MZ˙˙¸@¸ş´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ŃRؕ3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HĚ´‹”3}‹HĚą‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELŕ!  <PżĽ@,:.rsrc@<@@p€0€H€€€؀đ€p€˛6 €ł68€´6P€ś6h€ €€˜€°€Č€ŕ€ř€ž€l(€@€X€ p €    ° Ŕ Đ ŕ đ     0 @ P `x¸ä0˘äÔäÜhäD¤äč ä%Vä\(<ä˜,ää|1(ä¤4tä9ěä?vä|E˘ä FRätF¸äMUIÍţÍţ¸tť‘.+góľŃ‹y CŃ" D]n&š§.…mĚ-Rkťˆ˜ ¨ MUIen-US˙˙ŔŔ€Ř>Service ControlMS Shell Dlg€P( §(Ö˙˙‚PŐ˙˙‚˙˙PA˙˙Ŕ Ȁ =ÚInbound FiltersMS Shell DlgP/˙˙˙˙˙˙‚These filters control which packets are forwarded or processed by this network. $P#/ Ź˙˙€&Receive all packets except those that meet the criteria below $P1/ †˙˙€Drop all packets &except those that meet the criteria belowP@/˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Filters: €PJ/V‡SysListView32List1P—Ľ2ˆ˙˙€&New...PÍĽ2‰˙˙€&Edit...PĽ2Š˙˙€&DeletePź/˙˙˙˙˙˙‚PÎĹ2˙˙€OKPĹ2˙˙€CancelP'˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Filter action:˙˙Ŕ ȀüÚIP FilterMS Shell Dlg$Pw ‘˙˙€&Source networkPI¨˙˙‚I&P address:P`PSysIPAddress32Custom1P+I“˙˙‚S&ubnet mask:P`(PŸSysIPAddress32Custom1$P?Š •˙˙€&Destination networkPQIŠ˙˙‚IP &address:P`NP SysIPAddress32Custom1PcI§˙˙‚Su&bnet mask:P``PĄSysIPAddress32Custom1P{U˙˙˙˙‚Pr&otocol:!P`yxF‹˙˙…PŒU ™˙˙‚Sourc&e port:€ P`‰PŽ˙˙PžU š˙˙‚Desti&nation port:€ P`›P˙˙P˝î˙˙˙˙‚PĹ2˙˙€OKPĂĹ2˙˙€Cancel˙˙Ŕ Ȁ =ÚSet IP Demand-dial FiltersMS Shell DlgP/˙˙˙˙˙˙‚Initiate connection: $P#/ ˛˙˙€&Only for the following traffic $P0/ ł˙˙€Fo&r all traffic exceptP/˙˙˙˙˙˙‚You must add a filter to specify when the demand-dial connection can be initiated.P?/˙˙˙˙˙˙‚&Filter: €PI/W‡SysListView32List1P˜¤2ˆ˙˙€&New...PΤ2‰˙˙€&Edit...P¤2Š˙˙€&DeletePť/˙˙˙˙˙˙‚PÎĹ2˙˙€OKPĹ2˙˙€Cancel˙˙Ŕ ȀüÚIPv6 FilterMS Shell Dlg$Px ‘˙˙€&Source networkPIˇ˙˙‚&IPv6 address:€P`•¸msctls_netaddressP+Iš˙˙‚&Prefix length:€ P`(ş˙˙$P? •˙˙€&Destination networkPQIť˙˙‚IPv6 &address:€P`N•źmsctls_netaddressPcI˝˙˙‚P&refix length:€ P``ž˙˙P{U˙˙˙˙‚Pr&otocol:!P`yxF‹˙˙…PŒU ™˙˙‚Sourc&e port:€ P`‰PŽ˙˙PžU š˙˙‚Desti&nation port:€ P`›P˙˙P˝î˙˙˙˙‚PĹ2˙˙€OKPĂĹ2˙˙€Cancel>Re&ceive all packets except those that meet the criteria below?&Transmit all packets except those that meet the criteria below;Dr&op all packets except those that meet the criteria below_There is not enough memory to complete this operation. Close some programs, and then try again.Source AddressSource Network MaskDestination AddressDestination MaskProtocolSource Port or TypeDestination Port or CodeTCPUDPICMPAnyPAOther I&CMP type: IC&MP code: Sour&ce port:Desti&nation port:IP port number#Enter an IP address for the source.$Enter a mask for the source address.(Enter an IP address for the destination.)Enter a mask for the destination address.@The protocol number is not valid. Enter a valid protocol number.hThere is not enough memory available to perform this operation. Close some programs, and then try again.YWindows could not save the filter information. Confirm that the configuration is correct.Source Network Number Source Node Source SocketDestination SocketDestination NetworkDestination Node Packet Type%Enter a value for the network number.#Enter a value for the network mask.Enter a value for the node.Enter a value for the socket."Enter a value for the packet type. The network number is not valid.The node number is not valid.The socket number is not valid.The packet type is not valid.Enter a valid network mask.vThe IP address and the subnet mask entered are not compatible. Confirm that both values are correct before continuing.vThe IP address and the subnet mask entered are not compatible. Confirm that both values are correct before continuing.Proto&col number:TCP [established]Any#D&o not permit packets listed below%&Permit only the packets listed below User's maskUser's addressUnknown Add IP FilterEdit IP FilterInbound FiltersOutbound FiltersSet Demand-dial FiltersŚThe option you selected will not allow this interface to receive any packets. To enable this interface to receive packets, select the other option or create a filter.¨The option you selected will not allow this interface to transmit any packets. To enable this interface to transmit packets, select the other option or create a filter.Source Prefix LengthDestination Prefix Length"Enter IPv6 address for the source.+Enter prefix length for the source address.'Enter IPv6 address for the destination.0Enter prefix length for the destination address.Invalid source prefix length."Invalid destination prefix length.Add IPv6 FilterEdit IPv6 FilterInvalid IPv6 source address.!Invalid IPv6 destination address.Error loading resource›The registry call failed. Confirm that your maximum registry size has not been exceeded and that you have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.ŁThe registry open of "%s" failed. Confirm that your maximum registry size has not been exceeded and that you have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.ĽThe registry create of "%s" failed. Confirm that your maximum registry size has not been exceeded and that you have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.¨The registry set value of "%s" failed. Confirm that your maximum registry size has not been exceeded and that you have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.%s%1 %2KAdditional information is available : Error code: %1 Error parameter: %2%1 (%2)-Please wait while the %2 service on %1 stops..Please wait while the %2 service on %1 starts.An error occurred while trying to start the %2 service on %1. For more information about the error, see Event Viewer. (Right-click the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop, and then click Manage. In the Computer Management console, click Event Viewer.)˙An error occurred while trying to stop the %2 service on %1. For more information about the error, see Event Viewer. (Right-click the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop, and then click Manage. In the Computer Management console, click Event Viewer.)An error occurred.jThere is not enough memory available to open this dialog box. Close some applications, and then try again.4The IP address is invalid. Enter a valid IP address. Stopping %1 Starting %1 Octet %1!d!PAAThese filters control which packets are received by this network.PARouting and Remote AccessPA¸4VS_VERSION_INFO˝ďţ@€%@€%?StringFileInfoň040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationbFileDescriptionpacket filters configurationr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNameRTRFILTR.DLL€.LegalCopyrightŠ Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenameRTRFILTR.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoftŽ WindowsŽ Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD