MZÿÿ¸@¸º´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ÑRØ•3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HÌ´‹”3}‹H̱‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELà!  äÐ@Èâ.rsrcðä@@0€0€H€ `€x€€¨€À€Ø€ ð    8¸äðBä4ÔÜäïÀäMUIÍþÍþ¸]ž£ç[ÅùdF š~¤ Sת¾ÿ¹“Ö¯ )Eˆ˜ ¨ MUI en-US - secondary plexPA7$$˜!$!$4$4$Ô6$6$8C$C$àM$M$(Z$[$ˆe$e$lg$g$ %%$ % %¤ %%d %%ø w%x% z%z%( %ƒ%‹%‹%LŽ%Ž%ì''''€''°(( ( (œDBDB”$€$€$€ $€4#"$€3$€Ø%6$€B$€È+D$€H$€ä2J$€L$€L4N$€Z$€|5\$€d$€l<f$€f$€àAh$€i$€,B%€%€XD%€%€àF %€ %€ G %€ %€ˆG%€%€dI%€*%€˜L,%€K%€ VM%€Q%€eS%€v%€Ügy%€y%€¼y{%€€%€\z„%€%€¸}%€“%€Tƒ•%€š%€è…'€'€ ‰'€'€D‰'€'€È‰(€(€ø’ (€#(€„•)€8)€4®*€*€×hThe disk is not fully cleaned due to I/O error. ÔThe provider encountered errors while loading the cache. See the NT Event Log for more information. dFailed to update the boot configuration data. ¨The boot partition's partition number will change as a result of the operation. HFailed to compress the volume. `The asynchronous operation is in progress. You have mirrored your boot volume on a GPT disk, to an MBR disk. You will not be able to boot your machine from the secondary plex. ÌUnable to retrieve the GPT attributes for this volume, (hidden, read only and no drive letter).  The volume was extended successfully but the file system failed to extend. You have mirrored your boot volume on an MBR disk, to a GPT disk. You will not be able to boot your machine from the secondary plex. €The disk is missing, not all information could be returned. ÀThe disk's partition information is does not conform to that expected on a dynamic disk. ”Warning, there was a failure while checking for the system partition. °No volume arrival notification was received. Refresh the Disk Management display. xDefaults have been used for the member ids or plex ids. „Failed to dismount the volume after setting the volume flags. „Failed to remount the volume after setting the volume flags. èFailure. If the volume is a mirror volume or a raid5 volume, no resynchronization notifications will be sent. |Failed to flush and hold Volume Snapshot Service writes. lFailed to release Volume Snapshot Service writes. TFailed to obtain a file system lock.  This plex is present in the driver, but has not yet been loaded to the provider cache. A volume modified notification will be sent by the service once the plex has been loaded to the provider cache. ,The boot entries cannot be updated automatically on WinPE. You may need to manually update the boot entry for any installed operating systems. hThe name was accepted but had to be truncated. 0At least one path status is not set successfully due to a non-fatal error, for example the status conflicts with the current load balance policy.  The object already exists and does not need to be further created or added. ÐUnable to retrieve all properties for this object. Some attributes may be incomplete or missing. ØNo iSCSI sessions to the target were found, but the persistent login setup to the target was removed. 0If a persistent login was set up for the target, it may not have been removed. Check the iSCSI Initiator Control Panel to remove it if necessary. tLogin failed because the target is already logged in. xFailed to mount one or more of the volumes on the disk. €Failed to dismount one or more of the volumes on the disk. pThe access paths on the volume may not be deleted. dThe operation is not supported by the object. LThe service failed to initialize. \The initialization method was not called. PThe provider is already registered. ¤A concurrent second call is made on an object before the first is completed. <The object is not found. dThe specified space is not free or not valid. |The number of partitions has reached the limit on a disk. TThe extended partition is not empty. \The operation has not been completed yet. ˆThis operation is not allowed on the current boot, system or pagefile volume. It is also not allowed on any volume on a basic MBR disk that contains the boot, system or pagefile volume. DThe object has been deleted. PThe operation cannot be cancelled. LThe operation has been cancelled.  The volume cannot be extended because the file system does not support it. tThere is not enough usable space for this operation. €Not enough drives are specified to complete this operation. <The cookie is not found. LThere is no media in the device. 4The device is in use. 8The disk is not empty. 0Invalid operation. 8The path is not found. DThe disk is not initialized. DThe disk is not unallocated. „An unrecoverable error occurred. The service must shut down. ¸The provider failed to connect to the Logical Disk Management Administrative service. PThe provider failed to initialize. @The object already exists. `No disks were found on the target machine. \The provider's cache has become corrupt.  A method call to the Logical Disk Management Administrative service failed. ˆThe device form of the volume pathname could not be retrieved. LFailed to open the volume device. ¸A corrupt notification was sent from the Logical Disk Manager Administrative service. LThe file system is incompatible. @The media is incompatible. ,Access is denied. DThe media is write protected. 4The label is illegal. LCan not quick format the volume. HIO error occured during format. DThe volume size is too small. @The volume size is too big. HThe cluster size is too small. DThe cluster size is too big. tThe number of clusters is too big for 32 bit integer. HThe object is in failed status. hAll extents for the volume could not be found. lThe size of the extent is less than the minimum. ÀThe boot partition's partition number will change as a result of the migration operation. ¤The selected disk does not have enough free space to complete the operation. An active partition was detected on the selected disk, and it is not the active partition used to boot the currently running OS. PCannot read partition information. A partition with an unknown type was detected on the selected disk. ŒThe selected GPT formatted disk contains a partition which is not of type 'PARTITION_BASIC_DATA_GUID', and is both preceeded and followed by a partition of type 'PARTITION_BASIC_DATA_GUID'. pA volume on the selected disk could not be opened. <The volume is not online. @The volume is not healthy. LThe volume spans multiple disks. dThe volume requires contiguous disk extents. DA provider returned bad data. `A provider failed to complete an operation. 8The pack is not online. @The volume is not a mirror. TNo extents were found for the volume. TThe disk failed to load to the cache. HCheck the event log for errors. ŒThe method call is not supported for the specified provider type. HThis disk is already offline. \The disk is already in use by the volume. dFailure initializing the asynchronous object. `A file system is not mounted on the volume. 8The pack was not found.  Import failed. Attempt to import a subset of the disks in the foreign pack. tA disk in the import's source pack was not imported. ŒThe system's information about the object may not be up to date. 4The disk is missing. ˆThe provider's list of Pnp registered disks has become corrupt. ŒThe provider does not support the LBN REMAP ENABLED volume flag. „The provider does not support the NO DRIVELETTER volume flag. ÔREVERT ON CLOSE may only be used with GPT flags HIDDEN, READ ONLY, NO DRIVE LETTER or SHADOW COPY. ˆThe REVERT ON CLOSE volume flag is already set for this volume. ,Not used! You have mirrored your boot volume on a GPT disk, to an MBR disk. You will not be able to boot your machine from the secondary plex. TThe volume is temporarily dismounted. TThe volume is permanently dismounted. XThe volume still has access path to it. <The operation timed out. ÔTo repair a volume, both the volume and plex must be online, and must not be healthy or rebuilding. ÐThe operation timed out in the Logical Disk Manager Administrative service. Retry the operation. °When clearing volume flags that have been set using revert on close, the same combination of HIDDEN, READ ONLY, NO DRIVE LETTER or SHADOW COPY flags must be passed to both the SetFlags and ClearFlags calls. `The operation failed. Retry the operation. „Create pack operation failed. An online pack already exists. LThe file system failed to extend. Only the first 2TB are usable on large MBR disks. Cannot create partitions beyond the 2TB mark, nor convert the disk to dynamic. You have mirrored your boot volume on a GPT disk, to an MBR disk. You will not be able to boot your machine from the secondary plex. XThere are no software provders loaded. <The disk is not missing.  Failed to retrieve the volume's layout. Operations on the volume will fail. ¨The volume's driver information is corrupt. Operations on the volume will fail. DThe enumerator is corrupted. hInternal error in the volume management driver. @The volume name is invalid. hThe disk's partition information is corrupted. `The disk's extent information is corrupted. ÐAn empty pack already exists. Release the existing empty pack before creating another empty pack. ¬The volume management driver did not return a pack name. Internal driver error. ˆThe PNP service sent a corrupted notification to the provider. `No disk arrival notification was received. dNo volume arrival notification was received. `No disk removal notification was received. dNo volume removal notification was received. <The provider is exiting. The specified disk extent size exceeds the size of free disk space. XThe size of the plex member is invalid. DThis operation is not allowed on an invalid disk. The disk may be invalid because it is corrupted or failing, or it may be invalid because it is OFFLINE. xThis operation is not allowed on the invalid disk pack. tThis operation is not allowed on disks with volumes. hThe driver returned an invalid parameter error. DThe target pack is not empty. œThe volume cannot be shrunk because the file system does not support it. hSpecified disks are not all from the same pack. œThis operation is not allowed on online packs. The pack must be offline. hThe plex count for the volume must be non-zero. lThe member count for the volume must be non-zero. ˜The plex indexes must be monotonically increasing and begin with zero. œThe member indexes must be monotonically increasing and begin with zero. @The stripe size must be a multiple of 2, between 512 bytes and 1 MB, for stripe and raid5 volumes. The stripe size must be zero for other volume types. „The number of disks specified is invalid for this operation. ŒAn invalid number of extents was specified for at least one disk. dThe source and target packs must be distinct. pThe disk count for the volume exceeds the maximum. `The driver's notification info is corrupt. PGUID_NULL is not a valid plex GUID. pThe specified disks do not belong to the same pack. `The same disk was specified more than once. °The operation cannot be completed because there is only one valid disk in the pack. ìAll disks holding extents for a given volume must have the same sector size, and the sector size must be valid. 8This call requires the parameters to specify one extent per disk. A single disk cannot contribute to multiple members or plexes of the same volume. ¤Neither the volume stripe size or disk sector size was found to be non-zero. XThe size of the volume plex is invalid. PNo extents were found for the plex. <The plex type is invalid. TThe plex block size must be non-zero. œAll of the disks involved in the operation are either missing or failed. ÀThe Logical Disk Manangement database is full, no more volumes or disks may be configured. \The disk configuration data is corrupted. ˜The disk configuration is not insync with the in-memory configuration. One or more disks failed to be updated with the new configuration. DThe disk is already dynamic. dThe object was not found in the driver cache. The disk layout contains partitions which are not cylinder aligned. ¨The disk layout contains partitions which less than the minimum required size. HThe IO to the disk is failing. Dynamic disks are not supported by this operating system or server configuration. Dynamic disks are not supported on clusters. ”The fault tolerant disks are not supported by this operating system. XInvalid GPT attributes were specified. TThe member is not stale or detached. @The member is regenerating. <The pack name is invalid. PThe plex is not stale or detached. \The last healthy plex cannot be removed. 4The plex is missing. 8The member is missing. <The plex is regenerating. ”An unexpected layout change occurred external to the volume manager. DThe volume length is invalid. xThe volume length is not a multiple of the sector size. €The volume does not have a retained partition association. |The volume already has a retained partition association. tThe specified alignment is beyond the first cylinder. „The specified alignment is not a multiple of the sector size. œThe specified partition type cannot be created with a non-zero alignment. XThe service's cache has become corrupt. dThe specified volume flag cannot be cleared. ¨The operation is not allowed on a disk that is in the process of being cleaned. ÜThe specified disk is not convertible. CDROMs and DVDs are examples of disks that are not convertable. pThe operation is not supported on removable media. „The operation is not supported on a non-empty removable disk. xThe specified drive letter is not free to be assigned.  Extending the volume onto multiple disks is not supported by this provider. XThe specified drive letter is invalid. „The specified number of drive letters to retrieve is invalid. `The specified file system flag is invalid. TThe specified file system is invalid. TThe specified object type is invalid. `The specified partition layout is invalid. ØThe specified disk's partition style is INVALID. VDS only supports MBR or GPT partition style disks. „The specified partition type is not valid for this operation. pThe specified provider clsid cannot be a NULL GUID. lThe specified provider id cannot be a NULL GUID. XThe specified provider name is invalid. XThe specified provider type is invalid. €The specified provider version GUID cannot be a NULL GUID. lThe specified provider version string is invalid. dThe specified query provider flag is invalid. XThe specified service flag is invalid. TThe specified volume flag is invalid. tThe operation is not supported on non-OEM partitions. ¨Cannot delete a protected partition without the force protected parameter set. ˆThe specified partition style does not match that of the disk. hAn internal error has occurred in the provider. œThe specified shrink size is less than then minimum shrink size allowed. äThe specified shrink size is too big and will cause the volume to be smaller than the minimum volume size. äAn unrecoverable error occurred in a provider. The service must be shut down to regain full functionality. hCannot assign a mount point to a hidden volume.  Can't set the specified flag as revert-on-close, because it is already set. ¼The input volume id cannot be the id of the volume that is the target of the operation. tThe specified volumes do not belong to the same pack. „The specified partition is a not a primary or logical volume. |The specified plex is a the current system or boot plex. ˜The operation cannot be completed because the volume is synchronizing. ”The operation cannot be completed because the volume is regenerating. <The volume is read only. hThe volume type is invalid for this operation. °The boot disk experienced failures when the driver attempted to online the pack. |The driver failed to update the log on at least one disk. tThis operation is not supported on a mirrored volume. ˆThis operation is only supported on simple or spanned volumes. PThis pack has no valid log copies.  This plex is present in the driver, but has not yet been loaded to the provider cache. A volume modified notification will be sent by the service once the plex has been loaded to the provider cache. pThis operation is not supported on MSR partitions. pThis operation is not supported on LDM partitions. hThe specified alignment is not a power of two. LThe specified alignment is zero. øA defragmentation or volume shrink operation is already in progress. Only one of these operations can run at a time. |BitLocker encryption on the volume could not be removed. lThe default file system could not be determined. DThis disk is already online. DThe online operation failed. DThe offline operation failed. ÈThe operation could not be completed because the specified revision number is not supported. hThe shrink operation was cancelled by the user. (The volume you have selected to shrink may be corrupted. Use Chkdsk to fix the corruption problem, and then try to shrink the volume again. 8The name is not unique. „At least one portal's tunnel address is not set successfully. ŒAt least one portal's security settings are not set successfully. ˜The initiator does not support setting target-specific shared secrets. ˜The target does not support setting initiator-specific shared secrets. lAn iSCSI login session could not be established. ˆThe attempt to log out from the specified iSCSI session failed. The specified iSCSI session with a connection matching the specified target, target portal, and/or initiator portal could not be found. ìLUNs are associated with the specified target and must first be deassociated before the target can be deleted. Portals are associated with the specified portal group and must first be deassociated before the portal group can be deleted. |The initiator does not exist in a iSNS discovery domain. „The initiator exists in more than one iSNS discovery domain. ¤Failed to retrieve the disk's pathname. Some operations on the disk may fail. lAt least one session did not logout successfully. \Failed to retrieve the volume's pathname. €The provider's cache is not in-sync with the driver cache. „No import target was set for this subsystem in the registry. A system error occurred while retrieving the boot disk information. Multiple disk extents reported for the boot volume - system error. |A driver error was reported when getting the SAN policy. |A driver error was reported when setting the SAN policy. tDisk attributes may not be changed on the boot disk. xThe operation is not allowed on a disk that is offline. |The operation is not allowed on a disk that is read only. ˜The operation is not allowed on a disk that contains a pagefile volume. ¨The operation is not allowed on a disk that contains a hibernation file volume. ¤The operation is not allowed on a disk that contains a crashdump file volume. ”A system error occurred while retrieving the system disk information. ”Multiple disk extents reported for the system volume - system error. ¤Disk attributes may not be changed on the current system disk or BIOS disk 0. ÔThe volume could not be shrunk because it is locked by BitLocker. Unlock the volume and try again. The volume could not be shrunk because it is locked due to a BitLocker error. Use BitLocker tools to recover the volume and try again. The volume could not be shrunk because it is marked for BitLocker recovery. Use BitLocker tools to recover the volume and try again. ÀThe volume could not be shrunk because it is encrypted by BitLocker and Fveapi.dll could not be loaded to determine its status. For this operation to succeed, Fveapi.dll must be available in %SystemRoot%\System32\. `The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. Completing the operation using the specified parameters will overwrite volumes containing user data. The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The specified size is greater than the size of the LUN. The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is MISSING. The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is FAILED. The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is NOT READY. The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is NO MEDIA. èThe SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the LUN is NOT READY. äThe SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the LUN is OFFLINE. äThe SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the LUN is FAILED. ìThe volume could not be extended because it is locked by BitLocker. Unlock the volume and retry the operation. 4The volume could not be extended because it is locked due to a BitLocker error. Use BitLocker tools to recover the volume and retry the operation. 0The volume could not be extended because it is marked for BitLocker recovery. Use BitLocker tools to recover the volume and retry the operation. ÄThe volume could not be extended because it is encrypted by BitLocker and Fveapi.dll could not be loaded to determine its status. For this operation to succeed, Fveapi.dll must be available in %SystemRoot%\System32\. ¼The sector size must be non-zero, a power of 2, and less than the maximum sector size. The initiator adapter was not found. For calls to GetPathInfo(), the initiator adapater is associated with the path end point. øThe target portal was not found. For calls to GetPathInfo(), the target portal is associated with the path end point. The path returned for the port is invalid. Either it has an incorrect port type specified, or, the HBA port properties structure is NULL. „An invalid iSCSI target name was returned from the provider. xCall to set the iSCSI tunnel mode outer address failed. XCall to get the iSCSI IKE info failed. XCall to set the iSCSI IKE info failed. „The provider returned a NULL subsystem identification string. dFailed to get the iSCSI initiator node name. \Failed to set iSCSI group preshared key. `Failed to set iSCSI initiator CHAP secret. XAn invalid IP address was encountered. dA reboot is required before any further operations may be initiated. If you do not reboot, machine behavior and machine state, are undefined for any further operations. |Volume GUID pathnames are not valid input to this method. ÄAssigning or removing drive letters on the current boot or pagefile volume is not allowed. ÈDelete is not allowed on the current boot, system, pagefile, crashdump or hibernation volume. ÈThe FORCE parameter must be set to TRUE in order to clean a disk that contains a data volume. ÈThe FORCE parameter must be set to TRUE in order to clean a disk that contains an OEM volume. ðClean is not allowed on the disk containing the current boot, system, pagefile, crashdump or hibernation volume. ÈFormat is not allowed on the current boot, system, pagefile, crashdump or hibernation volume. „The NTFS file system format is not supported on this volume. ˆThe FAT32 file system format is not supported on this volume. „The FAT file system format is not supported on this volume. HThe volume is not formattable. xThe specified file system does not support compression. hThe virtual disk object has not been open yet. øThe requested operation cannot be performed on the virtual disk object, because it is not in a state that permits it. ´The path returned for the LUN is invalid. It has an incorrect path type specified. 4The path returned for the LUN is invalid. Either it has an incorrect path type specified, or, the initiator portal properties structure is NULL. ìThe SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The LUN is not unmasked to the local server. The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is READ ONLY. „The operation against the selected LUN completed, but there was a failure updating the status of the disk associated with the lun. Call REFRESH to retry the status update for the disk. The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is DYNAMIC. ,The SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The current state of the disk associated with the LUN is DYNAMIC OFFLINE. ôThe SHRINK operation against the selected LUN cannot be completed. The disk has the GPT partitioning format. The specified new lun size does not allow space for a new GPT backup header to be created. Please increase the resulting lun size. „Mirrored volumes are not supported by this operating system. €RAID-5 volumes are not supported by this operating system. äThe specified disk is not convertible because the size is less than the minimum size required for GPT disks. XThe volume does not support offlining. |The pathname for a virtual disk must be fully qualified. The volume cannot be extended because the number of clusters will exceed the maximum number of clusters supported by the file system. ÄThe volume cannot be extended because the volume does not contain a recognized file system. ÀThe volume cannot be shrunk because the volume does not contain a recognized file system. ŒThe requested operation requires that the virtual disk be opened. ¬The requested operation cannot be performed while the virtual disk is expanding. °The requested operation cannot be performed while the virtual disk is compacting. ¨The requested operation cannot be performed while the virtual disk is merging. ¬The requested operation cannot be performed while the virtual disk is attached. ,The virtual disk is already open and cannot be opened a second time. Please close all clients that may have opened the virtual disk and retry. |The virtual disk is already in the process of expanding. |The virtual disk is already in the process of compacting. xThe virtual disk is already in the process of merging. TThe virtual disk is already attached. TThe virtual disk is already detached. ¨The requested operation requires that the virtual disk be attached read only. ¸The requested operation cannot be performed while the virtual disk is being attached. ¸The requested operation cannot be performed while the virtual disk is being detached. TThe drive is not contained in a pool. 4No pool is created. ¨The specified disk or volume is managed by the Microsoft Failover Clustering component. The disk must be in cluster maintenance mode and the cluster resource status must be online to perform this operation. (The specified disk or volume is managed by Microsoft Failover Clustering. The disk must be removed from the cluster to perform this operation. ÐThe disk could not be converted to dynamic because security is enabled on one or more partitions. (The requested operation cannot be performed on the object, because it is not in a state that permits it. Call Refresh and retry the operation. „The ReFS file system format is not supported on this volume. À4VS_VERSION_INFO½ïþ@€%@€%?StringFileInfoú040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationr%FileDescriptionVirtual Disk Service Utility Libraryr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNamevdsutil.dll€.LegalCopyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenamevdsutil.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft® Windows® Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX