MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $-TٽL:L:L:FL:BL:RichL:PEL*Q! (@@8'*.rsrc8'(@@X0 H&ADAPTIVESQMMANIFEST ASQMMANIFESTSQMA&ٗWindowsSampling& %D2SSampling2SSampleManifest2S<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <SampleManifest UpdateFreq="7"> <SampleRules> <!-- Sample out RAC service data for all machines --> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="ServiceMetrics" SampleLow="0" SampleHigh = "0" /> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="ServiceState" SampleLow="0" SampleHigh = "0" /> <!-- Default sampling for RAC AppStore data is 40% for all machines --> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="AppStore" app="1" SampleLow="1" SampleHigh = "60000000" /> <!-- Default sampling for RAC metrics, profile, and event data is 40% on non-ARM, non-MSFT systems --> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="OSMetrics" SampleLow="60000000" SampleHigh = "100000000" /> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="ProcessMetrics" SampleLow="60000000" SampleHigh = "100000000" /> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="MachineProfile" SampleLow="60000000" SampleHigh = "100000000" /> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="DeviceProfile" SampleLow="60000000" SampleHigh = "100000000" /> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="EventData" SampleLow="60000000" SampleHigh = "100000000" /> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="AntimalwareProfile" SampleLow="60000000" SampleHigh = "100000000" /> <!-- Default sampling for RAC metrics, profile, and event data is 100% on ARM or internal systems. These rules override the above. --> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="OSMetrics" SampleLow="1" SampleHigh = "100000000" Op="or"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="os" Attribute="arch" Type="DWord" EqualTo="5" /> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="1" /> </SampleRule> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="ProcessMetrics" SampleLow="1" SampleHigh = "100000000" Op="or"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="os" Attribute="arch" Type="DWord" EqualTo="5" /> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="1" /> </SampleRule> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="MachineProfile" SampleLow="1" SampleHigh = "100000000" Op="or"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="os" Attribute="arch" Type="DWord" EqualTo="5" /> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="1" /> </SampleRule> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="DeviceProfile" SampleLow="1" SampleHigh = "100000000" Op="or"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="os" Attribute="arch" Type="DWord" EqualTo="5" /> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="1" /> </SampleRule> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="EventData" SampleLow="1" SampleHigh = "100000000" Op="or"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="os" Attribute="arch" Type="DWord" EqualTo="5" /> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="1" /> </SampleRule> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="AntimalwareProfile" SampleLow="1" SampleHigh = "100000000" Op="or"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="os" Attribute="arch" Type="DWord" EqualTo="5" /> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="1" /> </SampleRule> <!-- Default sampling for RAC state data: --> <!-- 40% for non-ARM, non-MSFT machines --> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="OSState" SampleLow="60000000" SampleHigh = "100000000" /> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="ProcessState" SampleLow="60000000" SampleHigh = "100000000" /> <!-- 4% for ARM, non-MSFT machines. These rules override the above. --> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="OSState" SampleLow="78000000" SampleHigh = "82000000" Op="and"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="os" Attribute="arch" Type="DWord" EqualTo="5" /> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="0" /> </SampleRule> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="ProcessState" SampleLow="78000000" SampleHigh = "82000000" Op="and"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="os" Attribute="arch" Type="DWord" EqualTo="5" /> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="0" /> </SampleRule> <!-- 100% for MSFT machines. These rules override the above. --> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="OSState" SampleLow="1" SampleHigh = "100000000" Op="and"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="1" /> </SampleRule> <SampleRule svc="sqm" ptr="Reliability" gp="ProcessState" SampleLow="1" SampleHigh = "100000000" Op="and"> <SampleCharacteristic Section="ctrl" Attribute="msft" Type="DWord" EqualTo="1" /> </SampleRule> </SampleRules> </SampleManifest>0r *H c0_1 0 +0L +7>0<0 +70 0!0 +!曇bS"PFҲy00 aJ 0  *H 0w1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Time-Stamp PCA0 120109222559Z 130409222559Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR1'0%U nCipher DSE ESN:B8EC-30A4-71441%0#UMicrosoft Time-Stamp Service0"0  *H 0 cG9Sky8!n=8s,<[LJǹP&SzuG+g,d`J^Vi7:*]ȿɫ?-xy9d#x v'ItUUI|pEa~qA2R$6PoE%DJOFl |zRkx\+x}ٶp}[sSfPK;Je%XP Ty:\jW(1ǟG'te?00Ԡ3 ;0  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA0 130124223339Z 140424223339Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR10UMicrosoft Corporation0"0  *H 0 \ (|{v(S?:@}3W?Q4Tϴ?7-P5NMzv,Y\)u'-A6+ @;\uRK37~A\e!7," w"|O N !6G/j5ܔWK8ztdb%.*¯$P\Iyp{(*)ϿqM\#)J'~C Oeq`0\0U% 0 +0UYqZ3Mژr2A0QUJ0HF0D1 0 U MOPR1301U*31595+4faf0b71-ad37-4aa3-a671-76bc052344ad0U#0ҴX7.3L 0VUO0M0KIGE>  *H 1n*W3՝:DM^j[yvh M9 ]$:|ۭγl9,E}$T&0 Gf],{tOik$햠sjKb|HMDN;] U?@18u(^Fmzy@Eծ]>ufc`՚$04cBgJK:ﶕ:8%f00 a3&10  *H 0_10 &,dcom10 &,d microsoft1-0+U$Microsoft Root Certificate Authority0 100831221932Z 200831222932Z0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA0"0  *H 0 rY\0d` BvSl>ok:t/2BN#r5W ʮ IhMKyKqG%ߝuϪsDׁ6\Eܯ=(hrsV5rv_wE8s[gRi/ t)v/T0Yҍb_F1P'@0r)("7N=2=͡8\NV(*2KOc-bE=F[&SzJF7<8w\V< _^0Z0U00UҴX7.3L 0 U0 +70# +71N&`;1o<-0 +7  SubCA0U#0`@V'%* SY0PUI0G0ECA?  *H Y9>&Fo@2j/nI_uL;-C -1#|P!]=/LVpyIr>A i˥ - PV-JҼp VชKWB4o4$җV ~ʑ^E ު|- plϸDx?:\IV잺 $17,ʹL0 *H  1 000w1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Time-Stamp PCA aJ 0 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 130224210500Z0# *H  1v-L7)$V3~;$0  *H J~]WVD,aYZݻ@Q֍ۚ/?PdK5yB\WT2՞źw!s`tJY !'<ӻQTB~znM mC4 m-bP| -تN]eqgo+6žIH5XAs*Q>r@bxY圊5Mr+\U?bT=wKF7ͩv zI=v