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fyComputedLifetimeWriteLifetimeget_TokenLifetimeset_TokenLifetimeget_MaximumTokenLifetimeset_MaximumTokenLifetime_maximumTokenLifetimeGetTokenLifetimeget_DefaultTokenLifetimeset_DefaultTokenLifetime_defaultTokenLifetime_tokenLifetimeTransientSessionLifetimePersistentSessionLifetimeDefaultLifetimerequestLifetimelifetimeSystem.RuntimeSystemRuntimeWindowsRuntimeValueMustBeOneoffsetOneWaitOnearrayOneAppendLineWriteLineget_NewLineCombinehChainEngineX509TrustedStoreLocationLocalMachineX509RevocationModeOfflineX509RevocationModeOnlinerecordDoneget_NoneX509CertificateValidationModeNonederivationNoneget_MobilePhoneget_HomePhoneget_OtherPhonemobilephonehomephoneotherphoneClonestandaloneclonenoneget_Scopeset_Scopeget_InvalidScopeSecurityCriticalScopeDataProtectionScopeEndGetScopeBeginGetScope_scopeNameIDTypeget_Typeset_TypeKeyInfoConfirmationDataTypeSubjectConfirmationDataTypebTypeMakeGenericTypeWriteDocTypeReadNameIdTypeWriteNameIdTypeEncryptedTypeWellKnownSidTypeX509FindTypedwFindTypefindTypeAdviceTypeSecurityTokenServiceType_securityTokenServiceTypeApplicationServiceTypeEvidenceTypesourceTypeget_NodeTypeXmlNodeTypenodeTypeMessageTypeSecurityTokenCacheTypeGCHandleTypehandleTypeX509NameTypes_hashAlgorithmNameTypeget_MimeTypeset_MimeType_mimeTypeGetSystemCoreTypeOneTimeUseTypeget_ClauseTypeBinarySecretClauseTypeclauseTypeAttributeTypeTokenProfile11ValueTypeThumbprintSha1ValueTypeX509SKIValueTypeget_ValueTypeSamlAssertionIdValueTypeSecurityContextTokenReferenceValueTypeIsMatchingValueTypeKerberosHashValueTypeEncryptedKeyHashValueTypeSaml11AssertionValueTypeRelAssertionValueType_valueTypeMakeByRefTypes_rsaSignaturePaddingTypes_rsaEncryptionPaddingTypeBase64EncodingTypeget_EncodingTypeget_DefaultEncodingTypedwMsgAndCertEncodingTypedwCertEncodingTypeTextEncodingTypeHexBinaryEncodingType_encodingTypeauthTypeValidateXsiTypeget_AttributeValueXsiTypeset_AttributeValueXsiTypeattributeValueXsiTypeGetXsiTypexsiTypeget_ClaimTypeSupportedClaimTypeget_RoleClaimTypeset_RoleClaimType_roleClaimTypeget_NameClaimTypeset_NameClaimType_nameClaimTypeCreateDisplayClaimFromClaimTypeClaimTagForClaimTypeClaimDescriptionForClaimType<>3__claimTypecustomTypeget_EnumTypeset_EnumTypeenumTypeSaml20TokenTypeX509TokenTypeUPTokenTypeget_TokenTypeset_TokenTypeReadTokenTyperequestedTokenType_byteTokenType_stringTokenTypeSamlTokenTypeGetTokenTypeEmitTokenTypeget_DefaultTokenTypeset_DefaultTokenType_defaultTokenTypeSecurityContextTokenTypeEncryptedKeyTokenTypeDerivedKeyTokenTypeCannotValidateSecurityTokenType_securityTokenType_tokenTypedwLogonTypeSecurityLogonTypeget_AuthenticationTypeset_AuthenticationTypenormalizedAuthenticationTypeNormalizeAuthenticationTypeDenormalizeAuthenticationType_authenticationTypeSubjectConfirmationTypeActionTypeConfigurationElementCollectionTypeAudienceRestrictionTypeProxyRestrictionTypeAssertionTypeGetContactPersonTypeIsKnownTypeUnknownICryptoTypeget_ProviderTypeget_DisableUpdatingRsaProviderTypedisableUpdatingRsaProviderTypeBufferTypeget_OwnerTypeownerTypeGetKeyDescriptorTypeConditionsTypeconactTypeBaseIDAbstractTypeConditionAbstractTypeStatementAbstractTypeContactTypecontactTypeSubjectTypeDialectTypeGetTypeEncryptedElementTypeAttributeStatementTypeAuthnStatementTypeAuthzDecisionStatementTypeContentTypeTraceEventTypetraceEventTypeeventTypeWindowsAccountTypeget_RequestTypeset_RequestTypeReadRequestTypeWriteRequestTyperequestTypeAuthnContextTypedwProvTypedwTypehandlersByTypeget_KeyTypeset_KeyTypePublicKeyTypeSymmetricKeyTypeReadKeyTypeWriteKeyTypeBearerKeyTypedefaultKeyTypeSecurityKeyTypekeyTypeDefaultIssuerNameRegistryTypeSubjectLocalityType_typetokentypeCompareWhereSystem.CoreReadMetadataCoreWriteMetadataCoreValidateUserNamePasswordCoreCanReadKeyIdentifierClauseCoreCanWriteKeyIdentifierClauseCoreSystemCoreCanReadTokenCoreCanValidateTokenCoreCanWriteTokenCoreTryResolveTokenCoreEndCancelTokenCoreBeginCancelTokenCoreEndGetTokenCoreBeginGetTokenCoreEndRenewTokenCoreBeginRenewTokenCoreCanReadKeyIdentifierCoreCanWriteKeyIdentifierCoreGetTokenTypesCoreInitializeClaimsCoreSupportsCoreTryResolveSecurityKeyCoreget_NotBeforeset_NotBeforenotBeforeX509Storeget_ExtraStoreextraStoreX509IsNotInTrustedStoreX509IsInUntrustedStoreCertCloseStoreX509CertificateStorehAdditionalStoreCertFindCertificateInStoreCertOpenStoreCertAddCertificateLinkToStoreRootStorerootStorehCertStoreget_MachineKeyStoreExportToMemoryStoreGetIssuerNameFailureTraceTokenValidationFailureDsaSha1SignatureRsaSha1SignaturersaSha1SignatureHmacSha1SignaturehmacSha1SignatureRsaSha256SignatureHmacSha256Signatureget_Signature_automaticallyReadSignatureTryReadSignatureEnvelopedSignature_requireSignatureCreateSignaturedelegateSignatureWriteSignatureComputeSignatureSamlTokenMissingSignatureUnableToResolveReferenceUriForSignatureGetHashAlgorithmForSignatureMaxSignatureVerifySignaturesignaturePtrToStructureget_Cultureset_CultureresourceCultureget_InvariantCultureget_CurrentCultureClassSigntureget_Useset_Useget_OneTimeUseset_OneTimeUseoneTimeUseCredentialUseMetadataBasemetadataBaseDiagnost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ID6048 ID7000 ID7001 ID7002E ID7004 ID7007 ID7009 ID7010 ID7011, ID7012 ID7013 ID7017[ ID7018 ID7019Y ID7022 ID7026 ID7027 ID7028g ID7029 ID8003V ID8004 ID8005 ID8006 ID8007 ID8023 ID8024y ID8025 ID80262 ID8027l ID8028 ID8029C ID8030/NoInputIsSetForCanonicalization4NoKeyIdentifierClauseFoundB.NoKeyInfoClausesToWrite*NoPrivateKeyAvailable ObjectIsReadOnly*OtherPhoneDescriptionOtherPhoneText.PPIDDescription;PPIDTextZ*PostalCodeDescription`PostalCodeTextSAMLAttributeShouldHaveOneValueXSAMLAttributeStatementMissingAttributeOnReadPTSAMLAttributeStatementMissingSubjectOnReadSAMLAudienceUriValidationFailed0SAMLAudienceUrisNotFound|SAMLAuthenticationStatementMissingAuthenticationInstanceOnReadOlSAMLAuthenticationStatementMissingAuthenticationMethodxSAMLAuthenticationStatementMissingAuthenticationMethodOnRead&RSAMLAuthenticationStatementMissingSubjectPSAMLAuthorityBindingInvalidAuthorityKindPSAMLAuthorityBindingMissingAuthorityKindX\SAMLAuthorityBindingMissingAuthorityKindOnReadPSAMLAuthorityBindingMissingBindingOnRead'RSAMLAuthorityBindingMissingLocationOnReadFSAMLAuthorityBindingRequiresBindingHSAMLAuthorityBindingRequiresLocation?8SAMLAuthorityKindMissingName^SAMLAuthorizationDecisionHasMoreThanOneEvidenceRSAMLAuthorizationDecisionResourceRequiredXSAMLAuthorizationDecisionShouldHaveOneActiondSAMLAuthorizationDecisionShouldHaveOneActionOnRead?SAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatementMissingDecisionAttributeOnReadSAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatementMissingResourceAttributeOnReadlSAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatementMissingSubjectOnReadfSAMLBadSchema0SAMLElementNotRecognized:SAMLEntityCannotBeNullOrEmpty;DSAMLEvidenceShouldHaveOneAssertionrPSAMLEvidenceShouldHaveOneAssertionOnRead\SAMLNameIdentifierMissingIdentifierValueOnRead&0SAMLSignatureAlreadyReadqxSAMLSubjectConfirmationClauseMissingConfirmationMethodOnReadTSAMLSubjectNameIdentifierRequiresNameValueSAMLSubjectRequiresConfirmationMethodWhenConfirmationDataOrKeyInfoIsSpecifiedHjSAMLSubjectRequiresNameIdentifierOrConfirmationMethodvSAMLSubjectRequiresNameIdentifierOrConfirmationMethodOnReadFSAMLSubjectStatementRequiresSubject,SAMLTokenNotSerialized(SAMLTokenTimeInvalid&8SAMLTokenVersionNotSupported,SAMLUnableToLoadAdvice2SAMLUnableToLoadAssertionC2SAMLUnableToLoadAttributeq0SAMLUnableToLoadCondtion2SAMLUnableToLoadCondtions2SAMLUnableToLoadStatementSAMLUnableToResolveSignatureKey.SSPIPackageNotSupported8LSamlAssertionMissingSigningCredentials\RSamlAttributeClaimResourceShouldBeAString\SamlAttributeClaimRightShouldBePossessProperty\.SamlInvalidSigningTokenRSamlSerializerRequiresExternalSerializers^SamlSerializerUnableToReadSecurityKeyIdentifier`SamlSerializerUnableToWriteSecurityKeyIdentifier.SamlSigningTokenMissing0SamlSigningTokenNotFound\SamlTokenAuthenticatorCanOnlyProcessSamlTokens2SamlTokenMissingSignatureE:SamlUnableToExtractSubjectKey4SamlUriCannotBeNullOrEmptyo:SecurityChannelBindingMissing\SecurityTokenRequirementDoesNotContainPropertybSecurityTokenRequirementHasInvalidTypeForProperty*ServiceNameFromClientS(ServiceNameOnServicev6SignatureVerificationFailed8SspiLoginPromptHeaderMessage.SspiPayloadNotEncrypted@SspiWrapperEncryptDecryptAssert1@SspiWrapperEncryptDecryptAssert2YBStandardsManagerCannotWriteObject4StateOrProvinceDescription &StateOrProvinceTextH 0StreetAddressDescriptionO "StreetAddressText $SurnameDescription SurnameText 4SymmetricKeyLengthTooShort :TokenCancellationNotSupported \TokenDoesNotSupportKeyIdentifierClauseCreation3 :TokenProviderUnableToGetToken[ >TokenProviderUnableToRenewToken 0TokenRenewalNotSupported 8TraceCodeChannelBindingCheck (TraceCodeDiagnostics7 ,TraceCodeIdentityModelS 8TraceCodeServiceBindingCheck 0TraceDeflateCookieEncode HTraceSetPrincipalOnEvaluationContext .TraceUnableToWriteToken $TraceValidateTokenZ ^UnableToCreateHashAlgorithmFromAsymmetricCryptou BUnableToCreateKerberosCredentials @UnableToCreateKeyedHashAlgorithm@ fUnableToCreateKeyedHashAlgorithmFromSymmetricCrypto lUnableToCreateSignatureDeformatterFromAsymmetricCrypto hUnableToCreateSignatureFormatterFromAsymmetricCryptoY8UnableToCreateTokenReference6UnableToResolveKeyReferenceNUnableToResolveReferenceUriForSignature4:UnableToResolveTokenReference}(UnboundPrefixInQName,UnexpectedXmlChildNodeThe cipher mode {0} is not supported. Only CBC is supported. 'Failed to acquire the CSP context. {0}Failed to decrypt the data. {0}Failed to encrypt the data. {0}$Failed to get the key parameter. {0}"Failed to import key material. {0}$Failed to set the key parameter. {0}BThe {0} bits iv is not supported. Only 128 bits iv is supported. =The output buffer ({0} bytes) must be greater than {1} bytes.;The input size ({0} bytes) must be a mulitple of {1} bytes.QThe {0} bits key is not supported. Only 128, 192 and 256 bits key is supported. NThe padding mode {0} is not supported. Only PKCS7 and ISO10126 is supported. LThe specified algorithm '{0}' and the rsa security token's key do not match.9The algorithm specified and the private key do not match.8The algorithm specified and the public key do not match.7A mismatch occurred on the algorithm for the transform.(The argument must be a non-empty string.The certificate is invalid.fThe assertion id specified as part of the SAML security key identifier clause cannot be null or empty.$An AsyncCallback threw an exception.2At least one reference is required in a signature.;The Transforms element must contain at least one transform.0Authorization Context with id= '{0}' is created."Policy with id='{0}' is evaluated.LThe EncryptedData or EncryptedKey is in an invalid state for this operation.Unable to finish reading Base64 data as the given buffer quota has been exceeded. Buffer quota: {0}. Consider increasing the MaxReceivedMessageSize quota on the TransportBindingElement. Please note that a very high value for MaxReceivedMessageSize will result in buffering a large message and might open the system to DOS attacks.}Unable to find X.509 certificate using search criteria StoreName '{0}', StoreLocation '{1}', FindType '{2}', FindValue '{3}'.?The token's crypto collection does not support algorithm '{0}'.Cannot read KeyIdentifierClause from element '{0}' with namespace '{1}'. Custom KeyIdentifierClauses require custom SecurityTokenSerializers, please refer to the SDK for examples.Cannot read the token from the '{0}' element with the '{1}' namespace for BinarySecretSecurityToken, with a '{2}' ValueType. If this element is expected to be valid, ensure that security is configured to consume tokens with the name, namespace and value type specified.MThe security token authenticator '{0}' cannot validate a token of type '{1}'.=The collection was modified. The collection cannot be copied.Country of a physical addressCountry/Region|The algorithm '{0}' was used with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode enabled, but is not FIPS compatible. iThe custom crypto algorithm '{0}' obtained using CryptoConfig is not a valid or supported hash algorithm.nThe custom crypto algorithm '{0}'obtained using CryptoConfig is not a valid or supported keyed hash algorithm.mThe custom crypto algorithm '{0}'obtained using CryptoConfig is not a valid or supported symmetric algorithm.The date of birth of a person Date of Birth=The SecurityTokenReference does not contain a KeyIdentifier. /Digest verification failed for Reference '{0}'.)An electronic mailbox address of a person Email Address,The argument '{0}' is null or empty string. +The empty transform chain is not supported.yThere was an error deserializing the security key identifier clause XML. Please see the inner exception for more details.lThere was an error serializing the security key identifier. Please see the inner exception for more details.sThere was an error serializing the security key identifier clause. Please see the inner exception for more details.?The expected '{0}' element with the '{1}' namespace is missing.!The AcceptSecurityContext failed.OInitializeSecurityContent failed. Ensure the service principal name is correct.VLogonUser failed for the '{0}' user. Ensure that the user has a valid Windows account.tFailed to delete key container file and it will be left in the file system. Please see inner exception for details.Found multiple X.509 certificates using the following search criteria: StoreName '{0}', StoreLocation '{1}', FindType '{2}', FindValue '{3}'. Provide a more specific find value.Gender of a personGender:A person's name which is not their surname nor middle name First Name,Primary or home telephone number of a person Home PhoneEID0001: The required attribute '{0}' in the element '{1}' is missing.,ID0002: The value must be greater than zero. ID0003: The input '{0}' is null.KID0005: The input '{0}' collection does not contain a property named '{1}'.;ID0006: The input string parameter is either null or empty.6ID0008: The cache size after purge cannot be negative.LID0009: The cache size after purge must be less than the maximum cache size.NID0011: The attribute '{0}' in the element '{1}' must be a valid absolute URI.AID0012: Failed to create an instance of '{0}' from configuration.*ID0013: The value must be an absolute URI.0ID0014: The value '{0}' must be an absolute URI.FID0016: The value must specify a time span greater than TimeSpan.Zero.7ID0018: The argument is not of the expected type '{0}'. ID0019: The value must be a URI.UID0021: The item cannot be added to the cache. The maximum cache size is '{0}' items.(ID0022: The URI cannot be null or empty.ID0023: Failed to create an instance of '{0}' from configuration. A custom configuration element was specified, but the method LoadCustomConfiguration was not implemented. Override LoadCustomConfiguration to handle custom configuration loading.RID1001: The certificate does not have an associated private key. Thumbprint: '{0}'NID1002: The private key of the certificate is not a RSA key. Thumbprint: '{0}'yID1005: The format of the data is incorrect. The signature length is negative: '{0}'. The cookie may have been truncated.~ID1006: The format of the data is incorrect. The encryption key length is negative: '{0}'. The cookie may have been truncated.ID1007: The format of the data is incorrect. The encryption key is larger than the corresponding data. The cookie may have been truncated.~ID1008: The format of the data is incorrect. The encrypted data length is negative: '{0}'. The cookie may have been truncated.ID1009: The format of the data is incorrect. The encrypted data is larger than the corresponding data. The cookie may have been truncated.gID1012: The format of the data is incorrect. The data is too small. The cookie may have been truncated.ID1013: The format of the data is incorrect. The signature is larger than the corresponding data. The cookie may have been truncated.IID1014: The signature is not valid. The data may have been tampered with.XID1024: The configuration property value is not valid. Property name: '{0}' Error: '{1}'ID1025: Cannot find a unique certificate that matches the criteria. StoreName: '{0}' StoreLocation: '{1}' X509FindType: '{2}' FindValue: '{3}'}ID1029: The custom type is not suitable because it does not extend the correct base class. CustomType: '{0}' BaseClass: '{1}'ID1032: At least one 'audienceUri' must be specified in the SamlSecurityTokenRequirement when the AudienceUriMode is set to 'Always' or 'BearerKeyOnly'. Either add the valid URI values to the AudienceUris property of SamlSecurityTokenRequirement, or turn off checking by specifying an AudienceUriMode of 'Never' on the SamlSecurityTokenRequirement.aID1033: The token provided to ValidateToken must be a SamlSecurityToken, actual type found '{0}'.KID1034: The SamlSecurityToken must have a value for its Assertion property.ID1035: The SAML Assertion did not contain any AudienceRestrictionConditions. To accept assertions without AudienceRestrictionConditions, set SecurityTokenHandlerConfiguration.AudienceRestriction.AudienceMode to AudienceUriMode.Never.hID1036: The SAML Assertion contains a malformed AudienceRestrictionCondition which contains no Audience.ID1037: The AudienceRestrictionCondition was not valid because it contains multiple Audiences none of which is present in AudienceUris.ID1038: The AudienceRestrictionCondition was not valid because the specified Audience is not present in AudienceUris. Audience: '{0}'ID1039: The certificate's private key could not be accessed. Ensure the access control list (ACL) on the certificate's private key grants access to the application pool user. Thumbprint: '{0}'YID1043: The AudienceRestrictionCondition was not valid because there are no AudienceUris.ID1053: The ClaimsIdentity contained multiple UPN Claims. The automatic Windows identity mapping feature does not support this scenario.ID1054: The ClaimsIdentity did not contain a valid UPN Claim. The automatic Windows identity mapping feature requires exactly one non-empty UPN Claim to be provided.VID1062: Replay has been detected for: Token: '{0}', AssertionId: '{1}', Issuer: '{2}'.dID1063: Replay detection requires that SamlSecurityToken.Assertion.AssertionId is not null or empty.iID1064: The token provided to DetectReplayedTokens must be a Saml2SecurityToken, actual type found '{0}'.bID1065: Replay detection requires that Saml2SecurityToken.Assertion.Id.Value is not null or empty.]ID1066: Replay has been detected for: Token: '{0}', Assertion.Id.Value: '{1}', Issuer: '{2}'.hID1067: The token provided to DetectReplayedTokens must be a SamlSecurityToken, actual type found '{0}'.ID1068: The decompressed cookie exceeds the maximum size of '{0}' bytes. If this is expected, increase the MaxDecompressedSize property of DeflateCookieTransform.ID1069: Replay detection requires that token's expiration period, '{0}', does not exceed the expiration period configured with '{1}' on the TokenReplayCache.5ID1070: Replay has been detected for a SecurityToken.ID1072: The security token cannot be added to the replay cache because it has an infinite lifetime. Either the token must specify a validity period or the expirationPeriod attribute on the tokenReplayDetection configuration element must be set.ID1073: A CryptographicException occurred when attempting to decrypt the cookie using the ProtectedData API (see inner exception for details). If you are using IIS 7.5, this could be due to the loadUserProfile setting on the Application Pool being set to false. ID1074: A CryptographicException occurred when attempting to encrypt the cookie using the ProtectedData API (see inner exception for details). If you are using IIS 7.5, this could be due to the loadUserProfile setting on the Application Pool being set to false. 8ID2000: Expiration time must be after the creation time.ZID2001: The AsyncState in the input IAsyncResult could not be cast to FederatedAsyncState.ID2002: The AppliesTo address of the relying party was not a valid absolute URI. Override the SecurityTokenService.GetScope() method and populate Scope.AppliesToAddress with an appropriate AppliesTo address.ID2003: SecurityTokenService.SecurityTokenDescriptor was null. Initialize the SecurityTokenDescriptor on the STS in your SecurityTokenService implementation with an appropriate value.ID2004: IAsyncResult must be the AsyncResult instance returned from the Begin call. The runtime is expecting '{0}', and the actual type is '{1}'.1ID2005: The request is not valid or is malformed.%ID2008: The specified request failed.=ID2009: The specified RequestSecurityToken is not understood.HID2011: The computed key algorithm '{0}' is not valid or is unsupported.