MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  |?@ĕ.rsrc@@( @XpDMUI#ڱ *q!Z\lCGOAVI MUI ja-JP Pd    T. @. @5 @6 @8 @= @xA @B @P'  )  *& ' ,* - T00 2 <84 4 >7 7 AD H |CL $W'98Y@@^  D_  _  _  `  Df % x( ) / / @3 3 Ȅ> @ C C Header None General D-----Original Message-----%0 From:%0 Sent:%0 $Posted At:%0 To:%0 Cc:%0 $Posted To:%0 (Conversation:%0 Subject:%0 $Importance:%0 (on behalf of%0 FW:%0 RE:%0 1252%0 N[h%0 #a}HQ%0  NfM0%0 e\tk%0 00%0 NN%0 eW0D00000%0 Location:%0 $Start Time:%0 End Time:%0 $Time Zone:%0 $Local time%0 $Organizer:%0 Type:%0 XSrn0N[%0 XSrn0Op%0 [gvj0N[%0 [gvj0Op%0 NLujnBf%0 X(GMT) 00000jnBf: 00000000000000000000%0 d(GMT+01:00) 0000000000000000000000000000000%0 T(GMT+01:00) 00000000000000000000000%0 h(GMT+01:00) 000000000000d0000000d0000000d0000%0 0(GMT+02:00) 00000%0 d(GMT+01:00) 000000000000000000000000000000%0 H(GMT+02:00) 0000000000000000%0 0(GMT-03:00) 00000%0 @(GMT-04:00) 'Y mjnBf (000)%0 H(GMT-05:00) qgjnBf (s|VJ00s0000)%0 H(GMT-06:00) -NjnBf (s|VJ00s0000)%0 H(GMT-07:00) q\0WjnBf (s|VJ00s0000)%0 H(GMT-08:00) *Ys^ mjnBf (s|VJ00s0000)%0 0(GMT-09:00) 0000%0 ,(GMT-10:00) 000%0 <(GMT-11:00) 000000\0000%0 @(GMT+12:00) 0000000000000%0 0(GMT+10:00) 00000%0 0(GMT+09:30) 00000%0 8(GMT+09:00) 'Y*0-gL^0qgN%0 D(GMT+08:00) 000000000000000%0 D(GMT+07:00) 00000000000000%0 T(GMT+05:30) 00000000000000000000000%0 <(GMT+04:00) 0000000000%0 0(GMT+03:30) 0000%0 0(GMT+03:00) 00000%0 0(GMT+02:00) 00000%0 <(GMT-03:30) 0000000000%0 4(GMT-01:00) 0000\%0 0(GMT-02:00) -N.Y'Y m%0 4(GMT) 000000000000%0 H(GMT-03:00) 0000000000000000%0 8(GMT-04:00) 00000000%0 8(GMT-05:00) 000000qg%0 8(GMT-05:00) 000000000%0 4(GMT-06:00) 0000000%0 8(GMT-06:00) 0000 000%0 0(GMT-07:00) 0000%0 @(GMT-12:00) 0000000000000%0 P(GMT+12:00) 0000\0000000000000\%0 P(GMT+11:00) 000000000\000000000%0 0(GMT+10:00) 0000%0 @(GMT+10:00) 000000000000%0 0(GMT+09:30) 00000%0 @(GMT+08:00) SN0͑va0/n00000%0 @(GMT+06:00) 0000000000000%0 H(GMT+05:00) 00000000000000000%0 0(GMT+04:30) 0000%0 ,(GMT+02:00) 000%0 <(GMT+02:00) 0000000000%0 X(GMT+03:00) 000000000 000000000000000%0 8(GMT-01:00) 000000\%0 @(GMT+04:00) 000000000000%0 4(GMT-06:00) -N.Y0000%0 0(GMT+03:00) 0000%0 H(GMT+10:00) 0000000000000000%0 8(GMT+05:00) 00000000%0 @(GMT+02:00) 000000000000%0 4(GMT-03:00) 0000000%0 @(GMT+06:30) 0000 (00000)%0 0(GMT+05:45) 00000%0 D(GMT+08:00) 00000000000000%0 8(GMT+07:00) 00000000%0 4(GMT-04:00) 000000%0 @(GMT+06:00) 000000000000%0 4(GMT+13:00) 000000%0 4(GMT+10:00) 0000000%0 4(GMT+01:00) -N.Y0000%0 0(GMT+09:00) 00000%0 8(GMT+06:00) 00000000%0 ,(GMT+09:00) 000%0 ,(GMT+08:00) 000%0 8(GMT+03:00) 000000000%0 ,(GMT+08:00) SS%0 h(GMT+10:00) 00000/00000/0000/0000 (2000 t^n00)%0 @(GMT-07:00) 0000000000000%0 H(GMT+10:00) 0000000000000000%0 0(GMT+09:30) 00000%0 0(GMT+10:00) 0000%0 D(GMT-08:00) 000000000000000%0 000 %3 L0-[U00f0D00_000%2 n0 %1 0000L0|Ts0QU00~0W0_0 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 %1 Event Method o0 HRESULT %2 g0ԏU00~0Y0 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 N[h\Ob000000o0ck8^k0RgSU00~0W0_00 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 N[h\Ob000000o0ck8^k0\PbkW0f0D0~0Y00 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 The calendaring data message for %1: %2 has been sent to %3. %n%nFor more information, click PThe EXCDO logging level has been reloaded from the registry and is now set to 0x%1. %n%nFor more information, click ,Calendaring agent has successfully started the background thread. %n%nFor more information, click lBackground calendaring agent is processing the calendar (%1) in the mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3). %n%nFor more information, click 8Background calendaring agent did not find any more calendars to process. %n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent has finished processing the calendar (%1) in the mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3). The return code is %4. %n%nFor more information, click Background calendaring agent is awakened due to shutdown. %n%nFor more information, click @Background calendaring agent is awakened due to calendars needing expansion. %n%nFor more information, click (Background calendaring agent is terminating with return code %1. %n%nFor more information, click HBackground calendaring agent is sleeping until shutdown or a calendar is queued. %n%nFor more information, click `The calendar (%1) in mailbox (%2) in the MDB (%3) has been queued for background expansion. %n%nFor more information, click 1 eT0h0k00%1 juvNMn0000000n0U\L00N[h\Ob000000k000R0p000~0W0_00 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 0000 "%2" k0X[(WY00N TL0 "%1" n0[gvj0N[k0[Y00000000n0 gRgPL0iQU00~0W0_00000n0 gRgPo00S0n000000000MRk0-[U00f0D00_L0B00~0Y00 0000KbRg0feY00K00L0[NY00~0g00S0n0000000o0 Web 000000k0o0h:yU00~0[000 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 An inconsistency was detected in %2: %3. The calendar is being repaired. If other errors occur with this calendar, please view the calendar using Microsoft Outlook Web Access. If a problem persists, please recreate the calendar or the containing mailbox. %n%nFor more information, click 0000000 %1 g0O(uY0000000n0N[h00N[h000000k00c0f0yr[g0M0~0[00g0W0_00 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 An inconsistency was detected in %1. The calendar is being repaired. If other errors occur with this calendar, please view the calendar using Microsoft Outlook Web Access. If a problem persists, please recreate the public folder calendar. %n%nFor more information, click 000 %2 L0zvuW0_0_0000000000 %1 0yRY00MRk00S0n00000000n0N[hn00000000mSg0M0~0[00g0W0_00 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 [gvj0N[n000000 0000S_W0f0D00h0M0k0000 %1 L0zvuW0_0_000N[h\Ob000000o0pu8^B}NW0~0W0_00Web 000000g0 h:yU000000000n000000 000o00IPM.Appointment g0o0j0D0P0[gvj00000n0j0K0n00n0h0o0 TX0k0j00~0[000 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 rKa000000D0f0D00h0M0k0000 %1 L0zvuW0_0_000N[h\Ob000000o0pu8^B}NW0~0W0_000000L0Nt0000g0B004XTo000000000x0n00000)j L0ckW0O0000000U00j0D0S'`L0B00~0Y00Nt0000g0o0j0D04XTo00S0n00000000n0N[hL0X0f0D00S'`L0B00~0Y00S000zlY00k0o00000 00000{0K0n0 Exchange 0000k0yRY00K00~0_0o00 PN(u0000 0000 (PST) k0N[h0000000W00eW0D0N[hk000000W0vW0f0 NU0D00 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 An appointment with the subject "%1" was saved to mailbox %2. The end time and duration are missing. For the purposes of publishing free/busy information, this appointment has a duration of zero minutes. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it. %n%nFor more information, click An existing appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2 was modified. The start time, or both the duration and end time of the existing appointment were missing. %n%nFor more information, click The existing appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2 was deleted. The start time, or both the duration and end time were missing. %n%nFor more information, click The calendaring agent did bind to the appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2, but the appointment is missing an end time and duration. For the purposes of publishing free/busy information, this appointment has a duration of zero minutes. To correct this, please delete the appointment and recreate it. %n%nFor more information, click Calendaring agent has failed to start the background thread due to %1. Rendering of large calendars with the Web client will be slower. %n%nFor more information, click An attempt was made to save an appointment with the subject "%1" to mailbox %2. The duration of the appointment was too large, so it was not saved. %n%nFor more information, click An existing appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2 was modified. The duration of the existing appointment was too large. Free/busy publishing may not be accurate. %n%nFor more information, click The existing appointment with the subject "%1" in mailbox %2 was deleted. The duration of the existing appointment was too large. Free/busy publishing may not be accurate. %n%nFor more information, click 0000000 %1 n0[gvj0N[0U\Y00n0k0BfL0K0K0c0f0D0~0Y00[gvj0N[n0D0O0d0K0o00sBfpg0o0h:yU00j0D0S'`L0B00~0Y00N[hn0000L0ckW0D0K0i0F0K00xY00k0o00Microsoft Outlook Web Access n0N[h0000gen0`1Xk0feW0f0O0`0U0D00 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 0000000 %1 n0[gvj0N[0U\Y00n0k0BfL0K0K0c0f0D0~0Y00S0n0N[hn0zzM0Bf`1XL0 Nckxj0S'`L0B00~0Y00S00o00^8^k0SD0[gvj0N[L0YO0X[(WW0f0D00S0h0L0SVg0B00S'`L0B00~0Y00S0n0OUL0OckY00k0o00SD0[gvj0N[0JRdY00K00~0_0o0]000n0YeBf0gяn0eBfk0 YfW0f0O0`0U0D00 %n%ns0}k0d0D0f0o00 0SgqW0f0O0`0U0D00 8OY %1 L00000 %2 g0ubU00~0W0_0 D000000g0O(uY00000 000L0K00f0D0~0[000 H000000o0S0n0.z^n0000 00000000W0f0D0~0[000 P000000o0BlU00_000000 T0 TMRzz00000W0f0D0~0[000 D000000o0BlU00_00000000000W0f0D0~0[000 p000000L0R\OW0f0D0~0[000S0n0000000o0JRdU00_0K00~0_0o0K00f0D0j0D0S'`L0B00~0Y00 d000000o00000000k0[Y00}}rKan0`1X0