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Ctrl+Shift+EN&Contact...&Open Ctrl+OٝO&pen Containing FolderSave &As...P&roperties Alt+Enter$&Close Alt+F4G&Edit&Copy Ctrl+CSelect &All Ctrl+A&Move to Folder... 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Ctrl+P#P&roperties Alt+Enter&Work Offline$&CloseG&Edit&Cu&t Ctrl+X$&Copy Ctrl+C'&Paste Ctrl+VSelect &All Ctrl+AHF&indĜ&Message...ƜPe&ople...ǜ&Text in this message... Ctrl+Shift+FI&Viewќ&Previous Message Ctrl+<L&NextҜ&Next Message Ctrl+>ӜNext Unread &Message Ctrl+UԜNext Unread Conversa&tion Ctrl+Shift+UMTe&xt SizeܜLar&gestۜ&Largerڜ&Mediumٜ&Smaller؜Sm&allest&Fixed`Enco&ding(&All Headersg&Toolbar&Standard ButtonsR&Customize...)&Status BarS&ToolsWindows &Contacts... Ctrl+Shift+CUA&dd to Contacts&Sender &Everyone on To ListcWindows Ca&lendar Ctrl+Shift+L[&Junk E-mail Options...O&Message&New Ctrl+NPNew &Using&Reply to Sender Ctrl+RReply to A&ll Ctrl+Shift+RReply to Gr&oup Ctrl+G&Forward Ctrl+F*Forwar&d As Attachmentl&Junk E-mailVAdd &Sender to Safe Senders ListWAdd Sender's D&omain to Safe Senders ListXAdd Sender to &Blocked Senders ListYAdd Sender's &Domain to Blocked Senders ListZ&Mark as Not Junk...a&Unblock~Cr&eate Rule From Message...Fl&ag MessageWa&tch Conversation&Ignore ConversationUnscramble (ROT1&3)V&Help&View Help F1P&Select Stationery...&No Stationery&Web Page...&Toolbar%&Views BarT&Search BarN&New Contact...Ɯ&Find People...Windows &Contacts...&Don't Synchronize&All MessagesNew &Messages Only&Headers OnlySend and Receive All Ctrl+M&Receive All&Send AllR&Customize...JY&Customize Current View...ZDefine &Views...]&Group Messages by ConversationĜ&Message... Ctrl+Shift+FƜ&People...ǜ&Text in this Message...&Open&PrintReply to &SenderReply to &All&Forward*For&ward As AttachmentMar&k as ReadMark as U&nreadMo&ve to Folder...&Copy to Folder...&Deletel&Junk E-mailVAdd &Sender to Safe Senders ListWAdd Sender's D&omain to Safe Senders ListXAdd Sender to &Blocked Senders ListYAdd Sender's &Domain to Blocked Senders ListZ&Mark as Not Junk...a&UnblockAdd Sender &to ContactsP&roperties&Open&PrintReply to &SenderReply to &All&Forward*For&ward As AttachmentMar&k as ReadMark as U&nreadMo&ve to Folder...&Copy to Folder...&Delete&UndeleteAdd Sender &to ContactsDownload &Message LaterP&roperties&Open&PrintReply to &GroupReply to &Sender&Forward*For&ward As AttachmentComb&ine and Decode...Mar&k as ReadMark Conversa&tion as ReadMark as U&nreadMo&ve to Folder...&Copy to Folder...Add S&ender to ContactsDownload &Message LaterDownload Conversation &LaterP&roperties&Open&PrintReply to &SenderReply to &GroupReply to &All&Forward*For&ward As AttachmentMar&k as ReadMark as U&nreadMo&ve to Folder...&Copy to Folder...&Delete&UndeleteAdd Sender &to ContactsDownload &Message LaterDownload Conversation &LaterP&ropertiesH&UsefulI&Not UsefulKThanks, this &answered my questionL&Useful, but I need more infoM&Not usefulN&UsefulO&Not UsefulPThis &answers the original questionRPlease &Sign In To Microsoft CommunitiesA&CommentB&QuestionC&SuggestionȀnWindows Mail Segoe UIPhY2&OKCPDP1 You're almost out of storage in your FoldersP12 When you reach your server limit, e-mail messages in Folders on the server may be deleted. You can clean out your Folders on server folders by moving messages to Folders on my computer.P1G A&Don't show me this againPAȀLPassword Segoe UIP72OKP72CancelP Please enter the password for '%s'PȀEAbout Windows MailSegoe UIPELeP!<mMicrosoft WindowsP!HfVersion %sP!TgCopyright 2006 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.P!`(lThe Windows Vista"! operating system and its user interface are protected by trademark and other pending or existing intellectual property rights in the United States and other countries.P!nPortions of International CorrectSpell"! spelling correction system 1993 by Lernout && Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.P! oThe American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright 1992 Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from Lernout && Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.P2OKȀDWindows Mail Segoe UIP&/2P]/2P/2P( P<P( @Ȁ1Windows Mail Segoe UIP2CancelP! msctls_progress32ProgressP Copying messages...PAȀAdvanced Security Settings Segoe UIPF Encrypted messagesPN  CPEP& &Warn on encrypting messages with less than this strength:!P&2-ComboBoxEx32P&/ "Always encrypt to &myself when sending encrypted mailPAU Digitally Signed messagesP`E CPMFP&M &Include my digital ID when sending signed messages P&[ #Encode me&ssage before signing (opaque signing) P&i ,&Add senders' certificates to my Windows Contacts.P{I Revocation CheckingPQ~ CPRP& Check for revoked Digital IDs: P&L &Only when online P&. &NeverP P2OKP2CancelȀuWindows Mail Segoe UIPY2&YesPY2&NoCPDP1CWindows Mail is not currently your default e-mail program. Would you like to make it your default e-mail program?P1UThe default e-mail program is used whenever you send a file via e-mail from within another program, or you click a mailto: link in a Web page.P1? B&Always perform this check when starting Windows MailPA Ȁ>Store Location Segoe UIP &Your personal message store is located in the following folder:P*P)2+&Change...P])2OKP)2CancelȀwAdvanced Signature Settings Segoe UIP P&Check the account(s) for which you would like to use signature '%s'. Only one signature may be selected for an account, and accounts with no signature will use the default signature.P/AOSysListView32Account ListP2OKP2Cancel@̂Newsgroup Subscriptions Segoe UIPJ&Display newsgroups that contain:PJP\ &Also search descriptionsIPN5 SysListView32NewsgroupsPJ#SysTabControl32TabsPa#2&SubscribePa52&UnsubscribePaG2&Reset ListT2&Go toT+2OKTa2CancelP6A&ccount(s):\AP=SysListView32Server ListTRWindows Mail Segoe UIPSysAnimate32Animate1P% Performing offline tasks...P P/P>msctls_progress32Progress@̂ Show/Hide IMAP Folders Segoe UIPJ&Display folders which contain:PJIPN5 SysListView32&FoldersPJ#SysTabControl32TabsPa#2&ShowPa52&HidePaG2&Reset ListT2&Go toT+2OKTa2CancelP6A&ccount(s):\AP=SysListView32Server ListTȀMSynchronize Newsgroup Segoe UIP &Get the following items: P All &messages P! &New messages only P. &Headers onlyP< G&et messages marked for downloadP2OKP2CancelP, *PAȀ bUser Information Segoe UIP 2P) What name and email address would you like to use when posting to newsgroups?P)- Display &Name:P<' P;2 &E-mail Address:P<9 PQ^ &Don't ask me this againPhN2OKPN2CancelȀ Connect to %s Segoe UIP (+ &User Name:P:&P 9+ &Password:P:7P J+ P&hone:P:HP:ZA &Save PasswordPr2OKPRr2CancelPrH&Edit Connection...P* Enter a user name and password with access to the remote network domain.PN LogonP PAȀ.Send Web Page Segoe UIP Enter the &URL of the web page you want to send:P P2OKP2CancelȀ.Background Picture Segoe UIP2OKP2CancelP &File:B!PKP2 &BrowsePAȀ ePick Newsgroups on %s Segoe UIP` T&ype name or select from list:PIPP#vSysListView32Group ListP$2&AddP82&RemoveP` &Newsgroups to post to:@P#vSysListView32Groups to Post toCP&SubscribedP Request replies to be &e-mailed to authorP2OKP,2CancelPX Ȁ5New Folder Segoe UIPc &Folder Name:PeP2OKP2CancelȀZWindows Mail DLG_UI_FONT P% &Try to locate the server on the current connection. %P%.&Hang Up and dial '%s'P2OKP2CancelPP% A Dial-Up Networking connection is already established to '%s'.PI^ &Don't warn me about thisPAD;Security Segoe UIP9 Virus ProtectionPB  CPpP& Select the Internet Explorer security zone to use: P3 ^Internet &zone (Less secure, but more functional) P3% _&Restricted sites zone (More secure)$P&1 &Warn me when other applications try to send mail as me.$P&=Do &not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus.PPC Download ImagesPLT P&Z &Block images and other external content in HTML e-mail.Pg- Secure MailP7k CPsqP&q Digital IDs (also called certificates) are special documents that allow you to prove your identity in electronic transactions.Px:@Digital &IDs...P& To digitally sign messages or receive encrypted messages, you must have a digital ID.P:E&Get Digital ID...P& $P& &Encrypt contents and attachments for all outgoing messagesP& &Digitally sign all outgoing messagesP:Ad&vanced...$P& TInclude a &security label with signed messagesP:SSelect &LabelPAȐSpelling Segoe UIP SettingsP&  PwP& Always &check spelling before sendingP3 When checking spelling, always ignoreP8 P@xP&@Y Words in &UPPERCASEP&MP Words with &numbersP&[ The &original text in a reply or forwardP&iK &Internet AddressesP! &LanguageP, Py!P&R@@ ;Connection Segoe UIP Dial-upP&  CPkP& 'Ask before s&witching dial-up connectionsP&! 1&Hang up after sending and receivingP3_ Internet Connection SettingsPi7 CP?lP&? Windows Mail shares your Internet Connection settings with Internet Explorer.P&V Click the Change button to modify these settings.PS2X&Change...@@;Read Segoe UIP> Reading MessagesPI  CPmP& &Mark message read after displaying for P% 6P msctls_updown32Spin1P  second(s)P&" Automatically e&xpand grouped messagesP&0 Automatically &download message when viewing in the Preview PaneP&> &Read all messages in plain textP&L WS&how ToolTips in the message list for clipped itemsP2[e Highlight &watched messages:!PZ|Pm NewsP p CPxnP&x &Get PDw% PVz msctls_updown32SpinNumSubjPnz< headers at a timeP& Mar&k all messages as read when exiting a newsgroupP FontsP CPoP& Click here to change the fonts and default encoding used when reading messagesPSY$&Fonts...PY3&International Settings...D;General Segoe UIP GeneralP%  CP{P& &Notify me if there are any new newsgroupsP&! LAutomatically &display folders with unread messagesP&/ W&Use newsgroup message rating featuresP@V Send / Receive MessagesPbC CPL|P&L &Play sound when new messages arriveP&Z `&Send and receive messages at startupP&h} &Check for new messages everyPi# m&inute(s) Pg% 6Pf msctls_updown32P2uIf my c&omputer is not connected at this time:!P2-QComboBoxEx32Pb Default Messaging ProgramsPk CP}P&[P2YMa&ke DefaultP&\P2Z&Make DefaultPADP;Send Segoe UIP SendingP) MCPrP& Sa&ve copy of sent messages in the 'Sent Items' folderP&!k Send messages &immediatelyP&/ Automatically put people I reply to in my C&ontacts listP&= 8A&utomatically complete e-mail addresses when composingP&K] In&clude message in replyP&Y (&Reply to messages using the format in which they were sentPgR?International Settin&gs...P|H Mail Sending FormatPP CPs P&$ +&HTML P&/ *&Plain TextPxH)HTML &Settings...PH(Plain T&ext Settings...PM News Sending FormatPT CPt P&$ /HT&ML P&/ .Plain Te&xtPxH-H&TML Settings...PH,Plai&n Text Settings...PA@@;Maintenance Segoe UIPJ Cleaning Up MessagesPU  CPiP& &Empty messages from the 'Deleted Items' folder on exitP&! V&Purge deleted messages when leaving IMAP foldersP&/ aPurge messages in the &backgroundP5= De&lete read message bodies in newsgroupsP5KV &Delete news messagesPL\ days &after being downloaded PJ PJ msctls_updown32Spin1PoI&Clean Up Now...P& Click Store Folder to change the location of your message store.PI)Store &Folder...P4 TroubleshootingP? CPhP& Windows Mail can save all commands to and from a server in a log file for troubleshooting purposes.P&! 0&MailPg" Ne&wsP! G&IMAPPA@@;Signatures Segoe UIP? Signature settingsPH  CPvP& KAdd signatures to all &outgoing messagesP1! L&Don't add signatures to Replies and ForwardsP3" &SignaturesP-7 CP?uÁP&?;GSysListView32Signature ListP?:H&NewPQ:I&RemovePc:JRena&meP4 Edit SignatureP9 CPz P& &Text P& &FilePD+PD P:MS&et as DefaultP:NAd&vanced...P:Bro&wse...Ȁ;Compose Segoe UIP4 Compose FontP9  CPP& Mail:PZlP?&Font Settings...P&( News:PZ%lP%?F&ont Settings...P;% StationeryP.? CPGP&G When composing new HTML messages, use the following Stationery. Stationery fonts will be used.P&] &Mail:PZ[lStaticP[?&Select...P&o$ &News:PZmlStaticPm?Selec&t...P?&Create New...P?Download Mo&re...P1 Business CardsP= CPP& Include my business card when creating new messages.P& Mai&l:!PZlKP?&Edit...P&$ Ne&ws:!PZlKP?E&dit...@@;Advanced Segoe UIP< &Settings:PBSysTreeView32SettingsPF &Restore DefaultsPx Maintenance and TroubleshootingP CPiP2 Click Maintenance for advanced settings on the storage of Messages.PF &Maintenance...PAȀMaintenance Segoe UIPJ Cleaning Up MessagesPU  CPiP& &Empty messages from the 'Deleted Items' folder on exitP&! V&Purge deleted messages when leaving IMAP foldersP&/ aPurge &newsgroup messages in the backgroundP5= De&lete read message bodies in newsgroupsP5KV &Delete news messagesPL\ days after &being downloaded PJ PJ msctls_updown32Spin1P&\Compact the database on &shutdown every PZ PY msctls_updown32Spin1P\G runsP&o Click Clean Up Now to clean up downloaded messages on your computer.PoI&Clean Up Now...P& Click Store Folder to change the location of your message store.PI)Store &Folder...P4 TroubleshootingP? CPhP& Windows Mail can save all commands to and from a server in a log file for troubleshooting purposes.P&! 0&MailPg" Ne&wsP! G&IMAPP2ClosePAD  Segoe UIPP%P%P% P-0Type:P9-P<0Location:P9<PK0Size:P9KPZ0Attachments:P9ZPi Pq0Priority:P9qP P0Sent:P9P0Received:P9D  Segoe UIPPInternet headers for this message:P n&Secure Message Source...PZ&Message Source...ȀzConnecting to %s... Segoe UIP2CancelP2&Details >>P6=P  P'StaticP0ȀWindows Mail Segoe UIP2OKP2&Details >>PP%dPiPnFȀ qOrder for decoding Segoe UIP Please d&rag these messages into the correct order for decoding.P9P2Move &UpP&2Move &DownPT P\2OKP\2CancelȀGSet Age of Message Segoe UIP` Set the age for your messagesP# &More than: P2+P\ msctls_updown32Size SpinPc DaysP, P842OKPp42CancelȀRShow/Hide Messages Segoe UIPy Set the visible state for your messages PC &Show messages P%C &Hide messagesP6 P8>2OKPp>2CancelȀSSet Security State Segoe UIP{ Set the secure state for your messages PG &Signed messages P%P &Encrypted messagesP6 P8>2OKPp>2CancelȀRSet Priority Segoe UIPh Set the priority for your messages PV &High priority messages P%U &Low priority messagesP6 P8>2OKPp>2CancelȀRSet Priority Segoe UIP Set the thread state for your messages PV &Watch Threads P%U &Ignore ThreadsP6 P8>2OKPp>2CancelȀRSet Read State Segoe UIPh Set the state for your messages P Messages have been &read P% Messages have &not been readP6 P8>2OKPp>2CancelȀRWatch or Ignore Segoe UIP Set the thread state for the message PV &Watch Message P%U &Ignore MessageP6 P8>2OKPp>2CancelȀ Exceptions List Segoe UIP Items in the list below will never be filtered into your Junk Mail folder. To add, remove or modify an item in the list, use the buttons on the right.P Always treat my Windows Contacts as &exceptions.]ȁP/`SysListView32Exception ListP/2&Add...PA2&RemovePS2&Modify...P P2OKP2CancelȀ]Edit Exception Segoe UIP Type the e-mail address (for example, or domain name (for example, that you would like to list as an exception. Messages matching the information you type will never be filtered into your Junk Mail folder.P1% &Exception:P0. P@ PH2OKPH2CancelȀrWindows Mail Segoe UIP(:Send &HTMLP?:Send &Plain TextP- You are sending this message as a rich-text (HTML) message. Some of the recipients prefer to receive only plain-text messages. How would you like to send this message?PV:CancelPI( Sends the message as HTML. Some of the recipients may see HTML tags in the message.PIY Returns to editing the message.PI? Sends the message as plain text. Any formatting that you have done will be lost.P PAȀRSet Downloaded State Segoe UIPh Set the state for your messages P Messages have been &downloaded P% Messages have &not been downloadedP6 P8>2OKPp>2CancelȀRSet Flagged Messages Segoe UIPh Set the state for your messages Ph Messages are &flagged P%h Messages are &not flaggedP6 P8>2OKPp>2CancelȀ Select People Segoe UIP &Type one name at a time and click Add, or select people from your Windows Contacts.PX:&AddP3X &People:QP=3P=:&Contacts...PO:&RemovePa:&Options...Pw Pi:OKP:CancelȀ Type Specific Words Segoe UIP &Type specific words or a phrase, and click Add.PX2&AddP+X &Words:QP53P52&RemovePG2&Options...Po Pqw2OKPw2CancelȀ Rule Condition Options Segoe UIP You can further customize this condition by setting the options below.P_ Apply rule if:P"  1. P"Message &contains the people below P.Message does &not contain the people belowP=  2. P=Message matches &all of the people below PIMessage matches any &one of the people belowPX &Rule Condition:QAPb3P P2OKP2CancelȀ Rule Condition Options Segoe UIP You can further customize this condition by setting the options below.P_ Apply rule if:P"  1. P"Message &contains the words below P.Message does &not contain the words belowP=  2. P=Message matches &all of the words below PIMessage matches any &one of the words belowPX &Rule Condition:QAPb3P P2OKP2CancelȀLocal File Clean Up Segoe UIP0 &Folder(s) for:PA~P2&Select...P&K Total size of database:P]&S0P>F&Remove MessagesP\F &DeletePzFIR&esetP2CloseP- File InformationPS= This will remove all downloaded message bodies.PS^ This will delete all headers and message bodies.PS}HThis will delete all headers and message bodies and will reset the folder(s) so that headers will be re-downloaded.P @AProgress Segoe UIP,2CancelP. msctls_progress32ProgressP% SysAnimate32Animate1P1 DrFind Message Segoe UIP % &Look in:P1P S Include subfol&dersP92&Browse..P* P) F&rom:P.&P; &To:P.8PM! S&ubject:P.JP_# Mess&age:P.\P@ Re&ceived after:PPRSysDateTimePick32PrF Received bef&ore:PPoRSysDateTimePick32Px Message is fla&ggedPqx Message &has attachment(s)P9&2F&ind NowP982&StopP9J2 &New SearchPAȀMApply View Segoe UIP Apply the selected View to: P The &currently selected folder P &All of my foldersP0 PF82OKP82Cancelʀ [Combine and Decode Segoe UIP,'SysAnimate32Download AnimationP:P:P:+ msctls_progress32Download ProgressP> PF2CancelD Segoe UIPA  PE Digitally signed by:P" Contents not altered:P0e Signature trusted:P>Secure return receipt requested:P Encrypted contents and attachments:P6 Encrypted using:PU P"2P02P>2P2PSP9 Digital SignatureP) EncryptionP/ PLk Digital ID revocation checked:PL2PZE Revocation status:DPUZ P~D Security label:DPU~PF&View Certificates...PQF&Tell Me More...P ȀView Certificates Segoe UIPS&Add to ContactsPS&Signing Certificate...P&  P SigningPBClick Encryption Certificate to view the Certificate used to encrypt this message.P08 P4) EncryptionPSd P`J Sender's PreferencesPClick Signing Certificate to view the Certificate used to sign this message.P|"Click Sender's Certificate to view the Certificate that is recommended for encrypting messages to the sender.P" Click Add To Contacts to save the sender's encryption preferences to your Windows Contacts.PnRecommended Encryption Algorithm:Po2PCS&Encryption Certificate...P}SSender's &Certificate...P P2CancelP2OKDWindows Mail Segoe UIP;<&Don't EncryptP}<Cancel@P+'8SysListView32Recipient ListP  P+ Windows Mail was unable to locate the digital IDs of the following recipients:P(gYou can choose to send this message without encrypting it, or you can cancel sending this message.Ȁ wHTML Settings Segoe UIP7 MIME message formatP; &Encode text using:!PLa@ComboBoxEx32P-z Allo&w 8-bit characters in headersPDz '&Send pictures with messagesPSa 7In&dent message on replyPdU&Automatically wrap text atP]a%6Pua msctls_updown32PdX characters, when sending.P 2OKP2CancelȀ Plain Text Settings Segoe UIPH Message format P# &MIME P?0 &UuencodeP#; &Encode text using:!PY!a@ComboBoxEx32P1z Allo&w 8-bit characters in headersPXU&Automatically wrap text atP]U%6PuU msctls_updown32PXX characters, when sending.Pk Indent the &original text with '>' when replying or forwarding.P 2OKP2Cancel@@ General Segoe UIP P-P* This folder contains:P-6StaticP% @@ General Segoe UIP P-StaticP* This newsgroup contains:P-6StaticP% Ȑ^International Send Settings Segoe UIP Use the following default encoding for outgoing messages:PC &Default encoding:C!PO@PO$&Set default message direction right-to-leftP3J&When replying to message always use English headersPA PJ2OKPJ2Cancel@@ Local File Segoe UIPF&Remove MessagesPU This will remove all downloaded message bodies.P;F &DeletePV: This will delete all headers and message bodies.P\FIR&esetPVWHThis will delete all headers and message bodies and will reset the folder so that headers will be re-downloaded.ȀCreate Folder Segoe UIP &Folder name:PP$ Select the folder in which to create the new folder:#P2SysTreeView32P2OKP2CancelȀWindows Mail Segoe UIP Select the folder:#PSysTreeView32P2OKP2CancelP)2&New FolderPAȀWindows Mail Segoe UIP?2OKP?2e&Details >>PRfP P'2gDPXJhȀAWindows Mail Segoe UIP-P- P-$P; msctls_progress32Progress1P2&HideP2&StopP,2&Details >>PSysAnimate32Animate1P XJY Hang up when &finishedPZ3P%d of %d tasks have completed successfullyEPt%SSysListView32List1!Pt%RPb3mSysTabControl32Tab1LWindows Mail Segoe UIPE72&AttachmentP72&Read OnlyP#* This document contains HTML frames, which cannot be edited. Would you like to send this document as an attachment or as a read only message? Note: The contents of each frame will be sent as a link.P PA@@ Synchronize Segoe UIP  * P0 &When synchronizing this newsgroup, download: P:%: New &headers P:1 &New messages (headers and bodies) P:>} All &messages (headers and bodies)PI Synchronize settingsȀ>Windows Mail Segoe UIP2OKP2CancelP  P(  &Select the connection you would like to dial:!P(ZP- Set as the &default startup connectionȐZInternational Read Settings Segoe UIPC &Default encoding:XI P0&Use default encoding for all incoming messagesP> PE2OKPE2CancelȐMessage Character Set Conflict Segoe UIP This message contains some text having a character set other than the default character set. When sending this message you have the following options:P$AdSend As &UnicodePR$# The message will be sent as a Unicode message. All character set information will be retained. However, if the recipient's e-mail reader does not support Unicode, the message may not be display correctly.PPA&Send As IsPRP# The message will be sent as a regular e-mail message using only the default character set. Any text not in the default character set may be unreadable by the recipient.P|ACancelPR| Return to editing the message.Ȑ0LWindows Mail Segoe UIP72&WaitP72&StopP)*Your %s server has not responded in %d seconds. Would you like to wait another %d seconds for the server to respond? Account: %s Server: %sP PA@@ Synchronize Segoe UIP  ) P0 &When synchronizing this folder, download: P:%: New &headers P:1 &New messages (headers and bodies) P:>} All &messages (headers and bodies)PI Synchronize settingsȀLayout Segoe UIP BasicP  P .P& You can show or hide parts of Windows Mail to best suit your needs. Check the components below to view them.P&7< g&Folder BarP&(< fFol&der ListPd6< tStat&us BarPd(< vT&oolbarP(< y&Views BarP6< zSearc&h BarP6, uInfo Pa&nePRKr&Customize Toolbar...Ph- Preview PaneP9l Pt 0P&t Use the preview pane to quickly view a message without opening a separate window. P&K hShow &preview pane P/C iBelo&w messages PG jBe&side messagesP/i kShow preview pane h&eaderPAD:Windows Mail Segoe UIP  To send a signed or encrypted message, you must first obtain a digital ID for this accountP"2&Get Digital IDPR"2CancelȀ .Define Views Segoe UIPz These views will be applied to a folder.]PhSysListView32View ListP7&New...P#7&Modify...P57&CopyPG7&RemovePY7&Apply View...P View &Description (click on an underlined value to edit it):P 2View DescriptionP  P7OKP7CancelȀ .View Editor Segoe UIP Select your Conditions then specify the values in the Description.P 1. Select the &Conditions for your view:EP 4SysListView32CriteriaP[ 2. View &Description (click on an underlined value to edit it):Pe 2DescriptionPB 3. &Name of the view:P P  P2OKP2CancelȀ Columns Segoe UIP Check the columns that you would like visible in this view. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reorder the columns however you like. @P'R NSysListView32Column ListP'2!NMove &UpP82"NMove &DownPI2#N&ShowPZ2$N&HidePk2%N&ResetPf The selected column should be P% pixels &wide. Pn&NP Pf2OKP2CancelȀ:Message Rules Segoe UIP2OKP2CancelP,SysTabControl32Rules TabPAȀ .Rule Editor Segoe UIP  Select your Conditions and Actions first, then specify the values in the Description.Pt 1. Select the &Conditions for your rule:EP" ,SysListView32CriteriaPRk 2. Select the &Actions for your rule:EP\ ,SysListView32ActionsP 3. Rule &Description (click on an underlined value to edit it):P 2P? 4. &Name of the rule:P  P  P2OKP2CancelȀMSelect Account Segoe UIP Select the mail account that these messages apply to.P& &Account:!P8t<P2 PB82OKPz82CancelȀGSelect Color Segoe UIP Select the color for your messages.P& &Color:!P6SdP, P!22OKPY22CancelȀRAnd/Or Segoe UIP' Apply rule if: P Messages match &all of the criteria P% Messages match any &one of the criteriaP6 P8>2OKPq>2CancelȀGSet Size Segoe UIP` Set the size for your messagesP' &Larger than: P2+P\ msctls_updown32Size SpinPc  KBP, P842OKPp42CancelȀbSelect People Segoe UIP Type a name or choose from your Windows Contacts. Warning: The forward action does not work on encrypted messages.P! A&ddress:P)P)0C&Contacts...PE PM2OKPM2CancelȀ eStationery Setup Wizard Segoe UIP& &Picture!P"dP{,2B&rowse...P"@" P&osition:!PE>2A!P{>2@P"P" &Tile:!PENh8P` &Color!P"ndPx Preview:P wnAth_ThumbNailȀ eStationery Setup Wizard Segoe UIP &Font:!P> TdP &Size:!P>TdP/ &Color:!P>-TdP>= B&oldPd= &ItalicPx Preview:P wnȀ eStationery Setup Wizard Segoe UIP. &Left Margin: PG ( Pe msctls_updown32Ps pixelsP. &Top Margin:PG( Pe msctls_updown32Ps pixelsPx Preview:P wnAth_ThumbNailDT Segoe UIP}aPreview:P}f]TAth_ThumbNailP}obU&Show preview.P|_P}2&Create New...P2&EditPAȀeStationery Setup Wizard Segoe UIP &Name:P0 } P0} (e.g. My Stationery)Px Preview:P wnAth_ThumbNailȐ Security Label Settings Segoe UIP{2OKP{2CancelP  Select the policy module and classification you wish to use when sending signed messages.P)8 &Policy Module:!PJ)<P</ &Classification:!PI=<PR8 Privacy &Mark:PIQP)2C&onfigureȀ=Stationery Setup Wizard Segoe UIPs(- Stationery is a template for composing HTML messages. You can include a background picture and position, background color, customize the font, and set the margins.Ps  Welcome to the stationery wizard.PAȀJSet Lines Segoe UIP~ Set the count of lines for your messagesP" &More than: P/0P^ msctls_updown32Lines SpinPe LinesP, P852OKPq52CancelȀ Secure Receipt Options Segoe UIP4N Sending Secure ReceiptPq  PP' Request a &secure receipt for all digitally signed messagesP\ Requesting Secure ReceiptsP\7 P&Di &Never send a secure receipt P&Q Ask &me if I would like to send a secure receipt P&_l &Always send a secure receiptP mPz2OKPz2CancelDBSecure Receipt Response Segoe UIP( The message sender has requested a receipt to indicate that you have read this message. Would you like to send a receipt?P <P"-G&Send ReceiptPp-G&Do Not Send Receipt@@   Segoe UIPThese rules will be applied to Mail messages.MPVSysListView32Rules ListP2&New...P$2&Modify...P62&CopyPH2&RemovePZ2&Apply Now...Pl2Move &UpP9l2Move &DownP Ru&le Description (click on an underlined value to edit it):P 2@@   Segoe UIPYou can turn on rules that will prevent Junk Mail messages or messages with Adult Content from filling up your Inbox. The messages that are detected will be moved to the Junk Mail folder.P!h Turn on &Junk Mail detectionP2&Exceptions...P40 Adjust detectorP68 P@P@ Move the slider control below to adjust the settings for the Junk Mail detectors. Catch Less means that some Junk Mail may reach your Inbox. Catch More means that some mail that is not Junk Mail may be filtered out.Pe$Catch LessPDamsctls_trackbar32Slider1Pe&Catch MorePy, Delete settingP2 PP Permanently &delete mail from Junk Mail folder everyP P msctls_updown32Spin1Pday(s).PA@@   Segoe UIP Messages from senders in the list below will automatically be moved to the Deleted Items folder (for Mail messages) and/or not displayed (for Newsgroup messages).MPSysListView32Blocked Senders ListP2&Add...P,2&Modify...P>2&RemovePAȀ #Block Sender Segoe UIP Type the e-mail address (for example, or domain name (for example, that you want to block.P! &Address:P%P3> Block the following: P%A> &Mail messages P%OC &News messages P%]` Ma&il and News messagesPn Pv2OKPv2CancelȀ .Apply Rules Segoe UIP  1. Select &rules to apply:I!PESysListView32P2Select &AllP#2Select &NoneP]  Rule &Description:Pg 2P; Apply to &Folder:PFP2&Browse...PF Include &subfoldersP  P2A&pply NowP2ClosePAȀLWould you like to go offline? Segoe UIPP72d&Work OfflineP72e&Try AgainP  No connection to the Internet is currently available. To view Internet content that has been saved on your computer, click Work Offline.P (} Click Try Again to attempt to connectPADPe! Segoe UIP0Te&xt Options:!P4{9nComboBoxEx32P0Ico&n Options:!P4{9oComboBoxEx32PAȀ wWindows Mail Segoe UIP P+ A program is attempting to send the following e-mail message on your behalf:P" To:P+ P= Subject:P+; P2Ow Would you like to send the message?P4b2&SendPvb2&Do Not SendȀ%Export Messages Segoe UIP Select the mail folders you want to export from Windows Mail.P' Folders P5 &All folders PG &Selected folders: @PZWSysListView32P2OKP2CancelȀ:Import Messages Segoe UIPPP%msctls_progress32@ =CanceleWindows Mail Import Segoe UIP Windows Mail has detected previously installed e-mail software. You can choose to have Windows Mail import your messages, so you can use them with Windows Mail. P Imp&ort from: Pg &Do not import at this timeP+8ȀeWindows Mail Import Segoe UIP You have decided not to import at this time.P If you need to import messages or contacts in the future, you can choose Import from the File menu.PAeWindows Mail Import Segoe UIP &Select the format you want to import e-mail from.P LeWindows Mail Import Segoe UIP It was determined that your messages are stored in the following location. If this is not the correct location or you would like to import from a different location, please select a new folder.P P 2B&rowse...eWindows Mail Import Segoe UIP Select the message folders that you would like to import into Windows Mail. Click 'Next' to perform the import. P &All folders P' &Selected folders: @P!3GSysListView32Folder ListPAȀSelect Communicator User Segoe UIP There are multiple users set up to use Netscape Communicator on this computer. Please select the user whose messages you would like to import.P&H &Select user:P4-P>j2OKPj2CancelȀSelect Microsoft Internet Mail User Segoe UIP There are multiple users set up to use Microsoft Internet Mail on this computer. Please select the user whose messages you would like to import.P&H &Select user:P4-P>j2OKPj2CancelȀ!WMicrosoft Internet Mail Importer Segoe UIP7P 2OKP"2CancelP72&Browse...P The importer was unable to locate the mail.ini file for Microsoft Internet Mail. Please provide the path to this file.eWindows Mail Import Segoe UIP P$ If you need to import messages or contacts in the future, you can choose Import from the File menu.PAD;Receipts Segoe UIP[ Requesting Read ReceiptsPa  CPP&* &Request a read receipt for all sent messagesPAQ Returning Read ReceiptsP\E CPQ|P& Use this option to verify when a message has been read by the recipient. P&Pb &Never send a read receipt P&_ N&otify me for each read receipt request P&ne Al&ways send a read receipt$P3{Unless it is sent to a &mailing list and my name is not on the To or Cc lines of the messageP6Secure ReceiptsPFPT&Secure Receipts...P&Secure receipts allow to you verify that a digitally signed message was free of security errors and displayed on the recipient's computer.CPeWindows Mail Import Segoe UIP Windows Mail was unable to import all of your messages.P Your hard disk may not have enough space for all of the imported messages, or some imported messages may be corrupted. Run Disk Cleanup or delete some files, then try to import your messages again.PAeWindows Mail Import Segoe UIP Windows Mail was unable to import all of your messages.P The messages import operation has been cancelled.PAȀMSelect Community Post Type Segoe UIP Select the post type for your messagesP& &Post Type:!P8t<P2 PB82OKPz82CancelȀ22.NET Passport Sign-In Segoe UIPAȀ,PWindows Mail Setup Segoe UIP02CancelP5 msctls_progress32ProgressPC 8SysLink<A>What happened to Outlook Express?</A>PWindows Mail is transferring your email accounts and messages from Outlook Express.P6P<7JIdentity Import Segoe UIP  Import/Delete Your Identities P Import Identities PK 9Import Identities from a different Windows account P Delete IdentitiesP/P,.PY:JIdentity Import Segoe UIP, P3d!SysListView32$Identity Migration Wizard Segoe UIP,2;SysLink$Identity Migration Wizard Segoe UIP )P22-JIdentity Import Segoe UIPP0Px*Don't show this againPd+SysLink<A>What are Identities?</A>PAeWindows Mail Export Segoe UIP &Select the format you want to export e-mail to.P LeWindows Mail Export Segoe UIP Please select a folder to store the exported messages:P P 2B&rowse...eWindows Mail Export Segoe UIP Select the message folders that you would like to export to Windows Mail. Click 'Next' to perform the export. P &All folders P' &Selected folders: @P!3GSysListView32Folder ListPAeWindows Mail Export Segoe UIP P$ ȀAWindows Mail Communities Segoe UIP  P; Some errors occurred while processing tasks for communities newsgroups. Please review the list of errors for more details.P2&Close!P-3eWindows Mail Export Segoe UIPWindows Mail was unable to export all of your messages.P Your disk may not have enough space for all of the exported messages, or some of the messages you re exporting may be corrupted. Run Disk Cleanup or delete some files, then try to export your messages again.PAeWindows Mail Export Segoe UIPWindows Mail was unable to export all of your messages.P The messages export operation has been cancelled.PAȀ3QFind Segoe UIP  &Look for:!P+KP+ &Search all the text in downloaded messagesP2&Find NextP+& (The find results will be highlighted in the folder.)P4% P<;&Advanced Find...P<2ClosePAȀ Import From Windows Mail 7 Segoe UI P Import mail from Windows Mail 7P(J  Py Import mail from a Windows Mail 7 store &directory P &Only import mail that was downloaded or created in Windows Mail 7. If you are importing mail into OE4, this option can be used to avoid getting duplicate messages.P2OKP2CancelP5 Import OptionsP5 Specify LocationP7 PA  Ȁ Import From Outlook Express 6 Segoe UI P Import mail from an OE6 &IdentityP(J  Py Import mail from an OE6 store &directoryP2OKP2CancelP5 Specify LocationPA  6Contains commands for working with the selected items.+Contains commands for working with folders.%Contains commands for importing data.%Contains commands for exporting data.!Create, modify, and remove users.-Contains commands for creating editing items.8Contains commands for finding messages, people and text.(Contains commands for changing the view.DContains commands for filtering the display of messages in the view.&Arranges messages in the message list.0Contains commands for going to the next message.-Contains commands for changing the text size.!Contains commands for navigating.(Contains commands relating to a message.PA)Creates a new message using a stationery.(Contains commands for creating new itemsKContains commands that mark messages to be downloaded upon synchronization.@Contains command to assist you while working with mail and news.5Contains options for sending and retrieving messages.<Contains commands for adding contact cards to your Contacts.#Contains commands for getting help.7Contains commands for inserting items into the message.6Contains commands for formatting items in the message.5Contains commands to set the priority of the message.@Contains commands to set the style tag to the current selection.-Changes the alignment of selected characters.>Contains commands for defining and viewing rules for messages.@Contains a list of accounts that you can set up in Windows Mail.PA@Contains commands for setting the language encoding of messages.@Contains commands for setting the language encoding of messages.4Contains list of stationery to apply to the message.,Changes the background color of the message.=Contains commands to configure the background of the message..Contains commands for configuring the toolbar.5Allows you to sign up for a brand new e-mail account.*Contains options for managing junk e-mail.Opens the selected messages.&Saves the selected messages to a file.4Saves attachments from the selected message to disk.)Saves the selected message as stationery.Imports Addresses.+Imports Messages from other e-mail clients.:Imports e-mail account settings from other e-mail clients.=Imports news account settings from other news reader clients.Exports Addresses.Exports messages.Print the selected message.YPrevents Windows Mail from attempting to establish an Internet connection while you work.*Displays properties for the selected item.Closes Windows Mail.>Copies the source from the selected messages to the clipboard.Selects all items or text.%Copies selected messages to a folder.$Moves selected messages to a folder.PADeletes the selected messages. Undeletes the selected messages.APermanently deletes messages located in the Deleted Items folder._Permanently removes messages marked for deletion in the selected folder from your IMAP account."Finds messages across all folders.Finds messages in this folder.1Finds people in your Contacts or on the Internet."Finds text in the current message.CSorts the messages according to the text color in the message list.-Sorts the selected column in ascending order..Sorts the selected column in descending order.PA4Configures the columns displayed in the folder list.Views the previous message.Views the next message.Views the next unread message.+Views the next unread message conversation.%Views the next unread message folder.%Expands view to see grouped messages.'Collapses view to hide grouped messages0Changes the font size to the smallest available.Changes to a small font.Changes to a medium font.Changes the font size to large./Changes the font size to the largest available.Stops the download in progress.-Gets messages not downloaded from the server.Goes Up one level.PA%Allows you to pick a folder to go to.Goes to the selected item.Displays the Inbox folder.Goes to your news server.Displays the Outbox folder.Displays the Sent Items folder.Displays the Drafts folder.Creates a new message.Creates a new e-mail message.)Creates a message to reply to the sender.>Creates a message to reply to everyone on the To and CC lines.,Creates a message to reply to the newsgroup.0Enables you to edit the HTML source of messages.(Creates a message to forward to someone.+Unmarks the selected messages for download.Mark message for follow up.)Marks the selected messages for download.UMarks the selected messages and the ones associated in the conversation for download.@Marks all messages in selected newsgroup or folder for download.$Marks the selected messages as read.&Marks the selected messages as unread.(Marks the selected conversation as read.;Marks all messages in selected newsgroup or folder as read.XMarks all messages in selected newsgroup as read, including messages not yet downloaded.!Unscrambles the selected message.PA=Combines the selected messages and decodes their attachments.DChecks for new messages, and sends e-mail messages from your Outbox.Checks for new messages.'Sends e-mail messages from your Outbox.1Gets the most current data for the selected item.%Prepare Windows Mail for use offline.:Downloads the specified number of headers from the server.Opens Contacts.:Adds the sender of the selected messages to your Contacts.GAdds everyone on the To line of the selected messages to your Contacts.Configures your accounts. Allows you to configure options.Displays help topics.8Gets help and other product information on the Internet.1Find answers to your questions in the newsgroups.PASends the message.6Puts message in the outbox to be sent at a later time.<Displays program information, version number, and copyright.(Saves the message to your drafts folder.Closes the window.Undoes the last action.9Removes the selected text and copies it to the clipboard.=Inserts the text from the clipboard to the selected location.3Shows or hides header information for this message.Shows or hides the status bar.&Shows or hides the formatting toolbar.DChanges the font and character spacing formats of the selected text.9Inserts Files to include as an attachment to the message.(Inserts the text from the selected file.#Inserts a picture into the message.0Inserts your contact information to the message.+Inserts a horizontal line into the message.8Contains a list of signatures you can add to the message)Sets the priority of the message to high.+Sets the priority of the message to normal.(Sets the priority of the message to low.'Left justifies the text in the message.)Centers the selected text in the message.(Right justifies the text in the message.'Sets numbers to the selected paragraph.'Sets bullets to the selected paragraph./Increases the indent of the selected paragraph./Decreases the indent of the selected paragraph.9Allows you to select a background picture to the message.7Allows you to select a background sound to the message.7Allows you to select a background color to the message.*Changes the format of the message to HTML.&Sets the message to plain text format.Encrypts the message.:Modifies the selected text to associate it as a hyperlink.=Sends the pictures, sounds, and other items with the message.!Checks the spelling in a message.AChecks the addresses with the enabled Directory Service Accounts.3Brings up Contacts so you can select contact cards./Saves all addresses on the To list to Contacts.!Cancels the drag and drop action.1Sends an instant message to the selected contact.6Allows you to add a new contact card to your Contacts.OContains options for adding people from the selected messages to your Contacts.PA>Opens the attachment with a registered quick view application.;Allows you to save all of the attachments with the message.GAllows you to add, remove, and change the order of the toolbar buttons.8Moves the toolbar to the top of the Windows Mail Window.9Moves the toolbar to the left of the Windows Mail Window.;Moves the toolbar to the bottom of the Windows Mail Window.:Moves the toolbar to the right of the Windows Mail Window.6Displays security properties for the selected message.Views the Digital ID.Allows you to edit the trust.;Provides information about secure messages in Windows Mail.4Moves the selected folder to the specified location.6Creates a shortcut in the currently selected location.6Removes the selected account from the Account Manager./Makes the selected account the default account.Renames the selected folder.*Creates a new Folder in the selected node.CDownloads the message body of the selected message from the server.>Removes the selected message posted by you from the newsgroup.<Prevent messages from selected sender from being downloaded.LToggles the ability to view your messages without opening a separate window./Places the preview pane below the message list.0Places the preview pane beside the message list.JToggles the ability to see message header information in the preview pane.9Signs the message digitally to send the message securely.+Applies selected stationery to the message.9Invites the selected contact to use Microsoft NetMeeting.PAHAllows you to specify which newsgroups to subscribe or unsubscribe from.=Allows you to manage which IMAP folders are shown and hidden.,Create a rule based on the selected message.Shows or hides the folder list.NShows or hides the ability to read messages without opening a separate window.4Adds additional items as attachments to the message.1Removes the selected attachment from the message.0Takes to Hotmail's site to set up a new account./Creates a new message without using stationery.5Creates an instant message to the selected recipient.?Synchronizes all messages for the selected folder or newsgroup.BSynchronizes all new headers for the selected folder or newsgroup.CSynchronizes all new messages for the selected folder or newsgroup.,Unmarks the selected messages for retrieval.PA2Subscribes or Unsubscribes the selected newsgroup.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.3Creates a new message with the selected stationery.9Choose a different stationery from the ones listed above.APerform a synchronize using the settings you specified last time.;Show when new messages arrive in the selected conversation.Ignore the selected thread.1Allows you to select newsgroups for this message.PA9Opens the folder where the selected message is contained.1Sends this message to the recipients immediately.:Modifies the selected text to associate it as a hyperlink.Removes the selected hyperlink.1Selects other stationery to apply to the message.*Applies a blank stationery to the message.Deletes the selected folder.!Create rules for e-mail messages.Create rules for News messages.8Block messages from Junk Mail and Adult content senders.-View and modify your list of blocked senders.PADChanges the alignment and adds/removes bullets to the selected text.7Allows you to customize the Windows Mail window layout.Creates a new News account.Creates a new Mail account.,Changes document direction to left-to-right.,Changes document direction to right-to-left.PA3Creates a new message based upon a saved HTML file.Creates a new Mail Message.Creates a new News Message.Shows or hides the toolbar.;Toggles a plaintext message from appearing in a fixed font.Saves the message to a file.)Saves attachments in the message to disk. Saves the message as stationery.Moves the message to a folder.Copies the message to a folder.Deletes this message.(Displays the properties for the message.*Copies the selected text to the clipboard.Finds messages in this folder.9Creates a message with current message(s) as attachments.PAShows blocked images.Shows message in HTML format.1Sign in with your Windows Live ID identification.PA&Performs full-text search of messages.NPrevents the sender s messages from being marked as junk e-mail in the future.ZPrevents messages from the sender's domain from being marked as junk e-mail in the future.'Blocks future messages from the sender.0Blocks future messages from the sender's domain.:Marks this message to indicate that it is not junk e-mail.,Allows you to configure junk e-mail options.PA5Unblocks images and links in the selected message(s).PA Write MessagePrintNext Unread FolderNext Unread MessageNext Unread Conversation Mark as ReadConnectMark for OfflineFind New MessageReply to GroupForwardReply to Sender Reply All Go to InboxSend and Receive AllUndoSendCut&CopyPAPaste Check NamesSelect RecipientsAttach File To MessagePreviousNextPAPostMark Conversation as ReadInsert SignatureContactsDigitally sign messagePAEncrypt messageEncoding Folder ListSynchro&nize Newsgroup Send MessageRefreshPurge Messages Set PrioritySpelling Toggle BccSynchro&nize AccountPAMark as Not Junk4Shows all messages in the currently selected folder.5Hides read messages in the currently selected folder.@Shows only downloaded messages in the currently selected folder.@Hides read or ignored messages in the currently selected folder.PA)Allows you to customize the current view.&Allows you to create and modify views.CShows only replies to my messages in the currently selected folder.7Show deleted messages in the currently selected folder.'Arranges messages according to subject.@Displays newsgroup question threads that have not been answered.9Displays newsgroup threads with at least one useful post.PA Windows Mail Windows MailToFromSubjectReceivedSentSizeFrom:To:Cc:Subject:Contacts Post News7Do you want to send this reply to the entire newsgroup?DefaultBlackMaroonGreenOliveNavyPAPurpleTealGraySilverRedLimeYellowBlueFuchsiaAquaWhiteJYour post is being sent to the news server. It may not appear immediately.rWhen you post a news message, it will be placed in your 'Outbox' folder ready to be sent the next time you update. NewsgroupsPA Description Saved Message Send MailWhen you send an e-mail message, it will be placed in your 'Outbox' folder ready to be sent the next time you choose the 'Send and Receive' command.3The message has been saved in your 'Drafts' folder.oYour cancellation request has been sent to the news server. The canceled message may not disappear immediately."< click here to enter recipients >.< click here to enter carbon copy recipients >#< click here to enter the subject >none (No Subject)Select recipients from a list)Select carbon copy recipients from a list!Type the subject for this message9Type recipients' names, separated by semicolons or commasPost News Message,Do you want to save changes to this message?Cannot save this message.&Don't show me this again.&Don't ask me this again. Newsgroups:"< click here to enter newsgroups >Date:PASetting folder(s) as shown...Setting folder(s) as hidden...(Are you sure that you want to hide '%s'?4Are you sure that you want to unsubscribe from '%s'?8Are you sure that you want to hide the selected folders?GAre you sure that you want to unsubscribe from the selected newsgroups?e<P ALIGN=center STYLE="font:icon">There was an <FONT COLOR=red>error</FONT> opening this message.</P>ESome of the attachments failed to display correctly for this message. New MessageAttach:Save Attachment As%Insert the attachment for the messagePASender Unspecified&Type the newsgroup(s) for this messageRetrieving MessagesDownloading the requested news message from the server. This may take a few minutes if you have a slow connection.FNo sender was specified. Please check your News Account configuration.&Downloading newsgroups: %d received...2Downloading newsgroup descriptions: %d received... <Unknown> &Details >> << &DetailsAttachment (*.*)|*.*||Reply to SenderForwardReply to Sender Reply to AllemlnwsSave Message AsUnable to save the message.!Requesting message from server...Retrieving message... (%s) Headers Downloaded: %lu (of %lu)Retrieving message... (%d%%)%lu Message(s) Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network or modem problems, or a long period of inactivity. To reconnect, reestablish any modem connection if necessary, then choose Connect on the File menu.This could be because your username and password are incorrect, or because a username and password are not required. Check that your username and password are correct. Or, try removing your username and password.Clos&eSpellingRe&peated Word:Ca&pitalization:Not In Dictionar&y:(no suggestions)&Delete Delete A&ll&Change Change A&llThe spelling check is complete.PAaFinished checking the selection. Do you want to continue checking the remainder of the document?The Change To box contains a word that is not found in the main or custom dictionaries. Do you want to use this word and continue checking?IThe spell check on this document was halted. Do you want to send anyway?$Searching for available languages...7An error occurred while the spelling was being checked.hThe spelling checker could not be started. Some components are either missing or incorrectly configured.The spelling checker could not be started. Some components are either missing or incorrectly configured in your WIN.INI file. See your administrator.sThe spelling checker you have installed is not compatible with this version of the program. See your administrator.%No custom dictionary has been opened.^The custom dictionary was opened with read-only permission. Any changes to it cannot be saved.OThe word you are trying to use is too long. The dictionary cannot implement it.Re: Fw: zYou have changed the language used for spelling. This change will not take affect until the next time you check spelling.YChanges you make to the dictionary may not appear until the next time you check spelling.Your spelling dictionary is currently being used by another program, such as a virus scanner. Close the program or wait for it to complete its operation and then try again.nThis language is no longer available for spell checking. Please select another in the spelling options dialog.InboxOutbox Sent ItemsPA Deleted ItemsDraftsOffline Errors Junk E-mailMSN AnnouncementsText Files (*.txt)|*.txt||All Files (*.*)|*.*||Insert AttachmentRYou cannot drop directories here. Would you like to make shortcuts to directories?9Please confirm that you wish to remove these attachments.UAre you sure you want to permanently delete the contents of the 'Junk E-mail' folder?ySome of the messages are in your 'Deleted Items' folder. Do you want to continue and permanently delete these message(s)? The folder could not be created. The folder could not be renamed.`Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected folders? This action cannot be undone._Are you sure you want to permanently delete the '%.260s' folder? This action cannot be undone./This is a special folder and cannot be renamed.%A folder by this name already exists.2A folder name must contain at least one character./This is a special folder and cannot be deleted.WAre you sure you want to permanently delete the contents of the 'Deleted Items' folder?=Are you sure you want to permanently delete these message(s)?ZAre you sure you want to delete the '%s' folder and move it to the 'Deleted Items' folder?aAre you sure you want to delete the selected folders and move them to the 'Deleted Items' folder?!Do you want to save your changes?%d message(s), %d unread %d message(s)PA1You must specify some recipients for the message.kWindows Mail is going to migrate your store from the Beta 2 format. This will remove the messages.ods file.SecurityGeneralDetails9An error occurred replying to or forwarding this message.PA Show only &subscribed newsgroups(The newsgroup '%s' could not be resolved (No subject)kThe specified Windows Mail Mail Action could not be completed. Please check the syntax of the command line.kThe specified Windows Mail News Action could not be completed. Please check the syntax of the command line. RecipientPA&There are no new newsgroups available.8There are new newsgroups. Do you want to view them now??Neither the subject field nor the newsgroup field can be blank.Mail (*.eml)|*.eml||News (*.nws)|*.nws||Base 64Quoted Printable.Please enter a time between 1 and 480 minutes.)Please enter the text for your signature.VPlease enter the name of your signature file. The file should be a text or HTML file.Options_Warning: Your signature file is too large. It has been truncated, please make the file smaller.Warning: The signature file specified does not exist. This signature has been removed. This may also affect other signature settings.Warning: The signature file specified is not a valid text-file. This signature has been removed. This may also affect other signature settings.FYou have unsent messages in your Outbox. Do you want to send them now?9Are you sure you want to remove %s from your server list?TPlease enter a time between 0 and 60 seconds for marking previewed messages as read.BPlease enter a number between 50 and 1000 for downloading headers.Sending mail...Receiving mail... Connecting...No new messages%d new message(s)Checking mail...(None)(Under Composition)*Sorts the current view by the '%s' column.You have chosen to change the character set of this message. Do you want to use the character set: '%1' for all messages having the character set: '%2' in the message header?BWould you like to download folders from the mail server you added?FWould you like to download newsgroups from the news account you added?NoneAuthorizing... Rename Folder SubscribedAllNewFileVersion Followup-To: Reply-To: Organization: Distribution: Keywords: Approved: Full Path NewsgroupsUnable to open the Contacts.'< click here to specify a Followup-To >(< click here to specify a Distribution >"< click here to specify Keywords >,< click here to specify a Reply-To address >< Not Specified >"The message could not be canceled.7Please enter a number of characters between 30 and 132.PA&Message recipients:XAn error occurred. Windows Mail could not add one or more of the recipients to Contacts.*Could not get properties for this address.OSome of the recipients for this message are not valid. Please verify the names.!The message could not be deleted.Unable to choose recipients.!This is already in your contacts.Control:(Enter control messages to send to server;Please use the Accounts command to configure a news server.3Could not add this sender's digital ID to Contacts.PANOpening all selected messages could take a few minutes. Select OK to continue.[One or more newsgroup names could not be verified. Do you want to post this message anyway?WAre you sure you want to reset and delete all locally cached messages from all folders?`Are you sure you want to reset and delete all locally cached messages from all folders for '%s'?WAre you sure you want to reset and delete all locally cached messages from folder '%s'?Migrating Messages.odsPAThe message could not be sent.+The selected messages could not be deleted.The message import has failed.BThe file oeimport.dll (or one of its components) cannot be loaded.`<P ALIGN=center STYLE="font:icon">The selected message is no longer available on the server.</P>BackPAForward EncryptionPADChoose which newsgroup(s) should be used for replies to this message4Specify how widely this message should be propagated3Type keywords for this message, separated by commasJChoose the e-mail address to be used when replying to this message by mail@Authorize this message for moderated newsgroups (moderator only)4Choose the newsgroup(s) for this message from a listPA:Some of the items in the '%s' folder could not be deleted.(Another process is accessing the folder.An error has occurred.&Cc:iThe Reply-To field cannot contain more than one return address. Please correct the problem and try again. Reply-&To:jThis message has no subject. Some news servers reject messages with no subjects. Select OK to send anyway.6This message has no subject. Select OK to send anyway.WPlease enter a value between 1 and 999 for the number of days before deleting messages. %s (%d%%)@A folder with that name already exists. Please use another name.rPlease enter a value between 1 and 999 for the number of times to run Windows Mail before compacting the database.This folder can t be created because the combined length of the names of the folder and its parent folders exceeds the maximum number of characters. Choose a shorter name and try again.Delete?Microsoft Exchange (or one of its components) cannot be loaded.jYou have chosen an invalid date range. Make sure that the "Before" date is earlier than the "After" date.PA?You've selected too many newsgroups. Please shorten your list.%1 - %2 Compacting...SAre you sure you want to delete all locally cached message bodies from folder '%s'?