The computer is not configured to automatically sleep after a period of inactivity.
Computer Name | FILF-APP-REC |
Scan Time | 2025-02-18T01:42:20Z |
Scan Duration | 60 seconds |
System Manufacturer | VMware, Inc. |
System Product Name | VMware Virtual Platform |
BIOS Date | 11/12/2020 |
BIOS Version | 6.00 |
OS Build | 9600 |
Platform Role | PlatformRoleDesktop |
Plugged In | true |
Process Count | 48 |
Thread Count | 583 |
Report GUID | {7ee52a50-a778-4329-b61f-d1a1b5f94a8c} |
Current Timer Resolution (100ns units) | 156250 |
Plan Name | OEM Balanced |
Plan GUID | {381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e} |
Personality | Balanced |
Quality Mode | Optimize for Video Quality |
Average Utilization (%) | 1.38 |
S1 Sleep Supported | true |
S2 Sleep Supported | false |
S3 Sleep Supported | false |
S4 Sleep Supported | true |
Connected Standby Supported | false |
Group | 0 |
Index | 0 |
Idle State Count | 1 |
Idle State Type | ACPI Idle (C) States |
Nominal Frequency (MHz) | 2600 |
Maximum Performance Percentage | 100 |
Lowest Performance Percentage | 100 |
Lowest Throttle Percentage | 100 |
Performance Controls Type | None |