MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ٙ|||.|. |Rich|PELRH"!  x.@0wz0>.rsrc0wx@@H(@0H`x     8Ph    ( 8 H X h x           ( 8Pdh#8(0/ 90B$TH O0PQUY _d8f@xm@qv|܂TMUIAU;ԹbTPTtѬ|T8s MUIen-USServiceModelService performance counters for serviceCallsCallsRThe number of calls to this service. Per SecondCalls Per Second]The number of calls to this service per second. OutstandingCalls OutstandinggThe number of calls to this service that are in progress. Calls Failed Calls FailedlThe number of calls with unhandled exceptions in this service. Failed Per SecondCalls Failed Per SecondwThe number of calls with unhandled exceptions in this service per second. Calls Faulted Calls FaultedgThe number of calls to this service that returned faults. Faulted Per SecondCalls Faulted Per SecondrThe number of calls to this service that returned faults per second. DurationCalls Duration\The average duration of calls to this service. Validation and Authentication Failures/Security Validation and Authentication Failures{The number of calls to this service that failed validation or authentication. Validation and Authentication Failures Per Second:Security Validation and Authentication Failures Per SecondThe number of calls to this service that failed validation or authentication per second. Calls Not AuthorizedSecurity Calls Not AuthorizedlThe number of calls to this service that failed authorization. Calls Not Authorized Per Second(Security Calls Not Authorized Per SecondwThe number of calls to this service that failed authorization per second. Instances Instances[The total number of instances of the service. Created Per SecondInstances Created Per Second`The creation rate of service instances per second. Messaging Sessions Faulted#Reliable Messaging Sessions FaultedzThe number of reliable messaging sessions that were faulted in this service. Messaging Sessions Faulted Per Second.Reliable Messaging Sessions Faulted Per SecondThe number of reliable messaging sessions that were faulted in this service per second. Messaging Messages Dropped#Reliable Messaging Messages DroppedzThe number of reliable messaging messages that were dropped in this service. Messaging Messages Dropped Per Second.Reliable Messaging Messages Dropped Per SecondThe number of reliable messaging messages that were dropped in this service per second. FlowedTransactions FlowedThe number of transactions that flowed to operations in this service. This counter is incremented any time a transaction ID is present in the message that is sent to the service. Flowed Per SecondTransactions Flowed Per SecondThe number of transactions that flowed to operations in this service per second. This counter is incremented any time a transaction ID is present in the message that is sent to the service. Operations CommittedTransacted Operations CommittedThe number of transacted operations with the outcome committed in this service. Work done under such operations is fully committed. Resources are updated in accordance with the work done in the operation.*Transacted Operations Committed Per Second*Transacted Operations Committed Per SecondThe number of transacted operations with the outcome committed in this service per second. Work done under such operations is fully committed. Resources are updated in accordance with the work done in the operation. Operations AbortedTransacted Operations AbortedThe number of transacted operations with the outcome aborted in this service. Work done under such operations is rolled back. Resources are reverted to their previous state. Operations Aborted Per Second(Transacted Operations Aborted Per SecondThe number of transacted operations with the outcome aborted in this service per second. Work done under such operations is rolled back. Resources are reverted to their previous state. Operations In DoubtTransacted Operations In DoubtThe number of transacted operations with an outcome in doubt in this service. Work done with an outcome in doubt is in an indeterminate state. Resources are held pending outcome. Operations In Doubt Per Second)Transacted Operations In Doubt Per SecondThe number of transacted operations with an outcome in doubt in this service per second. Work done with an outcome in doubt is in an indeterminate state. Resources are held pending outcome. Poison MessagesQueued Poison MessagesThe number of messages to this service that were marked poisoned by the queued transport.!Queued Poison Messages Per Second!Queued Poison Messages Per SecondThe number of messages to this service that were marked poisoned by the queued transport per second. Messages RejectedQueued Messages RejectedThe number of messages to this servcie that were rejected by the queued transport. Messages Rejected Per Second#Queued Messages Rejected Per SecondThe number of messages to this service that were rejected by the queued transport per second. Messages DroppedQueued Messages DroppedThe number of messages to this service that were dropped by the queued transport."Queued Messages Dropped Per Second"Queued Messages Dropped Per SecondThe number of messages to this service that were dropped by the queued transport per second. Of Max Concurrent CallsPercent Of Max Concurrent CallsNumber of calls waiting to be or being processed in the dispatcher as a percentage of max calls throttle. Of Max Concurrent Instances#Percent Of Max Concurrent InstancesNumber of active instances and messages waiting for instances as a percentage of max instances throttle."Percent Of Max Concurrent Sessions"Percent Of Max Concurrent SessionsNumber of active sessions and messages waiting for sessions as a percentage of max sessions throttle."CallsPercentMaxConcurrentCallsBase"CallsPercentMaxConcurrentCallsBase*InstancesPercentMaxConcurrentInstancesBase*InstancesPercentMaxConcurrentInstancesBase(SessionsPercentMaxConcurrentSessionsBase(SessionsPercentMaxConcurrentSessionsBaseServiceModelEndpoint performance counters for endpointCallsCallsSThe number of calls to this endpoint. Per SecondCalls Per Second^The number of calls to this endpoint per second. OutstandingCalls OutstandinghThe number of calls to this endpoint that are in progress. Calls Failed Calls FailedmThe number of calls with unhandled exceptions at this endpoint. Failed Per SecondCalls Failed Per SecondxThe number of calls with unhandled exceptions at this endpoint per second. Calls Faulted Calls FaultedhThe number of calls to this endpoint that returned faults. Faulted Per SecondCalls Faulted Per SecondsThe number of calls to this endpoint that returned faults per second. DurationCalls Duration]The average duration of calls to this endpoint. Validation and Authentication Failures/Security Validation and Authentication Failures|The number of calls to this endpoint that failed validation or authentication. Validation and Authentication Failures Per Second:Security Validation and Authentication Failures Per SecondThe number of calls to this endpoint that failed validation or authentication per second. Calls Not AuthorizedSecurity Calls Not AuthorizedmThe number of calls to this endpoint that failed authorization. Calls Not Authorized Per Second(Security Calls Not Authorized Per SecondxThe number of calls to this endpoint that failed authorization per second. Messaging Sessions Faulted#Reliable Messaging Sessions FaultedvThe number of reliable messaging sessions that faulted at this endpoint. Messaging Sessions Faulted Per Second.Reliable Messaging Sessions Faulted Per SecondThe number of reliable messaging sessions that faulted at this endpoint per second. Messaging Messages Dropped#Reliable Messaging Messages Dropped{The number of reliable messaging messages that were dropped at this endpoint. Messaging Messages Dropped Per Second.Reliable Messaging Messages Dropped Per SecondThe number of reliable messaging messages that were dropped at this endpoint per second. FlowedTransactions FlowedThe number of transactions that flowed to operations at this endpoint. This counter is incremented any time a transaction ID is present in the message that is sent to the endpoint. Flowed Per SecondTransactions Flowed Per SecondThe number of transactions that flowed to operations at this endpoint per second. This counter is incremented any time a transaction ID is present in the message that is sent to the endpoint.]The average duration of calls to this endpoint. performance countersCallsCallsTThe number of calls to this operation. Per SecondCalls Per Second_The number of calls to this operation per second. OutstandingCalls OutstandingiThe number of calls to this operation that are in progress. Calls Failed Calls FailednThe number of calls with unhandled exceptions in this operation. Failed Per SecondCall Failed Per SecondyThe number of calls with unhandled exceptions in this operation per second. Calls Faulted Calls FaultediThe number of calls to this operation that returned faults. Faulted Per SecondCalls Faulted Per SecondtThe number of calls to this operation that returned faults per second. DurationCalls Duration^The average duration of calls to this operation. Validation and Authentication Failures/Security Validation and Authentication Failures}The number of calls to this operation that failed validation or authentication. Validation and Authentication Failures Per Second:Security Validation and Authentication Failures Per SecondThe number of calls to this operation that failed validation or authentication per second. Calls Not AuthorizedSecurity Calls Not AuthorizednThe number of calls to this operation that failed authorization. Calls Not Authorized Per Second(Security Calls Not Authorized Per SecondyThe number of calls to this operation that failed authorization per second. FlowedTransactions FlowedThe number of transactions that flowed to this operation. This counter is incremented any time a transaction ID is present in the message sent to the operation. Flowed Per SecondTransactions Flowed Per SecondThe number of transactions that flowed to this operation per second. This counter is incremented any time a transaction ID is present in the message sent to the operation.^The average duration of calls to this operation. Corporationp$FileDescriptionServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll^FileVersion4.8.3761.0 built by: NET48REL1h$InternalNameServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll/LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. 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