\Are you sure you want to delete all locally cached message bodies from all folders for '%s'?SAre you sure you want to delete all locally cached message bodies from all folders?MAre you sure you want to delete all locally cached messages from folder '%s'? Not ConnectedReconnecting...Finding host... Found host Connecting... Connected Securing...Bcc:4< click here to enter blind carbon copy recipients >/Select blind carbon copy recipients from a listThere is not enough memory.There is not enough disk space.The message export has failed.Cleaning Up...ISome of the recipients for this message no longer exist in your Contacts.Save AsCancel MessageMark All as Read Mark Unread Go to OutboxHelpPosting message: %d of %dDownloading message: %sGetting line %d of %dPAGo to Sent Items Mark ReadPA105Combining the messages100Dial-Up Networking cannot be initialized. Please go to 'Dial-Up Networking' and make sure your connections are configured properly.Unable to establish Dial-Up Network connection. Please go to 'Dial-Up Networking' and make sure your connections are configured properly.uUnable to locate the desired server on the current Dial-Up Network connection. Please check your Connection settings.Dial-Up Networking ErrorPAUnable to get the Dial-Up Network information needed to dial '%s'. Please check the properties for this connection in the 'Dial-Up Networking' settings.LowHighNormalRWarning: Using default mail account to sign this news post. Select OK to continue.Warning: By changing the formatting of this message from HTML to plain text, you will lose any current formatting in the message. Select OK to continue.Move ToCopy ToHang UpDPlease select a folder where Windows Mail should keep your messages.An unknown error occurred while establishing a Dial-Up Network connection. Please go to 'Dial-Up Networking' and make sure your connections are configured properly. Dialing..."Verifying username and password...ErrorAuthenticated.Opening communication port...4The communication port has been opened successfully.%Connecting to device: %s, Type: %s..."Connected to device: %s, Type: %s.Authenticate notification - %dRetrying authentication...9The remote access server has requested a callback number.?The client has requested to change the password on the account.#The projection phase is starting.../The link-speed calculation phase is starting...0An authentication request is being acknowledged.5The client has successfully completed authentication.<The line is about to disconnect in preparation for callback.cThe client is delaying in order to give the modem time to reset itself in preparation for callback.IThe client is waiting for an incoming call from the remote access server.Projection complete.Connection complete.Disconnected (failed)Unable to save the information for the Dial-Up connection. Please check the properties for this connection in the 'Dial-Up Networking' settings.2All communication devices are connected and ready. <Default>GThe folder, '%s', could not be cleaned up. %s (File: %s, Error: 0x%08X)IThe folder is currently in use by Windows Mail or by another application.VAre you sure you want to delete all locally cached messages from all folders for '%s'?MAre you sure you want to delete all locally cached messages from all folders?Welcome to Windows MailPAFinishing current message...y<P ALIGN=center STYLE="font:icon">This message is not cached. Please connect to your server to download the message.</P>Stop the current operationSecurity WarningStopPosting messages to %s4There was an error migrating your messages.ods file.PAxThere is not enough disk space to migrate your messages.ods file. You need to free up %s in the following directory: %s.,, and DecodeSynchronize AllGet Next Headers UnscrambleNot all of the messages needed to assemble this message are downloaded from the server. Please connect to your server and try again.Many other news readers cannot display HTML messages. If you are posting to a widely read newsgroup, it is recommended that you use plain text. Select OK to send HTML anyway.+Would you like to disconnect from '%s' now?Received lines: %d 6One or more links to pictures could not be downloaded.WThis message could not be saved. One or more links to pictures could not be downloaded.OK&Yes&NoCancelPAw<P ALIGN=center STYLE="font:icon">The selected message could not be retrieved because the download was interrupted.</P>PAYou have new e-mail+%d message(s), %d unread, %d not downloaded&Get Next %d Headers<P ALIGN=center STYLE="font:icon">Windows Mail could not display the requested message because there is not enough available space on your drive to cache the message.</P>&To:Fr&om:FolderinKBFr&omPA&To Forw&ard To&CCNameUnreadNew Last Updated Wasted SpaceTotalOSome of the files could not be found, and could not be attached to the message.4The information for this newsgroup is not available.1The information for this folder is not available.0Conversion of Windows Contacts to VCards failed.%d messages, %d unread.Tip of the Day!Next Tip &To or CC%<click here to enter control headers>&<click here to enter approved headers>Would you like to convert the Windows Contact attachment(s) to vCard(s)? vCards are recognized by most applications, but contain less information than Windows Contact files.PA"Unable to open your Outbox Folder.Connecting to '%s'...Receiving message %ld of %ld...Account:Server: User name: Protocol:Port: Secure(SSL): Error Number:Code:PAConfiguration:\Unable to access information about previously downloaded messages. You may be low on memory.Your mail server does not allow you to leave your e-mail on it. This option will be turned off, and your e-mail will be deleted off the server the next time you download e-mail from it.PAAccountS&end Message UsingAlt+S (Default) ConnectionLocal Area Network Using dialer S&end MessageeYou do not have any accounts configured for sending e-mail. Please verify your account configuration.1Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' Account?All Accounts Ctrl+MSounds (*.wav)|*.wav|| Security:Combining partial messages...MNews (*.nws)|*.nws|Mail (*.eml)|*.eml|HTML (*.htm)|*.htm|Text (*.txt)|*.txt||Copy(Copy the item(s) to the selected folder:Move(Move the item(s) to the selected folder:The folder could not be moved.4A folder cannot be moved into one of its subfolders.+The following URL could not be executed: %s9One or more parts of this message could not be displayed.;You cannot move special folders such as Inbox, Outbox, etc.BThe operation could not be completed. RICHED32.DLL failed to load.Contacts failed to load.Contacts could not be launched.5The body direction could not be set to right-to-left.4A folder cannot be moved from one server to another.System Default (Unknown)1Are you sure you want to delete these %d folders?+Downloading list of folders: %d received...Lines New Folder IMAP LogonPA8101214182436rSecure Password Authentication could not be started. Some components are either missing or incorrectly configured.SYou could not be logged on to the mail server using Secure Password Authentication.YesNo-bitMaybeChecking '%s' for new messages.ZThis message has not completed downloading. It cannot be saved until download is complete.`An error occurred trying to initialize internal data for the newsgroup '%s' on the account '%s'.CThis message has not been fully displayed. Send the message anyway?#Downloading all messages from '%s'.PAtOne or more problems occurred downloading your list of folders from your account. The folder list may be inaccurate.GYour folder could not be created: the IMAP server refused to create it.Your folder was created, but could not be listed. The server may be treating some characters in your folder name inconsistently (such as '/'), or the LIST command may have failed.0Your folder was created, but could not be shown.Your IMAP command could not be sent to the server, due to non-network errors. This could, for example, indicate a lack of memory on your system.IMAP Server Alert7Your IMAP server wishes to alert you to the following: IMAP Server Parse Error2Your IMAP server has encountered a parsing error: PA~An error occurred while attempting to delete messages from the local cache which have already been deleted on the IMAP server.|Could not select '%.200s' on the IMAP server. You might try refreshing your folder list to synchronize with the IMAP server.5Could not download new messages from the IMAP server.<Could not synchronize cached message flags with IMAP server.aThe newsgroup '%s' is blocked by your news server. Please remove '%s' from your newsgroups line.\Posting is not allowed to the newsgroup '%s'. Please remove '%s' from your newsgroups line.lThis IMAP server might not support hierarchical folders. Try using a blank Root Folder Path for this server.Your specified Root Folder Path of '%.450s' could neither be found nor created. Please verify that your Root Folder Path is correct, and that your IMAP account is properly configured.All...The command failed to execute.Your folder could not be deleted: the IMAP server refused to delete it. If the folder no longer exists, you should refresh your folder list for this IMAP server.IYour folder was successfully deleted from the server, but it still shown.PAWYour message could not be uploaded to the IMAP server. The server refused to accept it.&Bcc:(There was an error opening this message.:The selected message is no longer available on the server.>The selected messages could not be copied to the destination. Microsoft Windows MailDownloading message %lu of %lu7A message could not be downloaded from the IMAP server.;A message body could not be retrieved from the IMAP server.Digitally signed and verified- signature invalid- signature unverifiable; Encrypted  for an unknown digital ID-An error occurred switching to this language.RYou cannot send digitally signed messages because you do not have any digital IDs.HYour folder could not be renamed. Your IMAP server refused to rename it.Your folder was successfully renamed, but there was a problem updating the local cache to reflect this. Try refreshing your folder list for this IMAP server.eYour folder was successfully renamed, but the new folder name (or its subfolders) could not be shown.aYour folder was successfully renamed, but the old folder name (or its subfolders) is still shown.Your folder was successfully renamed, but its subfolders could not be renamed. You should refresh your folder list for this IMAP server.(empty)A file required to store your IMAP messages locally could not be accessed. We may be out of synchronization with the IMAP server.- signing digital ID is distrustedsigning digital ID is expired, *Access to your digital ID has been denied.sender/signer mismatch&More$This command is not yet implemented.Not Yet Implemented*there are problems with signing digital ID]The Mime Database appears to be missing some information. You cannot switch to this ID is missingdigital ID is expireddigital ID is not trusteddigital ID is not trusteddigital ID is revokedyou don't trust this digital IDdigital ID is invaliddigital ID is bad no digital ID unknown errorPAqThere was a problem switching folders, possibly because the folder was busy. Please wait a moment and try again. Windows MailPADisconnecting...You do not have a digital ID. If you send this message, it will be sent properly, but you will not be able to read it in your sent items folder. Send anyway?OYour digital ID is invalid for this operation. It does not have a private key.You have not chosen the default digital ID for sending digitally signed messages. From the Tools menu, choose Accounts. Go to the account with which you are trying to send this message and select a digital ID to use.]Your digital ID is not listed among those that can decrypt this message. You cannot read it..Displays the message in the selected language.IThe account name '%s' is already being used. Please choose another name.(There was an error renaming the account.!signing digital ID is not trusteddAn unknown response was received in response to a request for information from the news server '%s'.RWindows Mail was unable to retrieve a list of new newsgroups from the server '%s'.VWindows Mail was unable to retrieve a list of newsgroups available on the server '%s'.MWindows Mail was unable to retrieve a list of messages in the newsgroup '%s'.KWindows Mail was unable to switch to the newsgroup '%s' on the server '%s'.=The newsgroup '%s' was not available on the news server '%s'.Windows Mail was unable to retrieve the requested message. It's possible the message has expired or was removed from the server.Windows Mail was unable to retrieve header information for the requested message. It's possible the message has expired or was removed from the server.Windows Mail was unable to retrieve the body for the requested message. It's possible the message has expired or was removed from the server.BThere was an error trying to post your message to the server '%s'.;There are no more messages available in the newsgroup '%s'.JWindows Mail was unable to retrieve the current date from the server '%s'.LWindows Mail was unable to retrieve all the headers from the newsgroup '%s'.OWindows Mail was unable to retrieve header information from the newsgroup '%s'.Server Response:Favorites from Windows Mail$Unable to add this link to FavoritesFUnable to send this web page, the URL of the web page might be invalidSigner: Sender: TasksErrorsStatus2There was an error trying to find the server '%s'.&Sets the format to the selected style.`<P>This document contains frames, which cannot be edited. The original document is attached.</P>PA3You must specify one or more newsgroups to post to.Upload %d messages to %s. Executing CompletedFailedPThere was an error trying to build the list of newsgroups to check for messages.Check for new messages on '%s'#Please choose a name from Contacts.UnknownIAn error occurred while establishing the Dial-Up Network connection '%s'..This name could not be found in your Contacts.FUnable to attach business card to message. Do you want to send anyway?)Windows Mail could not post your message.%Your message was successfully posted.Download new headers from '%s'2Download new headers and marked messages from '%s'Download new messages from '%s'*Download new and marked messages from '%s'Download all messages from '%s'"Download marked messages from '%s'tSome errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details.0The requested tasks were completed successfully.Warnings|Windows Mail could not download the requested message. It is likely that the message was removed or expired from the server.Forward MessagePriority Attachment Server Error: Socket Error:8A time-out occurred while communicating with the server.'The operation was canceled by the user.'The Account is not properly configured.>A TCP/IP error occurred while trying to connect to the server.MA TCP/IP initialization error occurred while trying to connect to the server.@A TCP/IP error occurred while trying to send data to the server.EA TCP/IP error occurred while trying to receive data from the server.@The TCP/IP connection was unexpectedly terminated by the server.!An error occurred loading TCP/IP.HAn error occurred loading the Secure Password Authentication components.iThe server you are connected to is using a security certificate that does not match its Internet address.fThe server you are connected to is using a security certificate which has expired or is not yet valid.!An unknown TCP/IP error occurred.The server could not be found.PACUnable to logon to the server using Secure Password Authentication. Unable to connect to the server."The SMTP server returned an error.3An unknown error was returned from the SMTP server.BAn attempt to allocate memory failed. The system is out of memory.An unknown error has occurred.The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider. The rejected e-mail address was '%s'.OThe message could not be sent because it could not be split into smaller parts.7The message could not be opened from out Outbox folder.>The message could not be sent because there are no recipients.9The message could not be sent because there is no sender.The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider. The rejected e-mail address was '%s'.Send %ld message(s) using '%s'.Check for new messages on '%s'.Sending message %ld of %ld.../Sending message %ld of %ld (Part %ld of %ld)...Sending mail using '%s'...$Checking for new messages on '%s'...)Receiving list of messages from server...Deleting message %ld of %ld...+Building list of new messages %ld of %ld... Building list of new messages....Applying server side Inbox Rules %ld of %ld...#The server responded with an error.OThere was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your User Name was rejected.NThere was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was rejected.The news server '%s' rejected your user name and password. This could be because your username and password are incorrect or because a username and password are not required.CanceledChecking News...Sending Posts...Retrieving Posts...PAMoving message %ld of %ld...4Move sent message(s) to 'Sent Items' folder on '%s'.Message has been tampered with#Digital signature cannot be checked.You do <I>not</I> trust the signing digital ID`You have not yet made a decision about whether to trust the digital ID used to sign this message>The digital ID's e-mail address does <I>not</I> match sender'sThe digital ID has been revoked,There are other problems with the digital ID The digital ID <I>is</I> expired"Message has not been tampered withbYou cannot encrypt this message because the digital ID(s) for one or more recipients is not valid.#You do trust the signing digital ID`You cannot encrypt this message because the digital ID(s) for one or more recipients is missing.The security properties of your message will be reset when it is saved to the 'Drafts' folder. If you wish to digitally sign and/or encrypt this message, you will need to reselect these options when you continue composing the message.6The sender and digital ID have the same e-mail addresskThe digital ID has not been revoked or revocation information for this certificate could not be determined./There are no other problems with the digital IDPAThe digital ID has not expiredDon't dial a connectionRThe security properties of this composed message will be removed when it is saved.PA StationeryMailNewsWImage Files (*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.wmf;*.xbm;*.art)|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.wmf;*.xbm;*.art||!Unable to create this stationery.(HTML Files (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html||Unable to open business card.4Creates a new message using the selected stationery.Attached business cardEUnable to open the selected stationery. The file may no longer exist.!Connect even when working offline%Connect only when not working offlineDo not connect Small Icons Large IconsShow text labelsSelective text on rightNo text labelsPA&Send and Receive Ctrl+M&Send and ReceivePAArial*Message number %ld could not be retrieved./Check for new messages on '%s': %ld (%s) total.=Check for new messages on '%s': %ld (%s) new, %ld (%s) total.SThe message could not be sent because an e-mail address was rejected by the server.One or more messages in your Outbox do not have a valid account specified. Would you like to use your default account to send these messages?FA time-out occurred while waiting for a response from the server '%s'.Background PicturetYou are not subscribed to any newsgroups in this account. Would you like to view a list of available newsgroups now?zErrors were encountered during the last Delivery Cycle. Would you still like to send the messages that are in your Outbox?&Close Select FolderkThere are not any folders to show for this account. Would you like to view a list of available folders now?Your message rules did not Forward or Reply to %d message(s) because the message would have been sent to one of your accounts. Account: '%s', Server: '%s'kWindows Mail is not currently your default news client. Would you like to make it your default news client?AaBbYyZz5Please select the stationery to use for new messages., New Roman,120Times New Roman,120ZCould not show '%.400s'. The server refused to show it. The folder might already be shown.[Could not hide '%.400s'. The server refused to hide it. The folder might already be hidden.f'%.400s' was successfully made visible on the server, but the local folder cache could not be updated. ModeratedBlocked Window LayoutThe message could not be sent because its size exceeded the server's limit. You can use the option, located in Tools | Accounts | Properties | Advanced, to break messages into smaller parts.Signing digital ID properties Dialing %s...%luKB Go to FolderGo to the selected folder. MicrosoftSend &Later Using Send &Latern/aUOne or more errors occurred while checking for new messages on your IMAP server (%s).uUnable to check for new messages on your IMAP server (%s). An IMAP4rev1 server is required to perform this operation.(No other e-mail accounts could be found.]Your digital ID is missing from the system. Please choose a new digital ID for this account.,Your digital ID for this account has expired*You do not trust this account's digital ID,Your digital ID for this account is expired.+No other newsgroup accounts could be found.You can not send digitally signed mail using the certificate. This might be because it is not enabled for the purpose of secure e-mailUThe digital ID cannot be checked because a valid revocation list cannot be retrieved.\The digital ID cannot be checked for revocation because a revocation list is not available.1Your digital ID for this account has been revoked9Your encryption certificate for this account has expired.PA>Your encryption certificate for this account has been revoked.-You do not trust your encryption certificate.'Your encryption certificate is invalid.IYour encryption certificate is sent with signed messages so others can encrypt messages to you, but is not required for other people to read your message. You can select a new encryption certificate for this account in mail account preferences. Would you like to send the message without including your encryption certificate?DWindows Mail was unable to find a valid digital ID on your computer.Windows Mail has found a valid digital ID on your computer. Would you like to use it when sending digitally signed mail from this account?Windows Mail has found several valid digital IDs on your computer. Would you like to choose which digital ID to use when sending digitally signed mail from this account?.<a>How can I import messages and accounts?</a>Attached FilesThe currently selected IMAP folder has become read-only. Any further changes to this folder may not be permanent. This can happen on some servers if someone else has selected the same IMAP folder.One or more of the pictures in this message could not be found. When you send this message these pictures will not be included. Are you sure you want to send this message?*Do you want to abort the current download?DYou are currently working offline. Would you like to go online now?New Windows Mail UserSearching %s...PAMicrosoft Windows Mail Outlook News:Select a folder in which Windows Mail database is located:kOutlook News is not currently your default news client. Would you like to make it your default news client?5&Always perform this check when starting Outlook News-Apply the selected stationery to the message.#Windows Mail could not be started. >The application was unable to create a synchronization object.CThe application was unable to create the MimeOLE allocation object.rThe application was unable to launch the Internet Connection Wizard or the Internet Connection Wizard was stopped.=The application was unable to initialize the store directory.Windows Mail was unable to locate its message database. If you've moved the database files to a new location, click OK to reset the database path to that location. Otherwise, click Cancel to proceed, any existing messages found will be available under Orphaned Accounts.5Unable to update your message databases. An updated version of Windows Mail was successfully installed. However, due to changes in the program, your existing accounts could not be fully updated. Your existing e-mail and newsgroup messages have been moved to a folder in your Inbox called Recovered Folders.HThe application was unable to register the following window class: '%s'.SThe application was unable to create a window for the following window class: '%s'.DThe application was unable to initialize the global options manager.Your Windows Mail mailbox data is currently being used by another program, such as a virus scanner. Close the program or wait for it to complete its operation, then open Windows Mail again.3The application was unable to initialize the store.Your Windows Mail account data is currently being used by another program, such as a virus scanner. Close the program or wait for it to complete its operation, then open Windows Mail again.BThe application was unable to create the Internet Account Manager.PThe message store has been corrupted by an application external to Windows Mail.%The message store has been corrupted.]The application was unable to allocate memory for the Internet Account Manager advise object.TThe application was unable to initialize the Internet Account Manager advise object.FThe application was unable to initialize the Internet Account Manager.RThe application was unable to register the Internet Account Manager advise object.PThe application was unable to allocate memory for the Connection Manager object.DThe application was unable to initialize the Connect Manager object.8The application was unable to create the spooler object.;The application was unable to create the font cache object.8Your computer may be out of memory or your disk is full.jWindows Mail could not be started. Make sure that your disk is not full or that you are not out of memory.eThe file '%s' could not be opened because it does not exist, or is being used by another application.UThe application was unable to allocate memory for the Windows Live ID Manager object.EThe application was unable to initialize the Windows Live ID Manager.HWindows Mail has been able to successfully recover from this corruption.HYour store location will not be changed until you shutdown Windows Mail.Windows Mail store filesIthe version of %s is not compatible with the current version of MSOE.DLL.E-Mail Address(es): Personal Information: Address Business Information: Title: Department: Office: Company: Notes: Phone: Fax: Cell: Web Page: Pager :lThe processing of requested tasks was interrupted. Please review the list of errors below for more details." There are no items in this view.l No items match your search. To clear the search box, press ESC. To change your search terms, press CTRL+E. No items match your search. However, some search results may be hidden due to the current view settings. To check for hidden items, on the 'View' menu, point to 'Current View', and then click 'Show All Messages'.*the required file, %s, could not be found.PADefault signature Signature #%dYSome of the messages in your Outbox Folder could not be copied to your Sent Items Folder.Typemailnews_At least one column must be visible. Please check one of the columns listed before continuing. Work OfflineColumnsPAMail SignatureNews SignatureSelect StationeryrEither there is already a stationery with the name, or it is an invalid file name. Please choose a different name.(Please choose a Name for the stationery.This is sample text#Please choose a background picture..Mail initialization file (mail.ini)|mail.ini||$Please select a valid mail.ini file./Where the message is on %Mspecified%m newsgroup/Where the From line %Mdoes not contain people%mPA-Where the To line %Mdoes not contain people%m-Where the CC line %Mdoes not contain people%m:Where the message body %Mdoes not contain specific words%m:Where the Subject line %Mdoes not contain specific words%m2Where the Subject line %Mcontains specific words%m2Where the message body %Mcontains specific words%m%Where the To line %Mcontains people%m'Where the From line %Mcontains people%m+Where the message is marked as %Mpriority%m#Where the message has an attachment,Where the message size is more than %Msize%m-Where the message's received date is %Mdate%m-With %Mspecific words%m in the message header0Where the message is suspected to be junk e-mail3Where the message is from the %Mspecified%m accountPAFor all messages %Mand%m Delete it#Copy it to the %Mspecified%m folderForward it to %Mpeople%mReply with %Mmessage%m#Move it to the %Mspecified%m folderDelete it from server"Do not Download it from the serverPlay %Ma sound%mHighlight it with %Mcolor%mFlag itStop processing more rules%Notify me with a %Mspecific message%mcreate the Rules Manager.initialize the Rules Manager.%Where the CC line %Mcontains people%m+Apply this rule after the message arrives ;; ShowSynchronization Settings NewsgroupVisibleWindows Mail TodayFolders &Contacts4Would you like to remove '%.64s' from your Contacts?CThis will remove %d contacts. Are you sure you want to delete them?0You can use only ASCII characters for addresses.> There are no items which match your current filter criteria. All messagesNew messages only Headers only&You must type in a name for this rule.Inbox Rule #%dFlagEYou must select at least one criteria from the list to create a rule.+Your messages were imported in '%s' format.&SendBccmCould not create the envelope provider. The registry is incorrectly configured or installation is incomplete.5The envelope provider failed to create a note window.New En&velope Message usingC<P ALIGN=center STYLE="font:icon">There is no message selected.</P>OThe signature file does not exist. Please enter an existing text or HTML file.4Are you sure you want to remove the rule named '%s'? Copy of %sPAOne or more of the recipients in a group is missing an e-mail address. Please check the e-mail address for the recipients in your Contacts.qThe sender's digital ID was added to all contacts which matched its e-mail address, or a new contact was created.CYou must select at least one action from the list to create a rule.PreviewPSome information is missing or incorrect. Please correct the highlighted items.SPlease click the items colored red below to correct missing or incomplete values. bYou cannot enable a rule that is in error. Please fix the rule before you try to enable it again. Subscribe3Where the To or CC line %Mdoes not contain people%m+Where the To or CC line %Mcontains people%mmOne or more of the recipients you chose does not have an e-mail address. These will not be added to the rule.Mark it as read/Select a signing certificate for the %1 account%d bitsThis message is being sent with %1!u! bit encryption. Your Advanced Security options are set to warn on less than %2!u! bit encryption. Would you like to send this message anyway? News Message Mail Messagesigning digital ID is revokedHThe digital ID cannot be checked for revocation because you are offline.0The digital ID cannot be checked for revocation.(You have turned off revocation checking.PAV<P ALIGN=center STYLE="font:icon">The body of this message could not be displayed.</P>XThe body of this message could not be displayed. The document handler was not available.fThe identity login could not be started. Some components are either missing or incorrectly configured. &Logoff %sSwitch IdentitynYou are currently connected to the Internet. Do you want to keep the current connection for the next identity?You are trying to save encrypted message as plain text. The saved message will not be encrypted, and anyone opening the file can read it. Are you sure you want to do this?Select ProgramImport MessagesLocation of MessagesSelect FoldersImport ContactsImport CompleteBThe application was unable to open the Windows Mail message store. Local FoldersBRecovered Messages\%1!02d!-%2!02d!-%3!04d! %4!02d!-%5!02d!-%6!02d! Double click to send E-Mail to: Applying rules to messages...Rule AddressesR&ule Addresses:PARules (*.oer)|*.oer||oer Untitled.oerE-mail Address/Domain NameYou must type in a sender.1'%s' has been added to your blocked senders list.In order to perform this function, Windows Mail needs to Demand Install some files. Unfortunately your administrator has disabled this capability.}The Offline Mobility Pack is not properly installed. Please try uninstalling and then reinstalling it from the Add-ons Page.%Could not write this message to disk.*Could not remove this folder from the diskCopying messages...Moving messages...PAPlacing message in Outbox...Placing message in folder...Working OfflineMarking messages...Moving folder...Deleting folder...Deleting messages...The settings for this account are set to break apart large messages into smaller parts. Outlook Express must break this message into parts of %d KB which is larger than the current setting. Do you still want to send the message?Renaming folder...&Get New HeadersDownloading Folders from %ssDownloading the list of folders available on the server. This may take a few minutes if you have a slow connection.Windows Mail failed to create the Finder tool. One possible reason is your system could be low on resources. Try closing another application or check to see if you are out of disk space.PA Date and SizeAdvancedrYou are still editing the source of this message. You need to go back to the Edit tab before you can save or send. Mail Rules News Rules Junk MailBlocked Senders.&These rules will be applied to News messages.NIn order to block a sender you must select at least one option (Mail or news).0Are you sure you want to remove the sender '%s'? The rule was successfully added.'Windows Mail failed to create the rule.TOne or more of the selected senders could not be added to your blocked senders list.Setting message flags... New Shortcut"Add this folder to my Outlook Bar:;A secure connection to the server could not be established.Mark for Offline`'%.400s' was successfully hidden on the server, but the local folder cache could not be updated.; You are not subscribed to any newsgroups on this account.,This application is the default Mail handler,This application is the default News handler0This application is NOT the default Mail handler0This application is NOT the default News handler&Show&Hide &Subscribe &Unsubscribe0 There are no folders to show for this account.Downloading message: '%s' Account: %s Folder: %s Could not create special folder.View &Encrypting Digital ID... is Flaggedis Low Priorityis High PriorityMark it for downloadSelect NewsgroupSelect a newsgroup: Block Sender Junk MailYou can make this Windows Mail page, including Tips, appear anytime you are working by clicking on <B>Windows Mail</B> at the very top of your <B>Folders</B> list.A different help tip will be displayed each time you visit this page.<BR><BR>Click <B>Next</B> or <B>Previous</B> at the bottom of this area to browse the tips more quickly.Identities allow multiple people to use Windows Mail without sharing a common inbox.<BR><BR>To create an identity, click the <B>File</B> menu, click <B>Identities</B>, and then click <B>Add New Identity</B>.You can switch identities without closing Windows Mail or losing your connection to the Internet.<BR><BR>To switch to another identity, click the <B>File</B> menu then click <B>Switch Identity</B>.An identity is created by default for the first person using Windows Mail.<BR><BR>To edit this or any identity, click the <B>File</B> menu. Click <B>Identities</B> and then click <B>Manage Identities</B>.Windows Mail automatically checks for new messages every 30 minutes.<BR><BR>To change this setting, click the <B>Tools</B> menu, then click <B>Options</B>.Manually check for new messages by clicking <B>Send/Recv</B> on the toolbar. This also sends any messages in your <B>Outbox</B>.xWhen new e-mail arrives, you'll hear a sound, and an <B>envelope icon</B> will appear in the bottom right of the screen.It's easy to read messages using the <B>preview pane</B>. Select a message, then look below to see the text of the message in the preview pane.Compose a new e-mail message by clicking <B>New Mail</B> on the toolbar.<BR><BR>Reply to a message by selecting a message and clicking <B>Reply</B> on the toolbar.<BR><BR>When you're done typing the message, select <B>Send</B> from the message toolbar.When you compose a new message, briefly summarize what the message is about in the <B>subject line</B>. That way, the recipient will know what your message is about before they even open it up.Use Contacts to store contact information, such as e-mail addresses, home or business addresses, and phone numbers.<BR><BR>To create a new entry, click <B>Contacts</B> on the toolbar, click <B>New</B> on the Contacts toolbar, then click <B>New Contact</B>.As you fill your Contacts, the contents will appear in the <B>Contacts</B> area, located at the lower left of the screen.<BR><BR><B>Double-click on a name</B> in the <B>Contacts</B> area to quickly start a new e-mail message.To edit information in your Contacts, click <B>Addresses</B> on the toolbar, select a contact, and then click <B>Properties</B> on Contacts toolbar.<BR><BR>Or, you can <B>right-click on a name</B> in the <B>Contacts</B> area and click <B>Properties</B>.When addressing new e-mail messages, click on the <B>To:</B> or <B>CC:</B> buttons to select names directly from your Contacts.Tired of plain text e-mail messages?<BR><BR>Click the <B>Message</B> menu, then click <B>New Message Using</B>. Select a piece of stationery, or see more choices by clicking <B>Select Stationery</B>.Select a particular font or piece of stationery to be used every time you start a new e-mail message.<BR><BR>Click the <B>Tools</B> menu, click <B>Options</B>, then click the <B>Compose</B> tab and make your choices from there.Insert sounds in your messages!<BR><BR>In a new message, click the <B>Format</B> menu, click <B>Background</B> and then click <B>Sound</B>.Create signatures to personalize your messages.<BR><BR>Click the <B>Tools</B> menu, then <B>Options</B>, and select the <B>Signatures</B> tab.To insert a signature in a new message, click the <B>Insert</B> menu in the new message and then click <B>Signature</B>.<BR><BR>If you created multiple signatures, select the specific one you want to insert from the list.Messages you receive with attached files will be displayed in the message list with a small <B>paperclip icon</B> next to them.<BR><BR><A HREF=oecmd:help(mail_messlist_icons.htm)>Click here</A> to see a list of all other message icons in Windows Mail.8Use the preview pane to <B>quickly open or save file attachments</B>.<BR><BR>Select a message with an attached file. Click on the <B>large paperclip icon</B> located below the message list and on the far right. Select the filename to open it, or click <B>Save Attachments</B> to save the file to your computer.To send a file via e-mail, click <B>Attach</B> on the toolbar of a new message.<BR><BR>When done, the attached file will appear below the <B>subject line</B> of the new message.Create folders for storing your messages.<BR><BR>Click the <B>File</B> menu, click <B>Folder</B>, then click <B>New</B>.<BR><BR>After you've created the new folder, <B>drag and drop</B> messages into it.oSelect multiple messages by holding down the <B>Ctrl</B> key and then clicking the messages you want to select.To quickly locate certain messages, click <B>Find</B> on the toolbar. Type in what to look for, such as a name in <B>From</B> or a word in <B>Subject</B>.Does someone keep sending you junk e-mail? Or make inappropriate posts to your favorite newsgroup?<BR><BR>Select a message from the annoying sender, click the <B>Message</B> menu and then click <B>Block Sender</B>.Windows Mail can automatically sort e-mail into folders based on who sent the message or words in the subject line.<BR><BR>Click the <B>Tools</B> menu, click <B>Message Rules</B> and then click <B>Mail</B>.Use <B>Message Rules</B> in the <B>Tools</B> menu to automatically do other things besides sort incoming e-mail into folders. You can color certain messages, automatically send a certain reply, even delete messages.You can send and receive mail from multiple e-mail accounts.<BR><BR>Click the <B>Tools</B> menu and then click <B>Accounts</B>. Click <B>Add</B> then click <B>Mail</B> and enter the necessary information from your Internet Service Provider.If you receive e-mail from multiple accounts, only one is your default account for sending mail.<BR><BR>To send e-mail using an account other than your default, select the other account from the <B>From:</B> field at the top of the new message.2Do you regularly send e-mail to a group of people?<BR><BR>Click <B>Contacts</B> on the toolbar, click <B>New</B> on the Contacts toolbar, then click <B>New Contact Group</B>.<BR><BR>Next time you send out e-mail to the group, click the <B>To:</B> button in the new message and select the group you created.You can view a map of any address entered in the Contacts.<BR><BR>Click <B>Contacts</B> on the toolbar and select either the <B>Home</B> tab or the <B>Work</B> tab. Click <B>View Map</B>, and a map of the address entered on that tab will be displayed.PANeed to find someone's e-mail address?<BR><BR>Click the <B>Edit</B> menu, click <B>Find</B>, then click <B>People</B>.<BR><BR>Select the <B>Internet directory service</B> you want to search at the top, type in the person's name, then click <B>Find Now</B>.Windows Mail will automatically highlight <B>links to web sites</B> in messages that you receive. Clicking on the link will open the browser and allow you to view the web site.You can read, move and compose e-mail when disconnected from the Internet.<BR><BR>Any e-mail you send when offline will go in the <B>Outbox</B> until you click <B>Send/Recv</B> on toolbar.You can customize the look of Windows Mail.<BR><BR>Click the <B>View</B> menu then click <B>Layout</B>. You can choose to hide or show the <B>preview pane</B>, the <B>Outlook bar</B>, the <B>Folders</B> list, or the <B>Contacts</B> area.You can customize the toolbars in Windows Mail.<BR><BR><B>Right-click on any toolbar</B> and select <B>Customize</B>. Then choose large or small buttons, with or without text labels, even select what buttons are shown and in what order.Sort your messages by clicking any column heading in the message list.<BR><BR>For example, clicking the <B>From</B> column heading will sort your messages by who sent the message.Go quickly to your <B>Inbox</B> by pressing <B>Ctrl+I</B>, or start a new message by pressing <B>Ctrl+N</B>.<BR><BR><A HREF=oecmd:help(mail_hotkeys.htm)>Click here</A> to view the entire list of Windows Mail keyboard shortcuts.Windows Mail reduces the disk space used to store messages by compacting your folders in the background while you work.<BR><BR>To adjust these settings, click the <B>Tools</B> menu, click <B>Options</B>, and then select the <B>Maintenance</B> tab.To share contacts among multiple identities, drag the contacts to the <B>Shared Contacts</B> folder in the <B>Address Book</B>.To read and post messages to newsgroups, you need to set up a news account.<BR><BR>Click the <B>Tools</B> menu, click <B>Accounts</B>, click <B>Add</B> then click <B>News</B>. Enter the necessary information from your Internet Service Provider.You can easily find newsgroups of interest to you.<BR><BR>Click the <B>Tools</B> menu and then click <B>Newsgroups</B>. Type in a word or topic, and newsgroups that contain the typed word or topic will appear.By subscribing to a newsgroup, the newsgroup will remain in your <B>Folders</B> list for easy access.<BR><BR>Click the <B>Tools</B> menu and then click <B>Newsgroups</B>. Select a newsgroup from the list and click <B>Subscribe</B>.You can unsubscribe to any newsgroup by right-clicking on the newsgroup in your <B>Folders</B> list and selecting <B>Unsubscribe</B>.To post a new message to a newsgroup, select the newsgroup in the <B>Folders</B> list and click <B>New Post</B> on the toolbar.When replying to a message in a newsgroup, first select the message to which you're replying.<BR><BR>Then click <B>Reply Group</B> to post a reply to the entire newsgroup, or click <B>Reply</B> to send an e-mail reply to the author only.If you see a <font face=arial><B>+</B></font> or a <font face=arial><B>-</B></font> next to a message, that means there are replies to that message.<BR><BR>Click the <font face=arial><B>+</B></font> or <font face=arial><B>-</B></font> to show or hide the replies. To track a specific conversation or thread, first select a message in the conversation of interest. Then click the <B>Message</B> menu and click <B>Watch Conversation</B>.<BR><BR>Messages in a watched conversation will be highlighted in red for easy identification.VLooking for specific newsgroup messages?<BR><BR>Select a newsgroup, click the <B>Edit</B> menu, click <B>Find</B> and then click <B>Message in this Folder</B>. Type in what to search for, then click <B>Find Next</B>.<BR><BR>The first match is highlighted in the message list and clicking <B>Find Next</B> highlights the next match and so on.You can hide newsgroup messages you have read.<BR><BR>Click the <B>View</B> menu, click <B>Current View</B> and then click <B>Hide Read or Ignored Messages</B>.To view an attachment spread across multiple messages in a newsgroup, select the messages while holding down the <B>Ctrl</B> key.<BR><BR>Click the <B>Message</B> menu and click <B>Combine and Decode</B>.lTo download more newsgroup messages, click the <B>Tools</B> menu and then click <B>Get Next 300 Headers</B>.You can reduce the disk space used to store downloaded newsgroup messages.<BR><BR>Click the <B>Tools</B> menu, then click <B>Options</B>. Select the <B>Maintenance</B> tab and click <B>Clean Up Now</B>.,Only the <B>headers</B> of newsgroup messages are initially downloaded. The header stores who the message is from, what the message is about, and the date it was posted.<BR><BR>The <B>body</B> containing the text of the newsgroup message is not downloaded until you select a specific message to read.<When reading newsgroup messages, a <B>torn paper icon</B> indicates that only the message <B>header</B> has been downloaded. A <B>whole paper icon</B> indicates that the message <B>body</B> has also been downloaded.<BR><BR><B>NOTE:</B> Only messages with a <B>whole paper icon</B> can be read while you are offline.Want to read newsgroup messages offline?<BR><BR>Select the name of your news server in the <B>Folders</B> list, check what you want offline from the list that appears on the right, then click <B>Synchronize Account</B>.PA-To adjust what IMAP folders are displayed in the <B>Folders</B> list, click the <B>Tools</B> menu then click <B>IMAP Folders</B>.<BR><BR>If you want a folder to appear in your <B>Folders</B> list, select it and click <B>Show</B>. If you don't want a folder to appear, select it and click <B>Hide</B>.hWhen using your IMAP account, does it take a while for changes made on one computer to show up on another computer?<BR><BR>To resynchronize the messages in a selected folder, click the <B>View</B> menu then click <B>Refresh</B>.<BR><BR>To resynchronize your IMAP folders, click the <B>Tools</B> menu, click <B>IMAP Folders</B> and then click <B>Reset List</B>.!Only the <B>header</B> of IMAP e-mail messages are initially downloaded. The header stores who the message is from, what the message is about, and the date it was sent.<BR><BR>The <B>body</B> containing the text of the message is not downloaded until you select a specific message to read.When you delete messages from an IMAP account, they are crossed through and the envelope icon has a <B>red X</B>.<BR><BR>To permanently delete these messages, click the <B>Edit</B> menu and then click <B>Purge Deleted Messages</B>.Rather have deleted messages from your IMAP account immediately disappear from the message list?<BR><BR>Click the <B>View</B> menu, click <B>Current View</B> and then select <B>Show Deleted Messages</B> to remove the check mark.Deleted messages from an IMAP account can be undeleted.<BR><BR>Select the message(s) to undelete, click the <B>Edit</B> menu and then click <B>Undelete</B>.WWhen reading e-mail messages from an IMAP account, a <B>torn envelope icon</B> indicates that only the message <B>header</B> has been downloaded. A <B>whole envelope icon</B> indicates that the message <B>body</B> has also been downloaded.<BR><BR><B>NOTE:</B> Only messages with a <B>whole envelope icon</B> can be read while you are offline.Want to read messages from your IMAP account offline?<BR><BR>Select the name of your IMAP account in the <B>Folders</B> list, check what you want offline from the list that appears on the right, then click <B>Synchronize Account</B>.Did you know that you can read, move and compose IMAP e-mail offline?<BR><BR>When you reconnect, Windows Mail will automatically save your changes back to the server.PASynchronize AccountIMAP Folders...Settings Newsgroups...FTo change offline settings, first select a folder, then click SettingsITo change offline settings, first select a newsgroup, then click Settings Synchronization of Folders on %sWatch / IgnoreUWindows Mail could not open the URL '%.100s%s' because it is not a recognized format."Would you like to subscribe to %s?Purging messages from folder... Create FilterPA4Where the message sender is on the Block Sender list%MShow/Hide%m the message New View #%d %d pt. %sImportWThis will export messages from Windows Mail to Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Exchange.ExportExport MessagesImport MessagesImporting '%s'...Exporting '%s'...Message %d (of %d)"The export could not be performed.,Your default MAPI store could not be opened.*An error occurred while initializing MAPI.%s (Address Unknown)PA+An error occurred while opening the folder.+An error occurred while reading the folder.Importing messages...?Not all of the messages from the folder '%s' could be imported.OutTrashEudora Pro or LightNetscape Navigator MailImport ContactsImporting Contacts...Contact %d (of %d)CSelect the location of the e-mail messages that you want to import.The location of your e-mail messages could not be determined. Please select the location of the messages that you want to import.No messages can be found in this folder or another application is running that has the required files open. Please select another folder or try closing applications that may have files open.PAMThe %s has not been performed yet. Are you sure you want to exit the wizard?/An error occurred while importing the Contacts.2Microsoft Exchange or Outlook or Windows MessagingNetscape Communicator MailRMAPI is not installed on this computer or an error occurred while initializing it.,No profiles are configured on this computer.1Messages cannot be imported from the MAPI client.:Please select the folder(s) that you would like to import.POP3 UIDL FileOffline Transaction File Folders File Messages FileSaving '%s'...One or more recipients do not have an e-mail address. Please check your Contacts and make sure all the recipients have a valid e-mail address.New Mail Rule #%dPANew News Rule #%d#Where the message has %Mbeen read%m+Where the message is a reply to my messages.Where the message body has %Mbeen downloaded%m,Where the message is %Mmarked for deletion%m+Where the message is %Mwatched or ignored%mSample Mail RuleSample News RuleShow All MessagesHide Deleted MessagesHide Read MessagesShow Downloaded Messages"Show Replies to My Messages Ctrl+HHide Read or Ignored Messages%MHide%m the message'Where the message has %Mnot been read%m2Where the message body has %Mnot been downloaded%m0Where the message is %Mnot marked for deletion%mAYou have made some changes that may affect your list of folders. +Would you like to refresh your folder list?1The version of the exported rule file is invalid.`Messages in the selected collapsed conversations will also be deleted. Do you wish to continue?3%d message(s), %d unread, monitoring for new items.> Monitoring for new messages that match your search criteria.#Synchronization of Newsgroups on %s@Not all of your offline actions could be completed successfully.fThe message(s) that could not be created on the server have been moved to the 'Offline Errors' folder.PA BackgroundFontMarginsCompletesStationery can have a background picture and a background color. Note that the picture might cover the entire page.4Enter the margin width you want for this stationery::Choose the font you would like to use for this stationery:iEach stationery has a name that is displayed in the list of stationery. Enter the name of the stationery:RYour Stationery is complete. Enter a name and click finish to save your creation.Top|Center|Bottom|Left|Center|Right|0Do Not Tile|Vertically|Horizontally|Entire Page|(Please select a Stationery file to edit.8Could not get the unread counts for '%.260s' on '%.100s' IMAP FoldersSecurityPA:Could not create the folder while offline or not connected:Could not rename the folder while offline or not connected:Could not delete the folder while offline or not connected8Could not move the folder while offline or not connectedUndeleteContactsCancelDecodeHeadersInboxOutbox Sent ItemsMark All Mark OfflineMark Conversation Next UnreadNext Conversation Next FolderPurgeReply Reply All Reply Group Send/Recv Sync This Mark ReadAttach RecipientsOfflineOnlineUpdating folders...EncryptSignCheckPriority!Loading Folder (%d%% Complete)... encryptedNormal priority no security?Where the number of lines in the message is more than %Mlines%mlines1Where the message was sent more than %Mdays%m agodays High priority Low priorityWhere the message is %Msecure%msignedwatchedignoredstate News Server: and %Mor%m  %Mand/or%m Message %d.%s &Send a Copyis being Watchedis being IgnoredThis message %s.This message %s, and %s.This message %s, %s, and %s.The newsgroups in the newsgroups field might not be valid on the new server. The newsgroups field will be cleared. Select OK to continue.bCould not save this message to the server. This message will be saved to your local Drafts folder.?<P ALIGN=center STYLE="font:icon">This message has expired.</P> Where the message is %Mflagged%m$Where the message is %Mnot flagged%mNUse local folders for POP accounts and to archive messages from other accountslThis message could not be saved to the mail server. Close this message then try switching identities again.QNo more messages were found. Do you want to start over from the top of the list?PWindows Mail has finished searching this folder. The search item was not found.Click push pin to keep open Create MailNew Post.You must type in specific words to search for.6You must type in a name or address for this criterion.The message(s) cannot be copied because not all of the bodies have been downloaded. To perform the copy, first uncheck Work Offline in the File menu and try again.The message(s) cannot be moved because not all of the bodies have been downloaded. To perform the move, first uncheck Work Offline in the File menu and try again.JAn error has occurred. Windows Mail could not add the sender to Contacts.0uWindows Mail now supports IMAP special folders. In order create these folders, you need to refresh your folder list. SThere was an error decoding this message. The message header contains invalid data.PATYou have made changes to one or more accounts that may affect your list of folders. 9Would you like to hang up the modem before going offline?Working Online View Applied&You must type in a name for this view.EYou must select at least one criteria from the list to create a view.CYou must select at least one action from the list to create a view.To see or sort on this message property, it is recommended that you add the appropriate column. Would you like to turn that column on now?N There are no contacts to display. Click on Contacts to create a new contact.Import Not CompleteUndeleting messages...#%d%% Complete - Verifying file '%s'#%d%% Complete - Repairing file '%s'"Check for watched messages on '%s'(Checking for watched messages on '%s'...Windows Mail could not check '%s' for new watched messages. There was an error initializing the object needed to connect to the server. The most likely causes for this is that your computer is out of memory, or your store is corrupt.(Checking for watched messages in '%s'...Treat the message as Junk MailOutlook NewsreaderYou don't have a Simple MAPI compatible mailer installed. Microsoft Windows Mail News cannot mail this message without a compatible mailer%s wrote in message news:%s... ---------- This news posting contains no text. Many news groups do not consider this appropriate. Are you sure you would like to post this message?You must type in an exception.3Are you sure you want to remove the exception '%s'?*Mark the message as %Mwatched or ignored%m-Sends and receives messages for this account.?Inserts this signature to the selected location in the message.(Applies this style to the text selected.Where the From line containsWhere the To line containsPAWhere the CC line contains Where the To or CC line containsWhere the Subject line containsWhere the message body contains or '%s' and '%s'$Where the From line does not contain"Where the To line does not contain"Where the CC line does not contain(Where the To or CC line does not contain'Where the Subject line does not contain'Where the message body does not contain contains '%s'does not contain '%s'ShowHidePA Show/Hide'%s'or '%s'and '%s'aYou do not appear to be the author of this message. Are you sure you want to cancel this message?UThe '/' character is reserved on this IMAP server. Please choose another folder name.UThe '\' character is reserved on this IMAP server. Please choose another folder name.UThe '.' character is reserved on this IMAP server. Please choose another folder name.wOne of the characters used in your folder name has been reserved by the IMAP server. Please choose another folder name.Apply To Folder New Mail RuleEdit Mail Rule New News RuleEdit News RuleNew View Edit ViewPANo descriptions have been downloaded for the newsgroups on this account yet, so descriptions cannot be searched. You can get descriptions by resetting the newsgroup list (which may take a few minutes). Would you like to do so now?You do not have a news account set up. Once you have set up a news account by going to Tools/Accounts, you will be able to apply your rules to this account.0Your rule(s) have been applied to the folder %s.You do not currently have any rules enabled. Create a rule for mail, block sender, or turn on Junk Mail filtering support to enable the Apply functionality.wYou do not currently have any rules enabled. Create a rule for news, or block sender to enable the Apply functionality.PWindows Mail removed access to the following unsafe attachments in your mail: %sMicrosoft ExchangeMicrosoft Windows Mail`The export directory must be an empty directory. Please select an empty directory and try again.\The export directory is an invalid directory. Please select a valid directory and try again.Export CompletePAkYou must use a proxy to connect to the specified server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.*The server did not understand the request.UAccess to the account was denied. Verify that your username and password are correct.UAccess to the account was denied. Verify that your username and password are correct.%The requested resource was not found.6The server does not support the required HTTP methods.)The server was unable to accept the data.[Your proxy requires you to authenticate. Contact your network administrator for assistance.$The server took too long to respond.KA resource conflict occurred. Another client may be accessing your account.*The requested resource could not be found.)The server could not process the request.The server reported an error.&The server reported an internal error.6The server does not support the required HTTP methods.The server could not be found.6The service is currently unavailable. Try again later.%The gateway took too long to respond.6The server does not support the required HTTP version. &Customize...Not connected to '%s'Apply Mail Rules NowApply News Rules Now Junk E-mail filtering support is currently off. To access your Junk E-mail options, go to Message/Junk E-mail/Junk E-mail Options...W There are no items in this view. Some items may be hidden because a view is applied. Add ExceptionEdit Exception Add Sender Edit SenderZ&These rules will be applied to Mail messages. Note: Rules do not apply to IMAP accounts.You can turn on rules that will prevent Junk Mail messages or messages with Adult Content from filling up your Inbox. The messages that are detected will be moved to the Junk Mail folder. Note: Junk mail rules do not apply to IMAP accounts.Messages from &senders in the list below will automatically be moved to the Deleted Items folder (for Mail messages) and/or not displayed (for Newsgroup messages). Note: Block Sender does not apply to IMAP accounts.$This rule is currently turned off. Warning: The forward action for this rule will not work when 'encrypt all outgoing messages' or 'sign all outgoing messages' is set. 2Apply this rule to currently downloaded messages  There is no rule selected. There is no view selected.PWould you like to go online and download folders from the mail server you added?PATWould you like to go online and download newsgroups from the news account you added?yThe Windows Mail store file may be damaged. Please use a utility such as ScanDisk to verify and repair any damaged files.9Your '%.200s' folder was not polled for its unread count.9Header download for the '%.200s' folder did not complete.KMessage header or body synchronization of folder '%.200s' did not complete.Show Deleted Messages Send/ReceiveNewsgroup Filter #%dThere appears to be a Windows Mail message store already in the folder that you have chosen. Do you want to switch to using that store? If not, please select an empty directory for your new store location.QWindows Mail was unable to write to the registry so your store will not be moved.The folder could not be created. The parent folder contains characters that your computer does not recognize. Please rename your folder using only English characters (USASCII).Microsoft Outlook Newsreader@Some of the messages could not be downloaded and were not moved.ASome of the messages could not be downloaded and were not copied.Customize Current View7Applies the view '%s' to the currently selected folder.PApThere are no more unread messages in this folder. Would you like to go to the next folder with unread messages?/There are no more folders with unread messages.TOne or more messages could not be attached. Select OK to continue creating the note.'%s' has been added to your blocked senders list. Subsequent messages from this sender will be blocked. Would you like to remove all messages from this sender from the current folder now?The selected senders have been added to your blocked senders list. Subsequent messages from these senders will be blocked. Would you like to remove all messages from these senders from the current folder now? Preview Pane Folder Bar-Deleting messages from the selected sender...4Messages from the selected sender have been deleted.1One or more of the messages could not be deleted./One or more of your rules could not be applied.ZThe Blocked Sender '%s' already exists in the list. Are you sure you want to replace '%s'Synchro&nize Folder7This service does not currently work with Windows Mail.sThe server does not support manual deletion of messages. Your 'Deleted Items' folder might be emptied periodically.You have exceeded your storage limit on the server. To make space available, move messages from the server to your local folders.VThe server does not support sending messages. The message will be saved in the Outbox.FThe contents of this folder are managed by MSN and cannot be modified.There is nothing to synchronize. First, click the Synchronization Settings checkbox for each item that you want to synchronize, then click Synchronize Account.%The server requires a SSL connection.Synchronize FolderPA-The server does not support a SSL connection.5Unable to establish a SSL connection with the server.4Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server.CSome messages could not be copied or moved because errors occurred.Some messages could not be copied or moved because you have exceeded your storage limit on the server. To make space available, move messages from the server to your local folders.&Send Without SigninggWindows Mail doesn't support web-based e-mail accounts. Your existing messages from Hotmail and other web-based e-mail accounts are available under Local Folders, but your web-based account was not migrated to Windows Mail. <A HREF=""> What other options are available for accessing my web-based e-mail account?</A>Simple MAPI SupportSimple MAPI support could not be enabled because the MAPISTUB.DLL in the system directory is missing a needed export. Backing up the current dll, deleting the original and reinstalling should solve this problem.Simple MAPI support could not be enabled because MAPISTUB.DLL could not be found in the system directory or failed to load. Reinstalling should restore this file.Simple MAPI support could not be enabled. The MAPISTUB.DLL in the system directory may be corrupt. Deleting the dll and reinstalling should restore this file.Simple MAPI support could not be enabled. The MAPI32.DLL in the system directory may be in use at this time. Restarting your computer should solve this problem.#You must type in a name or address.zSome of the files could not be found, and could not be attached to the message. Would you like to send the message anyway?Read: %s Not Read: %szThe message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read this message. Would you like to send a receipt?,This is a receipt for the mail you sent to ] This receipt verifies that the message has been displayed on the recipient's computer at TYou have unsent messages in your Outbox. Do you want to go online and send them now? Hide Folders"Unicode Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt||,Windows Mail was unable to send the receipt. at +The selected message(s) could not be moved.,The selected message(s) could not be copied.;The Signing certificate was not included with this message.The message was not encrypted.>The encryption certificate could not be found on this machine.eThis message did not include a recommended certificate to use when encrypting messages to the sender.New Message - %s6The properties of this message could not be displayed.Access denied.Sent:This receipt verifies that your message was delivered and that the recipient was able to verify the signature. This receipt was generated on %s.Secure Receipt: %sOA security initialization error occurred while trying to verify secure receipt.Can not decode secure receipt.BCan not find Sent Items folder for verification of secure receipt.VCan not find original message in Sent Items folder for verification of secure receipt.-Receipt does not match original message body.DHash value in receipt does not match hash value in original message.j<p>In addition, this receipt contains the following security warnings:</p><div align=left><table border=0>;Windows Mail cannot send a secure receipt for this message.<p>was sent at %s.</p>3Select an encryption certificate for the %1 accountPA'<H2>Windows Mail</H2></TD></TR></TABLE>Windows Mail encountered an error while attempting to include the security label with this message. Would you like to send the message without the security label?Windows Mail encountered an error while including the secure receipt request with this message. Would you like to send the message without the receipt request?8Windows Mail could not find the specified policy module.4Windows Mail cannot use the specified policy module.cWindows Mail encountered an error while attempting to include the security label with this message.kThe policy module specified in the security label requires that you encrypt this message to all recipients.If you send this message, it will be sent properly, but you will not be able to read it in your sent items folder. Send anyway?NYou cannot move a message from 'Deleted Items' folder. Would you like to copy?jThe Read Me information for Windows Mail is included in the Readme.doc file at the root of the Windows CD.The default news program is used whenever you send a file via NNTP from within another program, or you click a news: link in a Web page.3Would you like to make it your default news client? Reply/Forward3Compose reply at the bottom of the original message)Insert signature at the bottom of a replyToolbarMessage Threads)Mark message threads I start as 'Watched' Post Type:%Is this message an answer or comment?Rate this messageUseful Not UsefulAnswered My Question Sign in to Microsoft CommunitiesPA!Sign out of Microsoft CommunitiesSign InSign Out~Your post will not have Communities features unless you are signed in to Microsoft Communities. Would you like to sign in now?Msg TypeRatingRankGoodSpamBronzeSilverGold Microsoft MVP MicrosoftHide &Answered MessagesPA &Categorize'Where the post is of type %Mspecified%mAnswerMicrosoft FeedbackQuestionComment SuggestionAnswered QuestionAnswered SuggestionPA8The Communities web service client could not be created.#Downloading Communities metadata...+Downloading Communities metadata updates..."Transmitting vote to the server...-Receiving Communities data from the server... Sign in to Microsoft Communities1Sending the request to the Communities service...5The Communities request has been sent to the service.7The response from the Communities service was received.Request completeQAn error occurred while attempting to display the Windows Live ID Sign-In dialog.RateRate this PostSign InSign In to VoteRatedAnswerUseful Not UsefulSpamThis message has no subject. A Communities message must have a subject. Select OK to send a message without Communities features.Windows Mail is unable to use Microsoft Communities features at this time. Please try signing into Microsoft Communities again later.SearchFull text search Search...Search Control Width Text...Not JunkJunk E-mail OptionswThe e-mail address or domain name you entered is not valid. Valid entries include: or sender of the selected message has been added to your Blocked Senders List and the message has been moved to the Junk E-mail Folder.OThe sender of the selected message has been added to your Blocked Senders List.LThe sender of the selected message has been added to your Safe Senders List.Always trust e-mail from '%s'initialize junk filtering.>The application was unable to initialize the Windows Contacts.POP3IMAP1Use the 'Deleted Items' folder with IMAP accounts(Downloading Communities metadata from %s'Refreshing Communities metadata from %s!Submitting Communities vote to %s+Downloading Communities poster info from %s0Download of Communities metadata from %s failed./Refresh of Communities metadata from %s failed.(Upload of Communities vote to %s failed.PA3Download of Communities poster info from %s failed."Community download: Downloading...Community download: Succeeded.Community download: Failed.Community download: Warnings.Community download: Cancelled.,Post a Communities Comment to the newsgroup.-Post a Communities Question to the newsgroup.9Post a Communities Microsoft Suggestion to the newsgroup.Signed in as %s Rated on %sSending rating ...An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Live ID server. Windows Mail is unable to sign in to Microsoft Communities at this time.Ra&teShow Only &Useful Conversations"Invalid Password. Please re-enter.RThe specified message store could not be opened. It may be in use by Windows Mail.Imported Folder"Select an Identity to import from.Import From Windows Mail" 73Your messages were exported in Windows Mail format.5There is nothing to import for the selected Identity.Imported Identity %s-Windows Mail was unable to complete the task..Please checkmark one of identities in the listThis identity is stored in another user's account and requires Windows authentication. Please enter the password for the following Windows user.importdeletePA5All identities have already been imported or deleted.Windows Mail has detected multiple e-mail Identities. Identities are no longer used because individual user accounts provide better security for maintaining e-mail privacy. Use this wizard to import account information and messages from selected Identities into your mailbox.vWindows Mail will import the e-mail messages and account information from the Identities you select into your mailbox.Windows Mail will permanently delete the Identities you select, along with all e-mail messages and settings associated with those identities.+Select the Identity you would like to %s. 4You should select the identity that belonged to you.+The Identity you selected has been deleted.;The Identity you selected couldn't be successfully deleted.*To import or delete more Identities, please click Back to go back to the Import/Delete page. You can also get back to this wizard later by clicking the File menu, and then clicking Identities. If the identities belong to other users, those users should log on to Windows to import their identities.Migrated MessagesIdentity Import<The Identity you selected couldn't be successfully imported.Downloading metadata ...Refreshing metadata ...PA$Downloading Windows Live ID data ...Sending rating ...!initialize the COM object server.Import From OE6Microsoft &Communities: Sign In Microsoft &Communities: Sign OutAre you sure to stop Windows Mail Setup? Your old mail messages will not be imported. You can manually import messages by selecting Import from the File menu. Folder: %s Message: %dJRolling back migrated messages. This may take a minute. Please be patient.Contact Attachment Conversion,Always convert Contacts attachments to vCard+Leave contact attachments in Contact formatAsk me each timeCopying identity filesDeleting identity filesWindows Mail will import the e-mail messages and account information from the Identities stored in another Windows account. You will be prompted to logon into this account first.TThe Identity you selected has been imported as folders in your Windows Mail account.User Information9Please enter a name to display with your newsgroup posts.gThe e-mail address you entered is invalid. Please enter an e-mail address (e.g., Mail can compact the message store. This may take up to a few minutes. Windows Mail7Do you want to send this reply to the entire newsgroup?vCould not connect to Hotmail as %s. Hotmail no longer allows email access via Windows Mail for free email accounts. Could not connect to Hotmail as %s. Hotmail no longer allows email access via Windows Mail for free email accounts. Please visit to learn more. {Some pictures have been blocked to help prevent the sender from identifying your computer. Click here to download pictures.Blocked &ImagesMail AttachmentMessage in &HTML Alt+Shift+HThere is no message selected.ArabicBalticCentral EuropeanChinese SimplifiedChinese TraditionalCyrillicGreekHebrewJapaneseKorean Latin 3 (ISO) Latin 9 (ISO)ThaiTurkishUS_ASCII VietnameseWestern EuropeanPASearch ControlCtrl + EWindows Mail Storage Compaction/Making a backup copy of the current database...'Compacting the Windows Mail database...Calculating message totals...You have selected a location on a network or removable drive. It is strongly recommended that you store your Windows Mail files on a fixed local drive. Are you sure you want to move your Windows Mail files to the selected location?iWindows Mail was unable to complete the move to the selected location. Your mail store will not be moved.fThe directory you selected is not empty. Please select an empty directory for your new store location.Segoe UI2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This program is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws as described in the Help/About box.Windows Mail Storage Recovery'Recovering the Windows Mail database...Deleting account...PAGWindows Mail encountered errors importing your Outlook Express messagesWindows Mail had problems while importing your Outlook Express messages. You can try to manually import the messages. <A HREF="help">How can I manually import messages?</A>VYour original Outlook Express messages are stored in <A HREF="store">this location</A>I Windows Mail encountered problems importing these folders/messages: [Please select a directory with characters compatible with your system locale and try again.Microsoft CommunitiesHtml PreviewerMhtml PreviewerEmail Previewer$Import did not complete successfully$Export did not complete successfullyDownloading FoldersDownloading NewsgroupsDownloading the list of newsgroups available on the server. This only needs to be done once, and it may take a few minutes if you have a slow connection.Downloading Newsgroups from %sMicrosoft ExchangeMicrosoft OutlookMicrosoft Outlook Express 6Microsoft Windows Mail 7A program is attempting to start Windows Mail, but cannot do so while the current version of the program is running. Close Windows Mail and try again.DSelect the location to which you want to export the e-mail messages.+Catching up with the selected newsgroups... Bears.htm Garden.htmGreen Bubbles.htmOrange Circles.htmHand Prints.htm Peacock.htm Roses.htmShades of Blue.htm Soft Blue.htm Stars.htm Folder: %S Message: %SMigration ErrorView problem details >><< Hide problem detailsWindows Mail thinks this message is suspicious and has blocked it. Images and links have been blocked for your safety. If you think this mail is not fraudulent, use the unblock button to access it.PASPlease verify that both the username and password are correct for your mail server. Logon to %sWindows CalendarWindows CalendarSubscribe to newsgroupspYou're not subscribed to any newsgroups for this account. Would you like to view a list of available newsgroups?Show available newsgroups and turn on Communities Your newsgroup servers will be checked to see if they support Communities features, such as message ratings and rankings, each time you start Windows Mail.Show available newsgroups, but don't turn on Communities Windows Mail will not check your newsgroup servers for Communities support.Don't download newsgroups nowPA %s hr=0x%x%s%s AAC CC' D E\E` FFĜ G H[H? II J՜Lc MM NNN OO P Q RR T UӜUԜV Wy Y..   Ҝ ќҜќߜ^pq_ rtޜq AC CFǜ FH?Lc N P R GR D" UӜUԜ #$Ҝќ Ҝ ќ'Ҝ%ќprǜ qr AB(C D"FǜKH KHLc NS۝ S#S2 V' ۝ #pvGrǜq AB}CKH KHLcSS2 V' AA C D F G N O Q RR T UӜUԜV..   Ҝ ќҜќptޜ4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationB FileDescriptionWindows Mailr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNameMSOERES.DLL.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. 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Access Denied

You are not authorized to view this message.

This message includes a security label which defines the security level of the message. Windows Mail was unable to verify that you have permission to read this message. This could be because:

  • Your classification does not meet the classification needed to view this message.
  • You are not authorized to view messages with this security category.
  • You do not have the necessary policy module installed on this computer.
  • The policy module has been damaged.
  • The secure message has been tampered with.
  • The sender may have meant the message for somebody else.

Windows Mail

PGIF87a !, I8뽃%I@e꥕it4&&ap#$rYLR)sf%IPŞż r

Message could not be downloaded

Windows Mail could not save this message because you are out of disk space.

To free up some disk space:

  • Empty the recycle bin.
  • Delete any temporary files you might have.
  • Uninstall any programs that you no longer use.
  • Buy a larger hard drive.

Windows Mail


Download canceled

Windows Mail was unable to download the message you requested.

If the message is taking too long to be displayed, it might be temporarily unavailable. Please try to download the message later.

Windows Mail

PAGIF89a !, @t(4;GIF89a!,@(I})[5ޝ'q_j, S\kff;P

Security Help
Encrypted Message

This message has been encrypted by the sender.

When you receive an encrypted e-mail message you can be reasonably confident that the message was not read by anyone else. Windows Mail automatically decrypts e-mail messages, provided you have the correct digital ID installed on your computer.

 Don't show me this Help screen again.

PGIF87a !, I8ͻH(~Yx(r.{* t?:M8|(%Bv`,Ey'bhSNs۾Esjc~ i|lg% d-ltp**M99M;PAD

Message is no longer available on the server

Windows Mail is unable to retrieve the requested message because the server no longer has the message available.

  • News servers regularly expire articles as they get older to make space available for newer articles.
  • IMAP servers can be accessed by multiple e-mail programs at the same time. If you are using two programs to access your mail the list of messages maybe out of date. Use the refresh command to update this list.

  • Windows Mail

Folder could not be displayed

Windows Mail could not open this folder.

Possible causes are:

  • Low disk space.
  • Low memory.

Windows Mail


Message could not be displayed

Windows Mail encountered an unexpected problem while displaying this message. Check your computer for low memory or low disk space and try again.

Windows Mail

PAGIF89a-3q35LpA486mſ孽*UjéxɌirk = :͐7@3\5>K-@fCKoSu5蔩Ԉ$P< vAgXyt4]Tv5޼4s y/\-I=d.bE2_JnNqlyTCcGl2FUx,Vb1{.I[y%\5vc#OImwUA,Z1[|3P猨 =NH٫E碚1^~e4de0 ;26wHmNՋe?莢<7K@(+6`V ZW < Mf?8`#Di6.5yW)D#?99 xOIP.X &yLmI!,-H*\ȰÇ#JHޮD&6t`%mB ҸPY7<Ĭ.d2$V\khbJ1jUXrf8c4 OP[hBN$13  @Y98<"B7V`Qc5Y1Hqih[ YH)5.PԜN3fZzClP~&P-UY**qH8:1}oT#X ϐ cėgx>7@Sxt8%tITu( P"vdMxr")qpr͠^431D%Pr TP3UI6L'W/1%| ,!EJF&hHtUΜ!+i͐Ēvܲ.hPWX,Q+7; D SD l%a6+Ͳ !%&ԓ!@v#& i)kA?-} @}9΄Z Q_ 05H"5: N08D ՘ 4A jV5PBSΝ)]UuˆL-@䜴t/,LRFʮ ,2{It eW+P-kg mͭnw pKMr;P

Message cannot be read

Your Windows Mail mailbox data is currently being used by another program, such as a virus scanner.

Close the program or wait for it to complete its operation, then try to read this message again.

Windows Mail


Windows Mail did not shutdown correctly

The last time you ran Windows Mail it did not exit correctly. In case this was due to a problem with the last message you were viewing, the message is not being shown.

To view this message anyway:

Windows Mail


Message unavailable while offline

Windows Mail is unable to display this message when you are not connected to the Internet.

If you would like to retrieve this message:

  • Click here to go Online and connect to the Internet, OR
  • Uncheck the Work Offline item on the File menu and reselect this message.

Tip: Make sure that messages are available offline by synchronizing folders and newsgroups. From the Folders list, select a mail or news server. Then select the All messages or New messages only checkbox for the items you want to read offline and choose Synchronize All from the Tools menu.

Windows Mail

GIF89a-3q35LpA486mſ孽*UjéxɌirk = :͐7@3\5>K-@fCKoSu5蔩Ԉ$P< vAgXyt4]Tv5޼4s y/\-I=d.bE2_JnNqlyTCcGl2FUx,Vb1{.I[y%\5vc#OImwUA,Z1[|3P猨 =NH٫E碚1^~e4de0 ;26wHmNՋe?莢<7K@(+6`V ZW < Mf?8`#Di6.5yW)D#?99 xOIP.X &yLmI!,-H*\ȰÇ#JHޮD&6t`%mB ҸPY7<Ĭ.d2$V\khbJ1jUXrf8c4 OP[hBN$13  @Y98<"B7V`Qc5Y1Hqiuo*WF+WU+ VlT!9l,|d|fئe2o!@&k%Ǥ\yju4|ƯJ*)x/'ȉ·^1YݗW㜰S T:޵DEaS؍]0~K%iލq lױk+YMXI)g[j.etca%v>5c$&qƴumxp\ӿY jf>1C^N fYEO`&7{.P sFy"εQ6'e nax[w#_X,)K `RAK{\ ;PGIF89a !, @ DנJQT;PADGIF89a !, @ DנJQT;PADGIF89a!,@I(BLp0ȼwbqEtZI \@*Madjr@ `0ȞDg r¡r;k-mH$;GIF89a ̙ffff!, @B9@H!] tE m^b6Eb␣,hVتt`0(;GD%s&發/OX`8%YSV(<7W5<;PAGIF89a ̙!, @ נJQT;PADGIF89a !, @ DנJQT;PAD

Message cannot be found

The contents of this message cannot be found.

Windows Mail


Message has not been downloaded

Windows Mail has not yet downloaded this message.

To download the message:

  • Click here.
  • Press Space.

Windows Mail

PGIF89a ̙!, @ l\\X;PADGIF89a !, @ l\\X;PADGIF89a !, @ 4.;GIF89a ̙!, @ 4.; GIF89ajf3̙f3f3ffffff3f3333f333f3f3̙f3̙̙̙̙f̙3̙ffffff3f3333f333f3̙f3̙̙f3̙f3ff̙ffff3f33̙33f333̙f3ffffff3ffff̙fff3fffffff3ffffffffffff3fff3f3f3f3ff33f3ffffff3f3333f333333̙3f3333333f3333f3f3f3ff3f33f33333333f333333333f333f3̙f3f3ffffff3f3333f333f3,j@H*\ȰC"PJb`6fJVY#J,4(`k1F&ZI3hϞ? (;=\NV9/YP:%*^E`٬Z%P#݂^ͫpgÛ>;۶BM1rRĠ#= \'Ҟ4Ogԧ>btFqܺ"QcɦxvƗ8qu.L6iҽH5L: sԾ'[&W^lǛL˘/w1,>ٝ K\Z,dU(۲=߿Dm}I|xAX\V`v?F{{#no0KMlsquzLL1|}R=P^*ļU4# ;PAGIF89a !, @ l\\X;PADGIF89a !, @ l\\X;PADGIF89a !, @#EWWW`Xng87k7vm;PAGIF89a@Phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhᙙhhᙙhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhᙙhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!,@P@ H*\:\8Q"ŋhG*Vtpɓ(S+@2禟$n{B;PA

Secure Receipt Error

There were problems verifying this secure receipt.

The original message that requested this receipt does not match the one you originally sent.



Secure Receipt Error

There were problems verifying this secure receipt.

An unknown error has occurred while attempting to verify this secure receipt.




Security Help
Digitally Signed & Encrypted Message

This message has been digitally signed and encrypted by the sender.

Signed e-mail from others allows you to verify the authenticity of a message -- that the message is from the supposed sender and that it has not been tampered with during transit.

Any problems with a signed message will be described in a Security Warning which may follow this one. If there are problems, you should consider that the message was tampered with or was not from the supposed sender.

When you receive an encrypted e-mail message, you can be reasonably confident that the message was not read by anyone else. Windows Mail automatically decrypts e-mail messages, provided you have the correct digital ID installed on your computer.

 Don't show me this Help screen again.

This is a secure receipt for the mail you sent


Security Warning

There are security problems with this message.
Please review the highlighted items listed below:


 Don't ask me about this message again.


Security Help
Digitally Signed Message

This message has been digitally signed by the sender.

Signed e-mail from others allows you to verify the authenticity of a message -- that the message is from the supposed sender and that it has not been tampered with during transit. Signed mail messages are designated with the signed mail icon.

Any problems with a signed message will be described in a Security Warning which may follow this one. If there are problems, you should consider that the message was tampered with or was not from the supposed sender.

 Don't show me this Help screen again.


Error Decrypting Message

You cannot read the message.

This might be because:

  • You may have lost or deleted the Digital ID that the message is encrypted to.
  • You may have installed the Digital ID that the message is encrypted to on another computer.
  • The sender may have meant the message for somebody else.
  • You do not have the necessary security package installed on this computer.

Windows Mail


Secure Receipt Error

There were problems verifying this secure receipt.

Windows Mail was unable to find the original message that requested this receipt.  The Original message is required to verify a secure receipt.  The following are some possible reasons the original message could not be found:

  • The original message is not in your Sent Items folder.
  • You have deleted the message from your Sent Items folder.
  • If you are using an IMAP account, it may be configured to save sent messages on the server.   Please synchronize all messages in your sent items folder.  To prevent this problem in the future, you can configure your account to use your local Sent Items folder instead of one located on the server. 


Your Secure Receipt:


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Please do not reply to this message

Welcome to

Windows® Mail

Your personal messaging solution


Windows Mail is the successor to Outlook Express

Windows Mail builds on the foundation of Outlook Express, adding a variety of new features designed to make your e-mail experience more productive and fun, while helping to reduce risks and annoyances such as phishing and junk e-mail.

Getting started

If you're upgrading from Outlook Express, Windows Mail can import your existing account information and e-mail addresses. The first time you start Windows Mail, you will be prompted to set up an e-mail account. If you skip this step and want to set up a new account later, click the Tools menu, click Accounts, and then click Add.

In addition to sending and receiving e-mail, you can use Windows Mail to read newsgroups, which are Internet discussion forums where groups of people gather to talk about common interests. To participate in a newsgroup (you can send a message or just read what other people are talking about), click Microsoft Communities in the folder pane. You can choose from a variety of newsgroups devoted to Windows and other Microsoft products.

To get help using Windows Mail, click the Help menu, and then click View Help. You can also get help from other Windows Mail users in the newsgroup.

New Features


Improved e-mail searching

  • To quickly search your messages in Windows Mail, you can type complete or partial words into the search box. You'll instantly get a list of all of the messages that contain those words. The list of results will show messages that contain your search criteria in both the headers and message text of your mail messages.
  • For fast access to search, press CTRL+E to move the cursor into the search box. Press ESC to clear the search box.
  • You can also search your e-mail inbox from Windows by using the search box. Searching from Windows instead of Windows Mail will produce the same results: matches are based on both the headers and message text of the mail in your inbox.


Junk e-mail and phishing filters

  • Windows Mail now includes Microsoft SmartScreen technology to help keep unwanted junk e-mail out of your Inbox. Suspected junk e-mail messages are automatically moved to the Junk E-mail folder.
  • The anti-phishing features in Windows Mail help protect against phishing messages, which attempt to trick you into revealing personal or financial information. When Windows Mail detects a possible phishing message, it allows you to view the message, but it blocks any links or dangerous content that might be in the message. You can choose to delete a message, or to allow a message that you know is safe.



  • Windows Mail Communities let you rate the usefulness of newsgroup messages by clicking the Rate this Post button. This makes it easier and faster to find helpful, trusted information in busy newsgroups.
  • The Communities rating feature uses Windows Live ID to help ensure that the people who post messages in newsgroups are who they claim to be. (You can still utilize the Communities feature without using Windows Live ID.)



About Newsgroups

Using newsgroups

Windows Mail is about more than just e-mail. You can use Windows Mail to access Microsoft's Help newsgroups at by clicking Microsoft Communities in the folder pane. These newsgroups allow you to ask questions and read answers from other people who are also using Microsoft products.

What you should know before you get started

1. Find the appropriate group. You'll find newsgroups covering most Microsoft products.  Picking the appropriate newsgroup is the best way to receive the information you want. Select folders related to the product that you have questions about. For example, the group "microsoft.public.powerpoint" would be the place to go for Microsoft PowerPoint questions. For more information about subscribing to newsgroups, go to Help and Support and search for "subscribe to a newsgroup."


2. Browse before asking. If you have a common question about a product, chances are good that there is already an answer in an existing newsgroup discussion. By browsing the discussions you might find the answer you need so that you don't have to post the question. 

3. Expand the list of responses. The responses to each question are displayed as a collapsed list to make the postings easier to read.. To see all of the answers to a question, click the plus sign (+) next to the message topic. This will expand the list so that you can see all of the answers to a question.

4. Good questions get more helpful answers. The more information you provide, the more likely people will be able to help you. For example, write a very descriptive title for your question. People will decide whether to read your message based on the title. A question with a title like, "How do I print multiple e-mail messages?" is more likely to get useful responses than a question with a title like "Help!" If you're having a technical problem, include the relevant details about the hardware and software that you're using. This information helps other people in the newsgroup replicate your problem.
5. Response time for questions. If you post a question to a newsgroup, other people in that newsgroups will often answer your question within 24 hours. If you don't get an answer within a day or two, consider reposting your question with a more descriptive title and more detailed information.
6. Mind your "netiquette." In a newsgroup, you encounter both anonymity and the inability to determine someone's tone, so it's sometimes easy to get drawn into heated discussions (commonly called "flame wars"). This can be compounded if you're visiting the newsgroup because you're frustrated by a problem in the first place. While it might be tempting to lash back at someone who posts a less-than-helpful reply, it does no good in the end. For a guide to the dos and don'ts of newsgroup discussion, see Netiquette 101 for New Netizens.

7. Who are MVPs? MVPs are experienced users of certain Microsoft products who use their expertise in answering questions from other users.


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GETTING STARTED If you're upgrading from Outlook Express, Windows Mail can import your existing account information and e-mail addresses. The first time you start Windows Mail, you will be prompted to set up an e-mail account. If you skip this step and want to set up a new account later, click the Tools menu, click Accounts, and then click Add. In addition to sending and receiving e-mail, you can use Windows Mail to read newsgroups, which are Internet discussion forums where groups of people gather to talk about common interests. To participate in a newsgroup (you can send a message or just read what other people are talking about), click Microsoft Communities in the folder pane. You can choose from a variety of newsgroups devoted to Windows and other Microsoft products. To get help using Windows Mail, click the Help menu, and then click View Help. You can also get help from other Windows Mail users in the newsgroup. NEW FEATURES Improved e-mail searching * To quickly search your messages in Windows Mail, you can type complete or partial words into the search box. You'll instantly get a list of all of the messages that contain those words. The list of results will show messages that contain your search criteria in both the headers and message text of your mail messages. * For fast access to search, press CTRL+E to move the cursor into the search box. Press ESC to clear the search box. * You can also search your e-mail inbox from Windows by using the search box. Searching from Windows instead of Windows Mail will produce the same results: matches are based on both the headers and message text of the mail in your inbox. Junk e-mail and phishing filters * Windows Mail now includes Microsoft SmartScreen technology to help keep unwanted junk e-mail out of your Inbox. Suspected junk e-mail messages are automatically moved to the Junk E-mail folder. * The anti-phishing features in Windows Mail help protect against phishing messages, which attempt to trick you into revealing personal or financial information. When Windows Mail detects a possible phishing message, it allows you to view the message, but it blocks any links or dangerous content that might be in the message. You can choose to delete a message, or to allow a message that you know is safe. Communities * Windows Mail Communities let you rate the usefulness of newsgroup messages by clicking the Rate this Post button. This makes it easier and faster to find helpful, trusted information in busy newsgroups. * The Communities rating feature uses Windows Live ID to help ensure that the people who post messages in newsgroups are who they claim to be. (You can still utilize the Communities feature without using Windows Live ID.) ABOUT NEWSGROUPS Windows Mail is about more than just e-mail. You can use Windows Mail to access Microsoft's Help newsgroups at by clicking Microsoft Communities in the folder pane. These newsgroups allow you to ask questions and read answers from other people who are also using Microsoft products. What you should know before you get started 1. Find the appropriate group. You'll find newsgroups covering most Microsoft products. Picking the appropriate newsgroup is the best way to receive the information you want. Select folders related to the product that you have questions about. For example, the group "microsoft.public.powerpoint" would be the place to go for Microsoft PowerPoint questions. For more information about subscribing to newsgroups, go to Help and Support and search for "subscribe to a newsgroup." 2. Browse before asking. If you have a common question about a product, chances are good that there is already an answer in an existing newsgroup discussion. By browsing the discussions you might find the answer you need so that you don't have to post the question. 3. Expand the list of responses. The responses to each question are displayed as a collapsed list to make the postings easier to read.. To see all of the answers to a question, click the plus sign (+) next to the message topic. This will expand the list so that you can see all of the answers to a question. 4. Good questions get more helpful answers. The more information you provide, the more likely people will be able to help you. For example, write a very descriptive title for your question. People will decide whether to read your message based on the title. A question with a title like, "How do I print multiple e-mail messages?" is more likely to get useful responses than a question with a title like "Help!" If you're having a technical problem, include the relevant details about the hardware and software that you're using. This information helps other people in the newsgroup replicate your problem. 5. Response time for questions. If you post a question to a newsgroup, other people in that newsgroups will often answer your question within 24 hours. If you don't get an answer within a day or two, consider reposting your question with a more descriptive title and more detailed information. 6. Mind your "netiquette." In a newsgroup, you encounter both anonymity and the inability to determine someone's tone, so it's sometimes easy to get drawn into heated discussions (commonly called "flame wars"). This can be compounded if you're visiting the newsgroup because you're frustrated by a problem in the first place. While it might be tempting to lash back at someone who posts a less-than-helpful reply, it does no good in the end. For a guide to the dos and don'ts of newsgroup discussion, see Netiquette 101 for New Netizens. 7. Who are MVPs? MVPs are experienced users of certain Microsoft products who use their expertise in answering questions from other users. PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING