Views.Base = Backbone.View.extend({ classType: "Views.Base", DEFAULT_ACTIONS: { remove: { button: { icon: edApplication().path + "skins/default/images/wall/delete.png", position: { my: "left center", at: "left center", collision: "none" } }, show: { event: "mouseenter", delay: 0 }, hide: { event: "mouseleave", delay: 1000 } }, add: { authorizedouble: false }, sort: { moveupbutton: { icon: edApplication().path + "skins/default/images/_liUp.png", movedownicon: edApplication().path + "skins/default/images/_liDown.png", position: { my: "left center", at: "left center", offset: "24 0", collision: "none" } }, movedownbutton: { icon: edApplication().path + "skins/default/images/_liDown.png", position: { my: "left center", at: "left center", offset: "12 0", collision: "none" } }, show: { event: "mouseenter", delay: 0 }, hide: { event: "mouseleave", delay: 1000 }, draggable: { active: true, placeholder: "dragPlaceholder", axis: "y" } } }, nowLoadingImage: "./skins/default/images/nowLoadingSmall.gif", nowLoadingLabel: "", nowLoadingPosition: { my: "center top", at: "center top", offset: "0 +3" }, listenDefaultEvents: function() { this.on("onmodelchange", function(event) { //console.log("event onModelChange fired"); }); this.on("onrender", this.launchDefaultActionsOn); this.on("onrender", this.launchSpecifiedActionsOn); this.on("onrender", this.triggerEventsOn); /*this.on("onMouseEnter", this.onMouseEnter); this.on("onMouseLeave", this.onMouseLeave);*/ this.on("onautocompleteresponse", function(data) { this.createAutoComplete(data); }); }, /* * Override this function to listen for events triggered by view * */ listenEvents: function() { /* * LIST OF AVAILABLE EVENTS : * * beforeInitialize * onInitialize * beforeAsyncLoading * onAsyncLoading * * beforeRender * onRender * beforeRenderList * onRenderList * onAddViewRender * * onShow * onHide * onMouseEnter * onMouseLeave * onFocus * onBlur * onBlink * * onAutoCompleteResponseRecived * onAutoCompleteItemSelected * onAutoCompleteShow * onAutoCompleteHide * * onTooltipLoad * onTooltipShow * onTooltipHide * * * */ }, launchDefaultActionsOn: function() { var that = this; this.model.on("change", function(model) { //console.log("model changed !"); //that.trigger("onmodelchange", [model]); }); this.$el.on("change", function(event) { that.updateModelFromInput(event); }); this.$el.on("keyup", function(event) { that.keyup(event); }); this.$el.on("focus", function(event) { that.focus(event); }); this.$el.on("blur", function(event) { that.blur(event); }); this.$el.on("mouseenter", function(event) { that.mouseenter(event); }); this.$el.on("mouseleave", function(event) { that.mouseenter(event); }); this.$el.on("focus", function(event) { that.onFocus(event); }); this.$el.on("blur", function(event) { that.onBlur(event); }); }, launchSpecifiedActionsOn: function(){ if (this.options.specifiedEvents) { var that = this; for (var attrname in this.options.specifiedEvents) { if (attrname == "onchange" || attrname == "onkeyup" || attrname == "onkeydown" || attrname == "onfocus" || attrname == "onblur" || attrname == "onmouseenter" || attrname == "onmouseleave" || attrname == "onmouseover" || attrname == "onmouseout") { var thespecifiedevent = attrname; this.$el.on( thespecifiedevent.substr(2,thespecifiedevent.length), {specifiedEvent: thespecifiedevent, view: that }, function(event) { eval(that.options.specifiedEvents[]); } ); } } } }, listenSpecifiedEvents: function() { if (this.options.specifiedEvents) { var that = this; for (var attrname in this.options.specifiedEvents) { if (attrname.substr(0,2) == "on") { if (attrname != "onchange" && attrname != "onkeyup" && attrname != "onkeydown" && attrname != "onfocus" && attrname != "onblur" && attrname != "onmouseenter" && attrname != "onmouseleave" && attrname != "onmouseover" && attrname != "onmouseout") { var thespecifiedevent = attrname; this.on( attrname.toLowerCase(), function(event) { eval(this.options.specifiedEvents[thespecifiedevent]); } ); } } } } }, /* * Override this function to trigger views event on other el events * */ triggerEventsOn: function() { /* * This method is called after the view is rendered, so all inputs are available * This function can trigger some specific events, depending on the view : * * */ }, /* * Override this function in order to decide what el event will launch the add of the model add view to the parent collection * this method must trigger onAddModelToCollection * */ triggerAddModelToCollectionOn: function() { console.error(this.classType + " : You must redefine triggerAddModelToCollectionOn() function, if you want to use ad to list functionnality."); }, updateModelFromInput: function(event) { var target =; var oModelValue = this.getModelValueFromInput(target.value); this.model = oModelValue; if (this.options.possiblevalues) { this.options.possiblevalues.setValueSelected(this.model.get("value")); } this.trigger("onmodelchange"); }, keyup: function(event) { //console.log("Firing onKeyUp", event); this.trigger("onkeyup", event); }, focus: function(event) { //console.log("Firing onFocus", event); this.trigger("onfocus", event); }, blur: function(event) { //console.log("Firing onBlur", event); this.trigger("onblur", event); }, mouseenter: function(event) { //console.log("Firing onMouseEnter", event); this.trigger("onmouseenter", event); }, mouseleave: function(event) { //console.log("Firing onMouseLeave", event); this.trigger("onmouseleave", event); }, destroy: function() { this.$el.remove(); edManager.unRegisterView(this); this.remove(); }, /* Initialize * automatically called by backbone framework when instanciating a view * Do not use manually * */ initialize:function () { this.options.childviews = new Backbone.Collection(); //console.log(this.classType); this.options.descriptor = ED.Descriptor[this.classType]; if (! = this.cid; if (!this.options.isreadonly) this.options.isreadonly = false; if (!this.options.ispartialrequired) this.options.ispartialrequired = false; if (!this.options.isrequired) this.options.isrequired = false; if (!this.options.compatibilitymode) this.options.compatibilitymode = false; if (!this.options.usetemplate) { this.options.usetemplate = "standard"; } else { if (!this.options.descriptor.templates[this.options.usetemplate]) { this.options.usetemplate = "standard"; } } if (!this.options.actions) this.options.actions = { remove: {active: false}, add: {active: false}, sort: {active: false} }; if (! { = "group_" +; }; this.listenDefaultEvents(); this.listenEvents(); this.listenSpecifiedEvents(); this.trigger("beforeinitialize"); this.on("beforeasyncloading", this.beforeAsyncLoading); this.on("onasyncloading", this.onAsyncLoading); if (this.options.async) { this.options.currentlyasyncloading = true; this.trigger("beforeasyncloading"); //Immediately call the web service in order to fill the model var url = Utils.normalizeUrl(this.options.async.url); /*if (this.options.async.url.indexOf(edApplication().path) == -1) { var url = edApplication().path + this.options.async.url; } else { var url = this.options.async.url; }*/ var k=0; //console.log(url); //console.log(this._wsParameters.toJSON()); var data = null; if (this.options.async.parameters) { data = new Backbone.Model(this.options.async.parameters).toJSON(); } $.ajax({ url: url , data: data, dataType:this.options.async.datatype, context: this, //timeout: 5000, statusCode: { 500: function() { console.log("error 500"); } }, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { //console.log(data); this.options.initializedfromws = true; this.options.currentlyasyncloading = false; this.trigger("onasyncloading", data); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { this.removeNowLoading(); console.log("error :"); console.log("jqXHR :"); console.log(jqXHR); console.log("textStatus :"); console.log(textStatus); console.log("errorThrown :"); console.log(errorThrown); } }); } else { /* * Backup the initial model * */ this.options.initialmodel = this.model.clone(); } this.trigger("oninitialize"); }, beforeAsyncLoading: function() { //write now loading this.displayNowLoading(); if (!this.options.async.datatype) { this.options.async.datatype = "json"; } }, onAsyncLoading: function(data) { this.model = this.getModelFromJSON(data); this.removeNowLoading(); this.render(); }, displayNowLoading: function() { if (!this.options.nowloadingel) { var nowLoadingTemplate = this.options.descriptor.templates.nowLoading; if (!nowLoadingTemplate) nowLoadingTemplate = "nowLoading.html"; this.options.templateNowLoading = Handlebars.compile(edApplication().getTemplateByName(nowLoadingTemplate)); var attributes = {id:, rootPath: edApplication().path, nowLoadingImage: this.nowLoadingImage}; if (this.nowLoadingLabel != "") { attributes.nowLoadingLabel = this.nowLoadingLabel; } var html = this.options.templateNowLoading(attributes); this.options.nowloadingel = $(html); this.options.nowloadingel.css("display", "none"); this.options.nowloadingel.css("position", "absolute"); $("body").append(this.options.nowloadingel); } var that = this; if ($("#" + > 0) { if ($("#" +,2).toUpperCase() == "ED") { //this.options.parentel.append() this.options.nowloadingel.css("display", ""); this.options.nowloadingel.css("text-align", "center"); this.options.nowloadingel.css("position", ""); this.options.parentel.append(this.options.nowloadingel); //this.nowLoadingPosition.of = this.options.parentel; } else { this.nowLoadingPosition.of = that.$el; this.options.nowloadingel.position(this.nowLoadingPosition);; this.$el.animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, 100); } } else { this.options.nowloadingel.css("display", ""); this.options.nowloadingel.css("text-align", "center"); this.options.nowloadingel.css("position", ""); $("body").append(this.options.nowloadingel); } }, removeNowLoading: function() { if (this.options.nowloadingel) { var that = this; this.options.nowloadingel.hide(100, function() { that.options.nowloadingel.remove(); that.options.nowloadingel = null; }); this.$el.animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100); } }, getModelFromJSON: function(str) { var parsedValues = str; var modelValue = new this.options.descriptor["model"](parsedValues); return modelValue; }, hide: function(callback) { //this.$el.animate({height:'0px'}, 100, callback); var that = this; this.$el.hide(100, function() { if (callback) { callback(); } that.trigger("onhide"); }); this.options.isShowed = false; }, show: function(callback) { //this.$el.animate({height:'0px'}, 100, callback); var that = this; this.$, function() { if (callback) { callback(); } that.trigger("onshow"); }); this.options.isShowed = true; }, /* * This methods generates a JSON String to give to the template * */ getJSONForTemplates: function() { var properties = { //view properties labels: edApplication().labels, rootPath: edApplication().path, descriptor: this.options.descriptor, myActorId: edContext().actorId, id:, cid: this.cid, softwareid: edApplication().softwareid }; for (var attrname in this.options) { properties[attrname] = this.options[attrname]; } if (this.options.possiblevalues) { modelProperties = this.options.possiblevalues.getJSONObject(); var label = this.options.possiblevalues.getByProperty("value", this.model.get("value")); if (label) { properties["label"] = label.get("label"); } if (modelProperties) { for (var attrname in modelProperties) { properties[attrname] = modelProperties[attrname]; } } } var modelProperties = this.model.getJSONObject(); if (modelProperties) { for (var attrname in modelProperties) { properties[attrname] = modelProperties[attrname]; } } if (this._extendedProperties) { this._extendedProperties.each(function(anExtendedProperty) { properties[anExtendedProperty.get("propertyName")] = anExtendedProperty.get("propertyModel").getJSONObject(); }); } return properties; }, selectTemplate: function() { if (this.options.isreadonly == true) { if (this.options.descriptor.templates.readOnly) { return this.options.descriptor.templates.readOnly; } else { return this.options.descriptor.templates[this.options.usetemplate]; } } else { return this.options.descriptor.templates[this.options.usetemplate]; } }, render:function () { this.model.view = this; this.trigger("beforerender"); var initialTag = this.options.initialTag; //var currentEl = this.$el; var oTemplate = Handlebars.compile(edApplication().getTemplateByName(this.selectTemplate())); var html = oTemplate(this.getJSONForTemplates()); $(this.el).html(html); this.setElement($(html)); //Flag the dom element as an ed one this.$el.attr("ed", "true"); this.$el.attr("edtag", this.options.descriptor.edTag); this.$el.attr("id",; if (this.options.actions) { /* * * RATIONNALISER TOUT CA * * */ if (this.options.actions.remove && this.options.actions.sort) { if ( && { this.$el.addClass("edisremovableandsortable"); } else { if ( { this.$el.addClass("edissortable"); } if ( { this.$el.addClass("edisremovable"); } } } else { if (this.options.actions.remove) { if ( { this.$el.addClass("edisremovable"); } } if (this.options.actions.sort) { if ( { this.$el.addClass("edissortable"); } } } } var otherAttrs = this.options.specifiedAttributes; if (otherAttrs) { for(var i=0;i 0) { $("input", this.$el).attr(otherAttrs[i], this.options[otherAttrs[i]]); } else { this.$el.attr(otherAttrs[i], this.options[otherAttrs[i]]); } } else { this.$el.attr(otherAttrs[i], this.options[otherAttrs[i]]); } } } this.el.view = this; this.manageGroupEvents(); if (!this.$el.attr("name")) { this.$el.attr("name",; } if (initialTag) { this.$el.insertAfter(initialTag); initialTag.empty().remove(); this.options.initialTag = null; } else { //var existingEl = $("#" +, "")); var existingEl = $("#" +; if (existingEl.length > 0) { existingEl.empty().replaceWith(this.$el); } else { //occurs when the view is part of a viewList this.options.parentel.append(this.$el); } } //manage edtooltip if (this.options.edtooltip) { this.createToolTip(); if (this.options.isreadonly) { this.$el.addClass("withTooltip"); } } //manage tooltip if (this.options.tooltip) { this.$el.attr("title", this.options.tooltip); this.$el.attr("alt", this.options.tooltip); } this.options.originalClass = this.$el.attr("class"); if (typeof this.options["class"] !== "undefined") { this.options.originalClass = this.options.originalClass + " " + this.options["class"]; } this.$el.removeClass(); this.$el.addClass(this.options.originalClass); if (this.options.isreadonly) { this.$el.addClass("readOnly"); this.options.originalClass += " readOnly"; } else { if (this.options.isrequired) { this.$el.addClass("required"); this.options.originalClass += " required"; } else { if (this.options.ispartialrequired) { this.$el.addClass("partialRequired"); this.options.originalClass += " partialRequired"; } } } if (!this.options.preventFromCascadingEdViewsCreation) { edManager.createEdViewsFromHTML(this); } if (this.options.dontshowafterloading) { this.hide(); } this.manageCompatibilityMode(); this.$el.trigger( + "_loaded", [this]); //debug mode $(this.el).on("click", {view: this}, this.displayDebugInfo); this.trigger("onrender"); if (!edManager.getViewByID( { edManager.registerView(this, ""); } return this; }, manageCompatibilityMode: function() { //manage events in compatibility mode if (this.options.compatibilitymode && !this.options.isinlist && !this.options.isaddview) { if (!this.options.compatibilityel) { var hiddenId =, ""); //this.options.compatibilityel = $(""); this.options.compatibilityel = $(""); this.options.parentel.append(this.options.compatibilityel); var that = this; this.on("onmodelchange", function() { //patch 27/10/2015 //$("#" + hiddenId).val(this.model.get("value")); that.options.compatibilityel.val(this.model.get("value")); }); } else { //$("#" + hiddenId).val(this.model.get("value")); this.options.compatibilityel.val(this.model.get("value")); } } }, manageGroupEvents: function() { if ( { if ( != "") { this.$el.attr("group",; this.$el.on("mouseenter", {, view:this}, function(event) { $(this).attr("mouseovered", "true"); $('[group="' + + '"]').each(function(){;}); } ); this.$el.on("mouseleave", {, view:this}, function(event) { $(this).attr("mouseovered", "false"); if ($('[group="' + + '"][mouseovered="true"]').length == 0) { $('[group="' + + '"]').attr("mouseovered", "false").each(function(){;}); } } ); } } }, onMouseEnter: function() { this.options.isMouseOvered = true; if (!this.options.isreadonly) { this.$el.addClass("mouseover"); } }, onMouseLeave: function() { this.options.isMouseOvered = false; this.$el.removeClass("mouseover"); }, onFocus: function() { this.options.isFocused = true; if (!this.options.isreadonly) { if (this.options.isinlist) { this.$el.addClass("focusInList"); } else { this.$el.addClass("focus"); } } }, onBlur: function() { this.options.isFocused = false; this.$el.removeClass("focus").removeClass("focusInList"); }, //return a Model.Value getModelValueFromInput: function(aString) { var aModelValue = this.model; aModelValue.set("value", aString); return aModelValue; }, /* * Tooltip management * */ createToolTip: function() { var that = this; this.normalizeTooltipOptions(); this.$el.qtip({ content: that.options.edtooltip.content, show:, hide: that.options.edtooltip.hide, position: that.options.edtooltip.position, style: { classes: 'qtip-light qtip-shadow qtip-rounded', //width: 250, tip: { width: 4, height: 4 } }, events: { show: function (event, api) {[0].view.trigger("ontooltipshow"); }, hide: function (event, api) {[0].view.trigger("ontooltiphide"); } } }); }, normalizeTooltipOptions: function() { if (typeof(this.options.edtooltip) == "string") { var content = this.options.edtooltip; this.options.edtooltip = {}; this.options.edtooltip.content = {}; this.options.edtooltip.content.text = content; } // if (this.options.edtooltip) // console.log(this.options.edtooltip); // if (! { = {}; } if (! { = 1000; } = 'mouseenter'; = true; if (!this.options.edtooltip.hide) { this.options.edtooltip.hide = {}; } if (!this.options.edtooltip.hide.delay) { this.options.edtooltip.hide.delay = 400; } this.options.edtooltip.hide.event = 'mouseleave'; this.options.edtooltip.hide.leave = true; this.options.edtooltip.hide.fixed = true; if (!this.options.edtooltip.position) { this.options.edtooltip.position = {}; } if (! { = "bottom left"; } if (! { = "top right"; } this.$el; this.options.edtooltip.position.viewport= $(window); if (!this.options.edtooltip.content) { this.options.edtooltip.content = {}; } if (this.options.edtooltip.objid && this.options.edtooltip.objtype) { //Uppercase the first character of objtype this.options.edtooltip.objtype = this.options.edtooltip.objtype.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + this.options.edtooltip.objtype.substring(1,this.options.edtooltip.length); this.options.edtooltip.content = {}; this.options.edtooltip.content.text = 'Loading'; this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax = {}; this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax.url = 'load_tooltip.fl'; this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax.loading = false; this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax.once = true; if (this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax.url.substring(0,7)!="http://") { this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax.url = edApplication().path + this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax.url; } this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax.type = 'GET'; { id: this.options.edtooltip.objid, type: this.options.edtooltip.objtype}; var that = this; this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax.dataFilter= function(data, dataType) { return $.trim(data); }; this.options.edtooltip.content.ajax.success= function(data, status) { if (data == "") { that.$el.qtip("destroy"); } else { this.set('content.text', data); } }; } }, displayDebugInfo: function(event) { if (event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey) { console.log("debugging " + + " " +; console.log(; if ( { console.log("This view is in COMPATIBILITY MODE. Here is the associated hidden input " +"id")); console.log(; console.log("Its value is : ",;"type", "text");; setTimeout(function() {;"type", "hidden"); },4000); } console.log("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } }, computeOnError : function () { /* //A read only view cannot be in error if ((this.options.isreadonly == true) || (this.options.accessmode == "READ")) return false; //A required view with an empty value is on error var isAllViewsEmpty = false; if (this.options.isrequired == true) { if (this.model.get("value") == "") return true; else return this.postComputeOnError(); } else { //In a partial required group of views, if all views has empty values, then all views in the group are on error if (this._isPartialRequired == true) { isAllViewsEmpty =; if (isAllViewsEmpty) {; } else {; } } } if (isAllViewsEmpty) return true; if (this.model.get("value") != "") { return this.postComputeOnError(); } return false; */ }, resetEl: function() { this.$el.val(""); }, resetAddEl: function() { this.$el.val(""); }, blink: function() { this.$el.blink("opacity", "0.4", 700); }, log: function() {, "-------------------------------------");, this.classType);, " id : " +;, " model id : " + this.model.get("id"));, " model : ");, this.model);, " template : " + this.templateName);, edApplication().getTemplateByName(this.templateName));, " generated DOM :");, this.$el);, "-------------------------------------"); } }); /* * Base Class to manage List of views * list of views are in a backbone collection viewsInList (don't confuse with childViews that is the list of child views in templates ) * This class manage the rendering of her list views transfering properties, like access mode, readonly, required etc * It also manage the Add, MoveUp and MoveDown buttons * It's model is a Models.ValueCollection which is a Ciollection of Models.Value * */ Views.BaseList = Views.Base.extend({ classType: "Views.BaseList", isViewList: true, tagName:'div', nowLoadingImage: "./skins/default/images/nowLoading.gif", nowLoadingLabel: edApplication().labels.DEFAULTNOWLOADINGLABEL, nowLoadingPosition: { my: "center center", at: "center center" }, delegatedEvents: ["onchange", "onkeyup", "onkeydown", "onfocus", "onblur", "onmouseenter", "onmouseleave", "onmouseover", "onmouseout", "onmodelchange" ], launchDefaultActionsOn: function() { }, listenDefaultEvents: function() { this.on("onaddmodeltocollection", function(model) { //console.log("event onAddModelToCollection fired"); this.onAddModelToCollection(model); }); this.on("onremovemodelfromcollection", function(model) { //console.log("event onRemoveModelFromCollection fired"); this.onRemoveModelFromCollection(model); }); this.on("onrender", this.launchDefaultActionsOn); this.on("onrender", this.triggerEventsOn); this.on("onmouseenter", this.onMouseEnter); this.on("onmouseleave", this.onMouseLeave); this.on("onmouseenter", this.onMouseEnter); }, launchDefaultActionsOn: function() { var that = this; this.model.on("change", function(model,event) { //console.log("oncollectionchanged", event); that.trigger("oncollectionchanged", [model, that, event]); }); this.model.on("add", function(model,event) { that.trigger("onaddmodeltocollection", [model, that, event]); }); this.model.on("remove", function(model,event) { that.trigger("onremovemodelfromcollection", [model, that, event]); }); this.$el.on("focus", function(event) { that.focus(event); }); this.$el.on("blur", function(event) { that.blur(event); }); this.$el.on("mouseenter", function(event) { that.mouseenter(event); }); this.$el.on("mouseleave", function(event) { that.mouseenter(event); }); }, onAsyncLoading: function(data) { this.model = this.getCollectionFromJSON(data); this.removeNowLoading(); }, selectTemplate: function(){ return this.options.descriptor.templates[this.options.usetemplate]; }, onAddModelToCollection: function() { this.renderList(); }, onRemoveModelFromCollection: function(aModel) { //console.log("onCollectionRemoved"); this.removeViewItemByCid(aModel.cid); }, render:function () { this.trigger("beforerender"); this.model.view = this; var initialTag = this.options.initialTag; var currentEl = this.$el; var oTemplate = Handlebars.compile(edApplication().getTemplateByName(this.selectTemplate())); var html = oTemplate(this.getJSONForTemplates()); $(this.el).html(html); this.setElement($(html)); this.manageGroupEvents(); //Flag the dom element as an ed one this.$el.attr("ed", "true"); if (!this.$el.attr("name")) { this.$el.attr("name",; } if (initialTag) { this.$el.insertAfter(initialTag); initialTag.empty().remove(); this.options.initialTag = null; } else { //var viewListEl = $("#" +, "")); var viewListEl = $("#" +; if (viewListEl.length > 0) { viewListEl.empty().replaceWith(this.$el); this.options.renderItemZone = null; this.options.renderAddItemZone = null; if (this.options.actions) { if (this.options.actions.add) { if (this.options.actions.add.view) { //reset reference to addView this.options.actions.add.view = null; } } } } else { this.options.parentel.append(this.$el); } } /*if (typeof this.options.hasBeenFirstRendered == "undefined") { this.options.parentel.append(this.$el); this.options.hasBeenFirstRendered = true; } else { currentEl.empty().replaceWith(this.$el); }*/ var otherAttrs = this._otherAttributes; if (otherAttrs) { for(var i=0;i"); this.options.parentel.append(this.options.compatibilityel); var that = this; this.on("onaddmodeltocollection", function() { //$("#" + hiddenId).val(Utils.getNormalizedValuesFromView(; that.options.compatibilityel.val(Utils.getNormalizedValuesFromView(; }); this.on("onremovemodelfromcollection", function() { //$("#" + hiddenId).val(Utils.getNormalizedValuesFromView(; that.options.compatibilityel.val(Utils.getNormalizedValuesFromView(; }); } else { //$("#" + hiddenId).val(Utils.getNormalizedValuesFromView(; this.options.compatibilityel.val(Utils.getNormalizedValuesFromView(; } } }, renderList: function(fromIndex) { this.trigger("beforerenderlist"); var that = this; var startIndex=0; if (typeof fromIndex !== "undefined") { startIndex = fromIndex; } if (!this.options.renderItemZone) { this.options.renderItemZone = $("#viewItemRenderZone_" +; this.options.renderItemZone.css("display", "none"); //this.options.renderItemZone.detach(); } if (!this.options.renderAddItemZone) { this.options.renderAddItemZone = $("#viewAddItemRenderZone_" +; this.options.renderAddItemZone.css("display", "none"); } if (this.model) { var aModel = this.model.models[startIndex]; if (aModel) { var htmlBlock = $("[viewItemRenderZoneCidModel=" + aModel.cid + "]"); if (htmlBlock.length == 0) { var aViewItem = this.createViewItemFromModel("viewItem_" + aModel.cid, aModel); aViewItem.options.isinlist = true; //aViewItem.on("onmodelchange", function() { aViewItem.model.on("change", function() { //console.log("a child model changed", this.model); var hiddenId =, ""); $("#" + hiddenId).val(Utils.getNormalizedValuesFromView(; }); that.addViewItemAt(aViewItem, startIndex); } setTimeout(function() {that.renderList(startIndex + 1);}, 1); } if ((startIndex == this.model.models.length - 1) || this.model.models.length == 0) { this.manageActions(); this.trigger("onrenderlist"); } } }, addViewItemAt: function(aViewItem, index) { //get the render zone //var viewItemRenderZone = $("#viewItemRenderZone_" +; var viewItemRenderZone = this.options.renderItemZone; //viewItemRenderZone.css("display", ""); //clone it and insert the clone juste before the render zone var clonedViewItemRenderZone = viewItemRenderZone.clone(); clonedViewItemRenderZone.attr("id", "viewItemRenderZone_" + aViewItem.model.cid); clonedViewItemRenderZone.attr("viewItemRenderZoneCidModel", aViewItem.model.cid); clonedViewItemRenderZone.attr("viewItemRenderZoneIndexModel", index); clonedViewItemRenderZone.attr("viewItemRenderZoneParentViewId",; //found the current viewItem with the index var currentViewItem = $("[viewItemRenderZoneCidModel=" + aViewItem.model.cid + "][viewItemRenderZoneIndexModel=" + index + "][viewItemRenderZoneParentViewId=" + + "]"); if (currentViewItem.length == 0) { currentViewItem = viewItemRenderZone; } //check if a view with the index already exists. //If exists, insert the new view before it var viewItemWithIndex = $("[viewItemRenderZoneIndexModel=" + index + "][viewItemRenderZoneParentViewId=" + + "]"); if (viewItemWithIndex.length > 0) { currentViewItem = viewItemWithIndex; } clonedViewItemRenderZone.css("display", ""); clonedViewItemRenderZone.insertBefore(currentViewItem); var viewItemRender = $("#viewItem_" +, clonedViewItemRenderZone); //var newView = this.createViewItemFromModel("viewItem_" + aModel.cid, aModel); viewItemRender.replaceWith(aViewItem.render().$el); if (!aViewItem.options.dontshowafterloading) { aViewItem.$el.hide(0);; } edManager.registerView(aViewItem); this.refreshHTMLIndexes(); //viewItemRenderZone.css("display", "none"); return aViewItem; }, removeViewItemAt: function(index) { }, removeViewItemByCid: function(cid) { var that = this; var htmlBlock = $("[viewItemRenderZoneCidModel=" + cid + "]"); if (htmlBlock.length > 0) { var viewItem = edManager.getViewByID("viewItem_" + cid); viewItem.hide(function() { htmlBlock.remove(); that.refreshHTMLIndexes(); }); } }, getFirstView : function() { if (!this.model) return undefined; if (this.model.models.length == 0) return undefined; var aModelCid = this.model.models[0].cid; return this.getViewByModelCid(aModelCid); }, getLastView : function() { if (!this.model) return undefined; if (this.model.models.length == 0) return undefined; var aModelCid = this.model.models[this.model.models.length - 1].cid; return this.getViewByModelCid(aModelCid); }, getViewByModelCid: function(cid) { return edManager.getViewByID("viewItem_" + cid); }, refreshHTMLIndexes: function() { $("[viewItemRenderZoneParentViewId=" + + "]").each(function(index) { $(this).attr("viewItemRenderZoneIndexModel", index); }); }, createViewItemFromModel: function(id, model, viewType) { if (!viewType) { viewType = "viewItem"; } var attr = {id: id, parentel: $(this.el), parentview:this, + "_" + id, model: model, isrequired: this.options.isrequired, isreadonly: this.options.isreadonly, possiblevalues: this.options.possiblevalues, tooltip: this.options.tooltip, actions: this.options.actions, usetemplate: this.options.usetemplate//,*/ //placeholder: "" }; attr.specifiedEvents = {}; for (var i=0; i"); removeEl.hide(); viewItemEl.append(removeEl); viewItemEl.on( show.event, {positionOf: viewItemEl}, function(event) { removeEl.isvisible = true; position.of =; setTimeout(function() {; removeEl.css("top", ""); removeEl.css("left", ""); removeEl.position(position); }, show.delay); }); viewItemEl.on(hide.event, function() { removeEl.isvisible = false; setTimeout(function() { if (!removeEl.isvisible) { removeEl.hide(); } }, hide.delay); }); var viewToRemove = edManager.getViewByID("viewItem_" + viewItemEl.attr("viewitemrenderzonecidmodel")); viewToRemove.$el.on("keyup", function(event) { if (event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode == 46) { //CTRL + SUPPR removeEl.trigger("click"); } }); removeEl.on("click", function() { var viewToRemove = edManager.getViewByID("viewItem_" + viewItemEl.attr("viewitemrenderzonecidmodel")); var modelToRemove = viewToRemove.model; that.model.remove(modelToRemove); viewToRemove.hide(function(){ $("#viewItemRenderZone_" + modelToRemove.cid).remove(); var firstView = that.getFirstView(); if (firstView) { firstView.$el.focus(); } else { var addAction = that.options.actions.add; if ( { var addView = addAction.view; if (addView) { addView.$el.focus(); } } } }); }); //removeEl.position(position); } } }, manageSortActionForView: function(viewItemEl) { var that = this; if (($("#moveup_" + viewItemEl.attr("viewitemrenderzonecidmodel"), viewItemEl).length == 0) || ($("#movedown_" + viewItemEl.attr("viewitemrenderzonecidmodel"), viewItemEl).length == 0)) { var sortAction = this.options.actions.sort; if ( { var childEl = $(viewItemEl.children()[0]); //childEl.addClass("edissortable"); if ( { this.$el.sortable({ placeholder: sortAction.draggable.placeholder, axis: sortAction.draggable.axis, start: function( event, ui ) { $("." + sortAction.draggable.placeholder).height(ui.item.height()); ui.item.trigger("mouseleave"); }, stop: function( event, ui ) { ui.item.trigger("mouseenter"); ui.item.blink("#d0eff7", 700); that.refreshHTMLIndexes(); } }); } var moveUpEl = $(""); moveUpEl.myposition = sortAction.moveupbutton.position; moveUpEl.hide(); viewItemEl.append(moveUpEl); var moveDownEl = $(""); moveDownEl.myposition = sortAction.movedownbutton.position; moveDownEl.hide(); viewItemEl.append(moveDownEl); var show =; var hide = sortAction.hide; viewItemEl.on( show.event, {positionOf: viewItemEl, model: that.model}, function(event) { if ("viewitemrenderzoneindexmodel") > 0) { moveUpEl.isvisible = true; moveUpEl.myposition.of =; setTimeout(function() {; moveUpEl.css("left", ""); moveUpEl.css("top", ""); moveUpEl.position(moveUpEl.myposition); }, show.delay); } }); viewItemEl.on(hide.event, function() { moveUpEl.isvisible = false; setTimeout(function() { if (!moveUpEl.isvisible) { moveUpEl.hide(); } }, hide.delay); }); viewItemEl.on( show.event, {positionOf: viewItemEl, model: that.model}, function(event) { if ("viewitemrenderzoneindexmodel") < - 1) { moveDownEl.isvisible = true; moveDownEl.myposition.of =; setTimeout(function() {; moveDownEl.css("left", ""); moveDownEl.css("top", ""); moveDownEl.position(moveDownEl.myposition); }, show.delay); } }); viewItemEl.on(hide.event, function() { moveDownEl.isvisible = false; setTimeout(function() { if (!moveDownEl.isvisible) { moveDownEl.hide(); } }, hide.delay); }); moveUpEl.on("click", function() { var view = edManager.getViewByID("viewItem_" + viewItemEl.attr("viewitemrenderzonecidmodel")); var modelToMoveUp = view.model; var newIndex = (viewItemEl.attr("viewitemrenderzoneindexmodel") / 1); if (newIndex > 0) { view.options.parentview.moveModelToIndex(modelToMoveUp, newIndex - 1); view.options.parentview.moveViewItemFromIndexToIndex(newIndex, newIndex - 1); } }); moveDownEl.on("click", function() { var view = edManager.getViewByID("viewItem_" + viewItemEl.attr("viewitemrenderzonecidmodel")); var modelToMoveDown = view.model; var newIndex = (viewItemEl.attr("viewitemrenderzoneindexmodel") / 1); if (newIndex < view.options.parentview.model.length - 1) { view.options.parentview.moveModelToIndex(modelToMoveDown, newIndex + 1); view.options.parentview.moveViewItemFromIndexToIndex(newIndex, newIndex + 1); } }); } } }, moveModelToIndex: function(aModel, newIndex) { this.model.remove(aModel, {silent:true}); this.model.add(aModel, {at: newIndex, silent: true}); }, moveViewItemFromIndexToIndex: function(oldIndex, newIndex) { //get the newIndex viewItemEl var oldEl = $("[viewItemRenderZoneIndexModel=" + oldIndex + "][viewItemRenderZoneParentViewId=" + + "]"); var newEl = $("[viewItemRenderZoneIndexModel=" + newIndex + "][viewItemRenderZoneParentViewId=" + + "]"); oldEl.trigger("mouseleave"); var oldIndexView = edManager.getViewByID("viewItem_" + oldEl.attr("viewitemrenderzonecidmodel")); var newIndexView = edManager.getViewByID("viewItem_" + newEl.attr("viewitemrenderzonecidmodel")); var that = this; if (oldIndex > newIndex) { oldIndexView.hide(function() { oldEl.insertBefore(newEl); { that.refreshHTMLIndexes(); oldIndexView.blink(); oldEl.trigger("mouseenter"); }); }); } else { if (oldIndex < newIndex) { oldIndexView.hide(function() { oldEl.insertAfter(newEl); { that.refreshHTMLIndexes(); oldIndexView.blink(); oldEl.trigger("mouseenter"); }); }); } } }, /* * This methods generates a JSON String to give to the template * */ getJSONForTemplates: function() { var properties = { //view properties labels: edApplication().labels, rootPath: edApplication().path, myActorId: edContext().actorId, id:, name:, toolTip: this.options.tooltip, placeholder: this.options.placeholder, rows: this._rows, group:, isReadOnly: this.options.isreadonly, isRequired: this.options.isrequired, label: this.model.get("label") }; if (this._extendedProperties) { this._extendedProperties.each(function(anExtendedProperty) { properties[anExtendedProperty.get("propertyName")] = anExtendedProperty.get("propertyModel").getJSONObject(); }); } var modelProperties = this.model.getJSONObject(); if (modelProperties) { for (var attrname in modelProperties) { properties[attrname] = modelProperties[attrname]; } } return properties; } }); /* * Static functions * */ Views.addButtonDefinitionTo = function(oButtonToAdd, arrayButtons) { //search if the button to add is not already in the button array var founded = false; for (var i=0; i