MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  &@,@%.rsrc0&@@( @Xp   H 1MUI߃`}-X5X+g3Lj MUI en-US'@/'@---- Commands Supported ---- tx Commands related to transactions tm Commands related to transaction managers Error: %0 Forces a transaction that has an undetermined outcome to either a committed or a rolled-back outcome. Usage : ktmutil tx force commit {TmGuid} {TxGuid} ktmutil tx force rollback {TmGuid} {TxGuid} Eg : ktmutil tx force commit {some-guid-here} *** WARNING: use of this command may cause data corruption and *** transactional inconsistency! This command is provided because it may be necessary in the event that a superior ResourceManager is uninstalled, and will never come back online; or in the event that a superior tm logfile is corrupted or deleted. This command will allow a dependent tm logfile to receive an outcome, and thus remove this dependency and make forward progress. However, it should be used only with caution, and an acceptance of the possible data corruption issues. ,Forgets a transaction that is waiting for a response from a subordinate enlistment or tm Usage : ktmutil tx forget {TmGuid} {RmGuid} {EnGuid} Eg : ktmutil tx forget {some-guid-here} {some-guid-here} {some-guid-here} *** WARNING: use of this command may cause data corruption and *** transactional inconsistency! This command is provided because it may be necessary in the event that a ResourceManager is uninstalled, and will never come back online; or in the event that a subordinate tm logfile is corrupted or deleted. This command will allow a dependent tm logfile to forget a transaction, and thus remove this dependency and make forward progress. However, it should be used only with caution, and an acceptance of the possible data corruption issues. Usage : ktmutil tx info {TmGuid} {TxGuid} Eg : ktmutil tx info {some-Tm-guid-here} {some-Tx-guid-here} Usage : ktmutil tx list Lists all transactions ktmutil tx info Get information about a transaction ktmutil tx force Force a transaction to a given outcome ktmutil tx forget Forget a committed transaction Lists tm and tx objects Usage: ktmutil tx list Lists all transactions ktmutil tx list [{TmGuid}] Lists transactions in a tm Without the optional {TmGuid} argument, the command lists transactions that are visible in the global namespace. With the optional {TmGuid} argument, the command lists only transactions that currently exist in that tm Eg : ktmutil tx list {some-Tm-guid-here} TmGuid TmLogPath -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- TxGuid Description -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- The KTMUTIL utility requires that you have administrative privileges. @%1 is an invalid parameter. HOldestTransactionTxGuid: %1!s! HOldestTransactionAge: %1!s! PSuperiorResourceManager: %1!s! PSubordinateResourceManager: %1!s! X CrmTransactionManagerId: %1!s! X CrmResourceManagerId: %1!s! X CrmEnlistmentId: %1!s! PSuperiorTransactionManager: %1!s! PSuperiorRmDescription: %1!s! PSuperiorEnlistment: %1!s! PSubordinateEnlistment: %1!s! HLog Path: %1!s! HTmGuid: %1!s! PTxGuid: %1!s! \Outcome: Undetermined XOutcome: Committed \Outcome: Rolled Back LTransactionDescription: %1!s! DUsage : ktmutil tm list Lists all transaction managers ktmutil tm info Get information about a particular transaction manager Usage : ktmutil tm info {TmGuid} Eg : ktmutil tm info {some-Tm-guid-here} The "ktmutil tx force" command can only be used on transactions with an undetermined outcome. 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationt&FileDescriptionKernel Transaction Management Utilityr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNamektmutil.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenamektmutil.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX