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to clear NGenDisable.txt;Error loading NGenDisable.txtSError getting timestamp of assembly "{0}"{0} {1}=Error updating NGenDisable.txt=Error deleting NGenDisable.txtMicrosoft\CLR_LOCALAPPDATANGenDisable.txtMUnable to set path for NGenDisable.txt /NIC:/UsageLog:/LocalAppData: /NGen:/MaxLogAge:/MaxNIAge:/RuntimeWide/Critical//CriticalTaskTimeLimit:/StopEvent:/Verbose /Verbose/Silent /SilentIUnrecognized command line option {0}Y/Critical can only be used with /RuntimeWide v2.07Log scavenge after {0} days5NI scavenge after {0} days fusionAppngen.exeNativeImages__645NativeImages_v2.0.50727_64assemblyAGetSystemWindowsDirectory failed7RemoveTaskDelayStartTrigger!Deleted HKLM\{0}3Failed to delete HKLM\{0}Deleted {0})Failed to delete {0}[Unable to get user profile directory location-Running pending updateUpdate /queueoCritical idle task executing high-priority queued items)ExecuteQueuedItems 2_Critical idle task execution time limit reached]High-priority NGen task completed successfullyAError running high priority NGen-Executing queued items%ExecuteQueuedItemswUnrecognized version string "{0}", disabling Automatic NGenGAutomatic NGen disabled in registrySystem.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089v2.0.50727ANGen task completed successfullyMTask was interrupted by task scheduler!ngentasklock.datAAttempting to acquire task lock.'Acquired task lock.Critical task unable to acquire task lock. Attempting to stop non-critical task.Critical task unable to stop non-critical task. Attempting to kill non-critical task.NGenTaskCritical task unable to acquire task lock. Continuing without lock.3Error acquiring task lock+Error stopping worker+Scavenging Logs ({0})Scavenging: +Error scavenging logs%Parsing Logs ({0})NativeImages[Unable to locate local native image directoryParsing: %Error parsing logsAInstalling new NGEN images ({0})Insufficient Disk space to run additional ngen install commands /version:Marking used native images with new last accessed timestamp information ({0}) .auxYUninstall list of unused native images ({0})KError finding age of native image {0}5Native Image {0} : Age {1}/uninstall "{0}" /norootQAttempted to scavenge {0} native images.qLooking for active user sessions, and run per-user tasksUnable to enumerate user sessions (error {0}), will not run per-user tasks%Session {0} is {1}sUnable to retrieve user token for session {0} (error {1})SUnable to create event object (error {0}) /StopEvent:{0}WinSta0\Default[Unable to crete environment block (error {0})QUnable to create Safer level (error {0})iUnable to compute Safer token from level (error {0})OUnable to close Safer level (error {0})WCreating child NGen Task, command line: {0}}Unable to crete per-user NGen Task for session {0} (error {1})OCreated child NGen Task, process ID {0}GFinished running all per-user tasksOMicrosoft.Net\ngenserviceclientlock.datIRemove machine-wide lock file failedGTask was interrupted by Ngen clientYTask resuming after Ngen client interruption/ngentasknewworklock.datRootstore dirty. Waiting another 5 seconds incase work is being queued right now.EExecuting normal maintenance tasksIExecuting high priority queued itemsFinished high priority work. Checking for new work added after we startedqFinished all high priority queued items. Shutting down.+RemoveTaskBootTriggerG\A(?<versionMajorMinor>v\d+\.\d+)\.#versionMajorMinor StateLastSuccessAttemptsFXUpdate.datUError retrieving timestamp of FXUpdate.dat7Error deleting FXUpdate.datUGetSystemPowerStatus failed with error {0}Not on batteryYACLineStatus is unknown, assuming on batteryeACLineStatus is invalid ({0}), assuming on batteryYBattery status unknown, assuming low batteryOLow or critical battery level, aborting5Battery saver on, aborting!Battery level OK[Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\NGen\Policy\)OptimizeUsedBinariesmError determining OptimizeUsedBinaries setting for {0}Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\SpaceManagementMinDaysInDisuseSError retrieving value of MinDaysInDisusefusion.localgacCSoftware\Microsoft\.NETFramework\\NGenService\qSoftware\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727\NGenService\sSoftware\Microsoft\Fusion\NativeImagesIndex\v2.0.50727_64YSoftware\Microsoft\.NETFramework\policy\v2.0 5072750727-50727YUnable to determine if .NET 3.5 is installedListenedStateRootstoreDirty)TaskHighPriorityMode'State\PendingReboot=Error at PostReboot flag checkPendingUpdateASoftware\Microsoft\.NETFramework?AssemblyUsageLogImpersonateUser!State\TaskPaused;Error checking TaskPaused key'Error checking flag?Error retrieving time value {0}9Error setting time value {0}%Error setting flagPending reboot flag is set. Task will not do any work until the computer reboots.Task is paused. Task will not do any work until the computer reboots or 'ngen queue continue' is run!{0} [options...] This tool reads from the usage log data produced by the runtime, and triggers NGen to occur. /RuntimeWide - Parse the fusion stream of the usage logs instead of the App stream. Task runs in machine-wide mode.Y /Critical - Runs as a critical idle task.YInvalid value "{0}" (Parse as double failed)\DeleteTempACreating temporary directory {0}SFailed to setup for deleting native image/ /LegacyServiceBehavior%Executing: {0} {1}GExecuting: {0} {1} in container {2}"" 7Error stopping NGen process5Error running NGen commandKNGen Task starting, command line: {0}clr.dllclrjit.dllmscorsvc.dllmscoree.tlbmscorsvw.exeSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Management, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aiUnable to load files needed by NGen Task, exiting... ngen!{0} HRESULT({1})Q{0} HRESULT({1}) Exception Message "{2}"CSystem.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly'IsFrameworkAssembly .winmdNot creating new native images due to disk space or quota limitO({0} MB available out of {1} MB) on {2}?Unable to check disk free space\A(?<assembly_name>[A-Za-z0-9.]+), Version=\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+, Culture=(?<culture>[-a-z]+), PublicKeyToken=(?<token>[a-f0-9]{16})\z WinRT NotAppKinstall "{0}" /NoDependencies /norootainstall "{0}" /NoDependencies /noroot /package:"#" /localappdata:"9Unknown binder specified : "mBinding Context NGEN Command: "{0}" in Container "{1}"cILAssembly NGEN Command: "{0}" in Container "{1}"7Exception while parsing log!Parsed {0} logs.[Exception while walking log files for parsingGException while scavenging log file?Attempted to scavenge {0} logs.MException while removing log directoryaException while walking log files for scavenging binderbinder_parambinder_numassembly_pathni_path?Invalid log entry encountered :qSkipping assembly "{0}" because it is in NGenDisable.txt\A1,"(?<binder>[^,]*)","(?<binder_param>.*)",(?<binder_num>[0-9]+)\zk\A2,"(?<assembly_path>[^"]+)",(?<binder_num>[0-9]+)\z\A3,"(?<assembly_path>[^"]+)","(?<ni_path>[^,]*)",(?<binder_num>[0-9]+)\z\A4,"(?<assembly_path>[^"]+)",(?<binder_num>[0-9]+),(?<timestamp>[0-9a-fA-F]+)\z *.log3Error while scanning logsFound log {0}.MSkipping {0} due to log age. : Age {1}#DirectoryOverridecNo usage log directory specified on command line.9Processing log directory {0}ALog directory {0} does not exist\UsageLogsqLog directory {0} is reparse point with attributes...{1}IUnable to locate usage log directory*.ni.dll*.ni.exekError while scanning level 1 native image directorieskError while scanning level 2 native image directoriesEError while scanning native images\NativeImagesOUnable to locate native image directoryEGathering User Profile Directories?Invalid user profile path "{0}"'Searching all users?select * from Win32_UserProfileLocalPathcUnable to retrieve complete list of user profiles\\_Not processing log for user with remote profileAppData\QProcessing Logs at user profile path {0}+Logs not found at {0} LocalPackagesACAError accessing profile path {0}E,NNUüϑ        Q  <  <  !88ei mea i  m     mequ y ee q uu yy    emmg2<<< @4m  eeeeH0H0 e       u  }    - m mm   mmm e e<<De 0<<D0e0e,,,,ymym ym ymym m 88e mx l\X          mmep e   e  e e eee mmem   U   e     eee Le       e  (,am , a@ m  m =ymym,,u@ y@   u@  y@    0880ee  88<<e0ima((( ia((,<   D|D - H<<-e& H< H<e He59ee 1 5  ==-H<e<<=<z\V4?_ :d@  .System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089TSkipVerificationa }  LT am , a@  @<  P`dhtD8<H= =<    H4  0H4 <m 0 0 H         m m   8 L LeLLLP T  T T ll\X d`h  l    p   x   8 ( m , @ 0 m , @ 0Dm D 08m a(0 < @ @   <   < < 8 8  << < < 8 8 L(((T( (m (,(@(((<((8 NGenTask.exeMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft® .NET Framework4/© Microsoft Corporation. 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