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If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.VCBSnapshotProvider.VmSnapshotProvide.1Pdump.ProcessDump.1Mts.MtsGrp.1VCBSnapshotProvider.VmSnapshotReq.1QC.Recorder.1EventPublisher.EventPublisher.1QC.DLQListener.1COMEXPS.CTrkEvntListener.1QC.ListenerHelper.1Catsrv.CatalogServer.1ICatalogTableRead1ICatalogTableWrite1GetEventClassesForIID2RegisterModule2IApplicationControl2QueryApplication2IRegister2IEventServer2ICatalogUtils2AddProcess2RemoveProcess2IAppImport2IComExport2S-1-5-32-544S-1-5-18GetEventClassesForIIDGetInstanceIDFromPIDGetInstanceIDFromApplIDGetFileTypeAndAppIDExportPartitionAsMSIExportAsMSINYGetCLSIDDataIReceiveAppDataPushAppDataIGetAppDataInprocOnLoadOnUnloadIsServiceInstalledSetErrorIfClsidAlreadyInstalledIsProcessPausedNeedWaitForSnapshotCompletedIsVolumeSupportedIsSupportedAreLunsSupportedIsVolumeSnapshottedEnumTraceGuidStopTraceGuidStartTraceGuidIEventServerTraceInstallServiceUninstallServiceCreateApplicationServiceDeleteApplicationServiceStopServiceStartServiceOnLunStateChangeFlushPartitionCacheReadTableWriteTableRegisterModuleUnregisterModuleSnapshotDoneEveryoneCreateShareRemoveShareSetPushRateIsSafeToDeleteDoBackupCompleteRegisterExeINTServiceConfigIsServiceRunningRefreshLocalIReplicationUtilRegisterDllICSServiceControlIApplicationControlItemMarkAppAsSystemMarkAppAsNotSystemInitializeSessionICatalogSessionSystem ApplicationCom+ Explorer Tracking Event Subscription ApplicationServer ApplicationCOM+ Utilities ApplicationAny ApplicationShutdownApplicationStartApplicationImportApplicationExportApplicationQueryApplicationGetServerInformation%systemroot%\RegistrationBase Application PartitionSetPartitionProcessShutdownGetTypeLibInfoICatalogTableInfoGetClientTableInfoFillInLunInfoGetPSClassInfoGetRemoteClassInfo%systemroot%\system32\com\dmpIProcessDumpConfigureSystemAppCOMSysAppIMtsGrpAdministrators groupICatalogSetupReaderVMware Snapshot ProviderUnregisterProviderIVssSoftwareSnapshotProviderCOM+ QC Dead Letter Queue ListenerRemoteHelper.RemoteHelperCOM+ ExplorerQC Trusted UserInteractive UserValidateUserIRegisterUnregisterMy ComputerCOMSVCS.TrackerServerIEventServerCreateReplicationDirCreateEmptyDirAdministratorIVmSnapshotRequestorGetProviderCapabilitiesCOM+ UtilitiesGetSnapshotPropertiesWaitForEndWritesRefreshServiceSettingsUpdateEventMasksEnumerateSAFERLevelsICatalogUtilsGetPSDllsGetComponentVersionsIVssProviderNotificationsCopyApplicationsResyncLunsOnReuseLunsLocateLunsGetTargetLunsGetRunningAppsGetAppsBUILTIN/AdministratorsAddProcessRecycleProcessResumeProcessPauseProcessRemoveProcessRecycleCallingProcessShutdownProcessDumpProcessvmvssSupportsWOWComponentsRefreshComponentsDispatchManyEventsEndPrepareSnapshotsDeleteSnapshotsPreCommitSnapshotsPreFinalCommitSnapshotsPostFinalCommitSnapshotsPostCommitSnapshotsAbortSnapshotsSysprepComplusQueryRevertStatusQueryStatusGetCallFactoryObjectIVssProviderCreateSnapshotSetMoveComponentAliasComponentImportComponentPromoteLegacyComponentCopyComponentMakeNewReplicaCurrentDispatchOneEventCountBeginPrepareSnapshotRevertToSnapshotStartAbortIAppImportInitialize64BitQueryCellSupportICatalog64BitSupportIComExportIAppExportTcCtx.TransactionContextSetContextIVssHardwareSnapshotProviderExStartExTcCtx.TransactionContextExImportComponentAsLegacyIProcessTerminateNotifyQueryGetDefaultAppInstallDirectorySetAppIdentityOnLunEmptySetSnapshotProperty  4 ,L4@  H0<4(`HT4 `HT4 L4@  L4@  `HT4 H0<H0<t ,H  `HT4 t ,H >AV3Fnp,yOyQ<N{6OyxEY,aSJyuE9&k AV3Fnp%y$Zpf\$Z¯u~*įu~*ʯu~*@,2#)@,2#)u~*Gy5WrSpu~*=A)&M.K2X.K2Xİu~*&#U#Oy8 >, zBCP EY,aSJyuE9&k _CWMk e{Lu'2X@)&M<7$H^^ϴ122X>1H Q'wȰDbT*7Q%:cF+An$nl>AV3Fnp>`Z,D G%[M3 [N_9xG#aJrpu~*u~*u~*[ ދIKͯ[\:$0BȰDbTȰDbT>`Z,D G[\:$0B>AV3Fnp