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Fen-us SimSun-ExtBca-esNormalcs-cz oby ejnda-dknormalde-de Standardel-gr Regulares-es es-es_tradnles-mxeu-esArruntafi-fi Normaalifr-cafr-frhu-huNormlit-itNormalenb-nonl-nl Standaardpl-pl Normalnypt-brpt-ptru-ru1KG=K9sk-sk Normlnesl-siNavadnosv-setr-trn Beijing ZhongYi Electronics Co., 1995-2003, All rights reserved. Portions 2011 The Monotype Corporation. Version 5.014Trademark of Beijing ZhongYi Electronics Co., China KodchiangUPCBold} 1992 Unity Progress. Portions 2004 The Monotype Corporation. Portions 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.KodchiangUPC BoldKodchiangUPCBoldKokilaNegretatu nfedFettNegritaLodia LihavoituGras Flkvr GrassettoHalvfetVet PogrubionyNegrito >;C68@=K9Tu nKrepkoFetKal1nKCopyright (c) 2011, Modular Infotech, Pune, INDIA. - Licenced to Microsoft Version 6.00wThis font is primarily meant for use in displaying Hindi text in documents. It is an OpenType font, based on Unicode. MYou may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.+http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/Kokila Negreta Kokila tu n Kokila fed Kokila FettKokila  Kokila BoldKokila Negrita Kokila LodiaKokila Lihavoitu Kokila GrasKokila FlkvrKokila GrassettoKokila Halvfet Kokila VetKokila PogrubionyKokila NegritoKokila >;C68@=K9 Kokila Tu nKokila Krepko Kokila Fet Kokila Kal1n Kokila-BoldShonar Bangla3 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Version 6.81Shonar Bangla is either a registered trademark or a trademark of The Monotype Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.qShonar Bangla is a Bengali typeface design based on sources from The Monotype Corporation library. This font was developed by staff at Monotype Imaging. Earlier Bengali font development work by Linotype designers and engineers is acknowledged and is used with permission. The Latin portion of the typeface is based on The Monotype Corporation s Times New Roman design. ShonarBanglaMangalRaghunath Joshi$http://www.microsoft.com/typographyMangal is an OpenType font for the Indic script - Devanagari. It is based on Unicode, contains TrueType outlines and has been designed for use as a UI font BrowalliaUPC Bold ItalicBrowalliaUPC Bold ItalicBrowalliaUPC-BoldItalicSakkal Majallaa 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Portions 2011 Mamoun Sakkal, Sakkal Design.`Sakkal Majalla is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Mamoun Sakkal, Sakkal Design.Mamoun Sakkal, Sakkal DesignAMamoun Sakkal, Sakkal Design and Steve Matteson, Ascender Corp. http://www.sakkal.comSakkal Majalla NegretaSakkal Majalla tu nSakkal Majalla fedSakkal Majalla FettSakkal Majalla Sakkal Majalla BoldSakkal Majalla NegritaSakkal Majalla LodiaSakkal Majalla LihavoituSakkal Majalla GrasSakkal Majalla FlkvrSakkal Majalla GrassettoSakkal Majalla HalvfetSakkal Majalla VetSakkal Majalla PogrubionySakkal Majalla NegritoSakkal Majalla >;C68@=K9Sakkal Majalla Tu nSakkal Majalla KrepkoSakkal Majalla FetSakkal Majalla Kal1nSakkalMajalla-BoldLilyUPCLilyUPC Bold ItalicLilyUPCBoldItalicPalatino Linotypevi-vn#mCopyright 1981-1983, 1989,1993, 1998 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG. All rights reserved. The digitally encoded machine readable outline data for producing the Typefaces licensed are the property of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG and/or its subsidiaries, represented by Linotype Library GmbH, Dupont Strasse 1, 61352 Bad Homburg Germany. Portions 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Version 5.02\Palatino is a registered trademark of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG and its subsidiaries.LINOTYPE-HELL AG Hermann ZapfPalatino Linotype is the definitive new version of Hermann Zapf s Palatino, which since its design in 1950 has become one of the world's most widely used typefaces. For this new digital version, Professor Zapf has drawn numerous additional characters to include an extensive range of ligatures, numerals, fractions and support for Cyrillic and both monotonic and polytonic Greek. Special care has been taken to enhance the quality of the letterforms when displayed on the computer screen, ensuring that Palatino Linotype is highly legible whether displayed on the screen or in print. This typeface is ideal for use in extended text settings such as books, periodicals and catalogs.Palatino Linotype NegretaPalatino Linotype tu nPalatino Linotype fedPalatino Linotype FettPalatino Linotype Palatino Linotype BoldPalatino Linotype NegritaPalatino Linotype LodiaPalatino Linotype LihavoituPalatino Linotype GrasPalatino Linotype FlkvrPalatino Linotype GrassettoPalatino Linotype HalvfetPalatino Linotype VetPalatino Linotype PogrubionyPalatino Linotype NegritoPalatino Linotype >;C68@=K9Palatino Linotype Tu nPalatino Linotype KrepkoPalatino Linotype FetPalatino Linotype Kal1nPalatino Linotype #mPalatinoLinotype-Bold MoolBoraneKhmer outlines Copyright 2006 OM Mony. Portions 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Version 5.00MoolBoran is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft CorporationOm Mony,http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/ 7NOTIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT This font software is part of the Microsoft software product in which it was included and is provided under the end user license agreement ( EULA ) for that Microsoft software product. The terms and conditions of the EULA govern the use of font software. Please refer to the applicable Microsoft product EULA if you have any questions about how you may use this font software. Microsoft reserves all rights that are not expressly granted in the EULA. For products that may have installed this font please see the license link. Franklin GothicMedium Italic ITC Franklin Gothic is a trademark of The International Typeface Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Portions copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.ITC Franklin Gothic is a trademark of The International Typeface Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.#International Typeface CorporationVictor Caruso{Designed in 1902 by Morris Fuller Benton for the American Type Founders company, Franklin Gothic still reigns as one of the most-widely used sans serif typefaces. Originally issued in only one weight, the ATF version of Franklin Gothic was eventually expanded to include five additional weights, but no light or intermediate weights were ever developed. In 1979, under license from ATF, ITC developed four new weights in roman and italic: book, medium, demi and heavy. Designed by Victor Caruso, ITC s new weights matched the original face s characteristics, but featured a slightly enlarged lowercase x-height. ITC Franklin Gothic also features a slightly condensed lowercase a-z alphabet. In 1991, ITC commissioned the Font Bureau in Boston to create condensed, compressed and extra compressed versions of ITC Franklin Gothic, which increased the flexibility and usefulness of the design.http://www.itcfonts.comDPlease contact the vendor to learn more about license restrictions.+http://www.itcfonts.com/itc/licensing.htmlFranklin Gothic MediumCursivakurzvakursivKursivItalicEtzana Kursivoitu ItaliqueDQltCorsivoCursiefKursywaItlicoC@A82KurzvaPoaevno0talikFranklin Gothic Medium CursivaFranklin Gothic Medium kurzvaFranklin Gothic Medium kursivFranklin Gothic Medium KursivFranklin Gothic Medium Franklin Gothic Medium ItalicFranklin Gothic Medium Etzana"Franklin Gothic Medium Kursivoitu Franklin Gothic Medium ItaliqueFranklin Gothic Medium DQltFranklin Gothic Medium CorsivoFranklin Gothic Medium CursiefFranklin Gothic Medium KursywaFranklin Gothic Medium ItlicoFranklin Gothic Medium C@A82Franklin Gothic Medium KurzvaFranklin Gothic Medium PoaevnoFranklin Gothic Medium 0talikFranklinGothic-MediumItalic Cordia New CordiaNewArialnghing 2014 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Hebrew OpenType Layout logic copyright 2003 & 2007, Ralph Hancock & John Hudson. This layout logic for Biblical Hebrew is open source software under the MIT License; see embedded license description for details. Version 6.892Arial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.The Monotype CorporationFMonotype Type Drawing Office - Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders 1982You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. The following license, based on the MIT license (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License), applies to the OpenType Layout logic for Biblical Hebrew  Layout Logic as jointly developed by Ralph Hancock and John Hudson. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the OpenType Layout logic for Biblical Hebrew and associated documentation files (the  Layout Logic Software ), to deal in the Layout Logic Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Layout Logic Software, and to permit persons to whom the Layout Logic Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Layout Logic Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.Arial CursivaArial kurzva Arial kursiv Arial Kursiv Arial  Arial Italic Arial EtzanaArial KursivoituArial Italique Arial DQltArial CorsivoArial CursiefArial KursywaArial Itlico Arial C@A82Arial KurzvaArial Poaevno Arial 0talikArial nghingArial-ItalicMTKokila CursivaKokila kurzvaKokila kursivKokila KursivKokila Kokila ItalicKokila EtzanaKokila KursivoituKokila Italique Kokila DQltKokila CorsivoKokila CursiefKokila KursywaKokila ItlicoKokila C@A82Kokila KurzvaKokila PoaevnoKokila 0talikKokila-Italic AngsanaUPCAngsanaUPC CursivaAngsanaUPC kurzvaAngsanaUPC kursivAngsanaUPC KursivAngsanaUPC AngsanaUPC ItalicAngsanaUPC EtzanaAngsanaUPC KursivoituAngsanaUPC ItaliqueAngsanaUPC DQltAngsanaUPC CorsivoAngsanaUPC CursiefAngsanaUPC KursywaAngsanaUPC ItlicoAngsanaUPC C@A82AngsanaUPC KurzvaAngsanaUPC PoaevnoAngsanaUPC 0talikAngsanaUPC-Italic JasmineUPC Trebuchet MS3 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Version 5.12Vincent Connare%http://www.microsoft.com/typography/wTrebuchet, designed by Vincent Connare in 1996, is a humanist sans serif designed for easy screen readability. Trebuchet takes its inspiration from the sans serifs of the 1930s which had large x heights and round features intended to promote readability on signs. The typeface name is credited to a puzzle heard at Microsoft, where the question was asked, "could you build a Trebuchet (a form of medieval catapult) to launch a person from the main campus to the consumer campus, and how?" The Trebuchet fonts are intended to be the vehicle that fires your messages across the Internet. "Launch your message with a Trebuchet page".Trebuchet MS NegretaTrebuchet MS tu nTrebuchet MS fedTrebuchet MS FettTrebuchet MS Trebuchet MS BoldTrebuchet MS NegritaTrebuchet MS LodiaTrebuchet MS LihavoituTrebuchet MS GrasTrebuchet MS FlkvrTrebuchet MS GrassettoTrebuchet MS HalvfetTrebuchet MS VetTrebuchet MS PogrubionyTrebuchet MS NegritoTrebuchet MS >;C68@=K9Trebuchet MS Tu nTrebuchet MS KrepkoTrebuchet MS FetTrebuchet MS Kal1nTrebuchetMS-BoldMicrosoft Tai Le 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Portions 2009 DynaComware Corp. All Rights Reserved. Portions 2008 Ascender Corp. All Rights Reserved. 2009 _olQSHrCg@b g 2009 SNNS^Oo`b/g gPlQSRHrCg@b g Version 5.96The font glyphs are certified compliant with China standard ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (GB13000) with the font name DF TaiLe Two by DynaComware. ,gW[^W[b_NW[^ TNS^_[PeǏ-NVhQ&{T'`hKm &{T ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (GB13000 hQ0MicrosoftTaiLeUtsaahMalgun Gothicko-krѹ@  Version 6.50BMalgun Gothic is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Kyoung-bae Lee; Daekwon Kim tǽ0; @http://www.sandoll.co.krMalgun Gothic is a Korean font developed by taking advantage of ClearType technology, and it provides excellent reading experience particularly onscreen. Its elements are created based on the typeface of Hunminjeongeum, and streamlined with modern form of characters as well as upright and well-regulated strokes. The font is very legible at small sizes with its moderate open counters, and its even inter-character spacing and visual center line maximize the readability. ѹ@ @ ClearType 0 D DX \ \ Ӹtp, ҈ lа  Ŝ ų1D \. 0 ȴ@ LX Ǵ| 0<\ ȑX;C68@=K9 C@A82Tu n kurzvaKrepko poaevno Fet Kursiv Kal1n 0talikUtsaah Negreta cursivaUtsaah tu n kurzvaUtsaah fed kursivUtsaah Fett KursivUtsaah  Utsaah Bold ItalicUtsaah Negrita CursivaUtsaah Lodi etzanaUtsaah Lihavoitu KursivoiUtsaah Gras ItaliqueUtsaah Flkvr dQltUtsaah Grassetto CorsivoUtsaah Halvfet KursivUtsaah Vet CursiefUtsaah Pogrubiona kursywaUtsaah Negrito ItlicoUtsaah >;C68@=K9 C@A82Utsaah Tu n kurzvaUtsaah Krepko poaevnoUtsaah Fet KursivUtsaah Kal1n 0talikUtsaah-BoldItalicMicrosoft JhengHeizh-hk_ߎckўԚzh-twLight Version 1.00GMicrosoft JhengHei is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Monotype Imaging Inc.http://www.monotypeimaging.comMicrosoft JhengHei Light _ߎckўԚ LightMicrosoftJhengHeiLightMicrosoft JhengHei UIMicrosoft JhengHei UI LightMicrosoftJhengHeiUILightComic Sans MS3 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Version 5.11?Comic Sans is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Designed by Microsoft's Vincent Connare, this is a face based on the lettering from comic magazines. This casual but legible face has proved very popular with a wide variety of people.Comic Sans MS NegretaComic Sans MS tu nComic Sans MS fedComic Sans MS FettComic Sans MS Comic Sans MS BoldComic Sans MS NegritaComic Sans MS LodiaComic Sans MS LihavoituComic Sans MS GrasComic Sans MS FlkvrComic Sans MS GrassettoComic Sans MS HalvfetComic Sans MS VetComic Sans MS PogrubionyComic Sans MS NegritoComic Sans MS >;C68@=K9Comic Sans MS Tu nComic Sans MS KrepkoComic Sans MS FetComic Sans MS Kal1nComicSansMS-BoldSegoe UI Symbol Version 6.09:Segoe is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.SegoeUISymbolVrinda0Raghunath Joshi (Type Director), Vinay SaynekarVrinda is an OpenType font for the Bengali script. It is based on Unicode, contains TrueType outlines and has been designed for use as a UI font.Vrinda Negreta Vrinda tu n Vrinda fed Vrinda FettVrinda  Vrinda BoldVrinda Negrita Vrinda LodiaVrinda Lihavoitu Vrinda GrasVrinda FlkvrVrinda GrassettoVrinda Halvfet Vrinda VetVrinda PogrubionyVrinda NegritoVrinda >;C68@=K9 Vrinda Tu nVrinda Krepko Vrinda Fet Vrinda Kal1n Vrinda-Bold FreesiaUPCFreesiaUPC Bold ItalicFreesiaUPCBoldItalicTraditional ArabicS 2013 The Monotype Corporation. Portions Monotype Imaging. All Rights Reserved.Traditional Arabic NegretaTraditional Arabic tu nTraditional Arabic fedTraditional Arabic FettTraditional Arabic Traditional Arabic BoldTraditional Arabic NegritaTraditional Arabic LodiaTraditional Arabic LihavoituTraditional Arabic GrasTraditional Arabic FlkvrTraditional Arabic GrassettoTraditional Arabic HalvfetTraditional Arabic VetTraditional Arabic PogrubionyTraditional Arabic NegritoTraditional Arabic >;C68@=K9Traditional Arabic Tu nTraditional Arabic KrepkoTraditional Arabic FetTraditional Arabic Kal1nTraditionalArabic-Bold AparajitaAparajita NegretaAparajita tu nAparajita fedAparajita FettAparajita Aparajita BoldAparajita NegritaAparajita LodiaAparajita LihavoituAparajita GrasAparajita FlkvrAparajita GrassettoAparajita HalvfetAparajita VetAparajita PogrubionyAparajita NegritoAparajita >;C68@=K9Aparajita Tu nAparajita KrepkoAparajita FetAparajita Kal1nAparajita-Bold Sitka Small Version 1.10:Sitka is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.BTiro Typeworks Ltd. and Carter & Cone, for Microsoft Corporation.Matthew Carterhttp://www.carterandcone.comlSitka is a family of optically scaled typefaces. Each of its six styles has been designed to excel at a specific size. The smaller styles are workhorses, highly legible in text, with sturdy structures and generous spacing. At the upper end of the size range Sitka s styles have a warm and elegant personality with the narrower forms and tighter spacing appropriate for display. Used in concert, the Sitka typeface family brings readability, visual interest and typographic consistency to the page and screen. In a new and unique methodology, scientific legibility studies were directly integrated into the Sitka design process. Different versions of each letter were tested in recognition studies, and the results were incorporated into the final design. This approach of combining science, technology, and craftsmanship to produce an excellent reading experience on screen was pioneered at Microsoft by Bill Hill. As a member of the Typography and Advanced Reading Technology teams, Bill revolutionized on-screen typography by championing the creation of the OpenType specification, ClearType rendering technology, and landmark typefaces such as Verdana, Georgia, Calibri, and Meiryo. Microsoft s typography teams dedicate the Sitka family of typefaces to the memory of Bill Hill and his vision of Reading 2.0. His passion and values live on in the design of this typeface family.SitkaSmall Bold ItalicSitka Small Bold ItalicSitkaSmall-BoldItalic Sitka TextText Bold ItalicSitka Text Bold ItalicSitkaText-BoldItalicSitka SubheadingSubheading Bold ItalicSitka Subheading Bold ItalicSitkaSubheading-BoldItalicSitka HeadingHeading Bold ItalicSitka Heading Bold ItalicSitkaHeading-BoldItalicSitka DisplayDisplay Bold ItalicSitka Display Bold ItalicSitkaDisplay-BoldItalic Sitka BannerBanner Bold ItalicSitka Banner Bold ItalicSitkaBanner-BoldItalic Nirmala UI Semilight<Nirmala is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.eTiro Typeworks: John Hudson; design direction, Fiona Ross. [Latin subset: Segoe UI, Steve Matteson.]http://www.tiro.comNirmala UI SemilightNirmalaUI-SemilightLeelawadee UI?Leelawadee is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.VYou may use this font to display and print content as permitted by the license terms for the product in which this font is included. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.Leelawadee UI NegretaLeelawadee UI tu nLeelawadee UI fedLeelawadee UI FettLeelawadee UI Leelawadee UI BoldLeelawadee UI NegritaLeelawadee UI LodiaLeelawadee UI LihavoituLeelawadee UI GrasLeelawadee UI FlkvrLeelawadee UI GrassettoLeelawadee UI HalvfetLeelawadee UI VetLeelawadee UI PogrubionyLeelawadee UI NegritoLeelawadee UI >;C68@=K9Leelawadee UI Tu nLeelawadee UI KrepkoLeelawadee UI FetLeelawadee UI Kal1nLeelawadeeUI-BoldKodchiangUPC Bold ItalicKodchiangUPCBoldItalicGadugi Version 1.06;Gadugi is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Gadugi Negreta Gadugi tu n Gadugi fed Gadugi FettGadugi  Gadugi BoldGadugi Negrita Gadugi LodiaGadugi Lihavoitu Gadugi GrasGadugi FlkvrGadugi GrassettoGadugi Halvfet Gadugi VetGadugi PogrubionyGadugi NegritoGadugi >;C68@=K9 Gadugi Tu nGadugi Krepko Gadugi Fet Gadugi Kal1n Gadugi-BoldMicrosoft New Tai LueThe font glyphs are certified compliant with China standard ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (GB13000) with the font name DF NewTaiLue Two by DynaComware. ,gW[^W[b_NW[^ TNS^SHr~ePeǏ-NVhQ&{T'`hKm &{T ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (GB13000 hQ0MicrosoftNewTaiLue DokChampa6 2006 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.DokChampa is either a registered trademark or a trademark of The Monotype Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.xOriginal design: Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders. Extended glyphs: Monotype Type Drawing Office, Monotype Typography.<http://www.monotypeimaging.com/html/designer/des_index.html nghing #m"Palatino Linotype Negreta cursiva Palatino Linotype tu n kurzvaPalatino Linotype fed kursivPalatino Linotype Fett Kursiv Palatino Linotype  Palatino Linotype Bold Italic"Palatino Linotype Negrita CursivaPalatino Linotype Lodi etzana%Palatino Linotype Lihavoitu Kursivoi Palatino Linotype Gras Italique Palatino Linotype Flkvr dQlt$Palatino Linotype Grassetto Corsivo!Palatino Linotype Halvfet KursivPalatino Linotype Vet Cursief%Palatino Linotype Pogrubiona kursywa"Palatino Linotype Negrito Itlico$Palatino Linotype >;C68@=K9 C@A82 Palatino Linotype Tu n kurzva!Palatino Linotype Krepko poaevnoPalatino Linotype Fet KursivPalatino Linotype Kal1n 0talikPalatino Linotype nghing #mPalatinoLinotype-BoldItalic Segoe UI3 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Version 5.37Segoe UI CursivaSegoe UI kurzvaSegoe UI kursivSegoe UI KursivSegoe UI Segoe UI ItalicSegoe UI EtzanaSegoe UI KursivoituSegoe UI ItaliqueSegoe UI DQltSegoe UI CorsivoSegoe UI CursiefSegoe UI KursywaSegoe UI ItlicoSegoe UI C@A82Segoe UI KurzvaSegoe UI PoaevnoSegoe UI 0talikSegoeUI-ItalicCalibri3 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Version 5.90<Calibri is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Luc(as) de Groothttp://fontfabrik.comQCalibri is a modern sans serif family with subtle roundings on stems and corners. It features real italics, small caps, and multiple numeral sets. Its proportions allow high impact in tightly set lines of big and small text alike. Calibri's many curves and the new rasteriser team up in bigger sizes to reveal a warm and soft character.,http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ctfonts7http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/default.aspx Calibri Bold Calibri-BoldCordia New Bold ItalicCordiaNew-BoldItalicMiriamE 1991-1993 Kivun Computers Ltd. Portions The Monotype Corporation Version 5.10 Angsana NewNYou may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.Angsana New NegretaAngsana New tu nAngsana New fedAngsana New FettAngsana New Angsana New BoldAngsana New NegritaAngsana New LodiaAngsana New LihavoituAngsana New GrasAngsana New FlkvrAngsana New GrassettoAngsana New HalvfetAngsana New VetAngsana New PogrubionyAngsana New NegritoAngsana New >;C68@=K9Angsana New Tu nAngsana New KrepkoAngsana New FetAngsana New Kal1nAngsanaNew-Bold Iskoola PotaIskoola Pota is an OpenType font for the Indic script - Sinhalese. It is based on Unicode, contains TrueType outlines and has been designed for use as a UI font IskoolaPotaKartika0Raghunath Joshi (Type Director), Vikram GaikwadKartika is an OpenType font for the Indic script - Malayalam. It is based on Unicode, contains TrueType outlines and has been designed for use as a UI font.Segoe UI SemilightSegoeUI-SemilightVijayaJCopyright 2001, Modular Infotech, Pune, INDIA. - Licensed to Microsoft.vThis font is primarily meant for use in displaying Tamil text in documents. It is an OpenType font, based on Unicode.#Tiro Typeworks: David Brezina (Gujarati), Valentin Brustaux (Telugu & Kannada), Jo De Baerdemaeker (Bengali), John Hudson (Devanagari, Odia, Gurmukhi & Sinhala), Fernando Mello (Malayalam & Tamil), Fiona Ross (Devanagari, overall design direction). [Latin subset: Segoe UI, Steve Matteson.] NirmalaUIMongolian Baitizh-cn 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Portions 2013 Beijing Founder Electronics Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.* 2013 _olQSHrCg@b g 2013 SNS'Yeck5uP[ gPlQSRHrCg@b g Version 5.41DMongolian Baiti is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Founder, Beijing China S'Yeck5uP[ gPlQShttp://www.founder.com.cn/cn/cThe font glyphs compliant with China standard GB18030-2000 with the font name Founder Meng Baiti. /,gW[^W[b_NW[^ Teck}vSOǏ-NVhQ&{T'`hKm &{T-NV GB18030-2000hQ0MongolianBaitiMicrosoft YaHei_oŖў~ 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Portions 2013 Beijing Founder Electronics Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Version 6.14DMicrosoft YaHei is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Founderhttp://www.founder.com.cn/cnThe font glyphs are certified compliant with China standard GB18030-2000 with the font name Founder Lan Ting Hei. Microsoft Licensed the font glyph from Beijing Founder Electronics Co. Ltd. ,gW[^W[b_NSNS'Yeck5uP[ gPlQScCg0,gW[^W[b_ NW[^ TeckpQNўǏ-NVhQ&{T'`hKm &{T-NV GB18030-2000hQ0 The font glyphs are certified compliant with China standard GB18030-2000 with the font name Founder Lan Ting Hei. Microsoft Licensed the font glyph from Beijing Founder Electronics Co. Ltd. ,gW[^W[b_NSNS'Yeck5uP[ gPlQScCg0,gW[^W[b_ NW[^ TeckpQNўǏ-NVhQ&{T'`hKm &{T-NV GB18030-2000hQ0MicrosoftYaHeiMicrosoftYaHeiRegularMicrosoft YaHei UIMicrosoftYaHeiUIMicrosoftYaHeiUIRegularVaniMuthu Nedumaran Vani Negreta Vani tu n Vani fed Vani Fett Vani  Vani Bold Vani Negrita Vani LodiaVani Lihavoitu Vani GrasVani FlkvrVani Grassetto Vani Halvfet Vani VetVani Pogrubiony Vani NegritoVani >;C68@=K9 Vani Tu n Vani Krepko Vani Fet Vani Kal1n Vani-BoldSakkalMajallaBlackh 2012 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Arial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation. Version 5.21Monotype Typography, Inc."Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders5http://www.monotype.com/html/designer/des_index.htmlMonotype Drawing Office 1982. A contemporary sans serif design, Arial contains more humanist characteristics than many of its predecessors and as such is more in tune with the mood of the last decades of the twentieth century. The overall treatment of curves is softer and fuller than in most industrial-style sans serif faces. Terminal strokes are cut on the diagonal which helps to give the face a less mechanical appearance. Arial is an extremely versatile family of typefaces which can be used with equal success for text setting in reports, presentations, magazines etc, and for display use in newspapers, advertising and promotions.4http://www.monotype.com/html/mtname/ms_welcome.htmlNOTIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT This typeface is the property of Monotype Typography and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. You have obtained this typeface software either directly from Monotype or together with software distributed by one of Monotype s licensees. This software is a valuable asset of Monotype. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited to your workstation for your own publishing use. You may not copy or distribute this software. If you have any question concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software or contact Monotype for a copy of the license agreement. Monotype can be contacted at: USA 847-718-0400 UK 44(0)1737 765959 For license terms and usage rights, please visit our web site at www.monotype.com/html/type/license.html Lizenzbedingungen und Nutzungsrechte finden Sie auf unserer Webseite www.monotype.com/html/type/license.html Pour plus d'informations concernant les droits d'utilisation et les questions contractuelles, veuillez consultez notre site www.monotype.com/html/type/license.html Para obtener informacin acerca de los trminos de licencia y los derechos de uso, visite nuestro sitio en el Web en www.monotype.com/html/type/license.html Per le condizioni contrattuali ed i diritti d'uso, visitate il nostro sito web all'indirizzo www.monotype.com/html/type/license.html /http://www.monotype.com/html/type/license.html Arial BlackArial Black NormalArial Black oby ejnArial Black normalArial Black StandardArial Black Arial Black ArruntaArial Black NormaaliArial Black NormlArial Black NormaleArial Black StandaardArial Black NormalnyArial Black 1KG=K9Arial Black NormlneArial Black Navadno Arial-BlackIrisUPC IrisUPC Bold IrisUPCBoldSmall SitkaSmallText SitkaText SubheadingSitkaSubheadingHeading SitkaHeadingDisplay SitkaDisplayBanner SitkaBannerSemilight ItalicSegoe UI Semilight ItalicSegoeUI-SemilightItalicBatang((c) Copyright HanYang I&C Co.,LTD. 2000?Batang is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.; is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. BatangCheдBBatangChe is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.<д is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.Gungsuh@Gungsuh is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.; is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. GungsuhCheCGungsuhChe is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.< is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.Gautami.Raghunath Joshi (Type Director), Omkar ShendeGautami is an OpenType font for the Indic script-Telugu. It is based on Unicode, contains TrueType outlines and has been designed for use as a UI font.JasmineUPC Bold ItalicJasmineUPCBoldItalic Version 2.00Segoe UI Black SegoeUIBlack Light ItalicP 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Luc(as) de Groot Version 2.15http://lucasfonts.comCalibri LightCalibri Light ItalicCalibri-LightItalicCambria Version 6.84<Cambria is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.$Monotype Imaging and Tiro Typeworkshttp://www.fonts.comCambria has been designed for on-screen reading and to look good when printed at small sizes. It has very even spacing and proportions. Diagonal and vertical hairlines and serifs are relatively strong, while horizontal serifs are small and intend to emphasize stroke endings rather than stand out themselves. This principle is most noticeable in the italics where the lowercase characters are subdued in style to be at their best as elements of word-images. When Cambria is used for captions at sizes over 20 point, the inter-character spacing should be slightly reduced for best results. The design isn't just intended for business documents: The regular weight has been extended with a large set of math and science symbols. The Greek and Cyrillic has been designed under close supervision of an international team of experts, who aimed to set a historical new standard in multi-script type design.Cambria Bold ItalicCambria-BoldItalicRodGeorgia Version 5.51<Georgia is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Carter & ConeGeorgia Negreta cursivaGeorgia tu n kurzvaGeorgia fed kursivGeorgia Fett KursivGeorgia  Georgia Bold ItalicGeorgia Negrita CursivaGeorgia Lodi etzanaGeorgia Lihavoitu KursivoiGeorgia Gras ItaliqueGeorgia Flkvr dQltGeorgia Grassetto CorsivoGeorgia Halvfet KursivGeorgia Vet CursiefGeorgia Pogrubiona kursywaGeorgia Negrito ItlicoGeorgia >;C68@=K9 C@A82Georgia Tu n kurzvaGeorgia Krepko poaevnoGeorgia Fet KursivGeorgia Kal1n 0talikGeorgia-BoldItalicVerdana3 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Version 5.31<Verdana is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Symbol]Typeface The Monotype Corporation plc. Data The Monotype Corporation All Rights ReservedMonotype Typography"Monotype Type Drawing Office 1989!This font contains Times New Roman Greek capitals and lowercase, figures and basic punctuation together with a collection of mathematical signs and general purpose Pi characters. Use for setting mathematical and scientific work and as a compliment to the symbols found in standard fonts.3http://www.monotype.com/html/mtname/ms_symbol.htmlsNOTIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. SymbolMT Euphemia9Copyright 2012 by Tiro Typeworks. All rights reserved. Version 5.050Euphemia UCAS is a trademark of Tiro Typeworks.Tiro Typeworks Ross Mills EuphemiaCASRaaviRaavi is an OpenType font for the Indic script- Gurmukhi. It is based on Unicode, contains TrueType outlines and has been designed for use as a UI font.Raavi Negreta Raavi tu n Raavi fed Raavi Fett Raavi  Raavi BoldRaavi Negrita Raavi LodiaRaavi Lihavoitu Raavi GrasRaavi FlkvrRaavi GrassettoRaavi Halvfet Raavi VetRaavi PogrubionyRaavi NegritoRaavi >;C68@=K9 Raavi Tu n Raavi Krepko Raavi Fet Raavi Kal1n Raavi-BoldCorbel3 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Version 5.61}Corbel is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Jeremy Tankardhttp://www.typography.netDCorbel is designed to give an uncluttered and clean appearance on screen. The letter forms are open with soft, flowing curves. It is legible, clear and functional at small sizes. At larger sizes the detailing and style of the shapes is more apparent resulting in a modern sans serif type with a wide range of possible uses.Corbel Bold ItalicCorbel-BoldItalic Corbel Bold Corbel-BoldShruti4Raghunath Joshi (Type Director), Santosh KshirsagarShruti is an OpenType font for the Indic script - Gujarati. It is based on Unicode, contains TrueType outlines and has been designed for use as a UI font.Shruti Negreta Shruti tu n Shruti fed Shruti FettShruti  Shruti BoldShruti Negrita Shruti LodiaShruti Lihavoitu Shruti GrasShruti FlkvrShruti GrassettoShruti Halvfet Shruti VetShruti PogrubionyShruti NegritoShruti >;C68@=K9 Shruti Tu nShruti Krepko Shruti Fet Shruti Kal1n Shruti-Bold Consolas Version 5.36=Consolas is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Consolas is aimed for use in programming environments and other circumstances where a monospaced font is specified. All characters have the same width, like old typewriters, making it a good choice for personal and business correspondance. The improved Windows font display allowed a design with proportions closer to normal text than traditional monospaced fonts like Courier. This allows for more comfortably reading of extended text on screen. OpenType features include hanging or lining numerals; slashed, dotted and normal zeros; and alternative shapes for a number of lowercase letters. The look of text can be tuned to personal taste by varying the number of bars and waves.Segoe UI Negreta cursivaSegoe UI tu n kurzvaSegoe UI fed kursivSegoe UI Fett KursivSegoe UI  Segoe UI Bold ItalicSegoe UI Negrita CursivaSegoe UI Lodi etzanaSegoe UI Lihavoitu KursivoiSegoe UI Gras ItaliqueSegoe UI Flkvr dQltSegoe UI Grassetto CorsivoSegoe UI Halvfet KursivSegoe UI Vet CursiefSegoe UI Pogrubiona kursywaSegoe UI Negrito ItlicoSegoe UI >;C68@=K9 C@A82Segoe UI Tu n kurzvaSegoe UI Krepko poaevnoSegoe UI Fet KursivSegoe UI Kal1n 0talikSegoeUI-BoldItalicSemibold ItalicSegoe UI SemiboldSegoe UI Semibold ItalicSegoeUI-SemiboldItalicSimplified ArabicSimplifiedArabic Cambria Math CambriaMath DaunPenhL 2006 OM Mony, portions 2006 Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved.DaunPenh is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.OM MonyXYou may use this font to display and print content as permitted by the license terms for the product in which this font is included. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. Nyala|Nyala is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.John Hudson and Geraldine WadeThe Nyala typeface is named for the mountain nyala (tragelaphus buxtoni) a species of great African antelope native to the highlands of Ethiopia. The Ethiopic characters were designed by John Hudson, based on initial drawings by Geraldine Wade. The Latin characters were designed by John Hudson, and harmonise with the Ethiopic to facilitate the typesetting of texts including un-transliterated foreign names, technical terms, etc.Nyala-RegularTrebuchet MS Negreta cursivaTrebuchet MS tu n kurzvaTrebuchet MS fed kursivTrebuchet MS Fett KursivTrebuchet MS  Trebuchet MS Bold ItalicTrebuchet MS Negrita CursivaTrebuchet MS Lodi etzana Trebuchet MS Lihavoitu KursivoiTrebuchet MS Gras ItaliqueTrebuchet MS Flkvr dQltTrebuchet MS Grassetto CorsivoTrebuchet MS Halvfet KursivTrebuchet MS Vet Cursief Trebuchet MS Pogrubiona kursywaTrebuchet MS Negrito ItlicoTrebuchet MS >;C68@=K9 C@A82Trebuchet MS Tu n kurzvaTrebuchet MS Krepko poaevnoTrebuchet MS Fet KursivTrebuchet MS Kal1n 0talikTrebuchet-BoldItalicMalgun Gothic Bold ѹ@  BoldMalgunGothicBold Constantia3 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Constantia is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. John Hudson>Constantia is a modulated wedge-serif typeface designed primarily for continuous text in both electronic and paper publishing. The design responds to the recent narrowing of the gap between screen readability and traditional print media, exploiting specific aspects of the most recent advances in ClearType rendering, such as sub-pixel positioning. The classic proportions of relatively small x-height and long extenders make Constantia ideal for book and journal publishing, while the slight squareness and open counters ensure that it remains legible even at small sizes.Constantia Bold ItalicConstantia-BoldItalicLilyUPC ItalicLilyUPCItalic Yu Gothicja-jp8n00004Copyright 2013 JIYUKOBO Ltd. All Rights Reserved./Copyright 2013 gPO>yW[8n]?b All Rights Reserved. Version 1.60EYu Type Library is a Trademark of JIYUKOBO Ltd. registered in Japan.8nfSO000000o0 gPO>yW[8n]?bn0{v2FUjg0Y0JIYUKOBO Ltd. gPO>yW[8n]?bhttp://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/YGRP6N-4519-06-XXXXX1Yu Gothic Regular8n0000 RegularYuGothic-Regular CordiaUPCCordiaUPC ItalicCordiaUPC-Italic Khmer UIKhmer UI NegretaKhmer UI tu n Khmer UI fedKhmer UI FettKhmer UI Khmer UI BoldKhmer UI NegritaKhmer UI LodiaKhmer UI LihavoituKhmer UI GrasKhmer UI FlkvrKhmer UI GrassettoKhmer UI Halvfet Khmer UI VetKhmer UI PogrubionyKhmer UI NegritoKhmer UI >;C68@=K9Khmer UI Tu nKhmer UI Krepko Khmer UI FetKhmer UI Kal1n KhmerUI-BoldSegoe UI NegretaSegoe UI tu n Segoe UI fedSegoe UI FettSegoe UI Segoe UI BoldSegoe UI NegritaSegoe UI LodiaSegoe UI LihavoituSegoe UI GrasSegoe UI FlkvrSegoe UI GrassettoSegoe UI Halvfet Segoe UI VetSegoe UI PogrubionySegoe UI NegritoSegoe UI >;C68@=K9Segoe UI Tu nSegoe UI Krepko Segoe UI FetSegoe UI Kal1n SegoeUI-BoldAharoniAharoni NegretaAharoni tu n Aharoni fed Aharoni FettAharoni  Aharoni BoldAharoni NegritaAharoni LodiaAharoni Lihavoitu Aharoni GrasAharoni FlkvrAharoni GrassettoAharoni Halvfet Aharoni VetAharoni PogrubionyAharoni NegritoAharoni >;C68@=K9Aharoni Tu nAharoni Krepko Aharoni FetAharoni Kal1n Aharoni-BoldMicrosoft UighurEMicrosoft Uighur is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies. MicrosoftMamoun SakkalMicrosoft Uighur was designed by Mamoun Sakkal exclusively for Microsoft as a text typeface for the Uighur language. It follows the Persian type examples as done traditionally with Uighur fonts. It is enhanced for legibility in small sizes.Microsoft Uighur NegretaMicrosoft Uighur tu nMicrosoft Uighur fedMicrosoft Uighur FettMicrosoft Uighur Microsoft Uighur BoldMicrosoft Uighur NegritaMicrosoft Uighur LodiaMicrosoft Uighur LihavoituMicrosoft Uighur GrasMicrosoft Uighur FlkvrMicrosoft Uighur GrassettoMicrosoft Uighur HalvfetMicrosoft Uighur VetMicrosoft Uighur PogrubionyMicrosoft Uighur NegritoMicrosoft Uighur >;C68@=K9Microsoft Uighur Tu nMicrosoft Uighur KrepkoMicrosoft Uighur FetMicrosoft Uighur Kal1nMicrosoftUighur-BoldTimes New Romancursivakursywa<Times New Roman is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.DMonotype Type Drawing Office - Stanley Morison, Victor Lardent 1932Times New Roman cursivaTimes New Roman kurzvaTimes New Roman kursivTimes New Roman KursivTimes New Roman Times New Roman ItalicTimes New Roman CursivaTimes New Roman EtzanaTimes New Roman KursivoituTimes New Roman ItaliqueTimes New Roman DQltTimes New Roman CorsivoTimes New Roman CursiefTimes New Roman kursywaTimes New Roman ItlicoTimes New Roman C@A82Times New Roman KurzvaTimes New Roman PoaevnoTimes New Roman 0talikTimes New Roman nghingTimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT Version 5.30Verdana CursivaVerdana kurzvaVerdana kursivVerdana KursivVerdana Verdana ItalicVerdana EtzanaVerdana KursivoituVerdana Italique Verdana DQltVerdana CorsivoVerdana CursiefVerdana KursywaVerdana ItlicoVerdana C@A82Verdana KurzvaVerdana PoaevnoVerdana 0talikVerdana-Italic Segoe Script3C 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.|Segoe is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. SegoeScriptMicrosoft Tai Le NegretaMicrosoft Tai Le tu nMicrosoft Tai Le fedMicrosoft Tai Le FettMicrosoft Tai Le Microsoft Tai Le BoldMicrosoft Tai Le NegritaMicrosoft Tai Le LodiaMicrosoft Tai Le LihavoituMicrosoft Tai Le GrasMicrosoft Tai Le FlkvrMicrosoft Tai Le GrassettoMicrosoft Tai Le HalvfetMicrosoft Tai Le VetMicrosoft Tai Le PogrubionyMicrosoft Tai Le NegritoMicrosoft Tai Le >;C68@=K9Microsoft Tai Le Tu nMicrosoft Tai Le KrepkoMicrosoft Tai Le FetMicrosoft Tai Le Kal1nMicrosoftTaiLe-BoldCandara~Candara is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Gary Munchhttp://www.munchfonts.com'Candara is a casual humanist sans with verticals showing a graceful entasis on stems, high-branching arcades in the lowercase, large apertures in all open forms, and unique ogee curves on diagonals. The resultant texture is lively but not intrusive, and makes for a friendly and readable text. Candara Bold Candara-BoldEbrima Version 5.089Ebrima is trademark of the Microsoft group of companies. DilleniaUPC} 2009 Unity Progress. Portions 2009 The Monotype Corporation. Portions 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.DilleniaUPC CursivaDilleniaUPC kurzvaDilleniaUPC kursivDilleniaUPC KursivDilleniaUPC DilleniaUPC ItalicDilleniaUPC EtzanaDilleniaUPC KursivoituDilleniaUPC ItaliqueDilleniaUPC DQltDilleniaUPC CorsivoDilleniaUPC CursiefDilleniaUPC KursywaDilleniaUPC ItlicoDilleniaUPC C@A82DilleniaUPC KurzvaDilleniaUPC PoaevnoDilleniaUPC 0talikDilleniaUPCItalic)Candara is a casual humanist sans with verticals showing a graceful entasis on stems, high-branching arcades in the lowercase, large apertures in all open forms, and unique ogee curves on diagonals. The resultant texture is lively but not intrusive, and makes for a friendly and readable text. CordiaUPC BoldCordiaUPC-BoldAngsanaUPC NegretaAngsanaUPC tu nAngsanaUPC fedAngsanaUPC FettAngsanaUPC AngsanaUPC BoldAngsanaUPC NegritaAngsanaUPC LodiaAngsanaUPC LihavoituAngsanaUPC GrasAngsanaUPC FlkvrAngsanaUPC GrassettoAngsanaUPC HalvfetAngsanaUPC VetAngsanaUPC PogrubionyAngsanaUPC NegritoAngsanaUPC >;C68@=K9AngsanaUPC Tu nAngsanaUPC KrepkoAngsanaUPC FetAngsanaUPC Kal1nAngsanaUPC-Bold MS Mincho-3 fgjn5 2017 data:RICOH Co.,Ltd. typeface:RYOBI IMAGIX CO.* 2017 data:*h_O>y000 typeface:000000000(*h)>MS Mincho is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.7-3 fgo0s|V Microsoft Corporation n0s|VSs0]0n0Nn0Vn0{v2FUj~0_0o0FUjg0Y00The default glyph shapes of this font are based on JIS2004. This font also provides access to a set of JIS90 legacy glyphs via 'jp90' OpenType layout table.XS0n00000n0e[g0h:yU000W[b_o0 JIS2004 k0We0D0f0D0~0Y00'jp90' OpenType 000000000k00c0f0 JIS90 W[b_0)R(uY00S0h00g0M0~0Y00Microsoft supplied font. You may use this font to create, display, and print content as permitted by the license terms or terms of use, of the Microsoft product, service, or content in which this font was included. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. Any other use is prohibited. MS-Mincho MS PMincho-3 0fg?MS PMincho is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.8-3 0fgo0s|V Microsoft Corporation n0s|VSs0]0n0Nn0Vn0{v2FUj~0_0o0FUjg0Y00 MS-PMinchoAngsana New Negreta cursivaAngsana New tu n kurzvaAngsana New fed kursivAngsana New Fett KursivAngsana New  Angsana New Bold ItalicAngsana New Negrita CursivaAngsana New Lodi etzanaAngsana New Lihavoitu KursivoiAngsana New Gras ItaliqueAngsana New Flkvr dQltAngsana New Grassetto CorsivoAngsana New Halvfet KursivAngsana New Vet CursiefAngsana New Pogrubiona kursywaAngsana New Negrito ItlicoAngsana New >;C68@=K9 C@A82Angsana New Tu n kurzvaAngsana New Krepko poaevnoAngsana New Fet KursivAngsana New Kal1n 0talikAngsanaNew-BoldItalicKodchiangUPC ItalicKodchiangUPCItalic Black ItalicSegoe UI Black ItalicSegoeUIBlack-ItalicUtsaah Negreta Utsaah tu n Utsaah fed Utsaah FettUtsaah  Utsaah BoldUtsaah Negrita Utsaah LodiaUtsaah Lihavoitu Utsaah GrasUtsaah FlkvrUtsaah GrassettoUtsaah Halvfet Utsaah VetUtsaah PogrubionyUtsaah NegritoUtsaah >;C68@=K9 Utsaah Tu nUtsaah Krepko Utsaah Fet Utsaah Kal1n Utsaah-BoldBrowallia NewBrowallia New ItalicBrowalliaNew-ItalicConsolas BoldConsolas-BoldSegoe UI LightSegoe UI Light ItalicSegoeUI-LightItalicSegoe UI Emoji Version 1.02 SegoeUIEmojiCambria ItalicCambria-ItalicCalibri ItalicCalibri-ItalicAldhabi<Aldhabi is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.\Tim Holloway, Fiona Ross & John Hudson (ornaments, Titus Nemeth; consultant, Mamoun Sakkal) This font software is part of the Microsoft software product in which it was included and is provided under the end user license agreement ( EULA ) for that Microsoft software product. The terms and conditions of the EULA govern the use of font software. Please refer to the applicable Microsoft product EULA if you have any questions about how you may use this font software. Microsoft reserves all rights that are not expressly granted in the EULA. For products that may have installed this font please see the link below. DFKai-SBjwiԚ%(c) Copyright DynaLab Inc. 1992-1998Trademark by DynaLab Inc.DFKaiShu-SB-Estd-BFSimHeiўSOB Beijing ZhongYi Electronics Co., 1995-2005, All rights reservedW[SOpenc1uSN-Nf-Nh5uP[Oo`b/g gPlQScO0 Version 5.03-Trademark of ZHONGYI Electronic Co., BeijingSegoeUILao UI3 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.LaoUI Courier New #m nghing6 2013 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Version 6.878Courier New is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.Howard KettlerCourier New Negreta cursivaCourier New tu n kurzvaCourier New fed kursivCourier New Fett KursivCourier New  Courier New Bold ItalicCourier New Negrita CursivaCourier New Lodi etzanaCourier New Lihavoitu KursivoiCourier New Gras ItaliqueCourier New Flkvr dQltCourier New Grassetto CorsivoCourier New Halvfet KursivCourier New Vet CursiefCourier New Pogrubiona kursywaCourier New Negrito ItlicoCourier New >;C68@=K9 C@A82Courier New Tu n kurzvaCourier New Krepko poaevnoCourier New Fet KursivCourier New Kal1n 0talikCourier New #m nghingCourierNewPS-BoldItalicMTKokila Negreta cursivaKokila tu n kurzvaKokila fed kursivKokila Fett KursivKokila  Kokila Bold ItalicKokila Negrita CursivaKokila Lodi etzanaKokila Lihavoitu KursivoiKokila Gras ItaliqueKokila Flkvr dQltKokila Grassetto CorsivoKokila Halvfet KursivKokila Vet CursiefKokila Pogrubiona kursywaKokila Negrito ItlicoKokila >;C68@=K9 C@A82Kokila Tu n kurzvaKokila Krepko poaevnoKokila Fet KursivKokila Kal1n 0talikKokila-BoldItalicArial Negreta Arial tu n Arial fed Arial Fett Arial  Arial BoldArial Negrita Arial LodiaArial Lihavoitu Arial GrasArial FlkvrArial GrassettoArial Halvfet Arial VetArial PogrubionyArial NegritoArial >;C68@=K9 Arial Tu n Arial Krepko Arial Fet Arial Kal1n Arial #m Arial-BoldMTKalingaKalinga NegretaKalinga tu n Kalinga fed Kalinga FettKalinga  Kalinga BoldKalinga NegritaKalinga LodiaKalinga Lihavoitu Kalinga GrasKalinga FlkvrKalinga GrassettoKalinga Halvfet Kalinga VetKalinga PogrubionyKalinga NegritoKalinga >;C68@=K9Kalinga Tu nKalinga Krepko Kalinga FetKalinga Kal1n Kalinga-BoldMicrosoft PhagsPa Version 5.97The font glyphs are certified compliant with China standard ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (GB13000) with the font name DFPhagsPa by DynaComware. ,gW[^W[b_NW[^ TNS^kQ`]eǏ-NVhQ&{T'`hKm &{T ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (GB13000 hQ0MicrosoftPhagsPaVijaya Negreta Vijaya tu n Vijaya fed Vijaya FettVijaya  Vijaya BoldVijaya Negrita Vijaya LodiaVijaya Lihavoitu Vijaya GrasVijaya FlkvrVijaya GrassettoVijaya Halvfet Vijaya VetVijaya PogrubionyVijaya NegritoVijaya >;C68@=K9 Vijaya Tu nVijaya Krepko Vijaya Fet Vijaya Kal1n Vijaya-BoldAparajita CursivaAparajita kurzvaAparajita kursivAparajita KursivAparajita Aparajita ItalicAparajita EtzanaAparajita KursivoituAparajita ItaliqueAparajita DQltAparajita CorsivoAparajita CursiefAparajita KursywaAparajita ItlicoAparajita C@A82Aparajita KurzvaAparajita PoaevnoAparajita 0talikAparajita-ItalicGeorgia CursivaGeorgia kurzvaGeorgia kursivGeorgia KursivGeorgia Georgia ItalicGeorgia EtzanaGeorgia KursivoituGeorgia Italique Georgia DQltGeorgia CorsivoGeorgia CursiefGeorgia KursywaGeorgia ItlicoGeorgia C@A82Georgia KurzvaGeorgia PoaevnoGeorgia 0talikGeorgia-ItalicTahoma  2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Hebrew OpenType Layout logic copyright 2003 & 2007, Ralph Hancock & John Hudson. This layout logic for Biblical Hebrew is open source software under the MIT License; see embedded license description for details. Version 6.05;Tahoma is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.Tahoma Negreta Tahoma tu n Tahoma fed Tahoma FettTahoma  Tahoma BoldTahoma Negrita Tahoma LodiaTahoma Lihavoitu Tahoma GrasTahoma FlkvrTahoma GrassettoTahoma Halvfet Tahoma VetTahoma PogrubionyTahoma NegritoTahoma >;C68@=K9 Tahoma Tu nTahoma Krepko Tahoma Fet Tahoma Kal1n Tahoma #m Tahoma-BoldGautami NegretaGautami tu n Gautami fed Gautami FettGautami  Gautami BoldGautami NegritaGautami LodiaGautami Lihavoitu Gautami GrasGautami FlkvrGautami GrassettoGautami Halvfet Gautami VetGautami PogrubionyGautami NegritoGautami >;C68@=K9Gautami Tu nGautami Krepko Gautami FetGautami Kal1n Gautami-Bold EucrosiaUPCEucrosiaUPC CursivaEucrosiaUPC kurzvaEucrosiaUPC kursivEucrosiaUPC KursivEucrosiaUPC EucrosiaUPC ItalicEucrosiaUPC EtzanaEucrosiaUPC KursivoituEucrosiaUPC ItaliqueEucrosiaUPC DQltEucrosiaUPC CorsivoEucrosiaUPC CursiefEucrosiaUPC KursywaEucrosiaUPC ItlicoEucrosiaUPC C@A82EucrosiaUPC KurzvaEucrosiaUPC PoaevnoEucrosiaUPC 0talikEucrosiaUPCItalicBrowallia New Bold ItalicBrowalliaNew-BoldItalicBrowallia New BoldBrowalliaNew-Bold SemiboldSegoeUI-SemiboldCourier New NegretaCourier New tu nCourier New fedCourier New FettCourier New Courier New BoldCourier New NegritaCourier New LodiaCourier New LihavoituCourier New GrasCourier New FlkvrCourier New GrassettoCourier New HalvfetCourier New VetCourier New PogrubionyCourier New NegritoCourier New >;C68@=K9Courier New Tu nCourier New KrepkoCourier New FetCourier New Kal1nCourier New #mCourierNewPS-BoldMTMangal Negreta Mangal tu n Mangal fed Mangal FettMangal  Mangal BoldMangal Negrita Mangal LodiaMangal Lihavoitu Mangal GrasMangal FlkvrMangal GrassettoMangal Halvfet Mangal VetMangal PogrubionyMangal NegritoMangal >;C68@=K9 Mangal Tu nMangal Krepko Mangal Fet Mangal Kal1n Mangal-BoldKaiTiwiSO Times New Roman Negreta cursivaTimes New Roman tu n kurzvaTimes New Roman fed kursivTimes New Roman Fett KursivTimes New Roman  Times New Roman Bold Italic Times New Roman Negrita CursivaTimes New Roman Lodi etzana#Times New Roman Lihavoitu KursivoiTimes New Roman Gras ItaliqueTimes New Roman Flkvr dQlt"Times New Roman Grassetto CorsivoTimes New Roman Halvfet KursivTimes New Roman Vet Cursief#Times New Roman Pogrubiona kursywa Times New Roman Negrito Itlico"Times New Roman >;C68@=K9 C@A82Times New Roman Tu n kurzvaTimes New Roman Krepko poaevnoTimes New Roman Fet KursivTimes New Roman Kal1n 0talikTimes New Roman nghing #mTimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMTSimplified Arabic NegretaSimplified Arabic tu nSimplified Arabic fedSimplified Arabic FettSimplified Arabic Simplified Arabic BoldSimplified Arabic NegritaSimplified Arabic LodiaSimplified Arabic LihavoituSimplified Arabic GrasSimplified Arabic FlkvrSimplified Arabic GrassettoSimplified Arabic HalvfetSimplified Arabic VetSimplified Arabic PogrubionySimplified Arabic NegritoSimplified Arabic >;C68@=K9Simplified Arabic Tu nSimplified Arabic KrepkoSimplified Arabic FetSimplified Arabic Kal1nSimplifiedArabic-BoldIrisUPC ItalicIrisUPCItalicthngSimSun[SOzh-sg8^ĉ( Copyright ZHONGYI Electronic Co. 2001B Copyright ZHONGYI Electronic Co. 2001 W[SOpenc1uSN-Nf-Nh5uP[Oo`b/g gPlQScO0 Version 5.13 Beijing ZhongYi Electronics Co.http://www.zhongyicts.com.cnNSimSune[SO Cambria Bold Cambria-BoldMeiryo000000003 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Version 6.30;Meiryo is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.;0000o00s|V Microsoft Corporation n0s|VJ00s0]0n0Nn0Vk0J0Q00{v2FUj~0_0o0FUjg0Y00&C&G Inc.; Eiichi Kono; Matthew Carterhttp://www.c-and-g.co.jp,Meiryo is a very versatile modern sans serif type designed to give an exceptionally clean appearance on screen, as well as in print. It is optimized for on-screen reading. The letterforms are generously open and well-proportioned; legible and clear at smaller sizes, and dynamic at larger display sizes. The beauty of this face is that it sets text lines in Japanese with Roman seamlessly and harmoniously. The balanced inter-letter spacing enhances horizontal alignment, facilitating smooth reading flow. Meiryo has a very large character set with Japanese and Roman combined, fully scalable outline technology, making it extremely functional for all aspects of communication and publishing. It is a robust legible typeface yet compact enough to enable tight inter-line spacing which is good for space economy.[000000000o000000g000000g00ui0f00000g00fO00^D0(uk0iW0_0eNNn000000fSOg0Y00yrk0mvf00000 Nn0S'`0uiP~0g0Bl00000g00000n0oD00000o0\U0j0eW[000g00fk000'YM0j0eW[000g0o0000000j0Rg0zvcW0~0Y00Teh0'ke0Y0c0M00h0TU0[0f0D}0S0h0L0g0M0~0Y00S0n0fSOn0]0k0teU00_0W[0000k00c0f0uX00_Yj04ls^000o00*jD}ez0U00k00fO0W0~0Y000000o00Teh0'ke0D}T0[0_0'Yj0eW[000g0ibU00_0[tk0000000j000000000000h0W0f00^{j000000000000000000n0(uk0iW0f0D0~0Y00SSW0_0Nl(u'`h0S'`k0RH00L0000k0D}00_000000n0{}0Sg0Y00 Meiryo Negreta Meiryo tu n Meiryo fed Meiryo FettMeiryo  Meiryo BoldMeiryo Negrita Meiryo LodiaMeiryo Lihavoitu Meiryo GrasMeiryo FlkvrMeiryo Grassetto 0000 0000Meiryo Halvfet Meiryo VetMeiryo PogrubionyMeiryo NegritoMeiryo >;C68@=K9 Meiryo Tu nMeiryo Krepko Meiryo Fet Meiryo Kal1n Meiryo-Bold 0000 00000Meiryo Negreta cursivaMeiryo tu n kurzvaMeiryo fed kursivMeiryo Fett KursivMeiryo  Meiryo Bold ItalicMeiryo Negrita CursivaMeiryo Lodi etzanaMeiryo Lihavoitu KursivoiMeiryo Gras ItaliqueMeiryo Flkvr dQltMeiryo Grassetto Corsivo0000 0000 00000Meiryo Halvfet KursivMeiryo Vet CursiefMeiryo Pogrubiona kursywaMeiryo Negrito ItlicoMeiryo >;C68@=K9 C@A82Meiryo Tu n kurzvaMeiryo Krepko poaevnoMeiryo Fet KursivMeiryo Kal1n 0talikMeiryo-BoldItalic Meiryo UIMeiryo UI NegretaMeiryo UI tu nMeiryo UI fedMeiryo UI FettMeiryo UI Meiryo UI BoldMeiryo UI NegritaMeiryo UI LodiaMeiryo UI LihavoituMeiryo UI GrasMeiryo UI FlkvrMeiryo UI GrassettoMeiryo UI HalvfetMeiryo UI VetMeiryo UI PogrubionyMeiryo UI NegritoMeiryo UI >;C68@=K9Meiryo UI Tu nMeiryo UI KrepkoMeiryo UI FetMeiryo UI Kal1nMeiryoUI-BoldMeiryo UI Negreta cursivaMeiryo UI tu n kurzvaMeiryo UI fed kursivMeiryo UI Fett KursivMeiryo UI  Meiryo UI Bold ItalicMeiryo UI Negrita CursivaMeiryo UI Lodi etzanaMeiryo UI Lihavoitu KursivoiMeiryo UI Gras ItaliqueMeiryo UI Flkvr dQltMeiryo UI Grassetto CorsivoMeiryo UI Halvfet KursivMeiryo UI Vet CursiefMeiryo UI Pogrubiona kursywaMeiryo UI Negrito ItlicoMeiryo UI >;C68@=K9 C@A82Meiryo UI Tu n kurzvaMeiryo UI Krepko poaevnoMeiryo UI Fet KursivMeiryo UI Kal1n 0talikMeiryoUI-BoldItalicFreesiaUPC ItalicFreesiaUPCItalic LilyUPC Bold LilyUPCBoldMicrosoft New Tai Lue NegretaMicrosoft New Tai Lue tu nMicrosoft New Tai Lue fedMicrosoft New Tai Lue FettMicrosoft New Tai Lue Microsoft New Tai Lue BoldMicrosoft New Tai Lue NegritaMicrosoft New Tai Lue Lodia Microsoft New Tai Lue LihavoituMicrosoft New Tai Lue GrasMicrosoft New Tai Lue Flkvr Microsoft New Tai Lue GrassettoMicrosoft New Tai Lue HalvfetMicrosoft New Tai Lue Vet!Microsoft New Tai Lue PogrubionyMicrosoft New Tai Lue Negrito!Microsoft New Tai Lue >;C68@=K9Microsoft New Tai Lue Tu nMicrosoft New Tai Lue KrepkoMicrosoft New Tai Lue FetMicrosoft New Tai Lue Kal1nMicrosoftNewTaiLue-BoldFreesiaUPC BoldFreesiaUPCBoldKartika NegretaKartika tu n Kartika fed Kartika FettKartika  Kartika BoldKartika NegritaKartika LodiaKartika Lihavoitu Kartika GrasKartika FlkvrKartika GrassettoKartika Halvfet Kartika VetKartika PogrubionyKartika NegritoKartika >;C68@=K9Kartika Tu nKartika Krepko Kartika FetKartika Kal1n Kartika-BoldSylfaen Version 5.04<Sylfaen is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.John Hudson/Geraldine Wade+Sylfaen was designed for Microsoft in 1998 by John Hudson and W. Ross Mills of Tiro Typeworks, and Geraldine Wade of Monotype Typography. Sylfaen is a Welsh word meaning "foundation"; an apt name since the font stemmed from research into the typographic requirements of many different scripts and languages. This version of Sylfaen supports the WGL4.0 character set, for Pan-European language coverage. In addition to Latin, Greek and Cyrillic letterforms, the font contains the characters necessary for support of the Armenian and Georgian languages.MediumFranklinGothic-MediumEucrosiaUPC NegretaEucrosiaUPC tu nEucrosiaUPC fedEucrosiaUPC FettEucrosiaUPC EucrosiaUPC BoldEucrosiaUPC NegritaEucrosiaUPC LodiaEucrosiaUPC LihavoituEucrosiaUPC GrasEucrosiaUPC FlkvrEucrosiaUPC GrassettoEucrosiaUPC HalvfetEucrosiaUPC VetEucrosiaUPC PogrubionyEucrosiaUPC NegritoEucrosiaUPC >;C68@=K9EucrosiaUPC Tu nEucrosiaUPC KrepkoEucrosiaUPC FetEucrosiaUPC Kal1nEucrosiaUPCBoldCalibri-LightTungaTunga is an OpenType font for the Indic script - Kannada. It is based on Unicode, contains TrueType outlines and has been designed for use as a UI font.Tunga Negreta Tunga tu n Tunga fed Tunga Fett Tunga  Tunga BoldTunga Negrita Tunga LodiaTunga Lihavoitu Tunga GrasTunga FlkvrTunga GrassettoTunga Halvfet Tunga VetTunga PogrubionyTunga NegritoTunga >;C68@=K9 Tunga Tu n Tunga Krepko Tunga Fet Tunga Kal1n Tunga-BoldConstantia ItalicConstantia-ItalicUrdu TypesettingUrdu Typesetting NegretaUrdu Typesetting tu nUrdu Typesetting fedUrdu Typesetting FettUrdu Typesetting Urdu Typesetting BoldUrdu Typesetting NegritaUrdu Typesetting LodiaUrdu Typesetting LihavoituUrdu Typesetting GrasUrdu Typesetting FlkvrUrdu Typesetting GrassettoUrdu Typesetting HalvfetUrdu Typesetting VetUrdu Typesetting PogrubionyUrdu Typesetting NegritoUrdu Typesetting >;C68@=K9Urdu Typesetting Tu nUrdu Typesetting KrepkoUrdu Typesetting FetUrdu Typesetting Kal1nUrduTypesetting-Bold Version 1.01Microsoft YaHei Light _oŖў LightMicrosoftYaHeiLightMicrosoft YaHei UI LightMicrosoftYaHeiUILight Webdings3 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Webdings is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft Corporation)V.Connare,S.Lightfoot,I.Patterson,G.Wade#http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/'Designed in 1997 as a collaborative work between Microsoft's Vincent Connare and top Monotype designers Sue Lightfoot, Ian Patterson and Geraldine Wade. The images are intended for web designers who wish to include live fonts as a fast way of rendering graphics. Webdings is the latest member of Microsoft's Webfonts. Design coordination by Vincent Connare. Image designs by Vincent Connare, Ian Patterson, Sue Lightfoot and Geraldine Wade. Web and design consultation by Simon Daniels. TrueType hinting by Vincent Connare. Completed April 29, 1997.http://www.microsoft.com/Plantagenet Cherokee6 Copyright 2011 Tiro Typeworks. All rights reserved. Version 5.07MPlantagenet Novus and Plantagenet Cherokee is a trademark of Tiro Typeworks.PlantagenetCherokee Small ItalicSitka Small ItalicSitkaSmall-Italic Text ItalicSitka Text ItalicSitkaText-ItalicSubheading ItalicSitka Subheading ItalicSitkaSubheading-ItalicHeading ItalicSitka Heading ItalicSitkaHeading-ItalicDisplay ItalicSitka Display ItalicSitkaDisplay-ItalicBanner ItalicSitka Banner ItalicSitkaBanner-Italic LeelawadeeUIIskoola Pota NegretaIskoola Pota tu nIskoola Pota fedIskoola Pota FettIskoola Pota Iskoola Pota BoldIskoola Pota NegritaIskoola Pota LodiaIskoola Pota LihavoituIskoola Pota GrasIskoola Pota FlkvrIskoola Pota GrassettoIskoola Pota HalvfetIskoola Pota VetIskoola Pota PogrubionyIskoola Pota NegritoIskoola Pota >;C68@=K9Iskoola Pota Tu nIskoola Pota KrepkoIskoola Pota FetIskoola Pota Kal1nIskoolaPota-Bold GabriolaGabriola is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.AngsanaUPC Negreta cursivaAngsanaUPC tu n kurzvaAngsanaUPC fed kursivAngsanaUPC Fett KursivAngsanaUPC  AngsanaUPC Bold ItalicAngsanaUPC Negrita CursivaAngsanaUPC Lodi etzanaAngsanaUPC Lihavoitu KursivoiAngsanaUPC Gras ItaliqueAngsanaUPC Flkvr dQltAngsanaUPC Grassetto CorsivoAngsanaUPC Halvfet KursivAngsanaUPC Vet CursiefAngsanaUPC Pogrubiona kursywaAngsanaUPC Negrito ItlicoAngsanaUPC >;C68@=K9 C@A82AngsanaUPC Tu n kurzvaAngsanaUPC Krepko poaevnoAngsanaUPC Fet KursivAngsanaUPC Kal1n 0talikAngsanaUPC-BoldItalic MS Gothic-3 0000>MS Gothic is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.9-3 0000o0s|V Microsoft Corporation n0s|VSs0]0n0Nn0Vn0{v2FUj~0_0o0FUjg0Y00 MS-Gothic MS UI GothicAMS UI Gothic is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.>MS UI Gothico0s|V Microsoft Corporation n0s|VSs0]0n0Nn0Vn0{v2FUj~0_0o0FUjg0Y00 MS-UIGothic MS PGothic -3 00000?MS PGothic is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.:-3 00000o0s|V Microsoft Corporation n0s|VSs0]0n0Nn0Vn0{v2FUj~0_0o0FUjg0Y00 MS-PGothicGulimt 2009 HanYang I&C Co., LTD.>Gulim is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.;t is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. GulimChetAGulimChe is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.<t is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.Dotum˳>Dotum is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.;˳ is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. DotumChe˳ƴADotumChe is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.<˳ƴ is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.UrduTypesettingLucida Sans Unicode[Copyright 1993 Bigelow & Holmes Inc. All rights reserved. Pat. Des. 289,420. Pats. Pend.:Lucida is a registered trademark of Bigelow & Holmes Inc.Characteristics: Large x-height, making it readable at all sizes. Uses: Wide range of uses including directories, tables, forms, memos, telefaxes, manuals, heads, titles, posters, and displays. Guidelines: At larger sizes (14 points or more), subtracting a few units of letter spacing gives a tighter look. When using all capitals, you can use small amounts of additional letter spacing. At larger sizes, space capitals more tightly. Complementary fonts include Lucida Bright, Lucida Arrows, and Lucida Stars. Lucida Fax at smaller sizes and lower resolutions. The ampersands, interrobangs, and circled Lucida Sans numerals in Lucida Icons combine well. LucidaSansUnicodeAndalusrCopyright 1993 Glyph Systems, Limited Partnership. Portions 2013 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved. TrebuchetMSYGBP6N-4519-06-XXXXX1Yu Gothic Bold 8n0000 BoldYuGothic-Bold Leelawadee FangSongN[ Yu Mincho8nfg DemiboldYMDP6N-4519-06-XXXXX1Yu Mincho Demibold 8nfg DemiboldYuMincho-DemiboldDavid  1991-1993 Kivun Computers Ltd. Portions The Monotype Corporation. Hebrew OpenType Layout logic copyright 2003 & 2007, Ralph Hancock & John Hudson. This layout logic for Biblical Hebrew is open source software under the MIT License; see embedded license description for details. David Bold David-BoldGeorgia NegretaGeorgia tu n Georgia fed Georgia FettGeorgia  Georgia BoldGeorgia NegritaGeorgia LodiaGeorgia Lihavoitu Georgia GrasGeorgia FlkvrGeorgia GrassettoGeorgia Halvfet Georgia VetGeorgia PogrubionyGeorgia NegritoGeorgia >;C68@=K9Georgia Tu nGeorgia Krepko Georgia FetGeorgia Kal1n Georgia-Bold Miriam Fixed MiriamFixedUtsaah CursivaUtsaah kurzvaUtsaah kursivUtsaah KursivUtsaah Utsaah ItalicUtsaah EtzanaUtsaah KursivoituUtsaah Italique Utsaah DQltUtsaah CorsivoUtsaah CursiefUtsaah KursywaUtsaah ItlicoUtsaah C@A82Utsaah KurzvaUtsaah PoaevnoUtsaah 0talikUtsaah-ItalicImpactp 2011 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Impact is a trademark of Stephenson Blake (Holdings) Ltd.:Impact is a trademark of Stephenson Blake (Holdings) Ltd. Geoffrey Lee1965. Designed for the Stephenson Blake type foundry. A very heavy, narrow, sans serif face intended for use in newspapers, for headlines and in advertisements. Aptly named, this face has a very large "x" height with short ascenders and descenders. Levenim MT 2013 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Hebrew OpenType Layout logic copyright 2003 & 2007, Ralph Hancock & John Hudson. This layout logic for Biblical Hebrew is open source software under the MIT License; see embedded license description for details.Levenim MT BoldLevenimMT-Bold ComicSansMS Segoe Print6 2008 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved. SegoePrint PogrubionaTimes New Roman NegretaTimes New Roman tu nTimes New Roman fedTimes New Roman FettTimes New Roman Times New Roman BoldTimes New Roman NegritaTimes New Roman LodiaTimes New Roman LihavoituTimes New Roman GrasTimes New Roman FlkvrTimes New Roman GrassettoTimes New Roman HalvfetTimes New Roman VetTimes New Roman PogrubionaTimes New Roman NegritoTimes New Roman >;C68@=K9Times New Roman Tu nTimes New Roman KrepkoTimes New Roman FetTimes New Roman Kal1nTimes New Roman #mTimesNewRomanPS-BoldMTCordia New ItalicCordiaNew-Italic: 2013 Microsoft Corporation, portions Modular InfotechCordiaUPC Bold ItalicCordiaUPC-BoldItalicEstrangelo Edessa_ 2013 Microsoft Corporation, portions 2000 Syriac Computing Institute. All Rights Reserved.:Estrangelo Edessa is a Unicode encoded OpenType font file supporting the Syriac script. The font contains TrueType character outlines and has been optimized for display on screen at small sizes, within software user interface elements such as button descriptions and dialog box text. The Syriac letter forms were designed by Paul Nelson and George Kiraz. Some symbols, including numerical symbols are based on the monospaced Courier type design. A redistributable version of this font is available from Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute  http://www.bethmardutho.org.PYou may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. EstrangeloEdessaLeelawadee UI SemilightLeelawadee UI Semilight Normal!Leelawadee UI Semilight oby ejnLeelawadee UI Semilight normal!Leelawadee UI Semilight Standard!Leelawadee UI Semilight  Leelawadee UI Semilight Arrunta!Leelawadee UI Semilight NormaaliLeelawadee UI Semilight Norml Leelawadee UI Semilight Normale"Leelawadee UI Semilight Standaard!Leelawadee UI Semilight Normalny Leelawadee UI Semilight 1KG=K9!Leelawadee UI Semilight Normlne Leelawadee UI Semilight NavadnoLeelawadeeUI-Semilight Version 6.11|NOTIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT You may use this font to display and print content as permitted by the license terms for the product in which this font is included. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.Microsoft JhengHei NegretaMicrosoft JhengHei tu nMicrosoft JhengHei fedMicrosoft JhengHei FettMicrosoft JhengHei Microsoft JhengHei BoldMicrosoft JhengHei NegritaMicrosoft JhengHei LodiaMicrosoft JhengHei LihavoituMicrosoft JhengHei GrasMicrosoft JhengHei FlkvrMicrosoft JhengHei GrassettoMicrosoft JhengHei HalvfetMicrosoft JhengHei VetMicrosoft JhengHei PogrubionyMicrosoft JhengHei NegritoMicrosoft JhengHei >;C68@=K9Microsoft JhengHei Tu nMicrosoft JhengHei KrepkoMicrosoft JhengHei FetMicrosoft JhengHei Kal1n _ߎckўԚ BoldMicrosoftJhengHeiBoldMicrosoft JhengHei UI NegretaMicrosoft JhengHei UI tu nMicrosoft JhengHei UI fedMicrosoft JhengHei UI FettMicrosoft JhengHei UI Microsoft JhengHei UI BoldMicrosoft JhengHei UI NegritaMicrosoft JhengHei UI Lodia Microsoft JhengHei UI LihavoituMicrosoft JhengHei UI GrasMicrosoft JhengHei UI Flkvr Microsoft JhengHei UI GrassettoMicrosoft JhengHei UI HalvfetMicrosoft JhengHei UI Vet!Microsoft JhengHei UI PogrubionyMicrosoft JhengHei UI Negrito!Microsoft JhengHei UI >;C68@=K9Microsoft JhengHei UI Tu nMicrosoft JhengHei UI KrepkoMicrosoft JhengHei UI FetMicrosoft JhengHei UI Kal1nMicrosoftJhengHeiUIBold NarkisimS Zvi Narkis. 1991-1993 Kivun Computers Ltd. Portions The Monotype CorporationJasmineUPC BoldJasmineUPCBoldConsolas ItalicConsolas-Italic MingLiU-ExtB 0}fԚ-ExtB DynaComware Corp. 2008 Version 7.01Trademark by DynaComware Corp.PMingLiU-ExtB e0}fԚ-ExtBMingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB0}fԚ_HKSCS-ExtBMing-Lt-HKSCS-ExtBShonar Bangla NegretaShonar Bangla tu nShonar Bangla fedShonar Bangla FettShonar Bangla Shonar Bangla BoldShonar Bangla NegritaShonar Bangla LodiaShonar Bangla LihavoituShonar Bangla GrasShonar Bangla FlkvrShonar Bangla GrassettoShonar Bangla HalvfetShonar Bangla VetShonar Bangla PogrubionyShonar Bangla NegritoShonar Bangla >;C68@=K9Shonar Bangla Tu nShonar Bangla KrepkoShonar Bangla FetShonar Bangla Kal1nShonarBangla-Bold Version 6.12Microsoft YaHei NegretaMicrosoft YaHei tu nMicrosoft YaHei fedMicrosoft YaHei FettMicrosoft YaHei Microsoft YaHei BoldMicrosoft YaHei NegritaMicrosoft YaHei LodiaMicrosoft YaHei LihavoituMicrosoft YaHei GrasMicrosoft YaHei FlkvrMicrosoft YaHei GrassettoMicrosoft YaHei HalvfetMicrosoft YaHei VetMicrosoft YaHei PogrubionyMicrosoft YaHei NegritoMicrosoft YaHei >;C68@=K9Microsoft YaHei Tu nMicrosoft YaHei KrepkoMicrosoft YaHei FetMicrosoft YaHei Kal1n _oŖў BoldMicrosoftYaHei-BoldMicrosoftYaHeiBoldMicrosoft YaHei UI NegretaMicrosoft YaHei UI tu nMicrosoft YaHei UI fedMicrosoft YaHei UI FettMicrosoft YaHei UI Microsoft YaHei UI BoldMicrosoft YaHei UI NegritaMicrosoft YaHei UI LodiaMicrosoft YaHei UI LihavoituMicrosoft YaHei UI GrasMicrosoft YaHei UI FlkvrMicrosoft YaHei UI GrassettoMicrosoft YaHei UI HalvfetMicrosoft YaHei UI VetMicrosoft YaHei UI PogrubionyMicrosoft YaHei UI NegritoMicrosoft YaHei UI >;C68@=K9Microsoft YaHei UI Tu nMicrosoft YaHei UI KrepkoMicrosoft YaHei UI FetMicrosoft YaHei UI Kal1nMicrosoft Yahei UI BoldMicrosoftYaHeiUI-BoldYMLSTN-4519-03-XXXXX1Yu Mincho Light 8nfg LightYuMincho-LightBrowalliaUPC ItalicBrowalliaUPC-ItalicLathaLatha Negreta Latha tu n Latha fed Latha Fett Latha  Latha BoldLatha Negrita Latha LodiaLatha Lihavoitu Latha GrasLatha FlkvrLatha GrassettoLatha Halvfet Latha VetLatha PogrubionyLatha NegritoLatha >;C68@=K9 Latha Tu n Latha Krepko Latha Fet Latha Kal1n Latha-BoldSegoeUI-LightMicrosoft Sans Serif3 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Version 6.04IMicrosoft Sans Serif is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.MicrosoftSansSerifCandara ItalicCandara-Italic FrankRuehlEucrosiaUPC Negreta cursivaEucrosiaUPC tu n kurzvaEucrosiaUPC fed kursivEucrosiaUPC Fett KursivEucrosiaUPC  EucrosiaUPC Bold ItalicEucrosiaUPC Negrita CursivaEucrosiaUPC Lodi etzanaEucrosiaUPC Lihavoitu KursivoiEucrosiaUPC Gras ItaliqueEucrosiaUPC Flkvr dQltEucrosiaUPC Grassetto CorsivoEucrosiaUPC Halvfet KursivEucrosiaUPC Vet CursiefEucrosiaUPC Pogrubiona kursywaEucrosiaUPC Negrito ItlicoEucrosiaUPC >;C68@=K9 C@A82EucrosiaUPC Tu n kurzvaEucrosiaUPC Krepko poaevnoEucrosiaUPC Fet KursivEucrosiaUPC Kal1n 0talikEucrosiaUPCBoldItalicMicrosoftUighurEbrima Negreta Ebrima tu n Ebrima fed Ebrima FettEbrima  Ebrima BoldEbrima Negrita Ebrima LodiaEbrima Lihavoitu Ebrima GrasEbrima FlkvrEbrima GrassettoEbrima Halvfet Ebrima VetEbrima PogrubionyEbrima NegritoEbrima >;C68@=K9 Ebrima Tu nEbrima Krepko Ebrima Fet Ebrima Kal1n Ebrima-BoldMingLiU0}fԚ%(c) Copyright DynaComware Corp. 2008 PMingLiUe0}fԚMingLiU_HKSCS 0}fԚ_HKSCSMing-Lt-HKSCS-UNI-HLeelawadee NegretaLeelawadee tu nLeelawadee fedLeelawadee FettLeelawadee Leelawadee BoldLeelawadee NegritaLeelawadee LodiaLeelawadee LihavoituLeelawadee GrasLeelawadee FlkvrLeelawadee GrassettoLeelawadee HalvfetLeelawadee VetLeelawadee PogrubionyLeelawadee NegritoLeelawadee >;C68@=K9Leelawadee Tu nLeelawadee KrepkoLeelawadee FetLeelawadee Kal1nLeelawadee-BoldVerdana NegretaVerdana tu n Verdana fed Verdana FettVerdana  Verdana BoldVerdana NegritaVerdana LodiaVerdana Lihavoitu Verdana GrasVerdana FlkvrVerdana GrassettoVerdana Halvfet Verdana VetVerdana PogrubionyVerdana NegritoVerdana >;C68@=K9Verdana Tu nVerdana Krepko Verdana FetVerdana Kal1n Verdana-Bold LevenimMTSegoe Print BoldSegoePrint-BoldConsolas Bold ItalicConsolas-BoldItalicDilleniaUPC NegretaDilleniaUPC tu nDilleniaUPC fedDilleniaUPC FettDilleniaUPC DilleniaUPC BoldDilleniaUPC NegritaDilleniaUPC LodiaDilleniaUPC LihavoituDilleniaUPC GrasDilleniaUPC FlkvrDilleniaUPC GrassettoDilleniaUPC HalvfetDilleniaUPC VetDilleniaUPC PogrubionyDilleniaUPC NegritoDilleniaUPC >;C68@=K9DilleniaUPC Tu nDilleniaUPC KrepkoDilleniaUPC FetDilleniaUPC Kal1nDilleniaUPCBoldMicrosoftJhengHeiRegularMicrosoftJhengHeiUIRegularCalibri Bold ItalicCalibri-BoldItalic$Vincent Connare, Terrance WeinzierlComic Sans MS Negreta cursivaComic Sans MS tu n kurzvaComic Sans MS fed kursivComic Sans MS Fett KursivComic Sans MS  Comic Sans MS Bold ItalicComic Sans MS Negrita CursivaComic Sans MS Lodi etzana!Comic Sans MS Lihavoitu KursivoiComic Sans MS Gras ItaliqueComic Sans MS Flkvr dQlt Comic Sans MS Grassetto CorsivoComic Sans MS Halvfet KursivComic Sans MS Vet Cursief!Comic Sans MS Pogrubiona kursywaComic Sans MS Negrito Itlico Comic Sans MS >;C68@=K9 C@A82Comic Sans MS Tu n kurzvaComic Sans MS Krepko poaevnoComic Sans MS Fet KursivComic Sans MS Kal1n 0talikComicSansMS-BoldItalicKhmerUI Myanmar Text7John Hudson. [Latin subset: Segoe UI, Steve Matteson.]Myanmar Text NegretaMyanmar Text tu nMyanmar Text fedMyanmar Text FettMyanmar Text Myanmar Text BoldMyanmar Text NegritaMyanmar Text LodiaMyanmar Text LihavoituMyanmar Text GrasMyanmar Text FlkvrMyanmar Text GrassettoMyanmar Text HalvfetMyanmar Text VetMyanmar Text PogrubionyMyanmar Text NegritoMyanmar Text >;C68@=K9Myanmar Text Tu nMyanmar Text KrepkoMyanmar Text FetMyanmar Text Kal1nMyanmarText-BoldCourierNewPSMT000003 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.00000Meiryo CursivaMeiryo kurzvaMeiryo kursivMeiryo KursivMeiryo Meiryo ItalicMeiryo EtzanaMeiryo KursivoituMeiryo Italique Meiryo DQltMeiryo Corsivo 0000 00000Meiryo CursiefMeiryo KursywaMeiryo ItlicoMeiryo C@A82Meiryo KurzvaMeiryo PoaevnoMeiryo 0talikMeiryo-Italic MeiryoUIMeiryo UI CursivaMeiryo UI kurzvaMeiryo UI kursivMeiryo UI KursivMeiryo UI Meiryo UI ItalicMeiryo UI EtzanaMeiryo UI KursivoituMeiryo UI ItaliqueMeiryo UI DQltMeiryo UI CorsivoMeiryo UI CursiefMeiryo UI KursywaMeiryo UI ItlicoMeiryo UI C@A82Meiryo UI KurzvaMeiryo UI PoaevnoMeiryo UI 0talikMeiryoUI-Italic BrowalliaNewArialMTJasmineUPC ItalicJasmineUPCItalicAngsana New CursivaAngsana New kurzvaAngsana New kursivAngsana New KursivAngsana New Angsana New ItalicAngsana New EtzanaAngsana New KursivoituAngsana New ItaliqueAngsana New DQltAngsana New CorsivoAngsana New CursiefAngsana New KursywaAngsana New ItlicoAngsana New C@A82Angsana New KurzvaAngsana New PoaevnoAngsana New 0talikAngsanaNew-ItalicArial Negreta cursivaArial tu n kurzvaArial fed kursivArial Fett KursivArial  Arial Bold ItalicArial Negrita CursivaArial Lodi etzanaArial Lihavoitu KursivoiArial Gras ItaliqueArial Flkvr dQltArial Grassetto CorsivoArial Halvfet KursivArial Vet CursiefArial Pogrubiona kursywaArial Negrito ItlicoArial >;C68@=K9 C@A82Arial Tu n kurzvaArial Krepko poaevnoArial Fet KursivArial Kal1n 0talikArial nghing #mArial-BoldItalicMTYGLP6N-4519-06-XXXXX1Yu Gothic Light 8n0000 LightYuGothic-LightBrowalliaUPC BoldBrowalliaUPC-BoldAparajita Negreta cursivaAparajita tu n kurzvaAparajita fed kursivAparajita Fett KursivAparajita  Aparajita Bold ItalicAparajita Negrita CursivaAparajita Lodi etzanaAparajita Lihavoitu KursivoiAparajita Gras ItaliqueAparajita Flkvr dQltAparajita Grassetto CorsivoAparajita Halvfet KursivAparajita Vet CursiefAparajita Pogrubiona kursywaAparajita Negrito ItlicoAparajita >;C68@=K9 C@A82Aparajita Tu n kurzvaAparajita Krepko poaevnoAparajita Fet KursivAparajita Kal1n 0talikAparajita-BoldItalicJavanese Text0Tiro Typeworks Ltd., for Microsoft Corporation. JavaneseText Version 5.91Gisha Negreta Gisha tu n Gisha fed Gisha Fett Gisha  Gisha BoldGisha Negrita Gisha LodiaGisha Lihavoitu Gisha GrasGisha FlkvrGisha GrassettoGisha Halvfet Gisha VetGisha PogrubionyGisha NegritoGisha >;C68@=K9 Gisha Tu n Gisha Krepko Gisha Fet Gisha Kal1n Gisha-BoldLao UI Negreta Lao UI tu n Lao UI fed Lao UI FettLao UI  Lao UI BoldLao UI Negrita Lao UI LodiaLao UI Lihavoitu Lao UI GrasLao UI FlkvrLao UI GrassettoLao UI Halvfet Lao UI VetLao UI PogrubionyLao UI NegritoLao UI >;C68@=K9 Lao UI Tu nLao UI Krepko Lao UI Fet Lao UI Kal1n LaoUI-BoldNirmala UI NegretaNirmala UI tu nNirmala UI fedNirmala UI FettNirmala UI Nirmala UI BoldNirmala UI NegritaNirmala UI LodiaNirmala UI LihavoituNirmala UI GrasNirmala UI FlkvrNirmala UI GrassettoNirmala UI HalvfetNirmala UI VetNirmala UI PogrubionyNirmala UI NegritoNirmala UI >;C68@=K9Nirmala UI Tu nNirmala UI KrepkoNirmala UI FetNirmala UI Kal1nNirmalaUI-Boldhttp://The font glyphs are certified compliant with China standard ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (GB13000) with the font name DFPhagsPa by DynaComware. Chinese: ,gW[^W[b_NW[^ TNS^kQ`]eǏ-NVhQ&{T'`hKm &{T ISO/IEC 10646:2003 (GB13000 hQ0Microsoft PhagsPa NegretaMicrosoft PhagsPa tu nMicrosoft PhagsPa fedMicrosoft PhagsPa FettMicrosoft PhagsPa Microsoft PhagsPa BoldMicrosoft PhagsPa NegritaMicrosoft PhagsPa LodiaMicrosoft PhagsPa LihavoituMicrosoft PhagsPa GrasMicrosoft PhagsPa FlkvrMicrosoft PhagsPa GrassettoMicrosoft PhagsPa HalvfetMicrosoft PhagsPa VetMicrosoft PhagsPa PogrubionyMicrosoft PhagsPa NegritoMicrosoft PhagsPa >;C68@=K9Microsoft PhagsPa Tu nMicrosoft PhagsPa KrepkoMicrosoft PhagsPa FetMicrosoft PhagsPa Kal1nMicrosoftPhagsPa-BoldConstantia BoldConstantia-BoldMicrosoft Himalaya 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Portions 2013 Beijing Founder Electronics Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. GMicrosoft Himalaya is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.bThe font glyphs compliant with China standard GB18030-2000 with the font name Founder Zang Baiti./,gW[^W[b_NW[^ Teckυ}vSOǏ-NVhQ&{T'`hKm &{T-NV GB18030-2000hQ0MicrosoftHimalayaTrebuchet MS CursivaTrebuchet MS kurzvaTrebuchet MS kursivTrebuchet MS KursivTrebuchet MS Trebuchet MS ItalicTrebuchet MS EtzanaTrebuchet MS KursivoituTrebuchet MS ItaliqueTrebuchet MS DQltTrebuchet MS CorsivoTrebuchet MS CursiefTrebuchet MS KursywaTrebuchet MS ItlicoTrebuchet MS C@A82Trebuchet MS KurzvaTrebuchet MS PoaevnoTrebuchet MS 0talikTrebuchetMS-Italic MyanmarTextIrisUPC Bold ItalicIrisUPCBoldItalicCorbel ItalicCorbel-ItalicYMRP6N-4519-06-XXXXX1Yu Mincho Regular 8nfg RegularYuMincho-RegularTraditionalArabic}Segoe"! is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.This font software is part of the Microsoft software product in which it was included and is provided under the end user license agreement ( EULA ) for that Microsoft software product. The terms and conditions of the EULA govern the use of font software. Please refer to the applicable Microsoft product EULA if you have any questions about how you may use this font software. Microsoft reserves all rights that are not expressly granted in the EULA. For products that may have installed this font please see the license link.Segoe Script BoldSegoeScript-Bold AngsanaNewLucida Console<Copyright 1993 Bigelow & Holmes Inc. All rights reserved.LucidaConsoleCordia New BoldCordiaNew-BoldPalatinoLinotype-Roman Small BoldSitka Small BoldSitkaSmall-Bold Text BoldSitka Text BoldSitkaText-BoldSubheading BoldSitka Subheading BoldSitkaSubheading-Bold Heading BoldSitka Heading BoldSitkaHeading-Bold Display BoldSitka Display BoldSitkaDisplay-Bold Banner BoldSitka Banner BoldSitkaBanner-Bold3 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Verdana Negreta cursivaVerdana tu n kurzvaVerdana fed kursivVerdana Fett KursivVerdana  Verdana Bold ItalicVerdana Negrita CursivaVerdana Lodi etzanaVerdana Lihavoitu KursivoiVerdana Gras ItaliqueVerdana Flkvr dQltVerdana Grassetto CorsivoVerdana Halvfet KursivVerdana Vet CursiefVerdana Pogrubiona kursywaVerdana Negrito ItlicoVerdana >;C68@=K9 C@A82Verdana Tu n kurzvaVerdana Krepko poaevnoVerdana Fet KursivVerdana Kal1n 0talikVerdana-BoldItalicArabic Typesetting.Mamoun Sakkal, Paul C. Nelson and John HudsonArabic Typesetting is a new design in the Naskh style, particularly well suited for traditional book typography, an area neglected by digital type. The font provides fine typographic control by marrying the latest OpenType technology to traditional calligraphic and typographic models. It achieves maximum readability by opening bowls and counters, balancing the proportions of stroke and white space in letters that typically cause problems at small sizes, and by contextually differentiating similar forms. The font contains over 2,100 glyphs, including contextual alternates, ligatures, and language-specific forms. Great care was taken in the design and digitization of all outlines. The graceful curves, the dynamic of blunt and rounded terminals, and the contrast between thick and thin strokes are consistent and lively throughout the typeface. In addition to providing all the correct shapes for quality Arabic typesetting, the same care and consistency has been applied in glyphs used for the many other languages, such as Farsi, Urdu, Sindhi, etc., that are written in variants of the Arabic script. This means that documents incorporating several language will have a harmonious appearance. The Arabic glyphs are accompanied by Latin letters designed to achieve a balance of color, weight and proportion between the two scripts. Typically, the trend in co-ordinating Arabic and Latin types has been to unhappily force the Arabic to match the proportions of the Latin. In this font, likely for the first time, the Latin has been adjusted to harmonize with the Arabic: the ascenders and descenders have been lengthened to echo the proportions of the Arabic extenders, and the usual impact of capital letters has been reduced by making them a similar weight to the lowercase.ArabicTypesettingMicrosoft Yi Baiti 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Portions 2008 Beijing Founder Electronics Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 2008 _olQSHrCg@b g 2008 SNS'Yeck5uP[ gPlQSRHrCg@b gGMicrosoft Yi Baiti is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.$Beijing Founder Electronic CO. LTD.The font glyphs compliant with China standard GB18030-2000 with the font name Founder Yi Baiti. ,gW[^W[b_NW[^ Teck]_}vSOǏ-NVhQ&{T'`hKm &{T-NV GB18030-2000hQ0Microsoft-Yi-BaitiDilleniaUPC Negreta cursivaDilleniaUPC tu n kurzvaDilleniaUPC fed kursivDilleniaUPC Fett KursivDilleniaUPC  DilleniaUPC Bold ItalicDilleniaUPC Negrita CursivaDilleniaUPC Lodi etzanaDilleniaUPC Lihavoitu KursivoiDilleniaUPC Gras ItaliqueDilleniaUPC Flkvr dQltDilleniaUPC Grassetto CorsivoDilleniaUPC Halvfet KursivDilleniaUPC Vet CursiefDilleniaUPC Pogrubiona kursywaDilleniaUPC Negrito ItlicoDilleniaUPC >;C68@=K9 C@A82DilleniaUPC Tu n kurzvaDilleniaUPC Krepko poaevnoDilleniaUPC Fet KursivDilleniaUPC Kal1n 0talikDilleniaUPCBoldItalicCandara Bold ItalicCandara-BoldItalicMV BoliThomas Rickner, Kamal MansourThis font software is the valuable property of Ascender Corporation and/or its suppliers and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. This font software is licensed to you by Ascender Corporation for your personal or business use on up to five personal computers. You may not use this font software on more than five personal computers unless you have obtained a license from Ascender to do so. Except as specifically permitted by the license, you may not copy this font software. If you have any questions, please review the license agreement you received with this font software, and/or contact Ascender Corporation. Contact Information: Ascender Corporation Web http://www.ascendercorp.com/MVBoliCourier New CursivaCourier New kurzvaCourier New kursivCourier New KursivCourier New Courier New ItalicCourier New EtzanaCourier New KursivoituCourier New ItaliqueCourier New DQltCourier New CorsivoCourier New CursiefCourier New KursywaCourier New ItlicoCourier New C@A82Courier New KurzvaCourier New PoaevnoCourier New 0talikCourier New nghingCourierNewPS-ItalicMTTimesNewRomanPSMT WingdingsWingdings is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft TypographyThe Wingdings fonts were designed by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow in 1990 and 1991. The fonts were originally named Lucida Icons, Arrows, and Stars to complement the Lucida text font family by the same designers. Renamed, reorganized, and released in 1992 as Microsoft Wingdings, the three fonts provide a harmoniously designed set of icons representing the common components of personal computer systems and the elements of graphical user interfaces. There are icons for PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse, trackball, hard drive, diskette, tape cassette, printer, fax, etc., as well as icons for file folders, documents, mail, mailboxes, windows, clipboard, and wastebasket. In addition, Wingdings includes icons with both traditional and computer significance, such as writing tools and hands, reading glasses, clipping scissors, bell, bomb, check boxes, as well as more traditional images such as weather signs, religious symbols, astrological signs, encircled numerals, a selection of ampersands and interrobangs, plus elegant flowers and flourishes. Pointing and indicating are frequent functions in graphical interfaces, so in addition to a wide selection of pointing hands, the Wingdings fonts also offer arrows in careful gradations of weight and different directions and styles. For variety and impact as bullets, asterisks, and ornaments, Windings also offers a varied set of geometric circles, squares, polygons, targets, and stars.3http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/fonts/wingdings/Wingdings-RegularPalatino Linotype CursivaPalatino Linotype kurzvaPalatino Linotype kursivPalatino Linotype KursivPalatino Linotype Palatino Linotype ItalicPalatino Linotype EtzanaPalatino Linotype KursivoituPalatino Linotype ItaliquePalatino Linotype DQltPalatino Linotype CorsivoPalatino Linotype CursiefPalatino Linotype KursywaPalatino Linotype ItlicoPalatino Linotype C@A82Palatino Linotype KurzvaPalatino Linotype PoaevnoPalatino Linotype 0talikPalatino Linotype nghingPalatinoLinotype-Italic4Comic Sans is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Comic Sans MS CursivaComic Sans MS kurzvaComic Sans MS kursivComic Sans MS KursivComic Sans MS Comic Sans MS ItalicComic Sans MS EtzanaComic Sans MS KursivoituComic Sans MS ItaliqueComic Sans MS DQltComic Sans MS CorsivoComic Sans MS CursiefComic Sans MS KursywaComic Sans MS ItlicoComic Sans MS C@A82Comic Sans MS KurzvaComic Sans MS PoaevnoComic Sans MS 0talikComicSansMS-Italic Map SymbolsLCopyright 1995, MapInfo Corporation, Troy, New York. All Rights ReservedMap Symbols:v1b Map-SymbolsMapInfo Cartographic1 1995 MapInfo Corporation. All rights reserved.+mfgpctt-v1.84 Thu Oct 19 00:08:31 EDT 1995MapInfoCartographicCode39AzaleaNarrow1Copyright 2007 Jerry Whiting.6.01C39Tools is a trademark of Azalea Software, Inc.Azalea Software, Inc.Jerry Whitinghttp://www.azalea.com6This font is part of the Azalea Software, Inc. Code 39 OEM bundle set. To create a Code 39 barcode format a string that begins and ends with an asterisk ( * ), the Code 39 start and stop bar. Code 39's character set is 0-9, A-Z uppercase, the space character, $ % + - . / For example: *AZALEA* or *206*READ THIS LICENSING AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING A FONT FROM AZALEA SOFTWARE, INC. BY INSTALLING THIS FONT, YOU INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT AND AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNINSTALLED FONT AND ALL RELATED MATERIALS TO THE PLACE YOU OBTAINED THEM. YOUR MONEY WILL BE RETURNED IN FULL. Azalea Software, Inc. Licensing Agreement 1. License. Azalea Software, Inc. ("Azalea") grants you a limited license to use the enclosed font(s), associated software, user manuals, and any related materials (collectively called the "Software" in this Agreement). You may only use the Software on a single computer at any one time. You may use the Software on different computers but the same software may not be used on two or more computers simultaneously. You may not electronically transfer or share the Software from one computer to another via modem, network, or any other means. You may make one copy of this software for backup purposes or to transfer the software to a single hard disk provided you use the original for backup purposes. You may transfer a copy the Software and your rights under this License Agreement to a second person only if: (a) the second person agrees to all of the terms of this License Agreement; (b) you transfer the Software and documentation to the new user; (c) you erase or destroy all other copies of the Software which are in your possession or under your control; (d) you provide Azalea with thirty (30) days advance written notice of the transfer. You may not alter, modify, translate or adapt any part of the Software or related documentation without prior written consent of Azalea. You may not disassemble, decompile, or otherwise reverse-engineer the Software, or create derivative works from it, whether in human-perceivable or machine-readable form. This Agreement does not convey any ownership of the Software or of any copy of the Software to you, but only the right to use the Software in strict accordance with this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that Azalea retains all title and ownership in the Software and any modifications, enhancements, updates or derivatives of the Software. 2. Proprietary Rights. The Software is the valuable trade secret property of Azalea and all Software bearing a copyright notice is, in addition, subject to the copyright laws. UNAUTHORIZED COPYING, USE, OR DISCLOSURE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AN INFRINGEMENT OF AZALEA'S COPYRIGHT AND TRADE SECRET RIGHTS. You agree that the use of a copyright notice on the Software shall not be taken to indicate that the Software has been published. 3. Money-Back Guarantee and Limited Warranty. For a period of thirty (30) days from the date of you obtained the Software, you may return the Software (including all user manuals), together with your receipt showing the amount you paid and the date you obtained the Software to the place of purchase, and obtain a full refund of the amounts you paid. Azalea warrants that the magnetic diskette(s) on which the Software is recorded is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. Azalea warrants that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the specifications set forth in the documentation provided with the Software. The above warranties extend for ninety (90) days from the date of original delivery to customer as the user. This warranty is made to customer if customer is the original licensed end-user. No warranty is made to any other person. Azalea does not warrant that the Software will meet customer's requirements or that the operation of the Software will not be uninterrupted or error-free. The Software warranty does not cover any Software which has been altered or changed in any way by anyone other than Azalea. THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER IMPLIED AND EXPRESS WARRANTIES, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN. AZALEA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS OF AZALEA ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY MODIFICATIONS TO THESE WARRANTIES, NOR ADDITIONAL WARRANTIES BINDING ON AZALEA. ACCORDINGLY, ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS SUCH AS DEALER ADVERTISING OR REPRESENTATIONS, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, DO NOT CONSTITUTE WARRANTIES BY AZALEA AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS A WARRANTY OF AZALEA. 4. Customer Remedies and Limitations of Liability. During the warranty period, Azalea will replace, without charge, on an exchange basis, any magnetic diskette which is not as warranted. During the warranty period, if the Software does not perform as warranted, Azalea at its sole option will (a) provide, without charge, corrected software, (b) replace, without charge, software with a functionally similar program, or (c) refund the fees paid for licensing the software. These are your sole and exclusive remedies for any breach of warranty. You must return the defective item post-paid, postmarked within the time period stated above. You must either insure the defective item being returned or assume the risk of loss or damage in transit. Address wall warranty claims to: Warranty Service Department, Azalea Software, Inc., 3400 Harbor Ave SW #411, Seattle, WA, 98126, U.S.A. Any claim under the above warranty must include a copy of your receipt or invoice or other proof of the date of delivery. AZALEA SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY BREACH OF THESE WARRANTIES, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORIES, EVEN IF AZALEA OR ITS AGENT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO CASE SHALL AZALEA'S LIABILITY EXCEED THE LICENSE FEES PAID BY YOU FOR THE SOFTWARE. 5. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington, U.S.A. (not including laws relating to choice of law). You and Azalea consent to the jurisdiction of and venue in the state and federal courts located in King County, Washington, U.S.A., in connection with any suit or action brought regarding the Software or this Agreement. If any legal action is brought by either party against the other regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other relief, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright 2007 Jerry Whiting. All rights reserved. Azalea Software, Inc. 3400 Harbor Ave SW, #411 Seattle WA 98126 www.azalea.com Code39AzaleaNarrow2Code39AzaleaNarrow3Code39AzaleaRegular1Code39AzaleaRegular2Code39AzaleaRegular3Code39AzaleaWide1Code39AzaleaWide2Code39AzaleaWide3Marlett