#pragma autorecover #pragma classflags(64) #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\WebAdministration") instance of __namespace{ name="MS_40c";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\WebAdministration\\MS_40c") [Description("Associates a configured object with its configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class ObjectConfigurationAssociation { [Description("An object ref value that represents the configuration section for an object.") : Amended ToSubclass] Object Ref ConfigurationSection; [Description("An object ref value that represents an object that is configured.") : Amended ToSubclass] Object Ref ConfiguredObject; }; [Description("Serves as a base type for embedded objects.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Embedded Object") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class EmbeddedObject { }; [Description("Serves as a base class from which to derive the primary namespace objects for the IIS 7.0 WMI provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Object") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class Object { }; [Description("Associates an object with its child objects.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class ObjectContainerAssociation { [Description("An object ref value that represents a containing object.") : Amended ToSubclass] Object Ref Container; [Description("An object ref value that represents the object within the container.") : Amended ToSubclass] Object Ref Element; }; [Description("Groups classes whose instances form part of a collection.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Collection Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CollectionElement { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between an IIS Web site and a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) binding.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class SiteUsesSSLBinding : ObjectContainerAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between a Web server and its Web sites.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class ServerContainsSite : ObjectContainerAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between a Web server and its application pools.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class ServerContainsApplicationPool : ObjectContainerAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between an application pool and its applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class ApplicationPoolContainsApplication : ObjectContainerAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) binding and a Web server that is running IIS.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class ServerContainsSSLBinding : ObjectContainerAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between a Web site and its applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class SiteContainsApplication : ObjectContainerAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between a worker process and its application domains.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class WorkerProcessContainsAppDomain : ObjectContainerAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between an application pool and its worker processes.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class ApplicationPoolContainsProcess : ObjectContainerAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between an IIS application and its virtual directories.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class ApplicationContainsVirtualDirectory : ObjectContainerAssociation { }; [Description("Represents a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) binding.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("SSL Binding2") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SSLBinding2 : Object { [Description("A read/write string value that contains a GUID that represents the application that created the binding.") : Amended ToSubclass] string BindingOwnerID; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that configures client certificate checking.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"DisableClientCertRevocationCheck", "AlwaysUseCachedCRL", "EnableRevocationFreshnessTimeSetting", "DisableClientCertUsageCheck"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CertificateCheckMode; [Description("A read/write string value that represents the unique identifier for the certificate.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CertificateHash; [Description("A read only string value that contains the name of the certificate store where the certificate is found.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string StoreName; [Description("A read only string value that contains the name of the certificate store where the certificate is found.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string HostName; [Description("A read/write string value that identifies a certificate trust list (CTL).") : Amended ToSubclass] string CTLIdentifier; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the certificate store where the CTL is found.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CTLStoreName; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the IP address for the secure binding.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string IPAddress; [Description("A read-only uint32 value that contains the port number that the secure binding uses.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Port; [Description("A read/write datetime value in seconds.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime RevocationFreshnessTime; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies a timeout interval, in milliseconds, after which the certificate revocation list (CRL) on the certificate client is updated by the CRL from the remote location.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime RevocationURLRetrievalTimeout; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies how SSL client connections will be negotiated. True if the server will immediately negotiate a client certificate; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SslAlwaysNegoClientCert; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Microsoft Active Directory certificate mapper is used for client certificate authentication; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SslUseDsMapper; [Description("Creates an SSL binding.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Create([In] string IPAddress,[In] uint32 Port,[In] string CertificateHash,[In] string StoreName,[In] string HostName); }; [Description("Represents a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) binding.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("SSL Binding") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SSLBinding : Object { [Description("A read/write string value that contains a GUID that represents the application that created the binding.") : Amended ToSubclass] string BindingOwnerID; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that configures client certificate checking.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"DisableClientCertRevocationCheck", "AlwaysUseCachedCRL", "EnableRevocationFreshnessTimeSetting", "DisableClientCertUsageCheck"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CertificateCheckMode; [Description("A read/write string value that represents the unique identifier for the certificate.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CertificateHash; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the name of the certificate store where the certificate is found.") : Amended ToSubclass] string StoreName; [Description("A read/write string value that identifies a certificate trust list (CTL).") : Amended ToSubclass] string CTLIdentifier; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the certificate store where the CTL is found.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CTLStoreName; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the IP address for the secure binding.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string IPAddress; [Description("A read-only uint32 value that contains the port number that the secure binding uses.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 Port; [Description("A read/write datetime value in seconds.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime RevocationFreshnessTime; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies a timeout interval, in milliseconds, after which the certificate revocation list (CRL) on the certificate client is updated by the CRL from the remote location.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime RevocationURLRetrievalTimeout; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies how SSL client connections will be negotiated. True if the server will immediately negotiate a client certificate; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SslAlwaysNegoClientCert; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Microsoft Active Directory certificate mapper is used for client certificate authentication; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SslUseDsMapper; [Description("Creates an SSL binding.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Create([In] string IPAddress,[In] uint32 Port,[In] string CertificateHash,[In] string StoreName); }; [Description("Represents an IIS application domain.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("App Domain") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AppDomain : Object { [Description("A read-only string value that contains the virtual path of the application domain.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string ApplicationPath; [Description("A read-only string value that contains a unique identifier for the application domain.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Id; [Description("A read-only Boolean value. True if the application domain is currently idle; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean IsIdle; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the physical path of the application.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PhysicalPath; [Description("A read-only uint32 value that contains the ID of the process in which the application domain is loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ProcessId; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the name of the Web site to which the application domain belongs.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string SiteName; [Description("Unloads an application domain.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Unload(); }; [Description("Acts as a base type for namespace objects whose configuration can be specified in configuration sections.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Configured Object") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConfiguredObject : Object { [Description("Retrieves all of the configuration sections under a configured object.") : Amended ToSubclass] void GetAllSections([OUT] ConfigurationSection Sections[]); [Description("Retrieves the contents of a configuration section for a configured object.") : Amended ToSubclass] void GetSection([IN] string SectionName,[OUT] ConfigurationSection Section); [Description("Retrieves the string representation of configuration attribute.") : Amended ToSubclass] string GetAttribute([IN] string SectionPath,[IN] string AttributeName,[IN] string RelativePath,[IN] string Location); [Description("Sets attribute value from the string representation of configuration attribute.") : Amended ToSubclass] void SetAttribute([IN] string SectionPath,[IN] string AttributeName,[IN] string RelativePath,[IN] string Location,[IN] string Value); [Description("Clears attribute value from the configuration element.") : Amended ToSubclass] void ClearAttribute([IN] string SectionPath,[IN] string AttributeName,[IN] string RelativePath,[IN] string Location); [Description("Creates collection element with a given name.") : Amended ToSubclass] void AddCollectionElement([IN] string SectionPath,[IN] string CollectionElementName,[IN] NameValueConfigurationElement ElementParameters[],[IN] string AddElementName,[IN] string RelativePath,[IN] string Location); [Description("Removes collection element with a given key values.") : Amended ToSubclass] void RemoveCollectionElement([IN] string SectionPath,[IN] string CollectionElementName,[IN] NameValueConfigurationElement ElementParameters[],[IN] string RelativePath,[IN] string Location); [Description("Retrieves the string representation of configuration metadata.") : Amended ToSubclass] string GetRawMetadata([IN] string SectionPath,[IN] string TargetName,[IN] string MetadataName,[IN] string RelativePath,[IN] string Location); [Description("Retrieves the string representation of configuration metadata.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SetRawMetadata([IN] string SectionPath,[IN] string TargetName,[IN] string MetadataName,[IN] string MetadataValue,[IN] string RelativePath,[IN] string Location); }; [Description("Represents an HTTP request in a worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Request") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpRequest : Object { [Description("A read-only string value that contains the IP address of the client that made the request.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ClientIPAddress; [Description("A read-only string value that contains a 128-bit GUID that uniquely identifies a request's connection.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ConnectionId; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the name of the current module that the request is in.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CurrentModule; [Description("A read-only string value that contains a 128-bit GUID that uniquely identifies a request.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string GUID; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the site domain name or machine name requested by the client.") : Amended ToSubclass] string HostName; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the IP address of the network interface card on which the request was received.") : Amended ToSubclass] string LocalIPAddress; [Description("A read-only uint32 value that contains the port number on which the request was received.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 LocalPort; [Description("A read-only uint32 value that contains the pipeline module state that the request is in.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 PipelineState; [Description("A read-only uint32 value that contains the site ID of the request.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 SiteId; [Description("A read-only uint32 value that contains the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the request has been in process.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 TimeElapsed; [Description("A read-only uint32 value that contains the time, in milliseconds, that the request has spent in the module in which it is currently located.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 TimeInModule; [Description("A read-only uint32 value that contains the time, in milliseconds, that the request has been in the current request notification.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 TimeInState; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the requested URL.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Url; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the HTTP verb used in the request.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Verb; }; [Description("Represents a Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) worker process (w3wp.exe).") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Worker Process") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WorkerProcess : Object { [Description("A read-only string that represents the application pool to which the worker process belongs.") : Amended ToSubclass] string AppPoolName; [Description("A read-only string that contains the GUID for the worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Guid; [Description("A read-only uint32 that contains the worker process ID.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 ProcessId; [Description("Returns the run-time status of a worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Starting", "Running", "Stopping", "Unknown"} : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetState(); [Description("Gets the requests that are currently assigned to a worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass] void GetExecutingRequests([Out] HttpRequest OutputElement[]); }; [Description("Maps friendly event names to related event types.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Event Mapping Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class EventMappingElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the ending event code of the event mapping range.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 EndEventCode; [Description("A read-only unique string value that specifies the friendly name of the event mapping setting.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the starting event code of the event mapping range.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 StartEventCode; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the type of a custom event.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Specifies an ASP.NET custom error message for an HTTP status code error.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Custom Error") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CustomError : CollectionElement { [Description("A required nonempty read/write string value that contains the path of a file or URL that contains a custom error message.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Redirect; [Description("A required unique read/write sint32 value that specifies an HTTP error status code.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] sint32 StatusCode; }; [Description("Specifies an assembly reference that is used during compilation of an ASP.NET Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Assembly Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AssemblyElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required, unique read/write string value that specifies an assembly reference that is used during compilation of an ASP.NET Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Assembly; }; [Description("Represents a Web service extension upon which one or more Web applications depend.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Group Dependency") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class GroupDependency : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that contains the group ID of a Web service extension upon which one or more Web applications depend.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string GroupId; }; [Description("Represents the type information for an authentication module.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Authentication Module Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AuthenticationModuleElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required, unique read/write string value that specifies the type and assembly information for an authentication module.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Allows or denies access to content based on a unique combination of the IP address, subnet mask, and domain name.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("IP Address Filter Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class IPAddressFilterElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if access is granted to the location specified by the combination of the IPAddress, DomainName, and SubnetMask properties; otherwise; false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Allowed; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies a domain name (for example, 'www.contoso.com') or a wildcard domain name (for example, '*.contoso.com') to which access is granted or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string DomainName; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies an IP address to which access is granted or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string IpAddress; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that corresponds to a subnet mask to which access is granted or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string SubnetMask; }; [Description("Configures the output cache profile for the pages of a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Output Cache Profile") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class OutputCacheProfile : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the time, in seconds, that the page or user control is cached.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Duration; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if caching is enabled for all pages or controls that use this output cache profile; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the location of the cache.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Any", "Client", "Downstream", "Server", "None", "ServerAndClient"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Location; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the name of the output cache profile.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the page issues a Cache-Control: Private no-store header in the HTTP response that directs the browser not to cache the page; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean NoStore; [Description("A read/write string value that identifies a set of SQL database and table name pairs on which a page or control's output cache depends.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SqlDependency; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a comma-delimited set of IDs of controls to be cached.") : Amended ToSubclass] string VaryByControl; [Description("A read/write comma-delimited string value that represents custom output caching requirements.") : Amended ToSubclass] string VaryByCustom; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a comma-delimited set of HTTP headers that are associated with the request and are used to vary the cached output.") : Amended ToSubclass] string VaryByHeader; [Description("A string value that specifies a comma-delimited set of parameters that vary the cached output by GET query string or form POST parameters.") : Amended ToSubclass] string VaryByParam; }; [Description("Imports a SOAP transmission protocol into an XML Web service.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Soap Transport Importer Type Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SoapTransportImporterTypeElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that imports a SOAP transmission protocol into an XML Web service.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Specifies criteria for generating trace events and configures the content of log file entries.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Area Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceAreaElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that has a comma-delimited list, without spaces, of areas whose requests are traced when the Provider property is set to 'ASPNET' or 'WWW server'.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Areas; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the name of the provider whose failed requests are traced.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string provider; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the level of verbosity when failed requests are logged.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"General", "CriticalError", "Error", "Warning", "Information", "Verbose"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Verbosity; }; [Description("Specifies a file extension that is allowed or denied in requests.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("File Extension Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FileExtensionElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if files with the extension specified in FileExtension are allowed in requests; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Allowed; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies a file extension that is allowed or denied in requests depending on the value in the Allowed property.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string FileExtension; }; [Description("Specifies a MIME type associated with a file extension.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Mime Map Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class MimeMapElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required, unique, nonempty read-only string value that contains the file extension for MimeType.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string FileExtension; [Description("A required, nonempty read/write string value that contains the MIME type for the extension in FileExtension.") : Amended ToSubclass] string MimeType; }; [Description("Specifies a destination to which certain requests are redirected.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Wildcard Redirect Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WildcardRedirectElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that contains the file name, directory path, or URL to which the user is redirected.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Destination; [Description("A required read-only string value that contains the file name, directory path, or URL from which the user is redirected.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Wildcard; }; [Description("Contains a unique string that belongs to an array that forms a property on a class in the WMI provider for IIS.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("String Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class StringElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that belongs to an array of similar strings that forms a property on an IIS WMI provider class.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Value; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class NameElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name for a NameElement object.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; }; [Description("Configures a compression scheme for dynamic or static content.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Compression Scheme Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpCompressionSchemeElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A nonempty read/write string value that specifies the fully qualified file system path and file name of the DLL associated with the compression scheme.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Dll; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS compresses responses to requests for dynamic content, such as scripts in ASP pages and ISAPI extensions; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DoDynamicCompression; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS compresses responses to requests for static content; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DoStaticCompression; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the compression level, from 0 through 10, for dynamic content.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 DynamicCompressionLevel; [Description("A nonempty read-only string value that specifies the name of the compression scheme.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A uint32 value that specifies the compression level, from 0 through 10, for static content.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 StaticCompressionLevel; }; [Description("Specifies trace area names and their corresponding enumeration values for a trace provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Area Definition") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceAreaDefinition : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies the name of the trace area.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that maps to a trace area or areas.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Value; }; [Description("Represents a one-to-one mapping of an SSL certificate to a user account.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("One To One Certificate Mapping Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class OneToOneCertificateMappingElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that specifies an SSL certificate.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Certificate; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if one-to-one certificate mapping is enabled for the certificate specified in the Certificate property; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the password for the Windows user account to which the certificate is mapped.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the user name of the user account to which the SSL certificate is mapped.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; }; [Description("Represents a build provider that compiles custom resource files of a particular file type and generates code during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Build Provider") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class BuildProvider : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that specifies a resource file extension (such as '.aspx' or '.ascx') that is compiled by the build provider specified in the Type property.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Extension; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the type of the build provider that compiles resource files that have the file extension specified in the Extension property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Represents a folder level build provider that compiles custom resource files of a particular file type and generates code during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Build Provider") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FolderLevelBuildProvider : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that specifies a resource file extension (such as '.aspx' or '.ascx') that is compiled by the build provider specified in the Type property.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the type of the build provider that compiles resource files that have the file extension specified in the Extension property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Defines the maximum number of connections to a server or group of servers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Connection Management Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConnectionManagementElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains a .NET Framework regular expression that specifies an IP address or DNS name of a network host.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Address; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of connections allowed to a server.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxConnection; }; [Description("Represents the mapping of a user agent to an alias.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Client Target") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ClientTarget : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that contains an alias that is mapped to the user agent specified in the UserAgent property.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Alias; [Description("A read/write string value that identifies a specific user agent.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserAgent; }; [Description("Specifies a URL segment whose content will not be served to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Segment Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SegmentElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies a URL segment whose content will not be served to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Segment; }; [Description("Specifies the name and type of a provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Provider Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProviderElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the name of a provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A required read/write string value that contains the managed type for the provider that is specified in the Name property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Maps a Web event to a health-monitoring provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Rule Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class RuleElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the fully qualified type of a custom class that implements the System.Web.Management.IWebEventCustomEvaluator interface.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Custom; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of an event from the EventMappingSettings class.") : Amended ToSubclass] string EventName; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of times that the event specified in the EventName property is raised.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxLimit; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the minimum number of occurrences of the event specified in the EventName property before the event is raised to the provider.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MinInstances; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the minimum interval between two events of the type specified in the EventName property.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime MinInterval; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the name of the rule element.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies an event profile (in the ProfileSettings class) that determines the number of events and the frequency with which they should be raised.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Profile; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of a health monitoring provider from the ProviderSettings class.") : Amended ToSubclass] string provider; }; [Description("Configures a trust level for Web applications on a Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trust Level") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TrustLevel : CollectionElement { [Description("A required read-only string value that specifies a named security level that is mapped to a policy file.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A required read/write string value that specifies a configuration file that contains security policy settings for the security level specified in the Name property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PolicyFile; }; [Description("Specifies the permitted sizes of HTTP request headers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Header Limits Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HeaderLimitsElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies an HTTP request header.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Header; [Description("A required uint32 value that specifies, in bytes, the maximum length of the HTTP request header specified in the Header property.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 SizeLimit; }; [Description("Specifies a SOAP extension used to inspect or modify a SOAP message during processing on the Web service or client.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Soap Extension Type Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SoapExtensionTypeElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only sint32 value that, together with the Priority property, specifies the relative order in which a SOAP extension runs when multiple SOAP extensions are configured to run.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"High", "Low"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Group; [Description("A read-only sint32 value that, together with the Group property, specifies the relative order in which a SOAP extension runs when multiple SOAP extensions are configured to run.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] sint32 Priority; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the fully qualified type name of a SOAP extension class.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Configures a global module in IIS.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Global Module Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class GlobalModuleElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the file system path to the .dll file that contains the global module.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Image; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies a unique name for the global module.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of values that represent preconditions for the module to be loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PreCondition; }; [Description("Exposes configuration settings for SQL data in an ASP.NET cache.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Sql Cache Dependency Database") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SqlCacheDependencyDatabase : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the connection string to the SQL data source.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ConnectionStringName; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the name of the SQL database whose data is cached by ASP.NET.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies, in milliseconds, how often the SQL data source is queried for changes.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 PollTime; }; [Description("Configures the ASP.NET event-buffering settings for event providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Buffer Mode Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class BufferModeElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of events that can be buffered at the same time.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxBufferSize; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of flushing threads that can be active at the same time.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxBufferThreads; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of events per flush.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxFlushSize; [Description("A required unique read-only string value that specifies the name of the buffer mode setting.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time between buffer flushes.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime RegularFlushInterval; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the minimum amount of time that can pass between buffer flushes.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime UrgentFlushInterval; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the number of events that can be buffered before a flush is triggered.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 UrgentFlushThreshold; }; [Description("Represents a named database connection string.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Connection String Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConnectionStringSettings : CollectionElement { [Description("A required read/write string value that specifies a database connection string.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ConnectionString; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies the name of the database connection string.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the name of the ADO.NET provider to use to access a data store.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProviderName; }; [Description("Maps a displayed URL to the URL of a page in a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Url Mapping") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class UrlMapping : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the destination URL to which the inbound request specified in the Url property is sent.") : Amended ToSubclass] string MappedUrl; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the displayed inbound URL to be remapped.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Url; }; [Description("Specifies a transmission protocol or protocols that are used to decrypt data sent from a client browser in an HTTP request.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Web Services Protocol Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebServicesProtocolElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only sint32 mask that specifies the transmission protocols that are used to decrypt data sent from a client browser in the HTTP request.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"Unknown", "HttpSoap", "HttpGet", "HttpPost", "Documentation", "HttpPostLocalhost", "HttpSoap12", "AnyHttpSoap"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Name; }; [Description("Specifies a code subdirectory for an ASP.NET Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Directory Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DirectoryElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies a code subdirectory for an ASP.NET Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string DirectoryName; }; [Description("Configures caching for a given request extension.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Caching Profile Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CachingProfileElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time a response should remain in the cache.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime Duration; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies the extension of a request that will use the cache profile.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Extension; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that configures the kernel caching policy.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"DontCache", "CacheUntilChange", "CacheForTimePeriod", "DisableCache"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 KernelCachePolicy; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies possible locations for the output cache.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Any", "Client", "Downstream", "Server", "None", "ServerAndClient"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Location; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that configures the output caching policy.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"DontCache", "CacheUntilChange", "CacheForTimePeriod", "DisableCache"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Policy; [Description("A read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of header names that the server will use to vary cached responses to the URL.") : Amended ToSubclass] string VaryByHeaders; [Description("A read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of query string parameter names that the server will use to vary cached responses to the URL.") : Amended ToSubclass] string VaryByQueryString; }; [Description("Contains address information for resources that bypass the Web proxy server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Bypass Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class BypassElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required, unique read/write string value that contains a regular expression that defines a resource address or addresses that bypass the proxy server.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Address; }; [Description("Maps an ASP.NET mobile control to a specific device adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Adapter Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AdapterElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required read/write string value that specifies the fully qualified name of the device adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Adapter; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the fully qualified name of the control.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; }; [Description("Specifies whether IIS will compress a particular MIME type before serving it.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Compression Mime Type Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpCompressionMimeTypeElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the MIME type specified in MimeType will be compressed; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the MIME type to be compressed.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string MimeType; }; [Description("Represents a many-to-one certificate mapping rule.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Many To One Certificate Mapping Rule Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ManyToOneCertificateMappingRuleElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write sint32 value that specifies whether the mapping rule applies to the subject or issuer of the certificate.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"Subject", "Issuer"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CertificateField; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies the certificate subfield against which the MatchCriteria property is applied.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string CertificateSubField; [Description("A required unique read/write Boolean value. True if the comparison performed using the MatchCriteria property is case-sensitive; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] boolean CompareCaseSensitive; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies the value that must be present in the certificate subfield in order for the client certificate to be mapped to a token user account.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string MatchCriteria; }; [Description("Configures environment settings for a FastCGI application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FastCGI Environment Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FastCgiEnvironmentElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of an environment variable to pass to a FastCGI process.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the value of an environment variable to pass to a FastCGI process.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Value; }; [Description("Configures environment settings for a FastCGI application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FastCGI Environment Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FastCgiEnvironmentSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of FastCgiEnvironmentElement values.") : Amended ToSubclass] FastCgiEnvironmentElement EnvironmentVariables[]; }; [Description("Configures settings for a FastCGI application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FastCGI Application Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FastCgiApplicationElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that IIS waits for FastCGI activity, such as sending data.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ActivityTimeout; [key : ToInstance ToSubclass,Description("A read/write string value that specifies command-line arguments for the FastCGI application executable file.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Arguments; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies path to a file changes to which will trigger recycle of FastCGI processes.") : Amended ToSubclass] string MonitorChangesTo; [Values{"ReturnStdErrIn500", "ReturnGeneric500", "IgnoreAndReturn200", "TerminateProcess"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies how FastCGI module should behave when FastCGI process sends text on standard error stream.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 StderrMode; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if named pipes are flushed at the end of each request; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean FlushNamedPipe; [key : ToInstance ToSubclass,Description("A read/write string value that specifies the full path of the FastCGI application executable file.") : Amended ToSubclass] string FullPath; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the time interval, in seconds, after which an idle process is ended.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 IdleTimeout; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of requests that a FastCGI worker process can manage before the process is recycled.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 InstanceMaxRequests; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies number of seconds IIS will wait after setting terminate event before forcibly terminating the FastCGI worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 SignalBeforeTerminateSeconds; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of FastCGI worker processes that can be started for an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxInstances; [Values{"NamedPipe", "Tcp"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the transport mechanism that communicates with the FastCGI worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Protocol; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of requests that can be queued for the FastCGI application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 QueueLength; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that IIS waits for a FastCGI application to finish processing a request.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RequestTimeout; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the number of FastCGI process failures allowed in a minute before IIS takes the FastCGI process offline.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RapidFailsPerMinute; [Description("Specifies environment variable settings for FastCGI processes.") : Amended ToSubclass] FastCgiEnvironmentSettings EnvironmentVariables; }; [Description("Specifies a transmission protocol that ASP.NET can use to decrypt data sent in the HTTP request from a client browser.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Protocol Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProtocolElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that contains the common language runtime (CLR) type of the application domain protocol handler for the protocol specified in the Name property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string AppDomainHandlerType; [Description("A unique nonempty read-only string value that specifies the name of a transmission protocol that ASP.NET can use to decrypt data sent in the HTTP request from a client browser.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the CLR type of the process protocol handler for the protocol specified in the Name property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProcessHandlerType; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the types specified in the AppDomainHandlerType and ProcessHandlerType properties should be validated when the section is parsed.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Validate; }; [Description("Contains a single configuration namespace reference, similar to the Import directive.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Namespace Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class NamespaceElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies a namespace.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Namespace; }; [Description("Represents a rule in the authorization section of a configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Authorization Rule") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AuthorizationRule : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies whether access to a URL resource is granted based on the combination of values specified by the Roles, Users, and Verbs properties.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Allow", "Deny"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 AccessType; [Description("A required, unique read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of roles for which access to a URL resource is granted or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Roles; [Description("A required, unique read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of users for whom access to a URL resource is granted or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Users; [Description("A required, unique read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of HTTP transmission methods for which access to a URL resource is granted or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Verbs; }; [Description("Specifies an ISAPI filter.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Isapi Filter Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class IsapiFilterElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS allows HTTP.sys caching for requests that go through the ISAPI filter; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableCache; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the ISAPI filter is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the name of the ISAPI filter.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A required nonempty read/write string value that specifies the full physical path to the DLL file of the ISAPI filter.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a condition that must be satisfied before the ISAPI filter is loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PreCondition; }; [Description("Represents an HTTP verb that is allowed or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Verb Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class VerbElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required read/write Boolean value. True if the HTTP verb specified in the Verb property is allowed; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Allowed; [Description("A required unique nonempty read/write string value that specifies an HTTP verb.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Verb; }; [Description("Specifies criteria for determining mobile browser capabilities or the type of mobile device.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Device Filter") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DeviceFilter : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a keyword to be compared.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Argument; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the category for a keyword to be compared.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Compare; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the name of a method to be used in an evaluator-delegate filter.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Method; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies the name of the device filter.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the class of an evaluator delegate method.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Associates a name and a managed type.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Name Type Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class NameTypeElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies a name.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a managed type associated with the value in the Name property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Specifies configuration settings for a listener adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Listener Adapter Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ListenerAdapterElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that contains the account name that is used to secure the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) communication channel between the listener service and the listener adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Identity; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the name of a listener adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the DLL where the listener adapter code is located.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProtocolManagerDll; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the name of the function to call on the custom listener adapter code.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProtocolManagerDllInitFunction; }; [Description("Configures an event profile that determines how an event is collected by ASP.NET and raised to providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Profile Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProfileElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the fully qualified type of a custom class that implements the System.Web.Management.IWebEventCustomEvaluator interface.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Custom; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of times that events of the same type are raised.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxLimit; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the minimum number of event occurrences before the event is raised to the provider.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MinInstances; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the minimum interval between two events of the same type.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime MinInterval; [Description("A unique read-only string value that specifies the name of the profile setting.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; }; [Description("Represents a binding element for a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Binding Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class BindingElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A nonempty read/write string value with three colon-delimited fields that specify binding information for a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] string BindingInformation; [Description("A required, unique nonempty read/write string value that specifies the protocol that the site binding uses.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Protocol; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies ssl binding information for a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 SslFlags; }; [Description("Represents a module entry in the section of a configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Module Action") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ModuleAction : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the name of the module.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of values that represent preconditions for the module to be loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PreCondition; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a managed module's type.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Contains configuration settings for an ADO.NET 2.0 provider factory.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Provider Factory Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProviderFactoryElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that contains the verbose name of the data provider specified in the Name and Invariant properties (for example, '.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC').") : Amended ToSubclass] string Description; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the invariant name of the provider that is specified in the Description and Name properties (for example, 'System.Data.Odbc').") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Invariant; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the name of a data provider (for example, 'ODBC Data Provider').") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the type for the provider specified in the Name, Description, and Invariant properties (for example, 'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089').") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Contains a key/value pair that represents a setting for a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Key Value Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class KeyValueElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the name of an application setting.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string key; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the value for the application setting specified in the Key property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Value; }; [Description("Represents an ISAPI or Common Gateway Interface (CGI) restriction element.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Isapi Cgi Restriction Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class IsapiCgiRestrictionElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the restriction is allowed to run automatically; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Allowed; [Description("A read/write string value that contains a description of the restriction.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Description; [Description("An optional read/write string value that identifies a group to which a restriction belongs.") : Amended ToSubclass] string GroupId; [Description("A required nonempty read-only string value that contains the path of the .dll or .exe file for the restriction.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Path; }; [Description("Specifies a compiler that is used for Web applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Compiler Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CompilerElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies compiler-specific options to use during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CompilerOptions; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains a semicolon-delimited list of file name extensions used for dynamic code-behind files, files in the code directory, and other referenced files.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Extension; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains a semicolon-delimited list of programming languages to use in dynamic compilation files.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Language; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the type name of the language compiler to use for dynamic compilation files.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the compiler warning level.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 WarningLevel; }; [Description("Represents an ASP.NET HTTP handler.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Handler Action") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpHandlerAction : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that contains the path of a single URL or a wildcard string.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a managed type for an HTTP handler.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP.NET waits to load the handler class until a matching request arrives; otherwise false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Validate; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies a comma-delimited list of HTTP verbs (for example, 'GET, PUT, POST').") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Verb; }; [Description("Specifies a type in an array property on a Web-service-related WMI class.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Type Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TypeElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains type information.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Contains configuration information for a custom or user control.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Tag Prefix Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TagPrefixElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the name of the assembly in which a custom control implementation resides.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Assembly; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the namespace in which the custom control resides.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Namespace; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name and path of the file that contains the implementation of a user control.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Src; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the name of a user control.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string TagName; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the tag prefix that is associated with a source file (or namespace and assembly) where the control resides.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string TagPrefix; }; [Description("Maps an expression prefix to an expression builder type.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Expression Builder") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ExpressionBuilder : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that contains the prefix for the current expression builder object.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string ExpressionPrefix; [Description("A read/write string value that contains a type associated with the prefix specified in the ExpressionPrefix property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Configures the user's credentials for Web applications that use Forms authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Forms Authentication User") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FormsAuthenticationUser : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that contains the logon user name required by the Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the user's password required by the Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; }; [Description("Contains a statement that remaps a tag type.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Tag Map Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TagMapElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write nonempty string value that specifies the name of the type to which the tag is remapped.") : Amended ToSubclass] string MappedTagType; [Description("A read-only nonempty string value that specifies the name of the original type for the tag that is being remapped.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string TagType; }; [Description("Configures the response to a specific HTTP error.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Error Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpErrorElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required read/write string value that contains the file name or URL that is served in response to the HTTP error specified by the StatusCode and SubStatusCode properties.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the physical path of a custom error page directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PrefixLanguageFilePath; [Description("A required read/write sint32 value that specifies the response to the HTTP error specified by StatusCode and SubStatusCode.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"File", "ExecuteURL", "Redirect"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ResponseMode; [Description("A required unique read/write uint32 value that contains a status code from 400 through 999.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] uint32 StatusCode; [Description("A required unique read/write sint32 value that contains a substatus code from 1 through 999.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] sint32 SubStatusCode; }; [Description("Exposes configuration settings for handlers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Handler Action") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HandlerAction : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the handler will process full path information in a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowPathInfo; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the module to which you want to map a file or extension.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Modules; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies a unique name for the handler mapping.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a file extension or file name with extension of the file type to be handled.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A read/write string value that optionally specifies conditions under which the handler can run.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PreCondition; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies handler access requirements.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Read", "Write", "Script", "Execute"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 RequireAccess; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the mapping type for the handler.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"File", "Directory", "Either", "Unspecified"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ResourceType; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that sets the maximum size, in bytes, of the response buffer for a request handler.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ResponseBufferLimit; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the full path to the ISAPI extension .dll file or CGI .exe file that processes the request, if appropriate.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ScriptProcessor; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the namespace path of a managed handler.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a comma-delimited list of verbs.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Verb; }; [Description("Represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) prefix and the associated class that creates Web requests for the prefix.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Web Request Module Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebRequestModuleElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the URI prefix for the Web request module specified by the Type property.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Prefix; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the managed type for a class that creates Web requests for the prefix specified in the Prefix property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Exposes a Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) specification to which a Web service declares that it conforms.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Conformance Warning") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConformanceWarning : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only sint32 enumeration that represents the Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) specification to which a Web service declares that it conforms.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass,Values{"None", "BasicProfile1_1"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Name; }; [Description("Contains a name/value pair for an HTTP response header.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Name Value Configuration Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class NameValueConfigurationElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the name part of an HTTP response header name/value pair.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the value part of an HTTP response header name/value pair.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Value; }; [Description("Represents a URL sequence that will be denied by request filtering.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Url Sequence") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class Sequence : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that represents a URL sequence that will be denied by request filtering.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Sequence; }; [Description("Represents an ASP.NET module.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Module Action") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpModuleAction : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the name of an ASP.NET module.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the type for an ASP.NET module.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Defines an adapter set that maps ASP.NET mobile controls to corresponding adapters within the and sections of the Web.config configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Device Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DeviceElement : CollectionElement { [Description("An array of read/write AdapterElement values, each of which maps an ASP.NET mobile control to a specific device adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass] AdapterElement Device[]; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the device adapter set from which this set must inherit.") : Amended ToSubclass] string InheritsFrom; [Description("A required read-only string value that specifies the unique name by which you must identify the device adapter set.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the class type of the page adapter for the adapter set.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PageAdapter; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the class type that supplies the evaluator predicate.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PredicateClass; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the method that supplies the evaluator predicate.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PredicateMethod; }; [Description("Represents a dependency between a Web application and one or more Web service extensions.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Application Dependency") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ApplicationDependency : CollectionElement { [Description("An array of GroupDependency values that contains the group IDs of Web service extensions on which the application specified in the Name property depends.") : Amended ToSubclass] GroupDependency Application[]; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the primary group ID of the application specified in the Name property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string GroupId; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the friendly name of an application that depends on the Web service extensions specified in the GroupDependency property.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; }; [Description("Represents an IIS virtual directory.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Virtual Directory") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class VirtualDirectory : ConfiguredObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS looks for Web.config files in content directories lower than the current level; false if IIS does not look for these files in directories lower than the current level.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowSubDirConfig; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the path for the application to which the virtual directory belongs.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string ApplicationPath; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies how a user is locally logged on.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Interactive", "Batch", "Network", "ClearText"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogonMethod; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the encrypted password for access to the physical path for the virtual directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the virtual directory path.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the physical path associated with the virtual directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PhysicalPath; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the name of the Web site to which the virtual directory belongs.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string SiteName; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a user who has rights to access any configuration files or content in a virtual directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; [Description("Creates a virtual directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Create([In] string VirtualDirectoryPath,[In] string ApplicationPath,[In] string PhysicalPath,[In] string SiteName); [Description("Reverts a virtual directory's configuration value or values to those of its parent.") : Amended ToSubclass] void RevertToParent([IN] string PropertyName); }; [Description("Configures the maximum length for response headers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Web Request Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpWebRequestSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum allowed length, in kilobytes, of an error response.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaximumErrorResponseLength; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum allowed length of the response headers.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaximumResponseHeadersLength; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum length, in bytes, of an upload in response to an unauthorized error code.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaximumUnauthorizedUploadLength; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if validation errors that occur during HTTP parsing are ignored; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseUnsafeHeaderParsing; }; [Description("Exposes properties that determine the actions to be taken when an application pool or worker process fails.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Application Pool Failure Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ApplicationPoolFailureSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies an executable file to run when the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) shuts down an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] string AutoShutdownExe; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the command-line parameters for the executable file specified by AutoShutdownExe.") : Amended ToSubclass] string AutoShutdownParams; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies application pool behavior when a service is unavailable.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"TcpLevel", "HttpLevel"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LoadBalancerCapabilities; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies an executable file to run when the WWW service orphans a worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass] string OrphanActionExe; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the command-line parameters for the executable file specified by OrphanActionExe.") : Amended ToSubclass] string OrphanActionParams; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the WWW service orphans a worker process that fails to respond to requests; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean OrphanWorkerProcess; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the WWW service will terminate all applications in an application pool when the number of worker process failures has reached the maximum specified by RapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes within the number of seconds specified by RapidFailProtectionInterval; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RapidFailProtection; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the number of seconds before the failure count for a worker process is reset.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime RapidFailProtectionInterval; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of permissible worker process failures.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes; }; [Description("Contains redirect name/value pairs that are added to the HTTP headers in responses from the Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Redirect Header Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class RedirectHeaderSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of NameValueConfigurationElement values that contain redirect name/value pairs that are added to the HTTP headers in responses from the Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass] NameValueConfigurationElement RedirectHeaders[]; }; [Description("Contains resource strings that associate prefixes with expression builder types during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Expression Builder Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ExpressionBuilderSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ExpressionBuilder values that associate prefixes with expression builder types.") : Amended ToSubclass] ExpressionBuilder ExpressionBuilders[]; }; [Description("Specifies one custom log field collection element for W3C custom logging.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Custom Fields Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CustomFieldsElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the name of the custom log field.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string LogFieldName; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the source name of the custom log field.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SourceName; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the source type of the custom log field.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"RequestHeader", "ResponseHeader", "ServerVariable"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 SourceType; }; [Description("Specifies custom log fields settings for W3C custom logging.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Custom Fields Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CustomFieldsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write uint32 value for specifying the maximum bytes of a custom log field value.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxCustomFieldLength; [Description("An array of CustomFieldsElement values that specify the W3C custom log field names and values.") : Amended ToSubclass] CustomFieldsElement CustomFields[]; }; [Description("Configures logging for a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Site Log File") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SiteLogFile : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the GUID of a plug-in module used for custom logging.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CustomLogPluginClsid; [Description("A nonempty read/write string value that specifies the name of the directory where log files are stored.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Directory; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if site logging is enabled for a Web site; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write Boolean value for logSiteId.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LogSiteId; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a new log file is based on local time; false if it is based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LocalTimeRollover; [BitValues{"Date", "Time", "ClientIP", "UserName", "SiteName", "ComputerName", "ServerIP", "Method", "UriStem", "UriQuery", "HttpStatus", "Win32Status", "BytesSent", "BytesRecv", "TimeTaken", "ServerPort", "UserAgent", "Cookie", "Referer", "ProtocolVersion", "Host", "HttpSubStatus"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A read/write sint32 value that contains a mask that specifies the attributes to be recorded in the log file.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogExtFileFlags; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the format of the log file.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"IIS", "NCSA", "W3C", "Custom"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogFormat; [BitValues{"File", "ETW"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the target of where log entries should be written.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogTargetW3C; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies how frequently log file contents are rolled over.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"MaxSize", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Hourly"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Period; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies, in bytes, the size at which the log file contents are truncated.") : Amended ToSubclass] string TruncateSize; [Description("A read/write uint32 value for specifying the number of log entries to flush to the log file. Value 1 implies each entry will get flushed as soon as it is generated.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 FlushByEntryCountW3CLog; [Description("A read/write uint32 value for specifying the maximum bytes of all log field values which can be written in one line in the log file.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxLogLineLength; }; [Description("Contains Web page file names to serve to clients by default.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("File Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FileSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of StringElement values that contain the names of the files that the Web server returns to clients by default.") : Amended ToSubclass] StringElement Files[]; }; [Description("Specifies the MIME types that IIS serves with dynamic compression.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Dynamic Type Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DynamicTypeSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of HttpCompressionMimeTypeElement values that specify whether IIS will dynamically compress a particular MIME type before serving it.") : Amended ToSubclass] HttpCompressionMimeTypeElement DynamicTypes[]; }; [Description("Configures settings for World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) centralized logging on a server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Central W3C Log File") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CentralW3CLogFile : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A nonempty read/write string value that specifies the directory to which log entries should be written.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Directory; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if W3C centralized logging is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a new log file is based on local time; false if it is based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LocalTimeRollover; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that contains a mask that specifies the attributes to be recorded in the log file.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Date", "Time", "ClientIP", "UserName", "SiteName", "ComputerName", "ServerIP", "Method", "UriStem", "UriQuery", "HttpStatus", "Win32Status", "BytesSent", "BytesRecv", "TimeTaken", "ServerPort", "UserAgent", "Cookie", "Referer", "ProtocolVersion", "Host", "HttpSubStatus"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogExtFileFlags; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies how frequently the current log file is closed and a new log file is started.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"MaxSize", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Hourly"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Period; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies, in bytes, the size at which the log file contents should be truncated.") : Amended ToSubclass] string TruncateSize; }; [Description("Exposes connection-related limits for a site.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Site Limits") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SiteLimits : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time that IIS waits before it considers a connection inactive and terminates it.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ConnectionTimeout; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum network bandwidth, in bytes per second, used for IIS.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxBandwidth; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections to a server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxConnections; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of URL segments in a request.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxUrlSegments; }; [Description("Configures user credentials for ASP.NET applications that use Forms authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Forms Authentication Credentials") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FormsAuthenticationCredentials : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of FormsAuthenticationUser values that specify user-name and password credentials.") : Amended ToSubclass] FormsAuthenticationUser Credentials[]; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that defines the encryption format for storing passwords.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Clear", "SHA1", "MD5"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 PasswordFormat; }; [Description("Configures an event profile that determines how an event is collected by ASP.NET and raised to providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Profile Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProfileSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ProfileElement objects that configures event profiles that determine how events are collected by ASP.NET and raised to providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProfileElement Profiles[]; }; [Description("Maps Web events to health-monitoring providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Rule Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class RuleSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of RuleElement instances that maps Web events to health-monitoring providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] RuleElement Rules[]; }; [Description("Specifies the size of the global memory shared by performance counters.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Performance Counter Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class PerformanceCounterSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the global memory shared by performance counters.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 FileMappingSize; }; [Description("Configures a time-out that helps mitigate denial of service attacks.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Soap Envelope Processing Info") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SoapEnvelopeProcessingInfo : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the time, in milliseconds, that the XML Web service waits before it terminates requests to the System.Xml.XmlReader.Read and System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToContent methods.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ReadTimeout; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Web service serializer throws an exception if it encounters unexpected elements or attributes; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Strict; }; [Description("Defines a filter for a trace listener.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Typed Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TypedElement : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of an event log or log file to which trace listener output is written, or other custom data that is used by the filter.") : Amended ToSubclass] string InitializeData; [Description("A required read/write string value that specifies the type of the trace listener filter.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Configures SMTP network settings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Smtp Network Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SmtpNetworkSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if default user credentials are used to access an SMTP server; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DefaultCredentials; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the SMTP server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Host; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the user password with which to connect to an SMTP mail server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the port that SMTP clients use to connect to an SMTP mail server.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Port; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the user name with which to connect to an SMTP mail server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; }; [Description("Contains profiles for output and kernel caching.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Caching Profile Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CachingProfileSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of CachingProfileElement values that configure caching for specific request extensions.") : Amended ToSubclass] CachingProfileElement Profiles[]; }; [Description("Contains one-to-one client certificate mappings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("One To One Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class OneToOneSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of OneToOneCertificateMappingElement values that specify one-to-one client certificate mappings.") : Amended ToSubclass] OneToOneCertificateMappingElement OneToOneMappings[]; }; [Description("Contains default configuration settings for IIS virtual directories.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Virtual Directory Element Defaults") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class VirtualDirectoryElementDefaults : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if by default IIS looks for Web.config files in content directories lower than the current level; false if IIS does not look for these files in directories lower than the current level.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowSubDirConfig; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the default method by which a user is locally logged on.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Interactive", "Batch", "Network", "ClearText"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogonMethod; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default encrypted password for access to the virtual root directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the default virtual directory path.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default physical path that is associated with the virtual directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PhysicalPath; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a default user who has rights to access any configuration files or content in a virtual directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; }; [Description("Exposes the caching configuration for an HTTP client.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Client Cache") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpClientCache : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies an HTTP 1.1 Cache-Control header to add to the response.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CacheControlCustom; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the maximum age for the HTTP 1.1 cache control.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime CacheControlMaxAge; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the mode to use for client caching.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"NoControl", "DisableCache", "UseMaxAge", "UseExpires"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CacheControlMode; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies, in Request for Comments (RFC) 1123 format, the date and time after which a cached response is considered stale.") : Amended ToSubclass] string HttpExpires; [Description("A read/write boolean value.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SetEtag; }; [Description("Contains name/value pairs that are added to the HTTP headers in responses from the Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Custom Header Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CustomHeaderSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of NameValueConfigurationElement values that contain name/value pairs that are added to the HTTP headers in responses from the Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass] NameValueConfigurationElement CustomHeaders[]; }; [Description("Specifies the local time at which an application will be recycled.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Schedule Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ScheduleElement : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A unique read/write datetime value that specifies the local time at which an application will be recycled.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime Value; }; [Description("Configures Microsoft Passport Network authentication in ASP.NET applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Passport Authentication") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class PassportAuthentication : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the URL of the page to which the request must be redirected if Passport Network authentication is required and the user has not signed on by using Passport Network credentials.") : Amended ToSubclass] string RedirectUrl; }; [Description("Configures Web proxy scripts.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Web Proxy Script Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebProxyScriptSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the Web proxy script download time-out.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime DownloadTimeout; }; [Description("Specifies whether completion ports are used for connecting and accepting connections.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Socket Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SocketSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if completion ports are used for accepting connections; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AlwaysUseCompletionPortsForAccept; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if completion ports are used for making connections; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AlwaysUseCompletionPortsForConnect; }; [Description("Contains configuration settings for a Web proxy server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Proxy Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProxySettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies whether the proxy is automatically detected.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"False", "True", "Unspecified"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 AutoDetect; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies whether the proxy is bypassed for local resources.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"False", "True", "Unspecified"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 BypassOnLocal; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the URI of the Web proxy server to use.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProxyAddress; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the URI of the automatic proxy detection script.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ScriptLocation; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies whether local system proxy settings are used to determine how local resources are accessed.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"False", "True", "Unspecified"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 UseSystemDefault; }; [Description("Configures properties related to ASP sessions.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Asp Session") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AspSession : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if session state persistence is enabled for the ASP application; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowSessionState; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a session ID is sent as a secure cookie when it is assigned over a secure channel; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean KeepSessionIdSecure; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions that IIS will permit.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Max; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the default amount of time that a session object is maintained after the last request associated with the object is made.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime Timeout; }; [Description("Specifies the user-interface mode for the System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert method and the name of a message log file.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Assert Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AssertSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if user-interface mode is enabled for the Debug.Assert method; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AssertUIEnabled; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of a log file to write trace or debug messages to.") : Amended ToSubclass] string LogFileName; }; [Description("Configures properties related to ASP limits.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Asp Limits") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AspLimits : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write uint32 value that sets the maximum size of the ASP buffer.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 BufferingLimit; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of bytes that are allowed in the entity body of an ASP request.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxRequestEntityAllowed; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of worker threads per processor that IIS may create.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ProcessorThreadMax; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time ASP waits before checking whether the client that is associated with a queued request is still connected.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime QueueConnectionTestTime; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time that an ASP script request is allowed to wait in the queue.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime QueueTimeout; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of concurrent ASP requests that are permitted into the queue.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RequestQueueMax; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the default length of time that ASP pages allow a script to run before terminating the script and writing an event to the Windows Event Log.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ScriptTimeout; }; [Description("Specifies the XML Web service Help page (an .aspx file) that is displayed to a browser when the browser navigates directly to an .asmx (XML Web services) page.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Wsdl Help Generator Info") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WsdlHelpGeneratorInfo : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that contains the file path to the Help page.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Href; }; [Description("Specifies the MIME types that IIS serves with static compression.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Static Type Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class StaticTypeSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of HttpCompressionMimeTypeElement values that specify whether IIS will statically compress a particular MIME type before serving it.") : Amended ToSubclass] HttpCompressionMimeTypeElement StaticTypes[]; }; [Description("Specifies managed providers that manage membership or roles for an ASP.NET application, or encrypt and decrypt configuration data.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Providers Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProvidersSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of NameTypeElement values that specify managed providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] NameTypeElement Providers[]; }; [Description("Contains build providers that compile custom resource files of a particular file type and generate code during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Build Provider Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class BuildProviderSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of BuildProvider values that compile custom resource files of a particular file type and generate code during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass] BuildProvider BuildProviders[]; }; [Description("Contains folder level build providers that compile custom resource files of a particular file type and generate code during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Build Provider Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FolderLevelBuildProviderSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of FolderLevelBuildProvider values that compile custom resource files of a particular file type and generate code during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass] FolderLevelBuildProvider FolderLevelBuildProviders[]; }; [Description("Specifies whether a Web service returns exceptions to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Diagnostics Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DiagnosticsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the XML Web service suppresses return exceptions to the client; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SuppressReturningExceptions; }; [Description("Configures the CPU settings for an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Application Pool Processor Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ApplicationPoolProcessorSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the actions that IIS takes when an application pool exceeds the CPU limit specified by Limit.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"NoAction", "KillW3wp", "Throttle", "ThrottleUnderLoad"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Action; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that indicates the percentage of CPU time to which worker processes are restricted during the interval specified by ResetInterval.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Limit; [Description("A read/write datetime value that represents the reset interval for the Limit property.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ResetInterval; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if SmpProcessorAffinityMask will be allowed to assign a worker process to a particular processor; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SmpAffinitized; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that contains a hexadecimal mask that indicates which CPU the worker processes in an application pool should be bound to.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 SmpProcessorAffinityMask; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that contains a hexadecimal mask that indicates which CPU the worker processes in an application pool should be bound to.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 SmpProcessorAffinityMask2; [Description("A read/write sint32 value.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 processorGroup; [Description("A read/write sint32 value.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"MostAvailableMemory", "WindowsScheduling"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 NumaNodeAssignment; [Description("A read/write sint32 value.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Soft", "Hard"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 NumaNodeAffinityMode; }; [Description("Contains segments whose content will not be served to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Hidden Segment Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HiddenSegmentSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the HiddenSegments property is applied to WebDAV requests; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ApplyToWebDAV; [Description("An array of SegmentElement values that specify segments whose content will not be served to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass] SegmentElement HiddenSegments[]; }; [Description("Contains types that import SOAP transmission protocols into XML Web services.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Soap Transport Importer Types Info") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SoapTransportImporterTypesInfo : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of SoapTransportImporterTypeElement values that import SOAP transmission protocols into XML Web services.") : Amended ToSubclass] SoapTransportImporterTypeElement SoapTransportImporterTypes[]; }; [Description("Contains compilers that are used for Web applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Compiler Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CompilerSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of CompilerElement values that specify compilers that are used for Web applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] CompilerElement Compilers[]; }; [Description("Represents the default HTTP cache policy for network resources.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Cache Policy Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpCachePolicySettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the maximum age permitted for a resource returned from the cache.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime MaximumAge; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time that the cached copy of the resource can be used after content expiration.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime MaximumStale; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time that the cached copy of the resource can be used before content expiration.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime MinimumFresh; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the HTTP caching behavior for the local computer.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Default", "BypassCache", "CacheOnly", "CacheIfAvailable", "Revalidate", "Reload", "NoCacheNoStore", "CacheOrNextCacheOnly", "Refresh"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 PolicyLevel; }; [Description("Contains many-to-one certificate mapping rules.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Many To One Certificate Rule Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ManyToOneCertificateRuleSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ManyToOneCertificateMappingRuleElement values that contain many-to-one certificate mapping rules.") : Amended ToSubclass] ManyToOneCertificateMappingRuleElement Rules[]; }; [Description("Specifies code subdirectories for ASP.NET Web applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Directory Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DirectorySettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of DirectoryElement values that specify code subdirectories for ASP.NET Web applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] DirectoryElement CodeSubDirectories[]; }; [Description("Specifies the default application pool and enabled protocols for new applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Application Element Defaults") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ApplicationElementDefaults : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default application pool for new applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ApplicationPool; [Description("A read/write array of string values that contains the protocols that are enabled by default for new applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] string EnabledProtocols; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether application service auto-start is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ServiceAutoStartEnabled; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the provider for application service auto-start.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ServiceAutoStartProvider; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the default virtual path of the application after the host header.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies if application should be pre-loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean PreloadEnabled; }; [Description("Exposes configuration settings for HTTP verbs.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Verbs Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class VerbsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if HTTP verbs not listed in the Verbs property will be allowed; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowUnlisted; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the AllowUnlisted and Verbs properties are applied to WebDAV requests; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ApplyToWebDAV; [Description("A read-only array of VerbElement values that specifies HTTP verbs to allow or deny.") : Amended ToSubclass] VerbElement Verbs[]; }; [Description("Contains SOAP extension information that is used to create a Web service proxy class.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Soap Extension Importer Types Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SoapExtensionImporterTypesSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of TypeElement values that specify the SOAP extensions to run when a service description for a Web service in the scope of the configuration file is accessed to create a proxy class.") : Amended ToSubclass] TypeElement SoapExtensionImporterTypes[]; }; [Description("Contains values that configure output cache profiles for the pages of a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Output Cache Profile Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class OutputCacheProfileSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of OutputCacheProfile values that configure output cache profiles for the pages of a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass] OutputCacheProfile OutputCacheProfiles[]; }; [Description("Specifies protocols that decrypt data sent from a client browser in an HTTP request.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Web Services Protocol Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebServicesProtocolSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of WebServicesProtocolElement values that specify transmission protocols that are used to decrypt data sent from a client browser in an HTTP request.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebServicesProtocolElement Protocols[]; }; [Description("Specifies the name and type of ASP.NET-related providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Provider Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProviderSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ProviderElement values that specify ASP.NET-related providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProviderElement Providers[]; }; [Description("Contains trace areas that configure trace events and trace log file entries.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Area Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceAreaSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of TraceAreaDefinition values that specify trace area names and their corresponding enumeration values for trace providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceAreaDefinition Areas[]; }; [Description("Contains configuration information for custom and user controls.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Tag Prefix Info") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TagPrefixInfo : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of TagPrefixElement values that contain configuration information for custom and user controls.") : Amended ToSubclass] TagPrefixElement Controls[]; }; [Description("Contains namespace references similar to the Import directive.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Namespace Info") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class NamespaceInfo : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace is imported automatically; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AutoImportVBNamespace; [Description("An array of NamespaceElement values that specify namespace references.") : Amended ToSubclass] NamespaceElement Namespaces[]; }; [Description("Determines whether performance counters are enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Performance Counters Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class PerformanceCountersSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if performance counters are enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; }; [Description("Contains configuration settings for ADO.NET 2.0 provider factories.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Db Provider Factory Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DbProviderFactorySettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ProviderFactoryElement values that contain configuration settings for ADO.NET 2.0 provider factories.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProviderFactoryElement DbProviderFactories[]; }; [Description("Specifies override-mode and control-locking settings for a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Section Information") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SectionInformation : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read-only string value that specifies whether the current configuration section can effectively override its inherited settings.") : Amended ToSubclass] string EffectiveOverrideMode; [Description("A read-only Boolean value. True if the current configuration section and its child elements cannot be modified; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean IsLocked; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the current configuration section and its child elements are locked; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LockItem; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies whether lower level configuration files can override the settings in the current configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass] string OverrideMode; }; [Description("Specifies the conditions under which a request trace is generated.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Failure Definition") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FailureDefinition : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list, without spaces, of HTTP status codes that cause a request to be traced.") : Amended ToSubclass] string StatusCodes; [Description("A read-only datetime value that specifies the amount of time that a request may spend in processing before it is marked as failed and then traced.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime TimeTaken; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration value that specifies the threshold for trace events.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Ignore", "CriticalError", "Error", "Warning"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Verbosity; }; [Description("Configures the filtering of file extensions in requests.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("File Extensions Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FileExtensionsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if file extensions not listed in the FileExtensions property are allowed in requests; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowUnlisted; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the AllowUnlisted and FileExtensions properties are applied to WebDAV requests; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ApplyToWebDAV; [Description("An array of read/write FileExtensionElement values that specifies file extensions that are allowed or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass] FileExtensionElement FileExtensions[]; }; [Description("Contains switch names and their managed types.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Switch Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SwitchSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that specifies a name.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value associated with the value in the Name property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Value; }; [Description("Contains assembly references that are used during compilation of an ASP.NET Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Assembly Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AssemblySettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of AssemblyElement values that specify assembly references that are used during compilation of ASP.NET Web applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] AssemblyElement Assemblies[]; }; [Description("Contains SOAP extension information for Web services.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Soap Extension Reflector Types Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SoapExtensionReflectorTypesSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of TypeElement values that specify the SOAP extensions to run when a service description is generated for all Web services in the scope of the configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] TypeElement SoapExtensionReflectorTypes[]; }; [Description("Contains URL sequences that request filtering will deny.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Url Sequence Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DenyUrlSequenceSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of UrlSequence values that specify URL sequences that request filtering will deny.") : Amended ToSubclass] Sequence DenyUrlSequences[]; }; [Description("Contains query strings that request filtering will deny.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Deny Query String Sequence Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DenyQueryStringSequenceSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of Sequence values that define query strings to deny.") : Amended ToSubclass] Sequence DenyQueryStringSequences[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class UrlElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a URL for a UrlElement.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Url; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AwaysAllowedUrlSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of UrlElement values for URLS that will always be allowed.") : Amended ToSubclass] UrlElement AlwaysAllowedUrls[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class QueryStringElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a query string to filter.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string QueryString; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AlwaysAllowedQueryStringSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of QueryStringElement values for query strings that will always be allowed.") : Amended ToSubclass] QueryStringElement AlwaysAllowedQueryStrings[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class QueryStringSequenceSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of SequenceElement values that define query strings to filter.") : Amended ToSubclass] SequenceElement Sequence[]; }; [Description("Specifies SOAP extensions that inspect or modify SOAP messages.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Soap Extension Types Info") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SoapExtensionTypesInfo : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of SoapExtensionTypeElement values that specify SOAP extensions that inspect or modify a SOAP message during processing on the Web service or client.") : Amended ToSubclass] SoapExtensionTypeElement SoapExtensionTypes[]; }; [Description("Configures properties related to ASP caching.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Asp Cache") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AspCache : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that contains the name of the directory that ASP uses to store compiled ASP templates to disk when the in-memory cache overflows.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DiskTemplateCacheDirectory; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if type libraries are cached on the server; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableTypelibCache; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of compiled ASP templates that can be stored.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxDiskTemplateCacheFiles; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of scripting engines that ASP pages will keep cached in memory.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ScriptEngineCacheMax; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the number of precompiled script files to cache.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ScriptFileCacheSize; }; [Description("Exposes properties related to COM+.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Asp Com Plus") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AspComPlus : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that configures certain COM+ features.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "EnableTracker", "EnableSxS", "UsePartition"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 AppServiceFlags; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP should run in a multithreaded environment; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ExecuteInMta; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the GUID of the COM+ partition.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PartitionId; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of a COM+ application.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SxsName; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS honors the threading model of the components that an application creates; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean TrackThreadingModel; }; [Description("Represents the type information for a custom System.Net.IWebProxy module.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Module Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ModuleSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the type and assembly information for the current instance.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Specifies the type of a class that processes XML Web service requests.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Soap Server Protocol Factory") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SoapServerProtocolFactory : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the fully qualified type name of a SoapServerProtocolFactory class.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; }; [Description("Configures the trace logging of failed requests for a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Failed Requests Logging") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceFailedRequestsLogging : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if custom actions are enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CustomActionsEnabled; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies where the log files are saved.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Directory; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if trace logging of failed requests is enabled for the Web site; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of log files to persist for the Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxLogFiles; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, of the log file to save to disk.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxLogFileSizeKB; }; [Description("Configures an SMTP pickup directory.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Smtp Specified Pickup Directory Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SmtpSpecifiedPickupDirectorySettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the folder where applications save mail messages to be processed by the SMTP server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PickupDirectoryLocation; }; [Description("Contains statements that remap tag types.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Tag Map Info") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TagMapInfo : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of TagMapElement values that remap tag types.") : Amended ToSubclass] TagMapElement TagMapping[]; }; [Description("Contains Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) conformance declarations.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Conformance Warning Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConformanceWarningSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ConformanceWarning values that specify conformance to Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) specifications.") : Amended ToSubclass] ConformanceWarning ConformanceWarnings[]; }; [Description("Represents the default settings used to create connections to a remote computer.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Service Point Manager Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ServicePointManagerSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True to specify host name checking in an X.509 certificate; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CheckCertificateName; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the presented certificate is checked against the certificate authority revocation list for validation; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CheckCertificateRevocationList; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, after which address information is refreshed.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 DnsRefreshTimeout; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if round-robin DNS behavior is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableDnsRoundRobin; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if an Expect: 100-Continue header is added to client POST requests; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Expect100Continue; [Description("A Boolean value. True if the Nagle algorithm is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseNagleAlgorithm; }; [Description("Contains criteria for generating trace events and configuring the content of log file entries.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Url Area Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceUrlAreaSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of TraceAreaElement values that specify criteria for generating trace events and configuring the content of log file entries.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceAreaElement TraceAreas[]; }; [Description("Configures settings for centralized binary logging on a server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Central Binary Log File") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CentralBinaryLogFile : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the directory to which log entries should be written.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Directory; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if centralized binary logging is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a new log file is based on local time; false if it is based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LocalTimeRollover; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies how frequently the current log file is closed and a new log file is started.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"MaxSize", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Hourly"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Period; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies, in bytes, the size at which the log file contents should be truncated.") : Amended ToSubclass] string TruncateSize; }; [Description("Represents the default FTP cache policy for network resources.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FTP Cache Policy Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpCachePolicySettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the FTP caching behavior for the local computer.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Default", "BypassCache", "CacheOnly", "CacheIfAvailable", "Revalidate", "Reload", "NoCacheNoStore"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 PolicyLevel; }; [Description("Specifies permitted sizes for HTTP request headers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Header Limits Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HeaderLimitsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of HeaderLimitsElement values that specify size limits for specified HTTP request headers.") : Amended ToSubclass] HeaderLimitsElement HeaderLimits[]; }; [Description("Contains mappings of friendly event names to related event types.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Event Mapping Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class EventMappingSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of EventMappingElement instances that map friendly event names to related event types.") : Amended ToSubclass] EventMappingElement EventMappings[]; }; [Description("Contains address information for resources that bypass the Web proxy server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Bypass List Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class BypassListSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of BypassElement values that contain address information for resources that bypass the Web proxy server.") : Amended ToSubclass] BypassElement BypassList[]; }; [Description("Determines whether Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is enabled on the local computer.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Ipv6 Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class Ipv6Settings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IPv6 is enabled on the local computer; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; }; [Description("Contains ASP.NET event-buffering settings for event providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Buffer Mode Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class BufferModeSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of BufferModeElement values that configure the ASP.NET event-buffering settings for event providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] BufferModeElement BufferModes[]; }; [Description("Contains security support providers that are used for Integrated Windows authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Authentication Provider Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AuthenticationProviderSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of StringElement values that specify security support providers that are used for Integrated Windows authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] StringElement Providers[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ExtendedProtectionSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies whether to allow or require token checking.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Allow", "Require"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 TokenChecking; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the options for extended protection.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Proxy", "NoServiceNameCheck", "AllowDotlessSpn", "ProxyCohosting"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Flags; [Description("An array of NameElement values.") : Amended ToSubclass] NameElement ExtendedProtection[]; }; [Description("Contains configuration settings for SQL data in an ASP.NET cache.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Sql Cache Dependency Database Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SqlCacheDependencyDatabaseSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of SqlCacheDependencyDatabase values that contain configuration settings for SQL data in an ASP.NET cache.") : Amended ToSubclass] SqlCacheDependencyDatabase Databases[]; }; [Description("Specifies tracing for specific types of requests.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Url Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceUrlSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of StringElement values that specify tracing for specific types of requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] StringElement TraceUrls[]; }; [Description("Exposes configuration settings for IIS worker processes.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Process Model Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProcessModelSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that designates the account type under which an application pool will run.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"LocalSystem", "LocalService", "NetworkService", "SpecificUser", "ApplicationPoolIdentity"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 IdentityType; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that a worker process should continue to run when no new requests are received and the worker process is not currently processing requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime IdleTimeout; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies action to take when idle timeout reaches.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Terminate", "Suspend"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 IdleTimeoutAction; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) should load the user profile for a worker process; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LoadUserProfile; [Description("A read/write Boolean value.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SetProfileEnvironment; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the logon type for the worker process identity.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"LogonBatch", "LogonService"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogonType; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if access rights to content directories or resources need to be manually configured through Access Control Lists (ACLs); otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ManualGroupMembership; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of worker processes in an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxProcesses; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default password for the account that IIS uses as the identity for newly created out-of-process COM+ applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the WWW service should monitor the health of a worker process by periodically verifying that it is running; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean PingingEnabled; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time delay, in seconds, between the health-monitoring requests that the WWW service sends to a worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime PingInterval; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that a worker process is given to respond to a health-monitoring request.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime PingResponseTime; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the WWW service should wait after a recycle threshold has been reached to terminate a worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime ShutdownTimeLimit; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the WWW service should wait for a worker process to start and report its ready status to the WWW service.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime StartupTimeLimit; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default user name for the account that IIS uses as the identity for newly created out-of-process COM+ applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; [Description("A read/write sint32 value.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"IdleTimeout"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogEventOnProcessModel; }; [Description("Contains Web service description information.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Service Description Format Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ServiceDescriptionFormatSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of TypeElement values that specify the service description format extensions to run in the scope of the configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] TypeElement ServiceDescriptionFormatExtensionTypes[]; }; [Description("Serves as a base class for classes that represent configuration sections.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Configuration Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read-only string value that contains the path to a target object relative to the current object.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Location; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the path to the current object.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A SectionInformation object whose read/write properties provide metadata and control locking for a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass] SectionInformation SectionInformation; [Description("Reverts configuration values in a section to those of its parent section.") : Amended ToSubclass] void RevertToParent([IN] string PropertyName); [Description("Retrieves a value which specifies the levels at which the configuration section can be set.") : Amended ToSubclass] void GetAllowDefinition([out] string AllowDefinition); [Description("Sets a value which specifies the levels at which the configuration section can be set.") : Amended ToSubclass] void SetAllowDefinition([in] string AllowDefinition); [Description("Retrieves the allowLocation attribute for a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass] void GetAllowLocation([out] string AllowLocation); [Description("Sets the allowLocation attribute for a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass] void SetAllowLocation([in] string AllowLocation); }; [Description("Configures Forms authentication for an ASP.NET application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Forms Authentication Configuration") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FormsAuthenticationConfiguration : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies whether Forms authentication should use cookies.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"UseUri", "UseCookies", "AutoDetect", "UseDeviceProfile"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Cookieless; [Description("A FormsAuthenticationCredentials value that contains a collection of user names and passwords to use during Forms authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] FormsAuthenticationCredentials Credentials; [Description("A read/write nonempty string value that specifies the default URL to which to direct the request after authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultUrl; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the domain name to be sent with Forms authentication cookies.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Domain; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if authenticated users can be redirected to URLs in other applications; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableCrossAppRedirects; [Description("A nonempty read/write string value that specifies the URL that the request is redirected to when the user is not authenticated or when no valid authentication cookie exists.") : Amended ToSubclass] string LoginUrl; [Description("A nonempty read/write string value that specifies the name of the HTTP cookie to use for request authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A nonempty read/write string value that specifies the path of the HTTP cookie to use for authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the encryption method used for the cookie.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"All", "None", "Encryption", "Validation"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Protection; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection is required for authentication; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RequireSSL; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the expiration for the authentication cookie will be set to the current date and time plus the value, in minutes, in the Timeout property; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SlidingExpiration; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time after which the authentication expires.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime Timeout; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies value of Ticket Compatibility Mode.") : Amended ToSubclass] string TicketCompatibilityMode; }; [Description("Contains a listener that monitors and formats trace output.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Listener Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ListenerElement : TypedElement { [Description("A TypedElement value that filters the trace output.") : Amended ToSubclass] TypedElement Filter; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the name of the listener.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the kind of trace event data that is returned from a thread and a process.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "LogicalOperationStack", "DateTime", "Timestamp", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", "Callstack"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 TraceOutputOptions; }; [Description("Represents an IIS application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Application") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class Application : ConfiguredObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a case-sensitive name for the application pool for an application.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ApplicationPool; [Description("A read/write string array that specifies the protocols that requests can use to access an application.") : Amended ToSubclass] string EnabledProtocols; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether application service auto-start is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ServiceAutoStartEnabled; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the provider for application service auto-start.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ServiceAutoStartProvider; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the virtual path of the application after the host header.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies if application should be pre-loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean PreloadEnabled; [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the unique name of the Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string SiteName; [Description("A VirtualDirectoryElementDefaults object whose read/write properties specify default values for virtual directories under the application.") : Amended ToSubclass] VirtualDirectoryElementDefaults VirtualDirectoryDefaults; [Description("Creates a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Create([In] string ApplicationPath,[In] string SiteName,[In] string PhysicalPath); [Description("Reverts an application's configuration value or values to those of its parent.") : Amended ToSubclass] void RevertToParent([IN] string PropertyName); }; [Description("Specifies the conditions under which worker processes will be recycled.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Periodic Restart Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class PeriodicRestartSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the amount of virtual memory, in kilobytes, that a worker process can use before the worker process recycles.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Memory; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the amount of private memory, in kilobytes, that a worker process can use before the worker process recycles.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 PrivateMemory; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that indicates the number of requests an out-of-process application should process before it is recycled.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Requests; [Description("An array of ScheduleElement values that specify the local times at which an application will be recycled.") : Amended ToSubclass] ScheduleElement Schedule[]; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time before IIS recycles an isolated out-of-process application.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime Time; }; [Description("Specifies a trace provider's name, GUID, and trace area enumeration.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Provider Definition") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceProviderDefinition : CollectionElement { [Description("A TraceAreaSettings value that optionally specifies an enumeration of filter flags or trace areas for a trace provider.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceAreaSettings Areas; [Description("A required read/write string value that identifies the trace provider for Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) support.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Guid; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the friendly name of the trace provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; }; [Description("Maps one or more certificates to a single user account.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Many To One Certificate Mapping Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ManyToOneCertificateMappingElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that contains a description of the mapping.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Description; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the mapping is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A required read-only string value that specifies the name of the mapping.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the password for the Windows user account to which the certificate is mapped.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the behavior of the Rules property.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Allow", "Deny"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 PermissionMode; [Description("A ManyToOneCertificateRuleSettings value that contains many-to-one certificate mapping rules.") : Amended ToSubclass] ManyToOneCertificateRuleSettings Rules; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the user name for the Windows user account to which the certificate is mapped.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpConnections : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the timeout in seconds between when a new connection is made and authentication is attempted.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 UnauthenticatedTimeout; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the timeout in seconds when a connection will disconnect due to inactivity.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ControlChannelTimeout; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the timeout in seconds when the data channel will disconnect due to inactivity.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 DataChannelTimeout; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether socket pooling is used for sites distinguished by IP address.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DisableSocketPooling; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the number of outstanding sockets that can be queued.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ServerListenBacklog; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the minimum bandwidth requirements for data transfers.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MinBytesPerSecond; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections to a server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxConnections; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to disconnect FTP session instead of sending a max connections response.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ResetOnMaxConnections; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum bandwidth for an FTP site.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxBandwidth; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpDataChannelSecurity : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to match the client's IP address on PORT commands.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean MatchClientAddressForPort; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to match the client's IP address on PASV commands.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean MatchClientAddressForPasv; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpAllowedCommandElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of an FTP command to allow or deny.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Command; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to allow or deny an FTP command.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Allowed; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpCommandFiltering : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum command line length.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxCommandLine; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to allow unlisted commands.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowUnlisted; [Description("Contain settings for FTP command filtering.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpAllowedCommandElement CommandFiltering[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpSsl : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that represents the unique identifier for the certificate.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ServerCertHash; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the name of the certificate store where the certificate is found.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ServerCertStoreName; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether 128-bit SSL is required.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Ssl128; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the SSL policy for the control channel.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"SslAllow", "SslRequire", "SslRequireCredentialsOnly"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ControlChannelPolicy; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the SSL policy for the data channel.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"SslAllow", "SslRequire", "SslDeny"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 DataChannelPolicy; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpSslClientCertificates : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies whether to allow or require FPT SSL client certificates.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"CertIgnore", "CertAllow", "CertRequire"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ClientCertificatePolicy; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to use Adtive Directory client certificate mapping.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseActiveDirectoryMapping; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies certificate revocation checks.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"NoRevocationCheck", "CertChainRevocationCheckCacheOnly", "CertChainCacheOnlyUrlRetrieval", "CertNoUsageCheck"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ValidationFlags; [Description("A read/write DateTime value that specifies a timeout interval, in seconds, before certificate revocation is stale.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime RevocationFreshnessTime; [Description("A read/write DateTime value that specifies a timeout interval, in milliseconds, after which the certificate revocation list (CRL) on the certificate client is updated by the CRL from the remote location.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime RevocationURLRetrievalTimeout; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpBasicAuthentication : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if Basic authentication is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default domain that the server uses to authenticate users when the client does not specify a domain in the logon dialog box.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultLogonDomain; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the default logon method for a local user.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Interactive", "Batch", "Network", "ClearText"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogonMethod; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpAnonymousAuthentication : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether FTP Anonymous authentication is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration value that specifies the logon type for the anonymous user.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Interactive", "Batch", "Network", "ClearText"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogonMethod; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the anonymous user password.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the anonymous user name.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default domain for anonymous user account lookups.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultLogonDomain; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpClientCertAuthentication : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether FTP Client Certificate authentication is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpProviderElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read-only string value that specifies the name of an authentication provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether an authentication provider is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpProviderSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("Contains a list of FTP custom feature providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpProviderElement Providers[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpCustomAuthentication : EmbeddedObject { [Description("Contains a list of FTP custom authentication providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpProviderSettings Providers; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpAuthentication : EmbeddedObject { [Description("Specifies the settings for FTP Basic authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpBasicAuthentication BasicAuthentication; [Description("Specifies the settings for FTP Anonymous authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpAnonymousAuthentication AnonymousAuthentication; [Description("Specifies the settings for FTP Client Certificate authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpClientCertAuthentication ClientCertAuthentication; [Description("Specifies the settings for FTP custom authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpCustomAuthentication CustomAuthentication; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpCustomAuthorization : EmbeddedObject { [Description("Specifies the settings for FTP Authorization.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpProviderElement Provider; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpSecurity : EmbeddedObject { [Description("Contains settings that configure FTP third-party transfer behavior.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpDataChannelSecurity DataChannelSecurity; [Description("Contains settings that configure FTP command filtering.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpCommandFiltering CommandFiltering; [Description("Contains settings that configure FTP over SSL behavior.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpSsl Ssl; [Description("Contains settings that configure FTP SSL client certificate behavior.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpSslClientCertificates SslClientCertificates; [Description("Contains settings that configure FTP authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpAuthentication Authentication; [Description("Contains settings that configure FTP authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpCustomAuthorization CustomAuthorization; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpCustomFeatures : EmbeddedObject { [Description("Contains a list of FTP custom feature providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpProviderSettings Providers; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpMessages : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the message that is displayed when a client is closing their session on the FTP server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ExitMessage; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the message that is displayed after a client has logged in to the FTP server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string GreetingMessage; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the message that is displayed when a client connects to the FTP server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string BannerMessage; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the message that is displayed when the maximum number of clients has been reached.") : Amended ToSubclass] string MaxClientsMessage; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to suppress the default Microsoft FTP Service banner.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SuppressDefaultBanner; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to show detailed error messages to local requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowLocalDetailedErrors; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether user variables should be expanded.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ExpandVariables; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpFileHandling : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to keep files that have been partially uploaded.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean KeepPartialUploads; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether files can be replaced by renaming another file.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowReplaceOnRename; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether files can be read while being transferred to the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowReadUploadsInProgress; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpFirewallSupport : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the external IPv4 address for a firewall.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ExternalIp4Address; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpActiveDirectory : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the user name for the connection to the Active Directory server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string AdUserName; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the user password for the connection to the Active Directory server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string AdPassword; [Description("A read/write DateTime value that specifies the time span to cache Active Directory information.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime AdCacheRefresh; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpUserIsolation : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration value that specifies the user isolation mode.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"StartInUsersDirectory", "IsolateRootDirectoryOnly", "ActiveDirectory", "IsolateAllDirectories", "None", "Custom"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Mode; [Description("Contains the settings that the FTP service uses when the user isolation mode is configured to use Active Directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpActiveDirectory ActiveDirectory; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpDirectoryBrowse : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write sint32 flags value that specifies the options for directory listings.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"LongDate", "StyleUnix", "DisplayAvailableBytes", "DisplayVirtualDirectories", "UseGmtTime"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ShowFlags; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum amount of time the server is given to lookup the timestamp information for the virtual directories.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 VirtualDirectoryTimeout; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpSessionElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A string value that specifies the client IP address for an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ClientIp; [Description("A string value that specifies the unique ID for an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SessionId; [Description("A string value that specifies the start time for an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SessionStartTime; [Description("A string value that specifies the user name for an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; [Description("A string value that specifies the command that is currently executing in an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CurrentCommand; [Description("A string value that specifies the last command that was executed in an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PreviousCommand; [Description("A string value that specifies the time that the currently executing command started in an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CommandStartTime; [Description("A string value that specifies the number of bytes that were sent to a client in an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] string BytesSent; [Description("A string value that specifies the number of bytes that were received from a client in an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] string BytesReceived; [Description("A uint32 value that specifies the status code for the previous command in an FTP session.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 LastErrorStatus; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpSessionsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of FtpSessionElement values that specify FTP sessions.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpSessionElement Sessions[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpLogFile : EmbeddedObject { [BitValues{"Date", "Time", "ClientIP", "UserName", "SiteName", "ComputerName", "ServerIP", "Method", "UriStem", "UriQuery", "FtpStatus", "Win32Status", "BytesSent", "BytesRecv", "TimeTaken", "ServerPort", "UserAgent", "Cookie", "Referer", "ProtocolVersion", "Host", "FtpSubStatus", "Session", "FullPath", "Info", "ClientPort"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A read/write sint32 value that contains a mask that specifies the attributes to be recorded in the log file.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogExtFileFlags; [Description("A nonempty read/write string value that specifies the name of the directory where log files are stored.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Directory; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies how frequently log file contents are rolled over.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"MaxSize", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Hourly"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Period; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies, in bytes, the size at which the log file contents are truncated.") : Amended ToSubclass] string TruncateSize; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a new log file is based on local time; false if it is based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LocalTimeRollover; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if site logging is enabled for a Web site; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [BitValues{"LogSuccessful", "LogError", "LogInfrastructure"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A read/write sint32 value that contains a mask that specifies the attributes to be recorded in the log file.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 SelectiveLogging; }; [Description("Represents the IIS7 FTP server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FTP Server") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpServerSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the FTP site will allow UTF8 activity; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowUTF8; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the FTP site will start when the FTP Service starts; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ServerAutoStart; [Description("Contains the connection-related settings for an FTP site.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpConnections Connections; [Description("Contains the security settings for an FTP site.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpSecurity Security; [Description("Contains definitions for custom FTP providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpCustomFeatures CustomFeatures; [Description("Specifies the response messages for FTP sessions.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpMessages Messages; [Description("Contains file handling settings for an FTP site.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpFileHandling FileHandling; [Description("Contains firewall settings for an FTP site.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpFirewallSupport FirewallSupport; [Description("Contains user isolation settings for an FTP site.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpUserIsolation UserIsolation; [Description("Contains directory listing settings for an FTP site.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpDirectoryBrowse DirectoryBrowse; [Description("Contains logging settings for FTP activity.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpLogFile LogFile; [Description("Contains the value of the last startup status for the site.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 LastStartupStatus; [Description("Contains run-time statistics for FTP session activity.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpSessionsSettings Sessions; }; [Description("Contains the default values for IIS Web site properties.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Site Element Defaults") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SiteElementDefaults : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A SiteLimits object that represents the connection-related limits for a site.") : Amended ToSubclass] SiteLimits Limits; [Description("A SiteLogFile object that contains the log file configuration information for a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] SiteLogFile LogFile; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Web site will start when the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) starts; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ServerAutoStart; [Description("A TraceFailedRequestsLogging object that exposes the default read/write logging properties for Web sites.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceFailedRequestsLogging TraceFailedRequestsLogging; [Description("An FtpServerSettings object whose read/write properties contain the default values for FTP properties for sites.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpServerSettings FtpServer; }; [Description("Represents an IIS Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Site") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class Site : ConfiguredObject { [Description("An FtpServerSettings object whose read/write properties contain the values for FTP properties for a site.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpServerSettings FtpServer; [Description("An ApplicationElementDefaults object whose read/write properties contain the default values for applications within a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] ApplicationElementDefaults ApplicationDefaults; [Description("A read/write array of BindingElement objects.") : Amended ToSubclass] BindingElement Bindings[]; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that contains the site ID.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Id; [Description("A read/write SiteLimits object that exposes connection-related limits for a site.") : Amended ToSubclass] SiteLimits Limits; [Description("A read/write SiteLogFile object that configures logging for a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] SiteLogFile LogFile; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the name of the Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Web site will start when the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) starts; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ServerAutoStart; [Description("A TraceFailedRequestsLogging object that exposes read/write logging properties for the Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceFailedRequestsLogging TraceFailedRequestsLogging; [Description("A read-only VirtualDirectoryElementDefaults object that contains the default values for virtual directories in a site.") : Amended ToSubclass] VirtualDirectoryElementDefaults VirtualDirectoryDefaults; [Description("Reverts a Web site configuration value or values to those of its parent.") : Amended ToSubclass] void RevertToParent([IN] string PropertyName); [Description("Returns the run-time state of a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Starting", "Started", "Stopping", "Stopped", "Unknown"} : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetState([In] string ProtocolName); [Description("Starts an existing Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Start([In] string ProtocolName); [Description("Stops a currently running Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Stop([In] string ProtocolName); [Description("Creates a new Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Create([In] string Name,[In] BindingElement Bindings[],[In] string PhysicalPath,[In] boolean ServerAutoStart); }; [Description("Configures the failed-request tracing for a specific request path.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Url") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceUrl : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies an executable file to run when a failure condition is reached (for example, to run a VBScript file, specify 'cscript.exe').") : Amended ToSubclass] string CustomActionExe; [Description("A read/write string value that contains parameters to pass to the executable file specified in the CustomActionExe property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CustomActionParams; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of times the program specified by the CustomActionExe property will execute during the lifetime of the worker process for the failed-request definition.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 CustomActionTriggerLimit; [Description("A read/write FailureDefinition object that specifies the conditions under which a request trace is generated.") : Amended ToSubclass] FailureDefinition FailureDefinitions; [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the path of the request to be traced (for example, '*.aspx').") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A TraceUrlAreaSettings value that specifies areas whose requests are traced.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceUrlAreaSettings TraceAreas; }; [Description("Specifies size limits on incoming HTTP requests.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Request Limits Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class RequestLimitsElement : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A HeaderLimitsSettings value that specifies HTTP header sizes.") : Amended ToSubclass] HeaderLimitsSettings HeaderLimits; [Description("A read/write value that specifies, in bytes, the maximum length of content in a request.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxAllowedContentLength; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies, in bytes, the maximum length of the query string.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxQueryString; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies, in bytes, the maximum length of the request URL.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxUrl; }; [Description("Specifies recycling settings for worker processes.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Recycling Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class RecyclingSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) starts up another worker process to replace one that is still running; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DisallowOverlappingRotation; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the WWW service rotates worker processes in an application pool after the application pool configuration has changed; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DisallowRotationOnConfigChange; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that contains a mask that specifies which recycling events will be logged.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Time", "Requests", "Schedule", "Memory", "IsapiUnhealthy", "OnDemand", "ConfigChange", "PrivateMemory"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogEventOnRecycle; [Description("A PeriodicRestartSettings object that specifies the conditions under which worker processes will be recycled.") : Amended ToSubclass] PeriodicRestartSettings PeriodicRestart; }; [Description("Specifies many-to-one client certificate mappings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Many To One Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ManyToOneSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ManyToOneCertificateMappingElement values that specify many-to-one client certificate mappings.") : Amended ToSubclass] ManyToOneCertificateMappingElement ManyToOneMappings[]; }; [Description("Contains shared listeners that any source or trace element can reference.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Listener Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ListenerSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ListenerElement values that monitor and format trace output.") : Amended ToSubclass] ListenerElement SharedListeners[]; }; [Description("Contains listeners that monitor trace output and produce formatted output from it.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Listener Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceListenerSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ListenerElement values that represent listeners that monitor and format trace output.") : Amended ToSubclass] ListenerElement Listeners[]; }; [Description("Contains listeners that monitor and format trace output.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Source Listener Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SourceListenerSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ListenerElement values that monitor and format trace output.") : Amended ToSubclass] ListenerElement Listeners[]; }; [Description("Contains the default properties for the ApplicationPool class.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Application Pool Element Defaults") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ApplicationPoolElementDefaults : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) will start the application pool automatically either when the application pool is created or when IIS is started; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AutoStart; [Description("An ApplicationPoolProcessorSettings object that contains the CPU settings for an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] ApplicationPoolProcessorSettings Cpu; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if 32-bit applications (both managed and native) can run on 64-bit versions of Windows; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enable32BitAppOnWin64; [Description("An ApplicationPoolFailureSettings object that defines properties that determine the actions to be taken when an application pool or worker process fails.") : Amended ToSubclass] ApplicationPoolFailureSettings Failure; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that indicates the managed pipeline mode.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Integrated", "Classic"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ManagedPipelineMode; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the start mode for application pools.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"OnDemand", "AlwaysRunning"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 StartMode; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the version of the .NET Framework that the application pool preloads.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ManagedRuntimeVersion; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the name of the default application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) creates and passes a token for the built-in Internet Service Account (IUSR) to the Anonymous authentication module; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean PassAnonymousToken; [Description("A ProcessModelSettings object that defines the configuration settings for IIS worker processes.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProcessModelSettings ProcessModel; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that indicates the number of requests the universal listener will queue for an application pool before rejecting further requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 QueueLength; [Description("A RecyclingSettings object that defines the recycling configuration settings for application pools and worker processes.") : Amended ToSubclass] RecyclingSettings Recycling; }; [Description("Represents an IIS application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Application Pool") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ApplicationPool : Object { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) will start the application pool automatically either when the application pool is created or when IIS is started; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AutoStart; [Description("An ApplicationPoolProcessorSettings object that contains the CPU settings for an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] ApplicationPoolProcessorSettings Cpu; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether delegated configuration files can override global configuration settings for an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableConfigurationOverride; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if 32-bit applications (both managed and native) can run on 64-bit versions of Windows; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enable32BitAppOnWin64; [Description("An of ApplicationPoolFailureSettings object that defines the properties that determine the actions to be taken when an application pool or worker process fails.") : Amended ToSubclass] ApplicationPoolFailureSettings Failure; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that indicates the managed pipeline mode.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Integrated", "Classic"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ManagedPipelineMode; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the start mode for an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"OnDemand", "AlwaysRunning"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 StartMode; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the version of the common language runtime (CLR) that the application pool preloads.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ManagedRuntimeVersion; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the common language runtime (CLR) loader for the application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ManagedRuntimeLoader; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the configuration file of the common language runtime (CLR) for the application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CLRConfigFile; [Description("A read-only string value that contains the unique name of the application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) creates and passes a token for the built-in Internet Service Account (IUSR) to the Anonymous authentication module; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean PassAnonymousToken; [Description("A ProcessModelSettings object that defines the configuration settings for IIS worker processes.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProcessModelSettings ProcessModel; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that indicates the number of requests that HTTP.sys will queue for an application pool before rejecting further requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 QueueLength; [Description("A RecyclingSettings object that defines the recycling configuration settings for application pools and worker processes.") : Amended ToSubclass] RecyclingSettings Recycling; [Description("Returns the run-time state of an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Starting", "Started", "Stopping", "Stopped", "Unknown"} : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 GetState(); [Description("Starts an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Start(); [Description("Stops an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Stop(); [Description("Recycles an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Recycle(); [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the security identifier for the application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] string GetApplicationPoolSid(); [Description("Creates an application pool.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Create([In] string Name,[In] boolean AutoStart); [Description("Reverts an application pool's configuration value or values to those of its parent.") : Amended ToSubclass] void RevertToParent([IN] string PropertyName); }; [Description("Configures the ASP.NET trace functionality and controls how trace results are gathered, stored, and displayed.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the trace listeners automatically flush the output buffer after every write operation; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AutoFlush; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the number of spaces to indent when the System.Diagnostics.Trace.Indent method is called.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 IndentSize; [Description("A TraceListenerSettings value that contains listeners that monitor and format trace output.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceListenerSettings Listeners; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the global lock is to be used; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseGlobalLock; }; [Description("Specifies a trace source that initiates tracing messages.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Source Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SourceElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A SourceListenerSettings value that contains listeners that collect, store, and route messages.") : Amended ToSubclass] SourceListenerSettings Listeners; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the trace source.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the display name of a trace switch instance in the application.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SwitchName; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the type of the trace switch.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SwitchType; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a trace source-specific attribute.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SwitchValue; }; [Description("Exposes default configuration settings for applications, application pools, Web sites, and virtual directories on a Web server running IIS.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Server") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class Server : ConfiguredObject { [Description("A read/write ApplicationElementDefaults value that specifies the default application pool and protocols for new applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] ApplicationElementDefaults ApplicationDefaults; [Description("A read/write ApplicationPoolElementDefaults value that contains the default properties for the ApplicationPool class.") : Amended ToSubclass] ApplicationPoolElementDefaults ApplicationPoolDefaults; [Description("A read/write SiteElementDefaults value that contains the default values for an IIS Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass] SiteElementDefaults SiteDefaults; [Description("A read/write VirtualDirectoryElementDefaults value that exposes default configuration settings for IIS virtual directories.") : Amended ToSubclass] VirtualDirectoryElementDefaults VirtualDirectoryDefaults; [Description("Starts batch of configuration changes for indicated path.") : Amended ToSubclass] void BeginUpdateBatch([In] string Path); [Description("Ends batch of configuration changes, commits changes by default.") : Amended ToSubclass] void EndUpdateBatch([In] boolean DoCommitChanges); [Description("Retrieves metadata for the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string GetMetadata([In] string Name); [Description("Sets metadata for the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] void SetMetadata([In] string Name,[In] string Value); }; [Description("Handles the XML elements used to configure XML serialization.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Xml Serializer Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class XmlSerializerSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the progress of the XmlSerializer is checked; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CheckDeserializeAdvances; }; [Description("Specifies limits on client traffic to a Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Web Limits Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebLimitsSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time that IIS waits before it disconnects a connection that is not active.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ConnectionTimeout; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the percentage of RAM that IIS uses to dynamically shorten the idle time-out of worker processes.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 DynamicIdleThreshold; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of worker processes allowed to run concurrently on a Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 DemandStartThreshold; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time that the server waits for all HTTP headers from a request to be received before it disconnects the client.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime HeaderWaitTimeout; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum total bandwidth for the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxGlobalBandwidth; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies, in bytes, the minimum throughput rate that is allowed between the client and the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MinBytesPerSecond; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the number of application pools at which the server registers bindings dynamically.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 DynamicRegistrationThreshold; }; [Description("Configures the location of the ApplicationHost.config and Administration.config files.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Configuration Redirection Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConfigurationRedirectionSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the location of the ApplicationHost.config and Administration.config files is redirected to the location specified by the RedirectionPath property; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A case-sensitive read/write encrypted string value that specifies the password of the identity that the configuration system impersonates when it reads the configuration files at the location specified by the RedirectionPath property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the path of the location (for example, a UNC share) of the redirected ApplicationHost.config and Administration.config files.") : Amended ToSubclass] string RedirectionPath; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the user name of the identity that the configuration system impersonates when it reads the configuration files at the location specified by the RedirectionPath property.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether UNC polling is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableUncPolling; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the time period, in seconds, for UNC polling.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime PollingPeriod; }; [Description("Configures request limits for applications on a Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Server Runtime Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ServerRuntimeSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of an alternate host.") : Amended ToSubclass] string AlternateHostName; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of requests that can be queued for an application.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 AppConcurrentRequestLimit; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if applications on the Web server are allowed to serve content; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if nagling is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableNagling; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the number of times a URL must be requested, within the time span specified in the FrequentHitTimePeriod property, to be considered frequently hit.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 FrequentHitThreshold; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time interval in which a URL must be requested a specified number of times to be considered frequently hit. The number of times is specified in the FrequentHitThreshold property.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime FrequentHitTimePeriod; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed in the entity body of a request.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxRequestEntityAllowed; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the number of bytes a Web server will read into a buffer and pass to an ISAPI extension.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 UploadReadAheadSize; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies if authenticated user of process identity will be used for request execution.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"UseAuthenticatedUser", "UseWorkerProcessUser"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 AuthenticatedUserOverride; }; [Description("Configures the logging of HTTP requests.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Logging Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpLoggingSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if logging is disabled for successful requests; false if successful requests are logged.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DontLog; [Description("A sint32 enumeration that specifies the events to log.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"LogAll", "LogSuccessful", "LogError"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 SelectiveLogging; }; [Description("Configures server-side includes (SSI) directives.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Server Side Include Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ServerSideIncludeSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if SSI #exec directives are disabled; false if SSI #exec directives are enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SsiExecDisable; }; [Description("Enables or disables dynamic or static compression.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Url Compression Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class UrlCompressionSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if dynamic compression is enabled for URLs; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DoDynamicCompression; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if static compression is enabled for URLs; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DoStaticCompression; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the currently available response is dynamically compressed before it is put into the output cache; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DynamicCompressionBeforeCache; }; [Description("Serves as a base class for configuration-section classes that contain collections.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Configuration Section With Collection") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class ConfigurationSectionWithCollection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("Retrieves a specified member of a collection from a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Get([In] string CollectionName,[In] string ElementIdentifier,[Out] CollectionElement Element); [Description("Adds an element to a collection in a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Add([In] string CollectionName,[In] CollectionElement Element); [Description("Removes a specified element from a collection in a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Remove([In] string CollectionName,[In] CollectionElement Element); [Description("Clears all elements from a collection in a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass] void Clear([In] string CollectionName); }; [Description("Enables or disables validation checks on configuration files.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Validation Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ValidationSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS generates a migration error message when it detects that an ASP.NET 1.0 Web application should be modified to run in Integrated mode; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ValidateIntegratedModeConfiguration; }; [Description("Configuration section for Web Socket.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("WebSocket Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebSocketSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value for Enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write uint32 value for ReceiveBufferLimit.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 ReceiveBufferLimit; [Description("A read/write datetime value for PingInterval.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime PingInterval; }; [Description("Specifies the shared location of client script files.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Web Controls Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebControlsSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A required read/write string value that specifies the location for client scripts.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ClientScriptsLocation; }; [Description("Configures the level of code access security that is applied to an application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trust Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TrustSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A required read/write string value that specifies the trust level under which the Web application will run.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Level; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies a URL for use with the WebPermission permission that is granted in High and Medium trust.") : Amended ToSubclass] string OriginUrl; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if page requests are automatically restricted to the permissions that are configured in the trust policy file that is applied to the ASP.NET application; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ProcessRequestInApplicationTrust; [Description("A read/write Boolean value to set LegacyCasModel.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LegacyCasModel; }; [Description("Exposes Active Server Pages (ASP) configuration settings for ASP applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Asp Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AspSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP client-side debugging is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AppAllowClientDebug; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP debugging is enabled on the server; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AppAllowDebugging; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the output from an ASP application will be buffered; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean BufferingOn; [Description("A read/write AspCache value that configures ASP caching.") : Amended ToSubclass] AspCache Cache; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP should calculate and store the line number of each executed line of code in order to provide the number in an error report; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CalcLineNumber; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the code page for the application.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 CodePage; [Description("A read/write AspComPlus value that configures properties related to COM+.") : Amended ToSubclass] AspComPlus ComPlus; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the ASP application can automatically be restarted; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableApplicationRestart; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if an .htm file with a similar name as the requested .asp file is sent in response to a new request when the request queue is already full; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableAspHtmlFallback; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if HTTP 1.1 chunked transfer encoding is enabled for the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service); otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableChunkedEncoding; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if an ASP page allows paths above the current directory; false if only paths relative to the current directory are allowed.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableParentPaths; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP errors are written to the Windows event log; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ErrorsToNTLog; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP pages catch component exceptions that can be caught by the Microsoft Script Debugger tool; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ExceptionCatchEnable; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the default locale identifier for an application.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 Lcid; [Description("A read/write AspLimits value that configures properties related to ASP limits.") : Amended ToSubclass] AspLimits Limits; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Web server writes ASP errors to the application section of the Windows event log; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LogErrorRequests; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the SessionOnEnd and ApplicationOnEnd global ASP functions should be run as the anonymous user; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RunOnEndAnonymously; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the error message sent to the browser if specific debugging errors are not sent to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ScriptErrorMessage; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Web server writes debugging specifics (file name, error, line number, description) to the client browser in addition to logging them to the Windows event log; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ScriptErrorSentToBrowser; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default script language for all ASP applications running on the Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ScriptLanguage; [Description("A read/write AspSession value that configures properties related to ASP sessions.") : Amended ToSubclass] AspSession Session; }; [Description("Configures the ASP.NET code-tracing service.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if tracing is enabled for an ASP.NET application; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if the trace viewer (Trace.axd) is available only on the host Web server; false if the trace viewer is available from any computer.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LocalOnly; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if the trace store continues to collect the most recent trace messages and begins to discard older trace messages when the limit specified in RequestLimit is reached; false if the trace store stops collecting trace messages when the number specified in RequestLimit is reached.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean MostRecent; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if tracing information is added to the bottom of each Web page; false if trace output is accessible through the trace utility only.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean PageOutput; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the number of trace requests, from 0 through 10000, to store on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 RequestLimit; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the order in which trace information is displayed.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"SortByTime", "SortByCategory"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 TraceMode; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if ASP.NET trace messages are forwarded to the System.Diagnostics tracing infrastructure for listeners that are registered to display trace messages; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean WriteToDiagnosticsTrace; }; [Description("Configures properties for cookies used by a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Cookies Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpCookiesSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("An optional read/write string value that sets the cookie domain name.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Domain; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if output of the System.Web.Configuration.HttpCookiesSection.HttpOnlyCookies property in Internet Explorer 6 SP1 or later is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean HttpOnlyCookies; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communication is required; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RequireSSL; }; [Description("Contains default settings for transactions.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Transactions Default Settings Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TransactionsDefaultSettingsSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the computer name of the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) that is responsible for coordinating all distributed transactions that are started locally.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DistributedTransactionManagerName; [Description("A read/write datetime value that contains the default interval after which a transaction times out.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime Timeout; }; [Description("Defines the configuration settings that control the key generation and algorithms that are used in encryption, decryption, and media access control (MAC) operations in Forms authentication, view-state validation, and session-state application isolation.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Machine Key Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class MachineKeySection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write trimmed string value that specifies the type of hashing algorithm used to decrypt data.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Decryption; [Description("A read/write trimmed string value that either specifies the process by which the key is generated or contains text that is used to encrypt and decrypt data.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DecryptionKey; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the type of encryption that is used for validating data.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"MD5", "SHA1", "3DES", "AES", "HMACSHA256", "HMACSHA384", "HMACSHA512"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Validation; [Description("A read/write trimmed string value that either specifies the process by which the key is generated or contains text that is used to validate encrypted data.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ValidationKey; [Description("A read/write uint32 for Compatibility Mode.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Framework20SP1", "Framework20SP2", "Framework45"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CompatibilityMode; [Description("A read/write string.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ApplicationName; [Description("A read/write string.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DataProtectorType; }; [Description("Defines configuration settings that support the deployment of a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("System Web Deployment Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SystemWebDeploymentSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Web application is deployed in retail mode; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Retail; }; [Description("Configures the logging for a server or site.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Log Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class LogSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write CentralBinaryLogFile value that specifies the configuration of centralized binary logging for all sites on a server.") : Amended ToSubclass] CentralBinaryLogFile CentralBinaryLogFile; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the centralized logging mode for the server.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Site", "CentralBinary", "CentralW3C"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CentralLogFileMode; [Description("A read/write CentralW3CLogFile value that specifies the configuration of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) centralized logging for all sites on a server.") : Amended ToSubclass] CentralW3CLogFile CentralW3CLogFile; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS logs all strings in UCS Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8); otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LogInUTF8; }; [Description("Configures settings for centralized logging on an FTP server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Central Log File") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CentralLogFileSettings : EmbeddedObject { [BitValues{"Date", "Time", "ClientIP", "UserName", "SiteName", "ComputerName", "ServerIP", "Method", "UriStem", "UriQuery", "FtpStatus", "Win32Status", "BytesSent", "BytesRecv", "TimeTaken", "ServerPort", "UserAgent", "Cookie", "Referer", "ProtocolVersion", "Host", "FtpSubStatus"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A read/write sint32 value that contains a mask that specifies the attributes to be recorded in the log file.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogExtFileFlags; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the directory to which log entries should be written.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Directory; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if centralized binary logging is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a new log file is based on local time; false if it is based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LocalTimeRollover; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies how frequently the current log file is closed and a new log file is started.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"MaxSize", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Hourly"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Period; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies, in bytes, the size at which the log file contents should be truncated.") : Amended ToSubclass] string TruncateSize; [BitValues{"LogSuccessful", "LogError", "LogInfrastructure"} : Amended ToSubclass,Description("A read/write sint32 value that contains a mask that specifies the attributes to be recorded in the log file.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 SelectiveLogging; }; [Description("Configures the logging for an FTP server or site.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FTP Log Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpLogSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the centralized logging mode for the FTP server.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Site", "Central"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CentralLogFileMode; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS logs all strings in UCS Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8); otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LogInUTF8; [Description("A read/write CentralLogFile value that specifies the configuration of centralized logging for all sites on an FTP server.") : Amended ToSubclass] CentralLogFileSettings CentralLogFile; }; [Description("Specifies FTP hostname support related settings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FTP Hostname Support") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpHostNameSupport : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True, if the domain name included in a user name is to be interpreted as a host name for the FTP site lookup.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseDomainNameAsHostName; }; [Description("Configures runtime settings for an FTP server or site.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FTP Server Runtime Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpServerRuntimeSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("Hostname support related settings.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpHostNameSupport HostNameSupport; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpFirewallSupportSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the low-range TCP/IP port for FTP.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LowDataChannelPort; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the high-range TCP/IP port for FTP.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 HighDataChannelPort; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpProviderDefinitionElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the unique name for an FTP provider definition.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the managed type for an FTP provider definition.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Type; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the COM class identifier for an FTP provider definition.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ClsId; }; [Description("Specifies a FTP Custom Provider activation data element.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FTP Activation Data Element") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpProviderDataElement : CollectionElement { [Description("Key.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Key; [Description("Value.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Value; [Description("Encrypted value if Value property not specified.") : Amended ToSubclass] string EncryptedValue; }; [Description("Specifies FTP custom provider activation data.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FTP Custom Provider Activation Data") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpProviderDataSettings : CollectionElement { [Description("Name of a defined FTP Custom Provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("An array of key/value data associated to the FTP Custom Provider.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpProviderDataElement ProviderData[]; }; [Description("Represents activation information for the FTP custom providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FTP Custom Provider Activation") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpProviderDefinitionElementActivation : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of FtpProviderData values that specify FTP custom provider activation data.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpProviderDataSettings Activation[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpProviderDefinitionsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of FtpProviderDefinitionElement values that specify FTP custom provider definitions.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpProviderDefinitionElement ProviderDefinitions[]; [Description("Activation information for FTP custom providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpProviderDefinitionElementActivation Activation; }; [Description("Represents a rule in the authorization section of a configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("FTP Authorization Rule") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpAuthorizationRule : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the access type for the FTP authorizaton rule.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Allow", "Deny"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 AccessType; [Description("A required, unique read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of roles for which access to a URL resource is granted or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Roles; [Description("A required, unique read/write string value that contains a comma-delimited list of users for whom access to a URL resource is granted or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Users; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the permissions for the FTP authorizaton rule.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Read", "Write"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Permissions; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpAuthorizationSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of FtpAuthorizationRule values that specify FTP authorization rules.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpAuthorizationRule Authorization[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpIpSecuritySection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether reverse DNS is enabled for IP lookups.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableReverseDns; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether unlisted IP addresses are allowed or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowUnlisted; [Description("An array of IPAddressFilterElement values that specify FTP IPv4 addresses to filter.") : Amended ToSubclass] IPAddressFilterElement IpSecurity[]; }; [Description("Configures the filtering of file extensions in requests.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("File Extensions Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpFileExtensionsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if file extensions not listed in the FileExtensions property are allowed in requests; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowUnlisted; [Description("An array of read/write FileExtensionElement values that specify file extensions that are allowed or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass] FileExtensionElement FileExtensions[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpRequestLimitsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write value that specifies, in bytes, the maximum length of content in a request.") : Amended ToSubclass] string MaxAllowedContentLength; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies, in bytes, the maximum length of the request URL.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxUrl; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpHiddenSegmentSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of SegmentElement values that specify segments whose content will not be served to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass] SegmentElement HiddenSegments[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpRequestFilteringSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to allow high-bit characters in FTP operations.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowHighBitCharacters; [Description("Contains FTP file name extension settings.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpFileExtensionsSettings FileExtensions; [Description("Contains FTP request limit settings.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpRequestLimitsSettings RequestLimits; [Description("Contains FTP hidden segment settings.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpHiddenSegmentSettings HiddenSegments; [Description("Contains FTP denied URL segments.") : Amended ToSubclass] DenyUrlSequenceSettings DenyUrlSequences; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpCredentialsCacheElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether FTP credential caching is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the flush interval for the FTP credential cache.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 FlushInterval; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpCredentialsCacheSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of FtpCredentialsCacheElement values that specify credentials that are cached by FTP.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpCredentialsCacheElement CredentialsCache[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpCachingSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("Contains FTP credentials cache settings.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpCredentialsCacheSettings CredentialsCache; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpDenyByFailureSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether FTP deny by failure is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies maximum failures for FTP deny by failure.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxFailure; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies expiration time for FTP deny by failure.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime EntryExpiration; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether FTP deny by failure logging is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean LoggingOnlyMode; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FtpSecurityAuthenticationSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("Contains FTP authentication deny by failure settings.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpDenyByFailureSettings DenyByFailure; }; [Description("Defines cache settings for an ASP.NET Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Cache Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CacheSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if cache expiration is disabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DisableExpiration; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if the cache memory collection that occurs when the computer is under memory pressure is disabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DisableMemoryCollection; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum percentage of a computer's physical memory that can be consumed by an application before the cache starts to flush expired items and attempts to reclaim memory.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 PercentagePhysicalMemoryUsedLimit; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of an application's private memory cache before the cache starts to flush expired items and attempts to reclaim memory.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PrivateBytesLimit; [Description("An optional read/write datetime value that specifies the time interval between successive pollings for an application's private memory usage.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime PrivateBytesPollTime; }; [Description("Configures ASP.NET HTTP run-time settings that determine how a request is processed for a given ASP.NET application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Runtime Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpRuntimeSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if apartment threading is enabled for classic ASP compatibility; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ApartmentThreading; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of requests that ASP.NET queues for the application.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 AppRequestQueueLimit; [Description("An optional read/write datetime value that specifies the time-out for delaying notifications.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime DelayNotificationTimeout; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if the application domain (AppDomain) is enabled to accept incoming requests at the current and child node levels; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enable; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if ASP.NET should check the request header for potential injection attacks; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableHeaderChecking; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if output caching is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableKernelOutputCache; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if ASP.NET should output a version header; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableVersionHeader; [Description("An optional read/write datetime value that specifies the maximum time that a request is allowed to execute before ASP.NET automatically stops it.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ExecutionTimeout; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the limit, in kilobytes, for the input stream buffering threshold.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxRequestLength; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum time, in seconds, to wait after the first file change notification before the application domain restarts for a new request.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxWaitChangeNotification; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the minimum number of threads that ASP.NET keeps available for requests that require additional threads to complete processing.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MinFreeThreads; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the minimum number of threads that ASP.NET keeps available for local requests that require additional threads to complete processing.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MinLocalRequestFreeThreads; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies, in bytes, the limit for the input stream buffering threshold.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 RequestLengthDiskThreshold; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if the filename parameter in a SaveAs method must be an absolute path; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RequireRootedSaveAsPath; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if a cache control header that is set to Private is sent by default; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SendCacheControlHeader; [Description("An optional read/write datetime value that specifies the time that is allowed for a worker process to shut down.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ShutdownTimeout; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if client-side redirects are fully qualified; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for another file change notification before the application domain restarts.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 WaitChangeNotification; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum length of a URL.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxUrlLength; [Description("An optional read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum length of a query string.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxQueryStringLength; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value for RelaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RelaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping; [Description("An optional read/write String value for RequestPathInvalidCharacters.") : Amended ToSubclass] string RequestPathInvalidCharacters; [Description("An optional read/write String value for RequestValidationMode.") : Amended ToSubclass] string RequestValidationMode; [Description("An optional read/write String value for RequestValidationType.") : Amended ToSubclass] string RequestValidationType; [Description("An optional read/write String value for EncoderType.") : Amended ToSubclass] string EncoderType; [Description("An read/write sint32 value for Async Preload Mode.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Form", "FormMultiPart", "AllFormTypes", "NonForm", "All"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 AsyncPreloadMode; }; [Description("Configures Common Gateway Interface (CGI) settings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Cgi Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CgiSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a CGI application runs in its own console; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CreateCGIWithNewConsole; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a CGI process is created in the system context; false if it is created in the context of the requesting user.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CreateProcessAsUser; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time-out for CGI applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime Timeout; }; [Description("Contains configuration information for request caching.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Request Caching Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class RequestCachingSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("An FtpCachePolicySettings value that specifies the default FTP caching behavior for the local computer.") : Amended ToSubclass] FtpCachePolicySettings DefaultFtpCachePolicy; [Description("An HttpCachePolicySettings value that specifies the default HTTP caching behavior for the local computer.") : Amended ToSubclass] HttpCachePolicySettings DefaultHttpCachePolicy; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the default cache policy level.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Default", "BypassCache", "CacheOnly", "CacheIfAvailable", "Revalidate", "Reload", "NoCacheNoStore"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 DefaultPolicyLevel; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if caching is disabled on the local computer; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DisableAllCaching; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the local computer cache is private (that is, provides user isolation); otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean IsPrivateCache; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the default maximum age for cached resources that do not have expiration information.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime UnspecifiedMaximumAge; }; [Description("Configures Digest authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Digest Authentication Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DigestAuthenticationSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if Digest authentication is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the domain that the client uses to authenticate user credentials.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Realm; }; [Description("Configures directory browsing in IIS.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Directory Browse Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DirectoryBrowseSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if directory browsing will be enabled for a directory in IIS; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A sint32 value containing a mask that configures the display of file information in a browsed directory.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Date", "Time", "Size", "Extension", "LongDate"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ShowFlags; }; [Description("Configures the globalization settings for a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Globalization Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class GlobalizationSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the default culture for processing incoming Web requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Culture; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if the best-fit character encoding for a response is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableBestFitResponseEncoding; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if the Culture and UICulture properties should be based on the AcceptLanguage header field value that is sent by the client browser; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableClientBasedCulture; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the default encoding for .aspx, .asmx, and .asax file parsing.") : Amended ToSubclass] string FileEncoding; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the assumed encoding of each incoming request, including posted data and the query string.") : Amended ToSubclass] string RequestEncoding; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the factory type of the resource provider.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ResourceProviderFactoryType; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the content encoding of responses.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ResponseEncoding; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the header encoding of HTTP responses.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ResponseHeaderEncoding; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the default culture for processing locale-dependent resource searches.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UiCulture; }; [Description("Defines configuration settings that control the behavior of the application hosting environment.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Hosting Environment Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HostingEnvironmentSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("An optional read/write datetime value that specifies the interval of time that is allowed to pass before an inactive application is unloaded.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime IdleTimeout; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value that specifies whether the assemblies of an application in the Bin directory are shadow copied to the application's ASP.NET Temporary Files directory. The default is true.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ShadowCopyBinAssemblies; [Description("An optional read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time allowed for an application to gracefully shut down.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ShutdownTimeout; }; [Description("Configures page view-state settings for an ASP.NET application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Session Page State Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SessionPageStateSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the size, in number of Web pages, of the page history.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 HistorySize; }; [Description("Stores application settings for Windows Forms applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("System Windows Forms Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SystemWindowsFormsSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if JIT (just-in-time) debugging is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean JitDebugging; }; [Description("Configures Anonymous authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Anonymous Authentication Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AnonymousAuthenticationSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if Anonymous authentication is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the method for logons.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Interactive", "Batch", "Network", "ClearText"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogonMethod; [Description("A read/write encrypted string value that contains a password.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write string value that contains a user name.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; }; [Description("Handles configuration settings for XML serialization of System.DateTime instances.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Date Time Serialization Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DateTimeSerializationSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that determines the serialization format for DateTime instances.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Default", "Roundtrip", "Local"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Mode; }; [Description("Specifies how cookies are used in a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Anonymous Identification Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AnonymousIdentificationSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies whether to use cookies for a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"UseUri", "UseCookies", "AutoDetect", "UseDeviceProfile"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Cookieless; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name that is assigned to the cookie.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CookieName; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the path to the directory where the cookie is stored.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CookiePath; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the cookie protection scheme.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Validation", "Encryption", "All"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CookieProtection; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the cookie requires a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection when it is transmitted to the client; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CookieRequireSSL; [Description("A required read/write Boolean value. True if the cookie expiration is initially set to the current date and time plus the value in minutes in the CookieTimeout property; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CookieSlidingExpiration; [Description("A required read/write datetime value that specifies the cookie expiration time interval.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime CookieTimeout; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the cookie domain.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Domain; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if anonymous identification is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; }; [Description("Specifies access permissions to content protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Access Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AccessSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that configures settings for content protected by SSL.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Ssl", "SslNegotiateCert", "SslRequireCert", "Ssl128"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 SslFlags; }; [Description("Configures the configuration history settings of the ApplicationHost Helper Service.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Configuration History Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConfigurationHistorySection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the ApplicationHost Helper Service checks for changes in the ApplicationHost.config file by using the time interval specified by the Period property; false if the service does not check for changes.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the path of the directory that contains the configuration history subdirectories.") : Amended ToSubclass] string HistoryPath; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum number of configuration history subdirectories.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxHistories; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the frequency with which the ApplicationHost Helper Service checks for changes in the ApplicationHost.config file.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime Period; }; [Description("Specifies the XHTML rendering mode for ASP.NET applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Xhtml Conformance Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class XhtmlConformanceSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the XHTML rendering mode for ASP.NET applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Transitional", "Legacy", "Strict"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Mode; }; [Description("Represents an XML section in a configuration file that contains settings that can be modified only at the computer level.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Transactions Machine Settings Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TransactionsMachineSettingsSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the maximum interval allowed before a transaction times out.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime MaxTimeout; }; [Description("Specifies whether an ASP.NET application should run as the application pool identity (the default), the IIS-authenticated user identity, or a custom configured identity.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Identity Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class IdentitySection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A required read/write Boolean value. True if client impersonation is used on each request; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Impersonate; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the password for a Web application if the Impersonate property is set to true.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the user name for a Web application if the Impersonate property is set to true.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; }; [Description("Contains Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) configuration settings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Smtp Mail Settings Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SmtpMailSettingsSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the SMTP delivery method.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Network", "SpecifiedPickupDirectory", "PickupDirectoryFromIis"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 DeliveryMethod; [Description("A read/write string value that sets the From field in e-mails that are sent to users by using the SMTP mail APIs.") : Amended ToSubclass] string From; [Description("A read/write SmtpNetworkSettings value that represents a network element in the SMTP configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] SmtpNetworkSettings Network; [Description("A read/write SmtpSpecifiedPickupDirectorySettings value that specifies the pickup directory that will be used by the SMTP client.") : Amended ToSubclass] SmtpSpecifiedPickupDirectorySettings SpecifiedPickupDirectory; }; [Description("Specifies configuration settings for logging IIS events to a database through an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connection.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Odbc Logging Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class OdbcLoggingSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the system DSN (data source name) for the database to which the log is written.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DataSource; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the ODBC database password used for writing to the database during event logging.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the ODBC database table where information is written during event logging.") : Amended ToSubclass] string TableName; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the ODBC database user name used for writing to the database during event logging.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; }; [Description("Configures the ASP.NET process model settings on a Web server that is running IIS.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Process Model Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProcessModelSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP.NET automatically configures certain attributes to achieve optimal performance that is based on the computer configuration; false if ASP.NET uses the explicitly defined values for the attributes.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AutoConfig; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies how long a request is left in the queue before ASP.NET does a check to determine whether the client is connected.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ClientConnectedCheck; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the level of authentication for DCOM security.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Call", "Connect", "Default", "Pkt", "PktIntegrity", "PktPrivacy"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ComAuthenticationLevel; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the authentication level for COM security.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Default", "Anonymous", "Delegate", "Identify", "Impersonate"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ComImpersonationLevel; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies which processors (CPUs) on a multiprocessor server are qualified to run ASP.NET processes.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CpuMask; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the process model is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enable; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the period of inactivity after which ASP.NET automatically ends the worker process.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime IdleTimeout; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies event types to write to the event log.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "All", "Errors"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogLevel; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of application domains that are allowed in one process.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxAppDomains; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of I/O threads (from 5 through 100) to use for the process on a per-CPU basis.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxIOThreads; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of worker threads (from 5 through 100) to use for the process on a per-CPU basis.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxWorkerThreads; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum allowed memory size, as a percentage of total system memory, that the worker process can consume before ASP.NET starts a new process and reassigns existing requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MemoryLimit; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the minimum number of I/O threads to use for the process on a per-CPU basis.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MinIOThreads; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of worker threads to use for the process on a per-CPU basis.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MinWorkerThreads; [Description("A read/write string value (if present) that causes, together with the UserName property, the worker process to run with the configured Microsoft Windows identity.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Password; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time interval at which the ISAPI extension pings the worker process to determine whether the process is running.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime PingFrequency; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time interval after which a worker process that has stopped responding is restarted.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime PingTimeout; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the number of requests that are allowed before ASP.NET automatically starts a new worker process to take the place of the current one.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 RequestLimit; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the number of requests that are allowed in the queue before ASP.NET returns the message '503 -- Server Too Busy' to new requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 RequestQueueLimit; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time interval after which the process is restarted if there are queued requests and there has not been a response during the specified interval.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ResponseDeadlockInterval; [Description("A read/write datetime value, provided for backward compatibility, that specifies the time interval after which the process is restarted if there are queued requests and there has not been a response during the specified interval.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ResponseRestartDeadlockInterval; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of requests that IIS queues while it waits for the worker process to restart after a nonstandard termination.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 RestartQueueLimit; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the contents of a file to use instead of the default message 'Server Unavailable' if a server unexpectedly stops responding.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ServerErrorMessageFile; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time that is allowed for the worker process to shut down.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime ShutdownTimeout; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the number of minutes until ASP.NET starts a new worker process to take the place of the current one.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime Timeout; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies that ASP.NET will run the worker process with a Windows identity that differs from the default process identity.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserName; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the CpuMask property is used to specify which CPUs are qualified to run ASP.NET processes; false if only one worker process is run and CPU usage is scheduled by the Windows operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean WebGarden; }; [Description("Enables or disables client certificate mapping authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Client Certificate Mapping Authentication Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ClientCertificateMappingAuthenticationSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if client certificate mapping authentication is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; }; [Description("Specifies output cache settings for an ASP.NET application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Output Cache Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class OutputCacheSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the application fragment cache is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableFragmentCache; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if kernel caching is enabled for the application when 'Vary: *' headers are included in cached pages; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableKernelCacheForVaryByStar; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the page output cache is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableOutputCache; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if an HTTP 'Vary: *' header is omitted in the response; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean OmitVaryStar; [Description("An optional read/write Boolean value. True if the Cache-Control: private header is sent by the output cache module by default; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SendCacheControlHeader; }; [Description("Configures Basic authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Basic Authentication Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class BasicAuthenticationSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default domain that the server uses to authenticate users when the client does not specify a domain in the logon dialog box.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultLogonDomain; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if Basic authentication is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the default logon method for a local user.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Interactive", "Batch", "Network", "ClearText"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogonMethod; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the name of the realm that is used by the client for credential caching.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Realm; }; [Description("Configures the session state for a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Session State Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SessionStateSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the user is allowed to specify the initial catalog value in the SqlConnectionString property; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowCustomSqlDatabase; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that configures how cookies are used to identify client sessions.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"UseUri", "UseCookies", "AutoDetect", "UseDeviceProfile"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Cookieless; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the HTTP cookie to use for session identification.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CookieName; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of a custom provider from the Providers property that is used when the Mode property is set to Custom.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CustomProvider; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies where to store the session state.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Off", "InProc", "StateServer", "SQLServer", "Custom"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Mode; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the fully qualified name of the resolver type that partitions session-state data across multiple backend nodes when the Mode property is set to SQLServer or StateServer.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PartitionResolverType; [Description("A ProviderSettings value that contains the name and type of providers that perform session-state-related services.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProviderSettings Providers; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the session ID is regenerated when an expired session ID is specified by the client; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RegenerateExpiredSessionId; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the fully qualified type of the session ID manager.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SessionIDManagerType; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time-out for SQL commands that use the SQL Server session-state mode.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime SqlCommandTimeout; [Description("A read/write string value that contains the connection string to a SQL Server.") : Amended ToSubclass] string SqlConnectionString; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the server name and port when the session state is stored remotely.") : Amended ToSubclass] string StateConnectionString; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time, in seconds, that the network connection between the Web server and the state server can remain idle before the session is abandoned.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime StateNetworkTimeout; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time, in minutes, after which the session will expire due to inactivity.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime Timeout; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if Windows authentication and the host process identity (either ASP.NET or a Windows Service identity) are enabled for remote connections; false if the session state uses client impersonation when it is available.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseHostingIdentity; [Description("A read/write time span value for SqlConnectionRetryInterval.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime SqlConnectionRetryInterval; [Description("A read/write Boolean value for CompressionEnabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CompressionEnabled; }; [Description("Contains configuration settings for FastCGI applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Fast CGI Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FastCgiSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of FastCgiApplicationElement values that configure settings for FastCGI applications.") : Amended ToSubclass] FastCgiApplicationElement FastCgi[]; }; [Description("Configures settings for ASP.NET handlers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Handlers Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpHandlersSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of HttpHandlerAction values that contain ASP.NET handlers.") : Amended ToSubclass] HttpHandlerAction HttpHandlers[]; }; [Description("Configures mapping for IIS client certificates.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Iis Client Certificate Mapping Authentication Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class IisClientCertificateMappingAuthenticationSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default domain that the server uses to authenticate users.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultLogonDomain; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS Client Certificate Mapping authentication is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the method for logons.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Interactive", "Batch", "Network", "ClearText"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 LogonMethod; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if many-to-one mapping is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ManyToOneCertificateMappingsEnabled; [Description("A ManyToOneSettings value that specifies many-to-one client certificate mappings.") : Amended ToSubclass] ManyToOneSettings ManyToOneMappings; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if one-to-one mapping is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean OneToOneCertificateMappingsEnabled; [Description("A OneToOneSettings value that specifies one-to-one client certificate mappings.") : Amended ToSubclass] OneToOneSettings OneToOneMappings; }; [Description("Exposes application dependency information.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Application Dependencies Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ApplicationDependenciesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of ApplicationDependency values that represent dependencies between applications and one or more Web service extensions.") : Amended ToSubclass] ApplicationDependency ApplicationDependencies[]; }; [Description("Configures Integrated Windows authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Windows Authentication Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WindowsAuthenticationSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS automatically reauthenticates every non-NTLM (for example, Kerberos) request, even those on the same connection; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AuthPersistNonNTLM; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if IIS automatically reauthenticates every NTLM request, even those on the same connection; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AuthPersistSingleRequest; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if Integrated Windows authentication is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("An AuthenticationProviderSettings value that specifies security support providers that are used for Integrated Windows authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] AuthenticationProviderSettings Providers; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if Integrated Windows authentication is done in kernel mode; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseKernelMode; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to use application pool credentials.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseAppPoolCredentials; [Description("An array of ExtendedProtectionSettings values that specify the extended protection settings for Windows authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] ExtendedProtectionSettings ExtendedProtection; }; [Description("Represents a System.Web.Caching.SqlCacheDependency configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Sql Cache Dependency Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SqlCacheDependencySection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A SqlCacheDependencyDatabaseSettings value that contains configuration settings for cached SQL data in ASP.NET caches.") : Amended ToSubclass] SqlCacheDependencyDatabaseSettings Databases; [Description("A Boolean value. True if IIS is enabled to receive notifications of changes to cached SQL data; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A sint32 value that represents, in milliseconds, how often SQL databases are queried for changes to cached data.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 PollTime; }; [Description("Configures output and kernel caching.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Caching Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CachingSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the output cache is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if kernel caching is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableKernelCache; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum size, in megabytes, of the output cache.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxCacheSize; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of a response that can be stored in the output cache.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxResponseSize; [Description("A CachingProfileSettings value that configures caching for specific request extensions.") : Amended ToSubclass] CachingProfileSettings Profiles; }; [Description("Defines a collection of mappings between security policy files and their trust-level names.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Security Policy Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SecurityPolicySection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of read/write TrustLevel values that map security policy files to named security trust levels.") : Amended ToSubclass] TrustLevel SecurityPolicy[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ScanHeadersElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies an HTTP request header to scan.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string RequestHeader; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ScanHeadersSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of ScanHeadersElement values that specify the HTTP headers to scan.") : Amended ToSubclass] ScanHeadersElement ScanHeaders[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AppliesToElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the file name extension for a filtering rule.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string FileExtension; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AppliesToSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of AppliesToElement values that specify the file name name extensions for filtering rules.") : Amended ToSubclass] AppliesToElement AppliesTo[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DenyStringElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a string sequence to deny.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string String; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DenyStringsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of DenyStringElement values that specify strings to deny for filtering rules.") : Amended ToSubclass] DenyStringElement DenyStrings[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FilteringRulesElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of a filtering rule.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to scan the the URL for a request.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ScanUrl; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to scan the query string for a request.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ScanQueryString; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to scan the entire HTTP request.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ScanAllRaw; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to deny requests with percent signs that are not escaped.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DenyUnescapedPercent; [Description("A read/write ScanHeadersSettings that specifies HTTP headers to scan for request filtering rules.") : Amended ToSubclass] ScanHeadersSettings ScanHeaders; [Description("An read/write AppliesToSettings value that specifies file name extensions for request filtering rules.") : Amended ToSubclass] AppliesToSettings AppliesTo; [Description("An read/write DenyStringsSettings that specifies strings that request filtering rules will deny.") : Amended ToSubclass] DenyStringsSettings DenyStrings; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FilteringRulesSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of FilteringRulesElement values that specify settigns for request filtering rules.") : Amended ToSubclass] FilteringRulesElement FilteringRules[]; }; [Description("Configures the scanning of incoming URL requests.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Request Filtering Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class RequestFilteringSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if double escape characters are permitted in URLs; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowDoubleEscaping; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if non-ASCII characters are permitted in URLs; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowHighBitCharacters; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether to unescape the query string.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UnescapeQueryString; [Description("Contains query strings that request filtering will deny.") : Amended ToSubclass] DenyQueryStringSequenceSettings DenyQueryStringSequences; [Description("A UrlSequenceSettings value that contains URL sequences that can be used to attack a Web server and, therefore, will be denied.") : Amended ToSubclass] DenyUrlSequenceSettings DenyUrlSequences; [Description("A read/write AwaysAllowedUrlSettings value that specifies URLs to always allow.") : Amended ToSubclass] AwaysAllowedUrlSettings AlwaysAllowedUrls; [Description("A read/write AlwaysAllowedQueryStringSettings value that specifies query strings to always allow.") : Amended ToSubclass] AlwaysAllowedQueryStringSettings AlwaysAllowedQueryStrings; [Description("A read/write FileExtensionsSettings value that specifies file extensions that can be allowed or denied in a request.") : Amended ToSubclass] FileExtensionsSettings FileExtensions; [Description("A read/write HiddenSegmentSettings value that specifies segments whose content will not be served to the client.") : Amended ToSubclass] HiddenSegmentSettings HiddenSegments; [Description("A read/write RequestLimitsElement value that specifies size limits on incoming HTTP requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] RequestLimitsElement RequestLimits; [Description("An read/write FilteringRulesSettings value that specified filtering rule settings.") : Amended ToSubclass] FilteringRulesSettings FilteringRules; [Description("A read/write VerbsSettings value that specifies HTTP verbs to allow or deny.") : Amended ToSubclass] VerbsSettings Verbs; }; [Description("Represents the modules section in a configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Modules Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ModulesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of read/write ModuleAction values.") : Amended ToSubclass] ModuleAction Modules[]; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if all managed modules are run for every request; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RunAllManagedModulesForAllRequests; [Description("A read/write Boolean value.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RunManagedModulesForWebDavRequests; }; [Description("Represents a application initilization entry in the section of a configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Application Initialization Applications") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AppInitApps : CollectionElement { [Description("A required unique read/write string value that contains the application initilization page name.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string InitializationPage; [Description("A read/write string value for host name.") : Amended ToSubclass] string HostName; }; [Description("Represents the section in a configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("ApplicationInitialization Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ApplicationInitializationSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of read/write AppInitApps values.") : Amended ToSubclass] AppInitApps ApplicationInitialization[]; [Description("A read/write string value for RemapManagedRequestsTo.") : Amended ToSubclass] string RemapManagedRequestsTo; [Description("A read/write Boolean value for SkipManagedModules.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SkipManagedModules; [Description("A read/write Boolean value for DoAppInitAfterRestart.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DoAppInitAfterRestart; }; [Description("Represents an HTTP protocol configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Protocol Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpProtocolSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A Boolean value. True if IIS keeps client/server connections open across multiple requests to the server; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowKeepAlive; [Description("A CustomHeaderSettings value that contains name/value pairs that are added to the HTTP headers in responses from the Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass] CustomHeaderSettings CustomHeaders; [Description("A RedirectHeaderSettings value that contains redirect name/value pairs that are added to the HTTP headers in responses from the Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass] RedirectHeaderSettings RedirectHeaders; }; [Description("Configures compilation settings for ASP.NET applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Compilation Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CompilationSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An AssemblySettings value that contains assembly references that are used during compilation of an ASP.NET application.") : Amended ToSubclass] AssemblySettings Assemblies; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a post-process compilation step for an assembly.") : Amended ToSubclass] string AssemblyPostProcessorType; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP.NET precompiles all the uncompiled files in batch mode; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Batch; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time, in seconds, granted for batch compilation to occur.") : Amended ToSubclass] DateTime BatchTimeout; [Description("A BuildProviderSettings value that compiles custom resource files of a particular file type and generates code during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass] BuildProviderSettings BuildProviders; [Description("A DirectorySettings value that specifies subdirectories that contain files to compile at run time.") : Amended ToSubclass] DirectorySettings CodeSubDirectories; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if binaries that are created from compilation are debug binaries; false if release binaries are used for compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Debug; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default programming language, such as C# or Visual Basic, to use in dynamic-compilation files.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultLanguage; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. Enables or disables Prefetch Optimization") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnablePrefetchOptimization; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Visual Basic explicit compile option is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Explicit; [Description("An ExpressionBuilderSettings value that specifies resource strings to use during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass] ExpressionBuilderSettings ExpressionBuilders; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum combined size, in kilobytes, of the generated source files per batched compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxBatchGeneratedFileSize; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of pages that are compiled into a single batch.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxBatchSize; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the number of dynamic recompiles of resources that can occur before the application restarts.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 NumRecompilesBeforeAppRestart; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the Visual Basic strict compile option is used; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Strict; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the directory to use for temporary file storage during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass] string TempDirectory; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if instructions to the compiler use URLs; false if instructions to the compiler use physical paths.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UrlLinePragmas; [Description("A read/write string value to set profile guided optimizations.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ProfileGuidedOptimizations; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. Sets the state of Obtimize Compilations") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean OptimizeCompilations; [Description("A read/write string value to set target framework.") : Amended ToSubclass] string TargetFramework; [Description("A FolderLevelBuildProviderSettings value that compiles custom resource files of a particular file type and generates code during compilation.") : Amended ToSubclass] FolderLevelBuildProviderSettings FolderLevelBuildProviders; }; [Description("Exposes a collection of listener adapters.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Listener Adapters Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ListenerAdaptersSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of ListenerAdapterElement values.") : Amended ToSubclass] ListenerAdapterElement ListenerAdapters[]; }; [Description("Contains ASP.NET modules.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Modules Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpModulesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of HttpModuleAction values that contain ASP.NET modules.") : Amended ToSubclass] HttpModuleAction HttpModules[]; }; [Description("Specifies a collection of mappings between aliases and user agents.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Client Target Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ClientTargetSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of ClientTarget values that map aliases to specific user agents.") : Amended ToSubclass] ClientTarget ClientTarget[]; }; [Description("Contains a collection of extensions that map XML Schema (XSD) types to .NET Framework types.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Schema Importer Extensions Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SchemaImporterExtensionsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of NameTypeElement values that specify the names and types of .NET Framework extensions that map XSD types to .NET Framework types.") : Amended ToSubclass] NameTypeElement SchemaImporterExtensions[]; }; [Description("Specifies the Web page file names to serve to clients by default.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Default Document Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DefaultDocumentSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the files specified in the Files property are returned to clients by default; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A FileSettings value that contains the names of the files that the Web server may return to clients by default.") : Amended ToSubclass] FileSettings Files; }; [Description("Exposes configuration settings for IIS global modules.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Global Modules Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class GlobalModulesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of GlobalModuleElement objects.") : Amended ToSubclass] GlobalModuleElement GlobalModules[]; }; [Description("Contains custom application settings, such as file paths, XML Web service URLs, or information that is stored in the .ini file for an application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("App Settings Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AppSettingsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of KeyValueElement values that contain key/value pairs that specify application setting names and corresponding values.") : Amended ToSubclass] KeyValueElement AppSettings[]; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a relative path of an external custom application configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] string File; }; [Description("Configures Web proxy server defaults.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Default Proxy Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DefaultProxySection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A BypassListSettings value that represents resources that bypass the Web proxy server.") : Amended ToSubclass] BypassListSettings BypassList; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a Web proxy will be used; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A ModuleSettings value that specifies type, assembly, and version information for custom Web proxy implementations.") : Amended ToSubclass] ModuleSettings Module; [Description("A ProxySettings value that identifies Web proxy servers to use for resources that are not specified in the BypassList property.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProxySettings Proxy; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if default credentials will be used to access a Web proxy server; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseDefaultCredentials; }; [Description("Stores the handlers for a URL.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Handlers Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HandlersSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A sint32 that specifies the access policy for handlers.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Read", "Write", "Execute", "Source", "Script", "NoRemoteWrite", "NoRemoteRead", "NoRemoteExecute", "NoRemoteScript"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 AccessPolicy; [Description("An array of HandlerAction objects.") : Amended ToSubclass] HandlerAction Handlers[]; }; [Description("Exposes configuration information for mobile controls, their adapters, and device filters.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Mobile Controls Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class MobileControlsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if pages can have custom attributes; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowCustomAttributes; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the type of the dictionary class that maintains the keys for cookieless forms authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CookielessDataDictionaryType; [Description("An array of read/write DeviceElement values that define adapter sets that map ASP.NET mobile controls to corresponding adapters.") : Amended ToSubclass] DeviceElement MobileControls[]; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the size of the history stack to use to keep the application view state in the server session.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 SessionStateHistorySize; }; [Description("Exposes configuration settings for static content on a Web site.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Static Content Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class StaticContentSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write HttpClientCache value that exposes the client caching configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass] HttpClientCache ClientCache; [Description("A read/write string value that contains either the default footer text for every Web page on a site, or the path to a file containing the default footer text.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultDocFooter; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the text indicated by DefaultDocFooter will appear on every static page on a Web site; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableDocFooter; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the string in DefaultDocFooter contains a path to a file containing the default footer text for every static Web page on a site; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean IsDocFooterFileName; [Description("An array of read/write MimeMapElement objects that contain the MIME maps for static content.") : Amended ToSubclass] MimeMapElement StaticContent[]; }; [Description("Contains a collection of registered Web request modules.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Web Request Modules Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebRequestModulesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of WebRequestModuleElement values that represent the Web request modules that are registered in a configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebRequestModuleElement WebRequestModules[]; }; [Description("Configures ASP.NET custom error messages.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Custom Errors Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class CustomErrorsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of CustomError values that specify ASP.NET custom errors.") : Amended ToSubclass] CustomError CustomErrors[]; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if newted Errors are allowed.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowNestedErrors; [Description("A required, nonempty read/write string value that contains the default path of either an HTTP error message file or the URL of an error message.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultRedirect; [Description("A nonempty read/write string value that contains name of the Redirect Mode for Errors.") : Amended ToSubclass] string RedirectMode; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies whether custom or default error pages are shown locally or remotely.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"RemoteOnly", "On", "Off"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Mode; }; [Description("Specifies a collection of compilers that provide Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) support.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("System Code Dom Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SystemCodeDomSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A CompilerSettings value that specifies compilers that provide CodeDOM support.") : Amended ToSubclass] CompilerSettings Compilers; }; [Description("Configures HTTP error handling for a Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Errors Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpErrorsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write BUGBUG value that specifies whether absolute paths are allowed in delegated configuration files.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowAbsolutePathsWhenDelegated; [Description("An optional string value that contains the default path to an HTTP error file or URL.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultPath; [Description("An optional sint32 value that configures the default response to HTTP errors.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"File", "ExecuteURL", "Redirect"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 DefaultResponseMode; [Description("An optional read/write string value that specifies the URL for a link, shown at the bottom of the page, to a page with more detailed information on the error that was raised.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DetailedMoreInformationLink; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies whether the detailed error functionality is enabled, disabled, or shown only to local clients.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"DetailedLocalOnly", "Custom", "Detailed"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ErrorMode; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies how IIS handles existing custom errors.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Auto", "Replace", "PassThrough"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ExistingResponse; [Description("An array of HttpErrorElement values that configure handling for specific HTTP errors.") : Amended ToSubclass] HttpErrorElement HttpErrors[]; }; [Description("Defines configuration settings for site navigation.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Site Map Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SiteMapSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A nonempty read/write string value that specifies the name of the default site map provider.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultProvider; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the site map is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A ProviderSettings value that contains navigation providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProviderSettings Providers; }; [Description("Specifies the output-cache profile settings that can be applied to pages in an ASP.NET application.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Output Cache Settings Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class OutputCacheSettingsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An OutputCacheProfileSettings value that contains cache settings that can be applied to pages to specify the OutputCache directive.") : Amended ToSubclass] OutputCacheProfileSettings OutputCacheProfiles; }; [Description("Validates user credentials and manages user settings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Membership Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class MembershipSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default membership provider for an application.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultProvider; [Description("A read/write string value that identifies a custom algorithm that is used to hash passwords.") : Amended ToSubclass] string HashAlgorithmType; [Description("A ProvidersSettings value that specifies membership providers for an ASP.NET application (Web.config level) or for all ASP.NET applications (Machine.config level).") : Amended ToSubclass] ProvidersSettings Providers; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time interval after the last-activity date/time stamp for a user during which the user is considered online.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime UserIsOnlineTimeWindow; }; [Description("Represents a section that contains pairs of inbound/outbound URL mappings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Url Mappings Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class UrlMappingsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if URL mapping is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("An array of read/write UrlMapping values, each of which contains an inbound display URL and the Web application URL to which the inbound display URL is mapped.") : Amended ToSubclass] UrlMapping UrlMappings[]; }; [Description("Represents the configuration section that defines trace providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Provider Definitions Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceProviderDefinitionsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write array of TraceProviderDefinition elements that specify trace providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceProviderDefinition TraceProviderDefinitions[]; }; [Description("Configures authorization for access to URLs.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Authorization Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AuthorizationSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of AuthorizationRule values that specify access to URLs based on roles, users, and verbs.") : Amended ToSubclass] AuthorizationRule Authorization[]; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if URL authorization reads the IS_LOGIN_PAGE server variable and skips authorization checks; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean BypassLoginPages; }; [Description("Configures HTTP compression.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Compression Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpCompressionSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the Cache-Control header that is sent with compressed files.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CacheControlHeader; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the directory where compressed versions of static files are temporarily stored and cached.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Directory; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a limit exists for the amount of disk space that compressed files in the compressed files folder can occupy; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean DoDiskSpaceLimiting; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the percentage of CPU utilization at which dynamic compression will be disabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 DynamicCompressionDisableCpuUsage; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the percentage of CPU utilization below which dynamic compression will be enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 DynamicCompressionEnableCpuUsage; [Description("A DynamicTypeSettings value that contains file name extensions that IIS can serve with dynamic compression.") : Amended ToSubclass] DynamicTypeSettings DynamicTypes; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the content of the HTTP Expires header that is sent with compressed files.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ExpiresHeader; [Description("An array of HttpCompressionSchemeElement values that specify the compression schemes (Gzip or Deflate) that IIS uses to compress client requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] HttpCompressionSchemeElement HttpCompression[]; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies a limit of disk space, in megabytes, that compressed files can occupy in the compression directory.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxDiskSpaceUsage; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the minimum file size, in kilobytes, for a file to be compressed.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MinFileSizeForComp; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the amount of compressed data buffered by dynamic compression module before a flush is triggered.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 DynamicCompressionBufferLimit; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if compression is disabled for requests that contain an HTTP 1.0 version number; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean NoCompressionForHttp10; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if compression is disabled for HTTP 1.1 requests that come through a proxy server; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean NoCompressionForProxies; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if compression is disabled for HTTP requests that include the Range header; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean NoCompressionForRange; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the headers configured in the CacheControlHeader and ExpiresHeader properties are sent with compressed responses; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SendCacheHeaders; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the percentage of CPU utilization at which static compression is disabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 StaticCompressionDisableCpuUsage; [Description("A read/write uint32 value that specifies the percentage of CPU utilization at which static compression is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 StaticCompressionEnableCpuUsage; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether hit frequency for the url is ignored for static file compression.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean StaticCompressionIgnoreHitFrequency; [Description("A StaticTypeSettings value that contains file name extensions that IIS can serve with static compression.") : Amended ToSubclass] StaticTypeSettings StaticTypes; }; [Description("Configures an application for health monitoring.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Health Monitoring Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HealthMonitoringSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A BufferModeSettings value that configures the ASP.NET event-buffering settings for event providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] BufferModeSettings BufferModes; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if health monitoring is enabled for the Web application; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A EventMappingSettings value that maps friendly event names to related event types.") : Amended ToSubclass] EventMappingSettings EventMappings; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the interval between System.Web.Management.WebHeartbeatEvent events.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime HeartbeatInterval; [Description("A ProfileSettings value that specifies event profiles that determine how events are collected by ASP.NET and raised to providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProfileSettings Profiles; [Description("A ProviderSettings value that specifies the names and types of health monitoring providers that process events.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProviderSettings Providers; [Description("A RuleSettings value that maps events to health monitoring providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] RuleSettings Rules; }; [Description("Configures HTTP redirection.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Redirect Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpRedirectSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the redirection destination is in a subdirectory of the original URL; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ChildOnly; [Description("A required, nonempty read/write string value that contains the file name, directory path, or URL to which the user is redirected.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Destination; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if HTTP redirection is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the URL should be considered an absolute location; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ExactDestination; [Description("An array of WildcardRedirectElement values that, by using matching criteria, redirect file name, directory path, or URL requests to specified destinations.") : Amended ToSubclass] WildcardRedirectElement HttpRedirect[]; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that contains the HTTP response status.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Permanent", "Found", "Temporary"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 HttpResponseStatus; }; [Description("Configures the ISAPI filters on a Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Isapi Filters Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class IsapiFiltersSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of read/write IsapiFilterElement values that represent the ISAPI filters on a Web server.") : Amended ToSubclass] IsapiFilterElement IsapiFilters[]; }; [Description("Specifies a list of installed ADO.NET data providers.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("System Data Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SystemDataSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A DbProviderFactorySettings value that contains configuration settings for ADO.NET 2.0 provider factories.") : Amended ToSubclass] DbProviderFactorySettings DbProviderFactories; }; [Description("Contains a collection that specifies the maximum number of connections to specified network hosts for System.Net APIs.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Connection Management Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConnectionManagementSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of ConnectionManagementElement values that define the maximum number of connections to a server or group of servers.") : Amended ToSubclass] ConnectionManagementElement ConnectionManagement[]; }; [Description("Contains protected configuration provider information.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Config Protected Data Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConfigProtectedDataSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write string value that contains the name of the default protected configuration provider that encrypts and decrypts configuration data.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultProvider; [Description("A ProvidersSettings value that contains a collection of friendly descriptions and friendly names of protected configuration providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProvidersSettings Providers; }; [Description("Specifies the authentication modules that conduct the authentication process with a server.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Authentication Modules Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AuthenticationModulesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of AuthenticationModuleElement values that specify types for authentication modules.") : Amended ToSubclass] AuthenticationModuleElement AuthenticationModules[]; }; [Description("Represents a collection of device filters that determine mobile device types or mobile browser capabilities.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Device Filters Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DeviceFiltersSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of DeviceFilter values that determine mobile device types or mobile browser capabilities for the System.Web.Mobile.MobileCapabilities class.") : Amended ToSubclass] DeviceFilter DeviceFilters[]; }; [Description("Contains a list of transmission protocols that ASP.NET can use to decrypt data sent from a client browser in the HTTP request.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Protocols Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ProtocolsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of ProtocolElement values that specify the transmission protocols that ASP.NET can use to decrypt data sent from a client browser in the HTTP request.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProtocolElement Protocols[]; }; [Description("Defines configuration settings that are used to support the role management infrastructure of Web applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Role Manager Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class RoleManagerSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the current user's roles are cached in a cookie; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CacheRolesInCookie; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the cookie that is used to cache role names.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CookieName; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the virtual path of the cookie that is used to cache role names.") : Amended ToSubclass] string CookiePath; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the cookie protection scheme.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Validation", "Encryption", "All"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CookieProtection; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the cookie that is used to cache role names requires a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection in order to be returned to the server; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CookieRequireSSL; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the cookie that is used to cache role names will be reset periodically; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CookieSlidingExpiration; [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the amount of time, in minutes, before the cookie that is used to cache role names expires.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime CookieTimeout; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if role names are made cookie-persistent across browser sessions; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean CreatePersistentCookie; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the default provider that is used to manage roles.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultProvider; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of the domain that is associated with the cookie that is used to cache role names.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Domain; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the ASP.NET role management feature is enabled (that is, it can be accessed at run time); otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of roles that ASP.NET caches in the role cookie.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxCachedResults; [Description("A ProvidersSettings value that specifies role management providers.") : Amended ToSubclass] ProvidersSettings Providers; }; [Description("Represents a failed-request tracing configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Trace Failed Requests Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class TraceFailedRequestsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write array of TraceUrl values that configure the tracing for specific request types (for example, *.aspx).") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceUrl TraceFailedRequests[]; }; [Description("Configures ISAPI and Common Gateway Interface (CGI) restrictions for a Web server that runs in ISAPI mode.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Isapi Cgi Restriction Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class IsapiCgiRestrictionSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of IsapiCgiRestrictionElement values that contain ISAPI or CGI restrictions.") : Amended ToSubclass] IsapiCgiRestrictionElement IsapiCgiRestriction[]; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if CGI restrictions that are not listed are allowed; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean NotListedCgisAllowed; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ISAPI restrictions that are not listed are allowed; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean NotListedIsapisAllowed; }; [Description("Configures ASP.NET authentication.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Authentication Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class AuthenticationSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A FormsAuthenticationConfiguration value that configures Forms authentication for the Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass] FormsAuthenticationConfiguration Forms; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the authentication mode for the Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Windows", "Passport", "Forms", "Federated"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Mode; [Description("A PassportAuthentication value that contains a URL to which the authentication request will be redirected.") : Amended ToSubclass] PassportAuthentication Passport; }; [Description("Configures access to Web server content based on IP address-related information.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("IP Security Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class IPSecuritySection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if access is granted to IP address, domain name, and subnet mask combinations not specified in the IPAddressFilters property; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowUnlisted; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if a reverse DNS lookup is performed to verify the domain name to which an IP address resolves; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableReverseDns; [Description("A read/write Boolean value.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableProxyMode; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that configures IP Security Deny Action.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"AbortRequest", "Unauthorized", "Forbidden", "NotFound"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 DenyAction; [Description("An array of read/write IPAddressFilterElement values that specify IP address, domain name, and subnet mask combinations to which access is granted or denied.") : Amended ToSubclass] IPAddressFilterElement IpSecurity[]; }; [Description("Specifies a collection of database connection strings for ASP.NET applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Connection Strings Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ConnectionStringsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of ConnectionStringSettings values that contain database connection strings for ASP.NET applications and features.") : Amended ToSubclass] ConnectionStringSettings ConnectionStrings[]; }; [Description("Represents an HTTP tracing configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Http Tracing Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class HttpTracingSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A TraceUrlSettings value that specifies tracing for specific types of requests.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceUrlSettings TraceUrls; }; [Description("Represents the section of a Web.config file.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Pages Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class PagesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write datetime value that specifies the time that the page will wait to perform asynchronous tasks.") : Amended ToSubclass] datetime AsyncTimeout; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if events for ASP.NET pages are automatically connected to event-handling functions; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AutoEventWireup; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if .aspx pages and .ascx controls use response buffering; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Buffer; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies whether .aspx pages and .ascx controls are compiled at run time.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Auto", "Never", "Always"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CompilationMode; [Description("A TagPrefixInfo value that contains configuration information for custom and user controls.") : Amended ToSubclass] TagPrefixInfo Controls; [Description("A Boolean value. True if event validation should be performed; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableEventValidation; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies whether session state is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"False", "ReadOnly", "True"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 EnableSessionState; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if view state is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableViewState; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP.NET should run a message authentication check on the page's view state when the page is posted back from the client; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableViewStateMac; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if the browser page-scroll position should be maintained after postback; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a reference to the master page for the application.") : Amended ToSubclass] string MasterPageFile; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the maximum number of characters that a single view-state field can contain.") : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 MaxPageStateFieldLength; [Description("A NamespaceInfo value that contains namespace references that are automatically imported into all the pages of a Web application.") : Amended ToSubclass] NamespaceInfo Namespaces; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a code-behind class that .aspx pages inherit by default.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PageBaseType; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the parser filter type.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PageParserFilterType; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if smart navigation is enabled; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean SmartNavigation; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of an ASP.NET style sheet theme.") : Amended ToSubclass] string StyleSheetTheme; [Description("A TagMapInfo value that contains configuration tag remapping statements.") : Amended ToSubclass] TagMapInfo TagMapping; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the name of an ASP.NET page theme.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Theme; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a code-behind class that user controls inherit by default.") : Amended ToSubclass] string UserControlBaseType; [Description("A read/write Boolean value. True if ASP.NET performs request validation on all input from the browser; otherwise, false.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean ValidateRequest; [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that specifies the encryption mode that ASP.NET uses for view-state values.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"Auto", "Always", "Never"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 ViewStateEncryptionMode; [Description("A read/write Boolean value for RenderAllHiddenFieldsAtTopOfForm.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RenderAllHiddenFieldsAtTopOfForm; [Description("A read/write string value for ControlRenderingCompatibilityVersion.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ControlRenderingCompatibilityVersion; [Description("A read/write string value for ClientIDMode.") : Amended ToSubclass] string ClientIDMode; }; [Description("Contains trace sources that initiate tracing messages.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Source Settings") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SourceSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("An array of SourceElement values that specify trace sources that initiate tracing messages.") : Amended ToSubclass] SourceElement Sources[]; }; [Description("Configures system diagnostics and tracing.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("System Diagnostics Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SystemDiagnosticsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An AssertSettings value that specifies the user-interface mode for the System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert method and the name of a message log file.") : Amended ToSubclass] AssertSettings Assert; [Description("A PerformanceCounterSettings value that specifies the size of the global memory shared by performance counters.") : Amended ToSubclass] PerformanceCounterSettings PerformanceCounters; [Description("A ListenerSettings value that contains listeners that any source or trace element can reference.") : Amended ToSubclass] ListenerSettings SharedListeners; [Description("A SourceSettings value that specifies trace sources that initiate tracing messages.") : Amended ToSubclass] SourceSettings Sources; [Description("A SwitchSettings value that contains trace switch definitions.") : Amended ToSubclass] SwitchSettings Switches; [Description("A TraceSettings value that contains listeners that collect, store, and route tracing messages.") : Amended ToSubclass] TraceSettings Trace; }; [Description("Controls the behavior of XML Web services and their clients.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Web Services Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebServicesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A ConformanceWarningSettings value that lists the WS-I (Web Services Interoperability Organization) profiles that are used to validate the Web services.") : Amended ToSubclass] ConformanceWarningSettings ConformanceWarnings; [Description("A DiagnosticsSettings value that specifies whether to return exceptions to the client for debugging.") : Amended ToSubclass] DiagnosticsSettings Diagnostics; [Description("A WebServicesProtocolSettings value that specifies the transmission protocols that ASP.NET can use to decrypt data sent from a client browser in the HTTP request.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebServicesProtocolSettings Protocols; [Description("A ServiceDescriptionFormatSettings value that specifies the service description format extensions to run in the scope of the configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] ServiceDescriptionFormatSettings ServiceDescriptionFormatExtensionTypes; [Description("A SoapEnvelopeProcessingInfo value that configures a time-out to help mitigate denial of service attacks.") : Amended ToSubclass] SoapEnvelopeProcessingInfo SoapEnvelopeProcessing; [Description("A SoapExtensionImporterTypesSettings value that specifies the SOAP extensions to run when a service description for a Web service in the scope of the configuration file is accessed to create a proxy class.") : Amended ToSubclass] SoapExtensionImporterTypesSettings SoapExtensionImporterTypes; [Description("A SoapExtensionReflectorTypesSettings value that specifies the SOAP extensions to run when a service description is generated for all Web services in the scope of the configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] SoapExtensionReflectorTypesSettings SoapExtensionReflectorTypes; [Description("A SoapExtensionTypesInfo value that specifies the SOAP extensions to run with all Web services in the scope of the configuration file.") : Amended ToSubclass] SoapExtensionTypesInfo SoapExtensionTypes; [Description("A SoapServerProtocolFactory value that sets a System.Web.Services.Configuration.TypeElement object that corresponds to the protocol that is used to call the Web service.") : Amended ToSubclass] SoapServerProtocolFactory SoapServerProtocolFactory; [Description("A SoapTransportImporterTypesInfo value that contains SoapTransportImporterTypeElement instances that import SOAP transmission protocols into Web services.") : Amended ToSubclass] SoapTransportImporterTypesInfo SoapTransportImporterTypes; [Description("A WsdlHelpGeneratorInfo value that specifies the Web service Help page (an .aspx file) that is displayed to a browser when the user browses to an .asmx page.") : Amended ToSubclass] WsdlHelpGeneratorInfo WsdlHelpGenerator; }; [Description("Contains settings that specify how the .NET Framework connects to the network.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Settings Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class SettingsSection : ConfigurationSection { [Description("An HttpWebRequestSettings value that customizes Web request parameters.") : Amended ToSubclass] HttpWebRequestSettings HttpWebRequest; [Description("An Ipv6Settings value that specifies whether members of the System.Net.Dns class return Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses.") : Amended ToSubclass] Ipv6Settings Ipv6; [Description("A PerformanceCountersSettings value that enables or disables network performance counters.") : Amended ToSubclass] PerformanceCountersSettings PerformanceCounters; [Description("A ServicePointManagerSettings value that configures connections to network resources.") : Amended ToSubclass] ServicePointManagerSettings ServicePointManager; [Description("A SocketSettings value that specifies whether socket operations use completion ports.") : Amended ToSubclass] SocketSettings Socket; [Description("A WebProxyScriptSettings value that configures the characteristics of the script that is used to discover Web proxies.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebProxyScriptSettings WebProxyScript; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class ServiceAutoStartProvidersSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of NameTypeElement values that define a collection of providers for application service auto-start.") : Amended ToSubclass] NameTypeElement ServiceAutoStartProviders[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class NameImageElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the fully-qualified path to a 32-bit provider on a 64-bit system.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Image32; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the fully-qualified path to a provider.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Image; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the unique name of a provider.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Name; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavPropertyStoresSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("Contains a collection of WebDAV property stores.") : Amended ToSubclass] NameImageElement PropertyStores[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavLockStoresSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("Contains a collection of WebDAV lock stores.") : Amended ToSubclass] NameImageElement LockStores[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavGlobalSettingsSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("Contains a collection of WebDAV property store provider definitions.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebDavPropertyStoresSettings PropertyStores; [Description("Contains a collection of WebDAV lock store provider definitions.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebDavLockStoresSettings LockStores; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavFileSystemSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether content that is marked as hidden on the server will be returned in file listings.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowHiddenFiles; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies transactional file opeartions are enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean UseTransactionalIo; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether child virtual directories are hidden.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean HideChildVirtualDirectories; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavPropertiesElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the XML namespace for a WebDAV property mapping.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string XmlNamespace; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the property store for a WebDAV property mapping.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PropertyStore; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavPropertiesSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether Internet clients can request properties anonymously.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowAnonymousPropfind; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether Internet clients can request properties for content that is deeper than the current parent and child collection.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowInfinitePropfindDepth; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether custom properties are supported.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowCustomProperties; [Description("Contains WebDAV property settings.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebDavPropertiesElement Properties[]; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavLocksSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether WebDAV locks are supported.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the provider to use when Internet clients request locks.") : Amended ToSubclass] string LockStore; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether a lock is required before Internet clients can save documents on the server.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RequireLockForWriting; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavAuthoringSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether WebDAV is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether SSL is required for WebDAV access.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean RequireSsl; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies compatibility options for WebDAV.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "MsAuthorVia", "MultiProp", "CompactXml", "IsHidden", "IsCollection"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 CompatFlags; [Description("A read/write value that specifies, in bytes, the maximum length of XML content in a WebDAV request.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxAllowedXmlRequestLength; [Description("Contains file system settings for WebDAV.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebDavFileSystemSettings FileSystem; [Description("Contains property settings for WebDAV.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebDavPropertiesSettings Properties; [Description("Contains lock settings for WebDAV.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebDavLocksSettings Locks; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavMimeTypeElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the list of users for a WebDAV authoring rule.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Users; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the list of roles or groups for a WebDAV authoring rule.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Roles; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies a file name extension or file name with extension for a WebDAV authoring rule.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string Path; [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the access type for a WebDAV authoring rule.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Read", "Write", "Source"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 Access; }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class WebDavAuthoringRulesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write sint32 value that specifies the default access for WebDAV.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"None", "Read", "Write", "Source"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 DefaultAccess; [Description("A read/write Boolean value that specifies whether WebDAV will allow access to content that does not have a MIME type.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean AllowNonMimeMapFiles; [Description("A read/write string value that specifies the default MIME type for content that does not have a MIME type.") : Amended ToSubclass] string DefaultMimeType; [Description("Contains a collection of WebDAV authoring rules.") : Amended ToSubclass] WebDavMimeTypeElement AuthoringRules[]; }; [Description("Provides a relationship between a Web site and its configuration sections.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class SiteContainsConfigurationSection : ObjectConfigurationAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between a virtual directory and a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class VirtualDirectoryContainsConfigurationSection : ObjectConfigurationAssociation { }; [Description("Provides a relationship between an IIS Web application and a configuration section.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance] class ApplicationContainsConfigurationSection : ObjectConfigurationAssociation { }; [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c)] class AssemblyCollectionElement : CollectionElement { [Description("A required read/write non-empty string.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass] string AssemblyName; [Description("A required read/write non-empty string.") : Amended ToSubclass] string Version; [Description("A required read/write non-empty string.") : Amended ToSubclass] string PublicKey; }; [Description("Specifies a collection of Full Trust Assemblies.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Full Trust Assemblies Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class FullTrustAssembliesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of Assembly values.") : Amended ToSubclass] AssemblyCollectionElement FullTrustAssemblies[]; }; [Description("Specifies a collection of Partial Trust Visible Assemblies.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Partial Trust Assemblies Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class PartialTrustVisibleAssembliesSection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("An array of Assembly values.") : Amended ToSubclass] AssemblyCollectionElement PartialTrustVisibleAssemblies[]; }; [Description("Deny By Concurrent Requests Settings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Deny By Concurrent Requests Settings.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DenyByConcurrentRequestsSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value for Enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write uint32 value for MaxConcurrentRequests.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxConcurrentRequests; }; [Description("Deny By Request Rate Settings.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Deny By Request Rate Settings.") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DenyByRequestRateSettings : EmbeddedObject { [Description("A read/write Boolean value for Enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean Enabled; [Description("A read/write uint32 value for MaxRequests.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 MaxRequests; [Description("A read/write uint32 value for RequestIntervalInMilliseconds.") : Amended ToSubclass] uint32 RequestIntervalInMilliseconds; }; [Description("Configures Dynamic IP Security.") : Amended ToSubclass,DisplayName("Dynamic IP Security Section") : Amended ToInstance ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x040c) : ToInstance ToSubclass] class DynamicIpSecuritySection : ConfigurationSectionWithCollection { [Description("A read/write sint32 enumeration that configures IP Security Deny Action.") : Amended ToSubclass,Values{"AbortRequest", "Unauthorized", "Forbidden", "NotFound"} : Amended ToSubclass] sint32 DenyAction; [Description("A read/write Boolean value EnableProxyMode.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableProxyMode; [Description("A read/write Boolean value for EnableLoggingOnlyMode.") : Amended ToSubclass] boolean EnableLoggingOnlyMode; [Description("Specifies DenyByConcurrentRequests attributes.") : Amended ToSubclass] DenyByConcurrentRequestsSettings DenyByConcurrentRequests; [Description("Specifies DenyByRequestRate attributes.") : Amended ToSubclass] DenyByRequestRateSettings DenyByRequestRate; };