MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @d.rsrc@@( @XpMUI#ڱ *q!Z\lCGOAVI MUI el-GR P4  $  &. @. @(5 @6 @)8 @= @,,A @B @4  6  7& ' :* - >0 2 I4 4 xO7 7 RD H HTla $\w'9y@@(    <      ܍ % |( ) x/ / 3 3 h> @ HC C Header None General <----- -----%0 :%0 :%0 $:%0 :%0 .:%0 , :%0 $:%0 :%0 (:%0  %0 :%0 :%0 1252%0 $%0 %0 %0 %0 $%0 %0 ( %0 :%0 , :%0 ( :%0 $ :%0 $ %0 (:%0 :%0 8 %0 4 %0 4 %0 0 %0 @  %0 ()   : , , , %0 (+01:00) , , , , , %0 |(+01:00) , , , %0 (+01:00) , , , , , %0 L(+02:00) %0 (+01:00) , , , , %0 p(+02:00) , , %0 H( -03:00) %0 h( -04:00)   ()%0 |( -05:00)   (...  )%0 x( -06:00)   (...  )%0 t( -07:00)   (...  )%0 x( -08:00)   (... & )%0 D( -09:00) %0 @( -10:00) %0 `( -11:00)  , %0 \(+12:00), %0 L( +10:00) %0 H( +09:30) %0 `( +09:00) , , %0 l( +08:00) -,%0 h( +07:00) , , %0 ( +05:30) , , ,  %0 `( +04:00)  , %0 H( +03:30) %0 D( +03:00) %0 L( +02:00) %0 D( -03:30)  %0 D( -01:00) %0 X( -02:00)  %0 @() %0 l( -03:00)  , %0 T( -04:00) ,  %0 \( -05:00)  ()%0 `( -05:00) , , %0 L( -06:00) %0 X( -06:00)   %0 D( -07:00) %0 d( -12:00) , %0 ( +12:00)  , ,  %0 ( +11:00) ,  ,  %0 D( +10:00) %0 `( +10:00) ,  %0 H( +09:30) %0 ( +08:00) , -,   ..., %0 `( +06:00) , %0 t( +05:00) , , %0 D( +04:30) %0 @( +02:00) %0 X( +02:00) , %0 |( +03:00) , . , %0 h( -01:00)   %0 h( +04:00) , , E%0 X( -06:00)  %0 H( +03:00) %0 l( +10:00) , , %0 T( +05:00) %0 `( +02:00) , , %0 L( -03:00) %0 \( +06:30)  ()%0 H( +05:45) %0 d( +08:00) , , %0 P( +07:00) %0 H( -04:00) %0 d( +06:00)  %0 L( +13:00) %0 L( +10:00) %0 \( +01:00)  %0 H( +09:00) %0 P( +06:00) , %0 @( +09:00) %0 @( +08:00) %0 T( +03:00) , %0 D( +08:00) %0 ( +10:00) , ,  (    2000)%0 l(-07:00) ,  , %0 ( +10:00) , ,  ( )%0 x( +09:30)  ( )%0 t( +10:00)  ( )%0 l( -08:00) ,  %0 %1 Event on %2 called with Flags %3 %n%nFor more information, click %1 Event Method is returning with HRESULT %2 %n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent is initialized successfully. %n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent is stopping successfully. %n%nFor more information, click The calendaring data message for %1: %2 has been sent to %3. %n%nFor more information, click PThe EXCDO logging level has been reloaded from the registry and is now set to 0x%1. %n%nFor more information, click ,Calendaring agent has successfully started the background thread. %n%nFor more information, click lBackground calendaring agent is processing the calendar (%1) in the mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3). %n%nFor more information, click 8Background calendaring agent did not find any more calendars to process. %n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent has finished processing the calendar (%1) in the mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3). The return code is %4. %n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent is awakened due to shutdown. %n%nFor more information, click @Background calendaring agent is awakened due to calendars needing expansion. %n%nFor more information, click (Background calendaring agent is terminating with return code %1. %n%nFor more information, click HBackground calendaring agent is sleeping until shutdown or a calendar is queued. %n%nFor more information, click `The calendar (%1) in mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3) has been queued for background expansion. %n%nFor more information, click ,Calendaring agent truncated expansion after %1 instances per day. %n%nFor more information, click Expiry of an instance for the recurring appointment with the subject "%1" in the folder "%2" was detected. The master for that should be expired before this instance. This instance will no longer appear in the web clients until the master is updated manually or through replication. %n%nFor more information, click An inconsistency was detected in %2: %3. The calendar is being repaired. If other errors occur with this calendar, please view the calendar using Microsoft Outlook Web Access. If a problem persists, please recreate the calendar or the containing mailbox. %n%nFor more information, click 8Calendar agent failed to determine the primary calendar for mailbox: %1. %n%nFor more information, click An inconsistency was detected in %1. The calendar is being repaired. If other errors occur with this calendar, please view the calendar using Microsoft Outlook Web Access. If a problem persists, please recreate the public folder calendar. %n%nFor more information, click LClearing the calendar instances before a move failed for mailbox %1 with error %2. %n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed with error %1 while attempting to retrieve the message class for a recurring appointment. The message class for the instance when viewed with the Web Client will not be the same as the one in the series if it is not IPM.Appointment. %n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed with error %1 while attempting to open the status message. If the user is a delegate, the access rights to the mailbox might not be set up correctly. Otherwise, the calendar for this mailbox could be corrupted. This could be fixed by moving the mailbox to another Exchange server, or exporting the calendar to a Personal Folder File (.PST), and re-importing this into a new calendar. %n%nFor more information, click An appointment with the subject "%1" was saved to mailbox %2. The end time and duration are missing. For the purposes of publishing free/busy information, this appointment has a duration of zero minutes. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it. %n%nFor more information, click An existing appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2 was modified. The start time, or both the duration and end time of the existing appointment were missing. %n%nFor more information, click The existing appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2 was deleted. The start time, or both the duration and end time were missing. %n%nFor more information, click The calendaring agent did bind to the appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2, but the appointment is missing an end time and duration. For the purposes of publishing free/busy information, this appointment has a duration of zero minutes. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it. %n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent has failed to start the background thread due to %1. Rendering of large calendars with the Web client will be slower. %n%nFor more information, click An attempt was made to save an appointment with the subject "%1" to mailbox %2. The duration of the appointment was too large, so it was not saved. %n%nFor more information, click An existing appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2 was modified. The duration of the existing appointment was too large. Free/busy publishing may not be accurate. %n%nFor more information, click The existing appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2 was deleted. The duration of the existing appointment was too large. Free/busy publishing may not be accurate. %n%nFor more information, click \       %1    .            .          ,       Microsoft Outlook Web Access. %n%n  ,        %1    .   /         .           .      ,              . %n%n  , `  %1   %2         .          .             . |       .     .         .           .      ,            .          .     SMTP  ,      .     NNTP  ,       .    ,    .       ""  "",       .        .     : %1         .     : %1          NNTP.      %2.      %1          SMTP.      %2.      %1 t      . |       .     "", ""  " ",        .              .     : %1 $         .  ,     MHTML      HTML.          .         .     : %1.        .     : %1.     HTTP .     : %1.        .              .            7bit, 8bit  .          . T     . l    SendUsing   . l    PostUsing   .       ,    . |        .          . P     . \      .             .            .          . @  ADO   . X    .    XML      UTF-8. l  XML    .         XML     . \     .           .         . T      .              .        -.            .  ,     . h      .          . L      L      L      P      L                 . t      . %1 Event Method is halting, HRESULT %2 %n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent failed to initialize with error %1. %n%nFor more information, click TCalendaring recurring item expansion failed to register for notifications for MDB %1. %n%nFor more information, click DCalendaring agent failed in message save notification with error %1 on %2: %3. %n%nFor more information, click HCalendaring agent failed in message delete notification with error %1 on %2: %3. %n%nFor more information, click DCalendaring agent failed in folder save notification with error %1 on %2: %3. %n%nFor more information, click <The mailbox creation callback failed to create any folders in mailbox %1. %n%nFor more information, click LThe mailbox creation callback failed to create one or more folders in mailbox %1. %n%nFor more information, click TCalendaring agent failed to uninitialize implied restriction with error %1 on %2: %3. %n%nFor more information, click 4Calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while saving appointment. %n%nFor more information, click 8Calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while deleting appointment. %n%nFor more information, click PCalendaring agent failed with error code %1 while expanding recurring appointments. %n%nFor more information, click @Calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while cleaning up the calendar. %n%nFor more information, click $Calendaring agent failed to open registry with error code %1. %n%nFor more information, click 8Calendaring agent failed in the following function with error code: %1. %n%nFor more information, click 4Calendaring agent failed in the following function with error code %1. %n%nFor more information, click tCalendaring agent failed to update the free/busy cache during an appointment save or delete operation. %n%nFor more information, click lCalendaring agent failed to update the free/busy cache and internal data while processing a query. %n%nFor more information, click <The mailbox creation callback failed to rename any folders in mailbox %1. %n%nFor more information, click LThe mailbox creation callback failed to rename one or more folders in mailbox %1. %n%nFor more information, click $The processing of the recurring appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox: %2 failed with error code %3. This appointment will not be visible in the web client or other non-MAPI client. %n%nFor more information, click A transaction failed during initialization. %n%nFor more information, click The calendaring agent could not publish the free/busy information for "%1" because it failed reading the registry with error: %2. The save/delete calendar operation for "%3" will not be completed. Please ensure that MSExchangeFBPublish agent is started. %n%nFor more information, click 4Unhandled exception %1 caught during initialization of server agents. %n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught trying to stop server agents. %n%nFor more information, click dUnhandled exception %1 caught during initialization of server agents while an MDB is mounted. %n%nFor more information, click TUnhandled exception %1 caught trying to stop server agents while an MDB is unmounted. %n%nFor more information, click 8Unhandled exception %1 caught during message save changes notification. %n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught during deletion notification. %n%nFor more information, click Unhandled exception %1 caught during query processing. %n%nFor more information, click 4Unhandled exception %1 caught during folder save changes notification. %n%nFor more information, click PThe calendar for the mailbox %1 is corrupted. This calendar needs to be recreated. %n%nFor more information, click 0The processing of the recurring appointment with the subject "%1" in public folder: %2 failed with error code %3. This appointment will not be visible in the web client or other non-MAPI client. %n%nFor more information, click 8The public folder %1 is corrupted. This calendar needs to be recreated. %n%nFor more information, click An appointment with the subject "%1" was saved to mailbox %2. The start time is missing, so the calendaring agent cannot publish the free/busy information for this appointment. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it. %n%nFor more information, click The calendaring agent cannot bind to the appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2 because the appointment is missing a start time. The calendaring agent will not publish free/busy information for this appointment. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it. %n%nFor more information, click The background calendaring agent failed with error code %1 while registering task. The rendering of large calendars with the web client or Microsoft Internet Explorer will be slower. %n%nFor more information, click The background calendaring agent failed to logon to the MDB, or create a session object on the MDB:%1. The error code is %2. The rendering of large calendars with the web client or Microsoft Internet Explorer for the mailbox %3 with GUID:%4 will be slower. %n%nFor more information, click |The background calendaring agent failed to retrieve the token required for logon on the MDB:%1. The error code is %2. The rendering of large calendars with the web client or Microsoft Internet Explorer on this MDB will be slower. %n%nFor more information, click TThe background calendaring agent failed in the following function with error code %1. %n%nFor more information, click 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?@StringFileInfo040804B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationl"FileDescriptionMicrosoft CDO for Windows Libraryr)FileVersion6.6.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNameCDOSYS.DLL.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenameCDOSYS.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.6.9600.16384(OleSelfRegisterDVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD