MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  Q@.rsrc@@`0H h    0 @ Ph tMUIeJz6ypPcBW$EChU_' MUI en-USUnknown.SystemSoftwareHardware Unknown typeStableFailedUnknownWaiting for freezeFrozenPAWaiting for completionInconsistent shadow copyOut of resources Timed outRetryable errorNon-retryable errorUnexpected errorNo errorWaiting for post shadow copyNot responding Fileshare '@'@'@'@|$'@>'@L'@S'@XbV'@v'@g*@*@*@ +@ ]+@`+@ c+@d+@ȶ+@+@< 0@0@vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool (C) Copyright 2001-2013 Microsoft Corp. UNBOUNDED%0 UNKNOWN%0 Error:%0 lError: Unexpected failure, error code: 0x%1!08x!. DError: Unexpected failure: %1 H---- Commands Supported ---- t%1 - Add a new volume shadow copy storage association  %1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrID] /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Adds a shadow copy storage association between the volume specified by ForVolumeSpec and the volume specified by OnVolumeSpec the shadow copy storage volume. Storage for shadow copies of ForVolumeSpec will be stored on OnVolumeSpec. The maximum space the association may occupy on the shadow copy storage volume is MaxSizeSpec. If MaxSizeSpec is set to the value UNBOUNDED, the shadow copy storage space will be unlimited. If the maximum number of shadow copy storage associations have already been made, an error is given. MaxSizeSpec can be specified in bytes or as a percentage of the ForVolumeSpec storage volume. For byte level specification, MaxSizeSpec must be 1MB or greater and accepts the following suffixes: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB and EB. Also, B, K, M, G, T, P, and E are acceptable suffixes. If a suffix is not supplied, MaxSizeSpec is in bytes. To specify MaxSizeSpec as percentage, use the %% character as the suffix to the numeric value. If the provider is the supplied Microsoft provider, MaxSizeSpec must be 100MB or greater. - The provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB T%1 - Create a new volume shadow copy %1 %2 /Type=ShadowType /For=ForVolumeSpec [/Provider=ProviderNameOrID] [/AutoRetry=MaxRetryMinutes] - Creates a new shadow copy of the specified type for the ForVolumeSpec. The default shadow copy Provider will be called unless ProviderNameOrID is specified. The ForVolumeSpec must be a local volume drive letter or mount point. If MaxRetryMinutes is specified and there is another process creating a shadow copy, vssadmin will continue to try to create the shadow copy for MaxRetryMinutes minutes. - The provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Create Shadow /Type=ClientAccessible /For=C: /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /AutoRetry=2 - Valid shadow copy types: p%1 - Delete volume shadow copy storage associations %1 %2 /Provider=ProviderNameOrId /For=ForVolumeSpec [/On=OnVolumeSpec] [/Quiet] - Deletes an existing shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and OnVolumeSpec. If no /On option is given, all shadow copy storage associations will be deleted for the given ForVolumeSpec. - The Provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Delete ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /For=C: /On=D: L%1 - Delete volume shadow copies D%1 %2 [/Type=ShadowType] [/For=ForVolumeSpec] [/Oldest] [/Quiet] %1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/Quiet] - For the given ForVolumeSpec deletes all existing shadow copies satisfying the given options. If /Oldest is given, the oldest matching shadow copy on the volume is deleted. If /All is given without a ForVolumeSpec, all shadow copies on all volumes that can be deleted are deleted. If /Shadow=ShadowId is given, the shadow copy with that Shadow Copy ID is deleted. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. When entering a Shadow Copy ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. This ID can be obtained through the List Shadows command. Example Usage: vssadmin Delete Shadows /Type=ClientAccessible /For=C: vssadmin Delete Shadows /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} - Valid shadow copy types: T%1 - Exposes an existing shadow copy %1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/ExposeUsing=LetterDirSpecOrShare] [/SharePath=SharePathDirSpec] - Exposes an existing shadow copy volume through a share name or a mount point. If LetterDirSpecOrShare is specified, the shadow copy is exposed through a given drive letter, mount point or a share name. If it is not specified, a default share will be created and a name will be given upon completion. To expose through a drive letter, LetterDirSpecOrShare must be in the form of 'X:'. To expose through a mount point, LetterDirSpecOrShare must be a fully qualified path starting with 'X:\', and must point to an existing directory. To expose through a share name, LetterDirSpecOrShare must consist of only valid share name characters, i.e. SourceShare2. When exposing through a share, the whole volume will be shared unless SharePathDirSpec is given. If SharePathDirSpec is given, only the portion of the volume from that directory and up will be shared though the share name. The SharePathDirSpec must start with a '\'. - The only types of Shadow Copies that can be exposed are the DataVolumeRollback shadows. Shadow Copies that have the ClientAccessible type cannot be exposed. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. When entering a Shadow Copy ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Expose Shadow /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} /ExposeUsing=SourceShare2 /SharePath=\sharedpath l%1 - List volume shadow copy storage associations %1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrId] [/For=ForVolumeSpec|/On=OnVolumeSpec] - Displays all shadow copy storage associations on the system for a given provider. Not all providers use shadow storage. You will receive an error if it is not supported by your provider. To list all associations for a given volume, specify a ForVolumeSpec and no /On option. To list all associations on a given volume, specify a OnVolumeSpec and no /For option. - The Provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin List ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /On=C: l%1 - List registered volume shadow copy providers %1 %2 - List registered volume shadow copy providers. Example Usage: vssadmin List Providers X%1 - List existing volume shadow copies %1 %2 [/Type=ShadowType] [/Provider=ProviderNameOrId] [/For=ForVolumeSpec] [/Shadow=ShadowId|/Set=ShadowSetId] - Displays existing shadow copies on the system. Without any options, all shadow copies on the system are displayed ordered by shadow copy set. Any combinations of options are allowed to refine the list operation. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. The Provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider, Shadow, or Shadow Set ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin List Shadows /Type=ClientAccessible /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} - Valid shadow copy types: d%1 - List volumes eligible for shadow copies %1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrId] [/Type=ShadowType] - Displays all volumes which may be shadow copied using the provider specified by ProviderNameOrId. If ShadowType is given, then lists only those volumes that may have a shadow copy of that type. - The Provider ID can be obtained using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin List Volumes /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /Type=ClientAccessible - Valid shadow copy types: h%1 - List subscribed volume shadow copy writers %1 %2 - List subscribed volume shadow copy writers Example Usage: vssadmin List Writers t%1 - Resize a volume shadow copy storage association %1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrID] /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Resizes the maximum size for a shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and OnVolumeSpec. Resizing the storage association may cause shadow copies to disappear. If MaxSizeSpec is set to the value UNBOUNDED, the shadow copy storage space will be unlimited. As certain shadow copies are deleted, the shadow copy storage space will then shrink. MaxSizeSpec can be specified in bytes or as a percentage of the ForVolumeSpec storage volume. For byte level specification, MaxSizeSpec must be 1MB or greater and accepts the following suffixes: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB and EB. Also, B, K, M, G, T, P, and E are acceptable suffixes. If a suffix is not supplied, MaxSizeSpec is in bytes. To specify MaxSizeSpec as percentage, use the %% character as the suffix to the numeric value. If the provider is the supplied Microsoft provider, MaxSizeSpec must be 100MB or greater. - The Provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB T%1 - Revert a volume to a shadow copy %1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/ForceDismount] [/Quiet] - Reverts a volume to its state at the time of the shadow copy. All shadow copies of the volume taken after that point will be removed. All changes to files and folders on the volume made after the time of the shadow copy will be permanently lost. The revert operation cannot be undone. Once the revert operation is started, it cannot be canceled. If any handles are currently held on the volume, the revert will fail unless the ForceDismount flag is specified. Example Usage: vssadmin Revert Shadow /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} /ForceDismount |%1 - Query the progress of in-progress revert operations. %1 %2 [/For=VolumeName] [/All] - Queries the status of in progress revert operations. If a volume name is specified with the /For operation, the progress of a revert of that volume is detailed. If the /All option is specified, all in-progress reverts are listed. Example Usage: vssadmin Query Reverts /For=E: `Volume Shadow Copy Provider '%1' not found. Successfully created shadow copy for '%1' Shadow Copy ID: %2 Shadow Copy Volume Name: %3 PSupported Volume Shadow Copy types xSuccessfully added the shadow copy storage association |Successfully resized the shadow copy storage association Successfully deleted the shadow copy storage association(s) Contents of shadow copy set ID: %1 Contained %2!d! shadow copies at creation time: %3  Shadow Copy ID: %1 Original Volume: (%2)%3 Shadow Copy Volume: %4 Originating Machine: %5 Service Machine: %6 Provider: '%7' Type: %8 Attributes: %9 Provider name: '%1' Provider type: %2 Provider Id: %3 Version: %4 Writer name: '%1' Writer Id: %2 Writer Instance Id: %3 State: [%4!d!] %5 Last error: %6 Shadow Copy Storage association For volume: (%1)%2 Shadow Copy Storage volume: (%3)%4 Used Shadow Copy Storage space: %5 (%6%%) Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: %7 (%8%%) Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: %9 (%10%%) TVolume path: %1 Volume name: %2 Waiting for responses. These may be delayed if a shadow copy is being prepared. Do you really want to delete %1!u! shadow copies (%2/%3): [%3]? %0 DShadow Copy ID: %1 not found. \Successfully deleted %1!d! shadow copies. hSuccessfully exposed shadow copy through '%1'. Received error %1!08x! trying to delete Shadow Copy ID: %2.  %1: Accessible through Shadow copies of shared folders  %1: Shadow copies not associated with Shadow copies of shared folders  %1:  %1:  %1:  %1: %1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Adds a shadow copy storage association between the volume specified by ForVolumeSpec and the volume specified by OnVolumeSpec the shadow copy storage volume. Storage for shadow copies of ForVolumeSpec will be stored on OnVolumeSpec. The maximum space the association may occupy on the shadow copy storage volume is MaxSizeSpec. If MaxSizeSpec is set to the value UNBOUNDED, the shadow copy storage space will be unlimited. If the maximum number of shadow copy storage associations have already been made, an error is given. MaxSizeSpec can be specified in bytes or as a percentage of the ForVolumeSpec storage volume. For byte level specification, MaxSizeSpec must be %3!d!MB or greater and accepts the following suffixes: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB and EB. Also, B, K, M, G, T, P, and E are acceptable suffixes. To specify MaxSizeSpec as percentage, use the %% character as the suffix to the numeric value. If a suffix is not supplied, MaxSizeSpec is in bytes. Example Usage: vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=UNBOUNDED vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=20%% l%1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/AutoRetry=MaxRetryMinutes] - Creates a new shadow copy of ForVolumeSpec. ForVolumeSpec must be a local volume drive letter or mount point. If MaxRetryMinutes is specified and there is another process creating a shadow copy, vssadmin will continue to try to create the shadow copy for MaxRetryMinutes minutes. Example Usage: vssadmin Create Shadow /For=C: /AutoRetry=2 %1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/Oldest] [/Quiet] %1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/Quiet] %1 %2 /All - For the given ForVolumeSpec deletes all matching shadow copies. If /Oldest is given, the oldest shadow copy on the volume is deleted If /All is given, then all shadow copies on all volumes that can be deleted will be deleted. If /Shadow=ShadowId is given, the shadow copy with that Shadow Copy ID will be deleted. Only shadow copies that have the ClientAccessible type can be deleted. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. When entering a Shadow Copy ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. This ID can be obtained through the List Shadows command. Example Usage: vssadmin Delete Shadows /For=C: /Oldest %1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/On=OnVolumeSpec] [/Quiet] - Deletes an existing shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and OnVolumeSpec. If no /On option is given, all shadow copy storage associations will be deleted for the given ForVolumeSpec. Example Usage: vssadmin Delete ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: <%1 %2 [/For=ForVolumeSpec] [/Shadow=ShadowId|/Set=ShadowSetId] - Displays existing shadow copies on the system. Without any options, all shadow copies on the system are displayed ordered by shadow copy set. Combinations of options can be used to refine the list operation. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. When entering a Shadow ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin List Shadows /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} %1 %2 [/For=ForVolumeSpec|/On=OnVolumeSpec] - Displays all shadow copy storage associations on the system. To list all associations for a given volume, specify a ForVolumeSpec and no /On option. To list all associations on a given volume, specify an OnVolumeSpec and no /For option. Example Usage: vssadmin List ShadowStorage /On=C: %1 %2 - Displays all volumes which may be shadow copied. Example Usage: vssadmin List Volumes ( %1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Resizes the maximum size for a shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and OnVolumeSpec. Resizing the storage association may cause shadow copies to disappear. As certain shadow copies are deleted, the shadow copy storage space will then shrink. If MaxSizeSpec is set to the value UNBOUNDED, the shadow copy storage space will be unlimited. MaxSizeSpec can be specified in bytes or as a percentage of the ForVolumeSpec storage volume. For byte level specification, MaxSizeSpec must be %3!d!MB or greater and accepts the following suffixes: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB and EB. Also, B, K, M, G, T, P, and E are acceptable suffixes. To specify MaxSizeSpec as percentage, use the %% character as the suffix to the numeric value. If a suffix is not supplied, MaxSizeSpec is in bytes. Example Usage: vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=UNBOUNDED vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=20%% dThe specified Shadow Copy could not be found. hThe specified Shadow Copy could not be deleted. hThe Shadow Copy has been successfully reverted. Volume: %1 Percentage of Revert Complete: %2!d! Volume: %1 Percentage of Revert Complete: Unknown lA revert is currently in progress on this volume. \Revert is not supported for this volume. lThe volume cannot be reverted since it is in use. Do you really want to revert to this shadow copy (%1/%2): [%2]? %0 $Persistent%0 $Read/Write%0 0Client-accessible%0 ,No auto release%0 $No writers%0 (Transportable%0 (Not surfaced%0 0Hardware assisted%0 (Differential%0 Plex%0 Imported%0 ,Exposed locally%0 0Exposed remotely%0 <NONE>%0 The volume shadow copy provider is not registered in the system. The shadow copy provider had an error. Please see the system and application event logs for more information. Either the specified volume was not found or it is not a local volume. tShadow copying the specified volume is not supported. The given shadow copy provider does not support shadow copying the specified volume. The shadow copy provider had an unexpected error while trying to process the specified command. The shadow copy provider timed out while flushing data to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume. Try again later when the volume is not being used so heavily. The shadow copy provider timed out while holding writes to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume by an application or a system service. Try again later when activity on the volume is reduced. A shadow copy aware application or service had an unexpected error while trying to process the command. Another shadow-copy creation is in progress, so the current shadow copy cannot be created. There are a number of common scenarios causing this problem: * If Shadow Copies of Shared Folders is set up, ensure that no two volumes have schedules that lie within five minutes of each other. * If automatic backup of any form is scheduled, ensure that the backup schedule does not overlap with the schedule used for Shadow Copies of Shared Folders. Generally, retrying the operation after a few minutes or changing the schedule of an automatic task should fix this problem. The specified volume has already reached its maximum number of shadow copies. The shadow copy provider does not support the specified shadow type. Maximum number of shadow copy storage associations already reached. Insufficient storage available to create either the shadow copy storage file or other shadow copy data. XNo items found that satisfy the query. hRan out of resources while running the command. 8You don't have the correct permissions to run this command. Please run this utility from a command window that has elevated administrator privileges. ,Auto recovered%0 8For rollback recovery%0 xThe revert was aborted because the volume was removed. Snapshots were found, but they were outside of your allowed context. Try removing them with the backup application which created them. The specified Shadow Copy Provider does not support shadow copy storage associations. A shadow copy storage association was not added. The specified volume shadow copy storage association was not found. The specified shadow copy storage association already exists. |The specified shadow copy storage association is in use. LUnable to create a shadow copy%0 (Internal error. @Specified number is invalid ,Invalid command. (Invalid option. 4Invalid option value. hCannot specify the same option more than once. An option is specified that is not allowed for the command. DA required option is missing. HInvalid combination of options. Expose shadow is not allowed because either the shadow is of the incorrect type or the exposure name is invalid. Expose shadow is not allowed because the shadow is already exposed. Y%0 N%0 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?^StringFileInfo:040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationBFileDescriptionCommand Line Interface for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service r)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNameVSSADMIN.EXE.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenameVSSADMIN.EXE.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD