MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  B`IZ@@.rsrcPB@@ 0H    0 H`x         (TPh8T$/LMUIGμcF8{(hkDz$i MUI en-USMicrosoft Corporation&WCS profile for ICC viewing conditions&WCS profile for ICC viewing conditionsPA.Appropriate for a print in a D50 viewing booth'WCS profile for sRGB viewing conditions'WCS profile for sRGB viewing conditionsADefault profile for a sRGB monitor in standard viewing conditions!sRGB virtual device model profile!sRGB virtual device model profile(sRGB virtual device model system profile"scRGB virtual device model profile"scRGB virtual device model profile/scRGB virtual s2.13 device model system profileCharts and graphsCharts and graphs9Appropriate for ICC saturation rendering intent workflows Photography Photography9Appropriate for ICC perceptual rendering intent workflowsProofing and line artProofing and line artDAppropriate for ICC relative colorimetric rendering intent workflows%Proofing - simulate paper/media color%Proofing - simulate paper/media colorDAppropriate for ICC absolute colorimetric rendering intent workflows?Created by Microsoft WCS from DMP: %1, CAMP: %2, and GMMP: %3%0?Created by Microsoft WCS from DMP: %1, CAMP: %2, and GMMP: %3%0Block inbound network trafficBlock outbound network trafficInstall ProfileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Corporation-This task applies color calibration settings.PA |00PPPP pp,8:$iЬ!4CMM for ICC profiles 4CMM for WCS profiles Info Error Information 0Profile Management 0Transform Creation ,Color Translation ,Color Calibration TMicrosoft-Windows-WindowsColorSystem @Installed color profile %1. DUninstalled color profile %1. xAssociated color profile %1 with device %2 in %3 scope. Disassociated color profile %1 from device %2 in %3 scope. tSet default profile to %1 for device %2 in %3 scope. Set the "use per-user profiles" setting for device %1 to %2. pSet the default rendering intent to %1 in %2 scope. Unset the default rendering intent in %1 scope. The system-wide default rendering intent will now be used. Set the default profile for %1 rendering intent to %2 in %3 scope. ,Unset the default profile for %1 rendering intent in %2 scope. This rendering intent will now use the corresponding system-wide default profile. Set the default profile for working space '%1' to %2 in %3 scope. $Unset the default profile for working space '%1' in %2 scope. This working space will now use the corresponding system-wide default profile. hSet the default CAMP profile to %1 in %2 scope. Unset the default CAMP profile in %1 scope. The system-wide default CAMP profile will now be used. DWCS profile %1 is invalid: %2 @Initialized %1 plug-in %2. Failed to initialize %1 plug-in %2: error %3. Fallback %4. V4 LUT elements in '%1' tag: B curves %2, Matrix %3, M curves %4, CLUT %5, A curves %6. xAdjust black point from legacy encoding to V4 encoding. xAdjust black point from V4 encoding to legacy encoding. hAdjust LAB from legacy encoding to V4 encoding. hAdjust LAB from V4 encoding to legacy encoding. 0Convert LAB to XYZ. 4Convert XYZ to LAB. Device has extended range: ([%1, %2], [%3, %4], [%5, %6]). dDestination device lightness range: [%1, %2]. XCreating gamut map model for %1 intent. hCreated standard gamut map model for %1 intent. `Failed to create gamut map model: error %1. Opening color profile(CDMP = '%2' (%1), CAMP = '%4' (%3), GMMP = '%6' (%5), desired access = %7, share mode = %8, creation mode = %9). PColor profile successfully opened. XFailed to open color profile: error %1. ICC profile information: size = %1 bytes, version = %2, class = '%3', data color space = '%4', profile connection space = '%5'. XExtracted WCS profile from ICC profile. XCITE color transform optimization: %1. ,Selected %1 LUT. Selected '%1' tag to create %2 LUT for '%3' class profile with %4 rendering intent. 4Creating color transform(LCS type = %1, intent = %2, source profile = '%3', destination profile = '%5' (%4), target profile = '%7' (%6), flags = %8). Creating multi-profile color transform(%1 profiles, %2 intents, flags = %3). pColor transform successfully created: hxform = %1. `Color transform creation failed: error %1. Translating colors(hxform = %1, %2 input colors, input color type = %3, output color type = %4). `WCS translating colors(hxform = %1, %2 input colors, %3 input channels, input data type = %4, %5 input bytes, %6 output channels, output data type = %7, %8 output bytes). @Translating bitmap bits(hxform = %1, input bitmap format = %2, width = %3, height = %4, input stride = %5, output bitmap format = %6, output stride = %7). HColors successfully translated PColor translation failed: error %1. Calibration refresh invoked. Windows calibration state management enabled = %1. Refreshing calibration for device '%1'. Color profile exists and contains calibration data = %2. hCalibration refresh finished, return code = %1. Applying calibration adjustments. Adapter gamma adjustments = %1, monitor adjustments = %2. pSetting Windows calibration state management to %1. Not refreshing display calibration because Windows calibration management is not enabled. Not refreshing display calibration because the session is a remote session. Not refreshing display calibration on a device for which multiple physical monitors exist. Loading calibration data from color profile %1 failed with error %2. hApplying calibration data failed with error %1. ICC profile 4device model profile Hcolor appearance model profile @gamut mapping model profile perceptual 4relative colorimetric saturation 4absolute colorimetric none ,RGB working space 4custom working space perceptual 4relative colorimetric saturation 4absolute colorimetric embedded (invalid) system-wide $current user $device model 0gamut mapping model not used used not present present file based $memory based not used read-only read-write for reading for writing create new $create always $open existing open always ,truncate existing none from source appearance space to destination colorimetric space |from source appearance space to destination device space (floating point integer gamut normal (calibrated RGB sRGB 0Windows color space business graphics images 4absolute colorimetric gray RGB XYZ Yxy Lab 3-channel CMYK 5-channel 6-channel 7-channel 8-channel named byte word float ,S2.13 fixed-point x555 RGB x555 XYZ x555 Yxy x555 Lab x555 G3CH $RGB triplets $BGR triplets $XYZ triplets $Yxy triplets $Lab triplets $G3CH triplets 5-channel 6-channel 7-channel 8-channel gray xRGB quads xBGR quads G3CH quads KYMC quads CMYK quads 10-bit RGB 10-bit XYZ 10-bit Yxy 10-bit Lab 10-bit G3CH named index 16-bit RGB 16-bit XYZ 16-bit Yxy 16-bit Lab 16-bit G3CH 16-bit gray 565 RGB $32-bit scRGB $32-bit scARGB 8S2.13 fixed-point scRGB <S2.13 fixed-point scARGB 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationp$FileDescriptionMicrosoft Color Matching System DLLr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)4 InternalNameMSCMS.DLL.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.DOriginalFilenameMSCMS.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD