MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  J` @LH.rsrcPJ@@(@ rstu v8wPxhyz{|    ( 8 H X h x    D2xj &h+,0P5: G|N6TMUIKI Ҟ/ub 0eh7У = MUIen-US.Failed to copy ANSI to Unicode string '%hs'. +Failed to make unicode string from '%hs'. *Failed to allocate keytab component vector%Overflow in salt computation %hs:%d ?Error occurred when copying password to Unicode buffer %hs:%d ?Error occurred when copying principal to Unicode buffer %s:%d @Error occurred when copying realm name to Unicode buffer %s:%d Using supplied salt. MBuilding salt with principalname %wZ and domain %wZ (encryption type %d)... 1Not written: argument is of unhandled size (%d) 7 ** Failed to read Keytab %hs's leading bytes: 0x%x Keytab version: 0x%x keysize %d ptype %d vno %d etype 0x%x keylength %d%hs is one of: Press [ENTER] to continuePrints this message.[ undocumented suboption ]Terminates optionlist.$ (or set environment variable '%hs')?ERROR: cannot format for %hs %hs %hs -- STACK SPACE EXHAUSTED Command line options: %%hs: enum value '%hs' is not known. 7one or more of the following, separated by '|' or ','one of the following valuesPA/Error: argument for option '%hs' must be %ws:  )Please submit a shorter principal name. #Please submit a shorter password. Existing keytab: Keytab read failed! Generated password: %hs OERROR: /out parameter requires a password. Specify /pass or +rndPass. YERROR: /out parameter requires a principal name. Specify /princ to provide one. the principal9ktpass:failed getting target domain for specified user. Could not locate user. DWARNING: Account %hs is not a normal user account (uacFlags=0x%x). 5WARNING: Cannot determine the account type for %hs. FWARNING: Failed to set UPN %hs on %hs. kinits to '%hs' will fail. !Successfully mapped %hs to %hs. PAType the password for %hs: failed to read password. % Type the password again to confirm:'failed to read confirmation password. ,The passwords you type must match exactly. 8Failed to turn off echo input for password entry: 0x%x 1Failed to retrieve console mode settings: 0x%x. +Failed to copy ASCII username to Unicode. (ERROR: Failed to initialize account name=WARNING: Account %hs is not a user account (uacflags=0x%x). gWARNING: Resetting %hs's password may cause authentication problems if %hs is being used as a server. -Failed to retrieve user info for %ws: 0x%x. Aborted. JWARNING: pType and account type do not match. This might cause problems. ,Failed to create key for keytab. Quitting. 0Failed to create key for keytab. Continuing... Failed to allocate keytable. Key created. Failed to add entry to keytab. Output keytab to %hs: & Failed to write keytab file %hs. 3Account %hs has been set for DES-only encryption. DTo make this take effect, you must change %hs's password manually. ) WARNING: No principal name specified. auto: YESNO%EOF on stdin. Assuming you mean no. 'EOF at console. Assuming you mean no. _Your response, %02x ('%c'), doesn't make sense. 'Y' and 'N' are the only acceptable responses. Exiting. LDo you really want to delete any previous servicePrincipalName values on %hsPAReset %hs's password%Cannot bind to default domain: 0x%x 9Cannot locate the user %hs. Will try the local domain. Cannot DsCrackNames %hs: 0x%x 1'%hs' has %ld matches -- it needs to be unique! Cannot allocate memory 7DsCrackNames returned 0x%x in the name entry for %hs. =Couldn't return username portion of '%hs' -- out of memory. $Cannot DsGetDcName for '%hs': 0x%x "Targeting domain controller: %ws 'Error copying password to quoted form Password successfully set! Password set failed! 0x%08x )Error copying ASCII password to Unicode #Error copying ASCII DN to Unicode FFailed to query kvno attribute from the DC. Ktpass cannot continue. Mtime() failed: 0x%x Cannot seed random number generator with current time. 3Could not allocate %ld chars for random password. [%c/%c]? most useful argsKeytab to producePrincipal name (user@REALM)password to useuse '*' to prompt for password.1... or use +rndPass to generate a random password+minimum length for random password (def:15),maximum length for random password (def:256)$display the password when generated.less useful stuff7map princ (above) to this user account (default: don't)2how to set the mapping attribute (default: add it)3Set account for des-only encryption (default:don't)Keytab to read/digestoptions for key generationCryptosystem to use'Iteration Count used for AES encryption*Default: ignored for non-AES, 4096 for AESprincipal type in questionOverride Key Version Number9Default: query DC for kvno. Use /kvno 1 for Win2K compat.3+Answer answers YES to prompts. -Answer answers NO.Which DC to use. Default:detect-keytab version (def 0x502). Leave this alone.0raw salt to use when generating key (not needed)3show us the MIT salt being used to generate the key/Set the UPN in addition to the SPN. Default DO.$Set the user's password if supplied.for compatibilityPAdefault 128-bit encryptionAES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96AES128-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96All supported typesThe general ptype-- recommendeduser service instancehost service instanceadd value (default) set valuedoing nothing. specify /pass and/or /mapuser to either make a key with the given password or map a user to a particular SPN, respectively. principal %hs doesn't contain an '@' symbol. Looking for something of the form: foo@BAR.COM or xyz/foo@BAR.COM ^ ^ | | +--------------------+---- I didn't find these. KTPASS: Could not determine the correct principal type. If this keytab is intended for a computer account, please use /ptype KRB5_NT_SRV_HST If this keytab is intended for a user account, please use /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL ~WARNING: Unable to set SPN mapping data. If %hs already has an SPN mapping installed for %hs, this is no cause for concern. eNOTE: creating a keytab but not mapping principal to any user. For the account to work within a Windows domain, the principal must be mapped to an account, either at the domain level (with /mapuser) or locally (using ksetup) If you intend to map %hs to an account through other means or don't need to map the user, this message can safely be ignored. WARNING: The Key version used by Windows (%ld) is too big to be encoded in a keytab without truncating it to %ld. This is due to a limitation of the keytab file format and may lead to interoperability issues. Do you want to proceed and truncate the version numberThe %hs attribute does not exist on the target DC. Assuming this is a Windows 2000 domain, and setting the Key Version Number in the Keytab to 1. Supply '/kvno 1' on the command line to skip this message. PA2option %hs:%hs must be specified and is missing. -option %s must be specified and is missing. unknown option '%hs'. /Parser: option '%hs' is missing its argument. )Parser: argument '%hs' is not a number. GInternal error: option '%hs' has bad type 0x%x. Skipping this option. KInternal error: option '%hs' has unknown type 0x%x. Skipping this option. Unexpected arguments state! HParseOptions: %hs should be of the form %hs:option (:option:option...) DERROR: empty berval structure returned when parsing %ws attribute. HERROR: nonunique berval structure returned when parsing %ws attribute. 3Failed to retrieve values for property %ws: 0x%x. UWARNING: Failed to disable referral chasing, possibly multiple entries can be found 1WARNING: search term '%hs' produced no results. %2ld. <Unknown DN: 0x%x> +Failed to get DN from search result: 0x%x PA8FAILED: ldap_search_s failed for search term '%ws': 0x%xJFAILED: default naming context does not include requisite attribute %ws. 7FAILED: unable to query default naming context: 0x%x. ;Failed to modify %ws attribute to %ld (0x%x) on %ws: 0x%x &Using legacy password setting method !FAIL: ldap_bind_s failed: 0x%x. 2FAIL: ldap_open failed for default server: 0x%x. 2too many values (expected one, got %ld) for %hs. ldap_get_values failed: 0x%x. ldap_first_entry failed: 0x%x. 9ldap_search failed (0x%x). Couldn't search for base DN. Failed to bind to DSA: 0x%x. Failed to contact DSA: 0x%x. :Failed to set property '%hs' to '%hs' on Dn '%hs': 0x%x. Failed to locate user '%hs'. `WARNING: search term '%ws' returns multiple results (should be unique). The results follow: PA4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationRFileDescriptionKerberos keytab toolr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623).InternalNamektpass.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamektpass.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD