# Localized 08/22/2013 05:11 AM (GMT) 303:4.80.0411 TestDtc.psd1 ConvertFrom-StringData @' ###PSLOC start localizing FirewallRuleEnabled="{0}: Firewall rule for {1} is enabled." FirewallRuleDisabled="{0}: Firewall rule for {1} is disabled. This computer cannot participate in network transactions." CmdletFailed="The {0} cmdlet failed. Please make sure the {1} module is installed." InvalidLocalComputer="{0} is not a valid local computer name." RPCEndpointMapper="RPC Endpoint Mapper" DtcIncomingConnection="DTC incoming connections" DtcOutgoingConnection="DTC outgoing connections" MatchingDtcNotFound="A DTC instance with VirtualServerName {0} does not exist." InboundDisabled="{0}: Inbound transactions are not allowed and this computer cannot participate in network transactions." OutboundDisabled="{0}: Outbound transactions are not allowed and this computer cannot participate in network transactions." OSVersion="{0} Operating System Version: {1}." OSQueryFailed="Failed to query operating system of {0}." VersionNotSupported="Testing DTC on Windows versions below {0} is not supported with this cmdlet." FailedToCreateCimSession="Failed to create a CIM Session to {0}." NotARemoteComputer="{0} is not a remote computer." PingingSucceeded="Pinging computer {0} from {1} succeeded." PingingFailed="Pinging computer {0} from {1} failed." SameCids="The {0} CID on {1} and {2} is the same. The CID should be unique to each computer." DiagnosticTestPrompt="This diagnostic test will attempt to carry out a transaction propagation between {0} and {1}. It requires that a TCP port is opened on {0} so that a Test Resource Manager can participate in network transactions." DefaultPortDescription="The default port is {0} and you can change it using the 'ResourceManagerPort' parameter and rerunning the test. " PortDescription="You have specified {0} as the 'ResourceManagerPort'." FirewallRequest="Please open port {0} in the firewall to proceed with the test." QueryText="Do you want to proceed with the test?" InvalidDefaultCluster="{0} is not the Virtual Server Name of the default DTC configured on this computer. You can use 'Set-DtcClusterDefault' cmdlet configure the default DTC on this computer." InvalidDefault="{0} is not the Virtual Server Name of the default DTC configured on this computer. You can use 'Set-DtcDefault' cmdlet to configure the default DTC on this computer." NeedDtcSecurityFix="DTC security settings and firewall settings should be fixed in order to complete the transactions propagation test." StartResourceManagerFailed="Test resource manager creation failed." ResourceManagerStarted="Test resource manager started." PSSessionCreated="A new PSSession to {0} created." TransactionPropagated="Transaction propagated from {0} to {1} using {2} propagation." TransactionPropagationFailed="Transaction propagation {0} to {1} failed using {2} propagation." TestRMVerboseLog="Test Resource Manager Verbose Log:" TestRMWarningLog="Test Resource Manager Warning Log:" InvalidParameters="At least one of LocalComputerName or RemoteComputerName parameters should be specified." ###PSLOC '@