/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rasctrs.ini Abstract: This file contains the English language counters and help text for Remote Access Created: Russ Blake 24 Feb 93 Thomas J. Dimitri 28 May 93 Revision History Patrick Y. Ng 12 Aug 93 Ram Cherala 04 Nov 93 Added this header --*/ [info] drivername=RemoteAccess symbolfile=rasctrnm.h [languages] 009=English [text] RASPORTOBJ_009_NAME=RAS Port RASPORTOBJ_009_HELP=The RAS Object Type handles individual ports of the RAS device on your system. BYTESTX_009_NAME=Bytes Transmitted BYTESTX_009_HELP=The number of bytes transmitted total for this connection. BYTESRX_009_NAME=Bytes Received BYTESRX_009_HELP=The number of bytes received total for this connection. FRAMESTX_009_NAME=Frames Transmitted FRAMESTX_009_HELP=The number of data frames transmitted total for this connection. FRAMESRX_009_NAME=Frames Received FRAMESRX_009_HELP=The number of data frames received total for this connection. PERCENTTXC_009_NAME=Percent Compression Out PERCENTTXC_009_HELP=The compression ratio for bytes being transmitted. PERCENTRXC_009_NAME=Percent Compression In PERCENTRXC_009_HELP=The compression ratio for bytes being received. CRCERRORS_009_NAME=CRC Errors CRCERRORS_009_HELP=The total number of CRC Errors for this connection. CRC Errors occur when the frame received contains erroneous data. TIMEOUTERRORS_009_NAME=Timeout Errors TIMEOUTERRORS_009_HELP=The total number of Timeout Errors for this connection. Timeout Errors occur when an expected is not received in time. SERIALOVERRUNS_009_NAME=Serial Overrun Errors SERIALOVERRUNS_009_HELP=The total number of Serial Overrun Errors for this connection. Serial Overrun Errors occur when the hardware cannot handle the rate at which data is received. ALIGNMENTERRORS_009_NAME=Alignment Errors ALIGNMENTERRORS_009_HELP=The total number of Alignment Errors for this connection. Alignment Errors occur when a byte received is different from the byte expected. BUFFEROVERRUNS_009_NAME=Buffer Overrun Errors BUFFEROVERRUNS_009_HELP=The total number of Buffer Overrun Errors for this connection. Buffer Overrun Errors when the software cannot handle the rate at which data is received. TOTALERRORS_009_NAME=Total Errors TOTALERRORS_009_HELP=The total number of CRC, Timeout, Serial Overrun, Alignment, and Buffer Overrun Errors for this connection. BYTESTXSEC_009_NAME=Bytes Transmitted/Sec BYTESTXSEC_009_HELP=The number of bytes transmitted per second. BYTESRXSEC_009_NAME=Bytes Received/Sec BYTESRXSEC_009_HELP=The number of bytes received per second. FRAMESTXSEC_009_NAME=Frames Transmitted/Sec FRAMESTXSEC_009_HELP=The number of frames transmitted per second. FRAMESRXSEC_009_NAME=Frames Received/Sec FRAMESRXSEC_009_HELP=The number of frames received per second. TOTALERRORSSEC_009_NAME=Total Errors/Sec TOTALERRORSSEC_009_HELP=The total number of CRC, Timeout, Serial Overrun, Alignment, and Buffer Overrun Errors per second. RASTOTALOBJ_009_NAME=RAS Total RASTOTALOBJ_009_HELP=The RAS Object Type handles all combined ports of the RAS device on your system. TOTALCONNECTIONS_009_NAME=Total Connections TOTALCONNECTIONS_009_HELP=The total number of Remote Access connections.