MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ٙ|||.|. |Rich|PELRH"!  @T`!.rsrc@@00 H`x8     P>PTTKMUI MEMTEST.XSL7y )Q9ɧAZWP} K¸Vp7 MUI fr-FRy0y@3yoy|vyyyy"yy&$MT_MSG_FIRST |Internal error: the checkerboard dimension is too large. Internal error: bad parameters to DeviceGetOverlapSubranges. Intel PIIX4 ,Intel 82801AA ICH 0Intel 82801AB ICH0 0Intel 82801BA ICH2 0Intel 82801E C-ICH 0Intel 82801CA ICH3 0Intel 82801DB ICH4 8Intel 82443BX with AGP <Intel 82443BX without AGP 8Intel 82443GX with AGP <Intel 82443GX without AGP Intel 82845 \Internal error: malformed SPD hierarchy. xInternal error: malformed memory controller hierarchy. pInternal error: BufferPos called on a NULL buffer. pInternal error: overflow in MtScreenFlipAttribute. |Internal error: bad parameters to MtScreenFlipAttribute. Internal error: MtScreenBufferPrintRegion called on a scrollable screen. Internal error: MtScreenBufferPrintEx called on a non-scrollable screen. tInternal error: strchr returned a meaningless value. Internal error: MtScreenBufferPrintAt called on a scrollable screen. dInternal error: meaningless stride value %d. hInternal error: GDT and IDT are not contiguous. Internal error: GDT and LDT are too large for local storage. XInternal error: invalid SU relocation. tInternal error: can't locate %lx in DeregisterFixup. HInternal error: out of memory. hInternal error: appended buffers are too large. dInternal error: image relocation failed: %s. Conflict Invalid Unknown 0There is no room in memory for this copy of the memory diagnostic. This indicates that the system doesn't have enough memory to run this program. E820 (1) E820 (2) E820 (3) \Internal error: unrecognized memory map. dInternal error: bad parameters to PCIConfig. \Internal error: unknown PCI access type. 4MATS+ (cache enabled) INVC 8Stride6 (cache enabled) Stride38 8SCHCKR (cache enabled) CHCKR2 CHCKR3 CHCKR4 CHCKR8 8MATS+ (cache disabled) <Stride6 (cache disabled) 8SCHCKR (cache disabled) Identifies most basic faults using walking ones and zeroes. Performs one and zero fills in order to locate inverse coupling faults. Uses a stride-6 pattern to simulate a checkerboard of ones and zeroes. Uses a stride-38 pattern to simulate a checkerboard of ones and zeroes. XApplies a simple checkerboard pattern. dApplies a 2x2 extended checkerboard pattern. dApplies a 3x3 extended checkerboard pattern. dApplies a 4x4 extended checkerboard pattern. dApplies a 8x8 extended checkerboard pattern. Internal error: tried to switch to a zero length test list. PInternal error: test list is empty. DTurn on caching for all tests HTurn off caching for all tests HUse the default cache settings HRestore the default memory map. tE820 (2). This is the standard E820-based memory map. hE820 (3). This is an extended E820-based map. This map more fully tests the memory used by the test program. However, each test will take about twice as long to run. <Run the basic test suite @Run the standard test suite @Run the extended test suite <Build a custom test suite @View the active test suite 4Change cache settings 4Change the memory map 4Change the test suite DView errors by memory module 0View errors by test 8View system information ,Advanced options (Enter selection @Return to the previous menu `%s' is not a recognized option. Press any key to continue. <Press any key to continue cache Windows Memory Diagnostic is currently using the %s memory map. Windows Memory Diagnostic will now use the %s memory map. The new map will not be created until testing resumes. LThe test suite has been updated. basic standard extended (S) Saves the current test suite and exits. (X) Exits without saving any changes. The TAB key toggles between the windows. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to select tests. Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to move a test to the opposite window. Use (U) and (D) to move tests up and down within a window. The colors identify (Available Tests (Selected Tests 0The colors identify @(PGUP/PGDN) Scroll (X) Exit Windows Memory Diagnostic found %d errors. The error distribution by test is: Windows Memory Diagnostic found 1 error. The error distribution by test is: \(C) Resume (M) Menu (TAB/ARROW) Navigate \(P) Pause (X) Exit (T) Run extended tests \(P) Pause (X) Exit (T) Run standard tests (Reboot failed. Pass Test Cache Results Address Expected Actual Off  The memory map contained ranges that extended above four gigabytes.  The memory map contained memory ranges too near the four-gigabyte boundary to be processed.  One or more memory map entries were aligned in a way that could not be processed. hInternal error: invalid truncation cause code. Windows Memory Diagnostic (WMD) could not process the system memory map. This occurred because of deficiencies within WMD, not the computer. As a result, not all of the computer memory will be tested. The specific problem was: xPress (C) to continue. Press any other key to exit WMD. Active Succeeded Failed 8Pass: %d Test: %d of %d xInternal error: the test number subscreen is too wide. <Windows Memory Diagnostic $Pass progress $Test progress (Range progress Test name ,Test description On and tests unknown 0 System memory map No errors have been found. The memory diagnostic will continue running until the (X) key is pressed or the machine is powered off. Windows Memory Diagnostic is currently using default cache settings. Windows Memory Diagnostic is currently forcing cache on for all tests. Windows Memory Diagnostic is currently forcing cache off for all tests. Windows Memory Diagnostic will use default cache settings. Windows Memory Diagnostic will turn on the cache for all tests. Windows Memory Diagnostic will turn off the cache for all tests. 4Memory controller: %s Bank `%s': $Not populated TThe contents of this slot are unknown 0 Manufacturer: %s $Part number: P Production date: Week %x, %s%02x (Serial number: (Fast Page DRAM Slot `%s': Type: Windows Memory Diagnostic found %d errors. The error distribution by memory module is: Windows Memory Diagnostic found 1 error. The error distribution by memory module is: Windows Memory Diagnostic (WMD) detected an error. However, WMD could not determine in which memory module this error occurred. Windows Memory Diagnostic (WMD) detected %d errors. WMD could not determine which memory module was associated with these errors. However, all detected errors occurred within the same module. Windows Memory Diagnostic (WMD) detected %d errors. WMD could not determine which memory modules were associated with these errors. LRAND TApplies random data to all of memory. WMATS+ Runs a normal MATS+ test using data patterns tailored for the memory in this system. WINVC Runs an inverse coupling test using data patterns tailored for the memory in this system. WSCHCKR Runs an simple checkerboard test using data patterns tailored for the memory in this system. WStride-6 Applies a stride-6 pattern using data patterns tailored for the memory in this system. WCHCKR3 Applies a 3x3 checkerboard using data patterns tailored for the memory in this system. ERAND Makes several passes through memory applying random data patterns. HAbout Windows Memory Diagnostic Windows Memory Diagnostic v0.4 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved. HWindows Memory Diagnostic v0.5. 8Press any key to exit. ,Boot Library Free DPass: %d of %d Test: %d of %d MT_MSG_LAST 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040C04B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationTFileDescriptionDiagnostic de mmoirer)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNamememdiag.exe/LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits rservs.HOriginalFilenamememdiag.exe.muiv+ProductNameSystme d exploitation Microsoft WindowsBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation <?xml version="1.0" encoding="unicode"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:osxml="osxml" version="1.0"> <_locDefinition> <_locDefault _loc="locData"/> <_locTag _locAttrData="pad-left,pad-right">p</_locTag> <_locTag _locAttrData="height,width">textarea</_locTag> <_locTag _locAttrData="minsize">select</_locTag> <_locTag _locAttrData="size">progressbar</_locTag> <_locTag _locAttrData="size,maxlen">input</_locTag> <_locTag _locAttrData="tip">option</_locTag> <_locTag _locAttrData="value">osxml:update</_locTag> </_locDefinition> <xsl:template match="mt-begin"> <osxml:text-mode-ui> <head> <title color="XXBXRGBX"><xsl:text> Outil Diagnostics de la mmoire Windows </xsl:text></title> <footer color="XXBXRGBX"><xsl:text> F1=Options CHAP=Quitter </xsl:text></footer> <meta key="F1" action="options"/> <meta key="F5" action="fault"/> <meta key="ESC" action="exit"/> </head> <body background-color="XXBX" foreground-color="RGBX"> <br/> <br/> Windows vrifie la mmoire du systme la recherche de problmes ventuels... <br/> <xsl:for-each select="@definite"> Cette opration peut prendre quelques minutes. </xsl:for-each> <br/> <br/> <xsl:for-each select="@definite"> <xsl:text>Excution du test </xsl:text><textarea name="currentpass" width="2"> _ </textarea><xsl:text> sur </xsl:text><textarea name="totalpasses" width="2"> _ </textarea><xsl:text>: </xsl:text><textarea name="passpercent" width="2"> _ </textarea><xsl:text> % effectus</xsl:text> <br/> <xsl:text>tat global du test: </xsl:text><textarea name="testpercent" width="2"> _ </textarea><xsl:text> % effectus</xsl:text> </xsl:for-each> <xsl:for-each select="@infinite"> <xsl:text>Excution du test </xsl:text><textarea name="currentpass" width="8"> _______ </textarea> <br/> <xsl:text>tat du test actuel: </xsl:text><textarea name="passpercent" width="2"> _ </textarea><xsl:text> % effectus</xsl:text> </xsl:for-each> <br/> <meter name="progressbar" blank-color="RGBXXXBX" size="80"> <xsl:attribute name="value"> <xsl:value-of select="@progress"/> </xsl:attribute> </meter> <p pad-right="3"> <br/> <br/> <xsl:text>Statut: </xsl:text> <br/> <font foreground-color="RGXI"> <xsl:for-each select="@success"> <textarea name="status-prompt" height="2">Aucun problme n a t dtect pour l instant.</textarea> </xsl:for-each> <xsl:for-each select="@failure"> <textarea name="status-prompt" height="2">Des problmes matriels ont t dtects. Pour identifier et rsoudre ces problmes, contactez le fabricant de l ordinateur.</textarea> </xsl:for-each> <br/> <xsl:for-each select="@definite"> <textarea name="status-prompt2" height="2">Mme si parfois l excution du test semble se traduire par une certaine inactivit, il est toujours en cours. Veuillez patienter jusqu la fin de cette vrification...</textarea> </xsl:for-each> <xsl:for-each select="@infinite"> <textarea name="status-prompt2" height="2">Mme si parfois l excution du test semble se traduire par une certaine inactivit, il est toujours en cours.</textarea> </xsl:for-each> </font> <xsl:for-each select="@definite"> <br/> <br/> <font foreground-color="RGBI"> Windows redmarrera automatiquement l ordinateur. Les rsultats de test s afficheront de nouveau ds que vous aurez ouvert une session. </font> </xsl:for-each> <xsl:for-each select="@infinite"> <br/> <br/> <font foreground-color="RGBI"> Windows continuera sa vrification de la mmoire jusqu ce que vous choisissiez de quitter l outil. </font> </xsl:for-each> </p> </body> </osxml:text-mode-ui> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="status-bad"> <osxml:update control="status-prompt" value="Des problmes matriels ont t dtects. Pour identifier et rsoudre ces problmes, contactez le fabricant de l ordinateur."/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="progress-update"> <osxml:update control="progressbar" value="{@value}"/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="currentpass-update"> <osxml:update control="currentpass" value="{@currentpass}"/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="totalpasses-update"> <osxml:update control="totalpasses" value="{@totalpasses}"/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="passpercent-update"> <osxml:update control="passpercent" value="{@passpercent}"/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="testpercent-update"> <osxml:update control="testpercent" value="{@testpercent}"/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="mt-options"> <osxml:text-mode-ui> <head> <title color="XXBXRGBX"><xsl:text> Outil Diagnostics de la mmoire Windows - Options </xsl:text></title> <footer color="XXBXRGBX"><xsl:text> TAB=Suivant F10=Appliquer CHAP=Annuler </xsl:text></footer> <meta key="F10" action="submit"/> <meta key="ESC" action="exit"/> </head> <body background-color="XXBX" foreground-color="RGBX"> <form> <p pad-right="3"> <br/> Combinaison de tests: <br/> <br/> </p> <p pad-right="66"> <select name="testmix" tip-target="testmix-ctx" active-color="XXBXRGBX" right-justify="true"> <xsl:for-each select="@basic"> <option selected="true" value="2" tip="Les tests de base sont MATS+, INVC et SCHCKR (cache activ).">De base</option> <option value="4" tip="Les tests standard contiennent tous les tests de base plus LRAND, Stride6 (cache activ), CHCKR3, WMATS+ et WINVC.">Standard</option> <option value="8" tip="Les tests tendus contiennent tous les tests standard plus MATS+ (cache dsactiv), Stride38, WSCHCKR, WStride-6, CHCKR4, WCHCKR3, ERAND, Stride6 (cache dsactiv) et CHCKR8.">tendu</option> </xsl:for-each> <xsl:for-each select="@standard"> <option value="2" tip="Les tests de base sont MATS+, INVC et SCHCKR (cache activ).">De base</option> <option selected="true" value="4" tip="Les tests standard contiennent tous les tests de base plus LRAND, Stride6 (cache activ), CHCKR3, WMATS+ et WINVC.">Standard</option> <option value="8" tip="Les tests tendus contiennent tous les tests standard plus MATS+ (cache dsactiv), Stride38, WSCHCKR, WStride-6, CHCKR4, WCHCKR3, ERAND, Stride6 (cache dsactiv) et CHCKR8.">tendu</option> </xsl:for-each> <xsl:for-each select="@extended"> <option value="2" tip="Les tests de base sont MATS+, INVC et SCHCKR (cache activ).">De base</option> <option value="4" tip="Les tests standard contiennent tous les tests de base plus LRAND, Stride6 (cache activ), CHCKR3, WMATS+ et WINVC.">Standard</option> <option selected="true" value="8" tip="Les tests tendus contiennent tous les tests standard plus MATS+ (cache dsactiv), Stride38, WSCHCKR, WStride-6, CHCKR4, WCHCKR3, ERAND, Stride6 (cache dsactiv) et CHCKR8.">tendu</option> </xsl:for-each> </select> </p> <p pad-right="3"> <br/> Description: <font foreground-color="RGBI"><textarea name="testmix-ctx" height="3"/></font> <br/> Cache: <br/> <br/> </p> <p pad-right="64"> <select name="cache" tip-target="cache-ctx" active-color="XXBXRGBX" right-justify="true"> <xsl:for-each select="@defcache"> <option selected="true" value="0" tip="Utilisez le paramtre de cache par dfaut de chaque test.">Par dfaut</option> <option value="1" tip="Activez le cache pour tous les tests.">Actif</option> <option value="2" tip="Dsactivez le cache pour tous les tests.">Inactif</option> </xsl:for-each> <xsl:for-each select="@cacheon"> <option value="0" tip="Utilisez le paramtre de cache par dfaut de chaque test.">Par dfaut</option> <option selected="true" value="1" tip="Activez le cache pour tous les tests.">Actif</option> <option value="2" tip="Dsactivez le cache pour tous les tests.">Inactif</option> </xsl:for-each> <xsl:for-each select="@cacheoff"> <option value="0" tip="Utilisez le paramtre de cache par dfaut de chaque test.">Par dfaut</option> <option value="1" tip="Activez le cache pour tous les tests.">Actif</option> <option selected="true" value="2" tip="Dsactivez le cache pour tous les tests.">Inactif</option> </xsl:for-each> </select> <br/> </p> <p pad-right="3"> Description: <font foreground-color="RGBI"><textarea name="cache-ctx" height="2"/></font> <br/> Nombre de passes (0 - 99): <input type="numeric" name="passcount" maxlen="2" border-color="RGBI" size="7"> <xsl:attribute name="default"> <xsl:value-of select="@passes"/> </xsl:attribute> </input> <br/> <br/> Description: <font foreground-color="RGBI">Indiquez le nombre de squences compltes des tests de la</font> </p> <p pad-left="13" pad-right="3"><font foreground-color="RGBI"> mmoire excuter (0 = squence en boucle infinie). </font> </p> </form> </body> </osxml:text-mode-ui> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="mt-end"> <osxml:text-mode-ui> <body background-color="XXXX" foreground-color="RGBX"> <br/> </body> </osxml:text-mode-ui> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="*|@*|text()"/> </xsl:stylesheet> PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD`!0!N *H !?0!;10  `He0\ +7N0L0 +70 010  `He _$Ք7Pg}:8 C;DG!5 003$ hs$0  *H  01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1.0,U%Microsoft Windows Production PCA 20110 130617214338Z 140917214338Z0p1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation10UMicrosoft Windows0"0  *H 0 b\ESFA:YU,xUїȡC4DpK_<}]ӟSABnsirSSOHx1#\t&}و`0D; VT_O؏ @(:[hitq^i" +CTRSbj<^v˘;ph|aV+T''^ʭǍT5E&0{0U%0+ +7 0UISܕ iC((&o3s&0QUJ0HF0D1 0 U MOPR1301U*31612+09a6d5f3-8125-416a-b9b1-447d2c25afa90U#0)9ėx͐O|US0TUM0K0IGEC U00  *H  x&KC&2!e?T'kٲOHjҏVaw3ٶ?iW34p;*;0Xȑšܫg0/ 9<8?.+O:;hDӇ?"06$94GKG(ZlF$t{  *H  |qQyn9>\` QfG=*hwLb{Ǻz4KbzJ7-W|=ܸZij:ni!7ށugӓW^)9-Es[zFX^gl5?$5 uVx,Јߺ~,c#!xlX6+̤-@EΊ\k>p* j_Gc 26*pZBYqKW~!<ŹE ŕ]b֠c uw}=EWo3wbY~10001 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1.0,U%Microsoft Windows Production PCA 20113$ hs$0  `He0 *H  1  +70 +7 10  +70/ *H  1" v`PϭQUx2zn&_x0Z +7 1L0J$"Microsoft Windows"  *H _,{ <mNš/'S_{} k~WC^(6GAOP 10QNE5)HaSd$IJ}AYHst:zEi۱ n-ļHI -ru$CR*`fwy]S}@ IcV5I1*I^ {| hp-#~ن_6\:v A0@߅mJ0F +71602 *H #010  `He0= *H  ,(0$ +Y 010  `He uC͢ifVQvP_2FQ20130822052200.919Z001 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR1'0%U nCipher DSE ESN:F528-3777-8A761%0#UMicrosoft Time-Stamp Service0q0Y a *0  *H  01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1200U)Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 20100 100701213655Z 250701214655Z0|1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1&0$UMicrosoft Time-Stamp PCA 20100"0  *H 0  w: iktTե |hK,_av>f+[S'1A |a0Y0D`TC M8Bݓs0W&E GͿ$`2X`FXG2tag_TϓLĦ]an(aF'$gr!KdPb]w=WuBM@Q>gfD~Knʱz* 1N5x 00 +7.00=+1 Legal_Policy_Statement. 0  *H  Q ?q=!o1Wm0fjxǨ%kTW+QDS`v@@A\\^5$VKtBȯ7}Z?yJR8/ye٩kzoK0D$"<Y)p2J'U/3b_W@ΙfjbJ &9Jqc{!mÜ<}jxm8ؔƥ B"8 %d~cY%z.9Wvqa˚Gͧ};q ]t"aڰPo1:eGxHr~akow˧ 9؂r*T9[ Uzs;-3.)/T'!ȬN(ۖBAM*f0ӻt2Kc{/!YD U00U% 0 +0  *H  r*4uo+wi7!FIh}nA`^9 y^rRI>~m@;wl*>̬˪YUm=gUv +_F2j7eUH Y.$<@9p ? a6o3AcۆQĶ{&.}[t 3~>iqw AR eX{vUn;(B Amv0^0㡁01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR1'0%U nCipher DSE ESN:F528-3777-8A761%0#UMicrosoft Time-Stamp Service% 0 +tlT,ki B~ 001 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR1'0%U nCipher NTS ESN:B027-C6F8-1D881+0)U"Microsoft Time Source Master Clock0  *H տ0"20130822002128Z20130823002128Z0t0: +Y 1,0*0 տ0%00 )06 +Y 1(0&0  +Y  0` 0 0  *H V]qؿGԱ]lH?ݨ{?CQZldK)9$]?߼g/],OOk>=Zhr KP47c.O>h@к;X {1VNKȽ4rd`v=S1000|1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1&0$UMicrosoft Time-Stamp PCA 20103)N| A)0  `He20 *H  1  *H  0/ *H  1" Mл_]~̃ð'4Ij\W:TLI0 *H   1000tlT,ki B~ 00~0|1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1&0$UMicrosoft Time-Stamp PCA 20103)N| A)0'!+$48 k~,K0  *H   <{,o[YhcI:!93KR)g]EI4з7ĭx͕e<&jkv?!tfHW#f/V[/5T%7mվz{MO7&BNf H', W)Ƀd~1qxHY/ny g`f6)CQJldy|r)MqRk)