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Identifies a principal who must present several credentials to be authenticated. Specifies the terms, conditions, and obligations under which rights can be exercised. The conditions in a grant can have a known structure specifying that they all must be met simultaneously (a conjunction) or only one of them must be met. This known structure enables a generic engine with no specific knowledge of the semantics of the rights or conditions to compute the grants in effect through a chain of delegated rights. Optional constraint on the conditions of the grant. This pattern is evaluated against the subtree of the grant rooted at the condition. A substitution head for condition patterns. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies conditions based pattern matching. Specifies the circumstances under which an associated grant may be delegated. If delegationControl is absent for a grant, that grant may not be delegated (unless that permission is conveyed by some other mechanism not yet defined). Provides the means to identify and retrieve the bits that comprise a particular digital resource. Identifies a possibly qualified universe of principals. The resource qualification under this element enables the specification of prerequisiteRight conditions similar to "everyone, possessProperty, resource". Requires that a grant or grantGroup exists that is the specified grant or grantGroup or matches the specified grantPattern or grantGroupPattern and that is issued (as one of the license's direct children) by one of the identified trusted issuers. Applies a universal quantifier to the referenced licensePart. The quantum within the license that bestows an authorization upon some principal. It conveys to a particular principal the sanction to exercise an identified right against an identified resource, possibly subject to first fulfilling some conditions. A container of several grants. A grantGroup does not define any semantic association, ordering relationship, and so on, between the grants it contains. A structure representing a predicate expression that can be evaluated against a grantGroup. All conditions imposed by this element's children are ANDed together to form the overall grantGroupPattern. Children that are singleton principals, conditions, grants, and so on, are compared for equality against their resource by canonicalizing both using a canonicalization algorithm and comparing the output as binary bit streams. Represents a predicate expression that can be evaluated against a grant. All conditions imposed by this element's children are ANDed together to form the overall grantPattern. Children that are singleton rights, resources, and so on are compared for equality against their resource by canonicalizing both using a canonicalization algorithm and comparing the output as binary bit streams. Represents the right to issue licenses corresponding to the attached resource, which must be a grant or grantGroup. This right can be used to embody the notion of being a certificate authority. Identifies the entity who signs the license, attesting to its validity. If more than one issuer signs the license, it is as if each signed it independently; one license with several issuers is equivalent to several copies of the same license, each with one issuer. Indeed, such a syntactic transformation can feasibly be made while preserving the signature validity. Identifies a principal who possesses a particular key. Typically, the key is a private key corresponding to a public key identified by this element, but it may be a symmetric key. The public key can be identified by several mechanisms defined in the XML Digital Signature specification. A container of one or more grants, each of which conveys to a principal a right to a resource under certain conditions. The license also specifies its issuer and other administrative information. A container of licenses. A licenseGroup does not define any semantic association, ordering relationship, and so on, between the licenses it contains. An abstract element from which the various specific parts of a license are derived. This element defines attributes common to all parts of a license. Represents the right to obtain the grant, grantGroup, or grantPattern specified as a resource associated with this right. Typically, this right is associated with conditions, such as a fee or validity interval. A structure representing a predicate expression that can be evaluated against any license part. A comparison is made to the contained licensePart using the XrML2 equality comparison. Represents the right to claim ownership of particular characteristics, which are listed as resources associated with this right. Requires that another right be possessed before exercising the associated right. The specified principal must be able to exercise the right on the resource under the authorization of the trustedIssuer. Represents the unique identification of a party involved in granting or exercising rights. Each principal identifies exactly one party. Optional constraint on the principal of the grant. A substitution head for principal patterns. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies principals based pattern matching. The "noun" to which a principal can be granted a right. A resource can be a digital work (such as an e-book, an audio or video file, or an image), a service (such as an email service or B2B transaction service), or even a piece of information that can be owned by a principal (such as a name or an email address). Optional constraint on the resource of the grant. This pattern is evaluated against the subtree of the grant rooted at the resource. A substitution head for resource patterns. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies resources based pattern matching. A maximum interval specifying how recently a signature on the license containing this grant must be checked for revocation. Beyond this interval, the grant may not be used as part of a proof of authorization. Represents the right to revoke a statement that one has made previously. The act of issuing a license implicitly grants one the right to revoke it. With this right, one may explicitly delegate that right to others. The "verb" that a principal can be granted to exercise against some resource under some condition. Typically, a right specifies an action (or activity) or a class of actions that a principal may perform on or using the associated resource. Optional constraint on the right of the grant. This pattern is evaluated against the subtree of the grant rooted at the right. A substitution head for right patterns. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies rights based pattern matching. Provides the means to locate and interact with a concrete service. Specifically, this element identifies both an endpoint/address at which the service is located and meta information by which the type or interface for the endpoint can be understood. Defines a trust model based on a principal or set of principals who are trusted. Identifies the time interval during which the associated right is valid. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies a set of valid XML trees based pattern matching. A container of other conditions, all of which must be met simultaneously. Identifies a principal who must present several credentials to be authenticated. Specifies the terms, conditions, and obligations under which rights can be exercised. The conditions in a grant can have a known structure specifying that they all must be met simultaneously (a conjunction) or only one of them must be met. This known structure enables a generic engine with no specific knowledge of the semantics of the rights or conditions to compute the grants in effect through a chain of delegated rights. Optional constraint on the conditions of the grant. This pattern is evaluated against the subtree of the grant rooted at the condition. A substitution head for condition patterns. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies conditions based pattern matching. Specifies the circumstances under which an associated grant may be delegated. If delegationControl is absent for a grant, that grant may not be delegated (unless that permission is conveyed by some other mechanism not yet defined). Specifies the maximum depth of delegation chaining. A value of zero indicates that this grant may not be delegated. When a grant with this constraint is delegated, the contained count must be decremented by one. Specifies that an infinite chain of delegation is permitted. Indicates whether the delegated copy can specify conditions not contained in the original copy. If omitted, additional conditions can be specified; if present, the delegated copy must contain the same conditions as the original copy. Specifies a principal to whom the grant may be delegated. If more than one "to" element is specified, the principal may be any of those identified: all the "to" elements are ORed together. Provides the means to identify and retrieve the bits that comprise a particular digital resource. A non-cryptographically-secure reference to the bits that comprise a digital resource. An indirect, non-URI reference to the digital resource. The coupling to the referenced resource is made secure and unambiguous using cryptographic techniques. The bits that comprise the digital resource. An embedded digital resource, cast as an XML document fragment, within the current document. There is no standard way to embed an arbitrary full XML document within another due to issues such as local entities, character set differences, and document-global ID scope. A locator scheme invented by others. Identifies a possibly qualified universe of principals. The resource qualification under this element enables the specification of prerequisiteRight conditions similar to "everyone, possessProperty, resource". Requires that a grant or grantGroup exist and that is issued (as one of the license's direct children) by one of the identified trusted issuers. The grant element identifies shape grant that expresses the right which must be held in order to satisfy the existsRight. The trustedIssuer identifies one or more principals trusted to issue the right. Applies a universal quantifier to the referenced licensePart. The quantum within the license that bestows an authorization upon some principal. It conveys to a particular principal the sanction to exercise an identified right against an identified resource, possibly subject to first fulfilling some conditions. A container of several grants. A grantGroup does not define any semantic association, ordering relationship, and so on, between the grants it contains. A structure representing a predicate expression that can be evaluated against a grantGroup. All conditions imposed by this element's children are ANDed together to form the overall grantGroupPattern. Children that are singleton principals, conditions, grants, and so on, are compared for equality against their resource by canonicalizing both using a canonicalization algorithm and comparing the output as binary bit streams. Optional constraint imposed on the grant as a whole, evaluated against the subtree rooted at the grant. This element specifies a pattern (such as an Xpath) to evaluate against the resource grant as a whole. Represents a predicate expression that can be evaluated against a grant. All conditions imposed by this element's children are ANDed together to form the overall grantPattern. Children that are singleton rights, resources, and so on are compared for equality against their resource by canonicalizing both using a canonicalization algorithm and comparing the output as binary bit streams. Optional constraint imposed on the grant as a whole, evaluated against the subtree rooted at the grant. This element specifies a pattern (such as an Xpath) to evaluate against the resource grant as a whole. A container used to define elements frequently used throughout a license. These elements are defined in the inventory, and then referenced by ID wherever they are needed within the license. Represents the right to issue licenses corresponding to the attached resource, which must be a grant or grantGroup. This right can be used to embody the notion of being a certificate authority. Describes information associated with each issuer (signer) of a license. The SignedInfo in the Signature must contain a Reference that covers the whole license except for its immediate issuer children. Optionally, the SignedInfo may contain a second Reference that covers the details of the specific issuer. Boilerplate XPATH Transforms can be used for each Reference. Issuer-specific contributions to the license. Issuer-specific contributions to the license. The date at which the license was issued, as attested to by this issuer. For many purposes, validators cannot rely on this assertion, but instead require some disinterested third part to attest to the date of issuance. Optional time interval during which the issuer attests to the validity of that part of the license that the issuer signed. The semantics are as if the validityInterval was an additional condition ANDed with the conditions present in each grant. A mechanism by which the issuer may post notice of license revocation. Software checking for revocation may use any one of the identified mechanisms to check for revocation. Identifies a principal who possesses a particular key. Typically, the key is a private key corresponding to a public key identified by this element, but it may be a symmetric key. The public key can be identified by several mechanisms defined in the XML Digital Signature specification. A container of one or more grants, each of which conveys to a principal a right to a resource under certain conditions. The license also specifies its issuer and other administrative information. The optional licenseID attribute uniquely and globally identify this license over space and time. Note (by way of comparison to validity intervals in, say, X509) that as a pragmatic matter, each right in a license usually contains a time condition to limit its validity time. A handy set of phrases that describe this license. The intent is that these can be shown to human beings in user interfaces in which licenses need to be managed, such as pick-lists. A container used to define elements frequently used throughout a license. These elements are defined in the inventory, and then referenced by ID wherever they are needed within the license. Specifies any other information to be conveyed in a license, such as information peripherally related to authentication and authorization, but not part of the core infrastructure. These extended elements typically fall under the license signature(s). However, recipients at their discretion can and will choose to ignore these extensions. A container of licenses. A licenseGroup does not define any semantic association, ordering relationship, and so on, between the licenses it contains. An abstract element from which the various specific parts of a license are derived. This element defines attributes common to all parts of a license. A license part can have an identifier or reference an identifier defined elsewhere in this license. This mechanism reduces verbosity by defining commonly-used elements in one place and referencing them elsewhere. However, this is a purely syntactic shorthand; no semantic connection between the definition site and use site is implied. A string and an optional xml:lang indication of the language in which it resides, which enables embedded XML structured content. A reference similar to dsig:ReferenceType, but lacking the cryptographic connection. Represents the right to obtain the grant, grantGroup, or grantPattern specified as a resource associated with this right. Typically, this right is associated with conditions, such as a fee or validity interval. A structure representing a predicate expression that can be evaluated against any license part. A comparison is made to the contained licensePart using the XrML2 equality comparison. Represents the right to claim ownership of particular characteristics, which are listed as resources associated with this right. Requires that another right be possessed before exercising the associated right. The specified principal must be able to exercise the right on the resource under the authorization of the trustedIssuer. Represents the unique identification of a party involved in granting or exercising rights. Each principal identifies exactly one party. Optional constraint on the principal of the grant. A substitution head for principal patterns. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies principals based pattern matching. The "noun" to which a principal can be granted a right. A resource can be a digital work (such as an e-book, an audio or video file, or an image), a service (such as an email service or B2B transaction service), or even a piece of information that can be owned by a principal (such as a name or an email address). Optional constraint on the resource of the grant. This pattern is evaluated against the subtree of the grant rooted at the resource. A substitution head for resource patterns. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies resources based pattern matching. A maximum interval specifying how recently a signature on the license containing this grant must be checked for revocation. Beyond this interval, the grant may not be used as part of a proof of authorization. Indicates the maximum amount of time that may elapse since the last time the grant was checked for revocation. A value of zero indicates that the grant must be explicitly checked each time it is exercised. Indicates that for this use of this condition, a check for revocation is not needed. Indicates a mechanism through which notice of revocation of licenses may be communicated. To allow others to define their own revocation communication mechanism, this element is extensible. Indicates a service instance to query for the status of a signature. Indicates a service through which to obtain a revocation list. Represents revocation mechanisms invented by others. Represents the right to revoke a statement that one has made previously. The act of issuing a license implicitly grants one the right to revoke it. With this right, one may explicitly delegate that right to others. The "verb" that a principal can be granted to exercise against some resource under some condition. Typically, a right specifies an action (or activity) or a class of actions that a principal may perform on or using the associated resource. Optional constraint on the right of the grant. This pattern is evaluated against the subtree of the grant rooted at the right. A substitution head for right patterns. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies rights based pattern matching. Provides the means to locate and interact with a concrete service. Specifically, this element identifies both an endpoint/address at which the service is located and meta information by which the type or interface for the endpoint can be understood. Use the specified portion of the identified WSDL file for the full protocol and endpoint information. Identifies a particular WSDL file. Identifies a particular service within the WSDL file. WSDL services have zero or more ports and a binding between each port and an endpoint address. All ports of the same portType are considered equivalent. Identifies a specific port type if the WSDL service contains ports of more than one portType. For more information, refer to the WSDL specification. Separates the protocol information found in the WSDL file from the endpoint addressing information for the service. Identifies the abstract type of the web service, independent of its endpoint. Elements of this type indicate a particular type of web service without indicating where an instance of that web service is specifically available. Identifies the WSDL in which the type of the service is defined. Indicates the relevant portType and protocol binding in the WSDL file. Indicates the actual endpoint at which the service is located. Specifies that the UDDI Business Registry (or possibly a private UDDI registry) be used for protocol and endpoint information. Use means invented by others to connect to services. Provides contextual parameters that may be needed to interact with the service. The exact interpretation of each parameter is specific to the semantics of the service and is not specified here. Defines one raw parameter to be passed to the service. Lists optional transformations to be applied in sequence over datum. Indicates the means for identifying a principal trusted to perform a certain action. Extensions to this type might specify additional policies not articulated here. Specifies a list of principals, any of which can be used. A key that identifies a business, service, or other entity inside of UDDI. The universally unique identifier (UUDI), which is used by UUDI versions 1 and 2. For more information, refer to the UUDI specification. The uniform resource identifier (URI), which is used by UUDI version 3. For more information, refer to the UUDI specification. Contains an UddiServiceIdentifier as defined in the UDDI specification. Indicates the service's key in the registry. This value should be passed to the get_serviceDetail API of the public UDDI registry to locate the service. Identifies the UDDI registry in which the service is located. Intended for private UDDI deployments. If absent, the global UDDI Business Registry is implied. Identifies the time interval during which the associated right is valid. Identifies the beginning of the interval. Identifies the end of the interval. The substitution head for all patterns in XrML. Elements that replace this element must represent a pattern that identifies a set of valid XML trees based pattern matching. A Boolean expression in some identified XML expression language. The default language is XPath1. Identifier for a license part. Using this identifier, commonly-used elements can be defined in one place and referenced elsewhere, thus reducing verbosity. The name of a variable. A DCE Uuid. For example, 1FAC02A2-9C46-4ceb-ABD2-9D569A379218 , BUGBUG: System.XML does not allow empty strings as anyURI, changing this to string for now. See and for information about this namespace. This schema defines attributes and an attribute group suitable for use by schemas wishing to allow xml:base, xml:lang or xml:space attributes on elements they define. To enable this, such a schema must import this schema for the XML namespace, e.g. as follows: <schema . . .> . . . <import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/> Subsequently, qualified reference to any of the attributes or the group defined below will have the desired effect, e.g. <type . . .> . . . <attributeGroup ref="xml:specialAttrs"/> will define a type which will schema-validate an instance element with any of those attributes In keeping with the XML Schema WG's standard versioning policy, this schema document will persist at At the date of issue it can also be found at The schema document at that URI may however change in the future, in order to remain compatible with the latest version of XML Schema itself. In other words, if the XML Schema namespace changes, the version of this document at will change accordingly; the version at will not change. In due course, we should install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter codes as the enumerated possible values . . . See for information about this attribute. _ 2 Base schema for OS componentization + extensions for security, state and shell. Added publisherIdentity for XMLDsig/pki team. Added LUA schema. Added any in application/feature/deployment/mvid to support extensibility (bug fix). Removed privacy element. ClickOnce schema for Beta 2: New in Beta 2: dependency/dependentAssembly: @dependencyType="install|preRequisite" @allowDelayedBinding="true|false" application: must appear immediately after description deployment: must appear immediately after description: won't enforce yet @disallowUrlActivation="true|false" @mapFileExtensions="true|false" Bug fixes: Changed expiration/@maximumAge from string to nonNegativeInteger Removed month as a valid enumeration value for timeUnit. Marked obsolete for Beta 2 (still supported for transition period): licensing: moved to xmldsig:Signature element per authenticode/SN support dependency/dependentAssembly @visible: replaced by deployment/application marking @preRequisite: use dependencyType instead configuration/@configFile deployment @runAfterInstall: use @disallowUrlActivation instead To be removed for Beta 2 (not done yet, pending review with ClickOnce team): dependency/@supportUrl, @displayName, @name (?) dependency/installFrom TrustInfo trustInfo/security/deployment deployment/@visible deployment/install deployment/@isRequiredUpdate entryPoint/@dependencyName subscription/update/periodic Removed dependency/dependentAssembly: @globalImpact, @externallyBindable, @indirect from asm.v3 Added assembly/feature element. Added categoryInstance/@displayName attribute. Added systemProtection/@journaling and systemProtection/@perUserVirtualization, marked noJournaling and noPerUserVirtualization as obsolete. Removed support for previously obsoleted assembly/category schema. Removed configurableState, operationalState, temporaryState, dataState + category definitions for directory/file/settings registration. Removed ADF element and ADF-style information under description element. Removed description/@contentType (replaced by entryPoint/hostInBrowser). Renamed deployment/@visible to deployment/@install. Moved deployment/install/@runAfterInstall and @promptBelowVersion to deployment/@. Removed deployment/install element. Moved dependency/installFrom/@codebase, @group, @size, @hash, @hashAlg to dependency/assemblyDependency. Removed dependency/installFrom element. Moved all non-Whidbey schema to asmv3 (specifically: entryPoint/@hostInBrowser, entryPoint/@name) Changed dependency/@visible, @preRequisite, @indirec, @discoverable to boolean instead of YesNoType. Changed appPathData/@external to boolean Added annotations to capture asm.v2 vs. asm.v3 for use with the schema generation tool. Changed resourcesType/@typeId, @itemId, @typeName, @itemName to @typeIds, @itemIds, @typeNames, @itemNames and made them list types instead of string/integer. Added migration, PnP, imaging, shortcut, file attributes, redirectInfo, installerRegistration for CMI. Fixed categoryMembership syntax to comply with CMI schema. Moved dependency/@supportUrl to dependency/dependentAssembly and dependency/dependentOS. Renamed dependent/@displayName to description and moved to dependency/dependentAssembly and dependency/dependentOS. Made identity/@version optional (again). Added any declaration under IPermission to allow for custom permissions. Added Permission element under PermissionSet for custom permissions. Added hash element to file and dependency/dependentAssembly. Added file/@writeableType attribute for Whidbey data support. Added migration/@customDataMigration attribute for Whidbey data support. Moved dependentAssembly/@resourceType to asm.v3 Allowed arbitary XML namespaces under IPermission Added better version number patterns. Made instrumentation/@componentType optional. Misc schema changes for Eventing. Added systemProtection/@noJournaling and @noPerUserVirtualization. Added deployment/@trustUrlParameters for ClickOnce. Fixed bug in privacy schema (schemaLocation must be xml. instead of Added systemProtection elements for Strongbox. Added licensing element. Fixed casing on sidebarTile category element (left old sideBarTile casing for transition purposes). Added trustedPlatformInfo element for NGSCB (TUreche). Removed support for category element, use categoryMembership/category instead Renamed categoryCMI element and categoryCMIType back to category and categoryType. Removed support for stringTable element; use localization/resources/stringTable instead. ClickOnce: Added dependency/@visible attribute for ClickOnce/component store. Added dependency/@resourceSatelliteName, @resourceFallbackCulture and @resourceFallbackCultureInternal for ClickOnce loc scenarios Removed dependency/@primaryDependency; use resourceType="resources" instead to figure out which dependency is NOT an application dependency. Added entryPoint/hostInBrowser for Avalon. Changed deployment\subscription\update\periodic\* to expiration\@maximumAge Moved deployment\install\@visible to deployment\@visible. Removed deployment\install\@shellVisible, use @visible instead to determine if app is Online or Installed. Added deployment\install\@runAfterInstall attribute. Added file\@optional and file\@group for ClickOnce incremental download feature. Added deployment\install\@diskPadSize and @promptBelowVersion Changed deployment/@isRequiredUpdate to deployment/@minimumRequiredVersion. Change privacy schema to reflect change M6/M7 plans. Removed tasks category and schema. Made comClassType\OLE\auxUserType and comClassType\OLE\miscStatus attributes on comClassType to match XP SP1 DCR for VB scenarios. Removed experimental categoryReference element. Added prototype schema for state separation: configurableState, operationalState, temporaryState, dataState. Categories: fileRegistration, directoryRegistration and settingsRegistration. Changed processContents to be consistently "lax". Added security/trustInfo/trustedPlatformInfo element for NGSCB/Platinum. Changed dependency/@discoverable to be boolean instead of yesNo. Added buildFilter attributes to assemblyIdentity, dependency, file, directory, categoryMembership, configuration, instrumentation, registryKeys\*, localization\*, genericCommand Removed genericCommand, use genericCommands instead. Added file/@importPath attribute, renamed file/@targetPath attribute to destinationPath. Added file/dependencies/fileDependency/@destinationPath, SrcHash, SrcVer, DepType. Disabled registryKeyNameType validation. Made registryValueType\@name optional. Merged Windows Eventing schema into master schema to reduce number of schema files. Changed eventData schema according to Windows Eventing team. Changed eventInstanceType/@category to be xs:string instead of xs:int Added memberships/categoryMembership/@typeName back to the schema. Added schema for user accounts, groups, security descriptors (trustInfo/security/accessControl/*). Added schema for COM registration (AppID, OLE, inproc handlers, local server, 16 bit, dll surrogates etc.): file/comClass/*, comAppId/* Added description/@contentType for Avalon MIME filter. Added dependency/@primaryDependency attribute to allow ClickOnce to detect which dependency is the application vs. satellites etc. Removed satelliteCategory and localizationCategory elements. Changed casing of dependency/@resourceType enumeration values to camelCasing (manifestResources instead of ManifestResources, resources instead of Resources) Added third enumeration value "languageEnabling" to indicate that wildcarding on the dependency on culture (dependency/@culture="*") should be allowed. Picked up new privacy schema. sideBarTile: removed URL attribute, added maxHeight and maxWidth attributes Changed file/@loadFrom to file/@targetPath to unify with MSI terminology. Removed file/@filePath Reconciled category syntax with CMI: - New memberships/categoryMember syntax: - moved category element under memberships parent element - renamed category element to categoryMembership - changed identity attribute to individual name,version etc. attributes - Added categoryIdentityType/@typeName attribute, removed categoryIdentityType/@identity attribute. - categoryMembership: added @typeName, @subCategory and @description attributes, removed @subType attribute. - Merged categoryMemberType sub-elements into categoryMembershipType - Existing Fusion category syntax still supported for migration: made all categoryIdentityReferenceType optional Reconciled localization with CMI: - Added localization element. - Added dependency/@resourceType attribute - Marked stringTable element as deprecated (will remove when Fusion switches over) Turned trustInfo/security/requestedPrivileges/@requestedExecutionLevel into separate attributes Turned trustInfo/security/deployment into a deploymentAuthoritiesType complex type (no schema change). Changed schemaType to allow ##any attribute instead of ##other. Added dependency/override prototype schema. Moved categoryDefinition prototype schema to categoryDefinitions/categoryDefinition. WMI.Config: renamed configuration/schema/schema sub-element to configuration/configurationSchema/schema element Disambiguated the schema to work with current Whidbey System.XML: - Made all top-level elements bounded (dependency, file, category, entryPoint, clrClass, clsSurrogate, comInterfaceExternalProxyStub) - Changed unbounded "sequence" for top-level elements to unbounded "choice" - Made all top-level elements minOccur="1" - Changed sku/any, product/any, package/any, feature/any, categoryCMI/any to be ##other. - Changed most unbounded sequence to unbounded choice / made sub-elements non-optional/maxOccur=1: services, services/service, trustInfo/security/deployment, memberships, registryKeys, registryKeys/registryValues, file, file/comCLass, file/dependencies, ADF, trustInfo/security/applicationRequestMinimum/PermissionSet, CATEGORIESType Added xml. to properly support the XML namespace items (lang attribute etc.) in the latest Whidbey XML parser. Change casing in trustInfo/security to be camelCase for everything except Permission element (TrustInfo/Security still has everything upper-case). Make IPermission element optional and make IPermission.version attribute optional. Moved deploymentAuthority under security node, made deploymentAuthority unbounded. Changed XMLDSIG schema to allow empty string in reference.URI attribute (potential bug in System.XML's anyURI type?) Temporarily removed ADF schema until after design preview. Changed casing of include statements to be identical to casing of actual schema files. Resync with OS componentization schema: added assembly attributes, sync with Whidbey CLickOnce schema, sync with WinfuseManifest schema. installFrom didn't have group attribute: what are the permissible values? Just string? was reference in a key constraint, which made it non-optional. Removed the constraint in *.adaptive_elements.xsd dependentOS.displayName was not optional configuration.configFile was not in the adaptive schema, only in v2 schema. trustInfo.PermissionSet.IPermission: #any attribute didn't have the "skip" PI defaultAssemblyRequest and AssemblyRequest were not optional AssemblyRequest didn't allow more than one occurrance PermissionSet ID was not declared as type xs:ID added displayName attribute to dependency Changes to make manifest accessible via XSD.EXE generated classes: removed extra choice, made several unbounded elements bounded and made the containing sequence unbounded. Changed trustInfo to current Avalon casing (TrustInfo) GDF merged into ADF. Changes: - AppGenre is now a string. no longer restricting to specific strings. - Reversed the order of URL and Name in the company info - ADF is now in v2 namespace - misc. GDF changes Added Signature and KeyInfo elements. Changed file name from assembly.2.* to manifest.2.*. Added any/##other attributes/elements to almost all elements to allow for independent extensions to and future evolution of manifest content. Added deploymentAuthority schema. Changed from component.0.* to assembly.2.*. Added instrumentation node (WMI.Eventing. Clarified entryPoint schema / added name attribute to dependency element and turned it into single top-level element. Added privacy schema. Changed category syntax to be single top-level element. Added NUI schema. Added node for restricted Admin (TJones). Added node for parental control ratings. Corrected schema to verify with System.XML. Added TrustInfo node, moved security node under it, added trustInfo\privacy placeholder. Changed namespace to urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2. Changed xsd prefix to xs prefix. Added Tasks schema, Changed ADF schema to, added first real WMI.Config schema, made some erroneously required things optional (assemblyIdentity.processorArchitecture, desciption sub-elements). Added application schema for ClickOnce. Two part version numbers where the segments are in the range 0-65535 0*[0-9]{1,4} 0-9999 0*[1-5][0-9]{4} 10000-59999 0*6[0-4][0-9]{3} 60000-64999 0*65[0-4][0-9]{2} 65000-65499 0*655[0-2][0-9] 65500-65529 0*6553[0-5] 65530-65535 (0*[0-9]{1,4}|0*[1-5][0-9]{4}|0*6[0-4][0-9]{3}|0*65[0-4][0-9]{2}|0*655[0-2][0-9]|0*6553[0-5]) Four part version numbers where the segments are in the range 0-65535 Boolean yes or no enumeration. This is needed for backward compatability with existing fusion manifest Boolean yes or no enumeration. This is needed for backward compatability with existing fusion manifest Different types of Hash Algorithms. SHA1 is used by default since fusion also uses the same. Public Key Token: 16 hex digits in size Different types of target processor architecture types. Currently only x86, ia64 and amd64 are supported. Different types of build. Currently only debug and release builds are supported. Describes a path element which ends with a path separator Identity type for the assembly Reference type for assembly identity Abstraction for assembly dependencies. There can be three different types of dependency from an assembly i.e. dependency to an assembly or category or feature. Indicates whether the dependency is optional or not. This aids in building smaller configurations by helping the tool to drop this dependency for smaller distributions. TODO: XP only allows yes and no, WCS puts true/false... CLR class type Specifies the name of the class The version for the class. This is "major.minor" format. CLR surrogate type Indicates the CLSID for the surrogate Indicates the name for the class Indicates the version which is used during run-time. Its of "major.minor" format. Proxy stub for COM interface. If a file in the assembly implements a proxy stub, the corresponding file must include a comInterfaceProxyStub subelement having attributes that are identical to a comInterfaceExternalProxyStub element. Marshaling interfaces between processes and threads may not work as expected if you omit some of the comInterfaceExternalProxyStub dependencies for your component. The .IID of the interface for which the proxy is being declared. Required. The value should be in the form: "{iid}". Name of the interface as it would appear in code. For example, "IViewObject". This should not be a descriptive string. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "name". The type library that contains the description of the interface specified by the iid attribute. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "{tlbid}". The number of methods implemented by the interface. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "n". The class ID for the proxy sub in the form of "{CLSID}". The IID of the interface from which the one described by the iid attribute is derived. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "{iid}". External proxy stub for COM interface. The comInterfaceExternalProxyStub is a subelement of an assembly element and is used for automation interfaces. For example, IDispatch and its derived interfaces. Optional. The default proxy-stub implementation is adequate for most automation interfaces, such as interfaces derived from IDispatch. The interface proxy stub, and all other external proxy-stub interface implementations, must be listed in the comInterfaceExternalProxyStub The IID of the interface for which the proxy is being declared. Required. The value should be in the form: "{iid}". Name of the interface as it would appear in code. For example, "IViewObject". This should not be a descriptive string. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "name". The type library that contains the description of the interface specified by the iid attribute. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "{tlbid}" . The number of methods implemented by the interface. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "n". The class ID in the the form of "{CLSID}". The IID of the interface from which the one described by the iid attribute is derived. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "{iid}". Type Library information The unique ID of the type library. Required. The two-part version number of the type library. If only the minor version number increases, all the features of the previous type library are supported in a compatible way. If the major version number changes, code that compiled against the type library must be recompiled. The version number of the type library may differ from the version number of the application. Required. The directory where the Help file for the types in the type library is located. If the application supports type libraries for multiple languages, the libraries may refer to different file names in the Help file directory. If no value, then specify "". Required. The hexadecimal string representation of the locale identifier (LCID). It is one to four hexadecimal digits with no 0x prefix and no leading zeros. The LCID may have a neutral sublanguage identifier The hexadecimal representation of the type library flags for this type library. These are the values of the LIBFLAGS enumeration, and are the same flags specified in the uLibFlags parameter to ICreateTypeLib::SetLibFlags. These flags cannot have leading zeros or the 0x prefix. Optional. COM class information The GUID that uniquely identifies the Class. Required. The value must be in the format of a valid GUID i.e. "{GUID}". The threading model used by in-process COM classes. If this property is null, then no threading model is used. The component is created on the main thread of the client and calls from other threads are marshaled to this thread. Optional. Valid values are: "Apartment", "Free", "Both", and "Neutral". Version-dependent programmatic identifier associated with the COM component. The format of a ProgID is <vendor>.<component>.<version>. GUID for the type library for this COM component. The value must be in the format of a GUID. Optional. The class name string. Window class information. The element contains name of a windows class that is to be versioned This attribute controls whether or not the internal window class name used in registration contains the version of the assembly containing the window class. The value of this attribute can be "yes" or "no". The default is "yes". The value "no" should only be used if the same window class is defined by a side-by-side component and an equivalent non-side-by-side component and you wish to treat them as the same window class. Note that the usual rules about window class registration apply - only the first component that registers the window class will be able to register it since it is not versioned. File type Name of the file on the system. This is exposed as DestinationName in the object model A hash of the file referred to by name. A hexadecimal string of length depending on the hash algorithm. Algorithm used to create a hash of the file. This value should be SHA1. The size of the files in bytes Only supported in ClickOnce application manifests: indicates that the file can be faulted in on demand. Only supported in ClickOnce application manifests: provides a mechanism for grouping files for on-demand download feature. Can only be specified if @optional=true. Indicates the consolidated migration information at the component level Additional migration information that needs to be present Dependency type base Indicates whether the dependency is optional or not. Optional dependencies are helpful in reducing the run-time image size Identity definition type. This is base type from which all the other identity types are derived. This indicates the case sensitive name for the component. This name is in unicode and is never localized. This indicates the version of the component. Version has major, minor, build and revision fields. This needs to be updated everytime anything in the manifest or the binary being referred from the manifest changes. Build number field is used and filled generally automically during the build while preprocessing the manifest. The revision field is updated when a component is rebuild to fix some build issue. Major and Minor fields are reserved for indicating conceptual changes to the component. Each fields value can be from 0 to 65535. This is present there for backward compatibility with fusion. The assemblies are generally typed as "win32". See MSDN documentation ( for more information Indicates the processor architecture this component i.e. the binaries of this manifest are targetted for. Possible values are x86, ia64 and amd64. A 16-character hexadecimal string representing the last 8 bytes of the SHA-1 hash of the public key under which the component is signed. The public key used to sign the catalog must be 2048 bits or greater. Required for shared side-by-side components The language for which the component is targetted. Obsolete: use culture instead! Identity reference type. Defines the common attributes across all first class abstractions Indicates the version of the manifest. Currently fixed to "1.0" Dependency on an assembly. URL of a web page with support information for this dependency. Indicates if the dependency must be verified before application launch or can be evaluated lazily. Early binding is required for auto-versioning (aka P/L) and registration-free COM activation. It can be specified on all other references, but can negatively impact performance. Assembly (also called as Component) TODO: figure out how to enforce cardinality restrictions in XSD Used for delay-signed manifests: only the intended key is present, but no signature has been generated yet Category identity reference: Issue: need to move to using identityType base again! Doing this for now so that name/version can be optional in existing Fusion category syntax! This indicates the case sensitive name for the component. This name is in unicode and is never localized. This indicates the version of the component. Version has major, minor, build and revision fields. This needs to be updated everytime anything in the manifest or the binary being referred from the manifest changes. Build number field is used and filled generally automically during the build while preprocessing the manifest. The revision field is updated when a component is rebuild to fix some build issue. Major and Minor fields are reserved for indicating conceptual changes to the component. Each fields value can be from 0 to 65535. This is present there for backward compatibility with fusion. The assemblies are generally typed as "win32". See MSDN documentation ( for more information Indicates the processor architecture this component i.e. the binaries of this manifest are targetted for. Possible values are x86, ia64 and amd64. A 16-character hexadecimal string representing the last 8 bytes of the SHA-1 hash of the public key under which the component is signed. The public key used to sign the catalog must be 2048 bits or greater. Required for shared side-by-side components The culture for which the component is targetted. The language for which the component is targetted. Obsolete: use culture instead! Indicates the type of the build i.e. debug or release. Only valid in source manifests. Membership to a category Assembly instance (or Component) Will be required post M3.3 Avalon TrustManager information (Owner: AaronG): Build up a list of permission sets. The *only* supported Operation for building up Permission sets is a union of permissions. There is no unioning of permission sets, or building a new set based on a previously defined set and then unioning with additional permissions. TODO: define simple type for CLR class names ISSUE: All manifest content must be validatable. The set of attributes on IPermission is not fixed... URL of a web page with support information for this dependency.  > Base schema for OS componentization + extensions for security, state and shell. Added publisherIdentity for XMLDsig/pki team. Added LUA schema. Added any in application/feature/deployment/mvid to support extensibility (bug fix). Removed privacy element. ClickOnce schema for Beta 2: New in Beta 2: dependency/dependentAssembly: @dependencyType="install|preRequisite" @allowDelayedBinding="true|false" application: must appear immediately after description deployment: must appear immediately after description: won't enforce yet @disallowUrlActivation="true|false" @mapFileExtensions="true|false" Bug fixes: Changed expiration/@maximumAge from string to nonNegativeInteger Removed month as a valid enumeration value for timeUnit. Marked obsolete for Beta 2 (still supported for transition period): licensing: moved to xmldsig:Signature element per authenticode/SN support dependency/dependentAssembly @visible: replaced by deployment/application marking @preRequisite: use dependencyType instead configuration/@configFile deployment @runAfterInstall: use @disallowUrlActivation instead To be removed for Beta 2 (not done yet, pending review with ClickOnce team): dependency/@supportUrl, @displayName, @name (?) dependency/installFrom TrustInfo trustInfo/security/deployment deployment/@visible deployment/install deployment/@isRequiredUpdate entryPoint/@dependencyName subscription/update/periodic Removed dependency/dependentAssembly: @globalImpact, @externallyBindable, @indirect from asm.v3 Added assembly/feature element. Added categoryInstance/@displayName attribute. Added systemProtection/@journaling and systemProtection/@perUserVirtualization, marked noJournaling and noPerUserVirtualization as obsolete. Removed support for previously obsoleted assembly/category schema. Removed configurableState, operationalState, temporaryState, dataState + category definitions for directory/file/settings registration. Removed ADF element and ADF-style information under description element. Removed description/@contentType (replaced by entryPoint/hostInBrowser). Renamed deployment/@visible to deployment/@install. Moved deployment/install/@runAfterInstall and @promptBelowVersion to deployment/@. Removed deployment/install element. Moved dependency/installFrom/@codebase, @group, @size, @hash, @hashAlg to dependency/assemblyDependency. Removed dependency/installFrom element. Moved all non-Whidbey schema to asmv3 (specifically: entryPoint/@hostInBrowser, entryPoint/@name) Changed dependency/@visible, @preRequisite, @indirec, @discoverable to boolean instead of YesNoType. Changed appPathData/@external to boolean Added annotations to capture asm.v2 vs. asm.v3 for use with the schema generation tool. Changed resourcesType/@typeId, @itemId, @typeName, @itemName to @typeIds, @itemIds, @typeNames, @itemNames and made them list types instead of string/integer. Added migration, PnP, imaging, shortcut, file attributes, redirectInfo, installerRegistration for CMI. Fixed categoryMembership syntax to comply with CMI schema. Moved dependency/@supportUrl to dependency/dependentAssembly and dependency/dependentOS. Renamed dependent/@displayName to description and moved to dependency/dependentAssembly and dependency/dependentOS. Made identity/@version optional (again). Added any declaration under IPermission to allow for custom permissions. Added Permission element under PermissionSet for custom permissions. Added hash element to file and dependency/dependentAssembly. Added file/@writeableType attribute for Whidbey data support. Added migration/@customDataMigration attribute for Whidbey data support. Moved dependentAssembly/@resourceType to asm.v3 Allowed arbitary XML namespaces under IPermission Added better version number patterns. Made instrumentation/@componentType optional. Misc schema changes for Eventing. Added systemProtection/@noJournaling and @noPerUserVirtualization. Added deployment/@trustUrlParameters for ClickOnce. Fixed bug in privacy schema (schemaLocation must be xml. instead of Added systemProtection elements for Strongbox. Added licensing element. Fixed casing on sidebarTile category element (left old sideBarTile casing for transition purposes). Added trustedPlatformInfo element for NGSCB (TUreche). Removed support for category element, use categoryMembership/category instead Renamed categoryCMI element and categoryCMIType back to category and categoryType. Removed support for stringTable element; use localization/resources/stringTable instead. ClickOnce: Added dependency/@visible attribute for ClickOnce/component store. Added dependency/@resourceSatelliteName, @resourceFallbackCulture and @resourceFallbackCultureInternal for ClickOnce loc scenarios Removed dependency/@primaryDependency; use resourceType="resources" instead to figure out which dependency is NOT an application dependency. Added entryPoint/hostInBrowser for Avalon. Changed deployment\subscription\update\periodic\* to expiration\@maximumAge Moved deployment\install\@visible to deployment\@visible. Removed deployment\install\@shellVisible, use @visible instead to determine if app is Online or Installed. Added deployment\install\@runAfterInstall attribute. Added file\@optional and file\@group for ClickOnce incremental download feature. Added deployment\install\@diskPadSize and @promptBelowVersion Changed deployment/@isRequiredUpdate to deployment/@minimumRequiredVersion. Change privacy schema to reflect change M6/M7 plans. Removed tasks category and schema. Made comClassType\OLE\auxUserType and comClassType\OLE\miscStatus attributes on comClassType to match XP SP1 DCR for VB scenarios. Removed experimental categoryReference element. Added prototype schema for state separation: configurableState, operationalState, temporaryState, dataState. Categories: fileRegistration, directoryRegistration and settingsRegistration. Changed processContents to be consistently "lax". Added security/trustInfo/trustedPlatformInfo element for NGSCB/Platinum. Changed dependency/@discoverable to be boolean instead of yesNo. Added buildFilter attributes to assemblyIdentity, dependency, file, directory, categoryMembership, configuration, instrumentation, registryKeys\*, localization\*, genericCommand Removed genericCommand, use genericCommands instead. Added file/@importPath attribute, renamed file/@targetPath attribute to destinationPath. Added file/dependencies/fileDependency/@destinationPath, SrcHash, SrcVer, DepType. Disabled registryKeyNameType validation. Made registryValueType\@name optional. Merged Windows Eventing schema into master schema to reduce number of schema files. Changed eventData schema according to Windows Eventing team. Changed eventInstanceType/@category to be xs:string instead of xs:int Added memberships/categoryMembership/@typeName back to the schema. Added schema for user accounts, groups, security descriptors (trustInfo/security/accessControl/*). Added schema for COM registration (AppID, OLE, inproc handlers, local server, 16 bit, dll surrogates etc.): file/comClass/*, comAppId/* Added description/@contentType for Avalon MIME filter. Added dependency/@primaryDependency attribute to allow ClickOnce to detect which dependency is the application vs. satellites etc. Removed satelliteCategory and localizationCategory elements. Changed casing of dependency/@resourceType enumeration values to camelCasing (manifestResources instead of ManifestResources, resources instead of Resources) Added third enumeration value "languageEnabling" to indicate that wildcarding on the dependency on culture (dependency/@culture="*") should be allowed. Picked up new privacy schema. sideBarTile: removed URL attribute, added maxHeight and maxWidth attributes Changed file/@loadFrom to file/@targetPath to unify with MSI terminology. Removed file/@filePath Reconciled category syntax with CMI: - New memberships/categoryMember syntax: - moved category element under memberships parent element - renamed category element to categoryMembership - changed identity attribute to individual name,version etc. attributes - Added categoryIdentityType/@typeName attribute, removed categoryIdentityType/@identity attribute. - categoryMembership: added @typeName, @subCategory and @description attributes, removed @subType attribute. - Merged categoryMemberType sub-elements into categoryMembershipType - Existing Fusion category syntax still supported for migration: made all categoryIdentityReferenceType optional Reconciled localization with CMI: - Added localization element. - Added dependency/@resourceType attribute - Marked stringTable element as deprecated (will remove when Fusion switches over) Turned trustInfo/security/requestedPrivileges/@requestedExecutionLevel into separate attributes Turned trustInfo/security/deployment into a deploymentAuthoritiesType complex type (no schema change). Changed schemaType to allow ##any attribute instead of ##other. Added dependency/override prototype schema. Moved categoryDefinition prototype schema to categoryDefinitions/categoryDefinition. WMI.Config: renamed configuration/schema/schema sub-element to configuration/configurationSchema/schema element Disambiguated the schema to work with current Whidbey System.XML: - Made all top-level elements bounded (dependency, file, category, entryPoint, clrClass, clsSurrogate, comInterfaceExternalProxyStub) - Changed unbounded "sequence" for top-level elements to unbounded "choice" - Made all top-level elements minOccur="1" - Changed sku/any, product/any, package/any, feature/any, categoryCMI/any to be ##other. - Changed most unbounded sequence to unbounded choice / made sub-elements non-optional/maxOccur=1: services, services/service, trustInfo/security/deployment, memberships, registryKeys, registryKeys/registryValues, file, file/comCLass, file/dependencies, ADF, trustInfo/security/applicationRequestMinimum/PermissionSet, CATEGORIESType Added xml. to properly support the XML namespace items (lang attribute etc.) in the latest Whidbey XML parser. Change casing in trustInfo/security to be camelCase for everything except Permission element (TrustInfo/Security still has everything upper-case). Make IPermission element optional and make IPermission.version attribute optional. Moved deploymentAuthority under security node, made deploymentAuthority unbounded. Changed XMLDSIG schema to allow empty string in reference.URI attribute (potential bug in System.XML's anyURI type?) Temporarily removed ADF schema until after design preview. Changed casing of include statements to be identical to casing of actual schema files. Resync with OS componentization schema: added assembly attributes, sync with Whidbey CLickOnce schema, sync with WinfuseManifest schema. installFrom didn't have group attribute: what are the permissible values? Just string? was reference in a key constraint, which made it non-optional. Removed the constraint in *.adaptive_elements.xsd dependentOS.displayName was not optional configuration.configFile was not in the adaptive schema, only in v2 schema. trustInfo.PermissionSet.IPermission: #any attribute didn't have the "skip" PI defaultAssemblyRequest and AssemblyRequest were not optional AssemblyRequest didn't allow more than one occurrance PermissionSet ID was not declared as type xs:ID added displayName attribute to dependency Changes to make manifest accessible via XSD.EXE generated classes: removed extra choice, made several unbounded elements bounded and made the containing sequence unbounded. Changed trustInfo to current Avalon casing (TrustInfo) GDF merged into ADF. Changes: - AppGenre is now a string. no longer restricting to specific strings. - Reversed the order of URL and Name in the company info - ADF is now in v2 namespace - misc. GDF changes Added Signature and KeyInfo elements. Changed file name from assembly.2.* to manifest.2.*. Added any/##other attributes/elements to almost all elements to allow for independent extensions to and future evolution of manifest content. Added deploymentAuthority schema. Changed from component.0.* to assembly.2.*. Added instrumentation node (WMI.Eventing. Clarified entryPoint schema / added name attribute to dependency element and turned it into single top-level element. Added privacy schema. Changed category syntax to be single top-level element. Added NUI schema. Added node for restricted Admin (TJones). Added node for parental control ratings. Corrected schema to verify with System.XML. Added TrustInfo node, moved security node under it, added trustInfo\privacy placeholder. Changed namespace to urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2. Changed xsd prefix to xs prefix. Added Tasks schema, Changed ADF schema to, added first real WMI.Config schema, made some erroneously required things optional (assemblyIdentity.processorArchitecture, desciption sub-elements). Added application schema for ClickOnce. Two part version numbers where the segments are in the range 0-65535 0*[0-9]{1,4} 0-9999 0*[1-5][0-9]{4} 10000-59999 0*6[0-4][0-9]{3} 60000-64999 0*65[0-4][0-9]{2} 65000-65499 0*655[0-2][0-9] 65500-65529 0*6553[0-5] 65530-65535 (0*[0-9]{1,4}|0*[1-5][0-9]{4}|0*6[0-4][0-9]{3}|0*65[0-4][0-9]{2}|0*655[0-2][0-9]|0*6553[0-5]) Four part version numbers where the segments are in the range 0-65535 Boolean yes or no enumeration. This is needed for backward compatability with existing fusion manifest Boolean yes or no enumeration. This is needed for backward compatability with existing fusion manifest Different types of Hash Algorithms. SHA1 is used by default since fusion also uses the same. Public Key Token: 16 hex digits in size Different types of target processor architecture types. Currently only x86, ia64 and amd64 are supported. Identity type for the assembly Reference type for assembly identity Abstraction for assembly dependencies. There can be three different types of dependency from an assembly i.e. dependency to an assembly or category or feature. Indicates whether the dependency is optional or not. This aids in building smaller configurations by helping the tool to drop this dependency for smaller distributions. TODO: XP only allows yes and no, WCS puts true/false... CLR class type Specifies the name of the class The version for the class. This is "major.minor" format. CLR surrogate type Indicates the CLSID for the surrogate Indicates the name for the class Indicates the version which is used during run-time. Its of "major.minor" format. Proxy stub for COM interface. If a file in the assembly implements a proxy stub, the corresponding file must include a comInterfaceProxyStub subelement having attributes that are identical to a comInterfaceExternalProxyStub element. Marshaling interfaces between processes and threads may not work as expected if you omit some of the comInterfaceExternalProxyStub dependencies for your component. The .IID of the interface for which the proxy is being declared. Required. The value should be in the form: "{iid}". Name of the interface as it would appear in code. For example, "IViewObject". This should not be a descriptive string. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "name". The type library that contains the description of the interface specified by the iid attribute. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "{tlbid}". The number of methods implemented by the interface. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "n". The class ID for the proxy sub in the form of "{CLSID}". The IID of the interface from which the one described by the iid attribute is derived. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "{iid}". External proxy stub for COM interface. The comInterfaceExternalProxyStub is a subelement of an assembly element and is used for automation interfaces. For example, IDispatch and its derived interfaces. Optional. The default proxy-stub implementation is adequate for most automation interfaces, such as interfaces derived from IDispatch. The interface proxy stub, and all other external proxy-stub interface implementations, must be listed in the comInterfaceExternalProxyStub The IID of the interface for which the proxy is being declared. Required. The value should be in the form: "{iid}". Name of the interface as it would appear in code. For example, "IViewObject". This should not be a descriptive string. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "name". The type library that contains the description of the interface specified by the iid attribute. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "{tlbid}" . The number of methods implemented by the interface. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "n". The class ID in the the form of "{CLSID}". The IID of the interface from which the one described by the iid attribute is derived. This attribute is optional. The value should be in the form: "{iid}". Type Library information The unique ID of the type library. Required. The two-part version number of the type library. If only the minor version number increases, all the features of the previous type library are supported in a compatible way. If the major version number changes, code that compiled against the type library must be recompiled. The version number of the type library may differ from the version number of the application. Required. The directory where the Help file for the types in the type library is located. If the application supports type libraries for multiple languages, the libraries may refer to different file names in the Help file directory. If no value, then specify "". Required. The hexadecimal string representation of the locale identifier (LCID). It is one to four hexadecimal digits with no 0x prefix and no leading zeros. The LCID may have a neutral sublanguage identifier The hexadecimal representation of the type library flags for this type library. These are the values of the LIBFLAGS enumeration, and are the same flags specified in the uLibFlags parameter to ICreateTypeLib::SetLibFlags. These flags cannot have leading zeros or the 0x prefix. Optional. COM class information The GUID that uniquely identifies the Class. Required. The value must be in the format of a valid GUID i.e. "{GUID}". The threading model used by in-process COM classes. If this property is null, then no threading model is used. The component is created on the main thread of the client and calls from other threads are marshaled to this thread. Optional. Valid values are: "Apartment", "Free", "Both", and "Neutral". Version-dependent programmatic identifier associated with the COM component. The format of a ProgID is <vendor>.<component>.<version>. GUID for the type library for this COM component. The value must be in the format of a GUID. Optional. The class name string. Window class information. The element contains name of a windows class that is to be versioned This attribute controls whether or not the internal window class name used in registration contains the version of the assembly containing the window class. The value of this attribute can be "yes" or "no". The default is "yes". The value "no" should only be used if the same window class is defined by a side-by-side component and an equivalent non-side-by-side component and you wish to treat them as the same window class. Note that the usual rules about window class registration apply - only the first component that registers the window class will be able to register it since it is not versioned. File type Name of the file on the system. This is exposed as DestinationName in the object model A hash of the file referred to by name. A hexadecimal string of length depending on the hash algorithm. Algorithm used to create a hash of the file. This value should be SHA1. The size of the files in bytes Dependency type base Indicates whether the dependency is optional or not. Optional dependencies are helpful in reducing the run-time image size Identity definition type. This is base type from which all the other identity types are derived. This indicates the case sensitive name for the component. This name is in unicode and is never localized. This indicates the version of the component. Version has major, minor, build and revision fields. This needs to be updated everytime anything in the manifest or the binary being referred from the manifest changes. Build number field is used and filled generally automically during the build while preprocessing the manifest. The revision field is updated when a component is rebuild to fix some build issue. Major and Minor fields are reserved for indicating conceptual changes to the component. Each fields value can be from 0 to 65535. This is present there for backward compatibility with fusion. The assemblies are generally typed as "win32". See MSDN documentation ( for more information Indicates the processor architecture this component i.e. the binaries of this manifest are targetted for. Possible values are x86, ia64 and amd64. A 16-character hexadecimal string representing the last 8 bytes of the SHA-1 hash of the public key under which the component is signed. The public key used to sign the catalog must be 2048 bits or greater. Required for shared side-by-side components The language for which the component is targetted. Obsolete: use culture instead! Identity reference type. Defines the common attributes across all first class abstractions Indicates the version of the manifest. Currently fixed to "1.0" Dependency on an assembly. Assembly (also called as Component) TODO: figure out how to enforce cardinality restrictions in XSD Assembly instance (or Component) lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP3A;H2uvxnEB{'ˆYE'M:UsR0Y3 qi#;UOp#x4L I A\I*ojoK :6{ߙ'0chZ@1}ѝ{d{D:5s@q+x &8ؤ)CS5DcͧGqээҍc c&de6oA贫ەt]|`L1PǮX\K/'ԳH;lZ\6RøVWϹ9Rb,麸 E-..u233 34<4=B5_6.6X777899osF:d+f:c^;o6~>qz?z?{?l/@KP@N@~B,AiACBB_CXD DlO1EZWEjVF{FJGIG}G0O*HgHIg&Jx&3SH _e'-TP7A,bI>Z[ \[5V!w0]]3{9Y@E]] `/n9=:;%7SXd<&HWS:@6V!*E5 FY@Z${V0?<60H7 OA,/L=!N~7RT>AaI#;D ;&I6&6RqWA @PK;)*5L/bP?_)X&C?+LGTDBYI^Y.D+u-;1A_W<K_'A 5& 34mGx ")Rk0fNR^;c^%6F8 0^E.G%Yu`D <a)!JI \P`a#Y3W D'(]J+-(Z"XN9Z/%`O; dEZKMf6 (zL#W =uCL]E$`_1C('^Q=*T,2:.BXf `pZ BH@]" ?O0H]IJ! ^T+.[z*@B^ /P=\\n\>.~A#H,Ma[r. 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.2_n;26'3V57~5[OZl279@?>}DF+ZQ1$o2ActivateManifestException2ActivateManifestSucceeded0NActivation_DisallowUrlActivationCaptionMfActivation_DisallowUrlActivationCaptionAfterInstallrNActivation_DisallowUrlActivationMessagefActivation_DisallowUrlActivationMessageAfterInstall4CleanOnlineCache_CompletedQ.CleanOnlineCache_FailedEx_AppNoPublisherProductAllowedS&Ex_AppOneEntryPoint@Ex_AppPrivAsmIdSameAsDeployOrApp:.Ex_AppSignedDepUnsigned6Ex_ApplicationInplaceUpdateC2Ex_ArpEntryRemovalFailure5.Ex_BindAppIdNotCurrrentV0Ex_BindAppIdNotInstalledEx_BindFirstEx_BindOnceTEx_CannotCallAssertApplicationRequirementsGBEx_CannotCallUninstallCustomAddInREx_CannotCallUninstallCustomUXApplicationYEx_CannotHaveDeploymentProviderHEx_CannotHaveUseManifestForTrustFlag#:Ex_CannotLoadInternalManifest,Ex_CleanOnlineAppCache>Ex_ClrDependencyNonZeroRevision-(Ex_CodeLimitExceeded8Ex_ComArgSubIdentityNotValid0Ex_ComArgSubIdentityNullV>Ex_ComArgSubIdentityWithVersionJEx_CustomHostSpecifiedAppNotSupported$Ex_CustomUXAlreadyQ4Ex_CustomUXAppNotSupported_FEx_DecreasingMinimumRequiredVersion.Ex_DepAppRefHashInvalidJEx_DepAppRefInvalidIdentityName4Ex_DepAppRefNotStrongNamed{\Ex_DepAppRefPrereqOrOptionalOrResourceFallbackEx_DependencyOptionalButNoGroup)BEx_DependencyResourceWithCodebase)BEx_DependencyResourceWithFallback):Ex_DependencyResourceWithHash"*BEx_DependencySupportUrlNoAbsolutew*XEx_DependencySupportUrlNotSupportedUriScheme*>Ex_DependencySupportUrlNotValidZ+Ex_DeploymentUriDifferentExText}/HEx_DescriptionErrorReportUrlNotValid0FEx_DescriptionSupportUrlNotAbsoluteB1ZEx_DescriptionSupportUrlNotSupportedUriScheme1@Ex_DescriptionSupportUrlNotValid 2>Ex_DescriptionSupportUrlTooLongN2LEx_DeterminePlatformRequirementsFailed2.Ex_DetermineTrustFailed2$Ex_DifferentHashesM36Ex_DigestMethodNotSupported3>Ex_DownloadAppFileAsmRedirected38Ex_DownloadApplicationFailed_4:Ex_DownloadCancelledException46Ex_DownloadGroupAfterUpdate42Ex_DownloadRefDefMismatchp5@Ex_EmptyIdentityInternalManifest56Ex_FailedToDownloadManifest62Ex_FailedWhileDownloadingY6:Ex_FileAssocCLSIDDeleteFailed}66Ex_FileAssocExtDeleteFailed64Ex_HashValidationExceptiond>>Ex_HostInBrowserAppNotSupported>Ex_ManifestParseCMSErrorMessage6J0Ex_ManifestReadExceptionJ"Ex_MaxAgeTooLargeJREx_MinimumRequiredVersionExceedDeployment|K,Ex_MultipleId1ManifestL@Ex_MultipleInstanceFileExtensionL8Ex_NoAppInDeploymentManifestL 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Vérifiez si le chemin d'accès au point d'entrée est bien formé et si le point d'entrée existe dans le déploiement.[L'attribut des paramètres n'est pas pris en charge dans la ligne de commande .PLe fichier d'icône spécifié dans le manifeste d'application n'est pas valide.zLe manifeste d'application possède un hachage calculé différent de celui spécifié ou aucun hachage n'est spécifié. ALe manifeste de l'application doit spécifier la dépendance CLR.WLe manifeste d'application n'accepte pas la spécification de la section . Si vous spécifiez dans le manifeste d'application, vous devez également spécifier un nom de produit ou d'éditeur.Si vous ne spécifiez pas dans le manifeste d'application, vous ne devez pas spécifier un nom d'éditeur ou de produit.TLes manifestes d'application doivent spécifier exactement une section .gL'application contient un assembly avec la même identité que l'application ou le déploiement : {0}.Le manifeste de l'application est signé, mais le manifeste de déploiement ne l'est pas. Les deux manifestes doivent être tous deux signés ou non signés.Impossible d'installer cette application car une application avec la même identité est déjà installée. Pour installer cette application, modifiez la version du manifeste pour cette application ou désinstallez l'application existante.L'entrée ARP {0} n'existe pas.QImpossible de lier un déploiement dont la version n'est pas la version actuelle.;Impossible de lier un déploiement qui n'est pas installé.'La liaison doit être appelée d'abord.6La liaison ne peut pas être appelée plus d'une fois.Vous ne pouvez pas appeler AssertApplicationRequirements lors de l'installation d'une application ClickOnce qui spécifie un hôte personnalisé.|Vous ne pouvez pas appeler UninstallCustomAddin pour une application ClickOnce qui n'a spécifié aucun hôte personnalisé.Vous ne pouvez pas appeler la méthode UninstallCustomUXApplication pour une application ClickOnce non marquée en tant que type customUX.La méthode AssertApplicationRequirements n'a pas été appelée ou a expiré. Il n'existe aucune décision de confiance avant la validation.^Échec de la méthode DeterminePlatformRequirements. L'application ne peut pas être validée.^Échec de la méthode AssertApplicationRequirements. L'application ne peut pas être validée.hVous ne pouvez pas spécifier un élément pour une application hébergée par un navigateur.Vous ne devez pas spécifier de fournisseur de déploiement pour une application ClickOnce qui spécifie un hôte personnalisé.Vous ne pouvez pas spécifier un élément pour une application ClickOnce qui spécifie un hôte personnalisé.JImpossible de charger le manifeste interne à partir du fichier composant.4Échec du nettoyage du cache d'application en ligne.Le numéro de révision (4ème partie) du champ Version de la section de dépendance de Microsoft Common Language Runtime doit être zéro : {0}.TLimite de code dépassée pour les transformations de hachage ou la méthode digest. et .MLe manifeste de déploiement n'accepte pas la spécification de .YLes associations de fichiers ne sont pas autorisées dans les manifestes de déploiement.GLe manifeste de déploiement n'accepte pas la spécification de .QLe manifeste de déploiement n'accepte pas la spécification du fichier d'icône.>Le manifeste de déploiement requiert la section .jLe manifeste de déploiement ne peut pas spécifier minimumRequiredVersion pour les applications en ligne.AL'identité du manifeste de déploiement doit porter un nom fort.ULes applications uniquement en ligne ne peuvent pas spécifier disallowUrlActivation.rL'identité du manifeste de déploiement contient une architecture de processeur manquante ou non prise en charge.7Le fournisseur de déploiement n'est pas un uri absolu.Ce mode d'uri pour le fournisseur de déploiement n'est pas pris en charge. Seuls les modes File, HTTP et HTTPS sont pris en charge.@Le fournisseur de déploiement n'est pas une URL absolue : {0}.Vous devez spécifier un URI absolu pour le fournisseur de déploiement pour les applications installées qui recherchent les mises à jour.SLa longueur du fournisseur de déploiement spécifié est supérieure à la limite.VLe manifeste de déploiement requiert qu'un éditeur et un produit soient spécifiés.bL'identité du manifeste d'application est identique à celle du manifeste de déploiement : {0}.Le manifeste de déploiement est signé, mais le manifeste de l'application ne l'est pas. Les deux manifestes doivent être tous deux signés ou non signés._trustUrlParameters et disallowUrlActivation ne peuvent pas avoir la valeur true en même temps.VLe manifeste de déploiement ne prend pas en charge l'élément .@La dépendance préalable au GAC doit porter un nom fort : {0}.2Le hachage n'est pas correctement formaté : {0}.3Aucun code base trouvé pour la dépendance : {0}.Le code base spécifié pour un élément de dépendance dans le manifeste de l'application doit correspondre à un chemin d'accès relatif : {0}.kLa dépendance est facultative mais n'est pas affectée à un groupe : Identité de la dépendance : {0}.ELa dépendance de la ressource ne peut pas avoir de code base : {0}.SCette dépendance ne peut pas avoir de culture de secours pour la ressource : {0}.SLa dépendance de la ressource ne peut pas contenir d'éléments de hachage : {0}.UL'URL de support ne correspond pas à une adresse absolue pour la dépendance : {0}.Ce mode n'est pas pris en charge pour l'url de support de la dépendance. Seuls les modes File, HTTP et HTTPS sont pris en charge : {0}.EL'URL de support pour la dépendance n'est pas une URL valide : {0}.L'identité de déploiement ne correspond pas à l'abonnement.?Absence de version de l'identité du manifeste de déploiement.Vous ne pouvez pas démarrer l'application {0} à partir de l'emplacement {1}. Elle est déjà installée à partir de l'emplacement {2}. Vous pouvez la démarrer à partir de l'emplacement {2} ou la désinstaller puis la réinstaller à partir de l'emplacement {1}. Si vous réinstallez l'application, vous risquez de perdre les personnalisations qui lui ont été apportées.GL'URL de rapport d'erreur d'application suivante n'est pas valide : {0}ELa longueur de l'url de support pour l'application n'est pas absolue.Ce mode n'est pas pris en charge pour l'url de support de l'application. Seuls les modes File, HTTP et HTTPS sont pris en charge.?L'URL de support d'application n'est pas une URL valide : {0}.DLa longueur de l'url de support de l'application dépasse la limite.gUne exception s'est produite lors de la détermination de la configuration requise pour la plate-forme.NUne exception s'est produite lors de la détermination du niveau de confiance.]Le fichier {0} possède un hachage calculé différent de celui spécifié dans le manifeste.1La méthode Digest {0} n'est pas prise en charge.~La redirection HTTP n'est pas autorisée pour les fichiers d'application et les assemblys. Téléchargement de {0} impossible.GUne exception s'est produite lors du téléchargement de l'application.&Exception de téléchargement annulé.Impossible de télécharger le groupe de fichiers après la mise à jour de l'application. Redémarrez l'application avant de renouveler le téléchargement.bLa référence dans le manifeste ne correspond pas à l'identité de l'assembly téléchargé {0}.>Un manifeste interne pour une dll comporte une identité vide.CUne exception s'est produite lors du téléchargement du manifeste."Échec du téléchargement de {0}.{Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression de l'association de fichiers CLSID {1} du Registre pour l'application {0}.uUne erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression de l'association de fichiers {1} du Registre pour l'application {0}.{Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression de l'association de fichier ProgID {1} du Registre pour l'application {0}.sL'extension de l'association de fichiers doit commencer par un point. Association de fichier incriminée « {0} ».~L'icône par défaut de l'association de fichiers « {0} » doit être répertoriée comme un élément obligatoire.ZL'extension d'association de fichier suivante n'est pas valide pour cet ordinateur : "{0}"eImpossible de démarrer l'application associée {0}. L'application ou l'URL distante est introuvable.zLes associations de fichiers ne sont pas prises en charge pour les applications hébergées dans un support personnalisé.oLes associations de fichiers ne sont pas prises en charge pour les applications hébergées dans un navigateur.YLes associations de fichiers ne sont pas prises en charge pour les applications en ligne.yLe fichier en cours de téléchargement à partir de {0} a dépassé la taille acceptable (la limite est de {1} octets).eUn des éléments n'a pas d'attribut extension, description, progID ou defaultIcon.hLes associations de fichiers sont prises en charge uniquement pour les applications de confiance totale.\L'extension de l'association de fichiers « {0} » dépasse la longueur maximale autorisée.\Le fichier {0} est marqué en tant que fichier de données. Il ne peut pas être facultatif.OLe fichier {0} est facultatif mais n'est pas affecté à un groupe de fichiers..Impossible de mettre cette application en ligne car la version précédente est installée. Pour installer cette application, désinstallez tout d'abord la version précédente ou marquez l'application comme étant installée.ZImpossible de démarrer les applications en ligne à partir d'une association de fichiers.ILes applications en ligne ne peuvent pas avoir d'association de fichiers.{La taille de l'application dépasse la taille limite des applications en ligne de niveau de confiance partiel ({0} octets).1Seul le type System.IO.Stream est pris en charge.wCette image PE (Portable executable) n'est pas prise en charge. Seules les images 32 ou 64 bits sont prises en charge.OLa dépendance {0} ne peut pas être traitée pour une mise à jour corrective.;Le fichier {0} ne peut pas être ouvert pour la correction.|L'identité du déploiement sur le fournisseur de déploiement n'est pas identique à l'identité du déploiement d'origine.oLe nom de l'éditeur et/ou du produit dans le manifeste de déploiement doit compter moins de 260 caractères.nLa référence dans le déploiement ne correspond pas à l'identité définie dans le manifeste d'application.)Nécessite XP ou une version ultérieure.\La version de CLR du runtime "{0}" demandée par le fichier "{1}" n'est pas prise en charge.7Les ressources satellites ne sont pas prises en charge.BLe manifeste d'application n'est pas valide au niveau sémantique.DLe manifeste de déploiement n'est pas valide au niveau sémantique.ZLe système de fichiers ne prend pas en charge les noms de fichiers courts au format 8.3.GLe raccourci ne peut pas faire référence à un déploiement en ligne.CImpossible de supprimer les raccourcis. Réessayez ultérieurement.]Impossible de supprimer le raccourci. La valeur de l'éditeur ou du produit n'est pas valide.,Le fichier de raccourci est trop volumineux.eLes paramètres de votre navigateur Web ne vous permettent pas d'exécuter des applications signées.Il manque des hachages requis au manifeste pour certains composants d'application. La signature du manifeste est considérée comme non valide.]L'assembly {0} de nom simple possède une identité avec un jeton de clé publique incomplet.wL'assembly en mode mixte {0} de nom simple contient des métadonnées de bibliothèque de compatibilité pour nom fort.XUne mise à jour ou une opération de vérification de mise à jour est déjà en cours.CUne exception s'est produite lors de l'opération d'enregistrement.EL'assembly {0} de nom fort ne possède pas de jeton de clé publique.7Signature de nom fort non valide pour cet assembly {0}.;Impossible de vérifier l'assembly portant un nom fort {0}.*Identité d'application non valide : {0}.NImpossible de restaurer l'application. Aucune version précédente installée.Application non installée.'Cette application n'est pas installée.aLa synchronisation du groupe {0} ne peut pas être appelée plus d'une fois à un instant donné.-Synchronize(null) doit être appelé d'abord.La validation de schéma est ignorée sur tous les manifestes.gL'association de fichiers pour « {0} » est ignorée car elle est utilisée par une autre application.=La détection du SKU .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 est désactivée.Support en ligne de {0}ILa limite appliquée au nombre d'activations simultanées est supprimée.ici%Impossible de démarrer l'applicationMaintenance de {0}Problème de maintenanceJPour plus d'informations sur la mise à jour du système, visitez ce votre administrateur système. Mise à jour du système requise {0:f0} GB {0:f0} KB {0:f0} MB {0:f1} GB {0:f1} KB {0:f1} MB {0:f2} GB {0:f2} KB {0:f2} MB {0} octets Préparation de l'application...Téléchargement : {0} sur {1} ({0} %) {1}Téléchargement de {0}Installation de {0}Mise à jour requise pour {0}Mise à jour de {0}La version précédente de l'application est maintenant disponible. Dans la barre des tâches Windows, cliquez sur Démarrer et sélectionnez Tous les programmes.Application restauréeLancement de l'applicationVUne nouvelle version de {0} est disponible. Voulez-vous la télécharger maintenant ?Mise à jour disponible0Désinstallation de l'application {0} terminée.NUne exception s'est produite lors de la désinstallation de l'application {0}.3Échec de la désinstallation de l'application {0}.\Échec de la désinstallation de l'application. Pour plus d'informations, voir les détails.jLe manifeste pour cette application ne dispose pas de signature. La validation de signature sera ignorée.1Vérification de mise à jour pour l'application.LL'application {0} mise à jour à partir de la source {1} a été acceptée.3L'utilisateur a décidé d'ignorer la mise à jour.YUne exception s'est produite lors de la vérification des mises à jour de l'application.?Échec de la vérification de la mise à jour de l'application.TMise à jour trouvée pour l'application {0}. Version {1} trouvée à l'adresse {2}.rUne exception de téléchargement s'est produite lors de la vérification de mises à jour pour l'application {0}.FVc1ItEA|QXwfȭO7YJJu h(!:덧Y[qBY!]=R9WC]>s[ eònG;Zl텴}BSJB v2.0.50727l$#~#Stringsl#USt#GUID#Blob3 &)J`:^TS yE?{CCD.[f1Kw %}ݴB2J$$RSA1WĮ. j쏇vlL;ݚ6! r<wwO)2!d\L (]b,e,=t]o-~^Ė=&Ce m4MZғ. _CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0 HX4VS_VERSION_INFO''DVarFileInfo$Translation `StringFileInfo<040c04b04CommentsFlavor=RetailLCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationTFileDescriptionSystem.Deployment.dllj%FileVersion2.0.50727.7905 (win9rel.050727-7900)` InternalNameSystem.Deployment.resources.dll/LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits rservs.h OriginalFilenameSystem.Deployment.resources.dllTProductNameMicrosoft .NET FrameworkBProductVersion2.0.50727.7905 @4