MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  (@d-@('.rsrc0(@@ 0H  8?P@hBCLMklmt(~@Xp0H`x            0 @ P ` p          ($FL6$pRPJ&v<@:0j8 p!P"#3MUIZ똽z,ю>'9tKfd[_qM MUI en-US* - TRUEFALSEYesNo???PABKBMBGBTBPBPAEBOnline Not ReadyOfflineFailedUnknownHealthy RebuildingFailing FailingRdncy Failed RdncyPA FailedRdncyFFailedUnknownPAUnknownPCIRAIDFCiSCSI1.;  ... <Truncated>%lu%sMaskingPlexing RemappingExtentsSimple TargetsPA%luPASimpleSpanStripeMirrorParityUnknownHotSparePAFabric Public LoopFabric on Loop Fabric PortFabric Expans.Generic Fabric Private LoopPoint to PointOther Not PresentUnknownPAOnlineOfflineBypassed Diagnostic Link downErrorLoopbackUnknown1 Gbps2 Gbps4 Gbps10 GbpsNot NegotiatedUnknownFailover Round RobinRound Robin with SubsetDynamic Least Queue DepthPAWeighted Paths Least BlocksVendor SpecificUnknownOnlineFailedStandbyUnknown Microsoft Diskraid syntax: diskraid [/s <script>] [/?] /s <script> - Use a Diskraid script. /? - Show this help screen. PA%lu Lun NumberRemovedPartially ManagedPAReplacedPending FailureDegradedAssigned UnassignedInUseStandbyUnknownSCSIATAPIATA1394SSAFIBREUSBRAIDPAiSCSISASSATASDMMCReserved; Read Cache Write CacheWrite Through CacheRemapRead Back VerifyHardware Checksum Media ScanConsistency CheckSnapshotMirrored CacheHAUISRAID2RAID3RAID4RAID5RAID6RAID01RAID03RAID05RAID10RAID15RAID30RAID50RAID51RAID53RAID60RAID61Unknown PrimordialConcreteRAID0RAID1RAID2RAID3RAID4RAID5RAID6RAID01RAID03RAID05RAID10RAID15RAID30RAID50RAID51RAID53RAID60RAID61SASHybridPA'@'@%'@''@( *'@+'@ '@'@$ '@'@'@'@'@'@'@'@('@'@'@'@'@'@=(@?(@ G(@H(@Q(@Q(@4 t(@u(@H#(@(@L$(@(@l&(@(@&(@(@,)(@(@*(@(@+(@(@$,)@)@0 )@ )@`3)@)@5)@)@7i)@k)@:m)@n)@<s)@t)@>})@)@@)@)@C)@)@,D)@)@D)@)@TG)@)@ %0 4 Leaving DiskRAID... XDiskRAID is using standard input mode. HDiskRAID is using script mode. TDiskRAID is using script file: %1!s!  The name you specified was accepted but was truncated due to provider constraints. T A reboot is REQUIRED for the LUN uninstall to fully take effect. If you initiate further operations without rebooting, the outcome and machine state are undefined. 8 Path ### Hbaprt ### Port ### Ctlr ### Subsys ### LUN ### Status -------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- ------- ----------  Path %1!-3lu! Hbaprt %2!3.3s! Port %3!-3lu! Ctlr %4!-3lu! Subsys %5!-3lu! LUN %6!-3lu! %7!-10.10s!  LUN %1!-3lu! %2!-10.10s! D There are no paths to list. ( Path ### Hbaprt ### Port ### Ctlr ### Status Pri Weight -------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- --- ----------  Path %1!-3lu! Hbaprt %2!3.3s! Port %3!-3lu! Ctlr %4!-3lu! %5!-10.10s! %6!3.3s! %7!10lu!  Path ### Iadap ### Tptl ### Subsys ### LUN ### Status -------- --------- -------- ---------- ------- ----------  Path %1!-3lu! Iadap %2!-3lu! Tptl %3!-3lu! Subsys %4!-3lu! LUN %5!-3lu! %6!-10.10s!  LUN %1!-3lu! %2!-10.10s!  Path ### Iadap ### Tptl ### Status Pri Weight -------- --------- -------- ---------- --- ----------  Path %1!-3lu! Iadap %2!3.3lu! Tptl %3!-3lu! %4!-10.10s! %5!3.3s! %6!10lu! @ iSCSI Name : %1!s!  Initiator iSCSI Name Local -------------------------------------------------- ----- 8 %1!50.50s! %2!-5.5s! D Prov ### Name Version Type -------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------- |%1!s! Prov %2!-3lu! %3!-45.45s! %4!-10.10s! %5!-7.7s! h There are no VDS hardware providers to list. h Provider %1!d! is now the selected provider.  There is no VDS hardware provider selected. To select a provider, specify the Prov ### for the provider you wish to select. Example: SELECT PROVIDER 0 To get a list of registered VDS hardware providers, enter LIST PROVIDERS.  Name : %1!s! Identifier : %2!s! Version String : %3!s! Version GUID : %4!s! VDS Support : %5!s!  Subsys ### Name Status Health ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- %1!s! Subsys %2!-3lu! %3!-30.30s! %4!-10.10s! %5!-12.12s! P There are no subsystems to list. l Subsystem %1!d! is now the selected subsystem.  There is no subsystem selected. To select a subsystem, specify the Subsys ### for the subsystem you wish to select. Example: SELECT SUBSYSTEM 0 To get a list of available subsystems, enter LIST SUBSYSTEMS.  Name : %1!s! Identifier : %2!s! Status : %3!s! Health : %4!s! Enclosures : %5!s! Buses : %6!d! (%7!d! slots per bus) Drives : %8!d! Present Controllers : %9!d! Maximum, %10!d! Present Stripe Sizes : %11!s! Rebuild Priority : %12!d! Capabilities : %13!s! LUN types : %14!s! Interconnects : %15!s!  iSCSI Name : %1!s! Target ### : %2!-3.3s! Subsys ### : %3!d! h No import target was set for this subsystem. 0 Ctlr ### Name Status Health Ports LUNs -------- -------------------- ---------- ------------ ----- ---- %1!s! Ctlr %2!-3lu! %3!-20.20s! %4!-10.10s! %5!-12.12s! %6!5d! %7!4d! P There are no controllers to list. %1!s! Ctlr %2!-3lu! %3!-20.20s! %4!-10.10s! %5!-12.12s! %6!5d! p Controller %1!d! is now the selected controller.  There is no controller selected. To select a controller, specify the Ctlr ### for the controller you wish to select. Example: SELECT CONTROLLER 0 To get a list of available controllers, enter LIST CONTROLLERS.  Name : %1!s! Identifier : %2!s! Status : %3!s! Health : %4!s! 8 %1!u! Port(s): Port ### Name Identifier Status -------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- %1!1.1s! Port %2!-3lu! %3!-20.20s! %4!-20.20s! %5!-10.10s! ` No ports are present on this controller. @ %1!u! Associated LUN(s): \ No LUNs are associated with this controller. Note: LUNs are associated with controller ports rather than with controllers starting with VDS 1.1 compliant providers.  Note: Controller port information is no longer displayed using this command starting with VDS 1.1 compliant providers. Instead use LIST PORT and DETAIL PORT to view port information.  The associated LUNs could not be retrieved for at least one of the controllers. Note: LUNs are associated with controller ports rather than with controllers starting with VDS 1.1 compliant providers. @ Drive ### Status Health Size Free Bus Slot Flags --------- ---------- ------------ -------- -------- --- ---- ----- %1!s! Drive %2!-3lu! %3!-10.10s! %4!-12.12s! %5!5I64u! %6!-2.2s! %7!5I64u! %8!-2.2s! %9!3hd! %10!4hd! %11!-5.5s! H There are no drives to list. H Drive ### Status Health Size Free Bus Slot Extent --------- ---------- ------------ -------- -------- --- ---- -------- %1!s! Drive %2!-3lu! %3!-10.10s! %4!-12.12s! %5!5I64u! %6!-2.2s! %7!5I64u! %8!-2.2s! %9!3hd! %10!4hd! %11!5I64u! %12!-2.2s! \ Drive %1!d! is now the selected drive.  There is no drive selected. To select a drive, specify the Drive ### for the drive you wish to select. Example: SELECT DRIVE 0 To get a list of available drives, enter LIST DRIVES. t Name : %1!s! Identifier : %2!s! Status : %3!s! Health : %4!s! Size : %5!I64u! %6!s! (%7!I64u! %8!s! Free) Location : Bus %9!d!, Slot %10!d! Flags : %11!s! Enclosure number : %12!s! Bus Type : %13!s! Spindle speed : %14!s! P This drive is part of %1!d! LUNs: T This drive is not part of any LUNs.  LUN ### Status Health Type Size Device ------- ---------- ------------ -------- -------- ------ %1!s! LUN %2!-3lu! %3!-10.10s! %4!-12.12s! %5!-8.8s! %6!5I64u! %7!-2.2s! %8!6.6s! D There are no LUNs to list. ( LUN ### Status Health Type Size Dev Extent ------- ---------- ------------ -------- -------- --- -------- %1!s! LUN %2!-3lu! %3!-10.10s! %4!-12.12s! %5!-8.8s! %6!5I64u! %7!-2.2s! %8!3.3s! %9!5I64u! %10!-2.2s! T LUN %1!d! is now the selected LUN.  There is no LUN selected. To select a LUN, specify the LUN ### or LUN Number for the LUN you wish to select. Examples: SELECT LUN 0 SELECT LUN NUMBER 1 To get a list of available LUNs, enter LIST LUNS. l Name : %1!s! Identifier : %2!s! Status : %3!s! Health : %4!s! Size : %5!I64u! %6!-2.2s! Type : %7!s! Rebuild Priority : %8!d! Unmasked Hosts : %9!s! Caching Policy : %10!s! Stripe Size : %11!s! Flags : %12!s! D %1!d! Contributing Drives: P No drives contribute to this LUN. L %1!d! Associated Controller(s): X %1!d! Associated Controller Port(s): p No controller ports are associated with this LUN. ` Load Bal. Policy : %1!s! %2!d! Path(s): D %1!d! Associated Target(s): ` No targets are associated with this LUN. \ No controllers are associated with this LUN. Note: LUNs are associated with controller ports rather than with controllers starting with VDS 1.1 compliant providers.  LUN %1!d! has the following plexes: Plex ### Status Type Attrib Drive ### Status Extent -------- ---------- -------- -------- --------- ---------- --------  Plex %1!-3lu! %2!-10.10s! %3!-8.8s! %4!-8.8s! Drive %5!-3lu! %6!-10.10s! %7!5I64u! %8!-2.2s!  Drive %1!-3lu! %2!-10.10s! %3!5I64u! %4!-2.2s! p Plex %1!-3lu! %2!-10.10s! %3!-8.8s! %4!-8.8s! T This LUN does not have any plexes.  Flag Value -------------------------------------------- ----------- t FCR - Fast Crash Recovery Required %1!18.18s! t FTL - Fault Tolerant %1!18.18s! t MSR - Mostly Reads %1!18.18s! t OSR - Optimize For Sequential Reads %1!18.18s! x OSW - Optimize For Sequential Writes %1!18.18s! t RBV - Read Back Verify Enabled %1!18.18s! t RMP - Remap Enabled %1!18.18s! t WTC - Write-Through Caching Enabled %1!18.18s! x YNK - Yankable %1!18.18s! p MXD - Maximum Drives %1!18lu!  MXS - Maximum Size Expected %1!15I64u! %2!2.2s!  ORA - Optimal Read Alignment %1!15lu! %2!2.2s!  ORS - Optimal Read Size %1!15lu! %2!2.2s!  OWA - Optimal Write Alignment %1!15lu! %2!2.2s!  OWS - Optimal Write Size %1!15lu! %2!2.2s! p RBP - Rebuild Priority %1!18hu!  STS - Stripe Size %1!15lu! %2!2.2s!  Hbaprt ### Status Type ---------- ---------- -------------- h%1!s! Hbaprt %2!-3lu! %3!-10.10s! %4!-14.14s! L There are no HBA ports to list. h HBA Port %1!d! is now the selected HBA port.  There is no HBA port selected. To select an HBA port, specify the Hbaprt ### for the HBA port you wish to select. Example: SELECT HBAPORT 0 To get a list of available HBA ports, enter LIST HBAPORTS.  Port WWN : %1!s! Node WWN : %2!s! Port Speed : %3!s! Supp. Port Speed : %4!s! , %1!d! Path(s):  Port ### Ctlr ### Identifier Status LUNs -------- -------- -------------------- ---------- ---- %1!1.1s! Port %2!-3lu! Ctlr %3!-3lu! %4!-20.20s! %5!-10.10s! %6!4d! \ There are no controller ports to list.  Controller port %1!d! is now the selected controller port.  There is no controller port selected. To select a controller port, specify the Port ### for the controller port you wish to select. Example: SELECT PORT 0 To get a list of available controller ports, enter LIST PORTS. @ Name : %1!s! , %1!d! Path(s): @ %1!u! Associated LUN(s): p No LUNs are associated with this controller port. h DiskRAID recognizes the following commands:  For detailed help on a command, please enter the command with the /? option. EXAMPLE: LIST /? ,%1!-15.15s! - Adds an existing LUN as a plex to the selected LUN or adds a target portal to the selected target portal group. %1!-15.15s! - Sets the list of controllers, ports, or targets active for the selected LUN. %1!-15.15s! - Displays or changes flags for automagic LUN creation. p%1!-15.15s! - Breaks a plex from the selected LUN. %1!-15.15s! - Creates a new LUN, target, or target portal group. %1!-15.15s! - Deletes the selected LUN, target, or target portal group. %1!-15.15s! - Displays detailed information of the selected object. %1!-15.15s! - Sets the list of controllers, ports, or targets inactive for the selected LUN. D%1!-15.15s! - Exits DiskRAID. X%1!-15.15s! - Extends the selected LUN. %1!-15.15s! - Flushes the cache for the selected controller. p%1!-15.15s! - Displays a list of DiskRAID commands. %1!-15.15s! - Invalidates the cache for the selected controller. %1!-15.15s! - Displays a list of objects of the specified type. %1!-15.15s! - Performs maintenance operations on specified object. |%1!-15.15s! - Sets the selected object status to offline. |%1!-15.15s! - Sets the selected object status to online. %1!-15.15s! - Forces re-synchronization and hot-sparing to repair a LUN. %1!-15.15s! - Re-enumerates objects of the specified type. h%1!-15.15s! - Refreshes internal provider data. t%1!-15.15s! - Does nothing. Used to comment scripts. %1!-15.15s! - Replaces the specified drive with the selected drive. %1!-15.15s! - Resets the selected object of the specified type. |%1!-15.15s! - Selects the specified object to have focus. %1!-15.15s! - Sets the specified flags for the selected object. p%1!-15.15s! - Reduces the size of the selected LUN. %1!-15.15s! - Makes the selected LUN accessible from the specified host(s). %1!-15.15s! - Sets the CHAP secrets for the selected object. %1!-15.15s! - Displays or sets the current VSS import target for the selected subsystem. %1!-15.15s! - Displays detailed information about the local iSCSI initiator. %1!-15.15s! - Displays or sets the IPSEC policy for the selected object. %1!-15.15s! - Sets the specified load balance policy to the selected object. %1!-15.15s! - Logs the specified initiator adapter into the selected target. %1!-15.15s! - Logs the specified initiator adapter out of the selected target. %1!-15.15s! - Sets the specified name to the selected object. %1!-15.15s! - Removes a target portal from the selected target portal group. |%1!-15.15s! - Sets the selected object status to standby.  Usage: ADD PLEX LUN=<N> [NOERR] ADD TPGROUP TPORTAL=<N> [NOERR] Adds an existing LUN as a plex to the currently selected LUN or adds an existing target portal to the currently selected target portal group. PLEX Specifies that a plex will be added to the currently selected LUN. LUN=<N> Specifies the index of the LUN to add as a plex to the currently selected LUN. Note that all data on the LUN being added as a plex will be lost. TPGROUP Specifies that a target portal will be added to the currently selected target portal group. TPORTAL=<N> Specifies the index of the target portal to add to the currently selected target portal group. NOERR Specifies that any failures while performing this operation should be ignored. This maybe useful in script mode. A LUN or target portal group must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: ADD PLEX LUN=2 ADD TPGROUP TPORTAL=0 l  Usage: ASSOCIATE CONTROLLERS [ADD] <N>[,<N>[,...]] ASSOCIATE PORTS [ADD] <N>-<M>[,<N>-<M>[,...]] ASSOCIATE TARGETS [ADD] <N>[,<N>[,...]] Adds or replaces the list of controllers, ports, or targets that are associated with (active for) the currently selected LUN. CONTROLLERS Specifies that a list of controllers will be associated. This is deprecated in VDS 1.1 compliant providers. PORTS Specifies that a list of ports will be associated. The ports are specified with their parent controller <N> followed by a dash and the port <M>. TARGETS Specifies that a list of targets will be associated. ADD Specifies that the specified objects must be added to the existing list of objects associated with the LUN. If this parameter is not specified, the list of specified objects replaces the existing list of objects associated with the LUN. A LUN must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: ASSOCIATE CONTROLLERS ADD 1 ASSOCIATE PORTS 0-0,0-1 ASSOCIATE TARGETS 3,6 | Usage: AUTOMAGIC AUTOMAGIC SET <flag>=<value> [<flag>=<value> [...]] AUTOMAGIC CLEAR {ALL | <flag> [<flag> [...]]} AUTOMAGIC APPLY Displays or changes the AUTOMAGIC flags that are currently in effect. Flags are identified by three-letter acronyms. To view the current values for the flags, enter AUTOMAGIC without any parameters. SET Sets the specified flags <flag> to the specified values <value>. CLEAR Clears the specified flags <flag>. ALL Clears all automagic flags. APPLY Applies the currently set flags to the selected LUN. A LUN must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: AUTOMAGIC SET FCR=TRUE OSR=TRUE ORS=4MB MXD=4 FTL=TRUE AUTOMAGIC CLEAR FCR OSR  Usage: BREAK PLEX=<N> [NOERR] Removes the plex from the currently selected LUN. PLEX=<N> Specifies the index of the plex to remove. This plex will not be retained, and the drive extents used by this plex will be reclaimed. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskRAID continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskRAID to exit with an error code. A mirrored LUN must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: BREAK PLEX=1 , Usage: CREATE LUN <type> {SIZE=<N> [DRIVES=<N>[,<N>[,...]]] | DRIVES=<N>[,<N>[,...]] | SIZE=<N> [POOL=<N>] | POOL=<N>} [STRIPESIZE=<N>] [NOERR] CREATE TARGET NAME=<name> [ISCSINAME=<iscsiname>] [NOERR] CREATE TPGROUP [NOERR] Creates a new LUN, target, or target portal group. Enter: CREATE LUN /? for specific help on creating a LUN. CREATE TARGET /? for specific help on creating a target. CREATE TPGROUP /? for specific help on creating a target portal group. A subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. p Usage: DELETE LUN [UNINSTALL] [NOERR] DELETE TARGET [NOERR] DELETE TPGROUP [NOERR] Deletes the currently selected LUN, target, or target portal group. LUN Specifies that a LUN will be deleted. UNINSTALL Specifies that the disk on the local system associated with the LUN will be cleaned up before the LUN is deleted. TARGET Specifies that a target will be deleted. TPGROUP Specifies that a target portal group will be deleted. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskRAID continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskRAID to exit with an error code. A LUN, target, or target portal group must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DELETE LUN UNINSTALL DELETE TARGET d Usage: DETAIL <object> [VERBOSE] Displays detailed information about the selected object of the specified type. <object> Specifies the type of object to display detailed information about. Must be one of HBAPORT, IADAPTER, IPORTAL, PROVIDER, SUBSYSTEM, CONTROLLER, PORT, DRIVE, LUN, TPORTAL, TARGET, or TPGROUP. VERBOSE If <object> is LUN, specifies that additional information will be displayed, including a list of its plexes. An object of the specified type must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: DETAIL SUBSYSTEM DETAIL LUN VERBOSE  Usage: DISSOCIATE CONTROLLERS <N>[,<N>[,...]] DISSOCIATE PORTS <N>-<M>[,<N>-<M>[,...]] DISSOCIATE TARGETS <N>[,<N>[,...]] Specifies the specified controllers, ports, or targets to dissociate from (set inactive for) the currently selected LUN. CONTROLLERS Specifies that a list of controllers will be dissociated. This is deprecated in VDS 1.1 compliant providers. PORTS Specifies that a list of ports will be dissociated. The ports are specified with their parent controller <N> followed by a dash and the port <M>. TARGETS Specifies that a list of targets will be dissociated. A LUN must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: DISSOCIATE CONTROLLERS 1,2 DISSOCIATE PORTS 1-1 DISSOCIATE TARGETS 5  Usage: EXIT Exits from DiskRAID. Example: EXIT  Usage: EXTEND LUN {SIZE=<N> [DRIVES=<N>[,<N>[,...]]] | DRIVES=<N>[,<N>[,...]]} [NOERR] Extends the size of the currently selected LUN. SIZE=<N> Specifies the size in megabytes to extend the LUN by. To specify the size using other units, use one of the recognized suffixes (B, KB, MB, GB, TB and PB) immediately after the size. DRIVES=<N>[,<N>[,...]] Specifies the indexes of the drives to use to extend the LUN. If the SIZE=<N> parameter is not specified, the LUN is extended by the largest possible size allowed by all of the specified drives. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskRAID continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskRAID to exit with an error code. A LUN must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: EXTEND LUN SIZE=5GB EXTEND LUN DRIVES=0,2 NOERR  Usage: FLUSHCACHE CONTROLLER Flushes the cache on the currently selected controller. A controller must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FLUSHCACHE CONTROLLER  Usage: HELP Displays the list of commands recognized by DiskRAID. Example: HELP  Usage: INVALIDATECACHE CONTROLLER Invalidates the cache on the currently selected controller. A controller must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: INVALIDATECACHE CONTROLLER  Usage: LIST <object> Displays a list of objects of the specified type. <object> Specifies the type of object to display a list for. Must be one of HBAPORTS, IADAPTERS, IPORTALS, PROVIDERS, POOLS, SUBSYSTEMS, CONTROLLERS, PORTS, DRIVES, LUNS, TPORTALS, TARGETS, or TPGROUPS. When displaying a list of IPORTALS, an initiator adapter must be selected. The list displayed for this object type is specific to the currently selected initiator adapter. When displaying a list of POOLS, a provider must be selected. The list displayed for this object type is specific to the currently selected provider. When displaying a list of CONTROLLERS, DRIVES, LUNS, TPORTALS, or TARGETS, a subsystem must be selected. The lists displayed for these object types are specific to the currently selected subsystem. When displaying a list of PORTS, a controller must be selected. The list displayed for this object type is specific to the currently selected controller. When displaying the list of TPGROUPS, a target must be selected. The list displayed for this object type is specific to the currently selected target. Example: LIST SUBSYSTEMS ( Usage: MAINTENANCE <object> <operation> [COUNT=<N>] Performs the specified maintenance operation on the currently selected object of the specified type. <object> Specifies the type of object to perform the operation on. Must be one of SUBSYSTEM, CONTROLLER, DRIVE, LUN, or PORT. <operation> Specifies the maintenance operation to perform. Must be one of SPINUP, SPINDOWN, BLINK, BEEP, or PING. COUNT=<N> Specifies the number of times to repeat the operation. This is typically used with BLINK, BEEP, or PING. An object of the specified type must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: MAINTENANCE DRIVE SPINDOWN MAINTENANCE CONTROLLER BLINK COUNT=10  Usage: OFFLINE <object> Sets the state of the selected object of the specified type to offline. <object> Specifies the type of object to perform this operation on. Must be one of SUBSYSTEM, CONTROLLER, DRIVE, or LUN. An object of the specified type must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: OFFLINE CONTROLLER  Usage: ONLINE <object> Sets the state of the selected object of the specified type to online. For HBA ports, this command sets the state of paths to the selected HBA port to online. <object> Specifies the type of object to perform this operation on. Must be one of HBAPORT, SUBSYSTEM, CONTROLLER, DRIVE, or LUN. An object of the specified type must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: ONLINE CONTROLLER  Usage: RECOVER LUN Performs operations necessary to repair the currently selected LUN. A LUN must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: RECOVER LUN  Usage: REENUMERATE {SUBSYSTEMS | DRIVES} Re-enumerates objects of the specified type. SUBSYSTEMS Re-queries the available subsystems to discover any new subsystems that were added. A provider must be selected for this operation to succeed. DRIVES Re-inventories the drives in the currently selected subsystem. A subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: REENUMERATE DRIVES  Usage: REFRESH PROVIDER Refreshes internal data for the currently selected provider. A provider must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: REFRESH PROVIDER  Usage: REM [<remarks>] Does nothing. Used to comment scripts. Example: REM This is a comment.  Usage: REPLACE DRIVE=<N> Replaces the specified drive with the currently selected drive. DRIVE=<N> Specifies the index of the drive to be replaced. This drive must be different from the currently selected drive. A drive must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: REPLACE DRIVE=0  Usage: RESET <object> Resets the currently selected object of the specified type. <object> Specifies the type of object to perform this operation on. Must be one of CONTROLLER or PORT. An object of the specified type must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: RESET CONTROLLER  Usage: SELECT <object> [<index>] Displays or changes the currently selected object. <object> Specifies the type of object to select. Must be one of HBAPORT, IADAPTER, IPORTAL, PROVIDER, POOL, SUBSYSTEM, CONTROLLER, PORT, DRIVE, LUN, TPORTAL, TARGET, or TPGROUP. <index> Specifies the index of the object to select. If no index is specified, the command displays the index of the currently selected object of the specified type. If the index specified is not valid, the existing selection of the specified type is cleared. Examples: SELECT SUBSYSTEM SELECT CONTROLLER 0  Usage: SETFLAG DRIVE HOTSPARE={TRUE | FALSE} Sets the specified flag to the specified value for the currently selected drive. HOTSPARE={TRUE | FALSE} If TRUE, specifies that the drive is reserved for use only as a hot spare. A drive must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: SETFLAG DRIVE HOTSPARE=TRUE L Usage: SHRINK LUN SIZE=<N> [NOERR] Reduces the size of the selected LUN. SIZE=<N> Specifies the desired amount of space in megabytes (MB) to reduce the size of the LUN by. To specify the size using other units, use one of the recognized suffixes (B, KB, MB, GB, TB and PB) immediately after the size. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskRAID continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskRAID to exit with an error code. A LUN must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: SHRINK LUN SIZE=5120 SHRINK LUN SIZE=5GB SHRINK LUN SIZE=5GB NOERR 4  Usage: UNMASK LUN {ALL | NONE | [ADD] WWN=<wwn-1>[;<wwn-2>[;...]] | [ADD] INITIATOR=<initiator-1>[;<initiator-2>[;...]]} [UNINSTALL] Makes the currently selected LUN accessible from the specified host(s). ALL Specifies that the LUN should be made accessible from all hosts that are discoverable by the VDS Hardware provider supporting the subsystem. This generally always includes the local host server, and may include other servers. NONE Specifies that the LUN should not be accessible to any host server. ADD Specifies that the given host servers must be added to the existing list of host servers that are able to access this LUN. If this parameter is not specified, the list of specified hosts replaces the existing list of hosts that this LUN is accessible from. WWN=<wwn-1>[;<wwn-2>[;...]] Used with PCI RAID, Fibre Channel or SAS subsystems. Specifies a list of World Wide Names of host ports that the LUN should be made accessible to. Each WWN is separated by a semicolon. For example if you specify the WWN of the Fibre Channel HBA port on Server1, the LUN becomes visible as an operating system disk at Server1. INITIATOR=<initiator-1>[;<initiator-2>[;...]] Used with iSCSI subsystems. Specifies a list of iSCSI host initiator names. Each iSCSI host initiator name is separated by a semicolon. Although a LUN must be selected to run this command, the command may operate on the target containing the LUN, rather than a specific LUN. The behavior of this command differs depending on the iSCSI implementation. For example, 1) Some iSCSI implementations may put all LUNs in one target. 2) Some iSCSI implementations may create one target per LUN. 3) Some iSCSI implementations may allow multiple targets, and allow the user to associate LUNs with specific targets. This implementation is used by the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target. At a minimum, this command specifies that the target associated with the LUN will allow the given initiator access to the target. For some implementations, allowing initiator access to a target means that once the initiator logs in to the target, the initiator will have access to all LUNs contained in the target. This implementation is used by the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target. For the Microsoft iSCSI Software Target, access is restricted by placing LUNs in multiple targets, and then allowing access on a per-target basis. For other implementations, the initiator may have access only to the LUN that is selected when the command is run. UNINSTALL If specified, uninstalls the disk associated with the LUN, on the local system, before the LUN is masked. Before uninstallng the disk, for each volume with extents on the disk, the file system is dismounted, the volume is offined and the volume is uninstalled. Also removes obsolete drive letters and mounted folders associated with volumes on the disk. A LUN must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: UNMASK LUN NONE UNMASK LUN WWN=10000000C9241FBD UNMASK LUN ADD WWN=100000009E3F0076;100000009E3F8A73 UNMASK LUN x Usage: CHAP INITIATOR SET SECRET=[<"secret">] [TARGET=<N>] CHAP INITIATOR REMEMBER SECRET=[<"secret">] TARGET=<N> CHAP TARGET SET SECRET=[<"secret">] [INITIATOR=<initiatorname>] CHAP TARGET REMEMBER SECRET=[<"secret">] INITIATOR=<initiatorname> Sets the CHAP secret for the local initiator or currently selected target. Enter: CHAP INITIATOR /? for specific help on setting local-initiator CHAP secrets. CHAP TARGET /? for specific help on setting target CHAP secrets.  Usage: IMPORTTARGET SUBSYSTEM [SET TARGET] Displays or sets the current VSS import target for the currently selected subsystem. SET TARGET Sets the currently selected target as the VSS import target. A subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. If SET TARGET is specified, a target must also be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: IMPORTTARGET SUBSYSTEM IMPORTTARGET SUBSYSTEM SET TARGET  Usage: INITIATOR Displays detailed information about the local iSCSI initiator. Example: INITIATOR  Usage: IPSEC IPORTAL TPORTAL=<N> IPSEC IPORTAL SET KEY=[<key>] TPORTAL=<N> [<flag> [<flag> [...]]] IPSEC IPORTAL SET TUNNEL=<tunneladdress> DESTINATION=<destinationaddress> IPSEC TPORTAL IPORTAL=<N> IPSEC TPORTAL SET KEY=[<key>] {INITIATOR | IPORTAL=<N>} [<flag> [<flag> [...]]] IPSEC TPORTAL SET TUNNEL=<tunneladdress> DESTINATION=<destinationaddress> IPSEC SUBSYSTEM SET GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] IPSEC INITIATOR SET GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] IPSEC INITIATOR SET KEY=[<key>] TPORTAL=<N> [<flag> [<flag> [...]]] IPSEC INITIATOR SET TUNNEL=<tunneladdress> DESTINATION=<destinationaddress> Sets or displays the IPSEC policy for the currently selected iSCSI initiator portal, target portal, subsystem, or local initiator. Enter: IPSEC IPORTAL /? for specific help on setting initiator portal IPSEC policy IPSEC TPORTAL /? for specific help on setting target portal IPSEC policy IPSEC SUBSYSTEM /? for specific help on setting subsystem-wide IPSEC policy IPSEC INITIATOR /? for specific help on setting local-initiator-wide IPSEC policy  Usage: LBPOLICY SET LUN TYPE=<type> [PATHS=<path>-{PRIMARY | <weight>} [,<path>-{PRIMARY | <weight>}[,...]]] LBPOLICY SET LUN PATHS=<path>-{PRIMARY | <weight>} [,<path>-{PRIMARY | <weight>}[,...]] Sets the load balance policy for the currently selected LUN. TYPE=<type> Specifies the type of load balance policy. Must be one of FAILOVER, ROUNDROBIN, SUBSETROUNDROBIN, DYNLQD, WEIGHTED, LEASTBLOCKS, or VENDORSPECIFIC. PATHS=<path>-{PRIMARY | <weight>}[,<path>-{PRIMARY | <weight>}[,...]] Specifies one or more paths describing the load balance policy. <path> Specifies the index of a path. This must refer to one of the currently selected LUN's paths. PRIMARY Specifies that the path is a primary path. Any paths not specified are implicitly set as backup. <weight> Specifies the weight of the path. A LUN must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: LBPOLICY SET LUN TYPE=FAILOVER PATHS=3-PRIMARY LBPOLICY SET LUN TYPE=WEIGHTED PATHS=2-45,4-10,7-30 LBPOLICY SET LUN PATHS=5-PRIMARY $  Usage: LOGIN TARGET IADAPTER=<N> [TYPE={MANUAL | PERSISTENT | BOOT}] [CHAP={NONE | ONEWAY | MUTUAL}] [TPORTAL=<N>] [IPORTAL=<N>] [<flag> [<flag> [...]]] Logs the specified initiator adapter into the current in-focus target. IADAPTER=<N> Specifies the index of the initiator adapter to use. TYPE={MANUAL | PERSISTENT | BOOT} Specifies the type of login to perform. If unspecified, a manual login will be performed. CHAP={NONE | ONEWAY | MUTUAL} Specifies the type of CHAP authentication to use. If unspecified, no authentication will be used. TPORTAL=<N> Specifies a index of the target portal in the currently selected subsystem to use for the login. IPORTAL=<N> Specifies a index of the initiator portal in the specified initiator adapter to use for the login. <flag> Specifies a flag to enable during login. Flags are identified by three-letter acronyms: IPS - Require IPSEC EMP - Enable multipath EHD - Enable header digest EDD - Enable data digest A target must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: LOGIN TARGET IADAPTER=1 LOGIN TARGET IADAPTER=0 TYPE=PERSISTENT CHAP=ONEWAY IPS EMP  Usage: LOGOUT TARGET IADAPTER=<N> Logs the specified initiator adapter out of the currently selected target. IADAPTER=<N> Specifies the index of the initiator adapter to use. A target must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LOGOUT TARGET IADAPTER=1  Usage: NAME <object> [<"name">] Sets a friendly name for the currently selected object. <object> Specifies the type of object to select. Must be one of SUBSYSTEM, LUN, or TARGET. <"name"> Specifies the name to set. This name must be less than 64 characters in length. If no name is supplied the object's name is cleared. An object of the specified type must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: NAME TARGET "MyTarget" NAME LUN "Database Backup 1"  Usage: REMOVE TPGROUP TPORTAL=<N> [NOERR] Removes the target portal from the currently selected target portal group. TPORTAL=<N> Specifies the index of the target portal to remove. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskRAID continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskRAID to exit with an error code. A target portal group must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: REMOVE TPGROUP TPORTAL=1 NOERR  Usage: STANDBY HBAPORT Sets the state of paths to the currently selected HBA port to standby. An HBA port must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: STANDBY HBAPORT  Usage: CREATE LUN <type> {SIZE=<N> [DRIVES=<N>[,<N>[,...]]] | DRIVES=<N>[,<N>[,...]] | SIZE=<N> [POOL=<N>] | POOL=<N>} [STRIPESIZE=<N>] [BUS=<bus type>] [NOERR] Creates a new LUN. <type> Specifies the type of LUN to create. This must be one of SIMPLE, SPAN, STRIPE, MIRROR, RAID, AUTOMAGIC, RAID2, RAID3, RAID4, RAID5, RAID6, RAID01, RAID03, RAID05, RAID10, RAID15, RAID30, RAID50, RAID51, RAID53, RAID60 and RAID61. Specifying AUTOMAGIC type will create a LUN using the automagic hints currently in effect. Automagic hints are displayed and set by the AUTOMAGIC command. SIZE=<N> Specifies the total LUN size in megabytes. To specify the size using other units, use one of the recognized suffixes (B, KB, MB, GB, TB and PB) immediately after the size. DRIVES=<N>[,<N>[,...]] Specifies the indexes of the drives to use to create the LUN. If the SIZE=<N> parameter is not specified, the LUN created is the largest possible size allowed by all of the specified drives. This parameter cannot be specified along with the POOL parameter. POOL=<N> Specifies the index of the storage pool to use to create the LUN. This parameter cannot be specified along with the DRIVES parameter. STRIPESIZE=<N> Specifies the interleave size in megabytes for a STRIPE or RAID LUN. To specify the size using other units, use one of the recognized suffixes (B, KB, MB, GB, TB and PB) immediately after the size. BUS=<bus type> Specifies the bus type of the drives to use to create the LUN. This must be one of SCSI, ATAPI, ATA, 1394, SSA, FIBRE, USB, RAID, ISCSI, SAS, SATA, SD and MMC. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskRAID continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskRAID to exit with an error code. A subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: CREATE LUN SIMPLE SIZE=1GB CREATE LUN MIRROR DRIVES=1,4 CREATE LUN AUTOMAGIC SIZE=1TB NOERR  Usage: CREATE TARGET NAME=<"name"> [ISCSINAME=<iscsiname>] [NOERR] Creates a new target. NAME=<"name"> Specifies the name to assign to the new target. This name must be less than 64 characters in length. ISCSINAME=<iscsiname> Specifies the iSCSI name to assign to the new target. If no iSCSI name is specified the provider will attempt to generate an iSCSI name for the target. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskRAID continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskRAID to exit with an error code. A subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. Examples: CREATE TARGET NAME="MyTarget" CREATE TARGET NAME="Backup" CREATE TARGET NAME="Storage for My Computer" NOERR  Usage: CREATE TPGROUP [NOERR] Creates a new target portal group. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskRAID continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskRAID to exit with an error code. A target must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: CREATE TPGROUP NOERR \ Usage: CHAP INITIATOR SET SECRET=[<"secret">] [TARGET=<N>] CHAP INITIATOR REMEMBER SECRET=[<"secret">] TARGET=<N> Sets the CHAP secret for the local initiator or remembers the CHAP secret required to authenticate the initiator to the specified target. SET Specifies that the CHAP secret will be set for the local initiator. REMEMBER Specifies that the CHAP secret will be remembered by the local initiator to use to authenticate to the target specified by TARGET=<N>. SECRET=[<"secret">] Specifies the secret to set or remember. If empty the secret will be cleared. TARGET=<N> Specifies the index of the target in the currently selected subsystem with which to associate the secret. If specified, a subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: CHAP INITIATOR SET SECRET="3A9cf0bb59" CHAP INITIATOR REMEMBER SECRET="my secret password" TARGET=3  Usage: CHAP TARGET SET SECRET=[<"secret">] [INITIATOR=<initiatorname>] CHAP TARGET REMEMBER SECRET=[<"secret">] INITIATOR=<initiatorname> Sets the CHAP secret for the currently selected target or remembers the CHAP secret required to authenticate the target to the specified initiator. SET Specifies that the CHAP secret will be set for target. REMEMBER Specifies that the CHAP secret will be remembered by the target to use to authenticate to the initiator specified by INITIATOR=<initiatorname>. SECRET=[<"secret">] Specifies the secret to set or remember. If empty the secret will be cleared. INITIATOR=<initiatorname> Specifies the initiator iSCSI name with which to associate the secret. A target must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: CHAP TARGET SET SECRET="3A9cf0bb59" CHAP TARGET REMEMBER SECRET="my secret password" ,  Usage: IPSEC IPORTAL TPORTAL=<N> IPSEC IPORTAL SET KEY=[<key>] TPORTAL=<N> [<flag> [<flag> [...]]] IPSEC IPORTAL SET TUNNEL=<tunneladdress> DESTINATION=<destinationaddress> Displays or configures IPSEC information on the currently selected initiator portal. TPORTAL=<N> Specifies the index of the associated target portal with which to display or configure the IPSEC information. If specified, a subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. SET Specifies that IPSEC information will be set on the initiator portal. KEY=[<key>] Specifies the IPSEC key to set. If empty, the key will be cleared. <flag> Specifies the flags to enable. Flags are identified by three-letter acronyms: IKE - Enable IPSEC/IKE NMM - Enable IPSEC negotiating through main mode NAM - Enable IPSEC negotiating through aggressive mode PFS - Enable perfect forward secrecy TRA - Prefer transport mode TUN - Prefer tunnel mode TUNNEL=<tunneladdress> Specifies the tunnel mode address to set. DESTINATION=<destinationaddress> Specifies the destination address to associate with the tunnel mode address. An initiator portal must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: IPSEC IPORTAL TPORTAL=3 IPSEC IPORTAL SET KEY=8dfc93a12d TPORTAL=1 IKE NMM TRA IPSEC IPORTAL SET DESTINATION= t Usage: IPSEC TPORTAL IPORTAL=<N> IPSEC TPORTAL SET KEY=[<key>] {INITIATOR | IPORTAL=<N>} [<flag> [<flag> [...]]] IPSEC TPORTAL SET TUNNEL=<tunneladdress> DESTINATION=<destinationaddress> Displays or configures IPSEC information on the currently selected target portal. IPORTAL=<N> Specifies the index of the associated initiator portal with which to display or configure the IPSEC information. If specified, an initiator adapter must be selected for this operation to succeed. SET Specifies that IPSEC information will be set on the target portal. KEY=[<key>] Specifies the IPSEC key to set. If empty, the key will be cleared. INITIATOR Specifies that the key should be associated with all local initiator portals. <flag> Specifies the flags to enable. Flags are identified by three-letter acronyms: IKE - Enable IPSEC/IKE NMM - Enable IPSEC negotiating through main mode NAM - Enable IPSEC negotiating through aggressive mode PFS - Enable perfect forward secrecy TRA - Prefer transport mode TUN - Prefer tunnel mode TUNNEL=<tunneladdress> Specifies the tunnel mode address to set. DESTINATION=<destinationaddress> Specifies the destination address to associate with the tunnel mode address. A target portal must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: IPSEC TPORTAL IPORTAL=1 IPSEC TPORTAL SET KEY=8dfc93a12d INITIATOR IKE NMM TUN IPSEC TPORTAL SET DESTINATION= @ Usage: IPSEC SUBSYSTEM SET GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] Sets the group IPSEC key for the target portals of the currently selected subsystem. GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] Specifies the group IPSEC key to set. If empty the key will be cleared. A subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: IPSEC SUBSYSTEM SET GROUPKEY=8dfc93a12d  Usage: IPSEC INITIATOR SET GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] IPSEC INITIATOR SET KEY=[<key>] TPORTAL=<N> [<flag> [<flag> [...]]] IPSEC INITIATOR SET TUNNEL=<tunneladdress> DESTINATION=<destinationaddress> Sets the IPSEC information on the local initiator and its initiator portals. GROUPKEY=[<groupkey>] Specifies the group IPSEC key to set. If empty the key will be cleared. KEY=[<key>] Specifies the IPSEC key to set. If empty, the key will be cleared. TPORTAL=<N> Specifies the index of the associated target portal with which to configure the IPSEC information. If specified, a subsystem must be selected for this operation to succeed. <flag> Specifies the flags to enable. Flags are identified by three-letter acronyms: IKE - Enable IPSEC/IKE NMM - Enable IPSEC negotiating through main mode NAM - Enable IPSEC negotiating through aggressive mode PFS - Enable perfect forward secrecy TRA - Prefer transport mode TUN - Prefer tunnel mode TUNNEL=<tunneladdress> Specifies the tunnel mode address to set. DESTINATION=<destinationaddress> Specifies the destination address to associate with the tunnel mode address. Example: IPSEC INITIATOR SET GROUPKEY=8dfc93a12d IPSEC INITIATOR SET KEY=8dfc93a12d TPORTAL=2 IKE IPSEC INITIATOR SET DESTINATION=  Iadap ### Name --------- ------------------------------ L%1!s! Iadap %2!-3lu! %3!-30.30s! ` There are no initiator adapters to list.  Initiator adapter %1!d! is now the selected initiator adapter.  There is no initiator adapter selected. To select an initiator adapter, specify the Iadap ### for the initiator adapter you wish to select. Example: SELECT IADAPTER 0 To get a list of available initiator adapter, enter LIST IADAPTERS.  , %1!d! Path(s):  Iptl ### Address -------- ------------------------------ L%1!s! Iptl %2!-3lu! %3!-30.30s! \ There are no initiator portals to list.  Initiator portal %1!d! is now the selected initiator portal.  There is no initiator portal selected. To select an initiator portal, specify the Iptl ### for the initiator portal you wish to select. Example: SELECT IPORTAL 0 To get a list of available initiator portal, enter LIST IPORTALS. t Address : %1!s! iSCSI Port Index : %2!d! , %1!d! Path(s):  Tptl ### Address Status Targets -------- ------------------------------ ---------- ------- t%1!s! Tptl %2!-3lu! %3!-30.30s! %4!-10.10s! %5!7d! X There are no target portals to list. | Target portal %1!d! is now the selected target portal.  There is no target portal selected. To select a target portal, specify the Tptl ### for the target portal you wish to select. Example: SELECT TPORTAL 0 To get a list of available target portals, enter LIST TPORTALS. @ Address : %1!s! , %1!d! Path(s): ` %1!u! Associated Target Portal Group(s):  No target portal groups are associated with this target portal.  Target ### Name Chap LUNs ---------- ------------------------------ ---- ---- t%1!s! Target %2!-3lu! %3!-30.30s! %4!-3.3s! %5!4d! H There are no targets to list. ` Target %1!d! is now the selected target.  There is no target selected. To select a target, specify the Target ### for the target you wish to select. Example: SELECT TARGET 0 To get a list of available targets, enter LIST TARGETS. @ iSCSI Name : %1!s! @ %1!u! Associated LUN(s): ` No LUNs are associated with this target. H %1!u! Connected Initiator(s): d No initiators are connected to this target.  Tpgrp ### Target ### TPortals --------- ---------- -------- d%1!s! Tpgrp %2!-3lu! Target %3!-3lu! %4!8d! d There are no target portal groups to list.  Target portal group %1!d! is now the selected target portal group.  There is no target portal group selected. To select a target portal group, specify the Tpgrp ### for the target portal group you wish to select. Example: SELECT TPGROUP 0 To get a list of available target portal groups, enter LIST TPGROUPS. @ Tag : %1!d! T %1!u! Associated Target Portal(s):  No target portals are associated with this target portal group.  Flag Enabled ------------------------------------------------------- ----------  IKE - Enable IPSEC/IKE %1!-10.10s!  NMM - Enable IPSEC negotiating through main mode %1!-10.10s!  NAM - Enable IPSEC negotiating through aggressive mode %1!-10.10s!  PFS - Enable perfect forward secrecy %1!-10.10s!  TRA - Prefer transport mode %1!-10.10s!  TUN - Prefer tunnel mode %1!-10.10s! 4 LUN ### Status Health Type Size Device LUN Num ------- ---------- ------------ -------- -------- ------ ------- %1!s! LUN %2!-3lu! %3!-10.10s! %4!-12.12s! %5!-8.8s! %6!5I64u! %7!-2.2s! %8!6.6s! %9!7.7s! ` LUN number %1!d! is now the selected LUN.  Name : %1!s! Identifier : %2!s! LUN Number : %3!s! Status : %4!s! Health : %5!s! Size : %6!I64u! %7!-2.2s! Type : %8!s! Rebuild Priority : %9!d! Unmasked Hosts : %10!s! Caching Policy : %11!s! Stripe Size : %12!s! Flags : %13!s! t AHS - Allocate Hot Spare %1!18.18s! t UMC - Use Mirrored Cache %1!18.18s! t RCE - Read Cache Enabled %1!18.18s! t WCE - Write Cache Enabled %1!18.18s! t MSE - Media Scan Enabled %1!18.18s! x CCE - Consistency Check Enabled %1!18.18s! \ BUS - Bus Type %1!18.18s! D Pool ### Name Status Health Size Free -------- -------------------- ---------- ------------ -------- -------- %1!s! Pool %2!-3lu! %3!-20.20s! %4!-10.10s! %5!-12.12s! %6!5I64u! %7!-2.2s! %8!5I64u! %9!-2.2s! T There are no storage pools to list. x Storage pool %1!d! is now the selected storage pool.  There is no storage pool selected. To select a storage pool, specify the Pool ### for the storage pool you wish to select. Example: SELECT POOL 0 To get a list of available storage pools, enter LIST POOLS. L Name : %1!s! Type : %2!s! Status : %3!s! Health : %4!s! Description : %5!s! Space consumed : %6!I64u! %7!s! Space managed : %8!I64u! %9!s! (%10!I64u! %11!s! Free) p Allocated Storage Pools ----------------------- \ Allocated LUNs -----------------------  Subsys ### LUN ### Status Health Type Size ---------- ------- ---------- ------------ -------- --------  Subsys %1!-3lu! LUN %2!-3lu! %3!-10.10s! %4!-12.12s! %5!-8.8s! %6!5I64u! %7!-2.2s! h Contributing Drives -----------------------  Subsys ### Drive ### Size Free ---------- --------- -------- ------  Subsys %1!-3lu! Drive %2!-3lu! %3!5I64u! %4!-2.2s! %5!s! d Pool Attributes ----------------------- LRaid Type : %1!s! LBus Type : %1!s! LUsage : %1!s! LSpin down : %1!s! Thin provisioned : %1!s! Space provisioned : %2!I64u! %3!s! LSingle point of failure : %1!s! PMaximum copies of data : %1!lu! PMinimum copies of data : %1!lu! PDefault copies of data : %1!lu! PMaximum number of drives : %1!lu! PMinimum number of drives : %1!lu! PDefault number of drives : %1!lu! `Stripe size : %1!I64u! %2!s! `Maximum Stripe size : %1!I64u! %2!s! `Minimum Stripe size : %1!I64u! %2!s! `Default Stripe size : %1!I64u! %2!s! PNumber of members : %1!lu! PMaximum number of members : %1!lu! PMinimum number of members : %1!lu! PDefault number of members : %1!lu! l There are no storage pools attributes to list. h Custom Attributes ----------------------- Attribute name : %1!s! Attribute value : %2!s! D Command returned: 0x%1!08x!  Usage: DISKRAID [/? | [/s <script>] [/v]] Launches the DiskRAID application. /? specifies that DiskRAID should display this usage text. /s <script> specifies that DiskRAID should execute commands from the script file at the location specified. /v specifies that DiskRAID should run in verbose mode, printing out additional information about each command being executed. Examples: DISKRAID DISKRAID /v ` DiskRAID encountered a fatal error while initializing. The following information may help diagnose the error: Error: 0x%1!08x! Location Code: %2!d! ( DiskRAID was unable to access the following file: %1!s! Please check that the file specified exists, and is accessible to DiskRAID.  The operation failed with the following error: 0x%1!08x!  The functionality for this command has not yet been implemented by the hardware provider.  DiskRAID was unable to find any VDS hardware providers installed on this computer. At least one VDS hardware provider must be installed for DiskRAID to be functional. Please check the VDS hardware provider installation. x You must be a member of the Administrators group or Backup Operators group on this machine to run this program. Please contact your system administrator for further information.  DiskRAID was unable to recognize the command you entered. To view the list of recognized commands, please use the HELP command.  The abbreviated string you entered matches multiple recognized DiskRAID commands. Please enter the entire command. To view the list of recognized commands, please use the HELP command.  The VDS hardware provider for the selected object returned an unexpected error while performing the requested operation.  The VDS hardware provider for the selected object does not support this maintenance operation. Please select a different object, or contact your hardware manufacturer for more information.  A VDS hardware provider failed during initialization with the following error: 0x%1!08x!  Provider %1!d! failed to initialize its subsystems with the following error: 0x%2!08x!  Either VDS or a VDS hardware provider could not be reached. Check the VDS hardware provider installation and restart DiskRAID.  This operation or combination of parameters is not supported by this provider.  Another operation is in progress; this operation cannot proceed until the previous operation or operations are complete. x There is not enough usable space for this operation.  Too few free drives are present in the subsystem to complete this operation. | This operation or combination of parameters is invalid. T The name you specified is too long.  The specified controller or port is not associated with the LUN. x A VDS 4.0 hardware provider was detected. For management of this hardware provider please use PowerShell. DiskRaid supports the use of VDS 3.0 or older hardware providers only.  The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The specified size is greater than the size of the LUN.  DiskRAID could not shrink the LUN because the operation would overwrite partitions with user data.  DiskRAID could not shrink the LUN because a disk associated with the LUN is missing.  DiskRAID could not shrink the LUN because a disk associated with the LUN has failed.  DiskRAID could not shrink the LUN because a disk associated with the LUN is not ready.  DiskRAID could not shrink the LUN because a disk associated with the LUN has no media in it.  DiskRAID could not shrink the LUN because the LUN is not ready.  DiskRAID could not shrink the LUN because the LUN is offline.  DiskRAID could not shrink the LUN because the LUN has failed. x The VDS hardware provider you specified is not valid.  There is no VDS hardware provider selected. Please select a provider using the SELECT PROVIDER command. ` The subsystem you specified is not valid.  There is no subsystem selected. Please select a subsystem using the SELECT SUBSYSTEM command. d The controller you specified is not valid.  There is no controller selected. Please select a controller using the SELECT CONTROLLER command. X The drive you specified is not valid.  There is no drive selected. Please select a drive using the SELECT DRIVE command. T The LUN you specified is not valid.  There is no LUN selected. Please select a LUN using the SELECT LUN command. ` The HBA port you specified is not valid.  There is no HBA port selected. Please select an HBA port using the SELECT HBAPORT command. l The controller port you specified is not valid.  There is no controller port selected. Please select a controller port using the SELECT PORT command. p The initiator adapter you specified is not valid.  There is no initiator adapter selected. Please select an initiator adapter using the SELECT IADAPTER command. p The initiator portal you specified is not valid.  There is no initiator portal selected. Please select an initiator portal using the SELECT IPORTAL command. h The target portal you specified is not valid.  There is no target portal selected. Please select a target portal using the SELECT TPORTAL command. \ The target you specified is not valid.  There is no target selected. Please select a target using the SELECT TARGET command. t The target portal group you specified is not valid.  There is no target portal group selected. Please select a target portal group using the SELECT TPGROUP command.  Some of the automagic hints set are not valid for the selected LUN. h The storage pool you specified is not valid.  There is no storage pool selected. Please select a storage pool using the SELECT POOL command.  Provider %1!d! failed to initialize its storage pools with the following error: 0x%2!08x! l Some of the automagic hints set are not valid.  The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The LUN is not unmasked to the local server.  The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is READ ONLY.  The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is DYNAMIC. 0 The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is DYNAMIC OFFLINE.  The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The disk has the GPT partitioning format. The specified new lun size does not allow space for a new GPT backup header to be created. Please increase the resulting lun size.  The operation against the selected LUN completed, but there was a failure updating the status of the disk associated with the lun. Call REFRESH using DISKPART.EXE to retry the status update for the disk. 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation: FileDescriptionDiskRAIDr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNamediskraid.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenamediskraid.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX