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For example, 5-12PŸvI1˙˙€P¤ = B˙˙‚Number of &copies: ƒPč  ˙˙PŚ&# ˙˙€C&ollatePÎ!C$<˙˙‚˙˙Ä̒ rűOpen Segoe UI@C' D˙˙‚@-C˙˙‚@C( E˙˙‚@mż`˙˙ƒ@JG˙˙‚PuČ:B˙˙‚File &name:€P´Ĺ= €˙˙B!P´Ĺ=–|ComboBoxEx32PuŘ:A˙˙‚Files of &type:!P´Ö=dp˙˙…PĹ2˙˙€&OpenP<Ĺ2˙˙€CancelPç2˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ÄȀ 6óęFont Segoe UIPb @˙˙‚&Font:Q !PbLp˙˙…PrJ A˙˙‚Font st&yle:Q !PrJLq˙˙…PĆ$ B˙˙‚&Size:Q !PĆ$Lr˙˙…PabL0˙˙€EffectsP oZ ˙˙€Stri&keoutP Z ˙˙€&UnderlineP Y C˙˙‚&Color:SĄP ›Uds˙˙…Prax+1˙˙€Sample@tju!D˙˙‚AaBbYyZz€P˛ăE˙˙‚Pr‘v F˙˙‚Sc&ript:SĄPr›xt˙˙…PÇJ8˙˙€S&how more fontsP×-˙˙€OKPž×-˙˙€CancelP\×-˙˙€&ApplyP+×-˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ÄȀ 6óęFont Segoe UIPb @˙˙‚&Font:Q !PbLp˙˙…PrJ A˙˙‚Font st&yle:Q !PrJLq˙˙…PĆ$ B˙˙‚&Size:Q !PĆ$Lr˙˙…PabL0˙˙€EffectsP oZ ˙˙€Stri&keoutP Z ˙˙€&UnderlineP Y C˙˙‚&Color:SĄP ›Uds˙˙…Prax+1˙˙€Sample@tju!D˙˙‚AaBbYyZz€P˛ăE˙˙‚Pr‘v F˙˙‚Sc&ript:SĄPr›xt˙˙…PÇă 8SysLink<A>Show more fonts</A>P×-˙˙€OKPž×-˙˙€CancelP\×-˙˙€&ApplyP+×-˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ÄȀ 6óęFont Segoe UIPb @˙˙‚&Font:Q !PbLp˙˙…PrJ A˙˙‚Font st&yle:Q !PrJLq˙˙…PĆ$ B˙˙‚&Size:Q !PĆ$Lr˙˙…PabL0˙˙€EffectsP oZ ˙˙€Stri&keoutP Z ˙˙€&UnderlineP Y C˙˙‚&Color:SĄP ›Uds˙˙…Prax+1˙˙€Sample@tju!D˙˙‚AaBbYyZz€P˛ăE˙˙‚Pr‘v F˙˙‚Sc&ript:SĄPr›xt˙˙…PÇJ8˙˙€S&how more fontsP×-˙˙€OKPž×-˙˙€CancelP\×-˙˙€&ApplyP+×-˙˙€&HelpPA˙˙ÄȀ 6óęFont Segoe UIPb @˙˙‚&Font:Q !PbLp˙˙…PrJ A˙˙‚Font st&yle:Q !PrJLq˙˙…PĆ$ B˙˙‚&Size:Q !PĆ$Lr˙˙…PabL0˙˙€EffectsP oZ ˙˙€Stri&keoutP Z ˙˙€&UnderlineP Y C˙˙‚&Color:SĄP ›Uds˙˙…Prax+1˙˙€Sample@tju!D˙˙‚AaBbYyZz€P˛ăE˙˙‚Pr‘v F˙˙‚Sc&ript:SĄPr›xt˙˙…PÇă 8SysLink<A>Show more fonts</A>P×-˙˙€OKPž×-˙˙€CancelP\×-˙˙€&ApplyP+×-˙˙€&HelpPA File Exists-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it?ExitingDo you really want to exit? Save &in:&Save&Open&PrintCancelPAOpenSave AsSave file as &type:;Drive %1!c!: does not exist. Check the drive and try again.zWindows can t read drive %1!c!:. Make sure there is a disk in the drive and that the disk is formatted and free of errors.5%1 File not found. Check the file name and try again.5%1 Path does not exist. Check the path and try again.%1 The file name is not valid.Z%1 This file is in use. Enter a new name or close the file that s open in another program.L%1 Can t access this file. Check security privileges over the network drive.G%1 This file is set to read-only. Try again with a different file name.T%1 This file name is reserved for use by Windows. Choose another name and try again.ODisk %1!c!: is write-protected. Files can t be saved on a write-protected disk.PALThis location on disk %1!c!: is full. Choose another location and try again.qCan t open %1. The maximum number of files are already open. Close a file or program in order to open this file.-%1 This file doesn t exist. Create the file?‡%1 You don t have permission to modify files in this network location. Contact the administrator per permission to make these changes.The network is not responding.s%1 You don t have permission to open this file. Contact the file owner or an administrator to obtain permission.}%1 You don t have permission to open this location. Contact the location s owner or an administrator to obtain permission.‰Windows is unable to read the disc in drive %1!c!:. Make sure the drive door is closed and that there is a valid data disc in the drive. Network... Net&work...@More than one file has the name '%1'. Choose one from the list.Save as &type:=To save here, you must first include a folder in the library.TCannot open multiple items from this location. Try selecting a single item instead.NYou can choose multiple items only if they are all located in the same folder. Object &name:Objects of &type:4You can t save here. Please choose another location.@You can t save in this location. Please choose another location.X'%s' is no longer available. Close the properties dialog box and select another printer.™%1 You don t have permission to save in this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission. Would you like to save in the %2 folder instead?,%1 The path is too long. Try a shorter name.'%1 The network path could not be found.Open as &read-onlyOpen for &writeShow &previous versionsThe file can t be saved to %1 because there is not enough space. Free up space and try again, or try saving to another location.ĽYou have attempted to save this file in a location that does not exist. Enter the location where you want to save this file in the correct format, such as D:\files\.Files of &type: File &name:You can t save in this locationConfirm Save As Open FileRYou can t open this location using this program. Please try a different location.Folder: Select Folder %1 The folder name is not valid.7Do you want to replace the %1 Saved Search with a file?; :You ve selected a library. Please choose a folder instead. Up One LevelCreate New FolderPAListDetails View MenuGo To Last Folder VisitedForwardFileOpenFileSave ExitChanges ChooseColorFindText ReplaceText FormatCharFontInfoPrintDlg PrintSetupDlg MultiFileOpen&Browse Folders Hide FoldersChooseColorFlippedNameOrderUntitledPAClosePABlackMaroonGreenOliveNavyPurpleTealGraySilverRedLimeYellowBlueFuchsiaAquaWhiteCustomHighMediumLowDraft Printer: System Printer ( on (currently %s)Size must be a number.&Size must be between %d and %d points.bThis font style is imitated for the display. The closest matching style will be used for printing.ZThis is a TrueType font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen.SThis is a screen font. The closest matching printer font will be used for printing.PAJThis value is not within the page range. Enter a number between %u and %u.7The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.>The 'From' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value.<The 'To' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value.MThe margins overlap or they are off the paper. Enter a different margin size.@The 'Copies' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value.eThis printer cannot support this many copies. Number of copies will be set to printer maximum of %u.Printing ErrorThe printer could not be found..There is not enough memory for this operation.(An error occurred during this operation.GUnknown printer driver. Please verify that a driver is installed on %s.;The page range is invalid. Enter numbers between %u and %u.PYou have entered too many page ranges. You may enter a total of %u page ranges.wThe syntax for the page range is invalid. Enter either a single page number or a single page range. For example, 5-12.PA|The syntax for the page range is invalid. Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For example, 1,3,5-12.œBefore you can perform printer-related tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer. Do you want to install a printer now?ÍBefore you can print, you need to select a printer. If you need to install a printer, either double-click the Add Printer icon or click the Find Printer... button located on the General tab of this dialog.PrintoYou do not have permission to use the selected printer. If you need access, contact your network administrator.PA[This is an OpenType font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen.[This is an OpenType font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen.\This is a PostScript font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen.FontsrAll of your fonts are hidden. To show fonts in this program, open Fonts in Control Panel and click Font settings.FThere is no font with that name. Choose a font from the list of fonts.QThis font is not available in that style. Choose a style from the list of styles.RegularBoldItalic Bold Italic(none)ReadyPaused; Error; Pending deletion; Paper jam; Paper out; Manual feed; Paper problem; Offline; I/O active; Busy; Printing; Output bin full; Not available; Waiting; Processing; Initializing; Warming up; Toner low; No toner; Page punt; User intervention; Out of memory; Door open; PADefault printer; %lu documents waiting&All %lu pagesMargins (inches)Margins (millimeters)"mmAutomatically SelectGeneralPrintAaBbYyZzAaBbYyZzSymbolAaBbYyZzAaB0A0˘0Ą0œN‡[ Ź˜°ä˛AaBbYyZz Ź˜°ä˛AaBbYyZzŽ_o-N‡eoöN-N‡eW[‹WÄ{‹OAaBb‘ą’˛AaBb^_AaBb ĄŻ°AaBbŕáéę AaBb'(,/GH2 AaBb9EF.1HCEAaBbYyZzPAAaBb1$D AaBb-1)#D"AaBbÁáÔôAaBbřńýPA. > $ > . > $ > Ž ž ¤ ž … Ž Í Ž ž  . 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All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenamecomdlg32.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoftŽ WindowsŽ Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD