<%=lblLabel %>
if (qrsText != null && !Utils.isEmpty(qrsText)) {
<% } %> |
if (qrsText2 != null && !Utils.isEmpty(qrsText2)) {
<%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF337", false, true,
"Si vous souhaitez les modifier, merci de bien vouloir nous envoyer les photos souhaitées par email à l'adresse logisguide@logishotels.com ")%> |
<%=Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "LF391", false, true, "Je confirme que la photo ci-dessus est libre de droit.")%> |
<%=lblLabel %>
<%if(fqtSeqNum == 172 || fqtSeqNum == 173 || fqtSeqNum == 174){ if(fqtSeqNum == 172){ %>
<%=postlblLabel %>
<% } }else if ( qType.equals(dico.getRefIdByCode("FqtType" , "FRL")) ) { int inputSize = 0; try { inputSize = curQuestion.getFqtInputSize(); } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } String qrsText = ""; String qrsTextInitial = ""; try { qrsText = curQrs.getQrsText(); qrsTextInitial = initCurQrs.getQrsText(); } catch (Exception e) {} int qrsInstance = 0; try { qrsInstance = curQrs.getQrsInstance(); } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } %><%=lblLabel %>
<%=postlblLabel %>
<% }else if(qType != null && qType.equals(dico.getRefIdByCode("FqtType" , "INT"))){ Collections.sort(responses); QuestionResponseBean qrs1 = null; String qrsText1 = ""; String qrsText1Initial = ""; int qrsInstance1 = -1; int instance = -1; int initqrsInstance1 = -1; int initinstance = -1; try{ if(responses != null && responses.size() > 0) qrs1 = new QuestionResponseBean((String)responses.elementAt(0),context); try { qrsText1 = qrs1.getQrsText(); } catch (Exception e) {} try { qrsText1Initial = initCurQrs.getQrsText(); } catch (Exception e) {} try { qrsInstance1 = qrs1.getQrsInstance(); if(qrsInstance1 == 0) instance = 1; else instance = 2; } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } try { initqrsInstance1 = initCurQrs.getQrsInstance(); if(initqrsInstance1 == 0) initinstance = 1; else initinstance = 2; } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } }catch(Exception e){ } QuestionResponseBean qrs2 = null; String qrsText2 = ""; String qrsText2Initial = ""; int qrsInstance2 = -1; int initqrsInstance2 = -1; try{ if(responses != null && responses.size() > 0) qrs2 = new QuestionResponseBean((String)responses.elementAt(1),context); try { qrsText2 = qrs2.getQrsText(); } catch (Exception e) {} try { qrsText2Initial = initialResponse !=null ?(new QuestionResponseBean(initialResponse.elementAt(1),context)).getQrsText():null; } catch (Exception e) {} try { qrsInstance2 = qrs2.getQrsInstance(); if(qrsInstance2 == 0) instance = 2; else instance = 1; } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } try { initqrsInstance2 = initialResponse != null ?(new QuestionResponseBean(initialResponse.elementAt(1),context)).getQrsInstance() : null; if(initqrsInstance2 == 0) initinstance = 2; else initinstance = 1; } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } if(initinstance != 1){ String temp = qrsText1Initial; qrsText1Initial = qrsText2Initial; qrsText2Initial = temp; } }catch(Exception e){ } QuestionResponseBean qrs3 = null; String qrsText3 = ""; String qrsText3Initial = ""; int qrsInstance3 = -1; int initqrsInstance3 = -1; QuestionResponseBean qrs4 = null; String qrsText4 = ""; String qrsText4Initial = ""; int qrsInstance4 = -1; int initqrsInstance4 = -1; //to get the thirth and forth if (responses != null && !responses.isEmpty() && responses.size() > 2) { try { qrs3 = new QuestionResponseBean((String) responses.elementAt(2), context); try { qrsText3 = qrs3.getQrsText(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { qrsText3Initial = initialResponse !=null ?(new QuestionResponseBean(initialResponse.elementAt(2),context)).getQrsText():null; } catch (Exception e) { } try { instance = qrs3.getQrsInstance() + 1 ; } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } try { initqrsInstance3 = initialResponse != null ?(new QuestionResponseBean(initialResponse.elementAt(2),context)).getQrsInstance() + 1 : null ; // if (initqrsInstance1 == 0) // initinstance = 1; // else // initinstance = 2; } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } } catch (Exception e) { } try { qrs4 = new QuestionResponseBean((String) responses.elementAt(3), context); try { qrsText4 = qrs4.getQrsText(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { qrsText4Initial = initialResponse !=null ?(new QuestionResponseBean(initialResponse.elementAt(3),context)).getQrsText():null; } catch (Exception e) { } try { instance = qrs4.getQrsInstance() + 1 ; } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } try { initqrsInstance4 = initialResponse != null ?(new QuestionResponseBean(initialResponse.elementAt(3),context)).getQrsInstance() + 1 : null ; // if (initqrsInstance1 == 0) // initinstance = 1; // else // initinstance = 2; } catch (FieldNotInitializedException fnie) { } } catch (Exception e) { } } %> <% // String initRsp = initialResponse != null ? initialResponse.get(0):null; // String rep2 = null; // try{ // rep2=qrs2.getQrsID(); // }catch(Exception e){ // rep2=null; // } boolean isOpen = false; boolean isClosed = false; boolean isOpen24h = false; boolean isInitClosed = false; boolean isInitOpen24h = false; if(!Utils.isNullEmptyString(qrsText1Initial) && !Utils.isNullEmptyString(qrsText2Initial) && qrsText1Initial.equals("00:00")){ isInitClosed = true; } else{ if((qrsText1Initial != null && qrsText1Initial.equals("00:01")) && (qrsText2Initial != null && qrsText2Initial.equals("23:59"))){ isInitOpen24h = true; } } if(!Utils.isNullEmptyString(qrsText1) && !Utils.isNullEmptyString(qrsText2) && qrsText1.equals("00:00")){ isClosed = true; } else{ if((qrsText1 != null && qrsText1.equals("00:01")) && (qrsText2 != null && qrsText2.equals("23:59"))){ isOpen24h = true; }else if(!Utils.isNullEmptyString(qrsText1) || !Utils.isNullEmptyString(qrsText2) || !Utils.isNullEmptyString(qrsText3) || !Utils.isNullEmptyString(qrsText4) ){ isOpen = true; } } %> <%if((fqtSeqNum >= 175 && fqtSeqNum <= 181)){%> <% if(fqtSeqNum == 175){ %><%=lblLabel %>
<%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF339", "Je suis fermé") %> |
<%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF338", "Je suis ouvert 24h/24h") %> |
<%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF33A", "Je suis ouvert sur un créneau horaire") %> |
<%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF347", true,true, "Ouvert le Midi") %> |
<%= Utils.getMessage(context, lngCode, "FF348", true,true, "Ouvert le Soir") %> |
<%= qLabelCode != null ? qLabelCode : qLabel %> |
"> name="<%=prefix %>_<%= lfqPos %>_ResponseRefID" onchange="disableOpening(this, '<%=prefix %>_<%= lfqPos %>')"/> | "> name="<%=prefix %>_<%= lfqPos %>_ResponseRefID" onchange="disableOpening(this, '<%=prefix %>_<%= lfqPos %>')"> |
<%=lblLabel %>
<%=postlblLabel %>
<%} } else { //Pas Texte libre, c-a-d REF ou LST Vector<% if(disabled) { %> <%if(fqtSeqNum == 182){ %>
<%=postlblLabel %>
<% } } else { // pas combo , c-a-d checkbox ou radio String tagType = "checkbox"; if (isRadio) { tagType = "radio"; } //int nbResByColumn = possibleResponses.size() / nbColumn; //if ( nbColumn * nbResByColumn < possibleResponses.size() ) nbResByColumn++; //int cptPossibleResponse = 0; if(possibleResponses != null && possibleResponses.size() > 0 && possibleResponses.size() == 1){ int nbResByColumn = possibleResponses.size() / nbColumn; if ( nbColumn * nbResByColumn < possibleResponses.size() ) nbResByColumn++; int cptPossibleResponse = 0; String responseChoice = (String) possibleResponses.elementAt(0); String responseLabel = qLabel; boolean isInitVal = (listRef2Init != null ? listRef2Init.contains(responseChoice) : false); String initresponseChoice = (String) initpossibleResponses.elementAt(0); boolean initisInitVal = (initlistRef2Init != null ? initlistRef2Init.contains(initresponseChoice) : false); %>
<%=lblLabel %>
<%=postlblLabel %>
<%= lblLabel %>
<%= postlblLabel %>
<%} %><%= catLabel %>
<%= postlblLabel %>
<%} if(fqtSeqNum == 165){ %>