MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!   @@.rsrc@@0H *?~ 8Ph(@Xp;<=>0?H@`AxBCD 8Ph 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p>\!0"d'f(+-1R7Xp>LDXEGVGLQ(RRZdb"jrjklPDnPoDqs`Lwz}~hbdDZFL4MUI"/]"/g}4rH~ MUI ar-SAE_UNKNOWN_ERRORPADTDs are not allowed.[Entity references to named entities other than lt, gt, amp, apos, and quot are not allowed..Only UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings are supported.7Cannot specify the value multiple times for properties."%0 does not support %1 as content.PA+Invalid attribute value %0 for property %1.(The name already exists in the tree: %0.PAEElements in a ResourceDictionary must have x:Key or x:Name attribute.No custom resource loader set.PAE_INIT_CALLBACK2Failed to initialize the application's root visual0Invalid or malformed application: Check manifestDownload Failed1Failed to load pre-requisites for the applicationDSplash screen file needs to be on the same domain as the application$Failed to download the splash screenXAMLXNFailed to load a platform extension. Possibly corrupt or non-existent file: %0+Failed to download a platform extension: %0IFailed to load a platform extension. Possibly corrupt or invalid file: %0E_RUNTIME_INVALID_CALLE_RUNTIME_SETVALUEE_RUNTIME_METHODE_INVALID_ARGUMENT E_RUNTIME_HTML_ACCESS_RESTRICTEDAnimation target not specified.Cannot resolve TargetName %0.5Cannot resolve TargetProperty %0 on specified object.B%0 cannot be used to animate property %1 due to incompatible type.jMultiple animations in the same containing Storyboard cannot target the same property on a single element.QKeyTime property on KeyFrame object must be set to a non-negative TimeSpan value.dOperation is not valid on an active Animation or Storyboard. Root Storyboard must be stopped first.2Operation is not allowed on a non-root Storyboard.Shader file %0 not found.Invalid shader.DCannot apply a Style with TargetType '%1' to an object of type '%0'.E_RUNTIME_MANAGED_UNKNOWN_ERRORE_RUNTIME_MANAGED_ACTIVATION#E_RUNTIME_MANAGED_ASSEMBLY_DOWNLOADE_RUNTIME_MANAGED_ASSEMBLY_LOADE_PARSER_UNKNOWN_TYPEE_PARSER_BAD_TYPEPAE_PARSER_BAD_NATIVE_TYPEE_PARSER_CREATE_OBJECT_FAILEDE_PARSER_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUNDE_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_TYPEE_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUEE_PARSER_ROOT_NOT_CUSTOM E_PARSER_NAMESPACE_NOT_SUPPORTED"E_PARSER_MISSING_DEFAULT_NAMESPACEE_PARSER_INVALID_XMLNSE_PARSER_INVALID_CLASSSElements in a ResourceDictionary must not set both x:Name and x:Key, or x:Key twice+Cannot find a Resource with the Name/Key %0BElements in the same ResourceDictionary cannot have the same x:Key$E_RUNTIME_MANAGED_ASSEMBLY_NOT_FOUND!Invalid characters in Source Uri.@%0 can only be used as the first child in the template for a %1.-The property '%0' was not found in type '%1'.8The attachable property '%0' was not found in type '%1'.The type '%0' was not found.LA property element cannot be the direct content of another property element.+Cannot set properties on property elements.AThe type '%0' was not found because '%1' is an unknown namespace.!The prefix '%0' was not declared.7Parser internal error: Object writer unknown type '%0'.*Parser internal error: Object writer '%0'.(The property '%0' is set more than once.PA+Failed to create a '%1' from the text '%0'.,Items added to a dictionary must have a key.!Unknown parser error: Scanner %0.>Cannot add instance of type '%0' to a collection of type '%1'.#Unclosed quote in markup extension.)Markup extension could not provide value.5Parser internal error: Markup extension scanner '%0'.%Unexpected quote in markup extension."Expected '%0' in markup extension."Expected type in markup extension.&Expected property in markup extension.#Expected value in markup extension.