined AttributesgThe GetMemberSetForLevel method failed to create the required member set. Default to a full member set.1Unable to resolve hierarchy from the variable %1.Viewpoint reorientation failedUnknown axis type1Cannot change a view axis to a non view axis typeAxis type change failedPAdThe analysis button could not perform its action as the source dimension "%1" is on an excluded axis4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?(StringFileInfo040904B0DBuild Date2013/08/05:21:41:03HCompanyNameSAP BusinessObjectsl"FileDescriptionEnglish strings for component 2018 FileVersion14.1.1.1036FInternalNamestrings_201_en.dll|,LegalCopyrightCopyright 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.NOriginalFilenamestrings_201_en.dlll&ProductNameSAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0< ProductVersion14.1.1.1036DVarFileInfo$Translation  PADPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING00 0%090E0`0h0q0|000000001 11%1+121K1Q1d1i1v111111111112262C2[222#3N3\3g3m33333334474<44445/5555555556#676Z6g6s6{66666666666677777!7(7/767=7D7K7S7[7c7o7x7}77777777777777 000111111110w *H h0d1 0 +0h +7Z0X03 +70% <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +3gCXS<p900W~|NYKw;0  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Durbanville10 U Thawte10U Thawte Certification10UThawte Timestamping CA0 121221000000Z 201230235959Z0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20"0  *H 0 ITK %y"W*oܸ&Csk¿.PZvC%CE{t"״MD$k_E;DCsi+˙r&Mq1QaSI,xE/W?=ƒJ{3y uAQlie)`; 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