MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  H`d@F.rsrcPH@@00H `x     8?RMUIgJ<"#[bhq[ { ̝ MUI en-USbWindows Scripted Diagnostic Provider Library for discovering scripted diagnostic content packages.  00$PPL<t (  %&344>Д?Search Cancel Errors Object Start Stop Error Warning Information Verbose xMicrosoft-Windows-Diagnosis-ScriptedDiagnosticsProvider Microsoft-Windows-Diagnosis-ScriptedDiagnosticsProvider/Operational Microsoft-Windows-Diagnosis-ScriptedDiagnosticsProvider/Debug |The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider FindDiagnosticsBySearchMetadata method succeeded. The input Culture/Locale was %1. The size of the result set was %2. 4The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider FindDiagnosticsBySearchMetadata method failed because the system ran out of memory. The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider FindDiagnosticsBySearchMetadata method was canceled by the caller. The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider FindDiagnosticsBySearchMetadata method failed with error (%1). pThe Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider FindDiagnosticsBySearchMetadata method failed. The input Culture/Locale, %1, is not a valid Language identifier. The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider Cancel method succeeded. The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider Cancel method failed with error (%1). The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider failed to cancel the connected diagnostic provider with error (%1). The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider failed to cancel the local diagnostic provider with error (%1). The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider object property QueryRemoteServer is being overridden by Group Policy. The property will be interpreted as being set to VARIANT_FALSE. The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider object property QueryRemoteServer is being overridden by the Administrator through a System Wide Preference. The property will be interpreted as being set to VARIANT_FALSE. The Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider object property QueryRemoteServer is set to %1. lThe Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API IDiagnosticProvider FindDiagnosticsBySearchMetadata method failed because the input IDiagnosticMetadataCollection object was empty. The diagnostic package index information was successfully loaded from %1. Failed to scan diagnostic package index information from %2, with error (%1). |Failed to load the resource (%2;%3) with error code (%1). Sending request to the remote server %1 at the URL path %2. Contents of the request are: %3. Failed to connect to the remote server %1 at the URL path %2 due to lack of network access. Failed to connect to the remote server %1 at the URL path %2 with error %3. Timed out while communicating with the remote server %1 at the URL path %2. Timed out waiting for a response from the remote server %1 at the URL path %2. Response from the remote server %1 at the URL path %2 returned the following error response code: %3. Received response from the remote server %1 at the URL path %2. Parsed valid response from the remote server %1 at the URL path %2. Response received from the remote server %1 at the URL path %2 is invalid for the following reason: %3. Response received from the remote server %1 at the URL path %2 is malformed. ,Attempting to send data to remote server using the following proxy configuration: Access Type (%1); Proxy Server (%2); Proxy Bypass Server (%3). `Failed to send data to remote server using the following proxy configuration: Access Type (%2); Proxy Server (%3); Proxy Bypass Server (%4) because of proxy failure (%1). 8Failed to send data to remote server because list of proxy servers was exhausted without receiving a response. The error code returned to caller is %1. Connection to remote server has been reset or terminated while waiting for a response. The error code returned to the caller is %1. \The following system configuration will be used when querying content providers: OS Major Version (%1); OS Minor Version (%2); Service Pack Major (%3); Service Pack Minor (%4); Build Number (%5); Product Type (%6); Processor Architecture (%7); Culture (%8); System Type (%9); OEM (%10); Model (%11); IsMobilePc (%12); IsInternal (%13); GeoId (%14); Family (%15); OEM SKU (%16); Version (%17); Base Board OEM (%18); Base Board Model (%19); Base Board Version (%20); BIOS Vendor (%21); BIOS Version (%22); BIOS Release Date (%23); BIOS Major Release (%24); BIOS Minor Release (%25); Embedded Controller Firmware Major Release (%26); Embedded Controller Firmware Minor Release (%27). Starting to scan diagnostic package index information from %1. Finished scanning diagnostic package index information from %1. Starting to query content providers for scripted diagnostic content packages. Finished querying content providers for scripted diagnostic content packages with error code (%1). TStarting to cancel content providers. Finished cancelling content providers with error code (%1). `Starting to cancel local content provider. Finished cancelling local content provider with error code (%1). `Starting to cancel remote content provider. Finished cancelling remove content provider with error code (%1). Starting to gather system configuration necessary for scripted diagnostic content package query. Finished gathering system configuration necessary for scripted diagnostic content package query with error code (%1). |Started to connect to remote server %1 using URL path %2. Finished connecting to remote server %1 using URL path %2. The operation completed with error %3. Sending POST request to the remote server %1 using the URL path: %2 with request body: %3. Response received from remote server. The HTTP response was %1. The operation completed with error %2. Starting to parse response from the remote server %1 POST request to the URL path: %2 with request body: %3. Finished parsing response from the remote server %1 POST request to the URL path: %2 with request body: %3 with error %4. \Starting to acquire lock in function %1. XFinished acquiring lock in function %1. lStarting to add result to Diagnostic Collection. Finished adding result to Diagnostic Collection with error code (%1). PStarting to load resource from %1. PFinished loading resource from %1. $%1 succeeded. %1 succeeded. The corresponding object property was set to %2. p%1 succeeded. The output parameter was set to %2. h%1 failed because the system ran out of memory. %1 failed with error (%2) because the input parameter, %3, was NULL. @%1 failed with error (%2). %1 succeeded. The output parameter was set to the item in the collection at index %2. %1 failed with error (%2) because the index, %3, is out of bounds of the enumeration or the enumeration is empty. %1 succeeded. The object was added to the collection at index %2. The new size of the collection is %3. %1 failed with error (%2) because the collection already contains an object of type, %3, with value, %4. %1 succeeded. The size of the collection increased by %2 object(s). The new size of the collection is %3. 0%1 failed with error (%2) because the collection already contains an object of with identifier, %3, and publisher, %4, with a greater version (%5). Local Content Diagnostic Provider search parameter: %1 has value: %2. xSearch Result includes a diagnostic with the following identifier %1. The publisher of the Diagnostic is %2. The version of the Diagnostic is %3. The URL for the diagnostic is: %4. Deserializing diagnostic from index file %2 failed with error code (%1) because the XML does not represent a valid Diagnostic. Deserializing diagnostic failed index file %2 with error code (%1) because the XML does not contain valid XML. culture id category keyword 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?.StringFileInfo 040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationz)FileDescriptionWindows Scripted Diagnostic Provider APIr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNameSDIAGPRV.DLL.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenameSDIAGPRV.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD