MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  ,@Z#@(+.rsrc0,@@@Xp (.@XX p    EF0LHR`kx          0 @ P ` p     r0DT#$&-`/J/l0z0@16$77MUI%ş5ܵeڸ/ MUI en-US&Help F1Se&ttings...A&bout Steps RecorderPAȐ tSteps Recorder SettingsMS Shell DlgP &Output File:P^P8_&Browse...P$7 &Enable screen capture: PAA- `Yes PxA- aNoP$M &Number of recent screen captures to store:PM bPdagSysLink<a>Help me with these settings</a>Pd2OKPd2CancelP(7Screen CaptureaYou have specified an invalid maximum log file size. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 10.Steps Recorder5An instance of the Steps Recorder is already running.Steps Recorder Error\An error occurred while attempting to start recording and the Steps Recorder will now close.>An error occurred while attempting to save the recorded steps.Steps Recorder WarningDThe information recorded will be discarded. Do you want to continue? ZIP FilesPA XML Files4You have specified an invalid output file path name.mYou have specified an invalid number of recent screen captures. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 999./You have specified an invalid process ID (PID).3You have specified invalid command line parameters.4An error occurred while attempting to add a comment.;An error occurred while attempting to show the main window.8An error occurred while initializing the Steps Recorder.The Steps Recorder was unable to start recording and will now close. The maximum number of recording sessions has been reached.WIf you do not save this recording, it will be lost. Do you want to save this recording?;An error occurred while attempting to run as administrator.An error occurred while attempting to run as administrator. You will not be able to record your interactions with programs running as administrator.XYour current recording session will be discarded. Are you sure that you want to elevate?PABAn error occurred while attempting to save the recorded steps: %ws MHT Files ETL Files6An error occurred while attempting to pause recording.7An error occurred while attempting to resume recording. User Comment:An error occurred while updating the recording parameters.<You have specified invalid arguments for a 'stop' operation.PAZYou do not have the necessary file-system permissions to create the specified output file.%ws - Recording Now%ws - Recording PauseddYou have specified an invalid process ID (PID). The PID you have specified does not currently exist.pYou have specified an invalid archive option. The noarc option cannot be combined with arcxml, arcmht or arcetl.AYou cannot enable screencapture for XML or ETL output file types.pYou have specified an invalid file extension. The noarc option is supported only for MHT, XML or ETL file types.lYou have specified an invalid file extension. Archive output cannot contain MHT, XML or ETL file extensions.You have specified an invalid archive parameter. Archive output must have at least one of the archive options (arcmht, arcxml, arcetl) enabled.:You have specified an invalid path for 'uisavedir' option.Settings (Alt+G)Start Record (Alt+A)Stop Record (Alt+O)Pause Record (Alt+U)Resume Record (Alt+S)Add Comment (Alt+C)Steps Recorder ToolbarSaving Output...(Saving output of Steps Recorder to disk.There are %d recorded actions.Processing action %d of %d...Adding files to archive...Creating output files...Save Recording (Alt+V)PANew Recording (Alt+N)PA St&art Record St&op Record Pa&use RecordRe&sume Record Add &Comment&New RecordingSa&vePAThe 32-bit version of Steps Recorder does not support COM interface on this machine. Please use the 64-bit version in the system folder instead.9mshelp://windows/?id=219a6820-d9aa-47f0-bbf0-c804b4b5b7daWindows has prevented some or all of the screenshots from being captured because it contains protected information. Please close all windows containing protected information and try again if you want all screenshots captured.The Microsoft internal 32-bit version of the Steps Recorder is not supported on 64-bit Windows. Please use the 64-bit version of the Steps Recorder instead.GWhen specifying the noarc option, you must also specify an output path.LWhen specifying the exitonsave option, you must also specify an output path.Steps Recorder0Capture steps with screenshots to save or share.G!A"O#U$S%C&V'N)g!a"o#u$s%c&v'n)4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationFFileDescriptionSteps Recorderr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)0InternalNamepsr.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.@ OriginalFilenamepsr.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX