update floption set optvalue = concat(optvalue, '|NEWLOGO:NEWLOGO') where optname = 'Message des comptes rendu'; update linkformquestion set lfqismandatory_ = 1 where lfqformid = (select frmid from form where frmseqnum = '251342107') and lfqformquestionid = (select fqtid from formquestion where fqtseqnum = 50); update linkformquestion set lfqposition = 1850, lfqtypetiers_ = 'T', lfqhtmldisabled_ = 0, lfqismandatory_ = 1 where lfqformid = (select frmid from form where frmseqnum = '251342107') and lfqformquestionid in (select fqtid from formquestion where fqtseqnum = 24); update formquestion set fqtlabel = 'NUMERO DE T.V.A INTRACOMM ', fqtposttextlabel_ = null where formquestion.fqtseqnum = 24; delete from linkformquestion where lfqformid = (select frmid from form where frmseqnum = '251342107') and lfqformquestionid in (select fqtid from formquestion where fqtseqnum = 182); update floption set optvalue = concat(optvalue, '|LOCVELO:LOCVELOGRATUIT;LOCVELOPAYANT') where optname = 'Quest.Equipement.Famille'; update refvalues set refnu2 = 1 where reftabid = (select tabid from tables where tabradical = 'Qp_') and refval like 'LOCVELO%'; update linkformquestion set lfqquery_ = concat(lfqquery_, '#LOCVELOGRATUIT#LOCVELOPAYANT') where lfqformid = (select frmid from form where frmseqnum = '251342107') and lfqformquestionid in (select fqtid from formquestion where fqtseqnum = 29); update label set lbllabel = replace(lbllabel, '''', '&pos;') where lblcodemsg = 'FF342'; update label set lbllabel = replace(lbllabel, '&pos;', '''') where lblcodemsg = 'FF342'; update formquestion set fqtlabel = 'MARQUE' where fqtseqnum = 197;