>Parser internal error: Markup extension unknown token id '%0'.AOnly the first parameter on a markup extension may be positional.1Unexpected text after completed markup extension.PA=An argument was expected after the comma in markup extension.HType '%0' is used like a markup extension but is not a markup extension.'%0' is not a valid type name."Failed to assign to property '%0'.The dictionary key '%0' is already used. Key attributes are used as keys when inserting objects into a dictionary and must be unique.SThe attribute 'Class' from the XAML namespace is only accepted on the root element.VXamlReader.Load() does not accept event handlers. Setting event '%0' is not permitted.#Cannot create instance of type '%0'0Cannot add text '%0' to collection of type '%1'.7A property element cannot be at the root of a document.'No default namespace has been declared.-Cannot add content to an object of type '%0'.\Failed to assign to property '%0' because the type '%2' cannot be assigned to the type '%1'.+No matching constructor found on type '%0'.#Cannot set read-only property '%0'.!Collection property '%0' is null.UResourceDictionary keys cannot be of type '%0'. Only string or type keys are allowed.IUnable to resolve property '%1' while processing properties for Uid '%0'.ECannot deserialize XBF metadata as section '%0' has incorrect offset.-Cannot deserialize XBF metadata section '%0'.CCannot deserialize XBF metadata as the header version is incorrect.PCannot deserialize XBF metadata reference list as references cannot be resolved.OCannot deserialize XBF metadata type namespace list as '%0' cannot be resolved.RCannot deserialize XBF metadata type list as '%1' was not found in namespace '%0'.QCannot deserialize XBF metadata property list as '%1' was not found in type '%0'.ICannot deserialize XBF metadata XML namespace list as '%0' was not found.E_UNABLE_TO_PLAYE_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT E_NOT_FOUNDE_MEDIA_DISCONNECTEDInvalid ASX elementInvalid ASX attributeUnsupported ASX elementUnsupported ASX attributeASX parse errorE_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUNDE_END_OF_STREAME_INVALIDINDEXE_INVALIDSTREAMNUMBERE_NO_SAMPLE_DURATIONE_NO_SAMPLE_TIMESTAMP E_SHUTDOWNE_INVALIDMEDIATYPE E_INVALIDTYPEE_INVALID_FORMATE_UNSUPPORTED_REPRESENTATIONE_INVALIDREQUESTE_MEDIASTREAMSOURCE_FAILUREPAE_ABORT_FAILEDE_NETWORK_ERRORE_ACCESS_DENIEDE_MANAGED_EXCEPTION2Layout cycle detected. Layout could not complete.0Element is already the child of another element.XThe ItemsControl.ItemsPanelTemplate must have a derivative of Panel as the root element.@Setting the Template property on a UserControl is not supported.Cannot explicitly modify Children collection of Panel used as ItemsPanel for ItemsControl. ItemsControl generates child elements for Panel..Cycle detected in merged resource dictionariesCLocal values are not allowed in resource dictionary with Source set=This Style's hierarchy of BasedOn references contains a loop.XCan only base on a Style with target type that is base type of this style's target type."A Style cannot be based on itself.8After a Style is in use (sealed), it cannot be modified.(Must have non-null value for TargetType.,'%0' is not a valid value for property '%1'.XAMLXLMouse promotion can only be suspended on a primary TouchPoint's down action.BThe capture device you are attempting to use is already being usedThe capture device was removed Access denied to capture devicesCapture source is not stoppedCapture device is not available,TemplateBinding requires a templated parent.PABThemeDictionaries must have resources as ResourceDictionaries only=This element is enabled only when the application is running.B5F3.D5B*1',9%9'/) *-/J/ 'DCDPA>Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Frame.NavigationFailed was unhandled.*4:JD %JB'A 'D*4:JDsBindingExpression: Path='%s' DataItem='%s'; target element is '%s' (Name='%s'); target property is '%s' (type '%s')HError: Converter failed to convert value of type '%s' to type '%s'; %s. BError: Cannot get index [%u] value (type '%s') from type '%s'. %s.9Error: Failed to connect to index '%u' in object '%s'. %s<Error: Cannot get '%s' value (type '%s') from type '%s'. %s.HError: BindingExpression path error: '%s' property not found on '%s'. %s9Error: Failed to connect to index '%s' in object '%s'. %sBError: Cannot get index [%s] value (type '%s') from type '%s'. %s.8Error: Cannot save value from target back to source. %s.MError: Resource Dictionary Key can only be String-typed or Type-typed values.3The value cannot be infinite or Not a Number (NaN).USelectAll can be called only when the value of SelectionMode is Multiple or Extended.PThe value of the template's TargetType property does not match its control type.The object is immutable.EThe MinZoomFactor property cannot be set to a value smaller than 0.1.EThe MaxZoomFactor property cannot be set to a value smaller than 0.1.hGetNavigationState doesn't support serialization of a parameter type which was passed to Frame.Navigate.XThe Panel you are using for the Control is not allowed as an ItemsPanel for the Control.1Use a non-virtualizing panel for GroupStyle.PanelmSwapChainBackgroundPanel element is only allowed as the application's root visual or child of a Page element.*Cannot find a resource with the given key.0Placement target needs to be in the visual tree.EShowAttached was called on an element without an attached FlyoutBase.PNavigation failed; history does not contain any entries for backward navigation.ONavigation failed; history does not contain any entries for forward navigation.   -30 +'FJ)   +30 +'FJ)!The argument is out of the range.=Invalid URI scheme, only the file:// URI scheme is supported.6Property not supported by CommandBar on Windows Phone.AThe BackStack or ForwardStack cannot be changed while navigating.HThe BackStack or ForwardStack cannot be changed when the frame is empty.8The PageStackEntry being added belongs to another frame.   (/HF 9FH'F   (*4:JD)The TopLeftHeader, TopHeader and LeftHeader properties can only be used when the Content s HorizontalAlignment is HorizontalAlignment.Left.The TopLeftHeader, TopHeader and LeftHeader properties can only be used when the Content s VerticalAlignment is VerticalAlignment.Top.The TopLeftHeader, TopHeader and LeftHeader properties cannot be used when the Content is an OrientedVirtualizingPanel, VirtualizingStackPanel, CarouselPanel or WrapGrid instance.0Element is already the child of another element.BHub.DefaultSectionIndex must be less than the size of Hub.SectionsBindingExpression: Path='%s' DataItem='%s'; target element is '%s' (Name='%s', AutomationId='%s', AutomationName='%s', TemplatedParent.AutomationId='%s'); target property is '%s' (type '%s')PA  21  *BHJE   .'F) '.*J'1  E1(9 *-1J1 H31/PAedit hyperlinkimagelistitemlistmenumenubarmenuitem progressbar radiobutton scrollbarsliderspinner statusbartabtabitemtexttoolbartooltiptreetreeitemcustomgroupthumbdatagriddataitemdocument splitbuttonwindowpaneheader headeritemPAtabletitlebar separator semanticzoom   EA*'- *(/JD  9F51   %1 9F'51  %D:'! 3-( %1  H69 %1 (JF %2 H %3  (9/  B(D  H69 %1 %2 %3  H69 %1  *-1JC  'D*'DJ  'D3'(B*4:JD %JB'A E$B*'DHB* 'DEFB6J/%1,'9'DHB* 'DE*(BJ/*B/JE *B/E 'D*F2JD*B/E 'D*.2JF 'DE$B*(-+ C*E 'D5H* E3*HI 'D5H*  .7#  JHE   4G1   3F)   3'9)   /BJB)   A*1) datepicker timepickerPopup  %:D'B   ED! 'D4'4)  'D.1H, EF ED! 'D4'4)&  %8G'1 'DB'&E) 'D*J J*E *-/J/ 'D#5H'*   'D*C(J1   'D*5:J1appbarVertical Horizontal  'D.DA@  E1(9 'D(-+  *9DJE'* %1  Enter D%13'D '3*9D'E  ESC DE3- 'DE1(9.4  E1(9 'D(-+  Enter D%13'D '3*9D'E  ESC DE3- 'DE1(9.  -0AErrorReentrancy was detected in this XAML application. Use a debugger to locate the reentrant code and, if necessary, move that code to an asynchronous event handler. Press OK to exit the application.1The argument is out of the range of valid values.PACannot perform the operation./A non-UIElement item cannot have a null parent.dThe element either does not exist or is virtualized. Use VirtualizedItem Pattern if it is supported.Busy...,maxLength is less than -1 and not supported.`%0 property can not be set on Page element when its content is SwapChainBackgroundPanel element.]SwapChainBackgroundPanel does not support setting a swap chain with premultiplied alpha mode.iSwapChainBackgroundPanel only supports setting a swap chain created with CreateSwapChainForComposition().CSetting '%0' property is not supported on SwapChainBackgroundPanel.^Page element must be root of visual tree when its content is SwapChainBackgroundPanel element._SwapChainPanel only supports setting a swap chain created with CreateSwapChainForComposition().9Setting '%0' property is not supported on SwapChainPanel.&Invalid ManipulationModes combination.  .7#   *E 'D%,G'6  .7# AJ 'D4(C)  .7# AJ AC 'D*1EJ2  E5/1 :J1 5'D-  .7# :J1 E91HA  .7#: *E %,G'6 *4:JD 'DAJ/JH%  .7# AJ 'D4(C): *901 '3*1/'/ 'DAJ/JH!  .7# AJ 'D4(C): *901 'D*4:JD 9DI  .7#: *901 AC *1EJ2 'DAJ/JH8  .7#: FH9 EB79 'DAJ/JH :J1 E9*E/ #H E3'1 'DEDA :J1 5'D-  .7#: -/+ .7# :J1 E91HA  .7#: *E %,G'6 *4:JD 'D5H*#  .7# AJ 'D4(C): *901 '3*1/'/ 'D5H*  .7#: *901 AC *1EJ2 'D5H*5  .7#: FH9 EDA 'D5H* :J1 E9*E/ #H E3'1 'DEDA :J1 5'D-PAunexpected end of inputunrecognized encodingunable to switch the encodingunrecognized input signaturewhitespace expectedsemicolon expected '>' expectedquote expectedequal expectedwfc: no '<' in attribute valuehexadecimal digit expecteddecimal digit expected '[' expected '(' expectedillegal xml characterillegal name characterincorrect document syntaxincorrect CDATA section syntaxincorrect comment syntax$incorrect conditional section syntax$incorrect ATTLIST declaration syntax$incorrect DOCTYPE declaration syntax$incorrect ELEMENT declaration syntax#incorrect ENTITY declaration syntaxPA%incorrect NOTATION declaration syntaxNDATA expectedPUBLIC expectedSYSTEM expected name expectedone root element wfc: element type matchwfc: unique attribute spec*text/xmldecl not at the beginning of inputleading \'xml\'!incorrect text declaration syntax incorrect xml declaration syntaxincorrect encoding name syntax"incorrect public identifier syntaxwfc: pes in internal subsetwfc: pes between declarationswfc: no recursionentity content not well formedwfc: undeclared entity wfc: parsed entity"wfc: no external entity references'incorrect processing instruction syntax"incorrect system identifier syntax '?' expectedno ']]>' in element content&not all chunks of value have been readDTD was found but is prohibited illegal qualified name character!multiple colons in qualified name colon in namedeclared prefixundeclared prefixPA$non default namespace with empty uriS'xml' prefix is reserved and must have the URI)'xmlns' prefix is reserved for use by XML^xml namespace URI ( must be assigned only to prefix 'xml'Txmlns namespace URI ( is reserved and must not be usedinvalid decimalinvalid hexidecimalinvalid unicodeinvalid encodingPAXAMLXXAMLX11400XPP$Response Time Info Start Stop Information Verbose 8Microsoft-Windows-XAML 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040104B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationPFileDescriptionWindows.UI.Xaml dllr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)HInternalNameWindows.UI.Xaml.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.XOriginalFilenameWindows.UI.Xaml.dll.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING