MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  :P$-@8.rsrc@:@@(@ 8Ph   (@Xp !&,-39:09HX`Yx_`      ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x Pj,6 &&H*D,,-182V`2\2|3T567L8B868b,92`9h:\:$;|<BEMUI1S8ӜyiO=TÈ*.^ MUIen-US/ WhoAmI has three ways of working: Syntax 1: & WHOAMI [/UPN | /FQDN | /LOGONID] Syntax 2: G WHOAMI { [/USER] [/GROUPS] [/CLAIMS] [/PRIV] } [/FO format] [/NH] Syntax 3: $ WHOAMI /ALL [/FO format] [/NH] Description: D This utility can be used to get user name and group information PAB along with the respective security identifiers (SID), claims, A privileges, logon identifier (logon ID) for the current user A on the local system. I.e. who is the current logged on user? C If no switch is specified, tool displays the user name in NTLM  format (domain\username). Parameter List: F /UPN Displays the user name in User Principal 0 Name (UPN) format. G /FQDN Displays the user name in Fully Qualified ? Distinguished Name (FQDN) format. E /USER Displays information on the current user G along with the security identifier (SID). H /GROUPS Displays group membership for current user, H type of account, security identifiers (SID) - and attributes. > /CLAIMS Displays claims for current user, K including claim name, flags, type and values. H /PRIV Displays security privileges of the current # user. H /LOGONID Displays the logon ID of the current user. D /ALL Displays the current user name, groups A belonged to along with the security J identifiers (SID), claims and privileges for < the current user access token. I /FO format Specifies the output format to be displayed. ? Valid values are TABLE, LIST, CSV. G Column headings are not displayed with CSV PA> format. Default format is TABLE. H /NH Specifies that the column header should not @ be displayed in the output. This is C valid only for TABLE and CSV formats. 9 /? Displays this help message. Examples: WHOAMI  WHOAMI /UPN  WHOAMI /FQDN  WHOAMI /LOGONID  WHOAMI /USER  WHOAMI /USER /FO LIST  WHOAMI /USER /FO CSV  WHOAMI /GROUPS  WHOAMI /GROUPS /FO CSV /NH PA WHOAMI /CLAIMS  WHOAMI /CLAIMS /FO LIST  WHOAMI /PRIV  WHOAMI /PRIV /FO TABLE  WHOAMI /USER /GROUPS ' WHOAMI /USER /GROUPS /CLAIMS /PRIV  WHOAMI /ALL  WHOAMI /ALL /FO LIST  WHOAMI /ALL /FO CSV /NH  WHOAMI /? 4ERROR: Invalid syntax. Type "WHOAMI /?" for usage. "ERROR: Unexpected error occurred. CERROR: Invalid format (/FO) specified. Type "WHOAMI /?" for usage. PAEnabledDisabledUSER INFORMATION GROUP INFORMATION LOGON ID INFORMATION PRIVILEGES INFORMATION zERROR: Unable to get Fully Qualified Distinguished Name (FQDN) as the current logged-on user is not a domain user. jERROR: Unable to get User Principal Name (UPN) as the current logged-on user is not a domain user. SERROR: /NH switch cannot be used with the LIST format. Type "WHOAMI /?" for usage. USER CLAIMS INFORMATION ----------------------- DEVICE CLAIMS INFORMATION ------------------------- PA User NameSID Group NameTypeSID AttributesPAPrivilege Name DescriptionStateA WARNING: User credentials cannot be used for local connections. FQDN UPN ----- ---------------- ----------------- -------------------- ---------------------- 6ERROR: Unexpected error occurred - error code was %u. 3ERROR: Unable to get group membership information. .ERROR: Unable to get user claims information. 0ERROR: Unable to get device claims information. UserGroupDomainAliasWell-known groupDeleted account Invalid SIDUnknown SID typeComputerLabelMandatory groupEnabled by default Enabled group Group ownerGroup used for deny onlyLogon ID Local GroupPANon-inheritableCase-sensitive For deny onlyDisabled by defaultDisabled MandatoryIntUIntStringFQBNPASIDBLOBBOOLPA Claim NameClaim IDFlagsTypeValuesPATRUEFALSEPAUser has no claims.User claims unknown.MKerberos support for Dynamic Access Control on this device has been disabled.ERROR:WARNING:SUCCESS:INFO:N/AType the password for %s:2Passing the user credential for local connection. 7The target system must be running Windows XP or above. 9The remote system must be running Windows 2000 or above. PA>Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed for '%s' option. %s 9Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for '%s'. %s AInvalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for '%s'. %s 5Invalid syntax. Mandatory option '%s' is missing. %s FInvalid syntax. '%s' option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s). %s #Invalid argument/option - '%s'. %s 0Invalid syntax. Default argument is missing. %s FLength of the command line argument should not exceed 255 characters. IInvalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s). %s ,Invalid syntax. Value expected for '%s'. %s BInvalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed as default argument. %s Type "%s /?" for usage.*Value for '%s' option cannot be empty. %s -Value for default option cannot be empty. %s PA<Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for default. %s DInvalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for default. %s >Value for default option cannot be more than %d character(s). ?Invalid syntax. Value cannot be specified with '%s' option. %s ;Value for '%s' option cannot be more than %d character(s). 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?.StringFileInfo 040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation-FileDescriptionwhoami - displays logged on user informationr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNamewhoami.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamewhoami.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING