MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  E@.rsrc@@xH` X pLuuuuu0*xH`@xl4 ` 8 P( h   T     (H @ Xpt<h  00 H ` \x  $   P u u K8 P h       ( @ &X ,p 3 ? 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PSysListView32HHAlert ActionMS Shell DlgP &Log an entry in the application event logP&Start a data collector set:!P) HHDirectoryMS Shell DlgP&Root directory:PmP0n&Browse...P+&Subdirectory:P7oPOSubdirectory name &format:PZpPZq>Pr rPrefix subdirectory with &computer namePdSerial &number:PdsP` tmsctls_updown32PExample directory: P uStaticHH GeneralMS Shell DlgPName:PP&Descrip&tion:P1*Pby&Keywords:JPny;SysListView32Pn2A&ddP2&RemovePP2&Change...PxRun As:PxHH TaskMS Shell DlgPRun this scheduled &task when the data collector set stops:P5P-Tas&k arguments:P86P87>PUTask argument &user text:P`8P|Example task arguments: @P 9{logs} {timestamp}HH Trace SessionMS Shell DlgPSession &name:PP"E&Clock type:!P,EP?ESt&ream mode:!PIEPn, Preallocate file &spacePn; &Process modePnJ &EnabledHHTrace BuffersMS Shell DlgPEBuffer &size:PEPA msctls_updown32PQKBPEMi&nimum buffers:PEP  msctls_updown32P'E  &Flush timer:P3E PA3  msctls_updown32PQ6%secondsP'EMa&ximum buffers:P2E P2  msctls_updown32HHTrace ProvidersMS Shell DlgP&Providers:JP]a SysListView32P2b A&dd...P"2c &RemoveP32f &Security...PxProper&ties: POd SysListView32P2e &Edit...H@AlertsMS Shell DlgPPerformance &counters: JP[ SysListView32P3 A&dd...P#3 &RemoveP qBAlert &when:!P|B PNqq&Limit:PN{q PPTSample &interval:PT P=  msctls_updown32P_2&Units:!P_2 HHStop ConditionMS Shell DlgPU ) Overall &duration:PU* PQ + msctls_updown32Pc2&Units:!Pc2, P)cLimitsP7 - &Restart the data collector set at limits.PHU . Dura&tion:PSU/ PYS 0 msctls_updown32PkI2U&nits:!PkT21 PhU 2 &Maximum Size:PsU3 PZs 4 msctls_updown32PivMBP 5 Stop when all data collectors have finished.ȀrSelect ComputerMS Shell DlgPSelect the computer you want to monitor. P &Local computer P+ Remote &computer:P9 P95 B&rowse...P]2OKP]2CancelȐ:Connect Remote ComputerMS Shell DlgP Connecting to "%s"... P msctls_progress32P%2Cancel@H=How would you like to create this new data collector set?Segoe UIPNa&me:P P5 Create from a &template (Recommended) PP &Create manually (Advanced)PA@H=Which template would you like to use?Segoe UIP&Template Data Collector Set:HPeU SysListView32Pz2V B&rowse...PeW ȀPropertyMS Shell Dlg P &Automatic Pp SysListView32 P &ManualP P2OKP2CancelȀChooseMS Shell DlgP Choose:HP SysListView32P2OKP2Cancel@H=What type of data do you want to include?Segoe UI P7 Create &data logsP# &Performance counterP"# &Event trace dataP/# System &configuration information PO7 Performance Counter A&lert@H=Where would you like the data to be saved?Segoe UIPRoot &directory:P P2 B&rowse...@H=Create the data collector set?Segoe UIP}Run as:P2I &Change...P}J P=6 K &Open properties for this data collector set PL6 L &Start this data collector set now P[6 M Sa&ve and closePA@H=Which performance counters would you like to monitor?Segoe UIPPerformance &counters: JP] SysListView32P2 A&dd...P!2 &RemovePrBAlert &when:!P|B PMr}&Limit:PM|} @H =Which performance counters would you like to log?Segoe UIPPerformance &counters: JP\SysListView32P2 A&dd...P!2 &RemovePrTSample &interval:P|T PQ{ msctls_updown32Pbr2&Units:!Pb|2@H=Which event trace providers would you like to enable?Segoe UIP&Providers: HP&uSysListView32P2 vA&dd...P 2 w&RemoveP:Proper&ties: PDDxSysListView32PD2 y&Edit...HHManagement PathsMS Shell DlgP&Management paths:JPSysListView32P2A&ddP=7&RemovePAHHFile CaptureMS Shell DlgP&Files: JP=SysListView32P2>A&dd...P=7?&RemovePA@H=Which registry keys would you like to record?Segoe UIPRegistry &keys:JPvSysListView32P2 A&dd...P!2 &RemovePA@H=Create the data collector?Segoe UIP6 &Open properties for this data collectorȀ FilterMS Shell DlgP_Filter &type:P_iPo jFilter &enabledP'_3Data entry format P39 k&Unicode text P?- l&Ansi text PK$ m&BinaryPaFilter &data:PkVnP2OKP2Cancel@H=What would you like to name this data collector set?Segoe UIPNa&me:P@H=What type of data collector would you like to create?Segoe UIPNa&me:P1 P+ 2&Performance counter data collector P: 3&Event trace data collector PI 4&Configuration data collector PX 5Performance counter a&lert@H=What type of data collector would you like to create?Segoe UIPNa&me:P P.! Create from a &template P<! &Performance counter data collector PJ! &Event trace data collector PX! Performance counter a&lertHH Alert TaskMS Shell DlgPRun this &task when an alert is triggered:PP-Tas&k arguments:P8P8>PUTask argument &user text:P`P|Example task arguments: @P {logs} {timestamp}HHData ManagerMS Shell DlgPK ]Mi&nimum free disk:PI^PE _msctls_updown32PT MBPvH `Ma&ximum folders:PvIaP bmsctls_updown32P$I&Resource policy:!P/IcPB dApply &policy before the data collector set startsPRPY eMaximum root path si&ze:PeIfPEe gmsctls_updown32PThMBP}PReport &file name:PhPEven&t file name:PiP j&Enable data management and report generationPAHHActionsMS Shell DlgP&Folder actions: PSysListView32@PQMove &up@PbMove do&wnP2A&dd...P=2&Edit...Ps2&RemovePAHHRulesMS Shell DlgP&Rules: HP%SysListView32P2&&Import...P=2'&Export...ȀFolder ActionMS Shell DlgPIConditionP:&Age:PEPN msctls_updown32P`0&Units:!P`0P.:Folder si&ze:P8EPM8 msctls_updown32P`; MBPSgActionPb &Copy cab file to this directory:PoP Create &cab fileP Delete &data filesP Delete cab &fileP Delete &reportP2OKP2CancelHHState CaptureMS Shell DlgPSave &system state file as:PP6 Capture &network interface propertiesPAȀFolder ActionMS Shell DlgP2OKP2CancelPPActive rangeP Be&ginning date: PQSysDateTimePick32P2 R&Expiration date: P?SSysDateTimePick32P[[LaunchPgBStart t&ime:)PrBTSysDateTimePick32PgrG U&MondayPg}G V&TuesdayPgG W&WednesdayPgG XT&hursdayPgG Y&FridayPr; Z&SaturdayP~; [Su&ndayPAȐ22Analyze Wait Chain Segoe UIPuAnalyzing...P(FuSysTreeView32Pu uThe Analyze Wait Chain tree shows which processes (root nodes in the tree) are using, or waiting to use, a resource that is being used by another process (child nodes in the tree) and is required for the selected process to continue.PuSysLink<A HREF="">More about Wait Chains</A>XB&End processP2CancelȀ22Select Processors Segoe UIPuPxuSysListView32ProcessorsPZ2OKP2CancelStoppedRunningPendingUnknownPerformance CounterTraceAlert Configuration*Select a root path for the collected data.(<The specified parameters are not valid>+Enter the user for this data collector set. <Keyword>Performance Monitor\object(instance)\counter HKLM\SOFTWARE&root\cimv2:SELECT * FROM Win32_ProcessUnacceptable Character'You can only enter numeric values here.Level Keywords(Any) Keywords(All) PropertiesFilterCreate new Data CollectorCreate new Data Collector Set.New Data CollectorNew Data Collector (%d)New Data Collector SetNew Data Collector Set (%d) WMIGUID_SETWMIGUID_NOTIFICATIONWMIGUID_READ_DESCRIPTIONWMIGUID_EXECUTETRACELOG_CREATE_REALTIMETRACELOG_CREATE_ONDISKTRACELOG_GUID_ENABLETRACELOG_ACCESS_KERNEL_LOGGERTRACELOG_LOG_EVENTTRACELOG_ACCESS_REALTIME READ_CONTROL WRITE_DAC WRITE_OWNERDELETE SYNCHRONIZEWMIGUID_ALL_ACCESS FULL_CONTROLEnabledDisabledPA0Template Files (*.xml)*.xmlAll Files (*.*)*.*Local New Group Schedule (%d)(Are you sure you want to delete "%1!s!"?$Performance Monitor - Confirm Delete(<The specified parameters are not valid>over 50AnyCreateSendDeleteDay(s)Week(s)Template Exists$The template file %s already exists..The file specified does not contain valid XML.FileAll Files (*.*)*.*Everyday---&{ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff} <Default>Include CompilingSecurity Settings for %s %1!s! (%2!s!)(Performance Monitor - Data Collector SetPAhThis data collector set is currently running. Changes you make will take effect the next time it starts.Performance (%s) PerformancePerformance CountersPerformance Monitor View All CountersPerformance MonitorReports User DefinedPAEvent Trace SessionsData Collector SetsSystem User DefinedSystemMonitoring ToolsStartup Event Trace SessionsPAPropertyValue DescriptionAgePASizeCabReportDataStartDays BeginningExpiresNameGuidStatusTypeOutputObjectCounterInstanceScaleLineDate'Performance(0x1)|System(0x2)|Cycle(0x3):Seconds(0x1)|Minutes(0x2)|Hours(0x4)|Days(0x8)|Weeks(0x10)<Comma Separated(0x0)|Tab Separated(0x1)|SQL(0x2)|Binary(0x3)Above(0x1)|Below(0x2)AFile(0x1)|Real Time (0x2)|File and Real Time (0x3)|Buffered (0x4)&Delete oldest(0x1)|Delete largest(0x0)PAEvent Trace ProvidersChoose Event Trace Provider: Loading...PAKThe following system error occurred when trying to complete this operation:VWhen attempting to connect to the remote computer the following system error occurred:TWhen attempting to start the Data Collector Set the following system error occurred:SWhen attempting to stop the Data Collector Set the following system error occurred:QWhen attempting to create the Data Collector the following system error occurred:UWhen attempting to create the Data Collector Set the following system error occurred:QWhen attempting to delete the Data Collector the following system error occurred:UWhen attempting to delete the Data Collector Set the following system error occurred:JWhen attempting to commit the changes the following system error occurred:KWhen attempting to import the template the following system error occurred:TWhen attempting to query the Data Collector Set the following system error occurred:TWhen attempting to change the security settings the following system error occurred:vWhen attempting to commit the Performance Monitor view to this data collector set the following system error occurred:IWhen attempting to delete the report the following system error occurred:Initializing...Collecting data...Generating report...!Collecting data for %d seconds...Performance MonitorPerformance Monitor ExtensionPerformance Monitor File9Diagnose performance issues and collect performance data.System Performance<Generate a report detailing the status of local hardware resources, system response times, and processes on the local computer. Use this information to identify possible causes of performance issues. Membership in the local Administrators group, or equivalent, is the minimum required to run this Data Collector Set.Windows Diagnostic Report8Generate a diagnostic overview report for this computer.Resource MonitoriMonitor the usage and performance of the following resources in real time: CPU, Disk, Network and Memory.PASystem DiagnosticsGenerate a report detailing the status of local hardware resources, system response times, and processes on the local computer along with system information and configuration data. This report includes suggestions for ways to maximize performance and streamline system operation. Membership in the local Administrators group, or equivalent, is the minimum required to run this Data Collector Set.!Performance Monitor ConfigurationResource Monitor ConfigurationMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Corporation$Runs a task as the interactive user.PAStartStart the Data Collector Set.StopStop the Data Collector Set.Data Collector Set Create a new Data Collector Set.Data CollectorCreate a new Data Collector.Performance Monitor!View data in Performance Monitor.ReportView data as a report.&Connect to another computer...Monitor a different computer.Save Template...*Save the Data Collector Set as a template.dOverwrite the template. The template will be replaced and will only contain this data collector set.MAdd to the template. Append this data collector set to the existing template.StartStart the Resource Monitor.StopStop the Resource Monitor.PAData Manager...<Opens the Data Manager properties for the current selection.CounterAdd a performance counterFolderOpen data folder.Save current view;Save the current view settings for this Data Collector Set.View latest report. Latest ReportStart As Event Trace Session4Create a new Data Collector Set from these settings.View system reliability...3Review your system reliability and problem history.Resource Monitor...Open the Resource Monitor.File Read (B/sec) Write (B/sec)PIDImage Average CPUWorking Set (KB)Hard Faults/secThreadsCPU Total (B/sec) Send (B/sec)Receive (B/sec)PAAddress Total (B/sec)Shareable (KB) Private (KB)Response Time (ms) Description Commit (KB) I/O PriorityNameStatusGroupType Handle Name Module NameVersion Full PathPA Logical Disk Physical DiskActive Time (%)Available Space (MB)Total Space (MB)Disk Queue Length Local Address Local PortRemote Address Remote Port Latency (ms)Packet Loss (%)PortProtocolOperating System Context User NamePACycle Average CycleFirewall StatusPlatformElevated Send (B/sec)Receive (B/sec) Total (B/sec)PARunningStarting ContinuingPausingPausedStoppingStoppedPANot Responding SuspendedRunning TerminatedTCPUDPNot allowed, restrictedNot allowed, not restrictedAllowed, restrictedAllowed, not restricted BackgroundLowNormalHighCriticalPA Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 816 Bit32 BitPA64 BitYesNoPASystem Interrupts7Deferred Procedure Calls and Interrupt Service Routines IPv4 loopback IPv6 loopbackIPv4 unspecifiedIPv6 unspecifiedOverviewCPUMemoryDiskNetworkResource MonitorDo you want to end %s?If an open program is associated with this process, it will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue? End process*Do you want to end the process tree of %s?If open programs or processes are associated with this process tree, they will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?End process tree*Do you want to end the selected processes?If open programs are associated with the selected processes, they will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?.Do you want to end the selected process trees?If open programs or processes are associated with the selected process trees, they will close and you will lose any unsaved data. If you end a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?Select ColumnsPA1Select the columns that will appear in the table.Do you want to suspend %s?.Do you want to suspend the selected processes?If an open program is associated with this process and you suspend it, you might lose any unsaved data. If you suspend a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?If open programs are associated with the selected processes and you suspend them, you might lose any unsaved data. If you suspend a system process, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?Suspend processDo you want to resume %s?-Do you want to resume the selected processes?|If you resume a process suspended by someone else, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?|If you resume processes suspended by someone else, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue?Resume process)Do you want to end the system process %s?Ending this process will shut down the operating system immediately. You will lose all unsaved data. Are you sure you want to continue? Shut down#Abandon unsaved data and shut down.PAgTake control of the session. This will allow data to be shown by this instance of the Resource Monitor.eLeave session alone. No data will be collected or displayed by this instance of the Resource Monitor. Confirm StartThe Windows Kernel Trace provider is already in use by another trace session. Taking control of it may cause the current owner to stop functioning properly.&Session in use by another application.OWhen attempting to start Resource Monitor, the following system error occurred:NWhen attempting to stop Resource Monitor, the following system error occurred:LWhen attempting to execute the command, the following system error occurred:Search HandlesSearching for "%s"...Search Results for "%s"Filtered by %sPA, Filtering...2Select a process or search handles to see results. Select a process to see results.#Searching for "%s" and Filtering...&Search Results for "%s" Filtered by %sPA1 B/sec1 KB/sec 10 KB/sec 100 KB/sec1 MB/sec 10 MB/sec 100 MB/sec1 GB/sec1 bps10 Kbps1 Mbps10 Mbps100 Mbps1 Gbps10 Gbps100 GbpsPA100 Kbps0. B/sec Disk I/O%I64d KB/sec Disk I/O%I64d MB/sec Disk I/O%I64d GB/sec Disk I/O%I64d bps Network I/O%I64d Kbps Network I/O%I64d Mbps Network I/O%I64d Gbps Network I/O%I64d%% CPU Usage%I64d%% Used Physical Memory%I64d Hard Faults/sec%I64d%% Maximum FrequencyPA%I64d%% Network Utilization%I64d%% Highest Active Time%I64d MB In Use%I64d MB Available%d MBDisk %s (%s) Queue LengthCPU %dCPU %d (Node %d) NUMA Node %d<All NUMA Nodes> <All CPUs>4Select the nodes that will appear in the chart pane.PA9Select the processors that will appear in the chart pane.Select NUMA NodesSelect ProcessorsSelect NUMA &Nodes...Select Pro&cessors... %s - Parked%s (PID: %d) Thread: %s0One or more threads of %s are in waiting status.'%s is waiting for another process (%s).%s is waiting for a process in deadlock (%s). You can end the deadlocked process to resolve the issue immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself.%s is waiting for multiple processes in deadlock. You can end the deadlocked processes to resolve the issue immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself.%s is in deadlock. You can end the process to resolve the deadlock immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself.%s is in deadlock with one or more processes. You can end the processes to resolve the deadlock immediately, or you can wait to see if the issue resolves itself.PA%s is not responding.<One or more threads of %s are waiting to finish network I/O.=%s is waiting for another process (%s) to finish network I/O.%s is running normally.%s is suspended.PA- (Page File)%s (%s) (NTFS Volume Log) (NTFS Master File Table) (NTFS Free Space Map)%s *32PA#Image: Process executable file namePID: Process ID/Description: Description of the executable file Status: Process execution status!Threads: Number of active threads6CPU: Current percent of CPU consumption by the processJAverage CPU: Average percent of CPU consumption by the process (60-second)ROperating System Context: Operating system context in which the process is running,File: Name of the file in use by the processVRead (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second read from the file in the last minuteXWrite (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second written to the file in the last minute&IO Priority: Priority of I/O transfers6Response Time (ms): Disk response time in milliseconds2Address: Address to which the process is connectedHSend (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second sent in the last minuteOReceive (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second received in the last minutePTotal (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second transferred in the last minuteQHard Faults/sec: Average number of hard page faults per second in the last minute\Commit (KB): Amount of virtual memory reserved by the operating system for the process in KBQWorking Set (KB): Amount of physical memory currently in use by the process in KBmShareable (KB): Amount of physical memory in use by the process that can be shared with other processes in KBjPrivate (KB): Amount of physical memory in use by the process that cannot be used by other processes in KBName: Service namePID: Service process ID'Description: Description of the serviceStatus: Service statusGroup: Service groupGCPU: Current percent of CPU consumption by services within this process[Average CPU: Average percent of CPU consumption by services within this process (60-second)Type: Handle typeHHandle Name: Name of the handle associated with the selected process(es)BModule Name: Name of the module loaded by the selected process(es)%Version: Version number of the module'Full Path: Full path to the module fileWRead (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second read by the process in the last minute[Write (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second written by the process in the last minutemTotal (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second accessed by the process (read and write) in the last minute"Logical Disk: Logical drive letter$Physical Disk: Physical drive number8Active Time (%): Percentage of time the disk is not idleFAvailable Space (MB): Amount of free space on the physical drive in MB9Total Space (MB): Total space on the physical drive in MB,Disk Queue Length: Average disk queue lengthWSend (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second sent by the process in the last minute^Receive (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second received by the process in the last minuterTotal (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second transferred by the process (send and receive) in the last minute.Local Address: Local address of the connection(Local Port: Local port of the connection0Remote Address: Remote address of the connection*Remote Port: Remote port of the connection/Latency (ms): Roundtrip latency in milliseconds(Packet Loss (%): Percent of packets lost8Address: Local address on which the process is listening-Port: Local port number in use by the process.Protocol: Network protocol used by the process%Firewall Status: Port firewall status>User Name: The name of the user whose session owns the processCCycle: Current percent of CPU cycle time consumption by the processWAverage Cycle: Average percent of CPU cycle time consumption by the process (60-second)fTotal (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second read from and written to the file in the last minuteEPlatform: Platform (32 Bit or 64 Bit) on which the process is running0Elevated: The process is running elevated or not\Send (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second sent over the connection in the last minutecReceive (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second received over the connection in the last minutedTotal (B/sec): Average number of bytes per second transferred over the connection in the last minuteEPlatform: Platform (16 Bit or 32 Bit) on which the process is runningClick to expandaTotal: Amount of physical memory available to the operating system, device drivers, and processes>Installed: Amount of physical memory installed in the computerFree: Memory that does not contain any valuable data, and that will be used first when processes, drivers or the operating system need more memoryNStandby: Memory that contains cached data and code that is not actively in useaModified: Memory whose contents must be written to disk before it can be used for another purposeBIn Use: Memory used by processes, drivers, or the operating systemAvailable: Amount of memory (including Standby and Free memory) that is immediately available for use by processes, drivers, or the operating systemCached: Amount of memory (including Standby and Modified memory) containing cached data and code for rapid access by processes, drivers, and the operating systemeHardware Reserved: Memory that is reserved for use by the BIOS and some drivers for other peripheralsPA InstalledTotal0 Hard Faults/secPA0 KB/sec0 MB Available 0 MB In Use0 MB0 Mbps00000000% Highest Active Time0% Maximum Frequency0% Network Utilization0% Used Physical MemoryPA0%0%0%0%0% 10 KB/sec10 Mbps1010100 Hard Faults/sec100100%100%100%100% 60 Seconds AvailableCachedTCP ConnectionsTCP Connections CPU - TotalCPU ProcessesDisk Disk ActivityFreeAssociated HandlesHard Faults/secIn UseLocal Area ConnectionPhysical MemoryMemory ProcessesModifiedAssociated ModulesNetworkNetwork Activity NUMA NodeListening PortsProcesses with Disk ActivityProcesses with Network ActivityService CPU UsageServicesStandbyStorage Commit ChargeUsed Physical MemoryPAViewsCPUDiskNetworkMemoryHardware Reserved CPU Usage CPU FrequencyDisk I/ODisk Highest Active Time Network I/ONetwork UtilizationHard Faults/sec!Percent of Physical Memory in UsePhysical Memory In UsePhysical Memory AvailableService CPU UsageFiltering Status Search BoxClear Search Box Start SearchRefresh Pane SplitterTable Splitter Expand TableCollapse Charts Chart Scale Expand Charts Tab ControlChartsTablesCollapse Table11@00dPPPP$Response Time Start Stop Error Information HMicrosoft-Windows-Diagnosis-WDC 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationPFileDescriptionPerformance Monitorr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)0InternalNamewdc.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.@ OriginalFilenamewdc.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation GIF89a !, &ˬ\rttz ;PGIF89a``@@``@` @`@``!,w$̒Œ$ 1::p (dx"ju{nc@&HhPjBN  k~OQU~U #sQBX -  X-# ,!;PAGIF89a hyƤͭ!!, j@pH, d`t:łH(+z'aA@^lE#7ȤbXn qu ^`l qqbx{V| FDA;PADGIF89a%&*,)+PQPRPRPRWX^``blmfhghWYbdz{qsWZz}؅ȁǁńňʐ͞ҡէЫȥ¶zyzР{y|  !!,,,,00--..446699??DD44``nnllonrr炂Ѐ˅ڐ睝ό頠ԑЏӝܨ֫㶶軻ԫѽϽ!, T(Ŋ'VH4p "-^pƋ(9TD D0 P3eI -L@t +nhj@E9t; C:QHq0KN#NƸ@"hбK'b殀J?5 KdSp BJ'ZpǏ#B є,>`rdH Rl)G RB(=8Ō  ` X R J K1H 5G FE!S)=V+W-R+Z0]4P.c;+dH,jEhEoKqM{YoSeLBx2dsXgipwqN}?{|}U~Hle<&N@*O+M(Dudk^xq-*N,I!<]0?U7]{RG.aE3R&ZHPrATpHi^sgnbIx2`ChI`DkLpQYEgQTwDYuLq]A^Dp!l,lk_]^khc[CRb`iZLJ52;PTY:1>BA($ lkVK8%4.!-SkX?+!0@
Overview of Performance Monitor
You can use Performance Monitor to view performance data either in real time or from a log file. Create Data Collector Sets to configure and schedule performance counter, event trace, and configuration data collection so that you can analyze the results and view reports.

To begin, expand Monitoring Tools and click Performance Monitor, or expand Data Collector Sets or Reports.

The new Resource Monitor lets you view detailed real-time information about hardware resources (CPU, disk, network, and memory) and system resources (including handles and modules) in use by the operating system, services, and running applications. In addition, you can use Resource Monitor to stop processes, start and stop services, analyze process deadlocks, view thread wait chains, and identify processes locking files.

System Summary
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Report Status