MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @t.rsrc@@0H (@Xp        0 @ P ` p@jD!P)1J ;C`LhPMUI^SIO(<,xO̟ L];5aeDtH I L O* R,._0I`p||#X~ 0PowerShell Runspace 4Pipeline of Commands DPowerShell remoting protocol DPowerShell remoting transport TPowerShell remoting host proxy calls 4All remoting cmdlets 8The serialization layer ,All session layer TThe managed PowerShell plugin worker XPSWorkflow Hosting And Execution Layer $Response Time Start Stop $Open (async) $Close (Async) connect Disconnect Negotiate (On create calls \to be used when an object is constructed TTo be used when an object is disposed `To be used when an event handler is raised XTo be used when an exception is raised tTo be used when operation is just executing a method $Send (Async) (Receive (Async) Rehydration 8Serialization settings $Shutting down Error Warning Information Verbose Debug level defined by PowerShell (which is above Informational defined by system) None Connect <Execute a Remote Command \Serialize or deserialize remoting payload @PowerShell Console Startup ,Workflow Hosting 0Workflow Execution 4Workflow Persistence 0Workflow Validation $Configuration (Starting Engine (Stopping Engine ,Starting Command ,Stopping Command ,Starting Provider ,Stopping Provider 0Executing Pipeline <PowerShell Scheduled Jobs <PowerShell ISE Operation \Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational TMicrosoft-Windows-PowerShell/Analytic PMicrosoft-Windows-PowerShell/Debug PMicrosoft-Windows-PowerShell/Admin dComputer Name $null or . resolve to LocalHost LResolving to default scheme http Remote shell name resolved to default Microsoft.PowerShell X%3%n%nContext:%n%1%n%nUser Data:%n%2%n X%3%n%nContext:%n%1%n%nUser Data:%n%2%n X%3%n%nContext:%n%1%n%nUser Data:%n%2%n X%3%n%nContext:%n%1%n%nUser Data:%n%2%n Creating Scriptblock text (%1 of %2):%n%3%n%nScriptBlock ID: %4 |Started invocation of ScriptBlock ID: %1%nRunspace ID: %2 Completed invocation of ScriptBlock ID: %1%nRunspace ID: %2 X%3%n%nContext:%n%1%n%nUser Data:%n%2%n X%3%n%nContext:%n%1%n%nUser Data:%n%2%n X%3%n%nContext:%n%1%n%nUser Data:%n%2%n X%3%n%nContext:%n%1%n%nUser Data:%n%2%n Correlating activity id's. %n %t CurrentActivityId: %1 %n %t ParentActivityId: %2 Class Name = %1%nMethod Name = %2%nWorkflow GUID = %3%nMessage = %4%n%5%nActivity Name = %6%nActivity GUID = %7%nParameters = %8 hCreating Runspace object %n %t Instance Id: %1 Creating RunspacePool object %n %t InstanceId %1 %n %t MinRunspaces %2 %n %t MaxRunspaces %3 4Opening RunspacePool TModifying activity Id and correlating DRunspace state changed to %1 0Port resolved to %1 8AppName resolved to %1 @ComputerName resolved to %1 $Scheme is %1 4Test analytic message DConnection Paramters are %n Connection URI: %1 %n Resource URI: %2 %n User: %3 %n OpenTimeout: %4 %n IdleTimeout: %5 %n CancelTimeout: %6 %n AuthenticationMechanism: %7 %n Thumb Print: %8 %n MaxUriRedirectionCount: %9 %n MaxReceivedDataSizePerCommand: %10 %n MaxReceivedObjectSize: %11 TModifying activity Id and correlating |Windows PowerShell ISE has started to run script file %1. Windows PowerShell ISE has started to run a user-selected script from file %1. xWindows PowerShell ISE is stopping the current command. lWindows PowerShell ISE is resuming the debugger. lWindows PowerShell ISE is stopping the debugger. pWindows PowerShell ISE is stepping into debugging. pWindows PowerShell ISE is stepping over debugging. tWindows PowerShell ISE is stepping out of debugging. pWindows PowerShell ISE is enabling all breakpoints. tWindows PowerShell ISE is disabling all breakpoints. pWindows PowerShell ISE is removing all breakpoints. Windows PowerShell ISE is setting the breakpoint at line #: %1 of file %2. Windows PowerShell ISE is removing the breakpoint on line #: %1 of file %2. Windows PowerShell ISE is enabling the breakpoint on line #: %1 of file %2. Windows PowerShell ISE is disabling the breakpoint on line #: %1 of file %2. Windows PowerShell ISE has hit a breakpoint on line #: %1 of file %2. 0Successfully rehydrated an object. %n %t Deserialized type name: %1 %n %t Rehydrated by casting to type: %2 %n %t Rehydrated object is of type: %3 `Failed to rehydrated an object. %n %t Deserialized type name: %1 %n %t Rehydrated by casting to type: %2 %n %t Type cast exception: %3 %n %t Type cast inner exception: %4 LSerialization depth has been overriden. %n %t Serialized type name: %1 %n %t Original depth: %2 %n %t Overriden depth: %3 %n %t Current depth below top level: %4 Serialization mode has been overriden. %n %t Serialized type name: %1 %n %t Overriden mode: %2 Serialization of a script property has been skipped, because there is no runspace to use for evaluation of the property. %n %t Property name: %1 %n %t Property owner's type name: %2 %n %t Getter script: %3 Serialization of a property has been skipped, because property getter failed. %n %t Property name: %1 %n %t Property owner's type name: %2 %n %t Exception from property getter: %3 %n %t Inner exception from property getter: %4 hSerialization of an enumerable object might not be complete, because object being enumerated threw an exception. %n %t Type of object being enumerated: %1 %n %t Exception: %2 Serialization called object's ToString method which failed. %n %t Type of object: %1 %n %t Exception: %2 pMaximum depth below top level has been reached, forcing object to be serialized as strings. %n %t Object type at max depth: %1 %n %t Property name at max depth: %2 %n %t Depth: %3 HXmlException has been thrown by the deserializer (most likely indicating incorrect clixml format). %n %t Line number: %1 Line position: %2 %n %t Exception: %3 0Serialization of specified properties failed, because one of the specified properties was missing. %n %t Type of object: %1 %n %t Property name: %2 Received object with Runspace Id: %1 Command Id: %2 Destination: %3 DataType: %4 TargetInterface: %5 An unhandled exception occurred in the appdomain. %nException Type: %1 %nException Message: %2 %nException StackTrace: %3 Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id: %2. WSMan reported an error with error code: %3. %n Error message: %4 %n StackTrace: %5 An unhandled exception occurred in the appdomain. %nException Type: %1 %nException Message: %2 %nException StackTrace: %3 Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id: %2. WSMan reported an error with error code: %3. %n Error message: %4 %n StackTrace: %5 Runspace Id %1. Establishing a connection using WSMan Create Shell |Runspace Id %1. Callback received for WSMan Create Shell tRunspace Id: %1. Closing shell using WSManCloseShell xRunspace Id: %1. Callback received for WSManCloseShell |Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id: %2. Sending data of size %3 Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id: %2. Callback received for WSManSendShellInputEx Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id: %2. Placing Receive request using WSManReceiveShellOutputEx Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id: %2. Received Data of size %3. Runspace Id %1 Pipeline Id %2. Establishing a command connection using WSManRunShellCommandEx Runspace Id %1 Pipeline Id %2. Callback received for command connection Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id %2. Closing transport for command Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id %2. Callback received for command close Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id %2. Sending signal with code %3 using WSManSignalShellEx Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id %2. Callback received for WSManSignalShellEx Runspace Id: %1. Connection is getting redirected to Uri: %2 Runspace Id: %1 Pipeline Id: %2. Server is sending data of size %3 to client. DataType: %4 TargetInterface: %5 Request %1. Creating a server remote session. UserName: %2 Custome Shell Id: %3 xReporting context for request: %1 Context Reported: %1 Reporting operation complete for request: %1 %n Error Code: %2 %n Error Message: %3 %n StackTrace: %4 Shell Context %1. Request Id %2. Creating a commonad session for running a command. Shell Context %1 Command Context %2 Request Id %3. Stopping command. Shell Context %1 Command Context %2 Request Id %3. Received data from client. Shell Context %1 Command Context %2 Request Id %3. Client sent a receive request so that server can send data. Shell Context %1 Command Context %2 IsReceiveOperation %3. Got close operation request. tLoading assembly %1 for custom shell with shell Id %2 lLoading type %1 for custom shell with shell Id %2 DReceived remoting fragment. %n %t Object Id: %1 %n %t Fragment Id: %2 %n %t Start Flag: %3 %n %t End Flag: %4 %n %t Payload Length: %5 %n %t Payload Data: %6 <Sent remoting fragment. %n %t Object Id: %1 %n %t Fragment Id: %2 %n %t Start Flag: %3 %n %t End Flag: %4 %n %t Payload Length: %5 %n %t Payload Data: %6 DShutting down winrm service. LPowerShell console is starting up `PowerShell console is ready for user input Tracing ErrorRecord: %n Message: %1 %n CategoryInfo.Category: %2 %n CategoryInfo.Reason : %3 %n CategoryInfo.TargetName : %4 %n FullyQualifiedErrorId: %5 %n Exception Details: %n Message : %6 %n Stack Trace: %7 %n InnerException %8 %n Exception: %n Message: %1 %n StackTrace: %2 %n InnerException : %3 %n ,Tracing PSObject Tracing Job: %n Id: %1 %n InstanceId: %2 %n Name: %3 %n Location: %4 %n State: %5 %n Command: %6 %n <Trace Information: %n %1 Workflow plugin loaded. %n %t EndpointName: %1 %n %t User: %2 %n %t HostingMode: %3 %n %t Protocol: %4 %n %t Configuration: %n %5 Workflow execution started. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t ManagedNodes: %2 Workflow state changed. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t NewState: %2 %n %t OldState: %3 Workflow plugin has been requested for a shutdown. %n %t EndpointName: %1 lWorkflow plugin restarted. %n %t EndpointName: %1 `Workflow is resuming. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 8A quota limit that was set for the endpoint was exceeded. %n %t EndpointName: %1 %n %t ConfigName: %2 %n %t AllowedValue: %3 %n %t ValueInQuestion: %4 `Workflow has resumed. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 Workflow runspace pool was created. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t ManagedNode: %2 Activity was queued for execution. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t ActivityName: %2 Activity execution started. %n %t ActivityName: %1 %n %t ActivityTypeName: %2 Workflow is being imported from a XAML file. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t XamlFile: %2 Workflow has been imported from a XAML file. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t XamlFile: %2 Workflow could not be imported from a XAML file because of an error. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t ErrorDescription: %2 lWorkflow validation started. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 pWorkflow validation succeeded. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 Workflow validation failed with error. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 Workflow activity validated. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t ActivityDisplayName: %2 %n %t ActivityTypeName: %3 Workflow activity could not be validated. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t ActivityDisplayName: %2 %n %t ActivityTypeName: %3 Activity execution failed. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t ActivityName: %2 %n %t FailureDescription: %3 Runspace availability changed. %n %t RunspaceId: %1 %n %t Availability: %2 Runspace state changed. %n %t RunspaceId: %1 %n %t NewState: %2 %n %t OldState: %3 pWorkflow loaded for execution. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 XWorkflow unloaded. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 pWorkflow execution cancelled. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 lWorkflow execution aborted. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 |Workflow cleanup operation executed. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 Persisted workflow loaded from disk. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t Path: %2 Workflow data was deleted from disk. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t Path: %2 TStarting remove job. %n %t JobId: %1 Job state changed. %n %t JobId: %1 %n %t WorkflowId: %2 %n %t NewState: %3 %n %t OldState: %4 Job error. %n %t JobId: %1 %n %t WorkflowId: %2 %n %t ErrorDescription: %3 Job created for workflow (child job). %n %t ParentJobId: %1 %n %t ChildJobId: %2 %n %t ChildWorkflowId: %3 lParent job created for workflow. %n %t JobId: %1 All required jobs were created for workflow execution. %n %t JobId: %1 %n %t WorkflowId: %2 Child job removed for workflow. %n %t ParentJobId: %1 %n %t ChildJobId: %2 %n %t WorkflowId: %3 An error occurred while removing job. %n %t ParentJobId: %1 %n %t ChildJobId: %2 %n %t WorkflowId: %3 %n %t Error: %4 tLoading workflow for execution. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 lWorkflow execution finished. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 pCancelling workflow execution. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 Aborting workflow execution. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t Reason: %2 \Unloading workflow. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 xForced workflow shutdown started. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 xForced workflow shutdown finished. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 An error occurred while forcefully shutting down a workflow. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t ErrorDescription: %2 Persisting workflow to disk. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t PersistPath: %2 lWorkflow persisted to disk. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 pActivity execution finished. %n %t ActivityName: %1 Workflow execution error. %n %t WorkflowId: %1 %n %t ErrorDescription: %2 A new PowerShell endpoint was registered. %n %t EndpointName: %1 %n %t EndpointType: %2 %n %t RegisteredBy: %3 Endpoint configuration modified. %n %t EndpointName: %1 %n %t ModifiedBy: %2 Endpoint configuration unregistered. %n %t EndpointName: %1 %n %t UnregisteredBy: %2 Endpoint configuration disabled. %n %t EndpointName: %1 %n %t DisabledBy: %2 Endpoint configuration enabled. %n %t EndpointName: %1 %n %t EnabledBy: %2 pOut of process runspace started. %n %t Command: %1 Parameter splatting was performed during workflow execution. %n %t Parameters: %1 %n %t Computers: %2 hWorkflow engine started. %n %t EndpointName: %1 Workflow manager instantiated with %n %t CheckpointPath: %1 %n %t ConfigProviderId: %2 %n %t UserName: %3 %n %t Path: %4 BEGIN ImportWorkflowCommand::StartWorkflowApplication. Starting invocation of workflow function. Tracking Guid %1 END ImportWorkflowCommand::StartWorkflowApplication. Ending invocation of workflow function. Tracking Guid %1 BEGIN Creating new job in ImportWorkflowCommand::StartWorkflowApplication. Tracking Guid %1 END Creating new job in ImportWorkflowCommand::StartWorkflowApplication. Tracking Guid %1 END Creating new job in ImportWorkflowCommand::StartWorkflowApplication. Tracking Guid %1 : ContainerParentJob Guid %2 \BEGIN JobLogic ContainerParentJob Guid %1 XEND JobLogic ContainerParentJob Guid %1 pBEGIN WorkflowExecution ContainerParentJob Guid %1 lEND WorkflowExecution ContainerParentJob Guid %1 WorkflowJob with Guid %1 added to ContainerParentJob with Guid %2 ProxyJob with Guid %1 associated with remote ContainerParentJob with Guid %2 pBEGIN Execution of ContainerParentJob with Guid %1 lEND Execution of ContainerParentJob with Guid %1 \BEGIN Execution of Proxy Job with Guid %1 XEND Execution of Proxy Job with Guid %1 BEGIN StateChanged event handler for Proxy Job with Guid %1 |END StateChanged event handler for Proxy Job with Guid %1 BEGIN StateChanged event handler for Proxy Child Job with Guid %1 END StateChanged event handler for Proxy Child Job with Guid %1 LBEGIN Running garbage collection HEND Running garbage collection |Persistence store has reached its maximum specified size %1 @Trace Information: %n %1 %2 LScheduled Job %1 started at %2 %n lScheduled Job %1 completed at %2 with state %3 %n Scheduled Job Exception %1: %n Message: %2 %n StackTrace: %3 %n InnerException: %4 %n 0AllPublicProperties String 0SpecificProperties 8InvalidTargetInterface Session $RunspacePool PowerShell (InvalidDataType 8ExceptionAsErrorRecord 4SessionConfiguration @SessionConfigurationRequest ,SessionCapability $CloseSession 0CreateRunspacePool (SetMaxRunspaces (SetMinRunspaces DRunspacePoolOperationResponse 4RunspacePoolStateInfo ,CreatePowerShell 0AvailableRunspaces PSEventArgs HRemoteHostCallUsingRunspaceHost HRemoteRunspaceHostResponseData (PowerShellInput 0PowerShellInputEnd ,PowerShellOutput 4PowerShellErrorRecord 0PowerShellStateInfo (PowerShellDebug ,PowerShellVerbose ,PowerShellWarning 0PowerShellProgress (StopPowerShell LRemoteHostCallUsingPowerShellHost LRemotePowerShellHostResponseData DWSMAN_FLAG_NO_AUTHENTICATION 8WSMAN_FLAG_AUTH_DIGEST <WSMAN_FLAG_AUTH_NEGOTIATE 4WSMAN_FLAG_AUTH_BASIC <WSMAN_FLAG_AUTH_KERBEROS PWSMAN_FLAG_AUTH_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE 8WSMAN_FLAG_AUTH_CREDSSP Client Server Listener 4VS_VERSION_INFOC%C%?*StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation-FileDescriptionMicrosoft PowerShell Crimson log Message Dllp(FileVersion6.3.9600.17399 (winblue_r4.141010-1702)2 InternalNamePSEvents.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenamePSEvents.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.17399DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD