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0ampShowDialogContextMenuW,d# ShowDialogWW  0mpDialogIndexWWWWindows Media PlayerWW0Event interface for Windows Media Player controlWWDVD related notificationsW$Sent when the end of file is reachedWWSent when a key is pressedSent when a key is releasedWWW Sent when a character is enteredWWSent when the mouse is movedWW#Sent when a mouse button is pressedWWW$Sent when a mouse button is releasedWW#Sent when a mouse button is clickedWWW*Sent when a mouse button is double clicked'Sent when the control changes OpenStateWWW'Sent when the control changes PlayStateWWW3Sent when a synchronized command or URL is receivedWWW.Sent when the control begins or ends buffering,Sent when the control has an error conditionWWSent when a marker is reachedW*Sent when the control encounters a problem.Sent when a new stream is started in a channel5Sent when the control is disconnected from the serverW0 - UninitializedW 1 - LoadingWWW3 - InteractiveWWW 4 - CompleteWWReadiness StateWWW(Sent when the control changes ReadyStateWWIMediaPlayer2 InterfaceWWWIMediaPlayer Interface0Returns or sets the current position in the fileWW%Returns the play duration of the fileW/Returns the original width of the source imagesWWW0Returns the original height of the source imagesWW)Returns the number of markers in the fileWAReturns whether or not the file can be fast forwarded or reversedW2Returns whether or not the file can be seeked into=Returns whether or not the file can be seeked into by markersW)Returns or sets the current marker numberW.Returns or sets the current file name and path#Returns the source path of the fileWWW%Returns the creation date of the fileW-Returns the error correction type of the fileW4Returns the bandwidth of the file in bits per secondWW)Returns the protocol used to receive dataW&Returns the number of packets received'Returns the number of packets recoveredWWW"Returns the number of packets lostAReturns the percentage of packets received in the last 30 secondsW>Returns the number of times buffering occurred during playback0Returns whether or not the source is a broadcastWW-Returns the percentage of buffering completedWReturns the name of the stationWWW&Returns the description of the station,Returns the location of the station metafileWW*Returns the contact address of the station/Returns the contact phone number of the stationWWW1Returns the contact e-mail address of the stationW$Returns the control's buffering timeWWEReturns or sets whether or not file playback is automatically startedWGReturns or sets whether or not a file is rewound at the end of playbackWWW)Returns or sets the current playback rateW@Returns or sets whether or not the control sends keyboard eventsWWCReturns or sets whether or not the control sends mouse click eventsWWWBReturns or sets whether or not the control sends mouse move events0Returns or sets the number of times a file playsWWKReturns or sets whether or not clicking on the control starts file playbackWWWKReturns or sets whether or not scanning is enabled on files that support itWWWIReturns or sets whether or not a right mouse click invokes a context menuWReturns or sets the cursor typeWWW9Returns the number of installable codecs used by the fileWFReturns or sets whether or not the display size can be set at run time,Returns whether or not the duration is knownWW%Returns the open state of the controlWGReturns or sets whether or not the control sends OpenStateChange eventsWWW?Returns or sets whether or not the control sends Warning eventsWWW=Returns or sets whether or not the control sends Error eventsWPlayback is stoppedWWWPlayback is pausedStream is playingWWaiting for stream to beginWWWStream is Scanning forwardStream is Scanning in reverseWStream has not been openedState of playbackW%Returns the play state of the controlWGReturns or sets whether or not the control sends PlayStateChange eventsWWW0 - Default SizeWW 1 - Half SizeW2 - Double SizeWWW3 - Full ScreenWWW4 - Fit to SizeWWW5 - One Sixteenth ScreenWW6 - One Fourth ScreenW7 - One Half ScreenWWW#Media Information Display Size typeWWW*Returns or sets the display size of imagesFReturns or sets whether or not received URLs are automatically invoked+Returns or sets the control's base HTTP URLWWW7Returns or sets the control's default target HTTP frameWWW9Returns whether or not the control currently has an errorW2Returns the description of the current error stateReturns the current error code\Returns or sets whether or not the control shows its animation during initial file bufferingWWHReturns or sets whether or not the control is transparent before playingWW0Returns or sets the current volume of the streamWW1Returns or sets the current balance of the streamW*Returns the readiness state of the control6Returns or sets the position where playback will begin5Returns or sets the position where playback will stopW Shows or hides the display panelWW Shows or hides the control panelWW8Shows or hides the position buttons in the control panelWW3Shows or hides the tracker bar in the control panelWWW=Enables or disables the position buttons in the control panelW8Enables or disables the tracker bar in the control panelWWEnables or disables the controlWWW9Returns or sets the foreground color of the display panelW9Returns or sets the background color of the display panelWTimeWWFramesMediaPlayer Display ModeWW1Returns or sets the display mode (time or frames)W*Returns or sets the video border 3D effect&Returns or sets the video border width&Returns or sets the video border color Show GotobarWWShow status barWWWShow captioning textWWShow audio controlsWWW*Returns or sets the captioning information4Returns or sets the current mute state of the streamWWIReturns whether the control currently has something that can be previewedW6Returns or sets whether the control is in preview modePReturns whether the control currently has something that contains multiple itemsWW9Returns or sets the current language, using windows LCIDsW(Returns or sets the current audio streamWW+Returns or sets the closed-captioning styleWWW.Returns or sets the closed-captioning language.Returns or sets the closed-captioning filename#Returns the number of media streamsWWW"Returns a unique id for the player2Returns the network connection speed of the player2Size the control automatically to the loaded media#Enables controls during full screenWWW%Returns the ActiveMovie player objectW!Returns the NetShow player objectWRender video without a windowW2Begins playing from the current position or marker+Stops file playback at the current positionWWW,Pauses file playback at the current positionWWReturns the time of a markerWWReturns the name of a markerWW'Displays version information dialog boxWWW+Returns whether or not a codec is installedWWW'Returns the descriptive name of a codecWWWReturns the URL for a codecWWWMore Information URL for ShowWMore Information URL for ClipWMore Information URL for BannerWWWMore Information URL typeWReturns a More Information URL Show filenameW Show Title Show AuthorWWWShow Copyright Show RatingWWWShow DescriptionWWShow Logo Icon Clip filenameW Clip Title Clip AuthorWWWClip Copyright Clip RatingWWWClip DescriptionWWClip Logo IconCurrent Banner ImageWWCurrent Banner MoreInfoWWWCurrent WatermarkWMedia Information String typeW+Returns an Information String for the MediaWWWCancels the current operationW'Opens the given filename asynchronouslyWWW;Determines whether the sound card is enabled on the machineWWWJumps to the next itemJumps to the previous itemSelects a media streamFast Forwards the playbackFast Reverses the playback"Returns the name of a media stream#Returns the group of a media streamWWW*Returns whether a media stream is selectedMediaPlayer DVD interfaceW&Selects and activates specified button'Selects the button above current buttonWWW'Selects the button below current buttonWWW0Selects the button to the left of current buttonWW1Selects the button to the right of current buttonW'Activates the currentlt selected buttonWWW#forward play at the specified speedWWW#reverse play at the specified speedWWWplay previous programWplay current programWWplay next programWPlay title number 1-99&Play chapter number 1-99 of title 1-99*play at specified chapter in current title(title from any VTS in a DVD-Video volumeWWmain menu for a specific VTSWWsubpicture stream in a VTSaudio stream in a VTSWangle num in a VTSchapter in a VTSWWDVD Menu ID constantsWPlay specified menuWWWResume title playbackW;Play at specified time (hh:mm:ss:ff) within specified titleWWW'play at specified time in current titleWWW1Playing a sequence of chapters in specified titleW<Releases any current still if there are no available buttonsWWplay current program chain WWWBGets a string containing the total time in the title (hh:mm:ss:ff)3Gets the number of chapters for the specified titleWWW#Gets the name of the Audio languageWWW(Gets the name of the Subpicture languageWW4Gets an array of the DVD General Parameter RegistersWW3Gets an array of the DVD System Parameter RegistersWWWChecks the validity of the UOP$Gets the number of available buttonsWWGets the current button number*Gets the number of available Audio streamsGets the current audio streamWSets the current audio streamW"Gets the current subpicture stream"Sets the current subpicture stream/Gets the number of available subpicture streamsWWW(Gets the state of the Subpicture displayWW&Turns on or off the Subpicture display"Get the number of available AnglesGets the current AngleSets the current AngleGets the current TitleGets the current ChapterWWGets the current TimeW7Sets the root directory containing the DVD-Video volumeWWW7Gets the root directory containing the DVD-Video volumeWWW>Gets the number of frames per second used by the current titleGets the current DomainWWW#Gets the number of available titlesWWW$Gets the number of available volumesWWGets the current volumeWWWGets the current disc side6Gets the active state of the closed captioning service6Sets the active state of the closed captioning service*Gets the current closed captioning service&Sets current closed captioning service7Gets a Unique identifier for the current DVD-Video diskWWWGets ColorKey for the overlayWSets ColorKey for the overlayW%Returns the MediaPlayer DVD interfaceW=Returns the value for a given parameter name and entry numberW=Returns the name for a given parameter index and entry numberW&Returns the number of playlist entries0Returns the current playlist item's entry numberWWSets the current playlist entryWWW0 - HelpWW1 - Statistics 2 - OptionsWWW3 - Context MenuWWShow Dialog ConstantsW0Displays modal dialog box containing WMP optionsWW d@@ @ @@@@X@P@%h@x @  L@ @ xDd LPh,D h8T 8 T ,D ,Pt `tPt `tPt 8`tP t ``tP $t  `t8 (T  8 ,T  8 0T   dx, 4D  D  84 t,<D D@d x( D4 ,HD  ,LD < 8H,H@X Dp \L Dp Lp4X4l4|4@@@@8Td,TD$) Dl DL)()00) Dl D)(t)0) ,LD) ) ,L D) ) ,D (*,*,D *+((P)))**,p 8,LD $ D!,$LDH ,(LDp  ,,LD < ,0LD h ,4LD( ,8LDH( ,<LD|( , @LD  ( $ DD! , HLD 0X $ LD! , PLD 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