This defines a friendly name for this Wi-Fi Direct group profile. Defines the Device Address portion of the group info. If this is a local GO profile, it is the local hardware's device address, otherwise it's the remote device's address. Defines the SSID portion of the group info. It must begin with DIRECT-XY, where XY are 2 randomly assigned letters/numbers. Whether or not the group was persistent at the time of pairing. This will affect how a local GO is advertised, and will dictate whether or not reinvoke invitation will be supported. Group is automatically persistent unless otherwise speficied. The Wi-Fi Direct role which the local computer assumed at the time of pairing. This will dictate what kind of role will be loaded. Defines the Device Address of the PC at the time of pairing. Authentication type for this group. This is an optional element. The default value in its absence is WPA2PSK. Encryption type for this group. This is an optional element. The default value in its absence is AES. The network key for this group. The legacy client key for this network. Useful only if this is a local GO profile. Optional.