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All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameamcompat.tlbj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemDProductVersion12.0.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation MSFT A  d,X Lt0DP$ `` D  X%&$!&  4$!<)t @ !-D%"-4"-@`W4"-P\XU4"T.NPT !(?t0 !?h  ! @H 8  ! @ x  ! @A `xHXVUYZXVUYZ0FFCPf0 CPf0 SeͶd0XVUYZ,@^&bTeͶXVUYZXCPf0 % X0d@H`x0-stdole2.tlbWWWD L@ x, \ t @H (pp P` X  < 0 $$< Dt$ ` x , \0 0  @   h (HT$ T T .nAMovieWW8^ DActiveMovieEventsWW hStateChangeWYoldState:newState=PositionChangeWW <oldPositionW AnewPositionWXTimerWWW OpenCompleteClickWWWDblClick.aKeyDownWKeyCodeWShiftWWWMKeyUpWWWqKeyPress#KeyAscii sMouseDownWWWButtonWWoxWWWlyWWW vMouseMoveWWWMouseUpW amvLoadingWW0amvInteractiveWW 0 amvCompleteWd&ReadyStateChange ReadyStateWWd @ScriptCommandWWW4hZbstrTypebstrText, 8ҥActiveMovieW 8IActiveMovie3WWW 8IActiveMovie2WWWX 8AllowHideControlsWWW 8uDisplayModeConstants 80udamvTimeW  0amvFramesWWWX q\DisplayModeWXBAllowChangeDisplayModeWW5fAllowWWX #FilterGraphW XppFilterGraphWWWX XpFilterGraphDispatchW upDispatchWWWXZDisplayForeColor ForeColorWWWXiDisplayBackColor ރBackColorWWW8+WindowSizeConstantsW0jZamvOriginalSizeW0!amvDoubleOriginalSizeWWW0ٞamvOneSixteenthScreenWWW0f&amvOneFourthScreenWW0amvOneHalfScreenX fpMovieWindowSizeW ʗWindowSizeWWX=3FullScreenModeWWX AutoStartWWWX $AutoRewindWWXX/hWnd8AppearanceConstantsW0amvFlatW0{amv3DWWWX "*AppearanceWW .pAppearanceWL88pBorderStyleConstantsL0>amvNoneWL0amvFixedSingleWWX SBorderStyleW XpBorderStyleX۪EnabledWpEnabledXZInfo "ppInfoWW [IsSoundCardEnabledWW pbSoundCardW MediaPlayerW UppDispatchWWMicrosoft ActiveMovie ControlW'Event interface for ActiveMovie ControlWWW9Indicates that the current state of the movie has changedW<Indicates that the current position of the movie has changedWW$ActiveMovie Control's progress timerWWPReports that an asynchronous operation to open a file has completed successfullyWW8Indicates that the display mode of the movie has changedWWActiveMovie is uninitializedWWActiveMovie is loadingIActiveMovie is not fully loaded, but will permit limited user interactionW=ActiveMovie is fully loaded, permitting full user interactionWActiveMovie Readiness StateWWWKReports that the ReadyState property of the ActiveMovie Control has changedWWWActiveMovie ControlWWW-Puts the multimedia stream into Running stateW,Puts the multimedia stream into Paused stateWW-Puts the multimedia stream into Stopped stateW$Returns the width of the movie imageWW%Returns the height of the movie imageW0Returns the name of the author of the movie clipWW#Returns the title of the movie clipWWW1Returns the copyright statement of the movie clipW)Returns the description of the movie clipW$Returns the rating of the movie clipWW(Returns/sets the current multimedia fileWW7Returns the duration of the multimedia stream, if knownWWW:Returns/sets the current position of the multimedia stream9Returns/sets the number of times the movie will be playedW3Returns/sets the position where playback will beginWWW2Returns/sets the position where playback will stopMovie is not loadedWWWMovie is stoppedWWMovie is pausedWWWMovie is runningWWState of ActiveMovie ClipW+Returns the current state of the movie clipWWW.Returns/sets the rate of the multimedia stream6Returns/sets the audio volume of the multimedia stream8Returns/sets the stereo balance of the multimedia streamWW-Enables/disables the right-click context menuWShows/hides the display panelWShows/hides the control panelW5Shows/hides the position buttons in the control panelW6Shows/hides the selection buttons in the control panel0Shows/hides the tracker bar in the control panelWW:Enables/disables the position buttons in the control panel;Enables/disables the selection buttons in the control panelWWW5Enables/disables the tracker bar in the control panelW5Allows/disallows hiding the display panel at run timeW5Allows/disallows hiding the control panel at run timeWTimeWWFramesActiveMovie Display ModeWW.Returns/sets the display mode (time or frames)6Allows/disallows changing the display mode at run time%Returns/sets the current filter graphW5Returns the current filter graph's Dispatch interfaceW6Returns/sets the foreground color of the display panel6Returns/sets the background color of the display panel0 - Original sizeW1 - Double original sizeWW2 - 1/16 of screen sizeWWW3 - 1/4 of screen size4 - 1/2 of screen sizeDirect Show Video Size"Returns/sets the movie window size5Indicates whether the media clip will run full screenW?Indicates whether the Control will start playing when activatedWWWHIndicates whether the media clip will rewind automatically after playingWW(Returns the handle of the control windowWWFlatWW3DWWWWActiveMovie AppearanceReturns/sets the appearanceWWWNoneWW Fixed SingleWWActiveMovie Border StyleWWReturns/sets the border styleWEnables/disables the controlWW;Determines whether the sound card is enabled on the machineWWW*Returns the readiness state of the controlReturns the Media Player objectWWW@  @ @@@@@ @P @  @ %p@@L@@ WW8T LL`8T  4   4 4 4 0\ (<0\ (<$ L xH $t  <H (t  <H ,t  <H 0|  ,DX24tPd8p@d<8T LL`8T  4   4 4 4 0\ (<0\ (<$ L xH $t  <H (t  <H ,t  <H 0|  ,DX 44  D,8D d X0<T 2344tPd<p8p@d<p4444@@@@$8T,,\LD h, W X,TL D$  ,XLDd  5 X,( 4   4  $4  (4 ,,,LD\( ,0LD( ,4LD0 ,8LD0 ,<LD08 , @LD <0T , DLD h0 , HLD 0 , LD! , PLD 8 ,TLD8 ,XD!,\LD4(( ,`D!4,dLDp8 ,hD!p,lLD8 ,pD!,tLDLH ,xLD|8 ,|D!|,LD( ,D!,LD( ,D!,LD t ,D!  ,LD P , D!P ,!LD"p ,"D!!p ,#LD$ ,$D!# ,%LD& ,&D!% ,'LD( ,(D!' ,)LD*4H ,*D!)4 ,+LD,pH ,,D!+p ,-LD.H ,.D!- ,/LD0 ,0D!/ ,1LD2  ,2D!1 ,3LD4 X ,4D!3 P,5LD6 ` ,6D!5 ,7LD8 ` ,8D!7 ,9LD9 h ,:LD;L x ,;D!:L p,< LD= x0 ,=D!< p,>LD?P $ ,?D!>P ,@LDAt t ,A D!@t ,B$LDC t ,C(D!B ,D,LDE t ,E0D!D ,F4LDF< ( ,G8LDH ,H<D!G ,I@LDJ x ,JDD!I ,KHLDL  ,LLD!K $M@PLDM( ```  !!""#$$%%&&''(())**M`0@Td ,p@@\\,,@@TT  $$\\$ $ < < t t     < < X X p p ` ` 8Xx(T0\ 8d@lHt$P|,X4` < h  D p L x ( T  p4444@@@@8T84X 4` @@ 4 4 4 4 4 @@@@@h 8Tp84h 4p @@ 84 4 @@0 D