@echo off rem *************** start of 'main' set DEBUG=0 if "%DEBUG%"=="1" (set TRACE=echo) else (set TRACE=rem) rem Note that right now there is a bug in tracerpt.exe cause of which you might want to use tracefmt.exe instead. rem set the value 1 if you want to use tracefmt.exe instead set USE_TRACE_FMT=1 %TRACE% The value of variable USE_TRACE_FMT is %USE_TRACE_FMT% rem define variables for each of the switches we support set SWHELP=h set SWMODE=mode set SWTRACELOG=tracelog set SWMOF=mof set SWOUTPUT=o set VALID=0 rem define variables for parameters to be passed to tracerpt set TRACEDIR=%WINDIR%\system32\msdtc\trace set TRACEFILE1=%TRACEDIR%\dtctrace.log set TRACEFILE2=%TRACEDIR%\tracetx.log set MOFFILE=%TRACEDIR%\msdtctr.mof set ERRORFILE=%TRACEDIR%\errortrace.txt set OUTPUTFILE=%TRACEDIR%\trace rem Parse command line and setup variables set CMDLINE=%* %TRACE% About to call PARSECMDLINE with the argument %CMDLINE% call :PARSECMDLINE 0 rem Validate the command line %TRACE% About to call the procedure VALIDATE call :VALIDATE rem if Vaidation fails, we give up if "%VALID%"=="0" ( %TRACE% Parameter validation failed, exiting ... goto :EOF ) rem depending on the value of the mode, set the tracelogfile call :MYFINDSWITCH %SWMODE% if not "%RET%"=="0" ( if "%RETV%"=="1" set TRACEFILE=%TRACEFILE1% if "%RETV%"=="2" set TRACEFILE=%TRACEFILE2% ) rem if the tracelog switch was used, set the tracelogfile call :MYFINDSWITCH %SWTRACELOG% if not "%RET%"=="0" ( set TRACEFILE=%RETV% ) rem if the mof switch was used, set the moffile call :MYFINDSWITCH %SWMOF% if not "%RET%"=="0" ( set MOFFILE=%RETV% ) rem if the output switch was used, set the output file call :MYFINDSWITCH %SWOUTPUT% if not "%RET%"=="0" ( set OUTPUTFILE=%RETV% ) %TRACE% TRACEFILE=%TRACEFILE% %TRACE% MOFFILE=%MOFFILE% %TRACE% OUTPUTFILE=%OUTPUTFILE% rem if the specified tracelogfile does not exist, display an error message and give up if not exist %TRACEFILE% ( echo The tracelogfile %TRACEFILE% does not exist. exiting ... call :HELP goto :EOF ) rem if the specified moffile does not exist, display an error message and give up if not exist %MOFFILE% ( echo The moffile %MOFFILE% does not exist. exiting ... call :HELP goto :EOF ) rem set a variable for output file with extension set OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT=%OUTPUTFILE%.csv %TRACE% The value of variable OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT=%OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% rem if the specified outputfile exists, ask if the user is ok with it being over-written. rem if the user wants to continue, delete the old output file, else give up. if exist %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% ( echo The file %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% already exists. You may press Control-C to terminate the batch file. Continuing the batch file will overwrite this file. Pause del %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% 1>nul 2>nul ) rem if the old error file exists, delete it if exist %ERRORFILE% ( del %ERRORFILE% 1>nul 2>nul %TRACE% Deleted the file %ERRORFILE% ) rem call the utility with the right arguments %TRACE% About to call the utility tracerpt.exe ... if "%USE_TRACE_FMT%"=="0" (goto :USE_TRACEPRT_UTILITY) else (goto :USE_TRACEFMT_UTILITY) :USE_TRACEPRT_UTILITY %TRACE% Entered the USE_TRACEPRT_UTILITY block, about to call traceprt tracerpt %TRACEFILE% -o %OUTPUTFILE% -mof %MOFFILE% > %ERRORFILE% 2>&1 rem if output file does not exist, display an error message and give up if not exist %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% ( %TRACE% The file %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% does not exist, therefore exiting ... call :DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGE goto :EOF ) notepad %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% goto :EOF :USE_TRACEFMT_UTILITY %TRACE% Entered the USE_TRACEFMT_UTILITY block, about to call tracefmt tracefmt %TRACEFILE% -o %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% -tmf %MOFFILE% -nosummary > %ERRORFILE% 2>&1 rem if output file does not exist, display an error message and give up if not exist %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% ( %TRACE% The file %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% does not exist, therefore exiting ... call :DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGE goto :EOF ) notepad %OUTPUTFILEWITHEXT% goto :EOF goto :EOF rem *************** end of 'main' rem *************** Procedures begin here **************************** rem *************** start of procedure VALIDATE :VALIDATE set ARG=1 set SWHELPFOUND=0 set SWMODEFOUND=0 set SWTRACELOGFOUND=0 set SWMOFFOUND=0 set SWOUTPUTFOUND=0 set OUTNAMENAME=0 rem If no arguments are used at all, don't perform any other validation, just display help and give up if %CMDARGCOUNT% EQU 0 if %CMDSWCOUNT% EQU 0 (call :HELP) & (goto :EOF) rem If not arguments are given, display help if %CMDARGCOUNT% GTR 0 goto ERROR_USED_ARGUMENTS_WITHOUT_SWITCHES rem If the switch SWHELP is used anywhere, don't perform any other validation, just display help and give up call :MYFINDSWITCH %SWHELP% if not "%RET%"=="0" (call :HELP) & (goto :EOF) :SWLOOP if %ARG% GTR %CMDSWCOUNT% goto :SWLOOPEND call :GETSWITCH %ARG% set MYSWITCH=%RET:~1% rem make sure no switch is used twice if /i "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWHELP%" (if "%SWHELPFOUND%"=="1" (goto ERROR_USED_SAME_SWITCH_TWICE) else (set SWHELPFOUND=1)) if /i "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWMODE%" (if "%SWMODEFOUND%"=="1" (goto ERROR_USED_SAME_SWITCH_TWICE) else (set SWMODEFOUND=1)) if /i "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWTRACELOG%" (if "%SWTRACELOGFOUND%"=="1" (goto ERROR_USED_SAME_SWITCH_TWICE) else (set SWTRACELOGFOUND=1)) if /i "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWMOF%" (if "%SWMOFFOUND%"=="1" (goto ERROR_USED_SAME_SWITCH_TWICE) else (set SWMOFFOUND=1)) if /i "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWOUTPUT%" (if "%SWOUTPUTFOUND%"=="1" (goto ERROR_USED_SAME_SWITCH_TWICE) else (set SWOUTPUTFOUND=1)) rem make sure that the switches mode and tracelog are not used simultaneously if "%SWMODEFOUND%"=="1" if "%SWTRACELOGFOUND%"=="1" goto ERROR_USED_BOTH_MODE_AND_TRACELOG rem make sure that there is no switch outside our list if /i not "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWHELP%" ( if /i not "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWMODE%" ( if /i not "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWTRACELOG%" ( if /i not "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWMOF%" ( if /i not "%MYSWITCH%"=="%SWOUTPUT%" ( (echo Invalid Switch "%RET%") & (call :HELP) & (goto :EOF) ))))) set /a ARG+=1 goto :SWLOOP :SWLOOPEND rem make sure that either the switch "-mode" or "-tracelog" was used if "%SWMODEFOUND%"=="0" if "%SWTRACELOGFOUND%"=="0" (echo Invalid Usage : neither "-%SWMODE%" nor "-%SWTRACELOG%" was specified) & (call :HELP) & (goto :EOF) rem make sure that the value of the mode entered is valid call :MYFINDSWITCH %SWMODE% if not "%RET%"=="0" if not "%RETV%"=="1" if not "%RETV%"=="2" goto ERROR_INVALID_MODE rem make sure that the value of the outputfile entered does not have any extension call :MYFINDSWITCH %SWOUTPUT% for /f "tokens=1* delims=." %%I in ("%RETV%") do (set OUTPUTEXT=%%J) if not "%OUTPUTEXT%"=="" goto ERROR_USED_OUTPUTFILENAME_WITH_EXTENSION rem if we have come this far, everything went well, set the valid flag set VALID=1 goto :EOF :ERROR_USED_SAME_SWITCH_TWICE (echo Invalid Usage : use the switch %RET% multiple times) & (call :HELP) & (goto :EOF) :ERROR_USED_BOTH_MODE_AND_TRACELOG (echo Invalid Usage : cannot use both "-%SWMODE%" and "-%SWTRACELOG%" at the same time) & (call :HELP) & (goto :EOF) :ERROR_USED_ARGUMENTS_WITHOUT_SWITCHES call :GETARG 1 echo Invalid Usage : "%RET%" used without any switch call :HELP goto :EOF :ERROR_INVALID_MODE (echo Invalid Usage : Valid values for %SWMODE% are 1 and 2) & (call :HELP) & (goto :EOF) :ERROR_USED_OUTPUTFILENAME_WITH_EXTENSION (echo Invalid Usage : Output filename should not have any extension) & (call :HELP) & (goto :EOF) rem *************** end of procedure VALIDATE rem *************** start of procedure HELP :HELP echo Usage echo "msdtcvtr { -MODE {1 | 2} | -tracelog tracelogfilename } [options]" echo "All switches can be prefixed with either '-' or '/'" echo Parameters: echo "-MODE 1 to view background tracing" echo "-MODE 2 to view tracing generated by ui" echo "-tracelog binary Trace log file name" echo Options: echo "-h OR -? Display Help" echo "-o Output Filename without extension" echo "-mof Mof Filename" goto :EOF rem *************** end of procedure HELP rem *************** start of procedure DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGE :DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGE echo Failed to convert the binary trace data to text format. echo Following reasons can cause this to happen: echo 1) The utility TraceFmt.exe is missing echo 2) The file %TRACEFILE% is either missing or corrupted echo 3) The file %MOFFILE% is either missing or corrupted echo The exact error message can be found in the file '%ERRORFILE%' goto :EOF rem *************** end of procedure DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGE rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem INIT procedure rem Must be called in local state before other procs are used rem :INIT %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem VARDEL procedure rem Delete multiple variables by prefix rem rem Arguments: %1=variable name prefix rem :VARDEL %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] for /f "tokens=1 delims==" %%I in ('set %1 2^>nul') do set %%I= goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem PARSECMDLINE procedure rem Parse a command line into switches and args rem rem Arguments: CMDLINE=command text to parse rem %1=0 for new parse (def) or 1 to append to existing rem rem Returns: CMDARG_n=arguments, CMDSW_n=switches rem CMDARGCOUNT=arg count, CMDSWCOUNT=switch count rem RET=total number of args processed rem :PARSECMDLINE %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] if not {%1}=={1} ( (call :VARDEL CMDARG_) (call :VARDEL CMDSW_) (set /a CMDARGCOUNT=0) (set /a CMDSWCOUNT=0) ) set /a RET=0 call :PARSECMDLINE1 %CMDLINE% 1>nul set _MTPLIB_T1= set _LASTARGSWITCH=0 set _LASTARGSWITCHNAME=0 goto :EOF :PARSECMDLINE1 if {%1}=={} goto :EOF set _MTPLIB_T1=%1 set _MTPLIB_T1=%_MTPLIB_T1:"=% set /a RET+=1 shift /1 if "%_MTPLIB_T1:~0,1%"=="/" goto :PARSECMDLINESW if "%_MTPLIB_T1:~0,1%"=="-" goto :PARSECMDLINESW if "%_LASTARGSWITCH%"=="1" ( set CMDSW_%CMDSWCOUNT%=%_LASTARGSWITCHNAME%:%_MTPLIB_T1% set _LASTARGSWITCH=0 goto :PARSECMDLINE1 ) set /a CMDARGCOUNT+=1 set CMDARG_%CMDARGCOUNT%=%_MTPLIB_T1% set _LASTARGSWITCH=0 goto :PARSECMDLINE1 :PARSECMDLINESW set /a CMDSWCOUNT+=1 set CMDSW_%CMDSWCOUNT%=%_MTPLIB_T1% set _LASTARGSWITCH=1 set _LASTARGSWITCHNAME=%_MTPLIB_T1% goto :PARSECMDLINE1 goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem GETARG procedure rem Get a parsed argument by index rem rem Arguments: %1=argument index (1st arg has index 1) rem rem Returns: RET=argument text or empty if no argument rem :GETARG %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] set RET= if %1 GTR %CMDARGCOUNT% goto :EOF if %1 EQU 0 goto :EOF if not defined CMDARG_%1 goto :EOF set RET=%%CMDARG_%1%% call :RESOLVE goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem GETSWITCH procedure rem Get a switch argument by index rem rem Arguments: %1=switch index (1st switch has index 1) rem rem Returns: RET=switch text or empty if none rem RETV=switch value (after colon char) or empty rem :GETSWITCH %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] (set RET=) & (set RETV=) if %1 GTR %CMDSWCOUNT% goto :EOF if %1 EQU 0 goto :EOF if not defined CMDSW_%1 goto :EOF set RET=%%CMDSW_%1%% call :RESOLVE for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%I in ("%RET%") do (set RET=%%I) & (set RETV=%%J) goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem FINDSWITCH procedure rem Finds the index of the named switch rem rem Arguments: %1=switch name rem %2=search start index (def: 1) rem rem Returns: RET=index (0 if not found) rem RETV=switch value (text after colon) rem :FINDSWITCH %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] if {%2}=={} (set /a _MTPLIB_T4=1) else (set /a _MTPLIB_T4=%2) :FINDSWITCHLOOP call :GETSWITCH %_MTPLIB_T4% if "%RET%"=="" (set RET=0) & (goto :FINDSWITCHEND) if /i "%RET%"=="%1" (set RET=%_MTPLIB_T4%) & (goto :FINDSWITCHEND) set /a _MTPLIB_T4+=1 goto :FINDSWITCHLOOP :FINDSWITCHEND set _MTPLIB_T4= goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem MYFINDSWITCH procedure rem Finds the index of the named switch rem rem Arguments: %1=switch name without the leading / or - rem %2=search start index (def: 1) rem rem Returns: RET=index (0 if not found) rem RETV=switch value (text after colon) rem :MYFINDSWITCH %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] if {%2}=={} (set /a _MTPLIB_T4=1) else (set /a _MTPLIB_T4=%2) :MYFINDSWITCHLOOP call :GETSWITCH %_MTPLIB_T4% if "%RET%"=="" (set RET=0) & (goto :MYFINDSWITCHEND) if /i "%RET:~1%"=="%1" (set RET=%_MTPLIB_T4%) & (goto :MYFINDSWITCHEND) set /a _MTPLIB_T4+=1 goto :MYFINDSWITCHLOOP :MYFINDSWITCHEND set _MTPLIB_T4= goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem REGSETM and REGSETU procedures rem Set registry values from variables rem rem Arguments: %1=reg context (usually script name) rem %2=variable to save (or prefix to save set of vars) rem :REGSETM %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ('set %2 2^>nul') do call :REGSET1 HKLM %1 %%I "%%J" goto :EOF :REGSETU %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ('set %2 2^>nul') do call :REGSET1 HKCU %1 %%I "%%J" goto :EOF :REGSET1 set _MTPLIB_T10=%4 set _MTPLIB_T10=%_MTPLIB_T10:\=\\% reg add %1\Software\MTPScriptContexts\%2\%3=%_MTPLIB_T10% >nul reg update %1\Software\MTPScriptContexts\%2\%3=%_MTPLIB_T10% >nul goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem REGGETM and REGGETU procedures rem Get registry value or values to variables rem rem Arguments: %1=reg context (usually script name) rem %2=variable to restore (def: restore entire context) rem rem Returns: RET=value of last variable loaded rem rem WARNING: The "delims" value in the FOR commands below is a TAB rem character, followed by a space. If this file is edited by rem an editor which converts tabs to spaces, this procedure rem will break!!!!! rem :REGGETM %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] for /f "delims= tokens=2*" %%I in ('reg query HKLM\Software\MTPScriptContexts\%1\%2 ^|find "REG_SZ"') do call :REGGETM1 %%I "%%J" goto :EOF :REGGETU %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] for /f "delims= tokens=2*" %%I in ('reg query HKCU\Software\MTPScriptContexts\%1\%2 ^|find "REG_SZ"') do call :REGGETM1 %%I "%%J" goto :EOF :REGGETM1 set _MTPLIB_T10=%2 set _MTPLIB_T10=%_MTPLIB_T10:\\=\% set _MTPLIB_T10=%_MTPLIB_T10:"=% set %1=%_MTPLIB_T10% set RET=%_MTPLIB_T10% goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem REGDELM and REGDELU procedures rem Delete registry values rem rem Arguments: %1=reg context (usually script name) rem %2=variable to delete (def: delete entire context) rem :REGDELM %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] call :GETTEMPNAME echo y >%RET% reg delete HKLM\Software\MTPScriptContexts\%1\%2 <%RET% >nul del %RET% goto :EOF :REGDELU %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] call :GETTEMPNAME echo y >%RET% reg delete HKCU\Software\MTPScriptContexts\%1\%2 <%RET% >nul del %RET% goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem SRAND procedure rem Seed the random number generator rem rem Arguments: %1=new seed value rem :SRAND %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] set /a _MTPLIB_NEXTRAND=%1 goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem RAND procedure rem Get next random number (0 to 32767) rem rem Returns: RET=next random number rem :RAND %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] if not defined _MTPLIB_NEXTRAND set /a _MTPLIB_NEXTRAND=1 set /a _MTPLIB_NEXTRAND=_MTPLIB_NEXTRAND * 214013 + 2531011 set /a RET=_MTPLIB_NEXTRAND ^>^> 16 ^& 0x7FFF goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem RESOLVE procedure rem Fully resolve all indirect variable references in RET variable rem rem Arguments: RET=value to resolve rem rem Returns: RET=as passed in, with references resolved rem :RESOLVE %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] :RESOLVELOOP if "%RET%"=="" goto :EOF set RET1=%RET% for /f "tokens=*" %%I in ('echo %RET%') do set RET=%%I if not "%RET%"=="%RET1%" goto :RESOLVELOOP goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem GETINPUTLINE procedure rem Get a single line of keyboard input rem rem Returns: RET=Entered line rem :GETINPUTLINE %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] call :GETTEMPNAME set _MTPLIB_T1=%RET% copy con "%_MTPLIB_T1%" >nul for /f "tokens=*" %%I in ('type "%_MTPLIB_T1%"') do set RET=%%I if exist "%_MTPLIB_T1%" del "%_MTPLIB_T1%" set _MTPLIB_T1= goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem GETSYNCFILE procedure rem Get a sync file name (file will not exist) rem rem Returns: RET=Name of sync file to use rem :GETSYNCFILE %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] call :GETTEMPNAME goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem SETSYNCFILE procedure rem Flag sync event (creates the file) rem rem Arguments: %1=sync filename to flag rem :SETSYNCFILE %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] echo . >%1 goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem DELSYNCFILE procedure rem Delete sync file rem rem Arguments: %1=sync filename rem :DELSYNCFILE %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] if exist %1 del %1 goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem WAITSYNCFILE rem Wait for sync file to flag rem rem Arguments: %1=sync filename rem %2=timeout in seconds (def: 60) rem rem Returns: RET=Timeout remaining, or 0 if timeout rem :WAITSYNCFILE %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] if {%2}=={} (set /a RET=60) else (set /a RET=%2) if exist %1 goto :EOF :WAITSYNCFILELOOP sleep 1 set /a RET-=1 if %RET% GTR 0 if not exist %1 goto :WAITSYNCFILELOOP goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem GETTEMPNAME procedure rem Create a temporary file name rem rem Returns: RET=Temporary file name rem :GETTEMPNAME %TRACE% [proc %0 %*] if not defined _MTPLIB_NEXTTEMP set /a _MTPLIB_NEXTTEMP=1 if defined TEMP ( (set RET=%TEMP%) ) else if defined TMP ( (set RET=%TMP%) ) else (set RET=%SystemRoot%) :GETTEMPNAMELOOP set /a _MTPLIB_NEXTTEMP=_MTPLIB_NEXTTEMP * 214013 + 2531011 set /a _MTPLIB_T1=_MTPLIB_NEXTTEMP ^>^> 16 ^& 0x7FFF set RET=%RET%\~SH%_MTPLIB_T1%.tmp if exist "%RET%" goto :GETTEMPNAMELOOP set _MTPLIB_T1= goto :EOF rem These must be the FINAL LINES in the script... :DOSEXIT echo This script requires Windows NT rem /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////