MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ٙ|||.|. |Rich|PELRH"!  0@L.rsrcL@@(@`xb~ 8Ph(@Xp0H`x 8Ph(@Xpx y z0 {H |` }x ~       38 4P 5h r s t u v w x y( z@ {X |p } ~      0 H ` x               (  8  H  X  h  x                    ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x          ##'&+H1367B:B`(I,PV \ckJrw0|̇Ȏܔ:| T0~N v lP: <$ p&X.(5 >4DJ,S Z<H`D iTqz<LhR (0и|Vx^dH\ |*X,X@  ` 6 B\t0f $8\ 0,!L"n&D'LMUIjײ DDIF̹o%zP/Z MUIen-USKDDE channel not fully closed; awaiting response from the other application.#No more DDE channels are available.OCannot open DDE channel; |9 could not find the specified application and topic.=Cannot open DDE channel; more than one application responded.DDE channel is locked.QThe other application will not perform the DDE method or operation you attempted.'Timeout while waiting for DDE response.COperation terminated because Esc key was pressed before completion.PAThe other application is busy.2Data not provided when requested in DDE operation.;Data supplied in a DDE conversation is in the wrong format.The other application quit.#DDE conversation closed or changed.(DDE method invoked with no channel open.AInvalid link format; cannot create link to the other application.'Message queue filled; DDE message lost.,PasteLink already performed on this control.'Cannot set LinkMode; invalid LinkTopic.WThe DDE transaction failed. Check to ensure you have the correct version of DDEML.DLL.PA%Not enough memory to start Cue Cards.Operation cancelled.Not Yet Implemented.| Not Yet Implemented.System resource exceeded.Not enough memory to start |9.Not a valid document name: '|'.You already have an open document named '|'; you must close it before you can save or rename another document under the same name.;Document '|' is open; you must close it before deleting it.;Document '|' is open; you must close it before renaming it.:Document '|' is open; you must close it before cutting it.Not a valid password.TThis copy of |9 has expired. Please get a new copy from your Microsoft distributor.gThis copy of |9 has not been personalized properly. Please reinstall using the provided Setup program.PASyntax error in numberSyntax error in dateSyntax error in string!Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'. Unknown nameUnknown function name(Function is not available in expressionsObject has no value.\+Invalid arguments used with domain functionIn operator without ()Between operator without AndSyntax error (missing operator)PASyntax error (comma) Syntax errorSyntax error (missing operator)Extra )Missing ), ], or ItemInvalid use of vertical bars Syntax error,Wrong number of arguments used with functionIIF function without ()Invalid use of parenthesesInvalid use of Is operatorExpression too complex Out of memory during calculation!Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'.PACannot set value. Syntax error.2Expression cannot be used with the LIKE predicate.Malformed GUID.Ambiguous name.Compile error.7Reserved error (|); there is no message for this error.Invalid argument.Could not start session.BCould not start transaction; too many transactions already nested. **********!'|' is not a valid database name.#Database '|' is exclusively locked.!Cannot open library database '|'.PAThe table '|' is already opened exclusively by another user, or it is already open through the user interface and cannot be manipulated programmatically.You tried to lock table '|' while opening it, but the table cannot be locked because it is currently in use. Wait a moment, and then try the operation again.Table '|' already exists.The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object '|'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.Object '|' already exists.'Could not rename installable ISAM file.Cannot open any more tables.Index not found.Field will not fit in record. The size of a field is too long.Could not find field.*Operation invalid without a current index..Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit.No current record.)The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.AddNew or Edit already used.Could not find file '|'.Cannot open any more files.Not enough space on disk.0Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.oCannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.%Not a valid account name or password. '|' is not a valid account name.Not a valid password.Cannot perform this operation.You do not have the necessary permissions to use the '|' object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you.TYou tried to commit or rollback a transaction without first beginning a transaction.System resource exceeded."Database has reached maximum size.'Cannot open any more tables or queries.System resource exceeded.9Could not create index; too many indexes already defined.Disk I/O error during read.KCannot open a database created with a previous version of your application.Out of MS-DOS file handles.Disk or network error.'|' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.'Could not use '|'; file already in use.1Could not save; currently locked by another user.Record is too large.Cannot open any more databases.qCannot open database '|'. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.Could not lock file.The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '|'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.JFile sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry.Too many client tasks./Too many Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object fields.Not a valid file name.Could not repair this database.)Operation not supported on linked tables.1Index or primary key cannot contain a Null value.Operation canceled by user."Wrong data type for parameter '|'.Too few parameters. Expected |.Duplicate output alias '|'.!Duplicate output destination '|'.Cannot open action query '|'.Cannot execute a select query./Query must have at least one destination field.5Query input must contain at least one table or query.Not a valid alias name.4The action query '|' cannot be used as a row source.]The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize '|' as a valid field name or expression.This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables.|'Operation must use an updateable query.,Cannot repeat table name '|' in FROM clause.|1 in query expression '|2'.| in criteria expression.| in expression.The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query '|'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.kThe specified field '|' could refer to more than one table listed in the FROM clause of your SQL statement.+Joined table '|' not listed in FROM clause.7Cannot join more than one table with the same name (|).MJOIN operation '|' refers to a field that is not in one of the joined tables.!Cannot use internal report query.%Cannot insert data with action query.%Undefined function '|' in expression.'Could not delete from specified tables.(Too many expressions in GROUP BY clause.PA(Too many expressions in ORDER BY clause.(Too many expressions in DISTINCT output.CResultant table not allowed to have more than one AutoNumber field.2HAVING clause (|) without grouping or aggregation.0Cannot use HAVING clause in TRANSFORM statement.,ORDER BY clause (|) conflicts with DISTINCT.3ORDER BY clause (|) conflicts with GROUP BY clause.1Cannot have aggregate function in expression (|).3Cannot have aggregate function in WHERE clause (|).6Cannot have aggregate function in ORDER BY clause (|).6Cannot have aggregate function in GROUP BY clause (|).5Cannot have aggregate function in JOIN operation (|).)Cannot set field '|' in join key to Null.iThe Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find a record in the table '|2' with key matching field(s) '|1'.!Circular reference caused by '|'.ICircular reference caused by alias '|' in query definition's SELECT list.PAKCannot specify fixed column heading '|' in a crosstab query more than once.<Missing destination field name in SELECT INTO statement (|).7Missing destination field name in UPDATE statement (|).7Record(s) cannot be added; no insert permission on '|'.8Record(s) cannot be edited; no update permission on '|'.9Record(s) cannot be deleted; no delete permission on '|'.RCould not read definitions; no read definitions permission for table or query '|'.ECould not create; no modify design permission for table or query '|'.4Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on '|'.(Cannot update '|'; field not updateable.PCannot include Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object when you select unique values (|).LCannot have Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object fields in aggregate argument (|).YCannot have Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object fields in criteria (|) for aggregate function.2Cannot sort on Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object (|).2Cannot join on Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object (|).3Cannot group on Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object (|).PA-Cannot group on fields selected with '*' (|).)Cannot group on fields selected with '*'.qYou tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression '|' as part of an aggregate function.!Cannot use '*' in crosstab query.,Cannot input from internal report query (|).{'|' is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long.Invalid bracketing of name '|'.The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: '|'. Make sure you have typed the name correctly, and try the operation again.<Specify the table containing the records you want to delete.WInvalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.!Syntax error in DELETE statement.Syntax error in FROM clause. Syntax error in GROUP BY clause.Syntax error in HAVING clause.&Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.Syntax error in JOIN operation.PAuThe LEVEL clause includes a reserved word or argument that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect..Missing semicolon (;) at end of SQL statement. Syntax error in ORDER BY clause.!Syntax error in PARAMETER clause.!Syntax error in PROCEDURE clause.The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect.,Characters found after end of SQL statement.$Syntax error in TRANSFORM statement.!Syntax error in UPDATE statement.Syntax error in WHERE clause.ODBC--call failed.ODBC--connection to '|' failed.PAODBC--could not find DLL '|'.*ODBC--insert on a linked table '|' failed.*ODBC--delete on a linked table '|' failed.*ODBC--update on a linked table '|' failed.8Could not save record; currently locked by another user.Not a valid bookmark.Table is not open.Could not decrypt file.QYou tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant data type.nThe field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.Field cannot be updated.Could not open .inf file.,Cannot locate the requested Xbase memo file.Record is deleted.PAInvalid .inf file.The Microsoft Jet database engine could not execute the SQL statement because it contains a field that has an invalid data type. Could not find installable ISAM.)Could not find network path or user name.Could not open not open table 'MSysAccounts' in the workgroup information file.DCould not open table 'MSysGroups' in the workgroup information file.0Date is out of range or is in an invalid format.Could not open file '|'.Not a valid table name.#Encountered unexpected end of file.Could not write to file '|'.Invalid range.Invalid file format.#Not enough space on temporary disk.PA5Could not execute query; could not find linked table.BSELECT INTO on a remote database tried to produce too many fields.>Could not save; currently locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.>Could not read; currently locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.FCould not update; currently locked by another session on this machine.>Table '|1' is exclusively locked by user '|3' on machine '|2'.Too many fields defined.#Cannot define field more than once. Could not find output table '|'. (unknown) (unknown) (expression)zThe database '|' is already in use by another person or process. When the database is available, try the operation again.The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.;Could not start session. Too many sessions already active.Could not find reference.PASThe record cannot be deleted or changed because table '|' includes related records.TYou cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table '|'.1Could not save; currently locked by another user.0Subqueries cannot be used in the expression (|).Database already exists.%Too many crosstab column headers (|).8Cannot create a relationship between a field and itself.?Operation not supported on a Paradox table with no primary key.BInvalid Deleted setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry. **********"The connection string is too long.gThe database engine could not lock table '|' because it is already in use by another person or process.ICould not lock table '|1'; currently in use by user '|3' on machine '|2'.>Invalid Date setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry.>Invalid Mark setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry.Too many Btrieve tasks.PA7Parameter '|' specified where a table name is required.:Parameter '|' specified where a database name is required.#Could not update; currently locked.Invalid operation.Incorrect collating sequence.<Invalid settings in the Btrieve key of the Windows Registry.*Query cannot contain a Database parameter.F'|' is invalid because it is too long, or contains invalid characters.$Cannot read Btrieve data dictionary.KEncountered a record locking deadlock while performing a Btrieve operation./Errors encountered while using the Btrieve DLL.AInvalid Century setting in the Xbase key of the Windows Registry.BSelected collating sequence not supported by the operating system.Btrieve--cannot change field.Out-of-date Paradox lock file..ODBC--field would be too long; data truncated.PAODBC--could not create table.#ODBC--remote query timeout expired.(ODBC--data type not supported on server.ODBC--data out of range.Too many active users. Btrieve--missing Btrieve engine.Btrieve--out of resources.&Invalid reference in SELECT statement.BNone of the import field names match fields in the appended table.-Cannot import password-protected spreadsheet.CCould not parse field names from the first row of the import table.(Operation not supported in transactions.*ODBC--linked table definition has changed.6Invalid NetworkAccess setting in the Windows Registry.4Invalid PageTimeout setting in the Windows Registry.Could not build key.3Operation is not supported for this type of object.Cannot open a form whose underlying query contains a user-defined function that attempts to set or get the form's RecordsetClone property.ODBC--Cannot lock all records.Index file not found.4Syntax error in WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION declaration.The SQL statement could not be executed because it contains ambiguous outer joins. To force one of the joins to be performed first, create a separate query that performs the first join and then include that query in your SQL statement.Invalid field data type.@Could not update; currently locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.=Table '|' is exclusively locked by user '|2' on machine '|1'.Could not lock tableInvalid Database object.PA2No field defined--cannot append TableDef or Index."Item not found in this collection.DCannot append a Field that is already a part of a Fields collection.ZProperty can be set only when the Field is part of a Recordset object's Fields collection.ACannot set this property once the object is part of a collection.GCannot append an Index that is already a part of an Indexes collection.Property not found.Invalid property value.Object is not a collection.&Method not applicable for this object.-External table is not in the expected format.3Unexpected error from external database driver (|)."Invalid database object reference.,Cannot have more than 10 fields in an index.;The Microsoft Jet database engine has not been initialized.?The Microsoft Jet database engine has already been initialized.PAJCannot delete a field that is part of an index or is needed by the system.`Cannot delete this index or table. It is either the current index or is used in a relationship.6Operation not supported on a table that contains data.Primary key already exists.Index already exists.Invalid index definition.FFormat of memo file does not match specified external database format.'Cannot create index on the given field.Paradox index is not primary."Syntax error in CONSTRAINT clause.'Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement.'Syntax error in CREATE INDEX statement.!Syntax error in field definition.&Syntax error in ALTER TABLE statement.%Syntax error in DROP INDEX statement.)Syntax error in DROP TABLE or DROP INDEX.Join expression not supported.RCould not import table or query. No records found, or all records contain errors.[There are several tables with that name. Please specify owner in the format 'owner.table'.bODBC Specification Conformance Error (|). Report this error to the developer of your application.Cannot create a relationship.jCannot perform this operation; features in this version are not available in databases with older formats.?Cannot change a rule while the rules for this table are in use.CCannot delete this field. It is part of one or more relationships.nYou must enter a personal identifier (PID) consisting of at least 4 and no more than 20 characters and digits.0Invalid connection string in pass-through query.You have written a subquery that can return more than one field without using the EXISTS reserved word in the main query's FROM clause. Revise the SELECT statement of the subquery to request only one field.ZThe number of columns in the two selected tables or queries of a union query do not match.%Invalid TOP argument in select query.Property value is too large.{This property is not supported for external data sources or for databases created with a previous version of Microsoft Jet."Property specified already exists.PAPValidation rules and default values cannot be placed on system or linked tables.6Cannot place this validation expression on this field.The field '|' cannot contain a Null value because the Required property for this field is set to True. Enter a value in this field.)Field '|' cannot be a zero-length string.|One or more values are prohibited by the validation rule '|2' set for '|1'. Enter a value that the expression for this field can accept.NValues specified in a TOP clause are not allowed in delete queries or reports.Syntax error in union query.'| in table-level validation expression.8No database specified in connection string or IN clause.BCrosstab query contains one or more invalid fixed column headings.)The query cannot be used as a row source.<The query is a DDL query and cannot be used as a row source.WPass-through query with ReturnsRecords property set to True did not return any records.!This Recordset is not updateable.9Field '|' is based on an expression and cannot be edited.Table '|2' is read-only.0Record in table '|' was deleted by another user..Record in table '|' is locked by another user.5To make changes to this field, first save the record.@Cannot enter value into blank field on 'one' side of outer join.<Records in table '|' would have no record on the 'one' side.*Can be present only in version 1.0 format.'DeleteOnly called with non-zero cbData.;Btrieve: Invalid IndexDDF option in initialization setting.6Invalid DataCodePage option in initialization setting.CBtrieve: Xtrieve options are not correct in initialization setting.FBtrieve: Invalid IndexDeleteRenumber option in initialization setting.Query '|' is corrupt.The current field must match the join key '|' in the table that serves as the 'one' side of one-to-many relationship. Enter a record in the 'one' side table with the desired key value, and then make the entry with the desired join key in the 'many-only' table.7Invalid Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object in subquery '|'.!Unrecognized database format '|'.The database engine does not recognize either the field '|1' in a validation expression, or the default value in the table '|2'.'Unknown or invalid field reference '|'.?Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.ACannot add record(s); primary key for table '|' not in recordset.=Cannot add record(s); join key of table '|' not in recordset.Numeric field overflow. Object is invalid for operation.The ORDER BY expression (|) includes fields that are not selected by the query. Only those fields requested in the first query can be included in an ORDER BY expression.7No destination field name in INSERT INTO statement (|).$Btrieve: Cannot find file Field.ddf.4At most one record can be returned by this subquery.Syntax error in default value.You attempted to open a database that is already opened exclusively by user '|2' on machine '|1'. Try again when the database is available.:This query is not a properly formed data-definition query.@Cannot open the Microsoft Jet engine workgroup information file.7Pass-through query must contain at least one character.PAQuery is too complex.!Unions not allowed in a subquery.oSingle-row update/delete affected more than one row of a linked table. Unique index contains duplicate values.ERecord(s) cannot be added; no corresponding record on the 'one' side.ZCannot use Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object field '|' in the SELECT clause of a union query.,Property value not valid for REMOTE objects.0Cannot append a relation with no fields defined.JCannot append. An object with that name already exists in the collection.KRelationship must be on the same number of fields with the same data types. **********FCannot modify the design of table '|'. It is in a read-only database. Cannot find table or constraint.!No such index '|2' on table '|1'.NCannot create relationship. Referenced table '|' does not have a primary key.;The specified fields are not uniquely indexed in table '|'.+Table '|1' already has an index named '|2'.Table '|' does not exist.(No such relationship '|2' on table '|1'.BThere is already a relationship named '|' in the current database.Cannot create relationships to enforce referential integrity. Existing data in table '|2' violates referential integrity rules in table '|1'.(Field '|2' already exists in table '|1'.+There is no field named '|2' in table '|1'.Size of field '|' is too long.BCannot delete field '|'. It is part of one or more relationships."Cannot delete a built-in property.4User-defined properties do not support a Null value.2Property '|' must be set before using this method.Cannot find TEMP directory.HUnknown function '|2' in validation expression or default value on '|1'.Query support unavailable.Account name already exists.2An error has occurred. Properties were not saved.PA **********jCannot perform join, group, sort, or indexed restriction. A value being searched or sorted on is too long.4Cannot save property; property is a schema property. **********}Cannot perform cascading operation. Since related records exist in table '|', referential integrity rules would be violated.QCannot perform cascading operation. There must be a related record in table '|'.PCannot perform cascading operation. It would result in a null key in table '|'.UCannot perform cascading operation. It would result in a duplicate key in table '|'.`Cannot perform cascading operation. It would result in two updates to field '|2' in table '|1'.cCannot perform cascading operation. It would cause field '|' to become Null, which is not allowed.sCannot perform cascading operation. It would cause field '|' to become a zero-length string, which is not allowed.)Cannot perform cascading operation: '|'.nCannot perform cascading operation. The value entered is prohibited by the validation rule '|2' set for '|1'.Error '|' in validation rule.The expression you are trying to use for the DefaultValue property is invalid because '|'. Use a valid expression to set this property.fThe server's MSysConf table exists, but is in an incorrect format. Contact your system administrator.PA(Too many FastFind Sessions were invoked.DInvalid field definition '|' in definition of index or relationship.wInvalid entry. Cannot perform cascading operation in table '|1' because the value entered is too large for field '|2'.\Cannot perform cascading update on the table because it is currently in use by another user.mCannot perform cascading operation on table '|1' because it is currently in use by user '|3' on machine '|2'.PCannot perform cascading operation on table '|1' because it is currently in use.9Zero-length string is valid only in a Text or Memo field.|/An action query cannot be used as a row source.jCannot open '|'. Another user has the table open using a different network control file or locking style.hCannot open this Paradox 4.x or 5.x table because ParadoxNetStyle is set to 3.x in the Windows Registry. Object invalid or no longer set.Data type conversion error.@Cannot modify table structure. Another user has the table open.yYou cannot use ODBC to import from, export to, or link an external Microsoft Jet or ISAM database table to your database.PA5Cannot create database because the locale is invalid.EThis method or property is not currently available on this Recordset.2This action was cancelled by an associated object.Error in DAO automation.cA problem occurred in your database. Correct the problem by repairing and compacting the database.,Incompatible version of an installable ISAM.QWhile loading the Microsoft Excel installable ISAM, OLE was unable to initialize.'This is not a Microsoft Excel 5.0 file.)Error opening a Microsoft Excel 5.0 file.LInvalid setting in Excel key of the Engines section of the Windows Registry.Cannot expand named range. Cannot delete spreadsheet cells.Failure creating file.Spreadsheet is full.SThe data being exported does not match the format described in the Schema.ini file.You attempted to link or import a Microsoft Word mail merge file. Although you can export such files, you cannot link or import them.tAn attempt was made to import or link an empty text file. To import or link a text file, the file must contain data.TText file specification field separator matches decimal separator or text delimiter.>In the text file specification '|1', the |2 option is invalid.=The fixed width specification '|1' contains no column widths.LIn the fixed width specification '|1', column '|2' does not specify a width.1Incorrect version of the DLL file '|' was found.Jet VBA file (VBAJET.dll for 16-bit versions, or VBAJET32.dll for 32-bit versions) is missing. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error.The Jet VBA file (VBAJET.dll for 16-bit versions, or VBAJET32.dll for 32-bit versions) failed to initialize when called. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error.nA call to an OLE system function was not successful. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error.>No country code found in connection string for a linked table.0Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause.Illegal reference in query.FYou cannot make changes to the design of the database at this replica.gYou cannot establish or maintain an enforced relationship between a replicated table and a local table.$Cannot make the database replicable.5Cannot make the |2 object in |1 container replicable.OYou cannot set the KeepLocal property for an object that is already replicated.dThe KeepLocal property cannot be set on a database; it can be set only on the objects in a database.cAfter a database has been replicated, you cannot remove the replication features from the database.jThe operation you attempted conflicts with an existing operation involving this member of the replica set.`The replication property you are attempting to set or delete is read-only and cannot be changed.Failure to load a DLL.Cannot find the .dll '|2'.*Data type mismatch in criteria expression.:The disk drive you are attempting to access is unreadable.6Access was denied while accessing dropbox folder '|2'.)The disk for dropbox folder '|2' is full.+Disk failure accessing dropbox folder '|2'..Failure to write to the Synchronizer log file.PADisk full for path '|1'.+Disk failure while accessing log file '|1'.*Cannot open the log file '|1' for writing.LSharing violation while attempting to open log file '|1' in Deny Write mode.Invalid dropbox path '|2'..Dropbox address '|2' is syntactically invalid.%The replica is not a partial replica.LCannot designate a partial replica as the Design Master for the replica set.AThe relationship '|' in the partial filter expression is invalid.?The table name '|' in the partial filter expression is invalid.9The filter expression for the partial replica is invalid.=The password supplied for the dropbox folder '|2' is invalid.ZThe password used by the Synchronizer to write to a destination dropbox folder is invalid.GThe object cannot be replicated because the database is not replicated.CYou cannot add a second Replication ID AutoNumber field to a table.AThe database you are attempting to replicate cannot be converted.PAIThe value specified is not a ReplicaID for any member in the replica set.VThe object specified cannot be replicated because it is missing a necessary resource.^Cannot create a new replica because the '|2' object in '|1' container could not be replicated.JThe database must be opened in exclusive mode before it can be replicated._The synchronization failed because a design change could not be applied to one of the replicas.ACannot set the specified Registry parameter for the Synchronizer.IUnable to retrieve the specified Registry parameter for the Synchronizer.GThere are no scheduled synchronization's between the two Synchronizers.LReplication Manager cannot find the ExchangeID in the MSysExchangeLog table..Unable to set a schedule for the Synchronizer.JCannot retrieve the full path information for a member of the replica set.JYou cannot specify two different Synchronizers to manage the same replica.DThe Design Master or replica is not being managed by a Synchronizer.EThe Synchronizer's Registry has no value set for the key you queried.QThe Synchronizer ID does not match an existing ID in the MSysTranspAddress table.eYou attempted to delete or get information about a partial filter that does not exist in MSysFilters.8The Synchronizer is unable to open the Synchronizer log.(Failure writing to the Synchronizer log.2There is no active transport for the Synchronizer.7Could not find a valid transport for this Synchronizer.sThe member of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize is currently being used in another synchronization."Failed to read the dropbox folder.&Failed to write to the dropbox folder.TSynchronizer could not find any scheduled or on-demand synchronization's to process.SThe Microsoft Jet database engine could not read the system clock on your computer.Destination synchronizer is not configured to support indirect synchronronization, and the destination replica is unavailable for direct synchronization.4Synchronizer could not find any messages to process.;Could not find Synchronizer in the MSysTranspAddress table.Failed to send a message.TThe replica name or ID does not match a currently managed member of the replica set.tTwo members of the replica set cannot be synchronized because there is no common point to start the synchronization._Synchronizer cannot find the record of a specific synchronization in the MSysExchangeLog table.NSynchronizer cannot find a specific version number in the MSysSchChange table.]The history of design changes in the replica does not match the history in the Design Master.3Synchronizer could not access the message database.:The name selected for the system object is already in use.IThe Synchronizer or Replication Manager could not find the system object.ZThere is no new data in shared memory for the Synchronizer or Replication Manager to read.vThe Synchronizer or Replication Manager found unread data in the shared memory. The existing data will be overwritten.-The Synchronizer is already serving a client.+The wait period for an event has timed out.&Synchronizer could not be initialized.OThe system object used by a process still exists after the process has stopped.TSynchronizer looked for a system event but did not find one to report to the client.9Client has asked the Synchronizer to terminate operation.YSynchronizer received an invalid message for a member of the replica set that it manages.FThe Synchronizer's client is no longer present and cannot be notified.OCannot initialize Synchronizer because there are too many applications running.DA system error has occurred or your swap file has reached its limit.5Your swap file has reached its limit or is corrupted.ASynchronizer could not be shut down properly and is still active.AProcess stopped when attempting to terminate Synchronizer client.!Synchronizer has not been set up. Synchronizer is already running.SThe two replicas you are attempting to synchronize are from different replica sets.<The type of synchronization you are attempting is not valid.[Synchronizer could not find a replica from the correct set to complete the synchronization.<GUIDs do not match or the requested GUID could not be found.'The file name you provided is too long.%There is no index on the GUID column.GUnable to delete the specified Registry parameter for the Synchronizer.PA?The size of the Registry parameter exceeds the maximum allowed.The GUID could not be created.4All valid nicknames for replicas are already in use.,Invalid path for destination dropbox folder./Invalid address for destination dropbox folder.-Disk I/O error at destination dropbox folder.2Failure to write because destination disk is full.]The two members of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize have the same ReplicaID.]The two members of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize are both Design Masters.,Access denied at destination dropbox folder.-Fatal error accessing a local dropbox folder.6Synchronizer cannot find the source file for messages.vThere is a sharing violation in the source dropbox folder because the message database is open in another application.Network I/O error.<Message in dropbox folder belongs to the wrong Synchronizer.%Synchronizer could not delete a file.bThis member of the replica set has been logically removed from the set and is no longer available.cThe filters defining a partial replica have been changed. The partial replica must be repopulated.]The attempt to set a column in a partial replica violated a rule governing partial replicas.IA disk I/O error occurred while reading or writing to the TEMP directory.LThe directory you queried for a list of replicas is not a managed directory.`The ReplicaID for this member of the replica set was reassigned during a move or copy procedure.6The disk drive you are attempting to write to is full.QThe database you are attempting to open is already in use by another application.(Cannot update replication system column._Failure to replicate database; cannot determine whether the database is open in exclusive mode.RCould not create replication system tables needed to make the database replicable.:Could not add rows needed to make the database replicable.MCannot open replication system table '|' because the table is already in use.]Cannot make a new replica because the |2 object in |1 container could not be made replicable.5Cannot make the |2 object in |1 container replicable.PA*Insufficient memory to complete operation.NCannot replicate the table; the number of columns exceeds the maximum allowed.6Syntax error in partial filter expression on table |1.1Invalid expression in the ReplicaFilter property.4Error when evaluating the partial filter expression.;The partial filter expression contains an unknown function.(Violates the rules for partial replicas.Log file path '|1' is invalid.gYou cannot replicate a password-protected database or set password protection on a replicated database.@You cannot change the data master attribute for the replica set.sYou cannot change the data master attribute for the replica set. It allows data changes only at the Design Master.\The system tables in your replica are no longer reliable and the replica should not be used.)Aggregation expressions cannot use GUIDs.pSynchronizing with a non-replicated database is not allowed. The '|' database is not a Design Master or replica.YThe replication property you are attempting to delete is read-only and cannot be removed.7Record length is too long for an indexed Paradox table.DNo unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table.QSame table '|' referenced as both the source and destination in make-table query.ACannot execute data definition statements on linked data sources.9Multi-level GROUP BY clause is not allowed in a subquery.3Cannot create a relationship on linked ODBC tables.4GUID not allowed in Find method criteria expression.Type mismatch in expression.PA>Updating data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM.>Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM.7Exceptions table could not be created on import/export./Records could not be added to exceptions table.JThe connection for viewing your linked Microsoft Excel worksheet was lost.1Cannot change password on a shared open database.vYou must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column.0Cannot access the FoxPro 3.0 bound DBF file '|'.<Could not read the record; currently locked by another user.lThe text file specification '|' does not exist. You cannot import, export, or link using the specification.The operation failed. There are too many indexes on table '|'. Delete some of the indexes on the table and try the operation again.DCannot find the executable file for the Synchronizer (mstran40.exe).1Partner replica is not managed by a Synchronizer.BSynchronizer '|1' is also using the same File System dropbox '|2'.BSynchronizer '|1' is also using the same File System dropbox '|2'.Invalid Table Name In FilterPA:Internet Transport not enabled on the remote Synchronizer.Cannot load DLL: '|'0Cannot create a replica using a partial replica.3Cannot create partial replica of a system database.lCannot populate the replica or change the replica's filter because the replica has conflicts or data errors.<Cannot use the crosstab of a non-fixed column as a subquery.7A Source Controlled database cannot be made replicable.-Cannot create a replica of a System database.DThe fetch buffer was too small for the amount of data you requested.FThere are fewer records remaining in the recordset than you requested.(A cancel was performed on the operation.COne of the records in the recordset was deleted by another process.+One of the binding parameters is incorrect.GThe specified row length is shorter than the sum of the column lengths.:A column requested is not being returned to the recordset.PABCannot synchronize a partial replica with another partial replica.HThe language-specific code page was not specified or could not be found.zEither the Internet is very slow or there is some problem in the replication manager setup on the internet server machine.Invalid internet address.Internet login failure.Internet not set up.Internal internet failure.0The wininet.dll cannot be loaded or initialized.(Error in evaluating a partial expressionAError in evaluating the boolean filter expression for table '|1'.5Binary column '|' cannot be used in a boolean filter.^Relationship '|1' is unenforced. Relationship in a partial filter expression must be enforced.'Requested exchange failed because '|1'.&Requested exchange failed because '|1'3This operation requires a different cursor library.An asynchronous OpenConnection call is not yet complete; you cannot yet reference the returned connection object until it is complete.4You cannot modify the replication system object '|'.4You cannot modify the replication system object '|'.H A different operation is preventing this operation from being executed.DCannot perform this operation because there is no active connection.Execution cancelled.Cursor is not valid.Cannot find table to update.Failed to load RDOCURS.DLL.ZThis table contains cells that are outside the range of cells defined in this spreadsheet.8Internet dll (wininet.dll) could not be found or loaded.AFailure to read from an internet handle. Try the operation again.@Failure to write to an internet handle. Try the operation again.Failure to execute the HTTP request to start internet synchronizer on the internet server. Use Replication Manager to configure internet synchronizer on the internet server.Failure to connect to the FTP service on the internet server. Make sure that FTP service is running properly on the server and supports anonymous connections.[Failure to do open file using FTP service. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read permissions.eFailure in getting a file from the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read permissions.dFailure in putting a file to the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has write permissions.lFailure to delete a file on the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read and write permissions.Internet synchronizer exited unexpectedly on the server. Look at the partner replica exchange history on the internet server to figure out the problem.4There is no suitable replica with which to exchange.Invalid HTTP address.Invalid replica path or name.,Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: Option.)Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: For.0Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: Privileges.6Invalid SQL syntax - expected a table right/privilege.-Invalid SQL syntax - expected an object name.uInvalid SQL syntax - related tokens did not match. Jet expected GRANT...TO, REVOKE...FROM, ADD...TO, or DROP...FROM.1Invalid SQL syntax - expected user or group name.+Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: Grant./Invalid SQL syntax - GRANT/REVOKE syntax error.5Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: User (or) Group..Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: Password.'Invalid SQL syntax - expected password.*Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: User.(Invalid precision for decimal data type.$Invalid scale for decimal data type.CThe width of a Unicode text column must be an even number of bytes.dOperation not supported on replicable databases that have not been converted to the current version.You attempted to open a database that is already opened by user '|2' on machine '|1'. Try again when the database is available.7Cannot make the |2 table replicable - too many columns.7Cannot make the |2 table replicable - too many indexes.QThe cascading options for the new reference conflict with existing reference '|'.OSyntax error in Transaction statement. Expected TRANSACTION, WORK, or nothing.+The search key was not found in any record.&MAPI folder or address book not found.Recovered replicable data. This row was recovered from a corrupted replicable database. Verify that the record contents are correct and then reinsert the record, or delete this conflict record.PAQOther. This record was rejected due to an undefined replication conflict problem.Update/update conflict. Another replica also updated this record. This record lost the conflict. Either resubmit your update or delete this conflict record.Locked table. This record could not be applied during synchronization since the table was locked by another user. Resubmit this conflict record.Unique key violation. This record has the same key value as another record, whereas only unique values are permitted. Either change the key value in this conflict record or the winning record and then resubmit this record, or delete this conflict record.TLV violation. This record contains a field value that does not meet the table level validation constraint. Either update the field value that is violating the validation rule and then resubmit this conflict record, or delete this conflict record.Delete/RI conflict. The primary key record has been deleted by another replica, therefore this referencing record has been rejected. Either create a new primary key record that satisfies the referential integrity constraint and then resubmit your update, or delete this conflict record.xUpdate/RI conflict. The primary key record has been updated by another replica, therefore this referencing record has been rejected. Either create a new primary key record that satisfies the referential integrity constraint, modify the foreign key value in this conflict record to match a valid primary key value and then resubmit your update, or delete this conflict record.lForeign key violation resulting from an invalid primary key record that was involved in a replication conflict. Either create a new primary key record that satisfies the referential integrity constraint, modify the foreign key value in this conflict record to match a valid primary key value and then resubmit this conflict record, or delete this conflict record.BCannot change field '|'. It is part of one or more relationships..Invalid SQL syntax - expected constraint name.-Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: DEFAULT.@Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: COMPRESSION to follow WITH.6Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: UPDATE or DELETE.EInvalid SQL syntax - expected token: CASCADE, SET NULL, or NO ACTION.*Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: NULL.IInvalid SQL syntax - only one update rule and/or one delete rule allowed.PA(Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: AS.,Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: SELECT. VIEW cannot contain a parameter.RThe number of aliases specified shall be the same as the number of output columns."Expected query name after EXECUTE.hThe database has been placed in a state by an unknown user that prevents it from being opened or locked.rThe database has been placed in a state by user '|2' on machine '|1' that prevents it from being opened or locked.#Too many columns in inverted index.~Update/delete conflict. This updated record was deleted at another replica. Either reinsert this conflict record or delete it.ACannot create this type of replica from the given source replica.LLocal or Anonymous replicas must synch only to their designated hub replica.#The proxy replica has been removed.aCannot add a new column to conflict table '|'. Delete obsolete columns and compact the database.gInvalid partner synchronizer. Local or anonymous replica must synchronize with designated hub replica.An internet function timed out.JReplica has not been synchronized within the replica set retention period.8Counter columns in replicable tables cannot be modified.{The combined length of Internet Server Name, HTTP Share name, and FTP alias name should not be greater than 252 characters.iSyntax error in parameters clause. Make sure the parameter exists and that you typed its value correctly.Parameter has no default value.!Parameter | has no default value.%The object is not a stored procedure.#Object | is not a stored procedure.3Requested row locking, but DB is in page lock mode.3Requested page locking, but DB is in row lock mode.+Cannot create replica of a Jet SQL replica.-Cannot delete from a Prevent Deletes Replica.$CHECK constraint '|' does not exist.$CHECK constraint '|' already exists.2The Jet sorting DLLs could not be loaded properly.5Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation.5Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation.3Scaling of decimal value resulted in data overflow.VThe decimal field's precision is too small to accept the numeric you attempted to add.,Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: ACTION.RConcurrent schema changes caused the create replica operation to fail. Try again.(Failed to re-create one or more indexes.(Syntax error in CHECK constraint clause.0Only simple SELECT queries are allowed in VIEWS.RTable '|' could not be made replicable because it could not be opened exclusively.0FastFind cannot search on non-column references."Conflict tables cannot be renamed.&Counter definition not in valid range.=Local or Anonymous replicas cannot be made the design master.KWithout Administer permission, replica priority must be in the range 0 - |.%Cannot delete one or more objects: |.Pin value is not valid.8Unable to load Jet SQL Server Reconciler - MSRPJT40.dll.PA7Unable to exchange between two Jet SQL Server Replicas.8Illegal Operation performed on a Jet SQL Server Replica.BThe Jet database is wrong or missing for this SQL/Jet replica set.WUnable to change Column Level Tracking Property on objects that are already Replicable.*Invalid SQL syntax - expected a view name./Invalid SQL syntax - expected a procedure name.QInvalid SQL syntax - currently only one column-level CHECK constraint is allowed.TInvalid SQL syntax - cannot use multiple columns in a column-level CHECK constraint.Database is already replicable..Invalid SQL syntax - expected token: Database.PInvalid SQL syntax - expected a database privilege, such as CREATEDB or CONNECT.,This operation is not allowed in subqueries.7Cannot create an index on this MAPI folder/addressbook. Illegal column-level constraint.JThis object requires a newer version of the Microsoft Jet database engine.4This index requires Microsoft Jet database engine |.9The index '|2' requires Microsoft Jet database engine |1.:The column '|2' requires Microsoft Jet database engine |1.4This table requires Microsoft Jet database engine |.9The table '|2' requires Microsoft Jet database engine |1.qThe version of MSRECR40.DLL that was loaded was too old. Run setup again to get the correct version of this file.MThe SQL/Jet exchange failed, look in the SQLServer Agent history for details.:CHECK constraints are not allowed on replicable databases.Could not find field '|'."'|' is not an index in this table.;The object (|) cannot be used in a CHECK constraint clause.&Error evaluating | CHECK constraint. |ZDDL cannot be completed on this table because it is referenced by constraint | on table |.kThere are no MAPI clients installed on this machine. Install a MAPI client (like Outlook) on this machine.CHECK constraints on table | will not be transferred to this table. CHECK constraints can only be created via SQL DDL statements..Cannot set multiple NULL, NOT NULL attributes.Query | contains an ambiguous column name that is conflicting with the correlation (alias) name |. Either fully qualify the column name or change the correlation (alias) name.PAONeed a version 4.x or greater format system database to perform this operation.Query | was created with a later release of Jet and may have syntax that this version of Jet cannot execute. This query can only be executed with the version of Jet that created it..****** SYNCHRONIZER LOG FILE V4.0 ********** Start session Close sessionClosing replica set memberOpening replica set memberLoad synchronizerStart synchronizerUnloading synchronizerClosing synchronizer Read message Write messageSend message errorProcess message errorSending messageSynchronizer errorDatabase access errorPA/Synchronizing local members of all replica sets!Synchronizing replica set members2Refreshing the list of managed replica set membersInitiate exchangeStart exchangeClose exchangeDirect exchangeManaged directoryManaged replicasCancel exchange!Disable/enable replica set member$Problem accessing replica set member*Clear problem accessing replica set member Detected multiple Design Masters'Replica set member past expiration date5This other synchronizer is also managing this replicaPA9Deleting old information from managed replica set members8Deleting old information from managed replica set member$Reviving disabled replica set memberTrying Transport for exchange Log Type = Time = Transport = Replica = Synchronizer Type = Synchronizer Address = Message Type = Sender ReplicaID = Destination ReplicaID = Result = Error = Reason = PA DLL Path = Dropbox = Destination Synchronizer = Sender Synchronizer = Synchronizer ID = Gateway Replica Set Member = ReplicaID = Partner Replica Set Member = Requested By User =Exchange Type = Exchange ID = Directory = ReplicaID Affected = Disable Flag = ReplicaID Too Old = Basis = PA Version = Guid = Scheduled = Local Synch = Initiated Locally = SuccessFailureYesNoUNKNOWN ERROR (%ld)Failure During Disk I/ORead verification failure Disk is fullDatabase is corruptDisk is not ready!Database has reached maximum sizeFile cannot be lockedCannot place a write lockCannot place a read lockCannot place a commit lockUsing maximum sharing buffers Out of memoryOut of temporary disk space/No suitable replica set member to exchange with Error accessing message database!No suitable synchronizer address Error in getting system clockNo synchronizer Failure to load synchronizer DLLSynchronizer not foundOut of synchronization>Mismatch design history between two members in the replica setPA*Remote replica set member has been removedInvalid messageDReplica set member is already in use by another replication function5Database is exclusively locked by another applicationFile access deniedSynchronizer write failureSynchronizer send failurejReplication synchronization error has occurred. Look at the synchronization history of the partner replicaError accessing temp diskUNKNOWN REASON (%ld)Invalid destination pathInvalid destination addressDisk I/O error at destinationDestination disk is fullCannot access destination Invalid addressPA Invalid path+The destination dropbox password is invalidThe dropbox password is invalid Design changes could not be made)Replicas belong to different replica sets0Both replica set members have the same ReplicaID+Both replica set members are Design Masters%Both replica set members are PartialsHDesign changes could not be made at the remote member in the replica set!Replica set member is not managedGThere are one or more pending exchanges to the same destination replica*This member in the replica set has expired-Remote member in the replica set has expired <An error occurred while using this member in the replica setCAn error occurred while using the partner member in the replica set6Partner member in the replica set is not being managedPA(Cannot find Synchronizer Exe on the path<A user table is opened exclusively. Could not apply changes.rA user table is opened exclusively at partner member in the replica set; could not apply changes at partner member+Message file has bad format or is corruptedDataDesign"Some problem in synchronizer setup>Partner replica is exclusively locked; could not apply changes Create table Delete table Rename table Add columnSet column information Delete column Rename column Create indexSet index information Delete index Rename index Set property Create query Create object Delete object Rename objectSet object column Set owner Set accessCreate relationshipDelete relationshipCreate referenceDelete referenceRename referenceOpen Lock bytes Change queryDeleteInsertUpdate&The operation was canceled by the user9This operation is blocked by another replication function2More than one synchronizer is managing the replica Synchronizer5The filters of the partial replica have been changed.BEither Internet is too slow or there is some problem on the serverUnknown Synchronizer8Internet dll (wininet.dll) could not be found or loaded.AFailure to read from an internet handle. Try the operation again.@Failure to write to an internet handle. Try the operation again.Failure to execute the HTTP request to start the internet synchronizer on the internet server. Use Replication Manager to configure internet synchronizer on the internet server.Failure to connect to the FTP service on the internet server. Make sure that FTP service is running properly on the server and supports anonymous connections.XFailure to open file using FTP service. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read permissions.eFailure in getting a file from the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read permissions.dFailure in putting a file to the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has write permissions.lFailure to delete a file on the server using FTP. Make sure that FTP dropbox has read and write permissions.Internet synchronizer exited unexpectedly on the server. Look at the exchange history in the partner replica on the internet server to figure out the problem.Previous scheduled File System exchange to the same destination synchronizer is still in progress. Make sure that the remote synchronizer is working properly.dOperation not supported on replicable databases that have not been converted to the current version._Local _ConflictFThe Synchronizer is closing. Please wait while it finishes processing.WLocal or Anonymous replicas can only synchronize with their designated partner replica.Setting Transport Priority Priority = Database ReplicationPAFMSRECR40.DLL could not be found. Run setup again to install this file.#An Internet function has timed out.PAInvalid procedure callOverflow Out of memorySubscript out of rangeDuplicate definitionDivision by zero Type mismatchOut of string spacePA Too many DLL application clientsError in loading DLLInternal errorBad filename or numberInvalid pattern stringInvalid use of Null%Class does not support OLE Automation/Object does not support this property or methodInternal OLE Automation error#Object does not support this action'Object does not support named arguments.Object does not support current locale settingNamed argument not foundArgument not optionalWrong number of argumentsObject not a collectionPAUnknownArgument count mismatchAmbiguous name Compile error!Cannot execute code in BREAK modeConsolidate_Area Auto_Open Auto_CloseExtractDatabaseCriteria Print_Area Print_TitlesRecorder Data_Form Auto_ActivateAuto_Deactivate Sheet_Title#NULL!#DIV/0!#VALUE!REF!#NAME?#NUM!#N/ATRUEFALSEJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberSundayMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunMonTueWedThsFriSat ImportErrors ExportErrorsErrorFieldPARowUnparsable RecordType Conversion FailureRow TruncationField TruncationDate Out Of Range'Rows dropped due to worksheet row limitValidation rule violation"Null value in an auto-number fieldImport data from the external file into the current database. Changing data in the current database will not change data in the external file.Create a table in the current database that is linked to the external file. Changing data in the current database will change data in the external file.Export data from the current database into a Paradox 3 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a Paradox 4 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.PAExport data from the current database into a Paradox 5 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a dBase III file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a dBase IV file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a dBase 5 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a Microsoft FoxPro 2.0 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a Microsoft FoxPro 2.5 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a Microsoft FoxPro 2.6 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a Microsoft FoxPro 3.0 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.>Export data from the current database into a Btrieve database.zExport data from the current database into a text file. This process will overwrite data if exported to an existing file.Create a table in the current database that is linked to the external file. Changing data in the current database will change data in the external file. Only one user at a time can change data in the file.Export data from the current database into an Excel 3 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into an Excel 4 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.=Export data from the current database into an Excel 5-7 file.AExport data from the current database into an Excel 97-2000 file.Export data from the current database into a Lotus 1-2-3 version 2 file. This process will overwrite data if exported to an existing file.HExport data from the current database into a Lotus 1-2-3 version 3 file.HExport data from the current database into a Lotus 1-2-3 version 4 file.RCdBASE Index (*.ndx)dBASE Index (*.ndx;*.mdx)FoxPro Index (*.idx;*.cdx)$Text Files (*.txt;*.csv;*.tab;*.asc) MS Sans Serif Importance Message ClassPriority SensitivitySubjectFrom Message To MePAMessage CC to Me Sender NameCCToReceived Message Flags Message SizeMessage StatusBody Creation TimeLast Modification TimeSubject PrefixParent EntryIdHas AttachmentsNormalized SubjectAccessRow Type Instance KeyMapping Signature Record KeyStore Record Key Store EntryId Object TypeEntryIdDepthStore Support MaskContent Unread Display name E-mail typeE-mail addressNotes Search KeyPA Display Type Template IdAliasFirstPhone Home PhoneInitials Common NameLastCompanyTitle DepartmentOfficeBusiness2 Phone Mobile Phone Transmit NamePA Pager PhoneUser Certificate Fax NumberCountryCityStateAddressZip codePost Office Box Telex NumberAssistant Phone Number Home2 Phone AssistantSend Rich TextPrimary CapabilityPrimaryFile AsUser Certificate Home AddressBusiness Address Other AddressJournalWeb PageHTML Documents (*.html;*.htm)Business Address StreetBusiness Address CityBusiness Address StateBusiness Address Postal CodeBusiness Address CountryBusiness Address PO Box User Field 1 User Field 2PA User Field 3 User Field 4 % Complete Team Task Start DateDue DateDate Completed Actual Work Total WorkCompleteOwner Requested ByTask Order (debug) RecurringRoleSchedule+ PriorityAddress Layout Name SuffixHome Email AddressWork Email AddressSpouse Birthday SalutationAddress Book PropertiesIconCreatedContentsModifiedStatus Task DurationTask Reset Reminder Task Accepted Task VersionPA Task StateTask Last UpdateTask SOC Task History Task UpdatesTask Last UserColorWidthHeightXYContentKeywords Folder Name Keywords TagLog TypeLog Start DateLog Start Time Log Start Log DurationLog End Log Flags Contact logDocument PrintedDocument SavedDocument RoutedDocument Posted DescriptionDeltaTimeSetTimePADatePrivateAge Side EffectsStatus Attachements Custom PagesStartEnd Task ModeGlobal Object ID Sniff StateMileageBillingToCCBCC CompaniesContactsCompanyContact Recall TimeMin Read VersionMin Write VersionCurrent VersionVersion Next TimeDeleted Header ItemAccountIDTNEFLast Author ClassSend Plain Text OnlyMailing Address Indicator File Under IDChildren Referred By DepartmentName Display NameEntry IDType Email AddressOriginal Display NameOriginal Entry ID Email TypeAddress SelectionEmail SelectionPhone1 SelectionPhone2 SelectionPhone3 SelectionPhone4 SelectionPhone5 SelectionPhone6 SelectionPhone7 SelectionPhone8 SelectionAddress SelectedEmail SelectedPhone1 SelectedPhone2 SelectedPhone3 SelectedPhone4 SelectedPhone5 SelectedPhone6 SelectedPhone7 SelectedPhone8 SelectedAccountExport data from the current database into a dBase 7 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a Paradox 7-8 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file.Export data from the current database into a Paradox 8 file. This process will overwrite the data if exported to an existing file. Business FaxHome Fax Other FaxZip/Postal CodeSentPAMicrosoft AccessMSAccessMicrosoft Access Version -Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft CorporationDDTBEER MSAccess.exeUS Licensed to:PAVersionCopyright (c) 1989-1999Microsoft Corporation_This program is protected by US and international copyright laws as described in the About Box.YWarning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. QUnauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, smay result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.5Please Enter MS JET OLE DB Initialization Information Data Source: User Name: Password:Provider String: Open Mode:OKCancelOKPA&Yes&NoCancel&HelpL4VS_VERSION_INFO%&%&?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation0FileDescriptionMicrosoft Jet Database Engine International DLL8 FileVersion4.00.9765.0: InternalNameMSJINT40.DLL;LegalCopyrightCopyright Microsoft Corp. 1991-1999 All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenameMSJINT40.DLL.MUIDProductNameMicrosoft (R) Jet< ProductVersion4.00.9765.0040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation0FileDescriptionMicrosoft Jet Database Engine International DLL8 FileVersion4.00.9765.0: InternalNameMSJINT40.DLL;LegalCopyrightCopyright Microsoft Corp. 1991-1999 All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameMSJINT40.DLLDProductNameMicrosoft (R) Jet< ProductVersion4.00.9765.0DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD