MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PELR!  Vp6@hT.rsrchTV@@ @Xp   ` OriginalFilenameasptlb.tlb\ProductNameInternet Information ServicesBProductVersion8.5.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$TranslationMSFT AY d,X Lx@l x  `   8,04"$1HP0(4"1`P,4"2 xP(@%"44"4PP04"5P84"X7P<%"= 4"=P <4" ? 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Status values are defined in the HTTP specification.WWW+Adds an HTTP header with a specified value.WWWFAdds a string to the end of the Web server log entry for this Request.BWrites content without any character (Unicode to ANSI) conversion.=Erases any buffered content, leaving the HTTP headers intact.WMCauses Active Server Pages to stop processing and return any buffered output.W"Sends buffered output immediately.<Causes the browser to attempt to connect to a different URL.WW1Writes specified text to the current HTTP output.WSA read-only property that indicates if the client has disconnected from the server.WWWsAppends the name of the character set (for example, ISO-LATIN-7) to the content-type header in the response object.WWW8Adds a value to the pics-label field of the HTTP header.WWTSets the Cache Control header. If set to Public, proxy servers can cache ASP output.WWEDetermines the codepage that will be used to display dynamic content.WFDetermines the Locale ID that will be used to display dynamic content.Sends output to the client.WWW#Dictionary for Variant collections.WWW.Number of items in the dictionary of variants.-Deletes an item from the Contents collection.W/Deletes all items from the Contents Collection.WWW#Returns a Session ID for this user.WWW]Specifies the timeout period assigned to the Session object for this Application, in minutes.W5Destroys a Session object and releases its resources.WPDetermines the location identifier that will be used to display dynamic content.WWaContains all of the objects created with the tag within the scope of the Session object.WUCollection of all items that have been added to the Session through a script command.W8Stores information needed for a particular user-session.WWPrevents other clients from modifying the variables stored in the Application object, ensuring that only one client at a time can alter or access the Application variables.WW~Enables other clients to modify the variables stored in the Application object after it has been locked using the Lock method.ZA collection of all objects that have been added to the Application with the tag.YCollection of all items that have been added to the Application through a script command.W6Persistent collection for all users of an Application.%Object describing an error condition.W6A string that contains an error code generated by IIS.5A long integer that contains the returned error code.W\A string indicating if the error was generated by IIS, a scripting language, or a component.WW?A string that indicates the .asp file that generated the error.WWW_A long integer indicating the number of the line within the .asp file that generated the error.WWWA string describing the error./A string describing the error, returned by IIS.WWW?A long integer indicating the column that the error occured in.WWWNA string which is the text of the line in the .asp file that caused the error.^Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a script can run before the server terminates it.)Creates an instance of a server componentW+Applies HTML encoding to a specified stringWWWbMaps the specified relative or virtual path to the corresponding physical directory on the server.OApplies URL encoding rules, including escape characters, to a specified string.WWWKCalls an .asp file and processes it as if it were part of the calling .asp.WWW<Sends the request from one .asp file, to a second .asp file.WWHReturns an ASPError object describing the error condition that occurred.WW%Provides access to utility functions.W$Active Server Page Scripting ContextWWReturns the Request object.WWWReturns the Response object.WWReturns the Server object.Returns the Session object.WWWReturns the Application object.WWWBAn obsolete object for passing the built-in objects to components. @ @ @  @ d (@ @ @ PXhpXxL0\D DT , LD\ $$LD `4p0\0\D T $ LD ,$LD 0(\D  ``4p0T0\D<P , TD0 ,$TD0 $@(TD0 ,,TD0 ,0TD0 ,4TD(0 ,8LDh8  8<d DLh ````````4h40\0\0\D T , LD|@ $$LD ,(LD 0,\D  ```4p0\00T! , D!,$D!L,(D!x,,D! ,0LD|@ $4LD `````4(0\ ,LD@h $ D! ,$LD|H $(D!,,LD $0D!,4LD $8D!,<TDT0 , @LD H@ $ DD! 0 @HT  l8 LT  l, PD  8,TD   X4  \4  `4 T,dD xd,hD  $@lD ,pL D@ ,tLDD H$ $xD!,|D  l,LD Hh $D!,LDP 8 $D!,LD 8 $D!````````` ` ` ` ` ``````````````````TT,,\,<Px@PP,P|@l$P|4X,P|\0\D  0 T!  0$TA  0(\D  ,,LD(  $0LD ,4D X  84  ````444p0`<$,LD HT 0 \D| 0$T!| 0(TA| ,,LD 8 $0D! 44 D ,8LDP 8 $<D!, @LD | 8 $ DD! , HTD  ` , LTD 4 ` `````` ` ` ` `<hhh,\ ,X|(0\D| 0 T!| 0$TA|  (4  ,4 x,0TD` ,4TDT` ````hhhTd0`,LDH , LDH8 ,$LDH ,(LDH8 ,,LD$8d ,0LDH ,4LDH ,8LD8 ,<LD H `````````( T | ,X4`,LDp8T $ D!8$\ D  8(\ D H 8,\ D, H, 80\ D H 0@4\ D H ,8D  ,<D 4 , @T D tx ````````` `8 8 p L d ,P0`,TD , TD0( ,$TDP@ ,(TDlT ,,TDl ````` x,XMSFT AO dL ( xDD%"h(<#"h0DX$`0Hmz<"dmܜJO$mz<"dd0FFd`H-stdole2.tlbWWWD(|d7ASPObjectContextTypeLibraryW8ASPObjectContextd8IASPObjectContextWWWd }SetCompleteWd)#SetAbort:Microsoft Active Server Pages ObjectContext Object LibraryASP Object Context ClassWWIASPObjectContextWmethod SetCompletemethod SetAbortWWW@ 4 l  4 d|