^ID2012: The type does not match. The runtime is expecting '{0}', and the actual type is '{1}'.ID2013: SecurityTokenService.GetScope returned null. Return a suitable Scope instance from SecurityTokenService.GetScope to issue a token.3ID2014: Requested TokenType '{0}' is not supported.ID2015: DefaultTokenType must be supported by the existing TokenHandlers. Try to add a TokenHandler which can handle '{0}' to the TokenHandlers first.EID2016: The SecurityTokenHandler in the FederatedAsyncState was null.ID2050: When the KeyType is bearer, it is not valid to have a KeySize element with a value other than zero in the request. To fix this, change the key type or set the key size to zero.]ID2051: The request is null. To fix this, make sure the RST contains a valid request message.uID2052: The RequestType, if specified, must be set to Issue. The SecurityTokenService can only handle Issue requests.RID2053: The KeyType, if specified, must be either Symmetric, Asymmetric or Bearer.ID2055: The RelyingPartyParameters property on the RequestSecurityToken instance must not contain another RelyingPartyParameters. To fix this, make sure the RelyingPartyParameters property does not contain another RelyingPartyParameters instance.`ID2056: The request has a KeySize '{0}' that is greater than the maximum allowed value of '{1}'.eID2057: Cannot construct a X509SigningCredentials instance for a certificate without the private key.OID2058: Cannot compute the combined entropy if the source entropy size is zero.ID2059: The request has a KeySizeInBits that has no value. If you have overridden SecurityTokenService.ValidateRequest, make sure it has a valid value.ID2064: The object passed as parameter named 'elementValue' must be of type 'RequestSecurityToken' when 'elementName' is '{0}'.SID2069: The value argument is not a valid type. SecurityTokenService type expected.DID2070: MaxClockSkew must be greater than or equal to TimeSpan.Zero.ID2072: The RequestSecurityToken contains an element with name '{0}' that cannot be processed. You will need to provide a custom WSTrustRequestSerializer to process this element.ID2073: SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.SecurityTokenService is either null or does not have a base type of SecurityTokenService.tID2074: SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.SecurityTokenService is of type '{0}' but is expected to be of type '{1}'.ID2075: The computed lifetime has a creation time of '{0}' and an expiration time of '{1}'. The expiration time is before than the current time of '{2}'. If you need to specify such a lifetime, you will need to override SecurityTokenService.GetTokenLifetime and provide custom verification.ID2076: The computed lifetime has a creation time of '{0}' and an expiration time of '{1}'. This creation time is more that 1 day in the future. UtcNow = '{2}'. If you need to specify such a lifetime, override SecurityTokenService.GetTokenLifetime and provide custom verification.ID2077: The computed lifetime has a creation time of '{0}' and an expiration time of '{1}'. The expiration time is before or equal to the creation time. If you need to specify such a lifetime, override SecurityTokenService.GetTokenLifetime and provide custom verification.ID2078: The computed lifetime has a creation time of '{0}' and an expiration time of '{1}'. This produces a time span greater than the maximum allowed token lifetime '{2}' as specified in SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.MaximumTokenLifetime. If you need to specify such a lifetime, SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.MaximumTokenLifetime is a settable property or you can override SecurityTokenService.GetTokenLifetime and provide custom verification.ID2079: SecurityTokenService.SecurityTokenDescriptor.SigningCredentials is null. Specify a valid credential to sign the issued token with, in the Scope that is returned by SecurityTokenService.GetScope. If you need to issue unsigned tokens, you will need to override SecurityTokenService.Issue.ID2080: Cannot resolve the SecurityKeyIdentifier to a SecurityKey with the given SecurityTokenResolver. SecurityTokenResolver: '{0}', SecurityKeyIdentifier: '{1}'.ID2081: SecurityTokenService does not implement asynchronous behavior. Override BeginGetOutputClaimsIdentity/EndGetOutputClaimsIdentity and BeginGetScope/EndGetScope methods to provide valid asynchronous behavior.@ID2082: Lifetime must be greater than or equal to TimeSpan.Zero.ID2083: IssuerName cannot be null or empty. Create SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration with a valid TokenIssuerName or override SecurityTokenService.GetIssuerName to provide it.ID2084: Cannot create EncryptingCredentials from the specified proof encryption token '{0}'. Override SecurityTokenService.GetRequestorProofEncryptingCredentials to return a valid proof EncryptingCredentials.LID2100: At least one certificate must be specified in the certificate chain.BID3006: ComputedKey element must have a valid algorithm specified.?ID3007: The element '{0}' with namespace '{1}' is unrecognized.5ID3009: Uri Attribute missing from ClaimType element.-ID3010: Unrecognized KeyType specified: '{0}'1ID3011: Unrecognized RequestType specified: '{0}'jID3012: UseKey in a RequestSecurityToken object must have a valid SecurityToken in order to be serialized.ID3013: Cannot write element '{0}' of type '{1}'. Add your custom WSTrustResponseSerializer in SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration to write this element.ID3017: The token contained in the UseKey object is not recognized as a writeable token by any of the configured SecurityTokenHandlers.1ID3020: Unrecognized KeyType element found '{0}'.oID3021: RequestedProofToken in RequestSecurityTokenResponse must contain ComputedKeyAlgorithm or SecurityToken.ID3025: Cannot read 'RequestedProofToken' element. The 'RequestedProofToken' element must either contain a 'EncryptedKey' element or a 'BinarySecret' element or a 'ComputedKeyAlgorithm' as its child element.ID3026: Cannot read 'Entropy' element. The 'Entropy' element must either contain a 'EncryptedKey' element or a 'BinarySecret' element as its child element.ID3027: The key needed to decrypt the encrypted key could not be resolved. Ensure that '{0}' is populated with the required key.hID3032: Unexpected element '{0}' in namespace '{1}' found. Expected element '{2}' under namespace '{3}'.RID3057: EnvelopedSignature has more than on Reference specified in the SignedInfo.1ID3061: The given element ('{0}','{1}') is empty.;ID3063: An error occurred while parsing a WS-Trust message.AID3064: Token EncryptingCredentials must specify a symmetric key.(ID3089: No enveloped signature was read.VID3091: An Issue request for an Asymmetric key must have the UseKey element specified.}ID3092: The specified UseKey '{0}' cannot be resolved to a token that would prove the client's possession of the private key.zID3130: A WSTrust 1.3 RequestSecurityToken SecondaryParameters element cannot contain another SecondaryParameters element.\ID3135: The element '{0}' with namespace '{1}' has value '{2}' which is not an absolute URI.sID3136: The attribute '{0}' of the element '{1}' with namespace '{2}' has value '{3}' which is not an absolute URI.ID3141: The RequestType '{0}', is not supported. If you need to support this RequestType, override the corresponding virtual method in your SecurityTokenService derived class.ID3151: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'RenewTarget' element. The 'RenewTarget' element must either contain a valid SecurityToken as its child element.ID3152: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'OnBehalfOf' element. The 'OnBehalfOf' element must either contain a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as its child element.ID3153: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'ActAs'. The element must have a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as its child element.ID3154: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'KeySize' element. The element must specify a valid key size for the requested token.ID3155: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'UseKey' element. The element must specify a valid SecurityTokenReference to the client's public key.ID3158: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'RequestedSecurityToken'. The element must contain a valid SecurityToken as its child element.ID3159: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'RequestedAttachedReference'. The element must contain a valid SecurityKeyIdentifierClause as its child element.ID3160: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'RequestedUnattachedReference'. The element must contain a valid SecurityKeyIdentifierClause as its child element.ID3161: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'Lifetime'. The element must contain 'Created' and 'Expires' elements as its child element.xID3162: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'AppliesTo'. The element must contain an EndpointAddress as its child element.vID3164: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'BinarySecret'. The element must contain key bytes encoded as Base64 string.|ID3165: The WS-Trust message contains a 'UseKey' element that cannot be read by any of the configured SecurityTokenHandlers.ID3166: The 'UseKey' token contained in the WS-Trust message is not able to create an RsaKeyIdentifierClause or an X509RawDataSecurityKeyIdentifierClause, which are the only SecurityKeyIdentifierClause types supported by default.@ID3198: An exception occurred while parsing a Metadata document.AID3199: EntityID cannot have a value longer than 1024 characters.hID3200: An error occurred while reading the metadata document. Required parameter '{0}' was not present.WID3201: The enumerated attribute '{0}' in metadata has a value '{1}' that is not valid.sID3202: An error occurred while reading the metadata document. Parameter '{0}' has a value '{1}' that is not valid.cID3203: An error occurred while writing the metadata document. Required parameter '{0}' is not set.ID3207: An error occurred while reading the metadata document. Attribute '{0}' of element '{1}' has a value '{2}' that is not supported.ID3215: The encoding type '{0}' specified in element '{1}' with namespace '{2}' is not supported. The supported encoding types are '{3}'.qID3216: WS-Trust message has an empty 'Issuer'. The element must contain an EndpointAddress as its child element.YID3217: The Encoding type '{0}' is not supported. The supported encoding types are '{1}'.ID3218: WS-Trust message has an empty 'ProofEncryption'. The element must have a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as its child element.ID3219: WS-Trust message has an empty 'DelegateTo'. The element must have a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as its child element.ID3220: WS-Trust message has an empty 'CancelTarget'. The element must have a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as its child element.ID3221: WS-Trust message has an empty 'ValidateTarget'. The element must have a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as its child element.fID3222: The element '{0}' with namespace '{1}' was expected to have value of type '{2}' but was '{3}'.]ID3223: The element ('{0}','{1}') has the child element ('{2}','{3}') that is not recognized.,ID3249: The attribute '{0}' must be omitted.ID3257: RequestSecurityToken contains at least one Claim with a Claim value specified but the RequestClaimCollection.Dialect is set to '{0}'. The RequestClaimCollection.Dialect must be set to '{1}' for the value to be serialized out.ID3258: RequestSecurityToken contains a Claim with a Claim value specified but the Dialect is set to '{0}'. The Dialect must be set to '{1}'.lID3260: The root element of a metadata document must be either an EntityDescriptor or an EntitiesDescriptor.ID3264: OnBehalfOf element was found, but there was no token handlers registered to read a OnBehalfOf element. Consider adding a valid SecurityTokenHandlerCollection to the SecurityTokenHanderCollectionManager for OnBehalfOf usage.ID3265: ActAs element was found, but there was no token handlers registered to read a ActAs element. Consider adding a valid SecurityTokenHandlerCollection to the SecurityTokenHanderCollectionManager for ActAs usage.wID3268: WS-Trust message has an empty 'Encryption' element. The element must have a SecurityToken as its child element.LID3274: The RoleDescriptor of type '{0}' was dropped as it is not supported.ID3275: The XmlReader is not positioned at an EncryptedData element. XmlReader is positioned at: Name: '{0}', Namespace: '{1}'. oID3276: The signing credentials cannot be resolved because signed XML does not contain a SecurityKeyIdentifier.YID3284: 'Saml2NameIdentifier' encrypting credentials must have a Symmetric Key specified.&ID4001: Expected AsyncResult instance.$ID4002: End has already been called.HID4003: An unhandled exception occurred during an asynchronous callback.PID4004: An exception occurred during the execution of an asynchronous operation.AID4005: The AsyncResult.Complete have been called more than once.ID4007: The symmetric key inside the requested security token must be encrypted. To fix this, either override the SecurityTokenService.GetScope() method to assign appropriate value to Scope.EncryptingCredentials or set Scope.SymmetricKeyEncryptionRequired to false.;ID4008: '{0}' does not provide an implementation for '{1}'.FID4010: A SecurityTokenHandler is not registered for token type '{0}'.NID4011: A SecurityTokenHandler is not registered to validate token type '{0}'.ID4013: Cannot return null from SamlSecurityTokenHandler.CreateAssertion. To fix this, make sure CreateAssertion returns a valid SamlAssertion.WID4014: A SecurityTokenHandler is not registered to read security token ('{0}', '{1}').\ID4020: A SecurityTokenHandler is not registered to create tokens for type identifier '{0}'.ID4022: The key needed to decrypt the encrypted security token could not be resolved. Ensure that the SecurityTokenResolver is populated with the required key.ID4023: The encrypted security token was directly encrypted using an asymmetric key, which is not supported. An xenc:EncryptedKey must be used to encrypt a symmetric key using the asymmetric key.nID4024: The EncryptedSecurityTokenHandler can only write SecurityToken objects of type EncryptedSecurityToken.dID4025: The SamlSecurityTokenRequirement specifies an unrecognized value for AudienceUriMode: '{0}'.yID4026: The KerberosSecurityTokenHandler cannot validate a KerberosReceiverSecurityToken that has a null WindowsIdentity.ID4034: A SamlAttributeStatement can only have one SamlAttributeValue of type 'Actor'. This special SamlAttribute is used in delegation scenarios.ID4036: The key needed to decrypt the encrypted security token could not be resolved from the following security key identifier '{0}'. Ensure that the SecurityTokenResolver is populated with the required key.ID4037: The key needed to verify the signature could not be resolved from the following security key identifier '{0}'. Ensure that the SecurityTokenResolver is populated with the required key.&ID4038: Signature verification failed.|ID4046: The SecurityTokenHandler cannot write the token '{0}'. The SecurityTokenHandler can only write tokens of type '{1}'.tID4050: The SecurityContextSecurityTokenHandler requires a valid WS-SecureConversation version when writing a token.ID4051: Cannot resolve SecurityToken. Use config to ensure that a SecurityTokenHandler is registered for token of type '{0}'. Element name: '{1}'. Namespace: '{2}'.ID4052: SecurityTokenElement cannot create a subject unless it is constructed with an XmlElement and SecurityTokenHandlerCollection.`ID4059: The Username token has the unsupported password type '{0}'. The supported type is '{1}'.QID4060: The element ({0}, {1}) is not supported as a child element of ({2}, {3}).9ID4061: Username token does not contain a valid username.uID4062: The username format is not valid. The username format must be in the form of 'username' or 'domain\username'.^ID4063: LogonUser failed for the '{0}' user. Ensure that the user has a valid Windows account.cID4065: Cannot read SecurityToken. Expected element is ({0}, {1}) the actual element is ({2}, {3}).ID4066: Cannot read SecurityToken. Expected element ({0}, {1}) with '{2}' attribute set to '{3}'. But the attribute value was '{4}'.vID4067: The '{0}' X.509 certificate cannot be mapped to a Windows account. The UPN subject alternate name is required.OID4068: Unrecognized encoding occurred while reading the binary security token.ID4070: The X.509 certificate '{0}' chain building failed. The certificate that was used has a trust chain that cannot be verified. Replace the certificate or change the certificateValidationMode. '{1}'9ID4073: SAML Action is missing the required Action value.?ID4075: SAML Assertion is missing the required '{0}' Attribute.ID4076: SAML Assertion with MajorVersion '{0}' and MinorVersion '{1}' is not supported. The supported version is MajorVersion '{2}' and MinorVersion '{3}'.EID4077: SAML Assertion AssertionId '{0}' is not a valid xsd:ID value.ID4078: SAML Assertion does not have any SAML Statement elements. SAML Assertion must have at least one SAML Statement element.HID4079: SAML Advice AssertionIdReference cannot be null or empty string.gID4080: The XmlReader is positioned at element ('{0}', '{1}') which is not a recognized SAML condition.0ID4081: Unrecognized SAML Condition found. '{0}'{ID4082: SAML Assertion is not valid. XmlReader was expected to reference ('{0}', '{1}') but was referencing ('{2}', '{3}').ZID4083: SAML AudienceRestrictionCondition must not specify a null or empty audience value.ZID5084: SAML AudienceRestrictionCondition must have at least one Audience value specified.WID4085: SAML Assertion contains a SAML Statement ('{0}', '{1}') that is not recognized.9ID4086: The given SAML Statement is not recognized. '{0}'AID4087: SAML NameIdentifier does not have a valid Name specified.[ID4088: SAML SubjectConfirmation does not have a valid SubjectConfirmationMethod specified.WID4089: SAML Subject must either specify a valid NameIdentifier or SubjectConfirmation.)ID4090: Cannot read SAML Subject KeyInfo.0ID4091: Cannot write SAML Subject KeyInfo '{0}'.KID4092: SAML AttributeStatement does not contain the required SAML Subject.MID4093: SAML AttributeStatement does not contain any SAML Attribute elements.?ID4094: SAML Attribute does not contain a valid Attribute Name.DID4095: SAML Attribute does not contain a valid Attribute Namespace.6ID4096: SAML Attribute does not contain a valid value.UID4097: SAML AuthenticationStatement does not contain a valid Authentication Instant.TID4098: SAML AuthenticationStatement does not contain a valid Authentication Method.PID4099: SAML AuthenticationStatement does not contain the required SAML Subject.:ID4100: An unsupported SAML version was encountered: '{0}'ID4102: An element of an unexpected type was encountered. To support extended types in SAML2 assertions, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler. Expected type name: '{0}' Expected type namespace: '{1}' Encountered type name: '{2}' Encountered type namespace: '{3}'ID4104: An abstract element was encountered which does not specify its concrete type. Element name: '{0}' Element namespace: '{1}'ID4105: A element was encountered which specified an unrecognized concrete type. To handle this custom statement, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ReadStatement. Type name: '{0}' Type namespace: '{1}'JID4106: A Saml2Assertion with no SAML Statements must have a SAML Subject.ID4107: The Saml2Assertion Statements collection contains an unrecognized Saml2Statement. To handle custom Saml2Statement objects, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override WriteStatement. Type: '{0}'lID4108: A Saml2Subject that does not specify an NameId cannot have an empty SubjectConfirmations collection.ID4110: A contained a element which specified an unrecognized concrete type. To handle this custom type, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ReadSubjectID. Type name: '{1}' Type namespace: '{2}'jID4111: A element cannot be empty when of type KeyInfoConfirmationDataType.ID4112: A element of an unexpected type was encountered. The SubjectConfirmationDataType and KeyInfoConfirmationDataType are handled by default. To handle other types, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ReadSubjectConfirmationData. Type name: '{0}' Type namespace: '{1}'ID4113: A was encountered which specifies an unrecognized concrete type. To handle a custom Condition, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ReadConditions.ID4114: A contained unrecognized content. The schema allows arbitrary XML elements on this element without explicit schema extension. To handle the content, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override Read'{0}'.LID4115: A element contained more than one '{0}' condition.4ID4116: NotBefore must be earlier than NotOnOrAfter.ID4117: When writing the Saml2AuthenticationContext, at least one of ClassReference and DeclarationReference must be set. Set one of these properties before serialization.ID4118: A element was encountered. To handle by-value authentication context declarations, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ReadAuthenticationContext. In addition, it may be necessary to extend Saml2AuthenticationContext so that its data model can accommodate the declaration value.zID4119: The SAML2:AuthenticationStatement, AttributeStatement, and AuthorizationDecisionStatement require a SAML2:Subject._ID4120: The element must contain at least one assertion or assertion reference.dID4121: The SAML2:Action must specify a Resource which is an absolute URI or the empty relative URI.RID4122: The SAML2:AuthorizationDecisionStatement must specify at least one Action.~ID4123: An unrecognized value was encountered for the SAML2:AuthorizationDecisionStatement element's Decision attribute: '{0}'OID4124: The SAML2:AttributeStatement must contain at least one SAML2:Attribute.+ID4125: An error occurred reading XML data.ID4126: To handle references for SAML2 assertions, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ReadKeyIdentifierClause.8ID4127: Unexpected ValueType for SAML2 token type: '{0}')ID4128: The value is not a valid SAML ID.ID4129: Cannot write a SAML2 key identifier clause with an implied derived key length other than the default of 32 using WS-SecureConversation.aID4130: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it has no Subject.mID4131: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it has no SubjectConfirmation.xID4132: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it has more than one SubjectConfirmation.ID4133: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it specifies the Bearer confirmation method but identifies keys in the SubjectConfirmationData.ID4134: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it specifies the Holder-of-key confirmation method but identifies no keys in the SubjectConfirmationData.ID4136: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it specifies an unsupported confirmation method: '{0}'ID4138: No suitable Saml2NameIdentifier could be created for the SAML2:Assertion because tokenDescriptor.Issuer is null or empty.ID4139: No suitable Saml2NameIdentifier could be created for the SAML2:Subject because more than one Claim of type NameIdentifier was supplied.ID4140: This Assertion cannot be re-emitted as raw XML. This may be because it was not read from XML in the first place, or because Assertion was changed after it was read, as indicated by a changed Id property.ID4141: The SAML2:Assertion is not signed. Only signed Assertions are acceptable for this use. If Windows Identity Foundation is used to create the Assertion, create a signed Assertion by setting the SigningCredentials before calling WriteAssertion.ID4142: The SAML2:Assertion is signed but the signature's KeyIdentifier cannot be resolved to a SecurityToken. Ensure that the appropriate SecurityTokenResolver has been provisioned. To handle advanced token resolution requirements, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ResolveIssuerToken.ID4147: The Saml2SecurityToken is rejected because the SAML2:Assertion's NotBefore condition is not satisfied. NotBefore: '{0}' Current time: '{1}'ID4148: The Saml2SecurityToken is rejected because the SAML2:Assertion's NotOnOrAfter condition is not satisfied. NotOnOrAfter: '{0}' Current time: '{1}'ID4149: The Saml2SecurityToken is rejected because the SAML2:Assertion specifies a OneTimeUse condition. Enforcement of the OneTimeUse condition is not supported by default. To customize the enforcement of Saml2Conditions, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ValidateConditions.ID4150: The Saml2SecurityToken is rejected because the SAML2:Assertion specifies a ProxyRestriction condition. Enforcement of the ProxyRestriction condition is not supported by default. To customize the enforcement of Saml2Conditions, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ValidateConditions.nID4151: The token cannot be validated by the Saml2SecurityTokenHandler because it is not a Saml2SecurityToken.ID4152: The Saml2SecurityToken cannot be validated because the IssuerToken property is not set. Unsigned SAML2:Assertions cannot be validated.ID4153: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it contains a SubjectConfirmationData which specifies an Address value. Enforcement of this value is not supported by default. To customize SubjectConfirmationData processing, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ValidateConfirmationData.ID4154: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it contains a SubjectConfirmationData which specifies an InResponseTo value. Enforcement of this value is not supported by default. To customize SubjectConfirmationData processing, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ValidateConfirmationData.ID4157: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it contains a SubjectConfirmationData which specifies a Recipient value. Enforcement of this value is not supported by default. To customize SubjectConfirmationData processing, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ValidateConfirmationData.ID4158: A was encountered while processing the attribute statement. To handle encrypted attributes, extend the Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ReadAttributeStatement.FID4159: A Saml2AudienceRestriction must specify at least one Audience.fID4160: The Saml2SecurityTokenHandler can only write SecurityToken objects of type Saml2SecurityToken.ID4161: The reader is not positioned on an element that can be read. Call CanReadKeyIdentifierClause to check the element before calling ReadKeyIdentifierClause.ID4162: The Saml2SecurityTokenHandler can only write SecurityKeyIdentifierClause objects of type Saml2AssertionKeyIdentifierClause.tID4172: The keyInfoSerializer must return an EncryptedKeyIdentifierClause when reading an xenc:EncryptedKey element.pID4173: The Saml2Assertion cannot specify ExternalEncryptedKeys unless EncryptingCredentials are also specified.ID4175: The issuer of the security token was not recognized by the IssuerNameRegistry. To accept security tokens from this issuer, configure the IssuerNameRegistry to return a valid name for this issuer.ID4176: The Saml2SecurityToken is rejected because the SAML2:Assertion's SubjectConfirmationData NotBefore is not satisfied. NotBefore: '{0}' Current time: '{1}'ID4177: The Saml2SecurityToken is rejected because the SAML2:Assertion's SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter is not satisfied. NotOnOrAfter: '{0}' Current time: '{1}'ID4178: The EncryptingCredentials provided in the SecurityTokenDescriptor is for an asymmetric key. You must use an EncryptedKeyEncryptingCredentials to encrypt the token.ID4179: The EncryptingCredentials provided in the Scope must be an asymmetric key. You must set an X509EncryptingCredentials on Scope.EncryptingCredentials.ID4180: A SAML2 assertion that specifies an AuthenticationContext DeclarationReference is not supported. To handle DeclarationReference, extend the Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ProcessAuthenticationStatement.'ID4181: The security token has expired.,ID4182: The security token is not valid yet.BID4183: The Security Token failed Audience restriction validation.ID4184: The EncryptingCredentials provided in the SecurityTokenDescriptor must not be null if Scope.TokenEncryptionRequired is set to true. This can be caused by the Scope specifying an unsupported encryption key type, or by the incoming RequestSecurityToken message containing an unsupported EncryptionAlgorithm. Override CreateSecurityTokenDescriptor if you need to support algorithms other than AES 256.ID4185: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the AuthenticationMethod Claim value, '{0}', which will be serialized as the AuthnContextClassRef element. Change the AuthenticationMethod Claim to be an absolute URI.RID4187: The reader is not positioned on an EncryptedKey element that can be read. OID4188: The reader is not positioned on a CipherData element that can be read. ID4189: The reader is not positioned on a DataReference. XmlEnc specifies that once a DataReference is found only a DataReference must exist. ID4190: The reader is not positioned on a KeyReference. XmlEnc specifies that once a KeyReference is found only a KeyReference must exist. NID4191: A ReferenceList must contain at least one reference, none were found. LID4192: The reader is not positioned on a KeyInfo element that can be read. SID4193: The reader is not positioned on an EncryptedData element that can be read. DID4200: SAML AuthorityBinding is missing the required AuthorityKind.SID4201: SAML AuthorityBinding has a AuthorityKind '{0}' that is not a valid format.IID4202: SAML AuthorityBinding does not contain a valid Binding specified.JID4203: SAML AuthorityBinding does not contain a valid Location specified.WID4204: SAML AuthorizationDecisionStatement is missing the required Decision attribute.WID4205: SAML AuthorizationDecisionStatement is missing the required Resource attribute.QID4206: SAML AuthorizationDecisionStatement is missing the required SAML Subject.YID4207: SAML AuthorizationDecisionStatement has more than one Evidence element specified.\ID4208: SAML AuthorizationDecisionStatement contains an unrecognized element ('{0}', '{1}').WID4209: SAML AuthorizationDecisionStatement must contain at least one Action specified.DID4210: SAML Evidence contains a unrecognized element ('{0}'. '{1}'):ID4211: SAML Evidence must contain at least one Assertion.EID4212: SAML Attribute must contain at least one SAML AttributeValue.OID4213: Cannot parse the ClaimType '{0}' into a constituent name and namespace.AID4216: The ClaimType '{0}' must be of format 'namespace'/'name'.@ID4217: The given token '{0}' is not of the expected type '{1}'.ID4218: A Saml2SamlAttributeStatement can only have one Saml2Attribute of type 'Actor'. This special Saml2Attribute is used in delegation scenarios.ID4220: The SAML Assertion is either not signed or the signature's KeyIdentifier cannot be resolved to a SecurityToken. Ensure that the appropriate issuer tokens are present on the token resolver. To handle advanced token resolution requirements, extend SamlTokenSerializer and override ReadToken.ID4221: Cannot write SAML Signature KeyIdentifier '{0}'. For custom clause override SamlSecurityTokenHandler.WriteSigningKeyInfo.ID4222: The SamlSecurityToken is rejected because the SamlAssertion.NotBefore condition is not satisfied. NotBefore: '{0}' Current time: '{1}'ID4223: The SamlSecurityToken is rejected because the SamlAssertion.NotOnOrAfter condition is not satisfied. NotOnOrAfter: '{0}' Current time: '{1}'_ID4224: A SecurityTokenHandler that is registered to write a token of type '{0}' was not found.{ID4225: The SamlSubject '{0}' is different than the SamlSubject present inside another SamlStatement of this SamlAssertion.hID4227: The token Id '{0}' found in the cookie, does not match the token Id '{1}' found in the envelope.lID4229: The session Id '{0}' found in the cookie, does not match the session Id '{1}' found in the envelope.YID4230: The SecurityToken was not well formed. Expecting element name '{0}', found '{1}'.nID4232: The SecurityToken was not well formed. This version was unexpected '{0}', acceptable version is '{1}'.LID4237: The SecurityToken was not well formed, cannot read the cookie bytes.fID4239: The session cookie must contain an non null Id. The element '{0}' was either empty or missing.BID4242: The SecurityContext Id is missing or the element is empty.zID4243: Could not create a SecurityToken. A token was not found in the token cache and no cookie was found in the context.dID4248: Cannot map Windows user '{0}' to a UserPrincipalName that can be used for S4U impersonation.?ID4249: The ClaimProperty key cannot be a null or empty string.&ID4250: The ClaimValue cannot be null.rID4251: OriginalIssuer cannot be set to String.Empty. If no OriginalIssuer is intended then set the value to null.@ID4252: The OriginalIssuer attribute cannot have an empty value.ID4254: The AttributeValueXsiType of a SAML Attribute must be a string of the form 'prefix#suffix', where prefix and suffix are non-empty strings.ID4255: The SecurityToken is rejected because the validation time is out of range. ValidTo: '{0}' ValidFrom: '{1}' Current time: '{2}'NID4256: A custom certificate validation mode is not a supported configuration.GID4257: X.509 certificate '{0}' validation failed by the token handler.]ID4258: The element '{0}' with Namespace '{1}' does not contain a valid Base64 encoded value.?ID4259: The SecurityKeyIdentifierClause '{0}' is not supported.ID4261: X509SecurityTokenHandler can serialize SecurityKeyIdentifierClauses only when the property WriteXmlDSigDefinedClauseTypes is set to true.ZID4262: The SAML NameIdentifier '{0}' is of format '{1}' and its value is not a valid URI.wID4263: The SAML NameIdentifier '{0}' is of format '{1}' and NameQualifier/SPNameQualifier/SPProvidedID is not omitted.`ID4264: GetTokenTypeIdentifiers for SecurityTokenHandler type '{0}' cannot return null or empty.hID4265: The issuer certificate Thumbprint '{0}' already exists in the set of configured trusted issuers.NID4269: A SamlAudienceRestrictionCondition must specify at least one audience.PID4270: The '{0}' used to create a '{1}' AuthenticationStatement cannot be null.ID4272: The Configuration property of this SecurityTokenHandler is set to null. Tokens cannot be processed in this state. Set this property or add this SecurityTokenHandler to a SecurityTokenHandlerCollection with a valid Configuration property.ID4274: The Configuration property of this SecurityTokenHandler is set to null. Tokens cannot be read or validated in this state. Set this property or add this SecurityTokenHandler to a SecurityTokenHandlerCollection with a valid Configuration property.ID4275: The Configuration.IssuerTokenResolver property of this SecurityTokenHandler is set to null. Tokens cannot be read in this state. Set the value of Configuration.IssuerTokenResolver.ID4276: The Configuration.ServiceTokenResolver property of this SecurityTokenHandler is set to null. Tokens cannot be read in this state. Set the value of Configuration.ServiceTokenResolver.ID4277: The Configuration.IssuerNameRegistry property of this SecurityTokenHandler is set to null. Tokens cannot be validated in this state.UID4278: Cannot detect token replays: Configuration.TokenReplayCache property is null.ID4279: The EncryptedSecurityTokenHandler's ContainingCollection is set to null. EncryptedSecurityTokens cannot be written as the ContainingCollection has the SecurityTokenHandlers required to write the inner token. Set this property to a valid SecurityTokenHandlerCollection.ID4280: The X509CertificateValidationMode is set to Custom but the CertificateValidator property has not been set. You must set the CertificateValidator property to use a custom validator.ID4283: The SecurityTokenHandlerConfiguration for the Default usage has been overwritten. ServiceConfiguration.Initialize() will not set any properties on the configuration for the Default usage.KID4289: Unrecognized Claim found while deserializing cookie ('{0}', '{1}').2ID4290: Cannot serialize unrecognized Claim '{0}'.GID4291: The security token '{0}' is not scoped to the current endpoint.RID4292: The security token of type '{0}' cannot be validated by the '{1}' handler.kID4294: The default implementation of SecurityTokenCache does not implement the TryRemoveAllEntries method.ID4296: No CookieTransforms have been defined for this SessionSecurityTokenHandler. Tokens cannot be serialized/deserialized in this state. 7ID6000: No CipherData present in EncryptedData element.QID6001: The key identifier must be set before writing the encrypted data element.IID6002: The given key size in bits is '{0}' which is not a multiple of 8.RID6005: Exclusive Canonicalization transform does not support the algorithm '{0}'.bID6019: The length of the EncryptedData cipher text is '{0}' bytes. Expected at least '{1}' bytes.bID6029: No 'root' element found. Cannot add signature as the root element in enveloped signatures.+ID6030: A signature has already been added.$ID6031: The key size cannot be zero.6ID6033: The specified key size '{0}' is not supported.6ID6034: Cannot create a HashAlgorithm with name '{0}'.ID6035: Cannot create a HashAlgorithm with name '{0}' using the '{1}' crypto provider. SHA256 may require a minimum platform of Windows Server 2003 and .NET 3.5 SP1.ZID6036: Cannot verify the RSA cookie signature because there are no verification RSA keys.0ID6037: Cannot create algorithm with name '{0}'.UID6039: Cannot decrypt the encrypted RSA cookie because there are no decryption keys.^ID6040: The RSA key used to encrypt the RSA cookie was not found in the given decryption keys.(ID6041: The provided RSA key is invalid.9ID6042: Cannot sign data because the signing key is null.?ID6043: Cannot encrypt data because the encryption key is null.aID6044: The cookie transform was passed a byte array of length zero and cannot encode zero bytes.aID6045: The cookie transform was passed a byte array of length zero and cannot decode zero bytes.@ID6046: Cannot sign data because the signing key is public only.^ID6047: The length of the decrypted key and IV is '{0}' bytes. Expected more than '{1}' bytes.BID6048: Cannot generate a strong triple-DES key in {0} iterations.ID7000: Unexpected element found in configuration. Expected element '{0}' but found '{1}'. For custom configuration override the appropriate SecurityTokenHandler and provide a constructor that takes an XmlElement as input parameter.ID7001: Configuration errors. SecurityTokenHandler custom configuration has the element '{0}' which expects only one attribute '{1}'.{ID7002: Configuration errors. SecurityTokenHandler custom configuration has unrecognized element '{0}' as a child of '{1}'.RID7004: Configuration errors. Unrecognized attribute '{0}' found in element '{1}'.qID7007: The type '{0}' cannot be resolved. Verify the spelling is correct or that the full type name is provided.CID7009: IdentityConfiguration cannot be initialized multiple times.\ID7010: Configuration errors. The element '{0}' must contain the following attributes '{1}'.eID7011: Configuration errors. The attribute '{0}' found in element '{1}' does not have a valid value.}ID7012: No element with the name '{0}' was found in the configuration section.GID7013: Cannot cast the input ConfigurationElement to a ServiceElement.ID7017: Cannot set the TokenLifetime on the SessionSecurityTokenHandler from the following value specified in configuration: '{0}'.vID7018: The lifetime attribute on the sessionTokenRequirement configuration element cannot be set to a negative value.ID7019: More than one configuration element found under SecurityTokenHandler '{0}'. The token handler can process only one XmlElement node for custom configuration.ID7022: Cannot set the MapToWindows boolean flag on the SamlSecurityTokenRequirement from the following value specified in configuration: '{0}'.\ID7026: Security token handler configuration has the element '{0}' specified more than once.tID7027: Could not load the identity configuration because no configuration section was found.jID7028: 'Custom' was specified as the certificate validation mode, but no custom validator type was found.ID7029: Duplicate '{0}' configuration element with the name '{1}' was found in the configuration section.7ID8003: Cache purged: SizeBefore='{0}' SizeAfter='{1}'.fID8004: The ClaimsPrincipal property key ('{0}') was unavailable to AuthorizationPolicy, PrincipalKey.ID8005: An unrecognized element was encountered in a SAML11 element. This element will be ignored. To handle the element, extend SamlSecurityTokenHandler and override ReadAdvice. Element name='{0}' namespace='{1}'.ID8006: An unrecognized element was encountered in a SAML2 element. This element will be ignored. To handle the element, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ReadAdvice. Element name='{0}' namespace='{1}'.IID8007: Rejecting AudienceRestrictionCondition with multiple audiences: qID8023: Element: name='{0}' namespace='{1}' was encountered in a element: '{2}' and was not processed. {ID8024: Element: name='{0}' namespace='{1}' was encountered in an element: '{2}' and was not processed. :ID8025: No event should be set for synchronous completion.8ID8026: End fragment must not be null or length of zero.9ID8027: SecurityTokenHandlerConfiguration cannot be null.ID8028: An argument of the wrong type was passed to this method. This method expected an argument of type {0}, but it was passed an argument of type {1}.ID8029: Could not create an X509Certificate2 instance from the security key identifier. Override the MetadataSerializer.GetMetadataSigningCertificate method to support key identifier clauses other than X509RawDataKeyIdentifierClause.yID8030: The value of the 'type' property could not be parsed. Verify that the type attribute of '{0}' element is correct.}The athentication modes using Kerberos do not support the impersonation level '{0}'. Specify identification or impersonation.Unable to validate signature. Signature contains Inclusive namespace prefix. Signatures that are not direct child elements of Security header cannot be processed with inclusive namespace prefix specified.qThe username is in an invalid format. The username format must be in the form of "username' or 'domain\username'.(The inner reader must be at the element.Invalid AsyncResult.HThe custom crypto algorithm '{0}'obtained using CryptoConfig is invalid.CThe data reference '{0}' in encryption reference list is not valid."Invalid hexadecimal string format.lThe {0} X.509 certificate cannot be mapped to a Windows account. The UPN subject alternate name is required.The ServiceBinding check during Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) negotiation failed. ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' or 'WhenSupported'. A ServiceBinding was not found in the Security Context. You can correct this by PolicyEnforcement 'Never'. Setting the PolicyEnforcement to a value other than 'Always' reduces channel binding checks.The ServiceBinding check during Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) negotiation failed. ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' or 'WhenSupported'. The ServiceNamesCollection did not contain a string that matched the ServiceBinding obtained from the SecurityContext. If the service binding '{0}' is valid this error can be corrected by adding it to the ExtendedProtectionPolicy CustomServiceNames.6Invalid binary representation of an X.509 certificate.4An Xml qualified name was expected. '{0}' was found.@The AP-REQ is invalid or the system does not have enough memory.mAuthenticating to a service running under a user account which requires Kerberos multilegs, is not supported.JThis SecurityKeyIdentifier does not have any clause that can create a key.?This SecurityKeyIdentifierClause does not support key creation.;Key length '{0}' is not a multiple of 8 for symmetric keys.3The length of this argument must be greater than 0.HThe length of the array to convert to an integer must be greater than 0.7The localId cannot be empty. Specify a valid 'localId'.IThe name of a locality, such as a city, county or other geographic regionCity8The private key is not present in the X.509 certificate.#Mobile telephone number of a person Mobile PhoneDThe SecurityTokenReference contains multiple KeyIdentifier elements.]The SecurityTokenReference to the SAML assertion contains multiple AuthorityBinding elements.NameName1No input is set for writing canonicalized output.?No clause of type '{0}' was found in the SecurityKeyIdentifier.AThe SecurityKeyIdentifier has no key identifier clauses to write.No private key is available.The object is read-only..Secondary or work telephone number of a person Other PhoneA private personal identifierPPID7Postal code or zip code component of a physical address Postal Code6The private key does not support the exchange KeySpec.!The private key is not a DSA key.!The private key is not a RSA key.8The key algorithm for this private key is not supported.VThe NetworkCredentials provided for the Kerberos Token does not have a valid UserName. The public key is not a DSA key.!The public key is not an RSA key.7The key algorithm for this public key is not supported.OThe ReferenceList element must have at least one DataReference or KeyReference.-Attribute '{0}' is required on element '{1}'.@The element with id '{0}' is required to be signed, but was not.8The reverting operation failed with the exception '{0}'.%Roles or groups the person belongs toRoleHThe string that represents the SamlAction cannot be null or of length 0.HThe string that is read for the SamlAction is missing or is of length 0.LThe 'assertionId' '{0}' for a SamlAssertion must start with a letter or '_'.?The 'assertionId' for a SamlAssertion can not be null or empty.CThe 'Issuer' specified for a SamlAssertion cannot be null or empty.KThe 'Issuer' for the SamlAssertion being read is missing or is of length 0.NThe MajorVersion for the SamAssertion being read is missing or is of length 0.NTheMinorVersion for the SamlAssertion being read is missing or is of length 0.A SamlAssertion requires at least one statement. Ensure that you have added at least one SamlStatement to the SamlAssertion you are creating.yThe SamlAssertion being read did not contain any SamlStatement. A SamlAssertion must contain at least one SamlStatement.IThe 'Name' for the SamlAttribute being read is missing or is of length 0.KThe 'Namespace' for the SamlAttribute being read is missing or of length 0.GThe 'Name' specified for a SamlAttribute cannot be null or of length 0.LThe 'Namespace' specified for a SamlAttribute cannot be null or of length 0.aNo attribute values were found. A SamlAttribute attribute must have at least one attribute value.jThe SamlAttributeStatement being read does not contain any 'SamlAttribute' elements. This is not allowed.DThe 'SamlSubject' element for the SamlAttributeStatement is missing.One of the attributeValues found in the SamlAttribute was found to be a null value. Ensure that lists are not null when creating the SamlAttribute.]The SamlAudienceRestrictionCondition being read is missing a value in the 'Audience' element.LA SamlAudienceRestrictionCondition must contain at least one Audience (URI).lThe SamlAudienceRestrictionCondition being read must contain at least one 'Audience' value. None were found.The AudienceUri in the SamlAssertion cannot be validated. This can be resolved by making configuration changes to the 'issuedTokenAuthentication' element in the 'serviceBehaviors' section. You can add valid uris using the 'allowedAudienceUris' element. This check can also be changed using the 'audienceUriMode' attribute. At runtime setting the IssuedTokenAuthentication object's properties: AllowedAudienceUris and AudienceUriMode will have similar results.No AudienceUris were specified but were expected. This can be resolved by making configuration changes to the 'issuedTokenAuthentication' element in the 'serviceBehaviors' section. You can add valid uris using the 'allowedAudienceUris' element. This check can also be changed using the 'audienceUriMode' attribute. At runtime setting the IssuedTokenAuthentication object's properties: AllowedAudienceUris and AudienceUriMode will have similar results.mThe 'AuthenticationInstant' attribute being read for a SamlAuthenticationStatement is missing or of length 0.fThe 'AuthenticationMethod' specified for a SamlAuthenticationStatement can not be null or of lenght 0.lThe 'AuthenticationMethod' attribute being read for a SamlAuthenticationStatement is missing or of length 0.MThe SamlAuthenticationStatement is missing the required SamlSubjectStatement.sThe SamlAuthorityBinding being read has an invalid AuthorityKind. The format of the AuthorityKind must be a QName.HA SamlAuthorityBinding must contain an 'AuthorityKind' that is not null.The SamlAuthorityBinding being read was found to contain an 'AuthorityKind' that was missing or of length 0. This is not allowed.ZThe 'Binding' attribute for the SamlAuthorityBinding being read is missing or of length 0.[The 'Location' attribute for the SamlAuthorityBinding being read is missing or of length 0.]The 'Binding' attribute specified on the SamlAuthorityBinding can not be null or of length 0.eThe 'Location' attribute that is specified on the SamlAuthorityBinding cannot be null or of length 0.tThe XmlQualifiedName that represents the 'AuthorityKind' in the SamlAuthorityBinding can not be null or of length 0.tThe SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement being read was found to contain more than one Evidence. This is not allowed.bThe 'resource' specified to the SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement can not be null or of length 0.GA SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement must have at least one SamlAction.ZThe SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement that is being read does not contain any SamlAction.^The 'Decison' for the SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement being read is missing or of length 0.iThe 'Resource' attribute for the SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement being read is missing or of length 0.WThe 'SamlSubject' element for SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement being read is missing.WWhile reading a SamlAssertion this element {0} was found not to comply with the schema.!The {0} element is not supported.5The SamlAssertion entity {0} cannot be null or empty.QSamlEvidence must reference at least one SamlAssertion either by Id or reference._The SamlEvidence being read did not contain either a reference to or an embedded SamlAssertion.IThe 'Identifier' string for the SamlNameIdentifier being read is missing.3The signature is already read in the SamlAssertion.QA 'ConfirmationMethod' cannot be found on the SamlSubjectConfirmation being read.MThe 'Name' specified for a SamlNameIdentifier can not be null or of length 0.nThe SamlSubjectConfirmation requires a Confirmation method when the Confirmation Data or KeyInfo is specified.\A SamlSubject requires that 'Name' or 'ConfirmationMethod' be specified. Both were missing.qThe required 'NameIdentifier' and the 'ConfrimationMethod' elements are not found for the SamlSubject being read.@The SamlSubjectStatement requires a SamlSubject to be specified.YThe SamlAssertion could not be serialized to XML. Please see inner exception for details.~The SamlToken is not time valid. The current time '{0}' is outside the Effective '{1}' and Expiration '{2}' time of the token.pThe major version {0} and minor version {1} are not supported. Versions supported are: Major {2} and Minor {3}.)Failed to load the element.,The element failed to load.Failed to load a SamlAttribute.-The element failed to load..The element failed to load. Failed to load a SamlStatement.The selected SamlSerializer is unable to deserialize this element {0}. Please register a custom SamlSerializer to deserialize custom elements.Unable to resolve SecurityKeyIdentifier found in the SamlAssertion signature. The SamlAssertion signature can not be validated for the Issuer {0}."SSPI package {0} is not supported.SigningCredentials have not been set on the SamlAssertion. SamlAssertions must be signed, please set a valid SigningCredentials on the SamlAssertion to proceed.[This SamlAttribute constructor requires that the resource of the claim is of type 'string'.This SamlAttribute constructor requires that the Right of the Claim have the value System.IdentityModel.Claims.Rights.PossessPropertyThe SamlAssertion has been signed with a token that was not validated according to the protocol. If you are using X.509 certificates, examine your validation semantics.rThe SamlSerializer requires a SecurityTokenSerializer to serialize the SecurityKeyIdentifier present in the token.The SamlSerializer does not contain a SecurityTokenSerializer capable of reading the SecurityKeyIdentifier. If you are using a custom SecurityKeyIdentifier, you must provide a custom SecurityTokenSerializer.The SamlSerializer does not contain a SecurityTokenSerializer capable of serializing the given SecurityKeyIdentifier '{0}'. If you are using a custom SecurityKeyIdentifier, you must provide a custom SecurityTokenSerializer.bThe SamlAssertion passed to the SamlSecurityTokenAuthenticator does not contain a signing token. The SamlAssertion is signed but the tolen that signed the SamlAssertion cannot be found. Ensure that the SecurityTokenResolver contains the token that signed the SamlAssertion.sThe SamlSecurityTokenAuthenticator can only process SamlSecurityTokens. This SecurityTokenType was received '{0}'.`The SamlAssertion is not signed. SamlAssertions can be signed by setting the SigningCredentials.The SecurityKeyIdentifier that was found in the SamlSubject cannot be resolved to a SecurityToken. The SecurityTokenResolver must contain a SecurityToken that the SecurityKeyIdentifier resolves to.bThe SAML uri specified as part of the SAML security key identifier clause cannot be null or empty.ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' and a ChannelBinding was not found. This prevents the ExtendedProtectionPolicy from being enforced. Change the binding to make a ChannelBinding available, for StandardBindings use a SecurityMode of TransportWithMessageCredential and a ClientCredential type of Windows. For CustomBindings use SspiNegotiationOverTransport or KerberosOverTransport. Alternatively, specify a PolicyEnforcement of 'Never'.8The token requirement does not contain a property '{0}'.kThe token requirement has an unexpected type '{1}' for property '{0}'. The expected property type is '{2}'.!ServiceName received from client.ServiceName on service."The signature verification failed.Login with your credentials.AThe binary data was not encrypted with the SSPI security context.CSSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'offset' is out of range. [{0}].ASSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'size' is out of range. [{0}].kThe token Serializer cannot serialize '{0}'. If this is a custom type you must supply a custom serializer.=Abbreviation for state or province name of a physical addressState.Street address component of a physical addressStreetThe family name of a person Last NameCThe length of the symmetric key specified is too short ({0} bytes).=The token provider '{0}' does not support token cancellation.&'{0}' does not support '{1}' creation.@The token provider '{0}' was unable to provide a security token.@The token provider '{0}' was unable to renew the security token.8The token provider '{0}' does not support token renewal.Channel binding information.Security token validation.8The debugging information for signature is being traced.*ServiceBinding check at the end of SpNego.&Encoding cookie using deflate streamm.;Setting an ClaimsPrincipal on the current EvaluationContext:Default handlers cannot write SecurityToken of type '{0}'.Validating SecurityToken.ZUnable to create a HashAlgorithm for the '{0}' algorithm from the '{1}' asymmetric crypto.mThe NetworkCredentials provided were unable to create a Kerberos credential, see inner exception for details.SUnable to create a KeyedHashAlgorithm from '{0}' for the signature algorithm '{1}'.^Unable to create a KeyedHashAlgorithm for the '{0}' algorithm from the '{1}' symmetric crypto.bUnable to create a signature deformatter for the '{0}' algorithm from the '{1}' asymmetric crypto.`Unable to create a signature formatter for the '{0}' algorithm frim the '{1}' asymmetric crypto.,Unable to create a security token reference.IThe token resolver is unable to resolve the security key reference '{0}'.GUnable to resolve the '{0}' URI in the signature to compute the digest.BThe token resolver is unable to resolve the token reference '{0}'.6An unbound prefix is used in the '{0}' qualified name.=XML child node {0} of type {1} is unexpected for element {2}.3Unrecognized encoding while reading key identifier.2The ICrypto implementation '{0}' is not supported.5The algorithm {0} is not supported for operation {1}.5Crypto algorithm '{0}' not supported in this context.0The '{0}' encryption algorithm is not supported.8The '{0}' input type is not supported for the transform.4The '{0}' key derivation algorithm is not supported..The '{0}' key wrap algorithm is not supported.Enveloped signature transform cannot be the last transform on the transform chain because the last one on the chain needs to be used to compute the digest value which enveloped signature transform is not capable of.9The '{0}' node type with the '{1}' name is not supported.4Unsupported transform or canonicalization algorithm.RAuthentication of a username/password using {0} failed. User is not authenticated.The username cannot be empty.2The value of this argument must be greater than 0.AThe value of this argument must fall within the range {0} to {1}.0The value of this argument must be non-negative.FThe value of this argument must be one of these two types: {0} or {1}.%The value of this argument must be 1.%The value of this argument must be 0.Web PageWeb Page=The StoreLocation must be either LocalMachine or CurrentUser.The X.509 certificate {0} chain building failed. The certificate that was used has a trust chain that cannot be verified. Replace the certificate or change the certificateValidationMode. {1}zThe X509FindType, '{0}', requires the type of the argument findvalue to be '{1}'. The argument findValue is of type '{2}'.Unable to find the X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName '{0}', StoreLocation '{1}', FindType '{2}', FindValue '{3}'.The X.509 certificate ({0}) usage time is invalid. The usage time '{1}' does not fall between NotBefore time '{2}' and NotAfter time '{3}'.?The {0} X.509 certificate is in an untrusted certificate store.=The X.509 certificate {0} is not in the trusted people store.6The '{0}' value is not found in the dictionary string.dAn internal error has occurred. The XML buffer is not in the correct state to perform the operation.GThe size necessary to buffer the XML content exceeded the buffer quota.+The required xml:lang attribute is missing.XmlTokenBuffer is empty.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP1o-=ukh_K}-Z(GetIssuerNameFailure(GetIssuerNameSuccess3,TokenValidationFailurem,TokenValidationStarted,TokenValidationSuccess1Retrieval of issuer name from tokenId:{0} failed.8Retrieval of issuer name:{0} from tokenId:{1} succeeded.>SecurityToken (type '{0}' and id '{1}') validation failed. {2};SecurityToken (type '{0}' and id '{1}') validation started.=SecurityToken (type '{0}' and id '{1}') validation succeeded.wC S7%\Cw 'Ii2p8GnN{Ϯ(xᯖ1u"\ճ)CNYGS9]R2ꤔxի ˇ"=Hڵۣi9ĐF:鎔w,鄯.p:.Dp.Q(uW2w/"ݲ*ȑz ĠD4FWW[HQt*qsVGpMA杇"Y_KMa ´SE- m ,#="hoʪHuO_1 I +RSDSz[5)KXqaSystem.IdentityModel.pdbdJ~J pJ_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% P,`[*&Kerberos*HWCF01234567890$not-real-subject-name 8Ph `)yIBC PROFILE_DATA(бo/pD=  ; > / 4c D # & , 0 L 1/25 3ATi+    0)/ )()( f/BPV$#1/:#$ {mo  W0O54Y!/=KOW 7& <Or) &$  C-",."uv Ae   <_]UJzd= 8 l rx } f >3&`  b 7  w A yh {")Q[ *BLIPG  !p  t( S4  % $H  +@E K  0~o#D  ikV     6' |N ;  1 C/^Om  M n W5   YT2s  c  \ZRFa9 jq gX :?N  '     '  '  &             ʅכ0֛̅0ԅ0#  #ɅЂ0       dͲ԰Ȱٔט         Ղ    Ч      Ҁ    ͈   ¬   ߗ  ӷ ˾  څ ̂ T ì  b ́  P         ;       ̽    Ό      L         >              ̍         ê        Ǽ   d   Ց       Է   W      0                 î     Q                 Ҿ Ќ  ۚ   ۝ ۽            ؅       W              "           ¾  ԫ    Ȑ H   P H   ĕ  T              М         ދ           M B                    p  l    ؉                ʬ    R      ) ̥       ˎ                ׬         ڻ     ק          μ Ʉ    Ð           ̂     H     Έ                             B  Ǫ        A  θ   G         "           Џ ɓ  Ȃ  ƭ       l       T                ڝ           :    N           ծ          ۊ R                  ¦ g  K R       Ҁ                  º       ^             I  ȝ  ǃ D Ĝ    O            Y           պ       י      C        H               ҇         H  Β ߭       ݅…   ɟ       ̈    ˔      SystemۀUriɅ>    ?l  >   o5PAD4VS_VERSION_INFOov?|StringFileInfoX040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationZFileDescriptionSystem.IdentityModel.dllj%FileVersion4.8.4261.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_BRInternalNameSystem.IdentityModel.dll/LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. 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