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Try disconnecting any drives that don't contain an operating system.f f ffRf@fffRfff f3ffVfNf&ff*ff.ff>ffFff& f f2ff*w f6ff.e f:f2f gxgfPgBgfH fgfHfff f3fffFffJf>6f>:0f:f>Jf., f Bff"f fZf\ f xgff>>?f>f fff#f>ffff D'f3ff>f f>>f>ffff  gfX f fh f+f>h f+f> 6 +h Pf`ff ffff߃fPfag@gf8Lgf93f  gx #g:H fgp fQffYgfxgf@f+flgfg@ 4gfPg:J@gfrBIfQffYgxg@f3g{f`gfSgf fgrfafPgfSf gfJfAgfBf3f6Rff+f^f`g{ffafSfPfQfVfWff_f^fYf4f;ff+fff ff fffXff[fbfQfWgfC f ff+ffTfVgfs fff^fPfPgffPgfCfPgfV f ffqffZfYfBfQfV?ff^fYfNfffYfZfQfVfff^fYff_fYffXf[ff`&gf_&gfOf ffffIf &g&gfffIfaf`ff"fffffNf0f ffNfffVffNffQff fff ff>f3ff?_fSfGf&VfPf3f ffRf fVf ffZffNff f+f;fff+fZuffPf3f ffQfYf Vffffffff SffXfV,f^f f[f[fYfZf3f`fPfQf3f ffRfWSf_f  f ffZfffYf f;f+fXffPfQfXffPffQfW߃fPdf_f>RfYfXfpfaf`f&VfVUfaf`f&f6ff6*f>FfafPfSfQfJffffffgfYf[fXg{f+gfsgfVf; gff;f+g^f+g;>f9ff;!ffPgf ffffffCfXf+f+ff+f+g ff+fSfRfgffIfKf fgfKfIffZf[fSfRf+gff+g ff+fZf[ffgffIfKf fgfKfIffZf[f fQfVg>a g>zg. ff^fYfPfQff2gfXgCgf@fDf fYfYf6f fYfYf3f6gfRgfBf3f6f3fPfVfXf^f;:fVf@fPfHrfZf^fYf[fSfQfVfRfFgf@f tfYfYfYfYfYfYf3fQfPffff ff3f[fYffff3f3fffPfS#f[f_f 5ffffRfQf fff cff>f3YffYfZ&f9 &f9W1&f?/&&&fG؋%tˌ&fGfYfZf3fPfQffYQffYfX`i  a#EgܺvT2 `6 &GFf ` u[ 6 af`6 F2` u: X uf3fX f fff\  fff4 ufaf` fff` u ffWfwf fo   S fG[ff/fffffffffff3Gf3G f3G4ffG@ u > u ffWfwf fofaff3f#f3ff3f3fSff#ff#f ff#f f[èyZnܼbf`f3۸f#fTCPAfaf`g{ gfSgf %gfSgfJ(f gfB,f#f3f#2ff;f+fQfWfRffZf_fYf fTCPAf fff f3faf`f3۸f#tfTCPAiaffTCPAfff3fMBRChf|ffTCPAfBff3fMBRDhf|fǾfafRf3g{ gfSgf gfSgfB(fZf`fffhf fvfxf gff>>f>f fff#f>ffff Df3ff>f |f>>f>fffZf Rfff=?gfZ f.fh f+f>h f3g  faffaff`+& 227ž~ & h|hh|& faáicZU $8DRj|,6Ndv 2Nh(DR`z &4BTbr(<\t  @Tl~,8Hb.Jj0>T^hr| $8DRj|,6Ndv 2Nh(DR`z &4BTbr(<\t  @Tl~,8Hb.Jj0>T^hr|_wcsicmpNtQuerySystemTime~NtOpenKey`NtWriteFileRtlInitUnicodeStringNtSerializeBootLNtFsControlFileNtOpenSymbolicLinkObjectNtQuerySymbolicLinkObjectcRtlEqualUnicodeStringxwcsstrNtQueryDirectoryObjectNtCreateFileRtlPrefixUnicodeStringNtClosewNtOpenDirectoryObjectLdrSetMUICacheTypeNtQueryValueKey{NtOpenFileBNtTerminateProcessRtlCaptureContext3RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter_aullshrntdll.dll%isspace6RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiStringRtlAllocateHeapRtlFreeAnsiStringkRtlNormalizeProcessParamsNtQueryInformationFile.NtDeviceIoControlFileNtQueryVolumeInformationFile|wcstoul _wcstoui64NtReadFileRtlRaiseStatus9memmoveRtlQueryRegistryValuesEx.NtSetThreadExecutionStateRtlRandomExNtQueryPerformanceCounter_vsnprintf_vsnwprintfbRtlMultiByteToUnicodeNyRtlOemToUnicodeN<RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN>RtlUnicodeToOemNwwcsspn_wtol_wtoi64 _wcsupr_wcslwriwcschr#NtDelayExecutionNtQuerySystemInformation RtlSizeHeapRtlFreeHeap0NtDisplayString[swprintf_sNtCreateEventYNtWaitForMultipleObjectsNtCancelIoFile=qsort#isprint1NtDrawTextBRtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_URtlFreeUnicodeStringNtOpenProcessTokenNtAdjustPrivilegesToken7NtShutdownSystemmRtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_UNtSetInformationFile]RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptorRtlGetVersion"RtlTimeToTimeFieldsVerSetConditionMaskcRtlVerifyVersionInfoqwcsncmpRtlFindMessageRtlInitAnsiStringExRtlAnsiStringToUnicodeStringRtlFormatMessagevRtlWriteRegistryValueRtlComputeCrc32!DbgPrintRtlCrc64MRtlUpcaseUnicodeStringRtlSystemTimeToLocalTimeFRtlLengthRequiredSidRtlInitializeSidRtlSubAuthoritySidHRtlLengthSidRtlCopySidRtlAddAceRtlCreateAclRtlQueryInformationAclRtlCreateSecurityDescriptorRtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptorRtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptorhRtlNewSecurityObject^RtlValidSecurityDescriptorGRtlLengthSecurityDescriptorRtlAddAccessAllowedAceRtlInitializeGenericTableRtlInsertElementGenericTableRtlInitializeBitMapRtlSetBitsXRtlLookupElementGenericTableRtlClearBitsRtlFindSetBits%RtlDeleteElementGenericTable[RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplayingtRtlNumberOfSetBits"DbgPrintEx@NtFlushBuffersFile_alldiv_allmul_allrem_allshl_aulldiv_aulldvrm_chkstk6memcmp7memcpy;memsetKRtlUnwind00 H`x      H0 @MUI Auto Check Utility n,?8Lv7NLPhQQPRRSUVWdXX DZ$m&.r0M,vT  Hpsu{\`bb,dg(#9#<#=#?#G#'', '!' **++..22\66H+::7::T8:: <::p=)<*<?>>p@hBlBBrBtB|E!N!N F4N8N8F>NDNGHNHNGRNVNLQR%R`R:RER\UU<_VV_V)VT`,V0Ve2V3V\6VHVH Z Z\ZZȍZ$Z0'Z=ZFZKZܙ]]e fȞ fyf$xiiij j jH"jj`mim`kmlm`nmm@mmDToao oo0u2uDuuuu< uuuuvv+vv+'w2w-8wNw0@Vw\w R`wwXTy-yx {{ܮ{{X {6{pp{u{<{{{|.|0|8|?|||' N' NT N N"N N0u NCu Nx? NJ Nl N NX N NI NJ ND N N" N0 Np2 N N  N NXConvert lost chains to files (Y/N)? %0 LUnrecoverable error in folder %1. LConvert folder to file (Y/N)? %0 D %1 bytes total disk space. <%1 bytes in bad sectors. D%1 bytes in %2 hidden files. 8%1 bytes in %2 folders. 4%1 bytes in %2 files. H%1 bytes in %2 recovered files. L%1 bytes in %2 recoverable files. @%1 bytes available on disk. 8%1 total bytes memory. (%1 bytes free. xWindows cannot check a disk attached through a network. Windows cannot check a disk that is substituted or assigned using the SUBST or ASSIGN command. The specified disk appears to be a non-Windows XP disk. Updating FAT media type. An error occurred while reading the file allocation table (FAT %1). Folder %1. T%1 contains %2 non-contiguous blocks. PAll specified files are contiguous. Windows found errors on the disk, but will not fix them because disk checking was run without the /F (fix) parameter.  The file allocation table (FAT) on disk %1 is corrupted. %1 first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated. \File and folder verification is complete. PThe volume is too large to convert. The volume may have inconsistencies. Run Chkdsk, the disk checking utility.  An allocation error occurred. The file size will be adjusted. l Cannot recover .. entry, processing continued. X Folder is totally empty, no . or .. 4 Folder is joined. @ Cannot recover .. entry. XThe %1 entry contains a nonvalid link.  Windows has found an entry that contains a nonvalid attribute. XThe size of the %1 entry is not valid. \%1 is cross-linked on allocation unit %2.  Windows cannot find the %1 folder. Disk check cannot continue past this point in the folder structure.  The folder structure past this point cannot be processed. P%1 bytes of free disk space added. `%1 bytes of free disk space would be added. 8Volume %1 created %2 %3 P%1 total allocation units on disk. L%1 bytes in each allocation unit. `Disk checking is not available on disk %1. PA nonvalid parameter was specified. LThe specified path was not found. @The %1 file was not found. t %1 lost allocation units were found in %2 chains.  x The CHDIR command cannot switch to the root folder.  A disk error occurred during writing of the file allocation table. %1. %1 | The root folder on this volume is full. To perform a disk check, Windows requires space in the root folder. Remove some files from this folder, then run disk checking again. %1 %2 %3. %1 %2, %3. %1%2%3%4%5. %1%2%3%4. X%1 available allocation units on disk. Windows disk checking cannot fix errors (/F) when run from an MS-DOS window. Try again from the Windows XP shell or command prompt. HAn unspecified error occurred. <This never gets printed. dChecks a disk and displays a status report. CHKDSK [volume[[path]filename]]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/I] [/C] [/L[:size]] [/B] [/scan] [/spotfix]  volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name.  filename FAT/FAT32 only: Specifies the files to check for fragmentation. h /F Fixes errors on the disk. d /V On FAT/FAT32: Displays the full path and name of every file on the disk. On NTFS: Displays cleanup messages if any. /R Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information (implies /F, when /scan not specified). /L:size NTFS only: Changes the log file size to the specified number of kilobytes. If size is not specified, displays current size. /X Forces the volume to dismount first if necessary. All opened handles to the volume would then be invalid (implies /F). /I NTFS only: Performs a less vigorous check of index entries. /C NTFS only: Skips checking of cycles within the folder structure. /B NTFS only: Re-evaluates bad clusters on the volume (implies /R) /scan NTFS only: Runs a online scan on the volume /forceofflinefix NTFS only: (Must be used with "/scan") Bypass all online repair; all defects found are queued for offline repair (i.e. "chkdsk /spotfix"). /perf NTFS only: (Must be used with "/scan") Uses more system resources to complete a scan as fast as possible. This may have a negative performance impact on other tasks running on the system. /spotfix NTFS only: Runs spot fixing on the volume /sdcleanup NTFS only: Garbage collect unneeded security descriptor data (implies /F). /offlinescanandfix Runs an offline scan and fix on the volume. The /I or /C switch reduces the amount of time required to run Chkdsk by skipping certain checks of the volume. To check the current disk, type CHKDSK with no parameters. Windows cannot run disk checking on CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives. H Checking file system on %1 4The volume is clean. \Removing trailing folder entries from %1 tWindows replaced bad clusters in file %1 of name %2. The disk does not have enough space to replace bad clusters detected in file %1 of name %2. PWindows is verifying free space... TFree space verification is complete. \Windows is verifying files and folders... XWindows cannot upgrade this FAT volume. The specified volume name does not have a mount point or drive letter. 4The volume is dirty. Autochk cannot run due to an error caused by a recently installed software package. Use the system restore feature from the control panel to restore the system to a point prior to the recent software package installation. XAn unspecified error occurred (%1 %2). /SDCLEANUP can not be specified with /r, /b, /i, or /c options. X/PERF can be specified only with /SCAN. p/FORCEOFFLINEFIX can be specified only with /SCAN. Do you want to schedule Windows to check your disk the next time you start your computer? (Y/N) %0 Windows will check your disk the next time you start your computer.  Windows has finished checking your disk. Please wait while your computer restarts. hRemoving nonvalid long folder entry from %1... 0Now checking %1... \Removing orphaned long folder entry %1... \The log file size must be greater than 0. pWindows can set log file size on NTFS volumes only. pThe drive, the path, or the file name is not valid. 0%1 KB in %2 files. 4%1 KB in %2 folders. <%1 KB in %2 hidden files. H%1 KB in %2 recoverable files. D%1 KB in %2 recovered files. To skip disk checking, press any key within %1 second(s). %r%0 Disk checking has been cancelled. %b Windows will now check the disk. %b H%1 KB of free disk space added. \%1 KB of free disk space would be added. dThe /I option functions only on NTFS volumes. dThe /C option functions only on NTFS volumes. XWindows has finished checking the disk.  One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue. P A disk check has been scheduled. Windows was unable to determine if the specified volume is a system volume.  Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems. No further action is required.  Windows has made corrections to the file system. No further action is required.  Windows has checked the file system and found problems. Run CHKDSK with the /F (fix) option to correct these.  Windows found problems with the file system that could not be corrected. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL VERSION OF CHKDSK. PLEASE USE IT ACCORDING TO THE GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS. The /I and /I:passes cannot be specified at the same time. tThe number of passes specified through /I is invalid. Windows cannot run disk checking on this volume because it is write protected. Windows cannot run disk checking on more than one volume of the same file system. To do so, please run CHKDSK from the command line. LError in writing the output log. Windows supports re-evaluating bad clusters on NTFS volumes only. lRemoving %1 clusters from the Bad Clusters File. Windows failed to remove clusters from the Bad Clusters File. Windows failed to remove clusters from the Bad Clusters File. Windows has fixed all previously identified issues with this drive. No further action is required. Windows could not fix all issues with this drive. Please run chkdsk /f to find and fix all problems with this drive. Windows has checked the file system and found problems. Please run chkdsk /scan to find the problems and queue them for repair. To skip disk checking, press any key within %1 second(s). %r%0 \%1 percent completed. %r%0 `Format complete. %b DInsert new disk for drive %1 @Reinsert disk for drive %1: \%1 percent completed.%2 %r%0 4Error in IOCTL call. TCannot open volume for direct access. `Error writing File Allocation Table (FAT). 4Error writing folder. HCannot format a network drive. <Parameters not supported. dInvalid media or Track 0 bad - disk unusable. <Error reading folder %1. Land press ENTER when ready... %0 `Enter current volume label for drive %1 %0 \Parameters incompatible with fixed disk. HError reading partition table. PParameters not supported by drive.   PInsert Windows XP disk in drive %1:  WARNING, ALL DATA ON NON-REMOVABLE DISK DRIVE %1 WILL BE LOST! Proceed with Format (Y/N)? %0 @ Format another (Y/N)? %0 HError writing partition table. @Parameters not compatible. X%1 allocation units available on disk. P %1 bytes in each allocation unit. DSame parameter entered twice. TMust enter both /t and /n parameters. Trying to recover allocation unit %1. %0 lVolume label is not supported with /8 parameter. 4Insufficient memory. H QuickFormat another (Y/N)? %0 Invalid existing format. This disk cannot be QuickFormatted. Proceed with unconditional format (Y/N)? %0 ,Formatting %1 KB ,Formatting %1 MB ,Formatting %1.%2M (Verifying %1 KB (Verifying %1 MB ,Verifying %1.%2M DSaving UNFORMAT information. HChecking existing disk format. 4QuickFormatting %1 KB 4QuickFormatting %1 MB 8QuickFormatting %1.%2M XFormats a disk for use with Windows. HFORMAT volume [/FS:file-system] [/V:label] [/Q] [/L] [/A:size] [/C] [/I:state] [/X] [/P:passes] [/S:state] FORMAT volume [/V:label] [/Q] [/F:size] [/P:passes] FORMAT volume [/V:label] [/Q] [/T:tracks /N:sectors] [/P:passes] \FORMAT volume [/V:label] [/Q] [/P:passes] FORMAT volume [/Q] volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. /FS:filesystem Specifies the type of the file system (FAT, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, UDF). d /V:label Specifies the volume label.  /Q Performs a quick format. Note that this switch overrides /P.  /C NTFS only: Files created on the new volume will be compressed by default.   /A:size Overrides the default allocation unit size. Default settings are strongly recommended for general use. NTFS supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K. FAT supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K, (128K, 256K for sector size > 512 bytes). FAT32 supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K, (128K, 256K for sector size > 512 bytes). exFAT supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M, 32M. Note that the FAT and FAT32 files systems impose the following restrictions on the number of clusters on a volume: FAT: Number of clusters <= 65526 FAT32: 65526 < Number of clusters < 4177918 Format will immediately stop processing if it decides that the above requirements cannot be met using the specified cluster size. NTFS compression is not supported for allocation unit sizes above 4096. /F:size Specifies the size of the floppy disk to format (1.44)  180, 320, 360, 640, 720, 1.2, 1.23, 1.44, 2.88, or 20.8). tAn incorrect volume label was entered for this drive.  /T:tracks Specifies the number of tracks per disk side.  /N:sectors Specifies the number of sectors per track. | /1 Formats a single side of a floppy disk.  /4 Formats a 5.25-inch 360K floppy disk in a high-density drive. p /8 Formats eight sectors per track. 0 /X Forces the volume to dismount first if necessary. All opened handles to the volume would no longer be valid. DCannot format a CD-ROM drive. HCannot format a RAM DISK drive. Please use the /FS switch to specify the file system you wish to use on this volume. (Format failed. hCannot format. This volume is write protected.  WARNING! The %1 file system is not enabled. Would you like to enable it (Y/N)? %0  The file system will be enabled when you restart the system. X FORMAT cannot enable the file system. xThe volume is too small for the specified file system. LCreating file system structures. %1 FORMAT does not support user selected allocation unit sizes. 0The device is busy. |The specified format cannot be mastered on 2.88MB drives. pFORMAT does not support the HPFS file system type. \Allocation unit size changed to %1 bytes. xAllocation unit size must be less than or equal to 64K. PNumber of clusters exceeds 32 bits. xCannot determine the number of sectors on this volume. %1 bad sectors were encountered during the format. These sectors cannot be guaranteed to have been cleaned.  /P:count Zero every sector on the volume. After that, the volume will be overwritten "count" times using a different random number each time. If "count" is zero, no additional overwrites are made after zeroing every sector. This switch is ignored when /Q is specified. DThe cluster size is illegal. xThe volume is too small for the requested cluster size. Cannot format with the allocation size %1. The default allocation size for the medium is %2.  /I:state ReFS only: Specifies whether integrity should be enabled on the new volume. "state" is either "enable" or "disable" Integrity is enabled on storage that supports data redundancy by default. <QuickFormatting %1 Bytes 4QuickFormatting %1 GB 4QuickFormatting %1 TB 4QuickFormatting %1 PB 4QuickFormatting %1 EB 0Formatting %1 Bytes ,Formatting %1 GB ,Formatting %1 TB ,Formatting %1 PB ,Formatting %1 EB 0Verifying %1 Bytes (Verifying %1 GB (Verifying %1 TB (Verifying %1 PB (Verifying %1 EB FORMAT volume [/Q] volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. /FS:filesystem Specifies the type of the file system (FAT, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, UDF, ReFS). \  /A:size Overrides the default allocation unit size. Default settings are strongly recommended for general use. ReFS supports 64K. NTFS supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K. FAT supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K, (128K, 256K for sector size > 512 bytes). FAT32 supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K, (128K, 256K for sector size > 512 bytes). exFAT supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M, 32M. Note that the FAT and FAT32 files systems impose the following restrictions on the number of clusters on a volume: FAT: Number of clusters <= 65526 FAT32: 65526 < Number of clusters < 4177918 Format will immediately stop processing if it decides that the above requirements cannot be met using the specified cluster size. NTFS compression is not supported for allocation unit sizes above 4096. /F:size Specifies the size of the floppy disk to format (1.44)  Preinstallation completed successfully. Press any key to shut down/reboot.  Convert will take some time to process the files on the volume. When this phase of conversion is complete, the computer will restart. @%1 bits in each FAT entry. xWARNING! The cluster size chosen by the system is %1 bytes which differs from the specified cluster size. Proceed with Format using the cluster size chosen by the system (Y/N)? %0 WARNING! The cluster size chosen by the system is %1 bytes which differs from the specified cluster size. dThe specified cluster size is too big for %1. DThe volume is too big for %1. HThe volume is too small for %1. PFailed to write to the root folder. XFailed to initialize the volume label. hInitializing the File Allocation Table (FAT)... XWARNING! The cluster size for this volume, 64K bytes, may cause application compatibility problems, particularly with setup applications. The volume must be less than 2048 MB in size to change this if the default cluster size is being used. Proceed with Format using a 64K cluster (Y/N)? %0 WARNING! The cluster size for this volume, 64K bytes, may cause application compatibility problems, particularly with setup applications. The volume must be less than 2048 MB in size to change this if the default cluster size is being used. dEnvironmental variable FORMAT_SECTORS error.  Format cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Format may run if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPENED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID. Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y/N) %0 HThere is no media in the drive. The given volume name does not have a mount point or drive letter. DInvalid drive specification. The given volume name does not have a mount point or drive letter. The specified cluster size is too small. The minimum valid cluster size value for this drive is %1. xFloppy disk is too small to hold the FAT32 file system. lNTFS file system is not supported on this device. hThe specified cluster size is too small for %1. TSet number of sectors on drive to %1. d /R:revision UDF only: Forces the format to a specific UDF version (1.02, 1.50, 2.00, 2.01, 2.50). The default revision is 2.01. This device cannot be formatted in quick mode. Proceed with unconditional format (Y/N)? %0 pCommunication failure with device. Format failed. DFormat failed due to timeout. This device cannot be formatted in quick mode. An unconditional format will be performed. This device requires proprietary format utility from manufacturer. WARNING! This device may not work properly if /A option is specified. Proceed (Y/N)? %0 WARNING! This device may not work properly since /A option is specified. XUnable to create the MEMSTICK.IND file. pFAT32 file system is not supported on this device. `This device does not support the /F option. lSystem Partition is not allowed to be formatted. dNTFS file system is not supported on this device optimized for removal. To change the way this device is optimized, select the Policies tab in the device's property sheet. tThe specified cluster size is invalid. Format failed. 0This disk can be QuickFormatted and does not need a unconditional format which can take a long time. Proceed with quick format instead (Y/N)? %0 8Blanking media ... HPerforming low level format ... \Windows cannot format this type of media. xFAT/FAT32 file system is not supported on this device. Floppy disks cannot be formatted with the UDF file system.  /D UDF 2.50 only: Metadata will be duplicated. The media cannot be formatted with the specified UDF version. UDF does not allow metadata duplication on UDF versions lower than 2.50 UDF does not allow metadata duplication on media that does not support writes in place. Floppy disks cannot be formatted with the eXFAT file system. Optical media cannot be formatted with the eXFAT file system. LThe API %1 failed with error %2. hThe API %1 processed the wrong number of bytes. PHeap allocation of %1 bytes failed. 0Unrecognized media. %1 A low-level format on this media may take a long time. The drive won't be usable during this period and it is recommended not to shutdown the machine until format is complete. Proceed with low level format (Y/N)? %0 Cluster size must be a multiplication of the physical sector size (%1 bytes). A hardware error occurred while formatting this disc. You can try again with a different disc, but if this problem persists, using the Live File System on this drive is not recommended. The Mastered option should be used instead. tThe "/s:" option accepts only "enable" or "disable".  /S:state Specifies support for short filenames (enable, disable) t Short names are enabled by default t Short names are disabled by default The "/R:" and "/D" options are only supported on the UDF file system. lReFS file system is not supported on this device. X /L NTFS Only: Use large size file records. By default, the volume will be formatted with small size file records. tThe "/I:" option accepts only "enable" or "disable".  /TrNH NTFS and ReFS Only: For volumes with tiered storage, causes Heat gathering to be disabled. pCannot lock the drive. The volume is still in use. <Cannot read boot sector. DVolume Serial Number is %1-%2 lVolume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)? %0 PInvalid characters in volume label pThere are no readable file allocation tables (FAT). lSome file allocation tables (FAT) are unreadable. <Cannot write boot sector. pSome file allocation tables (FAT) are unwriteable. <Insufficient disk space. 8%1 KB total disk space. 4%1 KB are available. HDisk not formatted or not FAT. DRequired parameter missing - PThe type of the file system is %1. @The new file system is %1. XAn error occurred while running Format. P%1 is not available for %2 drives. \Cannot determine file system of drive %1. @Cannot dismount the drive. @%1 is not a complete name. Yes No 8Disk is not formatted. HSpecified drive does not exist. 8Invalid parameter - %1 (Out of memory. 0Access denied - %1 Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode. @Cannot lock current drive. 4Invalid volume label The disk is too large to format for the specified file system. lVolume label (32 characters, ENTER for none)? %0 \ Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N) %0  Chkdsk could not schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts.  This volume will be checked the next time the system restarts. TCompression is not available for %1. \Cannot enable compression for the volume. Compression is not supported on volumes with clusters larger than 4096 bytes. <Cannot unlock the drive.  Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Chkdsk may run if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPENED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID. Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y/N) %0 Volume dismounted. All opened handles to this volume are now invalid.  Chkdsk cannot dismount the volume because it is a system drive or there is an active paging file on it. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N) %0 8%1 MB total disk space. 4%1 MB are available. The volume is in use by another process. Chkdsk might report errors when no corruption is present. 8The device is offline. lThe target of the symbolic link %1 does not exist lThe target volume does not support symbolic links The media being formatted has been removed or has become invalid. Format aborted. LUDF version %1 is not supported. BitLocker encryption on the volume could not be removed. Format aborted. BitLocker encryption and the encrypted data on the volume has been removed. You may enable BitLocker again after formatting is complete. Label too big -- volume labels must be 32 or fewer characters. 8%1 GB total disk space. 4%1 GB are available. 8%1 TB total disk space. 4%1 TB are available. 8%1 PB total disk space. 4%1 PB are available. 8%1 EB total disk space. 4%1 EB are available. @%1 bytes total disk space. 8%1 bytes are available. xShort file name enable/disable is not available for %1. PIntegrity is not available for %1. XCannot enable integrity for the volume. lErrors in file allocation table (FAT) corrected. tExtended attribute file has handle. Handle removed. Extended attribute file contains no extended attributes. File deleted. 8Erasing invalid label. L%1 bytes in extended attributes. Unreadable extended attribute header. Cannot check extended attribute log. Extended attribute log is unintelligible. Ignore log and continue? (Y/N) %0 Unused, unreadable, or unwriteable portion of extended attribute file removed. Total size entry for extended attribute set at cluster %1 corrected. Need count entry for extended attribute set at cluster %1 corrected. Extended attribute file is unsorted. Sorting extended attribute file. Insufficient space in extended attribute file for its header. Attempting to allocate more disk space. Insufficient disk space to correct disk error. Please free some disk space and run CHKDSK again. |Bad clusters in extended attribute file header relocated. pErrors in extended attribute file header corrected. tMore than one dot entry in folder %1. Entry removed. hDot entry found in root folder. Entry removed. pDot-dot entry found in root folder. Entry removed. Dot entry in folder %1 has incorrect link. Link corrected. Dot-dot entry in folder %1 has incorrect link. Link corrected. tMore than one %1 entry in folder %2. Entry removed. Folder %1 causes cycle in folder structure. Folder entry removed. Folder %1 has bad clusters. Bad clusters removed from folder. |Folder %1 is entirely unreadable. Folder entry removed. %1 ,Folder truncated. HCross link resolved by copying. Insufficient disk space to copy cross-linked portion. File being truncated. \%1 Invalid name. Folder entry removed. 8%1 Invalid time stamp. P%1 Folder has non-zero file size. `%1 Unrecognized extended attribute handle. %1 Has handle extended attribute set belonging to another file. Handle removed. Unused extended attribute set with handle %1 deleted from extended attribute file. Extended attribute set with handle %1 owner changed from %2 to %3. lBad links in lost chain at cluster %1 corrected. |Lost chain cross-linked at cluster %1. Orphan truncated. dInsufficient disk space to recover lost data. dInsufficient disk space to recover lost data. LError in extended attribute log. P%1 Errors in . and/or .. corrected. More than one %1 entry in folder %2. Renamed to %3 but still could not resolve the name conflict. tMore than one %1 entry in folder %2. Renamed to %3. X%1 may be an invalid name in folder %2. HCorrected name %1 in folder %2. 0Invalid media byte. DRepaired extended attributes. 0Bad sectors found. Detected minor inconsistencies on the drive. This is not a corruption. hCleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive. Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk. LABEL [drive:][label] LABEL [/MP] [volume] [label] drive: Specifies the drive letter of a drive. label Specifies the label of the volume. /MP Specifies that the volume should be treated as a mount point or volume name. volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. If volume name is specified, the /MP flag is unnecessary. HVolume in drive %1 has no label <Volume in drive %1 is %2 X Delete current volume label (Y/N)? %0 Cannot change label on this volume. The request is not supported. DInvalid drive specification. The given volume name does not have a mount point or drive letter. tCannot change label. This volume is write protected. Volume label cannot be added because the root directory on this volume is full. HVolume label change cancelled. 0File not found - %1 0Path not found - %1 HParameter format not correct - HNot resetting system file - %1 HNot resetting hidden file - %1 Displays or changes file attributes. ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A ] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [+I | -I] [drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D] [/L]] + Sets an attribute. - Clears an attribute. R Read-only file attribute. A Archive file attribute. S System file attribute. H Hidden file attribute. I Not content indexed file attribute. X No scrub file attribute. V Integrity attribute. [drive:][path][filename] Specifies a file or files for attrib to process. /S Processes matching files in the current folder and all subfolders. /D Processes folders as well. /L Work on the attributes of the Symbolic Link versus the target of the Symbolic Link 0Invalid switch - %1 0Access denied - %1 HUnable to change attribute - %1 hThe /D switch is only valid with the /S switch.  Do not specify filename(s) Command Format: DISKCOPY [drive1: [drive2:]] [/1] [/V]  Invalid drive specification. The specified drive does not exist or is non-removable. d Cannot DISKCOPY to or from a network drive @ Formatting while copying L Insert SOURCE disk in drive %1 L Insert TARGET disk in drive %1 Make sure a disk is inserted into the drive and the drive door is closed P The target disk may be unusable. H The target disk is unusable. H Copy another disk (Y/N)? %0 t Copying %1 tracks %2 sectors per track, %3 side(s) t The drive types or disk types are not compatible. | Unrecoverable read error on drive %1 side %2, track %3  Unrecoverable write error on drive %1 side %2, track %3 4 Copy process ended P SOURCE disk bad or incompatible. P TARGET disk bad or incompatible. tCopies the contents of one floppy disk to another. PDISKCOPY [drive1: [drive2:]] [/V]  /V Verifies that the information is copied correctly. The two floppy disks must be the same type. You may specify the same drive for drive1 and drive2.  Insert SOURCE disk in drive %1 Insert TARGET disk in drive %2 4Unrecognized format. \Only an administrator can copy this disk. `Cannot copy disk larger than %1 megabytes. Unrecognized media. Please insert the correct media into drive %1. There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive %1. The disk in drive %1 is write-protected. Please use a writeable disk. Do not specify filename(s) Command format: DISKCOMP [drive1: [drive2:]] [/1] [/8]  Invalid drive specification. The specified drive does not exist or is non-removable. H Insert FIRST disk in drive %1 L Insert SECOND disk in drive %1 P FIRST disk is bad or incompatible T SECOND disk is bad or incompatible L Compare another disk (Y/N) ? %0 x Comparing %1 tracks %2 sectors per track, %3 side(s) p The drive types or disk types are not compatible. | Unrecoverable read error on drive %1 side %2, track %3 T Compare error on side %1, track %2 Make sure a disk is inserted into the drive and the drive door is closed. < Compare process ended. $ Compare OK  dCompares the contents of two floppy disks. HDISKCOMP [drive1: [drive2:]] 4Invalid switch - /%1 ,Invalid path - %1 8No subfolders exist %1 0Folder PATH listing LFolder PATH listing for volume %1 DVolume serial number is %1-%2 LVolume serial number is %1 %2:%3 Graphically displays the folder structure of a drive or path. TREE [drive:][path] [/F] [/A] /F Display the names of the files in each folder. /A Use ASCII instead of extended characters. LParameter format not correct - %1 <Too many parameters - %1 @Invalid drive specification 0Not enough memory. FIND: %0 PFIND: Incorrect Windows XP version 4FIND: Invalid switch PFIND: Parameter format not correct Searches for a text string in a file or files. FIND [/V] [/C] [/N] [/I] [/OFF[LINE]] "string" [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]] /V Displays all lines NOT containing the specified string. /C Displays only the count of lines containing the string. /N Displays line numbers with the displayed lines. /I Ignores the case of characters when searching for the string. /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set. "string" Specifies the text string to find. [drive:][path]filename Specifies a file or files to search. If a path is not specified, FIND searches the text typed at the prompt or piped from another command. LFIND: Required parameter missing 0File not found - %1 %1 0 ---------- %1: %2 ( ---------- %1 %1 [%1]%2 0Insufficient memory 0Unable to read file Files with offline attribute were skipped. Use /OFFLINE for not skipping such files. 0 Compares two files or sets of files and displays the differences between them FC [/A] [/C] [/L] [/LBn] [/N] [/OFF[LINE]] [/T] [/U] [/W] [/nnnn] [drive1:][path1]filename1 [drive2:][path2]filename2 FC /B [drive1:][path1]filename1 [drive2:][path2]filename2 /A Displays only first and last lines for each set of differences. /B Performs a binary comparison. /C Disregards the case of letters. /L Compares files as ASCII text. /LBn Sets the maximum consecutive mismatches to the specified number of lines. /N Displays the line numbers on an ASCII comparison. /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set. /T Does not expand tabs to spaces. /U Compare files as UNICODE text files. /W Compresses white space (tabs and spaces) for comparison. /nnnn Specifies the number of consecutive lines that must match after a mismatch. [drive1:][path1]filename1 Specifies the first file or set of files to compare. [drive2:][path2]filename2 Specifies the second file or set of files to compare. @FC: Incompatible Switches 4FC: Invalid Switch lFC: Insufficient number of file specifications <Comparing files %1 and %2 dFC: cannot open %1 - No such file or folder %1 %2 Could not expand second file name so as to match first LFC: no differences encountered <Comparing files %1 and %2 <File(s) not found : %1 %1 %1: %2 ***** %1 ***** <FC: %1 longer than %2 \Resync Failed. Files are too different. FC: Unable to open %1. File unavailable for read access. PFC: Incorrect Windows XP Version ...  ... %1: %2 %3 ,FC: Out of memory Files with offline attribute were skipped. Use /OFFLINE for not skipping such files. Compares the contents of two files or sets of files. COMP [data1] [data2] [/D] [/A] [/L] [/N=number] [/C] [/OFF[LINE]] data1 Specifies location and name(s) of first file(s) to compare. data2 Specifies location and name(s) of second files to compare. /D Displays differences in decimal format. /A Displays differences in ASCII characters. /L Displays line numbers for differences. /N=number Compares only the first specified number of lines in each file. /C Disregards case of ASCII letters when comparing files. /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set. To compare sets of files, use wildcards in data1 and data2 parameters. 0Files compare OK 8No memory available. @Can't find/open file: %1 4Can't read file: %1 <Bad command line syntax @Bad numeric argument: %1 hCompare error at %1 %2 file1 = %3 file2 = %4 LName of first file to compare: %0 PName of second file to compare: %0 Option: %0 8Comparing %1 and %2... DFiles are different sizes. HFormat for /n switch is /n=XXXX DCompare more files (Y/N) ? %0 %1 %2 Could not expand second file name so as to match first L10 mismatches - ending compare HIncorrect Windows XP version <Unexpected end of file 4Invalid switch - %1 @ File1 only has %1 lines @ File2 only has %1 lines *.*%0 OFFSET%0 LINE%0 Files with offline attribute were skipped. Use /OFFLINE for not skipping such files. , File not found d Cannot RECOVER an ASSIGNed or SUBSTed drive D Invalid drive or file name L Cannot RECOVER a network drive 8 %1 file(s) recovered. @ %1 of %2 bytes recovered. | Press ENTER to begin recovery of the file on drive %1 h Cannot read the file allocation table (FAT). h Cannot write the file allocation table (FAT).  Recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk. HRECOVER [drive:][path]filename ,RECOVER drive: Consult the online Command Reference in Windows Help before using the RECOVER command. $Write error. @Internal consistency error. Read error. RECOVER on an entire volume is no longer supported. To get equivalent functionality use CHKDSK. NTFS RECOVER has detected that the volume is corrupt. Run CHKDSK /f to fix it. NTFS Recover could not write elementary disk structures. The volume may be corrupt; run CHKDSK /f to fix it. Files on this volume cannot be recovered with this version of UNTFS.DLL. NTFS RECOVER cannot be used to recover system files. Use CHKDSK instead. 4NTFS RECOVER failed. 0Invalid switch - %1 DSwitch %1 is not implemented ,No file to print HUnable to initialize device %1 0Can't find file %1 D%1 is currently being printed Prints a text file. PRINT [/D:device] [[drive:][path]filename[...]] /D:device Specifies a print device. Provides help information for Windows XP commands. HELP [command] command - displays help information on that command. HHelp file could not be found. @Error reading help file.  For more information on a specific command, type HELP command-name. This command is not supported by the help utility. Try "%1 /?". HIncorrect Windows XP version (--- MORE ---%0 4Insufficient memory. MORE%0 8-- More %1%2%3 -- %4%0 (%1%%)%0 $[Line: %1]%0 H[Options: psfq=<space><ret>]%0 Lines: %0 P%0 S%0 =%0 Q%0 ?%0 H%0 F%0 Displays output one screen at a time. MORE [/E [/C] [/P] [/S] [/Tn] [+n]] < [drive:][path]filename command-name | MORE [/E [/C] [/P] [/S] [/Tn] [+n]] MORE /E [/C] [/P] [/S] [/Tn] [+n] [files] [drive:][path]filename Specifies a file to display one screen at a time. command-name Specifies a command whose output will be displayed. /E Enable extended features /C Clear screen before displaying page /P Expand FormFeed characters /S Squeeze multiple blank lines into a single line /Tn Expand tabs to n spaces (default 8) Switches can be present in the MORE environment variable. +n Start displaying the first file at line n files List of files to be displayed. Files in the list are separated by blanks. If extended features are enabled, the following commands are accepted at the -- More -- prompt: P n Display next n lines S n Skip next n lines F Display next file Q Quit = Show line number ? Show help line <space> Display next page <ret> Display next line (Internal error. PToo many arguments in command line. 0Not enough memory. 4Cannot access file %1 8Invalid registry entry. $Replacing %1 Adding %1 0%1 file(s) replaced ,%1 file(s) added ,No files replaced (No files added HPress any key to continue . . . 4Replace %1? (Y/N) %0 ,Add %1? (Y/N) %0 Replaces files. REPLACE [drive1:][path1]filename [drive2:][path2] [/A] [/P] [/R] [/W] REPLACE [drive1:][path1]filename [drive2:][path2] [/P] [/R] [/S] [/W] [/U] [drive1:][path1]filename Specifies the source file or files. [drive2:][path2] Specifies the directory where files are to be replaced. /A Adds new files to destination directory. Cannot use with /S or /U switches. /P Prompts for confirmation before replacing a file or adding a source file. /R Replaces read-only files as well as unprotected files. /S Replaces files in all subdirectories of the destination directory. Cannot use with the /A switch. /W Waits for you to insert a disk before beginning. /U Replaces (updates) only files that are older than source files. Cannot use with the /A switch. <Incorrect Windows version 4Source path required LFile cannot be copied onto itself 8Insufficient disk space 0No files found - %1 ,Extended Error %1 (Parse Error %1 $Out of memory 0Invalid switch - %1 DInvalid parameter combination 0Path not found - %1 0Access denied - %1 The /Z and /O (or /X) options conflict: cannot copy security in restartable mode. 0Insufficient memory 8Invalid parameter - %1 $Invalid path DCannot perform a cyclic copy $Invalid date @Unable to create directory @Invalid drive specification PCannot XCOPY from a reserved device $Access denied 0Too many open files (General failure ,Sharing violation (Lock violation (Path not found 8Insufficient disk space LFile cannot be copied onto itself DInvalid number of parameters HUnable to create directory - %1 0File not found - %1 <File creation error - %1 (Invalid switch hInvalid Path, not all directories/files copied ,Extended Error %1 Parse Error TWrite protect error accessing drive. 0Invalid switch - %1 XCopies files and directory trees. XCOPY source [destination] [/A | /M] [/D[:date]] [/P] [/S [/E]] [/V] [/W] [/C] [/I] [/Q] [/F] [/L] [/G] [/H] [/R] [/T] [/U] [/K] [/N] [/O] [/X] [/Y] [/-Y] [/Z] [/B] [/J] [/EXCLUDE:file1[+file2][+file3]...] source Specifies the file(s) to copy. destination Specifies the location and/or name of new files. /A Copies only files with the archive attribute set, doesn't change the attribute. /M Copies only files with the archive attribute set, turns off the archive attribute. /D:m-d-y Copies files changed on or after the specified date. If no date is given, copies only those files whose source time is newer than the destination time. /EXCLUDE:file1[+file2][+file3]... Specifies a list of files containing strings. Each string should be in a separate line in the files. When any of the strings match any part of the absolute path of the file to be copied, that file will be excluded from being copied. For example, specifying a string like \obj\ or .obj will exclude all files underneath the directory obj or all files with the .obj extension respectively. /P Prompts you before creating each destination file. /S Copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones. /E Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones. Same as /S /E. May be used to modify /T. /V Verifies the size of each new file. /W Prompts you to press a key before copying. /C Continues copying even if errors occur. /I If destination does not exist and copying more than one file, assumes that destination must be a directory. /Q Does not display file names while copying. /F Displays full source and destination file names while copying. /L Displays files that would be copied. /G Allows the copying of encrypted files to destination that does not support encryption. /H Copies hidden and system files also. /R Overwrites read-only files. /T Creates directory structure, but does not copy files. Does not include empty directories or subdirectories. /T /E includes empty directories and subdirectories. /U Copies only files that already exist in destination. /K Copies attributes. Normal Xcopy will reset read-only attributes. /N Copies using the generated short names. /O Copies file ownership and ACL information. /X Copies file audit settings (implies /O). /Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file. /-Y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file. /Z Copies networked files in restartable mode. /B Copies the Symbolic Link itself versus the target of the link. /J Copies using unbuffered I/O. Recommended for very large files. The switch /Y may be preset in the COPYCMD environment variable. This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line. pPress any key when ready to begin copying file(s)%0 $%1 (Y/N)? %0 Does %1 specify a file name or directory name on the target (F = file, D = directory)? %0 ,%1 File(s) copied %1 -> %2  Insufficient disk space on current disk. Insert another disk and type <Return> to continue... %0 F%0 D%0 Y%0 N%0 %1 File(s) <File verification failed. A%0 DOverwrite %1 (Yes/No/All)? %0 XFile path is too long to be displayed. Insufficient privilege to perform the operation or access denied. 0Encryption failed. Security Information not supported by destination file system. (Unknown error. Source directory may be changing. XCOPY may not be able to copy all files or directories within the directory. <Insufficient stack space. 0%1 -> %2 (Y/N)? %0 LPathname exceeded 256 characters. \Source pathname exceeded 256 characters. dDestination pathname exceeded 256 characters. <LPT%1: rerouted to COM%2: TActive code page for device %1 is %2 Configures system devices. Serial port: MODE COMm[:] [BAUD=b] [PARITY=p] [DATA=d] [STOP=s] [to=on|off] [xon=on|off] [odsr=on|off] [octs=on|off] [dtr=on|off|hs] [rts=on|off|hs|tg] [idsr=on|off] Device Status: MODE [device] [/STATUS] Redirect printing: MODE LPTn[:]=COMm[:] Select code page: MODE CON[:] CP SELECT=yyy Code page status: MODE CON[:] CP [/STATUS] Display mode: MODE CON[:] [COLS=c] [LINES=n] Typematic rate: MODE CON[:] [RATE=r DELAY=d] 8Status for device *:%0 8 Baud: %1 8 Parity: %1 8 Data Bits: %1 8 Stop Bits: %1 8 Timeout: %1 8 XON/XOFF: %1 8 CTS handshaking: %1 8 DSR handshaking: %1 8 DSR sensitivity: %1 8 DTR circuit: %1 8 RTS circuit: %1 8 Lines: %1 8 Columns: %1 8 Code page: %1 x Printer output is being rerouted to serial port %1 \ Printer output is not being rerouted. 8 Keyboard rate: %1 8 Keyboard delay: %1 To change printer settings use the Printers option in Control Panel PIncorrect operating system version <Illegal device name - %1 @Invalid baud rate specified ,%1: not rerouted 8Invalid parameter - %1 DInvalid number of parameters DFailure to access device: %1 lCode page operation not supported on this device lCurrent keyboard does not support this code page $Out of memory Parse Error ,Extended error %1 The specified options are not supported by this serial device The screen cannot be set to the number of lines and columns specified. The device cannot be set to the specified number of lines and/or columns. `Cannot stop printer rerouting at this time. pCannot reroute printer output to serial device %1. 4Invalid keyboard rate 8Invalid keyboard delay The number of lines and columns cannot be changed in a full screen. TThe code page specified is not valid. XThe specified option is not supported. 8Default to even parity. <Default to %1 data bits. <Default to %1 stop bits. HNo serial port setting changed. This operation is not necessary under the current version of Windows. TDevice %1 is not currently available. The first NTFS boot sector is unreadable or corrupt. Reading second NTFS boot sector instead. All NTFS boot sectors are unreadable or corrupt. Cannot continue. `The second NTFS boot sector is unwriteable. `The first NTFS boot sector is unwriteable. |All NTFS boot sectors are unwriteable. Cannot continue. xThe NTFS file system does not function on floppy disks. \Deleting corrupt file record segment %1. Deleting corrupt attribute record (%1, %2) from file record segment %3. Truncating badly linked attribute records from file record segment %1. tSorting attribute records for file record segment %1. Deleting duplicate attribute records (%1, %2) from file record segment %3. `Deleted corrupt attribute list for file %1. hDeleted unreadable attribute list for file %1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code %1 in file %2. hTruncating corrupt attribute list for file %1. PSorting attribute list for file %1. hUnreadable master file table. CHKDSK aborted. `Corrupt master file table. CHKDSK aborted. Corrupt Attribute Definition Table. CHKDSK is assuming the default. Unable to determine volume version and state. CHKDSK aborted. TFile record segment %1 is unreadable. XDeleting orphan file record segment %1. Insufficient disk space to hotfix unreadable system file %1. CHKDSK Aborted. tInsufficient disk space to hotfix unreadable file %1. First free byte offset corrected in file record segment %1. |Correcting errors in the Master File Table (MFT) mirror. Insufficient disk space to repair master file table (MFT) mirror. CHKDSK aborted. hInsufficient disk space to record bad clusters. Correcting errors in the master file table's (MFT) DATA attribute. Insufficient disk space to fix master file table (MFT). CHKDSK aborted. Correcting errors in the master file table's (MFT) BITMAP attribute. Insufficient disk space to fix volume bitmap. CHKDSK aborted. XCorrecting errors in the Volume Bitmap. tCorrecting errors in the Attribute Definition Table. Insufficient disk space to fix the attribute definition table. CHKDSK aborted. `Correcting errors in the Bad Clusters File. Insufficient disk space to fix the bad clusters file. CHKDSK aborted. PCorrecting errors in the Boot File. Insufficient disk space to fix the boot file. CHKDSK aborted. lAdding %1 bad clusters to the Bad Clusters File. < %1 KB total disk space. 0%1 KB in %2 files. 4%1 KB in %2 indexes. 4%1 KB in bad sectors. @%1 KB in use by the system. @%1 KB available on disk. \Correcting error in index %2 for file %1. Insufficient disk space to correct errors in index %2 of file %1. TRemoving corrupt index %2 in file %1. LDeleting directory entries in %1 pCHKDSK cannot delete all corrupt directory entries. LCHKDSK is recovering lost files. |Insufficient disk space for CHKDSK to recover lost files. LCorrecting error in directory %1 DSorting index %2 in file %1. tCorrecting extended attribute information in file %1. pDeleting corrupt extended attribute set in file %1. `Incorrect duplicate information in file %1. XCHKDSK is creating new root directory. tInsufficient disk space to create new root directory. |Recovering orphaned file %1 (%2) into directory file %3. dInsufficient disk space to recover lost data. TToo much lost data to recover it all. Fixing critical master file table (MFT) files with MFT mirror. xFixing incorrect information in file record segment %1. Corrupt uppercase Table -- aborting. Run "chkdsk /f" to repair. Cannot retrieve current system uppercase table. CHKDSK aborted. CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the master file table (MFT) bitmap. CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the volume bitmap. \Correcting errors in the uppercase file. Insufficient disk space to fix the uppercase file. CHKDSK aborted. hDeleting index entry %3 in index %2 of file %1. dVerbose output not supported by NTFS CHKDSK.  WARNING! F parameter not specified. Running CHKDSK in read-only mode.  Errors found. CHKDSK cannot continue in read-only mode. Correcting cycles in directory tree. Breaking links between parent file %1 and child file %2. dCorrecting minor file name errors in file %1. XInserting data attribute into file %1. |Insufficient disk space to insert missing data attribute. PCorrecting errors in the Log File. Insufficient disk space to fix the log file. CHKDSK aborted. h CHKDSK is verifying files (stage %1 of %2)... l CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage %1 of %2)... DIndex verification completed. DFile verification completed.  CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage %1 of %2)... `Security descriptor verification completed. Replacing missing or invalid security descriptor for file %1. Insufficient disk space for security descriptor for file %1. This volume cannot be checked with this version of UNTFS.DLL. lDeleting an index entry from index %2 of file %1. PCorrecting cross-link for file %1. p CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage %1 of %2)... LFile data verification completed. Index entries referencing file %1 will not be validated because this file contains too many file names. `CHKDSK is resetting recovery information... LCHKDSK is resetting the log file. dCHKDSK is adjusting the size of the log file. tCHKDSK was unable to adjust the size of the log file. XCleaning up instance tags for file %1. Fixing corrupt attribute record (%1, %2) in file record segment %3. H%1 KB occupied by the log file. lReadable file record segment %1 is not writeable. |Inserting default quota record into index %2 in file %1. XCreating a default security descriptor. \Unable to set the quota out of date flag. lRepairing an index entry in index %2 of file %1. pInserting an index entry into index %2 of file %1. Insufficient disk space to fix the security descriptors data stream. `Unable to write to attribute %1 of file %2. tUnable to read the security descriptors data stream. Fixing mirror copy of the security descriptors data stream. tFixing collation rule value for index %1 of file %2. HCreating index %1 for file %2. `Repairing the security file record segment. Repairing the unreadable security descriptors data stream. pInsufficient disk space to fix the object id file. hInsufficient disk space to fix the quota file. <Creating object id file. 4Creating quota file. \Fixing flags for file record segment %1. dUnable to correct an error in system file %1. XUnable to create index %1 for file %2. Replacing invalid security id with default security id for file %1. |Multiple quota files found. Ignoring extra quota files. Multiple object id files found. Ignoring extra object id files. hThe size specified for the log file is too big. The current log file size is %1 KB. The default log file size for this volume is %2 KB. CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the bitmap for index %2 for file %1. lThe size specified for the log file is too small. %1%2. Correcting file name errors in system file record segment %1. Inserting an index entry with Id %3 into index %2 of file %1. Deleting an index entry with Id %3 from index %2 of file %1. Cleaning up %3 unused index entries from index %2 of file %1. Repairing an index entry with id %3 in index %2 of file %1. \Correcting sparse file record segment %1. Deleting extended attribute set due to the presence of reparse point in file %1. lCorrecting reparse point file record segment %1. dCorrecting encrypted file record segment %1. Multiple Usn Journal file found. Ignoring extra Usn Journal files. tInsufficient disk space to fix the Usn Journal file. @Creating Usn Journal file. PCHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal... PCreating Usn Journal %1 data stream Insufficient disk space to fix the Usn Journal %1 data stream. TRepairing Usn Journal %1 data stream. hUnable to read the Usn Journal %1 data stream. `Repairing Usn Journal file record segment. PUsn Journal verification completed. XCHKDSK is resetting Usn information... lThis version of NTFS volume cannot be downgraded. xCHKDSK is determining if the volume is downgradeable... DThe volume is downgradeable. PCHKDSK is downgrading the volume... pVolume downgraded. %b hReparse point found in file record segment %1. xEncrypted data stream found in file record segment %1. pSparse data stream found in file record segment %1. TUnable to change the volume version. HUnable to downgrade the volume. xUpdating the master file table's (MFT) DATA attribute. |Updating the master file table's (MFT) BITMAP attribute. @Updating the Volume Bitmap. Upgrading and downgrading the volume at the same time will have no effect. dProperty set found in file record segment %1. Multiple reparse file found. Ignoring extra reparse files. xInsufficient disk space to fix the reparse point file. DCreating reparse point file. Missing object id index entry or duplicate object id detected for file record segment %1. pInsufficient disk space to insert the index entry. LWARNING! I parameter specified. LWARNING! C parameter specified. Your drive may still be corrupt even after running CHKDSK. < %1 MB total disk space. 0%1 MB in %2 files. 4%1 MB in %2 indexes. 4%1 MB in bad sectors. @%1 MB in use by the system. @%1 MB available on disk. HUnable to set chkdsk ran flag. @Deleting USN Journal file. t CHKDSK is verifying free space (stage %1 of %2)... |Deleting duplicate object id from file record segment %1. dUnable to create a thread with error code %1. %1 PUnable to collect logged messages. `Unable to obtain a handle to the event log. Failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status %1. 0Volume label is %1. PUnable to set chkdsk ran once flag. TUnable to clear chkdsk ran once flag. `Cleaning up %1 unused security descriptors. Detected minor inconsistencies on the drive. This is not a corruption. hCleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive. PReplacing bad clusters in logfile. The deleting of the USN Journal is in progress. Skipping USN Journal verification. CHKDSK was unable to adjust the size of the log file due to too much fragmentation within the volume. CHKDSK was unable to adjust the size of the log file. Please use the /f parameter as well. TAttribute list found in the log file. There is not enough disk space to enlarge the logfile to the specified size. There is not enough disk space to enlarge the logfile to the default size. TThe current logfile size is too big. %1 MB of additional physical memory is needed to enable windows to check your disk at full speed. xIndex verification stage will be split into %1 passes. Windows is checking your disk with a slower index verification algorithm as commanded. Index verification stage cannot be split into %1 passes. It will be reduced. XThere are too many files and directories on this volume for windows to check your disk at full speed. Make sure the allowed user address space is set to a maximum. ,An attempt to split the index verification stage into %1 or less passes has failed. Windows will not be able to check your disk at full speed. Windows cannot adjust the size of the log file due to possible corruption. Please run CHKDSK with the /F (fix) option to correct these. lDeleted invalid filename %1 (%3) in directory %2. File %1 has been orphaned since all its filenames were invalid Windows will recover the file in the orphan recovery phase. There are too many files and directories on this volume for windows to check your disk at full speed. Windows may not detect all cycles on your volume because the directory structure is too deep. Windows cannot recover master file table. CHKDSK aborted. Unreadable master file table. Windows will attempt to recover master file table from disk. Corrupt master file table. Windows will attempt to recover master file table from disk. Chkdsk was executed in read-only mode on a volume snapshot. %1 hChkdsk was executed in read-only mode. A volume snapshot was not used. Extra errors and warnings may be reported as the volume may have changed during the chkdsk run. %1 dChkdsk was executed in read/write mode. %1 The "/L" option cannot be specified with the "/F" option. Only the "/L:<size>" option may be used with the "/F" option. To display the log file size, use "CHKDSK /L" with no other options. CHKDSK is scanning unindexed files for reconnect to their original directory. hCHKDSK is recovering remaining unindexed files. Insufficient memory for full index scan. Disabling index cycle analysis. Creating default security descriptor for undefined security ID %1. Security ID %1 was referenced in one or more file records but was not defined in the security descriptor stream. The "/verify" option cannot be specified with the "/F" option. The "/scan" option cannot be specified with the "/verify" option. The "/verify" option cannot be specified with the "/spotfix" option. The "/scan" option cannot be specified with the "/spotfix" option. pSkipping further messages about recovering orphans. Chkdsk was executed in scan mode on a volume snapshot. %1 Chkdsk was executed in spotfix mode on a read-write volume. %1 Chkdsk was executed in verify mode on a volume snapshot. %1 A snapshot error occured while scanning this drive. You can try again, but if this problem persists, run an offline scan and fix. A snapshot error occured while scanning this drive. Run an offline scan and fix. Read-only chkdsk found bad on-disk uppercase table - using system table. This operation can not be performed on a read-only volume. Chkdsk scan speed is being throttled to reduce impact on system and application performance. Given the number of files and directories on the drive, Windows can scan the drive more efficiently if it has more memory available. To enable Chkdsk to use all available system memory and increase scan performance, please use the /perf switch. Volume has 0x%1 file record segments which is more than 32 bits. |The file name index present bit is not set for file 0x%1. tThe view index present bit is not set for file 0x%1. dThe system file bit is not set for file 0x%1. XThe %2 index is missing from file 0x%1. EA Information is incorrect. Actual On Disk PackedEaSize 0x%1 0x%4 NeedEaCount 0x%2 0x%5 UnpackedEaSize 0x%3 0x%6 ,The EA INFORMATION attribute is not consistency with the EA DATA attribute for file 0x%1. EA INFORMATION equals 0x%2 while EA DATA equals 0x%3. lThe EA INFORMATION is not readable for file 0x%1. The EA INFORMATION size, 0x%2, in file 0x%1 is incorrect. The expected size is 0x%3. `The EA DATA is not readable for file 0x%1. The EA DATA size, 0x%2, in file 0x%1 is incorrect. The expected size is 0x%3. %1%2 Corrupt EA set for file 0x%1. The remaining length, 0x%2, is too small. Corrupt EA set for file 0x%1. The unpacked total length, 0x%2, is larger than the total data length, 0x%3. Corrupt EA set for file 0x%1. The EA name is of length 0x%2. Corrupt EA set for file 0x%1. The unpacked length, 0x%2, is not the same as the record length, 0x%3. The EA Information value length, 0x%1, in file 0x%2 is incorrect. The EA total packed length, 0x%2, is too large in file 0x%1. The second MFT starting LCN in the boot sector is incorrect. The actual value is 0x%2 while the expected value is 0x%1. The reparse point length, 0x%1, has exceeded a maximum of 0x%2. The reparse point length, 0x%1, is less than a minimum of 0x%2. \Unable to read reparse point data buffer. Only 0x%1 bytes returned from a read of 0x%d bytes of the reparse data buffer. ReparseDataLength, 0x%1, inconsistence with the attribute length 0x%2. TReparse Tag, 0x%1, is a reserved tag. `File 0x%1 has bad reparse point attribute. Both reparse point and EA INFORMATION attributes exist in file 0x%1. The attribute definition table length, 0x%1, is not divisible by 0x%2. |Unable to find child frs 0x%1 with sequence number 0x%2. Unable to locate attribute of type 0x%1, lowest vcn 0x%2, instance tag 0x%3 in file 0x%4. The is an attribute list attribute within the attribute list in file 0x%1. The lowest vcn, 0x%2, is not zero for attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%3 in file 0x%4. The lowest vcn, 0x%2, is not zero for attribute of type 0x%1 in file 0x%3. The first attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 in file 0x%3 should not be resident. The attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 in file 0x%3 should not be resident. The attributes with instance tags 0x%2 and 0x%4 have different type codes 0x%1 and 0x%3 respectively in file 0x%5. DThe attributes with same type code 0x%1 but different instance tags 0x%2 and 0x%4 have non-contiguous VCN numbers 0x%3 and 0x%5 respectively in file 0x%6. $The attributes with same type code 0x%1 but different instance tags 0x%2 and 0x%4 have different names %3 and %5 respectively in file 0x%6. The attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 in file 0x%5 has allocated length of 0x%3 instead of 0x%4. The attribute of type 0x%1 in file 0x%4 has allocated length of 0x%2 instead of 0x%3. The file attributes flag 0x%1 in file 0x%3 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%2. pThe sequence number 0x%1 in file 0x%2 is incorrect. The total allocated size 0x%3 of attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 in file 0x%5 is incorrect. The expected value is %4. Read failure with status 0x%1 at offset 0x%2 for 0x%3 bytes. Incorrect read at offset 0x%1 for 0x%3 bytes but got 0x%2 bytes. Write failure with status 0x%1 at offset 0x%2 for 0x%3 bytes. Incorrect write at offset 0x%1 for 0x%3 bytes but wrote 0x%2 bytes. The data written out is different from what is being read back at offset 0x%1 for 0x%2 bytes. The file 0x%1 belongs to parent 0x%3 but got 0x%2 as parent. tThe file 0x%1 has file name %2 when it should be %3. The multi-sector header with total size 0x%1, USA offset 0x%2, and USA count 0x%3 is incorrect. The USA check value, 0x%2, at block 0x%1 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%3. Unable to query LCN from VCN 0x%2 for attribute of type 0x%1. Attribute record of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 is cross linked starting at 0x%3 for possibly 0x%4 clusters. Attribute record of type 0x%1 is cross linked starting at cluster 0x%2 for possibly 0x%3 clusters. The attribute list in file 0x%1 does not contain standard information attribute. The attribute list in file 0x%1 indicates the standard information attribute is outside the base file record segment. `The index root %2 is missing in file 0x%1. dThe index bitmap %2 is missing in file 0x%1. hThe index bitmap %2 in file 0x%1 is incorrect. The index bitmap %2 is present but there is no corresponding index allocation attribute in file 0x%1. The length, 0x%2, of the root index %1 in file 0x%4 is too small. The minimum length is 0x%3. The root index %1 in file 0x%3 is incorrect. The expected name is %2. The collation rule 0x%3 for index root %1 in file 0x%2 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%4. Breaking the parent 0x%1 and child 0x%2 file relationship. This also makes the child an orphan. The index attribute of type 0x%2 for index root %1 in file 0x%4 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%3. tThe index %1 is not a known quota index in file 0x%2. |The index %1 is not a known security index in file 0x%2. The index attribute of type 0x%2 for index root %1 in file 0x%3 is not recognized. The index attribute of type 0x%2 for index root %1 in file 0x%3 is not indexable. The bytes per index buffer, 0x%2, for index root %1 in file 0x%4 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%3. The clusters per index buffer, 0x%2, for index root %1 in file 0x%4 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%3. The index allocation value length, 0x%2, for index %1 in file 0x%4 is not in multiple of 0x%3. The index allocation allocated length, 0x%2, for index %1 in file 0x%4 is not in multiple of 0x%3. The first free byte, 0x%2, and bytes available, 0x%3, for root index %1 in file 0x%4 are not equal. The index entry offset, 0x%3, of index %1 and VCN 0x%2 in file 0x%4 is incorrect. The index entry offset, 0x%2, of index %1 in file 0x%3 is incorrect. The bytes available, 0x%2, in index header for index %1 in file 0x%4 is not equal to 0x%3. The index header for index %1 and VCN 0x%2 in file 0x%3 is not marked as index node. pThe VCN 0x%2 of index %1 in file 0x%3 is incorrect. The index bitmap for index %1 in file 0x%2 is invalid or missing. |The VCN 0x%2 of index %1 in file 0x%3 is already in use. The index allocation for index %1 in file 0x%2 is invalid or missing. The multi-sector header signature for VCN 0x%2 of index %1 in file 0x%3 is incorrect. The USA offset 0x%3 of VCN 0x%2 of index %1 in file 0x%5 is below 0x%4. The VCN 0x%2 of index %1 in file 0x%4 is inconsistence with the VCN 0x%3 stored inside the index buffer. The bytes per block, 0x%3, read from index buffer of VCN 0x%2 of index %1 in file 0x%4 is incorrect. The USA offset 0x%3 of VCN 0x%2 of index %1 in file 0x%4 is incorrect. The USA size 0x%3 of VCN 0x%2 of index %1 in file 0x%5 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%4. The index header of index %1 in file 0x%2 is marked as index node when it should not. The first free byte, 0x%2, in index header of index %1 in file 0x%4 is not equal to 0x%3. Unable to query the name of a file name index entry of length 0x%3 of index %2 in file 0x%4 with parent 0x%1. Index entry %3 of index %2 in file 0x%1 points to unused file 0x%4. An index entry of index %2 in file 0x%1 points to unused file 0x%3. The file 0x%4 pointed to by index entry %3 of index %2 with parent file 0x%1 is not a base file record segment. The file 0x%3 pointed to by an index entry of index %2 with parent file 0x%1 is not a base file record segment. Unable to locate the file name attribute of index entry %3 of index %2 with parent 0x%1 in file 0x%4. Unable to locate the file name attribute of an index entry of index %2 with parent 0x%1 in file 0x%3. The object id index entry in file 0x%1 points to file 0x%2 but the file has no object id in it. The object id index entry in file 0x%1 points to file 0x%2 which is not a base file record segment. The object id in index entry in file 0x%1 is incorrect. The entry points to file 0x%2. The parent 0x%2 in an object id index entry in file 0x%1 is incorrect. The correct value is 0x%3. The object id in file 0x%2 already existed in the object id index in file 0x%1. The object id in file 0x%2 does not appear in the object id index in file 0x%1. The reparse point index entry in file 0x%1 points to file 0x%2 which is not a base file record segment. The reparse tag 0x%2 of reparse point index entry in file 0x%1 is incorrect. The correct reparse tag in file 0x%4 is 0x%3. The parent 0x%2 in the reparse point index entry with tag 0x%4 in file 0x%1 is incorrect. The correct value is 0x%3. The reparse point index entry in file 0x%1 points to file 0x%2 but the file has no reparse point in it. The reparse point in file 0x%2 does not appear in the reparse point index in file 0x%1. The file name index present bit is set in file 0x%1 but there is no file name index. tThe root index %2 in file 0x%1 is missing or invalid. The index entry length 0x%1 is incorrect. The maximum value is 0x%2. The index entry attribute length 0x%2 of index entry type 0x%1 is incorrect. The correct length is 0x%3. The index entry data offset 0x%1 and length 0x%2 is inconsistence with the index entry length 0x%3. The index entry length is incorrect for index entry type 0x%1. The index entry length is too small for index entry type 0x%1. The volume information attribute is missing from file 0x%1. The attribute record length 0x%1 is too small for attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4. The minimum value is 0x%2. The attribute form code 0x%1 is invalid for attribute of type 0x%2 and instance tag 0x%3. The attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 should be resident. The standard information attribute length 0x%1 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%2 or 0x%3. Attribute name is not allowed for attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2. The attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 should not be resident. The attribute name offset for attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 is incorrect. The attribute name for attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 contains unicode NULL. tUnknown attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2. The attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 should not be indexed. The attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 should be indexed. The indexable attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 should not have name. The attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 should have a name. The attribute length 0x%1 for attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4 is too small. The minimum value is 0x%2. The attribute length 0x%1 for attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4 is too big. The maximum value is 0x%2. lThe resident attribute for attribute of type 0x%4 and instance tag 0x%5 is incorrect. The attribute has value of length 0x%1, and offset 0x%2. The attribute length is 0x%3. The resident attribute name is colliding with the resident value for attribute of type 0x%4 and instance tag 0x%5. The attribute name offset is 0x%2, length 0x%1, and the attribute value offset is 0x%3. The mapping pairs offset 0x%1 for attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4 exceeded the attribute length 0x%2. The mapping pairs offset 0x%1 for attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4 is too small. The minimum value is 0x%2. The attribute name is colliding with the mapping pairs for attribute of type %4 and instance tag 0x%5. The attribute name offset is 0x%2, length 0x%1, and the mapping pairs offset is 0x%3. The attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 has bad mapping pairs. Unable to initialize an extent list for attribute type 0x%1 with instance tag 0x%2. The highest VCN 0x%1 of attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%2. @The non resident attribute of type 0x%4 and instance tag 0x%5 is inconsistent. The valid data length is 0x%1, file size 0x%2, and allocated length 0x%3. The non resident attribute of type 0x%4 is inconsistent. The valid data length is 0x%1, file size 0x%2, and allocated length 0x%3. The allocated length 0x%1 is not in multiple of 0x%2 for attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4. The file name value length 0x%1 for attribute of type 0x%3 with instance tag 0x%4 is too small. The minimum value is 0x%2. The attribute of type 0x%2 and instance tag 0x%3 is inconsistence. The attribute value length is 0x%1. The file name length is zero for attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2. The file name in file name value in attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag %2 contains unicode NULL. The multi-sector header signature in file 0x%1 is incorrect. The USA offset 0x%1 in file 0x%3 is too small. The minimum value is 0x%2. The file record segment size 0x%1 is invalid in file 0x%2. hThe USA offset 0x%1 in file 0x%2 is incorrect. The USA size 0x%1 in file 0x%3 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%2. The first attribute offset 0x%1 in file 0x%2 is incorrect. The bytes available, 0x%1, in the file record segment header for file 0x%3 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%2. The instance tag 0x%2 of attribute of type 0x%1 in file 0x%3 is already in use. The instance tag 0x%2 of attribute of type 0x%1 in file 0x%4 is too large. The instance tag should be less than 0x%3. The standard information attribute in file 0x%1 is missing. The attribute record offset 0x%1 is too large for attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4 in file 0x%5. The maximum value is 0x%2. The record length of attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 in file 0x%3 should not be zero. The record length 0x%1 of attribute of type 0x%2 and instance tag 0x%3 in file 0x%4 is not aligned. The record length 0x%1 is too large for attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4 in file 0x%5. The maximum value is 0x%2. 0The first free byte, 0x%1, in file 0x%4 is incorrect. The number of bytes free in the file record segment is 0x%2 and the total length is 0x%3. The attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 should be after attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4 in file 0x%5. All attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 should be indexed in file 0x%5. Two identical attributes of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 are in file 0x%3. The file name index present bit in file 0x%1 should not be set. The sparse flag in the standard information attribute in file 0x%1 is not set. The old encrypted flag is being replaced by the new encrypted flag in file 0x%1. The encrypted flag in standard information attribute in file 0x%1 is not set. The reparse flag in standard information attribute in file 0x%1 is not set. The reparse flag in standard information attribute in file 0x%1 should not be set. There are more than one NTFS file name attribute in file 0x%1. The file name attributes in file 0x%3 has different parents. The DOS name has 0x%1 as parent. The NTFS name has 0x%2 as parent. There are more than one DOS file name attribute in file 0x%1. xThe DOS file name attribute in file 0x%1 is incorrect. pThere is no NTFS file name attribute in file 0x%1. lThere is no DOS file name attribute in file 0x%1. The DOS and NTFS file name attributes in file 0x%1 are identical. lUnable to setup the attribute list in file 0x%1. The attribute type 0x%1 with name %2 in file 0x%3 is missing. pThe attribute of type 0x%1 in file 0x%2 is missing. pThe unnamed data attribute in file 0x%1 is missing. `The attribute list in file 0x%1 is missing. The length, 0x%3, of the attribute list entry with attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 in file 0x%4 is not aligned. The attribute list entry with attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 in file 0x%6 is incorrect. The attribute list entry name length is 0x%3, and offset 0x%4. The attribute list length is 0x%5. LThe attribute name offset 0x%3 of attribute list entry with attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 in file 0x%5 is too small. The minimum value is 0x%4. The attribute list length 0x%2 in file 0x%3 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%1. The extent list of the attribute list is crossed linked at 0x%1 for possibly 0x%2 clusters in file 0x%3. The attribute list entry with attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 should be after attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4. Two identical attribute list entries of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 are found. The attribute length 0x%3 of attribute of type 0x%1 and name %2 in file 0x%5 is too small. The minimum value is 0x%4. The sparse flag of attribute of type 0x%1 and name %2 in file 0x%3 is not set. The USN Journal offset 0x%1 in file 0x%2 is not at a page boundary. The USN Journal length 0x%1 in file 0x%3 is too large. The maximum value is 0x%2. The USN Journal length 0x%1 in file 0x%3 is less than its offset 0x%2. The remaining USN block at offset 0x%1 in file 0x%2 is less than a page. The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x%1 in file 0x%2 should be filled with zeros. The USN Journal entry at offset 0x%1 and length 0x%2 crosses the page boundary. The USN Journal entry length 0x%2 at offset 0x%1, in file 0x%4 is larger than the remaining length 0x%3 of a page. The USN Journal entry length 0x%2 at offset 0x%1 in file 0x%4 exceeded the page size 0x%3. The USN Journal entry length 0x%2 at offset 0x%1 in file 0x%3 is not aligned. The USN Journal entry version %2.%3 at offset 0x%1 in file 0x%4 is not recognized. The USN Journal entry length 0x%2 at offset 0x%1 in file 0x%4 is too small. The minimum value is 0x%3. $The remaining USN page length 0x%2 is too small to fit another USN Journal entry at offset 0x%1 in file 0x%4. It needs at least 0x%3 bytes. The USN value 0x%1 of USN Journal entry at offset 0x%2 in file 0x%3 is incorrect. The USN Journal entry at offset 0x%1 in file 0x%4 is not consistence. The entry has length of 0x%3 and a file name length of 0x%2. The USN Journal length 0x%1 in file 0x%4 is less the largest USN encountered, 0x%2, plus eight in file 0x%3. pThe security data stream is missing from file 0x%1. The security data stream size 0x%1 should not be less than 0x%2. The remaining of a security data stream page starting at offset 0x%1 for 0x%2 bytes contains non-zero. The security data stream entry at offset 0x%1 with length 0x%2 crosses the page boundary. The length, 0x%2, of the security data stream entry at offset 0x%1 is too small. The minimum value is 0x%3. The length, 0x%2, of the security data stream entry at offset 0x%1 exceeded the page size 0x%3. The security data stream entry at offset 0x%1 does not fit into the remaining length, 0x%2, of a page. The minimum value is 0x%3. The security descriptor entry with Id 0x%2 at offset 0x%1 is invalid. The security Id 0x%2 of security descriptor entry at offset 0x%1 is a duplicate. The hash value 0x%2 of the security descriptor entry with Id 0x%4 at offset 0x%1 is invalid. The correct value is 0x%3. The offset 0x%2 stored in the security descriptor entry with Id 0x%4 at offset 0x%1 is invalid. The correct value is 0x%3. lThe security descriptor in file 0x%1 is invalid. dThe security Id 0x%1 in file 0x%2 is invalid. The data stream with name %1 in file 0x%2 is not recognized. The attribute definition table length 0x%1 is incorrect. The correct value is 0x%2. tThe attribute definition table content is incorrect. Cluster zero is missing from the data attribute in boot file. TAttribute list found in the log file. The data attribute is either resident or missing in the log file. Unable to obtain the LCN in data attribute of the MFT mirror. There is no physical LCN for VCN 0 in data attribute of the MFT mirror. The data attribute of the MFT mirror is not contiguous for 0x%1 sectors. \The MFT mirror is different from the MFT. pThe data attribute is missing from the upcase file. The upcase file length 0x%1 is incorrect. The expected value is 0x%2. TThe upcase file content is incorrect. The data attribute is either resident or missing in the MFT mirror. The two index entries of length 0x%1 and 0x%2 are either identical or appear in the wrong order. The first index entry of length 0x%1 is a leaf but it is not in the root. The first index entry of length 0x%1 is a leaf but the previous entry is not. Current leaf index entry of length 0x%3 is at depth 0x%2 which is different from other leaf index entry which has a depth of 0x%1. The down pointer of current index entry with length 0x%1 is invalid. The index entry length 0x%1 is too large. The maximum value is 0x%2. \The allocation attribute does not exist. pClearing unused security descriptor stream entries. Mirror security descriptor block different from that of master security descriptor at offset 0x%1. hThe attribute definition table cannot be read. The index buffer at VCN 0x%2 of index %1 in file 0x%3 cannot be read. The MFT mirror starting at cluster 0x%1 for 0x%2 sectors cannot be read. tThe security descriptor in file 0x%1 cannot be read. LThe upcase table cannot be read. The USN attrib of type code 0x%1 and name %2 cannot be read in file 0x%3. The EA Data value length, 0x%1, in file 0x%2 is incorrect. The index entry length 0x%2 for index %1 in file 0x%4 is too large. The maximum value is 0x%3. Unable to query extent list entry 0x%3 from attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2. The total allocated size 0x%1 for attribute of type 0x%3 and instance tag 0x%4 is larger than the allocated length 0x%2. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x%2 and segment reference 0x%3. The expected attribute type is 0x%1. The first index entry offset, 0x%2, for index %1 in file 0x%4 points beyond the length, 0x%3, of the index. VCN is unknown. Some clusters occupied by attribute of type 0x%1 and instance tag 0x%2 in file 0x%3 is already in use. Unable to setup the child file record segment 0x%2 in file 0x%1. The parent 0x%3 of index entry %4 of index %2 in file 0x%5 is incorrect. The expected parent is 0x%1. The file reference 0x%4 of index entry %3 of index %2 with parent 0x%1 is not the same as 0x%5. The file reference 0x%3 of an index entry of index %2 with parent 0x%1 is not the same as 0x%4. Multiple object id index entries in file 0x%1 point to the same file 0x%2. The object id index entry in file 0x%1 points to file 0x%2 which is unreadable. The object id index entry in file 0x%1 points to file 0x%2 which is not in use. The reparse point index entry in file 0x%1 points to file 0x%2 which is not in use. The reparse point index entry in file 0x%1 points to file 0x%2 which is unreadable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \Cleaning up instance tags for file 0x%1. \Cleaning up encrypted flag for file 0x%1. XCleaning up sparse flag for file 0x%1. Cleaning up %3 unused index entries from index %2 of file 0x%1. `Cleaning up %1 unused security descriptors. The value length, 0x%1, of the MFT mirror is too small. The minimum value is 0x%2. The valid data length, 0x%1, of the MFT mirror is too small. The minimum value is 0x%2. Index entry %3 of index %2 in file 0x%1 points to unused file 0x%4. An index entry of index %2 in file 0x%1 points to unused file 0x%3. Unable to obtain the LCN in data attribute for VCN 0x%1 of the MFT. An index entry of index %2 in file 0x%1 points to file 0x%3 which is beyond the MFT. pThe segment number 0x%1 in file 0x%2 is incorrect. , Internal Info: The mapping pairs offset 0x%1 for attribute of type 0x%2 and instance tag 0x%3 is not quad aligned. xThe NTFS file name attribute in file 0x%1 is incorrect. tFile 0x%1 only has a standard information attribute. A downpointer (VCN 0x%2) was found in index %1 in file 0x%3 but the index has no index allocation attribute. tErrors were found in the Attribute Definition Table. XAttribute list for file %1 is corrupt. \Attribute list for file %1 is unreadable. Attribute list entry with type code %1 in file %2 is corrupt. XAttribute list for file %1 is unsorted. \Errors detected in the Bad Clusters File. LErrors detected in the Boot File. XErrors detected in the uppercase file. xSecurity descriptor for file %1 is missing or invalid. Incorrect information was detected in file record segment %1. tErrors detected in encrypted file record segment %1. lErrors detected in sparse file record segment %1. |Errors detected in reparse point file record segment %1. xAn invalid filename %1 (%3) was found in directory %2. XAll filenames for File %1 are invalid. lMinor file name errors were detected in file %1. Attribute record (%1, %2) from file record segment %3 is corrupt. Attribute records for file record segment %1 are unsorted. PFile record segment %1 is corrupt. `Instance tags need renumbering for file %1. Attribute records from file record segment %1 are badly linked. First free byte offset is incorrect in file record segment %1. XError detected in index %2 for file %1. HIndex %2 in file %1 is corrupt. `Index %2 in file %1 is incorrectly sorted. |Default quota record is missing from index %2 in file %1. Collation rule value for index %1 of file %2 is incorrect. pIndex entry %3 in index %2 of file %1 is incorrect. tAn index entry from index %2 of file %1 is incorrect. Detected a duplicate object id from file record segment %1. dAn error occurred reading the root directory. HCHKDSK is examining lost files. Detected cycles in directory tree. Extra links between parent file %1 and child file %2 detected. Detected orphaned file %1 (%2), should be recovered into directory file %3. LDetected bad clusters in logfile. LDetected errors in the Log File. xDetected errors in the Master File Table (MFT) mirror. TExamining Usn Journal %1 data stream `Examining Usn Journal file record segment. XCHKDSK is examining Usn information... LIndex %1 for file %2 is missing. Examining an index entry with id %3 in index %2 of file %1. hThe security file record segment is incorrect. tIndex %2 of file %1 contains %3 unused index entries. \There are %1 unused security descriptors. The mirror copy of the security descriptors data stream contains errors. pThe security descriptors data stream is unreadable. tExtended attribute information in file %1 is corrupt. Extended attribute set and a reparse point detected in file %1. TFile %1 is missing a data attribute. <File %s is cross-linked. TFile record segment %1 is an orphan. 8Found %1 bad clusters. pCritical master file table (MFT) files are corrupt. hFlags for file record segment %1 are incorrect. The file name in system file record segment %1 contains errors. HThe object id file is missing. PThe reparse point file is missing. @The quota file is missing. The master file table's (MFT) DATA attribute is incorrect. The master file table's (MFT) BITMAP attribute is incorrect. HThe Volume Bitmap is incorrect. %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 file records processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 large file records processed)%r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 bad file records processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 EA records processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 reparse records processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 index entries processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 unindexed files scanned) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 unindexed files recovered) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 SD bytes processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 file SDs/SIDs processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 data files processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 USN bytes processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 files processed) %r%0 %1 percent complete. (%2 of %3 free clusters processed) %r%0  %1 file records processed. %r%0  %1 large file records processed. %r%0  %1 bad file records processed. %r%0  %1 EA records processed. %r%0  %1 reparse records processed. %r%0  %1 index entries processed. %r%0  %1 unindexed files scanned. %r%0  %1 unindexed files recovered. %r%0  %1 security descriptor bytes processed. %r%0  %1 file SDs/SIDs processed. %r%0  %1 data files processed. %r%0  %1 USN bytes processed. %r%0  %1 files processed. %r%0  %1 free clusters processed. %r%0 pCHKDSK is compacting the security descriptor stream XRecreating deleted index %2 in file %1. A scan is already running on this drive. Chkdsk can not run more than one scan on a drive at a time. PThere is no help for this utility. @Critical error encountered. <Incorrect Windows version Converts a FAT volume to NTFS. CONVERT volume /FS:NTFS [/V] [/CvtArea:filename] [/NoSecurity] [/X] volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. /FS:NTFS Specifies that the volume will be converted to NTFS. /V Specifies that Convert will be run in verbose mode. /CvtArea:filename Specifies a contiguous file in the root directory that will be the place holder for NTFS system files. /NoSecurity Specifies that the security settings on the converted files and directories allow access by all users. /X Forces the volume to dismount first if necessary. All open handles to the volume will not be valid. 8Invalid Parameter - %1 @Must specify a file system DInvalid drive specification. HCannot CONVERT a network drive. D%1 is not a valid file system |Conversion from %1 volume to %2 volume is not available. The conversion will take place automatically the next time the system restarts. hCannot determine location of system directory. Could not find file %1 Make sure that the required file exists and try again. |Could not schedule an automatic conversion of the drive. The %1 drive is already scheduled for an automatic conversion. DConverting drive %1 to %2... 8Drive %1 is already %2. Could not check volume %1 for errors. The conversion to %2 did not take place. |The /C option is only valid with the /UNCOMPRESS option. Determining disk space required for file system conversion... TTotal disk space: %1 KB TFree space on volume: %1 KB TSpace required for conversion: %1 KB 8Converting file system `%1 percent completed. %r%0 0Conversion complete pThe conversion failed. %1 was not converted to %2 The conversion has probably failed. %1 may not be converted to %2 8Error during disk read 8Error during disk write 0Insufficient Memory XInsufficient disk space for conversion hCannot relocate existing file system structures tCannot create the elementary file system structures. @Error reading directory %1 Error converting directory %1. The directory may be damaged or there may be insufficient disk space. Error converting file %1. The file may be damaged or there may be insufficient disk space. @Error converting file data. TCannot convert an extended attribute. A file contains extended attributes, but the extended attribute file was not found. XCannot locate or create an NTFS index. PThis volume cannot be converted to %1. Possible causes are: 1.- Bad sectors in required areas of the volume. 2.- %2 structures in areas required by %1. lConvert cannot gain exclusive access to the %1 drive, so it cannot convert it now. Would you like to schedule it to be converted the next time the system restarts (Y/N)? %0 The %1 file system is not enabled. The volume will not be converted. xUnsupported sector size. Cannot convert volume to %1.  The file system has been converted. Please wait while the system restarts. The specified drive is the system partition on an ARC-compliant system; its file system cannot be converted @The disk geometry recorded in the volume's Bios Parameter Block differs from the geometry reported by the driver. This volume cannot be converted to %1. Name table translation is not available for conversion to %1. tThe volume is too fragmented to be converted to NTFS. Cannot find the utility library which contains CHKDSK for the %1 file system. This volume cannot be converted to %2. L%1 cannot be converted because it contains files or directories with reserved NTFS names in the root directory. There can be no files or directories named $Mft, $MftMirr, $LogFile, $Volume, $AttrDef, $BitMap, $Boot, $BadClus, $Secure, $UpCase, $Extend or $Quota in the root directory. lThis drive is dirty and cannot be converted. You will need to clear the dirty bit on this drive by running CHKDSK /F or allowing AUTOCHK to run on it the next time you reboot. The file %1 specified to the /CvtArea option cannot be found at the root. The file %1 specified to the /CvtArea option must be in one contiguous block. The name %1 specified to the /CvtArea option must be a file name. Convert cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Convert may run if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPENED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID. Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y/N) %0 XConvert failed to dismount the volume. %1 XUnable to set security attributes (%1). Unable to schedule the setting of security attributes (%1). pCannot convert %1. The volume is write protected. TCannot CONVERT volume on this device. WARNING! The file specified to /CvtArea is too small and its space will not be used. A file of at least %1 MB is needed. This conversion will also remove your previous operating system backup. Do you want to continue? (Y/N) %0 dUnable to delete uninstall backup image - %1 Unable to notify other components that this volume has changed. Convert has relocated existing file system structures. A restart of your computer is necessary in order for convert to continue. LParameter format not correct - %1 4Active code page: %1 ,Invalid code page dDisplays or sets the active code page number. CHCP [nnn] nnn Specifies a code page number. Type CHCP without a parameter to display the active code page number. (Internal error. <Invalid macro definition.  Edits command lines, recalls Windows commands, and creates macros. DOSKEY [/REINSTALL] [/LISTSIZE=size] [/MACROS[:ALL | :exename]] [/HISTORY] [/INSERT | /OVERSTRIKE] [/EXENAME=exename] [/MACROFILE=filename] [macroname=[text]] /REINSTALL Installs a new copy of Doskey. /LISTSIZE=size Sets size of command history buffer. /MACROS Displays all Doskey macros. /MACROS:ALL Displays all Doskey macros for all executables which have Doskey macros. /MACROS:exename Displays all Doskey macros for the given executable. /HISTORY Displays all commands stored in memory. /INSERT Specifies that new text you type is inserted in old text. /OVERSTRIKE Specifies that new text overwrites old text. /EXENAME=exename Specifies the executable. /MACROFILE=filename Specifies a file of macros to install. macroname Specifies a name for a macro you create. text Specifies commands you want to record. UP and DOWN ARROWS recall commands; ESC clears command line; F7 displays command history; ALT+F7 clears command history; F8 searches command history; F9 selects a command by number; ALT+F10 clears macro definitions. The following are some special codes in Doskey macro definitions: $T Command separator. Allows multiple commands in a macro. $1-$9 Batch parameters. Equivalent to %%1-%%9 in batch programs. $* Symbol replaced by everything following macro name on command line. To specify the size of the command history buffer under Window NT, use the /listsize switch which sets the number of commands to remember. \Insufficient memory to grow DOSKEY list. \Associates a path with a drive letter. 4Drive already SUBSTed SUBST [drive1: [drive2:]path] SUBST drive1: /D drive1: Specifies a virtual drive to which you want to assign a path. [drive2:]path Specifies a physical drive and path you want to assign to a virtual drive. /D Deletes a substituted (virtual) drive. Type SUBST with no parameters to display a list of current virtual drives. %1: => %2 8Invalid parameter - %1 PIncorrect number of parameters - %1 0Path not found - %1 0Access denied - %1 XCHKNTFS: Incorrect command-line format. 8Invalid parameter - %1 tCHKNTFS: drive specifiers may not contain wildcards. TDisplays or modifies the checking of disk at boot time. CHKNTFS volume [...] CHKNTFS /D CHKNTFS /T[:time] CHKNTFS /X volume [...] CHKNTFS /C volume [...] volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. /D Restores the machine to the default behavior; all drives are checked at boot time and chkdsk is run on those that are dirty. /T:time Changes the AUTOCHK initiation countdown time to the specified amount of time in seconds. If time is not specified, displays the current setting. /X Excludes a drive from the default boot-time check. Excluded drives are not accumulated between command invocations. /C Schedules a drive to be checked at boot time; chkdsk will run if the drive is dirty. If no switches are specified, CHKNTFS will display if the specified drive is dirty or scheduled to be checked on next reboot. XSpecify only one of /D, /X, /C, and /T. \You must specify at least one drive name. X%1 is not a valid drive specification. HCannot query state of drive %1 %1 is dirty. You may use the /C option to schedule chkdsk for this drive. ,%1 is not dirty. <Drive %1 does not exist. lCHKNTFS cannot be used for the network drive %1. hCHKNTFS cannot be used for the cdrom drive %1. `CHKNTFS cannot be used for the ram disk %1. xUnable to enable automatic volume upgrade on drive %1. pSkipping drive %1 because it is not an NTFS volume. XCHKNTFS does not work on floppy drive. Skipping drive %1 because it is not an NTFS, FAT, or FAT32 volume. The volume %1 does not have a mount point or drive letter. Chkdsk has been scheduled manually to run on next reboot on volume %1. The specified AUTOCHK initiation countdown time cannot be less than zero or larger than %1 seconds. The default is %2 seconds. tUnable to set the AUTOCHK initiation countdown time. The AUTOCHK initiation countdown time is set to %1 second(s). HRemove disks or other media.%0 $Disk error%0 @Press any key to restart%0 An operating system wasn't found. Try disconnecting any drives that don't contain an operating system.%0 8BOOTMGR is compressed%0 DA disk read error occurred%0 HPress Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart%0 HVolume %1 is UDF version %2.%3. tThe volume in %1 contains an unsupported UDF version. <Checking File System %1. Invalid System Stream detected. System stream information is lost. The volume was not previously closed properly and may contain errors. H CHKDSK is verifying ICBs ... @ICB verification completed. TCHKDSK is looking for orphan ICBs ... DSearch for orphans completed. LCHKDSK is verifying ICB links ... LICB link verification completed. DFound orphan ICB at block %1. Correcting invalid Information Length %2 to %3 in ICB at block %1. tCorrecting Recorded Blocks field in ICB at block %1. Correcting invalid Object Size %2 to %3 in ICB at block %1. Error in allocation descriptors for ICB at block %1. Truncating invalid allocation descriptors. Cross linked allocation for ICB at block %1. Deleting cross linked ICB allocation. Multiple non-identical parent FID found in directory ICB at block %1. |Duplicate parent FID found in directory ICB at block %1. Parent FID found in the middle of directory ICB at block %1. Deleting parent FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block %1. Deleting FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block %1. Adding parent FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block %1. Adding FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block %1. Modifying flags to 0x%3 for FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block %1. Deleting Stream ICB entry in stream ICB at block %1. Hierarchical streams not allowed in UDF xCHKDSK is verifying link counts and parent entries ... pLink count and parent entry verification completed. Deleting stream ICB entry pointing to ICB at block %2 in ICB at block %1. lReferences found to non-existent ICB at block %1. xMultiple references found to directory ICB at block %1. Mismatch between parent FID and in-reference found to directory ICB at block %1. pParent FID not found in directory ICB at block %1. xInvalid parent FID found in directory ICB at block %1. Adding stream ICB entry pointing to ICB at block %2 in ICB at block %1. Mismatch between in-references and file type for for ICB at block %1. |Multiple references found to file stream ICB at block %1. Mismatch between parent FID references and file type for for ICB at block %1. \Incorrect link count for ICB at block %1. Modifying Root ICB location in File Set Descriptor to block %1. Creating a new directory ICB at block %1 with parent ICB at block %2. \Creating a new directory ICB at block %1 Found invalid references to root directory ICB at block %1 Found invalid references to system stream directory ICB at block %1 Deleting system stream directory ICB entry in File Set Descriptor. dCreating new File Set Descriptor at block %1. tCorrecting errors in File Set Descriptor at block %1. lCreating new Space Bitmap Descriptor at block %1. |Correcting errors in Space Bitmap Descriptor at block %1. tCorrecting errors in the Volume Descriptor Sequence. |File Set Descriptor at block %1 is corrupt or unreadable. Space Bitmap Descriptor at block %1 is corrupt or unreadable. Main Volume Descriptor Sequence is corrupt or unreadable. Attempting to read the Reserve Volume Descriptor Sequence. Reserve Volume Descriptor Sequence is corrupt or unreadable. Correcting the Main Volume Descriptor Sequence using the Reserve Volume Descriptor Sequence. Correcting the Reserve Volume Descriptor Sequence using the Main Volume Descriptor Sequence. XCannot fix Volume Descriptor Sequence. Cannot define a logical volume using main or reserve Volume Descriptor Sequence. Chkdsk aborted. Correcting cycles in directory tree. Breaking links between parent ICB at block %1 and child ICB at block %2. LCHKDSK is identifying lost files. PLost file identification completed. lCHKDSK is checking the directory tree for cycles. LCHKDSK is checking system files. Deleting corrupt Extented Attribute ICB in ICB at block %1. Deleting Extended Attribute ICB entry in stream ICB at block %1. Only a file or directory ICB can have extended attributes in UDF. < %1 KB total disk space. 0%1 KB in %2 files. <%1 KB in %2 directories. P%1 KB in %2 alternate data streams. H%1 KB in %2 stream directories. @%1 KB in use by the system. @%1 KB available on disk. < %1 MB total disk space. 0%1 MB in %2 files. <%1 MB in %2 directories. P%1 MB in %2 alternate data streams. H%1 MB in %2 stream directories. @%1 MB in use by the system. @%1 MB available on disk. File type %1 in ICB tag not supported in UDF. Chkdsk aborted. ICB strategy type %1 in ICB tag not supported in UDF. Chkdsk aborted. Only unallocated space bitmap is supported for free space management in UDF. Chkdsk aborted. Correcting file count to %1 in Logical Volume Integrity Descriptor. Correcting directory count to %1 in Logical Volume Integrity Descriptor. Cannot fix Logical Volume Integrity Descriptor. Chkdsk aborted. Deleting the unique ID system stream since the volume has been modified. Found corrupt FID pointing to directory ICB at block %2 in stream directory ICB at block %1. Found invalid file identifier in FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block %1. Cannot read Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer. Chkdsk aborted. Deleting corrupt Extented Attribute Space in ICB at block %1. `Chkdsk cannot be run on this type of media. tFound mismatch in Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointers. One or more Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointers are missing. Fixing Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer at block %1 with prevailing Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer. pReseting invalid ICB tag flags in ICB at block %1. CHKDSK is verifying object size for ICBs with alternate data streams ... XICB object size verification completed. Correcting partition size for partition %1 to %2 in Logical Volume Integrity Descriptor. Correcting partition free space for partition %1 to %2 in Logical Volume Integrity Descriptor. pSparing Table at block %1 is corrupt or unreadable. Found mismatching Sparing Tables with identical sequence numbers. Modifying System Stream Directory ICB location in File Set Descriptor to block %1. xNon-allocatable Space Stream is corrupt or unreadable. xCreating new Non-allocatable Space Stream at block %1. Sparing Table missing or unreadable on media that is not Target Defect Managed. 4Invalid partition reference in Extended Attribute ICB entry. Deleting Extended Attribute ICB entry pointing to ICB at block %2 in ICB at block %1. ,Invalid partition reference in Stream Directory ICB entry. Deleting Stream Directory ICB entry pointing to ICB at block %2 in ICB at block %1. Invalid partition reference in FID. Deleting FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block %1.  Chkdsk is running on media that does not support writes in place. On such media chkdsk operation is limited to verifying the presence of a valid VAT on the last written block and if necessary searching for the last valid VAT and placing it at the end of the disk. This could revert the media to a previous state before the corruption occured. Chkdsk could not find a valid VAT at the end of the volume. \ CHKDSK is searching for a valid VAT ... <Search for VAT completed. hChkdsk could not find a valid VAT on the media. Chkdsk is copying last valid VAT at block %1 to the end of the volume. This will revert the volume to its state at %2:%3 on %4/%5/%6. There is no writable space available in the physical partition to write a new valid VAT. Invalid flags in FID. Deleting FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block %1. hReserve Sparing Table not present on the disk. dCreating Reserve Sparing Table at sector %1. |Insufficient free space to create Reserve Sparing Table. xCreating Main Volume Descriptor Sequence at sector %1. Insufficient free space to create Main Volume Descriptor Sequence. |Creating Reserve Volume Descriptor Sequence at sector %1. Insufficient free space to create Reserve Volume Descriptor Sequence. Correcting errors in Unallocated Space Descriptor in the Volume Descriptor Sequence. xCorrecting errors in Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer. xCannot fix errors in Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer. A background low-level format of the media is in progress. Windows will avoid writes to the end of the media to allow early eject. This is not a corruption. Chkdsk will fix the media for UDF compliance in future when the background format is complete. \Low level format of CD/DVD media failed.. xUnsupported UDF version in Volume Descriptor Sequence. `Main metadata file at block %1 is corrupt. dMirror metadata file at block %1 is corrupt. dMetadata bitmap file at block %1 is corrupt. DCreating new Metadata Bitmap. TCorrecting errors in Metadata Bitmap. hCreating new Metadata Bitmap File at block %1. hCreating new Metadata Mirror File at block %1. Insufficient free space to create duplicate metadata. Switching to non-duplicated metadata for logical volume. Correcting inconsistencies between main and mirror metadata. Correcting number of partitions to %1 in Logical Volume Integrity Descriptor. FID references block beyond the end of the partition. Deleting FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block %1. The disk contains structures that are not supported in UDF %1.%2. Chkdsk aborted. tCreating new Non-allocatable Space File at block %1. tNon-allocatable Space File is corrupt or unreadable. Logical Volume Integrity Descriptor at block %1 is corrupt. Creating new Logical Volume Integrity Descriptor at block %1. Background format is incomplete, skipping reserve AVDP and VDS checks. pAn error occurred while examining the boot region. tCorruption was found while examining the boot region. |An error occurred while examining files and directories. Corruption was found while examining files and directories. tAn error occurred while examining the volume bitmap. xCorruption was found while examining the volume bitmap. hAn error occurred while recovering lost files. Corruption was found while examining files in directory %1 (%2). Both copies of the boot information for this volume are corrupt. Chkdsk cannot continue. An error occurred while examining the free space on the volume. Bad sectors were found and tested while examining free space on the volume. The volume has been successfully checked, but Windows was unable to mark the volume as clean. dThe file allocation table (FAT) is corrupted. lVolume label (15 characters, ENTER for none)? %0 DThe volume label is too long. Corruption due to bad sectors was found while examining files in directory %1. Entries %2 to %3 were affected. The bad sectors will only be repaired if the "/r" option is specified. A media error has been detected. Bad sectors may be present on the volume. dThe volume will be checked for bad sectors. `The cluster size must be a minimum of 16KB. Floppy disks cannot be formatted with the ReFS file system. Failed to initialize underlying data structures status %1. T Examining %1 corruption records ... T Examining %1 corruption record ... l %1 corruption records processed in %2 seconds. h %1 corruption record processed in %2 seconds. 4 Record %1 of %2: %0 @corruption found and fixed. ,corruption found. 4no corruption found. Dunexpected corruption found. <Corrupt File "%1" ... %0 `Unused file metadata marked as used ... %0 %1 Bad clusters in file "%2" starting at file offset %3 ... %0 %1 Bad free clusters starting at logical cluster %2 ... %0 File "%1" and file "%2" both own logical clusters [%3, %4) ... %0 File "%1" and file "%2" both own logical cluster %3 ... %0 Corrupt security descriptor entry at offset %2 in %1:$SDS ... %0 `%1 files have an invalid security ID ... %0 \File %1 has an invalid security ID ... %0 XBad index "%1" in directory "%2" ... %0 pBad subtree in index "%1" of directory "%2" ... %0 lCorruption in index "%1" of directory "%2" ... %0 Unneeded index entry in index "%1" of directory "%2" ... %0 pIndex "%1" of directory "%2" is mis-ordered ... %0 |Missing %1 entries in index "%3" of directory "%2" ... %0 Index entry for file "%1" is missing from index "%3" of directory "%2" ... %0 Cycle beginning at directory "%1" and ending in directory "%2" ... %0 %1 clusters allocated to file "%2" at offset "%3" are marked as free ... %0 Adding %1 lost files to index "%3" of directory "%2" ... %0 Adding lost file "%1" to index "%3" of directory "%2" ... %0 lSecurity ID %1 is non-existent and unused ... %0 Index "%1" of directory "%2" is partially mis-ordered ... %0 hIndex "%1" of directory "%2" has a cycle ... %0 Windows has found problems and they were all fixed online. No further action is required. 4Windows has found problems and some were fixed online; the remaining problems must be fixed offline. Please run chkdsk /spotfix to fix the issues. Windows has found problems that must be fixed offline. Please run chkdsk /spotfix to fix the issues. Windows has found problems and encountered online repair failure -- "chkdsk /f" required. Snapshot creation failed. CHKDSK cannot perform an online scan of the volume. l Snapshot was deleted. CHKDSK cannot continue. "chkdsk /scan" is aborting due to self-healing command failure: %1 "chkdsk /f" will be required to repair the volume. pDeleted duplicate filename %1 (%3) in directory %2. lFound duplicate filename %1 (%3) in directory %2. `Scanning and repairing drive: %1%% complete t Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ... ` Stage 2: Examining file name linkage ... d Stage 3: Examining security descriptors ... | Stage 4: Looking for bad clusters in user file data ... d Stage 5: Looking for bad, free clusters ... h Found corrupt basic file structure for "%1" d Found unused file metadata marked as used  Found %1 bad clusters in file "%2" starting at file offset %3  Found %1 bad free clusters starting at logical cluster %2  File "%1" and file "%2" both own logical clusters [%3, %4) x File "%1" and file "%2" both own logical cluster %3  Found corrupt security descriptor entry at offset %2 in %1:$SDS  Found %1 files (%2) which refer to a non-existent security descriptor %3  File %1 refers to a non-existent security descriptor %2 d Found a bad index "%1" in directory "%2" x Found a bad subtree in index "%1" of directory "%2" t Found corruption in index "%1" of directory "%2"  Found an unneeded link (%1) in index "%2" of directory "%3" x Found a mis-ordered index "%1" from directory "%2"  Found %1 missing entries (%2) in index "%3" of directory "%4"  Found missing Index entry for file "%1" from index "%3" of directory "%2"  Found %1 lost files (%2); requesting reconnection to index "%3" of directory "%4"  Found lost file "%1"; requesting reconnection to index "%2" of directory "%3"  Found a naming cycle beginning at directory "%1" and ending in directory "%2"  Found %1 clusters allocated to file "%2" at offset "%3" marked as free p Found a cycle in index "%1" from directory "%2"  Found a partially mis-ordered index "%1" from directory "%2" Progress: %4 of %5 done; Stage: %1%%; Total: %2%%; ETA: %6:%7:%8 %9%r%0  %r%0 X Found %1 files (%2) with bad links T Found a file "%1" with bad links d Security ID %1 is non-existent and unused D ... repaired online. X ... queued for offline repair. tself-healing requires we abort and restart the scan. unexpected outcome from self-healing -- "chkdsk /f" required. was not able to send command for self-healing due to lack of memory. "Chkdsk /scan" is restarting due to stale information about crosslinks. lScanning and repairing drive (%1): %2%% complete HScanning and repairing drive... TScanning and repairing drive (%1)... "Chkdsk /scan" has found volume bitmap corruption which can only be repaired by "chkdsk /f". Aborting. "Chkdsk /scan" has found and repaired critical volume bitmap corruption online and must restart the scan. "chkdsk /scan" is aborting due to corruption found in the $Boot file. "chkdsk /f" will be required to repair the volume. "Force Full Chkdsk" volume state is set -- spotfix is not possible. Windows has examined the list of previously identified issues and found no problems. No further action is required. There is no list of previously identified issues associated with this drive. No further action is required. Windows has examined the list of previously identified potential issues and found no problems. No further action is required. There is no list of previously identified potential issues associated with this drive. No further action is required. dWindows has examined the list of previously identified potential issues and found problems. Please run chkdsk /scan to fully analyze the problems and queue them for repair. 4Windows could not verify the list of previously identified potential issues. Please run chkdsk /scan to find the problems and queue them for repair. 0Windows cannot perform an online scan on the volume because it is in the "Full Chkdsk Needed" state. Please run "chkdsk /f" to repair the volume. lThe ReFS file system does not need to be checked. <%1!*s!Corruption Record: T%1!*s!Corruption Record: %2!#018llx! $%1!*s!Header: 0%1!*s!Description: @%1!*s!Verb-Specific Fields: NoOp%0 ,ForceFullChkdsk%0 4ForceProactiveScan%0 BadFRS%0 ,OrphanChildFRS%0 $BadClusters%0 ,BadFreeClusters%0 CrossLink%0 ,CorruptSDEntry%0 0InvalidSecurityId%0 ,IndexAttribute%0 (IndexSubtree%0 $IndexOffset%0 $IndexEntry%0 $IndexOrder%0 Connect%0 $BreakCycle%0 $FRSAllocate%0 IndexSort%0 $IndexCycle%0 Unknown%0 TESTING%0 4DETECTED_IN_DRIVER%0 0GLOBALLY_VERIFIED%0 0SKIP_SELF_HEALING%0 <SELF_HEALING_ATTEMPTED%0 0TESTED_DUPLICATE%0 DUPLICATE%0 ,PREVENTS_MOUNT%0 $MAINTENANCE%0 CRITICAL%0 $SPECULATIVE%0 P%1!*s!LCN : %2!#018llx! \%1!*s!Run Length : %2!#010x! P%1!*s!Block %2!d! : %3!#018llx! L%1!*s!Corruption Context %2!2d!: CallStack%0 ,TestInformation%0 (BinarySample%0 0SelfHealingResult%0 ,%1!*s!Attribute: T%1!*s!TypeCode: %2!#x! Name: %3!.*s! T%1!*s!Version : %2!1d!.%3!1d! D%1!*s!Flags : %2!s! P%1!*s!Length : %2!d! bytes H%1!*s!InstanceTag : %2!38s! D%1!*s!Verb : %2!s! h%1!*s!FRN : %2!#06x! %3!04x!`%4!08x! D%1!*s!ChildFRS Count : %2!d! h%1!*s!ChildFRS %2!d! : %3!#06x! %4!04x!`%5!08x! $%1!*s!Extent: 8%1!*s!Owning Extent : 8%1!*s!Crossing Extent : P%1!*s!Offset : %2!#018llx! L%1!*s!Security Id : %2!#010x! D%1!*s!FRN Count : %2!d! `%1!*s!FRN %2!d! : %3!#06x! %4!04x!`%5!08x! 8%1!*s!Index : P%1!*s!Value Length : %2!d! bytes ,Key : 8%1!*s!Value : L%1!*s!Block Offset : %2!#010x! h%1!*s!Recover FRN : %2!#06x! %3!04x!`%4!08x! h%1!*s!Parent FRN : %2!#06x! %3!04x!`%4!08x! h%1!*s!Child FRN : %2!#06x! %3!04x!`%4!08x! |%1!*s!VCN: %2!#018llx! LCN: %3!#018llx! Length: %4!#010x! 0%1!*s!FileName: %2 NtfsFileName: ParentDirectory: %1!#04x! %2!04x!`%3!08x! Info: CreationTime: %4!#016llx! LastModificationTime: %5!#016llx! LastChangeTime: %6!#016llx! LastAccessTime: %7!#016llx! AllocatedLength: %8!#016llx! FileSize: %9!#016llx! 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