MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  6@.rsrc@@( 8Ph ,*( @Xp?@ABCDE0FHL`MxRSTU^_` k8lPmhnopqrwxy(~@Xp0 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x            0(@V@\ |"t',/P|4056X9<=@@D KLXMPN6RDSHTP\Fchjotv`w8y8zf0DbRpn` MUIk7TӔb6GK+( MUI en-US &Open Action Center &Troubleshoot a problem Open Windows &UpdateStatus not available Action CenterNew messages are available+Click to view messages about your computer.View messages in Action CenterAction Center Flyout%Windows User Account Control SettingsPA Action CenterNo current issues detectedSolve PC issues: %1 1 important message%u important messages 1 message %u messages%u total messagesOpen Action CenterPApYou can use Action Center to review recent messages about your computer's status and find solutions to problems. (Important)Good%1 %2%1%2Action Center is workingBackup Not set upCheck your network credentialsBack up your filesCheck your backupCreate a new, full backupBackup succeededChange backup locationCheck backup disk spaceCheck backup settingsBackup in progressBack up your filesBack up your filesCheck backup settingsBack up your filesBackup is not being monitoredCheck backup settingsInsert removable mediaCheck backup settingsCheck your backup resultsPA#Your files are not being backed up.?Your network user name or password has expired. Backup date: %2&The last scheduled backup did not run.>The last backup did not complete successfully. Backup date: %2To save disk space, only files that are new or have changed since the last backup are backed up. You should create a new, full backup from time to time in case your old backups are lost or corrupted.Backup date: %27The disk that your backup is saved on is about to fail.UThe disk that your backup is saved on doesn't have enough free space. Backup date: %2CBackup completed but one of the drives was skipped. Backup date: %2PAWindows Backup is running.The last backup was cancelled. Backup date: %24At least %2 days have passed since your last backup.dWindows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved. Backup date: %2cYour last backup did not complete successfully. Your files have not been backed up. Backup date: %2kMonitoring Windows Backup through Action Center has been turned off by an administrator or another program.wYour system settings have been restored to an earlier point in time. We recommend that you review your backup settings.7Windows backup needs a CD\DVD or USB drive to continue.tYour computer has been restored to an earlier point in time. As a result, your backup settings might be out of date.wYour computer has been upgraded to a new version of Windows. As a result you need to re-configure your backup settings.1The backup completed but some files were skipped.TThe last backup did not complete because the backup location is locked by BitLocker.PALYour network user name or password has expired. Click to change credentials.EThe last backup did not complete successfully. Click to troubleshoot.hThe disk that your backup is saved on doesn't have enough free space. Click to manage backup disk space.SBackup completed but one of the drives was skipped. Click to check backup settings.MAt least %2 days have passed since your last backup. Click to run backup now.tWindows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved. Click to check backup settings.PWindows backup needs a CD\DVD or USB drive to continue. Insert the required one.;Your files are not being backed up. Click to set up backup. Set up backupOptio&nsR&un backup nowChan&ge locationCheck settingsDetailsPAChan&ge credentialsSet &up backupDet&ailsCreate &new backupM&ore information#Troubleshooting: System Maintenance Action neededNo action needed.Windows found issues requiring your attention.BWindows is actively checking your system for maintenance problems.System MaintenanceNClean up disk space, fix broken shortcuts and perform other maintenance tasks.Perform system mai&ntenanceChange troubleshooting settingsOff=Windows is not checking your system for maintenance problems.Network Access Protection6Network Access Protection Agent service is not running#Network Access Protection is activeDYour network access might be limited unless you update your computerNetwork access might be limitedOffOnNetwork Access ProtectionNetwork Access ProtectionDYour network access might be limited unless you update your computerNetwork access might be limitedTThis computer doesn't meet security standards defined by your network administrator.PATThis computer doesn't meet security standards defined by your network administrator.Vie&w solutionVie&w solutionWindows Defender Not availableViewDisabled4Windows Defender has items that need your attention.:Windows Defender is not actively protecting your computer.Service stoppedNTo help protect your computer, Windows Defender is running its scheduled scan.On Windows Defender service stoppedDWindows Defender service needs to run to help protect your computer. View det&ailsPAScheduled ScanScheduled Scan in progress.View &progress%Potentially harmful software detectedLClick Clean system to remove the items or View details for more information.%Potentially harmful software detectedClick to review and take action View det&ails Clean System,Windows Defender needs to scan your computerHScanning on a regular basis helps improve the security of your computer. Sc&an now4Microsoft needs more information about this softwareaSending this information can improve how Windows Defender protects the security of your computer. View det&ailsSend informationRestart requiredCTo complete the cleaning process you need to restart your computer.Rest&art9Review files that Windows Defender will send to MicrosoftxSending this information can improve how Windows Defender protects the security of your computer. Click to view details.Full scan requiredeTo complete the cleaning process you need to run a full scan to check for any remains of this threat.Full scan requiredyYou should run a full scan to check for any remains of this threat. Until you run a full scan, your PC might be at risk. Sc&an nowAdditional cleaning requiredDetected threats could not be cleaned. To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC.Additional cleaning required5Download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC.Download(Windows Defender requires your attention<Windows Defender requires your attention to protect your PC.(Windows Defender requires your attention@Windows Defender requires your attention. Click to view details. View det&ails HomeGroupHomegroup password was reset5To reconnect to the homegroup, type the new password.Type the passwordPAHomeGroup is sharing filesGSharing settings are being applied to your homegroup files and folders.View homegroup settingsYou belong to a homegroup%This computer belongs to a homegroup.View homegroup settingsA homegroup is available@Share your files and printers with other people on your network.Join nowA homegroup can be created@Share your files and printers with other people on your network.Create a homegroupHomeGroup isn't available1You can't access or create a homegroup right now.View homegroup settingsUntrusted printerPA7An untrusted printer can't be shared through HomeGroup.View homegroup settings File HistoryOffDisabled by Group Policy Action neededOnRunningFile History is off. Reselect your File History drivePACWe found errors in your File History settings. Reselect your drive.%Select a different File History drive^Your File History drive is full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.wFiles last copied on: %2 Your File History drive is full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.(Change how long File History keeps fileseYour File History drive is almost full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.~Files last copied on: %2 Your File History drive is almost full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.Reconnect your driveYour File History drive was disconnected for too long. To keep saving copies of your files, reconnect your drive and then run a backup.Files last copied on: %2 Your File History drive was disconnected for too long. To keep saving copies of your files, reconnect your drive and then run a backup.Files last copied on: %2YYour File History drive is full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.rFiles last copied on: %2 Your File History drive is full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.`Your File History drive is almost full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.yFiles last copied on: %2 Your File History drive is almost full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.(Check your File History drive for errorscWe found errors on your File History drive, and can't save copies of your files. Repair your drive.|Files last copied on: %2 We found errors on your File History drive, and can't save copies of your files. Repair your drive. Reenter your network credentialsThe credentials used to access your network location aren't valid, and we can't save copies of your files. Reenter your credentials.Files last copied on: %2 The credentials used to access your network location aren't valid, and we can't save copies of your files. Reenter your credentials.PAMoving your files...File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. We recommend you select a different drive.Files last copied on: %2 File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. We recommend you select a different drive.,File History is restoring your files. (%2%%)Restoring your libraries and folders is currently suspended and will resume as soon as your File History drive is available. %2%% restored. Restore will continue when the drive becomes available.Connect File HistoryTurn onRepair Change drive}File History is scheduled to automatically restore your files. If your drive is connected, you can start restoring files now.Run nowChange settingsRestore personal filesStopEnter credentialsReselect drivePA Restore nowSWe found errors in your File History settings. Tap or click to reselect your drive.The credentials used to access your network location aren't valid, and we can't save copies of your files. Tap or click to reenter your credentials.sWe found errors on your File History drive, and can't save copies of your files. Tap or click to repair your drive.nYour File History drive is full. Tap or click to select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.iYour File History drive is full. Tap or click to reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.uYour File History drive is almost full. Tap or click to select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.PApYour File History drive is almost full. Tap or click to reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.~Your File History drive was disconnected for too long. Reconnect it and then tap or click to keep saving copies of your files.File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. Tap or click to select a different drive.dRestoring your files has been suspended for a while because your File History drive isn t connected.|Restoring your libraries and folders is currently suspended and will resume as soon as your File History drive is available.Automatic MaintenanceNo action needed Action neededMaintenance in progressMaintenance is stoppingYLast run date: Unknown Windows was unable to determine the last date maintenance was run.aLast run date: %2 Windows automatically schedules maintenance activities to run on your computer.Last run date: %2PAStart maintenanceChange maintenance settingsStop maintenance{Automatic Maintenance was delayed. Maintenance tasks will run at the next scheduled time, or you can start maintenance now.7Run Automatic Maintenance now to optimize your computerRun maintenanceRun maintenance Drive statusOK All drives are working properly.Online Scan NeededhWe found potential errors on a drive, and need to scan it. You can keep using the drive during the scan.Run scanhWe found potential errors on a drive, and need to scan it. You can keep using the drive during the scan.Scan drive for errorsScan drive for errorsClick to start scanRestart NeededaWe found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now.RestartaWe found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now.Restart to repair drive errorsRestart to repair drive errorsClick to restart your PCRestart NeededWe found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now. The repair could take a while to complete.RestartPAWe found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now. The repair could take a while to complete.Restart to repair drive errorsRestart to repair drive errorsClick to restart your PCScanning drive-You can keep using the drive during the scan.Run scanPAMicrosoft account Action needed9Sign in with your most recent Microsoft account password.Sign in-Click here to enter your most recent passwordEYou need to sign in with your most recent Microsoft account password. Action neededvYour email address has changed. Sign in again with your new email address to update your Microsoft account on this PC.Sign out#Sign in with your new email addressvYour email address has changed. Sign in again with your new email address to update your Microsoft account on this PC. Action neededLTo finish setting up this Microsoft account, you need a parent's permission. Ask a parentAsk for permissionLTo finish setting up this Microsoft account, you need a parent's permission.PA Action neededYou didn't use your Microsoft account for a while, so it expired. Sign in with a different Microsoft account-you can make a new one-or create an account only for this PC.Update your accountUpdate your accountAYou didn't use your Microsoft account for a while, so it expired. Action neededDTo help keep this account secure, we need to verify that it's yours.Verify$Get back into your Microsoft accountDTo help keep this account secure, we need to verify that it's yours. Action neededuWe need to verify that this email address is yours. Check your email for the message from the Microsoft account team. More infoFinish setting up your accountuWe need to verify that this email address is yours. Check your email for the message from the Microsoft account team. Action needed8You need to update some info for your Microsoft account. Update info"Add missing Microsoft account info8You need to update some info for your Microsoft account. Not complete5You need to verify changes to your Microsoft account.Verify$Verify that you changed your account5You need to verify changes to your Microsoft account. Not completeOYou need to add security info to help you get back into your Microsoft account.Add infoAdd security infoyAdding some more info to your account can help you get it back if you forget your password or lose access some other way. Not completekYour saved passwords for apps, websites, and networks won't sync until you verify your identity on this PC.PAVerifyVerify your identity on this PCkYour saved passwords for apps, websites, and networks won't sync until you verify your identity on this PC. Action neededNYou need to enter your most recent Microsoft account password to stay in sync.Enter password%Enter your Microsoft account passwordNYou need to enter your most recent Microsoft account password to stay in sync.OK+Your Microsoft account is working properly.PA%Enter your Microsoft account passwordAsk for permissionView Microsoft account settingsDevice softwareNo action neededJNo devices connected to your PC need additional software to work properly. Action neededTOne or more devices connected to your PC needs additional software to work properly.!Finish installing device softwareTOne or more devices connected to your PC needs additional software to work properly.InstallInstall device softwarePAStorage SpacesCheck Storage Spaces for issues\There are one or more issues with your storage. Open Storage Spaces to address these issues.!Check Storage Spaces for problemsThere are one or more problems with your storage. You might need to add or replace one or more drives. Open Storage Spaces to see which drives have problems.Open Storage SpacesOpen Server ManagerPA Work Folders*Your Work Folders sign-in info didn't workKTry entering your latest password. Open Work Folders to address this issue.'Your Work Folders is out of drive spacevWork Folders is no longer syncing your files because it's out of drive space. Open Work Folders for more information./You're out of space on the Work Folders server.To fix this problem, remove some files from Work Folders or ask your organization for more space. Open Work Folders for more information.9Some of your files are too big to sync with Work Folders.`To fix this problem, remove the files from Work Folders. Open Work Folders for more information.OSome types of files aren't allowed in your Work Folders and will not be synced.`To fix this problem, remove the files from Work Folders. Open Work Folders for more information.<%2 can't connect to your organization's Work Folders server.Open Work Folders%2Check Work Folders for problemscYour PC doesn't comply with your organization's security policies. Open Work Folders to learn more.Work Folders deleted@Your organization remotely deleted your Work Folders on this PC.Check Work Folders for problemsmYour PC doesn't comply with your organization's security policies. Open Work Folders to address these issues.PACheck Work Folders for problems*Open Work Folders to address these issues.PA11@00dPPL$Response Time Info Start Stop Error Warning Information Verbose HMicrosoft-Windows-HealthCenter tThe check provider %1 has been disabled. HRESULT=%2. @Icon message received: %1. LNotification already exists: %1. An event specifying unknown check %1 (version %2) was found in the channel %3 An event specifying unknown state %1 for check with canonical name %2 was found Failed to set state (%1) for check with canonical name %2: HRESULT = %3. |Worker thread failure during initialization: HRESULT=%1. Failed to set icon state when adding new notification: HRESULT=%1. xIcon processing of new notification failed: HRESULT=%1. Icon processing of notification removal failed: HRESULT=%1. dCache read for check provider %1: HRESULT=%2. lCache written for check provider %1: HRESULT=%2. Failed to process new crimson event from channel %1: HRESULT=%2. pFailed to set bookmark for channel %1: HRESULT=%2. @Error event in channel %1. Failed to process an existing event for channel %1: HRESULT=%2. Failed failed while reading existing events for channel %1: HRESULT=%2. LFailed to resolve %1: HRESULT=%2. Failed to load settings for check with canonical name %1: HRESULT=%2. `Added notification with canonical name %1. dRemoved notification with canonical name %1. 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationDFileDescriptionAction Centerr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNameACTIONCENTER.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.ROriginalFilenameACTIONCENTER.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD