MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL1R!  H`}@hF.rsrchFH@@ 8Ph  8,BTYPELIB4VS_VERSION_INFO @")@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation2FileDescriptionCOM+|.FileVersion2001.12.10530.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNameMTSADMIN.TLB.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameMTSADMIN.TLBj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation MSFT A  d,X Lx@l  | pd    /P0`%"x14"x1`@(,,%"t2xT4"t2@$l8%"04 4"04@\%"7804"7@T,%"8|@4" 8 @((%" 98h P4" 9P@($%" d:h( `4" d:@H8 $&!: 8 !: &!:L, @ !:p, &! ;l H ! ;-l Hh8x0P `(n#)(n#)0FFp(n#)d(n#)q(n#),(n#)r(n#)(n#)Xs(n#)(n#) t(n#)(n#)u(n#)L(n#)v(n#)d,LH0-stdole2.tlbWWWt\   \< p <  h@ L <X x 8Ltp  x 0 LP | p p ( ,h P `4 ( 8   P tConnects to a catalog data store and returns a root collection6Gets the major version number of the MTS Admin objects6Gets the minor version number of the MTS Admin objectsCatalogObject ClassWWWICatalogObject InterfaceWWGets a property valueWSets a property valueW"Gets the value of the key propertyGets the name of the objectWWW"True if the property cannot be setITrue if all properties were successfully read from the catalog data storeW&True if the property only supports setCatalogCollection ClassWWWICatalogCollection InterfaceWWReturns an object by index,Returns number of objects in the collection.WW Removes an item, given the indexWW:Adds an object to the collection - returns the new object <Reads all the collection objects from the catalog data storeWW@Saves changes made to the collection into the catalog data storeWWhGets a collection related to a specific object - without reading any objects from the catalog data storeWWGets the name of the collectionWWWReturns true if Add is enabled!Returns true if Remove is enabledWGet the utility interfaceW7Gets the major version number of the Catalog data storeWWW7Gets the minor version number of the Catalog data storeWWW2Reads selected objects from the catalog data storeReserved for future useWWWComponentUtil ClassWWWIComponentUtil InterfaceWW8Installs all components described by a given typelib/DLLWWUImports a component that is already regsitered as an inproc server - supply the CLSIDWVImports a component that is already regsitered as an inproc server - supply the ProgID9Returns the list of installable CLSIDs in the DLL/TypelibWPackageUtil ClassWIPackageUtil Interface>Installs a package - valid only within the Packages collectionfExports a package - you identify the package by package ID - valid only within the Packages collectionInitiates shutdown of a packageWWWRemoteComponentUtil ClassWIRemoteComponentUtil InterfaceePulls remote components from a package on a remote sever - you supply the server, packageID and CLSIDWiPulls remote components from a package on a remote sever - you supply the server, package name and progIDWCRoleAssociationUtil ClassIRoleAssociationUtil InterfaceQAssociates the role with the component or component/interface - supply the roleIDW=Associates the role with the component or component/interfaceW=Package install options - these options can be or'ed togetherW<Package export options - these options can be or'ed togetherWWError codes (HRESULTS)\Errors occured accessing one or more objects - the ErrorInfo collection may have more detailWW<One or more of the objects properties are missing or invalidWW'The object was not found in the catalogWWW The object is already registeredWW-Download of components files to client failedW)Error occured writing to the package fileW&Error occured reading the package file"Invalid version number in PDF file0A component in the same DLL is already installedWWThe file path is invalidWW The package is already installedWWThe role already existsWWW A error occured copying the fileWW=The component does not have a typelib - it cannot be exportedWA userid in role is invalidWWWDOne or more users in the package file are not valid on this computerWW)The component CLSID is missing or corruptW*The component progID is missing or corrupt>Unable to set required authentication level for update request8The user/password set for package identity are not validWW"No permission to read the registry&No permission to write to the registry$No permission to repair the registryWW8Package file CLSIDs/IIDs do not match corresponding DLLsWWRemote interfaceWW-DllRegisterServer failed on component installW@No server file share available to full component files to clientWW.Cannot access component files on network shareDll could not be loadedWWW"Registered Typelib ID is not valid#Package install directory not foundWWW+Component TreatAs key found - not supportedWWW"Interface forward chain is invalid Invalid IIDWWW/Errors occured while in the component registrarWWW!The component file does not existW%The component DLL could not be loadedW*GetClassObject failed in the component DLLGThe component DLL does not support the components listed in the TypeLibWWWThe TypeLib could not be loadedWWW=The file does not contain components or component informationW=Changes to this object and its sub-objects have been disabledW5The delete function has been disabled for this objectW+The server catalog version is not supportedWWW6The registrar referenced in this file is not available @ @ @  @  @   `(lWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWW WW WW WW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW!WW"WW#WW$WW%WW&WW'WW(WW)WW*WW+WW,WW4WW8\ D@Xp 8 \ Dp ,$LD ,(LD <8pd8\DT 8 T!T ,$LD ,(LD 8,\ DT ,0LD  84\ DlT @@l|8p,$LD 4 8 \D`t ,$LD ,(D `,,L D@t 04 |,4L D D8l DX p ,<LDl , @LD  , DLD  , HL D \ , LLD  , PLD , ,TL h(8XT  ``` P<| $@p$\,p LxDd , D (,$D 8D(t 0hpPDpDd @D d 0,$D 0LDDd H0D d  8 DX,D X , D  h,4@04@4 4 4$ 4P 4 t 4( 40 48 4@  4HP  4Pl  4X  4`  4h 4p 4@0 4xx 4 4 44L4p44444@44444 4L!4p"4#4$4%4 &4(,'40x(48)4@*4H+4PT,4X@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@ < \ x  < X x  , P x  ( L p  4 P h ,Lt8Tp4Pl0Lh,Hd (D`|