MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ٙ|||.|. |Rich|PELRH"!  RpN!@PT?.rsrcPR@@(@0H` x        t4%x 1 d;6 E* O|W8\(MUIݷ 3XZ_k߰Q~Qjg֍o MUIen-USMicrosoft (R) WCF/WF registration tool version %s Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Administration utility that manages the installation and uninstallation of WCF and WF components on a single machine. Usage: %s [(-ia|-ua|-r)|((-i|-u) -c:<command>)] [-v|-q] [-nologo] [-h] -ia Install all components -ua Uninstall all components -r Repairs all components -i Install components specified with -c -u Uninstall components specified with -c -c:<component> Install/uninstall a component: httpnamespace - HTTP namespace reservation tcpportsharing - TCP port sharing service tcpactivation - TCP activation service namedpipeactivation - Named pipe activation service msmqactivation - MSMQ activation service etw - ETW event tracing manifests (Windows Vista or later) Can be used to install several components at the same time -q Quiet mode (only error logging) -v Verbose mode -nologo Suppress the copyright and banner message -h Displays this help text. Examples: %s -ia Installs all components %s -i -c:httpnamespace -c:etw Installs HTTP namespace reservation and ETW manifests %s -u -c:etw Uninstalls ETW manifests %s -r Repairs the installation'Cannot combine -c with -ia, -ua, or -r.$Unknown option '%s' for switch '-c'.Switch '-c' requires a component to be specified for installation or uninstallation. Please specify which components to install or uninstall..NET 4.5 is not installed. uTCP Activation requires TCP Port Sharing to function. To uninstall TCP Port Sharing, also specify '-c:tcpactivation'.Unknown switch '%s'.0Cannot combine switches -i, -ia, -u, -ua, or -r.Unknown argument '%s'.Invalid argument.cETW component is only available on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and later operating systems.jActivation services are only available on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and later operating systems.$Installation failed with error: 0x%x`%s does not support WOW mode. Please run the 64-bit version in order to configure registrations.eThis program requires administrator privileges. Please make sure you are running as an administrator.TUnable to retrieve process filename. GetModuleFileNameW failed with error code: 0x%xUUnable to determine path of executable. GetFullPathNameW failed with error code: 0x%xMAn error occurred while setting up the activation protocols. Error Code: 0x%xQCould not set activation features configuration. Please install or reinstall IIS.hCould not install activation features configuration because the World Wide Web Service is not installed.^Could not install activation features configuration because the IIS admin service is disabled.cCould not install activation features configuration because the IIS admin service is not installed.ECould not install activation features configuration. Error Code: 0x%x0Failed to initialize IIS7 APIs. Error Code: 0x%xLAn error occurred while configuring the listener component. Error Code: 0x%xJAn error occurred while configuring the protocol binding. Error Code: 0x%xAn error occurred while installing the event tracing provider. Unable to determine the temp path. GetTempPathW failed with error code: 0x%xAn error occurred while installing the event tracing provider. Unable to create a temporary filename. GetTempFileNameW failed with error code: 0x%xAn error occurred while installing the event tracing provider. Unable to create temporary file '%s'. CreateFileW failed with error code: 0x%xAn error occurred while installing the event tracing provider. Copying file from '%s' to '%s' failed with error code: 0x%x. Trying again ...zAn error occurred while installing the event tracing provider. Copying file from '%s' to '%s' failed with error code 0x%x.mAn error occurred while installing the event tracing provider. Writing manifest file failed. Error Code: 0x%xiAn error occurred while installing the event tracing provider. Opening file '%s' failed. Error Code: 0x%xFUnable to initialize firewall policy. Windows Firewall is not running.>Unable to get firewall rules. Windows Firewall is not running.HUnable to configure firewall exception. Windows Firewall is not running.3Failed to configure firewall rule. Error Code: 0x%xBUnable to add firewall exception. Windows Firewall is not running.-Failed to add firewall rule. Error Code: 0x%xrCoCreateInstance for Firewall Rule failed. Windows Firewall is either not running or is disabled. Error Code: 0x%x;Failed to configure the new firewall rule. Error Code: 0x%x-Failed to add firewall rule. Error Code: 0x%xAFailed to set firewall rule property %s to '%s'. Error Code: 0x%x1Failed to get the firewall rule. Error Code: 0x%x]Failed to get rule name for NetTcpActivator. Unable to remove firewall rule. Error Code: 0x%xtCoCreateInstance for INetFwPolicy2 failed. Windows Firewall is either not running or is disabled. Error Code: 0x%x kAn error occurred while creating the HTTP namespace reservation. The reservation may not have been created.lAn error occurred while removing the HTTP namespace reservation.. The reservation may not have been removed.tA previous version of Windows Communication Foundation was detected. The HTTP namespace reservation was not removed.qA later version of Windows Communication Foundation was detected. The HTTP namespace reservation was not removed..The HTTP namespace reservation already exists.CAn error occurred while trying to reserve the URL. Error Code: 0x%x1The HTTP namespace reservation was not installed.FAn error occurred while trying to un-reserve the URL. Error Code: 0x%xSAn error occurred while trying to initialize the HTTP reservation. Error Code: 0x%x_An error occurred while querying the HTTP namespace reservation configuration. Error Code: 0x%x_An error occurred while deleting the HTTP namespace reservation configuration. Error Code: 0x%x^An error occurred while setting the HTTP namespace reservation configuration. Error Code: 0x%xEUnable to start NetTcpActivator because a dependency failed to start.mUnable to reconfigure NetTcpPortSharing because an older version of the NetTcpActivator service is installed.AUnable to uninstall WMI classes. Mofcomp.exe does not exist: '%s'HUnable to uninstall WMI classes. Mof uninstall file '%s' does not exist.(Failed in calling '%s'. Error Code: 0x%xPA9Failed in calling '%s' for service '%s'. Error Code: 0x%xcService '%s' could not be stopped. The current status of the service is '%d'. Last error code: 0x%xsFailed in calling 'ChangeServiceConfigW' for service '%s' while setting service description. (%s). Error Code: 0x%xrFailed in calling 'ChangeServiceConfig2W' for service '%s' while setting service failure actions. Error Code: 0x%xyFailed in calling 'ChangeServiceConfigW' for service '%s' while updating service configuration (%s, %s). Error Code: 0x%x3Unable to detect the process type. Error Code: 0x%x\Unable to determine the operating system version. GetVersionExW failed with error code: 0x%x2Unable to open registry key '%s'. Error Code: 0x%xEUnable to enumerate the registry value under key %s. Error Code: 0x%xFUnable to enumerate the registry values under key %s. Error Code: 0x%x.Unable to spawn process '%s'. Error Code: 0x%xRAn error occurred while waiting for spawned process '%s' to exit. Error Code: 0x%x\CoCreateInstance failed while initializing web server handler installation. Error Code: 0x%xXFailed getting the '%s' element from the default website configuration. Error Code: 0x%x7Failed to retrieve element collection. Error Code: 0x%xTFailed to create child element in parent element %s. ElementName=%s Error code: 0x%xPA*Failed to get properties. Error Code: 0x%x8Failed to add property %s to parent %s. Error Code: 0x%x0Failed to commit changes to %s. Error Code: 0x%xWFailed to get the administration section. SectionName=%s CommitPath=%s Error code: 0x%x0Failed to delete property '%s'. Error Code: 0x%x8Failed to get the number of properties. Error Code: 0x%x[Too many properties defined. The maximum value is %d, number found was %d. Error Code: 0x%x$Failed to get item. Error Code: 0x%x'Failed to get item %s. Error Code: 0x%x1Failed to get value for item %s. Error Code: 0x%xIThe path '%s'is too long (%d). The maximum length is %d. Error Code: 0x%x3Failed to get item attribute '%s'. Error Code: 0x%x;Failed to set item attribute '%s' to '%s'. Error Code: 0x%x5Failed retrieving error information. Error Code: 0x%xAn error '%s' occurred while configuring the web server handlers for activation services. Please ensure that the configuration file '%s' is writable. Line:'%s' ConfigPath:'%s'[Info]PA [Warning][Error]nUnable to create log file. The path length (%d) exceeds the maximum allowed path length (%d). Error Code: 0x%x.Error creating log file '%s'. Error Code: 0x%x{SMSvcHost.exe could not be located. Required registry values are corrupted. Please repair your .NET Framework installation.DFailed to remove firewall rule for rule named '%s'. Error Code: 0x%xAFailed to set firewall rule property %s to '%d'. Error Code: 0x%xThis tool is not supported on this version of Windows. Administrators should instead install/uninstall Windows Communication Foundation features using the 'Turn Windows Features On/Off' dialog, or the dism command line tool.(4VS_VERSION_INFOov?StringFileInfod040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationz)FileDescriptionService Model Installer Resource Library^FileVersion4.8.3761.0 built by: NET48REL1LInternalNameServiceModelRegUI.dll/LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. 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