MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $u<1R1R1Rڭ0RP0RRich1RPEdw\"  L p` IN0>.rdatap@@.rsrcI J@@w\ T.rdataT.rdata$zzzdbg .rsrc$01$ E.rsrc$02 0H`xrstuvwx y8zP{h|-.( @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p    h- _XYn L2ePH+@B<P> H4XIxE:CH(**90KSUfgJ$4VS_VERSION_INFO?StringFileInfo040904b0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationv'FileDescriptionAssembly Linker Error/Warning Messages` FileVersion14.8.3761.0 built by: NET48REL10InternalNamealinkui/LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.@ OriginalFilenamealinkui.dllTProductNameMicrosoft .NET Framework< ProductVersion14.8.3761.0DVarFileInfo$Translation 0Sources: (at least one source input is required)0 <filename>[,<targetfile>] add file to assembly0 /embed[resource]:<filename>[,<name>[,Private]]H embed the file as a resource in the assembly> /link[resource]:<filename>[,<name>[,<targetfile>[,Private]]]G link the file as a resource to the assemblyUsage: al [options] [sources]#Options: ('/out' must be specified)6 /? or /help Display this usage message? @<filename> Read response file for more optionsI /algid:<id> Algorithm used to hash files (in hexadecimal)Internal compiler error Out of memory8Compiler option '%1!ls!' must be followed by an argumentCUnexpected common language runtime initialization error -- '%1!ls!'File '%1!ls!' too big to open+Response file '%1!ls!' was already included0Error opening response file '%1!ls!' -- '%2!ls!';Missing file specification for '%1!ls!' command-line optionCan't open '%1!ls!' for writing@Command-line syntax error: Missing ':<text>' for '%1!ls!' optionGFile '%1!ls!' is an executable file and cannot be opened as a text file3'%2!ls!' is not a valid setting for option '%1!ls!'*Unrecognized command-line option: '%1!ls!'+Unexpected initialization error -- '%1!ls!')File name '%1!ls!' is too long or invalidJCharacter '%1!lc!' is not allowed on the command-line or in response files0'%1!ls!' is a binary file instead of a text fileqModule '%1!ls!' is already defined in this assembly. Each linked resource and module must have a unique filename.fCannot create short filename '%1!ls!' when a long filename with the same short filename already existsBAgnostic assembly cannot have a processor specific module '%1!ls!'?Assembly and module '%1!ls!' cannot target different processors:Referenced assembly '%1!ls!' targets a different processor?Module name '%2!ls!' stored in '%1!ls!' must match its filename1Delay signing was requested, but no key was givenHType '%1!ls!' is forwarded to multiple assemblies: '%2!ls!' and '%3!ls!'EPublic type '%1!ls!' is defined in '%2!ls!' and forwarded to '%3!ls!' Error signing assembly -- %1!ls!%The signature public key is too long.,Microsoft (R) Assembly Linker version %1!ls!9Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.L Specifies the subsystem version for the assembly, /t[arget]:lib[rary] Create a library7 /t[arget]:exe Create a console executable7 /t[arget]:win[exe] Create a Windows executableQ /t[arget]:appcontainerexe Create a Windows executable that runs on AppContainerM /template:<filename> Specifies an assembly to get default options from! /title:<text> Title- /trade[mark]:<text> Trademark message' /descr[iption]:<text> Description; /e[vidence]:<filename> Security evidence file to embedO /fileversion:<version> Optional Win32 version (overrides assembly version)< /flags:<flags> Assembly flags (in hexadecimal)I /fullpaths Display files using fully-qualified filenames8 /base[address]:<addr> Base address for the library6 /bugreport:<filename> Create a 'Bug Report' file( /comp[any]:<text> Company name0 /config[uration]:<text> Configuration string- /copy[right]:<text> Copyright message- /c[ulture]:<text> Supported culture4 /delay[sign][+|-] Delay sign this assemblyN /v[ersion]:<version> Version (use * to auto-generate remaining numbers)8 /win32icon:<filename> Use this icon for the output= /win32res:<filename> Specifies the Win32 resource fileO /platform:<text> Limit which platforms this code can run on; must beP one of x86, Itanium, x64, arm, anycpu32bitpreferred,3 or anycpu (the default)( /prod[uct]:<text> Product name+ /productv[ersion]:<text> Product version /subsystemversion:<version>D /keyf[ile]:<filename> File containing key to sign the assemblyF /keyn[ame]:<text> Key container name of key to sign assemblyH /main:<method> Specifies the method name of the entry pointM /nologo Suppress the startup banner and copyright messageF /out:<filename> Output file name for the assembly manifest-### Assembly Linker Defect Report, created %s### ALink version: %s&### Operating System: %s %d.%d.%d %s>Error importing module '%2!ls!' of assembly '%1!ls!' -- %3!ls!]Cannot auto-generate build and revision version numbers for dates previous to January 1, 2000VThe feature you are using '%1!ls!' is no longer supported; please use '%2!ls!' instead,Error emitting '%1!ls!' attribute --'%2!ls!' File '%1!ls!' is not an assemblyhThe version '%2!ls!' specified for the '%1!ls!' is not in the normal '' format8Referenced assembly '%1!ls!' does not have a strong nameFReferenced assembly '%1!ls!' has different culture setting of '%2!ls!'JExecutables cannot be satellite assemblies; culture should always be empty7'%1!ls!' is an assembly and cannot be added as a moduleUnknown error (%1!x!)5Cryptographic failure while creating hashes -- %1!ls!+Cannot set option '%1!ls!' because '%2!ls!'KModule '%1!ls!' was specified multiple times; it will only be included onceZPublic type '%1!ls!' is defined in multiple places in this assembly: '%2!ls!' and '%3!ls!'### ALink command line### Source file: '%s'### ALink output### User description#### User suggested correct behavior,### .NET Common Language Runtime version: %s### Binary file: '%ws'+### Console and Defect Report Code Page: %d>A file is being created with information needed to reproduce your compiler problem. This information includes: software versions, the pathnames and contents of source code files, referenced assemblies, and modules, compiler options, compiler output, and any additional information you provide in the following prompts.CPlease describe the compiler problem (press Enter twice to finish):KDescribe what you think should have happened (press Enter twice to finish):1Error generating resources for '%1!ls!' -- %2!ls!UAssembly custom attribute '%1!ls!' was specified multiple times with different values.Assembly '%1!ls!' cannot be copied or renamed.$Libraries cannot have an entry point0Entry point required for executable applications.Unable to find the entry point method '%1!ls!'@Initialization of global assembly cache manager failed -- %1!ls!/Failed to install assembly into cache -- %1!ls!e'%1!ls!' cannot be the entry point because the signature or visibility is incorrect, or it is generic&'%1!ls!': EXEs cannot be added modules<Manifest filename '%1!ls!' cannot be the same as any modules)Error reading key file '%1!ls!' -- %2!ls!(Filename '%1!ls!' is too long or invalidCResource identifier '%1!ls!' has already been used in this assembly'Error importing file '%1!ls!' -- %2!ls!#No valid input files were specified No target filename was specified*Required file '%1!ls!' could not be loaded2Metadata failure while creating assembly -- %1!ls!#Ignoring included assembly '%1!ls!'&'%1!ls!' : overriding previous setting2Error reading embedded resource '%1!ls!' -- %2!ls!+Error embedding resource '%1!ls!' -- %2!ls!?ComType record '%1!X!' points to an invalid file record '%2!X!')The version specified '%1!ls!' is invalid2The operating system specified '%1!ls!' is invalid?Key file '%1!ls!' is missing the private key needed for signing.The key container name '%1!ls!' does not exist\The cryptographic service is not installed properly or does not have a suitable key provider%Error reading icon '%1!ls!' -- %2!ls!HInvalid signature public key specified in AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute.P/platform:anycpu32bitpreferred is not a valid setting for option /target:librarytitle description configurationoperating system processorcultureversioncompany product nameproduct version copyright trademarkkey filekey container namehash algorithmassembly flags delay sign file version2System.Resources.SatelliteContractVersionAttribute;System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute/System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute0>0> *H >0> 1 0 +0L +7>0<0 +70 0!0 +]ΙB/eT-lSh00à3Te_0  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA0 180712201119Z 190726201119Z0t1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation10UMicrosoft Corporation0"0  *H 0 RO,S=]#JW-֊_ Fxk !>%r:xcf._ۗUL>iI-c~åӿ9!0f6oޫh(i&Sxo106+0@YHFQ J-tUDz$} 3#_)m2Zj'ϰ z}"ZKӄcWkIx:T?%^ǡ "[/(Uzӏv*_0[0U% 0 +0UDw>Uq>s0PUI0GE0C1)0'U  Microsoft Operations Puerto Rico10U 229803+4379500U#0ҴX7.3L 0VUO0M0KIGE>  *H 3š{^줦(]W%#% ipMi/ٛYhd4ckv{BtE3]FICqxӞەA14p,Cw/=aJcY}R`E?P~BXA8I0O)/;GY7!f/-mk u!2ZE?VQ̮}0H& (D-ԇIW M4# Í2 5(Ј?0p00Ơ3i>)-90  *H 0w1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Time-Stamp PCA0 180823201930Z 191123201930Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1)0'U  Microsoft Operations Puerto Rico1&0$U Thales TSS ESN:B8EC-30A4-71441%0#UMicrosoft Time-Stamp Service0"0  *H 0 H10O;C) sBcJ,h|.gqyKY$Q>L9* e  oKSny.a0q#)O?½3>Gw|ᒿbb_KTħL+"&DfwFʋ">$E.aȧu Hf4Rk#G\cuM;m7^dNG؆TscT0O 00UЦ||"]ok:t/2BN#r5W ʮ IhMKyKqG%ߝuϪsDׁ6\Eܯ=(hrsV5rv_wE8s[gRi/ t)v/T0Yҍb_F1P'@0r)("7N=2=͡8\NV(*2KOc-bE=F[&SzJF7<8w\V< _^0Z0U00UҴX7.3L 0 U0 +70# +71N&`;1o<-0 +7  SubCA0U#0`@V'%* SY0PUI0G0ECA?  *H Y9>&Fo@2j/nI_uL;-C -1#|P!]=/LVpyIr>A i˥ - PV-JҼp VชKWB4C :K[Meӳ+F=#-w)R|])r@ufN}`P,%FT1)5~QHܲP0%YD1Nm{m]dA1<ɡ%0$ *H  1000w1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Time-Stamp PCA3i>)-90 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 190328085945Z0# *H  1Gz<ä\aCzd#v0  *H #Rzt2ǩխε5vNqoߌ;}wd\^E/w. 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