% /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 e-Deal * * e-Deal S.A. * 55 rue Brillat Savarin * 75013 Paris * France * * T: +33 (0)1 53 80 80 30 * F: +33 (0)1 73 01 69 77 * http://www.e-deal.com * * La diffusion de ce code source sous quelque forme que ce soit sans * l'autorisation de E-DEAL est interdite. * * Vous êtes autorisés à modifier ce code source uniquement pour votre usage * propre et sous réserve que les mentions de copyright demeurent intactes. * * Ce code est fourni en l'état. Aucune garantie d'aucune sorte, explicite ou * implicite n'est donnée. 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(Boolean)request.getAttribute("isDstSubsSilChecked") : false; boolean isDstSubsPerChecked = request.getAttribute("isDstSubsPerChecked") != null ? (Boolean)request.getAttribute("isDstSubsPerChecked") : false; String emlFltType = (String) request.getAttribute("emlFltType"); String emlSndType = (String) request.getAttribute("emlSndType"); String massEmailingTypeOptionSelectedId = (String) request.getAttribute("massEmailingTypeOptionSelectedId"); //récupérer la langue en cours FlLocale locale = FlLocale.getInstance(session); String langageID = locale.getLanguageID(); //si la langue dans fllocal est null alors français pas defaut if(langageID == null) { try { langageID = dico.getRefIdByCode("Lna", "Val", "fr_FR"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } //code type de message String codeMsgModele = dico.getRefIdByCode("tpe", "Te1", "MODELE"); String codeMsgProduit = dico.getRefIdByCode("tpe", "Te1", "PRODUIT"); String codeMsgImporte = dico.getRefIdByCode("tpe", "Te1", "IMPORTE"); //code type de destination String codeDestPer = dico.getRefIdByCode("Mtd", "Te1", "PER"); String codeDestSil = dico.getRefIdByCode("Mtd", "Te1", "SIL"); String codeDestPerSil = dico.getRefIdByCode("Mtd", "Te1", "PERSIL"); String emlTypeDstObj = null; if (emlTypeDst != null && emlTypeDst.equals(codeDestPer)){ emlTypeDstObj = dico.getTable("sql", "PERSON").getObjID(); } else { if ((emlTypeDst != null) && ((emlTypeDst.equals(codeDestSil)) || (emlTypeDst.equals(codeDestPerSil)))){ emlTypeDstObj = dico.getTable("sql", "SILHOUETTE").getObjID(); } } String sndQuery = "FldFobID:ObjSQL='Actor'|FldObjID:ObjSql='Person'"; sndQuery = WebUtils.urlEncode(context, sndQuery); String perQuery = "Se2Model:SmdObjID:ObjSql='Person'"; perQuery = ""; perQuery = WebUtils.urlEncode(context, perQuery); String silQuery = "Se2Model:SmdObjID:ObjSql='Silhouette'"; perQuery = ""; silQuery = WebUtils.urlEncode(context, silQuery); HashMap hmapAllEmailDisplay = (HashMap) flRequest.getAttribute("hmapAllEmailDisplay"); if (hmapAllEmailDisplay == null) { hmapAllEmailDisplay = new HashMap(); } HashMap hmapEmailDisplay = (HashMap) flRequest.getAttribute("hmapEmailDisplay"); if (hmapEmailDisplay == null) { hmapEmailDisplay = new HashMap(); } HashMap hmapMassEmailingType = (HashMap) flRequest.getAttribute("hmapMassEmailingType"); if (hmapMassEmailingType == null) { hmapMassEmailingType = new HashMap(); } java.util.Date emlSndDate = (java.util.Date) request.getAttribute("emlSndDate"); String strDate = ""; String strTime = ""; if (emlSndDate != null){ strDate = Utils.formatToWebDate(session, emlSndDate, true); strTime = Utils.formatToWebTime(session, emlSndDate, true).substring(0, 5); } String strReDate = ""; String strReTime = ""; try{ java.util.Date emlReSndDate = MassEmailing.getEmlReSndDate(); if (emlReSndDate != null){ strReDate = Utils.formatToWebDate(session, emlReSndDate, true); strReTime = Utils.formatToWebTime(session, emlReSndDate, true).substring(0, 5); } }catch(FieldNotInitializedException e){ } boolean hasFileStorageService; try{ context.getServiceManager().getServiceClient("FileStorage"); hasFileStorageService = true; }catch(FlServiceException e){ hasFileStorageService = false; } boolean hasUrlTrackingService; try{ context.getServiceManager().getServiceClient("UrlTracking"); hasUrlTrackingService = true; }catch(FlServiceException e){ hasUrlTrackingService = false; } Boolean isFax = false, isEMail = false, isSMS = false; String emlType = null; try { emlType = (String)MassEmailing.getEmlType(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (emlType != null) { try { String emlTypeDisp = (String)dico.getRefDisp(session, "Mty", "Te2", emlType); isFax = "FAX".equals(emlTypeDisp); isSMS = "SMS".equals(emlTypeDisp); isEMail = "EMAIL".equals(emlTypeDisp); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { isEMail = true; } %> " listTitle="<%= Utils.getMessage(session, \"F7033\", false, true, \"MassEmailing\") %>" ou="<%= \"/edit_massemailing.fl\" + (id != null ? \"?id=\" + id : \"\") %>"> <%--for linksSelectBox --%> <%-- nbr option to be checked int destinataire group --%> <%-- status of EmlFltType radio --%> <%-- type de destination --%> <%-- date and time --%> "> "> <%-- Bloc 1 : Destinataires --%> <%-- Ciblages --%> onclick="disableOtherBlocksGroup1('fsciblages');"> <%-- Populations --%> onclick="disableOtherBlocksGroup1('fspopulations');"> <%-- Abonnements --%> onclick="disableOtherBlocksGroup1('fsabonnements');"> "> <% if (!hmapMassEmailingType.isEmpty() && hmapMassEmailingType != null){ for (Entry currentEntry : hmapMassEmailingType.entrySet()) { String idType = currentEntry.getKey(); String type = (String)currentEntry.getValue(); %>><%= Utils.formatToWeb(type, false) %> <% } } %> "> > "> > <%-- Toute la base --%> onclick="disableOtherBlocksGroup1('fsbase');"> <%-- Bloc 2 : Filtrage supplémentaire --%> <%-- Règle population --%> > <%-- Règle suivi emailing --%> <%-- Règle suivi de liens --%> " for="EmlFltLinkElnID"> <%-- Règle abonnements --%> " onselect="javascript:loadMessage($('#langageID').val());setMessageLoaded();"> " for="EmlMsgID"> " alt="" class="icon" src="/icons/ico/rechercher.gif"> " alt="" class="icon" src="/icons/ico/supprimer.gif"> " alt="" class="icon" src="/icons/ico/importer.gif"> " alt="" class="icon" src="/icons/ico/exporter.gif"> " id="fullscreen" alt="" onclick="javascript:fullSreenMessageEditor();" style="cursor: pointer;"> > > "> <% if (emlType == null || !isFax) { %> " for="variable"> > <% } %> " for="fixe"> > "> <% if (!hmapAllEmailDisplay.isEmpty() && hmapAllEmailDisplay != null){ for (Entry currentEntry : hmapAllEmailDisplay.entrySet()) { String code = currentEntry.getKey(); String display = (String)currentEntry.getValue(); %> <%= Utils.formatToWeb(display, false) %> <% } } %> "> "> "> "> "> "> <% if (!hmapEmailDisplay.isEmpty() && hmapEmailDisplay != null){ for (Entry currentEntry : hmapEmailDisplay.entrySet()) { String code = currentEntry.getKey(); String display = (String)currentEntry.getValue(); %> <%= Utils.formatToWeb(display, false) %> <% } } %> "> "> <% if (emlType == null || isEMail) { %> " onselect="loadMonitoringDiv();"> <% } %>