MZÿÿ¸@¸º´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ÑRØ•3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HÌ´‹”3}‹H̱‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELà!  "@ü@$ .rsrc0"@@è€(€ @€X€p€ˆ€ € ¸ È Øð°ä Ääd,ÀäMUIÍþÍþ° 2««Á,È„tjL@"žLa!“Mš÷즧,†Uˆ˜  MUI en-USWÄYË”5ÍïÄ{ñ)T+ ü° ãhA==$ÚÛ 00pÛPP(ßPP<ßpptß=€#=€ðßÀñ°°òÐÈД÷hThe function or feature is not yet implemented. xA type description is required for WS_TYPE value '%1'. ˆA type description may not be specified for WS_TYPE value '%1'.  The WS_TYPE '%1' may not be used with the specified WS_FIELD_MAPPING value. xThe WS_TYPE '%1' may not be used as an optional field. ŒThe WS_TYPE '%1' does not support specifying a WS_DEFAULT_VALUE. „The WS_TYPE '%1' may only be used as a field of a structure. tThe WS_TYPE '%1' can not be used as a nillable value. xThe WS_TYPE '%1' may not be used with WS_FIELD_POINTER. TThe WS_TYPE '%1' value was not valid. ¼One or more of the specified WS_FIELD_OPTIONS '%1' was not supported for the given type. ˆOne or more of the specified WS_FIELD_OPTIONS '%1' was invalid. ´A default value may not be specified when using the specified WS_FIELD_OPTIONS '%1'. ´A default value may not be specified when using the specified WS_FIELD_MAPPING '%1'. ˆThe field offset/size was outside of the containing structure. „A type description may not be specified for the WS_TYPE '%1'. lThe binding type was not recognized or supported. tThe property ID '%1' was not recognized or supported. ¤The property ID '%1' was specified more than once in the list of properties. ¨The channel could not be shut down for output because a message is being sent. ¤The operation could not be completed because the channel has been shut down. ÜThe operation could not be completed because the channel is in the process of shutting down the session. ¨The operation could not be completed because the channel is in a faulted state. ¸The operation could not be completed because the metadata object is in a faulted state. ´The operation could not be completed because the policy object is in a faulted state. ÀThe operation could not be completed because the metadata object is in the resolved state. \The addressing version '%1' was invalid. °The addressing version of the message '%1' does not match that of the channel '%2'. ¬The envelope version of the message '%1' does not match that of the channel '%2'. ¨The current message state '%1' was not appropriate for the requested operation. xThe specified repeating header option '%1' was invalid. ¸The header '%1' with an empty namespace was present in the message when it was written. The message contained a header '%1' that did not have a namespace. hThe body element '%1' did not have a namespace. lThe custom header '%1' did not have a namespace. ¬There were two or more headers present in the message when only one was expected. ¨The current channel state '%1' was not appropriate for the requested operation. \The operation requires a server channel. ¬The current listener state '%1' was not appropriate for the requested operation. `The specified decimal value was not valid. `The URL matching options '%1' were invalid. ”The received transport URL '%1' did not match the endpoint URL '%2'. ŒThe received To header '%1' did not match the endpoint URL '%2'. „The URL scheme did not match the URL scheme of the endpoint. œThe port number in the URL did not match the port number of the endpoint. The host portion of the URL did not match the host of the endpoint. The path portion of the URL did not match the path of the endpoint. ¬The URL contained a query string but the endpoint did not expect a query string. HThe URL path '%1' is not valid. DUnable to get computer name. ´The URL '%1' has an incorrect scheme for this channel. The scheme '%2' was expected.  The current listener state was not appropriate for the requested operation.  The operation could not be completed because the channel has been aborted.  The operation could not be completed because the listener has been aborted. ”The operation could not be completed because the listener is closing. ”The operation could not be completed due to the state of the object. An integer value in the framing format exceeded the maximum value. |The length of the framing via string exceeded the quota. €The length of the framing fault string exceeded the quota. |The length of the content type string exceeded the quota. ˆThe length of the buffered protocol record exceeded the quota. hThe content type '%1' was not correctly formed. ˆThe same parameter appeared more than once in the content type. \The remote endpoint was unable to start. œAn unrecognized fault with the value '%1' was received from the endpoint. ÐAn unexpected framing record was received. Record '%2' was expected, but record '%1' was received. ÀThe framing record type '%1' was received but is not valid for this framing format version. pThe content type did not match the expected value. The content type '%1/%2' did not match the expected value '%3/%4'. dThe specified content type was not supported. pThe message could not be dispatched to the service. lThe specified mode of framing was not recognized. ˜There was an premature end of stream while reading framing information. PThe framing mode was not supported. |The size of the message exceeded the quota of the server. ”The size of the message being written exceeds the quota of %1 bytes. ŒThe size of the message being read exceeds the quota of %1 bytes. œThe number of headers processed in the message exceeds the quota ('%1').  A message was expected but no more messages were available on the channel. ÐA header with local name '%1' and namespace '%2' was required, but was not present in the message. èA fault detail element with local name '%1' and namespace '%2' was required, but was not present in the fault. ØA header with local name '%1' and namespace '%2' was required to be understood, but was not understood. ´The value of the must understand attribute of the message header was not '0' or '1'. @Multiple message descriptions can not be specified when receiving a reply with transport addressing, because the message does not contain an action header. The action header was expected but was not present in the message. PThe action '%1' was not recognized. LA send operation is in progress. PA receive operation is in progress. PAn accept operation is in progress. The specified encoding is not valid because it requires a session. ¼The channel type '%1' was not valid or can not be used with the specific channel binding. ¸The custom channel callbacks are required for a custom channel but were not specified. ¸The custom channel callbacks are required for a custom listener but were not specified. ˜The channel type '%1' must be created using WsCreateChannelForListener. €The channel transfer mode is not correct for this function. \The HTTP request header '%1' was invalid. |The character '%1' is not a valid HTTP header character. LThe HTTP header mapping was NULL. PThe HTTP status text was too long. €The HTTP header mapping '%1' was specified more than once. lThe HTTP header mapping option '%1' was invalid. pThe HTTP response mapping option '%1' was invalid. lThe HTTP request mapping option '%1' was invalid. ŒThe requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. XThe service is temporarily overloaded. TThe requested resource was not found. „The requested resource is available at one or more locations. ÌThe requested resource is no longer available at the server, and no forwarding address is known. LThe requested resource has moved. tThe requested resource requires user authentication. |The server understood the request, but cannot fulfill it. LProxy authentication is required. dThe server was unable to process the request. dThe request timed out waiting for a gateway. dThe server timed out waiting for the request. \The HTTP request was incorrectly formed. ˆThe HTTP server did not support the method used in the request. €The HTTP server did not find an acceptable response format. ˆThe format of the HTTP request was not supported by the server. tThe response from the HTTP server was not recognized. `The server returned HTTP status code '%1'. |The server returned HTTP status code '%1' with text '%2'. ¼The client did not support any of the HTTP authentication schemes required by the server. ¨The HTTP response indicated an error, but the message did not contain a fault. |The SOAPAction HTTP header was missing from the request. The SOAPAction HTTP header appeared more than once in the request. xThe SOAPAction HTTP header was not correctly formatted. €The SOAPAction HTTP header did not match the Action header. €There was an error communicating with the endpoint at '%1'. xThe host name '%1' appeared more than once in the list. \The envelope version '%1' was not valid. ¤The attribute '%1' was not expected on the element '%2' from namespace '%3'. ”The addressing header is not supported for the version of addressing. DThe HTTP verb was not 'POST'. @The URL specified is NULL. DThe scheme '%1' is not valid. LThe scheme id '%1' is not valid. @The port '%1' is not valid. „The characters '%1' are not a valid percent-encoded sequence. PThe characters '%1' were expected. hThe characters '%1' are not a valid host name. \The characters '%1' are not a valid port. TThe characters '%1' are not expected. @The URL '%1' is not valid. hThe specified receive option '%1' is not valid. \The specified encoding '%1' is not valid. ”Message-level security may not be used with envelope version 'none'. pThe raw encoding can not be used with this channel. œThe raw encoding requires that the status code and status text be mapped. „Envelope version 'none' may be not be used with this channel. xEnvelope version 'none' requires transport addressing. ŒThe encoding '%1' can not be used with the envelope version '%2'. @The HTTP verb was invalid. xThe length of the HTTP header value exceeded the quota. PThe HTTP header value was missing. €An attempt was made to add the HTTP header more than once. hThe number of HTTP headers exceeded the quota. `The specified encoding value is not valid. DThe HTTP header was invalid. hThe system was unable to generate a unique ID. °The relates to ID value of the reply message did not match the request message ID. lThe requested framing upgrade was not supported. ¼The client is requesting the framing upgrade '%1' which is not registered on the server. ¨The client is requesting the framing upgrade '%1', but the server expects '%2'. The client completed the protocol stream without negotiating all registered framing upgrades. Expected server framing upgrade name: '%1'. xThe framing upgrade '%1' data block is not sufficient. ¤The total size of the header and trailer used for processing data overflows. ´The size of the send data to be processed is larger than the maximum send data size. tThe framing upgrade protocol is in an invalid state. XThe specified URL contained a fragment.  End of channel was expected, but the start of a message was found instead. XThe message has already been addressed. `The specified URL contained a query string. tThe session dictionary data was not correctly formed. ¬The session dictionary string '%1' was specified more than once for the session. xThe size of the session dictionary exceeded the quota. dThe event object was not able to be created. ˜The file completion notification mode for the handle could not be set. pThe socket library was not able to be initialized. |There was an error disabling cookies on the HTTP request. dThere was an error forming the HTTP request. „There was an error setting the timeout for the HTTP request. dThere was an error sending the HTTP request. dThere was an error receiving the HTTP reply. `There was an error parsing the HTTP reply. dThe HTTP reply was missing a required header. `There was an error creating the TCP socket. |There was an error binding the TCP socket to an address. ˆThere was an error setting the exclusive address socket option. xThere was an error setting the IPv6 only socket option. lThere was an error receiving from the TCP socket. pThere was an error sending data on the TCP socket. `There was an error closing the TCP socket. €There was an error shutting down output for the TCP socket. dThere was an error connecting the TCP socket. lThere was an error binding the TCP listen socket. ”There was an error getting the accept function for the listen socket. ˆThere was an error getting the connect function for the socket. ŒThe specified IP address '%1' does not match the IP version '%2'. ´The IPv6 address '%1' must be enclosed in brackets when used as a host name in a URL. `There was an error parsing the IP address.  The IP address '%1' was invalid or did not match the specified IP version. hThe size of the socket address was not correct. ˆThe address family '%1' of the socket address was not correct. XThe channel does not support sessions. ˆThere was an error updating the accept context for the socket. ˆThere was an error updating the connect context for the socket. hThere was an error listening on the TCP socket. `There was an error accepting a TCP socket. `There was an error creating the UDP socket. pThere was an error sending data on the UDP socket. lThere was an error receiving from the UDP socket. |There was an error binding the UDP socket to an address. pThere was an error creating the HTTP request queue. hThere was an error receiving the HTTP request. `There was an error sending the HTTP reply. HUnable to create timer object. ˜Unable to determine IP addresses for DNS host name '%1' and port '%2'.  No usable IP addresses were returned for DNS host name '%1' and port '%2'. XThe HTTP library failed to initialized. PA reply channel can not be opened. pThe dynamic link library '%1' could not be loaded. The import '%2' from dynamic link library '%1' could not be found. dUnable to get the handle for the module '%1'. ØA field with field mapping type '%1' was in an incorrect position, or may not be used in this context. TThe struct option '%1' is not valid. ¼The abstract struct option was specified but the type does not contain a type attribute. ¬The struct can not be serialized or de-serialized because it is marked abstract. ”A structure that supports derivation may not be used in this context. „The field mapping type '%1' may not be used in this context. HThe specified LANGID was zero. The LANGID may not be set without first resetting the error object. @The fault reason was: '%1'. `The error code '%1' was not a failure code. XUnable to initialize critical section. èA runtime memory allocation requires %1 bytes more than what is available in the heap with a limit of %2 bytes. tThe endpoint address extension type '%1' is invalid. ˆThere were too many extension elements in the endpoint address. €The metadata reference in the endpoint address was missing. pThe URI value in the endpoint address was missing. dThe ReplyTo/FaultTo address is not anonymous. HThe ReplyTo header is missing. pThe XML reader was not positioned in an attribute. pThe XML writer was not positioned in an attribute. hThe XML writer was positioned in an attribute. XThe value could not be parsed as a URI. lThe element name and namespace must be specified. XThe string contained an embedded zero. øThe size specified was not the correct size for the type. The type requires '%1' bytes, but '%2' bytes were specified. dThe specified type must be read as a pointer. lThe specified type must be written as a pointer. lThe value '%1' was not valid as a WS_READ_OPTION. €The read option value '%1' may not be used in this context. dA heap object is required to read this type. tA value was expected in the XML, but none was found. PThe resource string was too large. |The field type does not support an XML attribute mapping. pThe body of the received message contained a fault. ”The message being abandoned is not currently being sent or received. ˜The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.  pAn attempt to allocate '%1' bytes of memory failed. XA completion port could not be created. `Work could not be queued to another thread. HA thread could not be created. DA pipe could not be created. @A pipe could not be opened. HA pipe could not be connected. PAn I/O packet could not be created. œThe buffer of length (%1) was not large enough to complete the operation. ˜The length of the buffer was '%2' bytes, but '%1' bytes were expected. dThe maximum length of a buffer was exceeded. dThe maximum length of a string was exceeded. °The string '%1' contains character value zero, which is not legal in this context. The characters '%1' either cannot be parsed as a signed 32 bit integer, or its value is out of range of a signed 32 bit integer. The characters '%1' either cannot be parsed as a signed 64 bit integer, or its value is out of range of a signed 64 bit integer. The characters '%1' either cannot be parsed as an unsigned 32 bit integer, or its value is out of range of an unsigned 32 bit integer. The characters '%1' either cannot be parsed as an unsigned 64 bit integer, or its value is out of range of an unsigned 64 bit integer. (The characters '%1' either cannot be parsed as a 64 bit floating point number, or its value is out of range of a 64 bit floating point number. The characters '%1' either cannot be parsed as a 128 bit fixed point number, or its value is out of range of a 128 bit fixed point number. ¨The characters '%1' cannot be parsed as a bool ('true', 'false', '1', or '0'). ÜThe signed 32 bit integer %1 could not be converted to a signed 8 bit integer because it is out of range. àThe signed 32 bit integer %1 could not be converted to a signed 16 bit integer because it is out of range. äThe signed 32 bit integer %1 could not be converted to an unsigned 8 bit integer because it is out of range. äThe signed 32 bit integer %1 could not be converted to an unsigned 16 bit integer because it is out of range. èThe unsigned 32 bit integer %1 could not be converted to an unsigned 16 bit integer because it is out of range. äThe signed 32 bit integer %1 could not be converted to an unsigned 64 bit integer because it is out of range. àThe signed 64 bit integer %1 could not be converted to a signed 32 bit integer because it is out of range. äThe signed 64 bit integer %1 could not be converted to an unsigned 32 bit integer because it is out of range. äThe signed 64 bit integer %1 could not be converted to an unsigned 64 bit integer because it is out of range. äThe unsigned 64 bit integer %1 could not be converted to a signed 32 bit integer because it is out of range. äThe unsigned 64 bit integer %1 could not be converted to a signed 64 bit integer because it is out of range. XThe dateTime format '%1' is not valid. XThe year %1 is out of range (1 - 9999). XThe month %1 is out of range (1 - 12). lThe day %3 is out of range for year %1, month %2. dThe value '%1' could not be parsed as a date. dThe value '%1' could not be parsed as a GUID. dThe value '%1' could not be parsed as a GUID. xThe value '%1' could not be parsed as a qualified name. lThe value '%1' could not be parsed as a timespan. ÄOne of the time components is out of range. The number of days must be less than %1, hours less than 24, minutes less than 60, seconds less than 60. A value of 24 is permitted for hours if minutes and seconds are zero. The unsigned 32 bit integers %1 and %2 could not be added because it would be out of the range of an unsigned 32 bit integer. The unsigned 32 bit integers %1 and %2 could not be multiplied because it would be out of the range of an unsigned 32 bit integer. dThe maximum length of an array was exceeded. The unsigned 64 bit integers %1 and %2 could not be added because it would be out of the range of an unsigned 64 bit integer. The unsigned 64 bit integers %1 and %2 could not be multiplied because it would be out of the range of an unsigned 64 bit integer. ðThe xml document is not correctly formed because it ended unexpectedly. At least '%1' additional bytes are needed. The xml document could not be read because it was larger than expected. The data did not fit within the buffer size of '%1' bytes. ˜The numbers of bytes written exceeded the specified quota of %1 bytes. œThe value '%1' contains the non-ASCII character '%2' which is not valid. ¬The number of bytes encoded (%1) did not equal the number of bytes expected (%2). ÀThe number of characters decoded (%1) did not equal the number of characters expected (%2). The number of characters (%1) in the base64 sequence is not valid. A base64 sequence should be a multiple of four characters. ŒThe characters '%1' are not a valid 4 character base64 sequence. TThe value %1 is not a valid charset. XThe value '%1' is not a valid charset. hThe value %1 is not a valid Unicode character. tThe values (%2, %1) are not a utf16 encoded sequence. pThe value %1 is not a valid utf8 encoded lead byte. ˆThe values %1, %2 are not a valid 2 byte utf8 encoded sequence. The values %1, %2, %3 are not a valid 3 byte utf8 encoded sequence. ˜The values %1, %2, %3, %4 are not a valid 4 byte utf8 encoded sequence. |The value '%1' ends with a partial utf8 encoded sequence. €The value '%1' ends with a partial utf16 encoded sequence. hThe xml contains the unexpected node type (%1). lThe xml contains an invalid dictionary reference. XThe xml contains an invalid qualified. xThe xml contains an invalid multibyte encoded integer. PThe xml contains an invalid length. `The moveTo value specified (%1) is invalid. pThe root node of an xml buffer may not be removed. pAn end element of an xml buffer may not be removed. |The value '%1' is not a valid for a prefix or localName. `The character reference '%1' is not valid. TThe character value %1 is not valid. lThe characters '%1' were expected but not found. lThe end element '%1' was expected but not found. XThe character '\' or '"' was expected. tThe characters '%1' are not valid as element content. xThe characters '%1' are not valid as attribute content. hThe prefix '%1' is not bound to any namespace. hThe namespace '%1' is not bound to any prefix. œAn attribute with an empty prefix cannot be bound to the empty namespace. ÀThe prefix '%1' cannot be bound to the namespace '%2' because the prefix begins with 'xml'. xThe prefix '%1' cannot be bound to the empty namespace. ¨The prefix '%1' cannot be bound to namespace '%3' because it is bound to '%2'. ¨The maximum number of namespaces in scope of %1 for the document was exceeded. PA CR/LF was expected but not found. tMultiple mime headers with the name '%1' were found. \The mime header '%1' could not be found. TThe mime header could not be parsed. œThe mime boundary '%1' was not be found, or it was not followed by CR/LF. ˜A position indicated by the specified moveTo value (%1) was not found. XThe reader position could not be moved. XThe writer position could not be moved. The writer must be positioned on an element to write an attribute. ´The writer must be positioned on an element or attribute to write an xmlns attribute. `The writer is already writing an attribute. lThe writer is not currently writing an attribute.  The current attribute must be ended before this operation can be performed. hOnly one value for an attribute may be written. `The output for the writer has not been set. TThe writer is already writing CDATA. `The writer is not currently writing CDATA. |The CDATA must be ended before an element can be written. „The CDATA must be ended before an end element can be written. `The input for the reader has not been set. |There are two xmlns attributes with the same prefix '%1'. ”There are two attributes with the same name '%1' and namespace '%2'. A start element with the name '%1' and namespace '%2' was expected. lA start element with the name '%1' was expected. tA start element with the namespace '%1' was expected. DA start element was expected. DAn end element was expected. °A start element with the name '%1' and namespace '%2' was found, but not expected. `The text '%1' was found, but not expected. LText was found, but not expected. `An end element was found, but not expected. `An start CDATA was found, but not expected. \An end CDATA was found, but not expected. |The end of the input source was found, but not expected. ŒThe reader must be positioned on an element to find an attribute. ðThe attribute with the name '%1' and namespace '%2' was not found on the element with name '%3' and namespace '%4'. `The reader is already reading an attribute. ŒThe reader must be positioned on an element to read an attribute. The attribute index specified (%1) is out of range. There are only %2 attributes on the element '%3' with namespace '%4'. lThe reader is not currently reading an attribute. ÀAn error occurred at row %1, column %2 when the XML reader is processing the input source. œThe reader is at the end of the input source and cannot advance further. XThe header attributes '%1' are invalid. \The resource parameter index was invalid. dToo many resource parameters were specified. DThe string index was invalid. HThe URL flags '%1' are invalid. TThe max message size '%1' is invalid. `The max message start size '%1' is invalid. `The fault disclosure value '%1' is invalid. `The max message flush size '%1' is invalid. LThe header type '%1' is invalid. XThe buffer size specified was invalid. TThe id of the xml string was invalid. lThe size of the property must be a multiple of 4. <The fault action is NULL. 0The fault is NULL. 8The fault code is NULL. LNo fault reasons were specified. tThe pointer that stores the allocated value is NULL. PThe error string index is invalid. 0The error is NULL. 0The string is NULL. HThe header attributes are NULL. XThe reader object specified is invalid. XThe writer object specified is invalid. XThe buffer object specified is invalid. \The message object specified is invalid. TThe heap object specified is invalid. \The channel object specified is invalid. \The listener object specified is invalid. \The metadata object specified is invalid. XThe policy object specified is invalid. hThe policy alternative count specified is NULL. XThe endpoint address specified is NULL. pThe metadata endpoints structure specified is NULL. „The security binding constraint structure specified is NULL. XThe error object specified is invalid. DThe value specified is NULL. LThe localName specified is NULL. dThe localName specified has a length of zero. LThe namespace specified is NULL. XThe character count specified is NULL. LThe byte count specified is NULL. XThe attribute index specified is NULL. HThe buffers specified is NULL. `The buffer specified at index '%1' is NULL. HThe encoding specified is NULL. PThe reader input specified is NULL. TThe writer output specified is NULL. HThe position specified is NULL. PThe position specified is invalid. DThe prefix specified is NULL. XThe attribute value specified is NULL. HThe comment specified is NULL. @The text specified is NULL. @The node specified is NULL. HThe callback specified is NULL. xThe list of text specified has a NULL text at index %1. `The message description specified is NULL. hThe fault detail description specified is NULL. DThe array specified is NULL. PThe array count specified is NULL. LThe dictionary specified is NULL. HThe message specified is NULL. |The list of text specified has a nested list at index %1. TThe encoding type (%1) is not valid. „The encoding type (%1) is not valid within the MTOM encoding. LThe value type (%1) is not valid. LThe text type (%1) is not valid. LThe node type (%1) is not valid. ”The indent value (%1) is too large. The maximum indent value is %2. pThe message initialization type (%1) is not valid. `The specified alignment (%1) is not valid. LThe xml string specified is null. |The channel specified was not created with this listener. lCould not retrieve the environment variable '%1'. ˜The operation is not allowed in the current send state of the channel. œThe operation is not allowed in the current receive state of the channel. ŒUnable to increment the reference to the specified module handle. HUnable to get handle of module. ˆThe maximum allowed depth of %1 for the document was exceeded.  The maximum allowed policy extensions of %1 for the document was exceeded. °The maximum number of attributes of %1 for an element in the document was exceeded. ´The policy extension '%1' from namespace '%2' appeared more than once in the policy. ˆOnly one element is permitted at the top-level of the document. ˆThere is non-whitespace text at the top-level of the document. There is non-whitespace text '%1' at the top-level of the document. \A matching start element was not written. tCDATA is not valid at the top-level of the document. hThe mtom format cannot be used with fragments. `The specified IP version (%1) was invalid. PThe callback model %1 was invalid. LThe transfer mode %1 was invalid. HThe cookie mode %1 was invalid. ÐThe callback could not be invoke long because the work item could not be queued to the threadpool. ”The specified object was not valid. It may already have been freed. tThe callback in the async context structure was NULL. „The listener could not be freed because it is in state '%1'. €The channel could not be freed because it is in state '%1'. |The message could not be abandoned because IO is pending. ¤The size of the de-serialized data was less than the specified minimum size. ˜The size of the de-serialized data exceeded the specified maximum size. The de-serialized value was less than the specified minimum value. ”The de-serialized value was greater than the specified maximum value. pThe de-serialized value was not the expected value. ¤The number of de-serialized items was less than the specified minimum count. ¨The number of de-serialized items was greater than the specified maximum count. €The value '%1' was not a valid name within the enumeration. ¸The 'xml:%1' attribute was expected for the element with name '%2' and namespace '%3'. |A WS_DEFAULT_VALUE may not be specified for the WS_TYPE. ˜The specified WS_DEFAULT_VALUE was the incorrect size for the WS_TYPE. <The count field is NULL. „The element namespace of the WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION is NULL. ŒThe element namespace of the WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION is not NULL. PThe WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION is NULL. TThe WS_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION is NULL. ŒThe attribute local name of the WS_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION is NULL. ŒThe attribute namespace of the WS_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION is NULL. |The type local name of the WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION is NULL. |The type namespace of the WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION is NULL. |The field local name of the WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION is NULL. |The field namespace of the WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION is NULL. „The field local name of the WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION is not NULL. „The field namespace of the WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION is not NULL. ˆThe field item local name of the WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION is NULL. „The field item namespace of the WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION is NULL. The field item local name of the WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION is not NULL. The field item local name of the WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION is not NULL. „The field item range of the WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION is not NULL. tA callback in the WS_CUSTOM_TYPE_DESCRIPTION is NULL. ŒThe pointer specified to accept the de-serialized value is NULL. ÀThe element with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was not one of the expected element choices. ÄThe element with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was not one of the expected element wildcards. ÌThe attribute with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was not one of the expected attribute wildcards. ŒThe attribute with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was not expected. tThe value '%1' was not a valid choice for the union. `A NULL WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION was specified. `A NULL WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION was specified. pThe value '%1' is not a valid as a WS_WRITE_OPTION. tThe value being serialized was NULL but is required. ”The value '%1' was not a valid value within the WS_ENUM_DESCRIPTION. The WS_XML_BUFFER being serialized may only have a single element. pThe value '%1' was outside the bounds of the array. ÀThe index '%1' with size '%2' represents a range that was outside the bounds of the array. dThe enum name of the WS_ENUM_VALUE was NULL. „The URL scheme '%1' was not supported for metadata retrieval. PThe URL '%1' contained a fragment. The WSDL document contained an extensibility element with name '%1' from namespace '%2' that was required but not recognized. tThe policy with URL '%1' was defined more than once. ÌThe portType with name '%1' from namespace '%2' was defined more than once in the WSDL document. ÌThe portType with name '%1' from namespace '%2' could not be found in any of the WSDL documents. ÈThe message with name '%1' from namespace '%2' could not be found in any of the WSDL documents. ÈThe binding with name '%1' from namespace '%2' was defined more than once in the WSDL document. ÈThe binding with name '%1' from namespace '%2' could not be found in any of the WSDL documents. ÈThe service with name '%1' from namespace '%2' was defined more than once in the WSDL document. ÈThe message with name '%1' from namespace '%2' was defined more than once in the WSDL document. ÜA policy was referenced with the URL '%1' but could not be located within the set of metadata documents. ÄThere was a duplicate message '%1' in portType '%2' from namespace '%3' in the WSDL document. ÀThere was a missing message '%1' in portType '%2' from namespace '%3' in the WSDL document. ØA binding operation did not reference all the messages in the portType operation in the WSDL document. A binding operation referenced messages in the portType that did not correspond to type of the referencing message in the WSDL document. ÔA single binding operation referenced messages in different portType operations in the WSDL document. ÔA binding operation had a message exchange pattern than the portType operation in the WSDL document. ÄA binding operation referenced the same portType message more than once in the WSDL document. ´An input message was specified more than once for the operation in the WSDL document. ¸An output message was specified more than once for the operation in the WSDL document. „A fault message was in an invalid order in the WSDL document. pA fault message was not named in the WSDL document. ˆAn input message was in an invalid order in the WSDL document. ˆAn output message was in an invalid order in the WSDL document. ŒNo messages were specified for an operation in the WSDL document. ´The policy assertion '%1' from namespace '%2' appeared more than once in the policy. hThe policy alternative index '%1' was invalid. hThe limit of %1 metadata documents was reached. ˜The depth limit of %1 was exceeded while processing a policy document. ´The limit of %1 policy alternatives was exceeded while processing a policy document. The host name '%1' of the metadata address was not in the list of acceptable host names specified when the metadata object was created. `The policy constraints structure was NULL. ¸There was more than one soap binding element for a given binding in the WSDL document. $The size of the allowed values array in the property constraint was invalid. The size must be a multiple of the size of the property value. XThe policy assertion index was invalid. xThe security binding constraint type %1 was not valid. The security binding constraint type '%1' appeared more than once. ´The security binding constraint type %1 can only be used with a TCP channel binding. ´The security binding constraint type %1 can only be used with a TCP channel binding. œMore than one transport-level security binding constraint was specified. àA message security binding constraint type can not be used without a transport security binding constraint. ˜The addressing version (%1) is not supported for this type of channel. ˆThe specified type '%1' may not be used with header type '%2'. ¨The encoding in the policy alternative did not meet the specified requirements. ¬The transport type specified in the metadata was different than the one required. ÄThe addressing version setting in the policy alternative was different than the one required. ¼The trust version setting in the policy alternative was different than the one required. ¬The envelope version setting in the metadata was different than the one required. ÄThe security timestamp setting in the policy alternative as different than the one required. ”There claim type '%1' was not listed in the set of claim constraints. ˆThe policy required a client challenge but it is not supported. ˆThe policy required a server challenge but it is not supported. ¼The request security token template in the policy contained multiple sets of claim types. °The request security token template in the policy did not contain any claim types. ÜThe policy assertion '%1' from namespace '%2' was required but was not present in the policy alternative. ˆThe policy assertion '%1' from namespace '%2' was not handled. €The requested policy extension type '%1' is not supported. àThe name length of '%1' or the namespace length of '%2' for an unknown assertion in the policy is too long.  The policy was expected to be empty but contained at least one alternative. ¸The policy contained more than one alternative, which is not supported in this context. ˆThere was error matching policy for the endpoint with URL '%1'. ´There was an error matching policy for the message with name '%1' and namespace '%2'. ¸There was an error matching policy for the operation with name '%1' and namespace '%2'. ìThe policy assertion representing the type of transport security token to use was missing or was not recognized. ìThe policy assertion representing the HTTP header authentication scheme to use was missing or was not recognized. ÐThe policy alternative specified a security header layout that was different than the one required. àThe policy alternative specified a security algorithm suite name that was different than the one required. ÌThe policy alternative specified a version of security that was different than the one required. ¤The policy alternative did not contain a username token but one was required. ÀThe policy alternative specified a different username token version than the one required. ¸The policy alternative specified a different X.509 token version than the one required. ¨The policy alternative specified a token inclusion value than the one required. ÌThe policy alternative specified a transport token type that was different than the one required. ØThe policy alternative specified a transport protection level that was different than the one required. èThe policy alternative specified a HTTP header authentication scheme that was different than the one required. ¤The policy alternative did not contain a kerberos token but one was required.  The policy alternative did not contain a X.509 token but one was required. ¤The policy alternative did not contain an issued token but one was required. ÀThe policy alternative specified a different kerberos token version than the one required. ¤The policy alternative specified a different part to sign than was required. °The policy alternative specified more than one way of referencing the X.509 token. ¼The policy alternative did not contain a secure conversation token but one was required. €The policy required a derived key but it is not supported. ˜The policy required an external URI reference but it is not supported. ÔThe policy alternative specified a different secure conversation token version than the one required. °The policy alternative specified different entropy settings than the one required. \The specified timeout value is too large. hThe operation timed out after %1 milliseconds. hThe start of the message has not yet been sent. pThe start of the message has not yet been received. œThe message was a different message object than expected by the channel. ”The property is only available when the channel is in streaming mode. ”The property is only available when the channel is in buffered mode. <Service Host is aborting. pThe operation context object specified is invalid. hThe serviceHost parameter passed in is invalid. LArgument 'value' cannot be NULL. TArgument 'endpoints' cannot be NULL. PArgument 'address' cannot be NULL. hArgument 'operationDescription' cannot be NULL. ˜Action in the return message does not match the operation description. x'heap' argument cannot be NULL for a service operation. ÌWhen a default message handler on a channel is specified concurrency cannot be greater than one. ”Non session based Channels cannot have concurrency greater than one. `The soap.udp scheme requires a port number. Aborting this type of channel during an accept operation without first aborting the HTTP listener is not supported on this platform. ÌAborting an HTTP reply channel with a pending send or receive is not supported on this platform. ”The streamed output transfer mode is not supported on this platform. PAn input channel can not be opened. tUnable to set socket option (level %1 and option %2). tUnable to set the keep alive setting for the socket. ¸The property can not be set because the channel has not been configured for multicast. ¼The channel has been configured for multicast, but a specific address was not specified. |There was an error converting the IP address to a string. Multiple endpoint identity elements were found in endpoint address. PInvalid endpoint identity element. @Invalid endpoint identity. pThe 'serviceProxy' parameter passed in is invalid. ´The current service proxy state '%1' was not appropriate for the requested operation. œ'WsAbortServiceProxy' was called, as a result Service Proxy is aborting. `The call on the service proxy is abandoned. PIncorrect element description type.  The timeout for the call expired, the call has been abandoned as a result. `Processing instructions are not supported. tThe attribute '%1:%2' is not valid on a declaration. tThe attribute 'version' is required on a declaration. ÌThe attribute 'version' with value '%1' is not valid on a declaration. The value must be '1.0'. The attribute 'standalone' with value '%1' is not valid on a declaration. The value must be 'yes' or 'no' on a declaration. lThe attribute '%1' is not valid on a declaration. äThe encoding attribute specified on the xml declaration does not match the encoding specified for the reader. $The attribute 'encoding' with value '%1' is not valid on a declaration. The value must be one of 'utf8', 'utf-16', 'utf-16le' or 'utf-16be'. ìThe document is encoded as utf-16LE or utf16-BE but has an invalid length. The length must be a multiple of two. pSecurity is not supported for this channel binding. `The security description supplied is empty. „A security binding was repeated in the security description. lInvalid security binding in security description. dThis security setting is invalid for client. dThis security setting is invalid for server. tCustom identities are not supported for this binding.  The security properties are not applicable to the chosen security bindings. The specified security binding usage ('%1') is not applicable for the specified message security binding ('%2') in security description. The specified message security binding can only be used with an additional binding (such as the SSL binding) for message protection. pUsername credential is required, but not supplied. €The specified WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION is invalid. ŒUnsupported or invalid key size specification for token request. ŒUnsupported or invalid key type specification for token request. |A secure channel is required for WsRequestSecurityToken. ¨The RequestSecurityToken message received contained an incorrect request type. œThe RequestSecurityToken message received was not in the correct format. ¬The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received was not in the correct format. ¬The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received contained a duplicate element. ¨The key type of the issued token returned did not match the requested key type. œThe key size of the issued token returned did not match the requirements.  The requested key size for the issued token did not match the requirements. àThe context attribute did not match between RequestSecurityToken and RequestSecurityTokenResponse messages. ÈThe server returned a token that is not yet valid. Tokens must be valid when they are received. ÀThe server returned a token that expires too soon to be usable or that has already expired. |The WS_TRUST_VERSION '%1' is not valid or not supported. ˜The WS_SECURE_CONVERSATION_VERSION '%1' is not valid or not supported. PUnable to generate a random number. ¤The configuration of the application and bootstrap security are incompatible. œCannot perform trust exchange while the security context is being closed. ¸Unable to renew security context of the security context binding as renew is disabled. ÜThe security context of the security context binding was in an invalid state for the requested operation. ´The channel must receive at least one message before it can be used to send messages. °The server rejected the security context provided by the security context binding. ¸Renewing a token requires WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_EXISTING_TOKEN to be set. DWS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_EXISTING_TOKEN may not be set with WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION_ISSUE or WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION_NEW_CONTEXT. ¼WS_TRUST_VERSION_FEBRUARY_2005 does not support bearer key types as a request parameter. |The XML form of the token is required, but not supplied. ¤The XML form of the token's attached reference is required, but not supplied. `The security key type supplied is invalid. œNCRYPT key handle is supported only on Windows Vista and later platforms. ŒCAPI key handle is supported only on pre-Windows Vista platforms. hThe symmetric security key supplied is invalid. ÀExactly one top level element must be present in the WS_XML_BUFFER supplied for XML tokens. ¤The required XML token is missing from WS_XML_TOKEN_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING. ´The token supplied in the WS_XML_TOKEN_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING is of the wrong type. The token supplied in WsRequestSecurityToken is of the wrong type. œThe WS_SAML_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING may be used only on the server side. °The WS_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR specified in WS_SAML_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING in invalid. \Invalid security algorithm for operation. 8Invalid SAML assertion. HInvalid SAML assertion version. €Unable to decrypt the SAML proof key. The key was invalid. 8Key decryption failed. 8Invalid key identifier. XThe asymmetric key specified s invalid. HUnable to load the private key. pUnable to load the private key for the certificate. pUnable to load the public key for the certificate. lUnable to get the key size of the asymmetric key. TUnable to create cryptographic hash. 4Unable to hash data. DUnable to sign hash of data. ÐWhen a message signature is used, the timestamp usage cannot be WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE_NEVER. ˜Required private key missing for performing a cryptographic operation. PThe token argument cannot be NULL. dThe username credential supplied is invalid. |The username supplied in the credential cannot be empty. „WS_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_CALLBACK is required, but not supplied. ŒInvalid certificate credential specification in security binding. ÜThe issuer list callback feature of custom cert credential is available only on Windows Vista and above. ¤Invalid thumbprint certificate credential specification in security binding. äAn HTTPS URI scheme must be used along with a WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING in the security description. When using WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING on the server, localCertCredential must be NULL. The server certificate must be specified in HTTP.sys configuration using a tool such as httpcfg.exe. ˜For SSL, only the default (sign + encrypt) protection level is allowed. €For HTTP header authentication, either WS_SSL_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_BINDING must also be included in the security description for transport protection (preferred), or the security description property WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_TRANSPORT_PROTECTION_LEVEL must be explicitly set to WS_PROTECTION_LEVEL_NONE (not recommended). ìOn the server side, the HTTP header authentication security binding is supported only on Windows Vista and above. ÄFor HTTP header authentication, the Windows credential must be specified only on the client. hUnsupported HTTP header authentication scheme. ÀPassport header authentication scheme cannot be combined with other authentication schemes. ˆPassport authentication scheme is only supported on the client. ¬Passport header authentication scheme does not support the credential type '%1'. „Unable to enable the WinHTTP Passport authentication support. ¬Required client credentials are missing for WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_SECURITY_BINDING. ÜThe streamed output transfer mode is supported with HTTP header authentication only for the basic scheme. xUnable to set HTTP server authentication requirements. dUnable to set security flags on HTTP request. |Unable to set maximum connections option on HTTP request. xUnable to set secure protocols for SSL on HTTP request. tMaximum HTTP client connections limit cannot be zero. ÄThere was an error when trying to find certificate '%3' in store '%2' at store location '%1'. ÄThere was an error when trying to find certificate '%3' in store '%2' at store location '%1'. ÈMore than one match when trying to find certificate '%3' in store '%2' at store location '%1'. ÈMore than one match when trying to find certificate '%3' in store '%2' at store location '%1'. There was an error when trying to get a certificate from callback. \The certificate is required but missing. `Unable to get thumbprint from certificate. lThe certificate context could not be duplicated. pThe certificate subject name could not be encoded. °The expected HTTP header authentication information was not present in the request. xThe HTTP header authentication information was invalid. °The client requires HTTP header authentication and the server does not support it. ÐHTTP header authentication was not successful for this request: auth status '%1', sec status '%2'. The specified WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL for the target server is not valid for the specified HTTP header authentication scheme. The specified WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL for the proxy server is not valid for the specified HTTP header authentication scheme. ´The SSL client certificate received did not pass validation: CERT_TRUST_STATUS '%1'. ”Not all required security tokens were present in the security header. hThe specified security context does not exist. ÐThe maximum number of active security contexts has been reached. The current context was rejected. @The instance of the security context was already renewed. It cannot be renewed again. Only the instance that resulted from the prior renew can be renewed. \The security context was already revoked. lThe security context object specified is invalid. pThe security context being renewed does not exist. ˆAttempting to renew a security context that cannot be renewed. ðThe identity used for renewing the security context does not match the identity used when establishing the context. ¤The security context referenced by the security context token does not exist. |The SAML assertion was outside of its validity duration. ˆThe security header version '%1' is not valid or not supported. „The security entropy mode '%1' is not valid or not supported. The secure conversation version '%1' is not valid or not supported. ˜The security header timestamp usage '%1' is not valid or not supported. ˆThe security header layout '%1' is not valid or not supported. 4Both the WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ALGORITHM_SUITE_NAME and the WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ALGORITHM_SUITE properties were specified. Only one may be specified. „The algorithm suite name '%1' is not valid or not supported. hKeyInfo element was not found in the signature. xProvided key does not meet the key length requirements. \Signature contains a duplicate reference. 4Signature is invalid. dKeyInfo element of the signature is invalid. ˆCanonicalization method specified in the signature is invalid. xSignature method specified in the signature is invalid. lTransform specified in the signature is invalid. tA reference in the signature could not be validated. hSecurity timestamp was expected but not found. dUnexpected signature element was encountered. lAttempted to sign with same token more than once. `Message-level encryption is not supported. TUnexpected timestamp was encountered. ŒExpected signature element was not found in the security header. ìToken in received message was not expected by any message security binding specified in the security description. `A security header with local name '%1' and namespace '%2' was required, but was not present in the message. The sender may not have been configured with message security. €An SSL client certificate was required, but not presented. ¤There was an error while invoking the username/password validation callback. ¤Authentication failed for the username/password pair supplied in the message. ˆThere was an error while invoking the SAML validation callback. ”Authentication failed for the SAML assertion received in the message. ÐThe requested security property ID '%1' is not available for the current channel security settings. `The specified output type '%1' is invalid. \The specified input type '%1' is invalid. ¤The specified type '%1' is not supported for client side service operations. dThe specified parameter type '%1' is invalid. ”There was an error while invoking the service authorization callback. DAccess denied to the service. \Argument 'cancelCallback' cannot be NULL. èCannot have '0' for property 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_MAX_ACCEPTING_CHANNELS' on the WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT. ÜThe count for parameter description is %1 while parameterDescription is NULL on WS_OPERATION_DESCRIPTION. ÈParameter count is zero but the 'parameterDescription' on WS_OPERATION_DESCRIPTION is non NULL. The metadata version '%1' does not match the runtime version '%2'. ˆ'stubCallback' on the WS_OPERATION_DESCRIPTION cannot be NULL. œ'inputMessageDescription' on the WS_OPERATION_DESCRIPTION cannot be NULL. „The given channel type %1 cannot support two way operations. x'action' on the WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION cannot be NULL. 'elementDescription' on the WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION cannot be NULL. x'operations' on WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION cannot be NULL. |'operationCount' on WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION cannot be 0. l'contract' on WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT cannot be NULL. ŒThe service proxy could not be freed because it is in state '%1'. ŒThe service host could not be freed because it is in state '%1'. lUnable to wait for HTTP connection to disconnect. TUnable to create HTTP server session. \Unable to add URL to HTTP request queue. LUnable to create HTTP URL group. TUnable to add URL to HTTP URL group. \Unable to bind URL to HTTP request queue. ¤The server closed the channel, while the client was still expecting a reply. LThe HTTP URL '%1' was not valid. ”Invalid windows client credential specification in security binding.  The opaque Windows credential type is supported only on Windows7 and later. hUnable to duplicate opaque Windows credential. TInvalid windows credential type '%1'. 8Credential is missing. ˜The server principal name is required to perform mutual authentication. ”Requested security package is not supported for this credential type. œThe SSP negotiation is not in a state to perform the requested operation. „Unable to create windows credential context from credentials. hUnable to create security context for SPN '%1'. ŒUnable to create security context from the client's credentials. œUnable to create security context by completing the authentication token.  Failed to query the attribute ('%1') for the established security context. ”Unable to query the user token from the established security context. ¨Unable to provide data confidentiality using the established security context. œUnable to read confidential data using the established security context. œUnable to provide data integrity using the established security context. ˜Unable to verify data integrity using the established security context. Failed to protect the clear text secret in the application memory. Failed to recover the clear text secret from the protected secret. ¬Unable to negotiate data integrity support for the established security context. ¸Unable to negotiate data confidentiality support for the established security context. ÔUnable to perform mutual authentication using SSP '%1' package for the established security context. |The specified impersonation level value '%1' is invalid. tThe specified protection level value '%1' is invalid. |The specified Windows SSP package value '%1' is invalid. ¸Unable to negotiate identify impersonation level for the established security context. ¸Unable to negotiate delegate impersonation level for the established security context. ¼Unable to negotiate impersonate impersonation level for the established security context. ¸Unable to negotiate anonymous impersonation level for the established security context. \Server does not allow anonymous clients. äThe specified payload size '%2' in the NegotiateStream handshake frame (type: '%1') is smaller than expected. ´The client received NegotiateStream frame prior to initiating the handshake protocol. ÐThe specified payload size '%2' in the NegotiateStream handshake frame (type: '%1') is unexpected. ´The specified handshake type '%1' in the NegotiateStream handshake frame is invalid. €The NegotiateStream data payload is larger than the limit. ðthe specified version (Major: %2, Minor: %3) in the NegotiateStream handshake frame (type: '%1') is not supported. ¬Received NegotiateStream error handshake frame indicating authentication failure. XNegotiateStream authentication failed. `The NegotiateStream framing upgrade failed. xThe specified security algorithm '%1' is not supported. €The specified security algorithm id '%1' is not supported. °The specified security algorithm id '%1' is not valid for the requested operation. H'WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE' property structure does not support specifying properties ('properties' field must be NULL and 'propertyCount' field must be 0). €The specified minimum symmetric key size '%1' is too small. |The specified maximum symmetric key size '%1' is too big. „The specified minimum asymmetric key size '%1' is too small. €The specified maximum asymmetric key size '%1' is too big.  Failed to sign data using the security algorithm '%1' with a symmetric key. |Failed to digest data using the security algorithm '%1'.  The specified security algorithm '%1' cannot be used for digest operation. ¸The specified security algorithm '%1' cannot be used for symmetric signature operation. ¼The specified security algorithm '%1' cannot be used for asymmetric signature operation. ôThe single-threaded object was invoked from multiple threads simultaneously, or was re-entered from the same thread. ØThe element with localName '%1' with the namespace '%2' cannot explicitly be written to an MTOM writer. ÀThe MTOM writer has generated the MIME parts so no more of the XML document may be written. ¤The MTOM writer must close all open elements before requesting this property. \The MIME-Version header should be '1.0'. ˆThe Content-Type header '%1' was expected, but '%2' was found. °The Content-Type header with type parameter '%1' was expected, but '%2' was found.  The Content-Transfer-Encoding header '%1' was expected, but '%2' was found. The MIME boundary string '%1' is invalid. It is either zero length, longer than 70 characters, or contains an invalid character. DThe characters '%1' either cannot be parsed as an unsigned 32 bit integer encoded in hexadecimal, or its value is out of range of an unsigned 32 bit integer. pThe value '%1' is not a valid Content-ID URL (cid). LThe MIME part '%1' was not found. lThe MIME part '%1' was referenced more than once. (The attribute '%1' on the XOP Include element must be namespace qualified from a namespace other than ''. The Include element may only contain namespace qualified elements from a namespace other than ''. xThe Include element does not contain an href attribute. pThe Content-ID '%1' appears in multiple MIME parts. àThe start, start-info, and boundary should not be specified when they are to be read from the MIME header. ”The maximum number of MIME parts (%1) for the document was exceeded. ´The maximum size of the MIME parts for the document (%1) was exceeded by (%2) bytes. ŒAn entry with the specified key already exists in the dictionary. xThe maximum number of dictionary entries was exceeded. ¤WS_PARAMETER_TYPE_MESSAGES are not allowed with any other type of parameters. àThe field index specified in WS_PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION at ('%1') has an index ('%2') which is greater than the total fields present in the WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION for the given WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION for the input WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION. <A NULL WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION was specified for the given WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION for the given WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION for the input WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION. Only one WS_PARAMTER_TYPE_MESSAGES is allowed as an 'in' parameter. ”Only one WS_PARAMTER_TYPE_MESSAGES is allowed as an 'out' parameter. àThe field index specified in WS_PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION at ('%1') has an index ('%2') which is greater than the total fields present in the WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION for the given WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION for the output WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION. <A NULL WS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION was specified for the given WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION for the given WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION for the output WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION. A NULL WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION is specified when the service operation has 'in' parameter(s) as per the WS_PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION. èA NULL WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION is specified for the WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION for the input WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION. A parameter of type WS_PARAMETER_TYPE_MESSAGES cannot be 'in/out'. A NULL WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION is specified when the service operation has 'out' parameter(s) as per the WS_PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION. èA NULL WS_STRUCT_DESCRIPTION is specified for the WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION for the output WS_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION. `Canonicalization has already been started. XCanonicalization has not been started. ˆThe specified xml Canonicalization Algorithm (%1) is not valid. hThe localName specified to be omitted is empty. ¤Cannot canonicalize at a depth lower than where Canonicalization was started. ˜Canonicalization must be ended at the same depth where it was started. hThe %1 id '%2' was not recognized or supported. ˜The %1 id '%2' was specified more than once in the list of properties. xThe %1 id '%2' is not valid for the current operation. ˜The buffer specified for %1 id '%2' is invalid. It should not be NULL. øThe buffer specified for %1 id '%2' is invalid. The length of the buffer was '%3' bytes, but '%4' bytes were expected. lThe buffer specified for %1 id '%2' is invalid. The length of the buffer was '%3' bytes which is not in the order of the size of the expected array element which is '%4' bytes. @Failed to clone %1 id '%2'. ˆEither the %1 array is NULL or the count of the array is zero. ¤The buffer specified for property id '%1' is invalid. It should not be NULL. The buffer specified for property id '%1' is invalid. The length of the buffer was '%2' bytes, but '%3' bytes were expected. ¨The operation could not be completed because the reader is in a faulted state. ¨The operation could not be completed because the writer is in a faulted state. ˆThe number of endpoints on a WS_SERVICE_HOST cannot exceed %1. ÈThe string value specified has '%1' characters. The maximum allowed length is '%2' characters. ¼The startInfo specified was %1 characters. The maximum length of the startInfo is '%2'. ¸The startUri specified was %1 characters. The maximum length of the startInfo is '%2'. ”The URL specified was %1 characters. The maximum URL length is '%2'. ÄThe maximum number of error strings was exceeded. The maximum number of error strings is %1. ÈThe list of interface indices's had %1 items. The maximum number of interface in dices is %2. ŒThe locale name for the specified langid (%1) could not be found. ˆThe value for %1 id '%2' is not allowed for current operation. HThe dateTime specified is NULL. HThe fileTime specified is NULL. |The fileTime specified cannot be converted to a dateTime. |The dateTime specified cannot be converted to a fileTime. `The value '%1' is not a valid WS_DATETIME. `The value '%1' is not a valid type mapping. |The characters '%1' cannot be parsed as an xsd:duration. ¨The duration specified contains an invalid value for the milliseconds or ticks. HThe duration specified is NULL. °The duration cannot be compared. Two valid Durations can be compared only if they they both have years and months specified, or if both have only days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and ticks specified. ˜The contentType attribute specified must contain utf-8 or utf-16 text. pThe characters '%1' cannot be written in a comment. ¨Unable to open the current security context. OpenThreadToken failed with '%1'. ÀUnable to impersonate the user security context. ImpersonateLoggedOnUser failed with '%1'. ´Kerberos AP_REQ security binding does not support multi-leg kerberos authentication. œEncoding type %1 of the received binary security token is not supported. àMaximum quota of allowed maximum calls reached. Change the 'WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_MAX_PENDING_CALLS' to adjust. €Two way messages not supported for the duplex channel type. €Two way messages not supported for the input channel type. @Unable to duplicate handle. \The specified token handle is not valid. €The encoding write callback cannot be called in this state. €The decoding read callback cannot be called in this state. œThe custom content type for the TCP session should be '%1', but was '%2'. `The content encoding '%1' is not supported. àA count for the 'documents' field in WS_SERVICE_METADATA is non zero while the field itself points to NULL. ÈWhen the 'serviceName' field in WS_SERVICE_METADATA is non NULL, 'serviceNs' must not be NULL. ÈWhen the 'serviceNs' field in WS_SERVICE_METADATA is non NULL, 'serviceName' must not be NULL. ¼The 'count' field is zero while the 'documents' field in WS_SERVICE_METADATA is non NULL. ÀThe 'count' field is zero while the 'serviceName' field in WS_SERVICE_METADATA is non NULL. ¼The 'count' field is zero while the 'serviceNs' field in WS_SERVICE_METADATA is non NULL. œThe 'portName' field on the WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_METADATA cannot be NULL.  The 'bindingName' field on the WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_METADATA cannot be NULL. œThe 'bindingNs' field on the WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_METADATA cannot be NULL. èWs-MetadataExchange only supported on WS_CHANNEL_TYPE_DUPLEX_SESSION and WS_CHANNEL_TYPE_REPLY channel types. „Ws-MetadataExchange not supported for WS_UDP_CHANNEL_BINDING. ÐCurrent operation is invalid when the WS_SERVICE_HOST is in 'WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE_OPENING' state. ÈCurrent operation is invalid when the WS_SERVICE_HOST is in 'WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE_OPEN' state. ÐCurrent operation is invalid when the WS_SERVICE_HOST is in 'WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE_CLOSING' state. ÌCurrent operation is invalid when the WS_SERVICE_HOST is in 'WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE_CLOSED' state. \The current operation is already aborted. lThe operation cannot run under WS_SHORT_CALLBACK. œThe writer must be writing an element in order to perform this operation. pMethod table cannot have a 'NULL' function pointer. äBoth 'contractDescription' and 'defaultMessageHandlerCallback' field on 'WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT' cannot be NULL. ¼If contract description is specified 'methodTable' on WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT cannot be NULL. hMore than one operation share the same action. „Value for property WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_MAX_ACCEPTING_CHANNELS cannot be greater than value for property WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_MAX_CHANNELS on the given WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT. @Unknown WS_OPERATION_STYLE. èCannot enable WS-MetadataExchange on a WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT if no metadata documents are set on WS_SERVICE_HOST. ˜Url '%1' uses scheme other than HTTP or HTTPS to open an HTTP listener. lThe specified encodingType '%1' is not supported. ¤The charSet of the mtom document was expected to be '%1', but '%2' was found. œOnly base64 content may be written when using WS_XML_WRITER_RAW_ENCODING. €Unable to retrieve IE proxy settings for the current user. |Unable to configure proxy settings for the HTTP request. When specifying channel property 'WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE' to 'WS_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE_CUSTOM', channel property 'WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_CUSTOM_HTTP_PROXY' must be specified. ¬Invalid value for channel property 'WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE'. ˜'WS_CALL_PROPERTY_SEND_MESSAGE_CONTEXT' cannot have a 'NULL' callback. œ'WS_CALL_PROPERTY_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT' cannot have a 'NULL' callback. ÄEither the call is one-way or the output message is not supported under the current context. ÐInvalid value for WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT property WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE. 'WS_SERVICE_ACCEPT_CHANNEL_CALLBACK' cannot have a 'NULL' callback. 'WS_SERVICE_CLOSE_CHANNEL_CALLBACK' cannot have a 'NULL' callback. ˜'WS_CUSTOM_HTTP_PROXY' field 'servers' cannot point to a 'NULL' string. ÀThe 'requestHeaderMappings' on 'WS_HTTP_MESSAGE_MAPPING' has a 'NULL' entry at index '%1'. ÀThe 'responseHeaderMappings' on 'WS_HTTP_MESSAGE_MAPPING' has a 'NULL' entry at index '%1'. ¸'WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_TARGET' property value '%1' is invalid. HTTP header authentication security binding against the proxy server does not support specifying multiple header authentication schemes. ôHTTP header authentication security binding against the proxy server does not support using Passport authentication. 'WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING' security binding structure must have a valid bootstrap security description. hThe channel doesn't support content encodings. XThe serviceEndpoint specified is NULL. dThe WS_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE '%1' is invalid. lThe binding policy description specified is NULL. LNumber of transport security binding %1 is invalid. One and only one transport security binding must be specified in security context message binding templates. œThe %1 id '%2' is specified in both user template and policy description. èCurrent 'WS_ENCODING' does not permit to have HTTP GET support for metadata exchange enabled for the endpoint. ˆThe value specified for the mapping 'headerMappingOptions' for 'WS_HTTP_HEADER_MAPPING' must be zero if HTTP GET support for metadata exchange is enabled on the given 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT' . ¸Current 'WS_ENCODING' does not permit to have an associated 'WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION'. ØWs-Metadata Exchange v1.1 not supported for the given 'WS_ENCODING' on the given 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT'. XThe value for 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT' property 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_MAX_CONCURRENCY' can only be '1' for the given 'WS_ENCODING' for the 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT'.  The current 'WS_ENCODING' is only supported for 'WS_HTTP_CHANNEL_BINDING'. ÄFor HTTP GET metadata exchange 'WS_SERVICE_METADATA_DOCUMENT' entries must have unique names. xEither enable HTTP GET for metadata exchange on the endpoint or specify a 'defaultMessageCallbackHandler' on the associated 'WS_SERVICE_CONTRACT' for the given 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT'. A 'NULL' entry for the 'WS_SERVICE_METADATA_DOCUMENT*' array as specified on the 'documents' field of 'WS_SERVICE_METADATA' is not allowed. œThe 'content' field of a 'WS_SERVICE_METADATA_DOCUMENT' cannot be 'NULL'. ¸The 'WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID' id 'WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_TRANSPORT_URL_MATCHING_OPTIONS' must not have the setting 'WS_MATCH_URL_EXACT_PATH' if HTTP GET Metadata support is enabled for the given 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT'. °The 'WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID' id 'WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_TO_HEADER_MATCHING_OPTIONS' must not have the setting 'WS_MATCH_URL_EXACT_PATH' if HTTP GET Metadata support is enabled for the given 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT'. The 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_ID' id 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_METADATA_EXCHANGE_URL_SUFFIX' can only be specified when 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_ID' id 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE' is set to 'WS_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE_MEX'. The 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_ID' id 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_METADATA_EXCHANGE_URL_SUFFIX' cannot be a WS_STRING of length zero. ÄThe 'WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ID' id 'WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_CUSTOM_HTTP_PROXY' cannot be specified when 'WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ID' id 'WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE' is specified as 'WS_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE_NONE'. dFailed to retrieve automatic proxy settings. ´Must specify at least one 'WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT' on 'WS_SERVICE_HOST' during creation. ÜThe incoming HTTP request contained user agent '%1' which has the disallowed user agent sub-string '%2'. œFailed to clone 'WS_DISALLOWED_USER_AGENT_LIST' while cloning %1 id '%2'. ¼In 'WS_DISALLOWED_USER_AGENT_LIST' 'subStringCount' must be zero if 'subStrings' is NULL. |Port fields of the 'WS_URL' structure is not consistent. The RequestSecurityToken message received was not in the correct format. The element with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was missing. The RequestSecurityToken message received was not in the correct format. The element with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was not expected. The RequestSecurityToken message received was not in the correct format. Token type '%1' was specified but '%2' was expected. The RequestSecurityToken message received was not in the correct format. Binary secret type '%1' was specified but '%2' was expected. The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received was not in the correct format. The element with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was missing. ,The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received was not in the correct format. The element with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was not expected. The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received was not in the correct format. Algorithm '%1' was specified but '%2' was expected. @The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received was not in the correct format. The element with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was present more than once.  The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received was not in the correct format. The element with name '%1' and namespace '%2' was recognized but not expected to be present in the current configuration. °The token type of the issued token returned did not match the requested token type. The token type '%1' specified on the security token reference did not match the value type '%2' that was specified on the same reference. ÔThe token type '%1' specified on the security token reference did not match the expected value '%2'. ”The username token contains an invalid or unsupported password type. Unable to provide data integrity, possibly due to data corruption. œUnable to provide data confidentiality, possibly due to data corruption. €Failed to create the Kerberos AP_REQ authentication buffer. ”Failed to verify the client's Kerberos AP_REQ authentication buffer. °Failed to query the session key of the Kerberos APREQ authenticated logon session. PThe async state specified is NULL. LThe operation specified is NULL. ÀThe policy alternative did not contain an endorsing supporting token but one was required. ¸The policy alternative did not contain a signed supporting token but one was required. ´The policy alternative contains an endorsing supporting token but none was required. ¬The policy alternative contains a signed supporting token but none was required. ðThe number of endorsing supporting token assertions '%1' specified in policy is different than required count '%2'. ìThe number of signed supporting token assertions '%1' specified in policy is different than required count '%2'. ÀIn 'WS_DISALLOWED_USER_AGENT_LIST' in field 'subStrings' WS_STRING at index '%1' is empty. ¼In 'WS_DISALLOWED_USER_AGENT_LIST' in field 'subStrings' WS_STRING at index '%1' is NULL. |WsutilHelper DLL version is incompatible with wsutil.exe. Current thread is impersonating a user token. Server channels do not support using thread tokens with Windows integrated authentication. There was an error disabling auto-redirection on the HTTP request. hThe supplied HTTP redirection callback is NULL. lThe HTTP proxy was not able to reach the server. ðThe policy extension '%1' from namespace '%2' is not allowed as it might affect policy alternative matching result. @The fault reason was: '%1'. tAn unsecured fault was received on a secure channel.  The server returned a security fault: 'An unsupported token was provided'. ÐThe server returned a security fault: 'An unsupported signature or encryption algorithm was used'. ØThe server returned a security fault: 'An error was discovered processing the <wsse:Security> header'. ¨The server returned a security fault: 'An invalid security token was provided'. ÔThe server returned a security fault: 'The security token could not be authenticated or authorized'. ¬The server returned a security fault: 'The signature or decryption was invalid'. ¼The server returned a security fault: 'Referenced security token could not be retrieved'. ŒThe server returned a security fault: 'The message has expired'. ðThe server returned a secure conversation fault: 'The requested context elements are insufficient or unsupported'. èThe server returned a secure conversation fault: 'Not all of the values associated with the SCT are supported'. ØThe server returned a secure conversation fault: 'The specified source for the derivation is unknown'. ÀThe server returned a secure conversation fault: 'The provided context token has expired'. ÔThe server returned a secure conversation fault: 'The specified context token could not be renewed'. 0The server returned an addressing fault: 'A message information header is not valid and the message cannot be processed. The validity failure can be either structural or semantic, e.g. a destination that is not a URI or a relationship to a message id that was never issued.'. The server returned an addressing fault: 'A required message information header, To, MessageID, or Action, is not present.'. The server returned an addressing fault: 'No route can be determined to reach the destination role defined by the WS-Addressing To.'. ÀThe server returned an addressing fault: 'The action cannot be processed at the receiver.'. ØThe server returned an addressing fault: 'The endpoint is unable to process the message at this time.'. ,The server returned an addressing fault: 'A header representing a Message Addressing Property is not valid and the message cannot be processed'. øThe server returned an addressing fault: 'A required header representing a Message Addressing Property is not present'. ˆThe server returned a SOAP envelope fault: 'Version Mismatch'. ÔThe server returned a SOAP envelope fault: 'One or more mandatory SOAP header blocks not understood'.  The server returned a trust fault: 'The request was invalid or malformed'. €The server returned a trust fault: 'Authentication failed'. The server returned a trust fault: 'The specified request failed'. ”The server returned a trust fault: 'Security token has been revoked'. The server returned a trust fault: 'Insufficient Digest Elements'. ÀThe server returned a trust fault: 'The specified RequestSecurityToken is not understood.'. ”The server returned a trust fault: 'The request data is out-of-date'. ¼The server returned a trust fault: 'The requested time range is invalid or unsupported'. ¬The server returned a trust fault: 'The request scope is invalid or unsupported'. ¤The server returned a trust fault: 'A renewable security token has expired'. The server returned a trust fault: 'The requested renewal failed'. `The string '%1' is not a valid XML NCName. xThe server requires HTTP authentication scheme 'basic'. xThe server requires HTTP authentication scheme 'NTLM'. |The server requires HTTP authentication scheme 'digest'. €The server requires HTTP authentication scheme 'negotiate'. xThe proxy requires HTTP authentication scheme 'basic'. tThe proxy requires HTTP authentication scheme 'NTLM'. xThe proxy requires HTTP authentication scheme 'digest'. €The proxy requires HTTP authentication scheme 'negotiate'. dDuring abandon the body failed to serialize. ŒThe proxy has faulted and as a result the call is being aborted. `A message was received for a one way call.  The channel property WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_HTTP_SERVER_SPN is not available. œThe channel property WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY_SPN is not available. °The validity range of the timestamp was invalid. It expired before it was created. ¨The validity range of the timestamp was invalid. It was created in the future. @The timestamp has expired. ˆThe age of the timestamp exceeded the maximum allowed latency. ŒThe HTTP content type header is missing in the server's response. „The supplied endpoint URL '%1' is invalid for this operation. lThe 'WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ENABLE_TIMEOUTS' property query from the custom channel returned TRUE. Custom channels cannot be used from Service Model without disabling all timeouts. ÀThe size %1 bytes of the HTTP request headers being received exceeds the quota of %2 bytes. „The action string '%1' was not expected in the content type. ¤WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_HTTP_SERVER_SPN is supported only on Windows 7 and later. ¤WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY_SPN is supported only on Windows 7 and later. `The operation message option %1 is invalid. ¬WS_SERVICE_OPERATION_MESSAGE_NILLABLE_ELEMENT is not applicable in RPC operation. PThe given proxy cannot be reached. ÌWhen calling WsGetSecurityTokenProperty with property id '%1', the 'heap' parameter must be NULL. ÔWhen calling WsGetSecurityTokenProperty with property id '%1', the 'heap' parameter must not be NULL. HThe token has no symmetric key. The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received was not in the correct format. Key type '%1' was specified but '%2' was expected. lThe extended protection policy '%1' is not valid. èWhen using WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_SCENARIO_TERMINATED_SSL, WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_SERVICE_IDENTITIES must be set. pThe extended protection scenario '%1' is not valid. ˆUnable to configure extended protection on HTTP request queue. øThe extended protection token in the security token did not match the extended protection token of the SSL connection. \The received SAML token has no proof key. ÌThe WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_SERVICE_IDENTITIES property must specify at least one service identity. ÈThe maximum number of HTTP retries has been exceeded. A request can be retried at most 5 times. `Unable to query size of cryptographic key. ¨Unable to verify signature for reasons other than the signature being invalid. `Unable to open security algorithm provider. `Unable to query size of cryptographic hash. PUnable to query cryptographic hash. XUnable to open cryptographic provider. PUnable to import cryptographic key. XUnable to configure cryptographic hash. ˜The Internet Explorer proxy setting has a malformed proxy server name. WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_CERT_FAILURES_TO_IGNORE does not support '%1'. It must be set to one or multiple values of WS_CERT_FAILURE. ´WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_CERT_FAILURES_TO_IGNORE is not supported on the server. ÀWS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_DISABLE_CERT_REVOCATION_CHECK is not supported on the server. ¼WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_DISALLOWED_SECURE_PROTOCOLS is not supported on the server. ÔWS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_CALLBACK_CONTEXT is not supported on the server. ¼utf-16 charset is specified in the content type header but message is not utf-16 encoded. ÀThe action in Content-Type header '%1' does not match the action in start-info header '%2'. ôSerialization failure occurred when writing a type with WS_TYPE '%1', WS_TYPE_MAPPING '%2' and WS_WRITE_OPTION '%3'. Serialization failure occurred when writing a field with WS_TYPE '%1', WS_FIELD_MAPPING '%2', name '%3' and namespace '%4'. èSerialization failure occurred when writing an element with WS_WRITE_OPTION '%1', name '%2' and namespace '%3'. ðSerialization failure occurred when reading a type with WS_TYPE '%1', WS_TYPE_MAPPING '%2' and WS_READ_OPTION '%3'. èSerialization failure occurred when reading an element with WS_READ_OPTION '%1', name '%2' and namespace '%3'. Serialization failure occurred when reading a field with WS_TYPE '%1', WS_FIELD_MAPPING '%2', name '%3' and namespace '%4'. tA security header element was expected but not found. lAn unexpected security header element was found. ”The XML reader property ID '%1' cannot be used as a message property. ”The XML writer property ID '%1' cannot be used as a message property. The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received was not in the correct format. AppliesTo URL '%1' was specified but '%2' was expected. ÐThe received message secured using Kerberos AP_REQ security token is missing the token information. dUnable to encrypt opaque Windows credential. dUnable to decrypt opaque Windows credential. The RequestSecurityTokenResponse message received was not in the correct format. RequestType '%1' was specified but '%2' was expected. ¬For array declaration, WS_FIELD_POINTER may by used only for WS_STRUCT_TYPE type. äNULL-valued array element found, but NULLs are not allowed (WS_FIELD_NILLABLE_ITEM option is not specified). ØThe WS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION of the specified WS_FAULT_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION requires a name and namespace. ”Unable to allocate memory to process all trusted issuer certificates. ÌUnable to allocate memory for 'operations' field structures in WS_CONTRACT_DESCRIPTION structure. ÄUnable to allocate memory for 'securityBindings' field in WS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTION structure. ¬Unable to allocate memory for 'documents' field in WS_SERVICE_METADATA structure. ÐUnable to allocate memory for 'subStrings' field in WS_DISALLOWED_USER_AGENT_SUBSTRINGS structure. °Unable to allocate memory for 'endpoints' field in WS_METADATA_ENDPOINTS structure. ¤Unable to allocate memory for 'strings' field in WS_XML_DICTIONARY structure. ØUnable to allocate memory for 'prefixes' field in WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_INCLUSIVE_PREFIXES structure. Unable to clone WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_HTTP_MESSAGE_MAPPING property. ÐUnable to allocate memory for 'responseHeaderMappings' field in WS_HTTP_MESSAGE_MAPPING structure. ”Unable to allocate memory for 'reasons' field in WS_FAULT structure. ÀUnable to allocate memory for 'policyExtensions' field in WS_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS structure. ÔUnable to allocate memory for 'serviceIdentities' field in WS_SERVICE_SECURITY_IDENTITIES structure. ÌUnable to allocate memory for 'parameterDescription' field in WS_OPERATION_DESCRIPTION structure. ˜Unable to allocate memory for 'bytes' field in WS_XML_STRING structure. LThe named pipe '%1' is not ready. PThe named pipe '%1' was not found. pThere was an error sending data on the named pipe. lThere was an error receiving from the named pipe. DUnable to create named pipe. HUnable to create file mapping. PUnable to create map view of file. `The specified named pipe is already in use. `There was an error accepting a named pipe. €Unable to create the security descriptor for a named pipe. LUnable to configure a named pipe. °Unable to check if application is running in app container. The last error is '%1'.  The property '%1' is not supported in a process running in an AppContainer. ŒThe API is not supported in a process running in an AppContainer. |Sending HTTP header authentication schema probe request. œReceived response to the HTTP header authentication schema probe request. Endpoint at URL: %3 has reached maximum number of created channels which is %4. This event was encountered %2 times during last %1 seconds. TChannels at endpoint at URL: %3 have reached maximum number of created messages which is %4 per channel. This event was encountered %2 times during last %1 seconds. HWsCall called with action: %1. dWsCall with action: %1 failed with error: %2. LWsCall with action: %1 succeded. €Service host received a message with an action header: %1. „Message without an action has been received by service host. ˆService host received bad HTTP verb and failed with error: %1. Service host sent back an error because caller used bad HTTP verb. °Service host is unable to respond to the GET metadata request because of error: %1. „Service host sent a metadata in response to the GET request. œService host call with action: %1 was dispatch and failed with error: %2. ˆService host call with action: %1 was dispatched and succeeded. €Service host metadata call dispatch failed with error: %1. hService host metadata call dispatch succeeded. œService request failed because requested resource could not be found: %1. ”Service request failed because requested resource could not be found. hThe function call is completing asynchronously. tThere are no more messages available on the channel. API Error IO Message $BinaryMessage API Enter 0API ExitSyncSuccess 0API ExitSyncFailure API Pending 4API ExitAsyncSuccess 4API ExitAsyncFailure IO Started $IO Completed IO Failed Error <Sending Message - Binary <Received Message - Binary 8Sending Message - Text 8Received Message - Text 8Sending Message Start 4Sending Message Stop 8Received Message Start 4Received Message Stop 4Sending HTTP headers 8Receiving HTTP headers Trace Error Information Verbose APIs Errors $IO Operations ,Message Exchange ¬The input data was not in the expected format or did not have the expected value. ØThe operation could not be completed because the object is in a faulted state due to a previous error. ¨The operation could not be completed because it would lead to numeric overflow. ”The operation is not allowed due to the current state of the object. @The operation was aborted. \Access was denied by the remote endpoint. |The operation did not complete within the time allotted. DThe operation was abandoned. 4A quota was exceeded. „The information was not available in the specified language. ˆSecurity verification was not successful for the received data. PThe address is already being used. `The address is not valid for this context. €The remote endpoint does not exist or could not be located. ŒThe remote endpoint is not currently in service at this location. pThe remote endpoint could not process the request. XThe remote endpoint was not reachable. xThe operation was not supported by the remote endpoint. ¤The remote endpoint is unable to process the request due to being overloaded. A message containing a fault was received from the remote endpoint. xThe connection with the remote endpoint was terminated. tThe HTTP proxy server could not process the request. `Access was denied by the HTTP proxy server. |The requested feature is not available on this platform. The HTTP proxy server requires HTTP authentication scheme 'basic'. The HTTP proxy server requires HTTP authentication scheme 'digest'. ŒThe HTTP proxy server requires HTTP authentication scheme 'NTLM'. ˜The HTTP proxy server requires HTTP authentication scheme 'negotiate'. ŒThe remote endpoint requires HTTP authentication scheme 'basic'. ŒThe remote endpoint requires HTTP authentication scheme 'digest'. ˆThe remote endpoint requires HTTP authentication scheme 'NTLM'. ”The remote endpoint requires HTTP authentication scheme 'negotiate'. TThe endpoint address URL is invalid. Unrecognized error occurred in the Windows Web Services framework. A security token was rejected by the server because it has expired. A security operation failed in the Windows Web Services framework. DMicrosoft-Windows-WebServices ,%1 API is called. ,%1 API returned. 0%1 API failed by %2 D%1 API is pending completion. ,%1 API completed. H%1 API failed to complete by %2 8Error occurred: %1 - %2 <%1 IO operation started. l%1 IO operation completed, %2 bytes transferred. @%1 IO operation failed: %2 TSending message - bin (id: %1): %n%3 TReceived message - bin (id: %1): %n%3 TSending message (id: %1): %n%3 TReceived message (id: %1): %n%3 HSending Message Start (id: %1) HSending Message Stop (id: %1) HReceived Message Start (id: %1) HReceived Message Stop (id: %1) PSending following HTTP headers: %1 TReceiving following HTTP headers: %1 Trace: %1 DWsStartReaderCanonicalization @WsEndReaderCanonicalization DWsStartWriterCanonicalization @WsEndWriterCanonicalization ,WsCreateXmlBuffer $WsRemoveNode (WsCreateReader WsSetInput 0WsSetInputToBuffer $WsFreeReader 0WsGetReaderProperty (WsGetReaderNode $WsFillReader 0WsReadStartElement 4WsReadToStartElement 4WsReadStartAttribute 0WsReadEndAttribute WsReadNode WsSkipNode ,WsReadEndElement (WsFindAttribute WsReadValue WsReadChars (WsReadCharsUtf8 WsReadBytes WsReadArray 0WsGetReaderPosition 0WsSetReaderPosition $WsMoveReader (WsCreateWriter $WsFreeWriter WsSetOutput 0WsSetOutputToBuffer 0WsGetWriterProperty $WsFlushWriter 0WsWriteStartElement 8WsWriteEndStartElement 4WsWriteXmlnsAttribute 4WsWriteStartAttribute 0WsWriteEndAttribute $WsWriteValue ,WsWriteXmlBuffer (WsReadXmlBuffer 8WsWriteXmlBufferToBytes <WsReadXmlBufferFromBytes $WsWriteArray 4WsWriteQualifiedName $WsWriteChars ,WsWriteCharsUtf8 $WsWriteBytes WsPushBytes WsPullBytes ,WsWriteEndElement WsWriteText ,WsWriteStartCData (WsWriteEndCData WsWriteNode <WsGetPrefixFromNamespace 0WsGetWriterPosition 0WsSetWriterPosition $WsMoveWriter 0WsTrimXmlWhitespace ,WsVerifyXmlNCName ,WsXmlStringEquals <WsGetNamespaceFromPrefix 0WsReadQualifiedName ,WsGetXmlAttribute WsCopyNode (WsAsyncExecute (WsCreateChannel $WsOpenChannel $WsSendMessage ,WsReceiveMessage (WsRequestReply 0WsSendReplyMessage @WsSendFaultMessageForError 4WsGetChannelProperty 4WsSetChannelProperty 0WsWriteMessageStart ,WsWriteMessageEnd 0WsReadMessageStart ,WsReadMessageEnd (WsCloseChannel (WsAbortChannel $WsFreeChannel (WsResetChannel ,WsAbandonMessage <WsShutdownSessionChannel DWsGetOperationContextProperty (WsGetDictionary HWsReadEndpointAddressExtension $WsCreateError ,WsAddErrorString ,WsGetErrorString WsCopyError 0WsGetErrorProperty 0WsSetErrorProperty $WsResetError WsFreeError 8WsGetFaultErrorProperty 8WsSetFaultErrorProperty 8WsCreateFaultFromError 4WsSetFaultErrorDetail 4WsGetFaultErrorDetail $WsCreateHeap WsAlloc ,WsGetHeapProperty WsResetHeap WsFreeHeap ,WsCreateListener (WsOpenListener (WsAcceptChannel (WsCloseListener (WsAbortListener (WsResetListener (WsFreeListener 4WsGetListenerProperty 4WsSetListenerProperty @WsCreateChannelForListener (WsCreateMessage <WsCreateMessageForChannel 0WsInitializeMessage (WsResetMessage $WsFreeMessage 4WsGetHeaderAttributes WsGetHeader ,WsGetCustomHeader (WsRemoveHeader WsSetHeader 4WsRemoveCustomHeader ,WsAddCustomHeader ,WsAddMappedHeader 4WsRemoveMappedHeader ,WsGetMappedHeader WsWriteBody WsReadBody 4WsWriteEnvelopeStart 0WsWriteEnvelopeEnd 0WsReadEnvelopeStart ,WsReadEnvelopeEnd 4WsGetMessageProperty 4WsSetMessageProperty ,WsAddressMessage DWsCheckMustUnderstandHeaders <WsMarkHeaderAsUnderstood WsFillBody WsFlushBody 8WsRequestSecurityToken @WsGetSecurityTokenProperty <WsCreateXmlSecurityToken 0WsFreeSecurityToken 8WsRevokeSecurityContext DWsGetSecurityContextProperty $WsReadElement (WsReadAttribute WsReadType (WsWriteElement ,WsWriteAttribute WsWriteType DWsRegisterOperationForCancel <WsGetServiceHostProperty 0WsCreateServiceHost ,WsOpenServiceHost 0WsCloseServiceHost 0WsAbortServiceHost ,WsFreeServiceHost 0WsResetServiceHost <WsGetServiceProxyProperty 4WsCreateServiceProxy 0WsOpenServiceProxy 0WsCloseServiceProxy 0WsAbortServiceProxy 0WsFreeServiceProxy 0WsResetServiceProxy $WsAbandonCall WsCall WsDecodeUrl WsEncodeUrl $WsCombineUrl 4WsDateTimeToFileTime 4WsFileTimeToDateTime $WsDumpMemory $WsSetAutoFail ,WsCreateMetadata (WsReadMetadata (WsFreeMetadata (WsResetMetadata 4WsGetMetadataProperty PWsGetMissingMetadataDocumentAddress 8WsGetMetadataEndpoints <WsMatchPolicyAlternative 0WsGetPolicyProperty @WsGetPolicyAlternativeCount LWsCreateServiceProxyFromTemplate PWsCreateServiceEndpointFromTemplate Send Receive Accept Connect ,WaitForDisconnect À4VS_VERSION_INFO½ïþ@€%@€%?StringFileInfoú040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationbFileDescriptionWindows Web Services Runtimer)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)@InternalNameWebServices.dll€.LegalCopyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.POriginalFilenameWebServices.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft® Windows® Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD