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eModel.IContextChannel.SessionIdSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.get_SessionIdset_SessionIdTokenSessionIdChannelMustBeOpenedToGetSessionIdGetCurrentSessionIdcurrentSessionIdsessionIdget_ApplicationIdapplicationIdAuthenticationIdget_CorrelationIdset_CorrelationIdExtractActivityAndCorrelationIdcorrelationIdget_RegistrationIdset_RegistrationIdPeerInvalidRegistrationIdresolverRegistrationIdregistrationIdget_TransactionIdget_LocalTransactionIdset_LocalTransactionIdInvalidRegistrationHeaderTransactionIdGetTransactionIdInvalidCoordinationContextTransactionIdtransactionIdget_PartitionIdDefaultPartitionIdpartitionIdsamlAssertionIdTimestampToSignHasNoIdMoveToIdpropIdget_AppIdget_LookupIdget_MessageLookupIdMsmqMessageLookupIdmessageLookupIdMQReceiveMessageByLookupIdTryReceiveByLookupIdlookupIdVerifyUniquenessAndSetDecryptedHeaderIdWriteHeaderIdtoHeaderIdVerifyUniquenessAndSetHeaderIdSetSecurityHeaderIdheaderIdlpNSProviderIdserviceModelProviderIdget_EtwProviderIdset_EtwProviderIdSetEtwProviderIdget_DefaultEtwProviderIdset_DefaultEtwProviderIdetwProviderIdget_SenderIdset_SenderIdsenderIdSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSROfferIdSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSOfferIdBufferIdbstrUserIdget_PerfCounterIdSetPerfCounterIdperfCounterIdTryGetTokenElementIndexFromStrIdstrIdget_HasIdMatchesIdlpServiceClassIdget_ProcessIdGetNamedPipeServerProcessIdtargetProcessIdGetNamedPipeClientProcessIddwProcessIdprocessIdget_ServiceContractIdserviceContractIdExtractIdserviceCounterSetIdoperationCounterSetIdendpointCounterSetIdSocketIdwebsocketIdauditIdDefaultIdget_ClientIdset_ClientIdclientIdPolicyInWsdlMustHaveFragmentIdparentIdVerifyUniquenessAndSetBodyContentIdbodyContentIdget_EventIdBuildEventIdEventLogEventIdget_EndpointIdGetNormalizedEndpointId_endpointIdinsertIdGetInputIdinputIdGetOutputIdoutputIdnextIdget_ContextIdauthContextIdGetContextIdcontextIdget_WsuIdencryptedFormWsuIdwsuIdget_BodyIdVerifyUniquenessAndSetBodyIdbodyIdassemblyIdE2EActivityIdget_ActivityIdset_ActivityIdrelatedActivityIdGetReceivedActivityIdUseActivityIdResponseActivityIdClearActivityIdExtractActivityIdGetActivityIdSetActivityIdcreateNewActivityIdactivityIdDeadTryDequeueHeadgenericReadFinishSyncReadWaitForSyncReadStartSyncReadEndReadTraceCodeMessageReadRepeatableReadPrepareReadFinishReadTraceCodeSyndicationProtocolElementIgnoredOnReadTraceSyndicationElementIgnoredOnReadget_CanReadMessageHasBeenReadBeginReadonReadnumBytesToReadbytesToReadget_MaxBytesPerReadset_MaxBytesPerReadBufferedReadDefaultMaxBytesPerReadReaderQuotasDotMaxBytesPerReadisForReadnodesReadasyncBytesReadtotalBytesReadbytesReadareAllItemsReadmaxSocketReadAbortReadmaxReadheadBindEndThreadBindThreadget_IsThreadPoolThreadBindingToPoolThreadGetActivityIdFromThreadUnbindFromThreadSetActivityIdOnThreadSetOnThreadcleanThreadStartOnNonUserThreadcanDispatchOnThisThreadget_CurrentThreadImpersonateAnonymousUserOnCurrentThreadBindToCurrentThreadGetCurrentThreadisOnAbortThreadthreadSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.LoadTraceCodePerformanceCounterFailedToLoadget_PropertiesToLoaddwMemoryLoadCanUnloadadd_DomainUnloadAppDomainUnloadIsFinalizingForUnloadCreateEventAsyncMethodOverloadGetSerializedPayloadTracePayloadpayloadSystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.AddSystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.AddSystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection.AddSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IRequestReplyCorrelator.AddSystem.Collections.IList.AddvalidAddInternalEndAddBaseAddCompleteAddInternalAddCanAddInternalBeginAddanyHeadersToAddEnsureCapacityToAddGetOrAddIsEquivalentForAddTryAddaddget_IsServiceThrottleReplacedset_IsServiceThrottleReplacedreplacedSystem.Xml.Serialization.AdvancedppmkReducedIsSingleThreadedsingleThreadedTraceCodeServiceDurableInstanceLoadedTraceCodeWorkflowDurableInstanceLoadedget_IsWebSocketModuleLoadedTraceCodeComIntegrationTypedChannelBuilderLoadedTraceCodeComIntegrationWsdlChannelBuilderLoadedTraceCodeComIntegrationMexChannelBuilderLoadedallReferencedAssembliesLoadedEnsureSettingsLoadedWebSocketModuleNotLoadedIsSystemWebAssemblyLoadedEnsureAllReferencedAssemblyLoadedsecurityUpgradedupgradedChannelAddedget_AllAddedTracePendingSessionAddedTraceCodeSecurityPendingServerSessionAddedadd_ReferralsAddedremove_ReferralsAddedOnReferralsAddedTraceCodeDefaultEndpointsAddedMsmqNonTransactionalQueueNeededMsmqTransactionalQueueNeededAddSoapEncodingSchemaIfNeededPurgeIfNeededApplyCertificateIfNeededCreateIfNeededAddUsingSessionAttributeIfNeededCancelTimerIfNeededStartTimerIfNeededDoKeyRolloverIfNeededAddInitiatingTerminatingAttributesIfNeededSubstituteCachedBindingContextParametersIfNeededEnsureCategoriesExistIfNeededSfxTransactedBindingNeededIsSspiPromptingNeededlpnLengthNeededgrowthNeededCheckIfKeyRenewalNeededIsKeyRenewalNeededOnNewChannelNeededIsTerminatingOperationBehaviorNeededIsSecurityBehaviorNeededpcbBytesNeededenvelopeBytesNeededchunkBytesNeededbytesNeededAnotherTryNeededlastWriteSucceededTraceImpersonationSucceededTraceCodeMessageNotLoggedQuotaExceededTraceTruncatedQuotaExceededTraceCodeFilterNotMatchedNodeQuot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astReplyAckedackedLockedPnrpPortBlocked_lockedInterlockedset_SendChunkedClientMessageInspectorBeforeSendInvokedClientMessageInspectorAfterReceiveInvokedClientParameterInspectorBeforeCallInvokedClientParameterInspectorAfterCallInvokedOperationInvokedFaultProviderInvokedErrorHandlerInvokedget_IsSealedadd_Signaledremove_SignaledOnSignaledisSignaledsignaledSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IContextManager.Enabledget_IsV10EnabledprotocolService10Enabledget_IsV11EnabledprotocolService11EnabledSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IContextManager.get_EnabledSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IContextManager.set_Enabledget_MetadataEnabledisAsyncEnabledget_IsAddEnabledget_AsynchronousSendEnabledset_AsynchronousSendEnabledasynchronousSendEnabledget_InboundEnabledinboundEnabledIsProtocolServiceEnabledget_OleTxUpgradeEnabledoleTxUpgradeEnabledget_HelpPageEnabledset_HelpPageEnabledget_HttpHelpPageEnabledset_HttpHelpPageEnabledhttpHelpPageEnabledget_HttpsHelpPageEnabledset_HttpsHelpPageEnabledhttpsHelpPageEnabledhelpPageEnabledget_BufferedReceiveEnabledset_BufferedReceiveEnabledbufferedReceiveEnabledget_TransactedReceiveEnabledget_KeepAliveEnabledset_KeepAliveEnabledkeepAliveEnabledget_IsRemoveEnabledpfEnabledget_TracingEnabledset_TracingEnabledget_IsEnd2EndActivityTracingEnabledSetEnd2EndActivityTracingEnabledtracingEnabledget_LoggingEnabledrandomizedStringHashingEnabledobjectPoolingEnabledget_PortSharingEnabledset_PortSharingEnabledportSharingEnableddispatchEnabledIsSwitchEnabledget_GetWsdlEnabledset_GetWsdlEnabledgetWsdlEnabledget_FlowControlEnabledset_FlowControlEnabledflowControlEnabledntlmEnabledstrTransformEnabledinteractiveLogonEnabledinteractiveNegoLogonEnabledget_InteractiveNegoExLogonEnabledset_InteractiveNegoExLogonEnabledinteractiveNegoExLogonEnabledisReliableSessionEnabledreliableSessionEnabledget_CompressionEnabledget_DecompressionEnabledset_DecompressionEnableddecompressionEnabledWarnSkippingOpertationWithSessionOpenNotificationEnabledget_IsSessionOpenNotificationEnabledset_IsSessionOpenNotificationEnabledSFxServiceChannelCannotBeCalledBecauseIsSessionOpenNotificationEnabledContractIsNotSelfConsistentWhenIsSessionOpenNotificationEnabledisSessionOpenNotificationEnabledIsSecureConversationEnabledTokenVirtualizationEnabledget_ReplayDetectionEnabledset_ReplayDetectionEnabledreplayDetectionEnabledSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISocketListenerSettings.TeredoEnabledSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISocketListenerSettings.get_TeredoEnabledset_TeredoEnabledDefaultTeredoEnabledteredoEnabledsyncPumpEnabledget_WmiProviderEnabledset_WmiProviderEnabledGetIsWmiProviderEnabledget_IsEtwProviderEnabledget_IsEnabledNegotiateTokenAuthenticatorStateCacheExceededIsEnabledMessageThrottleExceededIsEnabledMaxReceivedMessageSizeExceededIsEnabledMaxSentMessageSizeExceededIsEnabledMessageLogEventSizeExceededIsEnabledMaxRetryCyclesExceededIsEnabledMaxPendingConnectionsExceededIsEnabledMaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpointExceededIsEnabledServerMaxPooledConnectionsQuotaReachedIsEnabledMaxSessionSizeReachedIsEnabledReceiveRetryCountReachedIsEnabledIncomingMessageVerifiedIsEnabledClientMessageInspectorBeforeSendInvokedIsEnabledClientMessageInspectorAfterReceiveInvokedIsEnabledClientParameterInspectorBeforeCallInvokedIsEnabledClientParameterInspectorAfterCallInvokedIsEnabledOperationInvokedIsEnabledFaultProviderInvokedIsEnabledErrorHandlerInvokedIsEnabledConnectionPoolPreambleFailedIsEnabledReceiveContextCompleteFailedIsEnabledHttpMessageReceiveFailedIsEnabledDispatchFailedIsEnabledHttpAuthFailedIsEnabledReceiveContextAbandonFailedIsEnabledOperationFailedIsEnabledWebSocketConnectionFailedIsEnabledSharedListenerProxyRegisterFailedIsEnabledSecurityTokenProviderOpenedIsEnabledWebSocketConnectionDeclinedIsEnabledClientOperationPreparedIsEnabledOutgoingMessageSecuredIsEnabledWebSocketConnectionClosedIsEnabledSocketAcceptClosedIsEnabledNamedPipeCreatedIsEnabledPipeSharedMemoryCreatedIsEnabledChannelFactoryCreatedIsEnabledServiceSecurityNegotiationCompletedIsEnabledOperationCompletedIsEnabledHttpPipelineFaultedIsEnabledReliableSessionChannelFaultedIsEnabledOperationFaultedIsEnabledServiceHostFaultedIsEnabledReceiveContextFaultedIsEnabledWebSocketConnectionAcceptedIsEnabledSocketAcceptedIsEnabledHttpChannelResponseAbortedIsEnabledWebSocketConnectionAbortedIsEnabledHttpChannelRequestAbortedIsEnabledQueryCompositionExecutedIsEnabledSocketAcceptEnqueuedIsEnabledWebSocketCloseStatusReceivedIsEnabledSessionPreambleUnderstoodIsEnabledSslOnInitiateUpgradeIsEnabledWindowsStreamSecurityOnInitiateUpgradeIsEnabledSslOnAcceptUpgradeIsEnabledWindowsStreamSecurityOnAcceptUpgradeIsEnabledClientBaseChannelFactoryAgedOutofCacheIsEnabledServiceThrottleIsEnabledSecurityNegotiationProcessingFailureIsEnabledSecurityIdentityVerificationFailureIsEnabledSecurityImpersonationFailureIsEnabledTransactionScopeCreateIsEnabledMessageLogWarningIsEnabledDispatchSuccessfulIsEnabledHttpContextBeforeProcessAuthenticationIsEnabledDispatchMessageBeforeAuthorizationIsEnabledServiceExceptionIsEnabledReceiveContextAbandonWithExceptionIsEnabledHttpPipelineTimeoutExceptionIsEnabledMessageLogInfoIsEnabledNegotiateTokenAuthenticatorStateCacheRatioIsEnabledSecuritySessionRatioIsEnabledConcurrentInstancesRatioIsEnabledConcurrentCallsRatioIsEnabledConcurrentSessionsRatioIsEnabledPendingConnectionsRatioIsEnabledOutboundConnectionsPerEndpointRatioIsEnabledPendingAcceptsAtZeroIsEnabledWebSocketAsyncReadStopIsEnabledSocketReadStopIsEnabledHttpSendStopIsEnabledWebSocketConnectionRequestSendStopIsEnabledGetServiceInstanceStopIsEnabledDispatchMessageStopIsEnabledClientSendPreambleStopIsEnabledHttpPipelineProcessResponseStopIsEnabledBufferedAsyncWriteStopIsEnabledWebSocketAsyncWriteStopIsEnabledChannelReceiveStopIsEnabledServiceChannelCallStopIsEnabledServiceChannelOpenStopIsEnabledClientChannelOpenStopIsEnabledListenerOpenStopIsEnabledServiceHostOpenStopIsEnabledSecurityNegotiationStopIsEnabledEstablishConnectionStopIsEnabledSharedListenerProxyRegisterStopIsEnabledPipeConnectionAcceptStopIsEnabledHttpPipelineProcessInboundRequestStopIsEnabledClientFormatterSerializeRequestStopIsEnabledDispatchFormatterDeserializeRequestStopIsEnabledDispatchFormatterSerializeReplyStopIsEnabledClientFormatterDeserializeReplyStopIsEnabledMaxRetryCyclesExceededMsmqIsEnabledInstanceProviderIsEnabledStreamedMessageReadByEncoderIsEnabledStreamedMessageWrittenByEncoderIsEnabledMessageWrittenAsynchronouslyByEncoderIsEnabledOperationInvokerIsEnabledMessageFormatterIsEnabledTcpConnectionResetErrorIsEnabledOperationSelectorIsEnabledMessageInspectorIsEnabledParameterInspectorIsEnabledEncryptedDataProcessingSuccessIsEnabledSignatureVerificationSuccessIsEnabledSecurityIdentityVerificationSuccessIsEnabledSecurityImpersonationSuccessIsEnabledWrappedKeyDecryptionSuccessIsEnabledReadPoolMissIsEnabledWritePoolMissIsEnabledConnectionPoolMissIsEnabledClientReliableSessionReconnectIsEnabledPortSharingDuplicatedSocketIsEnabledClientBaseChannelFactoryCacheHitIsEnabledConnectionReaderSendFaultIsEnabledWebSocketCloseSentIsEnabledSequenceAcknowledgementSentIsEnabledWebSocketCloseOutputSentIsEnabledMessageThrottleAtSeventyPercentIsEnabledSuspendSignpostEventIsEnabledResumeSignpostEventIsEnabledStopSignpostEventIsEnabledStartSignpostEventIsEnabledClientBaseCachedChannelFactoryCountIsEnabledTraceDecrementBusyCountIsEnabledTraceIncrementBusyCountIsEnabledWebSocketAsyncReadStartIsEnabledWebSocketConnectionRequestSendStartIsEnabledGetServiceInstanceStartIsEnabledHttpSendStreamedMessageStartIsEnabledHttpSendMessageStartIsEnabledDispatchMessageStartIsEnabledClientSendPreambleStartIsEnabledHttpPipelineProcessResponseStartIsEnabledHttpPipelineBeginProcessResponseStartIsEnabledBufferedAsyncWriteStartIsEnabledWebSocketAsyncWriteStartIsEnabledSocketWriteStartIsEnabledHttpMessageReceiveStartIsEnabledHttpResponseReceiveStartIsEnabledChannelReceiveStartIsEnabledMtomMessageDecodingStartIsEnabledTextMessageDecodingStartIsEnabledBinaryMessageDecodingStartIsEnabledMtomMessageEncodingStartIsEnabledTextMessageEncodingStartIsEnabledBinaryMessageEncodingStartIsEnabledEncryptedDataProcessingStartIsEnabledServiceChannelCallStartIsEnabledServiceChannelBeginCallStartIsEnabledServiceChannelOpenStartIsEnabledClientChannelOpenStartIsEnabledListenerOpenStartIsEnabledServiceHostOpenStartIsEnabledSignatureVerificationStartIsEnabledSecurityNegotiationStartIsEnabledEstablishConnectionStartIsEnabledWrappedKeyDecryptionStartIsEnabledSharedListenerProxyRegisterStartIsEnabledPipeConnectionAcceptStartIsEnabledWebSocketConnectionAcceptStartIsEnabledHttpPipelineProcessInboundRequestStartIsEnabledHttpPipelineBeginProcessInboundRequestStartIsEnabledClientFormatterSerializeRequestStartIsEnabledDispatchFormatterDeserializeRequestStartIsEnabledHttpGetContextStartIsEnabledDispatchFormatterSerializeReplyStartIsEnabledClientFormatterDeserializeReplyStartIsEnabledSocketConnectionAbortIsEnabledMessageReceivedFromTransportIsEnabledMessageSentToTransportIsEnabledMessageReceivedByTransportIsEnabledMessageSentByTransportIsEnabledTcpConnectionTimedOutIsEnabledSendTimeoutIsEnabledSessionIdleTimeoutIsEnabledLeaseTimeoutIsEnabledCloseTimeoutIsEnabledReceiveTimeoutIsEnabledOpenTimeoutIsEnabledChannelInitializationTimeoutIsEnabledInactivityTimeoutIsEnabledWebSocketCreateClientWebSocketWithFactoryIsEnabledClientBaseUsingLocalChannelFactoryIsEnabledWebSocketUseVersionFromClientWebSocketFactoryIsEnabledget_MultipleSiteBindingsEnabledset_MultipleSiteBindingsEnabledisEnabledget_HealthDetailsEnabledset_HealthDetailsEnabledget_IssuedTokensEnabledissuedTokensEnabledTransactionsEnabledget_PerformanceCountersEnabledset_PerformanceCountersEnabledget_MinimalPerformanceCountersEnabledDefaultPerformanceCountersEnabledget_MessageVersionNoneFaultsEnabledset_MessageVersionNoneFaultsEnabledmessageVersionNoneFaultsEnabledRemoteClientsEnabledget_HttpGetEnabledset_HttpGetEnabledhttpGetEnabledget_HttpsGetEnabledset_HttpsGetEnabledhttpsGetEnabledWebSocketEnabledget_ContextManagementEnabledset_ContextManagementEnabledDefaultContextManagementEnabledcontextMana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ValidateOpenedTraceCodeMsmqQueueOpenedThrowIfOpenedTraceCodeReliableChannelOpenedOnChannelOpenedOnRequestChannelOpenedOnOpenedThrowIfIsConnectionOpenedThrowIfClosedOrOpenedTraceTokenProviderOpenedOnTokenProviderOpenedTraceCodeSecurityTokenProviderOpenedadd_NeighborOpenedremove_NeighborOpenedOnNeighborOpenedTraceTokenAuthenticatorOpenedTraceCodeSecurityTokenAuthenticatorOpenedTraceCodeCommunicationObjectOpenedThrowIfNotOpenedInvalidWsrmResponseChannelNotOpenedNotifyOpenedexplicitlyOpenedopenedget_SignedhasAtLeastOneSupportingTokenExpectedToBeSignedoptionalSignedEncryptedThenSignedget_IsPrimaryTokenSignedset_IsPrimaryTokenSignedisPrimaryTokenSignedSetTimestampSignedIsSignedSetSignedRequiredSecurityTokenNotSignedEncryptedHeaderNotSignedSupportingTokenIsNotSignedRequiredSecurityHeaderElementNotSignedRequiredMessagePartNotSignedsignedOnTokenObtainedEnsureNamespaceDefinedget_IsNamespaceDefinedget_IsNameDefinedIsDefinedisDefinedBindingProtocolMappingNotDefinedget_IsFullyDefinedUndefinedWebSocketConnectionDeclinedEnsureDecryptedBodyStatusDeterminedisDecryptedBodyStatusDeterminedisSslValidationRequirementDeterminedisPinnedTraceCodeConnectionAbandonedpoolToBeClonedelementToBeClonedtoBeClonedUnbufferedItemsCannotBeClonedpuReturnedget_IsV4MappedreadOverlappedwriteOverlappedget_NativeOverlappedUnsafeQueueNativeOverlappednativeOverlappedlpOverlappedoverlappedisDocWrappedSFxInvalidXmlAttributeInWrappedget_IsWrappedset_IsWrappedget_AreAllMessagesWrappedareAllMessagesWrappedisWrappedDuplicatePolicyInWsdlSkippedsecondaryCallSkippedprimaryCallSkippedDuplicatePolicyDocumentSkippedTraceCodeWsrmMessageDroppedOnMessageDroppedTraceCodeMsmqMessageDroppedTraceCodeChannelConnectionDroppedERMMessagesDroppedSRMMessagesDroppedTraceCodeComIntegrationDllHostInitializerStoppedSharing_ListenerProxyStoppedget_IsCompletelyUntypedget_SharedsharedTraceClientOperationPreparedget_Orderedset_OrderedisOrderedUnorderedget_IsBufferedisBufferedAreParametersBufferedBodyWriterReturnedIsNotBufferedEnsureRegisteredIsRegisteredInterfaceNotRegisteredSecurityContextNotRegisteredListenerFactoryNotRegisteredContextAlreadyRegisteredregisteredget_IsClusteredNotDeliveredRegistrationExpiredIsExpiredTraceConnectionIdleTimeoutExpiredTraceConnectionLeaseTimeoutExpiredMarkContextExpiredSecurityContextExpiredSecurityContextKeyExpiredMessageValidityExpiredexpiredsamDesiredInstanceThrottleAcquiredCallThrottleAcquiredisPumpAcquiredSetAcquiredacquiredget_Requiredset_RequiredIsInfocardRequiredDeliveryAssuranceRequiredtypeNameRequiredget_TransactionScopeRequiredset_TransactionScopeRequiredValidateServiceBehaviorAttributeWithNoScopeRequiredValidateCallbackBehaviorAttributeWithNoScopeRequiredSFxMessageContractAttributeRequiredSendCloseResponseOnCloseReceivedIfRequiredSetDerivationSourceIfRequiredSendCloseResponseOnCloseIfRequiredCreateIfRequiredNegateIfRequiredCreateCorrelationStateIfRequiredAddTokenToRemoveIfRequiredSetPrivacyNoticeUriIfRequiredWrapExceptionIfRequiredCloseCertificateProviderIfRequiredEndCloseTokenProviderIfRequiredBeginCloseTokenProviderIfRequiredEndOpenTokenProviderIfRequiredBeginOpenTokenProviderIfRequiredAbortTokenProviderIfRequiredaddChannelDemuxerIfRequiredEndCloseTokenAuthenticatorIfRequiredBeginCloseTokenAuthenticatorIfRequiredEndOpenTokenAuthenticatorIfRequiredBeginOpenTokenAuthenticatorIfRequiredAbortTokenAuthenticatorIfRequiredInitializeFaultCodesIfRequiredRemoveCachedTokensIfRequiredCloseTokenProvidersIfRequiredSendFaultIfRequiredTypecastIfRequiredSetIssuerBindingContextIfRequiredSFxServiceContractGeneratorConfigRequiredMsmqAdvancedPoisonHandlingRequiredAbsolutePathRequiredWsrmRequiredComSessionRequiredget_IsAuthenticationRequiredIsSecurityContextImpersonationRequiredget_TransactionRequiredset_TransactionRequiredMsmqTransactionRequiredtransactionRequiredAllowedOrRequiredHttpContentTypeHeaderRequiredMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredMessageInformationHeaderRequiredIsSecurityTokenManagerRequiredPeerResolverRequiredIsRequiredisRequiredPeerResolverBindingElementRequiredMsmqTransactionCurrentRequiredget_ClientCertRequiredclientCertRequiredget_TypecastRequiredset_TypecastRequiredValidateTransactionFlowRequiredSFxTransactionFlowRequiredisReturnLegSecurityRequiredRequiredWSDLExtensionIgnoredOptionalWSDLExtensionIgnoredUnknownWSDLExtensionIgnoredTraceCodeWebUnknownQueryParameterIgnoredSFxTraceCodeElementIgnoredFreeIfDeferredget_BytesTransferredbytesTransferredProcessTransferredGetTransferredSetTransferredtransferredMessageExceptionOccurredadd_PolicyWarningOccuredremove_PolicyWarningOccuredTraceOutgoingMessageSecuredTraceCodeSecurityBindingOutgoingMessageSecuredOnOutgoingMessageSecuredOnMessageSecuredConfigBindingCannotBeConfiguredIsWindowsAuthenticationConfiguredget_IsFullyConfiguredset_IsFullyConfiguredisEndpointFullyConfiguredget_IsMsmqX509SecurityConfiguredCommunicationObjectCannotBeUsedReceiveContextCannotBeUsedIsBindingNameUsedHasBeenUsedget_IsConfigurationBasedAutomaticFormatSelectedRequestBasedTraceCodeComIntegrationInstanceReleasedadd_ThrottleReleasedremove_ThrottleReleasedSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IFlooderForThrottle.OnThrottleReleasedchannelFactoryRefReleasedSetReleasedreleasedSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.ClosedSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.add_ClosedSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.remove_Closedget_ClosedraisedClosedMsmqSessionChannelsMustBeClosedget_IsSequenceClosedisSequenceClosedTraceCodePeerNodeClosedTraceCodeMessageClosedSFxStreamResponseMessageClosedSFxStreamRequestMessageClosedHandleClosedPipeClosedresponseClosedTraceCodeMsmqQueueClosedThrowIfClosedTraceCodePortSharingClosedOnChannelClosedonChannelClosedOnInnerChannelClosedonInnerChannelClosedStreamClosedOnItemClosedOnClosedThrowInvalidOperation_NotValidWhenClosedReadRequestedTokenClosedWriteRequestedTokenClosedget_IsRequestedTokenClosedset_IsRequestedTokenClosedisRequestedTokenClosedTracePendingSessionClosedTraceCodeSecurityPendingServerSessionClosedisSessionClosedOnInputSessionClosedisInputSessionClosedinputSessionClosedOnBaseOutputSessionClosedThrowIfOutputSessionClosedOnOutputSessionClosedisOutputSessionClosedoutputSessionClosedOnConnectionClosedonConnectionClosedWebSocketConnectionClosedTransitionToClosedSFxClientOutputSessionAutoClosedIsAuthenticatedOrClosedOnXmlReaderClosedTraceTokenProviderClosedOnTokenProviderClosedTraceCodeSecurityTokenProviderClosedOnChannelBinderClosedlistenerClosedadd_MaintainerClosedremove_MaintainerClosedOnMaintainerClosedmaintainerClosedset_ShouldDisposeWebSocketAfterClosedshouldDisposeWebSocketAfterClosedadd_NeighborClosedremove_NeighborClosedOnNeighborClosedTraceTokenAuthenticatorClosedTraceCodeSecurityTokenAuthenticatorClosedget_IsClosedMessageBufferIsClosedisClosedTraceCodeCommunicationObjectClosedSessionTokenWasNotClosedSocketAcceptClosedEnsureInputClosedget_IsInputClosedisInputClosedinputClosedisHttpOutputClosedget_IsOutputClosedisOutputClosedNotifyClosedclosedTraceCodeServiceDurableInstanceDisposedThrowIfDisposedTraceCodeChannelDisposedSocketConnectionDisposedPeerFlooderDisposedTraceCodeListenerDisposedPipeListenerDisposedSocketListenerDisposedget_IsDisposedisDisposedParametersDisposedObjectDisposedThrowDisposedthrowDisposeddisposedget_ElapsedOnPollingTimerElapsedOnTimerElapsedonTimerElapsedOnReconnectTimerElapsedonReconnectTimerElapsedOnTimeoutElapsedonTimeoutElapsedOnAcknowledgementTimeoutElapsedset_RetryTimeoutElapsedOnRetryTimeoutElapsedOnRetryElapsedOnInactivityElapsedTraceCodeComIntegrationServiceMonikerParsedInvalidObjectTypePassedPipeNameCanNotBeAccessedOnReplyProcessedIsFlowSuppressedIsWindowsIdentityFlowSuppressedTraceCodeProcessMessage31PausedTraceCodeProcessMessage2PausedTraceCodeProcessMessage3PausedTraceCodeProcessMessage4PausedTraceCodeMessageProcessingPausedget_IsPausedAreApplicationInstancesPausedpausedCSRefusedCreateSequenceRefusedContextRefusedget_Authenticatedset_AuthenticatedOnAuthenticatedMsmqAuthenticatedOnNeighborAuthenticatedget_IsAuthenticatedget_IsMutuallyAuthenticatedauthenticatedget_IsAllocatedTraceServerSessionKeyUpdatedTraceCodeSecurityServerSessionKeyUpdatedget_CreatedServiceInstanceCreatedOnFaultMessageCreatedNamedPipeCreatedGetCurrentChannelIfCreatedThrowIfCreatedTraceCodeChannelCreatedTraceCodeComIntegrationChannelCreatedOnRequestChannelCreatedTraceCodeContextChannelFactoryChannelCreatedThrowIfClosedOrCreatedTraceCodeSyncContextSchedulerServiceTimerCreatedTraceCodeListenerCreatedget_IsUserCreatedset_IsUserCreatedisUserCreateddemuxerCreatedServerReceivedCloseMessageStateIsCreatedanyPipesCreatedeventDescriptorsCreatedTraceCodeCommunicationObjectCreatedConfigNoEndpointCreatedTraceCodeWorkflowServiceHostCreatedPipeSharedMemoryCreatedChannelFactoryCreatedcreatedChannelParametersCannotBePropagatedTraceCodePeerFloodedMessageNotPropagatedIsServerInitiatedget_ReplyInitiatedreplyInitiatedSspiNegotiatedMutualSslNegotiatedUserNameForSslNegotiatedIssuedTokenForSslNegotiatedAnonymousForSslNegotiatedIsolatedSequenceTerminatedisChannelTerminatedReplyChannelTerminatedSessionTerminatedterminatedsignatureValuesGeneratedSingleWsdlNotGeneratedTraceCodeWorkflowDurableInstanceActivatedTracePendingSessionActivatedTraceCodeSecurityPendingServerSessionActivatedget_IsActivatedactivatedSendDtcTransactedTryMoveMessageDtcTransactedReceiveByLookupIdCoreDtcTransactedReceiveCoreDtcTransactedLsaAuthorityNotContactedMQMarkMessageRejectedTraceCodeMsmqPoisonMessageRejectedTraceCodeMsmqMessageRejectedCSResponseOfferRejectedrejectedOnlyOneOfEncryptedKeyOrSymmetricBindingCanBeSelectedadd_Connectedremove_Connectedget_Connectedadd_NeighborConnectedremove_NeighborConnectedOnNeighborConnectedget_IsConnectedadd_Disconnectedremove_DisconnectedMsmqTransactedDLQExpectedFlagEnumTypeExpectedPipeSignalExpectedMsmqSameTransactionExpectedSignatureConfirmationWasExpectedXmlStartElementExpectedThrowStartElementExpectedMsmqNonNegativeArgumentExpectedSignatureNotExpectedBasicTokenNotExpectedSignedSupportingTokenNotExpectedEncryptionNotExpectedSupportingTokenSignaturesNotExpectedSignatureConfirmationsNotExpectedOutputNotExpectedMsmqStreamBodyEx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otBeImportedSFxFaultCannotBeImportedattributesImportedgrfTCSupportedgrfRMSupportedget_IsRejectMessageSupportedIsSchemeSupportedisOneOneSupportedisNoneSupportedIsTypeSupportedIsContentTypeSupportedIsArrayTypeSupportedOnlyMalformedMessagesAreSupportedEnsureParametersAreSupportedget_IsPerAppDeadLetterQueueSupportedget_IsAdvancedPoisonHandlingSupportedIsSymmetricKeyLengthSupportedIsAsymmetricKeyLengthSupportedIsSymmetricSignatureAlgorithmSupportedIsAsymmetricSignatureAlgorithmSupportedIsSignatureKeyDerivationAlgorithmSupportedIsEncryptionKeyDerivationAlgorithmSupportedIsCanonicalizationAlgorithmSupportedIsEncryptionAlgorithmSupportedIsSymmetricKeyWrapAlgorithmSupportedIsAsymmetricKeyWrapAlgorithmSupportedIsDigestAlgorithmSupportedIsMessageVersionSupportedIsSecurityVersionSupportedget_IsSessionSupportedget_IsAuthenticationSupportedisOneTwoSupportedIsApplicationInstanceDumpSupportedget_IsAppContainerSupportedisAppContainerSupportedIsSupportedget_HttpMessagesSupportedset_HttpMessagesSupportedAreTypesSupportedOnlyBodyReturnValuesSupportedget_IsIssuedTokensSupportedIsCompressionFormatSupportedIsContractSupportedIsCharSetSupportedget_IsSecurityAuditSupportedisSecurityAuditSupportedSeekableMessageNavIDNotSupportedCSRefusedSSLNotSupportedReadNotSupportedSFxDocEncodedNotSupportedWebSocketsServerSideNotSupportedWebSocketsClientSideNotSupportedFramingModeNotSupportedSupportedAddressingModeNotSupportedTransferModeNotSupportedSctCookieNotSupportedQueryVariableTypeNotSupportedOneWayInternalTypeNotSupportedChannelTypeNotSupportedQueryFunctionTypeNotSupportedHttpMessageHandlerTypeNotSupportedSFxAnonymousTypeNotSupportedResponseContentTypeNotSupportedExtendedProtectionPolicyCustomChannelBindingNotSupportedMessageTextEncodingNotSupportedManualAddressingNotSupportedExtendedProtectionPolicyBasicAuthNotSupportedSeekNotSupportedSessionKeyRenewalNotSupportedUpgradeProtocolNotSupportedSecurityAuditPlatformNotSupportedEnvelopeVersionNotSupportedFramingVersionNotSupportedAddressingVersionNotSupportedMessageHeaderVersionNotSupportedSignatureConfirmationNotSupportedNonWsrmFeb2005ActionNotSupportedSecurityChannelListenerChannelExtendedProtectionNotSupportedAssertionNotSupportedTaskMethodParameterNotSupportedSFxCodeGenArrayTypeIsNotSupportedMsmqReceiveContextSubqueuesNotSupportedNamedArgsNotSupportedSFxTransactionsNotSupportedSFxDocEncodedFaultNotSupportedThrowIfDuplexNotSupportedThrowIfRequestReplyNotSupportedThrowIfReturnDirectionSecurityNotSupportedExportOfBindingWithTransportSecurityBindingElementAndNoTransportSecurityNotSupportedIsCompletionPortSupportedget_IsRemoteReceiveContextSupportedSFxCannotImportAsParameters_HeadersAreUnsupportedSharedManagerProtocolUnsupportedSerializedTokenVersionUnsupportedSharedManagerVersionUnsupportedThrowInvalidOperation_PnrpAddressesUnsupportedalreadyExportedInvalidKeyLengthRequestedSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedAckRequestedOnConnectionEndSendAckRequestedOnConnectionBeginSendAckRequestedOnConnectionSendAckRequestedProcessAckRequestedwVersionRequestedThrowIfCancellationRequestednumberOfResultsRequestedIsBlackListedIsApplicationDomainHostedisApplicationDomainHostedget_IsHostedset_IsHostedHosting_CompatibilityServiceNotHostedget_AppDomainFullyTrustedReadCommittedSTxCommittedTraceCodeComIntegrationTxProxyTxCommittedReadUncommittedDistributedQueryCompositionExecutedhasSpnSidBeenComputedhasUpnSidBeenComputedTraceCodeWorkflowOperationInvokerItemQueuedOnMessageDequeuedonMessageDequeuedOnItemDequeuedonItemDequeuedOnDeliveryStrategyItemDequeuedOnConnectionDequeuedonConnectionDequeuedOnExceptionDequeuedonExceptionDequeuedOnEnqueuedonEnqueuedSocketAcceptEnqueuedenqueuedNoVoteIssuedwarningIssuedOnTokenIssuedisServerIssuedTraceNewServerSessionKeyIssuedTraceCodeSecurityNewServerSessionKeyIssuedTraceCodeServiceDurableInstanceSavedserviceEndpointsRetrievedtimeToBeReceivedTraceCodePeerFloodedMessageReceivedOnTraceMessageReceivedUnknownSequenceMessageReceivedTraceCodeMessageReceivedRaiseMessageReceivedOnCloseResponseMessageReceivedTraceCloseMessageReceivedOnCloseMessageReceivedTraceCodeSecurityClientSessionCloseMessageReceivedendofMessageReceivedTraceCodeActivatingMessageReceivedTraceCodeNamedPipeChannelMessageReceivedTraceCodeTcpChannelMessageReceivedTraceCodePeerChannelMessageReceivedOnMessageReceivedSystem.ServiceModel.IClientChannel.UnknownMessageReceivedSystem.ServiceModel.IClientChannel.add_UnknownMessageReceivedSystem.ServiceModel.IClientChannel.remove_UnknownMessageReceivedFireUnknownMessageReceivedRaiseUnknownMessageReceivedunknownMessageReceivedTraceHttpMessageReceivedTraceCodePeerNeighborMessageReceivedMessageFlowAtMessageReceivedNotifyInvokeReceivedwelcomeReceivedclosureReceivedTraceCodeSecuritySessionClosedResponseReceivedTraceResponseReceivedTraceCloseResponseReceivedOnCloseResponseReceivedTraceServerSessionCloseResponseReceivedTraceCodeSecurityServerSessionCloseResponseReceivedTraceCodeHttpResponseReceivedOnCloseReceivedTraceServerSessionCloseReceivedTraceCodeSecurityServerSessionCloseReceivedTraceCodeMsmqData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IsWhiteSpaceGetWhiteSpaceid97_whiteSpaceTryValidateKeyValueSpaceNormalizeSpaceget_XmlSpaceSizeExceedsRemainingBufferSpaceAtom10NamespaceRss20NamespaceNET11NamespaceReliableSession11Namespacesoap11Namespacesoap12NamespaceReliableSessionFebruary2005NamespaceWsp15NamespaceMSNamespaceNETNamespaceXNamespaceget_Namespaceset_NamespaceXmlSchemaNamespaceWscNamespaceActivityIdNamespaceAddNamespaceSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IMessageHeaderWithSharedNamespace.SharedNamespaceSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IMessageHeaderWithSharedNamespace.get_SharedNamespaceIMessageHeaderWithSharedNamespacewsidNamespacechildNamespaceFindNamespacePrivacyNoticeNamespaceserviceNamespaceXmlSchemaInstanceNamespaceget_CodeNamespaceGetTargetCodeNamespacecodeNamespaceIncludeNamespaceEnsureSingleNamespaceX509TokenProfileNamespaceUPTokenProfileNamespaceSamlTokenProfileNamespaceKerberosTokenProfileNamespaceSecurityProfileNamespaceUserNameNamespaceget_TypeNamespaceGenericMessageSchemaTypeNamespaceStreamBodySchemaTypeNamespacetypeNamespaceEnsureNamespaceidAttributeNamespaceShouldSerializeNamespaceget_BindingNamespaceset_BindingNamespacebindingNamespaceSoapEncodingNamespaceBinaryEncodingNamespaceppWorkingNamespaceDotNetFramingNamespaceWSEventingNamespaceTryMatchNamespaceRedirectionInfoStringFormatWithNamespacebindingWsdlNamespacexsiNilNamespaceEmailNamespacedetailNamespacexmlNamespaceitemNamespaceExpectedOneOfTwoElementsFromNamespaceUnrecognizedPolicyElementInNamespaceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.WbemNative.IWbemServices.OpenNamespaceIdentityExtensionNamespaceextensionNamespaceCorrelationNamespaceCoordinationNamespaceUseManagedPresentationNamespaceOptimizedMimeSerializationNamespacefunctionNamespacedescriptionNamespaceRedirectionInfoStringFormatNoNamespaceMoveToNamespaceIndigoNamespaceSoapNamespacesoapNamespaceWspNamespaceMsspNamespaceWsspNamespaceHttpNamespaceLookupNamespaceget_HeaderNamespaceget_IssuedTokensHeaderNamespaceUniqueEndpointHeaderNamespaceCallbackContextHeaderNamespaceheaderNamespacePeerNamespaceget_WrapperNamespaceset_WrapperNamespaceresponseWrapperNamespaceGetWrapperNamespacerequestWrapperNamespacewrapperNamespaceget_OuterNamespaceouterNamespacexmlSerializerNamespacedataContractSerializerNamespaceget_ClrNamespaceset_ClrNamespaceclrNamespacestrNamespacebindingAttrNamespaceEqualsNamespaceOleTxTransactionsNamespacewsatNamespaceget_ContractNamespaceComContractNamespaceMexContractNamespaceVerifyContractNamespacecontractNamespaceGetNamespaceget_TargetNamespaceset_TargetNamespaceid22_targetNamespaceFaultNamespaceDefaultNamespacedefaultNamespaceget_ElementNamespaceGetLocalElementNamespaceouterElementNamespaceHopCountElementNamespaceelementNamespaceUnrecognizedPolicyDocumentNamespaceHopCountNamespaceRootNamespacerootNamespaceget_PartNamespacepartNamespaceHttpTransportNamespaceMsmqTransportNamespaceMoveToFirstNamespacefirstNamespaceget_TrustNamespaceset_TrustNamespaceCollectionContainsElementsWithTrustNamespacetrustNamespaceMoveToNextNamespaceWorkflowNamespaceOleTxNamespaceCompositeDuplexNamespaceWebSocketPolicyNamespacepolicyNamespaceDummyNamespaceget_DictionaryNamespacedictionaryNamespaceWSIdentityNamespacewszNamespaceid78_namespaceget_WhitespaceConsumeWhitespaceWriteWhitespaceset_PreserveWhitespaceXmlWhitespaceIsWhitespaceReadWorkspaceCreateWorkspaceWriteWorkspaceworkspaceget_Traceget_DiagnosticTraceEtwDiagnosticTraceLegacyDiagnosticTracediagnosticTraceThreadTraceComPlusChannelCreatedTraceShouldTraceCreateSendTraceComPlusDispatchMethodTraceTraceCodeDiagnosticsFailedMessageTraceStopOperationInvokeTraceStartOperationInvokeTraceComPlusMexChannelBuilderMexCompleteTraceget_StackTraceset_StackTracestackTraceComPlusMethodCallTraceCodeGenTracecodeGenTraceComPlusInstanceCreationTraceExceptionTraceexceptionTraceUnsafeGetSectionNoTraceComPlusTypedChannelBuilderTraceComPlusWsdlChannelBuilderTraceComPlusMexChannelBuilderTraceComPlusServiceMonikerTraceOperationInvokerTraceComPlusDllHostInitializerTraceGetUtcBasedDurationForTraceEmitTraceServiceBusyCountTraceComPlusTLBImportTraceComPlusServiceHostTraceFxTraceComPlusActivityTraceComPlusTxProxyTracetraceSFxCannotActivateCallbackInstaceid119_XmlSchemaChoiceid74_choiceprivacyNoticeAdviceget_Serviceset_ServiceTryStartMsdtcServiceTraceCodeComIntegrationServiceHostStoppedServiceTraceCodeComIntegrationServiceHostStartedServiceInvokeEndServiceInvokeServiceUpgradeRequestToNonupgradableServiceInitializeLifetimeServiceTraceCodeWebHostFailedToActivateServiceget_MinFreeMemoryPercentageToActivateServiceset_MinFreeMemoryPercentageToActivateServiceDeleteServiceHttpNoTrackingServiceTraceCodeComIntegrationServiceHostStoppingServiceTraceCodeMsmqStartingServiceTraceCodeComIntegrationServiceHostStartingServicehServiceInvokeTaskServiceGetOrCreateWsdlServicewsdlServiceServiceLevelServiceCoordinatorProtocolServiceParticipantProtocolServiceIWsTrustFeb2005SecurityTokenServiceIWsTrustDec2005SecurityTokenServiceget_SecurityTokenServiceset_SecurityTokenServiceCreateSecurityTokenServicesecurityTokenServiceOpenServiceInvokeBeginServiceGetCoordinationServicecoordinationServiceget_RegistrationServiceset_RegistrationServiceIsDisabledRegistrationServiceCreateRegistrationServiceIsLocalRegistrationServiceRemoteActivationServiceLocalActivationServiceLookupServiceIPeerServiceRegisterServiceCustomPeerResolverServiceTraceCodePerformanceCountersFailedForServiceGetPidForServiceValidateForServiceisForServiceGetStatusForServicewaitForServiceResServiceGetServiceWSASetServicetargetServiceStartServiceGetAnyServiceserviceCallDisplayUIOnceICallOnceEndCallOnceBeginCallOncecallOnceCallOpenOnceBodyWriterCanOnlyBeWrittenOnceAtLeastOnceAtMostOnceget_ExactlyOnceset_ExactlyOnceMsmqPerAppDLQRequiresExactlyOnceexactlyOnceLastChanceget_RequiresFipsComplianceexpectedSizeVarianceisRunningMaintenanceResetMaintenanceexpectedClearanceTryImportDeliveryAssuranceApplyServiceInheritanceAcceptableMissDistanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiMethodContext.InstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiMethodContext.get_InstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiInstances.AddInstanceCreateFeedInstanceSuccessfullyLockedInstanceBindInstanceUnbindInstanceSuccessfullyBoundInstanceEnsureServiceInstanceReleaseServiceInstanceGetServiceInstanceCreateTypedMessageInstanceTraceCodeInstanceContextDetachedFromDurableInstanceTraceCodeInstanceContextBoundToDurableInstanceget_DisposableInstancedisposableInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.IInstanceProvider.ReleaseInstanceget_ShouldReleaseInstanceset_ShouldReleaseInstanceshouldReleaseInstancereleaseInstanceSystem.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomFactory.CreateInstanceCoCreateInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiProvider.DeleteInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.WbemNative.IWbemServices.DeleteInstanceRemoveInstanceexistingInstanceIWmiInstancewmiInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.IDuplexContextChannel.CallbackInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.IDuplexContextChannel.get_CallbackInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.IDuplexContextChannel.set_CallbackInstanceReflectOnCallbackInstanceCheckAndAssignCallbackInstancecallbackInstanceLockInstanceUnlockInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiInstanceProvider.FillInstanceWbemInstancewbemInstanceCreateItemInstanceDumpApplicationInstanceget_SingletonInstancesingletonInstanceOwnInstanceSpawnInstancetypedHeaderInstanceCreateMonikerInstanceReleaseHelperInstanceGetHelperInstancestaticComparerInstancestaticQueryNodeComparerInstancecomparerInstanceget_ServerInstanceserverInstanceGetTransactionForInstanceget_ValidatorInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.IInstanceProvider.GetInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiProvider.GetInstanceserviceCounterSetInstanceCreateCounterSetInstanceoperationCounterSetInstanceendpointCounterSetInstanceget_DefaultInstanceget_ClientInstanceclientInstanceConfigurationSchemaInsuffientForSecurityBindingElementInstanceCreateDocumentInstanceEventInstanceendpointInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiProvider.PutInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.WbemNative.IWbemServices.PutInstanceWmiPutInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiInstance.NewInstanceSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiInstances.NewInstanceppNewInstanceCreateDispatchProxyInstanceCreateOuterProxyInstanceinstanceRequestSecurityTokenIssuancetokenIssuanceRequestSecurityContextIssuanceEvidenceFindDivergenceAudienceCheckSidEquivalenceCheckDnsEquivalenceUnableToResolveDataReferenceid12_MetadataReferenceSFxBadMetadataReferenceAssertionIdReferenceAddReferenceget_RequestedAttachedReferenceset_RequestedAttachedReferencerequestedAttachedReferenceget_RequestedUnattachedReferenceset_RequestedUnattachedReferencerequestedUnattachedReferenceHasUnverifiedReferenceserviceReferencevoidTypeReferenceGetCodeTypeReferencecodeTypeReferenceget_DeclaringTypeReferenceset_DeclaringTypeReferencedeclaringTypeReferenceget_DuplexCallbackTypeReferenceset_DuplexCallbackTypeReferenceduplexCallbackTypeReferenceget_ChannelTypeReferenceset_ChannelTypeReferencechannelTypeReferenceget_DetailTypeReferenceset_DetailTypeReferencedetailTypeReferenceget_ContractTypeReferenceset_ContractTypeReferencecontractTypeReferenceget_ClientTypeReferenceset_ClientTypeReferenceclientTypeReferencetypeReferenceAddSignatureReferenceAddTokenSignatureReferenceAddPrimaryTokenSignatureReferenceget_CertificateReferencehasSecurityStateReferenceRemoveReferenceValidateBindingReferenceWeakReferenceConfigurationSchemaContainsX509IssuerSerialReferenceFindWsdlReferenceGetChannelReferenceGetEnumReferenceRequestedTokenReferenceUnableToCreateTokenReferenceTokenManagerCannotCreateTokenReferenceget_InternalTokenReferenceinternalTokenReferenceget_ExternalTokenReferenceexternalTokenReferenceDerivedKeyTokenRequiresTokenReferenceReadSecurityTokenReferenceAppendSecurityTokenReferenceIsReaderAtSecurityTokenReferenceTokenSessionReferenceTraceApplicationReferenceAddEncryptionReferenceSetBufferReferenceValidateServiceBehaviorReferenceValidateEndpointBehaviorReferenceContractReferenceCreateDirectReferenceMatchDirectReferenceGetReferenceid15_EndpointReferenceValidateEndpointReferenceCallbackEndpointReferenceget_HostReferenceReadNode_PolicyReferenceUpdatePolicyReferenceResolvePolicyReferenceInsertPolicyReferencepolicyReferenceKeyReferenceIdentityReferencereferenceCriticalPersistenceNormalPersistenceget_Sequenceset_Sequenceid122_XmlSchemaSequencePushNodeSequencemessageSequenceDiscardEntireSequenceReleaseSequenceSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCloseSequenceEndCloseSequenceBeginCloseSequenceTraceCodeWsrmInvalidCreateSequenceValidateCreateSequenceget_IsCreateSequenceset_IsCreateSequenceisCreateSequenceProcessCreateSequenceSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedTerminateSequenceSequenceTerminatedUnsupportedTerminateSequenceEndTerminateSequenceBeginTerminateSequenceEarlyRequestTerminateSequenceSequenceTerminatedEarlyTerminateSequencePushSequencePeekSequenceUnknownSequencePopSequencewrapperSequenceGetSequenceGetRootSequencedestSequenceemptySequenceid73_sequenceset_IfModifiedSinceServiceHealthBehavior_ServiceRunningSinceServiceHealthBehavior_ProcessRunningSinceget_NonceTryAddNonceInvalidOrReplayedNonceCheckNonceGetDerivationNoncederivationNonceGetNoncenonceenforceTSourceget_Sourceget_DataSourceICorrelationDataSourcecachedCorrelationDataSourcesyncSourceisFromDecryptedSourceget_TraceSourceDiagnosticTraceSourceget_MessageTraceSourceEnsureMessageTraceSourceInitializeMessageTraceSourcemessageTraceSourceWriteTraceSourcePiiTraceSourceget_CodeGenerationTraceSourceShouldTraceToTraceSourceget_ShouldTraceVerboseToTraceSourceshouldTraceVerboseToTraceSourceget_ShouldTraceWarningToTraceSourceshouldTraceWarningToTraceSourceget_ShouldTraceCriticalToTraceSourceshouldTraceCriticalToTraceSourceget_ShouldTraceInformationToTraceSourceshouldTraceInformationToTraceSourceget_ShouldTraceErrorToTraceSourceshouldTraceErrorToTraceSourcetraceSourceIMessageSourceget_MessageSourceSynchronizedMessageSourceSetMessageSourceWebSocketMessageSourcewebSocketMessageSourcemessageSourceget_MessageLoggingSourcechannelSourcecodeGenSourceIOThreadCancellationTokenSourceHttpPipelineCancellationTokenSourcecancellationTokenSourcelpSourcebstrSourceget_EventSourceTelemetryEventSourceAuthzRegisterSecurityEventSourceAuthzUnregisterSecurityEventSourceid63_sourceget_ResourceRedirectResourceresourceSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.ReducecascadeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings.UpgradeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings.get_UpgradeEncodedUpgradeOnFailedUpgradeonFailedUpgradeEndUpgradeHandleUpgradeOnEndInitiateUpgradeSslOnInitiateUpgradeWindowsStreamSecurityOnInitiateUpgradeOnBeginInitiateUpgradeonInitiateUpgradeCompleteUpgradeRemoteSecurityNotNegotiatedOnStreamUpgradeOnUpgradeCanUpgradeBeginUpgradeonUpgradeownUpgradeTransferUpgradeSupportsUpgradeGetUpgradeOnEndAcceptUpgradeCompleteAcceptUpgradeSslOnAcceptUpgradeWindowsStreamSecurityOnAcceptUpgradeOnBeginAcceptUpgradeonAcceptUpgradeGetNextUpgradenextUpgradeupgradeSFXEndpointBehaviorUsedOnWrongSideHttpPipelineNotSupportedOnClientSideattrOverrideDivideProvideGet11Codeget_Codeget_SubCodesubCodeGenerateMsdnTraceCodetraceCodeWriteSampleCodeXmlTypeCodeGetTypeCodetypeCodeEnsureCodeUnexpectedHttpResponseCodeGetHttpResponseCodeCreateCodeGetNonRandomizedHashCodeSetComparisonAddressAndHashCodeGetStableHashCodeComputeHashCodeListenerHashCodeSystem.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCodeUriGetHashCodeSocketHashCodehashCodeioControlCodelReasonCodeDescriptionToCodeGetLdindOpCodeGetLdelemOpCodeGetStelemOpCodeGetConvOpCodeSFxChannelFactoryNoBindingFoundInConfigOrCodeExecuteUserCodeTraceCodeErrorInvokingUserCodeget_ErrorCodeget_NativeErrorCodeget_WebSocketErrorCodedefaultErrorCodeerrorCodeget_StatusCodeset_StatusCodeEnsureHttpStatusCodehttpStatusCodeCertificateErrorStatusCodeSetStatusCodeDefaultStatusCodestatusCodeGetCodedwWin32ExitCodedwServiceSpecificExitCodeget_RenewNeededFaultCodeRequestFailedFaultCodesessionAbortedFaultCodeget_BadContextTokenFaultCodeget_InvalidSecurityTokenFaultCodeget_FailedAuthenticationFaultCodeCreateSenderFaultCodeSoapSenderFaultCodeCreateReceiverFaultCodeReconstructFaultCodeInvalidRequestFaultCodeFailedAuthenticationTrustFaultCodeInvalidRequestTrustFaultCoderenewFaultCodeget_InvalidSecurityFaultCodeget_DefaultCodeeventCodeServiceHealthBehavior_GCModeget_GCModeset_GCModeget_Modeset_ModegcModeClientCredentialTypeMustBeSpecifiedForMixedModeCoordinationServiceModeget_ReleaseInstanceModeset_ReleaseInstanceModeinstanceModeReadingUpgradeModeRequireNonCookieModeget_IsCookieModeisCookieModePeerMaintainerPruneModepipeModedwShareModeshareModeConfigurationSaveModesaveModeShouldSerializeModePaddingModeSetBindingModebindingModePurgingModepurgingModeget_MaskingModeset_MaskingModeSetMaskingModeget_DefaultMaskingModedefaultMaskingModemaskingModeoldPollingModepollingModeValidateFramingModeDetermineSupportedAddressingModeget_HostingModehostingModeauthModeget_AudienceUriModeset_AudienceUriModeDefaultAudienceUriModeaudienceUriModeget_ListenUriModeset_ListenUriModelistenUriModeBCryptGetFipsAlgorithmModeopenModeget_Enc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odeopcodescodeGetBadRequestResponseMessageWithContentTypeAndTransfermodenodeid139_XmlSchemaIncludeid25_includesupportingSessionTokenToExcludedeferredFreeVirtualFreebufferToFreeNetApiBufferFreePruneTreeget_IsFirstReceiveOfTransactedReceiveScopeTreeset_IsFirstReceiveOfTransactedReceiveScopeTreeIntervalTreeintervalTreeRemoveIntervalFromTreeAddIntervalToTreefixupTreeQueryTreeStringConcatThreeReadSubtreeBlobSafeCsAddrInfoSafeset_TimeoutIsSafetimeoutIsSafeCriticalAllocHandleWsaQuerySetSafeFromWsaQuerySetSafeToWsaQuerySetSafeSspiExcludePackageAuthenticationPackageSecurityPackagepackageSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.BindToStorageWriteToolUsageget_TransportUsageset_TransportUsageValidateWebSocketTransportUsageWebSocketCannotCreateRequestClientChannelWithCertainWebSocketTransportUsagetransportUsageget_LastUsageset_LastUsagelastUsageget_KeyUsageset_KeyUsageInvalidBearerKeyUsageSecurityKeyUsageTraceCodeDroppedAMessageIMessageCSRefusedUnexpectedElementAtEndOfCSMessageMsmqCannotDeserializeActiveXMessageSFxCannotImportAsParameters_Messageget_Messageset_MessageXmlSchemaMessagecccMessageRedirectGenericMessageRetryGenericMessageasyncMessageReadMessageLoadMessageEndAddMessageInternalAddMessageBeginAddMessageProcessSequencedMessageEndFloodEncodedMessageBeginFloodEncodedMessageencodedMessageOnFloodedMessageget_SecurityVerifiedMessagesecurityVerifiedMessageunverifiedMessageget_SecurityAppliedMessageReadStreamedMessageEndWriteStreamedMessageHandleWriteStreamedMessageOnWriteStreamedMessageBeginWriteStreamedMessageonWriteStreamedMessageStartWritingStreamedMessageOneWayOperationReturnedMessageReceiveShutdownReturnedMessageCanImportWrappedMessageTryImportWrappedMessageTraceDroppedMessageMsmqDroppedMessageAddGeneratedTypedMessageFindGeneratedTypedMessagegenerateTypedMessageSFxInvalidStreamInTypedMessageWrapTypedMessageget_IsTypedMessageget_TypeOfUntypedMessagetypeOfUntypedMessageget_IsUntypedMessageTraceCodeChannelPreparedMessageReadBufferedMessageReadChunkedBufferedMessageDecodeBufferedMessageHandleWriteBufferedMessageOnWriteBufferedMessageonWriteBufferedMessageSerializeBufferedMessageStartWritingBufferedMessageUnsignedToHeaderInTransportSecuredMessagesecuredMessageget_ProcessedMessageMsmqRejectedMessageEndSendAckRequestedMessageBeginSendAckRequestedMessageCreateAckRequestedMessageEndFloodReceivedMessageBeginFloodReceivedMessageMoveReceivedMessageDropOrRejectReceivedMessageProcessDemuxedMessageTraceCodeWsrmInvalidMessageOnWriteEndMessageMQSendMessageOnConnectionEndSendMessageOnConnectionBeginSendMessageOnConnectionSendMessagesendMessageFindMessageIMethodMessageSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.EndFloodMessageSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.BeginFloodMessageSFxParameterMustBeMessageSFxResultMustBeMessageTraceCodeWsrmSendSequenceMessageTraceCodeWsrmReceiveSequenceMessageTraceCodeWsrmSendLastSequenceMessageTraceCodeWsrmReceiveLastSequenceMessagePeerTransportSecurityModeMessageDecodeMessageEncodeMessageShouldExcludeMessageMetadataOffHelpPageMessageMetadataOnHelpPageMessageSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IMsmqMessagePool.TakeMessageUnsupportedWSDLOnlyOneMessagePrepareMessageget_LogEntireMessageset_LogEntireMessageget_ResponseMessageset_ResponseMessageGetUpgradeRequiredResponseMessageGetWebSocketAcceptedResponseMessageEndSendCloseResponseMessageBeginSendCloseResponseMessagependingCloseResponseMessagecloseResponseMessageCreateTerminateResponseMessageHttpPipelineNotSupportNullResponseMessageget_HttpResponseMessageset_HttpResponseMessageConfigureHttpResponseMessageCreateHttpResponseMessageinternalServerErrorHttpResponseMessagehttpResponseMessageGetBadRequestResponseMessageresponseMessageEndSendCloseMessageBeginSendCloseMessagePrepareCloseMessageCreateCloseMessageThrowIfSecureConversationCloseMessageautoCloseMessageProcessCloseMessageCheckResultAndEnsureNotCloseMessagecloseMessageTryValidateMessageInvalidReaderPositionOnCreateMessageTryCreateMessageCreateTerminateMessageDeleteMessageCompleteMessageOnEndWriteMessageHandleWriteMessageOnWriteMessageOnBeginWriteMessageonWriteMessageExecuteMessageMsmqRetryQueueMessageretryQueueMessageEnqueueMessageMQReceiveMessageOnReceiveMessageMQMoveMessageTryMoveMessageget_PreserveMessageset_PreserveMessagepreserveMessageShouldSerializeMessageget_EndOfMessageWriteEndOfMessageGetPendingMessagependingMessageget_IncomingMessageSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerNodeMessageHandling.HandleIncomingMessageEndParseIncomingMessageHandleParseIncomingMessageCompleteParseIncomingMessageOnParseIncomingMessageBeginParseIncomingMessageSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerNodeMessageHandling.ValidateIncomingMessageOnIncomingMessageDnsIdentityCheckFailedForIncomingMessageonProcessIncomingMessageEndVerifyIncomingMessageBeginVerifyIncomingMessageincomingMessageSFxNoEndpointMatchingAddressForConnectionOpeningMessagewarningMessageRecordOutgoingMessageEndSecureOutgoingMessageBeginSecureOutgoingMessageOnOutgoingMessageDnsIdentityCheckFailedForOutgoingMessageProcessOutgoingMessageGetNextOutgoingMessagenextOutgoingMessageStringMessageActivityProcessingMessageDelegatingMessageSendTerminatingMessageImpersonatingMessageFinishWritingMessageFailedToLogMessageServiceHealthMessageCreateAckMessageTryRelockMessageUnlockMessageStampInitialMessageNotTransactionalMessagewsdlMessageSFxExpectedIMethodCallMessageOnReadNullMessageOnReceiveNullMessageisNullMessageMsmqCannotDeserializeXmlMessageProtectProtocolMessageDecodeSessiongramMessageReadTransactionDataFromMessageTraceCodeContextProtocolContextRetrievedFromMessageGetHttpResponseMessageFromMessageGetHttpRequestMessageFromMessageremoveFromMessageGetChannelBindingFromMessageExtractSessionInformationFromMessageReadTransactionFromMessageGetPropertiesFromMessageCopyPropertiesFromMessageGetHeadersFromMessageGetOperationPerformanceCountersFromMessageAddOrReplaceInMessageUnableToFindSecurityHeaderInMessageNoSessionTokenPresentInMessageSFxTryAddMultipleTransactionsOnMessageFaultOnMessageAbandonMessageDetermineCloseOutputSessionMessageneedToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessageSecureApplicationMessageInvalidActionForNegotiationMessageCreateWsdlOperationMessagewsdlOperationMessageGetOperationMessageoperationMessageGetExceptionMessageexceptionMessageServiceDescriptionMessageCheckAndHandlePoisonMessageMsmqPoisonMessagePatternMessageSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IMsmqMessagePool.ReturnMessageIMethodReturnMessageSingleReturnMessageCreateReturnMessageWriteTransactionDataToMessageTryAddToMessageTraceCodeContextProtocolContextAddedToMessageAddSessionInformationToMessageWriteTransactionToMessageAddPropertiesToMessageAddHeadersToMessageAddAmbientActivityToMessageCreateDiscoMessageWrapMessageStampMessageDecodeMsmqMessageNativeMsmqMessagemsmqMessagemaxPooledXmlReaderPerMessagemaxPooledXmlReadersPerMessageCreateHeaderMessageget_InnerMessagecanDelegateCreateBufferedCopyToInnerMessageWrapInnerMessageinnerMessageBodyWriterMessageOperationFormatterMessageEndWaitForMessageBeginWaitForMessageAppendUnImportedPolicyErrorMessageerrorMessageEndAsMessageProcessMessageFormatMessageCreateRedirectMessageTransportDoesNotProtectMessageCreateGetMessageSetMessageget_FaultMessageFaultConverterCreatedFaultMessageFaultConverterDidNotCreateFaultMessageOnTryCreateFaultMessageCreateSessionDemuxFaultMessageGetDefaultMessageCreateAcknowledgmentMessageXmlDocumentMessageeventMessageDecryptMessageEncryptMessageOnWriteStartMessageAbortMessageCanImportMessageExportMessageget_LastMessagelastMessageget_RequestMessageset_RequestMessageCreateRequestMessageSFxSecurityContextPropertyMissingFromRequestMessageNullSessionRequestMessageget_HttpRequestMessageset_HttpRequestMessageConfigureHttpRequestMessageSetHttpRequestMessagehttpRequestMessageSetRequestMessagerequestMessagefirstMessageWSTrustMessageCreateRequestTimedOutMessageEnqueueCalloutMessageMsmqIntegrationInputMessageMsmqInputMessageMsmqIntegrationOutputMessagenextMessageget_ContextMessageset_ContextMessageEnqueueNewMessageisNewMessageProcessDuplexMessageunImportedPolicyMessageContentOnlyMessagePrepareReplyMessagereplyMessageCanImportAnyMessageTryImportAnyMessageExportAnyMessageSendUtilityMessageMsmqEmptyMessageSFxInvalidMessageBodyEmptyMessageumessageEndParseIncomingMesssageusageget_CookieRenewalThresholdPercentageset_CookieRenewalThresholdPercentagecookieRenewalThresholdPercentageget_IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentageset_IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentageissuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentageget_ServiceTokenValidityThresholdPercentageset_ServiceTokenValidityThresholdPercentagedefaultServiceTokenValidityThresholdPercentageserviceTokenValidityThresholdPercentageget_Languageset_LanguagestrQueryLanguagequeryLanguagelanguageFlushAcknowledgeacknowledgeMicrosoft.Transactions.BridgeDiagnosticSourceBridgePrivilegeprivilegeFilterQuotaRangeAddRangeInvalidSequenceRangeRemoveRangeMessageSecurityVersionOutOfRangeSFxMaximumResolvedReferencesOutOfRangeWebHeaderArgumentOutOfRangeMillisecondsNotConvertibleToBindingRangeValueMustBeInRangeIsInRangeMaxReceivedMessageSizeMustBeInIntegerRangeMsmqSessionGramSizeMustBeInIntegerRangeAcknowledgementRangenewRangeQueryRangeNetworkChangeOnIPAddressChangeFireAddressChangeOnAddressChangeSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.GetTimeOfLastChangeSfxReflectedContractKeyNotFoundIMetadataExchangeCompareExchangeMsExchangeEnsureCertificateCanDoKeyExchangeSslCertMayNotDoKeyExchangeCanKeyDoKeyExchangeBinaryExchangerangeSecurityNegotiationMessageTooLargeFramingSizeTooLargeMsmqTimeSpanTooLargeBinaryEncoderSessionTooLargeIsTooLargeGeneralMergeget_CanMergepropertyToMergeUnmergeTimerBasedPurgeAccessBasedPurgeShouldPurgeTraceFaultAndGetResponseMessasgeSystem.Net.Cacheget_CacheMethodDataCachemethodDataCacheTimeBoundedCacheCounterSetInstanceCachecounterSetInstanceCacheget_NonceCacheset_NonceCacheInMemoryNonceCachenonceCachePipeNameCachepipeNameCachecreateGenericTaskDelegateCachestateCacheresolveCacheOnItemAgedOutOfCachefactoryRefCacheClientBaseChannelFactoryAgedOutofCachecredentialHashCacheRefreshCacheFlushCacheget_UriCacheuriCacheaccessCheckCacheCredentialCachereferralCacheTraceCodeDICPInstanceContextRemovedFromCacheRemoveSessionTokenFromCacheRemoveFactoryFromCacheLookupInCacheSystem.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens.ISecurityContextSecurityTokenCacheProvider.TokenCacheSystem.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens.ISecurityContextSecurityTokenCacheProvider.get_TokenCacheTryAddTokenCacheSetWrappedTokenCachewrappedTokenCacheget_IssuedTokenCacheset_IssuedTokenCacheissuedTokenCacheTryRemoveTokenCacheFlushLogonTokenCachelogonTokenCacheget_SessionTokenCachesessionTokenCacheTryGetTokenCacheSecuritySessionRequiresSecurityContextTokenCacheCleanUpRsaSecurityTokenCacheget_SessionSecurityTokenCacheISecurityContextSecurityTokenCacheDerivedKeySecurityTokenCache_tokenCacheWsatExtendedInformationCacheWsatIncomingTransactionCacheFlushPartitionCacheAddToCacheindexToCacheTryAddChannelFactoryToCacheget_HeaderInfoCacheheaderInfoCachelookupCacheCleanupCacheClearCacheHopperCacheEmitterCacheDnsCacheRedirectCachesctCacheAddingAuthenticatedResponseToOutputCacheAddingResponseToOutputCacheNewCachecredentialCacheUriPrefixCacheTryCachecacheencodedCookieLockCookieCreateSecurityContextFromCookieHttpCookieCheckForCookieInvalidSecurityContextCookieBasicHttpContextBindingRequiresAllowCookieTrietriewieMakeTakeInitiateHandShakeget_SendCloseHandshakesendCloseHandshakeThrowInvalidOperation_UnexpectedSecurityTokensDuringHandshakeSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IPseudoDispatch.InvokeSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IProxyManager.InvokeDynamicInvokeEndInvokeBeforeInvokeBeginInvokeAfterInvokesecurityBindingElewszLocalelocaleHandleIsStaleSecuritySessionKeyIsStaleVerifyIdUniquenessInHeaderIdTableheaderIdTableforwardTableget_PolicySourceTablepolicySourceTablecacheTableget_NameTableXmlNameTablenameTabletypeTablereverseTableValidateTableUriTemplateTablebindingTableQueryBranchTablenonMatchTableConstructFastPathTablefastPathTablefunctionTableget_HeaderDescriptionTableMessageHeaderDescriptionTableCreateHeaderDescriptionTableSetHeaderDescriptionTableheaderDescriptionTablepartInfoTableget_TransportManagerTableget_StaticTransportManagerTabletransportManagerTableget_EndpointDispatcherTabletimerTablemessageFilterTableCreateFilterTableSecuritySessionIdAlreadyPresentInFilterTableget_EndpointFilterTableset_EndpointFilterTableendpointFilterTablefilterTablexmlSerializerTableget_AddressTableGetAddressTableSetEndpointAddressTableaddressTableget_BodyPartsTablebodyPartsTableXmlSchemaObjectTableget_ResultTableresultTabletoNoHostTabletoHostTableassemblyTableget_Service2EntryTableset_Service2EntryTableservice2EntryTableget_EntryTableset_EntryTableentryTablePropertyTablepropertyTableIsReadableMsmqQueueNotReadableIsListenerExceptionNullOrHandleableIsHandleableIsWriteableMsmqDLQNotWriteablewriteableIsMoveableIXPathNavigableDestinationUnreachableget_VariableLoadVariableInvalidVariableSaveVariableResolveVariableAddPathVariablefirstNullablePathVariableAfterVariableSubExprVariableget_HasVariableCompileXsltVariablePushXsltVariableIXsltContextVariableAddQueryVariablevariableQueryMustBeSeekableServiceHealthBehavior_AvailableOnQuotaAvailableDynamicAvailableOnMessageAvailableAllocIfAvailableEnsureChannelAvailableOnConnectionAvailableget_IsPnrpAvailableisPnrpAvailableNoChannelBuilderAvailableget_ResolverAvailableFramingValueNotAvailablePeerPnrpNotAvailableWebSocketOpeningHandshakePropertiesNotAvailableUniquePortNotAvailableXPathUnavailableSharing_EndpointUnavailableget_IsNillableset_IsNillableisNillableSFxCannotImportAsParameters_ElementIsNotNillableid46_nillableIsTypeNullableisNullableEnableIsQueueOpenabletypeOfIEnumerableSecurityTokenSpecificationEnumerableSecurityTokenParametersEnumerableenumerableget_Durableset_DurabledurableDisableIID_IDisposableTDisposableIsParameterDisposableget_IsCompressableIsReusableSFxServiceTypeNotCreatableIStructuralEquatableHashtableConfiguredTaskAwaitablewritableQueryNotSortableget_IsWsdlExportableOperationIsExportableIsSettableThrowIfMutableMessagePartSpecificationMustBeImmutableUTDefaultValuesAreImmutableThrowIfImmutableThrowIfDisposedOrImmutableCachedContextIsImmutableisImmutableget_PacketRoutableset_PacketRoutablepacketRoutableArchivabletypeOfIQueryableAsQueryableisQueryableReadSerializableWriteSerializableIXmlSerializableIsTypeVisibleget_IsVisiblePartialTrustServiceMethodNotVisiblePartialTrustServiceCtorNotVisibleResolveTypeIfPossibleIsScopeIdCompatibleCheckIfCompatibleNameSamCompatibleIsCompatibleSFxOneWayAndTransactionsIncompatibleIConvertibleget_PreambleOnFailedPreambleEndSendPreambleBeginSendPreambleWriteMessagePreambleCreatePreambleEndCompletePreambleBeginCompletePreambleHandleWritePreambleOnWritePreambleonWritePreambleServerRejectedSessionPreambleEncodeSessionPreambleSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISessionPreambleHandler.HandleServerSessionPreambleOnHandleServerSessionPreambleEndCompleteSingletonPreambleBeginCompleteSingletonPreambleget_SuppressPreambleset_SuppressPreambleUtf8WithoutPreamblepreambleWriteMessagePostambleget_Doubleset_DoublePushDoublePeekDoubleToDoubleReadElementContentAsDoubleGetDoubleget_Particleset_ParticleXmlSchemaParticleget_CanRecyclebufferToRecycleOnIdleonIdleIsIdleNotifyIdlemiddleidleGCHandleget_HandleCriticalAllocHandleThreadHandlethreadHandlepinnedHandleinputSessionClosedHandlecompletedHandleget_InvalidHandleRuntimeFieldHandleBindHandleget_MethodHandleRuntimeMethodHandleSafeServiceHandleCloseServiceHandlehSourceHandleCloseInvalidOutSafeHandlesafeHandleIsErrorDueToStaleHandleSafeViewOfFileHandlefileHandleGetModuleHandlePipeHandlepipeHandleRuntimeTypeHandleCertificateStoreHandleReleaseHandleSafeCloseHandleinputSessionCloseHandleoutputSessionCloseHandlecloseHandleStoreCertificateHandleExtractCertificateHandleDuplicateHandlesourceQueueHandledestinationQueueHandleMsmqQueueHandleSafeFileMappingHandleSafeHGlobalHandleCloseInvalidOutCriticalHandleget_GetTypeFromHandlegetTypeFromHandleSafeTokenHandletokenHandleRegistrationHandleshutdownHandleCriticalLookupHandleproviderHandlebufferHandleKeyContainerHandlecursorHandleidsHandlenativePropertiesHandleget_CredentialsHandleFreeCredentialsHandleAcquireCredentialsHandleownCredentialsHandleGetCredentialsHandlecredentialsHandleownsHandlehSourceProcessHandlehTargetProcessHandleprocessHandlevariantsHandleget_AlwaysHandlealwaysHandleDangerousGetHandleSetHandlelpTargetHandlesocketHandleSystem.IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandleSystem.IAsyncResult.get_AsyncWaitHandleRegisteredWaitHandleget_SafeWaitHandleCloseWaitHandleSetWaitHandleEventWaitHandlewaitHandleSafeSecurityAuditHandlebInheritHandleinheritHandleget_EventHandleeventHandleabortHandleKeyHandlereplyHandleSafeLoadLibraryHandleSafeLibraryHandleRegistryHandlehandleMatchSingleToSingleCurrentOrSingleget_IsSingleisSingleReadFileullTotalPageFileullAvailPageFileCreateFilehTemplateFileWriteFileUnexpectedEndOfFileXmlFoundEndOfFileMapViewOfFileUnmapViewOfFileIsEtwProviderIdFromConfigFilehFileSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IChannelCredentials.SetDefaultServiceCertificateFromFileSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IChannelCredentials.SetClientCertificateFromFilebstrApplicationFileQueryApplicationFileget_ConfigurationFileGenerateManifestCollectionFileAsmCreateWin32ManifestFileGenerateWin32ManifestFileSystemWebMobileMicrosoftVSDesignerMobileprofileneedCompileEnsureCompileTraceCodeWebHostFailedToCompileFilterCouldNotCompileMsmqVolatileMsmqNoAssurancesForVolatileIsVolatileEnlistVolatileCreateFloodRoleIsUserInRoleIsInRoleFaultRoleroleget_Multipleset_MultipleSFxXmlArrayNotAllowedForMultipleisMultiplemultiplePeerFlooderSimpleTupleAtom10Titleget_Titleset_TitleSFxDocExt_MainPageTitleWriteTitleWriteSectionTitletitleget_Throttleset_Throttleget_QuotaThrottleEnsureQuotaThrottlequotaThrottleenteredThrottleget_ServiceThrottleset_ServiceThrottleFormatServiceThrottleget_InstanceContextServiceThrottleset_InstanceContextServiceThrottleinstanceContextServiceThrottleserviceThrottleAcceptAndAcquireThrottleTryAcquireThrottleTryAcquireCallThrottlevalidateUriCallThrottleChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottleOnEnterThrottleBeginEnterThrottleonEnterThrottlerequestWaitingForThrottleIFlooderForThrottleget_HasThrottleset_HasThrottlerequiresThrottleFormatThrottleacquireInstanceContextThrottleMessageRpcOwnsInstanceContextThrottleChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottleinstanceContextThrottleFlowThrottlethrottleSecurityTokenParameterInclusionModeRuleSecurityVersionSupportForThumbprintKeyIdentifierClauseRuleMissingClientCertificateRuleIssuedKeySizeCompatibilityWithAlgorithmSuiteRuleSecurityVersionSupportForEncryptedKeyBindingRuleMessageSecurityAndManualAddressingRuleS4UImpersonationRuleUsernameImpersonationRuleAddAccessRuleEventWaitHandleAccessRuleCookieAndSessionProtectionRequirementsRuleUnknownHeaderProtectionRequirementsRuleContractProtectionRequirementsRuleSoapOverSecureTransportRequirementsRuleBearerKeyTypeIssuanceRequirementRuleWindowsIdentitySupportRuleSecurityBindingSupportForOneWayOnlyRuleNoStreamingWithSecurityRuleScheduleget_ModuleDefineDynamicModulehModuleget_MainModuleSerializationModuleProcessModuleauthzModuleget_Styleset_StyleIsRpcStyleinferredStyleget_X509ReferenceStyleset_X509ReferenceStyledefaultX509ReferenceStylex509ReferenceStyleget_ReferenceStyleset_ReferenceStyleget_AllowedReferenceStyleallowedReferenceStylewrappingTokenReferenceStyleGetTokenReferenceStyleSecurityTokenReferenceStyletokenReferenceStyledefaultReferenceStylereferenceStyleSoapBindingStyledefaultBindingStyleSetOperationStyleValidateOperationFormatStyleGetStylestyleWssX509V3Token10NameWssUsernameToken10NameWss10NameTrust10NameWssGssKerberosV5ApReqToken11NameWss11NameBasic192NameTrust13NameBasic192Rsa15NameBasic192Sha256Rsa15NameBasic256Sha256Rsa15NameBasic128Sha256Rsa15NameTripleDesSha256Rsa15NameBasic256Rsa15NameBasic128Rsa15NameTripleDesRsa15NameBasic192Sha256NameBasic256Sha256NameBasic128Sha256NameTripleDesSha256NameBasic256NameBasic128NameIsValidNCNameInvalidNCNameIsNCNameGetNCNameVerifyNCNameget_QNameInvalidQNamewsdlServiceQNameserviceQNameNodeQNamewsdlPortTypeQNameGetPortTypeQNameportTypeQNameParseQNameTokenizeQNamewsdlBindingQNameGetBindingQNamebindingQNameMatchQNameUnboundPrefixInQNameGetUnhandledExtensionQNameexpectedAppliesToQNameGetAppliesToQNameProblemHeaderQNameGetAttributeValueAsQNameGetValueAsQNameReadContentAsQNameGetQNameXNameget_Nameset_Nameget_WebNameDsGetDcNamelpProcNameprocNameSvcIdNameget_DecodedNameget_EncodedNameValidateEncodedNameGetEncodedNameget_X500DistinguishedNameget_DistinguishedNameget_QualifiedNameWriteQualifiedNameInvalidXmlQualifiedNameReadContentAsQualifiedNameget_AssemblyQualifiedNamefullyQualifiedNamequalifiedNameContextManagementEnabledNameStreamedNamewrappedNameset_FieldNameSplitIntoPrefixAndNameMustNotSendAmendNameSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiMethodContext.MethodNameSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiMethodContext.get_MethodNameinvokeAsyncMethodNameGetEventAsyncMethodNameGetOperationCompletedMethodNameTransportUsageMethodNamelogicalMethodNameGetEndOperationMethodNameGetBeginOperationMethodNamegetDefaultValueForInitializationMethodNamestrMethodNameGetMethodNameTaskAsAsyncResultMethodNameraiseExceptionIfNecessaryMethodNamewszMethodNamemethodNamemodNamenotUnderstoodNameGlobalCloudNamecloudNameinterfaceNameget_NamespaceNametraceNamePrivacyNoticeNameServiceHealthBehavior_ServiceNameget_ServiceNameTcpPortSharingServiceNameNamedPipeActivationServiceNameTcpActivationServiceNameMsmqActivationServiceNameSFxDocExt_MainPageTitleNoServiceNamelpServiceNamebstrServiceNameGetServiceNameDefaultServiceNameserviceNameget_InstanceNameset_InstanceNamelpszServiceInstanceNameEnsureUniqueInstanceNameGetUniqueInstanceNameGetFullInstanceNamefullInstanceNameGetOperationCounterInstanceNameGetShortInstanceNameinputInstanceNameCreateFriendlyInstanceNameGetFriendlyInstanceNameinstanceNameRequireIssuerSerialReferenceNameRequireInternalReferenceNameRequireExternalReferenceNameRequireKeyIdentifierReferenceNameRequireThumbprintReferenceNameMessageTraceSourceNametraceSourceNameget_EventSourceNamebaseEventSourceNameApplicationEventSourceNameSecurityEventSourceNameszEventSourceNameeventSourceNameget_CodeNameget_NodeNameDecodeNameclientPackageNamepszPackageNameget_MessageNameset_MessageNameGetUniqueMessageNameGetOperationMessageNameGetHeaderMessageNameGetMessageNameGetFaultMessageNamemessageNameget_TwoLetterISOLanguageNameHttpUseCookieNameContextHttpCookieNameget_VariableNameget_FileNamelpwLibFileNamebstrPartitionFileNamelpFileNamebstrFileNameGetFileNamestrAssemblyManifestFileNamemanifestFileNamefileNameThrottleNamelpModuleNamemoduleNameNameNameSFxMultipleContractsWithSameNameSFxTooManyPartsWithSameNameget_MachineNamelpMachineNamemachineNameNoneNameget_PipeNameBuildPipeNameGetPipeNamepipeNameget_ScopeNameset_ScopeNamescopeNameSystem.Runtime.Remoting.IRemotingTypeInfo.TypeNameSystem.Runtime.Remoting.IRemotingTypeInfo.get_TypeNameSystem.Runtime.Remoting.IRemotingTypeInfo.set_TypeNameget_SchemaTypeNameset_SchemaTypeNameGenericMessageSchemaTypeNameGetSchemaTypeNameStreamBodySchemaTypeNamenamespaceQualifiedTypeNameget_XsdTypeNameset_XsdTypeNameget_ServiceTypeNameset_ServiceTypeNameGenericMessageTypeNameHashAlgorithmNameTypeNameset_BaseTypeNameendOperationDelegateTypeNamebeginOperationDelegateTypeNameGenerateTypeNameDSACngTypeNameRSACngTypeNameRSASignaturePaddingTypeNameRSAEncryptionPaddingTypeNameitemTypeNametransportConfigurationTypeNameExceptionTypeNameOuterTypeNameinvokeAsyncCompletedEventArgsTypeNameGetOperationCompletedEventArgsTypeNameGetTypeNamedetailElementTypeNameStreamBodyTypeNametypeNameget_StoreNameset_StoreNameDefaultStoreNamedefaultStoreNamestoreNameEncryptSignatureNamelpDatabaseNameFalseNameGetBodyWrapperResponseNameRequireClientCertificateNameGetOperationCompletedDelegateNameGetEndOperationDelegateNameGetBeginOperationDelegateNameRequestSecurityTokenTemplateNameTranslateNameget_SiteNameset_SiteNamesiteNameAlgorithmSuiteNameTraceTimeAttributeNamePrivacyNoticeVersionAttributeNameattributeNameget_QueueNameAppendQueueNameToSystemMessagingQueueNameGenerateLockQueueNamelockQueueNamemainQueueNamepoisonQueueNameExtractQueueNameGetQueueNameretryQueueNamesubqueueNameGetReturnValueNamereturnValueNamelpValueNamevalueNameGetUniqueNameTrueNameShouldSerializeNameget_RefNameset_RefNameMaxConcurrentInstancesConfigNameMaxConcurrentCallsConfigNameMaxConcurrentSessionsConfigNameconfigNameget_BindingNameset_BindingNameSymmetricBindingNameAsymmetricBindingNameConfigInvalidBindingNameoldBindingNameNamedPipeBindingNameTcpBindingNameHttpBindingNameHttpsBindingNameGetBindingNameTransportBindingNamenetTcpContextBindingNamebasicHttpContextBindingNamewsHttpContextBindingNamenewBindingNamebindingNameget_EncodingNameMtomEncodingNameBinaryEncodingNameEncryptBeforeSigningNameRequireFederatedIdentityProvisioningNameAsyncStateArgNameAsyncCallbackArgNameGetInArgNameGetArgNameAsyncResultArgNameGetOutArgNameargNameswitchNamemeshNameget_DeadLetterQueuePathNamedeadLetterQueuePathNameRuntimeInstallPathNamelpBinaryPathNamepathNameTryParseFrameworkNameget_TargetFrameworkNameParseTargetFrameworkNameframeworkNameGetLogicalNameget_LocalNamechildLocalNameEncodeLocalNamevalueTypeLocalNameidAttributeLocalNameIndexOfLocalNameIsAsciiLocalNamexsiNilLocalNameGetLocalNameNodesetLocalNamelocalNameCreateWsspAssertionMustSupportRefIssuerSerialName_mustSupportRefIssuerSerialNameOptionalNameget_ServicePrincipalNameNameServicePrincipalNameGetServicePrincipalNameservicePrincipalNameget_UserPrincipalNameNameUserPrincipalNameserverPrincipalNameclientPrincipalNameprincipalNamevalNameGetAnyWsdlNameMustNotSendCancelNameContextProtectionLevelNameGetUpnFromDownlevelNamedownlevelNameEmailNamedetailNamebstrDllNamebstrCollNamecollNameget_FullNameget_PackageFullNameset_PackageFullNamepackageFullNamePackageFamilyNameFromFullNamefullNameget_XmlNamexmlNameget_ProtocolNameprotocolNameclientToolNameparamNameGetArrayItemNameitemNamelpSystemNamesystemNamehashAlgorithmNamealgorithmNameGetRandomNameProtocolFromNameContextExchangeMechanismNameX509TokenNameRsaTokenNameIssuedTokenNameIncludeTokenNameUsernameTokenNameKeyValueTokenNameSecureConversationTokenNameProtectionTokenNameInitiatorTokenNameKerberosTokenNameHttpsTokenNameRecipientTokenNameTransportTokenNameSslContextTokenNameSpnegoContextTokenNameEncryptAndSignNamecchReferencedDomainNamereferencedDomainNameNameDnsDomainNamedomainNameConfigDuplicateExtensionNameextensionNameReliableSessionNamebstrApplicationNameHttpBasicAuthenticationNameBasicHttpAuthenticationNameNegotiateHttpAuthenticationNameNtlmHttpAuthenticationNameDigestHttpAuthenticationNameHttpDigestAuthenticationNameCorrelationNameRequireSignatureConfirmationNameget_OperationNameterminatingOperationNameGetWsdlOperationNameGetOperationNameDefaultOperationNameoperationNameget_ConfigurationNameset_ConfigurationNameserviceConfigurationNameShouldSerializeConfigurationNameget_BindingConfigurationNameset_BindingConfigurationNameConfigInvalidBindingConfigurationNamebindingConfigurationNameendpointConfigurationNameconfigurationNameUseManagedPresentationNameClientViaSectionNameDiagnosticSectionNamePrivacyNoticeSectionNameNetPipeSectionNameSynchronousReceiveSectionNameBindingSectionNamebindingSectionNameMtomMessageEncodingSectionNameTextMessageEncodingSectionNameBinaryMessageEncodingSectionNameTransactedBatchingSectionNameServiceMetadataPublishingSectionNameServiceThrottlingSectionNameProtocolMappingSectionNameServiceDebugSectionNameCallbackDebugSectionNameServiceHealthSectionNameReliableSessionSectionNameMsmqIntegrationSectionNameUseManagedPresentationSectionNameDispatcherSynchronizationSectionNameServiceAuthorizationSectionNameUnrecognizedPolicyAssertionSectionNameNetTcpSectionNameServiceAuthenticationManagerSectionNamePnrpPeerResolverSectionNameDataContractSerializerSectionNameServicesSectionNameWebSocketSettingsSectionNameCommonBehaviorsSectionNameComContractsSectionNameStandardEndpointsSectionNameServiceSecurityAuditSectionNameClientSectionNameServiceHostingEnvironmentSectionNameendpointSectionNameNamedPipeTransportSectionNameTcpTransportSectionNameUdpTransportSectionNameHttpTransportSectionNameMsmqTransportSectionNamePeerTransportSectionNameHttpsTransportSectionNameTransactionFlowSectionNameCompositeDuplexSectionNameOneWaySectionNameSslStreamSecuritySectionNameWindowsStreamSecuritySectionNamebindingCollectionNameget_ExtensionCollectionNameset_ExtensionCollectionNameextensionCollectionNamebstrCollectionNameDefaultCollectionNameendpointCollectionNamecollectionNamesectionNamefunctionNameGetPartitionNameCurrentPartitionNameSocketOptionNameassertionNamespnNameupnNameReturnNameSFxInvalidWsdlBindingOpNoNamedispToNameCertStrToNamelpNameIncludeTimestampNamebstrPropNamepropNameIndigoAppNameappNameget_GroupNameset_GroupNameget_ConnectionPoolGroupNameconnectionPoolGroupNameBindingsSectionGroupNameget_ConnectionGroupNameset_ConnectionGroupNameGetConnectionGroupNamegroupNameqNamebstrSrcApplicationIDOrNamebstrSourceApplicationIDOrNamebstrDestinationApplicationIDOrNamebstrApplicationIDOrNamebstrDestApplicationIDOrNamebstrSourcePartitionIDOrNamebstrDestinationPartitionIDOrNamebstrPartitionIDOrNamebstrApplIdOrNameget_VarNamevarNameget_MemberNameset_MemberNamememberNameget_HeaderNameinvalidHeaderNameget_IssuedTokensHeaderNameUniqueEndpointHeaderNameCallbackContextHeaderNameheaderNameget_ProviderNameget_RoleProviderNameset_RoleProviderNameroleProviderNameget_MembershipProviderNameset_MembershipProviderNamemembershipProviderNameNsProviderNamewcfproviderNamePnrpDuplicatePeerNamepeerNamewszQualifierNameCreateWsspAssertionMustSupportRefKeyIdentifierName_mustSupportRefKeyIdentifierNametimerNameDefaultTraceListenerNameDeriveAppContainerSidFromAppContainerNameappContainerNameget_KeyContainerNamekeyContainerNamecontainerNameget_WrapperNameset_WrapperNameget_IsValidateRpcWrapperNamevalidateRpcWrapperNameresponseWrapperNameGetWrapperNameSetWrapperNameSFxCannotImportAsParameters_DifferentWrapperNamerequestWrapperNamewrapperNameget_UserNameset_UserNameuserNameGetUniqueParameterNameMatchOperationParameterNameparameterNameset_CounterNameperfCounterNameget_OuterNameouterNameGetComputerNamecomputerNameX509IssuerNameServiceBehaviorNamebehaviorNameInvalidOperatorNamepstrNamebindingAttrNameattrNameTripleDesNameGetAxisNameEqualsNamednsNameMustSupportIssuedTokensNameSignedSupportingTokensNameSignedEncryptedSupportingTokensNameSignedEndorsingSupportingTokensNameget_ClassNamesuperClassNamepstrClassNameGetClassNameGetClientClassNameclassNameServiceHealthBehavior_ProcessNameget_ProcessNameset_ProcessNameGetProcessNameprocessNameClientCallbackAddressNameSignedPartsNameEncryptedPartsNameszSxsNameRequireImpliedDerivedKeysNameRequireDerivedKeysNameRequireExplicitDerivedKeysNameget_FormatNameresponseFormatNameMQPathNameToFormatNameUriToFormatNameMsmqFormatNameGetFormatNameformatNameget_ContractNameset_ContractNameServiceContractNameserviceContractNameComContractNameGetContractNameDefaultContractNameMexContractNameGetAnyContractNamecontractNameverifyObjectNameobjectNameget_SubjectNamesubjectNameStrictNameGetNametargetNameNodesetNameget_SenderFaultNamesenderFaultNameget_ReceiverFaultNamereceiverFaultNameDefaultNamedefaultNameClientNameclientNameget_ElementNameset_ElementNameset_AddElementNameIsManagedElementNameMethodElementNameMessageLogTraceRecordElementNameget_XsdElementNameStatusCodeElementNameTypeElementNameget_OpeningElementNameQueryStringElementNameAddressingElementNamePeerHashTokenElementNamePeerTokenElementNameRequestedSecurityTokenElementNameConfigInvalidExtensionElementNamechildExtensionElementNameLocationElementNameget_ConfigurationElementNameset_ConfigurationElementNameGetConfigurationElementNameconfigurationElementNameNetNamedPipeBindingCollectionElementNameMexNamedPipeBindingCollectionElementNameCustomBindingCollectionElementNameMsmqIntegrationBindingCollectionElementNameNetPeerTcpBindingCollectionElementNameNetTcpBindingCollectionElementNameMexTcpBindingCollectionElementNameUdpBindingCollectionElementNameWS2007HttpBindingCollectionElementNameWSHttpBindingCollectionElementNameBasicHttpBindingCollectionElementNameWSDualHttpBindingCollectionElementNameWS2007FederationHttpBindingCollectionElementNameWSFederationHttpBindingCollectionElementNameNetHttpBindingCollectionElementNameMexHttpBindingCollectionElementNameNetMsmqBindingCollectionElementNameBasicHttpsBindingCollectionElementNameNetHttpsBindingCollectionElementNameMexHttpsBindingCollectionElementNameMexStandardEndpointCollectionElementNameRedirectionElementNameStatusDescriptionElementNameMessageHeaderElementNameouterElementNamePeerAuthenticatorElementNameWebHeadersElementNameMessageHeadersElementNameAddressElementNameaddressElementNameget_FaultContractElementNamefaultContractElementNameGetElementNameHopCountElementNameGetRootElementNameRequestElementNameBodyElementNameHttpResponseMessagePropertyElementNameHttpRequestMessagePropertyElementNameelementNameargumentNameparentNameGetOperationCompletedEventNamesecurityEventNameeventNameget_EndpointNameConfigInvalidEndpointNameGetEndpointNameendpointNameCreateWsspAssertionMustSupportRefThumbprintName_mustSupportRefThumbprintNameLookupAccountNameaccountNameactivityIdSlotNamerootNameget_PartNameget_UniquePartNameset_UniquePartNameuniquePartNameget_SpecialPartNamespecialPartNameGetPartNamepartNamelpServiceStartNameGetPortNameportNameLaxTsLastNameget_RequestNamerequestNameget_HostNameWhereaboutsInvalidHostNameoldHostNameWhereaboutsNoHostNameTryGetHostNamenewHostNamehostNameLaxTsFirstNametrustNameLayoutNamePasswordTextNameIncludeContextNameprovNameMustNotSendRenewNameLaxNameBindByNameSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IChannelCredentials.SetDefaultServiceCertificateFromStoreByNameSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IChannelCredentials.SetClientCertificateFromStoreByNameGetOperationByNameFindPartByNameSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IParseDisplayName.ParseDisplayNameSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.ParseDisplayNameIParseDisplayNamelpDisplayNameSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.GetDisplayNameppszDisplayNamedisplayNameBootstrapPolicyNameOnlySignEntireHeadersAndBodyNameget_CarriedKeyNamecarriedKeyNameCreateWsspAssertionMustSupportRefEncryptedKeyNamekeyNameQualifyNameAssemblyNameassemblyNameget_FriendlyNameget_AppDomainFriendlyNamefriendlyNamepackageFamilyNameDummyNameRequireServerEntropyNameRequireClientEntropyNameget_DictionaryNamedictionaryNameset_CategoryNamecategoryNameBuildSharedMemoryNameNamedPipeSharedMemoryNameTcpSharedMemoryNamesharedMemoryNameGetDirectoryNameSslTransportSecurityNameWindowsTransportSecurityNameAppendIdentityNameAppendCertificateIdentityNameGetRemoteIdentityNameGetIdentityNameget_CloseActivityNameget_OpenActivityNameactivityNameUTQueryCannotHaveEmptyNameaddressedPropertyNameNamespacePropertyNameConnectionGroupPrefixMessagePropertyNameNamePropertyNameProtectionLevelPropertyNameReplyActionPropertyNameInstanceThrottleAcquiredTimestampPropertyNameCallThrottleAcquiredTimestampPropertyNameInstanceThrottleWaitTimestampPropertyNameCallThrottleWaitTimestampPropertyNameOrderPropertyNameMessageBufferPropertyNamerequestReplyErrorPropertyNameMaxConcurrentInstancesPropertyNameMaxConcurrentCallsPropertyNameMaxConcurrentSessionsPropertyNamepropertyNamewszNameSameserviceQnamebindingQnamecontractQnamedetailElementQnameid45_namelibFilenamedllnameopnameqnameUnsafeGetUsernameusernameFixIpv6Hostnamehostnameget_FrameMsmqBadFramePushSequenceFramePopSequenceFramePushContextSequenceFramePopContextSequenceFrameEncodeMessageFramemessageFramePopValueFramePushFrameStackFramePopFrameStartFrameframeAtom10Schemeget_Schemeset_SchemeSFxMetadataExchangeClientCouldNotCreateChannelFactoryBadSchemeMsmqInvalidSchemeUuidSchemeBaseAddressDuplicateSchemeValidateSchemeInvalidBindingSchemeSFxEndpointNoMatchingSchemeEnsureContextExchangeMechanismCompatibleWithSchemeHttpRequiresSingleAuthSchemeHttpProxyRequiresSingleAuthSchemeauthSchemeInvalidUriSchemeget_AuthenticationSchemeset_AuthenticationSchemeMapToAuthenticationSchemeSelectAuthenticationSchemeIsDigestAuthenticationSchemeget_ProxyAuthenticationSchemeset_ProxyAuthenticationSchemeproxyAuthenticationSchemeauthenticationSchemeNormalizeWsSchemeWithHttpSchemeTryGetBindingForSchemeget_DirectSchemeSFxGetChannelDispatcherDoesNotSupportSchemeget_TransportSchemeset_TransportSchemetransportSchemerequestSchemeUriToFormatNameBySchemeget_UpdatePortsBySchemeset_UpdatePortsBySchemeupdatePortsBySchemeget_DefaultPortsBySchemedefaultPortsBySchemeschemeSystem.Net.MimeutcTimeaddTimeElapsedTimeget_LastUpdatedTimeset_LastUpdatedTimelastUpdatedTimeget_ArrivedTimeset_ArrivedTimearrivedTimeget_LastMovedTimelastMovedTimepEndTimedefaultLifeTimepFileTimeGetSystemTimeAsFileTimeget_MinUtcDateTimeget_MaxUtcDateTimeErrorParsingDateTimedwHighDateTimeToDateTimeMsmqDateTimeReadContentAsDateTimeReadElementContentAsDateTimedwLowDateTimedateTimedueTimeRequestorReceiveTimeget_EffectiveTimetokenEffectiveTimeget_KeyEffectiveTimekeyEffectiveTimeeffectiveTimeget_LastMoveTimelastMoveTimeget_MaxCookieCachingTimeset_MaxCookieCachingTimemaxCookieCachingTimeget_MaxIssuedTokenCachingTimeset_MaxIssuedTokenCachingTimemaxIssuedTokenCachingTimeget_MaxServiceTokenCachingTimeset_MaxServiceTokenCachingTimemaxServiceTokenCachingTimeget_DefaultClientMaxTokenCachingTimeUpdateContextCachingTimecachingTimeget_RemainingTimeremainingTimeToLocalTimeToUniversalTimeGetKeyRenewalTimekeyRenewalTimeSystemTimeset_VerificationTimeget_CreationTimecreationTimeget_InitiationTimeset_InitiationTimeUnknownInitiationTimeinitiationTimeRequestorIterationTimeSystem.ServiceModel.Security.TimeBoundedCache.IExpirableItem.ExpirationTimeSystem.ServiceModel.Security.TimeBoundedCache.IExpirableItem.get_ExpirationTimeRecordExpirationTimeGetServiceTokenEffectiveExpirationTimetokenExpirationTimeget_KeyExpirationTimeGetKeyExpirationTimekeyExpirationTimeexpirationTimeget_SpnLookupTimeset_SpnLookupTimespnLookupTimekeyRolloverTimeget_SentTimeset_SentTimesentTimeGetLastAttemptTimelastAttemptTimeget_StartTimeget_ServiceStartTimeset_ServiceStartTimeserviceStartTimeUpdateAsyncOperationContextWithStartTimeExtractAsyncOperationStartTimepStartTimeconnectStartTimestartTimeget_ExpiryTimeCreationTimeUtcIsAfterExpiryTimeget_KeyExpiryTimekeyExpiryTimeexpiryTimeretryTimeget_Lifetimeset_InstanceLifetimePerformanceCounterInstanceLifetimeinstanceLifetimeget_IssuedCookieLifetimeset_IssuedCookieLifetimeissuedCookieLifetimeTraceCodeServiceChannelLifetimedefaultServerIssuedTokenLifetimeget_ServiceTokenLifetimeset_ServiceTokenLifetimeserviceTokenLifetimeKeyLifetimeNotWithinTokenLifetimeget_CachedLogonTokenLifetimeset_CachedLogonTokenLifetimeDefaultCachedLogonTokenLifetimecachedLogonTokenLifetimeget_SessionTokenLifetimeset_SessionTokenLifetimedefaultSessionTokenLifetimesessionTokenLifetimedefaultServerIssuedTransitionTokenLifetimeget_DefaultTokenLifetimedefaultServerMaxNegotiationLifetimeget_RegistrationLifetimeset_RegistrationLifetimeregistrationLifetimeSetLifetimeTraceEndpointLifetimedwLifetimeSystem.RuntimeimmutableRuntimeInvalidateRuntimeHandleEndAfterInitializeRuntimehandleEndAfterInitializeRuntimeBeginAfterInitializeRuntimeProcessAfterInitializeRuntimeget_DispatchRuntimeset_DispatchRuntimeImmutableDispatchRuntimeget_CallbackDispatchRuntimedispatchRuntimeDispatchOperationRuntimeProxyOperationRuntimeSystemRuntimeWindowsRuntimeGetRuntimeget_ClientRuntimeImmutableClientRuntimeget_CallbackClientRuntimeclientRuntimeproxyRuntimeruntimeServiceHealthBehavior_Uptimeget_Uptimeset_UptimeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.WelcomeSendWelcomeResolveOutcomeResolveTransactionOutcomeoutcomeSignalConditionalResumeautoResumeresumeFindOneexistingOneWaitOneAtLeastOnenewOneReadNode_ExactlyOneAppendLineEmitSourceLineWriteLineErrorInLineget_NewLineCombineid138_XmlSchemaRedefineid26_redefineGetInferenceEngineStrictModeSecurityHeaderElementInferenceEngineLaxTimestampLastModeSecurityHeaderElementInferenceEngineLaxTimestampFirstModeSecurityHeaderElementInferenceEngineLaxModeSecurityHeaderElementInferenceEngineCompileForInternalEngineinternalEngineCompileForExternalEngineIAsyncStateMachineInvalidDecoderStateMachineSetStateMachinestateMachineLocalMachineGetPublicQueuesByMachineGetPrivateQueuesByMachineWebSocketsNotSupportedInClassicPipelineget_UsingInteg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onseCoreEndCloseCoreOnCloseCoreBeginCloseCoreCanReadKeyIdentifierClauseCoreCanWriteKeyIdentifierClauseCoreValidateCoreOnSendCompleteCoreWriteCoreReceiveCoreInputSessionDoneReceivingCoreTryMatchCoreFlushCorePeekLockCoreGetCredentialCoreOnCreateChannelCoreCreateKeyIdentifierClauseFromTokenXmlCoreEnsureConnectionBufferPoolCoreSystemCoreEndReadTokenCoreCanReadTokenCoreBeginReadTokenCoreCanValidateTokenCoreCanWriteTokenCoreTryResolveTokenCoreCancelTokenCoreEndGetTokenCoreBeginGetTokenCoreEndRenewTokenCoreBeginRenewTokenCoreOnOpenCoreCloseOutputSessionCoreBoundOperationCoreCompleteEncryptionCoreStartEncryptionCoreOnConnectionModeKnownCoreCanReadKeyIdentifierCoreCanWriteKeyIdentifierCoreBuildChannelListenerCoreHandleErrorCoreEndSecureOutgoingMessageAtInitiatorCoreBeginSecureOutgoingMessageAtInitiatorCoreGetTokenTypesCoreCreateAndOpenTokenProvidersCoreDisposeParametersCoreCheckAccessCoreEndProcessCoreBeginProcessCoreSupportsCoreInspectInputsCoreInspectOutputsCoreAcceptWebSocketCoreProvideMessageFaultCoreDeserializeElementCoreOnAbortCoreAfterReceiveRequestCoreProcessRequestCoreReadReferenceListCoreProcessReferenceListCoreGetHttpOutputCoreAcquireDynamicInstanceContextCoreTryRetrievingInstanceContextCoreInitializeCallContextCoreUninitializeCallContextCoreOnGetContextCoreBeginGetContextCoreTryAllowCoreGetBodyCoreTryResolveSecurityKeyCoreBeforeSendReplyCoreHandleRequestAsReplyCoreReadBinaryCoreWriteBinaryCoreCreateKeyIdentifierClauseFromBinaryCoreBuildChannelFactoryCoreget_PropagateUserActivityCoreSFxInvalidMessageBodyErrorDeserializingParameterMoreSFxErrorDeserializingRequestBodyMoreSFxErrorDeserializingReplyBodyMoreSubstringBeforeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerNodeMessageHandling.IsNotSeenBeforeParameterInspectorBeforeNotBeforeInsertBeforeThreadNeutralSemaphoreopenSemaphorependingOperationSemaphoreget_XmlIgnoreget_SoapIgnoreX509StoreCertCloseStoreX509CertificateStorehStoreSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IChannelCredentials.SetDefaultServiceCertificateFromStoreCertDeleteCertificateFromStoreTryGetCertificateFromStoreSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IChannelCredentials.SetClientCertificateFromStoreCertOpenStoreCertAddCertificateContextToStoreGetStorehCertStorecontextStoreget_MachineKeyStoredictionaryStoreSrmpSecureInvokeConfigureSharedManagerServiceEndpointReadFailureTraceSessionClosedFailureTraceSessionClosedResponseSendFailureTraceCodeSecuritySessionClosedResponseSendFailureTraceSessionCloseSendFailureTraceCodeSecuritySessionServerCloseSendFailureHttpSendFailureTraceSessionAbortedFaultSendFailureTraceCodeSecuritySessionAbortedFaultSendFailureTraceRenewFaultSendFailureTraceCodeSecuritySessionRenewFaultSendFailureSctCookieBlobDecodeFailureTraceVerifyIncomingMessageFailureTraceCodeSecurityBindingVerifyIncomingMessageFailureOnVerifyIncomingMessageFailureTraceSecureOutgoingMessageFailureTraceCodeSecurityBindingSecureOutgoingMessageFailureOnSecureOutgoingMessageFailureOnInvalidCookieFailureTraceSessionClosedResponseFailureTracePerformanceCounterUpdateFailureSharedManagerDataConnectionCreateFailureHttpReceiveFailureSecurityStateEncoderDecodingFailureSecurityStateEncoderEncodingFailureTraceSpnToSidMappingFailureTraceCodeSecuritySpnToSidMappingFailureTraceCodeSecurityNegotiationProcessingFailureisSecurityProcessingFailureThrowExceptionOnTaskFailureInternalFailureSecureChannelFailureget_ReconnectTransportOnFailureset_ReconnectTransportOnFailurereconnectTransportOnFailurethrowOnFailureThrowInvalidOperation_PeerCertGenFailureTraceCodeSecurityAuditWrittenFailureTraceIdentityVerificationFailureTraceCodeSecurityIdentityVerificationFailureTraceCodePeerNodeAuthenticationFailureTraceCodePeerReceiveMessageAuthenticationFailureTransportAuthenticationFailureOnSyncNegotiationFailureOnAsyncNegotiationFailureTraceServiceSecurityNegotiationFailureTraceIdentityDeterminationFailureTraceCodeSecurityIdentityDeterminationFailureRevertImpersonationFailureTraceCodeSecurityImpersonationFailureOnOperationFailureTraceSecuritySessionOperationFailureTraceCodeSecuritySessionResponderOperationFailureTraceCodeSecuritySessionRequestorOperationFailureComActivationFailureTraceIdentityHostNameNormalizationFailureTraceCodeSecurityIdentityHostNameNormalizationFailureServiceAuthorizationFailureSharedManagerDataConnectionFailureSharedManagerServiceSidLookupFailureSharedManagerLogonSidLookupFailureSharedManagerUserSidLookupFailureSharedManagerCurrentUserSidLookupFailureSharedManagerServiceLookupFailureSuccessOrFailureTraceConnectFailureCleanupOnConnectFailurePeerMaintainerConnectFailureAPF_AuditFailureWriteAuditFailureget_SuppressAuditFailureset_SuppressAuditFailuredefaultSuppressAuditFailuresuppressAuditFailureSharedManagerServiceStartFailureTrustFailureEndHandleDemuxFailureBeginHandleDemuxFailureTraceCodeSecuritySessionDemuxFailureProvideFaultAndReplyFailureget_DeliveryFailureTryGetDeliveryFailureEnsureReadMediaEnclosureWriteMediaEnclosureget_NaturesourceNaturepathSegmentVariableNatureDsaSha1SignatureRsaSha1SignatureHmacSha1SignatureRsaSha256SignatureHmacSh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urityTokenRenewalResponseEndTrust13CancelResponseBeginTrust13CancelResponseProcessTrust13CancelResponseEndTrustFeb2005CancelResponseBeginTrustFeb2005CancelResponseProcessTrustFeb2005CancelResponseGetTokenFromResponseSFxInvalidStreamInResponseCreateRequestSecurityTokenResponseWriteRequestSecurityTokenResponsePeerRequestSecurityTokenResponseProcessRequestSecurityTokenResponseIsAtRequestSecurityTokenResponserequestSecurityTokenResponseRequestSecurityTokenCancellationResponseNullReferenceOnHttpResponseHttpListenerResponsehttpListenerResponselistenerResponseRegisterResponseProcessRequestorResponseisResponseProcessResponseAddressResponseEndGetResponseCompleteGetResponseOnGetResponseBeginGetResponseonGetResponseisShortCutResponseCreateCoordinationContextResponseIsNewResponseEndTrust13RenewResponseBeginTrust13RenewResponseProcessTrust13RenewResponseEndTrustFeb2005RenewResponseBeginTrustFeb2005RenewResponseProcessTrustFeb2005RenewResponseProcessRenewResponseRequestSecurityContextRenewResponseValidateRequestReplyResponse_responseget_ShouldTraceVerboseshouldTraceVerboseSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.CloseServiceHealthBehavior_CloseSequenceTerminatedUnsupportedClosereceivedCloseSendAndCloseSendResponseAndCloseDuplicateAndCloseget_TraceOpenAndCloseset_TraceOpenAndClosetraceOpenAndCloseSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.EndCloseBaseEndClosebaseEndCloseOnReliableChannelEndCloseSystem.ServiceModel.Security.ISecurityCommunicationObject.OnEndCloseDummyEndCloseEndSendCloseBeginSendClosesendCloseFinishBackgroundCloseEndWaitForBackgroundCloseBeginWaitForBackgroundCloseTryBackgroundCloseInvokeCloseget_RequestTypeClosePrepareCloseBeforeCloseMsmqSessionPrematureCloseOnBaseCloseonBaseCloseScheduleCompleteCloseContinueCloseFinishCloseUnblockCloseInternalCloseEndChannelCloseShouldCloseOnReliableChannelCloseHandleChannelClosehandleChannelCloseCompleteChannelCloseBeginChannelCloseShouldSendCloseResponseOnCloseTraceCodeServiceHostTimeoutOnCloseSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.BeginCloseBaseBeginClosebaseBeginCloseOnReliableChannelBeginCloseSystem.ServiceModel.Security.ISecurityCommunicationObject.OnBeginCloseDummyBeginCloseTraceCodeTxCompletionStatusAbortedOnSessionCloseget_TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionCloseset_TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionCloseShouldSerializeTransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClosetransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionCloseWaitForInputSessionCloseOnWaitForOutputSessionCloseUnexpectedSecuritySessionCloseTraceCodeSocketConnectionCloseDoCloseneighborToCloseidleItemsToCloseitemsToCloseget_AutoCloseset_AutoCloseget_UseActiveAutoCloseset_UseActiveAutoCloseuseActiveAutoCloseSetFactoryToAutoCloseautoCloseonStreamedReaderCloseOnXmlDictionaryReaderCloseCompleteBinderCloseHandleLifetimeManagerClosehandleLifetimeManagerCloseShouldCloseOnChannelListenerCloseCompleteInnerChannelListenerCloseOnEndOuterListenerCloseOnOuterListenerCloseOnBeginOuterListenerCloseTraceCodeEndpointListenerCloseTryUserCloseuserCloseshouldDisposeWebSocketAfterCloseInvokeAsyncNeighborCloseOnUpgradeInitiatorCloseonUpgradeInitiatorCloseHandleInitiatorCloseget_ExpectClosesentCloseTraceCodeSocketConnectionAbortCloseRequestSecurityContextCloseDelayClosedelayCloseEndFactoryCloseBeginFactoryCloseEarlySecurityCloseActivitySecurityCloseActivityCloseclosepurposeSystem.IDisposable.DisposeBeginParseTryParsestringToReverseSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.InverseCreateInverseid81_useUnPauseCanReadClauseGetKeyIdentifierXmlReferenceClausesctSkiClauseskiClauseTInternalClauseTExternalClauseset_ShouldReadXmlReferenceKeyInfoClauseshouldReadXmlReferenceKeyInfoClausereadXmlreferenceKeyInfoClauseUnableToDeriveKeyFromKeyInfoClauseKeyNameIdentifierClauseEncryptedKeyHashIdentifierClausesecurityTokenMappedToIdentifierClauseSecurityVersionDoesNotSupportThumbprintX509KeyIdentifierClauseRsaKeyIdentifierClauseX509RawDataKeyIdentifierClauseLocalIdKeyIdentifierClauseCanReadKeyIdentifierClauseTryReadKeyIdentifierClauseEncryptedKeyIdentifierClauseCanCreateKeyIdentifierClauseCanWriteKeyIdentifierClauseResolveKeyIdentifierClauseKerberosTicketHashKeyIdentifierClauseX509IssuerSerialKeyIdentifierClauseCreateGenericXmlTokenKeyIdentifierClauseMatchesGenericXmlTokenKeyIdentifierClauseSamlAssertionKeyIdentifierClauseMatchesKeyIdentifierClauseX509SubjectKeyIdentifierClauseRelAssertionDirectKeyIdentifierClauseSamlAssertionDirectKeyIdentifierClauseBinarySecretKeyIdentifierClauseX509ThumbprintKeyIdentifierClauseSecurityContextKeyIdentifierClauseCreateGenericXmlSecurityKeyIdentifierClausesecurityKeyIdentifierClausekeyIdentifierClauseidentifierClauseMapSecurityTokenToStrClausestrClauseresolveIntrinsicKeyClauseTryResolveTokenFromIntrinsicKeyClauseTryCreateKeyFromIntrinsicKeyClauseCreateTokenFromEncryptedKeyClausekeyClauseclauseCanReuseSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.RefuseBrowseGteLteget_Dateset_Dateget_PublishDateset_PublishDatepublishDateZeroDateget_ServiceStartDateset_ServiceStartDateSetServiceStartDateget_ProcessStartDateset_ProcessStartDateGetProcessStartDateConvertDateget_Gateset_GatePrepareInvokeContinueGateUnlockInvokeContinueGateinvokeContinueGateReceiveScopeSignalGateTooLateInstancesRateInvalidPredicateCompilePredicateIndicateX509v3Certificateget_X509CertificateGetX509Certificateget_Certificateset_CertificateMsmqBadCertificateSelfSignedCertificateSetScopedCertificateisValidCertificateget_ServiceCertificateset_ServiceCertificateserviceCertificatePeerTransportCredentialTypeCertificateget_RemoteCertificateValidateRemoteCertificateExtractRemoteCertificateremoteCertificateselfCertificateMutualCertificateCertCreateSelfSignCertificateget_SenderCertificatesenderCertificateget_ServerCertificateOnValidateServerCertificateCleanupServerCertificateSetupServerCertificateserverCertificateUserNameForCertificateIssuedTokenForCertificateAnonymousForCertificateBasicHttpMessageSecurityRequiresCertificateGetCertificateSetCertificateResetCertificateget_DefaultCertificateset_DefaultCertificateSetDefaultCertificatedefaultCertificateget_ClientCertificateget_RequireClientCertificateset_RequireClientCertificatedefaultRequireClientCertificaterequireClientCertificateShouldValidateClientCertificateshouldValidateClientCertificateNoClientCertificateSelectClientCertificateGetClientCertificateclientCertificateprimaryCertificatecertificateUTTDuplicateSystem.ServiceModel.Activation.IConnectionDuplicator.EndDuplicateget_ThrowOnDuplicateSystem.ServiceModel.Activation.IConnectionDuplicator.BeginDuplicateSFxActionDemuxerDuplicateget_IsDuplicateisDuplicateset_PreAuthenticateLocatebytesToAllocateUriTemplateTableMatchCandidatecandidateSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IServiceBehavior.ValidateSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IOperationBehavior.ValidateSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IContractBehavior.ValidateSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IEndpointBehavior.ValidateEndTrust13ValidateBeginTrust13ValidateProcessTrust13ValidateEndTrustFeb2005ValidateBeginTrustFeb2005ValidateProcessTrustFeb2005ValidateOnInitializeAndValidateLoadDefaultsAndValidateEndValidateOnValidateCanValidateBeginValidateonValidateAddWithoutValidateTryValidatevalidateSendUpdateTraceCodePerformanceCountersFailedDuringUpdateAddOrUpdateTransactionScopeCreateGeneralCreateOnCreateTraceCodeSocketConnectionCreatefeedTypeToCreateitemTypeToCreatedocumentTypeToCreateGetFromThreadOrCreateGetOrCreateactuallyCreateTryCreateShouldMessagePropagateget_Negateset_NegategetCODelegateviaDelegateCreateOperationCompletedDelegateoperationCompletedDelegatefaultedDelegateitemDequeuedDelegateget_EndDelegateget_InvokeEndDelegateGenerateInvokeEndDelegateinvokeEndDelegateendDelegateGenerateCreateInstanceDelegateGenerateInvokeDelegateinvokeDelegateBindCoreDelegateCreateDelegatestartNextReceiveDelegateTryGetSwitchDelegateget_CleanThreadCallbackDelegateget_ThreadAffinityEndCallbackDelegatereceiveCallbackDelegateacceptCallbackDelegateget_ThreadAffinityStartCallbackDelegateGetOrCreateTaskDelegatebeginCallDelegateopenDelegateget_InvokeBeginDelegateGenerateInvokeBeginDelegateinvokeBeginDelegateCreateEndOperationDelegateendOperationDelegateCreateBeginOperationDelegatebeginOperationDelegatechannelPumpAfterExceptionDelegatechannelPumpDelegateSetupDelegateAddHeaderDelegateset_AuthenticationSchemeSelectorDelegateset_ExtendedProtectionSelectorDelegateCreateReferencedCategoriesDelegateCreateInlineCategoriesDelegateMulticastDelegatenegateIDataContractSurrogateget_DataContractSurrogateset_DataContractSurrogatedataContractSurrogatecontractSurrogateget_Immediateset_ImmediateSetImmediateimmediateRemoveSignatureEncryptionIfAppropriateCloseInitiateAuthTypeNegotiateExtendedBinarySessionDeflateExtendedBinaryDeflateget_Templateset_TemplateAddBindingTemplateCreateFromUriTemplateFindAnyUriTemplateoriginalTemplateTryGetRequestSecurityTokenTemplateaddressTemplatetemplateTranslateCalculatePopulateTerminateterminatecallToImpersonateidentityToImpersonateHydrateDehydratePreGenerateget_IsAccurateEnsureBaseHasKeysIsAccurateSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.StateTStateServiceHealthBehavior_StateSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.get_Stateset_StateSystem.IAsyncResult.AsyncStateSystem.IAsyncResult.get_AsyncStateset_AsyncStateChannelAndMessageAsyncStateWriteAsyncStatecallerAsyncStateChannelAndRequestAsyncStateasyncStatePnrpRegisteredIdStateget_ReadStateasyncReadStateMessageBodyReaderInvalidReadStateAddStatemaximumCachedStateget_UserSuppliedStateMessageNotInLockedStateOnEndCloseSharedStateOnBeginCloseSharedStateCreateFullBodyReaderFromBufferedStatepreviousOrAttemptedStateattemptedStateCreateFullBodyReaderFromDecryptedStateThrowIfInvalidStateXmlBufferInInvalidStateCommunicationObjectInInvalidStateReceiveContextInInvalidStatePeerNeighborInvalidStateasyncSendStatePnrpCloudStatedwCloudStateChangeUpgradeStateupgradeStateEnsureReadMessageStateget_RecycledMessageStaterecycledMessageStateInvalidMessageStateDoTakeMessageStateEnsureWriteMessageStateDoReturnMessageStatemessageStateEditorBrowsableStateeditorBrowsableStateSetNamedPipeHandleStateenNameStateLifetimeStateSharedRuntimeStateCleanupPendingCloseStateCleanupCloseStatecloseStatevalidateStateget_WriteStateasyncWriteStateResetWriteStatewriteStateAsyncReceiveStateasyncReceiveStateRemoveStatePopIfStateinReadingStateValidateEnterReadingStateExitReadingStateValidateOutgoingStateinWritingStateValidateEnterWritingStateExitWritingStateMatchStateget_RefreshStateset_RefreshStatePeerAuthStateCreateSspiStateCreateTlsSspiState_sspiStateget_CallbackStateset_CallbackStateTracingAsyncCallbackStateasyncReadCallbackStateAcknowledgementCompleteCallbackStateasyncWriteCallbackStatependingCallbackStatecallbackStateInconsistentInternalStateCloseChannelStateResolveCallStateresolveCallStatelistenerSecurityProtocolStateCommunicationObjectCannotBeModifiedInStatemessageSourceCleanStatedefaultServerMaintainStateGetSoapVersionStateSetSoapVersionStatePermissionStateFormatCommunicationStateget_MaximumCachedNegotiationStateset_MaximumCachedNegotiationStatemaximumCachedNegotiationStateCannotFindNegotiationStateEndCreateNegotiationStateBeginCreateNegotiationStateInitializeNegotiationStatenegotiationStateget_CorrelationStateset_CorrelationStateget_OldCorrelationStateoldCorrelationStateSecurityProtocolCorrelationStateGetSignatureConfirmationCorrelationStateget_ReturnCorrelationStateset_ReturnCorrelationStatereturnCorrelationStateHasCorrelationStateGetCorrelationStateget_NewCorrelationStatenewCorrelationStateget_SecurityCorrelationStatecorrelationStateget_MaintainSignatureConfirmationStateset_MaintainSignatureConfirmationStatemaintainSignatureConfirmationStateRegistrationStateContinuationStateInitializationStateReuseConnectionStateTracingConnectionStateBadEncryptionStatenbrStateFederatedTokenProviderStateAcceleratedTokenProviderStateIssuanceTokenProviderStateSspiNegotiationTokenProviderStateClientFramingDecoderStateBufferStatebufferStateServiceHealthBehavior_ListenerStateget_ListenerStateset_ListenerStateOnEndOpenListenerStateOnBeginOpenListenerStatelistenerStateget_InnerStateinnerStateget_UserStateset_UserStateuserStatePeerNeighborStateSspiNegotiationTokenAuthenticatorStateEnsureWriteBodyContentsStatepreviousStateGetStateTrySetStateWebSocketStateSessionFaultStatefaultStateGetApartmentStateSetApartmentStateparentStateget_CurrentStateset_CurrentStateDoneReceivingInCurrentStatedwCurrentStatecurrentStateAbortStateget_LastStateset_LastStatelastStateRequestStaterequestStatecachedContextStatecacheContextStateReceiveContextStateCachedBindingContextStatenewStateMessageBodyOperationNotValidInBodyStateAsyncUtilityStateDecodeSecurityStateEncodeSecurityStateInitializeSecurityStateget_ListenerSecurityStateCreateListenerSecurityStateInitializeListenerSecurityStatelistenerSecurityStateActivityState<>1__stateEvaluateget_IsPrivateisPrivateActivateIsSafeToDeletedeleteAutoAcknowledgeOnRPCCompleteOnAsyncIOCompleteonAsyncIOCompleteAsyncCompleteOnAsyncReadCompleteonAsyncReadCompleteHandleReadCompleteAddCompleteShouldCompleteCloseBinderAndCompleteHandleEndCompletehandleEndCompleteOnEndCompleteOnSendCompleteWaitForFirstRoundCompletefirstRoundCompleteOnFloodCompletefloodCompleteOnUpgradeCompleteonUpgradeCompleteOnSecureOutgoingMessageCompleteOnWaitForMessageCompleteonWaitForMessageCompleteTraceCodeComIntegrationMexMonikerMetadataExchangeCompleteenableCompleteHandlePreambleCompleteOnPreambleCompleteOnSingletonPreambleCompleteonSingletonPreambleCompleteHandleCompletePreCompleteHandleWriteUpgradeResponseCompleteHandleBaseCloseCompleteHandleChannelCloseCompleteOnChannelCloseCompleteonChannelCloseCompleteOnCloseCompleteonCloseCompleteOnBinderCloseCompleteonBinderCloseCompleteOnBaseChannelListenerCloseCompleteonBaseChannelListenerCloseCompleteOnInnerChannelListenerCloseCompleteonInnerChannelListenerCloseCompleteOnParseCompleteOnValidateCompleteCreateCompleteOnCreateStateCompleteOnAsyncWriteCompleteonAsyncWriteCompleteOnWriteCompleteonWriteCompleteWaitForWriteCompleteOnIssueCompleteOnAsyncReceiveCompleteonAsyncReceiveCompleteasyncReceiveCompleteAsyncHandleReceiveCompleteasyncHandleReceiveCompleteOnReceiveCompleteonReceiveCompleteOnTryReceiveCompleteonTryReceiveCompleteOnPollingCompleteonPollingCompleteOnLocalDispatchCompletelocalDispatchCompleteOnAsyncFlushCompleteonAsyncFlushCompleteOnFlushCompleteonFlushCompleteHandleWriteAckCompleteOnWaitForStateLockCompleteonWaitForStateLockCompleteonPeekCompleteHandleGetSspiCredentialCompleteOnCancelCompleteOnCloseChannelCompleteonCloseChannelCompleteOnTryGetChannelCompleteonTryGetChannelCompleteOnAcceptChannelCompleteonAcceptChannelCompleteshouldCallCompleteOnCreateSecurityProtocolCompleteHandleReleaseConnectionPoolCompleteSFxNoBatchingForReleaseOnCompleteHandleGetTokenCompleteOnGetTokenCompleteOnGetSecondaryTokenCompleteOnGetPrimaryTokenCompleteHandleOpenCompleteHandleBaseOpenCompleteOnSecurityProtocolOpenCompleteOnOpenCompleteOnSessionOpenCompleteonSessionOpenCompleteOnBinderOpenCompleteonBinderOpenCompleteOnWaitForFinCompleteonWaitForFinCompleteOnBeginCompleteHandleCloseOutputSessionCompleteOnProtocolCreationCompleteOnNegotiationCompleteHandleOperationCompletehandleOperationCompleteOnOperationCompleteget_ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionCompleteset_ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionCompleteShouldSerializeReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionCompletereleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionCompleteSFxTransactionInvalidSetTransactionCompleteSFxMultiSetTransactionCompleteHandleUpgradeConnectionCompleteEnsureDecryptionCompleteSfxCloseTimedOutWaitingForDispatchToCompleteWaitForAllWritesToCompleteValidateScopeRequiredAndAutoCompleteget_TransactionAutoCompleteset_TransactionAutoCompletetransactionAutoCompleteIsAutoCompleteHandleCloseTokenProviderCompleteHandleOpenTokenProviderCompleteOnTransferCompleteOnEnterCompleteonEnterCompleteHandleOpenAuthenticatorCompleteOnSendRetriesCompleteonSendRetriesCompleteHandleWriteEndBytesCompleteOnComposeAsyncOperationsCompleteonComposeAsyncOperationsCompleteHandleWaitForPendingOperationsCompleteOnMessageProtectionPassCompleteHandleReconnectCompleteOnReconnectCompleteonReconnectCompletetransactionSetCompleteTraceCodeTxCompletionStatusCompletedForSetCompleteOnWaitCompleteOnSendFaultCompleteonSendFaultCompleteHandleAcceptCompleteOnAcceptCompleteonAcceptCompleteHandleReceiveRequestCompleteOnRequestCompleteonRequestCompleteHandleInputCompleteOnInputCompleteonInputCompleteOnOutputCompleteonOutputCompleteOnRenewCompleteValidateNotConcurrentWhenReleaseServiceInstanceOnTxCompleteSFxTransactionNonConcurrentOrReleaseServiceInstanceOnTxCompleteOnAsyncReplyCompleteonAsyncReplyCompleteHandleReplyCompleteOnSendRetryCompleteonSendRetryCompletePipeWriteIncompleteSetIncompleteTraceCodeTxCompletionStatusCompletedForAutocompleteTimeSpanInfinitegenericWriteFinishSyncWriteWaitForSyncWriteStartSyncWriteSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IProvideChannelBuilderSettings.ServiceChannelFactoryReadWriteSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IProvideChannelBuilderSettings.get_ServiceChannelFactoryReadWriteCheckCompressedWriteEncodeAndWriteEndWritePrepareWriteFinishPendingWritePipeCantCloseWithPendingWriteFinishWriteFeedIdIgnoredOnWriteItemLastUpdatedTimeIgnoredOnWriteFeedLinksIgnoredOnWriteItemLinksIgnoredOnWriteTraceExtensionsIgnoredOnWriteFeedAuthorsIgnoredOnWriteItemAuthorsIgnoredOnWriteFeedContributorsIgnoredOnWriteItemContributorsIgnoredOnWriteItemCopyrightIgnoredOnWriteTraceCodeSyndicationProtocolElementIgnoredOnWriteItemContentIgnoredOnWriteget_CanWritecanWriteBeginWriteonWritefeedToWriteGetBaseUriToWriteitemToWriteasyncBytesToWritenumBytesToWritebytesToWritedocumentToWriteOpenCurrentProcessForWriteforWriteAbortWriteppmkCompositeOppositeget_AlgorithmSuiteset_AlgorithmSuiteSigningTokenHasNoKeysSupportingTheAlgorithmSuiteShouldSerializeAlgorithmSuiteget_IncomingAlgorithmSuiteset_IncomingAlgorithmSuiteincomingAlgorithmSuiteget_OutgoingAlgorithmSuiteset_OutgoingAlgorithmSuiteoutgoingAlgorithmSuiteIssuedKeySizeNotCompatibleWithAlgorithmSuiteget_DefaultAlgorithmSuiteset_DefaultAlgorithmSuitedefaultDefaultAlgorithmSuitedefaultAlgorithmSuiteBasic192SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic192Rsa15SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic192Sha256Rsa15SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic256Sha256Rsa15SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic128Sha256Rsa15SecurityAlgorithmSuiteTripleDesSha256Rsa15SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic256Rsa15SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic128Rsa15SecurityAlgorithmSuiteTripleDesRsa15SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic192Sha256SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic256Sha256SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic128Sha256SecurityAlgorithmSuiteTripleDesSha256SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic256SecurityAlgorithmSuiteBasic128SecurityAlgorithmSuiteget_SecurityAlgorithmSuiteset_SecurityAlgorithmSuiteget_MessageSecurityAlgorithmSuiteTripleDesSecurityAlgorithmSuitesecurityAlgorithmSuitealgorithmSuitesuiteLocalAndRemoteget_IsRemoteisRemoteNearestRemoteremotePromoteMissingQuoteUpdateTransactionFlowAtributeGetRequiredBase64AttributeEmptyBase64Attributeid80_XmlSchemaAttributeEventDataAttributeThreadStaticAttributeWriteIdAttributeSessionIdAttributeDispIdAttributeAddAttributeReceiveContextEnabledAttributeReadEmptyElementAndRequiredAttributeCompilerGeneratedAttributeOnDeserializedAttributeOnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttributeReadSidAttributeWriteSidAttributeConfigInvalidAttributeFilterInvalidAttributeGuidAttributeEventFieldAttributeGetContractTypeAndAttributeWriteEndAttributeFindAttributeClassInterfaceAttributeActionNamespaceAttributeEventSourceAttributeAddGeneratedCodeAttributeUnverifiableCodeAttributeXmlIncludeAttributeSoapIncludeAttributeAttributeUsageAttributeNeutralResourcesLanguageAttributePrivilegeAttributeDebuggableAttribute__DynamicallyInvokableAttributeAddEditorBrowsableAttributeCreateEditorBrowsableAttributeComVisibleAttributeGetRequiredSingleAttributeGetSingleAttributeAssemblyKeyFileAttributeAssemblyTitleAttributeContextPropertyNameAttributeAsyncStateMachineAttributeIteratorStateMachineAttributeInterfaceTypeAttributeValueTypeAttributeEncodingTypeAttributeXmlTypeAttributeTokenTypeAttributeServiceKnownTypeAttributeVerifyKnownTypeAttributeSoapTypeAttributeXmlIgnoreAttributeSoapIgnoreAttributeTryParseAttributeCreateAttributeObsoleteAttributeWriteAttributeXmlAttributeAttributeSoapAttributeAttributeXmlAnyAttributeAttributeDefaultValueAttributeGetXmlLangAttributeAddInitiatingAttributeAddTerminatingAttributeGetFormattingAttributeOnDeserializingAttributeAddDebuggerStepThroughAttributeSecuritySafeCriticalAttributeSecurityCriticalAttributeCreateLocalAttributeConditionalAttributeGenerateProtectionLevelAttributeShouldWriteDetailAttributeget_XmlAttributeWriteXmlAttributeAlgorithmAttributeTypeForwardedFromAttributeSetCustomAttributeXmlEnumAttributeUnsupportedBooleanAttributeDebuggerHiddenAttributeAssemblyDelaySignAttributeMinAttributeXmlFormatExtensionAttributeComCompatibleVersionAttributeAssemblyFileVersionAttributeAssemblyInformationalVersionAttributeSatelliteContractVersionAttributeCannotImportPrivacyNoticeElementWithoutVersionAttributeFindWsaActionAttributeAddActionAttributeConfigurationCollectionAttributeXmlnsDefinitionAttributeSRDescriptionAttributeAssemblyDescriptionAttributeInternalsVisibleToAttributeMoveToAttributeget_SoapAttributeSFxInvalidSoapAttributeDataMemberAttributeGenerateMessageContractMemberAttributeDefaultMemberAttributeGenerateMessageBodyMemberAttributeGenerateMessageHeaderAttributeXmlSchemaProviderAttributeXmlChoiceIdentifierAttributeMonikerAttributeGenerateWrapperAttributeGenerateMessageParameterAttributeTypeConverterAttributeformatterAttributeisForAttributeServiceBehaviorAttributeEnsureBehaviorAttributeCallbackBehaviorAttributeOperationBehaviorAttributeIContractBehaviorAttributeSessionIdTypeValidatorAttributeStringValidatorAttributeLongValidatorAttributeStandardRuntimeEnumValidatorAttributeStandardRuntimeFlagEnumValidatorAttributeServiceModelEnumValidatorAttributeServiceModelTimeSpanValidatorAttributeConfigurationValidatorAttributeIntegerValidatorAttributeinnerValidatorAttributeRelativeAddressValidatorAttributePeerTransportListenAddressValidatorAttributeHttpMessageHandlerFactoryValidatorAttributeMarshalAsAttributeCreatePolicyURIsAttributeHasAttributeAssemblyDefaultAliasAttributeReadMillisecondsAttributeWriteMillisecondsAttributeSecurityRulesAttributeFlagsAttributeDefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttributeReadPolicyUrisAttributeWriteXmlnsAttributeIsXmlnsAttributeShortXmlnsAttributeAppendDictionaryXmlnsAttributeShortDictionaryXmlnsAttributeXmlNamespaceDeclarationsAttributeCompilationRelaxationsAttributeAllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttributeCoClassAttributeComConversionLossAttributeDeliveryRequirementsAttributeAspNetCompatibilityRequirementsAttributeget_XmlSerializerFormatAttributeDefaultXmlSerializerFormatAttributexmlSerializerFormatAttributeget_DataContractFormatAttributeDefaultDataContractFormatAttributedataContractFormatAttributeGetFormatAttributedefaultFormatAttributeformatAttributeDataContractAttributeAddServiceContractAttributeMessageContractAttributeEndMethodsCannotBeDecoratedWithOperationContractAttributeGetOperationContractAttributeVerifyFaultContractAttributeReliabilityContractAttributecontractAttributeAssemblyProductAttributeGetAttributeSetAttributeReadRightAttributeWriteRightAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeCLSCompliantAttributeXmlElementAttributeSoapElementAttributeXmlAnyElementAttributeEventAttributePeerHopCountAttributeXmlRootAttributeWriteStartAttributeShortAttributeMoveToFirstAttributeGetFirstAttributefirstAttributeMoveToNextAttributeXmlTextAttributeContextAttributecontextAttributeTransactionFlowAttributeMaxAttributeDebuggerDisplayAttributeXmlArrayAttributeParamArrayAttributeMessageHeaderArrayAttributeOnGetBodyAttributeAssemblySignatureKeyAttributeset_AnyAttributeid77_XmlSchemaAnyAttributeget_XmlAnyAttributeid76_anyAttributeAssemblyCompanyAttributeDebuggerStepperBoundaryAttributeAppendDictionaryAttributeShortDictionaryAttributeAppendPrefixDictionaryAttributeSRCategoryAttributeRuntimeCompatibilityAttributeSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttributeGetRequiredNonEmptyAttributeMessagePropertyAttributeConfigurationPropertyAttributeContentPropertyAttributeMonikerProxyAttributeid31_attributeMTAExecutegenericExecuteUTTMustBeAbsoluteUriMustBeAbsoluteUTTBaseAddressMustBeAbsoluteget_MinutewMinuteisValidUriRouteEndValidateUriRouteHandleValidateUriRouteOnValidateUriRouteBeginValidateUriRouteonValidateUriRouteReadByteUnsignedByteAppendByteDecodeByteEncodeByteReadingContentTypeByteWriteByteToByteGetByteget_QueueMaxSendQueuecalloutMessageQueuenewMessageQueueReceiveScopeQueueget_ResponseQueueset_ResponseQueueresponseQueueMQCloseQueueMaxReceiveQueueILockingQueueMsmqSubqueueLockingQueueMsmqDefaultLockingQueueget_TimeToReachQueueset_TimeToReachQueueValidateTimeToReachQueueInternalSetTimeToReachQueuetimeToReachQueueMatchQueuelockQueueNotTransactionalQueuegetChannelQueuechannelQueuedisposeFromQueueTraceCodeMsmqCannotPeekOnQueueMQOpenQueuemainQueueadminQueueget_DestinationQueueset_DestinationQueueBadDestinationQueuedestinationQueueget_AdministrationQueueset_AdministrationQueueadministrationQueueconnectionQueueExceptionQueueexceptionQueuepoisonQueueRunQueueAcquireNoQueueCreateMsmqQueuemsmqQueueBufferQueueget_DeadLetterQueueset_DeadLetterQueueget_CustomDeadLetterQueueset_CustomDeadLetterQueuecustomDeadLetterQueuedeadLetterQueueobjectQueueGetQueuewaitQueueFaultQueueCreateInputQueueinputQueueEndDequeueBeginDequeueObjectMustBeOpenedToDequeueOnCreateMessageAndEnqueueonCreateMessageAndEnqueueCompleteParseAndEnqueueCreateWebSocketChannelAndEnqueueEndInboundProcessAndEnqueueCanEnqueueTValueget_Valueset_ValueReadValueAddValueget_EncodedValueset_EncodedValueOleTxUpgradeEnabledValueIsCombinedValuecombinedValueescapedValueBadlyTerminatedValueexpectedValueoldValueDefaultMustUnderstandValuemustUnderstandValueget_SendValueget_FindValueset_FindValuefindValueUTQueryCannotHaveCompoundValueSFXUnvalidNamespaceValueConfigInvalidClassInstanceValueresourceValueoverrideValueProvideValueReadingModeValueLookupPrivilegeValueGetSingleValuenameValueAddGeneratedSignatureValueAddIncomingSignatureValueGetSignatureValueget_PrimarySignatureValueprimarySignatureValuesignatureValueDeleteValueCompleteValueWriteValueReadAttributeValueattributeValuebyteValueTrueValueget_ReceiveValueGetSuppressChannelBindingValueConfigInvalidEncodingValueGetMatchingValueGetStringValueKewordMissingValuelongValueGetArgValueGetCachedSwitchValueswitchValueUTInvalidDefaultPathValueInvalidUriValueinitialValueoriginalValueInvalidIsolationLevelValueget_NullValueGetNonNullValuenullValuesubProtocolValueConfigInvalidTransactionFlowProtocolValueGetStreamValueSetStreamValuestreamValueInvalidEnumValuebooleanValueTryGetIncludeTokenValueSetIncludeTokenValueget_MinValueminValueConfigInvalidReliableMessagingVersionValueset_DescriptionValueget_ReturnValueset_ReturnValueIsValidReturnValueInvalidWebServiceReturnValueSetReturnValuereturnValueToValuepValueNumberValueReadHeaderValueWebSocketUpgradeHeaderValueMediaTypeHeaderValueWebSocketConnectionHeaderValueisHeaderValueheaderValueCipherValueGetDefaultParameterValueparameterValuecounterValueget_NextDestinationActorValuenextDestinationActorValueDefaultActorValueget_HasValueContainsValuestringArraysValueFlushHashAndGetValueTryGetValueSetValueFaultValueget_DefaultValueAddDefaultValueUnescapeDefaultValuehasDefaultValueset_EmitDefaultValueSetPropertyValueIfNotDefaultValuedefaultValuecurrentValueintValueConfigInvalidStartValueConvertValueshortValueDigestValuetestValueUPTokenPasswordTextValueget_RawValueset_RawValuenewValueget_MaxValueValidateTimeoutIsMaxValuemaxValueDefaultRelayValuebyteArrayValueRsaKeyValueGetAnyValueBindingDictionaryValueGetAnyDictionaryValueUriTemplateVariableQueryValueEmptyUriTemplateQueryValueUriTemplateLiteralQueryValueConfigInvalidClassFactoryValueCreateCopyOfPropertyValueSetPropertyValuepropertyValueid101_valuem_valueset_Expect100ContinueSyncContinueOnEndCloseContinueOnBeginCloseContinueid68_XmlSchemaUniqueAddUniqueUTVarNamesMustBeUniqueUTQueryNamesMustBeUniqueIsUniqueid50_uniqueIsRealOptionalTrueIsLegacyOptionalTrueBooleanTrueIsTrueBrtrueEndTrust13IssueBeginTrust13IssueProcessTrust13IssueEndTrustFeb2005IssueBeginTrustFeb2005IssueProcessTrustFeb2005IssueEndIssueget_RequestTypeIssueBeginIssueSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.SaveThreadLeaveEndRetrieveBeginRetrieveMonikerFailedToDoMexRetrieveGetCorrectBitnessHiveget_TimeToLiveset_TimeToLivedefaultTimeToLivetimeToLiveServiceHealthBehavior_ReceiveOnContinueAsyncReceiveonContinueAsyncReceiveenforceOrderedReceiveget_IsTransactedReceiveset_IsTransactedReceiveisTransactedReceiveCallEndReceiveHelpEndReceiveStartBackgroundReceiveEnsureReceiveOnCompleteReceiveIssueReceiveFinishReceiveTryTransactionalReceiveServiceLevelReceiveAutoAcknowledgeOnReceiveInternalOnReceiveCallBeginReceiveHelpBeginReceiveonReceiveNoBinaryNegoToReceiveHelpReceiveStartInnerReceiveDispatchMessageInspectorAfterReceiveClientMessageInspectorAfterReceiveget_LockQueueForReceivelockQueueForReceiveget_CanGetChannelForReceiveStartReceiveTransportReceivelastReceiveStartNextReceiveHandleEndTryReceiveOnEndTryReceiveOnTryReceiveOnBeginTryReceivetryReceivereceiveset_KeepAliveget_IsAliveget_TokenToDerivetokenToDerivekeyToDeriveid89_minInclusiveid90_maxInclusiveid91_minExclusiveid88_maxExclusiveBlobNativeWbemNativeMarshalSafeAddressesToNativeToPnrpInfoNativeCsAddrInfoNativeWsaQuerySetNativeValueMustBeNonNegativeThrowIfTimeoutNegativeFilterCapacityNegativeAtom10RelativeSFxServiceMetadataBehaviorUrlMustBeHttpOrRelativeImportAlternativeWsrm11PolicyAlternativealternativefActiveget_IsActiveUpdateIsActiveisActiveMsmqTransactionNotActiveMsmqAmbientTransactionInactiveget_SupportInteractiveset_SupportInteractivesupportInteractiveIsCurrentlyTimeEffectiveCodeDirectiveget_IsPrimitiveValueMustBePositiveEnqueueRetrieverIfShouldResolveEndResolveBeginResolveforResolvenMaxResolveadd_AssemblyResolveretryResolvelockQueueForMovemainQueueForMoveretryQueueForMoveSystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.RemoveSystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.RemoveSystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection.RemoveSystem.Collections.IList.RemoveBaseRemoveOnRemovesctsToRemoveremoveReserveFreezeget_Sizeset_Sizeget_MaxViaSizedefaultMaxViaSizemaxViaSizeget_DataSizepcbSizeinitialSenderIdSizeasyncReadSizeGetEncodedSizeMaxEncodedSizeencodedSizedesiredSizerequiredSizeUriLengthExceedsMaxSupportedSizeSystem.Collections.IList.IsFixedSizeSystem.Collections.IList.get_IsFixedSizeguidSizeSetPositionAndSizeTransferSequenceSizeDecodeSizeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportFactorySettings.MaxReceivedMessageSizeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportFactorySettings.get_MaxReceivedMessageSizeset_MaxReceivedMessageSizeMaxBufferSizeMustNotExceedMaxReceivedMessageSizeMaxBufferSizeMustMatchMaxReceivedMessageSizeRegistrationMaxReceivedMessageSizemaxReceivedMessageSizeRecordActualMessageSizeMinMessageSizePredictMessageSizeget_MaxMessageSizeset_MaxMessageSizeValidateMaxMessageSizeGetMaxMessageSizemaxMessageSizemessageSizeget_CacheSizeset_CacheSizeget_MaxReferralCacheSizemaxReferralCacheSizeMaxRsaSecurityTokenCacheSizeget_ReplayCacheSizeset_ReplayCacheSizereplayCacheSizecacheSizemaxSerializerTableSizeMaxMessageFrameSizeget_EnvelopeSizeset_EnvelopeSizeReadingEnvelopeSizeenvelopeSizeget_MaxContentTypeSizeSharedMaxContentTypeSizedefaultMaxContentTypeSizemaxContentTypeSizeinitialCertificateSizeValidateSizeCalculateSizesyncWriteSizependingWriteSizemaxSendQueueSizemaxReceiveQueueSizequeueSizecbBufSizeinBufSizeoutBufSizeReadingSizeremainingSizeget_MaxTransactedBatchSizeset_MaxTransactedBatchSizemaxTransactedBatchSizeSingleBatchSizeget_CurrentBatchSizecurrentBatchSizeget_MaxBatchSizeset_MaxBatchSizemaxBatchSizeMaxUriSizeget_BlockSizeDecompressBlockSizeget_ChunkSizeReadingEnvelopeChunkSizeWriteChunkSizechunkSizeGlobalSizeinitialSizeSTmToTmProtocolSizeget_MaxReadPoolSizeset_MaxReadPoolSizemaxReadPoolSizeget_MaxWritePoolSizeset_MaxWritePoolSizemaxWritePoolSizemaxReaderPoolSizeget_MaxBufferPoolSizeset_MaxBufferPoolSizemaxBufferPoolSizeget_MaxPoolSizeset_MaxPoolSizemaxPoolSizepoolSizeCalcSessionGramSizeFromSizeQueueExceedMaximumSizetokenSizeSharedMaxDrainSizemaxExtensionSizeremainingReaderSessionSizeget_MaxSessionSizeset_MaxSessionSizemaxSessionSizeTrimToSizemaxDomainNameMapSizeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISocketListenerSettings.BufferSizeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISocketListenerSettings.get_BufferSizeget_AsyncReadBufferSizeasyncReadBufferSizereadBufferSizeset_SendBufferSizeMinSendBufferSizeget_WriteBufferSizewriteBufferSizeset_ReceiveBufferSizeMinReceiveBufferSizeGetReceiveBufferSizereceiveBufferSizechunkBufferSizeInitialBufferSizeComputeInternalBufferSizeinBufferSizeGetMaxNegotiationBufferSizeget_ConnectionBufferSizeset_ConnectionBufferSizeSharedConnectionBufferSizeconnectionBufferSizeComputeServerBufferSizeOffsetExceedsBufferSizeComputeClientBufferSizeGetAcceptBufferSizeacceptBufferSizeAdjustBufferSizeoutBufferSizeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings.MaxBufferSizeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IHttpTransportFactorySettings.MaxBufferSizeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings.get_MaxBufferSizeSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IHttpTransportFactorySettings.get_MaxBufferSizeset_MaxBufferSizeGetMaxBufferSizeFaultMaxBufferSizemaxBufferSizePropertyBufferSizebufferSizeHopperSizeNegotiationAuthenticatorSizesaltSizeMaxRMFaultSizeget_MaxFaultSizeset_MaxFaultSizemaxFaultSizeMaxSecurityFaultSizeDefaultSizeResponseStreamExcerptSizeCalcStartSizeGetContextSizedwSizenewSizeget_MaxTransferWindowSizeset_MaxTransferWindowSizemaxTransferWindowSizelossWindowSizemaxWindowSizewindowSizeget_MaxSizeeffectiveMaxSizemaxSizeInitialTokenArraySizeExceededMaxPolicySizeinitialBodySizebodySizeget_KeySizeset_KeySizeDataKeySizedefaultPublicKeySizeEnsureAcceptableSignatureSymmetricKeySizeEnsureAcceptableDecryptionSymmetricKeySizeget_RequestedKeySizeset_RequestedKeySizeValidateRequestedKeySizerequestedKeySizeissuedKeySizederivedKeySizeEnsureAcceptableSignatureKeySizeValidateKeySizeInvalidIssuedTokenKeySizeCannotObtainIssuedTokenKeySizeTryGetKeySizedefaultKeySizekeySizeentropySizeget_CanCanonicalizeInternalShouldSerializeHandleEndSerializehandleEndSerializeCanSerializeBeginSerializeGetObjectToSerializeobjectToSerializeDispatchMessageFormatterSerializeClientMessageFormatterSerializeCanDeserializeDispatchMessageFormatterDeserializeClientMessageFormatterDeserializePostDeserializeSystem.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.IChannelInitializer.InitializeSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.WbemNative.IWbemProviderInit.InitializeReInitializeThrowArgument_MustOverrideInitializeReinitializeSuppressFinalizeAtomizeatomizeCategorizeTraceAuthorizeResizeSafeArrayGetElemsizeget_EndIfset_EndIfendIfnetworkIfInternalIfIsChildNodeOfIsBaseOfSizeOfget_OnBehalfOfset_OnBehalfOfonBehalfOfget_ItemOfIsSubclassOfSystem.Collections.IList.IndexOfBaseIndexOfInternalIndexOfLastIndexOfSfprefixDefLdind_RefLdelem_RefStelem_RefDecRefIncRefAddRefvoidTypeRefdataContractAttributeTypeRefdeclaringContractTypeRefcontractTypeRefasyncResultTypeRefReleaseRefSystem.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink.ResolveRefRemoveRefid121_XmlSchemaGroupRefid117_XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRefCheckIsRefreleasedLastRefOnlyVariantAllowedByRefPopulateByRefget_IsMarshalByRefget_IsByRefAssemblyRefCreateChannelFactoryRefInitializeChannelFactoryRefchannelFactoryRefWriteEntityRefAtom10Hrefid47_refid53_XmlSchemaKeyrefid52_keyrefCreateTransactionProxyTearOfftearOffAlwaysOffWaitAndBackoffExponentialBackofftearoffstuffGetIdentityOfSelfmatchSelfRevertToSelfAncestorOrSelfDescendantOrSelfOpenAsSelfselfOnReadEofOnReceivedEofTraceCodePrematureDatagramEofWaitForEofProcessEofEnsureDecoderAtEofget_IsAtEofisAtEofatEofgotEofReplaceOwfiMaxUdpDgIdTagSourceFeedTagPublishedTagUpdatedTagGuidTagSourceTagImageTagLanguageTagTitleTagSubtitleTagNameTagSchemeTagEnvelopeTagTypeTagEnclosureTagPubDateTagLastBuildDateTagAlternateTagRelativeTagHrefTagSelfTagLengthTagUriTagIsPermaLinkTagLabelTagChannelTagEmailTagUrlTagItemTagTermTagDomainTagVersionTagDescriptionTagLogoTagHeaderTagExtensionWrapperTagAuthorTagGeneratorTagManagingEditorTagContributorTagRssTagRightsTagCopyrightTagelementTagContentTagBodyTagSummaryTagCategoryTagEntryTagDisableIE4UTF8FlagCRLFFlagCommaFlagReadFlagget_WrappedFlagset_WrappedFlagwrappedFlagEnableT61UnicodeFlagEnableUTF8UnicodeFlagReverseFlagNoQuotingFlagget_IsMutualAuthFlagSecurityPermissionFlagget_IsDelegationFlagQueryFunctionFlagSemicolonFlagGetPerimeterFlagSetPerimeterFlagNoPlusFlagComputeSslCipherStrengthRequirementFlagTestFlagget_IsIdentifyFlagflagCreateTokenProviderForNextLegsegSFxTimeoutOutOfRangeTooBigget_Configset_ConfigCServiceConfigSetupServiceConfigQueryServiceConfigPeerNodeConfigHttpMessageHandlerFactoryWithFuncCannotGenerateConfigCreateBindingConfigIServiceThreadPoolConfigGetAlgorithmFromConfigLoadWsdlExtensionsFromConfigLoadPolicyExtensionsFromConfigReadFiltersFromConfigGetPerformanceCountersFromConfigCanNotLoadTypeGotFromConfigInvalidRoleProviderSpecifiedInConfigInvalidMembershipProviderSpecifiedInConfigSecurityBindingElementCannotBeExpressedInConfigNoneOfTheMethodsForInterfaceFoundInConfigInterfaceNotFoundInConfigMexBindingNotFoundInConfigInvalidWsdlExtensionTypeInConfigInvalidPolicyExtensionTypeInConfigIServiceTransactionConfigtransactionConfigIServicePartitionConfigpartitionConfigIServiceSysTxnConfigCSC_SxsConfigIServiceSxsConfigsxsConfigwsatConfigtargetConfigLoadHostConfigconfigilgs_preferRsaCngget_XmlLangWriteXmlLangxmlLangBooleanLangid65_langSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.PingSystem.Diagnostics.Tracingget_EndToEndTracingInitializeTracingStopTracingget_UseMsmqTracingset_UseMsmqTracinguseMsmqTracingget_MessageFlowTracingset_MessageFlowTracingmessageFlowTracingget_ActivityTracingset_ActivityTracingactivityTracingSystem.Runtime.DurableInstancingApplyInstancingContinueReadingStartReadingSystem.ThreadingdoneAddingset_Paddings_pkcs1SignaturePaddings_oaepSha1EncryptionPaddings_pkcs1EncryptionPaddingPrecedingIsMethodOverridingisReadOutstandingisWriteOutstandingECallsOutstandingSCallsOutstandingoutstandingasyncReadPendingPipeReadPendingisReadPendingEnsureNoAsyncWritePendingWriterAsyncWritePendingasyncWritePendingPipeWritePendingSetWritePendingResetWritePendingwritePendingDequeuePendingTrySignalPendingsyncOperationPendingget_IsPendingset_IsPendingget_HasPendingisPendingSecuritySessionNotPendingacceptPendingGetNextPendingThrowPendingSecuritySessionAlreadyPendingDoneSendingdoneSendingpendingSoap12BindingServiceHealthBehavior_Bindingget_Bindingset_BindingsymmetricBindingHttpUrlEncodedBindingMonikerNoneOfTheBindingMatchedTheSpecifiedBindingTraceCodeGetConfiguredBindingTraceCodeGetDefaultConfiguredBindingMimeMultipartRelatedBindingimportedBindingHosting_MisformattedBindingTStandardBindingIsStandardBindingget_ShouldCheckServiceBindingget_DefaultServiceBindingset_DefaultServiceBindingdefaultServiceBindingserviceBindingget_HttpHelpPageBindingset_HttpHelpPageBindinghttpHelpPageBindingget_HttpsHelpPageBindingset_HttpsHelpPageBindinghttpsHelpPageBindingAddMessageBindingFindMessageBindingCreateWsdlMessageBindingwsdlMessageBindingConvertSoapMessageBindingGetMessageBindingCanImportMessageBindingExportMessageBindingmessageBindingMoreThanOneSecurityBindingElementInTheBindingsampleBindingSFxCannotHaveDifferentTransactionProtocolsInOneBindingCreateNamedPipeBindingget_NetNamedPipeBindingCreateMexNamedPipeBindingpipeBindingget_IsCertificateSignatureBindingset_IsCertificateSignatureBindingisCertificateSignatureBindingIsMutualCertificateBindingIsUserNameForCertificateBindingIsIssuedTokenForCertificateBindingIsAnonymousForCertificateBindingNeedValidateBindingCreateBindingGenerateBindingWriteBindingget_WsdlBindingVerifyImportedWsdlBindingImportWsdlBindingwsdlBindingget_ChannelBindingset_ChannelBindingDuplicatedChannelBindingTakeChannelBindingenableChannelBindingget_CustomChannelBindingget_CleanupChannelBindingIsSecurityBindingSuitableForChannelBindingAreSecurityTokenParametersSuitableForChannelBindingSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IStreamUpgradeChannelBindingProvider.GetChannelBindingSetChannelBindingApplyChannelBinding_channelBindingMimeXmlBindingIsUserNameForSslBindingIsIssuedTokenForSslBindingMessageVersionMissingFromBindingget_CustomBindingConvertToCustomBindingSFxInconsistentWsdlOperationUseAndStyleInBindingBehaviorRequiresContextProtocolSupportInBindingConfigMessageEncodingAlreadyInBindingConfigStreamUpgradeElementAlreadyInBindingConfigTransportAlreadyInBindingValidationBindingIsSspiNegotiationBindingIsSslNegotiationBindingGetNegotiationBindingSoap12OperationBindingget_OperationBindingAddOperationBindingCreateWsdlOperationBindingwsdlOperationBindingGetOrCreateSoapOperationBindingGetSoapOperationBindingConvertSoapOperationBindingHttpOperationBindingGetOperationBindingoperationBindingget_MsmqIntegrationBindingMsmqInvalidServiceOperationForMsmqIntegrationBindingIsSecureConversationBindingNoBindingGetOrCreateSoapBindingGetSoapBindingConvertSoapBindingsoapBindingSecureConversationSecurityTokenParametersRequireBootstrapBindingCreateTcpBindingget_NetPeerTcpBindingget_NetTcpBindingnetTcpBindingCreateMexTcpBindingtcpBindingget_WS2007HttpBindingget_WSHttpBindingget_BasicHttpBindingCreateHttpBindingget_WSDualHttpBindingget_WS2007FederationHttpBindingget_WSFederationHttpBindingBearerKeyIncompatibleWithWSFederationHttpBindingwsHttpBindingget_NetHttpBindingCreateMexHttpBindinghttpBindingLookupBindingget_NetMsmqBindingSoap12HeaderBindingCanImportMessageHeaderBindingExportMessageHeaderBindingCreateSoapHeaderBindingConvertSoapHeaderBindingsoapHeaderBindingheaderBindingouterBindingget_IssuerBindingset_IssuerBindingFindInfoCardIssuerBindingget_LocalIssuerBindingset_LocalIssuerBindinglocalIssuerBindingGetPrivacyNoticeLinkFromIssuerBindingissuerBindingConfigInvalidTypeForBindingFindPortsForBindingIsKerberosBindingget_BasicHttpsBindingCreateHttpsBindingget_NetHttpsBindingCreateMexHttpsBindinghttpsBindingSoap12AddressBindingGetOrCreateSoapAddressBindingGetSoapAddressBindingConvertSoapAddressBindingHttpAddressBindingcurrentStsBindingCreateGetBindingget_HttpGetBindingset_HttpGetBindingMetadataHttpGetBindingCreateHttpGetBindinghttpGetBindingget_HttpsGetBindingset_HttpsGetBindingCreateHttpsGetBindinghttpsGetBindingSetBindingSplitBindingSoap12FaultBindingAddFaultBindingFindFaultBindingCreateWsdlFaultBindingwsdlFaultBindingCreateSoapFaultBindingIsSoapFaultBindingConvertSoapFaultBindingsoapFaultBindingSoapHeaderFaultBindingGetFaultBindingCanImportFaultBindingExportFaultBindingdefaultBindingHttpUrlReplacementBindingMimeContentBindingImportBindingIsUserNameOverTransportBindingIsCertificateOverTransportBindingIsIssuedTokenOverTransportBindingIsSspiNegotiationOverTransportBindingInputBindingOutputBindingMimeTextBindingNetTcpContextBindingWSHttpContextBindingBasicHttpContextBindingnewBindingMetadataMexBindingIsMutualCertificateDuplexBindingIsCompositeDuplexBindingmexBindingAtLeastOneContractOperationResponseRequiresProtectionLevelNotSupportedByBindingAtLeastOneContractOperationRequestRequiresProtectionLevelNotSupportedByBindingSoap12BodyBindingCanImportMessageBodyBindingExportMessageBodyBindingGetOrCreateSoapBodyBindingGetSoapBodyBindingConvertSoapBodyBindingbodyBindingSecurityVersionDoesNotSupportEncryptedKeyBindingAuthorityBindingValidateSecurityBindingValidateNoSecurityBindingGetSecurityBinding<>3__bindingm_bindingchannelbindingsoap11Encodingsoap12EncodingIsUTF8EncodingASCIIEncodingget_Encodingset_EncodingGetRfcEncodingUnicodeEncodingWSMessageEncodingget_MessageEncodingset_MessageEncodingEnsureMessageEncodingNetHttpMessageEncodingmessageEncodingExtensibleEncodingValidateEncodingget_WriteEncodingset_WriteEncodingShouldSerializeWriteEncodingwriteEncodingmtomEncodingPKCS7AsnEncodingX509AsnEncodingKnownEncodingCreateFakeSoapEncodingfakeSoapEncodingCreateSoapEncodingsoapEncodingGetDictionaryReaderEncodingset_TransferEncodingTryGetEncodingCharSetEncodingDeflateContentEncodingGZipContentEncodingSetContentEncodingcontentEncodingget_TextEncodingset_TextEncodingShouldSerializeTextEncodingtextEncodingUnsupportedBinaryEncodingencodingSystem.Runtime.Remoting.MessagingSystem.MessagingMicrosoft.Transactions.Wsat.MessagingSystemMessagingTelemetryTraceLoggingget_MessageLoggingreaderSessionForLoggingget_DisableCachingset_DisableCachingisBatchingSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.AllowOutputBatchingSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.get_AllowOutputBatchingSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.set_AllowOutputBatchingallowOutputBatchingAreBindingsMatchingAreTokenParameterCollectionsMatchingAreTokenParametersMatchingRemoveNegotiationChannelFromIdleTrackingAddNegotiationChannelForIdleTrackingget_DisablePayloadMaskingset_DisablePayloadMaskingdisablePayloadMaskingThrowIfNotOpenedAndNotMaskingAddSiblingPrecedingSiblingFollowingSiblingMoveToSiblingMoveToAddressingHeaderSiblingLastSiblingnextSiblingprevSiblingset_WhitespaceHandlingIPeerNodeMessageHandlingNonReceiveContextPoisonHandlingget_ReceiveErrorHandlingset_ReceiveErrorHandlingreceiveErrorHandlingNumberCeilingResumePollingStopPollingNotPollingFastPollingfastPollinguseStreamingHttpAuthDoesNotSupportRequestStreamingaddToIncomingincomingisCleaningSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.OpeningSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.add_OpeningSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.remove_OpeningTraceCodePeerNodeOpeningThrowIfOpeningChannelOpeningOnOpeningTraceCodeCommunicationObjectOpeningTraceCodePortSharingListeningOnListeningisListeningPipeListenerNotListeningSocketListenerNotListeningStartListeningstartListeningenableSigningsigningget_QuotaRemainingquotaRemainingget_BufferRemainingInvalidBufferRemainingGetBufferRemainingbufferRemainingchunkBytesRemainingbytesRemainingtimeoutRemaininggrfTCSupportedRetaininggrfRMSupportedRetainingretainingCombiningGetMemoryForPinningIsPnrpServiceRunningqueueRunningSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.IsRunningpmkNewlyRunningThrowIfNotAbandoningAddWarningget_ShouldTraceWarningshouldTraceWarningMessageLogWarningSFxCodeGenWarningLogPolicyNormalizationWarningThrowHelperWarningTraceBehaviorWarningAsWarningget_IsWarningisWarningLogImportWarningLogExportWarningwarningPeerThrottlePruningisKeyRenewalOngoingget_PumpingEnsurePumpingGenericMappingInterfaceMappingWildcardNamespaceMappingCreateFileMappingOpenFileMappingfileMappingXmlTypeMappingImportTypeMappinguseHostedClientCertificateMappingremovalMappingXmlMappingget_ProtocolMappingLookupProtocolMappingconnectionMappingXmlMemberMappingmemberMappingtokenPoliciesMappingget_SecurityTokenAuthorizationPoliciesMappingXmlMembersMappingImportMembersMappingExportMembersMappingmembersMappingget_HeadersMappingLoadHeadersMappingheadersMappingAddServerCertMappingRemoveServerCertMappingget_BodyMappingLoadBodyMappingAddIdentityMappingRemoveIdentityMappingmappingTraceCodeComIntegrationDllHostInitializerStoppingTryDisableSharingset_UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharingPortSharingset_AllowWriteStreamBufferingisMonitoringFromBase64StringToBase64StringAPT_Stringget_Stringset_StringReadingViaStringUnescapeDataStringReadStringquotaExceededStringGetHashedStringReadTextElementAsTrimmedStringAsEscapedStringAsUnescapedStringAsRawUnescapedStringGetLocalizedStringNormalizedStringValidStringInvalidStringAppendStringGetNamespaceStringTraceStringGetTraceSourceStringtraceSourceStringCreateSourceStringSystem.Runtime.Diagnostics.ITraceSourceStringProvider.GetSourceStringCreateDefaultSourceStringresourceStringReadingUpgradeStringFramingUpgradeStringupgradeStringCodeStringcodeStringmessageStringCriticalAllocHandleStringX500NameStringOIDNameStringSimpleNameStringdateTimeStringdefaultClientMaxTokenCachingTimeStringdefaultServerIssuedTokenLifetimeStringDefaultCachedLogonTokenLifetimeStringdefaultServerIssuedTransitionTokenLifetimeStringdefaultServerMaxNegotiationLifetimeStringTokenTypeStringResolverTypeStringcontractTypeStringReadingContentTypeStringRequestTypeStringtypeStringcompareStringReverseStringCreateStringWriteStringdefaultAlgorithmSuiteStringEncodingTypeAttributeStringWriteAttributeStringget_MinValueStringset_MinValueStringget_MaxValueStringset_MaxValueStringTimeToLiveStringFramingEncodingStringStringStringmatchStringGetCertHashStringReversSlashStringPushStringParseXPathStringCreateXPathStringIsWellFormedUriStringUseBestMatchNamedPipeUriStringGetUriStringuriStringPeekStringget_OriginalStringDefaultKeepAliveIntervalStringdefaultKeyRenewalIntervalStringdefaultKeyRolloverIntervalStringAcknowledgementIntervalStringFromXmlStringToXmlStringWebSocketInvalidProtocolContainsMultipleSubProtocolStringWebSocketInvalidProtocolInvalidCharInProtocolStringTransactionProtocolStringWebSocketInvalidProtocolEmptySubprotocolStringHttpTransportPerFactoryConnectionPoolStringGetResponseStreamStringUseSha1InPipeConnectionGetHashAlgorithmStringUseSha1InMsmqEncryptionAlgorithmStringDateFromStringConvertFromStringheaderEnumStringenumStringMessageVersionStringReliableMessagingVersionStringSession0ServiceSessionStringDisableAddressHeaderCollectionValidationStringdefaultTimestampValidityDurationStringGetCreateSequenceActionStringGetTerminateSequenceActionStringGetCreateSequenceResponseActionStringGetTerminateSequenceResponseActionStringGetFaultActionStringGetSequenceAcknowledgementActionStringNotAllRepliesAcknowledgedExceptionStringWsrmRequiredExceptionStringInvalidWsrmResponseSessionFaultedExceptionStringUnsupportedTerminateSequenceExceptionStringUnsupportedCloseExceptionStringMissingFinalAckExceptionStringWsrmMessageWithWrongRelatesToExceptionStringWsrmRequestIncorrectReplyToExceptionStringSmallLastMsgNumberExceptionStringInconsistentLastMsgNumberExceptionStringReceivedResponseBeforeRequestExceptionStringInternalToStringExceptionToStringget_ObjectToStringobjectToStringOnBodyToStringGenerateStartInfoStringtoStringDeferSslStreamServerCertificateCleanupStringDisableExplicitConnectionCloseHeaderStringAllowUnsignedToHeaderStringGetHeaderStringFailOnSocketDuplicationErrorStringGetErrorStringtimeoutErrorStringm_errorStringPathSeparatorStringconstructorStringsrStringUnsafeGetCurrentUserSidAsStringget_CurrentStateAsStringGetResultAsStringReadContentAsStringReadElementContentAsStringEnsureUniquePerformanceCounterInstanceNamesStringbindingChannelTypesStringcontractChannelTypesStringDisableCngCertificatesStringWebSocketTransportSettingsStringDisableUsingServicePointManagerSecurityProtocolsStringDontEnableSystemDefaultTlsVersionsStringMaxPendingConnectionsStringget_PartsStringset_PartsStringStatusStringxPathNamedItemSubFormatStringxPathItemSubFormatStringxPathDocumentFormatStringGetStringAddFaultStringWsrmRequiredFaultStringSequenceClosedFaultStringInvalidWsrmResponseSessionFaultedFaultStringValidateReadingFaultStringWsrmMessageWithWrongRelatesToFaultStringWsrmRequestIncorrectReplyToFaultStringTryGetFaultStringReceivedResponseBeforeRequestFaultStringPackageFullNameDefaultStringCurrentUserSessionDefaultStringReadElementStringWriteElementStringSetSegmentStringsegmentStringGetEndpointStringCreateContractListStringWebSocketKeyPostStringSendTimeoutStringIdleTimeoutStringConnectionLeaseTimeoutStringServiceHostCloseTimeoutStringDefaultReceiveTimeoutStringEnsureStreamUpgradeOpenTimeoutStringChannelInitializationTimeoutStringRequestInitializationTimeoutStringTransactionTimeoutStringtransactionTimeoutStringGetTimeoutStringdefaultInactivityTimeoutStringtimeoutStringUseConfiguredTransportSecurityHeaderLayoutStringinputStringoutputStringdefaultMaxClockSkewStringdefaultReplayWindowStringDisableOperationContextAsyncFlowStringEnableLegacyUpnUsernameFixStringRetryCycleDelayStringMaxOutputDelayStringAddUnImportedPolicyStringUseLegacyCertificateUsagePolicyStringGetBase64KeyStringget_KeyStringset_KeyStringGenerateKeyStringkeyStringPopulateFeb2005DictionaryStringDec2005DictionaryStringset_SignatureMethodDictionaryStringset_CanonicalizationMethodDictionaryStringget_EncryptionMethodDictionaryStringset_EncryptionMethodDictionaryStringset_DigestMethodDictionaryStringvalueTypeDictionaryStringvalueTypeUriDictionaryStringXmlDictionaryStringget_DefaultSymmetricSignatureAlgorithmDictionaryStringget_DefaultAsymmetricSignatureAlgorithmDictionaryStringsignatureAlgorithmDictionaryStringget_DefaultCanonicalizationAlgorithmDictionaryStringget_EncryptionAlgorithmDictionaryStringget_DefaultEncryptionAlgorithmDictionaryStringget_DefaultSymmetricKeyWrapAlgorithmDictionaryStringget_DefaultAsymmetricKeyWrapAlgorithmDictionaryStringkeyWrapAlgorithmDictionaryStringget_DefaultDigestAlgorithmDictionaryStringPopulateSecurityAlgorithmDictionaryStringXDCannotFindValueInDictionaryStringget_QueryStringset_QueryStringXsdQueryStringParseQueryStringHealthQueryStringSingleWsdlQueryStringReturnQueryStringDiscoQueryStringbstrQueryStringDefaultQueryStringlpszQueryStringget_EmptyStringProviderCannotBeEmptyStringThrowHelperArgumentNullOrEmptyStringFilterEmptyStringemptyStringConsumedSubstringCurrentSubstringSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.ClosingSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.add_ClosingSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.remove_ClosingraisedClosingOnServiceClosingTraceCodePeerNodeClosingChannelClosingOnItemClosingOnClosinghasChannelStartedAutoClosingSecurityListenerClosingadd_NeighborClosingremove_NeighborClosingOnNeighborClosingget_IsClosingisClosingTraceCodeCommunicationObjectClosingOnInstanceContextClosingPipeAlreadyClosingclosingTraceCodeCommunicationObjectDisposingdisposingget_Endorsingget_SignedEndorsingoptionalSignedEndorsingsignedEndorsingoptionalEndorsingIsEndorsingSupportingTokenIsNotEndorsingendorsingset_DtdProcessingCompleteTerminateMessageProcessingResumeProcessingUnknownTokenAuthenticatorUsedInTokenProcessingContinuePostValidationProcessingget_HeaderProcessingset_HeaderProcessingRequiresIncomingSecurityProcessingget_RequiresOutgoingSecurityProcessingprocessingget_AddressingUsingAddressingSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportFactorySettings.ManualAddressingSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportFactorySettings.get_ManualAddressingset_ManualAddressingMessageSecurityDoesNotWorkWithManualAddressingCantCreateChannelWithManualAddressingIsManualAddressingisManualAddressingApplyManualAddressingmanualAddressingProcessHttpAddressingget_RequiresManualReplyAddressingrequiresManualReplyAddressingaddressingOnNamespaceMissingOnChildNodeTypeMissingHttpContentTypeMissingRequiredSignatureMissingWhereaboutsSignatureMissingOnRequiredAttributeMissingXmlLangAttributeMissingSecurityChannelBindingMissingTransactionHeaderMissingRequiredAttributeIsMissingOnRequiredElementMissingExpectedElementMissingCSRefusedRequiredSecurityElementMissingTraceCodeSslClientCertMissingSecurityContextMissingMessageBodyMissingSFxRequiredRuntimePropertyMissingSFxReceiveContextSettingsPropertyMissingSFxReceiveContextPropertyMissingget_IsInitiatingset_IsInitiatingisInitiatingSetInitiatingTerminatingget_IsTerminatingset_IsTerminatingisTerminatingIsImpersonatingisImpersonatingOnSelectingConnectingisReconnectingadd_Disconnectingremove_DisconnectingOnInternalCompletingset_OnCompletingonCompletingThrowIfNotCompletingRequestCompletingInstanceThrottleWaitingCallThrottleWaitingPeerThrottleWaitingwaitingWritingSystem.Runtime.RemotingSystemRuntimeRemotingDoneAcceptingdoneAcceptingget_IsAcceptingShouldStartAcceptingget_OnStartAcceptingonStartAcceptingstartAcceptingPeerMaintainerStartingTraceCodeComIntegrationDllHostInitializerStartingTraceCodeComIntegrationTLBImportStartingRequestStartingget_AbortingisAbortingabortingmustBeEspeciallyInterestingReplaceExistingUseExistingget_Formattingset_Formattingget_CacheSettingset_CacheSettingSFxImmutableClientBaseCacheSettingcacheSettingEnsureContextExchangeMechanismCompatibleWithTransportCookieSettingHttpCookieContextExchangeMechanismNotCompatibleWithTransportCookieSettingGetMapToWindowsSettingUnsupportedSecuritySettingsettingget_DoneTransmittingSystemWebRoutingSystem.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.IInputSessionShutdown.DoneReceivingInputSessionDoneReceivingdoneReceivingStartReceivingstartReceivingSystemDrawingFollowingStartDemuxingOnDeserializinginitializingStopSynchronizingStartSynchronizingGetHeaderULongUnsignedLongFramingViaTooLongPeerChannelViaTooLongDerivedKeyTokenNonceTooLongFramingContentTypeTooLongDerivedKeyLengthSpecifiedInImplicitDerivedKeyClauseTooLongInsertEllipsisIfTooLongSharedManagerPathTooLongDerivedKeyLengthTooLongDerivedKeyTokenLabelTooLongFramingFaultTooLongReadContentAsLongReadElementContentAsLongPipeUriSchemeWrongWriteEventToApplicationLogget_MaxSizeOfMessageToLogset_MaxSizeOfMessageToLogget_MaxNumberOfMessagesToLogset_MaxNumberOfMessagesToLognumberOfMessagesToLogget_MaxMessagesToLogset_MaxMessagesToLogmaxMessagesToLogget_EventLogget_UnsafeEventLogxCatalogSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISocketListenerSettings.ListenBacklogSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISocketListenerSettings.get_ListenBacklogset_ListenBacklogShouldSerializeListenBacklogGetListenBacklogDefaultListenBackloglistenBacklogget_SecondArgget_TopSequenceArgQueryFunctionStringArgGetInArgget_TopArginputParametersArgoutputParametersArgGetArgtargetArgConvertFirstArgGetOutArgLdargStargrgvargerrorMsgeventMsgmsgEnsureDebugEnsureAuthenticationAuthorizationDebugdebugForEachSystem.ServiceModel.IExtension.DetachSystem.ServiceModel.IExtension.Attachget_Branchset_BranchAddBranchliteralBranchNumberIntervalBranchStringEqualsBranchNumberEqualsBranchAddAlwaysBranchRemoveAlwaysBranchIsAlwaysBranchGetBranchStringPrefixBranchQueryBranchbranchLinearSearchBinarySearchTraceCodeMsmqEnteredBatchOnStartSingleTransactedBatchonStartSingleTransactedBatchSupportsTransactedBatchsupportsTransactedBatchTraceCodeMsmqLeftBatchThrowAndCatchEnsureExpectedSymmetricMatchIsWildcardMatchIsNamespaceMatchInvokeSingleMatchGetSingleMatchensureTypeMatchDoesAuthTypeMatchUTCSRLookupBeforeMatchCreateUriTemplateMatchIsNamespaceAndValueMatchIsCandidatePathMatchInvokeMultiMatchget_CanMatchInvokeNonMatchget_DoAutomaticEncryptionMatchthrowIfMultipleOrNoMatchInnerMatchCheckExternalWrapperMatchIsMatchProtocolMisMatchDoAlgorithmsMatchProcessMatchIsBindingElementsMatchget_IsAlwaysMatchexactMatchGetMatchIsChannelElementMatchReplyAddressFilterDidNotMatchReplyContractFilterDidNotMatchConfigKeysDoNotMatchSFxBindingSchemeDoesNotMatchCLSIDOfTypeDoesNotMatchStandardsManagerDoesNotMatchget_LastMatchset_LastMatchlastMatchNextMatchTryMatchSFxCannotImportAsParameters_NamespaceMismatchFramingRecordTypeMismatchFilterTableTypeMismatchResponseContentTypeMismatchFramingContentTypeMismatchHttpContentTypeMismatchEncryptedHeaderAttributeMismatchProxyAuthenticationLevelMismatchTransactionIsolationLevelMismatchProxyImpersonationLevelMismatchSignatureAndEncryptionTokenMismatchallowFirstTokenMismatchEncoderMessageVersionMismatchEncoderEnvelopeVersionMismatchMessageHeaderVersionMismatchHttpSoapActionMismatchTraceCodeHttpActionMismatchSFxActionMismatchTransactionMismatchMessageProtectionOrderMismatchHttpsServerCertThumbprintMismatchSFxParameterCountMismatchidIDispatchget_EnsureOrderedDispatchset_EnsureOrderedDispatchSfxDispatchRuntimeNonConcurrentOrEnsureOrderedDispatchSFxNonConcurrentOrEnsureOrderedDispatchensureOrderedDispatchReadAndDispatchEnqueueAndDispatchIID_IRemoteDispatchCheckDispatchget_InDispatchset_InDispatchOnDispatchinDispatchIPseudoDispatchPrepareMessageForDispatchSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IProxyManager.SupportsDispatchSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IProxyCreator.SupportsDispatchNetDispatchEnqueueWithoutDispatchdispatchStopwatchget_SwitchSourceSwitchget_CodeGenerationSwitchsizeHighDerivedKeyTokenGenerationAndLengthTooHighDerivedKeyTokenOffsetTooHighdwFileOffsetHighisLastLargeEnoughget_MaxItemsInObjectGraphset_MaxItemsInObjectGraphmaxItemsInObjectGraphgraphSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.HashComputeHMACSHA256Hashget_HashGetServiceAddressAndViaHashCombinedHashpasswordHashInstanceHashGetSignatureHashComputeHashComputeStringHashGetInstanceNameWithHashtoHeaderHashauthenticatorHashGetCertHashpdwHashhashget_IgnoreTrailingSlashignoreTrailingSlashget_EndsWithSlashendsWithSlashDblSlashslashLeavingMeshHasPeerNodeForMeshPingAndRefreshPushOnAsyncFlushDequeueAndFlushCompileMathSystem.Xml.XPathget_XPathset_XPathid57_XmlSchemaXPathCreateIdXPathReadXPathWriteXPathget_Pathset_PathIsWildcardPathget_ServicePathservicePathget_TreePathtreePathbstrBackupFilePathCompilePathDisambiguateSamePathget_BasePathbasePathget_AbsolutePathParseAbsolutePathFromQueuePathqueuePathCompileRelativePathParseRelativePathrelativePathRemovePathendOfPathServiceConfigPathDllImportSearchPathGetUriPathuriPathcanonicalPathget_LocalPathget_VirtualPathset_VirtualPathprocessedVirtualPathget_HostedVirtualPathhostedVirtualPathabsoluteVirtualPathTryGetFullVirtualPathget_ApplicationVirtualPathset_ApplicationVirtualPathapplicationVirtualPathget_CurrentVirtualPathvirtualPathppmkRelPathInvalidLocationPathCompileLocationPathParseLocationPathDisabledRegistrationPathget_ConfigurationPathget_DiagnosticSectionPathget_NetPipeSectionPathget_ProtocolMappingSectionPathget_NetTcpSectionPathget_ServicesSectionPathGetBindingsSectionPathget_ExtensionsSectionPathget_BehaviorsSectionPathget_CommonBehaviorsSectionPathget_ComContractsSectionPathget_StandardEndpointsSectionPathGetEndpointsSectionPathGetSectionPathget_ClientSectionPathget_ServiceHostingEnvironmentSectionPathsectionPathToPathGetTempPathget_BindingsSectionGroupPathget_NamedObjectPathset_NamedObjectPathGetAppContainerNamedObjectPathnamedObjectPathstrObjectPathobjectPathGetPathGetParentPathget_InsertPathinsertPath<>3__xPathservicepathid58_xpathAtom10LengthRss20Lengthget_Lengthset_LengthmaxViaLengthget_SenderIdLengthsenderIdLengthminimumNonceLengthminNonceLengthget_MaximumKeyDerivationNonceLengthDefaultMaximumKeyDerivationNonceLengthmaximumKeyDerivationNonceLengthmaxKeyDerivationNonceLengthDefaultNonceLengthMaxInstanceNameLengthinitialQueueNameLengthresponseFormatNameLengthpackageFamilyNameLengthmaxContentTypeLengthget_DefaultMaximumErrorResponseLengthset_DefaultMaximumErrorResponseLengthget_SenderCertificateLengthsenderCertificateLengthTryComputeLengthadminQueueLengthdestinationQueueLengthEnsureValueLengthReaderQuotasDotStringLengthget_LastMatchLengthset_LastMatchLengthlastMatchLengthhashLengthobjectPathLengthMaxPathLengthxpathLengthinitialLabelLengthget_MaximumKeyDerivationLabelLengthDefaultMaximumKeyDerivationLabelLengthmaximumKeyDerivationLabelLengthmaxKeyDerivationLabelLengthlabelLengthid92_minLengthinitialExtensionLengthextensionLengthGetTokenInformationLengthtokenInformationLengthget_DerivationLengthGetSignatureKeyDerivationLengthget_DefaultSignatureKeyDerivationLengthGetEncryptionKeyDerivationLengthget_DefaultEncryptionKeyDerivationLengthderivationLengthReturnLengthreturnLengthget_SockAddrLengthsockAddrLengthiSockaddrLengthget_BufferLengthset_BufferLengthEnsureBufferLengthcachedWriteBufferLengthpBufferLengthlpdwBufferLengthbufferLengthMaxIdentifierLengthwrapperLengthVerifyParameterLengthmaxCounterLengthGetLengthPrivilegeSetLengthSFxInvalidStreamOffsetLengthfullBodyFragmentLengthsegmentLengthCommentLengthget_ContentLengthset_ContentLengthget_MaxStringContentLengthset_MaxStringContentLengthBufferedReadDefaultMaxStringContentLengthSetContentLengthcontentLengthstartLengthdwLengthid93_maxLengthMaxRecycledArrayLengthReaderQuotasDotArrayLengthget_MaxArrayLengthset_MaxArrayLengthBufferedReadDefaultMaxArrayLengthget_BodyLengthbodyLengthValidateSymmetricKeyLengthget_DefaultSymmetricKeyLengthUnsupportedKeyLengthDefaultDerivedKeyLengthget_MaxDerivedKeyLengthmaxDerivedKeyLengthMaxKeyLengthmaxKeyLengthkeyLengthget_BinaryLengthid96_lengthget_CipherStrengthShouldValidateSslCipherStrengthshouldValidateSslCipherStrengthMinimumSslCipherStrengthTypeLoadForContractTypeIIDFailedWithBindingLoadFromConfigFailedWithMergeWithSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.ComposeWithContinueWithSignWithEndsWithStringStartsWithContentTypeEqualsOrStartsWithEncryptWithSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.CommonPrefixWithwithGMonthget_MonthGYearMonthwMonthRetainBothget_DepthwrappingDepthGetDepthget_MaxDepthset_MaxDepthBufferedReadDefaultMaxDepthReaderQuotasDotMaxDepthdepthmessageAuthValidateMutualAuthdoMutualAuthcomAuthsupportsServerAuthIsWindowsAuthsupportsClientAuthget_NeedsGrowthsaveClientCredentialsOnSspiUiRemovePiiget_ShouldLogPiiHashPiiMarkPiiget_EnableLoggingKnownPiiget_LogKnownPiiset_LogKnownPiilogKnownPiiDropPiiX509SkiPtrToStringUniStringToHGlobalUniStringToCoTaskMemUnibase64UriDurable2PCUriVolatile2PCUriGetIPUriget_Uriset_Uriget_ViaUriset_ViaUriconnectedUriCreateHostedUriBuildUriget_NamespaceUriget_DefaultIdNamespaceUriget_WsspNamespaceUriIsNamespaceUriNodesetNamespaceUrinamespaceUriget_PrivacyNoticeUriset_PrivacyNoticeUriprivacyNoticeUriParseServiceUriCreateServiceUriGetServiceUriserviceUriget_OnceUriget_AllowedAudienceUriset_AllowedAudienceUriget_SourceUriget_NoneUrinoneUriget_UseBestMatchNamedPipeUriDefaultUseBestMatchNamedPipeUriuseBestMatchNamedPipeUriCreateHostedPipeUripipeUriget_ValueTypeUriget_IncomingValueTypeUriset_IncomingValueTypeUriincomingValueTypeUriSpnegoValueTypeUriTlsnegoValueTypeUrivalueTypeUriget_TokenTypeUriSupportsTokenTypeUriGetTokenTypeUritokenTypeUriget_BaseUriset_BaseUrifeedBaseUrioriginalBaseUriget_PerformanceCountersForBaseUriGetServiceModelPerformanceCountersBaseUriperformanceCountersBaseUriGetBaseUriSetBaseUriFaultBaseUrinextBaseUribaseUriget_ResponseUriValidateUriUpdateUriCreateUriRewriteUriremoteUriget_AbsoluteUriNormalizedAbsoluteUriMakeAbsoluteUriValueTypeAbsoluteUrirelativeOrAbsoluteUriget_IsAbsoluteUriGetAbsoluteUriMakeRelativeUrirelativeUriGetSelfUriMsmqWrongUriGetMeshUriGetLocalUriPeerPnrpIllegalUrioriginalUrifullUriSamlUriget_SecurityContextTokenUriget_ListenUriset_ListenUriget_UnresolvedListenUriset_UnresolvedListenUriEnsureListenUriGetListenUriSetListenUriConfigureEndpointListenUrilistenUriSFxBadMetadataLocationUriGetWsaActionUriCreateDefaultWsaActionUriactionUriCompletionUritoUriget_SoapUriset_SoapUrimessageSoapUriXPathMessageFunctionSoapUriTcpUrihttpUriTryLookupUriMsmqUriGetHeaderUriServiceHealthBehavior_ListenerUriget_ListenerUriset_ListenerUriRegisterUriUnregisterUriget_SelfIssuerUriselfIssuerUriget_NeverUriNoCompatibleTransportManagerForUriHosting_NoTcpPipeTransportManagerForUriNoTransportManagerForUriHosting_NoHttpTransportManagerForUriget_AlwaysToInitiatorUrictorUriget_ValueAsUriTryEncodeHeaderValueAsUriSFxChannelFactoryEndpointAddressUriget_AnonymousUriIsAnonymousUrianonymousUrisctUriGetUriSetUriget_TargetUriset_TargetUriIsWebSocketUriGetWebSocketUriget_AlwaysToRecipientUriGetEndpointUriFramingViaNotUrimtomStartUristartUriNamedPipeTransportUriget_WsdlTransportUriGetWsdlTransportUriwsdlTransportUriTcpTransportUriHttpTransportUriMsmqTransportUriPeerTransportUriWebSocketTransportUritransportUriget_RequestUriset_RequestUriget_OriginalRequestUrirequestUrinewUriAddPolicyUriPsha1ComputedKeyUridummyUrihexBinaryUriEmptyUriemptyUripriurilockObjdetailObjInitObjppvObjLdobjStobjInitobjNewobjExportable2kbDesktopOkDebugBreakHtmlBreakReadAckinvalidAckWritingUpgradeAckOnReadPreambleAckonReadPreambleAckHandlePreambleAckValidatePreambleAckValidateFinalAckSequenceTerminatedMissingFinalAckSetFinalAckinconsistentAckHandleCancelCallBackOnCompleteWaitCallBackcompleteWaitCallBackNackget_ServicePackcurrentServicePackservicePackUnsafePackBegin1Callbackbegin1CallbackBegin2Callbackbegin2Callbackget_Callbackset_CallbackonDuplicatedViaCallbackGetOnViaCallbackWrapExecuteUserCodeAsyncCallbackReceiveAsyncCallbackreceiveAsyncCallbackFastAsyncCallbackasyncCallbackasyncReadCallbackCleanThreadCallbackcleanThreadCallbackAddedChangedCallbackscheduledCallbackSharedCallbacksharedCallbackOutputSessionClosedCallbackoutputSessionClosedCallbackConnectionClosedCallbackOnNeighborClosedCallbackclosedCallbackOnSendCompletedCallbackOnSendResponseCompletedCallbackInnerTryReceiveCompletedCallbackinnerTryReceiveCompletedCallbackOnFinalizeCorrelationCompletedCallbackoperationCompletedCallbackAcceptCompletedCallbackacceptCompletedCallbackOnGetWebRequestCompletedCallbackOnRequestCompletedCallbackOnReplyCompletedCallbackFaultedCallbacknestedCallbackmessageDequeuedCallbackOnInvokeDequeuedCallbackonInvokeDequeuedCallbackget_ConnectionDequeuedCallbackset_ConnectionDequeuedCallbackPooledConnectionDequeuedCallbackpooledConnectionDequeuedCallbackGetConnectionDequeuedCallbackconnectionDequeuedCallbackdequeuedCallbackSetMessageReceivedCallbackmessageReceivedCallbackOperationEndCallbackSynchronizationContextEndCallbackthreadAffinityEndCallbackasyncSendCallbackOnHttpPipelineSendCallbacksendCallbackEndpointNotFoundCallbackConnectionModeCallbackSecureOutgoingMessageCallbacksecureOutgoingMessageCallbackget_PurgeCallbackpurgeCallbackInvokeCallbackinvokeCallbackMessageAvailableCallbackConnectionAvailableCallbackServerSessionPreambleCallbackserverSessionPreambleCallbackServerSingletonPreambleCallbacksingletonPreambleCallbackInstanceContextIdleCallbackNotifyIdleCallbackpruneCallbackCloseCoreCallbackcloseCoreCallbackSendCloseResponseCallbacksendCloseResponseCallbackGetResponseCallbackset_UnblockChannelCloseCallbackunblockChannelCloseCallbackchannelCloseCallbackWaitForInputSessionCloseCallbackWaitForOutputSessionCloseCallbackChannelBinderCloseCallbackchannelBinderCloseCallbackSettingsLifetimeManagerCloseCallbacksettingsLifetimeManagerCloseCallbacklifetimeManagerCloseCallbackCreateNegotiationStateCallbackcreateNegotiationStateCallbackOverlappedIOCompleteCallbackSendCompleteCallbacksendCompleteCallbackGetTokenCompleteCallbackgetTokenCompleteCallbackGetSecondaryTokenCompleteCallbackgetSecondaryTokenCompleteCallbackGetPrimaryTokenCompleteCallbackgetPrimaryTokenCompleteCallbackwaitCompleteCallbackcompleteCallbackasyncWriteCallbackstreamedWriteCallbackStreamWriteCallbackOnWriteCallbackonWriteCallbackwriteCallbackExecuteCallbackRunQueueCallbackget_DequeueCallbackset_DequeueCallbackdequeueCallbackRetrieveCallbackMQReceiveCallbackTryReceiveCallbacktryReceiveCallbackreceiveCallbackpendingCallbackset_PollingCallbackOnStartAcceptingCallbackStartReceivingCallbackstartReceivingCallbackget_OnDispatchCallbackonDispatchCallbackflushCallbackThunkCallbackReceiveInternalCallbackreceiveInternalCallbackset_VirtualCallbackCloseChannelCallbackcloseChannelCallbackOpenChannelCallbackopenChannelCallbackCloseInnerChannelCallbackcloseInnerChannelCallbackOpenInnerChannelCallbackopenInnerChannelCallbackAsyncGetChannelCallbackasyncGetChannelCallbackAcceptChannelCallbackacceptChannelCallbacknewChannelCallbackchannelCallbackOpenSecurityProtocolCallbackopenSecurityProtocolCallbackset_DisposeItemCallbackget_GetInfoCardTokenCallbackgetInfoCardTokenCallbackGetSupportingTokenCallbackOnGetTokenCallbackonGetTokenCallbackgetTokenCallbackEnsureOpenCallbackensureOpenCallbackLifetimeManagerOpenCallbacklifetimeManagerOpenCallbackOperationWithTimeoutBeginCallbackAbandonCallbackabandonCallbackCloseSessionCallbackcloseSessionCallbackBaseCloseOutputSessionCallbackbaseCloseOutputSessionCallbackcloseOutputSessionCallbackAddServerCertMappingOrSetRemoteCertificateValidationCallbackremoteCertificateValidationCallbackget_ServerCertificateValidationCallbackset_ServerCertificateValidationCallbackchainedServerCertValidationCallbackOnGetBinaryNegotiationCallbackCorrelationCallbackcorrelationCallbackOperationCallbackoperationCallbackLocalCertificateSelectionCallbackget_ClientCertificateSelectionCallbackclientCertificateSelectionCallbackselectionCallbackReuseConnectionCallbackreuseConnectionCallbackIOCompletionCallbackget_CompletionCallbackcompletionCallbackShutdownCallbackasynCallbackDoCallbackSFxCreateDuplexChannelNoCallbackSFxOperationBehaviorAttributeReleaseInstanceModeDoesNotApplyToCallbackCleanupCallbackcleanupCallbackCloseTokenProviderCallbackcloseTokenProviderCallbackOpenTokenProviderCallbackopenTokenProviderCallbackcloseChannelBinderCallbackselectTransportManagerCallbackotherCallbackDemuxFailureHandlerCallbackdemuxFailureHandlerCallbackcallerCallbackReceiveThreadSchedulerCallbackreceiveThreadSchedulerCallbackWaitOrTimerCallbackGetTimerCallbacktimerCallbackOpenListenerCallbackopenListenerCallbackget_InnerCallbackinnerCallbackThrowHelperCallbackuserCallbackWaitOverCallbackwaitOverCallbackPruneNeighborCallbackGetNeighborCallbackgetNeighborCallbackErrorCallbackerrorCallbackacceptorCallbackimplIsCallbackCloseInstancesCallbackInitializeChannelFactoriesCallbackinitializeChannelFactoriesCallbackTransportSettingsCallbacktransportSettingsCallbackAsyncEventArgsCallbackisCallbackCloseChannelsCallbackgetSupportingTokensCallbackGetTokensCallbackgetTokensCallbackSelectTransportManagersCallbackCloseChannelDispatchersCallbackCloseListenersCallbackStartConnectCallbackstartConnectCallbackReconnectCallbackreconnectCallbackinputSessionWaitCallbackoutputSessionWaitCallbackShutdownWaitCallbackshutdownWaitCallbackwaitCallbackEnsureInteractiveInitCallbackensureInteractiveInitCallbackSendFaultCallbacksendFaultCallbackwaitResultCallbackOnMessageSentCallbackEventCallbackeventCallbackHandleAcceptCallbackhandleAcceptCallbackScheduleAcceptCallbackscheduleAcceptCallbackacceptCallbackSynchronizationContextStartCallbackthreadAffinityStartCallbackOnGetBaseWebRequestCallbackonGetBaseWebRequestCallbackSendRequestCallbacksendRequestCallbackrequestCallbackSendOrPostCallbackOperationWithTimeoutCallbackCloseInputCallbackCloseInstanceContextCallbackServerSessionPreambleDemuxCallbackSingletonPreambleDemuxCallbackRenewKeyCallbackrenewKeyCallbackActivityCallbackInstanceContextEmptyCallbackNotifyEmptyCallbackemptyCallbackusedFallbackDecoderExceptionFallbackEncoderExceptionFallbackDecoderFallbackEncoderFallbackNoCandidateHasQueryLiteralRequirementsAndThereIsAnEmptyFallbackcallbackSystem.Transactions.IEnlistmentNotification.RollbackForceRollbackEnsureReceiveContextAbandonOnTransactionRollbackIsLoopbackUnpackCloneNSStackPopSequenceToSequenceStacksequenceStackPushSequenceFrameFromValueStackPopSequenceToValueStackPopSequenceFrameToValueStackvalueStackcontextOnTopOfStackblockStackEvalStacknsStackGrowStackstackServiceCheckTraceEventNoCheckCacheAccessCheckAtMostOneSignatureIsSupportedWithDefaultPolicyCheckAtMostOneReferenceListIsSupportedWithDefaultPolicyCheckUnsupportedSecurityCheckNoSigningTokenAvailableToDoIncomingIdentityCheckNoOutgoingEndpointAddressAvailableForDoingIdentityCheckTimeSpanOneTicklistenerRWLockstaticLocks_syncLockEnterReadLockExitReadLockreadLockSharedLockLeaveXPSendLockEnterXPSendLockget_SendLockxpSendLocksendLockserviceInstanceLockinstanceLocksourceLockget_CacheLockcacheLocktypeTableLockassemblyTableLocktableLockthrottleLocktypeLockTryAcquireLockMsmqCannotReacquireLockReleaseLockReleaseStateLockinternalStateLockWaitForStateLockstateLockLiteLockliteLockEnterWriteLockExitWriteLockwriteLockget_ReceiveLockreceiveLockfinalizeLockfLockalreadyHoldingLockGlobalLockdummyNetworkCredentialLockcurrentChannelLockopenLockhandlerCollectionLockalreadyResumedNoLockTakeReaderLockAcquireReaderLockReleaseReaderLockisReaderLockbufferLocktimerLockisRunningInAppContainerLockTakeWriterLockAcquireWriterLockReleaseWriterLockDowngradeFromWriterLockUpgradeToWriterLockReaderWriterLockreaderWriterLockfilterLockschemaImporterLockappSettingsLockget_ThisLockthisLockinitLockExitLockexitLockrefCountLockacceptLockmanifestLockIncrementBusyCountWithoutLock_factoryLockproxyLockEvalCodeBlockOpcodeBlockCompileBlockTransformFinalBlockTransformBlockcanBlockMoveToHeaderBlocknewBlock_lockid40_blockCompleteWithUnlockGlobalUnlockTryUnlockPeerWinsockEndPeekBeginPeekchannelToPeekretryQueueForPeekonStartPeekTryPeekget_CanSeekget_DayOfWeekwDayOfWeekppmkUnableToRetrievepUnkget_ArrayRankGetArrayRankget_Li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_MessageAuthenticationAuditLevelset_MessageAuthenticationAuditLeveldefaultMessageAuthenticationAuditLevelmessageAuthenticationAuditLevelget_ServiceAuthorizationAuditLevelset_ServiceAuthorizationAuditLeveldefaultServiceAuthorizationAuditLevelserviceAuthorizationAuditLevelauditLevelTraceEventLevelget_LogMessagesAtTransportLevelset_LogMessagesAtTransportLevelprivLevelprivacyLevelTokenIntegrityLevellevelNilX509ChainBuildFailThrowIfFailSystem.Net.MailsegmentTailget_Emailset_EmailemailTDetailget_DetailContextChannelFactoryChannelCreatedDetailWsdlImportErrorMessageDetailParseDetailOnWriteDetailWriteExceptionDetailexceptionDetailGet12HasDetailget_HasDetailInferHasDetailhasDetailGetDetailExtraContentIsPresentInFaultDetailOnWriteStartDetailWsdlImportErrorDependencyDetailFaultDoesNotHaveAnyDetaildetailMessageUtilDateTimeUtilStringUtilCatalogUtilXmlUtilInvokerUtilContextUtilid118_XmlSchemaAllgenericAllFindAllDeleteAllResolveAllRemoveAllReturnAllReadNode_PolicyOrAllGetAllUnableToLoadDllSecurityAuditFailToLoadDllSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ICallOnce.CallIsSyncCallEndAsyncCallCompleteAsyncCallSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.WbemNative.IWbemServices.CancelAsyncCallSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ICallOnce.EndCallmethodCallpIServiceCallPrepareCallPrivateAcquireCallget_ReleaseInstanceBeforeCallset_ReleaseInstanceBeforeCallreleaseInstanceBeforeCallImpersonateCallDeactivateCallisBlockingCallWebHeaderEmptyStringCallTraceCodeComIntegrationExecutingCallIsTaskCallPrepareTransactionalCallOnCallSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ICallOnce.BeginCallIsBeginCallIsProviderPerCallBeforeAndAfterCallget_ReleaseInstanceAfterCallset_ReleaseInstanceAfterCallreleaseInstanceAfterCallThrottleAcquiredForCallSynchronousCallAsynchronousCallGotCallid75_allSslCipherKeyTooSmallSystemConfigurationInstallws2_32.dllole32.dllnetapi32.dlladvapi32.dllkernel32.dllsecur32.dllCrypt32.dlloleaut32.dllSystem.ServiceModel.dllcomsvcs.dllbcrypt.dllmqrt.dlluserenv.dllauthz.dllcollEcNraFullEcDsaFullRsaFullget_RemoveOldestTokensOnCacheFullremoveOldestTokensOnCacheFullTraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderServiceTokenCacheFullTraceClientServiceTokenCacheFullTraceSecurityContextTokenCacheFullTraceCodeSecurityContextTokenCacheFullMsmqSerializationTableFullTraceCodeMsmqPoolFullget_IsFullFromSecurityIdentifiersFullEcmaPublicKeyFullSharedLibPublicKeyFullSilverlightPlatformPublicKeyFullMicrosoftPublicKeyFullSilverlightPublicKeyFullDBNullReadNullAcceptedNullacceptedNullSFxTypedMessageCannotBeNullSFxDispatchRuntimeMessageCannotBeNullSFxProxyRuntimeMessageCannotBeNullSFxParameterNameCannotBeNullSfxCallbackTypeCannotBeNullContractBindingAddressCannotBeNullSFxBodyCannotBeNullSFxInputParametersToServiceNullQueryVariableNullSynchronizedCollectionWrongTypeNullSFxKnownTypeNullCreateContentIfNullConfigNullSFxMetadataResolverKnownContractsCannotContainNullOneWayOperationReturnedNonNullReceiveShutdownReturnedNonNullSignalNextIfNonNullAuthenticationManagerShouldNotReturnNullStringEqualOrNulloldValueIsNullnewValueIsNullPolicyImportContextBindingElementCollectionIsNullPersistWrapperIsNullConfigXPathFilterIsNullConfigElementKeysNullThrowHelperArgumentNullEnqueueMessageIfNotNullCreateDelegateIfNotNullAddAssertionIfNotNullEnsureHttpResponseMessageContentNotNullEnsureHttpRequestMessageContentNotNullReceivedMessageInRequestContextNullallowNullVariantArrayNullConfigElementKeyNullLdnullSystem.XmlMsmqBadXmlSystem.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXmlOnReadXmlLoadXmlUnknownFeedXmlSignedXmlsignedXmlNoLicenseXmlget_RequestSecurityTokenResponseXmlrequestSecurityTokenResponseXmlSystem.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXmlOnWriteXmlGetIssuedAndProofXmlUnknownItemXmlSystemXmlget_TokenXmlissuedTokenXmlproofTokenXmlErrorDeserializingTokenXmlTryCreateKeyIdentifierClauseFromTokenXmlErrorDeserializingKeyIdentifierClauseFromTokenXmlget_SecurityTokenXmlget_RequestSecurityTokenXmlrequestSecurityTokenXmltokenXmlSerializeToXmlEncryptedHeaderXmlheaderXmlReadInnerXmlWriteCategoriesInnerXmlThrowHelperXmlget_OuterXmlrstrXmlisXmlUnknownDocumentXmlrootXmlrstXmlget_SamlSystem.XamlSystemRuntimeWindowsRuntimeUIXamlXHtmlhtmlxmlMicrosoft.Transactions.Wsat.ProtocolWSAtomicTransaction11ProtocolReadMsdtcV2ProtocolWSAtomicTransactionOctober2004Protocolget_Protocolget_SubProtocolset_SubProtocolClientWebSocketFactory_InvalidSubProtocolTryParseSubProtocolGetUpgradeRequiredResponseMessageWithSubProtocolSoapSubProtocolsubProtocolReadExtendedProtocolHosting_NotSupportedProtocolInvalidProtocolEnableProtocolProtocolFactoryCouldNotCreateProtocolincomingProtocoloutgoingProtocoliProtocolTmProtocolNameFromProtocolIInitiatorSecuritySessionProtocolIAcceptorSecuritySessionProtocolWS2007TransactionProtocolget_TransactionProtocolset_TransactionProtocolShouldSerializeTransactionProtocolTrackAgreementTransactionProtocoltransactionProtocolget_QueueTransferProtocolset_QueueTransferProtocolqueueTransferProtocolOleTransactionsProtocolDeserializeWhereaboutsProtocolSecWebSocketProtocolHttpWebClientProtocolDiscov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rvices.CreateClassEnumUriSegmentEnumExclusiveC14nget_IsInFlowsInturningOnisSecurityContextImpersonationOnisEncryptionOnAlwaysOnget_Booleanset_BooleanCompileBasicBooleanEndBooleanCompileBooleanPeekBooleanBooleanBooleanToBooleanGetResultAsBooleanReadContentAsBooleanReadElementContentAsBooleanGetBooleanStartBooleanApplyBooleancommitNotLaterThanop_GreaterThanop_LessThancredmanDssDiffieHellmanget_LifeSpanInfiniteTimeSpanget_CachingTimeSpanset_CachingTimeSpancachingTimeSpanTcpConnectErrorWithTimeSpanFromTimeSpanconvertToTimeSpanReadElementContentAsTimeSpantimeSpancachingSpanlifespanget_TransactionTimeoutTimespantimespandnilGenencryptedDataLendataLenserviceLenuriLentotalLenoperationLencontractLenSeekableMessageNavOverrideForbiddenHttpAuthorizationForbiddenSeekableMessageNavBodyForbiddenlockTakenValidateX509TokenInjectXTokenget_TokenrsaTokenset_RequireCryptographicTokenTokenProviderReturnedBadTokenCanReadTokenTokenManagerCouldNotReadTokenCannotReadTokenOpenThreadTokenSetThreadTokenOpenCurrentThreadTokenSetCurrentThreadTokenEnsureCapacityToAddTokenTraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderRemovedCachedTokenTraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderUsingCachedTokenGetCachedTokencachedTokenidentityVerifiedTokenTokenLinkedTokenEnsureWrappedTokenEnsureNonWrappedTokenisWrappedTokenUnexpectedTokenget_IssuedTokenAddIssuedTokenCreateIssuedTokenFailedToDeserializeIssuedTokenCreateChannelWithIssuedTokenGetIssuedTokenSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IChannelCredentials.SetIssuedTokenissuedTokenget_IsDerivedTokenisDerivedTokenoldTokenget_IsOutOfBandTokenset_IsOutOfBandTokenoutOfBandTokenAppendTokenRecordTokenget_ServiceTokenTraceRemovedCachedServiceTokenTraceUsingCachedServiceTokenValidateAndCacheServiceTokenIssueServiceTokenget_EncryptStateInServiceTokenset_EncryptStateInServiceTokenencryptStateInServiceTokenSetServiceTokenGetCurrentServiceTokenserviceTokenNonceTokensourceTokenCannotPerformImpersonationOnUsernameTokenConsumeTokenget_SignatureTokenderivedSignatureTokenRecordSignatureTokenResolveSignatureTokenCaptureTokenParseTokenclientCertificateTokenDuplicateTokenget_CanValidateTokenCreateTokenget_CanWriteTokenAddPrerequisiteTokenprerequisiteTokenIssueTokenTryResolveTokenShouldSerializeTokenCreateChannelWithOnBehalfOfTokenGetSelfTokenget_ProofTokenget_RequestedProofTokenset_RequestedProofTokenEntropyModeRequiresProofTokenproofTokenSendWithChannelBindingTokenSendWithoutChannelBindingTokenchannelBindingTokenCheckIncomingTokenReplyWasNotSignedWithRequiredSigningTokenrequiredSigningTokenDerivedSigningTokenSourceSigningTokenDoesSkiClauseMatchSigningTokenSetSigningTokensigningTokenCheckOutgoingTokenget_WrappingTokenprerequisiteWrappingTokenUnableToResolveKeyInfoForUnwrappingTokenunwrappingTokenNoKeyInfoInEncryptedItemToFindDecryptingTokenMessageWasNotEncryptedWithTheRequiredEncryptingTokenEncryptedKeyWasNotEncryptedWithTheRequiredEncryptingTokenencryptingTokenAddBasicSupportingTokenAddSupportingTokenAddSignedSupportingTokenAddEndorsingDerivedSupportingTokenAddSignedEndorsingDerivedSupportingTokenAddEndorsingSupportingTokenAddSignedEndorsingSupportingTokenRenewSessionMissingSupportingTokenSignWithSupportingTokenUnknownSupportingTokenVerifySupportingTokensupportingTokenExistingTokenWrongIdentityRenewingTokenPeerHashTokenPushTokenXPathTokenget_IsOptionalTokenset_IsOptionalTokenWritePossibleGenericXmlTokenWriteGenericXmlTokenSessionTokenIsNotGenericXmlTokengenericXmlTokenUnableToCreateSymmetricAlgorithmFromTokenUnsafeCreateWindowsIdentityFromTokenRemoveCachedLogonTokenGetOutgoingSessionTokenSetOutgoingSessionTokenoutgoingSessionTokenConvertSctToSessionTokenpreviousSessionTokenGetSessionTokencurrentSessionTokenRenewSessionTokensessionTokenNoKeyInfoInSignatureToFindVerificationTokenget_PropagationTokenset_PropagationTokenCreateFixedPropagationTokenfixedPropagationTokenInvalidPropagationTokenMarshalPropagationTokenUnmarshalPropagationTokenGetTransactionFromTransmitterPropagationTokenGetTransmitterPropagationTokenpropagationTokenGetCorrelationTokenSetCorrelationTokencorrelationTokenCancellationTokencancellationTokenIsAtleastImpersonationTokenMismatchInSecurityOperationTokenget_ProtectionTokenset_ProtectionTokenprotectionTokenpendingDecryptionTokenget_EncryptionTokenWrappedEncryptionTokenexpectedEncryptionTokenMessageWasNotEncryptedByDerivedEncryptionTokenderivedEncryptionTokenRecordEncryptionTokenSourceEncryptionTokenSetEncryptionTokenencryptionTokenDiscoTokenpropTokenproviderTokenget_UserTokenset_UserTokenSetUserTokenuserTokenserverTokenCantInferReferenceForTokenShouldUseStrTransformForTokenget_CacheIdentityCheckResultForTokenget_InitiatorTokenset_InitiatorTokenGetInitiatorTokeninitiatorTokenCreateChannelWithActAsTokenactAsTokenAcquiredInstancesTokenReleasedInstancesTokenRatioInstancesTokenAcquiredCallsTokenReleasedCallsTokenRatioCallsTokenAcquiredSessionsTokenReleasedSessionsTokenRatioSessionsTokenOpenProcessTokenGetProcessTokenGetCurrentProcessTokenprocessTokenImpersonateAnonymousTokenExtractTokenEndGetTokenCompleteGetTokenOnGetTokenBeginGetTokenonGetTokenOnGetClientTokenonGetClientTokenclientTokenget_RecipientTokenset_RecipientTokenrecipientTokencurrentTokenGetRootTokenget_TransportTokenset_TransportTokenincludeTransportTokenDoesPolicyMatchTransportTokentransportTokenRequestTokenNextTokenGetContextTokenCreateCookieSecurityContextTokenWriteSecurityContextTokenIssueSecurityContextTokenTryResolveSecurityContextTokenIsAtSecurityContextTokenSessionTokenIsNotSecurityContextTokenget_CanRenewSecurityContextTokenset_CanRenewSecurityContextTokenQuerySecurityContextTokensecurityContextTokenNewTokenRenewTokenMaxTokenEcmaPublicKeyTokenSharedLibPublicKeyTokenSilverlightPlatformPublicKeyTokenGetPublicKeyTokenMicrosoftPublicKeyTokenSilverlightPublicKeyTokenCreateWrappedKeyTokenwrappedKeyTokenCreateDerivedKeyTokenUnableToResolveKeyInfoClauseInDerivedKeyTokenIsAtDerivedKeyTokenreplyTokenget_EntropyTokenentropyTokensecondaryTokenget_RequireSignedPrimaryTokenset_RequireSignedPrimaryTokenrequireSignedPrimaryTokenoutOfBandPrimaryTokenIsPrimaryTokenprimaryTokenSaml2SecurityTokenX509SecurityTokenget_SecurityTokenget_RsaSecurityTokenCreateSafeRsaSecurityTokenCreateAndCacheRsaSecurityTokenProviderBackedSecurityTokenget_RequestedSecurityTokenset_RequestedSecurityTokenget_IssuedSecurityTokenset_IssuedSecurityTokenoldSecurityTokenGetInfoCardSecurityTokenUserNameSecurityTokenGetCertificateSecurityTokenResolveSecurityTokenErrorSerializingSecurityTokenSspiSecurityTokenget_GenericXmlSecurityTokenBufferedGenericXmlSecurityTokenSamlSecurityTokenTryGetIdentifierClauseFromSecurityTokenSessionSecurityTokenKerberosReceiverSecurityTokenKerberosRequestorSecurityTokenX509WindowsSecurityTokenBinarySecretSecurityTokenget_RequestSecurityTokenset_RequestSecurityTokenCreateRequestSecurityTokenWriteRequestSecurityTokenPeerRequestSecurityTokenSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.ProcessRequestSecurityToken_requestSecurityTokenget_SecurityContextSecurityTokenConvertSessionTokenToSecurityContextSecurityTokennewSecurityTokenWrappedKeySecurityTokenDerivedKeySecurityTokenGetUseKeySecurityTokenUnknownEncodingInBinarySecurityToken_securityTokenUnsafeGetWindowsIdentityTokenm_tokenLdtokensessiontokenlenSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.OpenServiceHealthBehavior_OpensupportsImpersonationDuringAsyncOpenSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.EndOpenBaseEndOpenSystem.ServiceModel.Security.ISecurityCommunicationObject.OnEndOpenOnInnerListenerEndOpenInvokeOpenPrepareOpenFinishEnsureOpenStartEnsureOpenOnBaseOpenonBaseOpenCompleteOpenThrowIfOpenabortOngoingOpenDuplexChannelAbortedDuringOpenEndChannelOpenBeginChannelOpenUnrecognizedFaultReceivedOnOpenget_NegotiateTokenOnOpenset_NegotiateTokenOnOpennegotiateTokenOnOpenget_GetTokenOnOpengetTokenOnOpenpendingExceptionOnOpenTimeoutOnOpenThrowInvalidOperation_NotValidWhenOpenSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.BeginOpenBaseBeginOpenSystem.ServiceModel.Security.ISecurityCommunicationObject.OnBeginOpenonOpenCompleteBinderOpenTransportManagerOpenOnEndInnerListenerOpenOnEndOuterListenerOpenOnOuterListenerOpenOnBeginOuterListenerOpenTraceCodeEndpointListenerOpenSFxServiceHostBaseCannotAddEndpointAfterOpenOnUpgradeInitiatorOpenonUpgradeInitiatorOpenHandleInitiatorOpenSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerMaintainer.IsOpenSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerMaintainer.get_IsOpenChannelIsOpenEnsureStreamIsOpenEnsureLockQueuesOpenisOpenThrowIfNotOpenChannelNotOpenThrowIfClosedOrNotOpenThrowIfDisposedOrNotOpenTransportManagerNotOpenCheckOutputOpenTryOpenEndFactoryOpenBeginFactoryOpenActivityOpenopenWebHeaderEnumOperationCantHappenLParenRParenMismatchedParenget_HasChildrenSelectChildrenchildrenpchEatenSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IConnectionListener.ListenSharedManagerFailedToListenStartListenTraceCodeTransportListenwillX509IssuerReferenceAssertionBeWrittenTraceCodeMessageWrittenendOfMessageWrittenMessageHasBeenWrittenisShutdownWrittenbytesWrittenThrowIfFrozenget_IsFrozenfrozenEncryptBeforeSignWriteBodyToEncryptThenSignMsmqAuthCertificateRequiresProtectionSignNoSignNoPartsOfMessageMatchedPartsToSignelementToSignWriteBodyToSignAtSignSystemWebDynamicDataDesignMicrosoftWebDesignSystemDrawingDesignSystemDesignSystemWebExtensionsDesignSystemWebEntityDesignpollMinPinsockaddr_inGainMainTraceCodeMessageClosedAgainX509ChainInfoCardInvalidChaininfocardChainget_RemoteCertificateChainremoteCertificateChaincertificateChainget_TransformChainGetPolicyChainchainRss20Domainget_DomaincomputedDomainServiceDomainIsMachineJoinedToDomainServiceAppDomainpAppDomainget_IsDefaultAppDomainisDefaultAppDomainappDomainGetComputerDomainMsmqWindowsDomainUnsafeGetDomainGetDefaultDomainget_CurrentDomainGetTypeFromAssembliesInCurrentDomainGetCurrentDomaincurrentDomainGetPrimaryDomaindomainTraceFeedReadBeginTraceCodeSyndicationFeedReadBeginTraceItemReadBeginTraceCodeSyndicationItemReadBeginTraceServiceDocumentReadBeginTraceCategoriesDocumentReadBeginTraceCodeSyndicationReadFeedBeginTraceCodeSyndicationWriteFeedBeginWSALookupServiceBeginInvokeBeginget_ElseBeginset_ElseBeginelseBeginTraceFeedWriteBeginTraceCodeSyndicationFeedWriteBeginTraceItemWriteBeginTraceCodeSyndicationItemWriteBeginTraceServiceDocumentWriteBeginTraceCategoriesDocumentWriteBeginCallBeginTraceCodeSyndicationReadItemBeginTraceCodeSyndicationWriteItemBeginOnBeginIsBeginTraceCodeSyndicationReadServiceDocumentBeginTraceCodeSyndicationWriteServiceDocumentBeginTraceCodeSyndicationReadCategoriesDocumentBeginTraceCodeSyndicationWriteCategoriesDocumentBeginget_OriginGetMethodOriginget_ValueOriginPropertyValueOriginSeekOriginTokenOriginget_SuffixOriginGetPropertyOriginoriginlocationWithinServiceAdminJoinUnpinHandleEndAbandonhandleEndAbandonOnEndAbandonPreAbandonCreateAbandonOnAbandonOnBeginAbandononAbandonStackRegionid115_XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnionid83_unionHeuristicDecisionAccessDecisiondecisionAclRevisionget_MajorRevisionX509ExtensionTExtensionget_Extensionset_ExtensionEnsureServiceMetadataExtensionX509KeyUsageExtensionremoteExtensionIsNonSoapWsdl11BindingExtensionIsSoapBindingExtensionTryCreateMatchingExtensionVirtualPathExtensionlocalExtensionCallExtensionIServiceContractGenerationExtensionIOperationContractGenerationExtensionXPathMessageContextMarkupExtensionxmlSerializerExtensionbehaviorExtensionPeerChannelAuthenticatorExtensionhasExtensionSystemDiagnosticsPerformanceCountersExtensionServiceDescriptionFormatExtensiondataContractExtensionManagementExtensionSyndicationElementExtensionXmlSchemaSimpleContentExtensionConvertExtensionIWsdlImportExtensionIPolicyImportExtensionIWsdlExportExtensionIPolicyExportExtensionUtilityExtensionid125_extensionWSReliableMessaging11VersionWSReliableMessagingFebruary2005Versionget_OSVersionget_Versionset_Versionget_TypeLibVersionset_TypeLibVersiontypeLibVersion_scVersionPayloadVersiondesiredVersionreceivedVersionBadInterfaceVersionget_PrivacyNoticeVersionset_PrivacyNoticeVersionfirstPrivacyNoticeVersionprivacyNoticeVersionm_policyNoticeVersionSupportedPersistanceVersionEventSourceVersionget_MessageVersionset_MessageVersionMtomEncoderBadMessageVersionThrowIfMismatchedMessageVersionShouldSerializeMessageVersionget_IncomingMessageVersionget_OutgoingMessageVersionoutgoingMessageVersionThrowIfNoMessageVersionSFxChannelDispatcherNoMessageVersionSFxIncorrectMessageVersion_messageVersionBasicSecurityProfile10BasicSecurityProfileVersionget_BasicSecurityProfileVersionAddMimeVersionDefaultMimeVersionget_ImageRuntimeVersionget_EnvelopeVersionUnsupportedEnvelopeVersionHeadersCannotBeAddedToEnvelopeVersionGetEnvelopeVersionrequestEnvelopeVersionenvelopeVersionParseVersionCreateVersionGetBindingVersionCheckEncodingVersionWS2007ReliableMessagingVersionget_ReliableMessagingVersionset_ReliableMessagingVersionGetReliableMessagingVersionSetReliableMessagingVersionreliableMessagingVersionFramingVersionFindAddressingVersionAddressingHeadersCannotBeAddedToAddressingVersionCannotDetectAddressingVersionApplyAddressingVersionaddressingVersionwHighVersionGetUpgradeRequiredResponseMessageWithVersionackVersionCheckVersionRequiredWinsockVersionInformationalVersionget_ProtocolVersionInvalidWsatProtocolVersionprotocolVersionget_SecurityTokenVersionget_MessageSecurityTokenVersionGetSecurityTokenVersiontokenVersionget_WSUtilitySpecificationVersionwsUtilitySpecificationVersionget_SecureConversationVersionsecureConversationVersionget_CollectionVersioncollectionVersionlonghornVersionReturnVersionGetSoapVersionSetSoapVersionsoapVersionlpVersionSecurityTokenManagerCannotCreateSerializerForVersionget_MajorVersionget_DataStoreMajorVersionValidateMajorVersionReadingMajorVersionmajorVersionget_MinorVersionget_DataStoreMinorVersionReadingMinorVersionminorVersionget_IisVersioniisVersionUnsupportedRssVersionget_AddressVersionset_AddressVersionaddressVersiontargetVersionget_WebSocketVersionget_SecWebSocketVersionClientWebSocketFactory_InvalidWebSocketVersioncurrentWebSocketVersionget_CurrentVersionGetCurrentVersioncurrentVersionRequestVersionget_TrustVersionset_TrustVersionUnsupportedTrustVersionGetTrustVersion_trustVersiondwVersionget_PolicyVersionset_PolicyVersionget_SecurityPolicyVersionpolicyVersionGetAssemblyVersionget_BinaryVersionset_BinaryVersionbinaryVersionget_SecurityVersionWSSecurity10WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005WSSecurityPolicy11BasicSecurityProfile10MessageSecurityVersionWSSecurity11WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005WSSecurityPolicy11BasicSecurityProfile10MessageSecurityVersionWSSecurity10WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13WSSecurityPolicy12BasicSecurityProfile10MessageSecurityVersionWSSecurity11WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13WSSecurityPolicy12BasicSecurityProfile10MessageSecurityVersionWSSecurity11WSTrustFebruary2005WSSecureConversationFebruary2005WSSecurityPolicy11MessageSecurityVersionWSSecurity11WSTrust13WSSecureConversation13WSSecurityPolicy12MessageSecurityVersionWS2007MessageSecurityVersionWSMessageSecurityVersionget_MessageSecurityVersionset_MessageSecurityVersionGetSupportedMessageSecurityVersionWSDualMessageSecurityVersionexactMessageSecurityVersionget_DefaultMessageSecurityVersionset_DefaultMessageSecur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tionCompleteSignatureVerificationNoPrimarySignatureAvailableForSupportingTokenSignatureVerificationUnableToCreateICryptoFromTokenForSignatureVerificationStartSignatureVerificationuseCustomClientCertificateVerificationIdentificationget_Notificationset_NotificationIInvokeReceivedNotificationMessageRpcInvokeNotificationISessionThrottleNotificationISinglePhaseNotificationdoRemoveNotificationSessionOpenNotificationsessionOpenNotificationvoterNotificationOnTransactionStatusNotificationIEnlistmentNotificationnotificationSystem.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.Application_IsTailoredApplicationFindApplicationIsWebConfigAboveApplicationIsConfigAboveApplicationTraceCodeMsmqStartingApplicationInstallApplicationCannotFindClsidInApplicationClsidNotInApplicationShutdownApplicationCreateServiceForApplicationDeleteServiceForApplicationIsApplicationStartApplicationExportApplicationCompleteSecurityApplicationEnsureUniqueSecurityApplicationStartSecurityApplicationapplicationSystem.Security.Authenticationget_AuthenticationIsDisabledAuthenticationProcessRequiredAuthenticationConfigureTransportProtectionAndAuthenticationCreateTransportProtectionAndAuthenticationIsTransportProtectionAndAuthenticationSetTransportProtectionAndAuthenticationget_MessageAuthenticationmessageAuthenticationDisableAuthenticationget_UserNameAuthenticationConfigureAuthenticationEnsureAuthenticationX509ServiceCertificateAuthenticationSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IChannelCredentials.SetServiceCertificateAuthenticationget_SslCertificateAuthenticationset_SslCertificateAuthenticationsslCertificateAuthenticationX509PeerCertificateAuthenticationX509ClientCertificateAuthenticationValidateAuthenticationget_UnsafeConnectionNtlmAuthenticationset_UnsafeConnectionNtlmAuthenticationunsafeConnectionNtlmAuthenticationget_IssuedTokenAuthenticationget_SecureConversationAuthenticationCanSkipAuthenticationget_MessageSenderAuthenticationset_MessageSenderAuthenticationmessageSenderAuthenticationget_PeerAuthenticationset_PeerAuthenticationpeerAuthenticationget_SupportsServerAuthenticationget_RequiresAuthenticationShouldProcessAuthenticationHttpContextBeforeProcessAuthenticationOnProcessAuthenticationget_SupportsAuthenticationget_WindowsAuthenticationget_SupportsClientAuthenticationIsEnabledTransportAuthenticationIsDisabledTransportAuthenticationIsConfiguredTransportAuthenticationEnableTransportAuthenticationDisableTransportAuthenticationConfigureTransportAuthenticationreadOnlyAuthenticationauthenticationid13_Locationget_Locationset_Locationget_SchemaLocationset_SchemaLocationid137_schemaLocationid14_MetadataLocationRead65_MetadataLocationWrite65_MetadataLocationget_ExternalMetadataLocationset_ExternalMetadataLocationexternalMetadataLocationSFxMetadataReferenceInvalidLocationRedirectMustProvideLocationUriTemplateTrieIntraNodeLocationUriTemplateTrieLocationget_SingleLocationsingleLocationCompareLocationget_StoreLocationset_StoreLocationget_TrustedStoreLocationset_TrustedStoreLocationDefaultTrustedStoreLocationtrustedStoreLocationDefaultStoreLocationdefaultStoreLocationstoreLocationget_XamlFileBaseLocationresponseLocationValidateLocationget_AuditLogLocationset_AuditLogLocationdefaultAuditLogLocationget_SecurityAuditLogLocationset_SecurityAuditLogLocationsecurityAuditLogLocationauditLogLocationSFxCannotGetMetadataFromLocationRedirectionLocationcurrentLocationlocationget_PreferAsyncInvocationset_PreferAsyncInvocationpreferAsyncInvocationforMessageValidationAfterBuildTimeValidationrequireClientCertificateValidationinitialValidationget_DisableAddressHeaderCollectionValidationdisableAddressHeaderCollectionValidationTryAddWithoutValidationAddHeaderWithoutValidationTokenDoesNotSupportKeyIdentifierClauseCreationFailedProxyProviderCreationTraceCodeServiceHostCreationSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerNodeMessageHandling.DetermineMessagePropagationPeerMessagePropagationSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerNodeMessageHandling.HasMessagePropagationSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerNodeMessageHandling.get_HasMessagePropagationDelegationServiceToEndpointAssociationprocessedInitiationEndNegotiationTraceCodeSpnegoServiceNegotiationget_IsMultiLegNegotiationISspiNegotiationget_SspiNegotiationFailedSspiNegotiationInvalidSspiNegotiationValidateSspiNegotiationTlsSspiNegotiationWindowsSspiNegotiationsspiNegotiationFailToRecieveReplyFromNegotiationInvalidKeySizeSpecifiedInNegotiationBeginNegotiationDoNegotiationCannotCreateTwoWayListenerForNegotiationCreateIssuerBindingContextForNegotiationProcessNegotiationwindowsNegotiationTraceCodeSpnegoClientNegotiationStartNegotiationReadBinaryNegotiationWriteBinaryNegotiationValidateIncomingBinaryNegotiationGetOutgoingBinaryNegotiationget_OnGetBinaryNegotiationset_OnGetBinaryNegotiationonGetBinaryNegotiationSetBinaryNegotiationTraceEndSecurityNegotiationTraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderEndSecurityNegotiationOperationInvalidBeforeSecurityNegotiationTraceBeginSecurityNegotiationTraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderBeginSecurityNegotiationnegotiationCompileLiteralRelationCompileNumberRelationOnEndFinalizeCorrelationOnFinalizeCorrelationOnBeginFinalizeCorrelationonFinalizeCorrelationget_ProvidesCorrelationprovidesCorrelationget_CanDoSecurityCorrelationget_RequireCancellationset_RequireCancellationdefaultRequireCancellationrequireCancellationget_SupportsTokenCancellationRequestSecurityTokenCancellationget_RequireSecurityContextCancellationset_RequireSecurityContextCancellationget_SupportSecurityContextCancellationset_SupportSecurityContextCancellationdefaultSupportSecurityContextCancellationisolationGetMatchingTranslationtranslationAddConfirmationReadSignatureConfirmationAddSignatureConfirmationAppendSignatureConfirmationget_RequireSignatureConfirmationset_RequireSignatureConfirmationdefaultRequireSignatureConfirmationrequireSignatureConfirmationWriteSignatureConfirmationAddIncomingSignatureConfirmationCheckSignatureConfirmationget_SupportsSignatureConfirmationIsReaderAtSignatureConfirmationget_ExpectSignatureConfirmationset_ExpectSignatureConfirmationexpectSignatureConfirmationSecurityVersionDoesNotSupportSignatureConfirmationGenerateRequestSignatureConfirmationget_DoRequestSignatureConfirmationset_DoRequestSignatureConfirmationdefaultDoRequestSignatureConfirmationdoRequestSignatureConfirmationsignatureConfirmationSubjectConfirmationGetConfirmationconfirmationget_WsatExtendedInformationPrepareBindInformationget_ShouldTraceInformationshouldTraceInformationGetHandleInformationTraceChannelBindingInformationSystem.Net.NetworkInformationLookupDetailInformationget_ProtocolInformationpTokenInformationGetTokenInformationtokenInformationget_TransactionInformationtransactionInformationTraceHttpConnectionInformationget_SetupInformationGetMsmqInformationMQGetPrivateComputerInformationAsInformationTokenAccessInformationServiceHealthBehavior_ProcessInformationget_ProcessInformationset_ProcessInformationUnicastIPAddressInformationCreateOuterExceptionWithEndpointsInformationget_StatusInformationGetChainStatusInformationAddMsmqIntegrationContractInformationget_SocketInformationsocketInformationget_ElementInformationTraceImportInformationContextInformationcontextInformationsecurityInformationPropertyInformationSFxDisallowedAttributeCombinationPeerMessageOriginationoriginationCheckForTerminationget_DestinationredirectedDestinationdestinationget_Impersonationset_ImpersonationTokenImpersonationStopImpersonationIsS4URequiredForImpersonationBindingDoesNotSupportWindowsIdenityForImpersonationget_RequiresImpersonationEndpointRequiresImpersonationAllowsImpersonationStartImpersonationOperationDoesNotAllowImpersonationSecurityContextDoesNotAllowImpersonationget_SecurityImpersonationsecurityImpersonationimpersonationAddNamespaceDeclarationGetPrefixIfNamespaceDeclarationIsNamespaceDeclarationParseVariableDeclarationCodeTypeDeclarationcodeTypeDeclarationtypeDeclarationCodeAttributeDeclarationFindOrCreateAttributeDeclarationGenerateAttributeDeclarationCreateOperationContractAttributeDeclarationset_OmitXmlDeclarationUTInvalidVarDeclarationvarDeclarationCreateOrOverridePropertyDeclarationSetProtectionLevelForFederationSyncEnumerationEndEnumerationEndMethodEnumerationBeginMethodEnumerationBeginEnumerationid95_enumerationget_GenerationCanReadGenerationSystem.ServiceModel.Description.OperationGenerator.MethodSignatureGenerator.IPartCodeGenerator.EndCodeGenerationWriteGenerationOperationPropertyIsRequiredForAttributeGenerationget_KeyGenerationContextAlreadyRegisteredNoKeyGenerationSecurityContextExpiredNoKeyGenerationSecurityContextKeyExpiredNoKeyGenerationContextNotPresentNoKeyGenerationkeyGenerationnoAssemblyGenerationgenerationIOperationCompletedIOOperationget_OperationCancelSyncOperationWaitForSyncOperationStartSyncOperationget_AsyncOperationCancelAsyncOperationSFxMultipleCallbackFromAsyncOperationStartAsyncOperationasyncOperationAddOperationSelectedOperationselectedOperationTryGenerateParameterizedOperationThrowHelperInvalidOperationEndOperationSendOperationBoundOperationboundOperationBoundDecodeOperationGenerateTypedMessageOperationIPAddressChangeOperationinvokeOperationGetAutoCompleteFalseOperationCloseOperationComDuplicateOperationCreateOperationSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IOperationContractGenerationExtension.GenerateOperationCompleteOperationContinueOperationBoundReceiveOperationget_UnhandledDispatchOperationset_UnhandledDispatchOperationBuildDispatchOperationdispatchOperationtaskOperationFindWsdlOperationCreateWsdlOperationwsdlOperationget_HasMatchAllOperationFillOperationPerformOperationSFxHeaderNamespaceMismatchInOperationSFxHeaderNameMismatchInOperationTimeoutOnOperationBoundOpenOperationBeginOperationTraceBeginSecuritySessionOperationDoOperationactionToOperationtimeoutErrorTransferOperationtransferOperationTraceCodeUnhandledExceptionInUserOperationIsAuthorizedForOperationTraceCodeWebRequestMatchesOperationBoundReceiveBytesOperationSecuritySessionProtocolFactoryShouldBeSetBeforeThisOperationSecurityProtocolFactoryShouldBeSetBeforeThisOperationessOperationDispatchSelectOperationClientSelectOperationReflectOperationGetOperationget_UnhandledClientOperationclientOperationIsImpersonationEnabledOnCurrentOperationcurrentOperationTraceCodeSecuritySessionRequestorStartOperationstartOperationCanImportOperationValidateInputOperationValidateOutputOperationSkipToNextOperationget_UnhandledProxyOperationBuildProxyOperation<>3__operationlastIterationget_DiscoveryIterationset_DiscoveryIterationiterationSystem.ServiceModel.XamlIntegrationSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegrationSystem.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegrationProcessDescriptionForMsmqIntegrationXmlDeserializeForIntegrationEffectiveGreaterThanExpirationget_RegistrationBadInterfaceRegistrationDuplicateRegistrationSharedManagerConflictingRegistrationChannelRegistrationCancellationTokenRegistrationPeerNodeAddressFromPnrpRegistrationThrowInvalidOperation_DuplicatePeerRegistrationITransportManagerRegistrationCreateTransportManagerRegistrationUniqueTransportManagerRegistrationExclusiveTcpTransportManagerRegistrationTryGetTransportManagerRegistrationMessageFilterRegistrationTypeRequiresRegistrationregistrationSystem.ServiceModel.Administrationget_Durationset_Durationget_InternalDurationinternalDurationECallDurationSCallDurationSaveCallDurationInternalRedirectionDurationMsmqDurationDetectDurationget_ValidityDurationset_ValidityDurationget_TimestampValidityDurationset_TimestampValidityDurationdefaultTimestampValidityDurationtimestampValidityDurationSetValidityDurationvalidityDurationdurationSystem.ServiceModel.ConfigurationSystem.IdentityModel.ConfigurationSystem.ConfigurationSystem.ServiceModel.Activation.ConfigurationSystem.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ConfigurationSystem.Web.Services.Configurationget_Configurationset_ConfigurationUpdateServiceConfigurationget_SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration_securityTokenServiceConfigurationCoordinationServiceConfigurationTBindingConfigurationget_BindingConfigurationset_BindingConfigurationget_HttpHelpPageBindingConfigurationset_HttpHelpPageBindingConfigurationget_HttpsHelpPageBindingConfigurationset_HttpsHelpPageBindingConfigurationget_HttpGetBindingConfigurationset_HttpGetBindingConfigurationget_HttpsGetBindingConfigurationset_HttpsGetBindingConfigurationMexBindingConfigurationmexBindingConfigurationbindingConfigurationSystemConfigurationLoadFromConfigurationClsidNotInConfigurationSecurityTokenHandlerConfigurationsecurityTokenHandlerConfigurationget_BehaviorConfigurationset_BehaviorConfigurationbehaviorConfigurationWsatConfigurationTEndpointConfigurationget_EndpointConfigurationset_EndpointConfigurationendpointConfigurationHostedTransportConfigurationOnApplyConfigurationget_IdentityConfigurationset_IdentityConfigurationget_UseIdentityConfigurationset_UseIdentityConfigurationuseIdentityConfigurationidentityConfigurationconfigurationWSSecureConversationget_SecureConversationSecureConversationBootstrapCannotUseSecureConversationAddDemuxerForSecureConversationsecureConversationget_IndentationAddInterfaceImplementationserviceImplementationPeerNodeImplementationCreateImplementationXmlSerializerImplementationimplementationid64_XmlSchemaDocumentationGetDocumentationid60_documentationid133_XmlSchemaNotationid28_notationid59_XmlSchemaAnnotationGetAnnotationid30_annotationHandleErrorContinuationTokenElevationPsha1KeyDerivationEnableKeyDerivationget_ExpectKeyDerivationset_ExpectKeyDerivationexpectKeyDerivationIsSetKeyDerivationSystem.ServiceModel.ActivationSystem.GlobalizationEndCanonicalizationStartCanonicalizationSystem.Runtime.SerializationSystem.Xml.SerializationSystem.ComponentModel.Design.SerializationMsmqCannotUseBodyTypeWithActiveXSerializationMsmqInvalidTypeSerializationRequestRequiresSerializationReplyRequiresSerializationMsmqInvalidTypeDeserializationattemptedTraceSourceInitializationSystem.ServiceModel.IClientChannel.DidInteractiveInitializationSystem.ServiceModel.IClientChannel.get_DidInteractiveInitializationdidInteractiveInitializationGetDefaultValueForInitializationget_AuthorizationDispatchMessageBeforeAuthorizationEnsureAuthorizationget_RequiresAuthorizationComPlusAuthorizationreadOnlyAuthorizationIsValidRSTRActionIsValidRSTActionget_Actionset_ActionTraceCodeUnhandledActionSessionOpenedActionConnectionOpenedActionPreparedActionAbortedActionAckRequestedActionCommittedActionTextMessageReceivedActionBinaryMessageReceivedActionInvalidOrUnrecognizedActionIsValidActionFindActionInternalFloodActionWarnSkippingOpertationWithWildcardActionisWildcardActionget_AllowWildcardActionset_AllowWildcardActionTransactionAllowWildcardActionallowWildcardActionFixWildcardActionCloseSequenceActionCreateSequenceActionTerminateSequenceActionset_MessageActionGetMessageActionLastMessageActionmessageActionWelcomeActionPrepareActionget_ResponseActionset_ResponseActionCloseSequenceResponseActionGetCreateSequenceResponseActionTerminateSequenceResponseActionget_CloseResponseActionInvalidCloseResponseActionUpdateResponseActionget_IssueResponseActionResolveResponseActionRefreshResponseActionget_RequestSecurityTokenResponseActionRegisterResponseActionGetServiceSettingsResponseActionGetResponseActionCreateCoordinationContextResponseActionget_RenewResponseActionInvalidRenewResponseActionresponseActionget_CloseActionsecureConversationCloseActionRefuseActionUpdateActionget_IssueActionResolveActionPingActionRefreshActionCouldNotParseWithActionRollbackActionget_RequestSecurityTokenResponseFinalActionDirectionalActionisNullActionIsWsrmActionget_RequestSecurityTokenActionXPathMessageFunctionActionfaultExceptionActioncommonActionget_SoapActionset_SoapActionReadSoapActionImportMessageSoapActionImportFaultSoapActionRegisterActionUnregisterActionGetServiceSettingsActionActivityProcessActionConnectActionDisconnectActionGetActionSetActionCommitActionget_FaultActionSecuritySessionFaultActionget_DefaultFaultActionset_DefaultFaultActiondefaultFaultActionfaultActionSequenceAcknowledgementActionget_RequestActionset_RequestActionSFxInvalidRequestActionGetRequestActionCannotImportSupportingTokensForOperationWithoutRequestActionrequestActionCreateCoordinationContextActionget_RenewActionReplayActionReadOnlyActionget_ReplyActionset_ReplyActionSFxInvalidReplyActionVerifyActionAndReplyActionreplyActiondictionaryActionLinkUtilityActionHasSecurityActionop_SubtractionITransactionget_Transactionset_TransactionIDtcTransactionISaneDtcTransactionRequiresDtcTransactionGetDtcTransactionReadTransactionCompleteAttachedTransactionTraceCodeTxSourceTxScopeRequiredIsAttachedTransactionCreateOrGetAttachedTransactionWrappedTransactionwrappedTransactionassociatedTransactionflowedTransactionSendTransactionIInstanceTransactionGetMessageTransactionTraceCodeMsmqMessageLockedUnderTheTransactionCommittableTransactionConfigureTransactionEnsureTransactionCreateTransactionautoCompleteTransactionWriteTransactionGetNativeTransactionResolveTransactionrefTransactionCompletePendingTransactionTraceCodeTxSourceTxScopeRequiredUsingExistingTransactionDetachTransactionreceiveWithTransactionRollbackTransactionUnmarshalTransactionMsmqInternalTransactionServiceModelTransactionGetTimeoutFromTransactionget_IsInTransactionMQBeginTransactioncompletionTransactionBringYourOwnTransactionUnknownTransactionNoTransactionClearTransactionMessageLockedUnderTransactionget_HasTransactionTryGetTransactionSetTransactionDependentTransactionget_CurrentTransactioncurrentTransactionacceptTransactionautoEnlistTransactionTraceCodeComIntegrationInvokingMethodContextTransactiontraceContextTransactionGetInstanceContextTransactionEnsureReceiveContextTransactionTraceCodeComIntegrationInvokingMethodNewTransactionTraceCodeTxSourceTxScopeRequiredIsCreateNewTransactionOleTxTransactionVerifyTransactiontransactionid4_MetadataSectionRead66_MetadataSectionWrite66_MetadataSectionCreateMetadataSectionmetadataSectionDiagnosticSectionUnsafeGetAssociatedSectionConfigInvalidSectionserviceSectionHandleSectionNetPipeSectionCloseSectionValidateSectionCreateSectionget_BindingSectionset_BindingSectionbindingSectionProtocolMappingSectionServiceHealthSectionOpenSectionextensionSectionLoadConfigurationSectionTraceCodeGetConfigurationSectionUnsafeGetConfigurationSectionNetTcpSectionpspSectionServicesSectionservicesSectionBindingsSectionbindingsSectionMachineSettingsSectionExtensionsSectionCommonBehaviorsSectionComContractsSectionStandardEndpointsSectionGetReaderAtSectionUnsafeGetSectionClientSectionServiceHostingEnvironmentSectionCreateNewSectiondirectionThatRequiresClientOpSelectionget_AreParametersRequiredForSelectionProcessSelectionSystem.ReflectionX509Certificate2CollectionSFxCopyToRequiresICollectionAuthenticatorNotPresentInRSTRCollectionget_CollectionServiceHealthDataCollectionReadCollectionProcessThreadCollectionUnsafeLookupAssociatedCollectionUriSchemeKeyedCollectionuriSchemeKeyedCollectionOidCollectionComMethodCollectionKeywordCollectionCodeNamespaceCollectionServiceCollectionCodeTypeReferenceCollectionIdentityReferenceCollectionCreateResourceCollectionOperationMessageCollectionSequenceRangeCollectionSingleItemRangeCollectionMultiItemRangeCollectionEmptyRangeCollectionrangeCollectionget_CookieCollectionget_ServiceNameCollectionnameCollectionPortTypeCollectionCreateRequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionWriteRequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionIsAtRequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionX509CertificateCollectioncertificateCollectionCreateCollectionWriteCollectionXmlAttributeCollectionCopyHeadersToNameValueCollectionResultPropertyValueCollectionCodeDirectiveCollectionOperationBindingCollectionFaultBindingCollectionnamingCollectionset_ContainingCollectionget_ProtocolMappingCollectionemptyStringCollectionICatalogCollectionComCatalogCollectioncatalogCollectionfilteredActionUriCollectionIntervalCollectionEnsureIncomingChannelCollectionSessionChannelCollectionConfigExtensionTypeNotRegisteredInCollectionTraceCodeExtensionElementAlreadyExistsInCollectionoutOfBandPrimaryTokenCollectionX509ExtensionCollectionSchemaImporterExtensionCollectionServiceDescriptionFormatExtensionCollectionSyndicationElementExtensionCollectionCodeExpressionCollectionCodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollectionUnicastIPAddressInformationCollectionPropertyInformationCollectionCodeTypeDeclarationCollectionCodeAttributeDeclarationCollectionOperationCollectionWriteServiceHealthSectionCollectionConfigurationSectionCollectionCopyServiceDescriptionCollectionMessageDescriptionCollectionmessageDescriptionCollectionOperationDescriptionCollectionMessageHeaderDescriptionCollectionFaultDescriptionCollectionfaultDescriptionCollectionMessagePartDescriptionCollectionpartDescriptionCollectionMessagePropertyDescriptionCollectionPolicyAssertionCollectionGetPolicyWithDefaultSpnCollectionTryAddToCollectionServiceInfoCollectionfaultContractInfoCollectionEndpointInfoCollectionappCollectionUnsafeLookupCollectionConfigurationSectionGroupCollectionCodeTypeMemberCollectionHttpHeadersWebHeaderCollectionwebHeaderCollectionget_IsUnknownHeaderCollectionset_IsUnknownHeaderCollectionAddressHeaderCollectionget_EmptyHeaderCollectionemptyHeaderCollectionChannelDispatcherCollectionEndpointDispatcherCollectionget_SecurityTokenHandlerCollection_securityTokenHandlerCollectionTraceListenerCollectionBindingParameterCollectionLateBoundChannelParameterCollectionparameterCollectionEnsureFilterCollectionTryOpenLockQueueForCollectionTBehaviorCollectionGetBehaviorCollectionNewBehaviorCollectionget_RstrCollectionrstrCollectionVariablesCollectionrolesCollectionUriTemplatesCollectionRequestHeaderWithResponseHeadersCollectionResponseHeaderWithRequestHeadersCollectionallowedUsersCollectionCreateElementsCollectionUpdateEndpointsCollectionKeysCollectionReflectedContractCollectionCreateContractCollectionReflectedAndBehaviorContractCollectionXmlSchemaObjectCollectionComUdtCollectionGetCollectionOperationFaultCollectionComMethodElementCollectionServiceElementCollectionServiceNameElementCollectionComPersistableTypeElementCollectionClaimTypeElementCollectionTransportConfigurationTypeElementCollectionAuthorizationPolicyTypeElementCollectionX509ScopedServiceCertificateElementCollectionCustomBindingElementCollectionProtocolMappingElementCollectionAllowedAudienceUriElementCollectionConfigKeyNotFoundInElementCollectionX509ChainElementCollectionExtensionElementCollectionConfigurationElementCollectionServiceActivationElementCollectionSecurityIdentifierElementCollectionDelegatingHandlerElementCollectionXPathMessageFilterElementCollectionBaseAddressPrefixFilterElementCollectionWsdlImporterElementCollectionPolicyImporterElementCollectionX509CertificateTrustedIssuerElementCollectionServiceBehaviorElementCollectionEndpointBehaviorElementCollectionIssuedTokenClientBehaviorsElementCollectionBaseAddressElementCollectionComContractElementCollectionComUdtElementCollectionXmlElementElementCollectionServiceEndpointElementCollectionChannelEndpointElementCollectionDefaultPortElementCollectionCodeStatementCollectionCodeCommentStatementCollectionDiscoveryClientDocumentCollectionCodeAttributeArgumentCollectionServiceEndpointCollectionendpointCollectionMessagePartCollectionPortCollectionImportCollectionHttpListenerPrefixCollectionKeyCollectionCreateMessageQueryCollectionXPathMessageQueryCollectionSequentialMessageQueryCollectionget_IdentityCollectionget_EmptyCollectionConfigurationPropertyCollectionResultPropertyCollectioncollectionIConnectionget_Connectionset_ConnectionPreReadConnectionAddConnectionAcceptUpgradedConnectionupgradedConnectionEndAcceptPooledConnectionBeginAcceptPooledConnectionBufferedConnectionEndUpgradeConnectionOnUpgradeConnectionBeginUpgradeConnectiononUpgradeConnectionTakeConnectionCloseIdleConnectionBuildDuplicatedNamedPipeConnectionTraceCodeInitiatingNamedPipeConnectionget_IsSecureConnectionReleaseConnectionReuseConnectionCreateConnectionTracingConnectionNamedPipeValidatingConnectionTcpValidatingConnectionDelegatingConnectionRefreshConnectionEndEstablishConnectionHandleEstablishConnectionOnEstablishConnectionBeginEstablishConnectiononEstablishConnectionTrackConnectionInitialConnectionStreamConnectionActivityReadOnConnectionget_CreateNotificationOnConnectionset_CreateNotificationOnConnectioncreateNotificationOnConnectionOnSingletonConnectionReturnConnectionBuildDuplicatedTcpConnectionTraceCodeInitiatingTcpConnectioncleanupConnectionActivitySharedListenerConnectionget_InnerConnectioninnerConnectionHandleProcessConnectionOnProcessConnectiononProcessConnectionActivitySocketConnectionsocketConnectioncurrentConnectionSnapshotConnectionAcceptConnectionAbortConnectionIdleOutConnectionTimeoutConnectionReliableInputConnectioninputConnectionget_OutputConnectionReliableOutputConnectionoutputConnectionget_RawConnectionGetRawConnectionrawConnectionOpenUsingNewConnectionnewConnectionisCompositeDuplexConnectionOnDuplexConnectionconnectionget_Directionset_DirectionFieldDirectionrequiredForForwardDirectionget_RequiresAsymmetricTokenProviderForForwardDirectionget_MessageDirectionsendMessageDirectionreceiveMessageDirectionget_RequiresAsymmetricTokenProviderForReturnDirectiontransferDirectionAxisDirectiondirectionsectionNoSignatureAvailableInSecurityHeaderToDoReplayDetectionNoTimestampAvailableInSecurityHeaderToDoReplayDetectionSecurityProtocolCannotDoReplayDetectionget_SupportsReplayDetectionSystem.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtectionget_IISSupportsExtendedProtectionget_OSSupportsExtendedProtectionget_RequireMessageProtectionset_RequireMessageProtectionrequireMessageProtectionprotectionid86_XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestrictionid85_restrictionget_FunctionUnsupportedFunctionInvalidFunctionXPathMessageFunctionCompileFunctionResolveFunctionXPathFunctionIsSpecialInternalFunctionXsltInternalFunctionGetNodeTypeOrFunctionConcatFunctionCompileXsltFunctionIXsltContextFunctionQueryFunctionfunctionTraceInstructionEmitSourceInstructionWriteInstructionWriteProcessingInstructioninstructionPrepareAsyncCompletionOnPortedCompletionOnNonPortedCompletiononNonPortedCompletionEnableCompletionOnCloseCompletiononCloseCompletionpendingCompletionHandleReceiveAndSignalCompletionTraceCodeTxReleaseServiceInstanceOnCompletionOnOpenCompletiononOpenCompletionNotifyOperationCompletionGetWaitCompletionop_AdditionDoNotCacheConditionAudienceRestrictionConditionconditionGetGenericTypeDefinitionget_Positionset_PositionSeekableMessageNavInvalidPositionGetChildPositionAppendPositionsecondPositionDecodePositionnodePositionIsSamePositionget_LinePositionComparePositionsizePositionPushPositionget_StreamPositionset_StreamPositionstreamPositionAlignPositionget_SerializationPositionset_SerializationPositionserializationPositionInvalidNavigatorPositionGetNavigatorPositionNodesetPositionIncrementPositionget_CurrentPositionset_CurrentPositioncurrentPositionstartPositionfirstPositionBindByPositiondwAddDispositionInternalFinalDispositiondwCreationDispositionInstallPartitionCurrentPartitionExportPartitionActiveDirectoryPartitionForcePromotionTransactionFlowBadOptionagreedOptionDependentCloneOptionTransactionScopeOptionValidateOptionBindingOptionCannotCreateChannelOptionThreadPoolOptionDefaultImpersonationOptionget_TransactionOptiontransactionOptionPartitionOptionSxsOptionGetOptionSetSocketOptionTransactionFlowOptiontxFlowOptionWin32ExceptionCreatePrematureEOFExceptionSEHExceptionCOMExceptionCreateResponseIOExceptionSFxStreamIOExceptionConvertIOExceptionCreateRequestIOExceptionget_ExceptionCreateToMustEqualViaExceptionXmlSchemaExceptionInvalidDataExceptionget_WebExceptionset_WebExceptionCreateResponseWebExceptionProcessGetResponseWebExceptionConvertWebExceptionCreateRequestWebExceptionwebExceptionCryptographicExceptionHandleAsyncExceptionasyncExceptionasyncReadExceptionGetOverlappedReadExceptionCreateReadExceptionAdminMTAWorkerThreadExceptionReflectionTypeLoadExceptionCreateCertificateLoadExceptionGetInvalidAddExceptionThrowInvalidAddExceptionSequenceTerminatedQuotaExceededExceptionCreateQuotaExceededExceptionCreateMaxReceivedMessageSizeExceededExceptionCreateMaxSentMessageSizeExceededExceptionMaxSizeExceededExceptionThrowQuotaReachedExceptionAddressAccessDeniedExceptionSecurityAccessDeniedExceptionget_HandledExceptionTraceHandledExceptionset_SaveHandledExceptionsaveHandledExceptionadd_UnhandledExceptionTraceUnhandledExceptionmaskUnhandledExceptionthereIsAnUnhandledExceptionTaskCanceledExceptionOperationCanceledExceptionCreateRequestCanceledExceptionCreatePipeDuplicationFailedExceptionCreateConnectFailedExceptionCreatePipeAcceptFailedExceptionCreateBaseClassMethodNotCalledExceptionSessionKeyExpiredExceptionCreateWsrmRequiredExceptionCreatePipeClosedExceptionCreateClosedExceptionGetClosedExceptionCreateMessageDisposedExceptionCreateBufferDisposedExceptionConvertObjectDisposedExceptionCreatePipeNameCannotBeAccessedExceptionFaultConverterCreatedExceptionChannelTerminatedExceptionTraceCodeMsmqExpectedExceptionIsExpectedExceptionCreateFaultedExceptionGetClosedOrFaultedExceptionCommunicationObjectFaultedExceptionGetFaultedExceptionCreateAlreadyFaultedExceptionNotImplementedExceptionlistenStartedExceptionCreateAbortedExceptionTransactionAbortedExceptionCommunicationObjectAbortedExceptionCreateChannelTypeNotSupportedExceptionWbemNotSupportedExceptionPlatformNotSupportedExceptionActionNotSupportedExceptionHandleSendExceptionConvertSendExceptionsendExceptionWbemInstanceNotFoundExceptionFileNotFoundExceptionEndpointNotFoundExceptionKeyNotFoundExceptionHandleProcessInboundExceptionCaptureBackgroundExceptionWbemInvalidMethodExceptionMissingMethodExceptionfloodExceptionConvertAndTraceExceptionServiceExceptionNullReferenceExceptionnullReferenceExceptionTraceUserCodeExceptionParameterModeExceptionCreateUnknownNodeExceptionpendingWritingMessageExceptionMsmqPoisonMessageExceptionrequestMessageExceptionArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionIndexOutOfRangeExceptionCreateImmutableExceptionContinuableExceptionShouldHandleExceptionCanHandleExceptionQueryCompileExceptionConvertPipeExceptionpipeExceptionCreateInvalidRecordTypeExceptionCreateUnknownTypeExceptionCreateInvalidAnyTypeExceptionWsatSendFailureExceptionCreateChannelFailureExceptionCreatePipeNameInUseExceptionAddressAlreadyInUseExceptionGetBaseExceptionCreateUnexpectedResponseExceptionTraceResponseExceptionCreateNullReference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WsspEndorsingSupportingTokensAssertionTryImportWsspEndorsingSupportingTokensAssertionCreateWsspiSupportingTokensAssertionCreateWsspSupportingTokensAssertionTryImportWsspSupportingTokensAssertionCreateWsspProtectTokensAssertionTryImportWsspProtectTokensAssertionCreateWsspWssAssertionTryImportWsspWssAssertionCreateWsspSignedPartsAssertionTryImportWsspSignedPartsAssertionCreateWsspEncryptedPartsAssertionTryImportWsspEncryptedPartsAssertionCreateWsspRequireDerivedKeysAssertionTryImportWsspRequireDerivedKeysAssertionGetAssertionCanImportAssertionCreateWsspTrustAssertionTryImportWsspTrustAssertionCreateLayoutAssertionCreateWsspLayoutAssertionTryImportWsspLayoutAssertionTryImportLayoutAssertionTryImportRequireContextAssertionExportRequireContextAssertion<>3__contextAssertionCreateWsspMustNotSendRenewAssertionTryImportWsspMustNotSendRenewAssertionCreateCompositeDuplexAssertionCreateWsspBootstrapPolicyAssertionTryImportWsspBootstrapPolicyAssertioncontextPolicyAssertionUnsupportedSecurityPolicyAssertionpolicyAssertionCreateWsspRequireServerEntropyAssertionCreateWsspRequireClientEntropyAssertionCreateReliabilityAssertionassertionSystem.Runtime.ConstrainedExecutionSetupExecutionSetUpDelayedSecurityExecutionSetupDelayedSecurityExecutionTraceCodeSystemTimeResolutionGetSystemTimeResolutionMonikerMissingColonDblColonHandleErrorCommonTronget_ReasonCSResponseOfferRejectedReasonRMEndpointNotFoundReasonEnsureReasonMissingRelatesToOnWsrmResponseReasonget_CloseReasonPeerCloseReasoncloseReasonRefuseReasonCreateReasonNoActionNoSequenceHeaderReasonCSResponseWithOfferReasonCSResponseWithoutOfferReasonCloseOutputSessionErrorReasonAcksToMustBeSameAsRemoteAddressReasonDisconnectReasonGetReasonLastMessageNumberExceededFaultReasonNegotiationQuotasExceededFaultReasonPendingSessionsExceededFaultReasonSecuritySessionAbortedFaultReasonsessionAbortedFaultReasonSecureConversationCancelNotAllowedFaultReasonUnknownSequenceFaultReasonSecurityListenerClosingFaultReasonBadContextTokenFaultReasonInvalidSecurityTokenFaultReasonFailedAuthenticationFaultReasonBadContextTokenOrActionFaultReasonMessageNumberRolloverFaultReasonTraceCodeCommunicationObjectFaultReasonReconstructFaultReasonInvalidAcknowledgementFaultReasonSecurityRenewFaultReasonrenewFaultReasonSFxFaultReasonInvalidSecurityFaultReasonget_DefaultReasonHttpAbortReasonabortReasonreasonTraceCodeMsmqPoisonMessageMovedPoisonMsmqDirectFormatNameRequiredForPoisonInvalidComparisonStringComparisonget_IncludeHostNameInComparisonincludeHostNameInComparisonincludePortInComparisonincludeHostInComparisonskipRequireDerivedKeysComparisonReadPersonCreatePersonWritePersonFeedCreatedNullPersonItemCreatedNullPersonSyndicationPersonpersonGetHiddenSingletonSetHiddenSingletonhiddenSingletonGetWellKnownSingletonSetWellKnownSingletonwellKnownSingletonSetupSingletonIsProviderSingletonget_IsSingletonMatchesSingletonset_IsInstanceContextSingletonisInstanceContextSingletonsingletonget_SpnAddSpnexpectedSpnget_UpnDownlevelNameCannotMapToUpnspnget_AsyncPatternset_AsyncPatternasyncPatternSetRequestResponsePatternBaseAddressPatternid94_patternGetLocationToReturnMessageIDFunCorrelationDataFunIsActorUltRecFunDateFunSoapUriFunFromFunSpanFunActionFunRelatesToFunFaultToFunReplyToFunHeaderFunHeadersWithActorFunIsActorNextFunDateNowFunBodyFunIsMandatoryFunSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.PeerNodeImplementation.SimpleStateManager.IOperation.RunfunPipeAlreadyShuttingDowncheckShutdownOnControlChannelShutdownOnShutdownget_AutomaticSessionShutdownset_AutomaticSessionShutdownautomaticSessionShutdownIInputSessionShutdownSystem.ServiceModel.IDuplexContextChannel.AutomaticInputSessionShutdownSystem.ServiceModel.IDuplexContextChannel.get_AutomaticInputSessionShutdownSystem.ServiceModel.IDuplexContextChannel.set_AutomaticInputSessionShutdownautomaticInputSessionShutdownEndWaitForShutdownBeginWaitForShutdownisShutdownSocketShutdownOnCachedConnectionModeKnownonCachedConnectionModeKnownOnConnectionModeKnownonConnectionModeKnownTraceOnSessionPreambleKnownonSessionPreambleKnownOnSingletonPreambleKnownonSingletonPreambleKnownoutcomeKnownget_IsWellKnownisWellKnownwellKnownget_IsLastKnownisLastKnownIID_IUnknownpIUnknownGetObjectForIUnknownNameUnknownMessageVersionUnknownEnvelopeVersionUnknownMessageBodyIsUnknownTraceCodeMsmqQueueTransactionalStatusUnknownunknownSFxNonExceptionThrownConfigureBYOTSysTxnlineNoRetainCommitNoRetainAbortNoget_Toset_ToAddToWriteFeedToget_ValidTovalidTomessageToSFxCodeGenNoConversionPossibleToPopSequenceFrameToWriteFeedLastUpdatedTimeToWriteItemLastUpdatedTimeToSystem.IComparable.CompareTopCompareToOnWriteToqueueToMoveToTransferSequenceSizeToWriteXPathToSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.RelativePathToXPathMessageFunctionToWritePersonTojumpToPeerTopeerToget_AppliesToset_AppliesToaddTargetServiceAppliesToRequireAppliesToWriteAppliesToIsAppliesToGetAppliesToSetAppliesToappliesToWriteCategoriesToget_RelatesToset_RelatesToFindRelatesToXPathMessageFunctionRelatesToGetRelatesToSetRelatesTorelatesToget_AcksToset_AcksToget_Accep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ervalMustBeGreaterThanZeroCleanupIntervalMustBeGreaterThanZeroTimeSpanMustbeGreaterThanTimeSpanZeroTimeSpanCannotBeLessThanTimeSpanZeroPendingAcceptsAtZeroget_OneDotZeroWSUtilitySpecificationVersionOneDotZeroallowZerosin_zeromustBeZeroAlsoTokenCannotCreateSymmetricCryptoCannotFindMatchingCryptoAutoIsPowerOfTwoStringConcatTwotwoget_Opset_OpWsaSetServiceOpCompleteOpmathOpIntervalOpNoOpget_UpperOpupperOpget_LowerOplowerOpget_FirstOpCleanedUpCleanUpEnsureEncryptedKeySetUpDiscardFollowingFirstGapifaceMapGetInterfaceMapXmlNamedNodeMapdomainNameMapGetContentEncodingMapcontentEncodingMaps_switchMaplockMapoperationMapdwNumberOfBytesToMapdtcTransMapmergedSupportingTokenProvidersMapmergedSupportingTokenAuthenticatorsMapinterfaceToClassMapcontentMapAuthTypeCertMapserverCertMapmessageExpiryMapmapCreateSoapCallbackContextOnlySupportedInSoapSystemRuntimeSerializationFormattersSoapsoapkeyToWrapAes192KeyWrapRsaV15KeyWrapAes256KeyWrapAes128KeyWrapTlsSspiKeyWrapWindowsSspiKeyWrapRsaOaepKeyWrapTripleDesKeyWrapget_SecureConversationBootstrapget_IsSecurityElementBootstrapset_IsSecurityElementBootstrapCreateInstanceAndUnwrapIsatapget_TcpMessageSecurityOverTcpisTcpget_NetTcpUriSchemeNetTcpsicptcpPredicateNestingTooDeepMillisecondsToSleepParseStepPathStepInvalidLocationStepnextStepTmProtocolTipExtendedBinarySessionGZipExtendedBinaryGZipReplyRelationshipget_TypeOfMembershiptypeOfMembershipSkipget_TimeStamptimeStampget_TimestampReadTimestampget_AddTimestampset_AddTimestampdefaultAddTimestampaddTimestampAppendTimestampget_IncludeTimestampset_IncludeTimestampdefaultIncludeTimestampincludeTimestampWriteTimestampSigningWithoutPrimarySignatureRequiresTimestampIsReaderAtTimestampGetTimestampSecurityTimestamptimestampitemCompSrmpget_Jumpset_JumpAddJumpRemoveJumpDeLinkJumpOnStartSyncMessagePumponStartSyncMessagePumpOnStartAsyncMessagePumponStartAsyncMessagePumpSyncTransactionalMessagePumpTryAcquirePumpOpenAndEnsurePumpopenAndEnsurePumpget_DidInvokerEnsurePumpset_DidInvokerEnsurePumpDispatchAndReleasePumpSyncTransactedChannelPumpAsyncTransactedChannelPumpInitiateChannelPumpinitiateChannelPumpNewChannelPumpjumpNopPopEmitStackTopTransactedLoopAcknowledgeLoopTransactedBatchLoopEndWaitForAcceptLoopBeginWaitForAcceptLoopDroprequestPropSystem.Runtime.InteropTransactionInteropWebSocketAsyncReadStopTraceSocketReadStopHttpSendStopWebSocketConnectionRequestSendStopGetServiceInstanceStopDispatchMessageStopClientSendPreambleStopTraceProcessResponseStopHttpPipelineProcessResponseStopBufferedAsyncWriteStopWebSocketAsyncWriteStopChannelReceiveStopServiceChannelCallStopServiceChannelOpenStopClientChannelOpenStopListenerOpenStopServiceHostOpenStopSecurityNegotiationStopInvokeOperationStopEstablishConnectionStopautoStopSharedListenerProxyRegisterStopPipeConnectionAcceptStopTraceProcessInboundRequestStopHttpPipelineProcessInboundRequestStopClientFormatterSerializeRequestStopDispatchFormatterDeserializeRequestStopDispatchFormatterSerializeReplyStopClientFormatterDeserializeReplyStopAppPolicyClrCompat_ClassicDesktopAppPolicyClrCompat_PackagedDesktopIsWithinAppThrowIfNoPnrpGetReaderAtPspcspnameToDispGetDispdispstpSystem.Net.Httpget_HttpPreambleAckIncorrectMaybeHttpUriSchemeHttpCreateHttpsFromHttpFederatedMessageSecurityOverHttpNonDualMessageSecurityOverHttpCookieContainerBindingElementNeedsHttpSystemNetHttphttpDupFastComputeRelativeSegmentsAndLookupSlowComputeRelativeSegmentsAndLookupTryCacheLookupqnameLookuphLookupget_HeaderLookupheaderLookupAddForLookupFilterTableInvalidForLookuplastLookuptoNoHostLookuptoHostLookupindexLookupTryLookupTryQueryLookuplookupSystem.Windows.MarkupWSACleanupProcessMessageCleanupprocessMessageCleanupget_DeferSslStreamServerCertificateCleanupDefaultDeferSslStreamServerCertificateCleanupdeferSslStreamServerCertificateCleanupOnCleanupmessagePropertyOwnsCleanupownsCleanupid132_XmlSchemaGroupattrTypeGroupid131_XmlSchemaAttributeGroupid32_attributeGroupServiceModelSectionGroupConfigurationSectionGroupServiceModelActivationSectionGroupGetSectionGroupid48_substitutionGrouplpLoadOrderGroupTokenPrimaryGroupid29_groupAppDomainSetupActivitySecuritySetupCngLightupWSAStartupstartupkvpEqNeqotherSeqnextSeqopseqDlqMaxRetryCyclesExceededMsmqMessageSecurityOverMsmqNetMsmqmsmqSystem.Xml.LinqSystem.LinqBrOrdwReduceHowFarboolVarstrVarUTDefaultValueToCompoundSegmentVarintVarnextVarUTDefaultValueToQueryVartcarGYearget_YearwYearSystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection.ClearSystem.Collections.IList.ClearBaseClearget_EmitClearArrayClearinvalidCharAdvanceCharhighCharPutbackCharPeekCharget_FirstTokenCharToCharcurrCharget_IndentCharget_FirstCharsegmentFirstCharMoveNextByFirstCharfirstCharlowChariarqueryKeyComperarIWbemDecoupledRegistrarPeerNameRegistrarwbemRegistrarregistrarstarvarRemoteAddrget_SockAddrlpSockAddrsockAddrLocalAddrReturnAddrsin6_addrsin_addrCerget_MemberSoapSchemaMemberget_ipAddressesDataMemberset_ipAddressesDataMemberdispIdMemberMessageMemberInvokeMemberCodeTypeMemberGetXmlReflectionMemberpathToMemberGetMembermemberget_NumberInvalidNumberDailyBuildNumb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ParameterOrderorderget_PeerpeerFreeOrDeferid54_referConflictingOfferCSResponseWithOfferCSRefusedDuplexNoOfferCSRefusedReplyNoOfferCSResponseWithoutOfferCSRefusedInputOfferWSABufferget_Bufferset_BufferlpcsaBuffermetadataBufferget_AsyncReadBufferusingAsyncReadBufferasyncReadBufferpreReadBufferGetBytesFromInitialReadBufferinitialReadBufferTryReturnReadBufferprereadBufferaddBufferTakeLockedBufferReleaseLockedBufferget_MaintainedBufferoverlappedBufferGetDecryptedBufferdecryptedBufferWriteAsyncWithoutFreeBufferBufferedMessageBufferPatternMessageBufferBodyWriterMessageBufferOperationFormatterMessageBufferGetMessageBufferDefaultMessageBufferdummyMessageBuffermessageBufferTakeBuffershouldRecycleBufferCloneBufferget_EnvelopeBufferset_EnvelopeBufferreadIntoEnvelopeBufferenvelopeBufferEnsureBufferCloseBufferPossiblyPopulateBuffercachedWriteBufferpendingWriteBufferwriteBuffercurrentByteBufferbyteBuffernativeBufferFlushPendingBufferTakeEncodingBuffermsgBufferchunkBufferworkBufferinitialBufferget_InternalBufferset_InternalBufferTakeWebSocketInternalBufferReturnWebSocketInternalBufferwebSocketInternalBufferinternalBufferCreateXmlBufferget_TokenXmlBuffersessionGramBufferReadFromBufferget_IssuedTokenBufferGetIssuedTokenBufferissuedTokenBufferdrainBufferextensionBufferget_ConnectionBufferset_ConnectionBufferconnectionBufferReturnBufferCopyValueToBufferCopySessionGramToBufferget_ZeroBufferzeroBufferlpBufferlpnspBufferCleanupBuffercharBufferinnerBufferisServerBufferrstrBufferget_MaintainsBufferCompressBufferDecompressBufferGetBufferSetBufferIsReceiveErrorDueToInsufficientBufferGetCurrentBuffercurrentBufferEnsureContentBuffercontentBufferoutBufferNextBufferfullBodyBufferdummyBufferSecurityBufferget_EmptyBufferemptyBufferbufferWSTransferaddTransferSetAndTraceTransferEndCompleteTransferBeginCompleteTransferMsmqActiveDirectoryRequiresNativeTransfercanTransferhSCManagerOpenSCManagerget_AutoDisplayUIManagerautoDisplayUIManagerget_ManagerscManagerget_IdManagerSignatureTargetIdManagercredManageridManagerApplyAuthorizationPoliciesAndManagerCopyAuthorizationPoliciesAndManagerget_NamespaceManagerXmlNamespaceManagernamespaceManagerCallOnceManagerget_ResourceManagerGetISOLanguageNameFromResourceManagerresourceManagerITypeCacheManagerILogonTokenCacheManagerAggregateLogonTokenCacheManagerCancelPendingIdleManagerSessionIdleManageridleManagerget_SettingsLifetimeManagerset_SettingsLifetimeManagerSecurityListenerSettingsLifetimeManagersettingsLifetimeManagerwebSocketLifetimeManagerdelegateManagerSimpleStateManagerstateManageruniqueManagerwrappedServiceAuthManagerMsmqReceiveContextLockManagerget_ChannelManagerServiceChannelManagerITransactionChannelManagerchannelManagerinnerTokenManagerclientCredentialsTokenManagerget_SecurityTokenManagerset_SecurityTokenManagerFederatedSecurityTokenManagerCreateSecurityTokenManagerInitializeSecurityTokenManagerServiceCredentialsSecurityTokenManagerPeerCertificateClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManagerInternalClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManagerget_ClientSecurityTokenManagerPeerClientSecurityTokenManagerclientSecurityTokenManagerSessionRenewSecurityTokenManagersecurityTokenManagertokenManagerget_AutoOpenManagerautoOpenManagerwrappedAuthenticationManagerget_ServiceAuthenticationManagerset_ServiceAuthenticationManagerShouldSerializeServiceAuthenticationManagerdefaultServiceAuthenticationManagerserviceAuthenticationManagerget_ClaimsAuthenticationManagerauthenticationManagerget_CorrelationManagerAsyncOperationManagerUnsafeGetSectionFromConfigurationManagerget_ServiceAuthorizationManagerset_ServiceAuthorizationManagerShouldSerializeServiceAuthorizationManagerIdentityModelServiceAuthorizationManagerDefaultServiceAuthorizationManagerserviceAuthorizationManagerget_ClaimsAuthorizationManagerTransactionManagerget_TokenHandlerCollectionManagerset_TokenHandlerCollectionManagerget_SecurityTokenHandlerCollectionManagerset_SecurityTokenHandlerCollectionManagerCreateDefaultSecurityTokenHandlerCollectionManager_securityTokenHandlerCollectionManagertokenHandlerCollectionManagerGetTypedHeaderManagerSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportFactorySettings.BufferManagerSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportFactorySettings.get_BufferManagerCreateBufferManagerpendingWriteBufferManagerWrappingBufferManagerget_InternalBufferManagerWrappingInternalBufferManagerGetInternalBufferManagerget_StreamBufferManagerset_StreamBufferManagerstreamBufferManagerinnerBufferManagerSetBufferManagerbufferManagerIHttpCookieContainerManagerGetHttpCookieContainerManagerhttpCookieContainerManagerget_NeighborManagerPeerNeighborManagerneighborManagerget_StandardsManagerset_StandardsManagerCreateStandardsManagersessionStandardsManagerdefaultStandardsManagerget_SecurityStandardsManagerset_SecurityStandardsManagerGetConfiguredSecurityStandardsManagerCreateSecurityStandardsManagerstandardsManagerGetCredentialsManagerEnsureSecurityCredentialsManagerIssuerChannelBehaviorsCannotContainSecurityCredentialsManagerPeerSecurityCredentialsManagercredentialsManagernsManagercommunicationObjectManagerget_ElementManagerReceiveSecurityHeaderElementManagerelementManagerServicePointManageripv4TransportManageripv6TransportManagerExclusiveNamedPipeTransportManagerTraceCodeIncompatibleExistingTransportManagerTraceCodeNoExistingTransportManagerSharedTcpTransportManagerExclusiveTcpTransportManagerSharedHttpTransportManagerSharedHttpsTransportManagertransportManagerListManagerIContextManagerIInstanceContextManagerreceiveContextManagerSecurityPolicyManagerget_DictionaryManagerServiceModelDictionaryManagerdictionaryManagerget_SecurityManagerset_SecurityManagerPeerSecurityManagersecurityManagerIProxyManagerproxyManagermanagerNonNegativeIntegerNonPositiveIntegerMessageLoggerUnsafeCreateEventLoggerloggerDebuggerCloseAsyncAndLingerasyncAndLingerIsStrongerDivergerdivergerDirectorySearcherget_MatcherEnsureMatcherBranchMatcheriqMatcherIAnonymousUriPrefixMatcherget_AnonymousUriPrefixMatcherHttpAnonymousUriPrefixMatcheranonymousUriPrefixMatcherdummyMatcherInverseQueryMatcherXPathQueryMatchermatcherSystem.ServiceModel.Dispatcherget_Dispatcherset_DispatcherIsMetadataDispatcherIsHttpGetMetadataDispatcherBuildDispatcherEnsureHelpPageDispatchermessageDispatcherCloseDispatcherEnsureHealthDispatcherget_ChannelDispatcherOnAddChannelDispatcherisTransactedReceiveChannelDispatcherOnRemoveChannelDispatcherchannelDispatcherIsMetadataTransferDispatcherFindGetDispatcherEnsureGetDispatcherCreateGetDispatcherNetDispatcherget_EndpointDispatcherset_EndpointDispatcherAddEndpointDispatcherGetEndpointDispatcherendpointDispatcherdispatcherpmkOtherotherInvalidAxisSpecifierParseAxisSpecifierParameterModifierAceQualifierNameIdentifierNameQualifierMsmqVerifierSyncAsyncOperationConsistencyVerifierTaskAsyncOperationConsistencyVerifierSyncTaskOperationConsistencyVerifierget_IdentityVerifierset_IdentityVerifierShouldSerializeIdentityVerifierPeerIdentityVerifierDefaultIdentityVerifieridentityVerifierverifierid7_Identifierget_Identifierset_IdentifierReadIdentifierAddIdentifierget_DistributedIdentifiernamespaceIdentifierget_RequestTraceIdentifierget_XmlChoiceIdentifierNameIdentifierWriteIdentifierPolicyDocumentMustHaveIdentifierget_TokenToDeriveIdentifiertokenToDeriveIdentifierCreateNativeIdentifierIsNativeIdentifierget_LocalIdentifierplatformIdentifierunwrappingTokenIdentifierTryReadSessionTokenIdentifierWriteSessionTokenIdentifiersessionTokenIdentifierIsatapIdentifierInvalidRegistrationHeaderIdentifierget_OfferIdentifierset_OfferIdentifierofferIdentifierGetIdentifierdefaultIdentifierIsValidLanguageIndependentIdentifierGetFragmentIdentifierNoSecurityContextIdentifierget_KeyIdentifierset_KeyIdentifierRawDataKeyIdentifierCanReadKeyIdentifierCanWriteKeyIdentifierTryResolveKeyIdentifierget_EncryptingKeyIdentifierencryptionKeyIdentifierSubjectKeyIdentifierSecurityKeyIdentifierkeyIdentifierget_SecurityIdentifierset_SecurityIdentifierGetSecurityIdentifiersecurityIdentifierlpszIdentifieridentifierTimeMultiplierMemoryBarriersignatureTrackerchannelTrackerGetSupportingTokenTrackersupportingTokenTrackerprimaryTokenTrackerOperationTrackerencryptionTrackerOrderTrackerorderTrackertrackerlockerIMonikerServiceMonikerSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.IsSystemMonikerIEnumMonikerppenumMonikerpmkOtherMonikermonikerget_Invokerset_InvokerNegotiationSyncInvokerSyncMethodInvokerAsyncMethodInvokerTaskMethodInvokerget_InternalInvokerset_InternalInvokerIOperationInvokerIManualConcurrencyOperationInvokerget_HasDefaultUnhandledActionInvokerSecuritySessionAuthenticatorInvokerinvokerEncodeEndMarkerSystem.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.INodeCounter.CounterMarkerSystem.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.INodeCounter.get_CounterMarkerSystem.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.INodeCounter.set_CounterMarkercontractMarkermarkerDllHostInitializeWorkerPrepareNetworkCredentialWorkerworkerget_HandlerReferralsAddedHandlerSignaledHandlerMaintainerClosedHandlerNeighborClosedHandlerretryTimeoutElapsedHandlerNeighborConnectedHandlertransactionCompletedHandlerComponentFaultedHandlerset_SendAckRequestedHandlerset_EndSendAckRequestedHandlerOnEndSendAckRequestedHandlerOnConnectionEndSendAckRequestedHandlerendSendAckRequestedHandlerOnSendAckRequestedHandlerset_BeginSendAckRequestedHandlerOnBeginSendAckRequestedHandlerOnConnectionBeginSendAckRequestedHandlerbeginSendAckRequestedHandlerOnConnectionSendAckRequestedHandlersendAckRequestedHandlerChainedEndHandlerset_SendHandlerset_EndSendHandlerOnEndSendHandlerOnConnectionEndSendHandlerendSendHandlerOnSendHandlerset_BeginSendHandlerOnBeginSendHandlerOnConnectionBeginSendHandlerbeginSendHandlerOnConnectionSendHandlersendHandlerSessionInitiationMessageHandlerOnGetSingletonMessageHandlerHttpMessageHandlermessageHandlerISessionPreambleHandlerget_DemuxFailureHandlerIChannelDemuxFailureHandlerSecuritySessionDemuxFailureHandlerdemuxFailureHandlerppResponseHandlerUnblockChannelCloseHandlerqueueHandlerPollingHandlerpollingHandlerWsdlWarningHandlerPolicyWarningHandlerwarningHandlerDelegatingHandlerisMainTransactedBatchHandlerInvokeFinalHandlerget_ChannelHandlerset_ChannelHandlerchannelHandler_sessionTokenHandler_wrappedSaml11SecurityTokenHandlersaml11SecurityTokenHandler_wrappedSaml2SecurityTokenHandlersaml2SecurityTokenHandler_wrappedX509SecurityTokenHandler_wrappedRsaSecurityTokenHandlerget_IssuedSecurityTokenHandlerset_IssuedSecurityTokenHandlerissuedSecurityTokenHandlerget_RenewedSecurityTokenHandlerset_RenewedSecurityTokenHandlerrenewedSecurityTokenHandler_wrappedUserNameSecurityTokenHandlerSamlSecurityTokenHandlerSessionSecurityTokenHandler_securityTokenHandlertokenHandlerChainedBeginHandlerMessageEncoderCompressionHandlerChannelModelIntegrationHandlerTransportIntegrationHandlertransportIntegrationHandlerDefaultWebSocketConnectionHandlerget_AsynchronousThreadExceptionHandlerset_AsynchronousThreadExceptionHandlerAlwaysHandleExceptionHandlerBinderExceptionHandlerComponentExceptionHandlerget_TransportExceptionHandlerset_TransportExceptionHandlertransportExceptionHandlerexceptionHandlerMsmq3PoisonHandlerMsmq4PoisonHandlerget_PoisonHandlerMsmqNonTransactedPoisonHandlerCreatePoisonHandlerMsmq4SubqueuePoisonHandlerpoisonHandlerget_ListenerHandlerPrivateAcquireSessionListenerHandlerlistenerHandlerget_InnerHandlerset_InnerHandlerDelegatingHandlerArrayHasNonNullInnerHandlerIErrorHandlerSctClaimsHandler_sctClaimsHandler_claimsHandlerSetupInnerChannelFaultHandlerOnMessageSentHandlerExitOrUnloadEventHandlerPowerModeChangedEventHandlerNetworkAddressChangedEventHandlerTransactionCompletedEventHandlerResolveEventHandlerConversionEventHandleradd_ValidationEventHandlerremove_ValidationEventHandlercompileValidationEventHandlerUnhandledExceptionEventHandlerAbortHandlerRetryHandlerhandlerSecurityTrailertrailerSystem.CodeDom.CompilerXPathCompilerxpathCompilerXPathExprCompilerfxCompilercompilerServiceControllerIOThreadSchedulerTaskSchedulerget_ReadTimerIOThreadTimerAddTimerget_SendTimerCancelSendTimersendTimerCreateWaitableTimerSetWaitableTimerInterruptibleTimeridleTimerpruneTimerget_WriteTimerwriteTimerget_ReceiveTimerCancelReceiveTimerreceiveTimerRemoveTimerpurgingTimerpollingTimermessagePruningTimerCancelFlushTimerOnFlushTimerSetFlushTimerflushTimerackTimerCancelTimercalledFromTimerOnTimerOnIdlingNegotiationSessionTimeridlingNegotiationSessionTimerCancelRequestInitializationTimerrequestInitializationTimerlockCollectionTimerOnCollectionTimerOnMaintainerTimermaintainerTimerSetTimeracknowledgementTimermessageExpiryTimerCancelRetryTimerretryTimerStartInactivityTimerinactivityTimertimerget_ListenerIsMetadataListenerisMetadataListenerTraceCodeOpenedListenertypedListenersharedListenerTraceListenerTransactionOutcomeListenerMaybeCreateListenerInitializeListenerMatchListenercontrolSessionWithListenerIChannelListenerTChannelListenerget_ChannelListenerInternalBuildChannelListenerInternalCanBuildChannelListenerContextBindingElementCannotProvideChannelListenerNamedPipeChannelListenerCloseBaseChannelListenerCreateChannelListenerCanBuildSessionChannelListenerMsmqInputSessionChannelListenerReplySessionOverDuplexSessionChannelListenerBuildNegotiationChannelListenerMsmqIntegrationChannelListenerISingletonChannelListenersingletonChannelListenerTcpChannelListenerHttpChannelListenerBuildResponderChannelListenerget_InnerChannelListenerset_InnerChannelListenerCanBuildInnerChannelListenerCreateInnerChannelListenerTransferInnerChannelListenerinnerChannelListenerGetChannelListenerConnectionOrientedTransportChannelListenertransportChannelListenerMsmqInputChannelListenerPeerInputChannelListenerNamedPipeDuplexChannelListenerInternalDuplexChannelListenerTcpDuplexChannelListenerPeerDuplexChannelListenerReplyOverDuplexChannelListenerDuplexSessionOneWayChannelListenerDuplexOneWayChannelListenerReplyOneWayChannelListenerNamedPipeReplyChannelListenerTcpReplyChannelListenerget_SecurityChannelListenerset_SecurityChannelListenersecurityChannelListenerchannelListenerget_RequestSecurityTokenListenerSetupSessionListenerIConnectionListenerSharedConnectionListenerBufferedConnectionListenerPipeConnectionListenerTracingConnectionListenerSocketConnectionListenerconnectionListenerHttpListenerget_InnerListenerget_SharedInnerListenersharedInnerListenerShouldCloseInnerListenerEndCloseInnerListenerBeginCloseInnerListenerShouldOpenInnerListenerOnOpenInnerListeneropenInnerListenerownsInnerListenerAbortInnerListenerinnerListenerInputDatagramAdapterListenerReplyDatagramAdapterListenerFaultListenerrstListenerinnerInputListenerGetInputListenerGetReplyListenersecurityListenerlistenerMicrosoftVSDesignerIPeerMaintainermaintainerget_CookieContainerset_CookieContainerget_EnableHttpCookieContainerset_EnableHttpCookieContainerShouldSerializeEnableHttpCookieContainercookieContainerSecurityTokenContainertokenContainerget_TargetingAppContainerget_IsRunningInAppContainerisRunningInAppContainerTokenIsAppContainerSecurityTokenProviderContainerTransportManagerContainertransportManagerContainerget_ElementContainerSendSecurityHeaderElementContainerelementContainerkeyContainerpszContainercontainerFilterInvalidInnerSFxExceptionDetailEndOfInnerisInnerppvInnerinnerget_Ownerset_OwnerTokenOwnerownerIis7HelperPeerIPHelperMessageHeaderOfTHelperEnsureNoOperationContractsOnNonServiceContractTypes_HelperSchemaHelperPeerQuotaHelperquotaHelperSystemWebHelperBeginSendHelperTextSyndicationContentKindHelperSoapInPolicyWorkaroundHelperInfoCardHelperSecurityTraceRecordHelperInterfaceHelperWsdlNamespaceHelperCorrelationDataSourceHelperConnectionUpgradeHelperReleaseInstanceModeHelperSupportedAddressingModeHelperListenUriModeHelperSessionModeHelperPrincipalPermissionModeHelperSecurityTokenInclusionModeHelperMsmqAuthenticationModeHelperUserNamePasswordValidationModeHelperX509CertificateValidationModeHelperMessagePartProtectionModeHelperHostNameComparisonModeHelperTransferModeHelperAddressFilterModeHelperPeerResolverModeHelperQueuedDeliveryRequirementsModeHelperAspNetCompatibilityRequirementsModeHelperMetadataExchangeClientModeHelperSecurityTokenAttachmentModeHelperInstanceContextModeHelperConcurrencyModeHelperSecurityKeyEntropyModeHelperNetNamedPipeSecurityModeHelperMsmqIntegrationSecurityModeHelperBasicHttpSecurityModeHelperWSDualHttpSecurityModeHelperWSFederationHttpSecurityModeHelperNetMsmqSecurityModeHelperBasicHttpsSecurityModeHelperMsmqDecodeHelperWebSocketTransportUsageHelperTypedMessageHelperParameterizedMessageHelperAddressChangeHelperaddressChangeHelperPeerThrottleHelperX509SecurityTokenReferenceStyleHelperOperationFormatStyleHelperPerformanceCounterScopeHelperBasicHttpMessageCredentialTypeHelperTcpClientCredentialTypeHelperHttpClientCredentialTypeHelperPeerTransportCredentialTypeHelperHttpProxyCredentialTypeHelperSecurityKeyTypeHelperOperationFormatUseHelperPeerValidateHelperPeerNeighborStateHelperWriteHelperCustomAttributeHelperDeadLetterQueueHelperget_MsmqReceiveHelperbackoffHelperWSMessageEncodingHelperNetHttpMessageEncodingHelperReceiveErrorHandlingHelperWsdlNamingHelperToStringHelperWSAddressingHelperHashHelperUriHelperOnWriteStartBytesCallbackHelperLockHelperCriticalHelperNetworkCredentialHelperWsdlHelperAuthenticationLevelHelperTokenImpersonationLevelHelperProtectionLevelHelperAuditLevelHelperXmlHelperQueueTransferProtocolHelperStreamedConnectionPoolHelperDuplexConnectionPoolHelperconnectionPoolHelperMsmqSecureHashAlgorithmHelperMsmqEncryptionAlgorithmHelperReadTextContentFromHelperContextExchangeMechanismHelperTimeSpanHelperSecurityContextSecurityTokenHelperClaimsConversionHelperNetSessionHelperSessionOpenNotificationHelperStoreLocationHelperAuditLogLocationHelperAudienceUriModeValidationHelperContextExchangeCorrelationHelperSecurityAttributeGenerationHelperPolicyIterationHelperLoadConfigurationSectionHelperStreamingConnectionHelperMessageDirectionHelperImpersonationOptionHelperTransactionFlowOptionHelperXmlExceptionHelperPeerExceptionHelperHandleTransportExceptionHelperBinding2DescriptionHelperLoadContractDescriptionHelperCryptoHelperSoapHelperipHelperInteropHelperChannelBindingProviderHelperReliableChannelBinderHelperDecoderHelperIWebMessageEncoderHelperMessageProtectionOrderHelperNetTcpContextBindingPropertyTransferHelperWSHttpContextBindingPropertyTransferHelperMonikerHelperEndpointAddressMessageFilterHelperAsyncMetadataResolverHelperXmlSerializerHelperPsha1DerivedKeyGeneratorHelperPeerConnectorHelperSecurityDescriptorHelperSecurityStandardsHelperEnterpriseServicesHelperBindingDeliveryCapabilitiesHelperAuthenticationSchemesHelperSslProtocolsHelperExtensionsHelperOptionsHelperCompressionFormatHelperMsmqMessageSerializationFormatHelperWebSocketHelperSecurityAuditHelperget_FaultHelperset_FaultHelperSendFaultHelperReplyFaultHelperfaultHelperWSPolicyAttachmentHelperOSEnvironmentHelperBodyContentHelperTraceEventHelperContextImportHelperTransportCompressionSupportHelperPersistHelperget_TimeoutHelperset_TimeoutHelperreadTimeoutHelpercloseTimeoutHelperreceiveTimeoutHelperBackoffTimeoutHelperiterationTimeoutHelperReplyTimeoutHelpertimeoutHelperSecurityHeaderLayoutHelperEvaluationContextHelpercontextHelperAllowHelperThrowHelperPeerReferralPolicyHelperExtendedProtectionPolicyHelperCreateCloseSequenceReplyHelpercloseSequenceReplyHelperCreateTerminateSequenceReplyHelperterminateSequenceReplyHelperTypeLibraryHelperTelemetryHelperEventTraceActivityHelperhelperget_UpperIsUpperRequestFormatSelectedFromContentTypeMapperget_ExceptionMapperset_ExceptionMapper_exceptionMapperXmlSchemaWrapperget_ExpectedWrapperset_ExpectedWrapperexpectedWrapperXmlSerializerNamespaceWrapperTargetTypeIsAnIntefaceButCorrespoindingTypeIsNotPersistStreamTypeWrapperSspiWrapperWsdlWrapperwsdlWrapperInputSessionChannelWrapperDuplexSessionChannelWrapperReplySessionChannelWrapperInputChannelWrapperDuplexChannelWrapperReplyChannelWrapperget_IsSecurityContextSecurityTokenWrapperSetupSecureConversationWrapperOperationCollectionWrapperKerberosSecurityTokenProviderWrapperSCTServiceAuthenticationManagerWrapperHandlerWrapperIDispatchFaultFormatterWrapperErrorWrapperKerberosSecurityTokenAuthenticatorWrapperobjectWrapperChannelOpenAsyncResultWrapperProxySupportWrapperDataContractSurrogateForPersistWrapperRequestConte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havior.ApplyDispatchBehaviorget_HealthBehaviorset_HealthBehaviorServiceHealthBehaviorCallbackBehaviorServiceAuthenticationBehaviorCreateAuthenticationBehaviorauthenticationBehaviorUniqueContractNameValidationBehaviorMsmqIntegrationValidationBehaviorTransactionValidationBehaviorPeerValidationBehaviorPartialTrustValidationBehaviorSecurityValidationBehaviorSecurityImpersonationBehaviorIOperationBehaviorTerminatingOperationBehaviorget_IsBuiltInOperationBehaviorbuiltInOperationBehaviorXmlSerializerOperationBehaviorNetDataContractSerializerOperationBehaviorDispatcherSynchronizationBehaviorServiceAuthorizationBehaviorCreateAuthorizationBehaviorauthorizationBehaviorNeedsTransactionBehaviorShouldSkipCommonBehaviorTraceCodeSkipBehaviorOperationInvokerBehaviorPeerNeighborBehaviorget_ErrorBehaviorerrorBehaviorPeerOperationSelectorBehaviorUseRequestHeadersForMetadataAddressBehaviorServiceTimeoutsBehaviorCallbackTimeoutsBehaviorIContractBehaviorServiceMetadataContractBehaviorComPlusContractBehaviorSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings.AuditBehaviorSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings.get_AuditBehaviorServiceSecurityAuditBehaviorauditBehaviorSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IOperationBehavior.ApplyClientBehaviorSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IContractBehavior.ApplyClientBehaviorSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IEndpointBehavior.ApplyClientBehaviorIEndpointBehaviorConfigInvalidEndpointBehaviorBindingInformationEndpointBehaviorTransactionContractInformationEndpointBehaviorSecurityContractInformationEndpointBehaviorConcurrencyBehaviorApplyBehaviorBuildProxyBehaviorFixupProxyBehaviorSharedListenerProxyBehaviorbehaviorget_Majormajorget_ForegroundColorset_ForegroundColorDefaultForegroundColorforegroundColorget_BackgroundColorset_BackgroundColorDefaultBackgroundColorbackgroundColorget_MinorminorNumberFloorPipeKnownWin32ErrorMsmqKnownWin32ErrorPipeUnknownWin32ErrorMsmqUnknownWin32ErrorGetLastWin32Errorwin32ErrorSFxDocExt_ErrorWsaErrorPipeReadErrorWsatRegistryValueReadErrorPipeShutdownReadErrorAddErrorHttpPipelineOperationCanceledErrorWebSocketUpgradeFailedErrorTaskCancelledErrorMethodReturnedErrorWebSocketContextWebSocketCannotBeAccessedErrorFilterUnexpectedErrorMsmqSendErrorget_ShouldTraceErrorshouldTraceErrorOnUnexpectedChildNodeErrorWebSocketUnexpectedCloseMessageErrorHttpMaxPendingAcceptsTooLargeErrorHandleErrorQueryCompileErrorIsBrokenPipeErrorInvalidContentTypeErrorHttpPipelineMessagePropertyTypeErrorHttpIfModifiedSinceParseErrorSctCookieXmlParseErrorget_ClientCertificateErrorPipeWriteErrorPipeShutdownWriteErrorMsmqReceiveErrorSFxServiceMetadataBehaviorInstancingErrorFramingErrorMessageBodyToStringErrorWsrmMessageProcessingErrorQueryProcessingErrorWebSocketUpgradeFailedHeaderMissingErrorHttpPipelineMessagePropertyMissingErrorSFxInternalCallbackErrorInternalErrorWebSocketUpgradeFailedInvalidProtocolErrorMessageXmlProtocolErrorStreamErrorCleanupOnErrorthrowOnErrorMsmqOpenErrorTcpListenErrorMetadataConversionErrorget_FailOnSocketDuplicationErrorDefaultFailOnSocketDuplicationErrorfailOnSocketDuplicationErrorTMCommunicationErrorHandleSchemaValidationErrorGeneralSchemaValidationErrorMsmqGetPrivateComputerInformationErrorMsmqDeserializationErrorSharedManagerServiceStartFailureNoErrorThrowPnrpErrorMsmqPathLookupErrorProcessMessageCleanupErrorprocessMessageCleanupErrorMsmqErrorWebSocketUpgradeFailedWrongHeaderErrorTcpTransferErrorHttpTransferErrorThrowHelperErrorSFxInternalServerErrorOnDemuxerErrorTraceCodeTxCompletionStatusCompletedForErrorAsErrorOnPropertySettingsErrorProcessErrorServiceStringFormatErrorHosting_RelativeAddressFormatErrorTraceCodeTcpConnectErrorget_SocketErrorOnAcceptWebSocketErrorWebSocketEndpointDoesNotSupportWebSocketErrorWebSocketEndpointOnlySupportWebSocketErrorTcpConnectionResetErrorEmptyXmlElementErrorInputMustBeDelegatingHandlerElementErrorOnEmptyElementErrorWsdlExtensionBeforeImportErrorLogImportErrorTraceCodeWsmexNonCriticalWsdlImportErrorWsdlExtensionImportErrorPolicyExtensionImportErrorWebSocketOpaqueStreamContentNotSupportErrorWebSocketTransportErrorTraceCodeWsmexNonCriticalWsdlExportErrorPolicyExtensionExportErrorWsdlExtensionContractExportErrorWsdlExtensionEndpointExportErrorWSAGetLastErrorAcceptWebSocketTimedOutErrorSequenceTerminatedUnknownAddToWindowErrorThrowErrorInputTypeListEmptyErrorppszErrorerrorcursorget_Processorset_ProcessorMessageRpcProcessorReleaseProcessorCreateProcessorClearProcessorMaxPendingValidateUriRouteCallsPerProcessorErrorProcessorEndpointAddressProcessorNextProcessorQueryProcessorprocessorIConnectionDuplicatorget_NonValidatingX509AuthenticatornonValidatingX509AuthenticatorTAuthenticatorFindAllowedAuthenticatorSecuritySessionRequiresIssuanceAuthenticatorget_PreferSslCertificateAuthenticatorset_PreferSslCertificateAuthenticatorserverCertificateAuthenticatorget_ClientCertificateAuthenticatorclientCertificateAuthenticatorcertificateAuthenticatorComputeAuthenticatorSetIdentityCheckAuthenticatoridentityCheckAuthen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SrmpAddressTranslatorsrmpAddressTranslatorget_NetMsmqAddressTranslatornetMsmqAddressTranslatorget_SrmpsAddressTranslatorsrmpsAddressTranslatorget_ActiveDirectoryAddressTranslatoractiveDirectoryAddressTranslatoraddressTranslatorSubExprEliminatordenominatorXPathSeparatorNsSeparatorget_ListSeparatorIEnumeratorGetUnderstoodEnumeratorPeerCloudEnumeratorNodeSequenceEnumeratorStringEnumeratorGetInnerEnumeratorinnerEnumeratorouterEnumeratorHttpHeadersEnumeratorXmlSchemaObjectEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSequentialResultEnumeratorGetPolicyConversionContextEnumeratorIDictionaryEnumeratorEmptyEnumeratorGetILGeneratorget_Generatorset_GeneratoridGeneratorParameterizedMethodGeneratorChannelInterfaceGeneratorIPartCodeGeneratorEndPartCodeGeneratorTypedMessagePartCodeGeneratorBeginPartCodeGeneratorParametersPartCodeGeneratorpartCodeGeneratorIWrappedBodyTypeGeneratorwrappedBodyTypeGeneratorMethodSignatureGeneratorFaultContractAttributeGeneratorTransactionFlowAttributeGeneratorget_UriGeneratoruriGeneratorasyncCallbackGeneratorrandomGeneratorget_OperationGeneratorXmlSerializerOperationGeneratorxmlSerializerOperationGeneratorDataContractSerializerOperationGeneratordataContractSerializerOperationGeneratorGetOperationGeneratoroperationGeneratorRandomNumberGeneratorClientClassGeneratorget_ServiceContractGeneratorserviceContractGeneratorpartGeneratorrandomPortGeneratorComIntegrationManifestGeneratorget_InputGeneratorget_OutputGeneratorIPrefixGeneratorMessagePrefixGeneratorprefixGeneratorPsha1DerivedKeyGeneratorget_MimeBoundaryGeneratormimeBoundaryGeneratorParameterXPathQueryGeneratorgeneratorGetNamedOperatorUnsupportedOperatorMathOperatorRelationOperatorQueryCantGetStringForMovedIteratorSafeNodeSequenceIteratorXPathNodeIteratorinternalIteratorNodesetIteratoriteratorActivator.ctorget_Actorset_ActorMultipleMessageHeadersWithActorXPathMessageFunctionHeadersWithActorget_UltimateDestinationActorIsUltimateDestinationActorultimateDestinationActorXPathMessageFunctionActorUnableToFindSecurityHeaderInMessageNoActorultimateReceiverActorFaultActorget_DictionaryActordictionaryActorpruningFactorlowWaterMarkFactorMaxFreeCountFactorChebychevFactorGrowFactor.cctorCardSpaceSelectorAuthenticationSchemeSelectorget_OperationSelectorset_OperationSelectorIDispatchOperationSelectorMethodInfoOperationSelectorIClientOperationSelectoroperationSelectorExtendedProtectionSelectorid55_selectorget_ReflectorServiceReflectorget_OperationReflectoroperationReflectorparentReflectorreflectorPeerConnectorconnectorIDispatchMessageInspectorIClientMessageInspectorIParameterInspectorCodeConstructorincrementedActivityCountInConstructorGetConstructorSFxNoDefaultConstructorWsdlExtensionTypeRequiresDefaultConstructorPolicyExtensionTypeRequiresDefaultConstructorSFxMessageContractRequiresDefaultConstructorconstructorhideFromEditorMsmqBindingMonitorget_Acceptorset_AcceptorUnsupportedUpgradeAcceptorCreateUpgradeAcceptorStreamUpgradeAcceptorSslStreamSecurityUpgradeAcceptorWindowsStreamSecurityUpgradeAcceptorsecurityUpgradeAcceptorupgradeAcceptorSSSSCreateAcceptorget_InputQueueAcceptorErrorHandlingAcceptorTChannelAcceptorget_ChannelAcceptorIInputQueueChannelAcceptorinputQueueChannelAcceptorTransactionChannelAcceptorsingletonChannelAcceptorPeerInputChannelAcceptorDuplexSessionOneWayInputChannelAcceptorinputChannelAcceptorCompositeDuplexChannelAcceptorPeerDuplexChannelAcceptorConnectionOrientedTransportReplyChannelAcceptorreplyChannelAcceptorSecurityChannelAcceptorchannelAcceptorConnectionAcceptorget_SingletonAcceptorset_SingletonAcceptorInputDatagramAdapterAcceptorReplyDatagramAdapterAcceptorinputAcceptorduplexAcceptorreplyAcceptoracceptorInstanceDescriptorEventDescriptorget_SecurityDescriptorGenericSecurityDescriptorBuildSecurityDescriptorCommonSecurityDescriptorlpSecurityDescriptorsecurityDescriptorCreateDecryptorCreateEncryptorSessionIdTypeConvertorstrAncestorSendReceiveReliableRequestorSendWaitReliableRequestorRequestReliableRequestorConfigureRequestorCreateCloseRequestorcloseRequestorCreateRequestorCreateTerminateRequestorterminateRequestortokenRequestorrequestorplFlavoreprget_Exprget_SubExprsubExprXPathXsltVariableExprpropertyValueEx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eCountersset_ServicePerformanceCountersInitializeServicePerformanceCountersGetServicePerformanceCountersSetServicePerformanceCountersservicePerformanceCountersStopOperationInvokePerformanceCountersStartOperationInvokePerformanceCountersReleasePerformanceCountersGetServiceModelPerformanceCountersGetOperationPerformanceCountersget_DefaultPerformanceCountersset_DefaultPerformanceCountersdefaultPerformanceCountersget_EndpointPerformanceCountersGetEndpointPerformanceCountersperformanceCountersServicePerfCountersservicePerfCountersOperationPerfCountersoperationPerfCountersdefaultPerfCountersEndpointPerfCountersendpointPerfCountersTotalCountersCallOnAllCountersCreateOperationCountersget_DefaultCountersset_DefaultCountersCreateEndpointCounterscountersget_WsdlImportersLoadWsdlImportersget_PolicyImportersLoadPolicyImportersget_AllowUntrustedRsaIssuersset_AllowUntrustedRsaIssuersDefaultAllowUntrustedRsaIssuersallowUntrustedRsaIssuersacceptableIssuersget_StackedRetrieversstackedRetrieversusedRetrieversTransferReceiversreceiversdriversMergeOutOfBandResolversoutOfBandResolversget_TokenResolversoutOfBandTokenResolversAddDerivedKeyTokenToResolversSystem.ServiceModel.PeerResolversprimaryResolverstypeDemuxersget_TypedSerializerstypedSerializersGenerateSerializersserializersget_InitializersAddInteractiveInitializersget_ChannelInitializersget_InteractiveChannelInitializersinteractiveChannelInitializerschannelInitializersget_InstanceContextInitializersinstanceContextInitializersget_CallContextInitializersget_MaxCallContextInitializerscallContextInitializersinitializersget_KeyValuePairsUTTEmptyKeyValuePairskeyValuePairsvarLitPairsget_NeighborswantedConnectedNeighborsGetConnectedNeighborsPingNeighborsget_IdealNeighborsidealNeighborsget_MinNeighborsminNeighborsFloodMessageToNeighborsget_MaxNeighborsmaxNeighborsneighborsget_AuthorsauthorsSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IProvideChannelBuilderSettings.BehaviorsSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IProvideChannelBuilderSettings.get_BehaviorsLoadBehaviorsAddBehaviorsServiceHealthBehavior_ServiceBehaviorsget_ServiceBehaviorsLookupServiceBehaviorsserviceBehaviorsIncompatibleBehaviorscanHaveBehaviorsLoadChannelBehaviorsget_IssuerChannelBehaviorsget_LocalIssuerChannelBehaviorsset_LocalIssuerChannelBehaviorslocalIssuerChannelBehaviorsissuerChannelBehaviorschannelBehaviorsAddBuiltInBehaviorsget_OperationBehaviorsConfigureOperationDescriptionBehaviorsConfigureContractDescriptionBehaviorsdescriptionBehaviorsget_CommonBehaviorsLookupCommonBehaviorsTraceCodeGetCommonBehaviorscommonBehaviorsget_ContractBehaviorsLoadCommonClientBehaviorsServiceHealthBehavior_EndpointBehaviorsget_EndpointBehaviorsLookupEndpointBehaviorsLoadDefaultEndpointBehaviorsbehaviorsget_ErrorstraceExceptionsAsErrorsTraceWsdlImportErrorsimportErrorsTraceWsdlExportErrorsSslPolicyErrorssslPolicyErrorserrorshandlerCtorsallowedAuthenticatorsSameAuthenticatorssupportingAuthenticatorsallowedTokenAuthenticatorsAddSupportingTokenAuthenticatorsMergeSupportingTokenAuthenticatorsGetSupportingTokenAuthenticatorssupportingTokenAuthenticatorsget_EmptyTokenAuthenticatorsemptyTokenAuthenticatorsentropyAuthenticatorsrunOperationValidatorsProtocolSeparatorsGetBeforeExtensionsBuiltInOperationGeneratorsGetAfterExtensionsBuiltInOperationGeneratorsGetBeforeExtensionsBuiltInContractGeneratorsGetAfterExtensionsBuiltInContractGeneratorsRunDecoratorssidAdministratorsactorslpServiceArgVectorsSystem.IdentityModel.SelectorsoperationReflectorsServiceHealthBehavior_MessageInspectorsget_MessageInspectorsset_MessageInspectorsGetMessageInspectorsget_ClientMessageInspectorsmessageInspectorsget_ParameterInspectorsget_ClientParameterInspectorsget_MaxParameterInspectorsparameterInspectorsinspectorsGenerateConstructorsEnsureEventDescriptorsCreateEventDescriptorseventDescriptorsSelectAncestorsget_Contributorscontributorsget_ExprsmessageAttrsuseImplAttrsattrsset_MinOccursid37_minOccursget_MaxOccursset_MaxOccursid38_maxOccursget_HoursAddHoursFromHoursDssSchemeWssExecuteDerivedKeyTokenStubPassExecuteReadingPassExecuteSignatureEncryptionProcessingPassisFinalPassExecuteFullPassExecuteMessageProtectionPassExecuteSubheaderDecryptionPassget_ClassSpawnDerivedClassIsAllowedClassSFxOperationBehaviorAttributeOnlyOnServiceClassSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.WbemNative.IWbemServices.DeleteClassWriteClassNextTokenClasstokenClassTokenInformationClasstokenInformationClassSecurityPackageInfoClassMaxTokenInfoClassNegotiationInfoClassinfoClassstrClassget_IsClassset_IsClasscsClassSFxServiceHostNeedsClassGetAncestorImplicitContractClassClientClassCompoundSegmentClassInstallEventClassSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.WbemNative.IWbemServices.PutClassppNewClassstrSuperclassCastclassTokenUIAccessAddAccessdwDesiredAccessdesiredAccessrequiredAccessGrantedAccessget_NetworkInboundAccessget_NetworkOutboundAccessRemoveAccessCheckAccessallowPrivateMemberAccessMethodRequiresMemberAccessConstructorRequiresMemberAccessAssemblyBuilderAccessget_NetworkClientAccessInvalidBodyAccessaccessget_SuccessMethodReturnedSuccessTraceSessionClosedSuccessTraceSessionClosedResponseSuccessreceiveSuccessEncryptedDataProcessingSuccessTraceCodeSecurityAuditWrittenSuccessSignatureVerificationSuccessTraceIdentityVerificationSuccessTraceCodeSecurityIdentityVerificationSuccessMessageAuthenticationSuccessTransportAuthenticationSuccessTraceCodeComIntegrationInstanceCreationSuccessSecurityNegotiationSuccessTraceIdentityDeterminationSuccessTraceCodeSecurityIdentityDeterminationSuccessTraceCodeSecurityImpersonationSuccessOnOperationSuccessTraceSecuritySessionOperationSuccessTraceCodeSecuritySessionRequestorOperationSuccessServiceAuthorizationSuccessWrappedKeyDecryptionSuccessIsSuccessOnAcceptWebSocketSuccessAPF_AuditSuccesssuccessShouldProcessSystem.ServiceProcessSystemServiceProcessWebHostOutOfProcessKeepOnlyPrivilegeInProcessWebHostInProcessOpenProcessonProcessmessageToProcessNearestNonCurrentProcessGetCurrentProcessReprocessTrimExcessVerifyTypeUniquenessValidateRangeAndFreshnessValidateFreshnessEndiannessget_Bitnessset_BitnessServiceHealthBehavior_ProcessBitnessget_PlatformSupportsBitnessplatformSupportsBitnessbitnessV4AddressV6Addressget_IPAddressFromIPAddressget_ListenIPAddressset_ListenIPAddressValidateListenIPAddresslistenIPAddressToIPAddressget_ConnectIPAddressset_ConnectIPAddressconnectIPAddressSubjectLocalityIPAddressSubjectLocalityDNSAddressServiceHealthBehavior_Addressget_Addressset_AddressWriteMetadataAddressSFxMetadataExchangeClientNoMetadataAddressget_IssuerMetadataAddressset_IssuerMetadataAddressissuerMetadataAddressUseRequestHeadersForMetadataAddressmetadataAddressdocAddressLdlocAddressGetProcAddressLoadAddresssuggestedAddressget_UnresolvedAddressset_UnresolvedAddressValidAddressget_NodeAddressupdatedNodeAddressValidNodeAddressValidReferralNodeAddressPeerNodeAddressnodeAddressNoneAddressCloneAddressget_BaseAddressset_BaseAddressUTBadBaseAddressSFxCannotCallAddBaseAddressaddBaseAddressoriginalUncanonicalizedBaseAddressTraceCodeMsmqFoundBaseAddressUTTCannotChangeBaseAddressValidateBaseAddressSFxBadMetadataLocationNoAppropriateBaseAddressremoveBaseAddressNormalizeBaseAddressget_ListenUriBaseAddressset_ListenUriBaseAddresslistenUriBaseAddressget_OriginalBaseAddressnumSegmentsInBaseAddresslistenBaseAddressTraceCodeWarnServiceHealthPageEnabledNoBaseAddressTraceCodeWarnHelpPageEnabledNoBaseAddressWarnServiceHealthEnabledNoBaseAddressaddTrailingSlashToBaseAddresslpBaseAddressSFxServiceMetadataBehaviorNoHttpBaseAddressSFxServiceMetadataBehaviorNoHttpsBaseAddressget_ClientBaseAddressset_ClientBaseAddressclientBaseAddressnewBaseAddressbaseAddressSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IRequestChannel.RemoteAddressSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IOutputChannel.RemoteAddressSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.RemoteAddressSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IRequestChannel.get_RemoteAddressSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IOutputChannel.get_RemoteAddressSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.get_RemoteAddressset_RemoteAddressAcksToMustBeSameAsRemoteAddressremoteAddressget_RelativeAddressset_RelativeAddressHosting_NoAbsoluteRelativeAddressget_ListenUriRelativeAddressset_ListenUriRelativeAddresslistenUriRelativeAddressSFxCannotGetMetadataFromRelativeAddressrelativeAddressSFxNoEndpointMatchingAddressConflictingAddressLdargAddressget_CallbackAddressCreateCallbackAddressMultipleContextHeadersFoundInCallbackAddressget_ClientCallbackAddressset_ClientCallbackAddressclientCallbackAddresscallbackAddressSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.LocalAddressSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.get_LocalAddressset_LocalAddresscachedLocalAddressCreateUniqueLocalAddressget_InternalLocalAddressGetInnerChannelLocalAddressReceiveTimedOutNoLocalAddressReceiveRequestTimedOutNoLocalAddressget_DuplexClientLocalAddressset_DuplexClientLocalAddresslocalAddressget_OriginalAddressoriginalAddresswsdlAddressMailAddressfullAddressSFxCannotHttpGetMetadataFromAddressfromAddressCannotDetermineSPNBasedOnAddressget_ListenAddressset_ListenAddressSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerMaintainer.GetListenAddressSetListenAddresslistenAddressDestinationAddressipAddresslpAddressRegisterAddressUnregisterAddressget_IssuerAddressset_IssuerAddressget_LocalIssuerAddressset_LocalIssuerAddresslocalIssuerAddressConfigNullIssuerAddressissuerAddressisAddressget_AnonymousAddressanonymousAddressGetAddressget_TargetAddressset_TargetAddressTokenRequirementDoesNotSpecifyTargetAddresstargetAddressInitializeFromCriticalAllocHandleSocketAddressIPEndPointFromSocketAddresssocketAddressNonTransientAddressGetIPEndpointAddressget_EndpointAddressLoadEndpointAddressProcessNotMatchedEndpointAddressoldEndpointAddressConfigureEndpointAddressCreateEndpointAddressget_RemoteEndpointAddressremoteEndpointAddressomitSettingEndpointAddressFromEndpointAddressCreateActivationEndpointAddressToEndpointAddressendpointInfosPerEndpointAddressctorEndpointAddressSetEndpointAddressendpointAddressConvertAddressImportAddressget_FirstAddressAdjustAddressMexAddressmexAddressget_ProxyAddressset_ProxyAddressUseDefaultWebProxyCantBeUsedWithExplicitProxyAddressproxyAddressaddressReportCacheMisscacheMissReadPoolMissWritePoolMissConnectionPoolMissremoteAddresssAcceptedDateTimeFormatsUpdateStatsget_ContractsreflectedContractsGetInheritedContractsget_ImplementedContractsAddImplementedContractsToImplementedContractsimplementedContractsexportedContractsValidateContractsUpdateContractsIgnoreExistingContractsReuseExistingContractsImportAllContractsget_ComContractsget_KnownContractsWsdlImporterContractMustBeInKnownContractsknownContractsget_BehaviorContractsreflectedAndBehaviorContractsbehaviorContractscontractsAllocObjectscommunicationObjectsapObjectsHasUdtsudtsget_ClaimSetsclaimSetsReadTargetsWriteTargetsServiceModelAttributeTargetsSystem.Net.SocketsSystem.Net.WebSocketsOSSupportsWebSocketsiMaxSocketsMaxBucketsbuckets<>3__setsEventWaitHandleRightsComRightsGenerateClientAccessRightsaccessRightsget_KeySizeInBitsminSaneKeySizeInBitsmaxSaneKeySizeInBitsDefaultKeySizeInBitskeySizeInBitsNoBitstelemetryTraitsbitsid98_totalDigitsid99_fractionDigitsdigitssuccessfullCommitscommitsget_Faultsget_SendUnsecuredFaultsset_SendUnsecuredFaultssendUnsecuredFaultsget_AcceptUnsecuredFaultsget_EnableFaultsset_EnableFaultsenableFaultsAddInfrastructureFaultsget_TolerateFaultsSetTolerateFaultstolerateFaultsSFxInconsistentWsdlOperationUseInBindingFaultsget_IncludeExceptionDetailInFaultsset_IncludeExceptionDetailInFaultsincludeExceptionDetailInFaultswsdlOperationFaultsget_MapExceptionsToSoapFaultsset_MapExceptionsToSoapFaults_mapExceptionsToSoapFaultsCanImportFaultsget_SupportFaultsset_SupportFaultsSetOperationSupportFaultssupportFaultsExportFaultsget_DefaultsunescapedDefaultsServiceDefaultsValidateDefaultsUriTemplateDefaultsMultipleReceiveDefaultsInitializeDefaultsWSHttpBindingDefaultsBasicHttpBindingDefaultsWSDualHttpBindingDefaultsNetHttpBindingDefaultsUTStarVariableWithDefaultsBindTerminalDefaultsAddAdditionalDefaultsRemoveAdditionalDefaultsUTDefaultValueToCompoundSegmentVarFromAdditionalDefaultsUTDefaultValueToQueryVarFromAdditionalDefaultsUTStarVariableWithDefaultsFromAdditionalDefaultsUTNullableDefaultAtAdditionalDefaultsadditionalDefaultsReliableSessionDefaultsMsmqIntegrationDefaultsNetTcpDefaultsNetHttpDefaultsMsmqDefaultsMtomEncoderDefaultsTextEncoderDefaultsRequestFormatSelectedByEncoderDefaultsBinaryEncoderDefaultsDataContractSerializerDefaultsApplicationContainerSettingsDefaultsSetDefaultsWebSocketDefaultsomitDefaultsConnectionOrientedTransportDefaultsTcpTransportDefaultsHttpTransportDefaultsPeerTransportDefaultsTransactionFlowDefaultsOneWayDefaultsdefaultsget_ResultsMergeResultsset_CacheResultsVerifyThatFastPathAndSlowPathHaveSameResultsReleaseResultspendingResultsInitResultsresultsget_HasDescendantshasDescendantsSelectDescendantsget_VariantsGetObjectsForNativeVariantsFetchVariantsEnsureInvariantsAtom10ConstantsApp10ConstantsRss20ConstantsFaultCodeConstantsReliableMessagingConstantsSecurityNegotiationConstantsRedirectionConstantsListenerConstantsWSTrustServiceContractConstantsPeerTransportConstantsMessageEncodingPolicyConstantsPeerTransportPolicyConstantsOneWayPolicyConstantsAddPendingAcknowledgementspendingAcknowledgementsget_ElementsReadPolicyReferenceElementsNoRequestSecurityTokenResponseElementsPopulateElementsget_BindingElementsunsupportedBindingElementsSafeCreateBindingElementsget_RemainingBindingElementsremainingBindingElementsGetBindingElementsGetGeneratedTransportBindingElementsCreateTransportBindingElementsbindingElementsWriteServiceHealthElementsMarkElementsFindAllElementsget_XmlElementsVerifySimplexProtocolElementsVerifyDuplexProtocolElementsOnWriteCustomElementsget_ChainElementschildExtensionElementsparentExtensionElementsCreateSignatureConfirmationElementsget_BindingCollectionElementsget_EndpointCollectionElementswsdlImporterElementspolicyImporterElementsIsPartElementsget_XmlAnyElementselementsBehaviorMissingObjectNullOrServiceImplementsget_ClaimTypeRequirementsShouldSerializeClaimTypeRequirementsclaimTypeRequirementsSecureConversationBootstrapSignatureRequirementsValidateAutoCompleteFalseRequirementsTokenDoesNotMeetKeySizeRequirementsApplySigningRequirementsoptionalRequirementsHasQueryLiteralRequirementsChannelRequirementsComInconsistentSessionRequirementsget_ProtectionRequirementsCreateFromContractAndUnionResponseProtectionRequirementsComputeProtectionRequirementsAddBindingProtectionRequirementsencryptAndSignChannelProtectionRequirementssignChannelProtectionRequirementsGetChannelProtectionRequirementsget_ApplicationProtectionRequirementsset_ApplicationProtectionRequirementsapplicationProtectionRequirementsget_BootstrapProtectionRequirementsUnsupportedSecureConversationBootstrapProtectionRequirementsbootstrapProtectionRequirementsAddHeaderProtectionRequirementsget_HasProtectionRequirementshasProtectionRequirementsGetProtectionRequirementsAddFaultProtectionRequirementsprotectionRequirementsSecureConversationBootstrapEncryptionRequirementsComputeContractRequirementsEnsureOrderedDeliveryRequirementsget_QueuedDeliveryRequirementsset_QueuedDeliveryRequirementsEnsureQueuedDeliveryRequirementsqueuedDeliveryRequirementsEnsureCompatibilityRequirementsValidateCompatibilityRequirementsrequirementsget_Statementsget_GetStatementsWriteBodyToSignWithFragmentsWriteBodyToSignThenEncryptWithFragmentsget_SegmentsnumMatchedSegmentsPopulateWildcardSegmentscandidateSegmentsrelativeSegmentsget_WildcardPathSegmentswildcardPathSegmentsget_RelativePathSegmentsfastPathRelativePathSegmentsSetRelativePathSegmentsrelativePathSegmentswireUriSegmentsGetSegmentssegmentsget_CommentsincludeCommentsExclusiveC14nWithCommentsTooManyEnlistmentsget_DocumentsCreateMetadataDocumentsProcessMetadataDocumentsget_WsdlDocumentsget_GeneratedWsdlDocuments<>3__wsdlDocuments<>3__policyDocumentsget_ArgumentsGetGenericArgumentsget_TypeArgumentsTraceListenerArgumentsargumentsPromoteUnconfiguredComponentsImportUnconfiguredComponentsInstallMultipleComponentsMoveComponentsRefreshComponentsUriComponentsGetComponentsImportComponentsCopyComponentsInitializeContentsOnWriteDetailContentsOnGetReaderAtDetailContentsWriteItemContentsWriteBufferedMessageHeaderContentsOnWriteHeaderContentsDeserializeHeaderContentsOnWriteAddressHeaderContentsGetBufferedMessageHeaderReaderAtHeaderContentsid79_processContentsOnEndWriteBodyContentsHandleWriteBodyContentsHandleEndOnWriteBodyContentshandleEndOnWriteBodyContentsOnBeginWriteBodyContentsHandleEndSerializeBodyContentshandleEndSerializeBodyContentsBeginSerializeBodyContentsDeserializeBodyContentsOnGetReaderAtBodyContentsSharedMemoryContentsenabledEventsend2EndEventsITransactionOutcomeEventsRegisterForChannelEventsSystemEventsCleanupEventsRegisterForNeighborEventsServiceHealthBehavior_Endpointsget_Endpointsset_EndpointsCustomizeMetadataEndpointscachedEndpointsget_ConfiguredEndpointsexportedEndpointsresolvedEndpointsget_StandardEndpointsget_ServiceEndpointsset_ServiceEndpointsGetServiceEndpointsserviceEndpointsCreateHelpPageEndpointsCreateHealthEndpointsImportAllEndpointsEnsureThereAreApplicationEndpointsHasApplicationEndpointsAddCompatibleFederationEndpointsServiceHasZeroAppEndpointsget_AlternativeIssuerEndpointsalternativeIssuerEndpointsCreateHttpGetEndpointsTryGetEndpointsAddDefaultEndpointsdefaultEndpointsImportEndpointsExportEndpointsendpointsAddRightGrantedToAccountsget_ExtractGroupsForWindowsAccountsset_ExtractGroupsForWindowsAccountsextractGroupsForWindowsAccountsget_AllowAccountsaccountsget_Acceptsget_MaxPendingAcceptsset_MaxPendingAcceptsGetEffectiveMaxPendingAcceptsShouldSerializeMaxPendingAcceptsGetMaxPendingAcceptsDefaultMaxPendingAcceptsmaxPendingAcceptspendingAcceptsmaxAcceptsacceptsDefaultMaxPromptAttemptsget_Partsset_PartsAddPartssignedPartsscopedPartsGetWrappedPartsTryGetProtectedPartsencryptedPartsAddSortedPartsget_Addressing10SignedMessagePartsaddressing10SignedMessagePartsget_Addressing200408SignedMessagePartsaddressing200408SignedMessagePartsget_SignedMessagePartsget_OneWaySignedMessagePartsoneWaySignedMessagePartssignedMessagePartsGetTypedMessagePartsSetTypedMessagePartsCompareMessagePartsSFxDuplicateMessagePartsSFxInconsistentWsdlOperationStyleInMessagePartsExtractMessagePartsget_SignedReliabilityMessagePartsGetSignedReliabilityMessagePartssignedReliabilityMessagePartsget_SignaturePartsset_SignaturePartsget_RequiredSignaturePartsset_RequiredSignaturePartseffectiveSignaturePartsget_IncomingSignaturePartsGetIncomingSignaturePartsincomingSignaturePartsget_OutgoingSignaturePartsGetOutgoingSignaturePartsoutgoingSignaturePartssignaturePartsresponsePartsGenerateTypedMessageHeaderAndReturnValuePartsget_ChannelPartschannelPartsAddActionPartsreadOnlyNormalizedActionPartsactionPartsget_EncryptionPartsset_EncryptionPartsget_RequiredEncryptionPartsset_RequiredEncryptionPartsget_IncomingEncryptionPartsGetIncomingEncryptionPartsincomingEncryptionPartsget_OutgoingEncryptionPartsGetOutgoingEncryptionPartsoutgoingEncryptionPartsContainsEncryptionPartsencryptionPartsget_NoPartsnoPartsHeaderPartsTryGetPartsrequestPartsget_RpcEncodedTypedMessageBodyPartsrpcEncodedTypedMessageBodyPartsGenerateMessageBodyPartsSFxInconsistentBindingBodyPartsbodyPartspartsFoundMultipleCertsHttpsIdentityMultipleCertsget_PortsimportedPortsGetAllPortsget_DefaultPortsget_ImportsHandleSchemaImportsHandleWsdlImportsimportsmanifestsget_RequestsoutstandingRequestsEndWaitForPendingRequestsBeginWaitForPendingRequestsSetupWaitForPendingRequestsFaultPendingRequestsAbortPendingRequestsCopyPendingRequestspendingRequestsAbortRequestsget_TimedOutRequeststimedOutRequestsrequestsInstanceExistsOpcodeExistsWsdlBindingQNameExistsDoesTypeNameExistsGetContextFromHeaderIfExistsValidateFinalAckExistsTokenRequestParameterExistsFilterExistsInheritedElementExistsClientEndpointExistscreateIfNotExistsReceiveContextExistsPrefixExistsQueryItemAlreadyExistsHttpRegistrationAlreadyExistshostsDeserializeWhereaboutsGetWhereaboutswhereaboutsget_TimeoutsServiceTimeoutsInitializeTimeoutsCallbackTimeoutsServiceHealthBehavior_ChannelTimeoutsget_CommunicationTimeoutsset_CommunicationTimeoutsImmutableCommunicationTimeoutsFormatCommunicationTimeoutsIDefaultCommunicationTimeoutsget_DefaultCommunicationTimeoutsget_HasTimeoutsset_HasTimeoutsdefaultTimeoutsCopyTimeoutstimeoutsMapSyncInputsasyncInputsMapAsyncEndInputsAllocateInputsDeserializeInputstaskInputsMapAsyncBeginInputsInspectInputsinputsMapSyncOutputsMapAsyncOutputsasyncOutputsSerializeOutputsMapOutputsInspectOutputsoutputsget_InstanceContextsGetInstanceContextsinstanceContextsRemoveAllContextsGetAllContextsget_MaxPolicyConversionContextsset_MaxPolicyConversionContextsDefaultMaxPolicyConversionContextsmaxPolicyConversionContextsClearContextsAbortInnerContextsinnerContextsAbortContextsget_PendingRequestContextsTransferToComPlusTransferringToComplusModulusMinusFlushPreviousMoveToPreviouspreviousget_AnonymousAuthTypeAnonymousSFxFaultTypeAnonymousNonAnonymousget_IsAnonymousisAnonymousGetAnonymousget_IsClientAnonymousset_IsClientAnonymousisClientAnonymousAllowAnonymousget_DictionaryAnonymousdictionaryAnonymousanonymousisStillSynchronousget_IsSynchronousisSynchronouspostSynchronoussynchronousget_StatusExitServiceStatusQueryServiceStatusIOnlineStatusget_CloseStatusCheckCloseStatusWebSocketCloseStatusget_InputCloseStatusset_InputCloseStatusinputCloseStatusget_OutputCloseStatusSetOutputCloseStatusoutputCloseStatuscloseStatusget_OperationalStatusWbemStatusszSystemStatusX509ChainStatusget_ChainStatuschainStatusTransactionStatusWebExceptionStatusListenerExceptionStatuscleanupStatusServiceControllerStatusTimeToWaitForStatusAccessStatusSetStatusVerifyIsOneWayStatusget_DeliveryStatusSecurityStatusstatusget_Windowsget_MapToWindowswindowsCSC_NoSxsCSC_InheritSxsCSC_NewSxs<>3__xs<>3__ysget_Daysget_TotalDaysFromDaysdaysget_DetectReplaysset_DetectReplaysdefaultDetectReplaysdetectReplaysstringArraysMatchAlwaysalwaysget_KeysaKeyscreateIntrinsicKeysMaxAllowedWrappedKeysnumWrappedKeysget_RequireDerivedKeysset_RequireDerivedKeysdefaultRequireDerivedKeysrequireDerivedKeysnumDerivedKeysmaxDerivedKeysGenerateKeysExportPrivateKeysdefaultDeriveKeysGetMatchingKeysget_AdditionalKeysget_SerializedAdditionalKeysset_SerializedAdditionalKeysadditionalKeysget_AllKeysTooManyPendingSessionKeysSigningTokenHasNoKeysBackingHttpHeadersHasKeyshasKeysUpdatePolicyKeyspolicyKeysget_SecurityKeysCreateSymmetricSecurityKeysTryGetSecurityKeyssecurityKeyskeysullTotalPhysullAvailPhyspdwMksysReplaceAtget_PrivacyNoticeAtset_PrivacyNoticeAtprivacyNoticeAtReplaceSequenceAtSystem.Collections.Generic.IList.RemoveAtSystem.Collections.IList.RemoveAtBaseRemoveAtReserveAtBranchAtActivityListenAtGetHeaderAtGetAtSetAtSplitAtIsPathPartiallyEquivalentAtsegmentStartAtstartAtInsertAtinstanceContextsFtGtLtConcatthatAppendFormatget_UseMessageFormatset_UseMessageFormatuseMessageFormatComputerNameFormatRfc3339UTCDateTimeFormatget_DateTimeFormatRfc822OutputUtcDateTimeFormatRfc3339LocalDateTimeFormatRfc822OutputLocalDateTimeFormatSFxTimeoutInvalidStringFormatAddressing10ToStringFormatSoap11ToStringFormatSoap12ToStringFormatAddressing200408ToStringFormatPeerNodeToStringFormatEnvelopeNoneToStringFormatAddressingNoneToStringFormatMessageVersionToStringFormattoStringFormatUriFormatSFxExceptionDetailFormatTimeSpanFormatget_CompressionFormatset_CompressionFormatsessionCompressionFormatDefaultCompressionFormatcompressionFormatget_SerializationFormatset_SerializationFormatMsmqUnsupportedSerializationFormatMsmqMessageSerializationFormatserializationFormatget_NumberFormatNameIdentifierFormatDefaultFormatTraceCodeCannotBeImportedInCurrentFormatWindowsServiceAccountFormatinputFormatoutputFormatGroupNameSuffixFormatReadElementContentAsFloat_AppPolicyGetClrCompatAppPolicyClrCompatappPolicyClrCompatSystem.Transactions.IEnlistmentNotification.InDoubtSTxInDoubtGetMatchingEndorsingSctNoCookieInSctSubtractServiceHealthBehavior_Contractget_Contractset_ContractIWSTrust13SyncContractIWSTrustFeb2005SyncContractIWSTrust13AsyncContractIWSTrustFeb2005AsyncContractIsReferencedContractimplementedContractimportedContractSFxNoMostDerivedContractTFloodContractget_ServiceContractTraceCodeComIntegrationServiceHostCreatedServiceContractSFxOperationContractProviderOnNonServiceContractSFxOperationContractOnNonServiceContractIPeerServiceContractWSTrustServiceContractget_TrustServiceContract_trustServiceContract_serviceContractWrappedMessageContractBareMessageContractSFxHeaderNamespaceMismatchInMessageContractSFxHeaderNameMismatchInMessageContractImportMessageContractOnExportMessageContractmessageContractMultipleCallsToExportContractWithSameContractValidateContractSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IServiceContractGenerationExtension.GenerateContractResolveContractSFxNoEndpointMatchingContractget_DeclaringContractset_DeclaringContractdeclaringContractTryFindExistingContractexistingContractget_CallbackContractset_CallbackContractSFxTransactionAutoCompleteFalseOnCallbackContractcallbackContractTLinkContractIWSTrustChannelContractFillContractNullContractValidateContextBindingElementOnAllEndpointsWithSessionfulContractLookupComContractCreateFromContractImportOperationContractResolveIMetadataExchangeToContractLookupContractotherContract_innerContractRegisterContractIPeerResolverContractXmlSerializerContractCannotImportProtectionLevelForContractFindBindingsForContractIPeerConnectorContractGetContractget_TargetContractset_TargetContractVisitContractCheckDuplicateFaultContractSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension.ImportContractCallImportContractSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlExportExtension.ExportContractCallExportContractIWSTrustContractget_MexContractCreateMexContractmexContractIsRequestReplyContract<>3__contractEnsureSubcontractget_IsAbstractid39_abstractTryExtractTryParseExactTestExactexactIID_ObjectXmlSchemaObjectIExtensibleDataObjectget_IgnoreExtensionDataObjectset_IgnoreExtensionDataObjectignoreExtensionDataObjectperfCounterDictionarySyncObject_syncObjectReadObjectIID_IManagedObjectAddrOfPinnedObjectCreateAggregatedObjectReferenceCountedObjectGetDeserializedObjectWriteEndObjectContextBoundObjectmethodObjectinterfaceObjectSFxNoServiceObjectCodeObjectInvokeObjectpersistableObjectUnsafeRegisterWaitForSingleObjectStandardsManagerCannotWriteObjectTypeOfObjectMarshalByRefObjectICatalogObjectComCatalogObjectcatalogObjectcallbackObjectlockObjectwsdlObjectkernelObjectget_WbemObjectwbemObjectNotAComObjectReleaseComObjectWrapIUnknownWithComObjectIsComObjectcomObjectIExtensibleSyndicationObjectapplicationObjectICommunicationObjectTCommunicationObjectget_CommunicationObjectCloseCommunicationObjectOpenCommunicationObjectinnerCommunicationObjectISecurityCommunicationObjectWrapperSecurityCommunicationObject_communicationObjecttypeDeclarationObjectcodeTypeDeclarationCollectionObjectSystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IMoniker.BindToObjectppObjectMbrObjectget_UserObjectSFxCreateDuplexChannelBadCallbackUserObjectSFxCreateDuplexChannelNoCallbackUserObjectSetUserObjectnewUserObjectuserObjectxmlSerializerObjectGetIUnknownForObjectGetInterfacePtrForObjectGetNativeVariantForObjectGetInstanceContextForObjectGetRuntimeInterfaceAsObjectoperationsObjectparametersObjectIWbemClassObjectIEnumWbemClassObjectDelegateDllGetClassObjectclassObjectdataContractObjectSystem.ServiceModel.Administration.WbemNative.IWbemServices.GetObjectWmiGetObjectSetObjectset_TargetObjectInterruptibleWaitObjectterminateWaitObjectmessagingCompleteWaitObjectshutdownWaitObjectcloseOutputWaitObjectWriteStartObjectIsStartObjectoldSecurityObjectnewSecurityObjectobjectget_SubjectRejectrejectid5_Dialectget_Dialectset_Dialectget_XmlSchemaDialectSFxBadMetadataDialectFilterInvalidDialectget_MetadataExchangeDialectXPathDialectget_ServiceDescriptionDialectget_PolicyDialectdialectSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportManagerRegistration.SelectCompressableSelectInitialSelectCollectSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.ConnectEndConnectSendConnectHandleConnectScheduleConnectTraceCodeFailedPipeConnectPrepareConnectPeerMaintainerInitialConnecttimeSpentInConnectOnConnectBeginConnectonConnectPeerMaintainerConnectStartConnectTryConnectshouldReconnectClientReliableSessionReconnectWaitForReconnectSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.Disconnectset_Expectset_AllowAutoRedirectWebRequestRedirectRequiredMillisecondsAttributeIncorrectHttpContentLengthIncorrectPreambleAckIncorrectSctCookieValueMissingOrIncorrectRSTRAuthenticatorIncorrectflProtectUnprotectPeerMaxReceivedMessageSizeConflictAuthenticationSchemes_BindingAndHostConflictHttpTargetNameDictionaryConflictStrictEnsureQueriesAreDistinctsctDeductGetCartesianProductCrossProductIsStructAtom10SpecRequiresTextConstructAddUdtComUdtudtEndGetBaseGetBeginGetget_HttpGetSFxBindingNotSupportedForMetadataHttpGetInstanceProviderGetset_HasGetget_HttpsGetTryGetget_EncryptBeforeSignOrderRequirementMetget_SignBeforeEncryptOrderRequirementMetSystem.NetNoNetRetget_SchemaSetXmlSchemaSetxmlSchemaSetGetEmptySchemaSetschemaSetCounterSetInstanceCounterDataSetid3_MetadataSetRead67_MetadataSetWrite67_MetadataSetget_MetadataSetCanReadMetadataSetWriteMetadataSetXmlSerializationReaderMetadataSetXmlSerializationWriterMetadataSetEndGetMetadataSetmetadataSetget_IsMustUnderstandSetisMustUnderstandSetConfigXmlElementMustBeSetForReplayDetectionToBeDoneRequireIntegrityMustBeSetGetResourceSetEnsureReturnsNodeSetPrivilegeSetSecurityRuleSetisStyleSetJsonpCallbackNameSetget_IsLifetimeSetisLifetimeSetget_TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionCloseSettransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionCloseSetTryMatchCandidateSetget_ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionCompleteSetreleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionCompleteSetget_WasAlgorithmSuiteSetwasAlgorithmSuiteSetisFlagSetget_IsListenBacklogSetisListenBacklogSetget_MatchSetset_MatchSetmatchSethashSetInternalSetisThreadPrincipalSetppQualSetget_IsolationLevelSetget_TransactionIsolationLevelSettransactionIsolationLevelSetisolationLevelSetget_ClaimSetAddClaimSetget_X509CertificateClaimSetx509CertificateClaimSetWriteClaimSetSerializeClaimSetDeserializeClaimSetget_SystemClaimSetsystemClaimSetCreateClaimsIdentityFromClaimSetget_AnonymousClaimSetanonymousClaimSetget_WindowsClaimSetwindowsClaimSetDefaultClaimSetclaimSetget_HasMethodBeenSetset_HasMethodBeenSetget_HasStatusCodeBeenSetset_HasStatusCodeBeenSetPermissionSetmetadataLocationSetactionSetEnsureDecryptionSetAddDocumentToSetget_CharSetEncoderUnrecognizedCharSetTryGetEncodingFromCharSetEncodingToCharSetcharSetget_IsRoleProviderSetdefaultRoleProviderSetisAuthenticationManagerSetisAuthorizationManagerSetGetMethodQualifierSetIWbemQualifierSetGetQualifierSetGetPropertyQualifierSetisRunningInAppContainerSetserviceCounterSetEnsureCounterSetCreateCounterSetoperationCounterSetendpointCounterSetresolverSetInvalidSeparatorSetIsSetset_HasSetisExternalPoliciesSetisAuthenticationSchemesSetget_LocationsSetGetFailureLocationFromLocationsSetSingleLocationOrLocationsSetlocationsSetget_IsMaxPendingConnectionsSetisMaxPendingConnectionsSetget_IsMaxConnectionsSetplatformSupportsBitnessSetget_IsMaxPendingAcceptsSetisMaxPendingAcceptsSetget_ResultSetset_ResultSetCreateResultSetQueryBranchResultSetPushResultSetPopResultSetresultSetUriTemplatePathPartiallyEquivalentSetIssuedTokenCacheNotSetSecurityAlgorithmSuiteNotSetScheduleRetryTimerIfNotSetSetIfNotSetifNotSetStsBindingNotSetListenUriNotSetSecuritySettingsLifetimeManagerNotSetSecurityStandardsManagerNotSetIssueSessionTokenHandlerNotSetRenewSessionTokenHandlerNotSetSecurityChannelListenerNotSetThrowIfInnerListenerNotSetTargetAddressIsNotSetInnerChannelFactoryWasNotSetIssuedSecurityTokenParametersNotSetUTTBaseAddressNotSetStsAddressNotSetBootstrapSecurityBindingElementNotSetIssuerBuildContextNotSetThrowIfProtocolFactoryNotSetInnerListenerFactoryNotSetget_TransactionTimeoutSettransactionTimeoutSetisOperationContextSetget_IsRelaySetisRelaySetGetPropertyAndThrowIfAlreadySetMachineKeySetDeleteKeySetNewKeySetTrySetMarshalWsaQuerySetNativeToWsaQuerySetsafeQuerySetquerySetReceiveContextRPCFacetTransactionRpcFacetid103_XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacetid111_XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacetid110_XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacetid109_XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacetid112_XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacetid104_XmlSchemaLengthFacetid108_XmlSchemaMinLengthFacetid107_XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacetid105_XmlSchemaEnumerationFacetget_TransactionFacetset_TransactionFacetid106_XmlSchemaPatternFacetid102_XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacetid100_XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacetTransactionInstanceContextFacetConcurrencyInstanceContextFacettxFacetWriteStyleSheetget_Targetset_TargetLoadTargetQuerySpecifiedTargetpinnedTargetoldTargetSoapSecurityNegotiationFailedForIssuerAndTargetsignatureTargetget_CloseTargetset_CloseTargetBadCloseTargetcloseTargetremoteTargetGetSpnFromTargetTokenProviderCannotGetTokensForTargetFoundMultipleCertsForTargetCannotFindCertForTargetpreviousTargetget_RenewTargetset_RenewTargetBadRenewTargetrenewTargetm_targetLBracketRBracketipv6Socketget_WebSocketset_WebSocketClientWebSocketFactory_InvalidWebSocketCreateWebSocketCreateClientWebSocketEndAcceptWebSocketCompleteAcceptWebSocketBeginAcceptWebSocketwebSocketTraceCodePortSharingDuplicatedSocketipv4ListenSocketipv6ListenSocketGetListenSocketlistenSocketget_AcceptSocketset_AcceptSocketCleanupAcceptSocketsocketQueryBlanketDerivedKeyCannotDeriveFromSecretNonceBinarySecretSymmetricKeyBinarySecretAsymmetricKeyBinarySecretIsSubsetsubsetcsetSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.ResetmanualResetOnResetEndNodesetStopNodesetGetResultAsNodesetCannotRepresentResultAsNodesetStartNodesetNextNodesetresetget_Offsetset_OffsetpreReadOffsetmessageOffsetEnsureAcceptableOffsetSpaceNeededExceedsMessageFrameOffsetDateTimeOffsetget_EnvelopeOffsetset_EnvelopeOffsetenvelopeOffsetinitialOffsetget_MessageInspectorCorrelationOffsetget_ParameterInspectorCorrelationOffsetparameterInspectorCorrelationOffsetget_CallContextCorrelationOffsetget_MaximumKeyDerivationOffsetDefaultMaximumKeyDerivationOffsetmaximumKeyDerivationOffsetmaxKeyDerivationOffsetzeroOffsetget_BufferOffsetchunkBufferOffsetdataStartOffsetbufferStartOffsetwildcardSegmentsStartOffsetstartOffsetmaxOffsetGetPrefixOffsetoffsetcharsetget_Leftset_LefttimeLeftEnsureLeftppmkToLeftattemptsLeftEditLeftleftShiftKeyLengthMustBeMultipleOfEightget_Rightset_RightresourceRightEnsureRightpmkRightEditRightget_Copyrightset_CopyrightcopyrightIsSingleBitHeaderBitSetBitnextBitClientBaseChannelFactoryCacheHitcacheHityieldsHitConnectAndWaitEndWaitLockWaitthrowTimeoutOnWaitBeginWaitonWaitMaxWaitEndTryWaitBeginTryWaitendpointTraitConfigureAwaitis64bitop_Implicitop_Explicitget_IsNamespaceSetExplicitisNamespaceSetExplicitget_IsNameSetExplicitisNameSetExplicitget_MaxItemsInObjectGraphSetExplicitset_MaxItemsInObjectGraphSetExplicitmaxItemsInObjectGraphSetExplicitget_AddressFilterSetExplicitaddressFilterSetExplicitget_IsFaultFormatterSetExplicitisFaultFormatterSetExplicitisSerializerSetExplicitget_IgnoreExtensionDataObjectSetExplicitset_IgnoreExtensionDataObjectSetExplicitignoreExtensionDataObjectSetExplicitShouldProcessAuditIsLetterOrDigitIsDigitSplitSystem.Reflection.Emitget_LimitIncrementAndLogIfExceededLimitThrowArgument_PnrpAddressesExceedLimitmessageLimitdidTraceThrottleLimitwarningRestoreLimitoutgoingLimitSubstringLimitget_ManualFlowControlLimitset_ManualFlowControlLimitIncrementManualFlowControlLimitServiceHealthBehavior_MinLimitbufferLimitMaxPendingAcceptsUpperLimitCheckAtLimitSetLimitIncrementLimitServiceHealthBehavior_MaxLimitlimitSystem.Transactions.IEnlistmentNotification.CommitForceCommitSinglePhaseCommitRetainCommitReportCommitReInitcloseInitFinishEnsureInteractiveInitStartEnsureInteractiveInitIWbemProviderInitget_CodeCompileUnitcodeCompileUnitget_TargetCompileUnitUpdateTargetCompileUnittargetCompileUnitcompileUnitInheritinheritVisitTraceImportChannelBindingExitTraceExportChannelBindingExitTraceCodeImportSecurityChannelBindingExitTraceCodeExportSecurityChannelBindingExitadd_ProcessExitCreateSaltNoSaltsaltNotAllBindingElementsBuiltConvertTypeFromXsltConvertTypeToXsltSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.Faultget_Faultset_FaultAddFaultKeyRenewalNeededFaultCreateQuotaExceededFaultMaxMessageSizeExceededFaultLastMessageNumberExceededFaultCreateMaxRetryCountExceededFaultEncodedFaultConnectionDispatchFailedFaultServiceActivationFailedFaultCreateDeserializationFailedFaultget_IsPredefinedFaultMethodReturnedFaultOneWayOperationReturnedFaultReceiveShutdownReturnedFaultWsrmRequiredFaultCreateSequenceClosedFaultCreateCSRefusedFaultSequenceTerminatedFaultTraceRemoteSessionAbortedFaultisSessionAbortedFaultProcessSessionAbortedFaultSecuritySessionAbortedFaultsessionAbortedFaultFramingModeNotSupportedFaultGetSecureConversationCloseNotSupportedFaultsecureConversationCloseNotSupportedFaultFramingVersionNotSupportedFaultReceivedFaultSecureConversationCancelNotAllowedFaultUpgradeInvalidFaultContentTypeInvalidFaultget_IsMustUnderstandFaultEndSendFaultCompleteSendFaultget_CanSendFaultcanSendFaultBeginSendFaultConnectionReaderSendFaultCreateEndpointNotFoundFaultCreateSecurityContextNotFoundFaultInternalServiceFaultUnknownSequenceFaultProvideFaultUnsupportedModeFaultget_MessageFaultProvideMessageFaultCreateMessageFaultdefaultMessageFaultCreateSecurityMessageFaultmessageFaultOneWayOperationReturnedLargeFaultReceiveShutdownReturnedLargeFaultUnsupportedWSDLTheFaultEndpointUnavailableFaultWSAddressing10ProblemHeaderQNameFaultIsMessageVersionNoneFaultRaiseFaultcanCauseFaultValidateFaultCreateFaultOnRemoteFaultSFxMessageOperationFormatterCannotSerializeFaultInitializeFaultThrowIfFaultReadingFaultEndDecodeFramingFaultBeginDecodeFramingFaultframingFaultterminatingFaultSFxErrorDeserializingFaultFramingViaTooLongFaultFramingContentTypeTooLongFaultHttpSoapActionMismatchFaultOnLocalFaultTraceSessionKeyRenewalFaultisKeyRenewalFaultProcessKeyRenewalFaultCreateCSRefusedProtocolFaultCreateProtocolFaultGetProtocolFaultprotocolFaultWsrmFaultwsrmFaultUnsupportedVersionFaultCreateCSRefusedCommunicationFaultCreateCommunicationFaultThrowIfNegotiationFaultCreateWsdlOperationFaultwsdlOperationFaultGetOperationFaultoperationFaultProvideWellKnownFaultget_WsrmHeaderFaultCreateWsrmHeaderFaultget_IsSenderFaultisSenderFaultisNetDispatcherFaultWrongIdentifierFaultCloseAfterFaultget_IsReceiverFaultMessageNumberRolloverFaultXmlObjectSerializerFaultget_IsFaultisFaultInvalidAcknowledgementFaultCanImportFaultExportFaultSendRenewFaultisDecryptedBodyFaultCreateCSRefusedServerTooBusyFaultSecurityServerTooBusyFaultIsSecurityFaultget_WSSXDefaultget_DefaultOleTxUpgradeEnabledDefaultNormalizeSpaceDefaultNullableDefaultNodesetLocalNameDefaultNodesetNameDefaultCreateDefaultSupportInteractiveDefaultInternalInitializeDefaultStringStringDefaultDefineSwitchDefaultStringLengthDefaultNodesetNamespaceUriDefaultid19_blockDefaultid20_finalDefaultid18_attributeFormDefaultget_ElementFormDefaultset_ElementFormDefaultid21_elementFormDefaultAutomaticFormatSelectedOperationDefaultLookupDefaultGetIssuerBindingKeyEntropyModeOrDefaultGetValueOrDefaultGetNetworkCredentialOrDefaultGetBindingSecurityVersionOrDefaultFirstOrDefaultGetPropertyOrDefaultNumberNumberDefaultget_IsDefaultget_KerberosDefaultGetDefaultthrowTimeoutByDefaultid41_defaultget_HResultget_TaskTResultset_TaskTResulttaskTResultget_Resultset_ResultGetTokenUIAsyncResultDisplayInitializationUIAsyncResultSFxInvalidCallbackIAsyncResultAsyncEndCalledWithAnIAsyncResultIOAsyncResultget_AsyncResultset_AsyncResultReadAsyncResultAddAsyncResultPooledAsyncResultpooledAsyncResultChainedAsyncResultAlreadyClosedAsyncResultComposedAsyncResultTransactedAsyncResultSendCompletedAsyncResultCallOnceCompletedAsyncResultErrorHandlingCompletedAsyncResultBinderCompletedAsyncResultSynchronizerCompletedAsyncResultWaitCompletedAsyncResultCloseOutputCompletedAsyncResultReplyCompletedAsyncResultChannelFaultedAsyncResultInvalidAsyncResultSecureSendAsyncResultRequestChannelSendAsyncResultOutputChannelSendAsyncResultReliableBinderSendAsyncResultRequestContextSendAsyncResultFloodAsyncResultTraceAsyncResultDecodeFailedUpgradeAsyncResultInitiateUpgradeAsyncResultAcceptUpgradeAsyncResultupgradeAsyncResultWriteStreamedMessageAsyncResultSendMessageAsyncResultParseMessageAsyncResultOnWriteMessageAsyncResultEnqueueMessageAsyncResultSecureOutgoingMessageAsyncResultWaitForMessageAsyncResultSendPreambleAsyncResultCompletePreambleAsyncResultDoneAsyncResultCloseCoreAsyncResultProcessCoreAsyncResultReplyChannelDemuxFailureAsyncResultDuplexSessionDemuxFailureAsyncResultReplySessionDemuxFailureAsyncResultChainedCloseAsyncResultOnReliableChannelCloseAsyncResultNullSecurityProtocolCloseAsyncResultOpenOrCloseAsyncResultDummyCloseAsyncResultCloseSharedStateAsyncResultCreateSspiStateAsyncResultOpenListenerStateAsyncResultAcknowledgementCompleteAsyncResultWriteAsyncResultValidateUriRouteAsyncResultTryNonTransactedReceiveAsyncResultTryTransactedReceiveAsyncResultSendReceiveAsyncResultMultipleReceiveAsyncResultHelpReceiveAsyncResultTryReceiveAsyncResultSerializeAsyncResultget_PendingAsyncResultDoneReceivingAsyncResultPeekAsyncResultGetUserNameCredentialAsyncResultGetSspiCredentialAsyncResultKeyRenewalAsyncResultCloseDuplexSessionChannelAsyncResultCloseReplySessionChannelAsyncResultWSTrustChannelAsyncResultGetOutputStreamAsyncResultScheduleActionItemAsyncResultSecurityTokenAsyncResultChainedOpenAsyncResultReliableChannelOpenAsyncResultNeighborOpenAsyncResultAbandonAsyncResultCloseSessionAsyncResultCloseOutputSessionAsyncResultCloseCommunicationAsyncResultSecurityNegotiationAsyncResultWaitAndContinueOperationAsyncResultSessionOperationAsyncResultCloseCollectionAsyncResultOpenCollectionAsyncResultUpgradeConnectionAsyncResultDuplicateConnectionAsyncResultEstablishConnectionAsyncResultAlreadyCompletedTransferAsyncResultStreamSecurityUpgradeInitiatorAsyncResultStreamSecurityUpgradeAcceptorAsyncResultAsAsyncResultGetSupportingTokensAsyncResultOnWriteBodyContentsAsyncResultSerializeBodyContentsAsyncResultWaitForPendingRequestsAsyncResultCloseCommunicationObjectAsyncResultOpenCommunicationObjectAsyncResultConnectAsyncResultAcceptWebSocketAsyncResultWaitAsyncResultAcceptAsyncResultGetWebRequestAsyncResultSecureRequestAsyncResultHelpReceiveRequestAsyncResultCompleteSingletonPreambleAndDispatchRequestAsyncResultReliableBinderRequestAsyncResultWaitForRequestAsyncResultReceiveTimeoutAsyncResultOperationWithTimeoutAsyncResultCloseInputAsyncResultReliableOutputAsyncResultSessionReceiveContextAsyncResultReplyAsyncResultget_CompletedSynchronouslyAsyncResultGetOneTokenAndSetUpSecurityAsyncResultGetTwoTokensAndSetUpSecurityAsyncResultInputChannelReceiveMessageAndVerifySecurityAsyncResultDuplexSessionReceiveMessageAndVerifySecurityAsyncResultClientDuplexReceiveMessageAndVerifySecurityAsyncResultReceiveRequestAndVerifySecurityAsyncResultasyncResultGetReadResultreadResultAddResultWSAGetOverlappedResultMQGetOverlappedResultnestedResulthttpContextReceivedResultriidResultSecurityTokenParametersCloneInvalidResultsendResultcanCacheResultHandleResultGetSingleResultMatchMultipleResultIsMultipleResultQueryMultipleResultReleaseResultSubprotocolParseResultwriteResulthaveResultAsyncReceiveResultHandleReceiveResultMoveReceiveResultWebSocketReceiveResultreceiveResultpendingResultstringResultQueryBranchResultSearchResultMatchResultRefreshResultXPathResultHandlePeekResulthkResultwbemCallResultppCallResultboolResultwbemResultVerifyValidationResultExclusiveInstanceContextTransactionResultAsyncCompletionResultpVarResultnumberResultget_InnerResultset_InnerResultinnerResultMatchFilterResultsuccessResultProcessResultExtractResultconnectResultGetResultnodeSetResultTrySetResultonHandleAcceptWebSocketResultCommunicationWaitResultrequestResultlistenerContextResultppvResultcompletedSynchronouslyResultget_QueryResultset_QueryResultqueryResulttryResultfresultReadUIntReadIntUnsignedIntReadContentAsIntReadElementContentAsIntMyIntIsDescendantGetObjectForNativeVariantTagVariantFetchVariantToUpperInvariantToLowerInvariantCannotRegisterParticipantget_IsServiceReentrantset_IsServiceReentrantisServiceReentrantregistrantIssueInstantAuthenticationInstantauthenticationInstantGetTransactionConstantPendingAcceptsConstantWebSocketStreamWriteCalledAfterEOMSentTraceSessionClosedSentPreambleEndSentTraceCodeMessageSentTraceCloseResponseMessageSentTraceCloseMessageSentTraceCodeChannelMessageSentTraceCodePeerChannelMessageSentadd_OnMessageSentremove_OnMessageSentMessageFlowAtMessageSentUtilityMessageSentTraceSessionClosedResponseSentTraceCodeSecurityClientSessionCloseResponseSentTraceCodeSecuritySessionCloseResponseSentTraceCodeSecurityClientSessionCloseSentTraceCodeSecuritySessionServerCloseSentWebSocketCloseSentget_WasClientCertificateSentwasClientCertificateSentUpgradeAckSentTraceCodeMsmqDatagramSentTraceCodeMsmqSessiongramSentadd_UtilityInfoSentremove_UtilityInfoSentSecuritySessionFaultReplyWasSentbytesSentTraceSessionAbortedFaultSentTraceCodeSecurityServerSessionAbortedFaultSentTraceSessionRenewalFaultSentTraceCodeSecurityServerSessionRenewalFaultSentOnFaultSentTraceCodeWorkflowRequestContextFaultSentSequenceAcknowledgementSentWebSocketCloseOutputSentReplyAlreadySentSetReplySentTraceCodeWorkflowRequestContextReplySentreplySentDecrementThrottlePercentIncrementThrottlePercentMessageThrottleAtSeventyPercentantecedentget_Indentset_Indentindentget_UserAgentset_UserAgentget_Clientset_ClientmetadataClientMetadataExchangeClientSystemDataOracleClientImpersonateClientSFxRequestHasInvalidFromOnClientSFxRequestHasInvalidFaultToOnClientSFxRequestHasInvalidReplyToOnClientOpenClientPeerDefaultCustomResolverClientIPeerResolverClientValidateForClientisForClientEndAuthenticateAsClientOnCompleteAuthenticateAsClientOnAuthenticateAsClientOnBeginAuthenticateAsClientonAuthenticateAsClientget_IsClientisClientCallbackContextNotExpectedOnIncomingMessageAtClient_clientProtocolMustBeRecipientSendingOutgoingmessageOnRecipientAlwaysToRecipientget_IsTransientAllTemplatesAreEquivalentAllEquivalentIsEquivalentNotAllCandidatesArePathFullyEquivalentIsPathFullyEquivalentIsQueryEquivalentSilentget_PolicyEnforcementset_PolicyEnforcementTrackAgreementSystemManagementSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedAcknowledgementInvalidAcknowledgementTraceCodeWsrmSendAcknowledgementSequenceAcknowledgementCreateAcknowledgementTraceCodeWsrmReceiveAcknowledgementSequenceTerminatedReplyMissingAcknowledgementManualAcknowledgementProcessAcknowledgementget_Elementset_ElementClientViaElementFindSchemaElementid36_XmlSchemaElementRsaElementMetadataElementCreatedElementMissingIdInEncryptedElementOnDeserializeUnrecognizedElementGetChildElementchildElementSetNameAndElementReadEndElementAppendEndElementXmlFoundEndElementWriteEndElementAppendUniqueIDWithEndElementBytes32TextWithEndElementUnicodeChars32TextWithEndElementInt32TextWithEndElementUInt64TextWithEndElementBytes16TextWithEndElementUnicodeChars16TextWithEndElementInt16TextWithEndElementBytes8TextWithEndElementUnicodeChars8TextWithEndElementInt8TextWithEndElementUniqueIdTextWithEndElementGuidTextWithEndElementDoubleTextWithEndElementDateTimeTextWithEndElementOneTextWithEndElementFalseTextWithEndElementTrueTextWithEndElementDecimalTextWithEndElementBoolTextWithEndElementTimeSpanTextWithEndElementZeroTextWithEndElementFloatTextWithEndElementEndListTextWithEndElementStartListTextWithEndElementAppendDictionaryTextWithEndElementQNameDictionaryTextWithEndElementEmptyTextWithEndElementWriteFullEndElementAppendElementXmlFoundElementComMethodElementPasswordElementPrivacyNoticeElementget_ServiceElementUserNameServiceElementX509InitiatorCertificateServiceElementX509RecipientCertificateServiceElementIssuedTokenServiceElementSecureConversationServiceElementWindowsServiceElementTraceCodeGetServiceElementserviceElementCertificateReferenceElementisStrReferenceElementNonceElementsourceElementCanAddStreamUpgradeElementinputMessageElementoutputMessageElementFixMessageElementServiceNameElementServicePrincipalNameElementUserPrincipalNameElementUserNameElementSFxParameterMustBeArrayOfOneElementComPersistableTypeElementClaimTypeElementTryParseTokenTypeElementCreateTokenTypeElementTransportConfigurationTypeElementAuthorizationPolicyTypeElementCreatePublicKeyTypeElementCreateSymmetricKeyTypeElementTryParseKeyTypeElementCreateKeyTypeElementtypeElementWSHttpBindingBaseElementTryParseElementX509ScopedServiceCertificateElementX509DefaultServiceCertificateElementX509PeerCertificateElementUnexpectedDuplicateElementSFxFaultContractDuplicateElementCreateElementgenerateElementWriteElementEnforceUniqueElementSynchronousReceiveElementCanAddExclusiveElementTryParseKeySizeElementCreateKeySizeElementSerializeElementDeserializeElementconfigElementEndToEndTracingElementsecBindingElementITransactedBindingElementStandardBindingElementPrivacyNoticeBindingElementStreamUpgradeBindingElementupgradeBindingElementNetNamedPipeBindingElementMexNamedPipeBindingElementEnsureBindingElementCreateCertificateSignatureBindingElementCreateMutualCertificateBindingElementCreateUserNameForCertificateBindingElementCreateIssuedTokenForCertificateBindingElementCreateAnonymousForCertificateBindingElementCreateBindingElementget_EncodingBindingElementFindMessageEncodingBindingElementget_MtomMessageEncodingBindingElementget_TextMessageEncodingBindingElementBinaryMessageEncodingBindingElementbinaryMessageEncodingBindingElementCreateEncodingBindingElementencodingBindingElementCreateSslBindingElementCreateUserNameForSslBindingElementCreateIssuedTokenForSslBindingElementIsSslBindingElementCustomBindingElementCreateIssuedTokenBindingElementget_ReliableSessionBindingElementGetReliableSessionBindingElementreliableSessionBindingElementCreateSspiNegotiationBindingElementCreateSslNegotiationBindingElementMsmqIntegrationBindingElementCreateSecureConversationBindingElementUseManagedPresentationBindingElementNetPeerTcpBindingElementNetTcpBindingElementMexTcpBindingElementWS2007HttpBindingElementWSHttpBindingElementBasicHttpBindingElementWSDualHttpBindingElementCreateFromHttpBindingElementWS2007FederationHttpBindingElementWSFederationHttpBindingElementNetHttpBindingElementMexHttpBindingElementNetMsmqBindingElementHttpCookieContainerBindingElementReplyAdapterBindingElementPeerCustomResolverBindingElementPnrpPeerResolverBindingElementAddDemuxerBindingElementChannelDemuxerBindingElementConfigInvalidTypeForBindingElementAcceleratedTokenAuthenticatorBindingElementSecuritySessionAuthenticatorBindingElementUnrecognizedAssertionsBindingElementCreateKerberosBindingElementBasicHttpsBindingElementNetHttpsBindingElementMexHttpsBindingElementhttpsBindingElementCreateDefaultBindingElementSFxBindingDoesNotHaveATransportBindingElementIsRegisteredTransportBindingElementConnectionOrientedTransportBindingElementNamedPipeTransportBindingElementTcpTransportBindingElementGetHttpTransportBindingElementMsmqTransportBindingElementPeerTransportBindingElementRegisterTransportBindingElementCreateUserNameOverTransportBindingElementCreateCertificateOverTransportBindingElementCreateIssuedTokenOverTransportBindingElementCreateSspiNegotiationOverTransportBindingElementCreateKerberosOverTransportBindingElementHttpsTransportBindingElementCreateLegacyTransportBindingElementtransportBindingElementIContextBindingElementNetTcpContextBindingElementWSHttpContextBindingElementBasicHttpContextBindingElementget_TransactionFlowBindingElementGetDefaultTransactionFlowBindingElementCreateMutualCertificateDuplexBindingElementCompositeDuplexBindingElementInternalDuplexBindingElementinternalDuplexBindingElementOneWayBindingElementget_SecurityBindingElementset_SecurityBindingElementTryImportSymmetricSecurityBindingElementExportSymmetricSecurityBindingElementTryImportAsymmetricSecurityBindingElementExportAsymmetricSecurityBindingElementfailedSecurityBindingElementValidateSecurityBindingElementCreateSecurityBindingElementSslStreamSecurityBindingElementWindowsStreamSecurityBindingElementget_SecureConversationSecurityBindingElementset_SecureConversationSecurityBindingElementget_BootstrapSecurityBindingElementset_BootstrapSecurityBindingElementbootstrapSecurityBindingElementouterSecurityBindingElementGetIssuerSecurityBindingElementTokenProviderRequiresSecurityBindingElementTokenAuthenticatorRequiresSecurityBindingElementGetSecurityBindingElementTryImportTransportSecurityBindingElementExportTransportSecurityBindingElementsecurityBindingElementbindingElementget_EncodingElementset_EncodingElementCanAddEncodingElementMtomMessageEncodingElementTextMessageEncodingElementBinaryMessageEncodingElementMessageLoggingElementTransactedBatchingElementServiceMetadataPublishingElementServiceThrottlingElementProtocolMappingElementUnexpectedElementExpectingElementexistingElementServiceDebugElementCallbackDebugElementCreateSignWithElementIsSignWithElementCreateEncryptWithElementIsEncryptWithElementServiceHealthElementAllowedAudienceUriElementCheckElementSFxConflictingGlobalElementExportGlobalElementExportLocalElementPeerCredentialElementchannelElementTopLevelElementdetailElementget_XmlElementset_XmlElementkeyIdentifierReferenceXmlElementSerializeToXmlElementEndPointAddressToXmlElementisXmlElementCreateCanonicalizationAlgorithmElementIsCanonicalizationAlgorithmElementCreateEncryptionAlgorithmElementIsEncryptionAlgorithmElementCreateKeyWrapAlgorithmElementIsKeyWrapAlgorithmElementCreateComputedKeyAlgorithmElementUserNameTokenElementIsRequestedProofTokenElementCreateXmlTokenElementReadPropagationTokenElementWritePropagationTokenElementIsStartPropagationTokenElementIsRequestedSecurityTokenElementtokenElementMinElementX509ChainElementSFxSchemaDoesNotContainElementNonElementConfigInvalidExtensionElementTServiceModelExtensionElementBehaviorExtensionElementContextBindingElementExtensionElementextensionElementStandardBindingReliableSessionElementStandardBindingOptionalReliableSessionElementServiceAuthenticationElementX509ServiceCertificateAuthenticationElementX509PeerCertificateAuthenticationElementX509ClientCertificateAuthenticationElementSignatureConfirmationElementsignatureConfirmationElementOperationElementMsmqIntegrationElementTConfigurationElementGenerateConfigurationElementIBindingConfigurationElementServiceModelConfigurationElementCreateFromConfigurationElementconfigurationElementUseManagedPresentationElementServiceActivationElementDispatcherSynchronizationElementServiceAuthorizationElementUnsafeGetAssociatedBindingCollectionElementNetNamedPipeBindingCollectionElementMexNamedPipeBindingCollectionElementCustomBindingCollectionElementMsmqIntegrationBindingCollectionElementNetPeerTcpBindingCollectionElementNetTcpBindingCollectionElementMexTcpBindingCollectionElementWS2007HttpBindingCollectionElementWSHttpBindingCollectionElementBasicHttpBindingCollectionElementWSDualHttpBindingCollectionElementWS2007FederationHttpBindingCollectionElementWSFederationHttpBindingCollectionElementNetHttpBindingCollectionElementMexHttpBindingCollectionElementNetMsmqBindingCollectionElementBasicHttpsBindingCollectionElementNetHttpsBindingCollectionElementMexHttpsBindingCollectionElementUnsafeGetBindingCollectionElementNetTcpContextBindingCollectionElementWSHttpContextBindingCollectionElementBasicHttpContextBindingCollectionElementbindingCollectionElementAddressHeaderCollectionElementServiceMetadataEndpointCollectionElementUnsafeGetAssociatedEndpointCollectionElementLookupEndpointCollectionElementUnsafeGetEndpointCollectionElementUnrecognizedPolicyAssertionElementMoveToElementGetApplie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SegmentAddFinalCompoundSegmentfinalCompoundSegmentUTDoesNotSupportAdjacentVarsInCompoundSegmentAddNextCompoundSegmentnextCompoundSegmentIsWildcardSegmentsourceSegmentTrieSegmentfinalVariableSegmentAddNextVariableSegmentnextVariableSegmentUriTemplateCompoundPathSegmentUriTemplateVariablePathSegmentUriTemplatePathSegmentUriTemplateLiteralPathSegmentNextPathSegmentget_OriginalSegmentoriginalSegmentfirstOptionalSegmentAddFinalLiteralSegmentfinalLiteralSegmentAddNextLiteralSegmentnextLiteralSegmentClearSegmentSetSegmentrootSegmentsegmentOperationAbortedDuringConnectionEstablishmentXmlFoundCommentEmitSourceCommentSFxDocExt_MainPageCommentWriteCommentReturnCommentIsWhitespaceOrCommentlpszCommentcommentRuntimeEnvironmentget_ServiceHostingEnvironmentAspNetEnvironmentApartmentSinglePhaseEnlistmentPreparingEnlistmentpreparingEnlistmentReceiveContextTransactionEnlistmentProxyEnlistmentenlistmentGetSystemTimeAdjustmentadjustmentget_DocumentReadDocumentWriteEndDocumentTServiceDocumentCompareDocumentWriteDocumentDocumentFormatterDoesNotHaveDocumentErrorParsingDocumentwsdlDocumentGetXmlDocumentxmlDocumentget_OwnerDocumentCreateReferencedCategoriesDocumentCreateInlineCategoriesDocumentlinkToCategoriesDocumentSetDocumentWriteStartDocumentpolicyDocumentDiscoveryDocumentdocumentGetGenericArgumentgenericArgumentInvalidArgumentCodeAttributeArgumentCheckArgumentTraceListenerArgumentThrowHelperArgumentargumentSystemDeploymentget_PermanentpermanentInstallComponentIAuthorizationComponentAliasComponentImportComponentExponenttimeSpentget_Parentset_ParentspecialParentDetachFromParentSFxMismatchedOperationParentMoveToParentparentFilterStrictModeDifferentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Currentset_CurrentsuspendCurrentTryAbortTransactionCurrentGetCurrentSetCurrenttxCurrent<>2__currentSystem.Collections.ConcurrentIsConcurrentisConcurrentIsNegotiateExPackagePresentremoveIfPresentErasePasswordInUsernameTokenIfPresentprocessReferenceListIfPresentNoAppliesToPresentEnsureSecurityTokenManagerPresentIsDebuggerPresentget_IsPresentSetIsPresentelementPresentQFENotPresentTraceCodeHttpsClientCertificateNotPresentthrowIfNotPresentRSTRAuthenticatorNotPresentContextNotPresentNegotiationStateAlreadyPresentSoap11ContentSoap12ContentTContentget_Contentset_ContentXmlSchemaContentReadContentencryptedContentInvalidCookieContentid128_XmlSchemaSimpleContentid71_simpleContentSoapNoneContentXmlSchemaSimpleTypeContentTryParseContentWriteContentOpaqueContentCreateBufferedCopyOfContentCreateXmlContentCreateHtmlContentCreateXhtmlContentCreateUrlContentStreamContentXmlSyndicationContentUrlSyndicationContentTextSyndicationContentEnableBodyReaderMoveToContentHttpContentget_HasContenthasContentWriteReferencedCategoriesContentWriteInlineCategoriesContentGetReaderAtContentWriteObjectContentGetContentCloneTextContentCreatePlaintextContentid124_XmlSchemaComplexContentid72_complexContentSharedByteArrayContentHttpOutputByteArrayContentdecryptedBodyContentencryptedBodyContentValidateEmptyContentcontentIsFinalAckConsistentSecurityTokenProviderIncludeWindowsGroupsInconsistentatEOFEventFireReachedEventFireKilledEventTraceClosedEventclosedEventkeyRenewalCompletedEventCreateOperationCompletedEventoperationCompletedEventconnectCompletedEventlistenStartedEventFireDequeuedEventTraceEventCallEtwMileStoneEventFireEventWriteMessageAuthenticationFailureEventWriteTransportAuthenticationFailureEventWriteSecurityNegotiationFailureEventWriteI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get_CallsCountset_CallsCountparamsCountget_SessionsCountset_SessionsCountinvalidAddressCountFromAddressCountget_SegmentsCountsegmentsCountget_InstanceContextsCountset_InstanceContextsCountlObjectCountNodesetCountwaitCountresultCountsegmentCountcurrentCountcertCountget_AbortCountset_AbortCountabortCountreferenceListCountDefaultMaxConcurrentCallsCpuCountDefaultMaxConcurrentSessionsCpuCountMaxPendingConnectionsCpuCountmaxCountkeyCountClientBaseCachedChannelFactoryCountsizeHistoryCountget_RetryCountget_ReceiveRetryCountset_ReceiveRetryCountreceiveRetryCountGetRetryCountget_MaxRetryCountset_MaxRetryCountmaxRetryCountretryCountget_BusyCounthasIncrementedBusyCountTraceDecrementBusyCountTraceIncrementBusyCountbusyCountget_ActivityCountDecrementActivityCountIncrementActivityCountactivityCountInitialPropertyCountadditionalPropertyCountAdjustPropertyCountpropertyCountNTAccountIsSystemAccountisSystemAccountAddRightGrantedToAccountRemoveRightGrantedToAccountget_MapCertificateToWindowsAccountset_MapCertificateToWindowsAccountDefaultMapCertificateToWindowsAccountmapCertificateToWindowsAccountget_MapClientCertificateToWindowsAccountset_MapClientCertificateToWindowsAccountmapClientCertificateToWindowsAccountaccountCalculateNodecounthopcountpruningAmountJumpIfNotBooleanNotGetInnerListenerSnapshotqueryValueVariableNamesSnapshotpathSegmentVariableNamesSnapshotget_SlotRemoveFromSlotAddToSlotget_EqSlotRemoveFromEqSlotAddToEqSloteqSlotget_GtSlotRemoveFromGtSlotAddToGtSlotget_LtSlotRemoveFromLtSlotAddToLtSlotgtSlotltSlotVoterBallotvoterBallotslotget_RootSystem.Collections.ICollection.SyncRootSystem.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRootsingleWsdlSyncRootsyncRootPruneRootEnsureRootCanPromoteToRootMoveToRootClassesRootSelectRootUnsupportedPolicyDocumentRootrootpITxByotset_Acceptget_IsTransactedAcceptHandleCompletedAcceptEnableDelayedAcceptSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IConnectionListener.EndAcceptHandleEndAcceptProcessEndAcceptCompleteAcceptRemovePendingAcceptpendingAcceptFinishAcceptSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IConnectionListener.BeginAcceptInternalBeginAcceptSecWebSocketAcceptOnStartAcceptonStartAcceptstartAcceptEndTryAcceptBeginTryAcceptCreateSingleEmptyAcceptsingleEmptyAcceptexceptMicrosoftJScriptChannelSupportsOneCreateSequenceAttemptoptWsatHeaderCorruptOleTxHeaderCorruptOaepSha1DecryptPkcs1DecryptExtractIVAndDecryptstateTransitionTableOnDecryptVerifyDecryptOaepSha1EncryptPkcs1EncryptGenerateIVAndEncryptSignBeforeEncryptget_SignThenEncryptset_SignThenEncryptWriteBodyToSignThenEncryptsignThenEncryptWriteBodyToEncryptCouldNotEncryptencryptget_Partset_PartSystem.ServiceModel.Description.OperationGenerator.MethodSignatureGenerator.IPartCodeGenerator.AddPartCheckAndAddPartOnUnsignedPartExportWrappedPartOnUnencryptedPartpipeNameGuidPartAddMessagePartget_HasSignedEncryptedMessageParthasSignedEncryptedMessagePartCanImportMessagePartExportMessagePartmessagePartMimePartsignaturePartHighPartCheckPartwsdlPartValidateAndGetStreamPartstreamPartencryptionPartReturnPartreturnPartmsmqPartGenerateHeaderPartheaderPartAddWrapperPartIsWrapperPartGetWrapperPartSerializeParameterPartDeserializeParameterPartAddKnownTypesForPartLowPartGenerateBodyPartbodyPartUTInvalidFormatSegmentOrQueryPartAtLeastOneCandidateHasQueryPartnoTemplateHasQueryPartpartWebSocketAsyncReadStartParameterizedThreadStartIsValidStartTraceHttpSendStartWebSocketConnectionRequestSendStartHandleServiceStartGetServiceInstanceStartPreUpgradeStartEncodeStartHttpSendStreamedMessageStartHttpSendMessageStartTraceDispatchMessageStartClientSendPreambleStartIsNCNameStartEnvelopeStartTraceProcessResponseStartHttpPipelineProcessResponseStartTraceBeginProcessResponseStartHttpPipelineBeginProcessResponseStartBufferedAsyncWriteStartWebSocketAsyncWriteStartTraceWriteStartSocketWriteStartHttpMessageReceiveStartHttpResponseReceiveStartChannelReceiveStartMtomMessageDecodingStartTextMessageDecodingStartBinaryMessageDecodingStartMtomMessageEncodingStartTextMessageEncodingStartBinaryMessageEncodingStartEncryptedDataProcessingStartChunkStartTraceCodeSqlPersistenceProviderSQLCallStartTraceServiceChannelCallStartServiceChannelBeginCallStartTrimStarttokenStartServiceChannelOpenStartClientChannelOpenStartListenerOpenStartTraceServiceHostOpenStartSignatureVerificationStartSecurityNegotiationStartInvokeOperationStartEstablishConnectionStartWrappedKeyDecryptionStartget_PerfCounterStartSharedListenerProxyRegisterStartSetWildcardPathSegmentsStartRemoveExtraWhiteSpaceAtStartPipeConnectionAcceptStartWebSocketConnectionAcceptStartTraceProcessInboundRequestStartHttpPipelineProcessInboundRequestStartTraceBeginProcessInboundRequestStartHttpPipelineBeginProcessInboundRequestStartClientFormatterSerializeRequestStartDispatchFormatterDeserializeRequestStartHttpGetContextStartwindowStartindexStartDispatchFormatterSerializeReplyStartClientFormatterDeserializeReplyStartActivityStartRestartx509CertCannotFindCertget_SelfCertsenderCertHttpAuthSchemeAndClientCertcertTokenSandBoxInertSystem.Collections.Generic.IList.InsertSystem.Collections.IList.InsertinsertDebugAssertSetIsPresentWithAssertRevertInternalConvertXmlConvertTryConvertCallvirtget_Portset_PortMsmqUnexpectedPortgetHostedPortHosting_MisformattedPortCreateWsdlBindingAndPortTryGetHttpHostAndPortget_ComparePortset_ComparePortValidatePortSetupUniquePortget_WsdlPortVerifyImportedWsdlPortAddAddressToWsdlPortImportWsdlPortwsdlPortMinPortuseCompletionPortautoBindToCompletionPortEnsureBoundToCompletionPortget_IsBoundToCompletionPortisBoundToCompletionPortget_ListenerPortServiceContainsPortget_HttpsPortGetRemoteEndpointAddressPortGetPortHttpUriDefaultPortHttpsUriDefaultPortget_IsDefaultPortdefaultPortrequestPortMaxPortSortSystem.ServiceModel.ICommunicationObject.AbortTraceCodeTxCompletionStatusCompletedForAsyncAbortTraceCodeTxAsyncAbortget_DidIdleAbortdidIdleAbortOnReliableChannelAbortMsmqSessionChannelAbortSequenceTerminatedOnAbortRetainAbortTraceCodePipeConnectionAbortTraceCodeSocketConnectionAbortOnCloseOrAbortHandleErrorOrAbortOnOuterListenerAbortReportAbortTraceCodeRequestContextAbortabortMsmqBestEffortUnsignedShortNonceLengthTooShortsin6_portsin_portwsdlportid136_XmlSchemaImportAddImportEnsureXsdImportSystem.ServiceModel.Description.IWsdlImportExtension.BeforeImportGetReferencedTypeOnImportCanImportEnsureWsdlContainsImportITransportPolicyImportid27_importMessageVersionNoneRequiredForHttpMessageSupportDetectRsaCngSupportSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IChannelBindingProvider.EnableChannelBindingSupportenableChannelBindingSupportget_HasXmlSupportITransportCompressionSupportThrowInvalidOperation_InsufficientCryptoSupportAddDuplexListenerSupportextendedProtectionPolicyHasSupportAddDuplexFactorySupportproxySupportget_Transportset_TransportTraceCodeTxSourceTxScopeRequiredIsTransactedTransportIsValidTransportPeerTransportSecurityModeTransportGetCoreTransportget_AllowInsecureTransportset_AllowInsecureTransportdefaultAllowInsecureTransportallowInsecureTransportShouldSerializeTransportMessageReceivedFromTransportGetSecurityModeFromTransportSetMaxReceivedMessageSizeFromTransportTransferFromTransportTryGetAllowCookiesFromTransportMessageSentToTransportTcpTransportget_HttpTransporthttpTransportSspiNegotiatedOverTransportUserNameOverTransportCertificateOverTransportIssuedTokenOverTransportKerberosOverTransportCloneForTransportCustomBindingRequiresTransportget_HttpsTransporthttpsTransportGetTransportget_UseWebSocketTransportuseWebSocketTransportisWebSocketTransportSFxCustomBindingWithoutTransportMessageReceivedByTransportMessageSentByTransporttransportskipSchemaExportWarnDuplicateBindingQNameNameOnExportDuplicateContractQNameNameOnExportCanExportGetCustomDataToExportProvideFaultOfLastResortProvideOnlyFaultOfLastResortCreateRstBindingDoesNotSupportProtectionForRstProcessRstCastAssertAndFailFastTraceFailFastget_Lastset_LastEndAddLastBeginAddLastSetSizeAndLastTransportBindingElementMustBeLastSetCloseSequenceLastSetTerminateSequenceLastDetachLastLaxTimestampLastisLastSetLastNodesetLastTimeStampHasExpiryTimeInPastBroadcastCompileTypecastget_IsIPv6Multicastget_IsMulticastUpcastIsAtLeastlastget_TestUnsupportedNodeTestInvalidNodeTestParseNodeTestNameTestdestRipemd160DigestSha1DigestSha512DigestSha256DigestCreateDigestget_NegotiationDigestnegotiationDigestAddToDigestget_HttpDigesthttpDigestGetDigestdigestNearesttestSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IRequestChannel.RequestIRequestget_RequestTryHandleMetadataRequestSendWebRequestSFxMetadataExchangeClientCouldNotCreateWebRequestTryCompleteWebRequestCreateHttpWebRequestSystemNetHttpWebRequesthttpWebRequestSetupWebRequestEndGetWebRequestEndBaseGetWebRequestBeginBaseGetWebRequestBeginGetWebRequestSetWebRequestwebRequestSyncRequestIAsyncRequestCreateAsyncRequestStreamedFramingAsyncRequestHttpChannelAsyncRequestStreamedRequestProcessReceivedRequestProcessDemuxedRequestSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IRequestChannel.EndRequestOnEndRequestTraceSendRequestBeforeSendRequestServiceLevelSendRequestBeginSendRequestTraceCodeMetadataExchangeClientSendRequestEndProcessInboundRequestHandleProcessInboundRequestOnProcessInboundRequestBeginProcessInboundRequestonProcessInboundRequestServerRejectedUpgradeRequestVerifyingUpgradeRequestProcessUpgradeRequestIReliableRequestHandleRequestPrepareRequestBeforeRequestOnReleaseRequestProcessCloseRequestAuthenticateRequestCreateRequestCompleteRequestVoteRequestCreateIssueRequestProcessIssueRequestSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISingletonChannelListener.ReceiveRequestOnEndReceiveRequestHelpEndReceiveRequestFinishReceiveRequestServiceLevelReceiveRequestOnReceiveRequestOnBeginReceiveRequestHelpBeginReceiveRequestonReceiveRequestHelpReceiveRequestAfterReceiveRequestEndTryReceiveRequestBeginTryReceiveRequestRemoveRequestget_SerializeRequestset_SerializeRequestget_DeserializeRequestset_DeserializeRequestdeserializeRequestStreamedFramingRequestEndDispatchRequestBeginDispatchRequestTryHandleHealthRequestTrackRequestHttpChannelRequestValidateWsrmRequestMissingMessageIdOnWsrmRequestMissingReplyToOnWsrmRequestSFxInvalidStreamInRequestTimeoutOnRequestSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IRequestChannel.BeginRequestOnBeginRequestTraceCodeComIntegrationInstanceCreationRequestTryHandleDocumentationRequestProcessHttpRequestHttpListenerRequestReliableOutputSessionChannelOverRequestServiceChannelFactoryOverRequestEnsureChannelForRequestOnEndWaitForRequestOnWaitForRequestOnBeginWaitForRequestusesRequestisRequestContainsRequestProcessRequestformatRequestInjectRequesthttpGetRequestget_IsWebSocketRequestisWebSocketRequestAbortRequestfirstRequestIsNewRequestCreateRenewRequestProcessRenewRequestIDuplexRequestSyncDuplexRequestAsyncDuplexRequestReplayRequestrequestIListproviderSpecListauthenticatorSpecListget_ReferenceListset_ReferenceListReadReferenceListAppendReferenceListpendingReferenceListget_EncryptedKeyContainsReferenceListset_EncryptedKeyContainsReferenceListencryptedKeyContainsReferenceListOnProcessReferenceListIsReaderAtReferenceListreferenceListXmlNodeListOpcodeListid113_XmlSchemaSimpleTypeListTransferChannelFromPendingListargListget_MatchListmatchListsubProtocolListparamListsessionTokenAuthenticatorSpecificationListpartDescriptionListUnImportedAssertionListusingDefaultSpnListGetDefaultSpnListToListfaultContractInfoListrefBufferListHttpMessageHandlerFactoryConfigInvalid_WithBothTypeAndHandlerListDisposeParameterListiterListget_CounterListget_RecipientOutOfBandTokenResolverListrecipientOutOfBandTokenResolverListsessionTokenResolverListsessionResolverListget_XmlSerializerListxmlSerializerListconnectedNeighborListClearNeighborListneighborListXPathExprListexprListchannelsListclaimsListperformanceCountersListget_AddressListnodeAddressListFromAddressListCriticalAllocHandleSocketAddressListaddressListUpdateEnabledEventsListfaultListWebSocketInvalidProtocolNotInClientListget_PerformanceCountersForEndpointListRemoveFromTimedOutRequestListAddToTimedOutRequestListPrefixListArrayListemptyInstanceKeyListprimaryListget_EntryListset_EntryListtokenEntryListentryListActionFilterEmptyListid84_listEnlistIPersistDoesWin32MethodExistIsProcNameExistDoesMethodNameExistDoesMessageNameExistDoesTypeAndMemberNameExistDoesMemberNameExistDoesParameterNameExistDoesNameExistdoesNameExistcategoriesExistcreateIfNotExistTraceCodeExtensionCollectionDoesNotExistTraceCodeSharedManagerServiceEndpointNotExistmustNotExistpInstinstListenBacklogConstMaxPendingConnectionsConstMaxPendingAcceptsConstget_Hostset_HostNormalizedHostConfigureServiceHostActivityCloseServiceHostCreateServiceHostInitializeServiceHostActivityOpenServiceHostSetupServiceHostWebHostedComPlusServiceHostDllHostedComPlusServiceHostActivityConstructServiceHostWSTrustServiceHostserviceHostget_DnsSafeHostICorRuntimeHostget_CompareHostUnableToResolveHostTraceCodeComIntegrationDllHostInitializerAddingHostComPlusServiceSchemaDllHostAuthenticationSchemesCannotBeInheritedFromHostGetAnnotationFromHostSecuritySessionHostget_IsSimpleApplicationHostNegotiationHostnegotiationHostThrowIfNotAttachedToHostskipHostNoIPEndpointsFoundForHosttargetHostrequestHostMatchLostadd_ConnectionLostremove_ConnectionLostOnConnectionLostPostLocalhost_rstget_FirstMoveToFirstLaxTimestampFirstisFirstfirstExhaustSystem.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrustinPartialTrustHosting_MemoryGatesCheckFailedUnderPartialTrustDemandForFullTrustfullTrustRequiresWsspTrustget_PeerTrustget_DoNotEmitTrustset_DoNotEmitTrustdoNotEmitTrustinitialRttMaxMeanRttmeanRttMaxSerrRttserrRttinitRttcheckedOutSendToViaTimedOutTcpConnectingToViaTimedOutPipeConnectionAbortedReadTimedOutPipeReadTimedOutSocketAbortedSendTimedOutRequestChannelSendTimedOutWebSocketSendTimedOutWaitForMessageTimedOutHttpResponseTimedOutCloseTimedOutPipeConnectionAbortedWriteTimedOutPipeWriteTimedOutSocketAbortedReceiveTimedOutWebSocketReceiveTimedOutWebSocketOperationTimedOutTcpConnectionTimedOutisTimedOutPipeConnectTimedOutReceiveRequestTimedOutHttpRequestTimedOutSequenceTerminatedAddLastToWindowTimedOutRequestChannelWaitForReplyTimedOuttimedOutppmkOutget_IsOutFlowsOutTraceCodeWmiPutget_Timeoutset_TimeoutcollectionDataTimeoutget_ReadTimeoutset_ReadTimeoutSocketCloseReadTimeoutUpdateReadTimeoutOnReadTimeoutonReadTimeoutSetReadTimeoutreadTimeoutEnsureValidTimeoutoldTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts.SendTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts.get_SendTimeoutset_SendTimeoutsocketSyncSendTimeoutasyncSendTimeoutSharedSendTimeoutget_InternalSendTimeoutOnStreamSendTimeoutonStreamSendTimeoutOnSendTimeoutonSendTimeoutSetSendTimeoutget_DefaultSendTimeoutset_DefaultSendTimeoutdefaultSendTimeoutsendTimeoutForwardTimeoutcacheTimeoutget_IdleTimeoutset_IdleTimeoutSessionIdleTimeoutSetIdleTimeoutidleTimeoutget_LeaseTimeoutset_LeaseTimeoutget_ConnectionLeaseTimeoutleaseTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts.CloseTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts.get_CloseTimeoutset_CloseTimeoutget_InternalCloseTimeoutClientSecurityOutputSessionCloseTimeoutRegistrationCloseTimeoutget_DefaultCloseTimeoutset_DefaultCloseTimeoutdefaultCloseTimeoutget_ServiceHostCloseTimeoutServiceSecurityCloseTimeoutClientSecurityCloseTimeoutcloseTimeoutShouldUpdateTimeoutget_WriteTimeoutset_WriteTimeoutset_ReadWriteTimeoutUpdateWriteTimeoutOnWriteTimeoutonWriteTimeoutSetWriteTimeoutwriteTimeoutReachQueueTimeoutRetrieveTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISingletonChannelListener.ReceiveTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts.ReceiveTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ISingletonChannelListener.get_ReceiveTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts.get_ReceiveTimeoutset_ReceiveTimeoutsocketSyncReceiveTimeoutasyncReceiveTimeoutget_InternalReceiveTimeoutOnReceiveTimeoutonReceiveTimeoutGetReceiveTimeoutget_DefaultReceiveTimeoutUseDefaultReceiveTimeoutreceiveTimeoutMaxResolveTimeoutresolveTimeoutNormalizeTimeoutpendingTimeoutSetPipelineIncomingTimeoutGetRemainingTimeoutremainingTimeoutget_FlushTimeoutflushTimeoutoperationWithTimeoutAckTimeoutget_PeekTimeoutset_PeekTimeoutpeekTimeoutget_OriginalTimeoutoriginalTimeoutulTimeoutget_MaximumTimeoutOnTimeoutget_CanTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts.OpenTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts.get_OpenTimeoutset_OpenTimeoutget_EnsureStreamUpgradeOpenTimeoutDefaultEnsureStreamUpgradeOpenTimeoutensureStreamUpgradeOpenTimeoutuseOpenTimeoutget_InternalOpenTimeoutget_DefaultOpenTimeoutdefaultOpenTimeoutopenTimeoutreadFinTimeoutServiceSecurityCloseOutputSessionTimeoutTraceCodePeerNodeAuthenticationTimeoutget_NegotiationTimeoutset_NegotiationTimeoutClientSecurityNegotiationTimeoutnegotiationTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.OperationTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.get_OperationTimeoutSystem.ServiceModel.IContextChannel.set_OperationTimeoutoperationTimeoutiterationTimeoutget_ChannelInitializationTimeoutset_ChannelInitializationTimeoutchannelInitializationTimeoutget_RequestInitializationTimeoutset_RequestInitializationTimeoutOnRequestInitializationTimeoutonRequestInitializationTimeoutrequestInitializationTimeoutget_TransactionTimeoutset_TransactionTimeoutShouldSerializeTransactionTimeouttransactionTimeoutServiceStopTimeoutget_MaintainerTimeoutmaintainerTimeoutget_UnregisterTimeoutunregisterTimeoutResetInitializerTimeoutget_ConnectTimeoutOnConnectTimeoutWasConnectTimeoutconnectTimeoutset_AddressChangeWaitTimeoutGetWaitTimeoutCloseAfterFaultTimeoutget_DefaultTimeoutset_ClientTimeoutServiceStartTimeoutStreamDoesNotSupportTimeoutClientSecuritySessionRequestTimeoutSetRequestTimeoutGetNextRequestTimeoutdwTimeoutnewTimeoutget_MaxTimeoutmaxTimeouttxTimeoutget_InactivityTimeoutset_InactivityTimeoutSetInactivityTimeoutdefaultInactivityTimeoutinactivityTimeout_timeoutUnlockInstanceBeforeCalloutLockInstanceAfterCalloutPruningTimoutget_Layoutset_Layoutget_SecurityHeaderLayoutset_SecurityHeaderLayoutTimestampMustOccurLastInSecurityHeaderLayoutTimestampMustOccurFirstInSecurityHeaderLayoutdefaultSecurityHeaderLayoutget_UseConfiguredTransportSecurityHeaderLayoutDefaultUseConfiguredTransportSecurityHeaderLayoutuseConfiguredTransportSecurityHeaderLayoutsecurityHeaderLayoutlayoutget_Inputset_InputEndInputexcludeInputCreateHttpRequestMessageInputEndCloseInputFinishCloseInputBeginCloseInputperformDefaultCloseInputCompleteInputBeginInputOperationInputget_HttpInputget_HttpRequestMessageHttpInputhttpRequestMessageHttpInputWebResponseHttpInputCreateHttpInputerrorGettingHttpInputGetHttpInputListenerContextHttpInputhttpInputBeginTryGetChannelForInputusesInputget_FaultsInputfaultsInputSetInputchannelsByInputEndTryInputBeginTryInputinputget_Outputset_Outputget_IsStreamedOutputstreamedOutputEndOutputEndCloseOutputBeginCloseOutputBeginOutputOperationOutputListenerResponseHttpOutputCloseHttpOutputcloseHttpOutputCreateHttpOutputGetHttpOutputWebRequestHttpOutputhttpOutputServiceChannelFactoryOverOutputBeginTryGetChannelForOutputusesOutputget_FaultsOutputfaultsOutputSetOutputchannelsByOutputoutputvtS11NextS12Nextget_Nextset_NextWSALookupServiceNextResolveNextMoveNextget_ShouldSignalNextMoveToNextXPathMessageFunctionIsActorNextSystem.Textversion10TextBytes32TextUnicodeChars32TextInt32TextUInt64TextBytes16TextUnicodeChars16TextInt16TextBytes8TextUnicodeChars8TextInt8Textget_TextUniqueIdTextGuidTextXmlFoundTextDoubleTextDateTimeTextOneTextFalseTextEncodingTypeValueTextTrueTextencodingTextDecimalTextget_XmlTextBoolTextTimeSpanTextMinTextSetPlainTextplainTextintroductionTextGetSafeReasonTextFaultReasonTextreasonTextZeroTextcipherTextget_InnerTextset_InnerTextFloatTextpstrObjectTextGetObjectTextNoMatchingTranslationFoundForFaultTextxmlDeclarationStartTextEndListTextStartListTextMaxTextQNameDictionaryTextEmptyTextnextPlaintextget_Contextset_Contextget_TypeOfWebContexttypeOfWebContextGetSyncContextdocContextsrcContextRSTRAuthenticatorHasBadContextTryAddContextOverlappedContextIsImpersonatedContextinheritedContextHosting_ProcessNotExecutingUnderHostedContextApplyHostedContextserializedContextget_IsValidContextGetListenAddressAndContextIWmiMethodContextget_InstanceContextset_InstanceContextAcquireDynamicInstanceContextGotDynamicInstanceContextGetMessageInstanceContextPrivateAcquireInstanceContextEnsureInstanceContextDeactivateInstanceContextInitializeInstanceContextGetExistingInstanceContextTryRetrievingInstanceContextget_WmiInstanceContextset_WmiInstanceContextwmiInstanceContextget_SingletonInstanceContextset_SingletonInstanceContextSetInstanceContextGotInstanceContextAbortInstanceContextinstanceContextsourceContextInvalidMessageContextXPathMessageContextuseMachineContextCloneContextCryptAcquireContextppStoreContextCryptReleaseContextCloseContextUnmanagedCertificateContextCertFreeCertificateContextNamedPipeDuplicateContextTcpDuplicateContextduplicateContextCannotCreateContextImpersonateContextimpersonateContextSafeDeleteContextEnqueueContextget_ReceiveContextset_ReceiveContextOnCloseReceiveContextsessiongramReceiveContextMsmqSessionReceiveContextCreateMsmqReceiveContextMsmqExactlyOnceNeededForReceiveContextreceiveContextget_NeedsInclusiveContextRemoveContextExeContextDeserializeContextissuanceBindingContextsecureConversationBindingContextget_IssuerBindingContextset_IssuerBindingContextissuerBindingContextbindingContextStreamingContextincomingContextProcessingContextget_HostingContextconfigHostingContextBranchContextbranchContextSharedTransactedBatchContextsharedTransactedBatchContextCreateTransactedBatchContexttransactedBatchContextget_DispatchContextValidateDispatchContextCreateDispatchContext_dispatchContextPushContextauthContextset_SignatureReaderProviderCallbackContextcallbackContextget_ShouldUseAsyncLocalContextcurrentAsyncLocalContextSetPushInitialContextpushInitialContextGetOriginalContextoriginalContextget_EvalContextevalContextListenerChannelContextshouldUseCallContextInitializeCallContextUninitializeCallContextCoSwitchCallContextget_LogicalCallContextSetActivityIdInLogicalCallContextlogicalCallContextClearCallContextIWbemContextget_WbemContextwbemContextGetIdentityNameFromContextUnsafeGetSectionFromContextGetCookieHeaderFromContextGetIdentityNamesFromContextNoTransactionInContextget_ContractConversionContextWsdlContractConversionContextcontractConversionContextWsdlEndpointConversionContextendpointConversionContextImportedPolicyConversionContextExportedPolicyConversionContextBindingOnlyPolicyConversionContextIHttpAuthenticationContextauthenticationContextBadSecurityNegotiationContextget_CoordinationContextSendCreateCoordinationContextMarshalAsCoordinationContextGetCoordinationContextWindowsImpersonationContextimpersonationContextSerializerGenerationContextServiceContractGenerationContextOperationContractGenerationContextAsyncOperationContextget_RequireClaimsPrincipalOnOperationContextset_RequireClaimsPrincipalOnOperationContextrequireClaimsPrincipalOnOperationContextSetClaimsPrincipalToOperationContextSFxInvalidChannelToOperationContextcurrentOperationContextoperationContextApplyHostingIntegrationContextApplyIntegrationContextconfigurationContextget_EvaluationContextget_ContainingEvaluationContextset_ContainingEvaluationContextcontainingEvaluationContextSystem.ServiceModel.Configuration.IConfigurationContextProviderInternal.GetOriginalEvaluationContextSystem.ServiceModel.Configuration.IConfigurationContextProviderInternal.GetEvaluationContextevaluationContextget_SerializationContextset_SerializationContextCreateSerializationContextget_WSTrustSerializationContextset_WSTrustSerializationContext_serializationContextget_SynchronizationContextset_SynchronizationContextget_UseSynchronizationContextset_UseSynchronizationContextuseSynchronizationContextSFxMultipleCallbackFromSynchronizationContextComPlusSynchronizationContextSetSynchronizationContextGetCurrentSynchronizationContextsynchronizationContextget_AuthorizationContextNoPrincipalSpecifiedInAuthorizationContextCreateDefaultAuthorizationContextauthorizationContextExecutionContextset_BootstrapContextget_SaveBootstrapContextDefaultSaveBootstrapContextPopContextLocalAppContextTryGetSwitchFromCentralAppContextListenerHttpContextlistenerHttpContextClearContextHttpListenerContextlistenerContextCheckForReplyOrAddInnerContextinnerContextget_OwnerContextset_OwnerContextownerContextget_IsUserContextParameterContextmessagePropagationFilterContextITypeDescriptorContextInstancesContextthisContextdwClsContextListenAddressAlreadyContainsContextProcessContextcontractContextCoGetObjectContextEndGetContextOnGetContextBeginGetContextonGetContextSetContextget_WebSocketContextServiceWebSocketContextHttpListenerWebSocketContextwebSocketContextXsltContextxsltContextTFaultContextreplyFaultContextfaultContextGetCurrentContextcurrentContextendpointContextSafeFreeCertContextCreateCertContextpCertContextcertContextImportContextget_TransportContextGetMessageExportContextget_RequestContextset_RequestContextBufferedRequestContextMessageRequestContextReliableRequestContextAttemptToCreateMultipleRequestContextpendingCloseRequestContextcloseRequestContextDisposeRequestContextCreateRequestContextStreamedFramingRequestContextinitialRequestContextCreateContextChannelRequestContextSecuritySessionRequestContextGetSessionOpenNotifica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xLockSubqueuePrefixBinaryEncodingPrefixDotNetFramingPrefixStringPrefixGenerateIdWithPrefixKnownServiceUriPrefixGetCredentialCacheUriPrefixanonymousUriPrefixppmkPrefixGlobalPrefixget_CanonicalPrefixPipeLocalPrefixsystemMessagingLabelPrefixUseManagedPresentationPrefixOptimizedMimeSerializationPrefixcommonPrefixTeredoPrefixWspPrefixMsspPrefixWsspPrefixLookupPrefixOnGetConnectionGroupPrefixget_HeaderPrefixheaderPrefixPeerPrefixComparePrefixToOtherPrefixCouldNotFindNamespaceForPrefixNoNamespaceForPrefixSix2FourPrefixWsatTransactionsPrefixOleTxTransactionsPrefixget_GeneratedAddressPrefixstrongWildcardGeneratedAddressPrefixweakWildcardGeneratedAddressPrefixexactGeneratedAddressPrefixServiceContractPrefixGetPrefixdefaultPrefixHttpTransportPrefixMsmqTransportPrefixPeerTransportPrefixnewPrefixCompositeDuplexPrefixWSPolicyPrefixWebSocketPolicyPrefixbodyPrefixCompareToOtherThatHasOnlyPrefixprefixCompareToOtherThatHasPrefixAndSuffixAsyncMethodNameSuffixCallbackTypeSuffixChannelTypeSuffixClientTypeSuffixResponseSuffixReturnSuffixGetConnectionGroupSuffixCompareSuffixToOtherSuffixCompareToOtherThatHasNoPrefixNorSuffixRegistrationCoordinatorSuffixActivationCoordinatorSuffixFaultSuffixCompareToOtherThatHasOnlySuffixsuffixBoxHttpCookieToolboxUnboxIBindCtxcallCtxpCtxmissedByIsBoundBySystem.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.INodeCounter.IncreaseByshiftByIncrementByincrementBygrowByGDayget_DayGMonthDaywDayget_IsOneWayset_IsOneWayisOneWayoneWayget_RetryCycleDelayset_RetryCycleDelayretryCycleDelayset_NoDelaynoDelayget_MaxOutputDelayset_MaxOutputDelaymaxOutputDelayget_Relayset_RelaydelayrelayRegisterForReplayisReplayNameDisplayReadInt32ArrayReadInt64Arrayget_ArrayGetSortedArraysourceArraypSafeArrayReadDoubleArrayReadSingleArrayReadDateTimeArrayemptyTypeArraySFxDataContractSerializerDoesNotSupportBareArraybaseArrayWriteArrayAllocateByteArrayLoadIntoObjectFromByteArrayConvertHGlobalToByteArrayPersistIPersistStreamToByteArrayInitializeArrayEmptyStringArrayemptyStringArrayapObjArrayReadDecimalArrayget_XmlArrayset_XmlArrayReadBooleanArrayToArrayLoadOutputParametersIntoArrayAllocateCharArrayToCharArrayget_IsArrayisArrayCreateAddressArrayemptyObjectArrayGetArraystringSplitArrayEmptyArrayemptyArrayarrayOnewayonewayOptionalNamespaceLegacyprivacySystem.IdentityModel.PolicyProcessWsrm11PolicyUnrecognizedWSPolicyMetadataPolicyFindAdHocPolicyInsertAdHocPolicyGetReferencedPolicyAddEmbeddedPolicyGetEmbeddedPolicyget_DisabledPolicydisabledPolicyget_HasValidPolicyhasValidPolicyInvalidPolicyBuildPolicyunimportdPolicySFxBadMetadataMustBePolicyget_UseLegacyCertificateUsagePolicyDefaultUseLegacyCertificateUsagePolicyuseLegacyCertificateUsagePolicyset_CachePolicyRequestCachePolicyrequestCachePolicyNormalizePolicyWsdlBindingPolicybindingPolicyAttachPolicyWrapWithAuthPolicyContainsEndpointAuthPolicySetPrincipalBootstrapTokensAndBindIdfxAuthPolicyauthPolicySctUnconditionalPolicyAddExternalPolicyget_ReferralPolicyset_ReferralPolicyPeerReferralPolicyreferralPolicyAttachItemPolicyfipsAlgorithmPolicyCreateFromPolicyCreateKeyFromPolicyMultipleVersionsFoundInPolicyEliminateTransportTokenPolicyX509ChainPolicyget_ChainPolicyset_ChainPolicyOidChainPolicychainPolicyget_ApplicationPolicyconfigurationPolicyIAuthorizationPolicyAnonymousAuthorizationPolicyget_SctAuthorizationPolicyEndpointAuthorizationPolicyget_ExtendedProtectionPolicyset_ExtendedProtectionPolicyShouldSerializeExtendedProtectionPolicyFillExtendedProtectionPolicyget_SupportsExtendedProtectionPolicyset_SupportsExtendedProtectionPolicysupportsExtendedProtectionPolicySelectExtendedProtectionPolicyextendedProtectionPolicyImportMessageScopeProtectionPolicyExportMessageScopeProtectionPolicyprotectionPolicynoPolicywspPolicyResolveTokenIssuerPolicyHasPolicyImportOperationScopeSupportingTokensPolicyExportOperationScopeSupportingTokensPolicyContainsPolicyTokenAuditPolicyget_DefaultPolicyIsDefaultPolicydefaultPolicyContextBindingElementPolicyInsertPolicySystem.ServiceModel.Description.IPolicyImportExtension.ImportPolicySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportPolicyImport.ImportPolicyOnImportPolicyUnabletoImportPolicyTryImportPolicyFindAdHocTransportPolicyInsertAdHocTransportPolicySystem.ServiceModel.Description.IPolicyExportExtension.ExportPolicyOnExportPolicyCreatePrivacyPolicyTokenMandatoryPolicyWSSecurityPolicysecurityPolicypolicyFromOACurrencyToOACurrencyget_ConcurrencyconcurrencyRealtimeLatencyNormalLatencyVerifyConsistencyget_Bodyset_BodyLoadBodySetDecryptedBodyBadEncryptedBodyVerifyIdUniquenessInMessageHeadersAndBodynewIncludeBodyincludeBodyset_MessageBodyPeerInvalidMessageBodySFxInvalidMessageBodyParseMessageBodyGetFirstOutgoingMessageBodyGetNextOutgoingMessageBodyget_LogMessageBodyset_LogMessageBodylogMessageBodymatchMessageBodymessageBodySFxRpcMessageMustHaveASingleBodynavigateBodyCompleteWriteBodyOnWriteBodyonWriteBodySerializeBodyDeserializeBodySFxErrorSerializingBodyset_MatchBodymatchBodyevalBodyExportStreamBodysignBodyXPathMessageFunctionBodyMoveToBodyCreateEncryptedDataForBodyHasBodymessageDataAtBodyGetBufferedReaderAtBodyOnGetBodySetBodyDecryptBodyencryptBodyReadStartBodyOnWriteStartBodyVerifyStartBodyExportBodyDidDeserializeRequestBodySFxErrorDeserializingRequestBodySFxErrorDeserializingReplyBodyget_SuppressEntityBodyset_SuppressEntityBodysuppressEntityBodybodyTKeyget_Keyset_KeyViaKeyid67_XmlSchemaKeyDataKeyOpenSubKeylpSubKeysubKeySgcKeyGetDSAPublicKeyGetRSAPublicKeyget_PublicKeyEcmaPublicKeyGetECDsaPublicKeys_getECDsaPublicKeys_getDsaPublicKeys_getRsaPublicKeySharedLibPublicKeyBindGetCapiPublicKeySilverlightPlatformPublicKeyASPBrowserCapsPublicKeyMicrosoftPublicKeySilverlightPublicKeypublicKeyGetSymmetricKeyget_HasAsymmetricKey_protectionTokenHasAsymmetricKeyGetStaticKeyInstanceIdKeyActivityIdKeyAddKeyComputeCombinedKeyPrimarySignatureWasNotSignedByDerivedWrappedKeyMessageWasNotEncryptedByDerivedWrappedKeyGetWrappedKeyDecryptWrappedKeywrappedKeyget_ProtectedKeyget_EncryptedKeyset_EncryptedKeyReadEncryptedKeyIncomingSigningTokenMustBeAnEncryptedKeyMissingKeyInfoInEncryptedKeyOnEncryptedKeyIsReaderAtEncryptedKeyGetEncryptedKeyEntropyModeCannotHaveComputedKeyEntropyModeRequiresComputedKeyIssuedTokenAuthenticationModeRequiresSymmetricIssuedKeyGenerateDerivedKeyInitializeDerivedKeyinitializeDerivedKeyPrimarySignatureWasNotSignedByDerivedKeyCannotSetNameOnTheInvalidKeyGetSignatureAlgorithmAndKeyAppendKeyInstanceKeyreferenceKeyHttpStatusCodeKeyTypedMessageKeyOperationMessageKeyKeyExchangeKeySessionSecurityTokenCacheKeyAsyncOperationStartTimeKeyHttpPipelineKeysignatureKeyget_UseKeyRegCloseKeyParseKeyuseKeyConfigDuplicateKeyUpdateKeyget_CanCreateKeyUTTInvalidTemplateKeyUTTNullTemplateKeyGenerateKeySoapVersionStateKeyGetDSAPrivateKeyGetRSAPrivateKeyget_PrivateKeyGetECDsaPrivateKeys_getECDsaPrivateKeys_getDsaPrivateKeys_getRsaPrivateKeyCanReadPrivateKeyValidatePrivateKeySslCertMustHavePrivateKeyBindGetCapiPrivateKeyReportNoPrivateKeyget_HasPrivateKeyReportNotAbleToExportPrivateKeyRegDeleteKeyget_ComputeKeyset_ComputeKeycomputeKeyProcessRstAndIssueKeyRemoveKeyHolderOfKeyIndexOfKeyComputeProofKeyBearerKeyTypeCannotHaveProofKeyGetProofKeyproofKeyStateBagKeyGetConfigKeyCngKeyAllowOutputBatchingKeymappingKeyMatchKeyphKeyGetHashKeysoapTransportUriKeyPrincipalKeyContractProtectionLevelKeyChannelPoolKeyGetPoolKeyChangeItemKeyRegEnumKeyCryptGenKeyToValueSessionKeyIsSessionKeyGetSessionKeyUnableToRenewSessionKeyverificationKeyget_CorrelationKeyget_SerializedCorrelationKeyset_SerializedCorrelationKeycorrelationKeyContextAndGenerationKeyTraceCodeOverridingDuplicateConfigurationKeyUTBothLiteralAndNameValueCollectionKeyserializeCollectionKeyconnectionKeyHttpStatusCodeExceptionKeyFailedReferenceTypeExceptionKeyHttpStatusDescriptionExceptionKeyget_AppKeyappKeyTryLookupKeyheaderKeyEncoderKeyICorrelatorKeySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ICorrelatorKey.RequestCorrelatorKeySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ICorrelatorKey.get_RequestCorrelatorKeySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ICorrelatorKey.set_RequestCorrelatorKeyrequestCorrelatorKeyget_IsKeyContainsKeyMaxPolicyRedirectionsKeyWsatKeyvarObjectKeyGetKeySetKeyget_SecWebSocketKeywebSocketKeyMetadataExchangeClientKeyclientKeyTranslateObjectToElementKeyGetElementKeyDecryptKeyEncryptKeyRenewKeyPopulateByKeyCreateMessageBindingPolicyKeyCreateBindingPolicyKeyCreateOperationBindingPolicyKeyCreateFaultBindingPolicyKeypolicyKeyCryptDestroyKeyBindingDictionaryKeyMessageDescriptionDictionaryKeyEndpointDictionaryKeyWinFXRegistryKeysuppressChannelBindingRegistryKeyfipsPolicyRegistryKeyHasSymmetricSecurityKeyInMemorySymmetricSecurityKeyAsymmetricSecurityKeyTryResolveSecurityKeyget_WrappingSecurityKeyunwrappingSecurityKeyGetSecurityKeySecureConversationBootstrapBindingElementsBelowSecurityKeysecurityKeyAsyncOperationActivityKeyUTBindByNameCalledWithEmptyKeyMessageHeadersPropertyKeyid51_keyGetNativeHKLMSubkeyGetCorrectBitnessHKLMSubkeyGetHKLMSubkeyGet32bitHKLMSubkeyGet64bitHKLMSubkeysubkeystateTransitionTableOnVerifyDecryptVerifyPostVerifyget_StrategyIPoisonHandlingStrategyTransmissionStrategyIPostRollbackErrorStrategySimplePostRollbackErrorStrategyget_DeliveryStrategydeliveryStrategystrategySystem.Security.CryptographyFXAssemblyget_AssemblyDefineDynamicAssemblyAddReferencedAssemblySystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.ITypeCacheManager.ResolveAssemblyGetExecutingAssemblyTraceCodeComIntegrationTLBImportFromAssemblyInterfaceNotFoundInAssemblyUdtNotFoundInAssemblyConvertTypeLibToAssemblyFailedToConvertTypelibraryToAssemblyThisAssemblyTypelibraryAssemblyassemblyNoncesCachedInfinitelyCanMatchQueryInterestinglyget_Familyget_AddressFamilysin6_familysin_familyget_UpdateAddressDynamicallyset_UpdateAddressDynamicallyCanMatchQueryTriviallyrequestContextWasClosedSuccessfullyItemAvailableInDeserializedRSTROnlyItemAvailableInDeserializedRSTOnlyget_ReadOnlyset_ReadOnlyOnMakeReadOnlyThrowIfReadOnlyConfigReadOnlyMakeCacheSettingReadOnlyisCacheSettingReadOnlySFxCollectionReadOnlyAsReadOnlySystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection.IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection.IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.IList.IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.get_IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.get_IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection.get_IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.Generic.ICollection.get_IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.IList.get_IsReadOnlyTraceCodeConfigurationIsReadOnlyObjectIsReadOnlyisReadOnlySetReadOnlyThrowReadOnlySystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IProvideChannelBuilderSettings.ServiceChannelFactoryReadOnlySystem.ServiceModel.ComIntegration.IProvideChannelBuilderSettings.get_ServiceChannelFactoryReadOnlyIsPropertyReadOnlyServiceOnlyisDualSecurityModeOnlySetNameOnlychannelScopeOnlycreateTemplateOnlyIsPropertyWriteOnlyPnrpCloudResolveOnlyget_MessageFlowTracingOnlymessageFlowTracingOnlyCertificateUnsupportedForHttpTransportCredentialOnlyCreateBoundedActivityWithTransferInOnlyConfigureTransportProtectionOnlyCreateTransportProtectionOnlySetTransportProtectionOnlyspnOnlycsrOnlyclientTokensOnlyupdateBaseAddressOnlySecurityBindingSupportsOneWayOnlyget_BodyOnlybodyOnlyget_ReplySendAsyncReplyisAsyncReplybufferedReplyThrowIfInvalidReplyEndWaitAndReplyBeginWaitAndReplyOnEndReplyBeforeSendReplyServiceLevelSendReplyCanSendReplySuccessfullySendReplyHandleReplyPrepareReplyValidateReplyCreateReplyTryInitiateReplyProcessCloseOrTerminateReplyTraceReceiveReplyCompleteReceiveReplyServiceLevelReceiveReplyOnReceiveReplyonReceiveReplyAfterReceiveReplyTraceCodeMetadataExchangeClientReceiveReplyget_SerializeReplyset_SerializeReplyget_DeserializeReplyset_DeserializeReplydeserializeReplyInitializeReplyTraceCodeServiceOperationMissingReplyget_IsImpersonationEnabledOnSerializingReplyget_ImpersonateOnSerializingReplyset_ImpersonateOnSerializingReplyDefaultImpersonateOnSerializingReplyimpersonateOnSerializingReplyValidateNullReplyNoOutgoingEndpointAddressAvailableForDoingIdentityCheckOnReplyget_AllowSerializedSigningTokenOnReplyset_AllowSerializedSigningTokenOnReplydefaultAllowSerializedSigningTokenOnReplyallowSerializedSigningTokenOnReplyTraceCodeServiceOperationExceptionOnReplyRequestContextThrewOnReplyOnBeginReplyonReplycloseOutputAfterReplyReliableInputSessionChannelOverReplyReliableInputListenerOverReplyReliableReplyListenerOverReplyWaitForReplyEndAsReplyHandleRequestAsReplyget_HasReplyusesReplyisReplyProcessReplyPrepareAndAddressReplyformatReplyGetReplyget_FaultReplyset_FaultReplyfaultReplycloseClientReplySetClientReplyclientReplyGotReplySFxServerDidNotReplygotReplyisLastReplySetLastReplylastReplyIsRequestReplySignatureConfirmationRequiresRequestReplyget_SupportsRequestReplySecurityProtocolFactoryDoesNotSupportRequestReplyget_IsDuplexReplyset_IsDuplexReplyisDuplexReplyreplyMultiplycompletedSynchronoslySystem.IAsyncResult.CompletedSynchronouslySystem.IAsyncResult.get_CompletedSynchronouslycompletedSynchronouslyget_DidSecureOutgoingMessageCompleteSynchronouslydidSecureOutgoingMessageCompleteSynchronouslyget_WillGetOutputStreamCompleteSynchronouslyWillInitializeChannelFactoriesCompleteSynchronouslyWillGetWebRequestCompleteSynchronouslySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IBindingRuntimePreferences.ReceiveSynchronouslySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IBindingRuntimePreferences.get_ReceiveSynchronouslyset_ReceiveSynchronouslyreceiveSynchronouslyCreateNegotiationStateCompletesSynchronouslyhasCompletedAsynchronouslyget_SendAsynchronouslyset_SendAsynchronouslyget_CanSendAsynchronouslysendAsynchronouslyProofTokenWasNotWrappedCorrectlyCloneNotImplementedCorrectlyget_FinalizeCorrelationImplicitlymaxInstanceSetExplicitlyCreateDummydummyIPv6Anyid123_XmlSchemaAnyThrowPendingOpenExceptionIfAnyIndexOfAnyDiscoverAnyWaitForAnyipAddressAnyWaitAnySelectManyid120_anyAddCopyOnCreateBufferedCopyupgradeCopymakeCopySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IMessageProperty.CreateCopyBlockCopyMessagePropertyReturnedNullCopypoolCopyppCopyGetBufferCopyGetNetworkCredentialsCopyPushContextCopyNoContextCopyppNewCopyMakeReadonlyCopyget_EntropyCombinedEntropyGenerateEntropyEntropyModeCannotHaveProofTokenOrIssuerEntropyEntropyModeRequiresIssuerEntropyGetIssuerEntropySetIssuerEntropyissuerEntropyServerEntropyValidateRequestorEntropyEntropyModeCannotHaveRequestorEntropyEntropyModeRequiresRequestorEntropyGetRequestorEntropySetRequestorEntropyrequestorEntropyGetEntropyClientEntropyentropywriteBoundaryRemoveBoundaryIntervalBoundarymtomBoundaryActivityBoundaryboundaryget_UseIntermediaryRedirectUseIntermediaryuseIntermediaryTokenPrimaryget_Summaryset_SummarysummarySystem.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.BinaryEncodingTypeValueBase64BinaryEncodingTypeValueHexBinarySoapHexBinaryget_Addressing10Dictionaryaddressing10Dictionaryget_CoordinationExternal10DictionarycoordinationExternal10Dictionaryget_AtomicTransactionExternal10DictionaryatomicTransactionExternal10Dictionaryget_Message11Dictionarymessage11Dictionaryget_CoordinationExternal11DictionarycoordinationExternal11Dictionaryget_AtomicTransactionExternal11DictionaryatomicTransactionExternal11Dictionaryget_Wsrm11Dictionarywsrm11Dictionaryget_Message1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ChannelFactoryActivityOpenChannelFactoryCanBuildSessionChannelFactoryMsmqOutputSessionChannelFactoryGetNegotiationChannelFactoryMsmqIntegrationChannelFactoryget_InnerChannelFactoryCanBuildInnerChannelFactoryCreateInnerChannelFactoryinnerChannelFactoryActivityConstructChannelFactoryGetChannelFactorytransportChannelFactorySetupRstChannelFactoryRequestChannelFactoryrstChannelFactoryWSTrustChannelFactoryMsmqOutputChannelFactoryInternalDuplexChannelFactoryDuplexSessionOneWayChannelFactoryRequestOneWayChannelFactoryDuplexOneWayChannelFactoryget_SecurityChannelFactorysecurityChannelFactorychannelFactoryget_ForwardProtocolFactoryset_ForwardProtocolFactoryforwardProtocolFactoryConfigureProtocolFactoryCloseProtocolFactoryget_ReverseProtocolFactoryset_ReverseProtocolFactoryreverseProtocolFactoryPropertySettingErrorOnProtocolFactoryget_SessionProtocolFactoryset_SessionProtocolFactoryConfigureSessionProtocolFactorysessionProtocolFactoryGetProtocolFactoryget_SecurityProtocolFactoryset_SecurityProtocolFactorySymmetricSecurityProtocolFactoryAsymmetricSecurityProtocolFactoryget_MessageSecurityProtocolFactorySessionSymmetricMessageSecurityProtocolFactoryCreateSecurityProtocolFactoryPeerDoNothingSecurityProtocolFactoryEndOpenSecurityProtocolFactoryBeginOpenSecurityProtocolFactoryConfigureSessionSecurityProtocolFactorySessionSymmetricTransportSecurityProtocolFactoryDuplexSecurityProtocolFactorysecurityProtocolFactoryprotocolFactoryUseWebSocketVersionFromFactoryICustomFactoryconnectionFactorySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportFactorySettings.MessageEncoderFactorySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.ITransportFactorySettings.get_MessageEncoderFactoryCreateMessageEncoderFactoryMtomMessageEncoderFactoryGetDefaultMessageEncoderFactorydefaultMessageEncoderFactoryTextMessageEncoderFactoryBinaryMessageEncoderFactorymessageEncoderFactoryencoderFactoryIPeerFactoryget_MessageHandlerFactoryset_MessageHandlerFactoryShouldSerializeMessageHandlerFactoryHttpMessageHandlerFactoryhttpMessageHandlerFactoryget_InnerFactoryinnerFactoryinnnerFactoryserializerFactoryreferencedCategoriesFactoryinlineCategoriesFactoryASPBrowserCapsFactoryPerformanceCountersFactoryIClassFactoryWasHostedComPlusFactoryget_ClientWebSocketFactoryWebSocketUseVersionFromClientWebSocketFactoryclientWebSocketFactoryServiceHostFactoryCreateSimplexFactoryCreateDuplexFactoryWebProxyFactoryproxyFactory_factoryCreateDirectorySystem.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryget_ActiveDirectoryget_UseActiveDirectoryset_UseActiveDirectoryuseActiveDirectoryactiveDirectoryget_SystemDirectorybstrDestinationDirectorybstrDirectoryCannotAccessDirectoryszSxsDirectorybstrDestDirectorydirectorysizeHistoryTraceCodeMsmqPoisonMessageMovedRetryCompleteSendRetryRecordRetryGetMessageInfoForRetrymeshId2Entryget_EntryAddEntryUpdateFloodEntryDnsCacheEntryFilterTableEntryWriteEntryTraceImportChannelBindingEntryTraceExportChannelBindingEntryTraceCodeImportSecurityChannelBindingEntryTraceCodeExportSecurityChannelBindingEntryreplaceExistingEntryCleanupMeshEntryGetMeshEntrymeshEntryX509TokenEntryUserNamePasswordTokenEntryGenericXmlTokenEntrySamlTokenEntryKerberosTokenEntryBinarySecretTokenEntrySecurityContextTokenEntryWrappedKeyTokenEntryDerivedKeyTokenEntryBinaryTokenEntrySecurityTokenEntryRegistrationEntryTransactionLookupEntryReplaceHeaderEntryReceiveSecurityHeaderEntryDataProviderEntrySctStrEntryServiceModelPerformanceCountersEntryGetElementEntryTryDeleteReferenceListEntryRecordEncryptionTokenAndRemoveReferenceListEntryOnDecryptionOfSecurityHeaderItemRequiringReferenceListEntryIPHostEntryget_HostEntryGetHostEntryhostEntryWriteSecurityTokenReferencyEntryderivedKeyEntryDictionaryEntryGetDirectoryEntrydirectoryEntryentryNamedPipeConnectionPoolRegistryTcpConnectionPoolRegistryconnectionPoolRegistryUnsafeGetMajorVersionFromRegistryGetFipsAlgorithmPolicyKeyFromRegistryregistryNodeBusyHttpServerTooBusyPipeConnectTimedOutServerTooBusySecurityServerTooBusyget_IsBusyCloseIfNotBusybusyget_Capacityset_Capacityget_SecurityContextTokenCacheCapacitysecurityContextCacheCapacityframeCapacitystackCapacityInitialCapacityget_CallsCapacityset_CallsCapacityget_SessionsCapacityset_SessionsCapacityget_InstanceContextsCapacityset_InstanceContextsCapacitycapacityCheckValidityEnsureDigestValiditySubjectLocalityget_RequireConfidentialityset_RequireConfidentialityrequireConfidentialityget_ApplyConfidentialityset_ApplyConfidentialityapplyConfidentialityInvalidCardinalityVerifyFunctionalityop_EqualityCompileStringLiteralEqualityCompileNumberLiteralEqualityop_InequalityValidateBindingProtectionCapabilityValidateWindowsIdentityCapabilityCursorStabilityget_UtilityDiagnosticUtilityTraceUtilityChannelBindingUtilitySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IPeerServiceContract.LinkUtilityget_LinkUtilityUpdateLinkUtilityProcessLinkUtilitymaxLinkUtilitylinkUtilityUrlUtilityRedirectionUtilityget_ExceptionUtilityGetExceptionUtilityexceptionUtilityMonikerUtilityGetUtilityutilityseveritySecuritySessionRequiresMessageIntegrityget_RequireIntegrityset_RequireIntegrityrequireIntegrityPolicyRequiresConfidentialityWithoutIntegrityget_ApplyIntegrityset_ApplyIntegrityapplyIntegrityget_Authorityget_Priorityset_PriorityValidateMessagePriorityget_FilterPriorityset_FilterPriorityfilterPriorityGetPriorityget_DefaultPriorityset_DefaultPrioritydefaultPriorityprioritySystem.Web.SecuritySystem.ServiceModel.SecuritySystem.SecuritySystem.Net.SecurityCSRefusedNoSTRWSSecurityCSRefusedSTRNoWSSecurityTSecurityget_Securityset_SecurityCoordinationServiceSecurityApplyServiceSecurityTraceCodeSecurityHasCompatibleMessageSecurityCreateMessageSecurityBasicHttpMessageSecuritymessageSecurityEventWaitHandleSecurityNetNamedPipeSecurityValidateSecurityValidateCreateSecurityTryCreateSecurityget_RemoteSecurityset_RemoteSecurityGetRemoteSecuritySetRemoteSecurityremoteSecurityShouldSerializeSecurityTryGetTokenSynchronouslyForOutgoingSecurityCannotFindCorrelationStateForApplyingSecurityNoStreamingWithSecuritySystemSecurityMsmqIntegrationSecuritySecureConversationNeedsBootstrapSecuritybootstrapSecurityNetTcpSecurityWSHttpSecurityget_BasicHttpSecurityToBasicHttpSecuritybasicHttpSecurityWSDualHttpSecurityWSFederationHttpSecurityNetMsmqSecuritypeerSecurityIServerSecurityCreateServerSecurityComPlusServerSecurityserverSecurityToBasicHttpsSecuritybasicHttpsSecurityComRequiresWindowsSecurityGetKernelObjectSecuritySetKernelObjectSecurityEditKernelObjectSecurityCreateClientSecurityApplyClientSecurityclientSecurityget_TransportSecurityIsConfiguredTransportSecuritySequenceTransportSecurityEnableTransportSecurityNamedPipeTransportSecurityConfigureTransportSecurityCreateTransportSecurityGetModeFromTransportSecurityTcpTransportSecuritytcpTransportSecurityGetDefaultHttpTransportSecurityget_MsmqTransportSecurityset_MsmqTransportSecuritymsmqTransportSecuritySetTransportSecurityApplyTransportSecuritytransportSecurityApplyBodySecurityVerifySecuritysecurityResolveEntityWriteSurrogateCharEntityWriteCharEntityIIdentityget_Identityset_IdentityCreateRsaIdentityget_GenericIdentitygenericIdentityHttpListenerBasicIdentityReadIdentityLoadIdentitymappedIdentityexpectedIdentityget_WindowsSidIdentitywindowsSidIdentityGetMessageIdentitySFxWhenMultipleEndpointsShareAListenUriTheyMustHaveSameIdentityIsSameIdentityEnsureIdentityCreateX509CertificateIdentityUnableToLoadCertificateIdentityGetServiceCertificateIdentityTryCreateIdentitySystem.ServiceModel.Security.ISecuritySession.RemoteIdentitySystem.ServiceModel.Security.ISecuritySession.get_RemoteIdentityremoteIdentityEnsureIncomingIdentityGetTokenAndEnsureOutgoingIdentityrequestingIdentitySspiFreeAuthIdentityppAuthIdentityppNewAuthIdentityGetSpnFromIdentityCreateSpnIdentityMexSpnIdentitymexSpnIdentityCreateUpnIdentityMexUpnIdentitymexUpnIdentityspnIdentityupnIdentityMapIdentitycleanupIdentityget_CallerIdentitycallerIdentityget_LogonUserIdentityMonikerIncorrectServerIdentityUnrecognizedClaimTypeForIdentityClaimsIdentityclaimsIdentityTryCreateDnsIdentityMexDnsIdentitymexDnsIdentitydnsIdentityGetProcessIdentityprocessIdentityget_AnonymousIdentityWindowsAnonymousIdentityGetAnonymousIdentityanonymousIdentityget_WindowsIdentityCreateWindowsIdentityGetUpnFromWindowsIdentitysupportsWindowsIdentityget_SupportsClientWindowsIdentitysupportsClientWindowsIdentitywindowsIdentityTryGetIdentityHttpsExplicitIdentityclientIdentityRsaEndpointIdentityX509CertificateEndpointIdentityComputeEndpointIdentityGeneralEndpointIdentitySpnEndpointIdentityUpnEndpointIdentityPeerEndpointIdentityDnsEndpointIdentityendpointIdentityTryGetContextIdentityflowIdentityConvertToIDFxIdentityThrowIfInvalidReplyIdentityget_PrimaryIdentitySerializePrimaryIdentityDeserializePrimaryIdentityprimaryIdentitylpwszIdentityidentityget_Activityset_ActivityCreateAsyncActivityCreateLightWeightAsyncActivityCreateBoundedActivityCompletedActivitySuccessfullyIncrementedActivityboundActivityget_EventTraceActivityset_EventTraceActivityEnsureEventTraceActivitychannelEventTraceActivityeventTraceActivityIID_IServiceActivityget_ShouldUseActivityset_ShouldUseActivityshouldUseActivityCreateCloseActivityCoCreateActivityget_PropagateActivityset_PropagateActivityget_ShouldPropagateActivityshouldPropagateActivityOnRemoteActivityExtractAndRemoveActivityTraceCodeComIntegrationEnteringActivityTryAttachActivityUpdateAsyncOperationContextWithActivityget_CallbackActivityset_CallbackActivitycallbackActivityOnLocalActivitySetPreviousServiceModelActivitychangeCurrentServiceModelActivityCreateProcessActionActivityNoActivityCleanupActivityTransferActivityTraceCodePeerMaintainerActivityget_PropagateUserActivityStartReceiveBytesActivityget_PreviousActivitypreviousActivityStartListenAtActivityTryExtractActivitySetActivityTraceCodeComIntegrationLeftActivityDecrementActivityIncrementActivityinheritCurrentActivitycurrentActivityget_EventActivityeventActivitylastActivityExtractAsyncOperationContextActivitynewActivityCopyActivityactivityExceededMaxPolicyComplexityget_EmptySfxReflectedContractKeyNotFoundEmptyUriGeneratorSchemeMustNotBeEmptyConfigXPathFilterMustNotBeEmptySFxConfigurationNameCannotBeEmptySFxOperationDescriptionNameCannotBeEmptySFxContractDescriptionNameCannotBeEmptySFxWrapperNameCannotBeEmptySFxNameCannotBeEmptyClaimTypeCannotBeEmptyParameterCannotBeEmptySFxMetadataResolverKnownContractsArgumentCannotBeEmptySFxParametersMustBeEmptyCloseIfEmptyOnEmptyOuterNameOfElementExtensionEmptySFXBindingNameCannotBeNullOrEmptySFXHeaderNameCannotBeNullOrEmptyConfigBindingTypeCannotBeNullOrEmptyConfigEndpointTypeCannotBeNullOrEmptyIsNullOrEmptyget_IsEmptyNonEmptyWsrmMessageIsEmptyX509ChainIsEmptyTraceCodeExtensionCollectionIsEmptySecurityHeaderIsEmptySFxDictionaryIsEmptyisEmptyget_IsNotEmptyisDecryptedBodyEmptyNotifyEmptyEmptyEmptyemptyTPropertyget_ViaPropertyviaPropertyHttpResponseMessageBackedPropertyHttpRequestMessageBackedPropertyuseHttpBackedPropertyhttpBackedPropertyenabledPropertyAddAddressedPropertyGetAddressedPropertyFindPropertyget_IsReferencePropertyisReferencePropertyget_SupportingTokenAttachmentModePropertysupportingTokenAttachmentModePropertyget_KeyUsagePropertyIMessagePropertyCorrelationDataMessagePropertyIMergeEnabledMessagePropertyCreateTraditionalResponseMessagePropertyTraditionalHttpResponseMessagePropertyDuplicateMessagePropertyBufferedReceiveMessagePropertyChannelBindingMessagePropertyrpcCallbackMessagePropertyRpcCorrelationCallbackMessagePropertyCorrelationMessagePropertyMsmqIntegrationMessagePropertyget_IgnoreTransactionMessagePropertyset_IgnoreTransactionMessagePropertyignoreTransactionMessagePropertyConnectionMessagePropertyget_BootstrapMessagePropertyset_BootstrapMessagePropertybootstrapMessagePropertyMsmqMessagePropertyPeerMessagePropertySupportedCompressionTypesMessagePropertyIAspNetMessagePropertyWebSocketMessagePropertyget_RemoteEndpointMessagePropertyremoteEndpointMessagePropertyCreateTraditionalRequestMessagePropertyTraditionalHttpRequestMessagePropertyCallbackContextMessagePropertyRequestContextMessagePropertycontextMessagePropertyImpersonateOnSerializingReplyMessagePropertyhandshakeSecurityMessageProperty_securityMessagePropertymessagePropertyEnsureAcknowledgePropertyget_EndpointFilterTablePropertyendpointFilterTablePropertyget_HttpAuthenticationSchemePropertyhttpAuthenticationSchemePropertyget_TransportSchemePropertytransportSchemePropertyEventTraceActivityTimePropertyEnsureSenderIdTypePropertyCreateEventAsyncCompletedArgsTypePropertyEnsureBodyTypePropertyget_SuppressAuditFailurePropertysuppressAuditFailurePropertyresponsePropertyUpdatePropertyget_SecurityAlgorithmSuitePropertysecurityAlgorithmSuitePropertyTryGetAttributePropertyBytePropertyEnsureResponseQueuePropertyEnsureTimeToReachQueuePropertyEnsureAdminQueuePropertyEnsureDeadLetterQueuePropertyUnsupportedBindingPropertyget_IssuerBindingPropertyissuerBindingPropertyStringPropertyAddressingPropertyGetHostingPropertyLongPropertySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IMergeEnabledMessageProperty.TryMergeWithPropertyget_PrivacyNoticeUriPropertyprivacyNoticeUriPropertyCheckUriPropertyget_ListenUriPropertylistenUriPropertyMergeWithTraditionalPropertytraditionalPropertyEnsureJournalPropertyGetIndividualPropertyGetIdentityModelPropertyClientBaseChannelPropertyget_MessageAuthenticationAuditLevelPropertymessageAuthenticationAuditLevelPropertyurlPropertyFromPropertyBooleanPropertyget_IsOutOfBandTokenPropertyisOutOfBandTokenPropertysupportingTokenPropertyget_PrivacyNoticeVersionPropertyprivacyNoticeVersionPropertyget_MessageSecurityVersionPropertyget_DefaultMessageSecurityVersionPropertydefaultMessageSecurityVersionPropertymessageSecurityVersionPropertyget_AuditLogLocationPropertyauditLogLocationPropertyget_SupportSecurityContextCancellationPropertysupportSecurityContextCancellationPropertyMsmqMessageDoesntHaveIntegrationPropertyConfigurationPropertyget_ChannelParametersCollectionPropertychannelParametersCollectionPropertyget_ExposeConnectionPropertyset_ExposeConnectionPropertyexposeConnectionPropertyget_MessageDirectionPropertymessageDirectionPropertyget_MapToPropertyset_MapToPropertyAddHttpPropertyMsmqPropertymsmqPropertyCodeMemberPropertyFindHeaderPropertySetHeaderPropertyPeerPropertyBufferPropertyGetInnerPropertyget_PreferSslCertificateAuthenticatorPropertypreferSslCertificateAuthenticatorPropertyget_IsInitiatorPropertyisInitiatorPropertySessionContextIdsPropertyget_IssuedSecurityTokenParametersPropertyissuedSecurityTokenParametersPropertyget_DuplexClientLocalAddressPropertyduplexClientLocalAddressPropertyget_IssuerAddressPropertyissuerAddressPropertyget_TargetAddressPropertytargetAddressPropertyget_PossessPropertySystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiInstance.GetPropertySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.IChannel.GetPropertyTryGetPropertySystem.ServiceModel.Administration.IWmiInstance.SetPropertyIntPropertyget_SecurityBindingElementPropertyget_SecureConversationSecurityBindingElementPropertysecureConversationSecurityBindingElementPropertysecurityBindingElementPropertyShortPropertyCertSetCertificateContextPropertyget_IssuerBindingContextPropertyissuerBindingContextPropertyTransactionFlowPropertyCreateSecurityPropertyDoIden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value="wsa:ActionNotSupported"/> <xs:enumeration value="wsa:EndpointUnavailable"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:attribute name="Action" type="xs:anyURI"/> <!-- Common declarations and definitions --> <xs:complexType name="AttributedQName"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:QName"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="AttributedURI"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:anyURI"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema>U Client Server{ textxmlLangmaxBufferSize-XmlBufferQuotaExceeded/XmlBufferInInvalidState5UnsupportedSecuritySetting Mode9Message.ClientCredentialType=Transport.ClientCredentialTypeKConfigInvalidBindingConfigurationName!basicHttpBinding?HttpClientCredentialTypeInvalid#basicHttpsBinding 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cache7WhereaboutsSignatureMissingGWhereaboutsImplausibleProtocolCount+WhereaboutsNoHostNameOWhereaboutsImplausibleHostNameByteCount5WhereaboutsInvalidHostNameM{2adb4462-bd41-11d0-b12e-00c04fc2f3ef}WsatServiceDisabled/7Software\Microsoft\WSAT\3.0'OleTxUpgradeEnabled+WsatUriCreationFailed5InvalidWsatProtocolVersion+WhereaboutsReadFailedRemote/5WsatRegistryValueReadErrorurn:uuid:CTraceCodeTxFailedToNegotiateOleTx7WsatProtocolServiceDisabled7InboundTransactionsDisabled5SourceTransactionsDisabledOInvalidCoordinationContextTransactionId7UnmarshalTransactionFaulted)TMCommunicationErrorUMust have valid activation service address/WsatProxyCreationFailedCWsatMessagingInitializationFailedMInvalidRegistrationHeaderTransactionIdGInvalidRegistrationHeaderIdentifierAInvalidRegistrationHeaderTokenId=FailedToDeserializeIssuedToken#WsatHeaderCorrupt'Set CleanupInterval'Set RefreshInterval!Set ControlShaperegisterInfo1PeerNullRegistrationInfo-PeerInvalidMessageBodyupdateInfo 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CLSIDgTraceCodeComIntegrationDllHostInitializerAddingHost9CannotFindClsidInApplicationaTraceCodeComIntegrationDllHostInitializerStartedcTraceCodeComIntegrationDllHostInitializerStoppingaTraceCodeComIntegrationDllHostInitializerStopped7Provider should not be nullKPassed in type should be an Interface%MarshalByRefObjectWClass Type should not be null at this 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resultaNoSigningTokenAvailableToDoIncomingIdentityCheck}NoOutgoingEndpointAddressAvailableForDoingIdentityCheckOnReplyoNoOutgoingEndpointAddressAvailableForDoingIdentityCheck=MultipleCorrelationTokensFound/NoCorrelationTokenFound[CannotFindCorrelationStateForApplyingSecurityATokenNotExpectedInSecurityHeaderQRequiredTimestampMissingInSecurityHeaderSReplyWasNotSignedWithRequiredSigningTokenKFoundUnexpectedSignatureConfirmations3NotAllSignaturesConfirmedaSecurityBindingNotSetUpToProcessOutgoingMessagesaSecurityBindingNotSetUpToProcessIncomingMessagesCMessageSecurityVerificationFailedApplyIntegrity!RequireIntegritygForReplayDetectionToBeDoneRequireIntegrityMustBeSetSSignatureConfirmationRequiresRequestReplyeSecurityVersionDoesNotSupportSignatureConfirmation7InvalidOrUnrecognizedAction3NoSignaturePartsSpecified5NoEncryptionPartsSpecified/ProtocolMustBeInitiatorQIncomingSigningTokenMustBeAnEncryptedKey/SecurityTokenParametersiOnlyOneOfEncryptedKeyOrSymmetricBindingCanBeSelectedIRecipientSymmetricTokenAuthenticator%InvalidAsyncResultreferenceKIdentityCheckFailedForIncomingMessageKIdentityCheckFailedForOutgoingMessagemDnsIdentityCheckFailedForIncomingMessageLackOfDnsClaimQDnsIdentityCheckFailedForIncomingMessagemDnsIdentityCheckFailedForOutgoingMessageLackOfDnsClaimQDnsIdentityCheckFailedForOutgoingMessageYImpersonateOnSerializingReplyMessagePropertypropertiesspecification 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input;SecurityChannelBindingMissing1InvalidClientCredentialsGSspiErrorOrInvalidClientCredentials5IncorrectSpnOrUpnSpecified)innerTokenSerializer%secureConversationcacheSize/ProtocolMustBeRecipient=NoSessionTokenPresentInMessageaInitiatorSessionSymmetricMessageSecurityProtocol tokenseInitiatorSessionSymmetricTransportSecurityProtocol-securityContextTokenId;{0}/SecuritySessionContextIdsEPendingSessionsExceededFaultReason'EndpointUnavailableESecurityListenerClosingFaultReason=IssueSessionTokenHandlerNotSet=RenewSessionTokenHandlerNotSetKBootstrapSecurityBindingElementNotSetsecurity/CannotIssueRstTokenType-SecurityContextMissing5WrongIdentityRenewingTokenERenewSessionMissingSupportingToken-NoRenewTargetSpecifiedBadRenewTargetgSFxSecurityContextPropertyMissingFromRequestMessage_EncodingBindingElementDoesNotHandleReaderQuotas+TargetAddressIsNotSet-RequestSecuritySession Issue 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type='wsdl:tDocumentation' minOccurs='0' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <!-- allow extensibility via elements and attributes on all elements swa124 --> <xs:complexType name='tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' abstract='true' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tDocumented' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This type is extended by component types to allow attributes from other namespaces to be added. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##other' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tExtensibleDocumented' abstract='true' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tDocumented' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This type is extended by component types to allow elements from other namespaces to be added. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##other' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- original wsdl removed as part of swa124 resolution <xs:complexType name='tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' abstract='true' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tDocumented' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This type is extended by component types to allow attributes from other namespaces to be added. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tExtensibleDocumented' abstract='true' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tDocumented' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This type is extended by component types to allow elements from other namespaces to be added. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##other' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> --> <xs:element name='definitions' type='wsdl:tDefinitions' > <xs:key name='message' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:message' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:key> <xs:key name='portType' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:portType' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:key> <xs:key name='binding' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:binding' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:key> <xs:key name='service' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:service' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:key> <xs:key name='import' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:import' /> <xs:field xpath='@namespace' /> </xs:key> </xs:element> <xs:group name='anyTopLevelOptionalElement' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> Any top level optional element allowed to appear more then once - any child of definitions element except wsdl:types. Any extensibility element is allowed in any place. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:choice> <xs:element name='import' type='wsdl:tImport' /> <xs:element name='types' type='wsdl:tTypes' /> <xs:element name='message' type='wsdl:tMessage' > <xs:unique name='part' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:part' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:unique> </xs:element> <xs:element name='portType' type='wsdl:tPortType' /> <xs:element name='binding' type='wsdl:tBinding' /> <xs:element name='service' type='wsdl:tService' > <xs:unique name='port' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:port' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:unique> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:group> <xs:complexType name='tDefinitions' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:group ref='wsdl:anyTopLevelOptionalElement' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='targetNamespace' type='xs:anyURI' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tImport' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='namespace' type='xs:anyURI' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='location' type='xs:anyURI' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tTypes' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' /> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tMessage' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='part' type='wsdl:tPart' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tPart' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='element' type='xs:QName' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='type' type='xs:QName' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tPortType' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='operation' type='wsdl:tOperation' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tOperation' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:choice> <xs:group ref='wsdl:request-response-or-one-way-operation' /> <xs:group ref='wsdl:solicit-response-or-notification-operation' /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='parameterOrder' type='xs:NMTOKENS' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:group name='request-response-or-one-way-operation' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='input' type='wsdl:tParam' /> <xs:sequence minOccurs='0' > <xs:element name='output' type='wsdl:tParam' /> <xs:element name='fault' type='wsdl:tFault' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:sequence> </xs:group> <xs:group name='solicit-response-or-notification-operation' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='output' type='wsdl:tParam' /> <xs:sequence minOccurs='0' > <xs:element name='input' type='wsdl:tParam' /> <xs:element name='fault' type='wsdl:tFault' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:sequence> </xs:group> <xs:complexType name='tParam' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='message' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tFault' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='message' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tBinding' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='operation' type='wsdl:tBindingOperation' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='type' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tBindingOperationMessage' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tBindingOperationFault' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tBindingOperation' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='input' type='wsdl:tBindingOperationMessage' minOccurs='0' /> <xs:element name='output' type='wsdl:tBindingOperationMessage' minOccurs='0' /> <xs:element name='fault' type='wsdl:tBindingOperationFault' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tService' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='port' type='wsdl:tPort' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tPort' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='binding' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name='arrayType' type='xs:string' /> <xs:attribute name='required' type='xs:boolean' /> <xs:complexType name='tExtensibilityElement' abstract='true' > <xs:attribute ref='wsdl:required' use='optional' /> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema>!<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <xs:schema xmlns:soap='' xmlns:wsdl='' targetNamespace='' xmlns:xs=''> <xs:import namespace='' /> <xs:simpleType name='encodingStyle'> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> 'encodingStyle' indicates any canonicalization conventions followed in the contents of the containing element. For example, the value '' indicates the pattern described in SOAP specification </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:list itemType='xs:anyURI' /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='binding' type='soap:tBinding' /> <xs:complexType name='tBinding'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:attribute name='transport' type='xs:anyURI' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='style' type='soap:tStyleChoice' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name='tStyleChoice'> <xs:restriction base='xs:string'> <xs:enumeration value='rpc' /> <xs:enumeration value='document' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='operation' type='soap:tOperation' /> <xs:complexType name='tOperation'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:attribute name='soapAction' type='xs:anyURI' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='style' type='soap:tStyleChoice' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='body' type='soap:tBody' /> <xs:attributeGroup name='tBodyAttributes'> <xs:attribute name='encodingStyle' type='soap:encodingStyle' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='use' type='soap:useChoice' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='namespace' type='xs:anyURI' use='optional' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:complexType name='tBody'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:attribute name='parts' type='xs:NMTOKENS' use='optional' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='soap:tBodyAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name='useChoice'> <xs:restriction base='xs:string'> <xs:enumeration value='literal' /> <xs:enumeration value='encoded' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='fault' type='soap:tFault' /> <xs:complexType name='tFaultRes' abstract='true'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:restriction base='soap:tBody'> <xs:attribute ref='wsdl:required' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='parts' type='xs:NMTOKENS' use='prohibited' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='soap:tBodyAttributes' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tFault'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='soap:tFaultRes'> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='header' type='soap:tHeader' /> <xs:attributeGroup name='tHeaderAttributes'> <xs:attribute name='message' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='part' type='xs:NMTOKEN' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='use' type='soap:useChoice' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='encodingStyle' type='soap:encodingStyle' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='namespace' type='xs:anyURI' use='optional' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:complexType name='tHeader'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' ref='soap:headerfault' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attributeGroup ref='soap:tHeaderAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='headerfault' type='soap:tHeaderFault' /> <xs:complexType name='tHeaderFault'> <xs:attributeGroup ref='soap:tHeaderAttributes' /> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='address' type='soap:tAddress' /> <xs:complexType name='tAddress'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:attribute name='location' type='xs:anyURI' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema>s<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs='' xmlns:tns='' targetNamespace='' > <xs:attribute name='root' > <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base='xs:boolean'> <xs:pattern value='0|1' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attributeGroup name='commonAttributes' > <xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:ID' /> <xs:attribute name='href' type='xs:anyURI' /> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:simpleType name='arrayCoordinate' > <xs:restriction base='xs:string' /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:attribute name='arrayType' type='xs:string' /> <xs:attribute name='offset' type='tns:arrayCoordinate' /> <xs:attributeGroup name='arrayAttributes' > <xs:attribute ref='tns:arrayType' /> <xs:attribute ref='tns:offset' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:attribute name='position' type='tns:arrayCoordinate' /> <xs:attributeGroup name='arrayMemberAttributes' > <xs:attribute ref='tns:position' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:group name='Array' > <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##any' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:group> <xs:element name='Array' type='tns:Array' /> <xs:complexType name='Array' > <xs:group ref='tns:Array' minOccurs='0' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:arrayAttributes' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='Struct' type='tns:Struct' /> <xs:group name='Struct' > <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##any' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:group> <xs:complexType name='Struct' > <xs:group ref='tns:Struct' minOccurs='0' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes'/> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name='base64' > <xs:restriction base='xs:base64Binary' /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='duration' type='tns:duration' /> <xs:complexType name='duration' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:duration' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='dateTime' type='tns:dateTime' /> <xs:complexType name='dateTime' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:dateTime' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='NOTATION' type='tns:NOTATION' /> <xs:complexType name='NOTATION' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:QName' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='time' type='tns:time' /> <xs:complexType name='time' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:time' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='date' type='tns:date' /> <xs:complexType name='date' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:date' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gYearMonth' type='tns:gYearMonth' /> <xs:complexType name='gYearMonth' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gYearMonth' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gYear' type='tns:gYear' /> <xs:complexType name='gYear' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gYear' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gMonthDay' type='tns:gMonthDay' /> <xs:complexType name='gMonthDay' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gMonthDay' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gDay' type='tns:gDay' /> <xs:complexType name='gDay' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gDay' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gMonth' type='tns:gMonth' /> <xs:complexType name='gMonth' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gMonth' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='boolean' type='tns:boolean' /> <xs:complexType name='boolean' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:boolean' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='base64Binary' type='tns:base64Binary' /> <xs:complexType name='base64Binary' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:base64Binary' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='hexBinary' type='tns:hexBinary' /> <xs:complexType name='hexBinary' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:hexBinary' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='float' type='tns:float' /> <xs:complexType name='float' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:float' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='double' type='tns:double' /> <xs:complexType name='double' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:double' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='anyURI' type='tns:anyURI' /> <xs:complexType name='anyURI' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:anyURI' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='QName' type='tns:QName' /> <xs:complexType name='QName' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:QName' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='string' type='tns:string' /> <xs:complexType name='string' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:string' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='normalizedString' type='tns:normalizedString' /> <xs:complexType name='normalizedString' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:normalizedString' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='token' type='tns:token' /> <xs:complexType name='token' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:token' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='language' type='tns:language' /> <xs:complexType name='language' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:language' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='Name' type='tns:Name' /> <xs:complexType name='Name' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:Name' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='NMTOKEN' type='tns:NMTOKEN' /> <xs:complexType name='NMTOKEN' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:NMTOKEN' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> 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DispatchOperationRuntime found to process message.oSFxNoEndpointMatchingAddressForConnectionOpeningMessage+SFxNonExceptionThrownITraceCodeFailedToOpenIncomingChannel-DestinationUnreachable9SFxNoEndpointMatchingAddress-SFxMissingActionHeader;SFxNoEndpointMatchingContract#SessionTerminated+SFxChannelTerminated0/RuntimeRequiresInvoker0CDispatchRuntimeRequiresFormatter0ICallContextInitializer.BeforeInvoke threw an exception of type {0}: {1}?IOperationInvoker.BeginDispatch7SFxInvalidAsyncResultState05SFxNullReplyFromFormatter2KSFxDispatchRuntimeMessageCannotBeNull+SFxInvalidReplyAction {NULL}5SFxNullReplyFromExtension2STraceCodeServiceOperationExceptionOnReplyKTraceCodeServiceOperationMissingReplyYTraceCodeServiceOperationMissingReplyContext?TraceCodeProcessMessage31Paused?SFxOneWayMessageToTwoWayMethod0'SFxRequestReplyNoneGSFxRequestHasInvalidReplyToOnServerGSFxRequestHasInvalidFaultToOnServerASFxRequestHasInvalidFromOnServer=TraceCodeProcessMessage2Paused=TraceCodeProcessMessage3Paused=TraceCodeProcessMessage4Paused'SFxRequestTimedOut2'SFxRequestTimedOut1_SFxEndpointDispatcherMultipleChannelDispatcher0aSFxEndpointDispatcherDifferentChannelDispatcher0EExtraContentIsPresentInFaultDetail?xmlSerializerFaultContractInfosqualifiedNameITraceCodeServiceThrottleLimitReachedYTraceCodeServiceThrottleLimitReachedInternalcBeginTryReceive should not have a pending result.gHandleReceive invoked without an outstanding resultoInstanceContextProviderBase.GetProviderForMode: default)UnknownListenerType1listenerBinderthrottle1SFxParametersMustBeEmptyGSFxParameterMustBeArrayOfOneElementaSFxMessageOperationFormatterCannotSerializeFault-SFxResultMustBeMessage3SFxParameterMustBeMessage+ServiceBusyCountTraceESFxErrorDeserializingReplyBodyMoreYSFxMessageContractRequiresDefaultConstructorISFxErrorDeserializingRequestBodyMoremessageVersion3SFxDocEncodedNotSupportedCSFxTypedMessageCannotBeRpcLiteralgSFxTypedOrUntypedMessageCannotBeMixedWithParameterseSFxTypedOrUntypedMessageCannotBeMixedWithVoidInRpc3SFxDeserializationFailed1+DeserializationFailed5SFxTraceCodeElementIgnoredElementUSFxInvalidUseOfPrimitiveOperationFormatters ConcatToStringBox Unbox InvokeBegin method  {} End methodDeclare local '' of type Callvirt  on type Static Call Call Newobj Initobj LdnullMSFxCodeGenCanOnlyStoreIntoArgOrLocGot0Castclass Box Unbox Ldobj Stobj Ldtoken Ldc ;SFxCodeGenUnknownConstantTypeLdc.i4 1Ldc.i4 0Ldc.i4 Ldstr Ldloc Stloc Ldloca Ldarg Starg Ldarga 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should be null when resetting currentUTraceCodeTxCompletionStatusRemainsAttachedowe should never get here with a requestTransaction nullKHosting_CompatibilityServiceNotHostedSystem.Web,5Software\Microsoft\InetSTP[Hosting_VirtualPathExtenstionCanNotBeDetached3System.Web.Security.Roles=System.Web.Security.MembershipGSystem.Web.Configuration.WebContext, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aEnabledProviderProviders Item!ApplicationLevelGlobal\ /{0}/NT Service\{0}5performanceCountersEnabledallowAccounts+maxPendingConnections#maxPendingAcceptsreceiveTimeout00:00:30'24.20:31:23.6470000listenBacklogteredoEnabled%securityIdentifier{0}/{1}=system.serviceModel.activationdiagnostics configS-1-5-32-568+clientCallbackAddress1contextExchangeMechanismprotectionLevel1contextManagementEnabled)netTcpContextBinding-contextProtectionLevel)wsHttpContextBinding/basicHttpContextBindingpackageFullNamesessionIdsettingsCurrentSession%allowedAudienceUriaddheadersAserviceAuthenticationManagerType+authenticationSchemes[ConfigInvalidServiceAuthenticationManagerTypepolicyTypemessageEncoding)clientCredentialTypetransport#endpointBehaviors!serviceBehaviorsValidateBehaviorReference() should only called with valid ContextInformation;ConfigInvalidEndpointBehavior9ConfigInvalidServiceBehaviormaxReadPoolSize!maxWritePoolSizemaxSessionSizereaderQuotas#compressionFormatbindingElementEConfigInvalidTypeForBindingElement#bindingExtensionsCConfigExtensionCollectionNotFoundYConfigExtensionTypeNotRegisteredInCollectioncustomBindingnetHttpsBinding=ConfigBindingExtensionNotFound_The TryAdd(string name, Binding binding, Configuration config, out string binding) variant of this function should always be called first. The Configuration object is not set. TryAddValidateBindingReference() should only called with valid ContextInformation)ConfigInvalidSection1ConfigInvalidBindingName)bindingConfigurationencodedValuestoreNamestoreLocationx509FindTypeisChainIncluded+behaviorConfiguration kind+endpointConfiguration3contractType:{0};name:{1}idleTimeoutleaseTimeout=maxOutboundChannelsPerEndpoint viaUriisOptional=includeExceptionDetailInFaults-ConfigInvalidAttribute%transactionTimeout1useIdentityConfiguration#clientCertificate%serviceCertificatewindowsissuedTokenhttpDigest 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Soap11 Soap12+customDeadLetterQueuedeadLetterQueuedurableexactlyOncemaxRetryCycles+receiveContextEnabled)receiveErrorHandling#receiveRetryCountretryCycleDelaytimeToLive!useSourceJournaluseMsmqTracing!validityDuration00:30:001.00:00:00'serializationFormat+msmqTransportSecuritymaxPoolSize+queueTransferProtocol%useActiveDirectory-msmqAuthenticationMode/msmqEncryptionAlgorithm'msmqProtectionLevel/msmqSecureHashAlgorithmwriteEncodinggroupNameCmaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint9applicationContainerSettings-connectionPoolSettingspipeSettingsreliableSessiontransportUsagesubProtocol=createNotificationOnConnection#keepAliveInterval+disablePayloadMasking#-00:00:00.0010000listenIPAddressresolvertransactionFlow'transactionProtocolmaxConnections'mexNamedPipeBinding%portSharingEnabledmexTcpBindingenabled/optionalReliableSession%peerAuthentication7messageSenderAuthentication credsresolverType'PeerResolverInvalid%PeerCustomResolverreferralPolicy customcredentialType%System.ServiceModel.Channels.UdpTransportImporter, System.ServiceModel.Channels, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35Policy12Policy15!manualAddressing-channelEndpointElement-serviceEndpointElement9ConfigInvalidTypeForEndpointordered/acknowledgementInterval%flowControlEnabled%maxPendingChannelsmaxRetryCount+maxTransferWindowSize1reliableMessagingVersion1securityStateEncoderTypeKConfigInvalidSecurityStateEncoderType+defaultAlgorithmSuiteEallowSerializedSigningTokenOnReply/enableUnsecuredResponse%authenticationMode%requireDerivedKeys)securityHeaderLayout!includeTimestamp-allowInsecureTransportkeyEntropyMode'localClientSettings)localServiceSettings-messageProtectionOrderprotectTokensErequireSecurityContextCancellation9requireSignatureConfirmation9canRenewSecurityContextToken%AuthenticationMode}ConfigurationSchemaInsuffientForSecurityBindingElementInstanceiConfigurationSchemaContainsX509IssuerSerialReference7secureConversationBootstrapQSecureConversationNeedsBootstrapSecuritymSecureConversationBootstrapCannotUseSecureConversation/principalPermissionMode!roleProviderNameCimpersonateCallerForAllOperations;impersonateOnSerializingReply?serviceAuthorizationManagerTypeIInvalidRoleProviderSpecifiedInConfigYConfigInvalidServiceAuthorizationManagerTypeIConfigInvalidAuthorizationPolicyType-userNameAuthentication+identityConfiguration+windowsAuthentication3issuedTokenAuthenticationAsecureConversationAuthenticationGConfigInvalidServiceCredentialsType!bindingNamespacelistenUriMode1baseAddressPrefixFilters%serviceActivations5aspNetCompatibilityEnabled9closeIdleServicesAtLowMemoryQminFreeMemoryPercentageToActivateService7multipleSiteBindingsEnabled_Hosting_MemoryGatesCheckFailedUnderPartialTrustnet.msmqschemeType1externalMetadataLocationhttpGetEnabledhttpGetUrlhttpsGetEnabledhttpsGetUrlhttpGetBinding7httpGetBindingConfigurationhttpsGetBinding9httpsGetBindingConfigurationpolicyVersion%serviceCredentialscallbackDebugclientVia%synchronousReceive3dispatcherSynchronizationserviceMetadataserviceDebugserviceHealth9serviceAuthenticationManager)serviceAuthorization)serviceSecurityAudit#serviceThrottling%transactedBatching-dataContractSerializerserviceTimeouts!callbackTimeoutsGuseRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress clear remove+binaryMessageEncodingcompositeDuplex oneWayhttpsTransporthttpTransportmsmqIntegrationmsmqTransport'mtomMessageEncoding%namedPipeTransportpeerTransport!pnrpPeerResolverprivacyNoticeAt#sslStreamSecuritytcpTransport'textMessageEncoding9unrecognizedPolicyAssertions-useManagedPresentation+windowsStreamSecurityudpTransport-System.ServiceModel.Configuration.UdpTransportElement, System.ServiceModel.Channels, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35udpBinding=System.ServiceModel.Configuration.UdpBindingCollectionElement, System.ServiceModel.Channels, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35mexEndpoint{0} is not a type supported by the ServiceModelExtensionsSection collections.ETraceCodeEvaluationContextNotFound{0} is not a valid ServiceModelExtensionsSection collection name.)suppressAuditFailure=serviceAuthorizationAuditLevel?messageAuthenticationAuditLevelsslProtocols5transportConfigurationType=transportConfigurationTypeName=userNamePasswordValidationMode)includeWindowsGroups-membershipProviderNameGcustomUserNamePasswordValidatorType!cacheLogonTokens)maxCachedLogonTokens1cachedLogonTokenLifetimeuserNameUInvalidMembershipProviderSpecifiedInConfigUConfigInvalidUserNamePasswordValidatorTypeallowNtlm3allowedImpersonationLevel)allowAnonymousLogonsmaxDepth-maxStringContentLengthmaxArrayLengthmaxBytesPerRead+maxNameTableCharCountxmlElement3ConfigXmlElementMustBeSet3ignoreExtensionDataObject+maxItemsInObjectGraphnodeQuota?ConfigXPathFilterMustNotBeEmptyImapClientCertificateToWindowsAccount 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array start/ConfigInvalidStartValueIConfigKeyNotFoundInElementCollection)ConfigKeysDoNotMatchIsDefinedQTraceCodeConfiguredExtensionTypeNotFoundGTraceCodeExtensionCollectionIsEmptyQTraceCodeExtensionCollectionDoesNotExistElementTypeCollectionNameQTraceCodeExtensionCollectionNameNotFound[ConfigNoExtensionCollectionAssociatedWithTypeextensionType%ConfigDuplicateKey7ConfigElementTypeNotAllowedeTraceCodeExtensionElementAlreadyExistsInCollectionATraceCodeConfigurationIsReadOnly+ConfiguredSectionNameelementTypeelementName'ConfigDuplicateItem;ConfigInvalidExtensionElementCConfigInvalidExtensionElementName#ConfigInvalidType!standardEndpointThe TryAdd(string name, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, Configuration config, out string endpointSectionName) variant of this function should always be called first. The Configuration object is not set.ValidateEndpointReference() should only called with valid ContextInformation3ConfigInvalidEndpointNameEnumType)FlagEnumTypeExpected'InvalidFlagEnumTypeInfiniteinfiniteSConfigInvalidTransactionFlowProtocolValue=UnrecognizedBindingAssertions13<wsdl:binding name='{0}'>7<wsdl:operation name='{0}'><wsdl:input><wsdl:output>)ConfigInvalidKeyType3XPathMessageFilterElement/ConfigXPathFilterIsNullEConfigXPathNamespacePrefixNotFound9ConfigCannotParseXPathFiltercomContractuserDefinedTypeCSFXBindingNameCannotBeNullOrEmpty=SecurityCapabilitiesMismatched=CustomBindingRequiresTransport?SFxCustomBindingNeedsTransport1CTransportBindingElementMustBeLast)InvalidBindingSchemeAMessageVersionMissingFromBinding%bindingElementTypeinnerChannelCChannelParametersCannotBeModifiedCCommunicationObjectInInvalidStateGChannelParametersCannotBePropagatedchannelManager/TraceCodeChannelCreated1TraceCodeChannelDisposedChannelBuilder.ctor (this.binding.Elements.Find<ChannelDemuxerBindingElement>() != null)?TransportBindingElementNotFound;TraceCodePrematureDatagramEofAPreviousChannelDemuxerOpenFailed)UnableToDemuxChannelIReplyChannelDemuxer.Dispatch (false)]ReplyChannelDemuxer.EnqueueAndDispatch (false)'demuxFailureHandlerUChannelFactoryCannotBeUsedToCreateChannelsGTraceCodeCommunicationObjectAbortedOnClosingOnClosedOTraceCodeCommunicationObjectAbortFailedtimeoutOTraceCodeCommunicationObjectCloseFaileduCommunicationObject.BeginClose: Unknown CommunicationStateOnOpeningMTraceCodeCommunicationObjectOpenFailedUCommunicationObjectCannotBeModifiedInStateWCommunicationObjectBaseClassMethodNotCalled7CommunicationObjectFaulted17CommunicationObjectAborted1ActivityCloseActivityOpen}DoneReceivingInCurrentState: Unknown CommunicationObject.stateOTraceCodeCommunicationObjectFaultReasonICommunicationObjectCloseInterrupted1oGetTerminalException: Invalid CommunicationObject.stateOnOpenedETraceCodeCommunicationObjectClosedGTraceCodeCommunicationObjectClosingGTraceCodeCommunicationObjectFaultedETraceCodeCommunicationObjectOpenedGTraceCodeCommunicationObjectOpeningcThrowIfFaulted: Unknown CommunicationObject.stateaThrowIfClosed: Unknown CommunicationObject.stateeThrowIfDisposed: Unknown CommunicationObject.stateqThrowIfClosedOrOpened: Unknown CommunicationObject.state{ThrowIfDisposedOrImmutable: Unknown CommunicationObject.statewThrowIfDisposedOrNotOpen: Unknown CommunicationObject.statesThrowIfClosedOrNotOpen: Unknown CommunicationObject.stateReceiveTimedOut;ReceiveTimedOutNoLocalAddress1TraceCodeMessageReceived5InnerListenerFactoryNotSetqLifetimeManager.DecrementBusyCount: (this.busyCount > 0)#SFxCloseTimedOut1)TraceCodeMessageSent+ReceiveContextFaulted9ReceiveContextInInvalidState5ReceiveContextCannotBeUsedReceiveContextuSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.RemoteEndpointMessageProperty-ReceiveRequestTimedOutIReceiveRequestTimedOutNoLocalAddressITraceCodeRequestChannelReplyReceived5RequestChannelSendTimedOutERequestChannelWaitForReplyTimedOut9TraceCodeRequestContextAbort+RequestContextAborted!ReplyAlreadySentWSuppliedMessageIsNotAReplyItHasNoRelatesTo0!MissingMessageID!ReadNotSupported!SeekNotSupported/WriterAsyncWritePending'NoAsyncWritePendingStreamClosed7WriteAsyncWithoutFreeBuffer5MaxSentMessageSizeExceeded!DnsResolveFailed=MaxReceivedMessageSizeExceeded7StreamDoesNotSupportTimeout3MultipleMebesInParameters!InvalidUriScheme9context.ListenUriBaseAddress7Temporary_Listen_Addresses//TraceCodeOpenedListenerGTraceCodeNoExistingTransportManager[TraceCodeIncompatibleExistingTransportManagerIHosting_NoHttpTransportManagerForUriOHosting_NoTcpPipeTransportManagerForUriENoCompatibleTransportManagerForUri?MessageTextEncodingNotSupportedencodingutf-16LEutf-16BE 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twice.iconnection/OffsetExceedsBufferSize?SizeExceedsRemainingBufferSpacemaxAcceptsKTraceCodeMaxPendingConnectionsReached_TraceCodeServerMaxPooledConnectionsQuotaReached/FramingModeNotSupported!EndpointNotFound;DuplexSessionListenerNotFoundKTraceCodeConnectionPoolCloseException;TraceCodeFailedAcceptFromPool[OperationAbortedDuringConnectionEstablishmentconnectionclosedCallbackCTraceCodeChannelConnectionDroppedMTraceCodeStreamSecurityUpgradeAcceptedTimeoutOnOpen=DuplexChannelAbortedDuringOpenIinvalid framing client state machine9ServerRejectedUpgradeRequest;ServerRejectedSessionPreamble1FramingValueNotAvailable'FramingSizeTooLarge5InvalidDecoderStateMachine#FramingViaTooLong!FramingViaNotUri'FramingFaultTooLong;FramingMaxMessageSizeExceeded9FramingModeNotSupportedFault; charset=utf-8/text/xml; charset=utf16;text/xml; charset=unicodeFFFEGapplication/soap+xml; charset=utf-8Gapplication/soap+xml; charset=utf16Sapplication/soap+xml; charset=unicodeFFFE#multipart/related/application/soap+msbin1=application/soap+msbinsession1;PreambleAckIncorrectMaybeHttp)PreambleAckIncorrect3FramingRecordTypeMismatch5FramingVersionNotSupported'FramingPrematureEOFFramingErrorFramingAtEnd'messageFrame.OffsetISpaceNeededExceedsMessageFrameOffset+FramingEncodingStringBeginReceive: DecodeMessage() should consume the outstanding buffer or return a message.Receive: DecodeMessage() should consume the outstanding buffer or return a message.OnAsyncReadComplete: DecodeMessage() should consume the outstanding buffer or return a message.3ActivityProcessingMessage/MessageXmlProtocolErrorURemoteSecurityNotNegotiatedOnStreamUpgrade-WaitForMessageTimedOut!ReceiveTimedOut27Hosting_MisformattedBinding1Hosting_MisformattedPort?Hosting_MisformattedBindingData path :80: :443: 808:*9Hosting_NotSupportedProtocolGHosting_BaseUriDeserializedNotValid+!NetPipeActivator#NetTcpPortSharingICB2F6723-AB3A-11D2-9C40-00C04FA30A3EICB2F6722-AB3A-11D2-9C40-00C04FA30A3EAllowHelper..ctor() GetDefaultDomain did not return the default domain!9Sharing_ListenerProxyStoppedkerberosnegotiate ntlmcClientCredentialsUnableToCreateLocalTokenProvider!upgradeInitiator7UnsupportedUpgradeInitiatorUStreamUpgradeUnsupportedChannelBindingKindupgradeAcceptor5UnsupportedUpgradeAcceptor)InvalidTokenProvided'application/ssl-tls'NegotiationFailedIO;TraceCodeSslClientCertMissingSOperationInvalidBeforeSecurityNegotiation'mutualAuthRequested%mutualAuthRequiredAHttpTargetNameDictionaryConflictCHttpsServerCertThumbprintMismatch/NoUserNameTokenProvided-PackageFullNameInvalid'SessionValueInvalidE;SessionId={0};PackageFullName={1}QTraceCodeNamedPipeChannelMessageReceived pipeCPipeConnectionAbortedReadTimedOutEPipeConnectionAbortedWriteTimedOut_Read I/O already pending when BeginRead called.cWrite I/O already pending when BeginWrite called.'PipeWriteIncomplete;PipeCantCloseWithPendingWrite-PipeShutdownWriteError+PipeShutdownReadErrorPipeCloseFailed9TraceCodePipeConnectionAbort+PipeDuplicationFailedPipeClosed%PipeSignalExpected%PipeAlreadyClosingPipeReadPending/PipeAlreadyShuttingDown!PipeWritePendingoStartSyncRead called when read I/O was already pending.!PipeReadTimedOutsStartSyncWrite called when write I/O was already pending.#PipeWriteTimedOut#PipeConnectFailed5TraceCodeFailedPipeConnect)PipeEndpointNotFoundMTraceCodeInitiatingNamedPipeConnection)PipeModeChangeFailed1PipeConnectAddressFailedAPipeConnectTimedOutServerTooBusy'PipeConnectTimedOut)PipeListenerDisposed1PipeListenerNotListening!PipeListenFailed-PipeNameCantBeReserved;\\.\pipe\Sessions\{0}\{1}\{2}PipeNameInUse1PipeNameCanNotBeAccessed3PipeNameCanNotBeAccessed2\\.\pipe\\\.\pipe\Local\'Session\{0}\{1}\{2}:H:E Local\%PipeUriSchemeWrong'PipeKnownWin32Error+PipeUnknownWin32Error socket?TraceCodeSocketConnectionCreate9SocketAbortedReceiveTimedOut3SocketAbortedSendTimedOut=TraceCodeSocketConnectionAbort7SocketCloseReadReceivedData-SocketCloseReadTimeout=TraceCodeSocketConnectionCloseGTraceCodeSocketConnectionAbortClose1SocketConnectionDisposed StateTimeoutLocalEndpointRemoteEndPoint+TcpConnectionTimedOut3TcpLocalConnectionAborted/TcpConnectionResetError!TcpTransferError7TcpConnectionTimedOutWithIP;TcpConnectionResetErrorWithIP-TcpTransferErrorWithIPoSocketConnection.EndWrite called with no write pending.kSocketConnection.EndRead called with no read pending.TcpConnectError7TcpConnectErrorWithTimeSpan!TcpConnectNoBufs#InsufficentMemory'UnableToResolveHost5TcpConnectingToViaTimedOutATraceCodeInitiatingTcpConnection3NoIPEndpointsFoundForHost1TraceCodeTcpConnectError-SocketListenerDisposed5SocketListenerNotListeningTcpAddressInUseTcpListenErrorETraceCodeTcpChannelMessageReceived[]'TcpV6AddressInvalid'TcpV4AddressInvalid-UniquePortNotAvailable BODYMHttpAuthDoesNotSupportRequestStreaming3MultipleCCbesInParametersiUseDefaultWebProxyCantBeUsedWithExplicitProxyAddressSMultipleClientWebSocketFactoriesSpecified%HttpToMustEqualViaHttpSpnNotFoundsCreateAndOpenTokenProvider: Invalid authentication schemeWebSocketCannotCreateRequestClientChannelWithCertainWebSocketTransportUsageTransportUsageAWebSocketsClientSideNotSupported;TraceCodeHttpResponseReceivedResponseUristreamed POST{0}[{1}]SManualAddressingRequiresAddressedMessages?1application/octet-stream5HttpContentLengthIncorrect=HttpAddressingNoneHeaderOnWirestart-info7HttpSoapActionMismatchFault;HttpContentTypeHeaderRequired)Missing Content TypeCannot process the message because the content type '{0}' was not the expected type '{1}'.'ContentTypeMismatchkSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpInput.HttpStatusCodeySystem.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpInput.HttpStatusDescriptionGTraceCodeHttpChannelResponseAbortedETraceCodeHttpChannelRequestAborted?ResponseContentTypeNotSupportedMIME-VersioncontentType/InvalidContentTypeError HEADTimeoutOnSend+HttpNoTrackingService%HttpNetnameDeleted'HttpResponseAborted%TaskCancelledError'HttpRequestTimedOutReferer/CredentialDisallowsNtlmYGetCredential: Invalid authentication scheme#HttpServerTooBusy%MissingContentTypeO<h1>Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)</h1><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"""> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD> <BODY><h2>Bad Request - Invalid Hostname</h2> <hr><p>HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid.</p> </BODY></HTML> )SecureChannelFailureTrustFailure%HttpReceiveFailureHttpSendFailure]System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException#HttpTransferError%HttpRequestAborted)HttpResponseTimedOut5UnexpectedHttpResponseCode7NullReferenceOnHttpResponseMTraceCodeHttpChannelUnexpectedResponse/HttpAuthorizationFailed5HttpAuthorizationForbidden5HttpMutualAuthNotSatisfiedKDigestExplicitCredsImpersonationLevel7ResponseContentTypeMismatch gzipdeflate Allow!Content-Encoding!Content-Language!Content-LocationContent-MD5Content-RangeLast-ModifiedContent-TypeContent-Length1OffsetExceedsBufferBoundSOAPAction[ExtendedProtectionPolicyBasicAuthNotSupported_MessageVersionNoneRequiredForHttpMessageSupport1HttpAuthenticationFailedHOST/{0}HTTP/{0}OWebSocketsNotSupportedInClassicPipelineAWebSocketsServerSideNotSupportedWEBSOCKETKWebSocketMaxPendingConnectionsReached5WebSocketTransportSettingsYHttpMessageHandlerChannelFactoryNullPipelineMessageIsEmptyHttpStatusCode9AcceptWebSocketTimedOutErrorhttpRequesthttpResponse5HttpsIdentityMultipleCerts+HttpsExplicitIdentity {0}{1}uHttpsChannelFactory: SecurityTokenManager is null on open.7HttpAuthSchemeAndClientCertSTraceCodeHttpsClientCertificateNotPresentMTraceCodeHttpsClientCertificateInvalidOTraceCodeHttpsClientCertificateInvalid10xiwcf:HttpTransport:ValidateOptionalClientCertificates)ActivityReceiveBytesQTraceCodeHttpChannelMessageReceiveFailed!message dequeuedEUnrecognizedHostNameComparisonMode;HttpRegistrationAlreadyExists3HttpRegistrationPortInUse9HttpRegistrationAccessDenied;HttpRegistrationLimitExceeded)HttpInvalidListenURI3ServiceModel.HttpPipelineOHttpPipelineMessagePropertyMissingErrorIHttpPipelineMessagePropertyTypeError/WebSocketTransportErrorQWebSocketUpgradeFailedHeaderMissingErrorMWebSocketUpgradeFailedWrongHeaderError#soap-content-type=microsoft-binary-transfer-modekWebSocketContentTypeAndTransferModeMismatchFromServerMWebSocketContentTypeMismatchFromServer+Sec-WebSocket-VersionEWebSocketVersionMismatchFromServer-Sec-WebSocket-ProtocolMWebSocketSubProtocolMismatchFromServer#Sec-WebSocket-Key7WebSocketUpgradeFailedErrorConnectionUpgradewebsocket)Sec-WebSocket-AcceptUWebSocketUpgradeFailedInvalidProtocolErroraClientWebSocketFactory_GetWebSocketVersionFailed]ClientWebSocketFactory_InvalidWebSocketVersionYClientWebSocketFactory_CreateWebSocketFailedOClientWebSocketFactory_InvalidWebSocketSClientWebSocketFactory_InvalidSubProtocolOWebSocketInvalidProtocolNotInClientListAWebSocketInvalidProtocolNoHeader]WebSocketContextWebSocketCannotBeAccessedErrorI258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11wswssgWebSocketInvalidProtocolInvalidCharInProtocolString [{0}]ws://localhostCloseOperationSendOperation!ReceiveOperationCloseTimedOut+WebSocketSendTimedOut1WebSocketReceiveTimedOut5WebSocketOperationTimedOut1WebSocketMessageProperty/InputTypeListEmptyError#handlers[<<{0}>>]EHttpMessageHandlerTypeNotSupported7CanNotLoadTypeGotFromConfiguWebSocketElementConfigInvalidHttpMessageHandlerFactoryTypekHttpMessageHandlerFactoryWithFuncCannotGenerateConfig]DelegatingHandlerArrayFromFuncContainsNullItemYDelegatingHandlerArrayHasNonNullInnerHandlerInnerHandler{0}.{1}WWebSocketOpaqueStreamContentNotSupportError#SendToViaTimedOutSSendCannotBeCalledAfterCloseOutputSession]WebSocketInvalidProtocolEmptySubprotocolStringsWebSocketInvalidProtocolContainsMultipleSubProtocolString_WebSocketOpeningHandshakePropertiesNotAvailableRequestMessage'Content-Disposition1WebHeaderEmptyStringCall9WebHeaderInvalidControlChars3WebHeaderInvalidCRLFChars7WebHeaderInvalidHeaderChars;WebHeaderInvalidNonAsciiCharshk7WebHeaderArgumentOutOfRange%httpRequestMessage!MS_UserPrincipalWSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.MessageHeaders)CopyHttpHeaderFailedUResponseHeaderWithRequestHeadersCollectionURequestHeaderWithResponseHeadersCollection=OneWayInternalTypeNotSupportedow OneWaym]AuthenticationSchemesCannotBeInheritedFromHostYAuthenticationSchemes_BindingAndHostConflict/NegotiateAuthentication%NtlmAuthentication)DigestAuthentication'BasicAuthenticationg mswspe;urn:microsoft-com:correlationcorrelationKeyadditionalKeys5CorrelationMessagePropertyOverlappedContext.Free called while async operation is pending.}OverlappedContext.Free called while sync operation is pending.[OverlappedContext.Free called multiple times.]StartAsyncOperation called with null callback.qStartAsyncOperation called while another is in progress.StartAsyncOperation called while a sync operation was already pending.mStartAsyncOperation called on freed OverlappedContext.StartSyncOperation called while an operation was already pending.StartSyncOperation called while an async operation was already pending.kStartSyncOperation called on freed OverlappedContext.wWaitForSyncOperation called while no operation was pending.Pointer requested while no operation pending or no buffer provided.mNativeOverlapped pointer requested after it was freed.=Can't prevent heap corruption.batchAllocCount!acceptBufferSizekernel32.dll+AppPolicyGetClrCompat'GetCurrentPackageId uuidAUriGeneratorSchemeMustNotBeEmptyid=+DuplicateRegistrationicPrivacyNoticepolicyContextoCannotImportPrivacyNoticeElementWithoutVersionAttributeWPrivacyNoticeElementVersionAttributeInvalidIRequireFederatedIdentityProvisioningMQUTIL.DLL;poison ;retryGCommunicationObjectCannotBeModifiedprivate$\MsmqBadFrame%MsmqBadContentTypeMsmqBadXml'MsmqMessageProperty1MsmqDeserializationError?MsmqCannotDeserializeXmlMessage!MsmqReceiveError=MsmqAmbientTransactionInactive/MessageNotInLockedState/MsmqCannotReacquireLock=TraceCodeMsmqCannotPeekOnQueueQueueFormatName HostPublicQueues;TraceCodeMsmqCannotReadQueues1TraceCodeMsmqScanStartedQueueNameCanonicalPathITraceCodeMsmqMatchedApplicationFoundATraceCodeMsmqStartingApplicationApplicationVirtualPath9TraceCodeMsmqStartingService;TraceCodeMsmqFoundBaseAddressMSMQMessageIdWCFMessageId;TraceCodeMsmqDatagramReceived3TraceCodeMsmqDatagramSent7TraceCodeMsmqMessageDropped9TraceCodeMsmqMessageRejected[TraceCodeMsmqMessageLockedUnderTheTransaction'MSMQMessageLookupIdMTraceCodeMsmqMoveOrDeleteAttemptFailed+TraceCodeMsmqDetectedMSMQVersionITraceCodeMsmqPoisonMessageMovedRetryKTraceCodeMsmqPoisonMessageMovedPoisonETraceCodeMsmqPoisonMessageRejected+TraceCodeMsmqPoolFull[TraceCodeMsmqPotentiallyPoisonMessageDetected1TraceCodeMsmqQueueClosedFormatName1TraceCodeMsmqQueueOpenedYTraceCodeMsmqQueueTransactionalStatusUnknown!NumberOfMessages9TraceCodeMsmqSessiongramSentATraceCodeMsmqSessiongramReceivedAcknowledgmentKTraceCodeMsmqUnexpectedAcknowledgment/MsmqSessionChannelAbort3MsmqSessionPrematureClose=MsmqSessionMessagesNotConsumed/MsmqTransactionRequired7MsmqSameTransactionExpected1MsmqTransactionNotActiveSystem.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqChannelListenerBase.NormalizePoisonException(): (innerException == null)%MsmqBadCertificateMsmqNoSidmsmqMessage1certificateTokenProvider/MsmqCertificateNotFoundOMsmqSessionGramSizeMustBeInIntegerRange=MsmqTransactionCurrentRequired-MessageValidityExpired\mqrt.dll lock_MsmqOpenErrorIMsmqReceiveContextMessageNotReceivedCMsmqReceiveContextMessageNotMoved queue=DIRECT= TCP:OS:MMsmqGetPrivateComputerInformationErrorMsmqSendErrortransactionModeFORMATNAME:'MsmqPathLookupError/private$7MsmqWrongPrivateQueueSyntax/privateprivate$7MsmqNoAssurancesForVolatileSMsmqActiveDirectoryRequiresNativeTransfer7MsmqPerAppDLQRequiresCustom5MsmqPerAppDLQRequiresMsmq4AMsmqPerAppDLQRequiresExactlyOnce'MsmqDLQNotWriteable3MsmqTransactedDLQExpected7MsmqCustomRequiresPerAppDLQMMsmqExactlyOnceNeededForReceiveContextOMsmqReceiveContextSubqueuesNotSupported)MsmqQueueNotReadable?MsmqNonTransactionalQueueNeeded9MsmqTransactionalQueueNeeded-MsmqNoMoveForSubqueuesKMsmqDirectFormatNameRequiredForPoisonEMsmqAdvancedPoisonHandlingRequired5MsmqWindowsAuthnRequiresADEMsmqAuthNoneRequiresProtectionNoneSMsmqAuthCertificateRequiresProtectionSignQMsmqAuthWindowsRequiresProtectionNotNone1MsmqEncryptRequiresUseADMMsmqTokenProviderNeededForCertificates)MsmqInvalidMessageId)MsmqTimeSpanTooLarge?MsmqNonNegativeArgumentExpectedk msmqMsmqVolatileMsmqBestEffortMsmqSessionAuthenticatedWindowsDomain#channelParametersClientReliableChannelBinder supports creation of IDuplexChannel, IDuplexSessionChannel, IRequestChannel, and IRequestSessionChannel only.The derived class does not support the OnBeginRequest operation.}The derived class does not support the OnEndRequest operation.wThe derived class does not support the OnRequest operation.!TimeoutOnRequestACSRefusedAcksToMustEqualEndpoint+DiscardEntireSequenceUCSRefusedInvalidIncompleteSequenceBehaviorOCSRefusedRequiredSecurityElementMissingUCSRefusedUnexpectedElementAtEndOfCSMessage/CouldNotParseWithAction_CSResponseWithInvalidIncompleteSequenceBehaviorAArgument quota must be positive.ReliableChannelBinder was implemented with only 2 default masking modes, None and All.MustCloseChannel is false when there is no receive loop and this method is called when there is a receive loop.The binder should not detect the inner channel's faults until after the binder is opened.Caller is attempting to get a terminal exception in a non-terminal state.wThe derived class does not support the BeginSend operation.The derived class does not support the BeginTryReceive operation.sThe derived class does not support the EndSend operation.The derived class does not support the EndTryReceive operation.mThe derived class does not support the Send operation.yThe derived class does not support the TryReceive operation.Messaging operations cannot be called when the binder is in the Created state.Messaging operations cannot be called when the binder is in the Opening state.Caller cannot transition to the Closed state from a non-terminal state.This method was implemented only for the case where we do not mask exceptions.1RMEndpointNotFoundReasonQReceivedResponseBeforeRequestFaultStringYReceivedResponseBeforeRequestExceptionStringSSequenceTerminatedSessionClosedBeforeDone/SessionClosedBeforeDoneQSequenceTerminatedEarlyTerminateSequence-EarlyTerminateSequenceISequenceTerminatedSmallLastMsgNumberCSmallLastMsgNumberExceptionStringWSequenceTerminatedInconsistentLastMsgNumberQInconsistentLastMsgNumberExceptionString]SequenceTerminatedUnsupportedTerminateSequenceWUnsupportedTerminateSequenceExceptionString?UnsupportedCloseExceptionStringESequenceTerminatedUnsupportedCloseIFault must be UnknownSequence fault.In wsrm11, if we start getting UnknownSequence, terminateRequestor cannot be null.;CloseOutputSessionErrorReason3MaximumRetryCountExceeded)EarlySecurityFaulted%EarlySecurityCloseSReliable messaging version not supported.5Last can only be set once.%TimeoutOnOperationIExit can only be called after Enter.CArgument callback cannot be null.YArgument communicationObject cannot be null.?Initialize messageId only once.Not Supported.-Element not supported.EWS-ReliableMessaging 1.1 required.)Unsupported version.CSRefused?UnrecognizedFaultReceivedOnOpen+InvalidSequenceNumberaInvalidWsrmResponseSessionFaultedExceptionStringYInvalidWsrmResponseSessionFaultedFaultStringYWsrmMessageWithWrongRelatesToExceptionStringQWsrmMessageWithWrongRelatesToFaultString=MissingFinalAckExceptionStringCSequenceTerminatedMissingFinalAck-CSRefusedDuplexNoOffer+CSRefusedReplyNoOffer'CSRefusedInputOffer!ConflictingOffer1MessageExceptionOccurred%ConflictingAddressyMethod is meant for CloseSequence or TerminateSequence only.MWsrmRequestIncorrectReplyToFaultStringUWsrmRequestIncorrectReplyToExceptionStringGSupportedAddressingModeNotSupportedSSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCloseSequence/UnexpectedCloseSequenceUThe isLast overload does not take a state.SSequenceTerminatedAddLastToWindowTimedOutSSequenceTerminatedUnknownAddToWindowErrorArgument transferred must be a valid sequence number or 0 for protocol messages.=Argument reply cannot be null.WSequenceTerminatedNotAllRepliesAcknowledgedQNotAllRepliesAcknowledgedExceptionStringUSequenceTerminatedBeforeReplySequenceAcked;EarlyRequestTerminateSequenceAClose does not exist in Feb2005.If we start getting UnknownSequence, terminateRequestor cannot be null.[SequenceTerminatedReplyMissingAcknowledgement7ReplyMissingAcknowledgement3SequenceTerminatedOnAbortWSequenceTerminatedInactivityTimeoutExceeded)WrongIdentifierFault!Unknown version._This method must be called from a fault thread.[SequenceTerminatedUnexpectedTerminateSequence7UnexpectedTerminateSequencecSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCloseSequenceResponse?UnexpectedCloseSequenceResponseThe client reliable channel must set the polling handler prior to opening the client reliable session.+Unknown polling mode.)UnparsableCSResponseGInvalidWsrmResponseChannelNotOpened-CSResponseWithoutOffer9CSResponseWithoutOfferReason/CSResponseOfferRejected;CSResponseOfferRejectedReason'CSResponseWithOffer3CSResponseWithOfferReason?AcksToMustBeSameAsRemoteAddressKAcksToMustBeSameAsRemoteAddressReason{Can't resume polling if pollingMode != PollingMode.NotPolling=SequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSUnexpectedCSMSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSROfferId)UnexpectedCSROfferIdQSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedAckRequested-UnexpectedAckRequestedKSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSOfferId'UnexpectedCSOfferId?SequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSRUnexpectedCSRWSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedAcknowledgement3UnexpectedAcknowledgementkSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedTerminateSequenceResponseGUnexpectedTerminateSequenceResponseEArgument lower cannot be negative.eArgument upper cannot be less than argument lower.{0}-{1}SThe binder can't address a response twice ServerReliableChannelBinder supports creation of IDuplexChannel, IDuplexSessionChannel, IReplyChannel, and IReplySessionChannel only.AMessageAddressedByBinderPropertywThe caller is not allowed to get an invalid SequenceNumber.QTraceCodeWsrmNegativeElapsedTimeDetectedSArgument maxWindow size must be positive.[Last message supported only in February 2005.The reliable channel must throw prior to the call to Close() if there are outstanding send or request operations.The caller is not allowed to remove a message attempt when there are no message attempts.=SetLast supported only in 1.1.?Cannot set last more than once.KCan't add more than one last message.kArgument transferred must be a valid sequence number.#WsrmFaultReceivedeException message must not be accessed unless set.7Unsupported MessageVersion.wReliable messaging version must not be accessed unless set.cReliable messaging version cannot be set to null.cReliable messaging version must not be set twice.CInvalidAcknowledgementFaultReason=InvalidAcknowledgementReceivedILastMessageNumberExceededFaultReasonAMessageNumberRolloverFaultReason3SequenceClosedFaultStringWSequenceTerminatedMaximumRetryCountExceededQSequenceTerminatedQuotaExceededException5UnknownSequenceFaultReason=UnknownSequenceMessageReceived9UnknownSequenceFaultReceivedIFaultException can only be set once.AFaultReply can only be set once.5WsrmMessageProcessingError7WsrmRequiredExceptionString/WsrmRequiredFaultString=NoActionNoSequenceHeaderReason3UnrecognizedFaultReceivedANonWsrmFeb2005ActionNotSupported5NonEmptyWsrmMessageIsEmptyIMissingRelatesToOnWsrmResponseReason?CSRefusedAcksToMustEqualReplyTo1CSRefusedSSLNotSupported1CSRefusedSTRNoWSSecurity1CSRefusedNoSTRWSSecurity;MissingMessageIdOnWsrmRequest7MissingReplyToOnWsrmRequest)InvalidSequenceRange-InvalidBufferRemainingRMAssertion_[;MultipleVersionsFoundInPolicy_ assertion cannot be null.5BaseRetransmissionInterval%ExponentialBackoffMilliseconds5RequiredAttributeIsMissingMRequiredMillisecondsAttributeIncorrectQMillisecondsNotConvertibleToBindingRange wsrmp wsrmElementFoundElementRequired9ManualAddressingNotSupported1TransferModeNotSupported netrmpSequenceSTR#DeliveryAssuranceInOrdera ScopeLocations {0}RedirectCache!RedirectResource/RedirectUseIntermediary-RedirectGenericMessageSession scope CacheUseIntermediary'RetryGenericMessageWSecurityProtocolFactoryDoesNotSupportDuplexkSecurityProtocolFactoryShouldBeSetBeforeThisOperationcSecurityProtocolFactoryDoesNotSupportRequestReplyqExtendedProtectionPolicyCustomChannelBindingNotSupportedySecurityChannelListenerChannelExtendedProtectionNotSupported%credentialsManager{AsymmetricSecurityBindingElementNeedsInitiatorTokenParameters{AsymmetricSecurityBindingElementNeedsRecipientTokenParameters7MessageProtectionOrder: {0}CRequireSignatureConfirmation: {0}5InitiatorTokenParameters: 5RecipientTokenParameters: attributespropertyNameyCannotImportSupportingTokensForOperationWithoutRequestActionMCannotImportProtectionLevelForContract parts1 parts2{0}:{1}:{2}5ContractProtectionLevelKey[PolicyRequiresConfidentialityWithoutIntegrity+MaxPolicyRedirections_SecurityBindingElementCannotBeExpressedInConfig#elementToBeClonedIChannelDemuxerBindingElementNotFoundaddressingoIssuedTokenAuthenticationModeRequiresSymmetricIssuedKey5DefaultAlgorithmSuite: {0}+IncludeTimestamp: {0}'KeyEntropyMode: {0}7MessageSecurityVersion: {0}3SecurityHeaderLayout: {0}%ProtectTokens: {0}EEndpointSupportingTokenParameters:UOptionalEndpointSupportingTokenParameters:QOperationSupportingTokenParameters: noneUOperationSupportingTokenParameters["{0}"]:aOptionalOperationSupportingTokenParameters: noneeOptionalOperationSupportingTokenParameters["{0}"]:'parameterCollectionExportOfBindingWithTransportSecurityBindingElementAndNoTransportSecurityNotSupportedCNoTransportTokenAssertionProvided{SymmetricSecurityBindingElementNeedsProtectionTokenParametersSecureConversationSecurityTokenParametersRequireBootstrapBinding7ProtectionTokenParameters: UEndpointListenerRequirementsCannotBeMetBy39CouldnTCreateChannelForType2IBindingDoesnTSupportAnyChannelTypes1_BindingDoesnTSupportSessionButContractRequires1_BindingDoesntSupportDatagramButContractRequires]BindingDoesnTSupportDuplexButContractRequires1]BindingDoesnTSupportOneWayButContractRequires1]BindingDoesnTSupportTwoWayButContractRequires1=BufferedReceiveMessageProperty binder?SFxCallbackRequestReplyInOrder15SFxNonInitiatingOperation1KSFxTerminatingOperationAlreadyCalled1ASFxClientOutputSessionAutoClosedGSFxRequestHasInvalidReplyToOnClientGSFxRequestHasInvalidFaultToOnClientASFxRequestHasInvalidFromOnClient+ActivityProcessAction)SFxServerDidNotReply9AsyncEndCalledOnWrongChannelAAsyncEndCalledWithAnIAsyncResult{ServiceChannel.DecrementActivity: (updatedActivityCount >= 0)ITimeoutServiceChannelConcurrentOpen2ITimeoutServiceChannelConcurrentOpen1/SFxReplyActionMismatch39SFxServiceChannelIdleAbortedSFxServiceChannelCannotBeCalledBecauseIsSessionOpenNotificationEnabled9SFxInitializationUINotCalled;SFxInitializationUIDisallowedWSFxCannotCallAutoOpenWhenExplicitOpenCalled_SFxVersionMismatchInOperationContextAndMessage2-channelIsNotAvailable0CchannelDoesNotHaveADuplexSession0ServiceType?TraceCodeServiceChannelLifetimeclientRuntimeKCantCreateChannelWithManualAddressing'E2ETrace.ActivityIDGetType-SFxMethodNotSupported1ASFxMethodNotSupportedOnCallback1;SFxExpectedIMethodCallMessage3Invalid proxy method type3NoChannelBuilderAvailable5NotAllBindingElementsBuilt/endpointContext.BindingC#!relationshipType9AddressingNoneToStringFormat5Addressing10ToStringFormat_'InvalidMessageStateenvelopeReaderfaultCodeMessageClosed)TraceCodeMessageReadGRequestMessageDoesNotHaveAMessageID)MessageBodyIsUnknown1MessageBodyToStringError/TraceCodeMessageWrittenIMessageHeaderWithSharedNamespace must use a single lowercase letter prefix.IInvalidReaderPositionOnCreateMessage'MessageBodyIsStreamCMessageBodyReaderInvalidReadState+MessageVersionUnknown%MessageBodyMissing=EncoderEnvelopeVersionMismatch+MessageBufferIsClosed-EnvelopeVersionUnknown5SFxErrorDeserializingFault3FaultDoesNotHaveAnyDetailASFXHeaderNameCannotBeNullOrEmpty!maxSizeOfHeadersheaderInfo/HeaderAlreadyUnderstood9MessageHeaderVersionMismatchheaderIndex!InvalidEnumValue?MultipleMessageHeadersWithActor1MultipleRelatesToHeadersHeaderNotFoundKHeadersCannotBeAddedToEnvelopeVersioncAddressingHeadersCannotBeAddedToAddressingVersionMTraceCodeDidNotUnderstandMessageHeaderinitialSize5HeaderAlreadyNotUnderstoodATraceCodeUnderstoodMessageHeaderObjectDisposed/MessagePropertyNotFound'AllowOutputBatchingEncoderproperty?MessagePropertyReturnedNullCopy1DuplicateMessageProperty7MessagePropertiesArraySize0pair.Valuepair.KeyenvelopeVersion9MessageVersionToStringFormatQMessageVersion.Addressing cannot be null9application/soap+msbin1+gzipGapplication/soap+msbinsession1+gzip?application/soap+msbin1+deflateMapplication/soap+msbinsession1+deflate;EncoderMessageVersionMismatch-Invalid MessageVersion[multipart/related; type="application/xop+xml")application/soap+xmlbufferManagerc{0};start="<{1}>";boundary="{2}";start-info="{3}")!{0}; charset={1}charset=+EncoderBadContentType5EncoderUnrecognizedCharSet5UnsupportedEnvelopeVersionETransportDoesNotSupportCompressionmsbBinaryEncodingw wsoma5OptimizedMimeSerialization neighbor state[Connector not expected to be in Created stateNeighbor state expected to be Authenticated or Closed, actual state: {0}Neighbor state expected to be Faulted or Closed, actual state: {0}SConnector expected to be in Created statemNeighbor state expected to be >= Disconnecting; it is aNeighbor state expected to be >= Faulted; it is kNeighbor key should have beeen removed from the tableGTraceCodePeerChannelMessageReceived'PeerThrottlePruning_TraceCodePeerFlooderReceiveMessageQuotaExceeded'PeerThrottleWaitingPeerPropertyMessageVerifiedUnexpected end!CIAsyncResult is un-accounted for.+PeerChannelEndpoints/ConnectWelcome RefuseDisconnect7ProcessRequestSecurityTokens Ping5PeerListenIPAddressInvalid%ArgumentOutOfRange3InsufficientCryptoSupport/InsufficientCredentialsOUnexpectedSecurityTokensDuringHandshake1PnrpAddressesExceedLimitPnrpNoClouds1PnrpAddressesUnsupported9InsufficientResolverSettings-MustOverrideInitialize'InvalidResolverMode!NotValidWhenOpen%NotValidWhenClosed3DuplicatePeerRegistration?PeerConflictingPeerNodeSettings%PeerCertGenFailure+PeerConflictingHeaderResolverSecurity.ModeCredentials!ResolverSettingsCertificate7ReaderQuotas.MaxArrayLengthGReaderQuotas.MaxStringContentLength+ReaderQuotas.MaxDepthEReaderQuotas.MaxNameTableCharCount9ReaderQuotas.MaxBytesPerReadYCredentials.Peer.MessageSenderAuthentication5SecurityCredentialsManager;Credentials.Peer.MeshPassword9Credentials.Peer.CertificateGCredentials.Peer.PeerAuthenticationKlistenAddress expected to be non-null#ResolverException9PeerMaintainerInitialConnect-PeerMaintainerStarting/PeerMaintainerPruneMode3PeerMaintainerConnectMode/Maintainer cycle finishResolving%Resolve exception oNeighbor Manager is not expected to be in Created stateATraceCodePeerNeighborCloseFailed;TraceCodePeerNeighborNotFoundETraceCodePeerNeighborManagerOnlineONeighbor expected to be in Opened stateATraceCodePeerNeighborNotAcceptedgNeighbor Manager is expected to be in Created stateGTraceCodePeerNeighborManagerOfflineiNeighbor manager not expected to be in Created state=invalid MaxReceivedMessageSize?TraceCodePeerChannelMessageSent1TraceCodePeerNodeClosing/TraceCodePeerNodeClosed1NoTransportManagerForUri/TraceCodePeerNodeOpened7TraceCodePeerNodeOpenFailed-PeerMessageMustHaveViaGTraceCodePeerFloodedMessageReceivedQTraceCodePeerFloodedMessageNotPropagated7MessagePropagationException?TraceCodePeerNodeAddressChanged?registered expected to be falsePeerNodeAbortedListenUriNotSet1TraceCodePeerNodeOpening/TransportManagerNotOpen{0} ({1})+PeerChannelViaTooLonge initializationu]Could not construct a valid RST without token!_should not be called when the token is invalid! Status7Invalid AuthenticationMode!%unrecognized host!OSecurityHandshake return empty message!MTraceCodePeerNodeAuthenticationFailureMTraceCodePeerNodeAuthenticationTimeoutCN=[No SecurityContext attached in security mode!?unexpected call to GetSelfToken3extension already exists!No suitable claim found in the context to do security negotiation!TokenProviderpasswordITraceCodePeerNeighborMessageReceived5TraceCodePeerServiceOpened)PeerPnrpNotInstalled)PeerPnrpNotAvailablekMultiplePeerCustomResolverBindingElementsInParameters_MultiplePeerResolverBindingElementsinParametersEPeerResolverBindingElementRequiredWAddressFamily expected to be InterNetworkV6qsockAddressLength in SOCKET_ADDRESS expected to be valid%PeerPnrpIllegalUriATraceCodePnrpRegisteredAddresses3PeerInvalidRegistrationIdregistrationId 0.{0}ETraceCodePnrpUnregisteredAddresses)PeerChannelEndpoints{0}Global_=TraceCodePnrpResolvedAddresses9PeerLinkUtilityInvalidValues?Link utility should not exceed eexpecting a UtilityInfo message in the AsyncState!Qinsufficient quota for sending messages!5TransactionMessagePropertyMSFxTryAddMultipleTransactionsOnMessage/TransactionFlowProperty1TransactionFlowBadOptionGTransactionFlowRequiredIssuedTokensdoc wsp1OleTxAssertionATAssertionmSFxCannotHaveDifferentTransactionProtocolsInOneBinding5SFxBadTransactionProtocols3IssuedTokenFlowNotAllowedGSFxTransactionDeserializationFailed5TransactionHeaderMalformed5SFxTransactionFlowRequired1TransactionHeaderMissingCSFxTransactionHeaderNotUnderstoodasyncResultReceiveTimeoutAsyncResult.InnerResult: (this.innerResult != null)3SFxAsyncResultsDontMatch0OTraceCodeFailedToReadAnActivityIdHeaderCorrelationIdChannelTypeElementsCollectionSystem.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSourceBridge.CallThrottleWaitTimestampSystem.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSourceBridge.CallThrottleAcquiredTimestampSystem.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSourceBridge.InstanceThrottleWaitTimestampSystem.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSourceBridge.InstanceThrottleAcquiredTimestamp{0}.{1}@{2}9ServiceModelEndpoint Calls!Calls Per Second#Calls OutstandingCalls Failed/Calls Failed Per SecondCalls Faulted1Calls Faulted Per SecondCalls Duration'Calls Duration Base_Security Validation and Authentication FailuresuSecurity Validation and Authentication Failures Per Second;Security Calls Not AuthorizedQSecurity Calls Not Authorized Per SecondGReliable Messaging Sessions Faulted]Reliable Messaging Sessions Faulted Per SecondGReliable Messaging Messages Dropped]Reliable Messaging Messages Dropped Per Second'Transactions Flowed=Transactions Flowed Per SecondOTraceCodePerformanceCounterFailedToLoadM{890c10c3-8c2a-4fe3-a36a-9eca153d47cb}M{16dcff2c-91a3-4e6a-8135-0a9e6681c1b5}HttpError!HtmlErrorMessageHttpRequestHeadersQueryStringMessageDroppedEndpointAddress#MessageHeaderInfo Actor RelayMTraceCodeMessageNotLoggedQuotaExceededETraceCodeMessageCountLimitExceededUTraceCodeFilterNotMatchedNodeQuotaExceededIPartialTrustMessageLoggingNotEnabled+MessageLogTraceRecords}{ Filter Time SourceHttpResponseStatusCode#StatusDescriptionWebHeaders Method#MessagePropertiesIsAnonymous'WindowsIdentityUsedClrTypeMessageHeadersMTraceCodeDiagnosticsFailedMessageTraceMessageTransmit!TraceInstructiongSystem.ServiceModel.OperationInvoker.CodeGeneration{0}.{1}.{2}@{3};ServiceModelOperation Failed Per SecondM{8ebb0470-da6d-485b-8441-8e06b049157a}YTraceCodePerformanceCountersFailedForService7ServiceModelService]TraceCodePerformanceCountersFailedDuringUpdate::categoryNameinstanceName!fullInstanceName00%PerformanceCounter/PerformanceCategoryName-PerformanceCounterNameInstanceName 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WmiPutValueNameOriginalValueNewValue Ranges Range{0}@{1}~Instances9Instances Created Per Second?Transacted Operations CommittedUTransacted Operations Committed Per Second;Transacted Operations AbortedQTransacted Operations Aborted Per Second=Transacted Operations In DoubtSTransacted Operations In Doubt Per Second-Queued Poison MessagesCQueued Poison Messages Per Second1Queued Messages RejectedGQueued Messages Rejected Per Second/Queued Messages DroppedEQueued Messages Dropped Per Second?Percent Of Max Concurrent CallsIPercent Of Max Concurrent Calls BaseGPercent Of Max Concurrent InstancesQPercent Of Max Concurrent Instances BaseEPercent Of Max Concurrent SessionsOPercent Of Max Concurrent Sessions 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{1}]?ProxyImpersonationLevelMismatchAProxyAuthenticationLevelMismatch "{0}"keep-alive-HttpSoapActionMismatchcontent-lengthcontent-type expect100-CONTINUEreferer#transfer-encodingCHUNKEDuser-agent#if-modified-since;HttpIfModifiedSinceParseError!proxy-connection range ACTIONCHttpSoapActionMismatchContentType=HttpContentTypeFormatException{0}; action={1} close!WWW-AuthenticateUWebSocketEndpointOnlySupportWebSocketError[WebSocketEndpointDoesNotSupportWebSocketError/TraceCodeHttpAuthFailedEHttpPipelineOperationCanceledErrorSHttpPipelineNotSupportNullResponseMessage1Begin sending http reply-End sending http replyAccept-EncodingGRequestInitializationTimeoutReached9RequestInitializationTimeout{ called.IRootedHolder.AsyncWaitHandle called.WRootedHolder.CompletedSynchronously called.ARootedHolder.IsCompleted called.)uuid://session-gram/CMsmqSessionChannelHasPendingItems?MsmqSessionChannelsMustBeClosed'uuid:/session-gram/#MsmqInvalidSchemeMsmqWrongUri%MsmqUnexpectedPort OS:.MsmqDLQNotLocal /msmq/http://https://PRIVATE$\DIRECT=OS:The method GetInputMessages() cannot be called when the binder is in the Created state.The method GetInputMessages() cannot be called when the binder is in the Opening state.It is only valid to abort the current channel when masking faultsField currentChannel cannot be null in the ChannelOpened state.9The state must be NoChannel.The WaitForPendingOperations operation may only be invoked once.?Argument waiter cannot be null._The caller may only invoke this EnsureChannel during the CreateSequence negotiation. ChannelOpening and ChannelClosing are invalid states during this phase of the negotiation.mThis method may only be called in the NoChannel state.Caller must ensure that field currentChannel is set before opening the channel.wThis method may only be called in the ChannelOpening state.The state must be set to ChannelOpening before the caller attempts to open the channel.Caller must ensure that OnReadEof is called before ReturnChannel.Since count is positive, the only valid states are ChannelOpened and ChannelClosing.Method ReturnChannel() can only be called after TryGetChannel or EndTryGetChannel returns a channel.ChannelOpened and ChannelClosing are the only 2 valid states when count is positive.SetChannel is only valid in the NoChannel and ChannelOpening statesYSetChannel is only valid when masking faultsiAbort is the only operation that can race with Open.{This operation expects that the synchronizer has been opened.The derived class' implementation of CompleteTryGetChannel() cannot indicate that the asynchronous operation should complete and retry.This request context is designed to catch exceptions. Thus it cannot be used if the caller expects no exception handling.KArgument innerContext cannot be null.'this.ranges != null;ReliableRequestContextAborted#this.outcomeKnownMSequenceTerminatedReliableRequestThrew)TimeoutOnAddToWindowThe caller is not allowed to add messages beyond the sliding window's maximum size.OArgument index must be less than Count.AArgument index must be positive.OArgument beginIndex cannot be negative._Argument endIndex cannot be greater than Count.uArgument endIndex cannot be less than argument beginIndex.+AssertionNotSupported3SequenceTransportSecurityAtMostOnce3DeliveryAssuranceRequiredKDeliveryAssuranceRequiredNothingFoundcacheManagers?UnsupportedChannelInterfaceType/settingsLifetimeManagerQSecureConversationCancellationNotAllowed[SecureConversationCancelNotAllowedFaultReasonGReceivedMessageInRequestContextNullchannelSource#CreateGenericTaskAMessageInformationHeaderRequired?InvalidMessageInformationHeader7BinaryEncoderSessionInvalid;BinaryEncoderSessionMalformed9BinaryEncoderSessionTooLarge]BinaryMessageEncoder.SupportedCompressionTypes=EncoderUnrecognizedContentType'application/rss+xmltext/html)application/atom+xmlcListManager should be used atleast with 2 buckets'PeerFlooderDisposedKCannot be set for initiator neighborsEA valid settable state is 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FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white}}P{{MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12px; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana}}PRE{{BORDER-RIGHT: #f0f0e0 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0e0 1px solid; MARGIN-TOP: -5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 1.2em; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0e0 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 5px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0e0 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Courier New; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e5e5cc}}.heading1{{MARGIN-TOP: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 15px; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 26px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3px; MARGIN-LEFT: -30px; WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: #ffffff; PADDING-TOP: 10px; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003366}}.intro{{MARGIN-LEFT: -15px}}</STYLE> <TITLE>Service</TITLE><BODY> <DIV id="content"> <P class="heading1">Service</P> <BR/> <P class="intro">{0}</P> <PRE> <font color="blue">&lt;<font color="darkred">behaviors</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">serviceBehaviors</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">behavior </font><font color="red">name</font>=<font color="black">"</font>MyServiceTypeBehaviors<font color="black">" </font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">serviceMetadata </font><font color="red">httpGetEnabled</font>=<font color="black">"</font>true<font color="black">" </font>/&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">/behavior</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">/serviceBehaviors</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue">&lt;<font color="darkred">/behaviors</font>&gt;</font> </PRE> <P class="intro">{1}</P> <PRE> <font color="blue">&lt;<font color="darkred">service </font><font color="red">name</font>=<font color="black">"</font><i>MyNamespace.MyServiceType</i><font color="black">" </font><font color="red">behaviorConfiguration</font>=<font color="black">"</font><i>MyServiceTypeBehaviors</i><font color="black">" </font>&gt;</font> </PRE> <P class="intro">{2}</P> <PRE> <font color="blue">&lt;<font color="darkred">endpoint </font><font color="red">contract</font>=<font color="black">"</font>IMetadataExchange<font color="black">" </font><font color="red">binding</font>=<font color="black">"</font>mexHttpBinding<font color="black">" </font><font color="red">address</font>=<font color="black">"</font>mex<font color="black">" </font>/&gt;</font> </PRE> <P class="intro">{3}</P> <PRE> <font color="blue">&lt;<font color="darkred">configuration</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">system.serviceModel</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">services</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;!-- <font color="green">{4}</font> --&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">service </font><font color="red">name</font>=<font color="black">"</font><i>MyNamespace.MyServiceType</i><font color="black">" </font><font color="red">behaviorConfiguration</font>=<font color="black">"</font><i>MyServiceTypeBehaviors</i><font color="black">" </font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;!-- <font color="green">{5}</font> --&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;!-- <font color="green">{6}</font> --&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">endpoint </font><font color="red">contract</font>=<font color="black">"</font>IMetadataExchange<font color="black">" </font><font color="red">binding</font>=<font color="black">"</font>mexHttpBinding<font color="black">" </font><font color="red">address</font>=<font color="black">"</font>mex<font color="black">" </font>/&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">/service</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">/services</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">behaviors</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">serviceBehaviors</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">behavior </font><font color="red">name</font>=<font color="black">"</font><i>MyServiceTypeBehaviors</i><font color="black">" </font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;!-- <font color="green">{7}</font> --&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">serviceMetadata </font><font color="red">httpGetEnabled</font>=<font color="black">"</font>true<font color="black">" </font>/&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">/behavior</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">/serviceBehaviors</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">/behaviors</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue"> &lt;<font color="darkred">/system.serviceModel</font>&gt;</font> <font color="blue">&lt;<font color="darkred">/configuration</font>&gt;</font> </PRE> <P class="intro">{8}</P> </DIV> 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Order[SFxCannotImportAsParameters_NamespaceMismatchkSFxCannotImportAsParameters_MessageHasProtectionLevelASFxCannotImportAsParameters_Bare]SFxCannotImportAsParameters_DifferentWrapperNsaSFxCannotImportAsParameters_DifferentWrapperNamemSFxCannotImportAsParameters_HeadersAreIgnoredInEncodedcSFxCannotImportAsParameters_HeadersAreUnsupported=PolicyInWsdlMustHaveFragmentId9DuplicatePolicyInWsdlSkippedGUnrecognizedPolicyDocumentNamespace;UnsupportedPolicyDocumentRoot=DuplicatePolicyDocumentSkipped){0}/{1}/[@{2}='{3}']5RevertImpersonationFailureTraceCodeConnectionPoolMaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpointQuotaReachedUTraceCodeConnectionPoolLeaseTimeoutReachedSTraceCodeConnectionPoolIdleTimeoutReachedMHttpTransportConnectionGroupNamePrefixThis waiter must wait for a channel thus argument channel must be null.CompleteSetChannel must complete the IWaiter if it returns false.This waiter must wait for a channel thus the caller cannot attempt to get a channel.}OnChannelOpened must complete the IWaiter if it returns false.Argument channel cannot be null. Caller must call Fault or Close instead.gUser of IWaiter called both Set and Fault or Close.Open and close are serialized by queue We should not be either in Closing or Opening state at this point-AsyncCallbackException+Unknown payload type!pnrpsvc;TraceCodePnrpResolveException font color blackdarkgreen intro blue1SFxDocExt_MainPageIntro2?<h2 class='intro'>C#</h2><br />PRE class Test { ! static void Main() {   client = new ();  // 3SFxDocExt_MainPageComment 5SFxDocExt_MainPageComment21 client.Close(); } } <BR/>S<h2 class='intro'>Visual Basic</h2><br /> Class  Shared Sub  Dim client As  = New ()  ' / client.Close()  End Sub End Class STYLE#content{ FONT-SIZE: 0.7em; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2em; MARGIN-LEFT: 30px}BODY{MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white}P{MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12px; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana}YPRE{BORDER-RIGHT: #f0f0e0 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0e0 1px solid; MARGIN-TOP: -5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 1.2em; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0e0 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 5px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0e0 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Courier New; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e5e5cc}.heading1{MARGIN-TOP: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 15px; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 26px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3px; MARGIN-LEFT: -30px; WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: #ffffff; PADDING-TOP: 10px; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003366}O.intro{display: block; font-size: 1em;} TITLEDIVheading13SFxDocExt_MainPageIntro1asvcutil.exe CSFxDocExt_MainPageIntroSingleWsdl3SFxDocExt_MainPageIntro1b HREF)SFxDictionaryIsEmptyA8'A1ף%$ E- IM QM$ tM$m@mD mP9I Q        |        | I Ql @4 LQ UI   9H   L  QU D Q0H0LPP4PP$%\( - IM QMD%EQUhh0H0994 !@ !H P9X9qU U! 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Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Numerics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Runtime.Remoting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 b03f5f7f11d50a3a002400000480000094000000060200000024000052534131000400000100010007D1FA57C4AED9F0A32E84AA0FAEFD0DE9E8FD6AEC8F87FB03766C834C99921EB23BE79AD9D5DCC1DD9AD236132102900B723CF980957FC4E177108FC607774F29E8320E92EA05ECE4E821C0A5EFE8F1645C4C0C93C1AB99285D622CAA652C1DFAD63D745D6F2DE5F17E5EAF0FC4963D261C8A12436518206DC093344D5AD293System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Configuration.Install, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Deployment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.DirectoryServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Management, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Messaging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Net.Http.WebRequest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Runtime.WindowsRuntime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Runtime.WindowsRuntimeUIXaml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.ServiceModel.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35System.ServiceProcess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Web.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35System.Web.DynamicData, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35System.Web.DynamicData.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35System.Web.Entity.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35System.Web.Extensions.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, 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</xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax'/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='ReferenceParametersType' mixed='false'> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##any' processContents='lax' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax'/> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='Metadata' type='wsa:MetadataType'/> <xs:complexType name='MetadataType' mixed='false'> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##any' processContents='lax' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax'/> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='MessageID' type='wsa:AttributedURIType'/> <xs:element name='RelatesTo' type='wsa:RelatesToType'/> <xs:complexType name='RelatesToType' mixed='false'> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:anyURI'> <xs:attribute name='RelationshipType' type='wsa:RelationshipTypeOpenEnum' use='optional' default=''/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax'/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name='RelationshipTypeOpenEnum'> <xs:union memberTypes='wsa:RelationshipType xs:anyURI'/> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name='RelationshipType'> <xs:restriction base='xs:anyURI'> <xs:enumeration value=''/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='ReplyTo' type='wsa:EndpointReferenceType'/> <xs:element name='From' type='wsa:EndpointReferenceType'/> <xs:element name='FaultTo' type='wsa:EndpointReferenceType'/> <xs:element name='To' type='wsa:AttributedURIType'/> <xs:element name='Action' type='wsa:AttributedURIType'/> <xs:complexType name='AttributedURIType' mixed='false'> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:anyURI'> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax'/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- Constructs from the WS-Addressing SOAP binding --> <xs:attribute name='IsReferenceParameter' type='xs:boolean'/> <xs:simpleType name='FaultCodesOpenEnumType'> <xs:union memberTypes='wsa:FaultCodesType xs:QName'/> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name='FaultCodesType'> <xs:restriction base='xs:QName'> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:InvalidAddress'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:InvalidEPR'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:InvalidCardinality'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:MissingAddressInEPR'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:DuplicateMessageID'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:ActionMismatch'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:MessageAddressingHeaderRequired'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:DestinationUnreachable'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:ActionNotSupported'/> <xs:enumeration value='wsa:EndpointUnavailable'/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='RetryAfter' type='wsa:AttributedUnsignedLongType'/> <xs:complexType name='AttributedUnsignedLongType' mixed='false'> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:unsignedLong'> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax'/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='ProblemHeaderQName' type='wsa:AttributedQNameType'/> <xs:complexType name='AttributedQNameType' mixed='false'> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:QName'> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax'/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='ProblemHeader' type='wsa:AttributedAnyType'/> <xs:complexType name='AttributedAnyType' mixed='false'> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##any' processContents='lax' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax'/> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='ProblemIRI' type='wsa:AttributedURIType'/> <xs:element name='ProblemAction' type='wsa:ProblemActionType'/> <xs:complexType name='ProblemActionType' mixed='false'> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref='wsa:Action' minOccurs='0'/> <xs:element name='SoapAction' minOccurs='0' type='xs:anyURI'/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax'/> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema><xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:wsa="" elementFormDefault="qualified" blockDefault="#all"> <!-- //////////////////// WS-Addressing //////////////////// --> <!-- Endpoint reference --> <xs:element name="EndpointReference" type="wsa:EndpointReferenceType"/> <xs:complexType name="EndpointReferenceType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Address" type="wsa:AttributedURI"/> <xs:element name="ReferenceProperties" type="wsa:ReferencePropertiesType" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ReferenceParameters" type="wsa:ReferenceParametersType" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="PortType" type="wsa:AttributedQName" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ServiceName" type="wsa:ServiceNameType" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> If "Policy" elements from namespace "" are used, they must appear first (before any extensibility elements). </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:any> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ReferencePropertiesType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ReferenceParametersType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ServiceNameType"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:QName"> <xs:attribute name="PortName" type="xs:NCName"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- Message information header blocks --> <xs:element name="MessageID" type="wsa:AttributedURI"/> <xs:element name="RelatesTo" type="wsa:Relationship"/> <xs:element name="To" type="wsa:AttributedURI"/> <xs:element name="Action" type="wsa:AttributedURI"/> <xs:element name="From" type="wsa:EndpointReferenceType"/> <xs:element name="ReplyTo" type="wsa:EndpointReferenceType"/> <xs:element name="FaultTo" type="wsa:EndpointReferenceType"/> <xs:complexType name="Relationship"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:anyURI"> <xs:attribute name="RelationshipType" type="xs:QName" use="optional"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="RelationshipTypeValues"> <xs:restriction base="xs:QName"> <xs:enumeration value="wsa:Reply"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name="ReplyAfter" type="wsa:ReplyAfterType"/> <xs:complexType name="ReplyAfterType"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:nonNegativeInteger"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="FaultSubcodeValues"> <xs:restriction base="xs:QName"> <xs:enumeration value="wsa:InvalidMessageInformationHeader"/> <xs:enumeration value="wsa:MessageInformationHeaderRequired"/> <xs:enumeration value="wsa:DestinationUnreachable"/> <xs:enumeration value="wsa:ActionNotSupported"/> <xs:enumeration value="wsa:EndpointUnavailable"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:attribute name="Action" type="xs:anyURI"/> <!-- Common declarations and definitions --> <xs:complexType name="AttributedQName"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:QName"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="AttributedURI"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:anyURI"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> Sender2NoIPEndpointsFoundForHost 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ConflictingOffer.CouldNotParseWithActionCSRefused@CSRefusedAcksToMustEqualEndpoint>CSRefusedAcksToMustEqualReplyTo,CSRefusedDuplexNoOffer&CSRefusedInputOfferTCSRefusedInvalidIncompleteSequenceBehavior0CSRefusedNoSTRWSSecurity*CSRefusedReplyNoOfferNCSRefusedRequiredSecurityElementMissing0CSRefusedSSLNotSupported0CSRefusedSTRNoWSSecurityTCSRefusedUnexpectedElementAtEndOfCSMessage.CSResponseOfferRejected:CSResponseOfferRejectedReason^CSResponseWithInvalidIncompleteSequenceBehavior&CSResponseWithOffer2CSResponseWithOfferReason,CSResponseWithoutOffer8CSResponseWithoutOfferReasonJDeliveryAssuranceRequiredNothingFound2DeliveryAssuranceRequired:EarlyRequestTerminateSequence$EarlySecurityClose(EarlySecurityFaulted,EarlyTerminateSequenceElementFoundElementRequiredPInconsistentLastMsgNumberExceptionStringBInvalidAcknowledgementFaultReasonSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSRLSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSROfferIdZSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedTerminateSequencejSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedTerminateSequenceResponseDSequenceTerminatedUnsupportedClose\SequenceTerminatedUnsupportedTerminateSequenceRSequenceTerminatedUnknownAddToWindowErrorBSmallLastMsgNumberExceptionString(TimeoutOnAddToWindowTimeoutOnCloseTimeoutOnOpen$TimeoutOnOperation 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SFxKnownTypeNullDSFxMessageContractBaseTypeNotValidXSFxMessageContractRequiresDefaultConstructor`SFxMessageOperationFormatterCannotSerializeFaultFSFxMetadataReferenceInvalidLocation,SFxMethodNotSupported1@SFxMethodNotSupportedOnCallback18SFxMethodNotSupportedByType28SFxMismatchedOperationParent,SFxMissingActionHeaderZSFxMultipleCallbackFromSynchronizationContextJSFxMultipleCallbackFromAsyncOperation2SFxMultipleUnknownHeadersDSFxMultipleContractStarOperations0@SFxMultipleContractsWithSameNameFSFxMultiplePartsNotAllowedInEncoded(SFxNameCannotBeEmptyBSFxConfigurationNameCannotBeEmptyLSFxNeedProxyBehaviorOperationSelector2.SFxNoDefaultConstructor0SFxNoMostDerivedContract4SFxNullReplyFromExtension24SFxNullReplyFromFormatter28SFxServiceChannelIdleAbortedbSFxServiceMetadataBehaviorUrlMustBeHttpOrRelativeVSFxServiceMetadataBehaviorNoHttpBaseAddressXSFxServiceMetadataBehaviorNoHttpsBaseAddressRSFxServiceMetadataBehaviorInstancingError4SFxServiceTypeNotCreatableLSFxSetEnableFaultsOnChannelDispatcher0VSFxSetManualAddresssingOnChannelDispatcher0.SFxNoBatchingForSessionBSFxNoBatchingForReleaseOnComplete$SFxNoServiceObjectSFxNone2004*SFxNonExceptionThrown4SFxNonInitiatingOperation1SFxOneWayMessageToTwoWayMethod0^SFxOperationBehaviorAttributeOnlyOnServiceClassSFxOperationBehaviorAttributeReleaseInstanceModeDoesNotApplyToCallbackPSFxOperationContractOnNonServiceContract`SFxOperationContractProviderOnNonServiceContractPSFxOperationDescriptionNameCannotBeEmpty8SFxParameterNameCannotBeNullHSFxOperationMustHaveOneOrTwoMessages2SFxParameterCountMismatch2SFxParameterMustBeMessage0SFxParametersMustBeEmptyFSFxParameterMustBeArrayOfOneElement8SFxPartNameMustBeUniqueInRpcPSFxReceiveContextSettingsPropertyMissing@SFxReceiveContextPropertyMissingFSFxRequestHasInvalidReplyToOnClientFSFxRequestHasInvalidFaultToOnClient@SFxRequestHasInvalidFromOnClientFSFxRequestHasInvalidReplyToOnServerFSFxRequestHasInvalidFaultToOnServer@SFxRequestHasInvalidFromOnServer&SFxRequestReplyNone&SFxRequestTimedOut1&SFxRequestTimedOut2.SFxReplyActionMismatch3BSFxRequiredRuntimePropertyMissing@SFxResolvedMaxResolvedReferences,SFxResultMustBeMessage:SFxRevertImpersonationFailed0@SFxRpcMessageBodyPartNameInvalid@SFxRpcMessageMustHaveASingleBodyClientRuntimeRequiresFormatter0.RuntimeRequiresInvoker08CouldnTCreateChannelForType2FCouldnTCreateChannelForChannelType2TEndpointListenerRequirementsCannotBeMetBy3(UnknownListenerType1^BindingDoesnTSupportSessionButContractRequires1^BindingDoesntSupportDatagramButContractRequires\BindingDoesnTSupportOneWayButContractRequires1\BindingDoesnTSupportTwoWayButContractRequires1XBindingDoesnTSupportRequestReplyButContract1\BindingDoesnTSupportDuplexButContractRequires1HBindingDoesnTSupportAnyChannelTypes1TContractIsNotSelfConsistentItHasOneOrMore2~ContractIsNotSelfConsistentWhenIsSessionOpenNotificationEnabled\InstanceSettingsMustHaveTypeOrWellKnownObject0\TheServiceMetadataExtensionInstanceCouldNot2_0\TheServiceMetadataExtensionInstanceCouldNot3_0\TheServiceMetadataExtensionInstanceCouldNot4_0@SynchronizedCollectionWrongType1FSynchronizedCollectionWrongTypeNullzCannotAddTwoItemsWithTheSameKeyToSynchronizedKeyedCollection0\ItemDoesNotExistInSynchronizedKeyedCollection0VSuppliedMessageIsNotAReplyItHasNoRelatesTo0,channelIsNotAvailable0BchannelDoesNotHaveADuplexSession0>EndpointsMustHaveAValidBinding1VABindingInstanceHasAlreadyBeenAssociatedTo1(UnabletoImportPolicy.UnImportedAssertionList XPathUnavailable8DuplicatePolicyInWsdlSkippedWsdlImportErrorDependencyDetail4UnsupportedEnvelopeVersionNoValue0MsmqCannotDeserializeXmlMessageZMsmqCannotUseBodyTypeWithActiveXSerialization.MsmqCertificateNotFound6MsmqCustomRequiresPerAppDLQ0MsmqDeserializationErrorJMsmqDirectFormatNameRequiredForPoisonMsmqDLQNotLocal&MsmqDLQNotWriteable0MsmqEncryptRequiresUseADLMsmqExactlyOnceNeededForReceiveContextLMsmqGetPrivateComputerInformationError(MsmqInvalidMessageId"MsmqInvalidSchemehMsmqInvalidServiceOperationForMsmqIntegrationBindingMsmqNonNegativeArgumentExpected>MsmqNonTransactionalQueueNeeded,MsmqNoMoveForSubqueuesMsmqNoSidMsmqOpenError&MsmqPathLookupError6MsmqPerAppDLQRequiresCustom@MsmqPerAppDLQRequiresExactlyOnce4MsmqPerAppDLQRequiresMsmq4"MsmqPoisonMessage(MsmqQueueNotReadableHMsmqReceiveContextMessageNotReceivedBMsmqReceiveContextMessageNotMovedNMsmqReceiveContextSubqueuesNotSupported MsmqReceiveError6MsmqSameTransactionExpectedMsmqSendError4MsmqSerializationTableFull.MsmqSessionChannelAbortBMsmqSessionChannelHasPendingItems>MsmqSessionChannelsMustBeClosedNMsmqSessionGramSizeMustBeInIntegerRangeTransportBindingElementNotFoundHChannelDemuxerBindingElementNotFound4BaseAddressCannotHaveQuery:BaseAddressCannotHaveFragment"UriMustBeAbsolute@BindingProtocolMappingNotDefined>ConfigBindingCannotBeConfiguredConfigEndpointExtensionNotFoundHConfigEndpointReferenceCycleDetectedJConfigEndpointTypeCannotBeNullOrEmpty>ConfigXPathFilterMustNotBeEmpty&ConfigDuplicateItem8ConfigDuplicateExtensionName8ConfigDuplicateExtensionType$ConfigDuplicateKey:ConfigDuplicateKeyAtSameScope(ConfigElementKeyNull*ConfigElementKeysNull6ConfigElementTypeNotAllowedBConfigExtensionCollectionNotFoundXConfigExtensionTypeNotRegisteredInCollectionZConfigInvalidServiceAuthenticationManagerTypeHConfigInvalidAuthorizationPolicyTypeJConfigInvalidBindingConfigurationName0ConfigInvalidBindingNameNConfigInvalidCommonEndpointBehaviorTypeLConfigInvalidCommonServiceBehaviorTypeJConfigInvalidCertificateValidatorTypeDConfigInvalidClientCredentialsTypeConfigInvalidClassInstanceValue4ConfigInvalidEncodingValue:ConfigInvalidEndpointBehaviorBConfigInvalidEndpointBehaviorType2ConfigInvalidEndpointName,ConfigInvalidAttribute.ConfigNoEndpointCreated:ConfigInvalidExtensionElementBConfigInvalidExtensionElementName4ConfigInvalidExtensionType(ConfigInvalidKeyTypeTConfigInvalidReliableMessagingVersionValue>ConfigInvalidSamlSerializerType(ConfigInvalidSectionFConfigInvalidServiceCredentialsTypeJConfigInvalidSecurityStateEncoderTypeTConfigInvalidUserNamePasswordValidatorTypeXConfigInvalidServiceAuthorizationManagerType8ConfigInvalidServiceBehavior@ConfigInvalidServiceBehaviorType.ConfigInvalidStartValueRConfigInvalidTransactionFlowProtocolValue"ConfigInvalidType6ConfigInvalidTypeForBindingDConfigInvalidTypeForBindingElement8ConfigInvalidTypeForEndpointHConfigKeyNotFoundInElementCollection(ConfigKeysDoNotMatchJConfigMessageEncodingAlreadyInBindingZConfigNoExtensionCollectionAssociatedWithType.ConfigNullIssuerAddressConfigReadOnly*ConfigSectionNotFoundTConfigStreamUpgradeElementAlreadyInBinding>ConfigTransportAlreadyInBinding2ConfigXmlElementMustBeSet.ConfigXPathFilterIsNullDConfigXPathNamespacePrefixNotFound:AdminMTAWorkerThreadExceptionInternalError*ClsidNotInApplication.ClsidNotInConfiguration 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NoEqualSignFound$KewordMissingValue(BadlyTerminatedValueMissingQuoteRepeatedKeyword2InterfaceNotFoundInConfigTCannotHaveNullOrEmptyNameOrNamespaceForIIDLMethodGivenInConfigNotFoundOnInterfaceHMonikerIncorrectServerIdentityForMex4MonikerAddressNotSpecifiedPMonikerMexBindingSectionNameNotSpecified:MonikerMexAddressNotSpecified6MonikerContractNotSpecified4MonikerBindingNotSpecifiedHMonikerBindingNamespacetNotSpecified8MonikerFailedToDoMexRetrieveJMonikerContractNotFoundInRetreivedMexbMonikerNoneOfTheBindingMatchedTheSpecifiedBinding&MonikerMissingColonImpersonateAnonymousTokenFailedBOnlyByRefVariantSafeArraysAllowedFOnlyOneDimensionalSafeArraysAllowedOnlyClsidsAllowedForServiceType"OperationNotFoundBadDispID6ComNoAsyncOperationsAllowed*ComDuplicateOperationBadParamCount.BindingNotFoundInConfig&AddressNotSpecified&BindingNotSpecified.OnlyVariantAllowedByRefZCannotResolveTypeForParamInMessageDescriptionTooLate0RequireConfiguredMethods6RequireConfiguredInterfaces2CannotCreateChannelOption,NoTransactionInContext2IssuedTokenFlowNotAllowed8GeneralSchemaValidationError*SchemaValidationErrorDContractBindingAddressCannotBeNullHTypeLoadForContractTypeIIDFailedWith>BindingLoadFromConfigFailedWithlPooledApplicationNotSupportedForComplusHostedScenariospRecycledApplicationNotSupportedForComplusHostedScenariosHBadImpersonationLevelForOutOfProcWasNComPlusInstanceProviderRequiresMessage0HComPlusInstanceCreationRequestSchema.ComPlusMethodCallSchema(ComPlusServiceSchema6ComPlusServiceSchemaDllHost,ComPlusTLBImportSchemaVComPlusServiceHostStartingServiceErrorNoQFEHComIntegrationManifestCreationFailed*TempDirectoryNotFound*CannotAccessDirectoryBCLSIDDoesNotSupportIPersistStream.CLSIDOfTypeDoesNotMatchPTargetObjectDoesNotSupportIPersistStreamTargetTypeIsAnIntefaceButCorrespoindingTypeIsNotPersistStreamTypeWrapper4NotAllowedPersistableCLSID*TransferringToComplus*NamedArgsNotSupported4MexBindingNotFoundInConfig,ClaimTypeCannotBeEmpty X509ChainIsEmptyBMissingCustomCertificateValidator2MissingMembershipProviderLMissingCustomUserNamePasswordValidatorRSpnegoImpersonationLevelCannotBeSetToNonePublicKeyNotRSA4SecurityAuditFailToLoadDllBSecurityAuditPlatformNotSupportedTNoPrincipalSpecifiedInAuthorizationContextRSecurityAuditNotSupportedOnChannelFactory>ExpiredTokenInChannelParameters4NoTokenInChannelParameters,PeerMessageMustHaveVia8PeerLinkUtilityInvalidValues0PeerNeighborInvalidStateDPeerMaxReceivedMessageSizeConflict>PeerConflictingPeerNodeSettings$ArgumentOutOfRange*PeerChannelViaTooLongPeerNodeAborted(PeerPnrpNotAvailable(PeerPnrpNotInstalledDPeerResolverBindingElementRequired(PeerResolverRequired&PeerResolverInvalid6PeerResolverSettingsInvalid4PeerListenIPAddressInvalid&PeerFlooderDisposed$PeerPnrpIllegalUri2PeerInvalidRegistrationId*PeerConflictingHeaderPnrpNoClouds0PnrpAddressesUnsupported2InsufficientCryptoSupport.InsufficientCredentialsNUnexpectedSecurityTokensDuringHandshake0PnrpAddressesExceedLimit8InsufficientResolverSettings&InvalidResolverMode,MustOverrideInitialize NotValidWhenOpen$NotValidWhenClosed0PeerNullRegistrationInfo&PeerNullResolveInfo&PeerNullRefreshInfo,PeerInvalidMessageBody2DuplicatePeerRegistration,PeerNodeToStringFormat6MessagePropagationException*NotificationException"ResolverException"PnrpCloudNotFound"PnrpCloudDisabled(PnrpCloudResolveOnlyPnrpPortBlocked*PnrpDuplicatePeerNameHRefreshIntervalMustBeGreaterThanZeroHCleanupIntervalMustBeGreaterThanZero2AmbiguousConnectivitySpecBMustRegisterMoreThanZeroAddresses$PeerCertGenFailure&PeerThrottleWaiting&PeerThrottlePruning,PeerMaintainerStarting*PeerMaintainerConnect8PeerMaintainerConnectFailure8PeerMaintainerInitialConnect.PeerMaintainerPruneMode2PeerMaintainerConnectModeTBasicHttpContextBindingRequiresAllowCookieXCallbackContextOnlySupportedInWSAddressing10FListenAddressAlreadyContainsContextXMultipleContextHeadersFoundInCallbackAddressfCallbackContextNotExpectedOnIncomingMessageAtClientDCallbackContextOnlySupportedInSoap`ContextBindingElementCannotProvideChannelFactorybContextBindingElementCannotProvideChannelListener(InvalidCookieContentDSchemaViolationInsideContextHeaderfCallbackContextNotExpectedOnOutgoingMessageAtServerChannelIsOpen6ContextManagementNotEnabled0CachedContextIsImmutable*InvalidMessageContext,InvalidContextReceived^BehaviorRequiresContextProtocolSupportInBindingHttpCookieContextExchangeMechanismNotCompatibleWithTransportTypeHttpCookieContextExchangeMechanismNotCompatibleWithTransportCookieSettingbPolicyImportContextBindingElementCollectionIsNullRContextChannelFactoryChannelCreatedDetailBXmlFormatViolationInContextHeaderRXmlFormatViolationInCallbackContextHeader$OleTxHeaderCorrupt"WsatHeaderCorruptActivityConstructChannelFactory8ActivityConstructServiceHost*ActivityExecuteMethod4ActivityExecuteAsyncMethod6ActivityCloseChannelFactory.ActivityCloseClientBase0ActivityCloseServiceHost 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UTBadBaseAddress0UTQueryNamesMustBeUnique6UTQueryCannotEndInAmpersand4UTQueryCannotHaveEmptyName,UTVarNamesMustBeUnique&UTTAmbiguousQueries0UTTOtherAmbiguousQueriesUTTDuplicateBUTInvalidFormatSegmentOrQueryPartJBindUriTemplateToNullOrEmptyPathParam6UTBindByPositionNoVariables,UTCSRLookupBeforeMatchZUTDoesNotSupportAdjacentVarsInCompoundSegmentAtom10SpecRequiresTextConstructErrorInLine ErrorParsingFeed(ErrorParsingDocument ErrorParsingItem(ErrorParsingDateTime8OuterElementNameNotSpecifiedUnknownFeedXml$UnknownDocumentXmlUnknownItemXml8FeedFormatterDoesNotHaveFeedHDocumentFormatterDoesNotHaveDocument8ItemFormatterDoesNotHaveItem:UnbufferedItemsCannotBeCloned2FeedHasNonContiguousItems.FeedCreatedNullCategory.ItemCreatedNullCategory*FeedCreatedNullPerson*ItemCreatedNullPerson&FeedCreatedNullItemBTraceCodeSyndicationFeedReadBegin>TraceCodeSyndicationFeedReadEndBTraceCodeSyndicationItemReadBegin>TraceCodeSyndicationItemReadEndDTraceCodeSyndicationFeedWriteBegin@TraceCodeSyndicationFeedWriteEndDTraceCodeSyndicationItemWriteBegin@TraceCodeSyndicationItemWriteEnd`TraceCodeSyndicationProtocolElementIgnoredOnReadXTraceCodeSyndicationReadServiceDocumentBeginTTraceCodeSyndicationReadServiceDocumentEndZTraceCodeSyndicationWriteServiceDocumentBeginVTraceCodeSyndicationWriteServiceDocumentEnd^TraceCodeSyndicationReadCategoriesDocumentBeginZTraceCodeSyndicationReadCategoriesDocumentEnd`TraceCodeSyndicationWriteCategoriesDocumentBegin\TraceCodeSyndicationWriteCategoriesDocumentEnd2FeedAuthorsIgnoredOnWriteTaskMethodParameterNotSupportedBTaskMethodMustNotHaveOutParameterdSFxCannotImportAsParameters_OutputParameterAndTask ID0020 ID2004 ID3002 ID3004 ID3022 ID3023 ID3097 ID3112 ID3113 ID3114 ID3137 ID3138 ID3139 ID3140 ID3141 ID3144 ID3146 ID3147 ID3148 ID3149 ID3150 ID3190 ID3191 ID3192 ID3193 ID3194 ID3269 ID3270 ID3285 ID3286 ID3287 ID4008 ID4039 ID4041 ID4053 ID4072 ID4101 ID4192 ID4240 ID4244 ID4245 ID4268 ID4271 ID4274 ID4285 ID4287 ID5004TraceAuthorize:TraceOnAuthorizeRequestFailedServiceHealthBehavior_AvailableFServiceHealthBehavior_BaseAddresses:ServiceHealthBehavior_BindingPServiceHealthBehavior_ChannelDispatchersJServiceHealthBehavior_ChannelTimeouts6ServiceHealthBehavior_CloseVServiceHealthBehavior_CompletionPortThreadsJServiceHealthBehavior_ConcurrencyModeJServiceHealthBehavior_ConcurrentCallsServiceHealthBehavior_Endpoints8ServiceHealthBehavior_GCModeRServiceHealthBehavior_InstanceContextMode>ServiceHealthBehavior_InstancesLServiceHealthBehavior_IsSystemEndpointFServiceHealthBehavior_ListenerStateBServiceHealthBehavior_ListenerUriSignedEndorsingSupportingTokens 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LayoutBootstrapPolicyHttpsToken.HttpBasicAuthentication0HttpDigestAuthenticationtSecureConversationBootstrapBindingElementsBelowSecurityKeyh>SignedEncryptedSupportingTokens2RequireImpliedDerivedKeys4RequireExplicitDerivedKeys4ServiceModel Audit @ @@0yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ00:05:00 XImpersonateOnSerializingReplyMessageProperty10:00:0015:00:0000:02:0000:15:00 NegotiationFaultXMicrosoft Unified Security Protocol Provider210675199.02:48:05.4775807xsdPrincipalIdentitiesService Pack 1Service Pack 2NTLMNegotiateKerberosSSL/PCT BasicHSystem\CurrentControlSet\Control\LsaP(SecurityTokenService <xs:schema xmlns:xs='' xmlns:wsdl='' targetNamespace='' elementFormDefault='qualified' > <xs:complexType mixed='true' name='tDocumentation' > <xs:sequence> <xs:any minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tDocumented' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This type is extended by component types to allow them to be documented </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='documentation' type='wsdl:tDocumentation' minOccurs='0' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <!-- allow extensibility via elements and attributes on all elements swa124 --> <xs:complexType name='tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' abstract='true' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tDocumented' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This type is extended by component types to allow attributes from other namespaces to be added. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##other' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tExtensibleDocumented' abstract='true' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tDocumented' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This type is extended by component types to allow elements from other namespaces to be added. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##other' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- original wsdl removed as part of swa124 resolution <xs:complexType name='tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' abstract='true' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tDocumented' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This type is extended by component types to allow attributes from other namespaces to be added. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tExtensibleDocumented' abstract='true' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tDocumented' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This type is extended by component types to allow elements from other namespaces to be added. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##other' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> --> <xs:element name='definitions' type='wsdl:tDefinitions' > <xs:key name='message' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:message' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:key> <xs:key name='portType' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:portType' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:key> <xs:key name='binding' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:binding' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:key> <xs:key name='service' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:service' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:key> <xs:key name='import' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:import' /> <xs:field xpath='@namespace' /> </xs:key> </xs:element> <xs:group name='anyTopLevelOptionalElement' > <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> Any top level optional element allowed to appear more then once - any child of definitions element except wsdl:types. Any extensibility element is allowed in any place. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:choice> <xs:element name='import' type='wsdl:tImport' /> <xs:element name='types' type='wsdl:tTypes' /> <xs:element name='message' type='wsdl:tMessage' > <xs:unique name='part' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:part' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:unique> </xs:element> <xs:element name='portType' type='wsdl:tPortType' /> <xs:element name='binding' type='wsdl:tBinding' /> <xs:element name='service' type='wsdl:tService' > <xs:unique name='port' > <xs:selector xpath='wsdl:port' /> <xs:field xpath='@name' /> </xs:unique> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:group> <xs:complexType name='tDefinitions' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:group ref='wsdl:anyTopLevelOptionalElement' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='targetNamespace' type='xs:anyURI' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tImport' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='namespace' type='xs:anyURI' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='location' type='xs:anyURI' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tTypes' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' /> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tMessage' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='part' type='wsdl:tPart' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tPart' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='element' type='xs:QName' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='type' type='xs:QName' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tPortType' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='operation' type='wsdl:tOperation' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tOperation' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:choice> <xs:group ref='wsdl:request-response-or-one-way-operation' /> <xs:group ref='wsdl:solicit-response-or-notification-operation' /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='parameterOrder' type='xs:NMTOKENS' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:group name='request-response-or-one-way-operation' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='input' type='wsdl:tParam' /> <xs:sequence minOccurs='0' > <xs:element name='output' type='wsdl:tParam' /> <xs:element name='fault' type='wsdl:tFault' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:sequence> </xs:group> <xs:group name='solicit-response-or-notification-operation' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='output' type='wsdl:tParam' /> <xs:sequence minOccurs='0' > <xs:element name='input' type='wsdl:tParam' /> <xs:element name='fault' type='wsdl:tFault' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:sequence> </xs:group> <xs:complexType name='tParam' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='message' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tFault' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleAttributesDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='message' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tBinding' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='operation' type='wsdl:tBindingOperation' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='type' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tBindingOperationMessage' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tBindingOperationFault' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tBindingOperation' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='input' type='wsdl:tBindingOperationMessage' minOccurs='0' /> <xs:element name='output' type='wsdl:tBindingOperationMessage' minOccurs='0' /> <xs:element name='fault' type='wsdl:tBindingOperationFault' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tService' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='port' type='wsdl:tPort' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tPort' > <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibleDocumented' > <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='binding' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name='arrayType' type='xs:string' /> <xs:attribute name='required' type='xs:boolean' /> <xs:complexType name='tExtensibilityElement' abstract='true' > <xs:attribute ref='wsdl:required' use='optional' /> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <xs:schema xmlns:soap='' xmlns:wsdl='' targetNamespace='' xmlns:xs=''> <xs:import namespace='' /> <xs:simpleType name='encodingStyle'> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> 'encodingStyle' indicates any canonicalization conventions followed in the contents of the containing element. For example, the value '' indicates the pattern described in SOAP specification </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:list itemType='xs:anyURI' /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='binding' type='soap:tBinding' /> <xs:complexType name='tBinding'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:attribute name='transport' type='xs:anyURI' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='style' type='soap:tStyleChoice' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name='tStyleChoice'> <xs:restriction base='xs:string'> <xs:enumeration value='rpc' /> <xs:enumeration value='document' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='operation' type='soap:tOperation' /> <xs:complexType name='tOperation'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:attribute name='soapAction' type='xs:anyURI' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='style' type='soap:tStyleChoice' use='optional' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='body' type='soap:tBody' /> <xs:attributeGroup name='tBodyAttributes'> <xs:attribute name='encodingStyle' type='soap:encodingStyle' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='use' type='soap:useChoice' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='namespace' type='xs:anyURI' use='optional' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:complexType name='tBody'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:attribute name='parts' type='xs:NMTOKENS' use='optional' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='soap:tBodyAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name='useChoice'> <xs:restriction base='xs:string'> <xs:enumeration value='literal' /> <xs:enumeration value='encoded' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='fault' type='soap:tFault' /> <xs:complexType name='tFaultRes' abstract='true'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:restriction base='soap:tBody'> <xs:attribute ref='wsdl:required' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='parts' type='xs:NMTOKENS' use='prohibited' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='soap:tBodyAttributes' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name='tFault'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='soap:tFaultRes'> <xs:attribute name='name' type='xs:NCName' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='header' type='soap:tHeader' /> <xs:attributeGroup name='tHeaderAttributes'> <xs:attribute name='message' type='xs:QName' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='part' type='xs:NMTOKEN' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='use' type='soap:useChoice' use='required' /> <xs:attribute name='encodingStyle' type='soap:encodingStyle' use='optional' /> <xs:attribute name='namespace' type='xs:anyURI' use='optional' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:complexType name='tHeader'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' ref='soap:headerfault' /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attributeGroup ref='soap:tHeaderAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='headerfault' type='soap:tHeaderFault' /> <xs:complexType name='tHeaderFault'> <xs:attributeGroup ref='soap:tHeaderAttributes' /> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='address' type='soap:tAddress' /> <xs:complexType name='tAddress'> <xs:complexContent mixed='false'> <xs:extension base='wsdl:tExtensibilityElement'> <xs:attribute name='location' type='xs:anyURI' use='required' /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema>s<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs='' xmlns:tns='' targetNamespace='' > <xs:attribute name='root' > <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base='xs:boolean'> <xs:pattern value='0|1' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attributeGroup name='commonAttributes' > <xs:attribute name='id' type='xs:ID' /> <xs:attribute name='href' type='xs:anyURI' /> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:simpleType name='arrayCoordinate' > <xs:restriction base='xs:string' /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:attribute name='arrayType' type='xs:string' /> <xs:attribute name='offset' type='tns:arrayCoordinate' /> <xs:attributeGroup name='arrayAttributes' > <xs:attribute ref='tns:arrayType' /> <xs:attribute ref='tns:offset' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:attribute name='position' type='tns:arrayCoordinate' /> <xs:attributeGroup name='arrayMemberAttributes' > <xs:attribute ref='tns:position' /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:group name='Array' > <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##any' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:group> <xs:element name='Array' type='tns:Array' /> <xs:complexType name='Array' > <xs:group ref='tns:Array' minOccurs='0' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:arrayAttributes' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='Struct' type='tns:Struct' /> <xs:group name='Struct' > <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace='##any' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded' processContents='lax' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:group> <xs:complexType name='Struct' > <xs:group ref='tns:Struct' minOccurs='0' /> <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes'/> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name='base64' > <xs:restriction base='xs:base64Binary' /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='duration' type='tns:duration' /> <xs:complexType name='duration' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:duration' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='dateTime' type='tns:dateTime' /> <xs:complexType name='dateTime' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:dateTime' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='NOTATION' type='tns:NOTATION' /> <xs:complexType name='NOTATION' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:QName' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='time' type='tns:time' /> <xs:complexType name='time' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:time' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='date' type='tns:date' /> <xs:complexType name='date' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:date' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gYearMonth' type='tns:gYearMonth' /> <xs:complexType name='gYearMonth' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gYearMonth' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gYear' type='tns:gYear' /> <xs:complexType name='gYear' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gYear' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gMonthDay' type='tns:gMonthDay' /> <xs:complexType name='gMonthDay' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gMonthDay' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gDay' type='tns:gDay' /> <xs:complexType name='gDay' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gDay' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='gMonth' type='tns:gMonth' /> <xs:complexType name='gMonth' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:gMonth' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='boolean' type='tns:boolean' /> <xs:complexType name='boolean' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:boolean' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='base64Binary' type='tns:base64Binary' /> <xs:complexType name='base64Binary' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:base64Binary' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='hexBinary' type='tns:hexBinary' /> <xs:complexType name='hexBinary' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:hexBinary' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='float' type='tns:float' /> <xs:complexType name='float' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:float' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='double' type='tns:double' /> <xs:complexType name='double' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:double' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='anyURI' type='tns:anyURI' /> <xs:complexType name='anyURI' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:anyURI' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='QName' type='tns:QName' /> <xs:complexType name='QName' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:QName' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='string' type='tns:string' /> <xs:complexType name='string' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:string' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='normalizedString' type='tns:normalizedString' /> <xs:complexType name='normalizedString' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:normalizedString' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='token' type='tns:token' /> <xs:complexType name='token' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:token' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='language' type='tns:language' /> <xs:complexType name='language' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:language' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='Name' type='tns:Name' /> <xs:complexType name='Name' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:Name' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='NMTOKEN' type='tns:NMTOKEN' /> <xs:complexType name='NMTOKEN' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:NMTOKEN' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='NCName' type='tns:NCName' /> <xs:complexType name='NCName' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:NCName' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='NMTOKENS' type='tns:NMTOKENS' /> <xs:complexType name='NMTOKENS' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:NMTOKENS' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='ID' type='tns:ID' /> <xs:complexType name='ID' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:ID' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='IDREF' type='tns:IDREF' /> <xs:complexType name='IDREF' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:IDREF' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='ENTITY' type='tns:ENTITY' /> <xs:complexType name='ENTITY' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:ENTITY' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='IDREFS' type='tns:IDREFS' /> <xs:complexType name='IDREFS' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:IDREFS' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='ENTITIES' type='tns:ENTITIES' /> <xs:complexType name='ENTITIES' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:ENTITIES' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='decimal' type='tns:decimal' /> <xs:complexType name='decimal' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:decimal' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='integer' type='tns:integer' /> <xs:complexType name='integer' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:integer' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='nonPositiveInteger' type='tns:nonPositiveInteger' /> <xs:complexType name='nonPositiveInteger' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:nonPositiveInteger' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='negativeInteger' type='tns:negativeInteger' /> <xs:complexType name='negativeInteger' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:negativeInteger' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='long' type='tns:long' /> <xs:complexType name='long' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:long' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='int' type='tns:int' /> <xs:complexType name='int' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:int' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='short' type='tns:short' /> <xs:complexType name='short' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:short' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='byte' type='tns:byte' /> <xs:complexType name='byte' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:byte' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='nonNegativeInteger' type='tns:nonNegativeInteger' /> <xs:complexType name='nonNegativeInteger' > <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base='xs:nonNegativeInteger' > <xs:attributeGroup ref='tns:commonAttributes' /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name='unsignedLong' type='tns:unsignedLong' /> <xs:complexType 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RefuseInfoT Namespace- Namespace- WelcomeInfoT Namespace- InheritedxUnSystem.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089TUvSystem.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldTags, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089Tagsj\System.TimeSpan, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e08900:05:00-U#System.ServiceModel.DeadLetterQueue 2U(System.ServiceModel.ReceiveErrorHandlingj\System.TimeSpan, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e08900:30:00l\System.TimeSpan, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 1.00:00:00/U%System.ServiceModel.AddressFilterMode-U#System.ServiceModel.ConcurrencyMode1U'System.ServiceModel.InstanceContextModegbSystem.UriTypeConverter, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0894U*System.ServiceModel.HostNameComparisonMode 83System.ServiceModel.Configuration.EncodingConverter*U 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To enable Http CookieContainer, use the AllowCookies property instead.3U)System.ServiceModel.MessageCredentialType@3System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAlgorithmSuiteDefault4U*System.ServiceModel.MsmqAuthenticationMode5U+System.ServiceModel.MsmqEncryptionAlgorithm5U+System.ServiceModel.MsmqSecureHashAlgorithmxUnSystem.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0894U*System.ServiceModel.NetHttpMessageEncoding3U)System.ServiceModel.QueueTransferProtocol1U'System.ServiceModel.NetMsmqSecurityMode6U,System.ServiceModel.NetNamedPipeSecurityModeJESystem.ServiceModel.Configuration.PeerTransportListenAddressConverter*U System.ServiceModel.SecurityMode5U+System.ServiceModel.TcpClientCredentialTypeUvSystem.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089TNameEndpointAddressTName IPAddressesThis property is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility only. The local machine policy will be used to determine if NTLM should be used.LUBSystem.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegration.MsmqMessageSerializationFormatIU?System.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegration.MsmqIntegrationSecurityModeAU7System.ServiceModel.Description.PrincipalPermissionMode)USystem.ServiceModel.SessionModeJTNameMetadataT Namespace) Namespace), System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089T Namespace definitionsSystem.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription, System.Web.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aT Namespace Namespace) Namespace) Namespace) API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.0performanceCountersEnabledTQ DefaultValue allowAccounts.maxPendingConnectionsTQ DefaultValuedTMinValue*maxPendingAcceptsTQ DefaultValue,receiveTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:00:30B=System.ServiceModel.Configuration.TimeSpanOrInfiniteConverterTMinValueString00:00:00& listenBacklogTQ 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DefaultValueCurrentSession=8System.ServiceModel.Configuration.SessionIdTypeConvertorallowedAudienceUriTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsT MinLengthheadersTQ DefaultValue6 serviceAuthenticationManagerTypeTQ DefaultValueauthenticationSchemesTQ DefaultValueUkSystem.Net.AuthenticationSchemes, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089pkSystem.Net.AuthenticationSchemes, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 policyTypeTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions baseAddressTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsprefixTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, 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DefaultValue readerQuotasYcompressionFormatTQ DefaultValueU.System.ServiceModel.Channels.CompressionFormat94System.ServiceModel.Channels.CompressionFormatHelperbasicHttpBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsbasicHttpsBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions customBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsmsmqIntegrationBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsnetHttpBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsnetHttpsBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsnetPeerTcpBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsnetMsmqBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsnetNamedPipeBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions netTcpBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionswsFederationHttpBindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, 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DefaultValueUSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 x509FindTypeTQ DefaultValueUSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 findValueTQ DefaultValue%isChainIncludedTQ DefaultValueaddressTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions+behaviorConfigurationTQ DefaultValuebindingTQ DefaultValue*bindingConfigurationTQ DefaultValuecontractTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions headers identitynameTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionskindTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsendpointConfigurationTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions) idleTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:02:00* leaseTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:10:007maxOutboundChannelsPerEndpointTQ DefaultValue viaUri claimTypeTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions  isOptionalTQ DefaultValue4includeExceptionDetailInFaultsTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions metadata0transactionTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:00:00typeTQ DefaultValue.useIdentityConfigurationTQ DefaultValueclientCertificateserviceCertificate windows issuedToken httpDigest peer(supportInteractiveTQ DefaultValue'clientBaseAddressTQ DefaultValue-connectionBufferSizeTQ DefaultValue ZhostNameComparisonModeTQ DefaultValueU*System.ServiceModel.HostNameComparisonMode50System.ServiceModel.HostNameComparisonModeHelper:channelInitializationTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:00:30&TMinValueString00:00:00.0000001& maxBufferSizeTQ DefaultValue.maxPendingConnectionsTQ DefaultValue.maxOutputDelayTQ DefaultValue 00:00:00.2F transferModeTQ DefaultValueU System.ServiceModel.TransferMode+&System.ServiceModel.TransferModeHelper* closeTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:01:00) openTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:01:00,receiveTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:10:00) sendTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:01:00channelPoolSettings,maxAcceptedChannelsTQ DefaultValue $packetRoutableTQ DefaultValueschemeTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsportTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions"TMinValueTMaxValuetypeTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions(wmiProviderEnabledTQ DefaultValuemessageLoggingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsendToEndTracingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsdperformanceCountersTQ DefaultValueU7System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterScopeB=System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterScopeHelperI etwProviderIdTQ DefaultValue&{c651f5f6-1c0d-492e-8ae1-b4efd7c9d503}T MinLength valueTQ DefaultValueaddressTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions'propagateActivityTQ DefaultValue%activityTracingTQ DefaultValue(messageFlowTracingTQ DefaultValueclaimTypeRequirements.establishSecurityContextTQ DefaultValue issuedKeyTypeTQ DefaultValueUSystem.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityKeyType, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityKeyTypeHelper, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089%issuedTokenTypeTQ DefaultValue issuerissuerMetadata0negotiateServiceCredentialTQ DefaultValuetokenRequestParameters baseAddressesTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionstimeoutsTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions* closeTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:00:10" allowCookiesTQ DefaultValue(bypassProxyOnLocalTQ DefaultValue.maxBufferPoolSizeTQ DefaultValue T MinValue3maxReceivedMessageSizeTQ DefaultValue T MinValue" proxyAddressTQ DefaultValue' textEncodingTQ DefaultValueutf-8(useDefaultWebProxyTQ DefaultValueimpersonationLevelTQ DefaultValueU~System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089?:System.ServiceModel.Security.TokenImpersonationLevelHelper handlers type.requireClientCertificateTQ DefaultValue:requestInitializationTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:00:00authenticationSchemeTQ DefaultValueUkSystem.Net.AuthenticationSchemes, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089*decompressionEnabledTQ DefaultValue&keepAliveEnabledTQ DefaultValue"TMinValueTMaxValue+messageHandlerFactoryTQ DefaultValueproxyAuthenticationSchemeTQ DefaultValueUkSystem.Net.AuthenticationSchemes, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089realmTQ DefaultValue8"unsafeConnectionNtlmAuthenticationTQ DefaultValueextendedProtectionPolicywebSocketSettingsZclientCredentialTypeTQ DefaultValueU,System.ServiceModel.HttpClientCredentialType72System.ServiceModel.HttpClientCredentialTypeHelperXproxyCredentialTypeTQ DefaultValueU+System.ServiceModel.HttpProxyCredentialType61System.ServiceModel.HttpProxyCredentialTypeHelperuserPrincipalNameservicePrincipalNamednsrsa certificatecertificateReference localIssuer1localIssuerChannelBehaviorsTQ DefaultValueissuerChannelBehaviors'cacheIssuedTokensTQ DefaultValueHmaxIssuedTokenCachingTimeTQ DefaultValue10675199.02:48:05.4775807bdefaultKeyEntropyModeTQ DefaultValueU3System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityKeyEntropyMode>9System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityKeyEntropyModeHelper>%issuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentageTQ DefaultValue<"TMinValueTMaxValuedallowedAudienceUrisaudienceUriModeTQ DefaultValueUSystem.IdentityModel.Selectors.AudienceUriMode, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.IdentityModel.Selectors.AudienceUriModeValidationHelper, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0894customCertificateValidatorTypeTQ DefaultValuecertificateValidationModeTQ DefaultValueUSystem.ServiceModel.Security.X509CertificateValidationMode, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089E@System.ServiceModel.Security.X509CertificateValidationModeHelperrevocationModeTQ DefaultValueUSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089trustedStoreLocationTQ DefaultValueUSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089(samlSerializerTypeTQ DefaultValueknownCertificates.allowUntrustedRsaIssuersTQ DefaultValue issuerAddressTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions"defaultMessageSecurityVersionFASystem.ServiceModel.Configuration.MessageSecurityVersionConverter additionalRequestParameters keySizeTQ DefaultValuekeyTypeTQ DefaultValueUSystem.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityKeyType, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 tokenTypeTQ DefaultValue%useStrTransformTQ DefaultValue" cacheCookiesTQ DefaultValue# detectReplaysTQ DefaultValue(replayCacheSizeTQ DefaultValue * maxClockSkewTQ DefaultValue00:05:00CmaxCookieCachingTimeTQ DefaultValue10675199.02:48:05.4775807* replayWindowTQ DefaultValue00:05:007sessionKeyRenewalIntervalTQ DefaultValue10:00:008sessionKeyRolloverIntervalTQ DefaultValue00:05:001reconnectTransportOnFailureTQ DefaultValue7timestampValidityDurationTQ DefaultValue00:05:009 cookieRenewalThresholdPercentageTQ DefaultValue<2issuedCookieLifetimeTQ DefaultValue10:00:000maxStatefulNegotiationsTQ DefaultValue0negotiationTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:01:00/inactivityTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:02:007sessionKeyRenewalIntervalTQ DefaultValue15:00:00+maxPendingSessionsTQ DefaultValue)maxCachedCookiesTQ DefaultValuepolicyImporters wsdlImporters&logEntireMessageTQ DefaultValue! logKnownPiiTQ DefaultValue*logMalformedMessagesTQ DefaultValue/logMessagesAtServiceLevelTQ DefaultValue1logMessagesAtTransportLevelTQ DefaultValue)maxMessagesToLogTQ DefaultValue'TMinValue.maxSizeOfMessageToLogTQ DefaultValuefiltersTQ DefaultValueWclientCredentialTypeTQ DefaultValueU)System.ServiceModel.MessageCredentialType4/System.ServiceModel.MessageCredentialTypeHelper+customDeadLetterQueueTQ DefaultValueLdeadLetterQueueTQ DefaultValueU#System.ServiceModel.DeadLetterQueue.)System.ServiceModel.DeadLetterQueueHelperdurableTQ DefaultValue! exactlyOnceTQ DefaultValue'maxRetryCyclesTQ DefaultValue+receiveContextEnabledTQ DefaultValueVreceiveErrorHandlingTQ DefaultValueU(System.ServiceModel.ReceiveErrorHandling3.System.ServiceModel.ReceiveErrorHandlingHelper*receiveRetryCountTQ DefaultValue-retryCycleDelayTQ DefaultValue00:30:00* timeToLiveTQ DefaultValue 1.00:00:00&useSourceJournalTQ DefaultValue$useMsmqTracingTQ DefaultValue.validityDurationTQ DefaultValue00:05:00oserializationFormatTQ DefaultValueUBSystem.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegration.MsmqMessageSerializationFormatMHSystem.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegration.MsmqMessageSerializationFormatHelper]modeTQ DefaultValueU?System.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegration.MsmqIntegrationSecurityModeJESystem.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegration.MsmqIntegrationSecurityModeHelpermsmqTransportSecurity$ maxPoolSizeTQ DefaultValueXqueueTransferProtocolTQ DefaultValueU)System.ServiceModel.QueueTransferProtocol4/System.ServiceModel.QueueTransferProtocolHelper(useActiveDirectoryTQ DefaultValueZmsmqAuthenticationModeTQ DefaultValueU*System.ServiceModel.MsmqAuthenticationMode50System.ServiceModel.MsmqAuthenticationModeHelper\msmqEncryptionAlgorithmTQ DefaultValueU+System.ServiceModel.MsmqEncryptionAlgorithm61System.ServiceModel.MsmqEncryptionAlgorithmHelpermsmqProtectionLevelTQ DefaultValueUnSystem.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089msmqSecureHashAlgorithm61System.ServiceModel.MsmqSecureHashAlgorithmHelper8messageVersionTQ DefaultValueSoap12WSAddressing10( writeEncodingTQ DefaultValueutf-8& groupNameTQ DefaultValuedefault:!maxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpointTQ DefaultValue !applicationContainerSettingsconnectionPoolSettings pipeSettingsprotectionLevelTQ DefaultValueUnSystem.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089nameTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsSmessageEncodingTQ DefaultValueU*System.ServiceModel.NetHttpMessageEncoding50System.ServiceModel.NetHttpMessageEncodingHelperreliableSession\transportUsageTQ DefaultValueU4System.ServiceModel.Channels.WebSocketTransportUsage?:System.ServiceModel.Channels.WebSocketTransportUsageHelper% subProtocolTQ DefaultValuesoap\transportUsageTQ DefaultValueU4System.ServiceModel.Channels.WebSocketTransportUsage4createNotificationOnConnectionTQ DefaultValue/keepAliveIntervalTQ DefaultValue00:00:00#TMinValueString -00:00:00.001! subProtocolTQ DefaultValue+disablePayloadMaskingTQ DefaultValue%listenIPAddressTQ DefaultValueT MinValue@portTQ DefaultValueresolverTQ DefaultValue%transactionFlowTQ DefaultValue8transactionProtocolTQ DefaultValueOleTransactions'maxConnectionsTQ DefaultValueJmodeTQ DefaultValueU,System.ServiceModel.NetNamedPipeSecurityMode72System.ServiceModel.NetNamedPipeSecurityModeHelperEmodeTQ DefaultValueU'System.ServiceModel.NetMsmqSecurityMode+&System.ServiceModel.SecurityModeHelper(portSharingEnabledTQ DefaultValue>modeTQ DefaultValueU System.ServiceModel.SecurityModeenabledTQ DefaultValuepeerAuthentication messageSenderAuthenticationaddressTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions" resolverTypeTQ DefaultValuePmodeTQ DefaultValueU2System.ServiceModel.PeerResolvers.PeerResolverMode=8System.ServiceModel.PeerResolvers.PeerResolverModeHelper\referralPolicyTQ DefaultValueU4System.ServiceModel.PeerResolvers.PeerReferralPolicy?:System.ServiceModel.PeerResolvers.PeerReferralPolicyHelper customWcredentialTypeTQ DefaultValueU/System.ServiceModel.PeerTransportCredentialType:5System.ServiceModel.PeerTransportCredentialTypeHelperurl versionTQ DefaultValue&manualAddressingTQ DefaultValueorderedTQ DefaultValue/inactivityTimeoutTQ DefaultValue00:10:007acknowledgementIntervalTQ DefaultValue 00:00:00.2(flowControlEnabledTQ DefaultValue+maxPendingChannelsTQ DefaultValue"TMinValueTMaxValue@& maxRetryCountTQ DefaultValue.maxTransferWindowSizeTQ DefaultValue"TMinValueTMaxValueMreliableMessagingVersionTQ DefaultValueWSReliableMessagingFebruary2005.securityStateEncoderTypeTQ DefaultValue2defaultAlgorithmSuiteTQ DefaultValueDefault8"allowSerializedSigningTokenOnReplyTQ DefaultValue-enableUnsecuredResponseTQ DefaultValue`authenticationModeTQ DefaultValueU4System.ServiceModel.Configuration.AuthenticationMode ?:System.ServiceModel.Configuration.AuthenticationModeHelper(requireDerivedKeysTQ DefaultValue_securityHeaderLayoutTQ DefaultValueU1System.ServiceModel.Channels.SecurityHeaderLayout<7System.ServiceModel.Channels.SecurityHeaderLayoutHelper&includeTimestampTQ DefaultValue,allowInsecureTransportTQ DefaultValue[keyEntropyModeTQ DefaultValueU3System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityKeyEntropyModeissuedTokenParameterslocalClientSettingslocalServiceSettingscmessageProtectionOrderTQ DefaultValueU3System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageProtectionOrder>9System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageProtectionOrderHelper# protectTokensTQ DefaultValue3messageSecurityVersionTQ DefaultValueDefault8"requireSecurityContextCancellationTQ DefaultValue2requireSignatureConfirmationTQ DefaultValue2canRenewSecurityContextTokenTQ DefaultValue secureConversationBootstraprelativeAddressTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsserviceTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsfactoryTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionshprincipalPermissionModeTQ DefaultValueU7System.ServiceModel.Description.PrincipalPermissionModeB=System.ServiceModel.Description.PrincipalPermissionModeHelper&roleProviderNameTQ DefaultValue7!impersonateCallerForAllOperationsTQ DefaultValue3impersonateOnSerializingReplyTQ DefaultValue5serviceAuthorizationManagerTypeTQ DefaultValueauthorizationPoliciesuserNameAuthentication<useIdentityConfigurationTQ DefaultValueT IsRequired9identityConfigurationT IsRequiredTQ DefaultValuewindowsAuthenticationissuedTokenAuthentication% secureConversationAuthenticationhostTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsnameTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsaddressTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsbindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsbindingConfigurationTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsnameTQ DefaultValue bindingNameTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsbindingNamespaceTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsT listenUriModeTQ DefaultValueU-System.ServiceModel.Description.ListenUriMode83System.ServiceModel.Description.ListenUriModeHelper listenUriTQ DefaultValue&isSystemEndpointTQ DefaultValuekindTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsendpointConfigurationTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionstypeTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsbaseAddressPrefixFiltersTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsserviceActivationsTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions0aspNetCompatibilityEnabledTQ DefaultValue2closeIdleServicesAtLowMemoryTQ DefaultValueA(minFreeMemoryPercentageToActivateServiceTQ DefaultValue"TMinValueTMaxValuec1multipleSiteBindingsEnabledTQ DefaultValuebindingTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsbindingConfigurationTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsexternalMetadataLocation$httpGetEnabledTQ DefaultValue httpGetUrl%httpsGetEnabledTQ DefaultValue httpsGetUrl$httpGetBindingTQ DefaultValue1httpGetBindingConfigurationTQ DefaultValue%httpsGetBindingTQ DefaultValue2httpsGetBindingConfigurationTQ DefaultValue* policyVersionTQ DefaultValueDefault=8System.ServiceModel.Configuration.PolicyVersionConverterbehaviorExtensionsbindingElementExtensionsbindingExtensionsendpointExtensionsNauditLogLocationTQ DefaultValueU$System.ServiceModel.AuditLogLocation/*System.ServiceModel.AuditLogLocationHelper*suppressAuditFailureTQ DefaultValueVserviceAuthorizationAuditLevelTQ DefaultValueUSystem.ServiceModel.AuditLevel)$System.ServiceModel.AuditLevelHelperWmessageAuthenticationAuditLevelTQ DefaultValueUSystem.ServiceModel.AuditLevel+maxConcurrentCallsTQ DefaultValue.maxConcurrentSessionsTQ DefaultValued/maxConcurrentInstancesTQ DefaultValuet sslProtocolsTQ DefaultValueUvSystem.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0894/System.ServiceModel.Security.SslProtocolsHelperYclientCredentialTypeTQ DefaultValueU+System.ServiceModel.TcpClientCredentialType61System.ServiceModel.TcpClientCredentialTypeHelper% maxBatchSizeTQ DefaultValuetransportConfigurationTypeTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionssuserNamePasswordValidationModeTQ DefaultValueU;System.ServiceModel.Security.UserNamePasswordValidationModeFASystem.ServiceModel.Security.UserNamePasswordValidationModeHelper*includeWindowsGroupsTQ DefaultValue,membershipProviderNameTQ DefaultValue9#customUserNamePasswordValidatorTypeTQ DefaultValue&cacheLogonTokensTQ DefaultValue-maxCachedLogonTokensTQ DefaultValue6cachedLogonTokenLifetimeTQ DefaultValue00:15:00 allowNtlmTQ DefaultValueallowedImpersonationLevelTQ DefaultValueU~System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089*allowAnonymousLogonsTQ DefaultValuesnSystem.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089HmodeTQ DefaultValueU*System.ServiceModel.WSDualHttpSecurityMode50System.ServiceModel.WSDualHttpSecurityModeHelper>modeTQ DefaultValueU System.ServiceModel.SecurityMode!maxDepthTQ DefaultValue/maxStringContentLengthTQ DefaultValue'maxArrayLengthTQ DefaultValue(maxBytesPerReadTQ DefaultValue.maxNameTableCharCountTQ DefaultValue xmlElementTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions/ignoreExtensionDataObjectTQ DefaultValue.maxItemsInObjectGraphTQ DefaultValuefilterTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions findValueTQ DefaultValueTUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptionsH storeLocationTQ DefaultValueUSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089TUSystem.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aOptions@ storeNameTQ DefaultValueUSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName, 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"MsmqInvalidScheme;hMsmqInvalidServiceOperationForMsmqIntegrationBindingMsmqNonNegativeArgumentExpectedg>MsmqNonTransactionalQueueNeededMsmqOpenErrorː&MsmqPathLookupError6MsmqPerAppDLQRequiresCustom̒@MsmqPerAppDLQRequiresExactlyOnce4MsmqPerAppDLQRequiresMsmq4p"MsmqPoisonMessage(MsmqQueueNotReadableBMsmqReceiveContextMessageNotMovedYHMsmqReceiveContextMessageNotReceivedNMsmqReceiveContextSubqueuesNotSupportedb MsmqReceiveError 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4PolicyExtensionImportErrorfZPolicyExtensionTypeRequiresDefaultConstructorbPolicyImportContextBindingElementCollectionIsNullXProxyImpersonationLevelMismatchJ*Psha1KeyLengthInvalidPublicKeyNotRSAQueryAfterNodesA QueryBeforeNodesaDQueryCantGetStringForMovedIteratorFQueryContextNotSupportedInSequences,QueryFunctionStringArg:QueryFunctionTypeNotSupportedj,QueryItemAlreadyExists.QueryIteratorOutOfScope&QueryMustBeSeekable&QueryNotImplemented QueryNotSortable"QueryVariableNull@:QueryVariableTypeNotSupportedk0RMEndpointNotFoundReasonRequiredMessagePartNotEncryptedx(BRequiredMessagePartNotEncryptedNs(8RequiredMessagePartNotSigned(ResponseContentTypeNotSupported?-TResponseHeaderWithRequestHeadersCollection-&RetryGenericMessage-4RevertImpersonationFailure 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=6SFxCannotCallAddBaseAddressj=VSFxCannotCallAutoOpenWhenExplicitOpenCalled=@SFxCannotGetMetadataFromLocation'>NSFxCannotGetMetadataFromRelativeAddress>lSFxCannotHaveDifferentTransactionProtocolsInOneBinding?FSFxCannotHttpGetMetadataFromAddress?@SFxCannotImportAsParameters_BareR@`SFxCannotImportAsParameters_DifferentWrapperName@\SFxCannotImportAsParameters_DifferentWrapperNsA`SFxCannotImportAsParameters_ElementIsNotNillableAlSFxCannotImportAsParameters_HeadersAreIgnoredInEncodedAbSFxCannotImportAsParameters_HeadersAreUnsupportedEBFSFxCannotImportAsParameters_MessageBjSFxCannotImportAsParameters_MessageHasProtectionLevelBZSFxCannotImportAsParameters_NamespaceMismatch(CdSFxCannotImportAsParameters_OutputParameterAndTaskCNSFxCannotRequireBothSessionAndDatagram3C:SFxCannotSetExtensionsByIndex6EDSFxChannelDispatcherDifferentHost0EBSFxChannelDispatcherMultipleHost0F6SFxChannelDispatcherNoHost0?FHSFxChannelDispatcherNoMessageVersionFBSFxChannelDispatcherUnableToOpen1FBSFxChannelDispatcherUnableToOpen2XGpSFxChannelFactoryCannotApplyConfigurationWithoutEndpointGlSFxChannelFactoryCannotCreateFactoryWithoutDescriptionHFSFxChannelFactoryEndpointAddressUriuIPSFxChannelFactoryNoBindingFoundInConfig1IZSFxChannelFactoryNoBindingFoundInConfigOrCodeKHSFxChannelFactoryTypeMustBeInterfaceK*SFxChannelTerminated0L@SFxClientOutputSessionAutoClosedM"SFxCloseTimedOut1(NBSFxCodeGenArrayTypeIsNotSupportedOLSFxCodeGenCanOnlyStoreIntoArgOrLocGot05O,SFxCodeGenExpectingEndpO:SFxCodeGenIsNotAssignableFromO@SFxCodeGenNoConversionPossibleToO:SFxCodeGenUnknownConstantTypeO"SFxCodeGenWarningO>SFxCollectionDoesNotSupportSet0P*SFxCollectionReadOnly>P.SFxCollectionWrongType2PJSFxConfigChannelConfigurationNotFoundP2SFxConfigContractNotFoundQ`SFxConfigLoaderMultipleEndpointMatchesSpecified2S^SFxConfigLoaderMultipleEndpointMatchesWildcard1SBSFxConfigurationNameCannotBeEmptyT6SFxConflictingGlobalElementT0SFxConflictingGlobalTypeUVNSFxContractDescriptionNameCannotBeEmptyVLSFxContractHasZeroInitiatingOperationsV8SFxContractHasZeroOperationsiWPSFxContractInheritanceRequiresInterfacesWRSFxContractInheritanceRequiresInterfaces2ZY8SFxCopyToRequiresICollectionkZ.SFxCreateDuplexChannel1ZVSFxCreateDuplexChannelBadCallbackUserObject[@SFxCreateDuplexChannelNoCallback\BSFxCreateDuplexChannelNoCallback1\TSFxCreateDuplexChannelNoCallbackUserObject^4SFxCreateNonDuplexChannel1^>SFxCustomBindingNeedsTransport1s_@SFxCustomBindingWithoutTransport4``SFxDataContractSerializerDoesNotSupportBareArraya\SFxDataContractSerializerDoesNotSupportEncodedRa2SFxDeserializationFailed1a(SFxDictionaryIsEmpty$bBSFxDisallowedAttributeCombinationcbJSFxDispatchRuntimeMessageCannotBeNullcSFxEndpointContractNotSpecifiedo`SFxEndpointDispatcherDifferentChannelDispatcher0o^SFxEndpointDispatcherMultipleChannelDispatcher01p6SFxEndpointNoMatchingSchemetp4SFxErrorCreatingMtomReaderp4SFxErrorDeserializingFault(q6SFxErrorDeserializingHeader}qSFxInconsistentBindingBodyPartsjRSFxInconsistentWsdlOperationStyleInHeader^SFxInconsistentWsdlOperationStyleInMessagePartshSFxInconsistentWsdlOperationStyleInOperationMessagesG`SFxInconsistentWsdlOperationUseAndStyleInBindingdSFxInconsistentWsdlOperationUseInBindingExtensions_\SFxInconsistentWsdlOperationUseInBindingFaults`SFxInconsistentWsdlOperationUseInBindingMessages4SFxIncorrectMessageVersion_:SFxInitializationUIDisallowed8SFxInitializationUINotCalledJDSFxInputParametersToServiceInvalid$>SFxInputParametersToServiceNull2SFxInstanceNotInitialized!8SFxInterleavedContextScopes0s0SFxInternalCallbackError,SFxInternalServerErrorh6SFxInvalidAsyncResultState0SFxInvalidXmlAttributeInWrappedř:SFxKnownTypeAttributeInvalid1t@SFxKnownTypeAttributeReturnType3FSFxKnownTypeAttributeUnknownMethod3 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|SFxMetadataExchangeClientCouldNotCreateChannelFactoryBadSchemebSFxMetadataExchangeClientCouldNotCreateWebRequestBTSFxMetadataExchangeClientNoMetadataAddressFSFxMetadataReferenceInvalidLocationlSFxMetadataResolverKnownContractsArgumentCannotBeEmptydSFxMetadataResolverKnownContractsCannotContainNullZSFxMetadataResolverKnownContractsUniqueQNames,SFxMethodNotSupported1£8SFxMethodNotSupportedByType2@SFxMethodNotSupportedOnCallback1Τ8SFxMismatchedOperationParent,SFxMissingActionHeaderSFxOneWayMessageToTwoWayMethod0F^SFxOperationBehaviorAttributeOnlyOnServiceClassSFxOperationBehaviorAttributeReleaseInstanceModeDoesNotApplyToCallbackPSFxOperationContractOnNonServiceContract`SFxOperationContractProviderOnNonServiceContractPSFxOperationDescriptionNameCannotBeEmptyHSFxOperationMustHaveOneOrTwoMessages۸2SFxParameterCountMismatchFSFxParameterMustBeArrayOfOneElement^2SFxParameterMustBeMessage8SFxParameterNameCannotBeNull0SFxParametersMustBeEmptyG8SFxPartNameMustBeUniqueInRpcDSFxProxyRuntimeMessageCannotBeNull@SFxReceiveContextPropertyMissingPSFxReceiveContextSettingsPropertyMissing.SFxReplyActionMismatch3'FSFxRequestHasInvalidFaultToOnClientFSFxRequestHasInvalidFaultToOnServer@SFxRequestHasInvalidFromOnClient@SFxRequestHasInvalidFromOnServerFSFxRequestHasInvalidReplyToOnClientXFSFxRequestHasInvalidReplyToOnServerX&SFxRequestReplyNone&SFxRequestTimedOut1&SFxRequestTimedOut2BSFxRequiredRuntimePropertyMissing@SFxResolvedMaxResolvedReferences,SFxResultMustBeMessage:SFxRevertImpersonationFailed04@SFxRpcMessageBodyPartNameInvalid@SFxRpcMessageMustHaveASingleBodySecuritySessionListenerNotFound2SecuritySessionNotPendingXxSecuritySessionProtocolFactoryShouldBeSetBeforeThisOperationXSecuritySessionRequiresIssuanceAuthenticatorNSecuritySessionRequiresMessageIntegrityO`SecuritySessionRequiresSecurityContextTokenCacheJSecuritySettingsLifetimeManagerNotSetSeekableMessageNavBodyForbidden@SeekableMessageNavIDNotSupported> 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$VSequenceTerminatedInconsistentLastMsgNumber@$VSequenceTerminatedMaximumRetryCountExceeded$BSequenceTerminatedMissingFinalAck:%VSequenceTerminatedNotAllRepliesAcknowledged%2SequenceTerminatedOnAbort&PSequenceTerminatedQuotaExceededException&LSequenceTerminatedReliableRequestThreww'ZSequenceTerminatedReplyMissingAcknowledgement'RSequenceTerminatedSessionClosedBeforeDone(HSequenceTerminatedSmallLastMsgNumber(PSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedAckRequested')VSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedAcknowledgement)SequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSR*LSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCSROfferIdg+RSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCloseSequence+bSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedCloseSequenceResponseL,ZSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedTerminateSequence,jSequenceTerminatedUnexpectedTerminateSequenceResponse@-RSequenceTerminatedUnknownAddToWindowError-DSequenceTerminatedUnsupportedClose.\SequenceTerminatedUnsupportedTerminateSequence.BSerializedTokenVersionUnsupported,/8ServerCertificateNotProvided^/PServerReceivedCloseMessageStateIsCreated/:ServerRejectedSessionPreamble+08ServerRejectedUpgradeRequestj0ServerTooBusy0*ServiceBusyCountTrace0`ServiceCertificateNotProvidedOnClientCredentials0bServiceCertificateNotProvidedOnServiceCredentials^1nServiceHasAtLeastOneOperationWithTransactionFlowEnabled14ServiceHasZeroAppEndpoints3:ServiceHealthBehavior_Address04>ServiceHealthBehavior_Available94FServiceHealthBehavior_BaseAddressesD4:ServiceHealthBehavior_BindingT4PServiceHealthBehavior_ChannelDispatchers]4JServiceHealthBehavior_ChannelTimeoutsr46ServiceHealthBehavior_Close4VServiceHealthBehavior_CompletionPortThreads4JServiceHealthBehavior_ConcurrencyMode4JServiceHealthBehavior_ConcurrentCalls4ServiceHealthBehavior_Endpoints48ServiceHealthBehavior_GCMode4RServiceHealthBehavior_InstanceContextMode4>ServiceHealthBehavior_Instances5LServiceHealthBehavior_IsSystemEndpoint5FServiceHealthBehavior_ListenerState+5BServiceHealthBehavior_ListenerUri;5HSfxReflectedContractsNotInitialized1L?FSfxServiceContractAttributeNotFound@4SfxTransactedBindingNeededcAJSfxUseTypedMessageForCustomAttributesB0SharedEndpointReadDenied^C4SharedEndpointReadNotFound$DBSharedManagerAllowDupHandleFailedD"SharedManagerBaseEHSharedManagerConflictingRegistrationpEPSharedManagerCurrentUserSidLookupFailureEPSharedManagerDataConnectionCreateFailureEDSharedManagerDataConnectionFailure FJSharedManagerDataConnectionPipeFailed@F6SharedManagerFailedToListenFDSharedManagerLogonSidLookupFailureF0SharedManagerPathTooLongF@SharedManagerProtocolUnsupportedFLSharedManagerRegistrationQuotaExceededGNSharedManagerServiceEndpointReadFailure)GBSharedManagerServiceLookupFailureGDSharedManagerServiceSecurityFailedGHSharedManagerServiceSidLookupFailureG@SharedManagerServiceStartFailure!HPSharedManagerServiceStartFailureDisabledmHNSharedManagerServiceStartFailureNoErrorHBSharedManagerUserSidLookupFailure6I>SharedManagerVersionUnsupportedsI@Sharing_ConnectionDispatchFailedI:Sharing_EmptyListenerEndpointJ6Sharing_EndpointUnavailablefJ8Sharing_ListenerProxyStoppedJ:ShutdownRequestWasNotReceivedKFSignatureAndEncryptionTokenMismatchKBSignatureConfirmationNotSupportedKRSignatureConfirmationRequiresRequestReply_L@SignatureConfirmationWasExpectedLBSignatureConfirmationsNotExpectedMbSignatureConfirmationsOccursAfterPrimarySignatureNM(SignatureNotExpectedM6SignatureVerificationFailedM@SignedSupportingTokenNotExpectedM*SigningTokenHasNoKeys?N`SigningTokenHasNoKeysSupportingTheAlgorithmSuite_P^SigningWithoutPrimarySignatureRequiresTimestampPlSinceTheBindingForDoesnTSupportIBindingCapabilities1_1PlSinceTheBindingForDoesnTSupportIBindingCapabilities2_1[R,SingleWsdlNotGeneratedS>SizeExceedsRemainingBufferSpacepTBSmallLastMsgNumberExceptionStringT(Soap11ToStringFormatU(Soap12ToStringFormatU:SoapSecurityNegotiationFailedU^SoapSecurityNegotiationFailedForIssuerAndTargetV8SocketAbortedReceiveTimedOut}V2SocketAbortedSendTimedOutLW6SocketCloseReadReceivedData!X,SocketCloseReadTimeoutX0SocketConnectionDisposedY,SocketListenerDisposedY4SocketListenerNotListeningZ4SourceTransactionsDisabled)ZHSpaceNeededExceedsMessageFrameOffsetZRSpnegoImpersonationLevelCannotBeSetToNone5[4SslCertMayNotDoKeyExchange[2SslCertMustHavePrivateKey\(SslCipherKeyTooSmall\FSspiErrorOrInvalidClientCredentials]BStandardsManagerCannotWriteObjectZ^8StandardsManagerDoesNotMatch^StreamClosed._6StreamDoesNotSupportTimeouto_StreamError_8StreamMutualAuthNotSatisfied`TStreamUpgradeUnsupportedChannelBindingKindK` 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bTraceCodeComIntegrationServiceHostStoppingService%VTraceCodeComIntegrationServiceMonikerParsed@\TraceCodeComIntegrationTLBImportConverterEventaPTraceCodeComIntegrationTLBImportFinishedXTraceCodeComIntegrationTLBImportFromAssemblyVTraceCodeComIntegrationTLBImportFromTypelibݥPTraceCodeComIntegrationTLBImportStarting`TraceCodeComIntegrationTxProxyTxAbortedByContext6VTraceCodeComIntegrationTxProxyTxAbortedByTMdRTraceCodeComIntegrationTxProxyTxCommitted`TraceCodeComIntegrationTypedChannelBuilderLoaded^TraceCodeComIntegrationWsdlChannelBuilderLoadedNTraceCodeCommunicationObjectAbortFailedFTraceCodeCommunicationObjectAbortedNTraceCodeCommunicationObjectCloseFailed+DTraceCodeCommunicationObjectClosed@FTraceCodeCommunicationObjectClosingLFTraceCodeCommunicationObjectCreatedYJTraceCodeCommunicationObjectDisposingfNTraceCodeCommunicationObjectFaultReasonuFTraceCodeCommunicationObjectFaultedLTraceCodeCommunicationObjectOpenFailedDTraceCodeCommunicationObjectOpenedŧFTraceCodeCommunicationObjectOpeningѧ@TraceCodeConfigurationIsReadOnlyާPTraceCodeConfiguredExtensionTypeNotFound8TraceCodeConnectToIPEndpoint"8TraceCodeConnectionAbandoned;JTraceCodeConnectionPoolCloseException_RTraceCodeConnectionPoolIdleTimeoutReachedTTraceCodeConnectionPoolLeaseTimeoutReachedTraceCodeConnectionPoolMaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpointQuotaReachedoXTraceCodeContextChannelFactoryChannelCreated\TraceCodeContextChannelListenerChannelAccepted 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jTraceCodeTxSourceTxScopeRequiredIsTransactedTransportGbTraceCodeTxSourceTxScopeRequiredIsTransactionFlowpTraceCodeTxSourceTxScopeRequiredUsingExistingTransaction@TraceCodeUnderstoodMessageHeader0TraceCodeUnhandledAction8TTraceCodeUnhandledExceptionInUserOperationdRTraceCodeWarnHelpPageEnabledNoBaseAddressdTraceCodeWarnServiceHealthPageEnabledNoBaseAddressNTraceCodeWebHostFailedToActivateService>TraceCodeWebHostFailedToCompileRTraceCodeWebRequestDoesNotMatchOperationsFTraceCodeWebRequestMatchesOperationPTraceCodeWebUnknownQueryParameterIgnoredUTraceCodeWmiPutNTraceCodeWorkflowDurableInstanceAbortedRTraceCodeWorkflowDurableInstanceActivatedLTraceCodeWorkflowDurableInstanceLoadedVTraceCodeWorkflowOperationInvokerItemQueuedPTraceCodeWorkflowRequestContextFaultSent1PTraceCodeWorkflowRequestContextReplySentQFTraceCodeWorkflowServiceHostCreatedqPTraceCodeWsmexNonCriticalWsdlExportErrorPTraceCodeWsmexNonCriticalWsdlImportErrorDTraceCodeWsrmInvalidCreateSequence`6TraceCodeWsrmInvalidMessageLTraceCodeWsrmMaxPendingChannelsReached6TraceCodeWsrmMessageDropped#PTraceCodeWsrmNegativeElapsedTimeDetecteduFTraceCodeWsrmReceiveAcknowledgementNTraceCodeWsrmReceiveLastSequenceMessage+FTraceCodeWsrmReceiveSequenceMessageR@TraceCodeWsrmSendAcknowledgementtHTraceCodeWsrmSendLastSequenceMessage@TraceCodeWsrmSendSequenceMessage8TraceCodeWsrmSequenceFaulted:TraceOnAuthorizeRequestFailedTransportBindingElementNotFoundUnableToLoadCertificateIdentityz#UnableToLoadDll#0UnableToLocateOperation2$8UnableToObtainIssuerMetadata5$.UnableToRenewSessionKeyt$8UnableToResolveDataReference$&UnableToResolveHost$ZUnableToResolveKeyInfoClauseInDerivedKeyToken%FUnableToResolveKeyInfoForDecryptiony%PUnableToResolveKeyInfoForUnwrappingToken%VUnableToResolveKeyInfoForVerifyingSignature&NUnableToResolveReferenceUriForSignatures&(UnableToRetrievepUnk&(UnabletoImportPolicy&(UnboundPrefixInQName':UnbufferedItemsCannotBeClonedD',UnexpectedAckRequested(2UnexpectedAcknowledgement(4UnexpectedBinarySecretType(UnexpectedCS))&UnexpectedCSOfferId)UnexpectedCSR*(UnexpectedCSROfferIdy*.UnexpectedCloseSequence*>UnexpectedCloseSequenceResponsei+4UnexpectedDuplicateElement+BUnexpectedElementExpectingElement$,HUnexpectedEmptyElementExpectingClaim~,TUnexpectedEncryptedElementInSecurityHeader,&UnexpectedEndOfFile -4UnexpectedHttpResponseCode$-UnrecognizedFaultReceivedOnOpen7DUnrecognizedHostNameComparisonMode48@UnrecognizedIdentityPropertyType`80UnrecognizedIdentityType8FUnrecognizedPolicyDocumentNamespace8HUnrecognizedPolicyElementInNamespace9:UnsecuredMessageFaultReceived79RUnsignedToHeaderInTransportSecuredMessage92UnsupportedBinaryEncoding :UnsupportedChannelInterfaceTypez;>UnsupportedCloseExceptionString;*UnsupportedConversion_<4UnsupportedCryptoAlgorithm<4UnsupportedEnvelopeVersion =8UnsupportedIssuerEntropyType`=BUnsupportedKeyDerivationAlgorithm=(UnsupportedKeyLength=BUnsupportedMessageQueryResultType(>.UnsupportedPasswordTypeV>:UnsupportedPolicyDocumentRoot>*UnsupportedRssVersion>xUnsupportedSecureConversationBootstrapProtectionRequirements?DUnsupportedSecurityPolicyAssertion@4UnsupportedSecuritySettingo@:UnsupportedSslProtectionLevel@VUnsupportedTerminateSequenceExceptionString.ADUnsupportedTokenImpersonationLevelA:UnsupportedTokenInclusionMode7B.UnsupportedTrustVersioneB4UnsupportedUpgradeAcceptorB6UnsupportedUpgradeInitiatorD:UnsupportedWSDLOnlyOneMessage[E.UnsupportedWSDLTheFaultF6UpgradeProtocolNotSupported}GHUpgradeRequestToNonupgradableServiceG@UriGeneratorSchemeMustNotBeEmpty5H@UriLengthExceedsMaxSupportedSize^H"UriMustBeAbsoluteHhUseDefaultWebProxyCantBeUsedWithExplicitProxyAddressH\UserNamePasswordNotProvidedOnClientCredentialsOI4ValueMustBeGreaterThanZeroI$ValueMustBeInRangeI,ValueMustBeNonNegative J&ValueMustBePositive>J VariantArrayNulllJ>WSHttpDoesNotSupportRMWithHttpsJ,WaitForMessageTimedOut~KJWarnDuplicateBindingQNameNameOnExportKpWarnSkippingOpertationWithSessionOpenNotificationEnabled/MPWarnSkippingOpertationWithWildcardActionN6WebHeaderArgumentOutOfRangeN0WebHeaderEmptyStringCallN@WebHeaderEnumOperationCantHappen*O2WebHeaderInvalidCRLFCharsgO8WebHeaderInvalidControlCharsO6WebHeaderInvalidHeaderCharsO:WebHeaderInvalidNonAsciiCharsOWebSocketCannotCreateRequestClientChannelWithCertainWebSocketTransportUsage.PjWebSocketContentTypeAndTransferModeMismatchFromServerPLWebSocketContentTypeMismatchFromServermQ\WebSocketContextWebSocketCannotBeAccessedError.RtWebSocketElementConfigInvalidHttpMessageHandlerFactoryType]RZWebSocketEndpointDoesNotSupportWebSocketErrorRTWebSocketEndpointOnlySupportWebSocketError SrWebSocketInvalidProtocolContainsMultipleSubProtocolStringTNWebSocketInvalidProtocolNotInClientListTJWebSocketMaxPendingConnectionsReachedU0WebSocketModuleNotLoadedUVWebSocketOpaqueStreamContentNotSupportError|V^WebSocketOpeningHandshakePropertiesNotAvailableV4WebSocketOperationTimedOutW0WebSocketReceiveTimedOutX*WebSocketSendTimedOut;YLWebSocketStreamWriteCalledAfterEOMSentYLWebSocketSubProtocolMismatchFromServer=Z.WebSocketTransportError[PWebSocketTransportPolicyAssertionInvalid[HWebSocketUnexpectedCloseMessageError[6WebSocketUpgradeFailedError[PWebSocketUpgradeFailedHeaderMissingErrorE\TWebSocketUpgradeFailedInvalidProtocolError\LWebSocketUpgradeFailedWrongHeaderError]DWebSocketVersionMismatchFromServer]@WebSocketsClientSideNotSupported!^NWebSocketsNotSupportedInClassicPipeline^@WebSocketsServerSideNotSupportedP_NWhereaboutsImplausibleHostNameByteCount_FWhereaboutsImplausibleProtocolCount_4WhereaboutsInvalidHostName`*WhereaboutsNoHostNameL`*WhereaboutsReadFailed`6WhereaboutsSignatureMissing`WmiGetObject"aWmiPutInstanceWsdlImportErrorDependencyDetailg8WsdlImportErrorMessageDetailDhTWsdlImporterContractMustBeInKnownContractsh*WsdlImporterIsFaultedh,WsdlItemAlreadyFaultedCi"WsrmFaultReceivedzi4WsrmMessageProcessingErroriXWsrmMessageWithWrongRelatesToExceptionString jPWsrmMessageWithWrongRelatesToFaultStringkTWsrmRequestIncorrectReplyToExceptionStringkLWsrmRequestIncorrectReplyToFaultStringl6WsrmRequiredExceptionString7m.WsrmRequiredFaultStringm$X509ChainBuildFailn X509ChainIsEmptynFXDCannotFindValueInDictionaryStringnXPathPointer'o XPathUnavailable2o.XmlBufferInInvalidStateGo,XmlBufferQuotaExceededoRXmlFormatViolationInCallbackContextHeaderoBXmlFormatViolationInContextHeader9pXmlFoundCDataspXmlFoundCommentpXmlFoundElementp$XmlFoundEndElementp"XmlFoundEndOfFilep XmlFoundNodeTypepXmlFoundTextp.XmlLangAttributeMissingpXmlLineInfo-q.XmlStartElementExpectedFq8XsdMissingRequiredAttribute1jqBchannelDoesNotHaveADuplexSession0q,channelIsNotAvailable0rJcouldnTFindRequiredAttributeOfTypeOn2Gr4tooManyAttributesOfTypeOn2}rA binding instance has already been associated to listen URI '{0}'. If two endpoints want to share the same ListenUri, they must also share the same binding object instance. The two conflicting endpoints were either specified in AddServiceEndpoint() calls, in a config file, or a combination of AddServiceEndpoint() and config. #A Channel/Service Endpoint is null.-A Channel/Service endpoint's Binding is null..A Channel/Service endpoint's Contract is null.>A Channel/Service endpoint's Contract's name is null or empty.:A Channel/Service endpoint's Contract's namespace is null.The operation to establish the WebSocket connection timed out. To increase this time limit, use the OpenTimeout property on the service endpoint's binding.1Could not perform an AccessCheck (error=0x{0:X}).Access is denied.The remote endpoint requested an address for acknowledgements that is not the same as the address for application messages. The channel could not be opened because this is not supported. Ensure the endpoint address used to create the channel is identical to the one the remote endpoint was set up with.The address for acknowledgements must be the same as the address for application messages. Verify that your endpoint is configured to use the same URI for these two addresses.#The set of actions cannot be empty.Executing user callback. Close '{0}'.+Close ChannelFactory. Contract type: '{0}'.'Close ClientBase. Contract type: '{0}'.Close ServiceHost '{0}'./Construct ChannelFactory. Contract type: '{0}'.Construct ServiceHost '{0}'.0Execute Async: Begin: '{0}.{1}'; End: '{2}.{3}'.Execute '{0}.{1}'.Listen at '{0}'. Open '{0}'.*Open ChannelFactory. Contract type: '{0}'.&Open ClientBase. Contract type: '{0}'.Open ServiceHost '{0}'.Process action '{0}'.Processing message {0}.&Reading data from connection on '{0}'.Receiving data at via '{0}'."Receive bytes on connection '{0}'.Close Security Session.Renew Secure Session.Set up Secure Session."Shared listener connection: '{0}'.Socket connection: '{0}'./The required address keyword was not specified.Addressing10 ({0})Addressing200408 ({0})The element '{0}' in namespace '{1}' is not valid. This either means that element '{0}' is a duplicate element, or that it is not a legal extension because extension elements cannot be in the addressing namespace.GAddressing Version '{0}' does not support adding WS-Addressing headers.AddressingNone ({0})*Addressing Version '{0}' is not supported.MTAWorkerThread exceptionMultiple link-local only interfaces detected. Please specifiy the interface you require by using the ListenIpAddress attribute in the PeerTransportBindingElement5The service does not allow you to log on anonymously.GThe configured application was not found. (The Application ID was {0}.) value must be >= {0} and <= {1}.'The {0}:{1} assertion is not supported.AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement cannot build a channel or listener factory. The InitiatorTokenParameters property is required but not set. Binding element configuration: {0}AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement cannot build a channel or listener factory. The RecipientTokenParameters property is required but not set. Binding element configuration: {0}$An AsyncCallback threw an exception."Async End called on wrong channel.DAsync End called with an IAsyncResult from a different Begin method.The request message must be protected. This is required by an operation of the contract ('{0}','{1}'). The protection must be provided by the binding ('{2}','{3}').The response message must be protected. This is required by an operation of the contract ('{0}', '{1}'). The protection must be provided by the binding ('{2}', '{3}').,At least one fault reason must be specified.;Only one primary signature is allowed in a security header.BAt most one reference list is supported with default policy check.=At most one signature is supported with default policy check.The Atom10 specification requires '{0}' to have one of these values: "text", "html", "xhtml", however this value is '{1}' in the document being deserialized.XThe initial request context was already specified. Can not create two for same message.vAttempted to get contract type for {0}, but that type is not a ServiceContract, nor does it inherit a ServiceContract.Authentication failed.The authenticate method in the ServiceAuthenticationManager returned null. If you do not want to return any authorization policies in the collection then return an empty ReadOnlyCollection instead. 0The caller was not authenticated by the service.The authentication schemes cannot be inherited from the host for binding '{0}'. No AuthenticationScheme was specified on the ServiceHost or in the virtual application in IIS. This may be resolved by enabling at least one authentication scheme for this virtual application in IIS, through the ServiceHost.Authentication.AuthenticationSchemes property or in the configuration at the element.The authentication schemes configured on the host ('{0}') do not allow those configured on the binding '{1}' ('{2}'). Please ensure that the SecurityMode is set to Transport or TransportCredentialOnly. Additionally, this may be resolved by changing the authentication schemes for this application through the IIS management tool, through the ServiceHost.Authentication.AuthenticationSchemes property, in the application configuration file at the element, by updating the ClientCredentialType property on the binding, or by adjusting the AuthenticationScheme property on the HttpTransportBindingElement.MThe RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection does not contain an authenticator.]The CloseTarget specified '{0}' does not identify the security token that signed the message.UThe security context token is expired or is not valid. The message was not processed.The message could not be processed. This is most likely because the action '{0}' is incorrect or because the message contains an invalid or expired security context token or because there is a mismatch between bindings. The security context token would be invalid if the service aborted the channel due to inactivity. To prevent the service from aborting idle sessions prematurely increase the Receive timeout on the service endpoint's binding.Invalid data buffer.7The Dispatch ID '{0}' could not be found or is invalid."Invalid format for encrypted body.LThe EncryptedData or EncryptedKey is in an invalid state for this operation.The client token at least needs to have the SecurityImpersonationLevel of at least Impersonation for Out of process Webhost activations.Bad Interface Registration'Incorrect Interface version in registryHThe issued token is of unexpected type '{0}'. Expected token type '{1}'.%Invalid key encryption algorithm {0}.The number of parameters in the request did not match the number supported by the method. Ensure that the correct number of parameters are specified.QThere is no endorsing session token that matches the specified RenewTarget '{0}'.Security negotiation failure because an incorrect Context attribute specified in RequestSecurityToken/RequestSecurityTokenResponse from the other party.Badly terminated value {0}.-A base address cannot contain a Uri fragment.1A base address cannot contain a Uri query string.6A base address cannot contain a Uri user info section.This collection already contains an address with scheme {0}. There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection. If your service is being hosted in IIS you can fix the problem by setting 'system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/multipleSiteBindingsEnabled' to true or specifying 'system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/baseAddressPrefixFilters'.3Only an absolute Uri can be used as a base address.SBasicHttpContextBinding {0}:{1} requires that AllowCookies property is set to true.BasicHttp binding requires that BasicHttpBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType be equivalent to the BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.Certificate credential type for secure messages. Select Transport or TransportWithMessageCredential security for UserName credentials.>Supporting SecurityToken cannot be written without encryption.EA basic token is not expected in the security header in this context.fBearer Key Type is not supported with WSFederationHttpBinding. Please use WS2007FederationHttpBinding.A Proof Token was found in the response that was returned by the Security Token Service for a Bearer Key Type token request. Note that Proof Tokens should not be generated when a Bearer Key Type request is made.Service behavior {0} requires that the binding associated with endpoint {1} listening on {2} supports the context protocol, because the contract associated with this endpoint may require a session. Currently configured binding for this endpoint does not support the context protocol. Please modify the binding to add support for the context protocol or modify the SessionMode on the contract to NotAllowed.XThe binary encoder session is not valid. There was an error decoding a previous message.>The binary encoder session information is not properly formed.The binary encoder session information exceeded the maximum size quota ({0}). To increase this quota, use the MaxSessionSize property on the BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement.UThe path variable '{0}' in the UriTemplate must be bound to a non-empty string value.The binding ('{0}','{1}') for contract ('{2}','{3}') is configured with SecureConversation, but the authentication mode is not able to provide the request/reply-based integrity and confidentiality required for the negotiation.The contract operation '{0}' requires Windows identity for automatic impersonation. A Windows identity that represents the caller is not provided by binding ('{1}','{2}') for contract ('{3}','{4}'.Binding '{0}' doesn't support creating any channel types. This often indicates that the BindingElements in a CustomBinding have been stacked incorrectly or in the wrong order. A Transport is required at the bottom of the stack. The recommended order for BindingElements is: TransactionFlow, ReliableSession, Security, CompositeDuplex, OneWay, StreamSecurity, MessageEncoding, Transport. jContract requires Duplex, but Binding '{0}' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it.jContract requires OneWay, but Binding '{0}' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it.qContract requires Request/Reply, but Binding '{0}' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it.kContract requires Session, but Binding '{0}' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it.Contract requires TwoWay (either request-reply or duplex), but Binding '{0}' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it.yContract does not allow Session, but Binding '{0}' does not support Datagram or is not configured properly to support it.0Fail to load binding {0} from config. Error:{1}.2Binding type {0} instance {1} not found in config.?The required binding keyword was not specified or is not valid.bThe binding for scheme '{0}' specified in the protocol mapping does not exist and must be created.uDeliveryRequirementsAttribute disallows QueuedDelivery, but binding for the endpoint with contract '{0}' supports it.DeliveryRequirementsAttribute requires QueuedDelivery, but binding for the endpoint with contract '{0}' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it.SThe body writer does not support writing more than once because it is not buffered.DThe body writer returned from OnCreateBufferedCopy was not buffered.OThe security binding element for bootstrap security was not specified on '{0}'.Unable to finish reading Base64 data as the given buffer quota has been exceeded. Buffer quota: {0}. Consider increasing the MaxReceivedMessageSize quota on the TransportBindingElement. Please note that a very high value for MaxReceivedMessageSize will result in buffering a large message and might open the system to DOS attacks.SThe object with CLSID '{0}' does not support the required IPersistStream interface.TCLSID of type {0} does not match the CLSID on PersistStreamTypeWrapper which is {1}.uThe request to create a reliable session has been refused by the RM Destination. {0} The channel could not be opened.The endpoint processing requests to create a reliable session only supports sessions in which the AcksTo Uri and the Endpoint Uri are the same.The endpoint processing requests to create a reliable session only supports sessions in which the AcksTo Uri and the ReplyTo Uri are the same.The endpoint at {0} processes duplex sessions. The create sequence request must contain an offer for a return sequence. This is likely caused by a binding mismatch.The endpoint at {0} processes input sessions. The create sequence request must not contain an offer for a return sequence. This is likely caused by a binding mismatch.The request to create a reliable session contains an invalid wsrm:IncompleteSequenceBehavior value. This is a WS-ReliableMessaging protocol violation.The request to create a reliable session contains the wsse:SecurityTokenReference but does not carry a wsrm:UsesSequenceSTR header. This is a WS-ReliableMessaging protocol violation. The session could not be created.The endpoint at {0} processes reply sessions. The create sequence request must contain an offer for a return sequence. This is likely caused by a binding mismatch.{The RM Destination requires the WS-SecureConversation protocol in the binding. This is likely caused by a binding mismatch.The endpoint processing requests to create a reliable session does not support sessions that use SSL. This is likely caused by a binding mismatch. The session could not be created.The request to create a reliable session carries a wsrm:UsesSequenceSTR header, but does not contain the wsse:SecurityTokenReference. This is a WS-ReliableMessaging protocol violation. The session could not be created.TThe message is not a valid SOAP message. The body contains more than 1 root element.The remote endpoint replied to a request for a two way session with an offer for a one way session. This is likely caused by a binding mismatch. The channel could not be opened.The client requested creation of a two way session. A one way session was created. The session cannot continue without as a one way session. This is likely caused by a binding mismatch.The response to the request to create a reliable session contains an invalid wsrm:IncompleteSequenceBehavior value. This is a WS-ReliableMessaging protocol violation.The remote endpoint replied to a request for a one way session with an offer for a two way session. This is a WS-ReliableMessaging protocol violation. The channel could not be opened.A return sequence was not offered by the create sequence request. The create sequence response cannot accept a return sequence.The remote endpoint replied to a request for a two way session with an offer for a one way session. This is a WS-ReliableMessaging protocol violation. The channel could not be opened.{A return sequence was offered by the create sequence request but the create sequence response did not accept this sequence.@The item cannot be added. The maximum cache size is ({0} items).RContext cached at the channel layer cannot be changed after the channel is opened.iThe service cannot cache the negotiation state as the capacity '{0}' has been reached. Retry the request.The incoming message with action '{0}' contains a callback context header with name '{1}' and namespace '{2}'. Callback context headers are not expected in incoming messages at the client.The outgoing message with action '{0}' contains a callback context message property. Callback context cannot be transmitted in outgoing messages at the server.The message contains a callback context message property. Callback context can be transmitted only when the ContextBindingElement is configured with ContextExchangeMechanism of ContextSoapHeader.The message contains a callback context header with an endpoint reference for AddressingVersion '{0}'. Callback context can only be transmitted when the AddressingVersion is configured with 'WSAddressing10'.CCound not load type '{0}' from the assemblies in current AppDomain.Cannot access directory {0}.FCannot add two items with the same key to SynchronizedKeyedCollection.$Cannot authenticate the other party.dThe channeloption intrinsic object cannot be created because the channel builder is not initialized.Unable to create a bi-directional (request-reply or duplex) channel for security negotiation. Please ensure that the binding is capable of creating a bi-directional channel.VCannot detect WS-Addressing version. EndpointReference does not start with an Element.Client cannot determine the Service Principal Name based on the identity in the target address '{0}' for the purpose of SspiNegotiation/Kerberos. The target address identity must be a UPN identity (like acmedomain\alice) or SPN identity (like host/bobs-machine).Cannot find the X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName '{0}', StoreLocation '{1}', FindType '{2}', FindValue '{3}'.Cannot find The X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName '{0}', StoreLocation '{1}', FindType '{2}', FindValue '{3}' for target '{4}'..Cannot find CLSID {0} in COM+ application {1}.RCannot find the correlation state for applying security to reply at the responder.?The token's crypto collection does not support algorithm '{0}'.8Cannot find the negotiation state for the context '{0}'.3Cannot find the security session with the ID '{0}'.+Interface {0} has a null namespace or name.The {0}.{1} operation references a message element [{2}] that has already been exported from the {3}.{4} operation. You can change the name of one of the operations by changing the method name or using the Name property of OperationContractAttribute. Alternatively, you can control the element name in greater detail using the MessageContract programming model.Cannot have two operations in the same contract with the same name, methods {0} and {1} in type {2} violate this rule. You can change the name of one of the operations by changing the method name or by using the Name property of OperationContractAttribute.4PrivacyNotice element must have a Version attribute.The policy to import a process cannot import a binding for contract ({0},{1}). The protection requirements for the binding are not compatible with a binding already imported for the contract. You must reconfigure the binding.Security policy import failed. The security policy contains supporting token requirements at the operation scope. The contract description does not specify the action for the request message associated with this operation.Cannot inherit two different operations with the same name, operation '{0}' from contracts '{1}' and '{2}' violate this rule. You can change the name of one of the operations by changing the method name or by using the Name property of OperationContractAttribute."Cannot issue the token type '{0}'.2Cannot determine the key size of the issued token.^The service was unable to verify the cipher strengths negotiated as part of the SSL handshake.Impersonation using the client token is not possible. The binding ('{0}', '{1}') for contract ('{2}', '{3}') uses the Username Security Token for client authentication with a Membership Provider registered. Use a different type of security token for the client.The binding ('{0}','{1}') for contract ('{2}','{3}') supports impersonation only on Windows 2003 Server and newer version of Windows. Use SspiNegotiated authentication and a binding with Secure Conversation with cancellation enabled.Cannot read the token from the '{0}' element with the '{1}' namespace for BinarySecretSecurityToken, with a '{2}' ValueType. If this element is expected to be valid, ensure that security is configured to consume tokens with the name, namespace and value type specified.{The result cannot be represented as a nodeset. Only results of type XPathResultType.NodeSet can be represented as nodesets.\The type for the '{0}' parameter in '{1}' within the namespace '{2}' cannot not be resolved.() method.xThe Encrypted Header and the Security Header '{0}' attribute did not match. Encrypted Header: {1}. Security Header: {2}.{The Header ('{0}', '{1}') was encrypted but not signed. All encrypted headers outside the security header should be signed.$An encrypted header must have an id.QThe EncryptedKey clause was not wrapped with the required encryption token '{0}'.QEncryptedKey with ReferenceList is not allowed according to the current settings.3The encryption method is missing in encrypted data.)Encryption not expected for this message.When using the IAsyncResult design pattern, the End method cannot be decorated with OperationContractAttribute. Only the corresponding Begin method can be decorated with OperationContractAttribute; that attribute will apply to the Begin-End pair of methods. Method '{0}' in type '{1}' violates this.ChannelDispatcher requirements cannot be met by the IChannelListener for Binding '{0}' since the contract requires support for one of these channel types '{1}' but the binding only supports these channel types '{2}'.uAn endpoint configured for the COM+ CLSID {0} is not a configured interface on the class. (The contract type is {1}.)There was no endpoint listening at {0} that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.The ServiceEndpoint with name '{0}' could not be exported to WSDL because the Binding property is null. To fix this, set the Binding property to a valid Binding instance.vPerformance counter instance names may not be unique. See "" for details.CThe issuer cannot provide a computed key in key entropy mode '{0}'.QThe issuer cannot provide key entropy or a proof token in key entropy mode '{0}'.@The client cannot provide key entropy in key entropy mode '{0}'.AThe issuer must provide a computed key in key entropy mode '{0}'.>The issuer must provide key entropy in key entropy mode '{0}'.@The issuer must provide a proof token in key entropy mode '{0}'.>The client must provide key entropy in key entropy mode '{0}'.EnvelopeNone ({0})(Envelope Version '{0}' is not supported.#Unrecognized envelope version: {0}.There was an error creating the security key identifier clause from the security token XML. Please see the inner exception for more details.iThere was an error deserializing the security token XML. Please see the inner exception for more details.=Importing metadata from issuer '{0}' failed with error '{1}'.Error in line {0} position {1}.BAn error was encountered when parsing a DateTime value in the XML.hAn error was encountered when parsing the document's XML. Refer to the inner exception for more details.dAn error was encountered when parsing the feed's XML. Refer to the inner exception for more details.dAn error was encountered when parsing the item's XML. Refer to the inner exception for more details.cThere was an error serializing the security token. Please see the inner exception for more details.The policy expression was not fully imported because it exceeded the maximum allowable complexity. The import stopped at element '{0}' '{1}'.WThe policy expression was not fully imported because its normalized form was too large.-Element '{0}' with namespace '{1}' not found.?Expected element '{0}' or element '{1}' (from namespace '{2}').uThe Infocard token created during channel intialization has expired. Please create a new channel to reacquire token. Security policy export failed. The binding contains a TransportSecurityBindingElement but no transport binding element that implements ITransportTokenAssertionProvider. Policy export for such a binding is not supported. Make sure the transport binding element in the binding implements the ITransportTokenAssertionProvider interface.Extended protection is not supported on this platform. Please install the appropriate patch or change the ExtendedProtectionPolicy on the Binding or BindingElement to a value with a PolicyEnforcement value of "Never" or "WhenSupported".The Authentication Scheme "Basic" does not support Extended Protection. Please use a different authentication scheme or disable the ExtendedProtectionPolicy on the Binding or BindingElement by creating a new ExtendedProtectionPolicy with a PolicyEnforcement value of "Never".tCustomChannelBindings are not supported. Please remove the CustomChannelBinding from the ExtendedProtectionPolicy".4The name of the extension element must be specified.`Additional XML content is present in the fault detail element. Only a single element is allowed.Security negotiation failed because the remote party did not send back a reply in a timely manner. This may be because the underlying transport connection was aborted.BAt least one security token in the message could not be validated.TThe request for security token could not be satisfied because authentication failed.7The processing of the WSDL parameter failed. Error: {0}uThe required outer proxy could not be created. Ensure that the service moniker is correctly installed and registered.PThe signature verification failed. Please see inner exception for fault details.Secure channel cannot be opened because security negotiation with the remote endpoint has failed. This may be due to absent or incorrectly specified EndpointIdentity in the EndpointAddress used to create the channel. Please verify the EndpointIdentity specified or implied by the EndpointAddress correctly identifies the remote endpoint. *Failed to convert type library to assemblycThe issued token accompanying the WS-AtomicTransaction coordination context was invalid or corrupt.Failed to load type libraryq{0} returned false from OnTryCreateException, but returned a non-null Exception (See InnerException for details).W{0} returned false from OnTryCreateFaultMessage, but returned a non-null fault message.M{0} returned true from OnTryCreateException, but did not return an Exception.S{0} returned true from OnTryCreateFaultMessage, but did not return a fault message.+The fault does not have detail information.YThe feed's authors were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.^The feed's contributors were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.!The feed created a null category.=The feed created a null item.The feed created a null person.JThe syndication feed formatter must be configured with a syndication feed.cThe feed being deserialized has non-contiguous sets of items in it. This is not supported by '{0}'.SThe feed's id was not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.WThe feed's links were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.pThe IMessageFilterTable created for a Filter cannot be a MessageFilterTable or a subclass of MessageFilterTable.Value cannot be negative.HCould not compile the XPath expression '{0}' with the given XsltContext.*Parameter value cannot be an empty string..The filter already exists in the filter table.Invalid attribute on the XPath.>When present, the dialect attribute must have the value '{0}'.+Required inner element '{0}' was not found.Multiple filters matched.XThe number of XML infoset nodes inspected by the navigator has exceeded the quota ({0}).!NodeQuota must be greater than 0.,XmlReader not positioned at a start element.GSession filter's isStrictMode differs from filter table's isStrictMode.RThe MessageFilterTable state is corrupt. The requested lookup cannot be performed.]The type of IMessageFilterTable created for a particular Filter type must always be the same. The prefix '{0}' is not defined.HAn internal error has occurred. Unexpected error modifying filter table.Object type must be an enum with the flag attribute. '{0}' is not an enum - or the flag attribute is not set. Please use an enum type with the flag attribute instead.;Cannot write to a buffer which is currently being flushed. OFor replay detection to be done ProtectionLevel must be Sign or EncryptAndSign.Found multiple X.509 certificates using the following search criteria: StoreName '{0}', StoreLocation '{1}', FindType '{2}', FindValue '{3}'. Provide a more specific find value.Found multiple X.509 certificates using the following search criteria: StoreName '{0}', StoreLocation '{1}', FindType '{2}', FindValue '{3}' for target '{4}'. Provide a more specific find value.RThe request did not have any signatures but the reply has signature confirmations.IAn attempt was made to decode a value after the framing stream was ended.fContent Type {0} was not supported by service {1}. The client and service bindings may be mismatched.6The framing content type size ({0}) exceeds the quota.hContent type '{0}' is too long to be processed by the remote host. See the server logs for more details.QError while reading message framing format at position {0} of stream (state: {1})/The framing fault size ({0}) exceeds the quota.Server faulted with code '{0}'.The maximum message size quota for incoming messages has been exceeded for the remote channel. See the server logs for more details."Framing mode {0} is not supported.aThe .Net Framing mode being used is not supported by '{0}'. See the server logs for more details.,More data was expected, but EOF was reached.(Expected record type '{0}', found '{1}'.4Specified size is too large for this implementation.The requested upgrade is not supported by '{0}'. This could be due to mismatched bindings (for example security enabled on the client and not on the server).GThe value cannot be accessed because it has not yet been fully decoded.+Framing major version {0} is not supported.dThe .Net Framing version being used is not supported by '{0}'. See the server logs for more details.)The framing via ({0}) is not a valid URI.-The framing via size ({0}) exceeds the quota._Via '{0}' is too long to be processed by the remote host. See the server logs for more details.The Binding with name {0} failed validation because it contains a BindingElement with type {1} which is not supported in partial trust. Consider using BasicHttpBinding or WSHttpBinding, or hosting your application in a full-trust environment.The WSHttpBinding with name {0} failed validation because it contains a BindingElement with type {1} which is not supported in partial trust. Consider disabling the message security and reliable session options, using BasicHttpBinding, or hosting your application in a full-trust environment.The Binding with name {0} failed validation because the Binding type {1} is not supported in partial trust. Consider using BasicHttpBinding or WSHttpBinding, or hosting your application in a full-trust environment.KThere was an error verifying some XML Schemas generated during export: {0}0Could not get token information (error=0x{0:X}).gThe message header with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is not present in the set of understood headers.kThe message header with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is already present in the set of understood headers.SecurityVersion.WSSecurityJan2004 does not support header decryption. Use SecurityVersion.WsSecurity11 and above or use transport security to encrypt the full message.SecurityVersion.WSSecurityJan2004 does not support header encryption. Header with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is configured for encryption. Consider using SecurityVersion.WsSecurity11 and above or use transport security to encrypt the full message.EThere is not a header with name {0} and namespace {1} in the message.?Envelope Version '{0}' does not support adding Message Headers.HThe BaseUriWithWildcard object has invalid fields after deserialization.This service requires ASP.NET compatibility and must be hosted in IIS. Either host the service in IIS with ASP.NET compatibility turned on in web.config or set the AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsAttribute.AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode property to a value other than Required.Setting minFreeMemoryPercentageToActivateService requires full trust privilege. Please change the application's trust level or remove this setting from the configuration file.The protocol binding '{0}' does not conform to the syntax for '{1}'. The following is an example of valid '{1}' protocol bindings: '{2}'.jThe protocol binding '{0}' is not valid for '{1}'. This might be because the port number is out of range.HThe '{0}' protocol binding '{1}' specifies an invalid port number '{2}'.}'{0}' is an absolute address. The supported relativeAddress formats are "[subfolder/]filename" or "~/[subfolder/]filename". There is no compatible TransportManager found for URI '{0}'. This may be because you have used an absolute address that points outside of the virtual application. Please use a relative address instead.There is no compatible TransportManager found for URI '{0}'. This may be because you have used an absolute address that points outside of the virtual application, or the binding settings of the endpoint do not match those that have been set by other services or endpoints. Note that all bindings for the same protocol should have the same settings in the same application.$The protocol '{0}' is not supported.'{0}' cannot be invoked within the current hosting environment. This API requires that the calling application be hosted in IIS or WAS.Registered relativeAddress '{0}' in configuration file is not a valid one. Possible causes could be : You specified an empty addreess or an absolute address (i.e., starting with '/' or '\'), or the address contains invalid character[s]. The supported relativeAddress formats are "[folder/]filename" or "~/[folder/]filename". qThe requested service, '{0}' could not be activated. See the server's diagnostic trace logs for more information.RThe value for the Service attribute was not provided in the ServiceHost directive.2VirtualPathExtension is not allowed to be removed.The incoming message contains a SOAP header representing the WS-Addressing '{0}', yet the HTTP transport is configured with AddressingVersion.None. As a result, the message is being dropped. If this is not desired, then update your HTTP binding to support a different AddressingVersion.HTTP request streaming cannot be used in conjunction with HTTP authentication. Either disable request streaming or specify anonymous HTTP authentication.The HTTPS listener factory was configured to require a client certificate and the '{0}' authentication scheme. However, only one form of client authentication can be required at once.The value specified for the AuthenticationScheme property on the HttpTransportBindingElement ('{0}') is not allowed when building a ChannelFactory. If you used a standard binding, ensure the ClientCredentialType is not set to HttpClientCredentialType.InheritedFromHost, a value which is invalid on a client. If you set the value to '{0}' directly on the HttpTransportBindingElement, please set it to Digest, Negotiate, NTLM, Basic, or Anonymous.RThe HTTP request with client authentication scheme '{0}' failed with '{1}' status.The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme '{0}'. The authentication header received from the server was '{1}'.GThe HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme '{0}'.ClientCredentialType '{0}' can only be used on the server side, not the client side. Please use one of the following values instead 'None, Basic, Client, Digest, Ntlm, Windows'.The number of bytes available is inconsistent with the HTTP Content-Length header. There may have been a network error or the client may be sending invalid requests.fAn error ({0}) occurred while parsing the content type of the HTTP request. The content type was: {1}.NAn HTTP Content-Type header is required for SOAP messaging and none was found.ContextBindingElement of binding {0}:{1} is configured with ContextExchangeMode.HttpCookie but the configuration of this binding's HttpTransportBindingElement prevents upper channel layers from managing cookies. Please set the HttpTransportBindingElement.AllowCookies property to false or change the ContextExchangeMechanism of ContextBindingElement to SoapHeader.Binding {1}:{2} is configured with ContextExchangeMechanism.HttpCookie which is not compatible with the transport type {0}. Please modify the ContextExchangeMechanism or use HTTP or HTTPS transport.The value specified, '{0}', for the If-Modified-Since header does not parse into a valid date. Check the property value and ensure that it is of the proper format.Unable to start the HTTP listener. The URI provided, '{0}', is invalid for listening. Check the base address of your service and verify that it is a valid URI.=The value of MaxPendingAccepts should not be larger than {0}.c'{0}' cannot return a null '{1}' instance. Please ensure that '{0}' returns a valid '{1}' instance.The config element '{0}' is invalid because the attribute '{1}' and the sub element '{2}' were both specified. These are mutually exclusive items and cannot be used simultaneouly.This '{0}' object cannot be used to generate configuration because it was created with the constructor that takes a '{1}' as the paramter. This functionality is not supported through configuration files. Please use a different constructor if you wish to generate a configuration file.|Invalid type: '{0}'. It must inherit from base type '{1}', cannot be abstract, and must expose a public default constructor.MThe remote HTTP server did not satisfy the mutual authentication requirement.d{0}. This often indicates that the HTTP client has prematurely closed the underlying TCP connection.h{0}. This often indicates that a service that HTTP.SYS depends upon (such as httpfilter) is not started.The message property '{0}' is missing in the HttpRequestMessage. Please make sure this property not removed or changed from the properties of the HttpRequestMessage. If you are creating a new HttpRequestMessage, please copy this property from the old message to the new one.The message property '{0}' inside the HttpRequestMessage is not with expected type '{1}'. Please make sure this property not removed or changed from the properties of the HttpRequestMessage. If you are creating a new HttpRequestMessage, please copy this property from the old message to the new one.pThe HTTP response message should not be null. Please ensure your '{0}' instance returns a non-null '{1}' object.The property '{0}' is not supported when building a ChannelFactory. The property value must be null when calling BuildChannelFactory."HTTP pipeline operation cancelled.The '{0}' authentication scheme has been specified for the proxy on the HTTP factory. However, the factory only supports specification of exactly one authentication scheme. Valid authentication schemes are Digest, Negotiate, NTLM, Basic, or Anonymous.An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response to {0}. This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol. This could also be due to an HTTP request context being aborted by the server (possibly due to the service shutting down). See server logs for more details.HTTP could not register URL {0}. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace (see for details).cHTTP could not register URL {0}. Another application has already registered this URL with HTTP.SYS.HTTP could not register URL {0} because the MaxEndpoints quota has been exceeded. To correct this, either close other HTTP-based services, or increase your MaxEndpoints registry key setting (see for details).ZHTTP could not register URL {0} because TCP port {1} is being used by another application.The HTTP request to '{0}' was aborted. This may be due to the local channel being closed while the request was still in progress. If this behavior is not desired, then update your code so that it does not close the channel while request operations are still in progress.The HTTP request to '{0}' has exceeded the allotted timeout of {1}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.The '{0}' authentication scheme has been specified on the HTTP factory. However, the factory only supports specification of exactly one authentication scheme. Valid authentication schemes are Digest, Negotiate, NTLM, Basic, or Anonymous.The HTTP request context was aborted while writing the response. As a result, the response may not have been completely written to the network. This can be remedied by gracefully closing the request context rather than aborting it.The HTTP request to '{0}' has exceeded the allotted timeout of {1} while reading the response. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.An error occurred while making the HTTP request to {0}. This could be due to the fact that the server certificate is not configured properly with HTTP.SYS in the HTTPS case. This could also be caused by a mismatch of the security binding between the client and the server.The HTTP service located at {0} is unavailable. This could be because the service is too busy or because no endpoint was found listening at the specified address. Please ensure that the address is correct and try accessing the service again later.~The SOAP action specified on the message, '{0}', does not match the action specified on the HttpRequestMessageProperty, '{1}'.The SOAP action specified on the message, '{0}', does not match the action specified in the content-type of the HttpRequestMessageProperty, '{1}'.]The SOAP action specified on the message, '{0}', does not match the HTTP SOAP Action, '{1}'. GThe SPN for the responding server at URI '{0}' could not be determined.{The entry found in AuthenticationManager's CustomTargetNameDictionary for {0} does not match the requested identity of {1}.The binding specified requires that the to and via URIs must match because the Addressing Version is set to None. The to URI specified was '{0}'. The via URI specified was '{1}'.FAn error ({0}) occurred while transmitting data over the HTTP channel.The policy being imported for contract '{0}:{1}' contains multiple HTTP authentication scheme assertions. Since at most one such assertion is allowed, policy import has failed. This may be resolved by updating the policy to contain no more than one HTTP authentication scheme assertion.The HTTPS channel factory does not support explicit specification of an identity in the EndpointAddress unless the authentication scheme is NTLM or Negotiate.The endpoint identity specified when creating the HTTPS channel to '{0}' contains multiple server certificates. However, the HTTPS transport only supports the specification of a single server certificate. In order to create an HTTPS channel, please specify no more than one server certificate in the endpoint identity.The server certificate with name '{0}' failed identity verification because its thumbprint ('{1}') does not match the one specified in the endpoint identity ('{2}'). As a result, the current HTTPS request has failed. Please update the endpoint identity used on the client or the certificate used by the server. ID0020: The collection is empty.ID2004: IAsyncResult must be the AsyncResult instance returned from the Begin call. The runtime is expecting '{0}', and the actual type is '{1}'.ID3002: WSTrustServiceContract could not create a SecurityTokenService instance from WSTrustServiceContract.SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.6ID3004: Cannot obtain the schema for namespace: '{0}'.ID3022: The WSTrustServiceContract only supports receiving RequestSecurityToken messages. If you need to support more message types, override the WSTrustServiceContract.DispatchRequest method.ID3023: The WSTrustServiceContract only supports receiving RequestSecurityToken messages asynchronously. If you need to support more message types, override the WSTrustServiceContract.BeginDispatchRequest and EndDispatchRequest.ID3097: ServiceHost does not contain any valid Endpoints. Add at least one valid endpoint in the SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.TrustEndpoints collection.IID3112: Unrecognized RequestType '{0}' specified in the incoming request.ID3113: The WSTrustServiceContract does not support receiving '{0}' messages with the '{1}' SOAP action. If you need to support this, override the ValidateDispatchContext method.KID3114: The WSTrustServiceContract cannot deserialize the WS-Trust request.ID3137: The TrustVersion '{0}', is not supported, only 'TrustVersion.WSTrust13' and 'TrustVersion.WSTrustFeb2005' is supported.[ID3138: The RequestSecurityTokenResponse that was received did not contain a SecurityToken.ID3139: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The KeyType '{0}' is not supported. Valid proof key types supported by the WSTrustChannel are WSTrust13 and WSTrustFeb2005.ID3140: Specify one or more BaseAddresses to enable metadata or set DisableWsdl to true in the SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.ID3141: The RequestType '{0}', is not supported. If you need to support this RequestType, override the corresponding virtual method in your SecurityTokenService derived class.rID3144: The PortType '{0}' Operation '{1}' has Message '{2}' is expected to have only one part but contains '{3}'.>ID3146: WsdlEndpointConversionContext.WsdlPort cannot be null.FID3147: WsdlEndpointConversionContext.WsdlPort.Service cannot be null.YID3148: WsdlEndpointConversionContext.WsdlPort.Service.ServiceDescription cannot be null.xID3149: Cannot find an input message type for PortType '({0}, {1})' for operation '{2}' in the given ServiceDescription.yID3150: Cannot find an output message type for PortType '({0}, {1})' for operation '{2}' in the given ServiceDescription.ID3190: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key without a valid SecurityToken set as the RequestSecurityToken.UseKey when the RequestSecurityToken.KeyType is '{0}'.ID3191: The WSTrustChannel received a RequestedSecurityTokenResponse message containing an Entropy without a ComputedKeyAlgorithm.ID3192: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse does not contain a RequestedProofToken and the ComputedKeyAlgorithm specified in the response is not supported: '{0}'.ID3193: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse indicates that the proof key is computed using combined entropy. However, the response does not include an entropy.ID3194: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse indicates that the proof key is computed using combined entropy. However, the request does not include an entropy.ID3269: Cannot determine the TrustVersion. It must either be specified explicitly, or a SecurityBindingElement must be present in the binding.ID3270: The WSTrustChannel does not support multi-leg issuance protocols. The RSTR received from the STS must be enclosed in a RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection element.AID3285: The WS-Trust operation '{0}' is not valid or unsupported.cID3286: The 'inner' parameter must implement the 'System.ServiceModel.Channels.IChannel' interface.nID3287: WSTrustChannelFactory does not support changing the value of this property after a channel is created.;ID4008: '{0}' does not provide an implementation for '{1}'.ID4039: A custom ServiceAuthorizationManager has been configured. Any custom ServiceAuthorizationManager must be derived from IdentityModelServiceAuthorizationManager.kID4041: Cannot configure the ServiceHost '{0}'. The ServiceHost is in a bad state and cannot be configured.WID4053: The token has WS-SecureConversation version '{0}'. Version '{1}' was expected.]ID4072: The SecurityTokenHandler '{0}' registered for TokenType '{1}' must derive from '{2}'.vID4101: The token cannot be validated because it is not a SamlSecurityToken or a Saml2SecurityToken. Token type: '{0}'KID4192: The reader is not positioned on a KeyInfo element that can be read.ID4240: The tokenRequirement must derived from 'RecipientServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement' for SecureConversationSecurityTokens. The tokenRequirement is of type '{0}'.^ID4244: Internal error: sessionAuthenticator must support IIssuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator.OID4245: Internal error: sessionAuthenticator must support ICommunicationObject.EID4268: MergeClaims must have at least one identity that is not null.QID4271: No IAuthorizationPolicy was found for the Transport security token '{0}'.ID4274: The Configuration property of this SecurityTokenHandler is set to null. Tokens cannot be read or validated in this state. Set this property or add this SecurityTokenHandler to a SecurityTokenHandlerCollection with a valid Configuration property.sID4285: Cannot replace SecurityToken with Id '{0}' in cache with new one. Token must exist in cache to be replaced.GID4287: The SecurityTokenRequirement '{0}' doesn't contain a ListenUri.&ID5004: Unrecognized namespace: '{0}'.qThe identity check failed for the incoming message. The expected identity is '{0}' for the '{1}' target endpoint.qThe identity check failed for the outgoing message. The expected identity is '{0}' for the '{1}' target endpoint.XIgnoring invalid part in wsdl:message name='{0}' from targetNamespace='{1}'. Reason: {2}jIgnoring invalid SOAP fault extension in wsdl:operation name='{0}' from targetNamespace='{1}'. Reason: {2}kIgnoring invalid SOAP header extension in wsdl:operation name='{0}' from targetNamespace='{1}'. Reason: {2}9Could not impersonate the anonymous user (error=0x{0:X}).Because base ServiceContract '{0}' has a CallbackContract '{1}', derived ServiceContract '{2}' must also specify either '{1}' or a derived type as its CallbackContract.In a contract inheritance hierarchy, the ServiceContract's CallbackContract must be a subtype of the CallbackContracts of all of the CallbackContracts of the ServiceContracts inherited by the original ServiceContract, Types {0} and {1} violate this rule.nExpecting all chars - c - of id to be in set [Char.IsLetter(c), Char.IsNumber(c), '.', '_', '-'], found '{0}'.SExpecting first char - c - to be in set [Char.IsLetter(c) && c == '_', found '{0}'.AThe MSDTC transaction manager has disabled incoming transactions.OFor this security protocol, the incoming signing token must be an EncryptedKey.LTransactedBatchingBehavior cannot be used when ReceiveContext is being used.The remote endpoint specified two different last message numbers. The reliable session is in an inconsistent state since it cannot determine the actual last message. The reliable session was faulted.6Incoming binary negotiation has invalid ValueType {0}.Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) authentication failed. The server may not be running in an account with identity '{0}'. If the server is running in a service account (Network Service for example), specify the account's ServicePrincipalName as the identity in the EndpointAddress for the server. If the server is running in a user account, specify the account's UserPrincipalName as the identity in the EndpointAddress for the server.PPolicy chain contains self issued URI or a managed issuer in the wrong position.fCannot open ChannelFactory as the inner channel factory was not set during the initialization process.DThe Inner listener factory of {0} must be set before this operation.%The input {0} must be a '{1}' object.'The input handler list cannot be empty.|The ServiceHost must be configured with either a serviceType or a serviceInstance. Both of these values are currently null.8Insufficient memory avaliable to complete the operation.mCredentials specified are not sufficient to carry requested operation. Please specify a valid value for {0}. qThe binding's PeerTransportSecuritySettings can not be supported under the current system security configuration.ZProvided information is Insufficient to create a valid connection to the resolver service.(Could not find interface in the Assembly)Interface {0} not found in configuration.Interface Not Registered!An unexpected error has occurred.NThe SequenceAcknowledgement violates the cumulative acknowledgement invariant.A violation of acknowledgement protocol has been detected. An InvalidAcknowledgement fault was sent to the remote endpoint and the reliable session was faulted.8Security negotiation message has incorrect action '{0}'.Invalid async Begin method signature for method {0} in ServiceContract type {1}. Your begin method must take an AsyncCallback and an object as the last two arguments and return an IAsyncResult.Invalid async End method signature for method {0} in ServiceContract type {1}. Your end method must take an IAsyncResult as the last argument.The asynchronous result object used to end this operation was not the object that was returned when the operation was initiated.qThe ('{0}', '{1}') signed header contains the ('{2}', '{3}') attribute. The expected attribute is ('{4}', '{5}').The binding ('{0}', '{1}') uses an Issued Token with Bearer Key Type in a invalid context. The Issued Token with a Bearer Key Type can only be used as a Signed Supporting token or a Signed Encrypted Supporting token. See the SecurityBindingElement.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters property.The TransportBindingElement of type '{0}' in this CustomBinding returned a null or empty string for the Scheme. TransportBindingElement's Scheme must be a non-empty string.An acknowledgement was received indicating the remaining buffer space on the remote endpoint is {0}. This number cannot be less than zero. The reliable session was faulted.*The client credential entered was invalid.LA security session close response was received with an invalid action '{0}',,The value '{0}' is not a valid content type.Context channel received a message with context which does not match the current context cached at the channel. Ensure service does not change context after it was originally set or disable context management by setting channel property 'IContextManager.Enabled' to false.Value '{0}' specified for 'name' attribute of ContextMessageProperty is either null or has invalid character(s). Please ensure value of 'name' is within the allowed value space.JThe transaction identifier element in the coordination context is invalid.Invalid decoder state machine.$Unexpected internal enum value: {0}.Object type must be an enum with the flag attribute and may only contain powers of two for the flags enum values or a combination of such values. Please use an enum type according to these rules.fCannot read the Identity element. The Identity type is not supported or the Identity element is empty.FThe isolation level for component {0} is invalid. (The value was {1}.)/The issued token has an invalid key size '{0}'.*The key length '{0}' requested is invalid.PThe specified key size {0} is invalid. The key size must be between {1} and {2}.The username/password Membership provider {0} specified in the configuration is invalid. No such provider was found registered under system.web/membership/providers.Cannot specify 'ContextMessageProperty' in message when using context channel with context management enabled. Ensure the message does not have 'ContextMessageProperty' or disable context management by setting channel property 'IContextManager.Enabled' to false.5An internal error has occurred. Invalid MessageState.The Type of object passed as parameter '{0}' is not derived from {1}. Ensure that the type of object passed is either of type {1} or derived from {1}.!The nonce is invalid or replayed.WThe message could not be processed because the action '{0}' is invalid or unrecognized.WThe type {0} registered as a policy extension does not implement IPolicyImportExtensionThe OLE Transactions propagation token received in the message could not be used to unmarshal a transaction. It may be invalid or corrupt.The QName is invalid.PThe XmlReader used for the body of the message must be positioned on an element.EThe context identifier element in the registration header is invalid.CThe token identifier element in the registration header is invalid.HThe transaction identifier element in the registration header is invalidLA security session renew response was received with an invalid action '{0}'.AThe request for security token has invalid or malformed elements.nSpecified PeerResolverMode value {0} is invalid. Please specify either PeerResolveMode.Auto, Default, or Pnrp.The RoleProvider {0} specified in the configuration is invalid. No such provider was found registered under system.web/roleManager/providers.IThe RequestSecurityToken has an invalid or unspecified RequestType '{0}'.wThe SecurityContextSecurityToken has an invalid Cookie. The following error occurred when processing the Cookie: '{0}'.:An error occurred when verifying security for the message.EAn error occurred when processing the security tokens in the message.A message was received with a sequence number of {0}. Sequence numbers cannot be less than 1. The reliable session was faulted.An acknowledgement range starting at {0} and ending at {1} was received. This is an invalid acknowledgement range. The reliable session was faulted.BThe Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) negotiation failed.jThe token provider of type '{0}' did not return a token of type '{1}'. Check the credential configuration.9The provided URI scheme '{0}' is invalid; expected '{1}'.OValue '{0}' provided for '{1}' from namespace '{2}' is an invalid absolute URI.=The interface with IID {0} cannot be exposed as a web serviceXThe parameter named {0} of type {1} on method {2} of interface {3} cannot be serialized.QThe return value of type {0} on method {1} of interface {2} cannot be serialized.xThe WS-AtomicTransaction extended information included in the OLE Transactions propagation token was invalid or corrupt./The specified WSAT protocol version is invalid.TThe type {0} registered as a WSDL extension does not implement IWsdlImportExtension.The remote endpoint responded to the {0} request with a response with action {1}. The response must be a {0}Response with action {2}. The channel could not be opened.The remote endpoint responded to the {0} request with a response with action {1}. The response must be a {0}Response with action {2}. The channel was faulted.The {0} request's response was a message with action {1}. The response must be a {0}Response with action {2}. The reliable session cannot continue.6Invalid binary representation of an X.509 certificate.)Expected XML qualified name, found '{0}'.The received transaction has an isolation level of '{0}' but the service is configured with a TransactionIsolationLevel of '{1}'. The isolation level for received transactions and the service must be the same.@There is no handler registered for session token issuance event.The binding ('{0}', '{1}') has been configured with a security algorithm suite '{2}' that is incompatible with the issued token key size '{3}' specified on the binding.OThe security token parameters to use for the issued token are not set on '{0}'.bThe IssuedToken security authentication mode requires the issued token to contain a symmetric key.2The issued token cache was not specified on '{0}'.*The service does not accept issued tokens.?The key length '{0}' is not a multiple of 8 for symmetric keys.HThe context for building the issuer channel was not specified on '{0}'.fThe channel behaviors configured for the issuer address '{0}' cannot contain a behavior of type '{1}'.YThe item's authors were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.={0} is only available in a deserialized RequestSecurityToken.E{0} is only available in a deserialized RequestSecurityTokenResponse.XThe item's content was not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.^The item's contributors were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.\The item's copyrights were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.!The item created a null category.The item created a null person.3Item does not exist in SynchronizedKeyedCollection.JThe syndication item formatter must be configured with a syndication item.bThe item's last updated time was not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.WThe item's links were not serialized as part of serializing the feed in RSS 2.0 format.:{0} is not available in deserialized RequestSecurityToken.B{0} is not available in deserialized RequestSecurityTokenResponse.No value found for a keyword.;Key length '{0}' is not a multiple of 8 for symmetric keys.cThe key effective and expiration times must be bounded by the token effective and expiration times.JThe key rollover interval cannot be greater than the key renewal interval.A message was received with a sequence number higher than the sequence number of the last message in this sequence. This is a violation of the sequence number protocol. The reliable session was faulted.|The value for wsrm:MessageNumber exceeds the value of the MessageNumber accompanying a LastMessage element in this Sequence.8The callback address already has a context header in it.9A listen URI must be specified in order to open this {0}.VThe specified channel listener at '{0}' is not registered with this transport manager.Internal SSL error (refer to Win32 status code for details). Check the server certificate to determine if it is capable of key exchange.Binding validation failed because the TransportBindingElement's ManualAddressing property was set to true on a binding that is configured to create reliable sessions. This combination is not supported and the channel factory or service host was not opened.YManual addressing is enabled on this factory, so all messages sent must be pre-addressed.[For TransferMode.Buffered, MaxReceivedMessageSize and MaxBufferSize must be the same value.5MaxBufferSize must not exceed MaxReceivedMessageSize.The maximum message size quota for incoming messages ({0}) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize property on the appropriate binding element.]This factory buffers messages, so the message sizes must be in the range of an integer value.MThe maximum message size quota for outgoing messages ({0}) has been exceeded.|The recursive policy fetching limit has been reached. Check to determine if there is a loop in the federation service chain.The maximum retry count has been exceeded with no response from the remote endpoint. The reliable session was faulted. This is often an indication that the remote endpoint is no longer available.... stream ......9A body element was not found inside the message envelope.9Operation '{0}' is not valid in message body state '{1}'.=The body reader is in ReadState '{0}' and cannot be consumed.$... Error reading body: {0}: {1} ...MessageBuffer is closed.Message is closed.LA problem occurred while reading a message. See inner exception for details.EThis message cannot support the operation because it has been copied.CThis message cannot support the operation because it has been read.FThis message cannot support the operation because it has been written.The value of the addressHeaders argument is invalid because the collection contains null values. Null is not a valid value for the AddressHeaderCollection.QThe version of the header(s) ({0}) differs from the version of the message ({1}).aThe '{0}' header cannot be added because it does not support the specified message version '{1}'.;The body of the message cannot be read because it is empty.For sending a message on server side composite duplex channels, the message must have either the 'Via' property or the 'To' header set..Message with id {0} was not in a locked state.aThe maximum message number for this sequence has been exceeded. The reliable session was faulted.;The maximum value for wsrm:MessageNumber has been exceeded.BMessage part specification must be made constant before being set.PThe MessagePropagationFilter threw an exception. Please refer to InnerException.dThe array passed does not have enough space to hold all the properties contained by this collection..A property with the name '{0}' is not present.CThe IMessageProperty could not be copied. CreateCopy returned null.OThe received message does not meet the required message protection order '{0}'.Manual addressing is not supported with message level security. Configure the binding ('{0}', '{1}') to use transport security or to not do manual addressing.%Message security verification failed.5SecurityVersion must be WsSecurity10 or WsSecurity11.XThis Factory buffers messages, so the message sizes must be in the range of a int value.IThe text encoding '{0}' used in the text message format is not supported.The 'To' header on the message is set to Anonymous Uri '{0}'. Please set the 'To' header to a non-anonymous address as message cannot be addressed to anonymous Uri on server side composite duplex channels.,Validity of message with id {0} has expired.None of the binding elements in binding '{0}' define a message version. At least one binding element must define a message version and return it from the GetProperty method.Support for {0} and {1} can not be enabled with {2} when the {3} of the {4} is '{5}'. Ensure the {4} used with the binding has a {3} of '{6}'. {0} {1}Unrecognized message version.The 'Via' property on the message is set to Anonymous Uri '{0}'. Please set the 'Via' property to a non-anonymous address as message cannot be addressed to anonymous Uri on server side composite duplex channels.The message is not encrypted with a key derived from the encryption token. The binding's token parameter '{0}' requires key derivation.The message is not encrypted with a key derived from the encrypted key. The binding's token parameter '{0}' requires key derivation.AThe message was not encrypted with the required encryption token.iThere is a problem with the XML that was received from the network. See inner exception for more details.:Method {0} given in config was not found on interface {1}.Binding '{0}' was not found in config. The config file must be present and contain a binding matching the one specified in the moniker.The {0} assertion's Milliseconds attribute does not fall within the range this binding uses. The ReliableSessionBindingElement could not be created.|The incoming message was signed with a token which was different from what used to encrypt the body. This was not expected.The receiver returned an error indicating that the content type was missing on the request to {0}. See the inner exception for more information.|X509CertificateValidationMode.Custom requires a CustomCertificateValidator. Specify the CustomCertificateValidator property.UserNamePasswordValidationMode.Custom requires a CustomUserNamePasswordValidator. Specify the CustomUserNamePasswordValidator property.The remote endpoint did not include a final acknowledgement in the reply to the close sequence request message. This is a violation of the WS-ReliableMessaging protocol. The reliable session was faulted.3Id is missing in encrypted item in security header.7The KeyInfo clause is missing or empty in EncryptedKey.yUserNamePasswordValidationMode.MembershipProvider requires a MembershipProvider. Specify the MembershipProvider property.TRequest Message is missing a MessageID header. One is required to correlate a reply.?The wsa:MessageId header must be present on a wsrm:{0} message.Missing Quote in value {0}.The returned wsrm:{0}Response message was missing the required wsa:RelatesTo header. This is a violation of the WS-Addressing request reply protocol. The reliable session was faulted.=The wsa:ReplyTo header must be present on a wsrm:{0} message.Address not specified. Binding namespace not specified.Binding not specified.@None of the contract in metadata matched the contract specified.Contract not specified.Failed to do mex retrieval:{0}.QInvalid serializer specified. The only valid values are 'xml' and 'datacontract'.hMultiple server identity keywords were specified. Ensure that at most one identity keyword is specified.2Only one type of server identity can be specified.Mex address not specified.1Mex binding section name attribute not specified.Moniker Missing ColonHThe contract does not have an endpoint supporting the binding specified.OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' does not properly implement the async pattern, as more than one corresponding method '{2}' was found. When using the async pattern, exactly one end method must be provided. Either remove or rename one or more of the '{2}' methods such that there is just one, or set the AsyncPattern property on method '{0}' to false.The RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection received has more than one RequestSecurityTokenResponse element. Only one RequestSecurityTokenResponse element was expected.More than one SecurityBindingElement found in the binding ('{0}', '{1}) for contract ('{2}', '{3}'). Only one SecurityBindingElement is allowed. YMore than one supporting signature was encountered using the same supporting token '{0}'.Binding validation failed. The client cannot send messages. A conflict in the binding properties caused this failure. The UseActiveDirectory is set to true and QueueTransferProtocol is set to Native. To resolve the conflict, correct one of the properties.Binding validation failed because the binding's ReceiveErrorHandlig property is set to Move or Reject while the version of MSMQ installed on this system is not 4.0 or higher. The channel listener cannot be opened. Resolve the conflict by setting the ReceiveErrorHandling property to Drop or Fault, or by upgrading to MSMQ v4.0.aThe Ambient transaction used to Complete the ReceiveContext Operation is not in an active state. Binding validation failed because the binding's MsmqAuthenticationMode property is set to Certificate while the MsmqProtectionLevel property is not set to Sign or EncryptAndSign. The channel factory or service host cannot be opened. Resolve the conflict by correcting one of the properties.Binding validation failed. The service or the client cannot be started. A conflict in the binding properties caused this failure. The MsmqAuthenticationMode is set to None and MsmqProtectionLevel is not set to None. To resolve to conflict, correct one of the properties.Binding validation failed because the binding's MsmqAuthenticationMode property is set to WindowsDomain while the MsmqProtectionLevel property is not set to Sign or EncryptAndSign. The channel factory or service host cannot be opened. Resolve the conflict by correcting one of the properties.Creation of a message security context failed because the attached sender certificate was invalid or cannot be validated. The message cannot be received. Ensure that a valid certificate is attached to the message and that the certificate is present in the receiver's certificate store.The content type of an incoming message is unknown or not supported. The message cannot be received. Ensure that the sender was configured to use the same message encoder as the receiver.An incoming MSMQ message contained invalid or unexpected .NET Message Framing information in its body. The message cannot be received. Ensure that the sender is using a compatible service contract with a matching SessionMode.An XML error was encountered while reading a WCF message. The message cannot be received. Ensure the message was sent by a WCF client which used an identical message encoder.TransactedBatchingBehavior validation failed because none of the service operations had the TransactionScopeRequired property set to true on their OperationBehavior attribute. The service host cannot be started. Ensure this requirement is met if you wish to use this behavior.A mismatch was detected between the serialization format specified in the MsmqIntegrationMessageProperty and the body of the MSMQ message. The message cannot be sent. The serialization format ByteArray requires the body of the MSMQ message to be of type byte[].An error occurred while deserializing an MSMQ message's ActiveX body. The message cannot be received. The specified variant type for the body does not match the actual MSMQ message body.An error occurred while deserializing an MSMQ message's XML body. The message cannot be received. Ensure that the service contract is decorated with appropriate [ServiceKnownType] attributes or the TargetSerializationTypes property is set on the MsmqIntegrationBindingElement.&Failed to reacquire lock for message. The properties of the message are mismatched. The message cannot be sent. The BodyType message property cannot be specified if the ActiveX serialization format is used.The sender's X.509 certificate was not found. The message cannot be sent. Ensure the certificate is available in the sender's certificate store.Binding validation failed. The client cannot send the message. The DeadLetterQueue is set to Custom, but the CustomDeadLetterQueue is not specified. Specify the URI of the dead letter queue for each application in the CustomDeadLetterQueue property.The host in the CustomDeadLetterQueue URI is not "localhost" or the local machine name. A custom DLQ must reside on the sender's machine.Binding validation failed. The client cannot send a message. The specified dead letter queue does not exist or cannot be written. Ensure the queue exists with the proper authorization to write to it.YAn error was encountered while deserializing the message. The message cannot be received.Binding validation failed because the endpoint listen URI does not represent an MSMQ direct format name. The service host cannot be opened. Make sure you use a direct format name for the endpoint's listen URI.Binding validation failed because the binding's MsmqProtectionLevel property is set to EncryptAndSign while the UseActiveDirectory is not set to true. The channel factory or the service host cannot be opened. Resolve the conflict by correcting one of the properties.Binding validation failed. The service or the client cannot be started. The ExactlyOnce property is set to false and ReceiveContext is enabled. This is not supported. To resolve the conflict, either set ExactlyOnce to true or disable ReceiveContext.The version check failed with the error: '{0}'. The version of MSMQ cannot be detected All operations that are on the queued channel will fail. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and is available.0The message ID '{0}' is not in the right format.The specified addressing scheme is invalid for this binding. The NetMsmqBinding scheme must be net.msmq. The MsmqIntegrationBinding scheme must be msmq.formatname.The MsmqIntegrationBinding validation failed. The service cannot be started. The {0} binding does not support the method signature for the service operation {1} in the {2} contract. Correct the service operation to use the MsmqIntegrationBinding.wThe ActiveX serialization failed because the serialization format cannot be recognized. The message cannot be received.The variant type is not recognized. The ActiveX serialization failed. The message cannot be sent. The specified variant type is not supported.{0} ({1}, 0x{2})The message cannot be sent because it's missing an MsmqIntegrationMessageProperty. All messages sent over MSMQ integration channels must carry the MsmqIntegrationMessageProperty.Binding validation failed. The service or the client cannot be started. The ExactlyOnce property is set to true and the Durable property is set to false. This is not supported. To resolve the conflict, correct one of these properties.Binding validation failed because the URI represents a subqueue and the ReceiveErrorHandling parameter is set to Move. The service host or channel listener cannot be opened. Resolve this conflict by setting the ReceiveErrorHandling to Fault, Drop or Reject.Creation of a message security context failed because the sender's SID was not found in the message. The message cannot be received. The WindowsDomain MsmqAuthenticationMode requires the sender's SID.+Argument must be a positive number or zero.A mismatch between the binding and MSMQ queue configuration was detected. The service cannot be started. The ExactlyOnce property is set to false and the queue to read messages from is a transactional queue, Correct the error by setting the ExactlyOnce property to true or create a non-transactional binding.An error occurred while opening the queue:{0}. The message cannot be sent or received from the queue. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. Also ensure that the queue is available to open with the required access mode and authorization.An error occurred when converting the '{0}' queue path name to the format name: {1}. All operations on the queued channel failed. Ensure that the queue address is valid. MSMQ must be installed with Active Directory integration enabled and access to it is available.Binding validation failed. The client cannot send messages. The CustomDeadLetterQueue property is set, but the DeadLetterQueue property is not set to Custom. Set the DeadLetterQueue property to Custom.Binding validation failed. The client cannot send messages. A conflict in the binding properties is causing the failure. To use the custom dead letter queue, ExactlyOnce must be set to true to resolve to conflict.A mismatch between the binding and MSMQ configuration was detected. The client cannot send messages. To use the custom dead letter queue, you must have MSMQ version 4.0 or higher. If you do not have MSMQ version 4.0 or higher set the DeadLetterQueue property to System or None. The transport channel detected a poison message. This occurred because the message exceeded the maximum number of delivery attempts or because the channel detected a fundamental problem with the message. The inner exception may contain additional information.There was an error opening the queue. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running, the queue exists and has proper authorization to be read from. The inner exception may contain additional information.The ReceiveContext unlock operation failed because the message with Id '{0}' could not be moved from the lock subqueue to the main queue.{The ReceiveContext delete operation failed because the message with Id '{0}' could not be received from the lock subqueue. The queue could not be opened because the ReceiveContext feature is not supported on subqueues. Specify a different queue to receive from, or disable ReceiveContext.An error occurred while receiving a message from the queue: {0}. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. Make sure the queue is available to receive from.A transaction error occurred for this session. The session channel is faulted. Messages in the session cannot be sent or received. A queued session cannot be associated with more than one transaction. Ensure that all messages in the session are sent or received using a single transaction.An error occurred while sending to the queue: {0}.Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. If you are sending to a local queue, ensure the queue exists with the required access mode and authorization.A serialization error occurred. The message cannot be sent or received. The MSMQ integration channel is able to serialize no more than {0} types.The transaction associated with this session channel has been rolled back because Abort was called on the session channel before the transaction committed. Session channels must not have pending messages when the transactions associated with these channels are committed. Pending messages are either messages that have not been received from the session channel or messages that have been received but Complete has not been called for them. The channel has faulted and the transaction was rolled back.Session channels must be closed before the transaction is committed. The channel has faulted and the transaction was rolled back.The total size of messages sent in this session exceeded the maximum value of Int32. The messages in this session cannot be sent.An attempt made to close the session channel while there are still messages pending in the session. Current transaction will be rolled back and the session channel will be faulted. Messages in a session must be consumed all at once.An attempt was made to close the session channel while there are still messages pending in the session. The sessiongram will be rolled back to the queue and the session channel will be faulted. A serialization error occurred because of a mismatch between the value of the SerializationFormat property and the type of the body. The message cannot be sent. Ensure the type of the body is Stream or use a different SerializationFormat.The message time to live (TTL) is too large. The message cannot be sent. The message TTL cannot exceed the Int32 maximum value.A client X.509 certificate was not specified through the channel factory's Credentials property, but one is required when the binding's MsmqAuthenticationMode property is set to Certificate. The message cannot be sent.A mismatch occurred between the binding and the MSMQ configuration. Messages cannot be sent. The custom dead letter queue specified in the binding must be a transactional queue. Ensure that the custom dead letter queue address is correct and the queue is a transactional queue.A transaction was not found in Transaction.Current but one is required for this operation. The channel cannot be opened. Ensure this operation is being called within a transaction scope.The current transaction is not active. Messages in this session cannot be sent or received and the session channel will be faulted. All messages in a session must be sent or received using a single transaction.A transaction is required but is not available. Messages cannot be sent or received. Ensure that the transaction scope is specified to send or receive messages.Binding validation failed because the binding's ExactlyOnce property is set to true while the destination queue is non-transactional. The service host cannot be opened. Resolve this conflict by setting the ExactlyOnce property to false or creating a transactional queue for this binding.hThe net.msmq scheme does not support port numbers. To correct this, remove the port number from the URI.Unrecognized error {0} (0x{1})yThe serialization failed because the serialization format '{0}' is not supported. The message cannot be sent or received.Binding validation failed because the binding's MsmqAuthenticationMode property is set to WindowsDomain but MSMQ is installed with Active Directory integration disabled. The channel factory or service host cannot be opened.The URL in invalid. The URL for the queue cannot contain the '$' character. Use the syntax in net.msmq://machine/private/queueName to address a private queue.0The URI is invalid because it is missing a host.3MessageVersion '{0}' not supported by MTOM encoder.The AuthenticationManager cannot be added to the binding parameters because the binding parameters already contains a AuthenticationManager '{0}'. If you are configuring a custom AuthenticationManager for the service, please first remove any existing AuthenticationManagers from the behaviors collection before adding the custom AuthenticationManager.The AuthenticationSchemes cannot be added to the binding parameters because the binding parameters already contains AuthenticationSchemes '{0}'. If you are configuring custom AuthenticationSchemes for the service, please first remove any existing AuthenticationSchemes from the behaviors collection before adding custom AuthenticationSchemes.More than one '{0}' objects were found in the BindingParameters of the BindingContext. This is usually caused by having multiple '{0}' objects in a CustomBinding. Remove all but one of these elements.eCalling IWsdlExportExtension.ExportContract twice with the same ContractDescription is not supported.cThe '{0}' contains multiple '{1}' objects, which is invalid. At most one '{1}' should be specified.vThe callback address contains multiple context headers. There can be at most one context header in a callback address.IMultiple correlation tokens were found in the security correlation state.WThe extensions cannot contain an Identity if one is supplied as a constructor argument.Policy for multiple issuer endpoints was retrieved from '{0}' but the relying party's policy does not specify which issuer endpoint to use. One of the endpoints was selected as the issuer endpoint to use. If you are using svcutil, the other endpoints will be available in commented form in the configuration as . Check the configuration to ensure that the right issuer endpoint was selected.AThe token's crypto collection has multiple objects of type '{0}'.More than one MessageEncodingBindingElement was found in the BindingParameters of the BindingContext. This usually is caused by having multiple MessageEncodingBindingElements in a CustomBinding. Remove all but one of these elements.;Multiple headers with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' found.JMultiple headers with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' and role '{2}' found.More than one PeerCustomResolverBindingElement was found in the BindingParameters of the BindingContext. This usually is caused by having multiple PeerCustomResolverBindingElement in a CustomBinding. Remove all but one of these elements.More than one PeerResolverBindingElement was found in the BindingParameters of the BindingContext. This usually is caused by having multiple PeerResolverBindingElements in a CustomBinding. Remove all but one of these elements.`Multiple RelatesTo headers with relationship '{0}' found. Only one is allowed per relationship.The ClientCredentials cannot be added to the binding parameters because the binding parameters already contains a SecurityCredentialsManager '{0}'. If you are configuring custom credentials for the channel, please first remove any existing ClientCredentials from the behaviors collection before adding the custom credential.The ServiceCredentials cannot be added to the binding parameters because the binding parameters already contains a SecurityCredentialsManager '{0}'. If you are configuring custom credentials for the service, please first remove any existing ServiceCredentials from the behaviors collection before adding the custom credential.More than one IStreamUpgradeProviderElement was found in the BindingParameters of the BindingContext. This usually is caused by having multiple IStreamUpgradeProviderElements in a CustomBinding. Remove all but one of these elements.Multiple supporting token authenticators with the token parameter type equal to '{0}' cannot be specified. If more than one Supporting Token of the same type is expected in the response, then configure the supporting token collection with just one entry for that SecurityTokenParameters. The SecurityTokenAuthenticator that gets created from the SecurityTokenParameters will be used to authenticate multiple tokens. It is not possible to add SecurityTokenParameters of the same type in the SupportingTokenParameters collection or repeat it across EndpointSupportingTokenParameters and OperationSupportingTokenParameters.mMore than one version of the {0} assertion was found. The ReliableSessionBindingElement could not be created.hconcrete PeerResolver implementation must override Initialize to accept metadata about resolver service.`Registration with zero addresses detected. Please call Register with more than zero addresses.8The cNamedArgs parameter is not supported and must be 0.bAn attempt to load the native type library '{0}' was made. Native type libraries cannot be loaded.ITransport security negotiation failed due to an underlying IO error: {0}.&The negotiation has already completed.&The negotiation has not yet completed.kThere are too many active security negotiations or secure conversations at the service. Please retry later.3Negotiation state already exists for context '{0}'.The endpoint only processes messages using the WS-ReliableMessaging protocol. The message sent to the endpoint does not have an action or any headers used by the protocol and cannot be processed.fNo AppliesTo element is present in the deserialized RequestSecurityToken/RequestSecurityTokenResponse.There is no pending asynchronous write on this stream. Ensure that there is pending write on the stream or verify that the implementation does not try to complete the same operation multiple times.8No binary negotiation was received from the other party.:There is no binary negotiation to send to the other party.The binding (Name={0}, Namespace={1}) cannot be used to create a ChannelFactory or a ChannelListener because it appears to be missing a TransportBindingElement. Every binding must have at least one binding element that derives from TransportBindingElement.The binding ('{0}', '{1}') has been configured with a MutualCertificateDuplexBindingElement that requires a client certificate. The client certificate is currently missing.4The RequestSecurityToken must specify a CloseTarget.No custom principal is specified in the authorization context.4The RequestSecurityToken must specify a RenewTarget.4No RequestSecurityTokenResponse elements were found.(Unable to find a SecurityBindingElement.Send cannot be called when the session does not expect output.'The package full name '{0}' is invalid.The parameter cannot be empty.Unable to log messages. Application may be running in partial trust. Either disable message logging or configure the application to run in full trust.Access to performance counters is denied. Application may be running in partial trust. Either disable performance counters or configure the application to run in full trust.The Service with name '{0}' could not be constructed because the application does not have permission to construct the type: both the Type and its default parameter-less constructor must be public.The Method with name '{1}' in Type '{0}' could not be invoked because the application does not have permission to invoke the method: both the Method and its containing Type must be public.Access to windows management instrumentation (WMI) is denied. Application may be running in partial trust. Either disable WMI or configure the application to run in full trust.WCertificate generation has failed. Please see the inner exception for more information.iInvalid message: the peer channel via ({0}) has a size of ({1}) it exceeds the maximum via size of ({2}).xApplication message contains a header that conflicts with a PeerChannel specific header. Name = {0} and Namespace = {1}.zBinding settings conflict with an existing instance that is using the same mesh name. Check the value of the property {0}.]Internal Error. PeerFlooder instance is already disposed. It cannot be used to send messages.aMessageBody does not contain a valid {0} message. Please ensure that the message is well formed."The registrationId {0} is invalid.fThe LinkUtility message received from a neighbor has invalid values for usefull '{0}' and total '{1}'.#The ListenIPAddress {0} is invalid.CMaintainer is attempting a connection to Peer {0} for the mesh {1}.mMaintainer encountered exception when attempting a connection to Peer {0} for the mesh {1}. Exception is {2}.MMantainer is attempting to establish additional connections for the mesh {0}.7Mantainer's InitialConnect is running for the mesh {0}.>Mantainer is attempting to prune connections for the mesh {0}.(Maintainer is starting for the mesh {0}.The MaxReceivedMessageSize of the associated listener ({0}) is greater than the MaxReceivedMessageSize of the PeerNode ({1}) with the meshid ({2}), ensure that all ChannelFactories and Endpoints for this mesh have the same configuration for MaxRecievedMessageSize.IMessage with action {0} received from a neighbor is missing a via Header.FInternal Error: Peer Neighbor state change from {0} to {1} is invalid.:The PeerNode cannot be opened because it has been Aborted.Specified cloud {0} is configured for Resolve operations only.^Specified mesh name {0} cannot be used because a name can only be registered once per process.@PNRP could not find any clouds that match the current operation.gRequested PNRP operation {0} could not be performed because the port is blocked possibly by a firewall.\A metadata section containing policy did not have an identifier so it cannot be referenced. [An exception was thrown in a call to a policy export extension. Extension: {0} Error: {1}[An exception was thrown in a call to a policy import extension. Extension: {0} Error: {1}The type {0} registered as a policy extension does not have a public default constructor. Policy extensions must have a public default constructorrContextBindingElementImporter cannot import policy because PolicyImportContext.BindingElements collection is null.Unreachable policy detected. A WS-Policy element embedded in WSDL is missing a fragment identifier. This policy cannot be referenced by any WS-PolicyAttachment mechanisms. XPath:{0}JA policy reference was ignored because the URI of the reference was empty.NA policy reference was ignored because the required {0} attribute was missing.Message security policy for the '{0}' action requires confidentiality without integrity. Confidentiality without integrity is not supported.[Application {0} is marked Pooled. Pooled applications are not supported under COM+ hosting.TYou have tried to create a channel to a service that does not support .Net Framing. You have tried to create a channel to a service that does not support .Net Framing. It is possible that you are encountering an HTTP endpoint.@The channel demuxer Open failed previously with exception '{0}'.(The primary signature must be encrypted.FPrimary signature must be computed before supporting token signatures.|The primary signature is not signed with a derived key. The binding's primary token parameter '{0}' requires key derivation.The primary signature is not signed with a key derived from the encrypted key. The binding's token parameter '{0}' requires key derivation.CPrivacyNotice element Version attribute must have an integer value.NThe proof token was not wrapped correctly in the RequestSecurityTokenResponse.C#

!The service encountered an error.To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to call the service. You can do this using the svcutil.exe tool from the command line with the following syntax:

You have created a service.

To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to call the service; however, metadata publishing via ?WSDL is currently disabled. This can be enabled via the service's configuration file.

This will generate a configuration file and a code file that contains the client class. Add the two files to your client application and use the generated client class to call the Service. For example:
=You can also access the service description as a single file: {0} ServiceServiceXNote: the service name must match the configuration name for the service implementation.Add the following endpoint. GNote: your service must have an http base address to add this endpoint.AAdd the following element to your service behavior configuration.This is a Windows© Communication Foundation service.

Metadata publishing for this service is currently disabled.

If you have access to the service, you can enable metadata publishing by completing the following steps to modify your web or application configuration file:

1. Create the following service behavior configuration, or add the <serviceMetadata> element to an existing service behavior configuration:12. Add the behavior configuration to the service:Note: the service name must match the configuration name for the service implementation.

3. Add the following endpoint to your service configuration:Note: your service must have an http base address to add this endpoint.

The following is an example service configuration file with metadata publishing enabled:For more information on publishing metadata please see the following documentation:

Visual Basic

This service has multiple endpoints listening at '{0}' which share the same initiating action '{1}'. As a result, messages with this action would be dropped since the dispatcher would not be able to determine the correct endpoint for handling the message. Please consider hosting these Endpoints at separate ListenUris.DMessage part {0} in namespace {1} appears more than once in Message.)The endpoint's address is not specified. (The endpoint's binding is not specified.)The endpoint's contract is not specified.TThis EndpointDispatcher is not currently attached to the provided ChannelDispatcher.ACannot add EndpointDispatcher to more than one ChannelDispatcher.Could not find a base address that matches scheme {0} for the endpoint with binding {1}. Registered base address schemes are [{2}].,Error creating a reader for the MTOM messageSServer returned an invalid SOAP Fault. Please see InnerException for more details.sThere was an error in deserializing one of the headers in message {0}. Please see InnerException for more details.AError in deserializing body of reply message for operation '{0}'.EError in deserializing body of reply message for operation '{0}'. {1}CError in deserializing body of request message for operation '{0}'.GError in deserializing body of request message for operation '{0}'. {1}{An error occurred while loading attribute '{0}' on method '{1}' in type '{2}'. Please see InnerException for more details.An error occurred while loading attribute '{0}' on parameter {1} of method '{2}' in type '{3}'. Please see InnerException for more details.kAn error occurred while loading attribute '{0}' on type '{1}'. Please see InnerException for more details.]An error occurred while loading attribute '{0}'. Please see InnerException for more details.jThere was an error in serializing body of message {0}: '{1}'. Please see InnerException for more details.xThere was an error in serializing one of the headers in message {0}: '{1}'. Please see InnerException for more details.0--- End of inner ExceptionDetail stack trace ---ZAn ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:;Internal Error: Message must be a valid IMethodCallMessage.The specified ContractDescription could not be exported to WSDL because the Type property of the MessagePartDescription with name '{1}' in the OperationDescription with name '{0}' is not set. The Type property must be set in order to create WSDL.8Fault named {0} in operation {1} cannot be imported. {2}FIn operation {0}, more than one fault is declared with detail type {1}XIn operation {0}, more than one fault is declared with element name {1} in namespace {2}({0}: {1} (Fault Detail is equal to {2}).3The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason.In operation {0}, the schema type corresponding to the fault detail type {1} is anonymous. Please set Fault name explicitly to export anonymous types.@Only a '{0}' using '{1}' or '{2}' is supported in this scenario.Header name mismatch in member {1} of type {0}. The header name found in the description is {2}. The element name deduced by the formatter is {3}. This mismatch can happen if the ElementName specified in XmlElementAttribute or XmlArrayAttribute does not match the name specified in the MessageHeaderAttribute or MessageHeaderArrayAttribute or the member name.Header name mismatch in operation {0} from contract {1}:{2}. The header name found in the description is {3}. The element name deduced by the formatter is {4}. This mismatch can happen if the ElementName specified in XmlElementAttribute or XmlArrayAttribute does not match the name specified in the MessageHeaderAttribute or MessageHeaderArrayAttribute or the member name.Header namespace mismatch in member {1} of type {0}. The header namespace found in the description is {2}. The element namespace deduced by the formatter is {3}. This mismatch can happen if the Namespace specified in XmlElementAttribute or XmlArrayAttribute does not match the namespace specified in the MessageHeaderAttribute or MessageHeaderArrayAttribute or the contract namespace.Header namespace mismatch in operation {0} from contract {1}:{2}. The header namespace found in the description is {3}. The element namespace deduced by the formatter is {4}. This mismatch can happen if the Namespace specified in XmlElementAttribute or XmlArrayAttribute does not match the namespace specified in the MessageHeaderAttribute or MessageHeaderArrayAttribute or the contract namespace.The header '{0}' from the namespace '{1}' was not understood by the recipient of this message, causing the message to not be processed. This error typically indicates that the sender of this message has enabled a communication protocol that the receiver cannot process. Please ensure that the configuration of the client's binding is consistent with the service's binding. BMessage {0} must not have headers to be used in RPC encoded style.AThis value cannot be changed after the ChannelFactory has opened.WThis value cannot be changed after the first ClientBase of type '{0}' has been created.>This value cannot be changed after the ServiceHost has opened.7{0} cannot be changed after the ServiceHost has opened.ROperation {0} binding {1} has extra part {2} that is not present in other bindings:Style {1} on header {0} does not match expected style {2}.KAll parts of message in operation {0} must either contain type or element. kStyle {1} inferred from messages in operation {0} does not match expected style {2} specified via bindings.Bindings for operation {0} cannot specify different use and style values. Binding {1} specifies use {2} and style {3} while binding {4} specifies use {5} and style {6}.PExtensions for operation {0} in binding {1} cannot specify different use values.TFault bindings for operation {0} in binding {1} cannot specify different use values.VMessage bindings for operation {0} in binding {1} cannot specify different use values.`MessageVersion '{0}' is not supported in this scenario. Only MessageVersion '{1}' is supported.AllowInitializationUI was set to false for this channel, but the channel is configured to use the '{0}' as an interactive initializer.The channel is configured to use interactive initializer '{0}', but the channel was Opened without calling DisplayInitializationUI. Call DisplayInitializationUI before calling Open or other methods on this channel.Service implementation object invoked with wrong number of input parameters, operation expects {0} parameters but was called with {1} parameters.gService implementation object invoked with null input parameters, but operation expects {0} parameters.PThe InstanceContext has no provider for creating Service implementation objects.:This OperationContextScope is being disposed out of order.The client was unable to process the callback request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from CallbackBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the client in order to send the exception information back to the server, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation and inspect the client trace logs.The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.JIAsyncResult's State must be the state argument passed to your Begin call.HThe CallbackContract {0} is invalid because it is not an interface type.+IAsyncResult not provided or of wrong type.zInvalid IContextChannel passed to OperationContext. Must be either a server dispatching channel or a client proxy channel.WThis OperationContextScope is being disposed on a different thread than it was created.OperationFormatter encountered an invalid Message body. Expected to find node type 'Element' with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}'. Found node type '{2}' with name '{3}' and namespace '{4}'|The OperationFormatter could not deserialize any information from the Message because the Message is empty (IsEmpty = true).nThere was an error while trying to deserialize parameter {0}:{1}. Please see InnerException for more details.There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter {0}:{1}. The InnerException message was '{2}'. Please see InnerException for more details.There was an error while trying to serialize parameter {0}:{1}. The InnerException message was '{2}'. Please see InnerException for more details.The operation {0} either has a parameter or a return type that is attributed with MessageContractAttribute. In order to represent the request message using a Message Contract, the operation must have a single parameter attributed with MessageContractAttribute. In order to represent the response message using a Message Contract, the operation's return value must be a type that is attributed with MessageContractAttribute and the operation may not have any out or ref parameters.RMessageHeaderArrayAttribute found on member {0} is not a single dimensional array.Outgoing reply message for operation '{0}' specified Action='{1}', but contract for that operation specifies ReplyAction='{2}'. The Action specified in the Message must match the ReplyAction in the contract, or the operation contract must specify ReplyAction='*'.Outgoing request message for operation '{0}' specified Action='{1}', but contract for that operation specifies Action='{2}'. The Action specified in the Message must match the Action in the contract, or the operation contract must specify Action='*'.YXmlSerializer attribute {0} is not valid in {1}. Only SoapElement attribute is supported.The static CreateChannel method cannot be used with the contract {0} because that contract defines a callback contract. Please try using one of the static CreateChannel overloads on DuplexChannelFactory.lFor request in operation {0} to be a stream the operation must have a single parameter whose type is Stream.For response in operation {0} to be a stream the operation must have a single out parameter or return value whose type is Stream.In order to use Streams with the MessageContract programming model, the type {0} must have a single member with MessageBodyMember attribute and the member type must be Stream.'Buffer size must be at least {0} bytes._The PrimitiveOperationFormatter was given a parameter or return type which it does not support.~The WSDL binding named {0} is not valid because no match for operation {1} was found in the corresponding portType definition.cThe WSDL binding named {0} is not valid because an operation binding doesn't have a name specified.XmlSerializer attribute {0} is not valid in {1}. Only XmlElement, XmlArray, XmlArrayItem and XmlAnyElement attributes are supported in MessageContract when IsWrapped is false.XmlSerializer attribute {0} is not valid in {1}. Only XmlElement, XmlArray, XmlArrayItem, XmlAnyAttribute and XmlAnyElement attributes are supported when IsWrapped is true.{0} must contain either a single ServiceKnownTypeAttribute that refers to a method or a set of ServiceKnownTypeAttributes, each specifying a valid typerThe return type of method {1} in type {2} must be IEnumerable to be used by ServiceKnownTypeAttribute in {0}WServiceKnownTypeAttribute in {0} refers to a method {1} that does not exist in type {2})KnownType cannot be null in operation {0}|The MaximumResolvedReferences property of MetadataExchangeClient must be greater than or equal to one. '{0}' was specified.Cannot create a typed message from type '{0}'. The functionality only valid for types decorated with MessageContractAttribute.The type {1} defines a MessageContract but also derives from a type {0} that does not define a MessageContract. All of the objects in the inheritance hierarchy of {1} must defines a MessageContract.~The message cannot be deserialized into MessageContract type {0} since it does not have a default (parameterless) constructor.2MessageOperationFormatter cannot serialize faults.Instance of MessagePartDescription Name='{0}' Namespace='{1}' cannot be used in this context: required 'Type' property was not set.yThe MetadataExchangeClient could not create an IChannelFactory for: address='{0}', dialect='{1}', and identifier='{2}'. The MetadataExchangeClient instance could not be initialized because no Binding is available for scheme '{0}'. You can supply a Binding in the constructor, or specify a configurationName.xThe MetadataExchangeClient could not create an HttpWebRequest for: address='{0}', dialect='{1}', and identifier='{2}'. The MetadataExchangeClient was not supplied with a MetadataReference or MetadataLocation from which to get metadata. You must supply one to the constructor, to the GetMetadata method, or to the BeginGetMetadata method.wThe value '{0}' is not valid for the Location property. The Location property must be a valid absolute or relative URI.The MetadataResolver cannot recieve an empty contracts argument to the Resolve or BeginResolve methods. You must supply at least one ContractDescription.hThe contracts argument to the Resolve or BeginResolve methods cannot contain a null ContractDescription.The ContractDescriptions in contracts must all have unique Name and Namespace pairs. More than one ContractDescription had the pair Name='{0}' and Namespace='{1}'. Method {0} is not supported on this proxy, this can happen if the method is not marked with OperationContractAttribute or if the interface type is not marked with ServiceContractAttribute.KServiceHost implementation type {0} does not implement ServiceContract {1}.Callback method {0} is not supported, this can happen if the method is not marked with OperationContractAttribute or if its interface type is not the target of the ServiceContractAttribute's CallbackContract.lA DispatchOperation (or ClientOperation) can only be added to its parent DispatchRuntime (or ClientRuntime).FNo Action header was found with namespace '{0}' for the given message.The SetTransactionComplete method was wrongly called more than once in the operation '{0}' on contract '{1}'. The SetTransactionComplete method can only be called once. This is an invalid scenario and the current transaction was aborted.The callback passed to operation '{0}' was called more than once. This indicates an internal error in the implementation of that operation.[Calling Post() on '{0}' resulted in multiple callbacks. This indicates a problem in '{0}'.A ServiceContract has more the one operation with an Action of "*". A ServiceContract can have at most one operation an Action = "*".The Service contains multiple ServiceEndpoints with different ContractDescriptions which each have Name='{0}' and Namespace='{1}'. Either provide ContractDescriptions with unique Name and Namespaces, or ensure the ServiceEndpoints have the same ContractDescription instance.@Part {1}:{0} is repeating and is not supported in Soap Encoding.QMethod {0} in type {1} has more than one header part of type array of XmlElement.-The Name property must be a non-empty string.hCannot handle invocation of {0} on interface {1} because the OperationSelector on ClientRuntime is null.TransactedBatchingBehavior validation failed. Service cannot be started. Transacted batching requires ServiceBehavior.ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete to be false.TransactedBatchingBehavior validation failed. Service or client cannot be started. Transacted batching is not supported for session contracts. Remove transacted batching behavior from the endpoint or define a non-sessionful contract.The service type provided could not be loaded as a service because it does not have a default (parameter-less) constructor. To fix the problem, add a default constructor to the type, or pass an instance of the type to the host.The message with To '{0}' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to an AddressFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. Check that the sender and receiver's EndpointAddresses agree.The message with Action '{0}' cannot be processed at the receiver because this Action is reserved for the connection opening messages only and cannot be sent from client to server. To invoke this operation on the server, call the '{1}' method on the client proxy instead.The message with Action '{0}' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either a contract mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender and receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender and the receiver. Check that sender and receiver have the same contract and the same binding (including security requirements, e.g. Message, Transport, None).The contract specified by type '{0}' is ambiguous. The type derives from at least two different types that each define its own service contract. For this type to be used as a contract type, exactly one of its inherited contracts must be more derived than any of the others.JThe service implementation object was not initialized or is not available.The '{0}' service is configured with EnsureOrderedDispatch set to true, but the ConcurrencyMode is not set to Single. EnsureOrderedDispatch requires the use of ConcurrencyMode.Single..An object that is not an exception was thrown.]The operation '{0}' cannot be the first operation to be called because IsInitiating is false.YThe WS-Addressing "none" value is not valid for the August 2004 version of WS-Addressing.[Extension {0} prevented call to operation '{1}' from replying by setting the reply to null.HFormatter {0} returned a null reply message for call to operation '{1}'.The one-way operation '{1}' on ServiceContract '{0}' is configured for transaction flow. Transactions cannot be flowed over one-way operations.The incoming message with action could not be processed because it is targeted at a request-reply operation, but cannot be replied to as the MessageId property is not set.OperationBehaviorAttribute can only go on the service class, it cannot be put on the ServiceContract interface. Method '{0}' on type '{1}' violates this.The ReleaseInstanceMode property on OperationBehaviorAttribute can only be set on non-callback operations. Method '{0}' violates this.Method '{0}' has OperationContractAttribute, but enclosing type '{1}' does not have ServiceContractAttribute. OperationContractAttribute can only be used on methods in ServiceContractAttribute types or on their CallbackContract types.Method '{1}' has {0}, but enclosing type '{2}' does not have ServiceContractAttribute. {0} can only be used on methods in ServiceContractAttribute types.7OperationDescription's Name must be a non-empty string.OperationDescription '{0}' is invalid because its Messages property contains an invalid number of MessageDescription instances. Each OperationDescription must have one or two messages.There was a mismatch between the number of supplied arguments and the number of expected arguments. Specifically, the argument '{0}' has '{1}' elements while the argument '{2}' has '{3}' elements.:The 'parameters' argument must be an array of one element.QThe 'parameters' argument must be an array that contains a single Message object.XAll parameter names used in operations that make up a service contract must not be null.@The 'parameters' argument must be either null or an empty array.6Message part name {0} is not unique in an RPC Message.UIn operation '{0}', cannot pass null to methods that take Message as input parameter.Required message property '{0}' is missing from the IncomingProperties collections of the received message. Ensure that when the receive context is enabled on the binding, the created channel ensures that '{0}' is present on all received messages.The contract '{0}' has at least one operation annotated with '{1}', but the binding used for the contract endpoint at address '{2}' does not support required binding property '{3}'. Please ensure that the binding used for the contract supports the ReceiveContext capability.tA reply message was received for operation '{0}' with action '{1}'. However, your client code requires action '{2}'.The request message has FaultTo='{0}' but IContextChannel.LocalAddress is '{1}'. When ManualAddressing is false, these values must be the same, null, or EndpointAddress.AnonymousAddress. Enable ManualAddressing or avoid setting FaultTo on the message.The request message has FaultTo='{0}' but IContextChannel.RemoteAddress is '{1}'. When ManualAddressing is false, these values must be the same, null, or EndpointAddress.AnonymousAddress because sending a reply to a different address than the original sender can create a security risk. If you want to process such messages, enable ManualAddressing.The request message has From='{0}' but IContextChannel.LocalAddress is '{1}'. When ManualAddressing is false, these values must be the same, null, or EndpointAddress.AnonymousAddress. Enable ManualAddressing or avoid setting From on the message.The request message has From='{0}' but IContextChannel.RemoteAddress is '{1}'. When ManualAddressing is false, these values must be the same, null, or EndpointAddress.AnonymousAddress because sending a reply to a different address than the original sender can create a security risk. If you want to process such messages, enable ManualAddressing.The request message has ReplyTo='{0}' but IContextChannel.LocalAddress is '{1}'. When ManualAddressing is false, these values must be the same, null, or EndpointAddress.AnonymousAddress. Enable ManualAddressing or avoid setting ReplyTo on the message.The request message has ReplyTo='{0}' but IContextChannel.RemoteAddress is '{1}'. When ManualAddressing is false, these values must be the same, null, or EndpointAddress.AnonymousAddress because sending a reply to a different address than the original sender can create a security risk. If you want to process such messages, enable ManualAddressing.A message was received with a WS-Addressing ReplyTo or FaultTo header targeted at the "None" address. These values are not valid for request-reply operations. Please consider using a one-way operation or enabling ManualAddressing if you need to support ReplyTo or FaultTo values of "None."This request operation did not receive a reply within the configured timeout ({0}). The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. This may be because the service is still processing the operation or because the service was unable to send a reply message. Please consider increasing the operation timeout (by casting the channel/proxy to IContextChannel and setting the OperationTimeout property) and ensure that the service is able to connect to the client.This request operation sent to {0} did not receive a reply within the configured timeout ({1}). The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. This may be because the service is still processing the operation or because the service was unable to send a reply message. Please consider increasing the operation timeout (by casting the channel/proxy to IContextChannel and setting the OperationTimeout property) and ensure that the service is able to connect to the client.Required runtime property '{0}' is not initialized on DispatchRuntime. Do not remove ServiceBehaviorAttribute from ServiceDescription.Behaviors or ensure that you include a third-party service behavior that supplies this value.LThe MetadataExchangeClient has resolved more than MaximumResolvedReferences..The 'result' argument must be of type Message.sCould not revert impersonation on current thread. Continuing would compromise system security. Terminating process.MRPC Message {1} in operation {0} has an invalid body name {2}. It must be {3}FRPC Message {1} in operation {0} must have a single MessageBodyMember.There was a problem loading the XSD documents provided: a reference to a schema element with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' could not be resolved because the element definition could not be found in the schema for targetNamespace '{1}'. Please check the XSD documents provided and try again.There was a problem loading the XSD documents provided: a reference to a schema type with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' could not be resolved because the type definition could not be found in the schema for targetNamespace '{1}'. Please check the XSD documents provided and try again.6Schema with target namespace '{0}' could not be found.rSecurityContextProperty is missing from the request Message, this may indicate security is configured incorrectly.The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a contract mismatch, a premature session shutdown or an internal server error.The operation '{0}' could not be invoked because the property '{1}' on the OperationContract is set to '{2}'. To invoke this operation on the server, call the '{3}' method on the client proxy instead.The operation '{0}' could not be completed because the sessionful channel timed out waiting to receive a message. To increase the timeout, either set the receiveTimeout property on the binding in your configuration file, or set the ReceiveTimeout property on the Binding directly.In order to generate configuration information using the GenerateServiceEndpoint method, the ServiceContractGenerator instance must have been initialized with a valid Configuration object.WEndpoints cannot be added after the ServiceHost has been opened/faulted/aborted/closed.OEndpoints cannot be added before the Description property has been initialized.ApplyConfiguration requires that the Description property be initialized. Either provide a valid ServiceDescription in the CreateDescription method or override the ApplyConfiguration method to provide an alternative implementation.InitializeRuntime requires that the Description property be initialized. Either provide a valid ServiceDescription in the CreateDescription method or override the InitializeRuntime method to provide an alternative implementation.LoadConfigurationSection requires that the Description property be initialized. Provide a valid ServiceDescription in the CreateDescription method.WInitializeDescription must be called with a serviceType or singletonInstance parameter..ServiceHost only supports class service types.The ChannelDispatcher with ListenUri '{0}' has endpoints with the following contracts: {1}. Metadata endpoints cannot share ListenUris. The conflicting endpoints were either specified in AddServiceEndpoint() calls, in a config file, or a combination of AddServiceEndpoint() and config.The HttpGetEnabled property of ServiceMetadataBehavior is set to true and the HttpGetUrl property is a relative address, but there is no http base address. Either supply an http base address or set HttpGetUrl to an absolute address.The HttpsGetEnabled property of ServiceMetadataBehavior is set to true and the HttpsGetUrl property is a relative address, but there is no https base address. Either supply an https base address or set HttpsGetUrl to an absolute address.n{0} must be a relative URI or an absolute URI with scheme '{1}'. '{2}' is an absolute URI with scheme '{3}'. hService implementation type is an interface or abstract class and no implementation object was provided.wThis property sets EnableFaults on the client. To set EnableFaults on the server, use ChannelDispatcher's EnableFaults.This property sets ManualAddressing on the client. To set ManualAddressing on the server, use ChannelDispatcher's ManualAddressing.aHeader properties cannot be set in MessageHeaderAttribute of {0} as its type is MessageHeader.5An exception has been thrown when reading the stream.The message containing this stream has been closed. Note that request streams cannot be accessed after the service operation returns.4The message containing this stream has been closed. iThis channel cannot send any more messages because IsTerminating operation '{0}' has already been called.LThrottle limit must be greater than zero. To disable, set to Int32.MaxValue.gThe timeout value provided was not of a recognized format. Please see InnerException for more details.fTimeout must be greater than or equal to TimeSpan.Zero. To disable timeout, specify TimeSpan.MaxValue.Timeouts larger than Int32.MaxValue TotalMilliseconds (approximately 24 days) cannot be honored. To disable timeout, specify TimeSpan.MaxValue.)Cannot create a unique part name for {0}.\An unrecognized element was encountered in the XML during deserialization which was ignored.VThe transaction under which this method call was executing was asynchronously aborted.The operation '{1}' on contract '{0}' is configured with TransactionAutoComplete set to false and the InstanceContextMode is not set to PerSession. TransactionAutoComplete set to false requires the use of InstanceContextMode.PerSession.The operation '{1}' on contract '{0}' is configured with TransactionAutoComplete set to false but SessionMode is not set to Required. TransactionAutoComplete set to false requires SessionMode.Required.The operation '{0}' on callback contract '{1}' is configured with TransactionAutoComplete set to false. TransactionAutoComplete set to false cannot be used with operations on callback contracts.The service '{0}' is configured with TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose set to true and with an InstanceContextMode not set to PerSession. TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose set to true requires an instancing mode that uses sessions.The incoming transaction cannot be deserialized. The transaction header in the message was either malformed or in an unrecognized format. The client and the service must be configured to use the same protocol and protocol version. The following exception occurred: {0}The binding for the endpoint at address '{0}' is configured with both the MsmqTransportBindingElement and the TransactionFlowBindingElement. These two elements cannot be used together.:The service operation requires a transaction to be flowed.The transaction header '{0}' within the namespace '{1}' was not understood by the service. The client and the service must be configured to use the same protocol and protocol version ('{2}').The SetTransactionComplete method was called in the operation '{0}' on contract '{1}' when TransactionAutoComplete was set to true. The SetTransactionComplete method can only be called when TransactionAutoComplete is set to false. This is an invalid scenario and the current transaction was aborted.The service '{0}' is configured with a TransactionIsolationLevel but no operations are configured with TransactionScopeRequired set to true. TransactionIsolationLevel requires at least one operation with TransactionScopeRequired set to true.TThe operation '{1}' on contract '{0}' is configured with TransactionAutoComplete set to false and with ConcurrencyMode not set to Single. TransactionAutoComplete set to false requires ConcurrencyMode.Single.The '{0}' service is configured with ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete set to true, but the ConcurrencyMode is not set to Single. The ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete requires the use of ConcurrencyMode.Single.The service '{0}' is configured with ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete but no operations are configured with TransactionScopeRequired set to true. The ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete property requires at least one operation with TransactionScopeRequired set to true. Remove the ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete property from the service if this is the case.The service '{0}' is configured with TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose, but no operations are configured with TransactionScopeRequired set to true. The TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose property requires at least one operation with TransactionScopeRequired set to true. Remove the TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose property from the service if this is the case.The service '{0}' is configured with a TransactionTimeout but no operations are configured with TransactionScopeRequired set to true. TransactionTimeout requires at least one operation with TransactionScopeRequired set to true.VThe flowed transaction could not be unmarshaled. The following exception occurred: {0}5The service does not support concurrent transactions.hAn attempt was made to add more than one transaction to a message. At most one transaction can be added.JInternal Error: The instance of the MessageContract cannot be null in {0}.The operation '{0}' could not be loaded because it specifies "rpc-style" in "literal" mode, but uses message contract types or the System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message. This combination is disallowed -- specify a different value for style or use parameters other than message contract types or System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message.The operation '{0}' could not be loaded because it has a parameter or return type of type System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message or a type that has MessageContractAttribute and other parameters of different types. When using System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message or types with MessageContractAttribute, the method must not use any other types of parameters.When using the rpc-encoded style, message contract types or the System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message type cannot be used if the operation has no parameters or has a void return value. Add a blank message contract type as a parameter or return type to operation '{0}'.6This fault did not provide a matching translation: {0}CThis fault did not provide a reason (MessageFault.Reason was null).SThis fault did not provide a reason (MessageFault.Reason.Translations.Count was 0).User operation '{0}.{1}' threw an exception that is unhandled in user code. This exception will be rethrown. If this is a recurring problem, it may indicate an error in the implementation of the '{0}.{1}' method.Cannot add outgoing headers to message as MessageVersion in OperationContext.Current '{0}' does not match with the header version of message being processed '{1}'.In order to use one of the ServiceHost constructors that takes a service instance, the InstanceContextMode of the service must be set to InstanceContextMode.Single. This can be configured via the ServiceBehaviorAttribute. Otherwise, please consider using the ServiceHost constructors that take a Type argument.When multiple endpoints on a service share the same ListenUri, those endpoints must all have the same Identity in their EndpointAddress. The endpoints at ListenUri '{0}' do not meet this criteria.%Wrapper element name cannot be empty.Wrapper type for message {0} cannot be projected as a data contract type since it has multiple namespaces. Consider using the XmlSerializer`Service description message '{1}' from target namespace '{2}' does not contain part named '{0}'.The wsdl operation {0} in portType {1} contains a fault that does not reference a message. This is either because the message attribute is missing or empty.The wsdl operation input {0} in portType {1} does not reference a message. This is either because the message attribute is missing or empty.The wsdl operation output {0} in portType {1} does not reference a message. This is either because the message attribute is missing or empty.ZWSDL part {0} in message {1} from namespace {2} must have either an element or a type name;XmlArrayAttribute cannot be used in repeating part {1}:{0}.aSecuritySessionServerSettings.CreateAcceptor, channelAcceptor must be null, can not create twice.qOn DuplexSecurityProtocolFactory, the same protocol factory cannot be set for the forward and reverse directions.There was a validation error on a schema generated during export: Source: {0} Line: {1} Column: {2} Validation Error: {3}Context protocol was unable to parse the context header. Nodes disallowed by the context header schema were found inside the context header.The 'scopeName' argument to the InstanceKey constructor must be a non-empty string which indicates the scope of uniqueness for the key. Durable services use the service namespace and name as the scope of uniqueness.BError decoding the Cookie element of SecurityContextSecurityToken.=Issuing cookie SecurityContextSecurityToken is not supported.lThe SecurityContextSecurityToken's Cookie element either does not contain '{0}' or has a wrong value for it.6Error parsing SecurityContextSecurityToken Cookie XML.DCould not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority '{0}'.Cannot create security binding element based on configuration data. The secure conversation bootstrap requires another secure conversation which is not supported. AA secure conversation cancellation is not allowed by the binding.nThe configured SecureConversation version does not support sessions. Use WSSecureConversationFeb2005 or above.Cannot create security binding element based on the configuration data. When secure conversation authentication mode is selected, the secure conversation bootstrap binding element must also be specified. \Cannot establish a reliable session without secure conversation. Enable secure conversation.Security channel or listener factory creation failed. Secure conversation security token parameters do not specify the bootstrap security binding element.8The security algorithm suite was not specified on '{0}'.4The '{0}' dynamic link library (dll) failed to load.>SecurityAuditBehavior is not supported on the channel factory.Writing audit messages to the Security log is not supported by the current platform. You must write audit messages to the Application log.A security policy was imported for the endpoint. The security policy contains requirements that cannot be represented in a Windows Communication Foundation configuration. Look for a comment about the SecurityBindingElement parameters that are required in the configuration file that was generated. Create the correct binding element with code. The binding configuration that is in the configuration file is not secure.KThis SecurityProtocol instance was not set up to process incoming messages.KThis SecurityProtocol instance was not set up to process outgoing messages.tThe SecurityBinding for the ('{0}','{1}') binding for the ('{2}','{3}') contract only supports the OneWay operation.The security capabilities of binding '{0}' do not match those of the generated runtime object. Most likely this means the binding contains a StreamSecurityBindingElement, but lacks a TransportBindingElement that supports Stream Security (such as TCP or Named Pipes). Either remove the unused StreamSecurityBindingElement or use a transport that supports this element.ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' and a ChannelBinding was not found. This prevents the ExtendedProtectionPolicy from being enforced. Change the binding to make a ChannelBinding available, for StandardBindings use a SecurityMode of TransportWithMessageCredential and a ClientCredential type of Windows. For CustomBindings use SspiNegotiationOverTransport or KerberosOverTransport. Alternatively, specify a PolicyEnforcement of 'Never'.ExtendedProtectionPolicy specified a PolicyEnforcement of 'Always' which is not supported for the authentication mode requested. This prevents the ExtendedProtectionPolicy from being enforced. For StandardBindings use a SecurityMode of TransportWithMessageCredential and a ClientCredential type of Windows. For CustomBindings use SspiNegotiationOverTransport or KerberosOverTransport. Alternatively, specify a PolicyEnforcement of 'Never'.:The security channel listener was not specified on '{0}'.Cannot start impersonation because the SecurityContext for the UltimateReceiver role from the request message with the '{0}' action is not mapped to a Windows identity.YThe SecurityContextSecurityToken with context-id={0} (key generation-id={1}) has expired.XThe SecurityContextSecurityToken with context-id={0} (no key generation-id) has expired.UThe SecurityContextSecurityToken with Context-id={0} (generation-id={1}) has expired.XThe SecurityContextSecurityToken with Context-id={0} (no key generation-id) has expired.SecurityContext for the UltimateReceiver role is missing from the SecurityContextProperty of the request message with action '{0}'._The SecurityContextSecurityToken with context-id={0} (key generation-id={1}) is not registered.Server '{0}' sent back a fault indicating it is in the process of shutting down. Please see the inner exception for fault details.Security header is empty.MThe listener is not accepting new secure conversations because it is closing.iThe server is not accepting new secure conversations currently because it is closing. Please retry later.The security negotiation with '{0}' cannot be initiated because the confidential endpoint address header ('{1}', '{2}') cannot be encrypted during the course of the negotiation.The security negotiation message with action '{0}' is larger than the maximum allowed buffer size '{1}'. If you are using a streamed transport consider increasing the maximum buffer size on the transport.7The security protocol '{0}' cannot do replay detection.HDuplex security is not supported by the security protocol factory '{0}'.ORequest-reply security is not supported by the security protocol factory '{0}'.MThe security protocol factory must be set before this operation is performed.;The SecurityContextSecurityToken's key needs to be renewed.Server '{0}' sent back a fault indicating it is too busy to process the request. Please retry later. Please see the inner exception for fault details.nThe security session was terminated This may be because no messages were received on the session for too long.6The security session with id '{0}' is already pending.KThe receiver sent back a security session fault message. Retry the request.EThe security session id '{0}' is already present in the filter table.JThe session key must be renewed before it can secure application messages..Cannot create a security session. Retry later.ENo security session listener was found for message with action '{0}'.-No security session with id '{0}' is pending.QSecurity session protocol factory must be set before this operation is performed.sThe security session requires a security token authenticator that implements '{0}'. '{1}' does not implement '{0}'.4Security sessions require all messages to be signed.The security session requires a security token resolver that implements '{1}'. The security token resolver '{0}' does not implement '{1}'.CThe security settings lifetime manager was not specified on '{0}'.;The security standards manager was not specified on '{0}'.The DataProtectionSecurityStateEncoder is unable to decode the byte array. Ensure that a 'UserProfile' is loaded, if this is a 'web farm scenario' ensure all servers are running as the same user with the roaming profiles or provide a custom SecurityStateEncoder'.The DataProtectionSecurityStateEncoder is unable to encode the byte array. Ensure that a 'UserProfile' is loaded, if this is a 'web farm scenario' ensure all servers are running as the same user with the roaming profiles or provide a custom SecurityStateEncoder'.tA security token ('{0}', '{1}') was found outside the security header. The message may have been altered in transit.UThe security token manager cannot create a token authenticator for requirement '{0}'.PThe security token manager cannot create a token provider for requirement '{0}'.]The security token manager cannot create a token serializer for security token version '{0}'.Signature confirmation is not expected in the security header.MThe signature confirmation elements cannot occur after the primary signature.-A signature is not expected for this message.Signature verification failed.QA signed supporting token is not expected in the security header in this context.The signing token {0} has no keys. The security token is used in a context that requires it to perform cryptographic operations, but the token contains no cryptographic keys. Either the token type does not support cryptographic operations, or the particular token instance does not contain cryptographic keys. Check your configuration to ensure that cryptographically disabled token types (for example, UserNameSecurityToken) are not specified in a context that requires cryptographic operations (for example, an endorsing supporting token).GThe signing token {0} has no key that supports the algorithm suite {1}.5Signing without primary signature requires timestamp.The DeliveryRequirementsAttribute on contract '{0}' specifies that the binding must support ordered delivery (RequireOrderedDelivery). This condition could not be verified because the configured binding does not implement IBindingDeliveryCapabilities. The DeliveryRequirementsAttribute may only be used with bindings that implement the IBindingDeliveryCapabilities interface.The DeliveryRequirementsAttribute on contract '{0}' specifies a QueuedDeliveryRequirements constraint. This condition could not be verified because the configured binding does not implement IBindingDeliveryCapabilities. The DeliveryRequirementsAttribute may only be used with bindings that implement the IBindingDeliveryCapabilities interface.A single WSDL document could not be generated for this service. Multiple service contract namespaces were found ({0}). Ensure that all your service contracts have the same namespace.BThe specified size exceeds the remaining buffer space ({0} bytes).The remote endpoint specified a last message number that is smaller than a sequence number that has already been seen. The reliable session is in an inconsistent state since it cannot determine the actual last message. The reliable session was faulted. Soap11 ({0}) Soap12 ({0})GSOAP security negotiation failed. See inner exception for more details.cSOAP security negotiation with '{0}' for target '{1}' failed. See inner exception for more details.The socket was aborted because an asynchronous receive from the socket did not complete within the allotted timeout of {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.The socket connection was aborted because an asynchronous send to the socket did not complete within the allotted timeout of {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.]A graceful close was attempted on the socket, but the other side ({0}) is still sending data.The remote endpoint of the socket ({0}) did not respond to a close request within the allotted timeout ({1}). It is likely that the remote endpoint is not calling Close after receiving the EOF signal (null) from Receive. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.(The socket connection has been disposed.&The socket listener has been disposed.%The socket listener is not listening.The incoming transaction cannot be unmarshaled because the source MSDTC transaction manager has either disabled outbound transactions or disabled its WS-AtomicTransaction protocol service.KThe space needed for encoding ({0} bytes) exceeds the message frame offset.The Security Support Provider Interface does not support Impersonation level 'None'. Specify Identification, Impersonation or Delegation level.It is likely that certificate '{0}' may not have a private key that is capable of key exchange or the process may not have access rights for the private key. Please see inner exception for detail.gThe certificate '{0}' must have a private key. The process must have access rights for the private key.The cipher key negotiated by SSL is too small ('{0}' bits). Keys of such lengths are not allowed as they may result in information disclosure. Please configure the initiator machine to negotiate SSL cipher keys that are '{1}' bits or longer.mEither the client credential was invalid or there was an error collecting the client credentials by the SSPI.kThe token Serializer cannot serialize '{0}'. If this is a custom type you must supply a custom serializer.eStandards manager of filter does not match that of filter table. Can not have two different filters.?The operation cannot be completed because the stream is closed.dTimeoutStream requires an inner Stream that supports timeouts; its CanTimeout property must be true.*An error occurred while transmitting data.HThe remote server did not satisfy the mutual authentication requirement.WThe StreamUpgradeProvider {0} does not support the specified ChannelBindingKind ({1}). The address of the security token issuer is not specified. An explicit issuer address must be specified in the binding for target '{0}' or the local issuer address must be configured in the credentials.VThe binding to use to communicate to the federation service at '{0}' is not specified.OThe algorithm '{0}' is not accepted for operation '{1}' by algorithm suite {2}.A reply message was received without a valid RelatesTo header. This may have been caused by a missing RelatesTo header or a RelatesTo header with an invalid WS-Addressing Relationship type.+The '{0}' addressing mode is not supported.The supporting signature is not signed with a derived key. The binding's supporting token parameter '{0}' requires key derivation.EThe supporting token provided for parameters '{0}' was not encrypted.YThe supporting token provided for parameters '{0}' did not endorse the primary signature.cThe supporting token provided for parameters '{0}' was not signed as part of the primary signature.^A supporting token that satisfies parameters '{0}' and attachment mode '{1}' was not provided.)Supporting token signatures not expected.SymmetricSecurityBindingElement cannot build a channel or listener factory. The ProtectionTokenParameters property is required but not set. Binding element configuration: {0}The synchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '{2}' and '{3}' because they have the same operation name '{4}'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, any additional attributes must be declared on the synchronous OperationContract method. In this case, the asynchronous OperationContract method '{2}' has one or more attributes of type '{5}'. To fix it, remove the '{5}' attribute or attributes from method '{2}'. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The synchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '{2}' and '{3}' because they have the same operation name '{4}'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, the two OperationContracts must define the same number and types of parameters. In this case, some of the arguments are different. To fix it, ensure that the OperationContracts define the same number and types of arguments, in the same order. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The synchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '{2}' and '{3}' because they have the same operation name '{4}'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, the two OperationContracts must have the same value for the '{5}' property. In this case, the values are different. To fix it, change the '{5} property of one of the OperationContracts to match the other. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The synchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '{2}' and '{3}' because they have the same operation name '{4}'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, the two OperationContracts must define the same return type. In this case, the return types are different. To fix it, ensure that method '{0}' and method '{3}' have the same return type. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The synchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '{2}' because they have the same operation name '{3}'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a task-based asynchronous OperationContract method, any additional attributes must be declared on the synchronous OperationContract method. In this case, the task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '{2}' has one or more attributes of type '{4}'. To fix it, remove the '{4}' attribute or attributes from method '{2}'. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The synchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '{2}' because they have the same operation name '{3}'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a task-based asynchronous OperationContract method, the two OperationContracts must define the same number and types of parameters. In this case, some of the arguments are different. To fix it, ensure that the OperationContracts define the same number and types of arguments, in the same order. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The synchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '{2}' because they have the same operation name '{3}'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a task-based asynchronous OperationContract method, the two OperationContracts must have the same value for the '{4}' property. In this case, the values are different. To fix it, change the '{4} property of one of the OperationContracts to match the other. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The synchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '{2}' because they have the same operation name '{3}'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a task-based asynchronous OperationContract method, the two OperationContracts must define the same return type. In this case, the return types are different. To fix it, ensure that method '{0}' and method '{2}' have the same return type. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. A value of type '{0}' cannot be added to the generic collection, because the collection has been parameterized with a different type.xA null value cannot be added to the generic collection, because the collection has been parameterized with a value type.IAn error occurred communicating with the distributed transaction manager.6The target service address was not specified on '{0}'..Target object does not support IPersistStream.STarget type is an interface but corresponding type is not PersistStreamTypeWrapper.The task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '{2}' and '{3}' because they have the same operation name '{4}'. When a task-based asynchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, any additional attributes must be declared on the task-based asynchronous OperationContract method. In this case, the asynchronous OperationContract method '{2}' has one or more attributes of type '{5}'. To fix it, remove the '{5}' attribute or attributes from method '{2}'. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '{2}' and '{3}' because they have the same operation name '{4}'. When a task-based asynchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, the two OperationContracts must define the same number and types of parameters. In this case, some of the arguments are different. To fix it, ensure that the OperationContracts define the same number and types of arguments, in the same order. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching.The task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '{2}' and '{3}' because they have the same operation name '{4}'. When a task-based asynchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, the two OperationContracts must have the same value for the '{5}' property. In this case, the values are different. To fix it, change the '{5} property of one of the OperationContracts to match the other. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The task-based asynchronous OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' was matched with the asynchronous OperationContract methods '{2}' and '{3}' because they have the same operation name '{4}'. When a synchronous OperationContract method is matched to a pair of asynchronous OperationContract methods, the two OperationContracts must define the same return type. In this case, the return types are different. To fix it, ensure that method '{0}' and method '{3}' have the same return type. Alternatively, changing the name of one of the methods will prevent matching. The task was cancelled.Client side task-based asynchronous method must not have any out or ref parameters. Any data that would have been returned through an out or ref parameter should instead be returned as part of the TResult in the resulting task.HThe use of '{0}' on the task-based asynchronous method is not supported.There is already a listener on IP endpoint {0}. This could happen if there is another application already listening on this endpoint or if you have multiple service endpoints in your service host with the same IP endpoint but with incompatible binding configurations.3Could not connect to {0}. TCP error code {1}: {2}. iCould not connect to {0}. The connection attempt lasted for a time span of {3}. TCP error code {1}: {2}. RInsufficient winsock resources available to complete socket connection initiation.Connecting to via {0} timed out after {1}. Connection attempts were made to {2} of {3} available addresses ({4}). Check the RemoteAddress of your channel and verify that the DNS records for this endpoint correspond to valid IP Addresses. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing your message or a receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource issue. Local socket timeout was '{0}'.The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing your message or a receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource issue. Local socket timeout was '{0}'. The local IP address and port is {1}. The remote IP address and port is {2}.The socket transfer timed out after {0}. You have exceeded the timeout set on your binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.The socket transfer timed out after {0}. You have exceeded the timeout set on your binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. The local IP address and port is {1}. The remote IP address and port is {2}.CA TCP error ({0}: {1}) occurred while listening on IP Endpoint={2}.The socket connection was aborted by your local machine. This could be caused by a channel Abort(), or a transmission error from another thread using this socket.8A TCP error ({0}: {1}) occurred while transmitting data.A TCP error ({0}: {1}) occurred while transmitting data. The local IP address and port is {2}. The remote IP address and port is {3}.NAn IPv4 address was specified ({0}), but IPv4 is not enabled on this machine. NAn IPv6 address was specified ({0}), but IPv6 is not enabled on this machine. Directory {0} not found.The DeliveryRequirementsAttribute on contract '{0}' specifies a QueuedDeliveryRequirements value of NotAllowed. However, the configured binding for this contract specifies that it does support queued delivery. A queued binding may not be used with this contract.The ServiceMetadataExtension instance could not be added to the ServiceHost instance because it has already been added to another ServiceHost instance.The ServiceMetadataExtension instance could not be removed from the ServiceHost instance because it has not been added to any ServiceHost instance.The ServiceMetadataExtension instance could not be removed from the ServiceHost instance because it has already been added to a different ServiceHost instance.+TimeSpan cannot be less than TimeSpan.Zero.,TimeSpan must be greater than TimeSpan.Zero.|The security timestamp is invalid because its creation time ('{0}') is greater than or equal to its expiration time ('{1}').The security timestamp is invalid because its creation time ('{0}') is in the future. Current time is '{1}' and allowed clock skew is '{2}'.The security timestamp is stale because its expiration time ('{0}') is in the past. Current time is '{1}' and allowed clock skew is '{2}'.The security timestamp is stale because its creation time ('{0}') is too far back in the past. Current time is '{1}', maximum timestamp lifetime is '{2}' and allowed clock skew is '{3}'.The message could not be transferred within the allotted timeout of {0}. There was no space available in the reliable channel's transfer window. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.The close operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.The open operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.The operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.The request operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.The send operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.yOpening the channel timed out after {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.}Opening the {0} channel timed out after {1}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.BA timestamp element has already been set for this security header.>The timestamp must occur first in this security header layout.=The timestamp must occur last in this security header layout.AThe timestamp element added to security header to sign has no id.The security token manager requires the security binding element to be specified in order to create a token authenticator for requirement '{0}'.9A symmetric crypto could not be created from token '{0}'.sThe key size requirements for the '{0}' algorithm suite are not met by the '{1}' token which has key size of '{2}'.&'{0}' does not support '{1}' creation.;The supplied token manager cannot create a token reference._Security token manager could not parse token with name '{0}', namespace '{1}', valueType '{2}'.The SecurityTokenParameters and SecurityToken tuple specified for use in the security header must both be null or must both be non-null.9Received security header contains unexpected token '{0}'.6The token provider cannot get tokens for target '{0}'.The security token manager requires the security binding element to be specified in order to create a token provider for requirement '{0}'.5TokenProvider returned token of incorrect type '{0}'.The token requirement '{0}' does not specify the target address. This is required by the token manager for creating the corresponding security token provider.OThe security token serializer must be specified on the security token provider.TThe operation cannot be performed after the communications channel has been created.A leg of the federated security chain contains multiple IssuedSecurityTokenParameters. The InfoCard system only supports one IssuedSecurityTokenParameters for each leg.@There are too many renewed session keys that have not been used. AuthorizeActivating message received.%An async callback threw an exception!Begin method execution.3The given schema cannot be imported in this format.Channel connection was dropped Created: {0} Disposed: {0}Sent a message over a channel+Prepared message for sending over a channelComPlus:channel created. ComPlus:Dispatch method details.(ComPlus:DllHost initializer:Adding host.$ComPlus:Started DllHost initializer.%ComPlus:Starting DllHost initializer.$ComPlus:Stopped DllHost initializer.%ComPlus:Stopping DllHost initializer.ComPlus:Entering COM+ activity.ComPlus:Executing COM call.+ComPlus:Received instance creation request.ComPlus:Created instance.ComPlus:Released instance.ComPlus:Invoked method.ComPlus:Invoking method.9Complus:Invoking method with transaction in COM+ context.6Complus:Invoking method with new incoming transaction.ComPlus:Left COM+ activity."Complus:Mex channel loader loaded.1Complus:Metadata exchange completed successfully.!ComPlus:Created service contract.!ComPlus:Created service endpoint.ComPlus:Started service. ComPlus:Started service:details.ComPlus:Starting service.ComPlus:Stopped service.ComPlus:Stopping service.ComPlus:Service moniker parsed.%ComPlus:Type library converter event.%ComPlus:Finished type library import.,ComPlus:Type library import: using assembly.0ComPlus:Type library import: using type library.%ComPlus:Starting type library import.,ComPlus:Transaction aborted by COM+ context.3ComPlus:Transaction aborted by Transaction Manager.ComPlus:Transaction committed.%ComPlus:Typed channel builder loaded.$ComPlus:WSDL channel builder loaded.Failed to abort {0}Aborted '{0}'.Failed to close {0} Closed {0} Closing {0} Created {0} Disposing {0}-CommunicationObject faulted due to exception. Faulted {0}Failed to open {0} Opened {0} Opening {0}The configuration is read-only.!Extension type is not configured.Connection information."The connection has been abandoned.LAn exception occurred while closing the connections in this connection pool.YA connection has exceeded the idle timeout of this connection pool ({0}) and been closed.eA connection has exceeded the connection lease timeout of this connection pool ({0}) and been closed.MaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint quota ({0}) has been reached, so connection was closed and not stored in this connection pool.ContextChannel created."A new ContextChannel was accepted.Context added to Message.Context retrieved from Message.*InstanceContext cached for InstanceId {0}.6InstanceContext for InstanceId {0} removed from cache.=No matching tag was found. Default endpoints added.Failed to trace a message"Did not understand message header.~A response message was received, but there are no outstanding requests waiting for this message. The message is being dropped.>The type of the element does not match the configuration type.End method execution.Endpoint listener closed.Endpoint listener opened.Error invoking user code+Configuration evaluation context not found.&Starting Security ExportChannelBinding&Finished Security ExportChannelBinding(The extension collection does not exist."The extension collection is empty.>Extension element not associated with an extension collection.7The extension element already exists in the collection.Extension type not found.wAn attempt to reuse a pooled connection failed. Another attempt will be made with {0} remaining in the overall timeout.An attempt to connect to the named pipe endpoint at '{1}' failed. Another attempt will be made with {0} remaining in the overall timeout.:Failed to set an activity id header on an outgoing messageXAn incoming channel was disposed because there was an error while attempting to open it.1Failed to read an activity id header on a message`Evaluating message logging filter against the message exceeded the node quota set on the filter.Get BehaviorElement.Get ChannelEndpointElement.$Get machine.config common behaviors.Get configuration section.Get configured binding.Get configured endpoint.Get default configured binding. Get default configured endpoint.Get ServiceElement.IThe HTTP SOAPAction header and the wsa:Action SOAP header did not match. ,Authentication failed for HTTP(S) connection.The HTTP concurrent receive quota was reached.pFailed to lookup a channel to receive an incoming message. Either the endpoint or the SOAP action was not found.(Failed to send request message over HTTP)Failed to send response message over HTTPReceived bad HTTP responseHTTP response was receivedClient certificate is invalid.yClient certificate is invalid with native error code {0} (see for details).Client certificate is required. No certificate was found in the request. This might be because the client certificate could not be successfully validated by the operating system or IIS. For information on how to bypass those validations and use a custom X509CertificateValidator in WCF please see Security ImportChannelBinding&Finished Security ImportChannelBindingKAn existing incompatible transport manager was found for the specified URI.!Initiating Named Pipe connection.Initiating TCP connection.7DurableInstance's InstanceContext refcount incremented.7DurableInstance's InstanceContext refcount decremented.AThe IssuanceTokenProvider has started a new security negotiation.AThe IssuanceTokenProvider has completed the security negotiation.7The IssuanceTokenProvider applied a redirection header.No existing transport manager was found for the specified URI.#Transport is listening at base URI.The configuration system has detected a duplicate key in a different configuration scope and is overriding with the more recent value.)A message was received by a peer channel.%A message was sent on a peer channel.DA PeerNode received a message that did not match any local channels.FA PeerNode received a flooded message that was not propagated further.&A PeerNode received a flooded message.mReceived message could not be forwarded to other neighbors since it exceeded the quota set for the peer node.PeerMaintainer Activity.!A Peer Neighbor close has failed.#A Peer Neighbor closing has failed.#A Peer Neighbor Manager is offline."A Peer Neighbor Manager is online.*A message was received by a Peer Neighbor.!A Peer Neighbor was not accepted.A Peer Neighbor was not found. A Peer Neighbor open has failed.(A Peer Neighbor state change has failed."A Peer Neighbor state has changed.A PeerNode address has changed.XA neighbor connection could not be established due to insufficient or wrong credentials.+A neighbor security handshake as timed out.A PeerNode was closed.A PeerNode is closing.Peer node open failed.A PeerNode was opened.A PeerNode is opening.*Message source could not be authenticated.*PeerService Opened and listening at '{0}'.VA performance counter failed to load. Some performance counters will not be available.]Failed to load the performance counter '{0}'. Some performance counters will not be availablekThere was an error while updating the performance counter '{0}'. This performance counter will be disabled.qLoading performance counters for the service failed. Performance counters will not be available for this service.*Unloading the performance counters failed.PipeConnection abortedRegistered addresses in PNRP.3Unexpected Exception during PNRP resolve operation.Resolved addresses in PNRP.Unregistered addresses in PNRP.-The TransportManager was successfully closed.aThe PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE access right has been granted to the {0} service's account with SID '{1}'.)A named pipe was successfully duplicated.%A socket was successfully duplicated.3The TransportManager is now successfully listening.A null Message (signalling end of channel) was received from a datagram channel, but the channel is still in the Opened state. This indicates a bug in the datagram channel, and the demuxer receive loop has been prematurely stalled. Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. ConcurrencyMode for service is set to Single/Reentrant and the service is currently processing another message.Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. Waiting for the completion of ReceiveContext acknowledgement. If your service seems to be not processing the message ensure that the channel implementation of receive context completes the operation.Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. Cannot process more than one transaction at a time and the transaction associated with the previous message is not yet complete. Ensure that the caller has committed the transaction.Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. UseSynchronizationContext property on ServiceBehaviorAttribute is set to true, and SynchronizationContext.Current was non-null when opening ServiceHost. If your service seems to be not processing messages, consider setting UseSynchronizationContext to false.#A reliable channel has been opened..Behavior type already exists in the collection#Received reply over request channelRequestContext aborted@A failure occured while performing a security related operation.5An active security session was removed by the server.;A failure occurred while writing to the security audit log./The security audit log is written successfully.4The security protocol verified the incoming message.3The security protocol secured the outgoing message.9The security protocol cannot secure the outgoing message.9The security protocol cannot verify the incoming message.Close message was received by client security session.TraceCodeSecurityClientSessionKeyRenewed=Client security session renewed session key.;Close response message was sent by client security session.8A Close message was sent by the client security session.4The client security session renewed the session key.?The client security session discarded the previous session key./The SecurityContextSecurityToken cache is full.7Identity cannot be determined for an EndpointReference.1Identity was determined for an EndpointReference.AThe HostName portion of an endpoint address cannot be normalized.Identity verification failed. Identity verification succeeded.,Security impersonation failed at the server./Security Impersonation succeeded at the server.7An inactive security session was faulted by the server.0Service security negotiation processing failure.4A new security session key was issued by the server.7A pending security session was activated by the server.3A pending security session was added to the server.6The pending security session was closed by the server.=Server security session sent session aborted fault to client.EThe server security session received a close message from the client.DServer security session received Close response message from client.3The security session key was updated by the server.CThe server security session sent a key renewal fault to the client.CClient security session received session aborted fault from server.9Failure sending security session aborted fault to client.@The server security session sent a close response to the client.FThe client security session received a closed reponse from the server.PA failure occurred when sending a security session Close response to the client.AThe incoming message is not part of an existing security session.IThe client security session received a key renewal fault from the server.+The client security session was redirected.ZA failure occurred when sending a renewal fault on the security session key to the client.-The client security session operation failed.DThe security session operation completed successfully at the client.7A security session operation was started at the client.4The security session operation failed at the server.1Failure sending security session Close to client.-Server security session sent Close to client.EThe ServicePrincipalName could not be mapped to a SecurityIdentifier.(Security Token Authenticator was closed.(Security Token Authenticator was opened.#Security Token Provider was closed.#Security Token Provider was opened.|MaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint quota ({0}) has been reached, so the connection was closed and not reused by the listener.ServiceChannel information.Type load for contract interface ID {0} failed with Error:{1}.Changing an inline default value with information from the additional default values is not supported; the default value to the variable '{0}' was already provided as part of the UriTemplate '{1}'. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.!baseAddress must an absolute Uri.The BindByName method of UriTemplate was called with an empty name in the collection of arguments for the bind. Note that the NameValueCollection or the Dictionary passed to BindByName cannot contain an empty (or null) name as a key. See the documentation of UriTemplate for more details.bUriTemplate '{0}' contains no variables; yet the BindByPosition method was called with {1} values.UriTemplate '{0}' contains {1} path variables and {2} query variables but {3} values were passed to the BindByPosition method. The number of values passed to BindByPosition should be greater than or equal to the number of path variables in the template and cannot be greater than the total number of variables in the template.The UriTemplate contains a literal value for query key '{0}', but that key also is present in the NameValueCollection. Either remove that key from the NameValueCollection, or else change the UriTemplate to not have a query literal for that key.&UTCSR - Lookup was called before matchThe UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate compound path segment '{1}' provides a default value to variable '{2}'. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to variables in compound segments. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the path variable '{1}', defined as part of a compound path segment has been provided with a default value as part of the additional defaults. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to variables in compound segments. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate variable declaration '{1}' provides a default value to query variable '{2}'. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to query variables. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the query variable '{1}' has been provided a default value as part of the additional defaults. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to query variables. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The default values of UriTemplate are immutable; they cannot be modified after the construction of the UriTemplate instance. See the documentation of UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; UriTemplate does not support two adjacent variables with no literal in compound segments, such as in the segment '{1}'.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate variable declaration '{1}' provides an empty default value to path variable '{2}'. Note that UriTemplate path variables cannot be bound to a null or empty value. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.SUriTemplate does not support '{0}' as a valid format for a segment or a query part.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate variable declaration '{1}' isn't a valid variable construct. Note that UriTemplate variable definitions are either a simple, non-empty, variable name or a 'name=value' format, where the name must not be empty and the value provides a default value to the variable. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the wildcard ('{1}') cannot appear in a variable name or literal, unless as a construct for a wildcard segment. Note that a wildcard segment, either a literal or a variable, is valid only as the last path segment in the template; the wildcard can appear only once. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the additional default value '{1}' has a null value as default value. Note that null default values must be only provided to concrete path variables. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate path variable '{1}' has a null default value while following path variable '{2}' has no defaults or provides a non-null default value. Note that UriTemplate path variable with null default value must be followed only with other path variables with null defaulted values. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate path variable '{1}' has a null default value while the following path segment '{2}' is not a variable segment with a null default value. Note that UriTemplate path variable with null default values must be followed only with other path variables with null defaulted value. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate path variable '{1}' has a null default value while the template is finished with a wildcard. Note that UriTemplate path variable with null default values must be followed only with other path variables with null defaulted value. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the query string cannot end with '&'. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; each portion of the query string must be of the form 'name=value', when value cannot be a compound segment. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; each portion of the query string must be of the form 'name' or of the form 'name=value'. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; each portion of the query string must be of the form 'name' or of the form 'name=value', where name is a simple literal. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; each portion of the query string must be of the form 'name' or of the form 'name=value', where each name is unique. Note that the names are case-insensitive. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate last path segment '{1}' provides a default value to final star variable '{2}'. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to final star variable. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate final star variable '{1}' has been provides a default value as part of the additional defaults information. Note that UriTemplate doesn't support default values to final star variable. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.UriTemplateTable does not support '{0}' and '{1}' since they are not equivalent, but cannot be disambiguated because they have equivalent paths and the same common literal values for the query string. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more detail.!BaseAddress must an absolute uri.nBaseAddress has not been set. Set the BaseAddress property before calling MakeReadOnly, Match, or MatchSingle.5Cannot change BaseAddress after calling MakeReadOnly.UriTemplateTable (with allowDuplicateEquivalentUriTemplates = false) does not support both '{0}' and '{1}', since they are equivalent. Call MakeReadOnly with allowDuplicateEquivalentUriTemplates = true to use both of these UriTemplates in the same table. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more detail.-KeyValuePairs must have at least one element.An invalid template '{0}' was passed as the key in a pair of template and its associated object. UriTemplateTable Key-Value pairs must always contain a valid UriTemplate object as key; note that UriTemplateTable doesn't support templates that are ignoring the trailing slash in respect to matching. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more details.IThere were multiple UriTemplateMatch results, but MatchSingle was called.-Parameter 'baseAddress' must an absolute uri.A null UriTemplate was passed as the key in a pair of template and its associated object. UriTemplateTable Key-Value pairs must always contain a valid UriTemplate object as key. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more details.UriTemplateTable does not support multiple templates that have equivalent path as template '{0}' but have different query strings, where the query strings cannot all be disambiguated via literal values. See the documentation for UriTemplateTable for more detail.The UriTemplate '{0}' is not valid; the UriTemplate variable named '{1}' appears multiple times in the template. Note that UriTemplate variable names are case-insensitive. See the documentation for UriTemplate for more details.{The '{0}' user-defined type could not be found. Ensure that the correct type and type library are registered and specified. XPath:{0} Assertions:SCannot create an ICrypto interface from the '{0}' token for signature verification.Unable to create Key Type element for the Key Type '{0}'. This might be due to a wrong version of MessageSecurityVersion set on the SecurityBindingElement.;Cannot create the '{0}' symmetric algorithm from the token.!Unable to create token reference.EThere was no channel that could accept the message with action '{0}'.uKeyInfo clause '{0}' resolved to token '{1}', which does not contain a Symmetric key that can be used for derivation.SA policy reference was ignored because the policy with ID '{0}' could not be found.Security processor was unable to find a security header with actor '{0}' in the message. This might be because the message is an unsecured fault or because there is a binding mismatch between the communicating parties. This can occur if the service is configured for security and the client is not using security.Security processor was unable to find a security header in the message. This might be because the message is an unsecured fault or because there is a binding mismatch between the communicating parties. This can occur if the service is configured for security and the client is not using security.Cannot find a token authenticator for the '{0}' token type. Tokens of that type cannot be accepted according to current security settings.SFailed to impersonate client identity during serialization of the response message.JCannot load the X.509 certificate identity specified in the configuration.?Cannot load library {0}. Ensure that WCF is properly installed.,Cannot locate operation {0} in Contract {1}.=Obtaining metadata from issuer '{0}' failed with error '{1}'.&Cannot renew the security session key.GThe data reference '{0}' could not be resolved in the received message.4Cannot resolve the host name of URI "{0}" using DNS.\Cannot resolve KeyInfo in derived key token for resolving source token: KeyInfoClause '{0}'.MCannot resolve KeyInfo for decryption: KeyInfo '{0}', available tokens '{1}'.QCannot resolve KeyInfo for unwrapping key: KeyInfo '{0}', available tokens '{1}'.VCannot resolve KeyInfo for verifying signature: KeyInfo '{0}', available tokens '{1}'.BCannot resolve reference URI '{0}' in signature to compute digest.'Unable to retrieve IUnknown for object.4The following Policy Assertions were not Imported: ,Unbound prefix used in qualified name '{0}'.A feed containing items that are not buffered (i.e. the items are not stored in an IList) cannot clone its items. Buffer the items in the feed before calling Clone on it or pass false to the Clone method.The remote endpoint sent an unexpected request for an ack. Simplex clients do not send acks and do not process requests for acks.PThe remote endpoint sent an unexpected ack. Simplex servers do not process acks.>Expected binary secret of type {0} but got secret of type {1}.tThe remote endpoint sent an unexpected request to create a sequence. Clients do not process requests for a sequence.qThe remote endpoint sent inconsistent requests to create the same sequence. The OfferId values are not identical.eThe remote endpoint sent an unexpected create sequence response. Servers do not process this message.The remote endpoint sent inconsistent responses to the same create sequence request. The sequence identifiers are not identical.kThe remote endpoint sent an unexpected close sequence message. Simplex clients do not process this message.tThe remote endpoint sent an unexpected close sequence response message. Simplex servers do not process this message.C'{0}' from namespace '{1}' is not expected to appear more than onceX'{0}' from namespace '{1}' is not expected. Expecting element '{2}' from namespace '{3}'YThe '{0}' from the '{1}' namespace is empty and does not specify a valid identity claim. 0Unexpected encrypted element in security header.Unexpected end of file.=The remote server returned an unexpected response: ({0}) {1}.GThe security session received an unexpected close from the other party.PThe security session received an unexpected close response from the other party.yConnection was not accepted because the SecurityContext contained tokens that do not match the current security settings.oThe remote endpoint sent an unexpected terminate sequence message. Simplex clients do not process this message.xThe remote endpoint sent an unexpected terminate sequence response message. Simplex servers do not process this message.\Unexpected threading model. WCF/COM+ integration only supports STA and MTA threading models.=XML child node {0} of type {1} is unexpected for element {2}.JCannot find a unique port number that is available for both IPv4 and IPv6.2The computed key algorithm '{0}' is not supported.RThe element with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is not an allowed document format.GUnrecognized encoding occurred while reading the binary security token.NThe element with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is not an allowed feed format.Unknown filter type: '{0}'.The contract ('{0}','{1}') contains some unknown header ('{2}','{3}') which cannot be secured. Please choose ProtectionLevel.None for this header. 2The ICrypto implementation '{0}' is not supported.NThe element with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is not an allowed item format.kThe listener at Uri '{0}' could not be initialized because it was created for an unrecognized channel type.Could not find keyword {0}.@The value of wsrm:Identifier is not a known Sequence identifier.The remote endpoint no longer recognizes this sequence. This is most likely due to an abort on the remote endpoint. {0} The reliable session was faulted.xThe remote endpoint has sent a message containing an unrecognized sequence identifier. The reliable session was faulted.4Unrecognized supporting token '{0}' was encountered.#Unknown token attachment mode: {0}.HAn unrecognized token authenticator '{0}' was used for token processing.=An unrecognized WSDL extension of Type '{0}' was not handled.zThe WS-AtomicTransaction protocol service could not unmarshal the flowed transaction. The following exception occured: {0}The remote endpoint replied to the request for a sequence with a response that could not be parsed. See inner exception for details. The channel could not be opened.TWsdlImporter encountered unrecognized policy assertions in ServiceDescription '{0}':@The ClaimType '{0}' is not recognized. Expected ClaimType '{1}'.The remote endpoint has sent an unrecognized fault with namespace, {0}, name {1}, and reason {2}. The reliable session was faulted.The remote endpoint has sent an unrecognized fault with namespace, {0}, name {1}, and reason {2}. The channel could not be opened.*Invalid HostNameComparisonMode value: {0}.+Unrecognized identity property type: '{0}'.7Unrecognized identity type Name='{0}', Namespace='{1}'.The MSDTC whereabouts information did not contain a host name..2Internal Error: The InnerChannel property is null.4Couldn't find required attribute of type {0} on {1}.'Too many attributes of type {0} on {1}.5TlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPsH2[lh-_8y̎FQ\&xu]2 ^(PR;[ɥ>"2*"SGx]\cͷ3[ \ W'3L+qŌ[V gKtBʐsB 4ooҞ!Ӯ Dqh>Yx9˼<ِ[Y=W\oXH4蟀货?uڷz> S 󏮠-L5SZ$;gIpFI# u6Ï  ɢ T x.S]vNTvύe1Ty2QN #%M%Y'|(|(xX*‡,g=Q-̕5. 1<35b44C4u6"9599_9<=G=bư=L$>2~>>@~]ByC{EFJCG;jGnGxH,Ht{KrKGxLKL4MyOKZP!%QRYSTK/U U$#W&XXXQU[[1]5^=`U`DzaFea$ivBTjkkOm[dorr0s=s|s&NtMAVt@"nu[xy|[P}XR~u~zcf~+ N'"v W  ? !5 & 9zr#"#5z( )B"#~ * % "| !w @) t r%:C#$ !x u0i &&%wz$= 2 m$e* "WS!k MY"-m:(rC*-P'# *+ L6 . z")$-Q"xy6 L%&K&=$[D%Y(j 2q'a u()]($Q# 'mG&I24BinaryMessageDecodingStart4BinaryMessageEncodingStart4.BufferedAsyncWriteStarth,BufferedAsyncWriteStop*ChannelFactoryCreated8ChannelInitializationTimeout&ChannelReceiveStart$ChannelReceiveStop5FClientBaseCachedChannelFactoryCountkLClientBaseChannelFactoryAgedOutofCache@ClientBaseChannelFactoryCacheHit.DClientBaseUsingLocalChannelFactory],ClientChannelOpenStart*ClientChannelOpenStopHClientFormatterDeserializeReplyStartFClientFormatterDeserializeReplyStopHClientFormatterSerializeRequestStartCFClientFormatterSerializeRequestStopjRClientMessageInspectorAfterReceiveInvokedNClientMessageInspectorBeforeSendInvoked.ClientOperationPreparedQPClientParameterInspectorAfterCallInvokedRClientParameterInspectorBeforeCallInvoked LHttpContextBeforeProcessAuthentication^ &HttpGetContextStart 0HttpMessageReceiveFailed .HttpMessageReceiveStart VHttpPipelineBeginProcessInboundRequestStart JHttpPipelineBeginProcessResponseStart5 &HttpPipelineFaulted{ LHttpPipelineProcessInboundRequestStart JHttpPipelineProcessInboundRequestStop @HttpPipelineProcessResponseStart >HttpPipelineProcessResponseStopQ 8HttpPipelineTimeoutException 0HttpResponseReceiveStart (HttpSendMessageStart HttpSendStop 8HttpSendStreamedMessageStart IdleTimeout0 "InactivityTimeoutN .IncomingMessageVerifiedS LeaseTimeoutx "ListenerOpenStart ListenerOpenStop RMaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpointExceeded :MaxPendingConnectionsExceeded MessageThrottleAtSeventyPercent8.MessageThrottleExceededgJMessageWrittenAsynchronouslyByEncoder.MessageWrittenByEncoder0MtomMessageDecodingStart0MtomMessageEncodingStart9 NamedPipeCreatedkZNegotiateTokenAuthenticatorStateCacheExceededTNegotiateTokenAuthenticatorStateCacheRatioOpenTimeout$OperationCompletedOperationFailed. 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