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Ĺ˙˙€The computer is running on &external powerPPĆ˙˙‚Stop sync if:P ] Ç˙˙€The computer &wakes up from being idleP j Č˙˙€The computer is no longer running on e&xternal powerP|É˙˙‚HorizLineP}Ę˙˙‚ButtonBoxP§„2˙˙€OKP܄2˙˙€Cancel˙˙HŔ@=Sync Schedule Segoe UIPdĐ˙˙‚&Name:€P –Ń˙˙˙˙HŔ@=Sync Schedule Segoe UI P6dÚSysListView32˙˙HŔ@=Sync Schedule Segoe UI P6däSysListView32Pk2ĺ˙˙€&DeletePA Sync Center4Sync files between your computer and network foldersPAView sync partnershipsView sync conflictsView sync resultsSet up new sync partnershipsManage offline filesSync in progressSync completed Sync failed Sync stoppedReady for first syncPASync requested Sync pendingStop sync requestedPALast sync on %1!ws! DisconnectedDisabledPAInactivePartial sync on %1!ws! Sync StoppedSync stopped with %1!ws!Sync CompletedSync completed with %1!ws! Sync FailedSync failed with %1!ws! Sync StartedSync started with %1!ws!%1!ws! Sync Schedule9What do you want to do with your "%1!ws!" sync schedules?1Which items do you want to sync on this schedule?@These are the items set up to sync in your "%1!ws!" partnership.Sync item name$When do you want this sync to begin?'What time do you want to sync "%1!ws!"?>Choose what events or actions will automatically sync "%1!ws!"PA Save this "%1!ws!" sync schedule&Save schedule%1!ws! Sync Schedule %2!d!)Choose a sync schedule you want to change(Choose sync schedules you want to deleteOK Schedule name Sync when minute(s)hour(s)day(s)week(s)month(s)-Sync Schedule for the %1!ws! Sync Partnership-Microsoft Windows Sync Center Schedule WizardSync Schedule ErrorOAn error occurred creating or updating the schedule. Error: 0x%1!08.8x! %2!ws!WAn error occurred creating or updating the schedule. %3!ws! Error: 0x%1!08.8x! %2!ws!TAn error occurred preparing to view an existing schedule. Error: 0x%1!08.8x! %2!ws!\An error occurred preparing to view an existing schedule. %3!ws! Error: 0x%1!08.8x! %2!ws!KAn error occurred deleting an existing schedule. Error: 0x%1!08.8x! %2!ws!SAn error occurred deleting an existing schedule. %3!ws! Error: 0x%1!08.8x! %2!ws!=An error occurred changing the enabled state of %2!ws! %1!s!Sync Center Enable ErroroA schedule name cannot begin or end with a space or include any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " \< > |GAn error occurred displaying sync schedules. Error: 0x%1!08.8x! %2!ws!OAn error occurred displaying sync schedules. %3!ws! Error: 0x%1!08.8x! %2!ws!PAErrorPAWarningInfoPAConflict Sync Results ConflictsPAName File type Date modified Date createdProgress Last syncCategory DescriptionDetailsStatusPAErrors ConflictsPAConflicts and Errors ConnectedPAEnabledSync everythingStop every syncSync the selected itemsStop sync the selected items&IgnorePA Sync CenterResolving conflictPlease wait...PA Partnership Sync itemDetails PartnershipFirst locationSecond locationDetailsCategorySeverity More detailsConflict%Select how to resolve these conflicts Open link Conflicts+Contains conflicts that occured during sync Sync ResultsMContains a log of errors, warnings, and other events that occured during syncPA Sync Setup*Provides a way to set up sync partnershipsSync Start a syncSync All&Start to sync all of your partnershipsSync AllSync this partnershipPAStop Stop a syncStop AllPAStop every sync in progress Properties+Display the properties of the selected itemResolve%Select how to resolve these conflictsDeleteDelete the selected itemsSchedule/Set schedules for the selected sync partnership'Set schedules for this sync partnershipPABrowse'Browse the content of the selected itemEnableEnable the selected itemPADisableDisable the selected itemView ConflictsView this item's conflicts View ErrorsView this item's errorsStop All0Stop every sync in progress for this partnershipSet upSet up this partnershipPASync requested Sync pendingSync in progress Sync stoppedStop in progress Sync completePASync requestedNow connected: %1!ws!PAerrorserrors, conflicts %1!u! errors%1!u! conflictsPA More InfooTo set up %1!ws!, you must choose what items you want to sync in the program or location associated with %1!ws!Sync Center Event ErrorThe event could not be removed.Keep your information in syncBView recent sync activity, sync now, or change your sync settings.Sync partnership detailsTView the items within this sync partnership, sync now, or change your sync settings.,These items are in conflict and did not synczSelect one or more sync conflicts. Then click Resolve to view the details of each conflict and decide how to resolve them.3Review errors, warnings, and other sync information8These are the results of your most recent sync activity.Set up new sync partnershipsáBefore you can sync with anything, you need to set up a sync partnership for it. If the item you want to sync with is not listed here, your computer might not be able to detect it or it might be incompatible with Sync Center.PAiYou have no sync partnerships set up on this computer. Click Set up new sync partnerships to get started./There are no details for this sync partnership.&There are currently no sync conflicts./There are currently no sync errors or warnings.GThere are no new sync partnerships that can be set up on this computer.%ws is now set up to sync$Click this icon to open Sync Center.Sync in progress: %ws$Click this icon to open Sync Center.Sync conflicts have occurred$Click this icon to open Sync Center.Sync errors have occurred$Click this icon to open Sync Center.PA00(PPPpStart Stop Information DMicrosoft-Windows-Sync Center °4VS_VERSION_INFO˝ďţ@€%@€%?StringFileInfoę040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationTFileDescriptionMicrosoft Sync Centerr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)>InternalNameSyncCenter.dll€.LegalCopyrightŠ Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.NOriginalFilenameSyncCenter.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoftŽ WindowsŽ Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING