MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  fc@d.rsrcpf@@(@&~(@Xp0H`x 8Ph (@ X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x     T$X,+-\,1D2X4B4J4p5f56969@>@AD\FTJ\K$NDhN\R0RpSZZ@^ _aF,bg6Tg(h Hl|lVqMUILAwV=xѲ삐 ٷ|\D– MUIen-US- ERROR: dism.exe has encountered an error.  ERROR: Out of Memory. , ERROR: Could not parse the command line. % ERROR: An invalid path specified. ' ERROR: An invalid locale specified. & ERROR: An invalid value specified. 6 ERROR: Multiple value specified where not allowed. " ERROR: No operation specified. * ERROR: No distribution path specified. # ERROR: No image path specified. + ERROR: No image or hive path specified. % ERROR: An invalid hive specified. H ERROR: No default lang value specified and Gen-LangIni was not used. C ERROR: Specified default language is not an installed language. 6 ERROR: Could not query default lang from ini file. I ERROR: Could not create the new lang ini file. Please check the path. Z ERROR: Could not replace the existing lang ini file. The distribution may be invalid. 5 ERROR: Could not find the existing lang ini file. % ERROR: Could not close the hives. D WARNING: An invalid hive passed in. Ignoring the following hive: ( ERROR: No UI Language was specified. : ERROR: Couldn't query first installed lang from image. J WARNING: More than one installed language in the image, picking first. 9 WARNING: Cannot query default language, falling back. E ERROR: Could not get info on the type of this installed language. & ERROR: Could not load system hive. $ ERROR: Could not load user hive. ; ERROR: Specified time zone is not defined in the image. ( ERROR: Could not load software hive.  Unable to mount registry. 2 ERROR: SKUDEFAULTS and ALL cannot be combined. 3 ERROR: Couldn't determine current SKU defaults. A ERROR: International provider failed with following error(s):  Could not set UI Language.  Could not set user locale. ! Could not set system locale. Could not set input locale. & Could not set ui language fallback.$ Could not set install fallback. " UI language is not installed.  Invalid locale. 6International provider only supports offline images. AThe specified format option is not supported with this command. nThe %s option is not recognized in this context. For more information, refer to the help for the %s option. International settings cannot be displayed. The image must contain at least one language pack for the operating system to boot. Add a language pack to the image and then run the command again. 5The other available languages in the distribution are INVALID VALUEInstalled language(s)+The default language in the distribution isNo languages found Type : Fully localized language..Type : Partially localized language, MUI type.&A new Lang.ini file has been generated:The default language in Lang.ini file has been updated to:Input locale has been set to:System locale has been set to:User locale has been set to:UI language has been set to:%UI language fallback has been set to:Fallback Languages Default system UI language The UI language fallback is System locale User locale for default user Location )Reporting online international settings. *Reporting offline international settings. Active keyboard(s) "Reporting distribution languages. Default time zone The time zone has been set to:Set SKU default settings for:.Type : Partially localized language, LIP type.PAKeyboard layered driver Not installed.%PC/AT Enhanced Keyboard (101/102-Key)&Korean PC/AT 101-Key Keyboard (Type 1)&Korean PC/AT 101-Key Keyboard (Type 2)&Korean PC/AT 101-Key Keyboard (Type 3)Korean Keyboard (103/106 Key)Japanese Keyboard (106/109 Key)PAImageTopLevelHelpPAInternationalCommandsPA3Information on the available international commandsPA# INTERNATIONAL SERVICING COMMANDS: PASet-SetupUILangTDefines the default language that will be used by setup.PAY /Set-SetupUILang:<language_name> Defines the default language that will be used by setup. If this language cannot be used, setup will fall back to English. This command is not supported against an online image. A distribution path is required. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C:\image /Distribution:c:\dist /Set-SetupUILang:en-US PA Gen-LangIniPAGenerates a new lang.ini file.8 /Gen-LangIni /Distribution:<path_to_distribution> Generates a new lang.ini file which is used by setup to define the language packs inside the image and outside in the distribution. It also defines the default UI language for setup. The new Lang.ini file will be added to the sources folder of the Windows distribution. This command is not supported against an online image. A distribution is a folder that contains the source files for Windows products that you install. It may also contain additional device drivers and application files. WARNING: You will not be prompted for permission to overwrite an existing lang.ini file. The existing lang.ini file will be overwritten. Examples: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Gen-LangIni /Distribution:D:\distribution Set-InputLocalePAmSets the input locales and keyboard layouts to use in the mounted offline image.PAg /Set-InputLocale:{<locale_name> | <language_id>:<keyboard_layout>} Sets the input locales and keyboard layouts to use in the mounted offline image. This command is not supported against an online image. Examples: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Set-InputLocale:en-US DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Set-InputLocale:0409:00000409 PA Set-SysLocaleSets the language for non-Unicode programs (also called system locale) and font settings in the mounted offline image. /Set-SysLocale:<locale_name> Sets the language for non-Unicode programs (also called system locale) and font settings in the mounted offline image. This command is not supported against an online image. WARNING: You cannot set Unicode-only languages as the system locale. If you try, the /Set-SysLocale option will fail and the language for non-Unicode programs will not be changed. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Set-SysLocale:en-US PA Set-UILangjSets the default system UI language that is used in the mounted offline image.S /Set-UILang:<language_name> Sets the default system user interface (UI) language that is used in the mounted offline image. If the language is not installed in the Windows image, the command will fail. This command is not supported against an online image. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Set-UILang:en-US PASet-UILangFallbackoSets the fallback default language for the system UI in the mounted offline image.{ /Set-UILangFallback:<language_name> Sets the fallback default language for the system UI in the mounted offline image. This setting is used only when the language specified by the /Set-UILang option is a partially localized language. This command is not supported against an online image. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Set-UILangFallback:en-US Get-IntlaDisplays information about the international settings and languages.PA@ /Get-Intl [/Distribution:<path_to_distribution>] Displays information about international settings and languages. Use the /Online option to display information about international settings and languages in the running operating system. Use /Image to display information about international settings and languages in the offline image. When used with the /Image and /Distribution options, information about international settings and languages in the distribution is displayed. WARNING: The default user locale and location is only reported for offline images. The report does not include this setting for running operating systems. Examples: DISM.exe /Online /Get-Intl DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Intl DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Intl /Distribution:D:\distribution Set-UserLocale2Sets the user locale in the mounted offline image. /Set-UserLocale:<locale_name> Sets the "standards and formats" language (also called user locale) in the mounted offline image. The "Standards and formats" language is a per-user setting that determines default sort order and the default settings for formatting dates, times, currency, and numbers. This command is not supported against an online image. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /SetUserLocale:en-US Set-TimeZoneTSets the default time zone in the mounted offline image.R /Set-TimeZone:<timezone_name> Sets the default time zone in a Windows image. Before setting the time zone, DISM verifies that the specified time zone string is valid for the image. This command is not supported against an online image. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Set-TimeZone:"W. Europe Standard Time" Set-SKUIntlDefaultsPASets all international settings to the default values for the specified SKU language in the mounted offline image. /Set-SKUIntlDefaults:<language_name> Sets the default system UI language, the language for non-Unicode programs, the "standards and formats" language and the input locales, keyboard layouts and time zone values in a mounted offline image to the Windows default value specified by <language_name>. This command is not supported against an online image. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Set-SKUIntlDefaults:en-US Set-AllIntlPAYSets all international settings in the mounted offline image.PA /Set-AllIntl:<language_name> Sets the default system UI language, the language for non-Unicode programs, the "standards and formats" language and the input locales and keyboard layouts to the specified language in the mounted offline image. If used with any of the options used to specify the individual language or locales, then the individual settings take precedence. This command is not supported against an online image. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Set-AllIntl:en-US Set-LayeredDriverSets keyboard layered driver. /Set-LayeredDriver:<layer ID> Sets the keyboard layered driver, with possible values of 1 to 6, defined below: 1: PC/AT Enhanced Keyboard (101/102-Key). 2: Korean PC/AT 101-Key Compatible Keyboard/MS Natural Keyboard (Type 1). 3: Korean PC/AT 101-Key Compatible Keyboard/MS Natural Keyboard (Type 2). 4: Korean PC/AT 101-Key Compatible Keyboard/MS Natural Keyboard (Type 3). 5: Korean Keyboard (103/106 Key). 6: Japanese Keyboard (106/109 Key). Example: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Set-LayeredDriver:1 PA4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?"StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation`FileDescriptionDISM International Providerr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)BInternalNameIntlProvider.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.ROriginalFilenameIntlProvider.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING