MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  2PW\@81.rsrc@2@@( @Xp   +=MUIbUbSQQqU5C7:F MUI en-US'@'@(&'@9'@'%''Valid commands: load Loads a Filter driver unload Unloads a Filter driver filters Lists the Filters currently registered in the system instances Lists the Instances for a Filter or Volume currently registered in the system volumes Lists all volumes/RDRs in the system attach Creates a Filter Instance to a Volume detach Removes a Filter Instance from a Volume Use fltmc help [ command ] for help on a specific command | load -- Loads a Filter driver %1 load [ driverName ] | unload -- Unloads a Filter driver %1 unload [ driverName ] The driverName should be the full path to the sys file for the Filter driver being unloaded D filters -- Lists the Filters currently registered %1 filters The full information stored about each Filter will be listed.  instances -- Lists all instances or the instances associated with a Filter or Volume %1 instances [-f filterName ]|[-v volumeName ] The -f flag denotes that the instances associated with the filter identified by filterName should be listed The -v flag denotes that the instances associated with the volume identified by volumeName should be listed The full information on each instance will be listed  volumes -- Lists all volumes (including the network redirectors) %1 volumes  attach -- Attaches a filter to the specified Volume %1 attach [ filterName ] [ volumeName ] [[-i instanceName ][-a altitude]] The filterName is the name for the Filter that is used by the driver to register and to load the Filter using this command line. The volumeName is the name of the volume, such as c: or d: The instanceName is the name for the instance to be attached This is optional if an altitude is provided *Note: If no altitude is provided, the necessary keys must already exist in the registry to describe the altitude for the given name The altitude is optional if an instanceName is provided If specified, this new instance is placed at this explicit altitude If a name is specified as well, the new instance will be given the name specified If the attachment is successful, an Instance Name will be displayed to identify the instance created by this attachment  detach -- Detaches a Filter Instance from the specified Volume %1 detach [ filterName ] [ volumeName ] [ instanceName ] The filterName is the name for the Filter that is used by the driver to register and to load the Filter using this command line The volumeName is the name of the volume to which the instance is currently attached, such as c: or d: The instanceName is the identifier returned by the attach command If no instanceName is give, the default instance for the Volume specified will be removed 4 ** Invalid command \ ATTACH successful... Instance Name: %1 0 No volumes found D No filters/instances found H No instances for this volume 0 No filters loaded H No instances for this filter  Filter Name Num Instances Altitude Frame ------------------------------ ------------- ------------ ----- p%1!-30.*s! %2!5d! %4!7ws!%5!-5ws! %3!3d! p%1!-30.*s! %2!7ws!%3!-5ws! <Legacy>  Instances for %1 filter: Volume Name Altitude Instance Name Frame VlStatus ------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------- ----- -------- x%1!-37s! %2!9ws!%3!-3ws! %4!-22.*s! %5!3d! %6!ws! Instances for %1 volume: Filter Altitude Instance Name Frame SprtFtrs VlStatus -------------------- ------------ ---------------------- ----- -------- -------- %1!-20.*s! %2!9ws!%3!-3ws! %4!-22.*s! %5!3d! %6!08x! %7!ws! Filter Volume Name Altitude Instance Name Frame SprtFtrs VlStatus -------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------- ----- -------- -------- %1!-20.*s! %2!-37s! %3!9ws!%4!-3ws! %5!-22.*s! %6!3d! %7!08x! %8!ws! Dos Name Volume Name FileSystem Status ------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ---------- -------- X%1!-30ws! %2!-39ws! %3!-10ws! %4!ws! hThe FltMgr.sys driver is not currently loaded. %1!-20.*s! %2!9ws!%3!-3ws! <Legacy> %4!08x! %5!ws! %1!-20.*s! %2!-37s! %3!9ws!%4!-3ws! <Legacy> %5!08x! %6!ws! H Load failed with error: %1!d! L Load failed with error: 0x%1!x! L Unload failed with error: %1!d! P Unload failed with error: 0x%1!x! t Volume instance listing failed with error: 0x%1!x! ` Volume listing failed with error: 0x%1!x! P Attach failed with error: 0x%1!x! P detach failed with error: 0x%1!x! X Error interpreting parameters: %1!d! t Filter/instance listing failed with error: 0x%1!x! p Filter instance listing failed with error: %1!x! ` Filter listing failed with error: 0x%1!x!  Error reason could not be translated, Message code: 0x%1!x!, Reason: %2!x! 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%? StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationfFileDescriptionFilter Manager Control Programr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)4 InternalNamefltMC.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.DOriginalFilenamefltMC.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX